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9A Unit 1 Ancient Greece 知识点

1. luck n. 运气 Wish you good luck!祝你好运!

lucky adj. 好运的;幸运的 He is lucky to pass all the tests.他很幸运通过了所有的考试

luckily adv. 幸运地Luckily,he passed all the tests.幸运的是,他通过了所有的考试。

2.history n. I can use my computer to learn about a famous person from history.


historical adj. 历史的;历史上The Great Wall is a famous historical place in the world.

3.at a time = each time; on each occasion 每次

The doctor asked my mother to take medicine three times a day and two pills at

a time.


4. disappear vi. :become impossible to see消失

appear vi. 出现

5. no longer= not… any longer不再

My father gave up smoking . He is no longer a smoker.父亲戒烟了。他不再是烟民了。

=My father gave up smoking. He is n’t a smoker any longer.

He broke his leg and could no longer walk.他把腿摔断了,不能再走了。

=He broke his leg and could not walk any longer.

6. go up the stairs= go upstairs上楼

7. seconds later = moments later , after a while 不一会儿

Seconds later, she finished making rice dumplings.不一会儿,她就包好了粽子。8. look down at向下看反义词:look up at 抬头看

He looked down at his shoes. They were very dirty.他低头看了看他的鞋子。鞋子很脏。

He looked up at the bright stars. 他抬头看着明亮的星星。

look for 寻找Jane is looking for her key everywhere. 珍妮在到处寻找她的钥匙。

look at 看。。。Please look at the blackboard.请看黑板。

look after=take care of; care for 照顾We must learn to look after ourselves.我们须学会照顾自己

look up 查阅He looked up all the new words in the dictionary.他在词典里查阅了所有的生词。

look out = be careful 当心 Look out! There is a car coming. 当心!有车过来了。

9. empty adj. 空的反义词:full adj. 满的

This is an empty box.

10. take sth. with sb. 随身带走了某物

When you get off the car, don’t forget to take your belongings with you.


11. main adj. 主要的The horse must go through the main gate. 那马必须经过那扇大门。

mainly adv. 主要地 This text mainly tells us how we should learn a foreign language.


12. wood n. Wood can be used to make furniture.木头可用来造家具。

wooden adj. It’s a wooden ball, not a metal ball. 这是一个木头球,不是金属球。

13. difficult adj. This is a difficult problem.这是个难题。

difficulty n. There is a lot of difficulty in finishing the task.完成这个任务有许多困难。

14.on wheels 在轮子上The wooden horse is on wheels. 这木马是在轮子上。

15. maybe = perhaps adv. 也许;可能 Maybe he is right. 也许他是对的。

may be 可能是 = He may be right.

16. want (sb.) to do sth 想(让某人)做某事= would like (sb.) to do sth.

Do you want to visit the museum next week? 你想下周去参观博物馆吗?

= Would you like to visit the museum next week?

17. interrupt sb. 打断某人

The captain interrupted him. 长官打断了他的话。

I’m sorry to interrupt, but there’s someone to see you. 对不起打断一下,有人要见你。

18. obey orders服从命令 A soldier’s duty is to obey orders.士兵的职责是服从命令。

19. city n. 城市

citizen n. 市民;公民;居民All the citizen s of Shanghai can enjoy the party. She is American by birth but is now an Australian citizen 她出生于美国,但现在是澳大利亚公民。

20. celebrate v.庆祝 I celebrated my birthday with a big party.我举行派对来庆祝我的生日。

celebration n.

21.dance around the horse 围着马跳舞

22. make a joke / joke s about sth. / sb. 拿某事(某人)开玩笑; 取笑某人

play a joke / joke s on sb. 拿某人开玩笑

My classmates like to make jokes about me at lunchtimes.同学们喜欢在午餐时间开我的玩笑。

23. enemy n. 敌人 enem ies (复数)

24. stupid adj. : foolish; silly 愚蠢的

反义词: clever ; bright ; wise ; intelligent ; smart

25. make sure 确信。。。

We will make sure all the windows are securely locked. 我们将确信所有的窗牢牢地锁住。

26.be securely locked被牢牢地锁住 = be safely locked

27.go to sleep 入睡;睡着

He didn’t go to sleep until his mother came back.直到母亲回来,他才入睡。28.include v. 包括;包含The tour included a visit to the Science Museum.

