【学长笔记-教资】01 高中英语教师资格证科三学科知识-语音

l 单元⾳分类⽅式:1. the position of the highest part of the tongue 前 央 后:ɪ, ə, ʊ2. the height of tongue raising ⾼中低:ɪ, e, æ3. the length/tenseness of the vowels4. the shape of the lips (rounded & unrounded) 圆唇⾳:u ː, ʊ, ɔː, ɒl 辅⾳⽪条客,⽩⼤褂,爆脾⽓ p t k b d g⻛骚私⽣活,舞姿⽇⽇摩 f θ s ʃ h , v z ʒ ð爆破⾳Stop/Plosives 摩擦⾳Fricatives 塞擦⾳Affricates ⿐⾳Nasals双唇⾳ Bilabial 唇⻮⾳ Labiodental ⻮间⾳ Dental ⻮龈⾳ Alveolar后⻮龈⾳/硬腭⾳ Post-alveolar/Palatall 屈折词缀(Inflectional Affix)和派⽣词缀(Derivational Affix) 屈折词缀的特点为:1. 在词⼲后添加⼀个微妙的语法意义,如 -’s , -s ,-ing ,-ed ,-en , -er , -est ,以⽣成同⼀个词素的不同形式;2. 不改变原词的词性,如flower 和flowers 都是 名词;3. 是否使⽤屈折词素取决于短语或句⼦内部的 其他成分;4. 只有后缀。
派⽣词缀的特点为:1. 具有很强的能产性;2. 通常可以改变词汇意义和词性,如 small(形 容词)-smallness(名词)。
3. 可以是前缀,也可以是后缀。
如suburban, teacher, international.同⼀格中的两个⾳区分带声性l构词法复合法Compound派⽣法Derivation发明法Invention混成法Blending⾸字⺟连写法Initialism 如CIA⾸字⺟缩略法Acronym 如APEC借词法Borrowing逆构词法Back-formationl词汇间含义关系1. 同义关系Synonymy S: same2. 反义关系Antonymy A: anti1等级反义关系(Gradable antonymy)存在过度e.g. good/bad(average) big/ small (medium)2互补反义关系(Complementary antonymy)⾮此即彼e.g. boy / girl alive / dead3反向反义关系(Converse antonymy)互为依存e.g. buy / sell employer/employee3. 上下义关系Hyponymy H: high4. ⼀词多义Polysemy P: plenty5. 同⾳/同型异义关系Homonymy HOME: homel句间含义关系1. 同义:X is synonymous with Y (X与Y同义) “同真同假”没考过2. 不⼀致:X is inconsistent with Y (X与Y不⼀致) “X真-Y假,Y真-X假” 没考过3. 蕴含:X entails Y. = Y is an entailment of X “真-真,假-真假”4. 预设:X presupposes Y. = Y is a prerequisite of X. “真-真,假-真” (presupposes以……为前提,前提⼀定对)5. X is a contradiction(X ⾃我⽭盾) 没考过⬆A头、End尾、Re反、Ass类屁股、Spoo颠倒怪⬆Similar明喻、pho佛系暗喻、my我的联想、che提⻋提喻、Ox⽭盾、sm委婉superman、Trans移。

高中英语题i.语音、词汇(10分)a)根据所给单词的首字母或汉语释义,写出所缺单词的正确与完全形式,高中一年级a world of fun 习题。
(5分)1.at the e ____ to the park,mary picked up a wallet with a lot of money. 2.can you i ____ what it would be like to live without electricity?3.g ____ are places where people keep their cars.4.press the b ____ and people inside will notice you are coming.5.the picture was painted by a famous a____ .6.mickey mouse and donald duck are____(角色)created by disney.7.i wonder whether you will be____(顺利的)in finding a new house.8.go____(径直)ahead,and you'll find the hospital.9.could you tell us who is your____(最喜欢的)writer?10.____ (操作)by electricity,the machine works very well.ii.同步语法(30分后)a)单项选择。
(10分)1.they always give the available present to ____ comes first.a.whomever b.whoeverc.which d.whom2.he asked ____ for the violin.a.did i pay how much b.i paid how muchc.how much did i pay d.how much i paid3.she has made it clear ____ she will have nothing to do with him.a.that b.howc.what d.when4.please advise me ____ book i should read first.a.which b.who'sc.her d.his5.i don't care ____ or not your car breaks down.a.if b.whetherc.that d.where6.you can imagine ____ when they received those nice christmas presents.a.how they were excited b.how excited they werec.how excited were they d.they were how excited7.it is generally considered unwise to give a child ____ he or she wants. a.however b.whateverc.whichever d.whenever8.she suggested a meeting ____ at once.a.would hold b.was to be heldc.ought to hold d.be held9.sarah hopes to become a friend of ____ shares her interest.a.anyone b.whomeverc.whoever d.no matter who10.can you make sure ____ the gold ring?a.where alice had putb.where had alice putc.where alice has putd.where has alice putb)采用适度的`词填空题。

高中英语语音练习题(四)附答案1.push A truth B wood C foodD brush2.loose A cause B lose C practise D wise 3.almost A talk B walk C half D already 4.many A bury B plate C apple D salute 5.surface A situation B strait C necklace D glad 6.theory A smooth B healthy C brother D mouths7.possible A police B terrible C recycle D rewrite8.pleasant A breakfast B break C real D lean 9.grant A dance B canoe C marry D planet 10.cost A close B folk C women D off11.visionphone A revolution B technician C solution D conclusion12.forced A limited B played C improved D passed 13.elephant A rebel B education C elect D reunite 14.found A double B wound C aloud D famous15.design A president B since C cinema D knocks16.clear A bear B atomosphere C air D wear17.bank A angry B point C nation D plant18.storm A work B pour C worm D tour19.hour A flour B floor C more D glare20.foolish A blood B shoe C foot D book参照答案: 1---20 BCDAC BBAAD DDBCA BABAB高中英语语音练习题(五)1.song A long B sung C none D young2.marry A family B branch C latent D passer3.Christmas A chalk B chest C stretch D stomach4.raise A strait B mountain C portrait D receive5.column A bury B duty C undress D suggest6.across A clothing B cloth C connect D cocoon7.exam A exhibition B explain C example D except8.role A progress B problem C produce D solve9.sink A organize B thank C defend D strange10.celebration A question B expression C decision D suggestion11.shared A learned B played C forced D watched12.could A blue B trouble C fully D fruit13.palace A place B horrible C manage D key14.horses A resist B houses C classes D assistant15.proud A cloud B author C coat D low16.hero A heroic B period C piece D flee17.master A valley B carry C vase D mistake18.sword A sway B persuade C answer D sweep19.prove A loose B reduce C moment D about20.honour A board B first C fur D neighbour 参照答案: 1---20 AADAD BCABB BCCCA BCCAD高中英语语音练习题(六)A graspB baseC mouthsD newspaperA stayedB forcedC graspedD landedA followB politicalC moveD progressA masterB baseC grammarD adviceA reallyB reachC greatlyD breakfastA importantB orderC foreignD reportA policeB wristC possibleD millionA tenthB eighthC healthD clothesA limitedB stayedC graspedD improvedA rosesB busesC horsesD facesA exampleB excuseC exerciseD exhibitionA bearB deerC chairD heardA quarrelB sensorC foreheadD orderA foodB bookC stoodD woodA trunkB trueC stupidD questionA breakB greatlyC breatheD leantA excellentB excitedC examineD expressA objectB seldomC wonderD officeA prove A surfaceB refuse BsnakeC stupidC astronautD understoodD granted参照答案:1----20 CDCBB CADCA ABDAC DCBAC 高中英语语音练习题(七)附答案A palaceB grantC necklaceD surfaceA sceneB everC excuseD objectA smoothB withinC southernD theoryA policeB terribleC machineD thinkerA onlyB whoseC improveD costA remarryB regardC returnD rebelA sorrowB horribleC sorryD lawyerA nationalB naturalC nationD internationalA southernB countryC troubleD mouseA angryB unkindC plantD millionA observeB objectC completeD clothingA toothB tookC footD bookA orderedB pretendedC pleasedD fetchedA educationB electC elephantD reuniteA theatreB monthC strengthD southernA answerB whereC whomD wristA troubleB southC countryD famousA designB mapsC knocksD graspA officerB excellentC officialD pieceA angryB plantC pointD million参照答案: 1---20 BBDBA ADCDA BADBD BBACA 高中英语语音练习题(八 ) 附答案A sureB pleasedC conclusionD Russian2. bear A research B fearless C spearD wearA heavenB pleasedC featherD breathA bankerB bathC plantD branchA unfitB bankC plantD undressA brookB tookC foolishD footA wornB warmC wordD stormA mealB weaveC greatlyD breakfastA cowB towerC knownD flowerA bankerB dangerC entranceD branchA dragonB acrossC discoverD columnA realityB defendC seriousD messageA withinB thinkC angryD climbA meantB columnC gunshotD thusA cocoonB tookC goodD lookA wonderB clothC clothingD contraryA snatchB favorC wanderD strangerA selectB resistC rejectD addressA sweatB breakC weaveD greatlyA bankerB roundC unkindD change参照答案: 1---20CDBAB CCDCD CCDAACCDAA高中英语语音练习题(十三)A enjoyB exactlyC recogniseD repeatA defeatB seatC repeatD breathA footB smoothC schoolD foodA noticeB wonderC comfortD constantlyA upstairsB powerC tearsD researchA wordB wornC wormD worseA touchB countryC southernD soundA expressB expressionC newspaperD newsA welcomeB coffeeC devoteD somewhereA lungB ankleC hungD huntA radioB lionC violinD idiomA societyB NobelC oxygenD closetA meadowB eveC directD degreeA companionB laboratoryC attentiveD masterA woods A plugA realA strange A forward A existB baloonB motherB coffeeB thinB towardB exampleC stoodD footC wantD sergantC remarryD effectC langugeD orangeC wormD coughC examineD excuse参照答案: 1---20 CDAAA BDDAD DBDAB DCCBD高中英语语音练习题(十四)A dutyB suggestC quickD buryA ideaB believeC idiomD scienceA bearB cheerC shareD fairlyA autumnB drinkC painD monkeyA usualB sugarC inspectD necessaryA bloodB coughC choseD possibleA ploughB waterC wanderD quarrelA appreciateB livelyC attentivelyD difficultA measureB sugarC professorD conclusionA raisedB sharedC promisedD connectedA materialB marryC buryD instantA saidB certainC paidD captainA wonderB shoeC woodsD polluteA neededB watchedC plannedD playedA facesB tapesC besidesD drivesA withB smoothC northD northernA receiveB fieldC eitherD admireA warnB worldC allD wordA conclusionB educationC suggestionD productionA acceptB beautifulC celebrationD April参照答案: 1---20 CBBCB DBDBC CDCAA CDACC高中英语语音练习题(十五)A respectB recycleC villageD riverA CanadianB demandC masterD realityA foolishB liquidC footballD foundA chemistB churchC pleasureD discussionA weightB ploughC telephoneD tongueA instantB limitC signD idiomA pencilB physicistC societyD special A cotton B curtain C certain D mountain A meal B lean C pleasant D sceneA exhibitionB examinationC excuseD exceptA routeB doubleC coughD shoulderA friendB foreignC policemanD measure A grey B happen C celebrate D freshA whistleB insistC wasteD departmentA strongerB singerC tongueD engineerA heartB wearC tearD bearA pathB clothC batheD breathA deckB fleeC checkD stretchA analyzeB currencyC entryD yellowA dislikedB gatheredC assistedD ranged 参照答案: 1--20 BDADC CDDCA BCCAA CCBDA。

高中英语教师资格证面试真题考点:高中英语1题目:语音教学2.内容:A: Do you believe in aliens?B: Aliens? You believe that aliens existed before. do you?A: Yes, I do. I have read many reports about them.B: I don't believe in aliens.A: Why not?B: Because scientists have never found any hard evidence.3.基本要求:(1)讲解语音升降调表达情感(2)全英试讲,不超过十分钟答辩题目What is the purpose of your homework design?What are your teaching aims?【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim:Students will master the basic knowledge of using intonation to express their own emotion. Ability aim:Students will express themselves with correct intonation naturally and fluently. Emotional aim:Students will be interested in and curious about unexplained things.Key and difficult point:Key Point: Students will master the pronunciation rules of intonation.Difficult Point: Students can use rising and falling tones naturally in their daily life. Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greetings.2. Show students a documentary clip about Mysterious World.Step 2: Presentation1. Let students listen to the tape, then repeat the dialogue, and answer the questions: What is the people’s attitude towards aliens? How can you feel it from the tone of their saying?2. Give students more sentences and let them read by themselves. Guide them to find out the rule of intonation.3. Conclude the rule of intonation:General question: raising tone used to raise a question.Rhetorical question:The first part is spoken with a falling intonation, the second part with a rising intonation, which is used to raise doubt.The first part is spoken with a falling intonation, the second part with a falling intonation, which is used to emphasize a point, just to get the audience think or ask deliberately.Step 3: Practice1. Read the conversation and example sentences loudly and feel the emotion.2. Ask students give more disjunctive and rhetorical question sentences.Step4: Production1. Role-play: ask students to practice a new dialogue on the screen in pairs using proper intonation.2. Dubbing gameStep5: Summary and HomeworkSummary: ask a student to conclude the lesson and summarize for the whole class.Homework: write a short play, rehearse in groups, and show us in the next class.Blackboard design:IntonationGeneral question k raise a questionRhetorical question:e.g. You believe that aliens existed before, do you?μk to raise doubtμμto emphasize a point【答辩】What is the purpose of your homework design?I designed my homework to help students consolidate what they learned in this class, so that students can learn independently at home and review the knowledge of the class. This class is about the pronunciation rule of rising tone and falling tone. The homework I assign is to let students compose a short drama, practice in the group, and ask students to perform in the next class. I hope that through practice, students can master the intonation knowledge, and use it naturally. At the same time, this assignment also cultivates students' imagination and teamwork spirit.What are your teaching aims?Knowledge aim:Students will master the basic knowledge of using intonation to express their own emotion. Ability aim:Students will express themselves with correct intonation naturally and fluently.Emotional aim:Students will be interested in and curious about unexplained things.。
最新-高中英语 Module 2《Traffic Jam》同步练习2 外研版必修4 精品

Module 2《Traffic Jam》Ⅰ.语音知识Ⅱ.情景对话M:So you’re interested in a job as a waitress.__6__W:Yes,for three years at several different restaurants.Now I’m working at the Park Hotel dining room on Hill Street.M:They have a very nice dining room there.__7__W:Because I can’t work full-time now.I’m taking some courses at a university. M:I see.__8__W:Thursday,Friday,Saturday and Sunday.M:__9__We’re looking for someone who can help us when we get very busy.That’s Thursday afternoon,Friday afternoon and evening as well as all day Saturday.The restaurant is closed on Sunday.W:That’s fine with me.M:When can you start?W:__10__M:That’s fine.The first of May.By the way,you’ll get $8.80 an hour,plus tips,of course.W:Good.Thanks very much.A.That suits us very well actually.B.Why do you want to leave?C.What can you pay for a part job?D.Um,have you worked as a waitress before?E.On what days are you free?F.When are you going to start your course?G.Is the first of next month all right with you?Ⅲ.单项填空11.The two buildings across the street are________construction,one of which will be a supermarket.A.at B.forC.under D.in12.—Won’t it be better if we grow rice here?—________.The soil is good for rice and there is plenty of water.A.No way B.Of courseC.Not really D.It depends13.If________,call me tomorrow afternoon before you leave the office.A.you are convenientB.you will be convenientC.it is convenient for youD.it will be convenient for you14.It was during the Second World War,________he was still a child,________the family moved to Hong Kong.A.that;when B.when;thatC.when;when D.that;that15.The parents don’t permit________noise in this room at this moment.A.to make B.makeC.making D.made16.It is the duty of the government to________ homes for old people. A.supply B.offerC.afford D.provide17.Tom was late for school that day and,________,he lied to his teacher that he was ill.A.sooner or later B.what’s moreC.as a result D.more or less18.—I haven’t seen my uncle for a long time.—________him this Sunday?A.Why not visit B.Why not to visitC.Why not visiting D.Why don’t visit19.With two exams to worry about,I’m in________bad mood and not in________mood to go to the cinema.A.a;the B.a;aC.the;the D.the;a20.________,I think,and we could solve the problem.A.With more effortB.Making more effortC.More effortD.If we make more effort21.Why are you killing time this way?Can’t you find something ________ doing at all?A.useful B.valuableC.worthy D.worth22.Do n’t play any longer.It’s high time you ________ down to your study. A.got B.getC.shall get D.to get23.200 people,including her only son,got killed in the terrible disaster.I wonder what her ________ would be when the news reaches her.A.impression B.commentC.opinion D.reaction24.The waste from the paper factory has poisoned all the fish here to death;________ is left.A.nothing B.no oneC.none D.not anything25.—Will you help me do this?—________,young man.A.On the way out B.By the wayC.No way D.Out of the wayⅣ.句子翻译26.你离开时,请关上灯。

重读 Stress1. A word can only have one stress.2. Only vowels元音 are stressed, not consonants辅音. The vowels in English are a, e, i, o, and u.3. There are many exceptions to the rules.1)单音节词When the word has only one syllable, we do not need stress.2)双音节词a.In most two syllable nouns and adjectives, the first syllable takes on the stress.e.g.: sample, purple, happyb.In most two syllable verbs and prepositions, the stress is on the second syllable.e.g. relax, receive, decide3)三音节词a.For three-syllable words ending with the suffixes er or ly, the stress is placed on the firstsyllable.e.g: silently, manager, easierb.If there is a word that ends in a consonant or in a y, then the first syllable usually gets thestress.e.g. rarity, optimalc.Words that use the suffix ade, ee, ese, eer, que, ette, or oon have the primary stressactually placed on the suffix.This applies to words of all syllable lengths.e.g.: lemonade, guarantee, sightseer, cheesed.You put stress on the second syllable from the end of the word with words ending in ic,sion, and tion.e.g. iconic, graphic4)多音节词a.Stress on the third from end syllableYou put stress on the third from end syllable with words that end in cy, ty, phy, gy and al.Democracy, clarity, criticalIntonation 语调使用降调 falling toneSpecial questions 特殊疑问句Declarative sentence 陈述句Imperative sentence 祈使句Exclamatory sentence 感叹句使用升调raising toneGeneral questions 一般疑问句Show interest/surprise 表达兴趣/惊讶先升后降Alternative questions 选择疑问句先降后升Disjunctive questions 反意疑问句。

1.元音字母a,e,i,o,u.(字母a)1)通常在重读开音节中读[e]:cake, base, escape, pl a ne2) 在重读闭音节中读[æ]:fat, trap, exactly, rapid, dam3)在w后通常读[]:wash, want, what, wander 特殊: [:] water4 )在s,ss,st,sk,ch,th,n,f前读[:]:master, ask, task, class, glass, father, path, after, branch, advance5)在非重读音节中读[]:again, camera, vacation, vegetable6) 在非重读音节中读[]:courage,encourage,language,necklace,orange, average,baggage,village7) [e]any,many,anyhow,anything,anybody等含有any的不定代词中1。
matchA. separate B。
marry C. machine D. many2。
animalA. ache B。
anything C。
advance D。
anxious3. majorityA。
baggage B。

练习题一:选择正确的音标1. 【ə】是下列哪个音标的音素?a) /e/ b) /ɛ/ c) /əʊ/2. 【 p 】是下列哪个音标的音素?a) /p/ b) /f/ c) /b/3. 【 s 】是下列哪个音标的音素?a) /s/ b) /ʃ/ c) /z/4. 【 aɪ】是下列哪个音标的音素?a) /e/ b) /aɪ/ c) /æ/5. 【 tʃ】是下列哪个音标的音素?a) /tʃ/ b) /dʒ/ c) /s/练习题二:选择正确的发音根据单词的拼写,选择正确的发音。
1. 将 "clothes" 的发音标记出来。
a) /kləʊðz/ b) /kləʊz/ c) /kləʊθz/2. 将 "kitchen" 的发音标记出来。
a) /ˈkɪʧən/ b) /ˈkɪtʃən/ c) /ˈkɪsən/3. 将 "photograph" 的发音标记出来。
a) /ˈfəʊtəʊɡrɑːf/ b) /ˈfəʊtəɡræf/ c) /ˈfəʊtəɡræfs/4. 将 "important" 的发音标记出来。
a) /ɪmˈpɔːtənt/ b) /ɪmˈpɔːrtənt/ c) /ɪŋˈpɔːrtənt/5. 将 "height" 的发音标记出来。
a) /haɪt/ b) /heɪt/ c) /hɛɪt/练习题三:音标转写根据下列单词的发音,将其转写为音标。
1. Place ______________________2. Thin _______________________3. Dream ______________________4. Session ____________________5. Beach ______________________练习题四:连读与重音根据对话内容,判断句子中是否存在连读或需要特别注意重读的单词。
高中英语专题一:高考英语语音 试题(共22页)

例如:o/u/a ;c;ou/ear/th/er/ ie/ai〔3〕近几年以下单词考了2次:occur ;offer ;ocean ;bargain ;official〔4〕语音考察的单词很常用,不生僻。
【考点透视】语音试题的考点如下:〔1〕元音字母在不同单词中的发音,考察的5个元音字母是:a e o i u〔2〕考察辅音字母在不同单词中的发音,考察的辅音字母是: g h c n t s 〔3〕考察字母组合在不同单词中的发音 ,考察的字母组合包括:元音组合、辅音组合和元音字母组合。
例如:ou ea oo ie ei ai au辅音组合。
例如:ch th ph cc元辅音(fǔyīn)字母组合。
例如: al ex ow tion sion ay ai ed re ar are ear urire eertion ture〔4〕考察不发音字母。
例如:b (clim b); t (Chris t mas ) ;gh (fi gh t );d (We d nesday ) 〔5〕前后缀的发音。
un- im- dis- -er –or –ed –tion –ly【例题解析】〔1〕.2021年英语试题语音题考点分析:考察要点:元音字母:o字母组合:ie th ai辅音字母:cccc use iting答案:D. 解析:该题考察辅音字母c发[s] [k] [ʃ] 的辨析。
注意:a cc ess a cc ident中cc的发音:[ks]2. soc ieieieieie ve答案: C. 解析:该题考察字母组合ie发[i:] [e][aiƏ]的辨析。

每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c 三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
1.how much should the woman pay?a.$94.50.b.$94.85.c.$95.50.2.what’s the man interested in during his free time?a.playing chess.b.collecting stamps.c.nothing but play chess.3.how long did the man travel after leaving the post office?a.about an hour.b.two and a half hours.c.about half an hour.4. what is the woman going to do this evening?a.go to dinner.b.make a reservation.c.go to the airport.5.what do you think the man wants to do?a.to find a job.b.to rent a house.c.to pay for the breakfast.第二节(共15小题)听下面5段对话或独白。
6.where does this conversation take place?a.at a restaurant.b.at somebody’s home.c.at a hotel.7. what present does the guest give her friend?a.a bamboo basket.b.some sweets.c.some bamboo.8.what is the guest’s nationality?a.chinese.b.american.c.english.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。

(计10分)“Depend on yourself.” Is what nature says to every man .parents can help you. Teachers can help you. Still others can help you. But all these people why help you to help yourself.There have been many great men in history. But many of them were very poor in boyhood, and had no uncles, aunts, or friends to help them. Schools were few and of poor quality. They could not depend on them for an education. They saw how it was, and set to work with all their strength to learn something. They worked their own way up to fame.One of the most famous teachers in England used to tell his pupils, “I cannot make worthy men of you, but I can help you make men of yourselves”.Some young men have no ambition to do anything, and they are to be pitied. They can never succeed unless they see their foolishness, and change their courses. They are nothing now, and will be nothing as long as they live, unless they accept the advice of parents and teachers, and depend upon their own honest and serious efforts.生词:ambition心;野心二、根据所读短文内容回答下列问题。

学生应通过以下方式积累词汇:1. 学习高中英语教材中的词汇,尤其是高频词汇。
2. 阅读英文报刊、杂志,注意收集生词和短语。
3. 通过观看英语电影、电视节目等,学习地道的表达方式。
4. 制作词汇卡片,定期复习。
二、听力技巧听力技巧的掌握可以帮助学生更有效地捕捉信息:1. 预览题目,预测可能的话题和问题。
2. 专注于关键词和信号词,如时间、地点、人物等。
3. 练习边听边记笔记,记录关键信息。
4. 学会从语境中推断生词的意思。
每种题型都有其特点:1. 对话理解:注意对话中的问答、转折和情感变化。
2. 短文理解:关注文章的结构、主旨大意和细节信息。
3. 练习分析题目,了解题目的出题意图和答题技巧。
四、模拟练习通过模拟练习,学生可以熟悉考试流程,提高应试能力:1. 定期进行听力模拟测试,模拟真实考试环境。
2. 分析模拟测试中的错误,找出薄弱环节。
3. 根据模拟测试结果,调整学习计划和策略。
五、心理调适良好的心理状态对于听力考试同样重要:1. 建立自信心,相信自己的听力能力。
2. 学会放松,考前进行深呼吸、冥想等放松技巧。
3. 保持积极的心态,即使遇到听不懂的部分也要保持冷静。
练习材料1. 高考历年真题,熟悉题型和难度。
2. 英语听力专项练习册,针对性地提高听力技能。
3. 英语新闻、播客等,提高对不同口音和语速的适应能力。

高中英语语音专题长元音 短元音【双元音I 国际音标表(48 个) 元音(20 个)/ɑ:/ 啊(长音)/ʌ/ 阿/eɪ/ 和拼音的 “ei”一样/ɪə/ 一而/ɔ:/ 奥(长音)/ɒ/ 奥/aɪ/ 挨/eə/ 挨而/З:/ 额(长音)—/ə/ 额 /ɔɪ/ 哦一/ ʊə/ 勿而/i:/'一(长音) /ɪ/ 一/ u:/ 屋(长音)/ʊ/ 屋/e/ 挨—/əʊ //aʊ /!欧袄(惨叫声)/æ / 挨【轻辅音/p/ 颇/t/…特浊辅音【/b//d/ 得伯轻辅音/ʃ/ 是/h/ 和浊辅音/ʒ/ 日/r/ 若鼻音 半元音/m//n/呣]呢/j// w/也¥五辅音(28 个)/k//f//θ//s/克佛四(咬舌音)四/g/ 个/ts/ 差(ci)/dz/。
资 /ŋ/ 嗯/v//ð/`勿字(咬舌音)/z/自/tʃ//tr/*缺吃/dʒ//dr/织撅边音/ǀ/ 了(前); 偶(后)。
1.元音字母 a,e,i,o,u.1) 通常在重读开音节中读[e ]: cake, base, escape, plane2) 在重读闭音节中读[æ ]: fat, trap, exactly, rapid, dam3) 在 w 后通常读[ ]:;wash, want, what, wander4 ) 在 s,ss,st,sk,ch,th,n,f 前读[ :]:(字母 a) 特殊: [ :] watermaster, ask, task, class, glass, father, path, after, branch, advance5) 在非重读音节中读[ ]:again, camera, vacation, vegetable6) 在非重读音节中读[ ]:courage,encourage,language,necklace,orange, average,baggage, village7) [e]any,many,anyhow,anything,anybody 等含有 any 的不定代词中A. separateB. marryC. machineD. many~2. animalA. acheB. anything C. advanceD. anxious3. majorityA. baggage4. cake A. have 5. want A. wander 6. courage A. plane!7. anything A. vacation 8. class A. camera 1-8 BDDDADBBB. attract B. vase B. again B. vegetableB. many B. after1) 通常在重读开音节中读[ :]:C. Canadian C. water C. fat C. wash,D. magazine D. escape D. rapid D. villageC. taskD. pathC. anyD. anybody(字母 e)be, these, she2) 在重读闭音节中读[e]:press, net, gentle3) & 4) 特殊:[ ]: actress, careless, develop, entire, perfect, reduce, secret, carpet, celebrate, desert ,before[ ]: children, open, problem, silence, satellite, September不发音:frighten, listen, often, garden, citizen 1. medicineA. exceptB. recordC. increaseD. openA. sheB. press C. develop D. childrenA. oftenB. problem C. secretD. gentle,A. listenB. before C. reduceD. carelessA. silence 1-5AABABB. actressC. frighten D. September1) i 通常在开音节中读[ai]:(字母 i)wipe, ripe alive, wine, arrive, beside, polite, life ,smile, surprise 2) 在闭音节中读[i]: quiz, sick, dish ,sing, dig, film, miss, winter, picture, difficult 3) 在非重读音节中读[ ]: impossible,possible,terrible,holiday,horrible…4) 在 nd, ld, mb 前读[ai]:mind, kind, blind, find, child, climb特殊:① [ :] police,Pisa,machine,magazine, technique ②[ ]live, give, notice, native, office, promise, imagine, opposite ③不发音:basin, civil, pencil, pupil, cousin, (i 的发音近几年没考,须注意)1. quiz A. wine 2. liveB. smileC. singD. mind|A. blind 3. climb A. winter 4. office A. notice 5. machine A. imagine 6. holiday A. basin 7. wipeB. give B. film B. civil B. opposite B. native,,A. besideB. dig8. surpriseA. aliveB. promise1-8 CBCADCAAC. policeD. childC. politeD. nativeD. impossibleC. difficultD. magazineC. terribleD. filmC. sing C. difficultD. dish D. cousin(字母 o)1) o 通常在重读开音节中读[ ]: stone, note, progress, motor lonely, smoke no, joke, go, programme但在下面单词中读[u:]: do, to, who, move, prove, lose, whose, tomb, shoe, remove, canoe(独木舟) 2) 在重读闭音节中读[ ]:】copy, boss, cloth, fond, long, knock, across, common 但在 st, ld, th 前常读[ ]: most, post, cold, both, roll, hold, scold, host, fold, told, almost, clothes 等3) 在非重读音节中读 [ ]: collection, complete, compare, composition, custom, develop, iron police, polite, observe, official, Europe 4) 在 m, n, th, v 等前时读 [ ]: comfort, ton, done, come, some, love, cover, mother, another, other, company 特殊 1.[u]woman2. [ ]women 3.[ :] story"4.[ ] comb, Negro, piano, radio, tomato 5.[ ] gone,common,concert 6.不发音:cotton, reason, prison, person, pardon, lesson, poison 1. stopA. lose 2. compare A. company 3. stone A. progress 4. proveB. womanC. shockD. roseB. continue C. commonD. concertB. moveC. loseD. remove!A. copy 5. most A. custom 6. observe A. concert 7. comfort A. story 8. women A. woman 9. EuropeB. knock B. long B. tomato B. cotton B. pictureC. removeD. fond,C. scoldD. collectionC. someD. completeC. motherD. lessonC. companyD. observe\A. developB. radioC. roll10. acrossA. goneB. doneC. some1-10 CBACCDCBAA(字母 u)1) u 通常在重读开音节中读[ :]use, duty, computer, reduce, rescue, tube, Tuesday2) u 通常在重读开音节中或读 [ :]: true3) u 在重读开音节中辅音字母 l, r, j 后读 [ :]:blue, rule, ruler, June, rudeD. hold D. cover4) $ 5) 在重读闭音节中读[ ]:cup, umbrella, lunch, Sunday, hurry, suddenly, funny, hungry 6) 在重读闭音节中或读 [ ]:put, pull, push, bullet特殊: ①[ ]autumn, August, industry, succeed, success, suppose, until, unless, supply, ②[e]bury ③[ ]busy, minute, business ④[ ]museum, communism, unite, January, occupydifficult$A. pollution C. useful 2. computer A. Tuesday 3. minute A. busy 4. blue A. ruler 5. difficult A. unlessB. struggle D. bury B. museum B. industryB. push B funnyC. uniteD. JanuaryC. successD. supposeC. pullD. bulletC. hungryD. rude{1-5BAAAA 2.辅音字母 c,w,n,s,g. ⑴ c 通常发[k],(在元音 a,o,u 前和辅音前,以及在词尾时): cat ,cost, cut, cloud, cycle 特殊: ① (在 ia, ie ,io 前) 读 [ʃ] delicious, musician, special, social, socialist, official ② (多在 e,I,y 前) 读[s]: ceiling, century, celebrate, cinema, city, incidentA. oceanB. decideC. causeD. socialistA. official^3. century A. cycle 4. answer A. writeB. excuseB. delicious B. sweepC. correctD. excitingC. incidentD. specialC. westD. wet1-4BDCA ⑵ w 通常发[w] :sweep, west 特殊:不发音:answer, sword, two, write ⑶ n 通常发[n]: nice, not 特殊:(在 c, g, k, x 前) 发 [ŋ]: uncle ,English, single, thank, anxious , drink 等 1. uncle<A. thank 1. AB. niceC. honestD. adventure⑷ s 通常发[s]: six, seat, sport 在元音字母和元音字母之间读[z] :music, season, prison 特殊: ①s 后面是元音字母 u, ia [ʃ]: sugar ,sure, Russian② s 后面是元音字母 u, ion [ ]measure ,pleasure, treasure, usual, conclusionA. purseB. elseC. praise D. mouse【2. measureA. usualB. sport1-2 CA⑸g 通常发[g]特殊:C. musicD. sure①在 字母(e, i(y)前读 [ ]: age ,apologize, apology ,page, gym②在字母 n 前不发音:design, foreign ,signA. sugarB. organizeC. strange D. together~二、考查一些常见字母组合的特殊读音。

1.题目:语音教学试讲2.内容Grandpa: Can you come over here? Li Lan? I need help finding my glasses.Li Lan: Ok, Grandpa! Where did you put them? Grandpa: Eh? What did you say? Speak up, child!Li Lan: I SAID, WHERE DID YOU PUT THEM? Grandpa: You don’t need to shout, child! I can here you just fine!Li Lan: Ok, well, did you look in your coat pocket? Grandpa: My boat? Child, I don’t have a boat!3.基本要求:(1)朗读所给对话。
Dear teachers, let me read this dialogue first.…..Then allow me to begin my presentation.Good morning, class. Welcome back to school after three day holiday of the Labor’s Day. Where did you go on vacation? Jack? You went to Sichuan to see pandas? They must be very lovely. Peter?You went to visit your grandparents? Oh, they are very lonely when you are not with them. So you went to see them. Very good grandson. Because family is important. So during the holiday Li Lan also went to accompany her grandpa. Let’s see what interesting things happened to them.Now listen to the dialogue and tell me.// It’s over. What happened to them? Iris? Iris said grandpa can’t find his glasses and asked Li Lan to help him. Is she right? Yes, nicely done! Sit down please. And did they find it in the end? No? Why? Oliver. Because grandpa couldn’t hear Li Lan clearly and misunderstood her question. Is he right? Yes, excellent!You all got the meaning of this dialogue clearly. While listening, do you find that some words are stressed and others are not? Yes? But what kinds of words can bestressed and what kinds are not? You can’t say it exactly? Ok, let’s listen again and this time, pay attention to what kinds of words did they stress.The tape is over. Did you find it? Cindy, you said you find that words like “come, need, help, finding, glasses. Grandpa..fine..” are stressed. Good, you listened very carefully. Can you find what the property are they? They are nouns, and? Yes, nouns, verbs, adjectives. Right. sit down please. Apart from these three kinds of words, adverbials also needs to be stressed. But we don’t have an adverbial in the dialogue. But still remember that. Then almost the rest words are not stressed. Ok sit down. Oh I see Sara put up her hand. Sara please. You ask why the sentence “I SAID, WHERE DID YOU PUT THEM?” are all stressed? Good, you listened very carefully. The rules we conclude just now are general rules. But when someone really wants to stress on something he intends to let others pay attention. These words can also be stressed. Because grandpa can’t hear clearly. Li Lan stressed every word in a loud voice. Clear about all the rules now?Ok, now let’s read after the tape and pay attention to the stress. // Now work with your deskmate, have a dialogue and correct each other’s pronunciation and stress. Five minutes for you to practice and then I would like some pairs to come to the front to have a role play.// Time is up! Which pairs want to show us? David and Rita please. So David played as grandpa and Rita as Li Lan. You can start! // They finished. Is there anything they should pay attention? Betty? You said the every word in the sentence “Where did you put them?” should be fully stressed. Yes. Good sit down please. But they performed very well. They are really like grandpa and granddaughter, right? Excellent performance. Thank you, go back to your seat.Everyone, let’s watch a video clip here. Are you familiar with it? I see all of you are nodding. So the name of it is… yes, Friends. Now 4-5students form a group and watch it again, you are supposed to find out as many stressed words as possible. Finished? Group one, how many stressed words do you find? 5? Ok, what are they? They are… Christmas, present, dinner, give, seat. Very good! Are there more? Group 3! You also find deer, beautiful… right!nicely done! Group 4, any supplements? ….Class, now we can clearly see that group 4 gives all the right answers. Let’s applaud for them! Other groups are also very good. Now we have a performance. Each member in every group could act as one person in the video and you have a role play. Pay attention to all those words that are stressed. Ok? Now which group would like to have a try? Group 2, come here. You can start. They have finished. What do you think of their performance? They act very lively and all the stressed words are correctly pronounced. Very good. Next….Ok, class. What we have learned today. Who can help me to summarize. Look at the blackboard. Elaine, please. You said that we have learned the tone and stress. So when do we use rising tone? Yes, when the sentence is a general question. And when do we use falling tone? When the sentence is declarative or specific question. Well done. Sit down please. Let’s leave the other rules to Woody. Woody, so when do we stress? Yes, when the words are nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbials. Anything else? Yes, we can also emphasize on any word we want the have a stresson them. Brilliant! I can see that you all master the rules. And during the practicing I see that you have become more confident when you read.After class, you can find any dialogue you are interested in and read it out with tone and stress. Ok? Good. Let’s call it a day. See you next time.That’s all for my presentation. Thank you.。
高中英语 2022-2023学年湖北省襄樊市襄阳五中高二(上)开学英语试卷

2022-2023学年湖北省襄樊市襄阳五中高二(上)开学英语试卷第一节语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出所给单词的正确读音,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑.1.(1分)taste ( )A./teist/B./tæst/C./tist/D./ta:st/2.(1分)touch( )A./tɔ:tʃ/B./tautʃ/C./tʌtʃ/D./təutʃ/3.(1分)rely( )A./rə:′lai/B./ri:′lai/C./re′lai/D./ri′lai/4.(1分)loss ( )A./lɔ:s/B./lɔs/C./lus/D./lu:s/5.(1分)agriculture ( )A./′ægrikʌltʃə/B./æ′grikʌltʃə/C./ægri′kʌltʃə/D./ægrikʌl′tʃə/第二节情景对话(共1小题,每小题5分,满分5分)根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑.选项中有两个为多余选项.6.(5分)Jerry:Hi,Mike.Look like you've got some sun.Mike:I guess so.I spent the weekend on the beach.Jerry:Really?That sounds exciting.(6)Mike:At my friend's house.He invited me to stay there for as long as I wanted.Jerry:(7)Mike:Oh,I have a paper to work on.Jerry:(8) I mean besides lying out in the sun.Mike:I played some volleyball.I never realized how hard it is to run on sand.Jerry:(9) Did you go swimming?Mike:I intended to.(10)So I just went fishing.Jerry:All sounds so relaxing.A.What a pity!B.It must be cool.C.Where did you stay?D.But how did you get there?E.So what else did you do out there?F.But the water wasn't warm enough..G.Then why not stay there for a longer time?第三节语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑.7.(1分)The old temple _______ roof was damaged in a storm is now under repair.( )A.where B.which C.its D.whose8.(1分)The cost of renting a house in central Xi'an is higher than ____ in any other area of the city.( )A.that B.this C.it D.one9.(1分)-What's the noise?It sounds as if it comes from upstairs.-______.It must be the window-cleaner working next door.( )A.I'm not sure B.I hope notC.I'd rather not D.I don't think so10.(1分)You look well.The air and the sea foods in Sanya must _____ you,I suppose.( )A.agree with B.agree toC.agree on D.agree about11.(1分)If we ___ the other road,we might have arrived here in time for the meeting.( )A.take B.had taken C.took D.have taken12.(1分)_____ from the top of the tower,the south foot of the mountain is a sea of trees.( )A.Seen B.Seeing C.Have seen D.To see13.(1分)John opened the door.There _____ he had never seen before.( )A.a girl did stand B.a girl stoodC.did a girl stand D.stood a girl14.(1分)It never occurred to me _____ you could succeed in persuading him to change his mind.( )A.which B.what C.that D.if15.(1分)His first book next month is based on a true story.( )A.published B.to be publishedC.to publish D.being published16.(1分)John thinks it won't be long he is ready for his new job.( )A.when B.after C.before D.since17.(1分)I have to see the doctor because I a lot lately.( )A.have been coughing B.had coughedC.coughed D.cough18.(1分)Studies show that people are more to suffer from back problems if they always sit before c omputer screens for long hours.( )A.likely B.possible C.probable D.sure19.(1分)-May I take this book out of the reading room?-No,you .You read it in here.( )A.mightn't B.won't C.needn't D.mustn't20.(1分)It is reported that many a new house at present in the disaster area.( )A.are being built B.were being builtC.was being built D.is being built21.(1分)What a fine day!Shall we go picnicking?.But we need to be home before six o'clock for the football match.( )A.Have a nice time.B.Pardon meC.That's great D.You are right第四节完形填空(共1小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)22.(30分)I used to live selfishly,I should admit.But one moment changed me.I was on my lunch break and had (26)the office to get something to eat.On the way,I (27)abusker(街头艺人),with a hat in front of him.I had some(28)in my pocket,but I would not give the m to him,thinking to myself he would (29)use the money to feed his addiction to drugs or alcohol.He (30)like that type-young and ragged.(31)what was I going to spend the money on?Only t o feed my addiction to Coca-Cola or chocolate!I then (32)I had no right to place myself above(33)just because he was busking.I(34)and dropped all the coins into his (35),and he smiled at me,I watched for a while.A s (36)as it sounds,I expected something more to come from that moment-a feeling of (37)o r satisfaction,for example.But nothing happened (38),I walked off."It proved to be a waste of (3 9),"I thought.On my way home at the end of the(40),I saw the busker again and he was(41).I watched hi m pick up the hat and walk(42) a cafe counter.There he poured the(43)contents into a tin coll ecting(44)an earthquake fund-raising(募捐) event.He was busking for charity(慈善)!Now I donate any(45)I have to charity tins and enjoy the feeling of giving.26.A.left B.cleaned C.prepared D.searched27.A.led B.chose C.saw D.fooled28.A.chocolates B.coins C.tins D.drugs29.A.almost B.only C.rather D.still30.A.acted B.looked C.sounded D.smelt31.A.Though B.For C.Therefore D.But32.A.declared B.realized C.expected D.guessed33.A.it B.all C.him D.them34.A.waited B.followed C.stopped D.arrived35.A.rag B.hat C.pocket D.counter36.A.selfish B.awkward C.innocent D.special37.A.happiness B.sadness C.love D.hate38.A.Disappointedly B.Unfortunately C.Coincidentally D.Comfortably39.A.words B.effort C.space D.money40.A.moment B.day C.break D.event41.A.walking around B.passing by C.packing up D.running off42.A.around B.in C.behind D.to43.A.chief B.basic C.actual D.total44.A.by B.for C.on D.with45.A.work B.time C.energy D.change.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第1节(共4小题,每小题8分,满分30分)阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑.24.(8分)Ask Dr?Jeffers This month Dr.Jeffers is answering questions about the human brain and how it works.Dear Dr.Jeffers,One of my colleagues,Felix Moeller,told me that scientists are learning to use computer to‘read minds'.Is there any truth to this story/-Jane Leon,New York,USADear Ms.Leon,Well,a lot of research is being conducted in this area,but so far,the brain scanning equipment and corre sponding computer programs haven't been able to actually read thoughts.In one experiment,test subject s(受试者)were connected to scanning equipment and shown two numbers on a screen.They were then as ked to choose between adding or subtracting(减)the two numbers.Using this method,researchers were able to follow brain processes and make the correct assumptions(假设)70 percent of the time.It's not quite mind reading,but it's certainly a first step.-Dr.J.Dear Dr.Jeffers,My three-year-old son loves it when I dig my fingers into his sides and tickle (胳肢)him until he laughs un controllably.The other day I noticed him trying to tickle himself but he couldn't do it.Why not?-Glenn Lewis,Vancouver,CanadaDear Mr.Lewis,It's because of how the brain works.The brain is trained to know what to pay attention to and what to igno re.It causes us to ignore physical feelings we expect to happen,but it causes a mild panic reaction when t here is an unexpected feeling.For example,you don't notice how your shoulder feels while you're walking down the street.But if someone comes up behind you and touches you lightly on the shoulder,you may j ump in fear.It's that unexpected part that causes the tickle reaction.-Dr.J.46.What can we learn from the answer to the first question?A.Some equipment is able to read human minds.B.Some progress has been made in mind reading.C.Test subjects have been used to make decisions.D.Computer programs can copy brain processes.47.People laugh when tickled by others because the feeling is .A.unexpectedB.expectedC.comfortableD.uncomfortable48.Who has got a little child according to the text?A.Ms.LeonB.Mr.LewisC.Mr.MoellerD.Dr.Jeffers49.According to the text,Jeffers is probably .A.a computer programmerB.a test subjectC.a human brain expertD.a medical doctor.25.(8分)Brave Frenchman Found Half-way Around the World(NEW YORK) A French tourist highly praised for rescuing a two-year-old girl in Manhattan said he didn't think twice before diving into the freezing East River.Tuesday's Daily News said 29-year who left the spot quickly after the rescue last Saturday.He lifted the little girl out of the water after she fell off the bank at the South Street Seaport museum.H e handed the girl to her father,David Anderson,who had dive in after him."I didn't think at all,"Duret told the Daily News."It happened very fast.I reacted very fast."Duret,an engineer on vacation,was walking with his girlfriend along the pier(码头)when he saw someth ing falling into the water.He thought it was a doll,but realized it was a child when he approached the rive r.In an instant,he took off his coat and jumped into the water.When he reached the girl,she appeared lifeless,he said.Fortunately,when she was out of the water,sh e opened her eyes.Anderson said his daughter slipped off the bank when he was adjusting his camera.An ambulance came la ter for her,said Duret,who was handed dry clothes from cookers.Duret caught a train with his girlfriend sh ortly after.The rescue happened on the day before he left for France.Duret said he didn't realize his tale of heroism he was leaving the next morning."I don't really think I'm a hero,"said Duret."Anyone would do the same ting."(1)Why was Duret in New York?A.To meet his girlfriendB.To work as an engineerC.To spend his holidayD.To visit the Andersons(2)What did Duret do shortly after the ambulance came?A.He was interviewed by a newspaperB.He asked his girlfriend for his dry clothesC.He went to the hospital in the ambulanceD.He disappeared from the spot quickly(3)Who divide after Duret into the river to save the little girl?A.David AndersonB.A passer-byC.His girlfriendD.A taxi driver(4)When was Duret most probably found to be the very hero?A.The day when he was leaving for home.B.A couple of days after the girl was rescued.C.The first day when he was in New York.D.The same day when he was interviewed.26.(6分)The 1900 HouseThe bowler family was one of more than 400 families who applied to 1900 house,a reality TV shout which to ok a typical family back a hundred years to see how people lived in the days before the internet,computer g ames and even electricity.The bowler family spent three months in a London home without a telephone,computers,TV,or fast food.The bowlers wore clothes from 1900,are only food available in English at that time,and cooked their meal s on a single stove.Paul bowler still went to work every day in a then uniform.The children changed their cl othes on the way to and from school and their classmates didn't know about then unusual home life.Joyce st ayed at home,cooking and cleaning like a typical housewife of the time,though everything took three time s as long.So does Joyce think that people's lives were better in the old days?"I think people in the old days had just ad many troubles and worries,"Joyce said.And I don't think their life was better or worse,there were lots of things back then that I'm happy I don't ha ve to deal with nowadays,but on the other hand life was simpler.""We had a lot more time with our famil y,and it was hard being nice to each other all the time,"eleven-year-old Hilary said.So what did the Bowler family miss most about modern life while living in the 1900 house?Paul,39:"telephone and a hot shower"Joyce,44:"a quick cup of tea from a kettle you could just turn on"Hilary,11:"rock CD"Joseph,9:"hamburger and computer games"54.While the Bowler family was living in 1900 house, .A.the mother spent more time on houseworkB.the two children wore the then clothes for schoolC.they prepared their meals together on a stoveD.they ate simple foods they had never seen55.According to Paragraph 4,what's Joyce's opinion about life in 1900?A.There were fewer problems for the familyB.Life was simpler but worse than it is nowC.There were things she liked and dislikedD.The family had more time to stay together56.What would Hilary expect most from modern life in the three months?A.To play computer gamesB.To make phone callsC.To listen to musicD.To chat on the Internet.27.(8分)When I first got an email account ten years ago,I received communications only from family,frie nds,and colleagues.Now it seems that every time I check my e-mail,I have an endless series of advertisem ent and other correspondence that do not interest the at all.If we want e-mail to continue to be useful,we need special laws that make spamming(发送垃圾邮件) a crime.If lawmakers do not do something soon to prohibit spam,the problem will certainly get much worse.Co mputer programs allow spammers to spend hundreds of millions of e-mails almost instantly.As more and mo re advertisers turn to spam to sell their products,individual(个人的)e-mail boxes are often flooded with spa m e-mails.Would people continue to use e-mail if they had to deal with an annoying amount of spam each ti me?This problem is troubling for individuals and companies as well.Many spam emails contain computer virus es that can shut down the entire network of a company.Companies rely on e-mail on for their employees to communicate with each other.Spam frequently causes failures in their local communications networks,an d their employees are thus unable to communicate effectively.Such a situation results in a loss of productivit y and requires companies to repeatedly repair their networks.These computer problems raise production cos ts of companies,which are,in the end,passed on to the consumer.For these reasons,I believe that lawmakers need to legislate (立法) against spam.Spammers should be f ined,and perhaps sent to prison if they continue to disturb people.E-mail is a tool which helps people all o ver the world to communicate conveniently,but spam is destroying this convenience.(1)What does the underlined word"correspondence"in the Paragraph 1 probably mean?A.messagesB.ideasC.connectionsD.programs(2)According to the text,what is the major cause of the flooding spam?A.Companies rely on e-mail for communications.B.More people in the world communicate by e-mail.C.Many computer viruses contain spam e-mail.D.More advertisers begin to promote sales through spam.(3)According to Paragraph 3,who is the final victim of spam?A.The businessB.The advertiserC.The employeeD.The consumer(4)What is the purpose of the text?A.To informB.To educateC.To persuadeD.To instruct第二节(共1小题,每小题10分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从下框的A~F选项中选出能概括每一段主题的最佳选项.选项中有一项为多余项.28.(10分)A.Gift giving proven to be valuable.B.Memories from gift givingC.Moments and events for gift givingD.Various functions of gift givingE.Gift giving as a wasteful practiceF.Gift giving as a two-way social activityGift Giving61.There are many occasions(场合) for giving gifts in modern industrialized societies:birthdays,naming cere monies,weddings,anniversaries,New Year,It is common to give gifts on many of these celebrations in wes tern cultures.In addition,special events,such as one's first day of school or graduation from university,oft en require gift giving.62.What is happening when we give gifts?Most important,we are exchanging gifts.If someone gives me a gif t for my birthday,I know that I am usually expected to give one on his or her next birthday.A gift builds u p or confirms a social obligation(义务).63.Gifts tighten personal relationships and provide a means of communication between loved ones.People say t hat a gift lets the recipient(接受者) know we are thinking of them,and that we want to make the person"fee l special."We want people to feel wanted,to feel part of our social or family group.We give presents to sa y"I'm sorry."Sometimes it is difficult for us to find a present that someone will like.Sometimes we give thin gs that we like or would feel comfortable with.In all these cases,the gifts are sending out messages-often v ery expressive ones.64.People tend to talk about presents in a fairly loving way.A woman whose mother had died years ago described the many gifts around her house.These were gifts that her mother had given her over the years:"I appre ciate these,and they mean something to me,"the woman said,"because I remember the occasions they were given on,and that they were from my mother,and the relationship we've had."The gifts remain and keep the relationship alive in mind.This woman felt the same way about the gifts she gave to others.She hoped that the recipients would look at here gifts in years to come and remember her.65.Emotions(情感)like these suggest that a positive spirit still lies behind gift giving.They prove that the anth ropologist Claude Levi-Strauss was wrong to say that modern western gift giving is highly wasteful.Studies i n Canada and elsewhere have also shown that this is not the case.Each gift is unique even if so many are giv en.The emotional benefit for those who exchange gifts is the very reason for the tradition to continue.第三部分写作(共三节,满分10分)第一节单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)根据下列各句句意和空白之后的汉语提示词,在答题卡指定区域的横线上写出对应单词的正确形式,每空只写一词。

每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
1. What does the man want to do?A. Go swimming.B. Go fishing.C. Go hiking.2. Why can't the woman help the man?A. She is busy with her work.B. She doesn't know how to cook.C. She doesn't have the ingredients.3. What does the woman suggest doing this weekend?A. Watching a movie.B. Going shopping.C. Visiting a museum.4. What does the man want to do?A. Order a pizza.B. Cook dinner.C. Go to a fast food restaurant.5. What does the man mean?A. He doesn't like the movie.B. He hasn't watched the movie yet.C. He wants to watch a different movie.听力材料答案:1. B2. A3. C4. C5. B第二节(共15小题)听下面5段对话或独白。

从下列各组所给的A B C D四个选项中,找出其画线部分的读音与其他三个不同的选项,并在答题卡上将其涂黑。
1、A.name B.face C.safely D.many2、A.live B.unkind C.fine D.s mile3、A.you B.touch C.country D.trouble4、A.word B.work C.worryD.worse5、A.chair B.headache C.teach D.change6、A.blue B.ruler C.true D.busy7、A.may B.day C.says D .pay8、A.guard B.war C.cartoon D .arm9、A.dead B.already C.heavy D.leave10、A.die B.tie C.piece D .lie第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分)第一节单项填空(共15小题,每题2分,共计30分)。
从A B C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
11、--Have you had ________ breakfast yet? -- No, not yet.A./B. aC. the12、We are doing much better ______ English _______ our teacher'sA. in, atB. at, inC. in, with13、He had _________ much work to do that he couldn't go out.A. soB. suchC. as14、Tom has been in the factory _________he left school.A. whenB. sinceC. as soon as15、______ my mother ________ my sister watches TV plays these d ays.A. Either, norB. Both, andC.. Neither, nor16、We wrote to _________ invited us.A. whomeverB. whoeverC. that17、__________ you don't like him is none of my business.A. WhatB. WhoC. That18、—Did you find your watch yesterday?—No, I didn't find _________, but I've bought _________.A. it, itB. one, oneC. it, one19、In the past he often made his sister____, but now he is often made ___by his sister.A cry; cryB to cry; cryC cry; to cryIt _____ Mike and Mary who helped the old man several days a go .A. wasB. areC. were21、Don`t forget the day ______you were received into the Youth Le ague.A whenB thatC where22、The stadium has ______ many exciting football games.A. broughtB. seenC. saw23、The weather turned out to be very good, _______ was more tha n we could expect.A. whichB. whatC. that24、He says that if it _______ tomorrow , he _______ fishing .A. will rain , won't go B rain , will go C. rains , won' t go25、.---Are you still thinking about yesterday's game?---Oh, that's_______ .A. what makes me feel excitedB. whatever I feel excited aboutC. how I feel about it第二节完形填空((共10小题,每题2分,共计20分)。

高中英语听力mp3下载全套下载篇一:[附听力下载链接]2013高考英语听力(全国卷)2013年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国卷)英语听力部分(每题分,满分30分)第一节例:How much is the shirt?A.$B.$C.$ 答案是C.1. What does the man want to do? A. Take photos. B. Buya Help the woman.2. What are the speakers talking about? A. A noisy Their life in town. C. A place of living.3. Where is the man now?A. On his In a At home4. What will Celia do? A. Find a player. B. Watch a Play basketball.5. What day is it when the conversation takes place? A. Saturday. B. Sunday. C. Monday.第二节听第6段材料,回答6、7题。
6. What is Sara going to do?A. Buy John a gift.B. Give John a surprise.C. Invite John to France.7. What does the man think of Sara’s plan? A. Funny. B.Exciting. C. Strange.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。
8. Why does Diana say sorry to peter? A. She has to give up her travel She wants to visit another city. C. She needs to put off her test. 9. What does Diana want Peter to do? A. Help her with her study. B. Take a book to her a geography lesson.听力MP3百度网盘链接:1c0rfq5U 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。
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高中英语语音练习题(四)附答案1. push A truth B wood C food D brush2. loose A cause B lose C practise D wise 3. almost A talk B walk C half D already 4. many A bury B plate C apple D salute 5. surface A situation B strait C necklace D glad 6. theory A smooth B healthy C brother D mouths7. possible A police B terrible C recycle D rewrite8. pleasant A breakfast B break C real D lean 9. grant A dance B canoe C marry D planet 10. cost A close B folk C women D off11. visionphone A revolution B technician C solution D conclusion12. forced A limited B played C improved D passed13. elephant A rebel B education C elect D reunite 14. found A double B wound C aloud D famous15. design A president B since C cinema D knocks16. clear A bear B atomosphere C air D wear17. bank A angry B point C nation D plant18. storm A work B pour C worm D tour19. hour A flour B floor C more D glare20. foolish A blood B shoe C foot D book参考答案:1---20 BCDAC BBAAD DDBCA BABAB高中英语语音练习题(五)1. song A long B sung C none D young2. marry A family B branch C latent D passer3. Christmas A chalk B chest C stretch D stomach4. raise A strait B mountain C portrait D receive5. column A bury B duty C undress D suggest6. across A clothing B cloth C connect D cocoon7. exam A exhibition B explain C example D except8. role A progress B problem C produce D solve9. sink A organize B thank C defend D strange10. celebration A question B expression C decision D suggestion11. shared A learned B played C forced D watched12. could A blue B trouble C fully D fruit13. palace A place B horrible C manage D key14. horses A resist B houses C classes D assistant15. proud A cloud B author C coat D low16. hero A heroic B period C piece D flee17. master A valley B carry C vase D mistake18. sword A sway B persuade C answer D sweep19. prove A loose B reduce C moment D about20. honour A board B first C fur D neighbour 参考答案:1---20 AADAD BCABB BCCCA BCCAD高中英语语音练习题(六)1.praise A grasp B base C mouths D newspaper2.started A stayed B forced C grasped D landed3.improve A follow B political C move D progress4.native A master B base C grammar D advice5.reason A really B reach C greatly D breakfast6.sorry A important B order C foreign D report7.machine A police B wrist C possible D million8.breathe A tenth B eighth C health D clothes9.forced A limited B stayed C grasped D improved10.houses A roses B buses C horses D faces11.exactly A example B excuse C exercise D exhibition12.spear A bear B deer C chair D heard13.forward A quarrel B sensor C forehead D order14.smooth A food B book C stood D wood15.refuse A trunk B true C stupid D question16.feather A break B greatly C breathe D leant17.exactly A excellent B excited C examine D express18.observe A object B seldom C wonder D office19.conclude A prove B refuse C stupid D understood20.hammer A surface B snake C astronaut D granted参考答案:1----20 CDCBB CADCA ABDAC DCBAC高中英语语音练习题(七)附答案1.rather A palace B grant C necklace D surface2.debt A scene B ever C excuse D object3.worth A smooth B within C southern D theory4.possible A police B terrible C machine D thinker5.suppose A only B whose C improve D cost6.reunite A remarry B regard C return D rebel7.northern A sorrow B horrible C sorry D lawyer8.nature A national B natural C nation D international9.found A southern B country C trouble D mouse10.banker A angry B unkind C plant D million11.cloth A observe B object C complete D clothing12.loom A tooth B took C foot D book13.forced A ordered B pretended C pleased D fetched14.rebel A education B elect C elephant D reunite15.smooth A theatre B month C strength D southern16.which A answer B where C whom D wrist17.found A trouble B south C country D famous18.looms A design B maps C knocks D grasp19.Russian A officer B excellent C official D piece20.banker A angry B plant C point D million参考答案:1---20 BBDBA ADCDA BADBD BBACA高中英语语音练习题(八)附答案1.pleasure A sure B pleased C conclusion D Russian2. bear A research B fearless C spear D wear3.breathe A heaven B pleased C feather D breath4.marry A banker B bath C plant D branch5.uncle A unfit B bank C plant D undress6.loom A brook B took C foolish D foot7.worm A worn B warm C word D storm8.sweat A meal B weave C greatly D breakfast9.row A cow B tower C known D flower10.grant A banker B danger C entrance D branch11.wonder A dragon B across C discover D column12.period A reality B defend C serious D message13.column A within B think C angry D climb14.bury A meant B column C gunshot D thus15.troop A cocoon B took C good D look16.hotel A wonder B cloth C clothing D contrary17.watch A snatch B favor C wander D stranger18.fellow A select B resist C reject D address19.measure A sweat B break C weave D greatly20.anxious A banker B round C unkind D change参考答案:1---20 CDBAB CCDCD CCDAA CCDAA高中英语语音练习题(十三)1.edge A enjoy B exactly C recognise D repeat2.meadow A defeat B seat C repeat D breath3.wood A foot B smooth C school D food4.scold A notice B wonder C comfort D constantly5.mayor A upstairs B power C tears D research6.sword A word B worn C worm D worse7.found A touch B country C southern D sound8.praise A express B expression C newspaper D news9.tiresome A welcome B coffee C devote D somewhere10.sign A lung B ankle C hung D hunt11.period A radio B lion C violin D idiom12.choke A society B Nobel C oxygen D closet13.equip A meadow B eve C direct D degree14.camera A companion B laboratory C attentive D master15.roof A woods B baloon C stood D foot16.plant A plug B mother C want D sergant17.degree A real B coffee C remarry D effect18.singer A strange B thin C languge D orange19.reward A forward B toward C worm D cough20.relax A exist B example C examine D excuse参考答案:1---20 CDAAA BDDAD DBDAB DCCBD高中英语语音练习题(十四)1.guest A duty B suggest C quick D bury2.island A idea B believe C idiom D science3.clear A bear B cheer C share D fairly4.answer A autumn B drink C pain D monkey5.official A usual B sugar C inspect D necessaryfort A blood B cough C chose D possible7.daughter A plough B water C wander D quarrel8.holiday A appreciate B lively C attentively D difficult9.pressure A measure B sugar C professor D conclusion10.practised A raised B shared C promised D connected11.many A material B marry C bury D instant12.mountain A said B certain C paid D captain13.bullet A wonder B shoe C woods D pollute14.wretched A needed B watched C planned D played15.pages A faces B tapes C besides D drives16.breath A with B smooth C north D northern17.society A receive B field C either D admire18.worn A warn B world C all D word19.question A conclusion B education C suggestion D production20.express A accept B beautiful C celebration D April 参考答案:1---20 CBBCB DBDBC CDCAA CDACC高中英语语音练习题(十五)1.recent A respect B recycle C village D river2.Italian A Canadian B demand C master D reality3.fruit A foolish B liquid C football D found4.machine A chemist B church C pleasure D discussion5.tough A weight B plough C telephone D tongue6.dive A instant B limit C sign D idiom7.official A pencil B physicist C society D special8.captain A cotton B curtain C certain D mountain9.measure A meal B lean C pleasant D scene10.export A exhibition B examination C excuse D except11.tough A route B double C cough D shoulder12.field A friend B foreign C policeman D measure13.women A grey B happen C celebrate D fresh14.Christmas A whistle B insist C waste D department15.finger A stronger B singer C tongue D engineer16.spear A heart B wear C tear D bear17.clothing A path B cloth C bathe D breath18.previous A deck B flee C check D stretchwyer A analyze B currency C entry D yellow20.published A disliked B gathered C assisted D ranged 参考答案:1--20 BDADC CDDCA BCCAA CCBDA(注:文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,供参考。