外文资料翻译-- 生活中的心理学
1.选择支持效应(Choice-supportive bias):当我们做出一个选择后,往往会过度强调选择的好处,忽视其缺点。
2.认知失调理论(Cognitive dissonance theory):人们在面对相互矛盾的态度或行为时,会感到不适,从而寻求方式来减轻这种不适。
3.锚定效应(Anchoring effect):当我们面临决策时,通常会受到先前接触到的信息或“锚点”的影响。
4.羊群效应(Herd mentality):人们倾向于跟随大多数人的行为或意见,而不是做出独立的决策。
5.暗示效应(Halo effect):一个人的某一积极特征会影响他人对该人其他特征的评价。
6.频率错觉(Frequency illusion):一旦我们注意到某一事物,就会开始在日常生活中频繁遇到它。
7.漂亮女孩效应(The Cheerleader Effect):在群体中,个体看起来更吸引人的效果。
我们生活中的心理学英语作文英文回答:Psychology is the study of the human mind and behavior. It helps us understand why people think, feel, and act the way they do. It is a fascinating subject that can be applied to various aspects of our lives, such as relationships, education, and even business.One aspect of psychology that I find particularly interesting is cognitive psychology. This branch focuses on how people perceive, process, and remember information. For example, it explores how we make decisions, solve problems, and learn new things. Understanding cognitive processes can help us improve our memory, enhance our problem-solving skills, and make better decisions.Another area of psychology that I find intriguing is social psychology. This field studies how our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the presence ofothers. It examines topics such as conformity, obedience, and persuasion. For instance, social psychologists have conducted experiments to understand why people tend to conform to group norms, even if it goes against their own beliefs. This knowledge can be applied to various real-life situations, such as marketing strategies or creating inclusive communities.In addition to cognitive and social psychology, there are many other branches of psychology that contribute to our understanding of human behavior. For example, developmental psychology focuses on how people change and develop throughout their lives. It examines the physical, cognitive, and social changes that occur from infancy to old age. This knowledge can be used to design effective educational programs or interventions for individuals at different stages of life.Clinical psychology is another important branch of psychology. It focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders. Clinical psychologists work with individuals who are experiencing psychological distress andhelp them improve their well-being. They use various therapeutic techniques, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, to help clients overcome their challenges and lead fulfilling lives.Overall, psychology is a diverse and fascinating field that has practical applications in our everyday lives. It helps us understand ourselves and others better, and it provides valuable insights into human behavior. By studying psychology, we can gain a deeper understanding of whypeople think, feel, and behave the way they do.中文回答:心理学是研究人类思维和行为的学科。
常识往往是模棱两可的、 含糊的;常识来源于个别经验 或主观臆断,因而往往是片面 的甚至是错误的。 心理学结论是明确的、 具体的;心理学结论来源于 系统研究的客观事实或严格 控制的科学实验。
通过事实而不是辩论来解决争论——科学理论需 要经受严格的考验,在理论被认为是可靠的之前,它 的结果必须能够被其他的研究者重复。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ一讲
生活中的心理学 ——课程导论
我深信,心灵的探讨必定会成为未来一 门重要的科学...... 这是一门我们最迫切需要 的科学。因为世界发展的趋势显示,人类最 大的敌人不在于饥荒、地震、病菌戒癌症, 而是在于人类本身,因为,就目前而言,我 们仍然没有任何适当的方法,来防止远比自 然灾害更危险的人类心灵疾病的蔓延。
心理学是研究心理和行为的科学,其目标是描 述、解释、预测和帮助控制行为。
教育心理学 普通心理学
基础 领域
应用 领域
工程心理学 社会心理学
弗洛 伊德
费斯 廷格
——《心理学导论》([美]Dennis Coon) ----荣格
生活中的心理学 ——课程导论
在今天的美国,有3000多所大学有心理学学位教育,不少大学每年 主修心理学的学生超过千人;全美每年授予博士学位人数最多的学科是 心理学;书店里书籍最多最丰富的领域之一是心理学;社会对专业工作 者需求最旺盛的领域之一也包括心理学„„这体现了心理学这样一个学 科在一个发达工业国家里所具有的影响。 改革开放后,中国心理学得到复兴,经过自20世纪80年代后的努力, 我国的心理学终于进入蓬勃发展的时期。目前国内设立心理学系和心理 学专业的高校已达到300多所,在校学习心理学的大学生、研究生近万 人。近年,社会各行各业对心理学方面的人才需求旺盛,不仅从事心理 学专业研究、心理咨询成为热门职业,商品营销、企业管理、人事管理、 教育机构等都对心理学专业人才表现出浓厚兴趣。同时,越来越多的人 认为心理学方面的知识有助于自己发展得更好,从而使心理学专业成为 高校招生的热门。但总体来说,我国心理学仍相对较弱,在科学研究和 教育实践方面的积累仍很有限。心理学的基础教育和普及成为我国心理 学发展的最重要环节之一。
第一章 生活中的心理学
![第一章 生活中的心理学](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d80f019d6529647d27285219.png)
二、现代心理学的发展心理学的历史根基赫尔曼.艾宾浩斯(Hermann Ebbinghas,1850-1909):“心理学有这漫长的过去,但只有短暂的历史”威廉.冯特(Wilhelm Wundt,1832-1920 )于1879年在德国莱比锡建立了第一个正式的实验心理学实验室。
出版了《生理心理学原理》(Principles ofPhysiological Psychology )爱德华.铁钦纳(Edward Titchener,1867-1927)在康奈尔大学建立了一个实验室。
威廉.詹姆士(William James,1842-1910)撰写了《心理学原理》(The PrinciplesOf Psychology)1892年,斯坦利.霍尔(G.Stanley hall)创立了美国心理学协会(APA)结构主义:对科学方法,精确测量以及数据统计分析的强调,体现了冯特心理学的传统特色。
结构主义的一个重要分支,由德国心理学家马克斯.惠特海默(Max Wertheimer,1880-1943)开创的,强调心理是以格式塔(有组织的整体)的方式理解许多经验,而不是简单部分的总和。
生活中的心理学 戴吉
生活中的心理学 戴吉
2、行为主义学派 、
代表人物:华生和斯金纳, 代表人物:华生和斯金纳,后期班图拉
产生于上世纪初的美国,到50年代整整 年在美国 年代整整30年在美国 产生于上世纪初的美国, 上世纪初的美国 年代整整 心理学研究中一直处于统治位置 。 主张心理学应去研究那种从人的意识中折射出来的看 得见、摸得着的客观东西, 人的行为。 得见、摸得着的客观东西,即人的行为。 解释人的一切行为的公式: 解释人的一切行为的公式: “S----R”(刺激一反应) (刺激一反应)
生活中的心理学 戴吉
生活中的心理学 戴吉
生活中的心理学 戴吉
生活中的心理学 戴吉
疯狂的螺帽:你知道直钢棒是怎 样神奇地穿过这两个看似乎成直 角的螺帽孔的吗? 【解析】两个螺帽实际是中空的, 虽然它们看起来是凸面的,所以 两个螺帽并不互相垂直。螺帽被 下方光源照到(一般光线应来自 上方),这给人们判断他们的真 实三维形状提供了错误信息。美 国魔术世界里·安德鲁斯创造了这 个精彩的幻觉作品。 。
生活中的心理学 戴吉
生活中的心理学 戴吉
罗 夏 墨 迹 测 验
生活中的心理学 戴吉
生活中的心理学 戴吉
生活中的心理学 戴吉
生活中的心理学 戴吉
生活中的心理学 戴吉
二、主要流派 4、认知心理学派 、
产生于上世纪70年代初,目前,正处于高潮。 产生于上世纪 年代初,目前,正处于高潮。 年代初 强调人是进行信息加工的生命机体, 强调人是进行信息加工的生命机体,人对外 界的认知实际就是一种信息的接受、编码、操作、 界的认知实际就是一种信息的接受、编码、操作、 信息的接受 的过程。 提取和使用的过程 提取和使用的过程。
心理学与生活在线阅读(全)《心理学与生活》(Psychology and Life),为美国心理学家Floyd L. Ruch撰写的一部心理学教科书著作。
是美国斯坦福大学多年来使用的教材,也是在美国许多大学里的"普通心理学"(General Psychology)课程选用的经典教材。
科学的方法(scientific method)包括一套用来分析和解决问题的有序步骤。
(1)描述发生的事情行为数据(behavioral data):是关于机体的行为和行为发生时环境的观察报告。
按照事实的本相去收集它们(2)解释发生的事情通常承认大多数行为受到一些因素的共同影响,行为的这些内部决定因素叫做机体变量(organismic variables)。
家庭成员之间的互动和沟通是影响家庭和 谐的重要因素,心理学知识可以帮助家庭 成员更好地理解和支持彼此。
1 2 3
随着科技的不断发展,心理学将与科技更加紧密 地结合,例如利用大数据和人工智能进行心理评 估和干预。
心理学将与更多学科进行交叉合作,例如医学、 生物学、教育学等,以更全面地了解人类行为和 心理过程。
抑郁是一种情绪低落的状态,常伴随 着悲伤、无助、失去兴趣和活力等症 状。严重抑郁可能导致自杀意念或行 为,需要及时寻求专业帮助。
人际冲突是生活中常见的困扰,表现为与家人、朋友、同事 等关系中的矛盾和争吵。处理人际冲突需要良好的沟通技巧 和情绪管理能力。
人际疏离是指个体感到孤独和与他人隔绝的状态。长期的人 际疏离可能影响心理健康,增加抑郁和焦虑的风险。
人类行为受到内在动机和 需求的驱动,了解这些有 助于理解个体行为。
情绪和情感影响个体的认 知和行为,对个体的心理 健康和生活质量有重要影 响。
社会认知是个体如何理解 自己和他人,以及如何形 成对他人的印象。
社会影响是个体在群体中 的行为受到其他人的影响 。
如何提升生活中的心理学 素养
了解自己的优点和不足,接受自 己的不完美,从而增强自信心。
学会控制自己的情绪,避免情绪 波动过大对生活造成负面影响。
掌握应对压力的方法,如放松训 练、积极应对等,提高抗压能力
Psychology in our daily life 生活中的心理学 PPT
![Psychology in our daily life 生活中的心理学 PPT](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/130dd7bb700abb68a982fb52.png)
Reason: the brain is making up his story, so the body is inconsistent.
The eyes and finger point at different directions, he is lying.
Blink eyes
Blinking eyes quickly means she hides something.
• Answer:
• the bottle away: you are a person who is easy to forget the past unhappy things
• With continued: it is not easy to forget the past for you
Psychology is basically the study of who we are, why we are that way, and also what we can become.
Psychology in our daily life --facial expression
When someone say : "how should I know?!" However, if her eyebrow rose ,she knows the answer.
Thank you!
Bye Bye
Psychology in our daily life
What is Psychology?
Psychology is the
Prologue: Psychology’s Roots
Functionalism focused on how behavioral processes function- how they enable organism to adapt, survive, and flourish
Prologue: Psychology’s Roots
Figure 1- British Psychological Society membership
Prologue: Psychology’s Roots Definition of Psychology
The science of behavior (what we do) and mental processes (sensations, perceptions, dreams, thoughts, beliefs, and feelings)
二)应用心理学 1. 教育心理学 2. 临床心理学 3. 咨询心理学 4. 工业心理学 5. 管理心理学 6. 广告心理学 7. 消费心理学 8. 环境心理学 9. 法律心理学 Applied Psychology 1. Educational Psychology 2. Clinical Psychology 3. Counseling Psychology 4. Industrial Psychology 5. Managerial Psychology 6. Advertising Psychology 7. Consumer Psychology 8. Environmental Psychology 9. Forensic Psychology
• (3)自我服务式归因(self-serving attribution),即在好事面前容易夸大自己的作用,在坏事 面前容易推诿责任的倾向。
• 是不是觉得现在的社会的人越来越冷漠?
• 定义:旁观者效应即当有其他人存在的时候,人们不大可能去帮助他人,帮助的可能
• 主要原因:
• 责任扩散:即周围他人越多,每个人分担的责任越少,这种责任分担可以降低个人的助人行为。
• 情境的不明确性:从决策分析过程来看,人们有时无法确定某一情境是否真正处于紧急状态, 这时,其他旁观者的行为就会自然而然的影响到该个体对情境的定义,进而影响到他的行为。
CONTபைடு நூலகம்NTS
• 定义:
• 人们倾向于高估大众媒介对他人的认知和行为的影响;
• 案例:
• 1、2011年核辐射抢盐风波
• 2、不良信息对他人产生的影响
• (1)对自己盲目乐观(unrealistic optimism),觉得与他人相比,自己遭遇不幸事件的概率较 低,或者觉得自己不太容易接受负面事件的影响。
• 评价恐惧:如果人们知道别人正在注视着自己,就会去做一些他人期待自己去做的事情,并以 较受大家欢迎的方式表现自我,也就是说,试图避免社会非难的心态抑制了人们的助人行为。
你祈求受到他人喜爱却对自己吹毛求疵。虽然人格有些缺陷,大体而言你都 有办法弥补。你拥有可观的未开发潜能尚未就你的长处发挥。看似强硬、严格 自律的外在掩盖着不安与忧虑的内心。许多时候,你严重的质疑自己是否做了 对的事情或正确的决定。你喜欢一定程度的变动并在受限时感到不满。你为自 己是独立思想者自豪并且不会接受没有充分证据的言论。但你认为对他人过度 坦率是不明智的。有些时候你外向、亲和、充满社会性,有些时候你却内向、 谨慎而沉默。
生活中处处都有心理学(Life is full of Psychology)
![生活中处处都有心理学(Life is full of Psychology)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0e2e3489cf84b9d528ea7afc.png)
生活中处处都有心理学(Life is full of Psychology)Life is full of psychology.Since graduating in 2001, the work has been going on for Twelfth years. The work of the relationship between frequent travel, has visited more than 10 countries, it is said to have gone through "ten thousand miles". Some people say, "walk ten thousand miles, you must first read ten thousand books, otherwise you will only walk without reading. That is the postman."". I love reading, but my book on psychology, psychology and life, by Gerrig and Zimbardo, should be the first. This textbook is informative and easy to understand. The person who lent me this book was my first teacher in psychology. The influence of the "influence" is the popularity of reading psychology, this book is just like Chinese ancient Legalists Han Fei, some teach "guile" too, but also very interesting. Later became familiar with some psychology books, such as "the walking man" "change the psychology of the 40 study" "beyond" inferiority "our inner conflict" and "personality" neurosis "motivation and personality" "works of Rodgers" the essence of "the art of love" "escape from freedom" "cognitive therapy" Beck "cognitive behavioral therapy" and so on. Slowly discovered that life hole are learning, human sophistication that article. How to communicate with employees and employees of the evaluation results, how to work attitude problem, and how to communicate with customers, to how to deal with others, learn some psychology very helpful; to maintain world peace and build a harmonious social order, to communicate with his wife and children, how to spend the life hard man since the beginning, without involving psychology; body disease and heart disease, society and culture, education and growth, development andevolution, love and marriage, democracy and science, psychology Everything is contained therein. containing. Finally, I seem to understand slowly that psychology is the study of human science, and man is the subject of this earth activity, so psychology goes deep into every aspect of life. This subject is all inclusive. Reading psychology can make life more clear. So, I was attracted by it.Listen to the teachers' class, enjoy the movies recommended by the teachers, read the psychology books, and know all kinds of people. Various personalities, temperaments, modes of thinking, behavior and will make me an eye opener. There are many blood quality, bile, mucus quality, depression,obsessive-compulsive type, impulsive, dependent, narcissistic, schizotypal, emotional and antisocial, someone close to people, people, people avoid confrontation people, everyone is different. There are about 7 billion people living in the world. How many people have lived on the earth since ancient times? It's terrible to remember. However, there are no two identical leaves in the world, and there are no two exactly alike people. Everyone has different origins, different experiences, different lives, and different ways of thinking. The world is ever-changing, so rich and colorful. I used to be very overbearing in my work, strong and strong sense of responsibility. Always hope others follow my train of thought. If other people have different ways of thinking, different practices, or different results, I am very anxious and irritable. In fact, a fear of loss of control, stubborn insistence, often from the heart of self-confidence. Always worry about other people's work, minor details should always be intimate or close monitoring. Also, love and hate, do notrub the sand in the eyes, with their different values, world view or different people, or even just thinking, people of different personalities do not love. As we grow older and learn more and more, we gradually understand that there are many different people, different ways of working and different modes of thinking, and the world becomes rich and colorful. I am grateful for the richness and variety of these things that make me feel different souls; I come to these different hearts and experience different worlds. The world is different because of you, the world is wonderful because of different.Accept the difference, fall in love with this wonderful, it is possible to stand in other people's perspective of the world.Irvin Yalom in the "gift of therapy" in a story about a girl, not with his father since childhood. In the eyes of his daughter, father is a critic and a critic. When my daughter got into college, my father drove her daughter to school. The daughter envisioned a certain degree of reconciliation with her father through the rare hours spent alone. But the whole trip turned into a disaster. My father was driving and complaining about the ugliness of the creek on the side of the road. It was full of rubbish and dirty. But what she saw was a brook without any pollution or original flavor. So, father and daughter two looked out of the window, silent all the way, ignore each other. Many years later, the daughter drove alone to revisit the old haunt. Then she was surprised to see that there was a small river on either side of the road. The river, seen from the driver's window, was polluted, piled up with garbage, and ugly, as his father described it. At last the daughter knew how to see the world from her father's window, but it was too late for herfather to die for many years. Erwin Yalom is the master, wrote "when Nietzsche Wept" and other famous psychological novel. But the author says it's a true story, the story of the visitor. So another great thing about learning psychology is learning how to be empathic. When we ask for practice, many people empathy for empathy, and rehearsal listening makes people feel very false. It is inappropriate to treat empathy purely as a skill, but to forget sincerity for technology. My team had a colleague was eliminated, this is a cruel thing, but also a difficult decision. But organizations should move forward, and individuals should have a more appropriate development. I informed the colleague two months in advance that I would take the initiative to understand the colleague's mortgage, girlfriend, family and so on. I put myself in his shoes and discussed the job hunting with him. The most important thing is to listen to him to find work in bursts of difficult things to get along with his girlfriend, how to explain with your family, at that time I almost did not say what is listening to, has given him great comfort. So, I see, empathy does not lie in the phrase "I can understand you."...". Psychology as a helping profession is not an empty talk.Another interesting feature of psychology is that there is no definite answer. In psychology, there is a question on how many years history of psychology has been given, and the answer given is 150 years. If traced, definitely longer. But psychology never has a definite answer. From Wundt to Wertheimer, from Freud to Adler, to Horneyan, from Wahson to Skinner, to Bandura, from Maslow to Rodgers, then to Seligman, some thoughts of tit for tat, some theories from fusion. Keep moving forward, exploring, never stopping. In evaluating current worldpsychology, Seligman says one word "good", the two word "not good", and the three word "not good enough"". This subject is not like mathematics, and mathematics has "the only answer" as beauty, and psychology has no only answer to beauty or even beauty. Freud stressed that the human instinct, desire and drive; while Wahson emphasizes environmental shackles, individual behavior under the restrict of the environment; and the humanism emphasizes the human nature of "good", but also a very important environment, an oak seed, do not need others to guide you can grow into a the oak, but must be unconditional positive attention. Analysis of the spirit to dig deep into the past; cognitive therapy that changing the visitor's cognition, to change their behavior to change their thoughts and feelings; behavior therapy that change people's behavior is the essence of the heart, what is not important; and the humanism that people will have to change, as long as we are given the appropriate environment. The theory of psychoanalysis cannot prove nor disprove; behaviorism is the emphasis on the study of people like that physical and biological behavior, Skinner is deeply admired progress of physics and biology, and that human behavior compared with 2500 before what progress. Previous psychological research,Especially the clinical research focus on abnormal psychology, and positive psychology that should pay attention to mental health more, especially those happy people...... it is a psychology of human thought gathered, thought of the feast, like a flower, all kinds of fresh flowers flourish, gathered in a contention of a hundred schools of thought, All flowers bloom together.The book says that the three great men who changed the world were Jews, Einstein, Marx, and Freud. Einstein's contribution to physics changed the world; Marx's philosophy changed the world by the practice of Communists; why is Freud? I understand that it is probably because Freud has changed the way that man knows himself, especially the unconscious theory, which makes it difficult for people to know themselves. When the heart changes, the world changes.。
生活中里面的心理作文英文回答:Psychology in Daily Life.Psychology plays a significant role in our daily lives. It helps us understand ourselves better and enables us to interact with others more effectively. In this essay, Iwill discuss the importance of psychology in various aspects of life and provide examples to illustrate my points.Firstly, psychology is crucial in understanding our own emotions and behaviors. It helps us identify the underlying reasons for our actions and reactions. For instance, when I feel angry or frustrated, I can use psychological techniques such as deep breathing or positive self-talk to calm myself down. Understanding the psychology behind my emotions allows me to manage them more effectively.Furthermore, psychology helps us understand and communicate with others. It provides insights into human behavior and helps us interpret the actions and motives of those around us. For example, when a friend cancels plans at the last minute, instead of getting upset, I can use my knowledge of psychology to consider possible reasons for their behavior. Maybe they are feeling overwhelmed or dealing with personal issues. By understanding their perspective, I can respond with empathy and support.Moreover, psychology is essential in building and maintaining relationships. It helps us navigate conflicts, resolve misunderstandings, and strengthen connections. For instance, when my partner and I have a disagreement, I can apply communication techniques learned in psychology to express my feelings effectively and listen actively. This understanding allows us to find common ground and work through our differences, ultimately strengthening our bond.In addition to personal relationships, psychology also plays a role in professional settings. It helps us understand workplace dynamics, motivation, and leadership.For example, a manager who understands the psychology of motivation can create a work environment that fosters employee engagement and productivity. By recognizing the importance of recognition and rewards, the manager can motivate employees to perform at their best.Overall, psychology is an integral part of our daily lives. It helps us understand ourselves, communicate with others, build relationships, and succeed in various aspects of life. By applying psychological principles, we can navigate challenges, manage our emotions, and improve our overall well-being.中文回答:生活中的心理学。
分享与讨论:放松心情,大家共同share 感悟。
分享与讨论:放松心情,大家共同share 感悟。
工作——结婚——为人父母——衰老——死亡 and so on
0163பைடு நூலகம்020
Psychology in the Normal Life
健康促进(health promotion) 健康促进(health promotion)意味着发展一般的策 略和特定的战略来消除或减少人们患病的风险
排名 死亡率(%) 1 31.0 2 23.2 3 6.8 4 4.8 5 6.1 6 3.9 7 2.8 8 1.3 9 1.1 10 1.1 死亡原因 心脏病 癌症 中风 肺病 所有事故 肺炎和流感 糖尿病 自杀 肾病 慢性肝病和肝硬化 死亡原因的归因 DS DS DS S A S DS A A
• 躯体和心理两极
对立 • 心理只对情绪和 信仰起重要作用, 同躯体没有任何 关系
• 生物:现实的生物学
• 心理:健康的心理成
• 社会:健康的社会成
最佳健康(wellness):综合了你的生活的生理、 最佳健康(wellness):综合了你的生活的生理、 智力、情绪、神、社会和环境的方方面面精 采取健康行为:采取一些行动来预防疾病,或者想 采取健康行为:采取一些行动来预防疾病,或者想 要在其还处在无症状阶段就检查出来
• 20世纪:疾病感染— 20世纪 疾病感染— 世纪: •
—生理医学 21世纪 生活方式— 21世纪:生活方式— 世纪: —心理社会
努力降低同生活方式因素有关的死亡率—— 努力降低同生活方式因素有关的死亡率—— 运用心理学原理来增加你按照有利于你的 方法行事的可能性!
• 概念:是心理学的一个
分支,致力于研究人们是 怎样保持健康、他们患病 的原因以及生病后的反应。
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Psychology and LifeWhen you begin your introductory course in psychology, you may be quite pleasantly surprised by the wide-ranging terrain of contemporary psychology. Psychology and Life will reveal the intricacies of your human experience through rigorous research. Psychology and Life will lead you from the inner spaces of brain and mind to the outer dimensions of human behavior. We will investigate the processes that provide meaningful structure to your experiences, such as how you perceive the world, communicate, learn, think, and remember. We will try to understand the more dramatic expressions of human nature, such as how and why people dream, fall in love, act aggressively, and become mentally ill.Finally, we will demonstrate how psychological knowledge can be used to understand and change cultural forces at work in our lives. As authors of Psychology and Life, we believe in the power of psychological expertise. The appeal of psychology has grown personally for us over our careers as educators and researchers. In recent years, there has been a virtual explosion of new information about the basic mechanisms that govern mental and behavioral processes. As new ideas replace or modify old ideas, we are continually intrigued and challenged by the many fascinating pieces of the puzzle of human nature.Foremost in the journey will be a scientific quest or understanding. We shall inquire about the how, what, when, and why of human behavior and about the causes and consequences of behaviors you observe in yourself, in other people, and in animals. We will explain why you think, feel, and behave as you do. What makes you uniquely different from all other people? Yet why do you often behave so much like others? Are you molded by heredity, or are you shaped more by personal experiences? How an aggression and altruism, love and hate, and madness and creativity exist side by side in this complex creature-the human animal?To appreciate the uniqueness and unity of psychology, you must consider the way psychologists define the field and the goals they bring to their research and applications. By the end of the book, we will encourage you to think like a psychologist. In this first section, we’ll give you a strong idea of what that might mean.Many psychologists seek answers to this fundamental question: what is human nature? Psychology answers this question by looking at processes that occur within individuals as well as forces that arise within the physical and social environment. In this light, we formally define psychology as the scientific study of the behavior of individuals and their mental processes. Let’s explore the critical parts of this definition: scientific, behavior, individual, and mental.The scientific aspect of psychology requires that psychological conclusions be based on evidence collected according to the principles of the scientific method. The scientific method consists of a set of orderly steps used to analyze and solve problems. This method uses objectively collected information as the factual basis for drawing conclusions. We will elaborate on the features of the scientific method more fully in Chapter 2, when we consider how psychologists conduct their research.Behavior is the means by which organisms adjust to their environment. Behavior is action. The subject matter of psychology largely consists of the observable behavior of humans and other species of animals. Smiling, crying, running, hitting, talking, and touching are some obvious examples of behavior you can observe. Psychologists examine what the individual does and how the individual goes about doing it within a given behavioral setting and in the broader social or cultural context.The subject of psychological analysis is most often an individual-a newborn infant, a teenage athlete, a college student adjusting to life in a dormitory, a man facing a midlife career change, or a woman coping with the stress of her husband’s deterioration from Alzheimer’s disease. However, the subject might also be a chimpanzee learning to use symbols to communicate, a white rat navigating a maze, or a sea slug responding to a danger signal. An individual might be studied in its natural habitat or in the controlled conditions of a research laboratory.Many researchers in psychology also recognize that they cannot understand human actions without also understanding mental processes, the workings of the human mind. Much human activity takes place as private, internal events-thinking, planning, reasoning, creating, and dreaming. Many psychologists believe that mental processes represent the most important aspect of psychological inquiry. As you shall soon see, psychological investigators have devised ingenious techniques to study mental events and processes-to make these private experiences public.The combination of these concerns defines psychology as a unique field. Within the social sciences, psychologists focus largely on behavior in individuals, whereas sociologists study the behavior of people in groups or institutions, and anthropologists focus on the broader context of behavior in different cultures: Even so, psychologists draw broadly from the insights of other scholars. Psychologists share many interests with researchers in biological sciences, especially with those who study brain processes and the biochemical bases of behavior. As part of the emerging area of cognitive science, psychologists’questions about how the human mind works are related to research and theory in computer science, artificial intelligence, and applied mathematics. As a health science-with links to medicine, education, law, and environmental studies-psychology seeks to improve the quality of each individual’s and the collective’s well-being.Although the remarkable breadth and depth of modern psychology are a source of delight to those who become psychologists, these same attributes make the field a challenge to the student exploring it for the first time. There is so much more to the study of psychology than one expects initially-and, because of that, there will also be much of value that you can take away from this introduction to psychology. The best way to learn about the field is to learn to share psychologists’ goals. Let’s consider those goals.To appreciate the uniqueness and unity of psychology, you must consider the way psychologists define the field and the goals they bring to their research and applications. By the end of the book, we will encourage you to think like a psychologist. In this first section, we’ll give you a strong idea of what that might mean.Many psychologists seek answers to this fundamental question: what is human nature? Psychology answers this question by looking at processes that occur within individuals as well as forces that arise within the physical and social environment. In this light, we formally define psychology as the scientific study of the behavior of individuals and their mental processes. Let’s explore the critical parts of this definition: scientific, behavior, individual, and mental.The scientific aspect of psychology requires that psychological conclusions be based on evidence collected according to the principles of the scientific method. The scientific method consists of a set of orderly steps used to analyze and solve problems. This method uses objectively collected information as the factual basis for drawing conclusions. We will elaborate on the features of the scientific method more fully in Chapter 2, when we consider how psychologists conduct their research.Behavior is the means by which organisms adjust to their environment. Behavior is action. The subject matter of psychology largely consists of the observable behavior of humans and other species of animals. Smiling, crying, running, hitting, talking, and touching are some obvious examples of behavior you can observe. Psychologists examine what the individual does and how the individual goes about doing it within a given behavioral setting and in the broader social or cultural context.The subject of psychological analysis is most often an individual-a newborn infant, a teenage athlete, a college student adjusting to life in a dormitory, a man facing a midlife career change, or a woman coping with the stress of her husband’s deterioration from Alzheimer’s disease. However, the subject might also be a chimpanzee learning to use symbols to communicate, a white rat navigating a maze, or a sea slug responding to a danger signal. An individual might be studied in its natural habitat or in the controlled conditions of a research laboratory.Many researchers in psychology also recognize that they cannot understandhuman actions without also understanding mental processes, the workings of the human mind. Much human activity takes place as private, internal events-thinking, planning, reasoning, creating, and dreaming. Many psychologists believe that mental processes represent the most important aspect of psychological inquiry. As you shall soon see, psychological investigators have devised ingenious techniques to study mental events and processes-to make these private experiences public.The combination of these concerns defines psychology as a unique field. Within the social sciences, psychologists focus largely on behavior in individuals, whereas sociologists study the behavior of people in groups or institutions, and anthropologists focus on the broader context of behavior in different cultures: Even so, psychologists draw broadly from the insights of other scholars. Psychologists share many interests with researchers in biological sciences, especially with those who study brain processes and the biochemical bases of behavior. As part of the emerging area of cognitive science, psychologists’questions about how the human mind works are related to research and theory in computer science, artificial intelligence, and applied mathematics. As a health science-with links to medicine, education, law, and environmental studies-psychology seeks to improve the quality of each individual’s and the collective’s well-being.Although the remarkable breadth and depth of modern psychology are a source of delight to those who become psychologists, these same attributes make the field a challenge to the student exploring it for the first time. There is so much more to the study of psychology than one expects initially-and, because of that, there will also be much of value that you can take away from this introduction to psychology. The best way to learn about the field is to learn to share psychologists’ goals. Let’s consider those goals.The goals of the psychologist conducting basic research are to describe, explain, predict, and control behavior. These goals form the basis of the psychological enterprise. What is involved in trying to achieve each of them?The first task in psychology is to make accurate observations about behavior. Psychologists typically refer to such observations as their data (data is the plural, datum the singular).Behavioral data are reports of observations about the behavior of organisms and the conditions under which the behavior occurs. When researchers undertake data collection, they must choose an appropriate level of analysis and devise measures of behavior that ensue objectivity.In order to investigate an individual’s behavior, researchers may use different levels of analysis-from the broadest, most global level down to the most minute, specific level. Suppose, for example, you were trying to describe a painting you saw at a museum . At a global level, you might describe it by title, Bathers, and by artist,Georges Seurat. At a more specific level, you might recount features of the painting: some people are sunning themselves on a riverbank, while others are enjoying in water, and so on. At a very specific level, you might describe the technique Seurat used-tiny points of paint-to create the scene. The description at each level would answer different questions about the painting.Different levels of psychological description also address different questions. At the broadest level of psychological analysis, researchers investigate the behavior of the whole person within complex social and cultural contexts. At this level, researches might study cross-cultural differences in violence, the origins of prejudice, and the consequences of mental illness. At the next level, psychologists focus on narrower, finer units of behavior, such as speed of reaction to a stop light, eye movements during reading, and grammatical errors made by children acquiring language. Researchers can study even smaller units of behavior. They might work to discover the biological bases of behavior by identifying the places in the brain where different types of memories are stored, the biochemical changes that occur during learning, and the sensory paths responsible for vision or hearing. Each level of analysis yields information essential to the final composite portrait of human nature that psychologists hope ultimately to develop.However tight or broad the focus of the observation, psychologists strive to describe behavior objectively. Collecting the facts as they exist, and not as the researcher expects or hopes them to be, is of utmost importance. Because every observer brings to each observation his or her subjective point of view- biases, prejudices, and expectations—it is essential to prevent these personal factors from creeping in and distorting the data. As you will see in the next chapter, psychological researchers have developed a variety of techniques to maintain objectivity.While descriptions must stick to perceivable information, explanations deliberately go beyond what can be observed. In many areas of psychology, the central goal is to find regular patterns in behavioral and mental processes. Psychologists want to discover how behavior works. Why do you laugh at situations that differ from your expectations of what is coming next? What conditions could lead someone to attempt suicide or commit rape?Explanations in psychology usually recognize that most behavior is influenced by a combination of factors. Some factors operate within the individual, such as genetic makeup, motivation, intelligence level, or self-esteem. These inner determinants tell something special about the organism. Other factors, however, operate externally. Suppose, for example, that a child tries to please a teacher in order to win a prize or that a motorist trapped in a traffic jam becomes frustrated and hostile. These behaviors are largely influenced by events outside the person. When psychologistsseek to explain behavior, they almost always consider both types of explanations. Suppose, for example, psychologists want to explain why some people start smoking. Researchers might examine the possibility that some individuals are particularly prone to risk taking (an internal explanation) or that some individuals experience a lot of peer pressure (an external explanation)—or that both a disposition toward risk taking and situational peer pressure are necessary (a combined explanation).Often a psychologist’s goal is to explain a wide variety of behavior in terms of one underlying cause. Consider a situation in which your teacher says that to earn a good grade; each student must participate regularly in class discussions. Your roommate, who is always well prepared for class, never raises his hand to answer questions or volunteer information. The teacher chides him for being unmotivated and assumes he is not bright. That same roommate also goes to parties but never asks anyone to dance, doesn’t openly defend his point of view when it is challenged by someone less informed, and rarely engages in small talk at the dinner table. What is your diagnosis? What underlying cause might account for this range of behavior? How about shyness? Like many other people who suffer from intense feelings of shyness, your roommate is unable to behave in desired ways . We can use the concept of shyness to explain the full pattern of your roommate’s behavior.To forge such causal explanations, researchers must often engage in a creative process of examining a diverse collection of data. Master detective Sherlock Holmes drew shrewd conclusions from scraps of evidence. In a similar fashion, every researcher must use an informed imagination, which creatively synthesizes what is known and what is not yet known. A well-trained psychologist can explain observations by using her or his insight into the human experience along with the facts previous researchers have uncovered about the phenomenon in question. Much psychological research attempts to determine which of several explanations most accurately accounts for a given behavioral pattern。