


起作Байду номын сангаас集方法
满足(a)的 x* 肯定满足(b),且为满足(b)的 x* 的
一部分,但满足(b)的解是唯一的,所以问题(b)的解 就是问题(a)的解。
A characteristic of a large class of early methods is the translation of the constrained problem to a basic unconstrained problem by using a penalty function for constraints that are near or beyond the constraint boundary. In this way the constrained problem is solved using a sequence of parameterized unconstrained optimizations, which in the limit (of the sequence) converge to the constrained problem.



1.Legendre PolynomialsNamed in honor of Adrien-Marie (1752-1833) the mathematician, not Louis (1752-1797) the politician.1.1. IntroductionA polynomial is a finite sum of terms like a k x k, where k is a positive integer or zero. There are sets of polynomials such that the product of any two different ones, multiplied by a function w(x) called a weight function and integrated over a certain interval, vanishes. Such a set is called a set of orthogonal polynomials. Among other things, this property makes it possible to expand an arbitrary function f(x) as a sum of the polynomials, each multiplied by a coefficient c(k), which is easily and uniquely determined by integration. A Fourier series is similar, but the orthogonal functions are not polynomials. These functions can also be used to specify basis states in quantum mechanics, which must be orthogonal.1.2. Legendre Polynomials DenifitionThe Legendre polynomials P n(x), n = 0, 1, 2 ... are orthogonal on the interval from -1 to +1, which is expressed by the integralThe Kronecker delta is zero if n ≠ m, and unity if n = m. In most applications, x = cos θ, and θ varies from 0 to π. In this case, dx = sin θ dθ, of course. The Legendre polynomials are a special case of the more general Jacobi polynomials P(α,β)n(x) orthogonal on (-1,1). By a suitable change of variable, the range can be changed from (-1,1) to an arbitrary (a,b). The weight function w(x) of the Legendre polynomials is unity, and this is what distinguishes them from the others and determines them.1.3. ApplicationsThe Lengendre polynomials are very clearly motivated by a problem that often appears. For example, suppose we have an electric charge q at point Q in the figure at the left, one of a group whose positions are referred to an origin at O,and we desire the potential at some point P. The distance PO is taken asunity for convenience; simply multiply all distances by the actualdistance PO in any particular case. The potential due to this charge is q/R.We ca n find R as a function of r and θ by the Law of Cosines: R2 = 1 + r2- 2r cos θ = 1 - 2rx + r2, where x = cos θ. Now we expand 1/R in powersof r, finding 1/R = Σ P n(x)r n. The function 1/R is called the generatingfunction of the Legendre polynomials, and can be used to investigatetheir properties. Generating functions are available for most orthogonal polynomials, but only in the Legendre case does the generating function have a clear and simple meaning.If we let x = 1, we find that P n(1) = 1, and P n(-1) = (-1)n. By taking partialderivatives of 1/R with respect to x and r, and then considering the coefficients of individual powers of r, we can find a number of relations between the polynomials and their derivatives. These can be manipulated to find the recursion relation, (n + 1) P n+1(x) = (2n + 1)x P n(x) - n P n-1(x), and the differential equation satisfied by the polynomials, (1 - x2) P"n(x) -2x P'n(x) + n(n + 1) P n(x) = 0. The recurrence relation allows us to find all the polynomials, since it is easy to find that P0(x) = 1, P1(x) = x directly from the generating function, and this starts us off. The differential equation allows us to apply the polynomials to problems arising in mathematics and physics, among which is the important problem of the solution of Laplace's equation and spherical harmonics.The recurrence relation shows that the coefficient A n of the highest power of x satisfies the relation A n+1 = (2k + 1)/(k + 1) A n, and so from the known coefficients for n = 0, 1 we can find that the coefficient of the highest power of x in P n is 1.3.5...(2n-1)/n!.The polynomials can also be found by solving the differential equation by determining the coefficients of a power series substituted in the equation. This method was often used in quantum mechanics texts (see Reference 3), since the students were not usually acquainted with the mathematics of orthogonal polynomials. This method does not allow one to investigate the properties of the polynomials in any detail, however, yielding only the individual polynomials themselves.Consider the polynomials G n(x) = d n/dx n(x2- 1)n. The quantity to be differentiated is indeed a polynomial, of degree 2n, and consisting of only even powers. When differentiated n times, it becomes a polynomial of order n consisting of either all odd or all even powers of x, as n is odd or even. The coefficient of the highest power of x is 2n(2n-1)(2n-2)...(n+1), and the first two polynomials are 1 and 2x. If G(x) is substituted in the recurrence relation for the Legendre polynomials, it is found to satisfy it. If we divide G(x) by the constant 2n n!, then the first two polynomials are 1 and x. Therefore, P n(x) = (1/2n n!) d n/dx n(x2- 1)n. This is called Rodrigues's formula; similar formulas exist for other orthogonal polynomials.The great advantage of Rodrigues' formula is its form as an nth derivative. This means that in an integral, it can be used repeatedly in an integration by parts to evaluate the integral. The orthogonality of the Legendre polynomials follows very quickly when Rodrigues' formula is used. There is a Rodrigues' formula for many, but not all, orthogonal polynomials. It can be used to find the recurrence relation, the differential equation, and many other properties.For finding solutions to Laplace's equation in spherical coordinates, the Legendre polynomials are sufficient so long as the problem is axially symmetric, in which there is no φ-dependence. The more general problem requires the introduction of related functions called the associated Legendre functions that are actually built up from Jacobi polynomials, and can also be expressed in terms of derivatives of the Legendre polynomials. Physics texts generally approached the problem from first principles, never mentioning Jacobi polynomials, and thereby losing valuable insight.The Jacobi polynomials P(α,β)n(x) are orthogonal on (-1,1) with weight function w(x) = (1 - x)α(1 + x)β. Their Rodrigues' formula is P(α,β)n(x) = [(-1)n/2n n!] (1 - x)-α(1 +x)-β d n/dx n (1 - x)α+n(1 + x)β+n. The ordinary Legendre polynomial P n(x) = P(0,0)n(x). They satisfy the differential equation (1 - x2)P"(α,β)n+ [β - α - (α + β + 2)x] P'(α,β)n + n(α + β + n + 1) P(α,β)n = 0.In solving Laplace's equation by the method of separation of variables, one obtains for the θ dependence T(x), x = cos θ, the differential equationd/dx[(1 - x2)dT/dx] = [l(l+1) - m2/(1 - x2]T = 0 The substitution T(x) = (1 - x2)m/2y(x) now gives the equation(1-x2)y" - 2(m + 1)xy' + [l(l+1) - m(m+1)]y = 0, which we recognize as satisfied by the Jacobi polynomial P(m,m)l-m(x). Hence, T(x) = (1 - x2)m/2y(x) P(m,m)l-m(x). This is the associated Legendre function, often denoted P m l(x) in physics texts (e.g., Reference 4), and defined there as (-1)m(1 - x2)m/2 d m/dx m P l. The subscript is no longer the degree of the polynomial.All the above is for a positive m. Since the equation contains m2, the solution for negative m is essentially the same, except perhaps for a multiplicative factor. This is of little consequence for the traditional applications of spherical harmonics, but is critical for quantum mechanics, where relative phases matter. The choice in physics is that P-m l(x) = (-1)m[(l - m)!/(l + m)!] P m l(x), where m is always positive on the right. If you work the functions out explicitly, you will find that the functions for +m and -m are essentially the same, as might be expected, and differ at most by a factor of -1.For the same m, P m l(x) and P m l'(x) are orthogonal, and the integral of the square of P m l(x) is the same as for P l(x), multiplied by (l - m)!/(l + m)!. The functions are not orthogonal for different values of m; orthogonality of the spherical harmonics in this case depends on the φ functions.1.4. References1.M. Abramowitz and I. Stegun, Handbook of MathematicalFunctions (Washington, D.C.: National Bureau of Standards, AppliedMathematics Series 55, June 1964). Chapter 22.2. D. Jackson, Fourier Series and Orthogonal Functions(Mathematical Assoc. of America, Carus Mathematical Monographs No. 6,1941). Chapter X.3.L. Pauling and E. B. Wilson, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics(New York: McGraw-Hill, 1935). Chapter V.4.J. D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, 2nd . ed. (New York:McGraw-Hill, 1975), Chapter III.2. Gauss 型积分2.1. Gauss 型求积公式的构造方法(1)求出区间[a,b]上权函数为W(x)的正交多项式pn(x)(2)求出pn(x)的n 个零点x1 , x2 , … xn 即为Gsuss 点.(3)计算积分系数2.2. 几种Gauss 型求积公式2.2.1. Gauss-Legendre 求积公式区间[-1,1]上权函数W(x)=1的Gauss 型求积公式,称为Gauss-Legendre 求积公式,其Gauss 点为Legendre 多项式的零点。



x L( x, , ) 0,
i gi ( x) 0, i 1, ..., m
i 0, i 1, 2, ..., m.
其中L( x, , ) f ( x) i gi ( x) jhj ( x)为Lagrange函数.
i 1
当解(1)得到一个迭代点xk时,为求得下一个更好的迭代点xk1时, 一种自然的想法,就是用问题(1)在xk处的二次规划模型代替 问题(1),以一系列二次规划的解逼近(1)的解,这种方法称为 序列二次规划法( SQP ).
当运用SQP方法时, 在x k点处的二次规划一般形式为
x1 , x2 0.
取x0 (0, 0)T , 用第一种方法构造H0 ,写出求d 0的二次规划.

2 x1


, f



2, 0,
0 2

2, 0,
0 2


步长确定的常用方法: (1).固定步长为1,即xk1 xk d k ; (2).可行性优先准则,即若xk d k为(1)的可行解,则取 xk1 xk d k ;




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I k j 1
其中, E 代表等式约束下的集合, I k 代表不等式约束中起作用约束的下标 集合。
此式即式 (1-8) , 可以用同样的方法求解。 在求得式 (1-10) 的解 [ S
k 1
, k 1]T
之后,根据 k-t 条件,若解中对应原等式约束条件的乘子不全为零,对应起作用 约束条件的乘子不小于零,则 S 最优解 S * 。 综上所述,在迭代点 X 上先进行矩阵 H 的变更,在构造和求解相应的二 次规划子问题,并该子问题最优解 S * 作为下一次迭代的搜索方向 S 。然后在 该方向上对原非线性最优化问题目标函数进行约束一维搜索, 得到下一个迭代点
此问题是原约束最优化问题的近似问题,但其解不一定是原问题的可行点。 为此,令
S X Xk
将上述二次规划问题变成关于变量的 S 的问题,即
1 min f ( X ) S T 2 f ( X k ) S f ( X k )T S 2 s. t. gu ( X k )T S gu ( X k ) 0 (u 1,2,..., p) hv ( X k )T S hv ( X k ) 0
等于 n m 。由线性代数知,此方程要么无解,要么有惟一解。如果有解,利用 消元变换可以方便的地求出该方程的惟一解, 记作 [ S 若此解中的乘子向量
k 1
k 1
根据 k-t 条件, , k 1]T 。
不全为零, 则S 。
k 1
就是等式约束二次规划问题式 (1-8)
的最优解 S * ,即 S* S
2 序列二次规划的研究
最优化理论及方法是一个具有广泛应用背景的研究领域。 它研究诸如从众多 的方案中选出最优方案等问题,常见的各种模型如线性规划,二次规划,非线性 规划, 多目标规划等。 最优化理论及方法已经在经济计划, 工程设计, 生产管理,






第十五章序列二次规划法第十五章序列二次规划法考察一般非线性约束最优化问题m in ( )( ) 0 , { 1 , 2 , , }s . t.( ) 0 , { 1 , 2 , , }i eei efxc x i mc x i m mEI m(15.0.1)其中 )( )), ((i xfc i E Ix ??都二阶连续可微 .序列二次规划法(Sequential Quadratic Programming,简称SQP)的基本思想是在当前迭代点 kx 处,以问题 (15.1.1)的 Lagrange 函数 ( , )Lx? 在 ( ),kkx ? 处关于变量 x 的 Taylor 二阶展开式作为目标函数,以约束条件 ( )( )i x i E Ic ??在 kx 处的 Taylor 一阶展开式作为约束条件,构造一个二次规划子问题来获得搜索方向 kd ,它可以看作是求解无约束优化问题的牛顿法(或拟牛顿法 )在约束情形下的推广 . 由于 2 ( , )kkxxLx?? 的计算量比较大且不一定正定,因此,我们一般采用拟牛顿法思想构造正定矩阵序列{}kB ,并以kB 代替 2 ( , )kkxxLx?? ,即由二次规划子问题m i n ( ) ( ) 0 ,s .t . 12() ((,) )0T k Tkk k Tik k Tiiid B d dc xd Ecxfxc x icx dIi(15.0.2)来确定下降方向 kd .在序列二次规划法中,一般采用某种精确罚函数来作为评价算法产生的迭代点 kx 趋近原问题 (15.1.1)最优解 x 的程度的价值函数 .§15.1 Lagrange-Newton 法本节考察仅有等式约束的情形m i n ( )s .t . ( ) 0 , {1 , 2 , , }i Efxc x i m??? ? (15.1.1)第十五章序列二次规划法272 最优化理论与方法 [乌力吉 ]其中 (( )), )(i xfc ix E? 均二阶连续可微 . 其 Lagrange 函数为1(( ), ) ) (miiif x cLx x????? ?. (15.1.2)由第九章可知,在一定条件下, x 是问题 (15.1.1)的局部解的必要条件是存在 m满足 K-K-T 条件1( , ) ( ) ( ) ,(, ),) ( mx i iiL x f x c cx xxL?(15.1.3)这里 12( ) , ( ) ,( ) ( , ( ) ) Tmxcc xcx xc ? ?.Lagrange-Newton 法的基本思想是利用牛顿法求解非线性方程组 (15.1.3)来得到原问题(15.1.1)的 K-K-T 点及其乘子 .§15.1.1 非线性方程组的阻尼 Newton 法我们先来讨论求解一般非线性方程组()Gx?0 (15.1.4)的 Newton 法,其中 : nnG 连续可微 .在当前迭代点 kx 处,将向量值函数 ()Gx 以其在 kx 处的 T aylor 一阶展开式近似代替,求解线性方程组) ( )( ()k k k TG x dd G x G x? ? ? ? ? 0, (15.1.5)其中 12( ) ( ( ) ( ) ( ) )k k k knG x G x G x G x? ? ? ? ??,这个方程组又称为 Newton 方程,当()Gx 的 Jacobi 矩阵 ()kTGx? 可逆时,可解得 Newton 方向1( ) )( ()k k T kG x G xd ??? ? . (15.1.6)Newton 方向 kd 是价值函数21211|| ( ) |() |22 ()imixGx G x? ?? ??(15.1.7)在点 kx 处的下降方向,这是因为§ 15.1 Lagrange-Newton 法最优化理论与方法 [乌力吉 ] 2731( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )k k kmikkiix x G x G x G xG?, (15.1.8)由此得( ) ) ( ) ) ( )(( ()2k T k k T k T k k T k kx d G x d G xG x G x x??? ? ?? ? ? ?, (15.1.9)因此,当 kx 不是非线性方程组 (15.1.4)的解时,必有 ( ) 0k T kx d.求解非线性方程组的经典 Newton 法迭代格式为1k k kxx d? ??. (15.1.10)设 x 为 ()Gx?0 的解, ( )Gx? 可逆,则由 ()Gx 连续可微可知,当kx 充分靠近 x 时,)( kGx? 也可逆,且由 Von-Neumann 引理知,存在 0M? ,使得1|| ( ) ||kG x M,于是11 | | | | | | | | ( ) ) ( ) | || | (k k k k k T kx x d x x G x xx Gx??? ? ? ? ? ? ??1| | ( ) ) | | ( )( | | (( | |))k T k k T kG x G x G x x x?? ? ? ???| | ( ) | | ( | | | | | ) | | ( | | )|kkM G x o x x o x x? ? ? ??, (15.1.11)这表明非线性方程组的牛顿法具有局部超线性收敛速率,特别地,当 ()Gx? 在点 x 处局部Lipschitz 连续时,由定理 1.2.1,有1 | | | | (| | ( ) ) ( ) ( ) | |k k k T kx G x GxM x G x x x? ? ? ? ? ??2(|| || )kO x x??, (15.1.12)这时,非线性方程组的 Newton 法具有局部二阶收敛速率 .算法 15.1(非线性方程组的阻尼 Newton 法)步 1:给定初始点 0 nx?? ,参数 (0,1)?? 和 (0,1)?? ,容许误差0?? ,置 0k? ;步 2:如果 ()kx ,则算法结束,输出近似解 kx ;步 3:确定牛顿方向,从牛顿方程( ) ( )k k TG x G x d?? ? 0 (15.1.13)解出 kd ,并令 1?? ;步 4:沿 kd 进行简单后退线搜索,如果第十五章序列二次规划法274 最优化理论与方法 [乌力吉 ]( ) (1 ) ( )k k kx d x? ? ? ? ?? ? ?, (15.1.14)则令 ? ??? ,转步 4,否则令 k ;步 5:令 1k k kkx x d?? ?? ,置 1kk??,转步 2.定理 15.1.1 设 : n nG 连续可微,如果 ()kGx? 对每个 k 都可逆,且存在 0M? ,使得 1()|| ||kG x M总成立,则算法 15.1 产生的点列 {}kx 的任何聚点都是 ()Gx?0 的解 .证设x 是点列{}kx 的一个聚点,则存在无穷指标集1 {1,2, }K ? ? ,满足1limkkKk xx??? ?, (15.1.15)由于算法 15.1 是下降算法,故由数列 {( )}kx? 单调减少可知( ) ( )limk kxx???? ? . (15.1.16)由于 1()|| ||kG x M,故对每个 1k K? ,都有1 0| | | | | | | | | | | | | |( ) ) ||( ( )k k kG x G x GdM x?? ?? ?,(15.1.17)即1{}k kKd ?有界,从而存在无穷指标集 21K K? ,使得2limkkKk dd??? ?,且由 ()Gx 连续可微,有2( ) ( ) | || | l i m | | 0( ) ( ) | |T k T k kkKkddG x G x G x G x???? ? ? ???,即( ) ( )T dG x G x? ? ?. (15.1.18)再由算法 15.1 步 4 可知,1 )( ) ( ) (1 ( )k k k kkkdx x x? ? ? ? ? ?? ??? ?, (15.1.19)( ) (1 ( ))k k kkkdxx? ? ? ? ?? ??, (15.1.20)其中 ? /kk? ? ?? .下面用反证法来证明定理的结论成立 . 假设 x 不是 ()Gx?0 的解,这时 ( ) 0x? ? ,由不等式 (15.1.19)和极限 (15.1.16),有 lim 0k k??? ?,因此,§ 15.1 Lagrange-Newton 法最优化理论与方法 [乌力吉 ] 275lim? 0kk ??? ? , (15.1.21)由此得2( ) ( l im 2) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )? T T Tk kK kkxx x d G x G x xd d? ? ? ???,从而对充分大的 2k K? ,都有3 (1? ?( )2 ) ( )kkdxx? ? ? ???? . (15.1.22) 由于对任意 (0,1)?? ,有22l i m ( ) l i m ? )? (kkkkk K k Kkkx d x x d? ? ? ???? ? ? ?? ? ? ?,故由 ( ) ( ) ( )Tx G x G x?? ? ? 连续以及2limkkKk dd??? ?,有)? ?| ( ) ( ( ) ( |)k k kkkdx x x xd? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ???|? ?| ( ) ( )k k k T k k Tk k k kddx dx d? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ???( ) ? ? ?|( ( ) )k k k k T kk k kdxx dd? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?) (|( ? )?k T kkk d d dx? ? ? ?????( || ) ( ( ) || || ||k k k k kk k kdx x dd? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ??????|| ( ) || || || )kkk ddx d? ? ?? ? ? ??2? )( )( ,kok K k? ?? ??, (15.1.23)其中 (0 ,1), (0 ,1)kk对任意 2k K? 成立,故对充分大的 2k K? ,由不等式 (15.1.20) ,(15.1.23)和 (15.1.22),有( ) ( ) ( )k k k kkk dx x x? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ??( ) ( ) ( )kkxod x? ? ? ?? ? ??1? ? ? ?( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2k k k kx x o x? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ??? ?, (15.1.24)即有 ( ) ( )kxx?? ?? ,对不等式两边取极限,得第十五章序列二次规划法276 最优化理论与方法 [乌力吉 ]1) ( ) 0( x,由于 (0,1)?? ,故 ( ) 0x? ? ,但这与假设矛盾,矛盾表明假设不成立 .§15.1.2 等式约束优化问题的 Lagrange-Newton 法在本节,我们回过头来考察非线性方程组 (15.1.3)1()),(().miiif x c xcx(15.1.25)以 () mnAx 来表示约束函数 ()cx的 Jacobi 矩阵,即12 mA x c x c x c x? ? ? ? ??, (15.1.26)并记1(, ()()( ) ( ) ( , )) m ii xifGxcxcxx c x Lx? ??, (15.1.27)则 (,)Gx? 的 Jacobi 矩阵为2 ( ) ( ))( ,(, )Txx Lx AxxxG A ?? ?????? ?????O . (15.1.28)假设 A (A1) 约束函数 ()cx的 Jacobi 矩阵 ()Ax 是行满秩的;(A2) Lagrange 函数的 Hesse 矩阵 2 ( ),xxLx?? 在切平面 { | }nd Ad? ? 0? 上正定,即有2 ( |, ) 0 },{Tnxx L x dd d dd A?? ? ? ?? ? ?0 0?. (15.1.29)定理 15.1.2 如果问题 (15.1.25)满足假设 A,则 ( , )Gx?? 是可逆矩阵 .证设存在向量 nmd 满足2 ) ( )) (,,()(T xxx dAxddAxLxGx ??? ??? ? ? ? ??? ? ??? ?? ??? ?????? 00O,则由2 (), )( Txx xLx d A x d ??? ? ? 0, (15.1.30)§ 15.1 Lagrange-Newton 法最优化理论与方法 [乌力吉 ] 277()xA x d??0 , (15.1.31)有2 (, ) ( ) ( ) xT T T Tx x x x xd d d A x d ALx xdd??? ??? ? 0,(15.1.32)这样,由等式 (15.1.31)和 (15.1.32)以及假设 (A2)可知 xd?0 ,将其代入方程等式 (15.1.30),得()TA x d? ?0 ,而由假设 (A1)可知 ()TAx 是列满秩的,故 d??0 ,从而 ( , )Gx?? 是可逆矩阵 .记1( , ) ( , ) ( , )2 Tx G x G x? ? ? ?? .等式约束优化问题的Lagrange-Newton 法就是通过算法15.1 来求解非线性方程组(15.1.14)来得到约束问题(15.1.3)的K-K-T 点及其乘子,具体算法如下:算法 15.2(等式约束优化问题的 Lagrange-Newton 法)步 1:给定初始点 00)(, nmx ? ??? ,参数 (0,1)?? 和 (0,1)?? ,容许误差 0?? ,置 0k? ;步2:如果(),kkx? ? ?? ,则算法结束,输出近似K-K-T 点对( ),kkx ? ;步 3:确定牛顿方向,从牛顿方程2 ( , () ( ) ( )( )())k k k T k k T kxxxkkdAfdAL x x x A xx c xO 0(15.1.33)解出 , )( kkxd d? ,并令 1?? ;步 4:沿 , )( kkxd d? 进行简单后退线搜索,如果( ) ( 1 ) (,, )k k k k k kxx d d x?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ?,则令 ? ??? ,转步 4,否则令 k ;步 5:令 1kkk kxx x d?? ?? , 1kkk kd????? ?? ,置 1kk??,转步 2.这个算法的全局收敛性和局部收敛速率可由§15.1.1 中相应结论得到 .注对于包含不等式约束的优化问题第十五章序列二次规划法278 最优化理论与方法 [乌力吉 ]m in ( )( ) 0 , { 1 , 2 , , }s . t.( ) 0 , { 1 , 2 , , }i eei efxc x i mc x i m mI m我们可以考虑引入松弛变量,使其成为仅具有等式约束的优化问题2m in ( )( ) 0 , { 1 , 2 , , }s. t.( ) 0 , { 1 , 2 , , }eii eiefxc x i mc x y i m m m EI具体讨论读者自己完成 .当我们恒取 1k?? 时,算法 15.2 就变成经典 Newton 法,这时有迭代格式11,.kkkxkx x dd从而,牛顿方程 (15.1.33)可以写成2 ) ( )(,()()()k k k T kxxkkL x x xxc dAA xf? ?? ? ? ?? ? ??? ?? ? ? ???? ??O 0, (15.1.34)由此解出 kkxdd? 和 1 kkkd???? ??.另一方面,我们注意到非线性方程组 (15.1.34) 完全可以看成是二次规划问题21m in ( ) (2s . t., ) ()))( (T k k k Txxkkd f xq d d L x ddx cxA(15.1.35)的一阶必要条件,即为问题 (15.1.20)的 K-K-T 条件 .当假设 A 满足时,非线性方程组 (15.1.34)的唯一解 1)(,kkd ?? 就是凸二次规划问题(15.1.35)的最优解及其乘子 .因此,等式约束优化问题的 Lagrange-Newton 法可以理解为每次求解一个二次规划子问题来得到在当前迭代点 kx 处关于变量 x 的下降方向 kkxdd? 以及1k k kx x d? ??的乘子1k?? .这给了我们一个启示,对于约束优化问题可以通过解一系列这样的二次规划子问题来产生收敛于原问题 K-K-T 点及其 Lagrange 乘子的迭代序列 {}kx 和{}k? ,这就是序列二次规划法的思想来源 .§ 15.2 序列二次规划法最优化理论与方法 [乌力吉 ] 279§15.2 序列二次规划法本节考察一般非线性约束最优化问题m in ( )( ) 0 , { 1 , 2 , , }s . t.( ) 0 , { 1 , 2 , , }i eei ec x i mc x i m mEI m(15.2.1)其中 )( )), ((i xfc i E Ix ??都二阶连续可微 .类似于二次规划子问题(15.1.35),我们构造一般约束问题(15.2.1)的二次规划子问题()) ( )1m in ( 0 , ,) ( ) 0 , ) 2 (s.t . (T k T kk T k iik T k d f x cdq d d Bc x i Ec d c x i Idxx(15.2.2)其中 kB 是 Lagrange 函数的 Hesse 矩阵 2 ,)( kkxxLx?? 的近似 . 二次规划问题 (15.2.2)的 K-K-T 条件为1( ) ( ) ,( ) ( ) 0 , ,( ) ( ) 0 , 0 , ( ) ( ) .( ) 0 , mkkk i iik T kiik T k k T ki i i i i if x c xx x i Ex x x x IBdc d cc d c c d c i 0(15.2.3)定理 15.2.1 如果 kd 是二次规划问题 (15.2.2)的 K-K-T 点, k? 是相应的乘子,则对于 1l?罚函数() 1|( ) ( ) | ( ) ||kcxP x f x? ? ??? , (15.2.4)有() 110) | | ( ) | | (( () )kk mk T k k k kk i iid cxd P x d B d xd c?, (15.2.5)其中() 1| | ( ) | | | ( ) | | m i n{ 0 , ( ) } |k iii E i Ic x c x c x| ( ) | m a x{ 0 , ( ) }iii E i Ic x c x????? ?? . (15.2.6) 证对任意 , nyz?? , [0,1]?? ,有第十五章序列二次规划法280 最优化理论与方法 [乌力吉 ]() 11| | [ ( 1 | m i n{ 0 , ( 1 } |) ] | | )nii iy z y z? ? ? ??? ? ???? ?1 )m a x{ 0 , (1 }ini iyz??? ?? ? ??1 [ ( 1 m a x{ 0 , } m a x{ 0 ,) }]niii yz???? ? ? ? ??11) m i n{ 0 , m i n{ 0}} ,(1nniiiiyz??????? ??( ) ( )11) | || ||(| ||1 yz.因此,由函数 ()1| || |y? 的凸性和 K-K-T 条件知, ()Px? 在 kx 处沿方向 kd 的方向导数( ) ( )1100) ( ) | | ( ) | |()( | | | |l i mkk k k kk T kd P x cd x d xfx cd d?( ) ( )11((|| [ ) ) ] || ( ) |) || |l im() k k T k kk T k c x A x d xf x d c( ) ( )11( ) ( | ( ( ) ) ] || ( ) ||| ) || )[k T k k k T k kf x d x Accx d x? ???????11 ()( ) ( ) | |||miTk k k k kk i iBd c x xcd?? ????? ? ? ???????() 11|() | ( ) | | ( )mk T k k k kk i iicxd B d cx??? ?? ? ? ? ?,其中矩阵 1 2) ( ( ) ( ) ( ) )( kk mkkc x c x xx cA ? ? ? ??,从而定理得证 .定理 15.2.2 如果 kd 是二次规划问题 (15.2.2)的 K-K-T 点, k? 是相应的乘子,则当( ) 0k T kkd B d ? 且 || ||k 时, kd 是 1l? 罚函数 (15.2.4)在kx 处的下降方向 .证由于1 ( ) ( ) ) ( ))( (m k k k k k ki i i i i ii E Iiic x c x c x? ? ?? ? ??? ? ? ??? ?() 1| ( ) || | | | | | |m a x{ 0 , ( ) } ( ) | ||k k k k k ki i i ii EI ic x c x c x? ? ?,故当 ( ) 0k T kkd B d ? 且 || ||k 时,由 (15.2.5)知 ()Px? 在 kx处沿方向 kd 的方向导数§ 15.2 序列二次规划法最优化理论与方法 [乌力吉 ] 281)( 0kkP d ddx?,这表明 kd 是 1l? 罚函数 (15.2.4)在 kx 处的下降方向 .下面给出序列二次规划法的具体算法,这个算法是韩世平于 1976 年提出来的, Powell在 1977 年给出修改方案 . 由于 Wilson 早在 1963 年就讨论过Lagrange-Newton 法,因此,下面的算法也称作 Wilson-Han-Powell 算法 .算法 15.3(序列二次规划法)步 1:给定初始点 0 nx?? ,罚因子 0?? ,步长上限 0?? ,初始矩阵 0 nnB ,初始参数 0 0?? ,容许误差 0?? ,置 0k? ;步 2:求解二次规划子问题 (15.2.2)得到下降方向 kd ,如果|| ||kd ?? ,则算法结束,输出近似 K-K-T 点 kx ;步 3:求出步长 [0, ]k ,使得0) m i(( n)k k k kkkP d P x dx?? ??? ? ???? ? ? ?; (15.2.7)步 4:令 1kk kkx x d?? ?? ;步 5:产生矩阵 1kB? 和参数 1 0k?? ? ;步 6:置 1kk??,转步 2.注( 1)在算法 15.3 中,价值函数 ()Px? 是 1l? 罚函数 (15.2.4),正数列 {}k? 满足0k k??. (15.2.8)(2)矩阵1kB? 的计算一般是用拟牛顿迭代公式产生,我们希望它是 2 1 1( , )kkxxLx 的近似,因此可取1 1 11( ) ( ) ( ), )( ()mk k k k k k k k ki i iix x f x f x cs xy cx?? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??, (15.2.9)然后利用拟牛顿公式计算1kB? . 由于上述线搜索过程不能保证( )0k T kys ? ,从而不能直接利用 BFGS 方法 . Powell 在 1978 年给出了一种修正策略,即取) 0 . 2 ( )( 1 ), ( ,, ) 0 . 2(,()k k T k k T kk kk k k T k k T kk k k ky s B sBysy y s y s B ss?? ????? ? ?第十五章序列二次规划法282 最优化理论与方法 [乌力吉 ]其中(0 .8 ()( ) )k T kkk k T k k T kks B ssysBs? ? ?,经过这样的修正,我们就可以用 BFGS 方法 .还有一种修正策略是以1 ( ) ( )? 2mk k k kiii c x c xyy ? ?? ?? ?来取代 ky . 这种做法一般能保证 ?( )0k T ks y ? ,如果 ?( )0k T ks y ? ,则可以通过增大 ? 来实现其反号 .定理 15.2.3 设 ()fx和 ( )( )i x i E Ic ??都连续可微,且存在两个常数 0 mM?? ,使得不等式22|| |||| || T km d Bd M dd?? (15.2.10)对一切 k 和 nd?? 都成立 . 如果不等式 || ||k 对一切 k 都成立,则由算法 15.3 产生的点列 {}kx 的任何聚点都是约束优化问题 (15.2.1)的 K-K-T 点 .证设x 是点列{}kx 的任意一个聚点,且存在无穷指标集0 {1, }2,K ? ? ,使得0limkkkK x x?.由定理的条件可知, {}k? 和 {}kB 都有界从而0{}k kK? ?和0{}k k KB ?都有收敛子列,不妨就设00,lim limkkk kKKBB? ???.由于 kd 是二次规划子问题 (15.2.2)的最优解,从而 kd 满足 K-K-T 条件 (15.2.3). 注意到()fx和 ( )( )i x i E Ic ??都连续可微, kB 满足不等式 (15.2.10),由线性方程组的扰动理论,我们在 (15.2.3)式中令 k?? ,不难得出lim kkKk dd??? ? , (15.2.11)且 d 满足 K-K-T 条件§ 15.2 序列二次规划法最优化理论与方法 [乌力吉 ] 2831( ) ( ) ,( ) ( ) 0 , , ( ) ( ) 0 , 0 , ( ) ( ) .( ) 0 , miiiTiiTi i iTi i if x c xx x i ExxBdc d cc d c cdx x Ici(15.2.12)如果 d?0 ,则由 K-K-T 条件 (15.2.12)易见,这时 x 是约束优化问题 (15.2.1)的 K-K-T点,定理得证 .下面讨论 d?0 的情形,这时取 [0, ]? ?? ,满足0) m i((n)P x P xdd????????? ? ?.由于 d 满足 K-K-T 条件 (15.2.12),其中 ? 是 x 的乘子, 0Td Bd? ,|| ||? ??? ,由定理 15.2.2 可知, d 是目标函数 ()Px? 在 x 处的下降方向,从而有)(()P x P xd.记 ) )0((P x P x d??? ??? ?? ,由于kkd x dx ??? ? ? 0,)( kKk ?? ? ,故对充分大的 0k K? ,有() 2 ()kkPPx d x??? ??? ?. (15.2.13)另一方面,由于1 0) m in(( )( )k k k kkkxxP P d P x? ? ??? ? ? ?? ??? ? ? ? ? 对每个 k 成立,故对任意自然数 k 和 m , 1mk??,有111( ) )(mmkiikPxxP?? ?. (15.2.14)再注意到不等式 (15.2.8)蕴含对充分大的 k 有2iki ???? ??,因此,对充分大的 k ,我们在不等式 (15.2.14)中令 m?? ,得第十五章序列二次规划法284 最优化理论与方法 [乌力吉 ]11( ) )(k iikP xP x?? ?0 (m i n )kk iikPdx??? ??。


将式(1-4)变成二次规划问题的一般形式,即 (1-4)
1 T S HS C T S 2 s. t. AS B Aeq S Beq
求解此二次规划问题,将其最优解 S * 作为原问题的下一个搜索方向 S , 并在该方向上进行原约束问题目标函数的约束一维搜索, 就可以得到原约束问题 的一个近似解 X
此问题是原约束最优化问题的近似问题,但其解不一定是原问题的可行点。 为此,令
S X Xk
将上述二次规划问题变成关于变量的 S 的问题,即
1 min f ( X ) S T 2 f ( X k ) S f ( X k )T S 2 s. t. gu ( X k )T S gu ( X k ) 0 (u 1,2,..., p) hv ( X k )T S hv ( X k ) 0
3 序列二次规划算法推导过程
序列二次规划(SQP)算法是将复杂的非线性约束最优化问题转化为比较 简单的二次规划(QP)问题求解的算法。所谓二次规划问题就是目标函数为二 次函数, 约束函数为线性函数的最优化问题。二次规划问题是最简单的非线性约 束最优化问题。
3.1 序列二次规划算法思想

(v 1,2,..., m)
H 2 f ( X k ) C f ( X k ) Aeq [h1 ( X k ), h2 ( X k ),..., hm ( X k )]T A [g1 ( X k ), g 2 ( X k ),..., g p ( X k )]T Beq [h1 ( X k ), h2 ( X k ),..., hm ( X k )]T B [ g1 ( X k ), g 2 ( X k ),..., g p ( X k )]T



第7章约束问题的优化方法第三节二次规划第四节序列二次规划第三节二次规划一、二次规划的基本概念二次规划(Quadratic Programming, QP)是一种特殊的非线性规划问题,目标函数是二次函数,约束是线性函数,如果只含等式约束,则形如(1)为阶对称矩阵,为矩阵,秩为。













文章编号:1671-7872(2023)03-0313-11基于序列二次规划算法的插电式混合动力汽车模型预测控制策略张代庆 ,俞 聪 ,牛礼民 ,汪 恒 ,张义奇(安徽工业大学 机械工程学院, 安徽 马鞍山 243032)摘要:为提升插电式混合动力汽车(PHEV)的车速预测精度和燃油经济性,提出基于序列二次规划(SQP)算法的模型预测控制能量管理策略。

以卷积神经网络(CNN)构建的车速预测模型为基础,选取三类典型历史工况数据作为CNN 车速预测模型的训练集,使用鲸鱼优化算法(WOA)优化CNN 参数,通过优化的WOA-CNN 模型预测未来时域内的车速;采用SQP 算法对模型预测控制策略进行求解,且与基于规则的电量消耗和电量保持(CD-CS)策略和基于全局优化的动态规划(DP)策略的控制结果进行对比分析,验证所提策略的有效性。

结果表明:通过WOA-CNN 模型可提高车速预测精度,为4.88%~8.39%;与DP 控制策略相比,本文提出策略的燃油消耗量高出1.98%,但计算时间减少了74.32%,能量管理的实时性得到大幅提升;与CD-CS 控制策略相比,提出策略的节油率为20.37%。

综合考虑,本文提出策略的整车能量消耗和计算成本较优,可合理实现对PHEV 转矩分配的智能控制。

关键词:能量管理策略;模型预测控制;卷积神经网络;鲸鱼优化算法;序列二次规划;混合动力汽车中图分类号:U 469.72 文献标志码:A doi :10.12415/j.issn.1671−7872.22264Predictive Control Strategy of PHEV Model Based on Sequential QuadraticProgramming AlgorithmZHANG Daiqing, YU Cong, NIU Limin, WANG Heng, ZHANG Yiqi(School of Mechanical Engineering, Anhui University of Technology, Maanshan 243032, China)Abstract :In order to improve the speed prediction accuracy and fuel economy of plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), a model predictive control energy management strategy based on sequential quadratic programming (SQP)algorithm was proposed. Based on the speed prediction model constructed by convolutional neural network (CNN),three types of typical historical working conditions were selected as the training set of CNN speed prediction model.Whale optimization algorithm (WOA) was used to optimize CNN parameters, and the optimized WOA-CNN model was used to predict the future speed in the time domain. SQP algorithm was used to solve the model predictive control strategy, and the control results with the rule-based charge depleting and charge sustaining (CD-CS) control strategy and the global optimization based dynamic programming (DP) control strategy were compared and analyzed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed strategy. The results show that the prediction accuracy of vehicle speed收稿日期:2022-10-24基金项目:先进数控和伺服驱动技术安徽省高校重点实验室开放基金项目(XJSK202104);安徽工程大学电力驱动与控制安徽省重点实验室开放基金项目(DQKJ202204);安徽省大学生创新创业项目(S202110360259)作者简介:张代庆(1997—),男,黑龙江大庆人,硕士生,主要研究方向为新能源汽车控制技术。










二、研究内容本课题主要研究内容包括以下几个方面:1. QCQP问题的基本概念和理论:介绍QCQP问题的基本形式以及其在优化问题中的应用。


2. 强次可行方法的求解过程:探究强次可行方法的求解过程,分析其收敛性、稳定性等数学特性,以及在实际问题求解中的应用。

3. 序列二次约束二次规划算法的求解过程:介绍序列二次约束二次规划算法的原理和求解过程,探究其在实际问题中的有效性和优越性。

4. 强次可行方法与序列二次约束二次规划算法的比较分析:比较分析两种算法的优缺点,探究其在不同情境下的适用性,并给出一些改进方案。


具体技术路线如下:1. 理论分析:从QCQP问题基本形式入手,介绍二次约束二次规划问题的概念、性质、性质分析等。

2. 强次可行方法的研究:探究强次可行方法的求解过程,分析其收敛性、稳定性等数学特性,以及在实际问题求解中的应用。






















sin α cos β cos α cos β
上的球被包容于两包容曲面之间的区域,如图 1 所示。 当实测点完全包容于该区域内,则表示实测曲面符合曲
{ } P =
Ph=(xp h,y
p h
,其 中 i 为 测 量 点 的 个
收稿日期:2019-07-10 基金项目:河南省科技攻关项目(182102210038)。 作者简介:马文魁(1986—),男,博士,讲师,研究方向:数字化测评与智能制造。
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第 22 期
在零件加工质量评定过程中,实测元素相对于图纸 规定的理论轮廓和位置所容许的变动量定义为形位公 差。国标《形状和位置公差》(GB/T 1182—1996)将形位 公差分为形状公差和位置公差两类,其中包括四项形状 公差和八项位置公差。针对面轮廓度公差而言,若图纸 中标定了基准要求,即认定为位置公差,反之为形状公 差。形位公差带主要用于界定实际被测要素的变动区 间,即形位误差的最大容许值。若实际被测元素完全包 容于公差带内,则认定被测元素合格,反之为不合格[1]。
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LAB 软件实现了误差评定的数值模拟仿真计算。实验结果表明,该方法能有效提升复杂曲面轮廓度误差的






本文基于对大规模约束优化问题的讨论,研究了积极约束集上的SOP 算法。






Q(x, Δx) = f(x) + ∇f(x)^TΔx + 0.5Δx^T∇^2f(x)Δx + λ_0^Tg(x) + ∑μ_0ihi(x) + 0.5∑μ_0igi(x)^2
序列二次规划(Sequential Quadratic Programming,SQP)算法是一种求解具有二次约束条件的优化问题的方法。该算法结合了牛顿法和线性规划的思想,通过迭代的方式逐步优化目标函数,直至满足约束条件。
SQP算法的基本思想是将原问题转化为一系列的二次规划子问题,然后通过求解这些子问题来逐步逼近原问题的最优解。具体来说,SQP算法的每一步都通过构造一个二次近似模型来近似原问题,然后求解该模型的最优解,并将该最优解作为下一步迭代的初始解。这样,通过不ຫໍສະໝຸດ 迭代优化,可以逐步靠近原问题的最优解。



非线性优化问题的光滑化序列二次规划方法宇振盛,张丽娜,秦毅(上海理工大学理学院,上海 200093)【摘要】摘要:为了获得序列二次规划方法的全局收敛性,通常需要借助一个罚函数,但常用的罚函数由于具有不可微性从而给计算带来一定的困难,拉格朗日函数虽然可以克服此困难,但其形式较为复杂,为解决该问题,给出了一类光滑化罚函数.基于一类双曲余弦型光滑化罚函数,提出了等式约束优化问题的一个光滑化序列二次规划方法.该光滑化函数具有良好的连续、可微性和凸性质,在适当条件下,获得了算法的全局收敛性,并给出数值测试说明了算法的有效性.【期刊名称】上海理工大学学报【年(卷),期】2015(000)004【总页数】5【关键词】等式约束优化;光滑化函数;序列二次规划方法;全局收敛性1 问题的提出考虑非线性优化问题其中,x∈Rn,f:Rn→R,g:Rn→Rm是连续可微函数.此类问题广泛应用于随机规划、最优控制以及半无限规划和原始分解算法中[1-3],在过去的几十年里,人们已经提出了许多数值方法来解决这一问题.其中,序列二次规划法(sequential quadratic programming,SQP)是使用最广泛的方法之一,这类算法具有良好的全局收敛性,得到最优解时需要的迭代次数也较少.该方法由Wilson[4]最早针对凸优化问题提出,并由Biggs[5],Han[6]和Powell[7-8]等推广到一般问题,有关综述报告可参见文献[9].由与问题(1)相关的SQP理论可知,可以通过迭代公式来产生出收敛到问题(1)的Karush-Kuhn-Tucker(KKT)点的点列.其中,λk是由某些线搜索方法获得的,用来降低评价函数的函数值的步长,dk是二次规划问题的解.Bk是目标函数的拉格朗日函数的近似Hessen矩阵,通常由拟牛顿法获得.在SQP理论中,最常使用的评价函数是不可微精确罚函数因为函数Ψ(x,α)的不可微性,从而给计算带来一定的困难.为克服此困难,通常可用光滑的罚函数作为其评价函数[10].本文使用逼近光滑罚函数[10-11]来作为SQP算法的评价函数.其中,Φ(x,α,μ)是逼近于Ψ(x,α)的,并且是连续可微的.文献[11]中的数值试验显示,该光滑罚函数的性态良好.2 光滑化SQP算法使用逼近光滑罚函数作为SQP算法的评价函数.首先给出函数Φ(x,α,μ)的性质.引理1 函数Φ(x,α,μ)的性质[11]a.对任意固定的μ,若f(x),gi(x)是k阶连续可微的,i=1,2,…,m,则Φ(x,α,μ)也是k阶连续可微的.若f(x),gi(x)是两阶连续可微的,则有和b.若f(x),gi(x)是凸的,i=1,2,…,m,则Φ(x,α,μ)也是凸的.f.若μ1<μ2,则Φ(x,α,μ1)>Φ(x,α,μ2),x ∈Rn.现在考虑SQP算法的迭代公式其中,dk是下列二次子问题的解式中,Bk是n×n对称正定矩阵.本文中总是假定子问题(5)是可行的.在这种假设下,如果Bk是正定矩阵,那么,子问题(5)有唯一解dk,并且dk是子问题(5)的解当且仅当存在拉格朗日乘数ρk使得KTT条件成立引理2[12]假设Bk是对称正定矩阵,则点对(x—,ρ—)是问题(1)的KTT点对当且仅当(d—,ρ)=(0,ρ—)是子问题(5)的KTT点对.下面叙述基于光滑化罚函数(4)的SQP算法.算法1步骤0 给定x1∈Rn,ρ1∈Rm,β∈(0,1),γ∈(0,1),ε≥0,B1∈Rn×n为对称正定矩阵,μ0>1,α0>1,M>1,令k:=1.步骤1 求解子问题(6),得到dk和.若dk≤ε,则算法终止.步骤2 若,则令αk:=αk-1,μk:=μk-1,转步骤7;否则,转步骤3.步骤3 若其中则令μk:=μk-1,转步骤5;否则,转步骤4.步骤4 令μk-1:=Mμk-1,转步骤3.步骤5 若则令αk:=αk-1,转步骤7;否则,转步骤6.步骤6 令αk-1:=Mαk-1,转步骤5.步骤7 令λk为序列{1,γ,γ2,…}中使下列不等式成立的最大值:步骤8 令,通过BFGS校正公式将Bk修正为Bk+1,令k:=k+1,转步骤1.算法1中提到的BFGS校正公式如下[12]:利用拟牛顿法的基本原理,对Lagrange函数L(xk,ρk)=f(xk)+(xk)的Hessen矩阵)的近似(对称正定)矩阵Bk进行修正.令rk=θkyk+(1-θk)Bksk式中,参数θk定义为于是,矩阵Bk的BFGS校正公式为3 算法的全局收敛性在分析算法1的全局收敛性之前,假设以下的条件成立.假设A:a.{xk}和{ρk}是有界序列;b.存在常数使得假设A的a并不是很强的,因为,M-F限制条件可以确保{ρk}是一个有界序列.首先分析算法1的可行性.引理3 算法1不会在步骤3和步骤4之间无限循环.证明因为和引理3得证.引理4 算法1不会在步骤5和步骤6之间无限循环.证明当αk≥2ρk时,由式(6),有引理4得证.从引理4的证明过程中可以得知,当不等式成立时,步骤5中的不等式成立.由假设A的a,{ρk}是一个有界序列.所以,在有限次的迭代之后,不等式成立,从而步骤5中的不等式成立,αk的值不再增加,即在有限次的迭代之后,αk 变为常数.所以,为了方便起见,不失一般性,可以假设引理5 当算法1到达步骤7时,有引理5的成立是显然的.定理1 由算法1所产生的序列{xk}的任一聚点均为问题(1)的KTT点.证明首先,证明从算法1中可以得知,{μk}是单调非减序列.又由引理1和步骤7,可以知道所以,{Φ(xk,α,μk)}是单调递减序列.由假设A的a和引理1的c,可以知道{Φ(xk,α,μk)}是有下界的,因此,{Φ(xk,α,μk)}是收敛的,即Φ(xk,α,μk)-Φ(xk+1,α,μk+1)→0由式(8),Φ(xk,α,μk)-Φ(xk+1,α,μk)→0.又由步骤7可知现证明λk→0不成立.反证,若λk→0,从算法1中可以得知,有另一方面,由式(10)和式(11),有在上面不等式的两边同时除以,得到然而,由引理5,有于是,导出矛盾.由式(9)和λk→0不成立,有又由式(13),假设A的b和式(14),可以得到dk→0.由文献[13]中的定理3.2.1、定理4.3.3和本文中的引理3,可知定理1的结4 数值测试在一台CPU 1.70GHz,RAM 512 MB的PC上利用Mathematica 7.0.1编程实现了算法1.测试函数取自文献[14-16],计算结果如表1所示,其中,HS (i)表示文献[14]中的第i个算例,S(i)表示文献[15]中的第i个算例.在算法中,各参数分别取为β=0.5,γ=0.5,M=2,μ0=2,α0=2,ρ1=0m×1,B1=In,ε=10-6.表1的算例说明,对于测试的问题,本文的算法在很短的时间和较少的迭代次数内可求得问题较为满意的解.5 结束语结合一类双曲余弦型光滑化罚函数,给出了求解等式约束优化问题的SQP算法,获得了算法的全局收敛性,并验证了算法的有效性.对于该类函数如何结合一般的非光滑问题[17]及其它有效算法,如信赖域算法[18],值得进一步研究.参考文献:[1]Qi L 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1.Legendre PolynomialsNamed in honor of Adrien-Marie (1752-1833) the mathematician, not Louis (1752-1797) the politician.1.1. IntroductionA polynomial is a finite sum of terms like a k x k, where k is a positive integer or zero. There are sets of polynomials such that the product of any two different ones, multiplied by a function w(x) called a weight function and integrated over a certain interval, vanishes. Such a set is called a set of orthogonal polynomials. Among other things, this property makes it possible to expand an arbitrary function f(x) as a sum of the polynomials, each multiplied by a coefficient c(k), which is easily and uniquely determined by integration. A Fourier series is similar, but the orthogonal functions are not polynomials. These functions can also be used to specify basis states in quantum mechanics, which must be orthogonal.1.2. Legendre Polynomials DenifitionThe Legendre polynomials P n(x), n = 0, 1, 2 ... are orthogonal on the interval from -1 to +1, which is expressed by the integral()()12211+=⎰-n dx x P x P mn m n δ. The Kronecker delta is zero if n ≠ m, and unity if n = m. In most applications, x = cos θ, and θ varies from 0 to π. In this case, dx = sin θ dθ, of course. The Legendre polynomials are a special case of the more general Jacobi polynomials P (α,β)n (x) orthogonal on (-1,1). By a suitable change of variable, the range can be changed from (-1,1) to an arbitrary (a,b). The weight function w(x) of the Legendre polynomials is unity, and this is what distinguishes them from the others and determines them.1.3. ApplicationsThe Lengendre polynomials are very clearly motivated by a problem that often appears. For example, suppose we have an electric charge q at point Q in the figure at the left, one of a group whose positions are referred to an origin at O,and we desire the potential at some point P. The distance PO is taken asunity for convenience; simply multiply all distances by the actualdistance PO in any particular case. The potential due to this charge is q/R.We can find R as a functi on of r and θ by the Law of Cosines: R 2 = 1 + r 2- 2r cos θ = 1 - 2rx + r 2, where x = cos θ. Now we expand 1/R in powersof r, finding 1/R = Σ P n (x)r n . The function 1/R is called the generatingfunction of the Legendre polynomials, and can be used to investigatetheir properties. Generating functions are available for most orthogonalpolynomials, but only in the Legendre case does the generating function have a clear and simple meaning.If we let x = 1, we find that P n (1) = 1, and P n (-1) = (-1)n . By taking partial derivatives of 1/R with respect to x and r, and then considering the coefficients of individual powers of r, we can find a number of relations between the polynomials and their derivatives. These can be manipulated to find the recursion relation, (n + 1) P n+1(x) = (2n + 1)x P n (x) - n P n-1(x), and the differential equation satisfied by the polynomials, (1 - x 2) P"n (x) -2x P'n (x) + n(n + 1) P n (x) = 0. The recurrence relation allows us to find all the polynomials, since it is easy to find that P 0(x) = 1, P 1(x) = x directly from the generating function, and this starts us off. The differential equation allows us to apply the polynomials to problems arising in mathematics and physics, among which is the important problem of the solution of Laplace's equation and spherical harmonics.The recurrence relation shows that the coefficient A n of the highest power of x satisfies the relation A n+1 = (2k + 1)/(k + 1) A n , and so from the known coefficients for n = 0, 1 we can find that the coefficient of the highest power of x in P n is1.3.5...(2n-1)/n!.The polynomials can also be found by solving the differential equation by determining the coefficients of a power series substituted in the equation. This method was often used in quantum mechanics texts (see Reference 3), since the students were not usually acquainted with the mathematics of orthogonal polynomials. This method does not allow one to investigate the properties of the polynomials in any detail,however, yielding only the individual polynomials themselves.Consider the polynomials G n(x) = d n/dx n(x2- 1)n. The quantity to be differentiated is indeed a polynomial, of degree 2n, and consisting of only even powers. When differentiated n times, it becomes a polynomial of order n consisting of either all odd or all even powers of x, as n is odd or even. The coefficient of the highest power of x is 2n(2n-1)(2n-2)...(n+1), and the first two polynomials are 1 and 2x. If G(x) is substituted in the recurrence relation for the Legendre polynomials, it is found to satisfy it. If we divide G(x) by the constant 2n n!, then the first two polynomials are 1 and x. Therefore, P n(x) = (1/2n n!) d n/dx n(x2- 1)n. This is called Rodrigues's formula; similar formulas exist for other orthogonal polynomials.The great advantage of Rodrigues' formula is its form as an nth derivative. This means that in an integral, it can be used repeatedly in an integration by parts to evaluate the integral. The orthogonality of the Legendre polynomials follows very quickly when Rodrigues' formula is used. There is a Rodrigues' formula for many, but not all, orthogonal polynomials. It can be used to find the recurrence relation, the differential equation, and many other properties.For finding solutions to Laplace's equation in spherical coordinates, the Legendre polynomials are sufficient so long as the problem is axially symmetric, in which there is no φ-dependence. The more general problem requires the introduction of related functions called the associated Legendre functions that are actually built up from Jacobi polynomials, and can also be expressed in terms of derivatives of the Legendre polynomials. Physics texts generally approached the problem from first principles, never mentioning Jacobi polynomials, and thereby losing valuable insight.The Jacobi polynomials P(α,β)n(x) are orthogonal on (-1,1) with weight function w(x) = (1 - x)α(1 + x)β. Their Rodrigues' formula is P(α,β)n(x) = [(-1)n/2n n!] (1 - x)-α(1 + x)-β d n/dx n (1 - x)α+n(1 + x)β+n. The ordinary Legendre polynomial P n(x) = P(0,0)n(x). They satisfy the differential equation (1 - x2)P"(α,β)n+ [β - α - (α + β + 2)x] P'(α,β)n + n(α + β + n + 1) P(α,β)n = 0.In solving Laplace's equation by the method of separation of variables, one obtains for the θ dependence T(x), x = cos θ, the differential equationd/dx[(1 - x2)dT/dx] = [l(l+1) - m2/(1 - x2]T = 0 The substitution T(x) = (1 - x2)m/2y(x) now gives the equation(1-x2)y" - 2(m + 1)xy' + [l(l+1) - m(m+1)]y = 0, which we recognize as satisfied by the Jacobi polynomial P(m,m)l-m(x). Hence, T(x) = (1 - x2)m/2y(x) P(m,m)l-m(x). This is the associated Legendre function, often denoted P m l(x) in physics texts (e.g., Reference 4), and defined there as (-1)m(1 - x2)m/2 d m/dx m P l. The subscript is no longer the degree of the polynomial.All the above is for a positive m. Since the equation contains m2, the solution for negative m is essentially the same, except perhaps for a multiplicative factor. This is of little consequence for the traditional applications of spherical harmonics, but is critical for quantum mechanics, where relative phases matter. The choice in physics isthat P -m l (x) = (-1)m [(l - m)!/(l + m)!] P m l (x), where m is always positive on the right. If you work the functions out explicitly, you will find that the functions for +m and -m are essentially the same, as might be expected, and differ at most by a factor of -1.For the same m, P m l (x) and P m l'(x) are orthogonal, and the integral of the square of P m l (x) is the same as for P l (x), multiplied by (l - m)!/(l + m)!. The functions are not orthogonal for different values of m; orthogonality of the spherical harmonics in this case depends on the φ functions.1.4. References1. M. Abramowitz and I. Stegun, Handbook of MathematicalFunctions (Washington, D.C.: National Bureau of Standards, AppliedMathematics Series 55, June 1964). Chapter 22.2. D. Jackson, Fourier Series and Orthogonal Functions(Mathematical Assoc. of America, Carus Mathematical Monographs No. 6,1941). Chapter X.3. L. Pauling and E. B. Wilson, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics(New York: McGraw-Hill, 1935). Chapter V .4. J. D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics , 2nd . ed. (New York:McGraw-Hill, 1975), Chapter III.2. Gauss 型积分2.1. Gauss 型求积公式的构造方法(1)求出区间[a,b]上权函数为W(x)的正交多项式pn(x)(2)求出pn(x)的n 个零点x1 , x2 , … xn 即为Gsuss 点.(3)计算积分系数2.2. 几种Gauss 型求积公式2.2.1. Gauss-Legendre 求积公式区间[-1,1]上权函数W(x)=1的Gauss 型求积公式,称为Gauss-Legendre 求积公式,其Gauss 点为Legendre 多项式的零点。

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序列二次规划法求解一般线性优化问题:12min (x)h (x)0,i E {1,...,m }s.t.(x)0,i {1,...,m }i i f g I =∈=⎧⎨≥∈=⎩ (1.1) 基本思想:在每次迭代中通过求解一个二次规划子问题来确定一个下降方向,通过减少价值函数来获取当前迭代点的移动步长,重复这些步骤直到得到原问题的解。

1.1等式约束优化问题的Lagrange-Newton 法考虑等式约束优化问题min (x)s.t.h (x)0,E {1,...,m}j f j =∈=(1.2)其中:,n f R R →:()n i h R R i E →∈都为二阶连续可微的实函数. 记1()((),...,())T m h x h x h x =. 则(1.3)的Lagrange 函数为: 1(,)()*()()*()mT i i i L x u f x u h x f x u h x ==-=-∑(1.3)其中12(,,...,)T m u u u u =为拉格朗日乘子向量。

约束函数()h x 的Jacobi 矩阵为:1()()((),...,())T T m A x h x h x h x =∇=∇∇.对(1.3)求导数,可以得到下列方程组:(,)()A()*(,)0(,)()T x u L x u f x x u L x u L x u h x ∇⎡⎤⎡⎤∇-∇===⎢⎥⎢⎥∇-⎣⎦⎣⎦(1.4)现在考虑用牛顿法求解非线性方程(1.4).(,)L x u ∇的Jacobi 矩阵为:(,)()(,)()0T W x u A x N x u A x ⎛⎫-= ⎪-⎝⎭(1.5)其中221(,)L(,)()*()mxx iii W x u x u f x u h x ==∇=∇-∇∑是拉格朗日函数L(,)x u 关于x 的Hessen 矩阵.(,)N x u 也称为K-T 矩阵。

对于给定的点(,)k k k z x u =,牛顿法的迭代格式为:1k k k z z z +=+∆. 其中k k (d ,v )k z ∆=是线性方程组k k k k (,)()(x )A(x )u *()0(x )k k k k T T k k d W x u A x f A x v h ⎛⎫-⎛⎫-∇+⎛⎫= ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪-⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭(1.6)的解。

注意:只要k A(x )行满秩且(,)k k W x u 是正定的,那么(1.6)的系数矩阵非奇异,且方程组有唯一解。

引理1:已知矩阵,n nn m U RS R ⨯⨯∈∈,则对任意满足*0T S x =的非零向量x 都有0Tx Ux >的充要条件是存在常数*0σ>,使得对任意的*σσ≥都有*(U *S*S )0,0T T n x x x R σ+>∀≠∈.证明略。

鉴于方程组(1.6)的求解数值不稳定,故考虑将它转化成一个严格凸二次规划问题.转化的条件是(1.4)的解点*x 处的最优性二阶充分条件成立,即对满足*()*0TA x d =的任一向量0d ≠,成立***(,)*0Td W x u d >。

再由引理1知:当0τ>充分小时,1(*,*)(*)(*)2T W x u A x A x τ+正定。

考虑(1.6)中的(,)k k W x u 用一个正定矩阵来代替,记1(,)(,)()()2k T k k k k k B x u W x u A x A x τ=+则当**(,)(,)k k x u x u →时,矩阵**B(,)x u 正定。

(1.6)的第一个展开式为k (,)*d (x )*(x )(x )*T T k k k k k k k W x u A v f A u -=-∇+将上式变形为:k 11[(,)()()]*d (x )*[()](x )22k k T T k k k k k k k k W x u A x A x A v u A x d f ττ+-++=-∇ 令~1:()2k Tk k k k u v u A x d τ=++后得:~k (,)*d (x )*(x )T k k k k k B x u A u f -=-∇. 因此,(1.6)等价于k ~k (x )(,)()*()0(x )k k k k T k k d f B x u A x A x h u ⎛⎫⎛⎫∇-⎛⎫⎪=- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭(1.7)进一步,可以把方程(1.7)转换成如下严格凸二次规划:k k k k k 1min (d)(x ,u )d f(x )2..(x )A(x )d 0TT k q d B ds t h =+∇+=(1.8)方程(1.7)和(1.8)具有同解的。


在给定点k k (x ,u ,)k k z λ=后,将约束函数线性化,并对拉格朗日函数进行二次多项式近似,得到下列二次规划子问题:k k k k k k k 1min (x ,u )d f(x )2(x )(x )d 0,i E ..(x )(x )d 0,i T T Ti i Ti i d W dh h s t g g I+∇⎧+∇=∈⎪⎨+∇=∈⎪⎩ (1.9)其中212k k k k k k {1,...,m },I {1,...m },W W(x ,u ,)(x ,u ,)k xx E L λλ====∇,拉格朗日函数为1211(,)()*()*g ()m m i i i i i i L x u f x u h x x λ===--∑∑.于是,迭代点k x 的校正步k d 以及新的拉格朗日乘子估计量11,k k u λ++可以分别定义为问题的一个K-T 点*x 和相应的拉格朗日乘子向量*,*u λ。

定理1:给定约束优化问题(1.1)的最优解*d 和相应的拉格朗日乘子*,*0u λ≥.假定在*x 处,下面的条件成立:(1) 有效约束的Jacobi 矩阵(x*)S J 行满秩,其中(*)E(*)S x I x =;(2) 严格互补松弛条件成立,即******(x )0,0,(x )0,(x )0;i i i i i i g g g λλλ≥≥=+>(3) 二阶最优性充分条件成立,即对满足*()*0TA x d =的任一向量0d ≠,成立****(,,)*0T d W x u d λ>.那么若k k k (x ,u ,)λ充分靠近***(x ,u ,)λ,则二次规划问题(1.9)存在一个局部极小点*d ,使得其对应的有效约束指标集*()S d 与原问题在*x 处的有效指标集*()S x 是相同的。

注意:在构造二次规划子问题时,需要计算拉格朗日函数在迭代点k x 处的Hessen 矩阵,计算量过大。

为了克服这个缺陷,韩世平基于牛顿-拉格朗日法提出了一种利用对称正定矩阵k B 来代替拉格朗日矩阵k W 的序列二次规划法。

对于一般约束优化问题(1.1),在迭代点k k k k z (x ,u ,)λ=,构造下列形式的二次规划子问题:k k k k k k k 1min (x ,u )d f(x )2(x )(x )d 0,i E ..(x )(x )d 0,i T T Ti i Ti i d B dh h s t g g I+∇⎧+∇=∈⎪⎨+∇=∈⎪⎩ (1.10)并且用(1.10)的解k d 作为原问题变量x 在第k 次迭代过程中的搜索方向。

其中k d 有一个好的性质是它许多罚函数(价值函数)的下降方向。

例如,对于L1精确罚函数:1(x,)f(x)[|h (x)||[g (x)]_|]i i i Ei IP σσ∈∈=++∑∑其中0σ>为罚参数,g (x)]_max{0,g (x)}i i =-。

为了保证SQR 方法的全局收敛性,通常借助价值函数来确定搜索步长。


算法(一般约束优化问题的SQP 方法)Step 0: 给定初始点12000(,u ,)R R R ,mmn x λ∈⨯⨯对称正定矩阵0nB R ∈.计算0(x )ETA h =∇,00(x )I TA g =∇,000E I A A A ⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦.选择参数1(0,),(0,1),2ηρ∈∈容许误差120,1,εε令:0.k =Step 1: 求解子问题(1.10)得最优解k d .Step 2: 若k 11||d ||ε≤且k 1k 12||||||()_||h g ε+≤,stop,得到(1.1)的一个近似KT 点,,k k k x u λ().Step 3: 对于某种价值函数(,)x σΦ,选择罚参数k σ,使得k d 是该函数在k x 处的下降方向。

Step 4: Armijo 搜索. 令k m 是使下列不等式成立的最小非负整数m :m m 'k k k k k k k k (d ,)(,)(,;d ),x x x ρσσηρσΦ+-Φ≤Φ令km 1:,:.k k k k k a x x a d ρ+==+Step 5: 计算1111111(),(),E k ETI Tk k k k k I k A Ah x Ah x A A +++++++⎡⎤=∇=∇=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦以及最小二乘乘子1111111k T k k k k k u A A A f λ-++++++⎡⎤⎡⎤=∇⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦Step 6: 校正矩阵k B 为1k B +.令11111,(,,)(,,)k k k k x k k k x k k k s a d y L x u L x u λλ+++++==∇-∇1T Tk k k k k kk k T T k k k k kB s s B z z B B s B s s z +=-+其中(1)B s k k k k k k z y θθ=+-参数k θ定义为k k k k ..........1...........,s y 0.2s 0.8s ,s y 0.2s s Tk k kT k T k k kk k k T T k k k k kB s B s B s B s s y θ⎧≥⎪=⎨<⎪-⎩ Step 7: 令:1,k k =+转1.注意:(step 1)利用K-T 条件,问题(1.10)等价于1k 2k k k (,,)B (A )(A )()0,(,,)()A 0,0,g()A 0,[g()A ]0.E T I Tk k k E k I I k k H d u d u f x H d u h x d x d x d λλλλλ=--+∇==+=≥+≥+= (1.11)第三式是2m 维互补问题,定义光滑函数(,,)a b a b εΦ=+ 其中0ε>为光滑参数.令21(,,)((,,),...,(,,))T m a b a b a b εεεΦ=ΦΦ,其中k (,,)[g ()(A )]Ii i i k i a b x d ελΦ=++其中(A )I k i 表示A Ik 的第i 行.记12(,,,)R R R Rmm n z d u ελ+=∈⨯⨯⨯,那么(1.11)问题等价于12(,,)(z):(,,,)0(,,)(,,)H d u H H d u H d u d ελελλελ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥===⎢⎥⎢⎥Φ⎣⎦则(z)H 的Jacobi 矩阵为'2110000()()(z)000(z)0(z)E TI T kk k E k I kB A A H A v D A D ⎡⎤⎢⎥--⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦其中21(,,)(,...,)T m v d v v εελ=∇Φ=,i v 由下式确定:i v =而221121(z)diag((z),...,(z)),(z)diag((z),...,(z))m m D a a D b b ==,其中(z),(z)i i a b 由下式确定:11i Ii a b ==-给定参数(0,1)γ∈,定义非负函数(z)||(z)||min{1,||(z)||}.H H βγ=(step 3)中选择价值函数111(,)()[||()||||()_||]x f x h x g x σσΦ=++可令max{||u ||,||||}k k τλ=,g (x)_max{0,g (x)}i i =- 任意选择一个0δ>,定义罚参数的修正规则为111111,(2),k k k k σστδστδστδ------⎧≥+⎪=⎨+<+⎪⎩ (step 6)因为BFGS 修正公式需要满足曲率条件,即0Tk k s y >,而k y 可能不满足这一条件,为此有必要对k y 进行修正。
