

Arm Wishbone LED Edge 24ft Kit 用户手册说明书

Arm Wishbone LED Edge 24ft Kit 用户手册说明书
NAME Arm Wishbone LED Edge 24ft Kit
PROPRIETARY&CONFIDENTIAL: The information contained in this drawing is the sole property of DoorKing, Inc. Any reproduction in part or as a whole without written permission of DoorKing, Inc. is prohibited.
1602-248 Cable 1X 2620-030 Washer 8X
1602-210 Pin 6X 8X 2615-052 Bolt 8X 2620-019 Washer
2620-019 Washer 8X 2620-047 Washer 8X 2620-405 Nut 8X (2620-019 Washer 12X) Ref. (2601-298 Pin 12X) Ref.
2620-019 2620-030 2620-047
Washer 3/8 ID SAE Washer 1/2 ID USS Washer Split 3/8-16
Washer Split 1/2
2620-405 2620-420 2620-490 2905-067
Nut 3/8-16 Nut 1/2-13 Hex Nut Jam 1/2-13 Screw 1/4-20 x 0.75 Pan Head Phillips





(1)TRIM:按下后旋钮即为扩展的增益(+_15dB)(2)METERS:按下键后每个V-POT四周的灯变为该路的电表灯(3)HPF:高通滤波(此时再按V-POT钮为开关对应路的高通,开启时HPF键会显红色,旋钮为设定范围20-400Hz低切的具体频率)(4)AUXPAN:按制立体声连接的多路辅助输送的声象(5)AUXMODE:这是唯一会亮蓝灯的键,一但按下,再选任一个AUXSENDS区下的键会使24路通过推子控制向该区路辅助输送的大小,右4路编组推子则变为控制相应的总辅助输送的输出大小(6)余下的1-12AUXSENDS键:按下其一后,每路中的V-POT变为调节该路向对应辅助输送的的混合大小(注意按的话是开关推前/推后输送)3、快混区(即QuickMix Area)所谓的快混区就位于触摸屏下,有键有钮,但其实并不‘快’,基本上是按下某键后屏上会显示相应的调节画面,再看屏对钮(共12个)调节:(1)FAT:先按该键再用SELECT选某路,则该路的全局浏览介面出现的屏上,关键是可见其VU电表!(2)EQ:是4-BAND的,其中还有低高切(3)DYN:是详细的压限与门扩设置(4)GRP/AUX:编组与辅助输送大小控制以及推前推后选择(5)AUXMSTR:12路辅助输送的总控制(6)EFX:四组内部立体声效果‘返回’输入(共8路,位于9-16路上,是1L-4R),有Reverb-回声、GateReverb-回声门、Mono/Stereo/Ping-Pong Delay-单声立体乒乓延时、Chorus-唱诗班效果、Flanger-法兰音(7)MA TRIX:提供11×8的音频矩阵(即任选11路混合,定义到相应8个编组口输出,这11路可选1-24路模拟输入、25-48路数字输入、1-8路LINE输入、1L-4R八路内部音效返送输入、1-8路编组以及左右和单声道输入、1-8路扩展卡上的输入<暂无>=。



Infineon BGT24MTR11 24 GHZ雷达用户向导目录1引言 (2)2 概述 (2)3 VCO 压控振荡器 (2)3.1调谐电压输入 (3)3.2预分频器 (4)3.2.1 16分频器 (4)3.2.2 65536分频器 (4)4 发射机 (5)4.1 TX 端 (5)4.1.1 输出功率的使能与禁用 (6) 通过SPI总线使能/禁用 (7) 通过TXOFF引脚使能/禁用 (7)4.2 本振LO (7)5 接收机 (8)5.1低噪声放大器ANA (8)5.2 混频器 (9)6 传感器 (9)6.1 功率传感器 (10)6.2 温度传感器 (10)图目录图一 BGT24MTR11结构图图二 VCO频率与调谐电压VFINE=VCOARSE及温度的关系图图三三维图:输出频率与VCOARSE及VFINE的关系图图四二维图:输出电压与VCOARSE及VFINE的关系图图五 Div16的输出终端图图六不同温度下TX输出的功率与频率的关系图图七功率传感器的转换特性图图八温度传感器的转换特性图表格目录表一输出功率简表表二模拟多路复用器真值表1引言本文关于如何使用BGT24MTR11提供了一些数据手册中未作说明的补充信息。

BGT24MTR11是英飞凌公司24 GHZ雷达收发产品BGT24系列的主导产品,在此操作说明书中作为所有的BGT24产品的一个例子。



2 概述下图显示了BGT24MTR11的内部结构图。

此操作说明书包括结构图的一下分节:●压控振荡器和前置分频器●发射机链,包括TX和LO输出端●接收器链,包括低噪声放大器和混频器●片上传感器3 VCO 压控振荡器BGT24MTR11的信号发生器由一个自由运行的振荡器组成,该振荡器带有两路单独的调谐电压输入端,输入端后跟一个缓冲放大器,以减少频率牵引效应。

Helios 11 240 伏特斯坦 4灯控制器说明书

Helios 11 240 伏特斯坦 4灯控制器说明书
WARRANTY SERVICE: Please read warranty information first If after reviewing the troubleshooting tips the unit will still not work, you should return it to the Dealer where you purchased the controller. They will be able to further evaluate the unit and test its various components and quite possibly will be able to identify and/or fix any problems. If the Dealer is unable to fix the unit, they will return it to us for factory repair. If there are no Dealers in your area, you may contact us directly for technical support. If we cannot help you resolve the problem over the phone, we will issue you an RMA # (return merchandise authorization) authorizing you to return the unit to us for factory reconditioning (if the unit is under warranty). Contact the number below for an RMA # and shipping address. Complete the form below and include it with your unit. Also please write the RMA # on the outside of the box. Please package the unit in its original packaging. If it is damaged in shipment we cannot be responsible. Once we receive the unit back, we will repair or replace the controller within 48 hours (business) and return it to you freight prepaid via UPS ground shipment.









二.主要技术指标1.调制方式:2FSK制2.传输速率:全话路使用1200bit/s f o=1700HZ 频偏±400HZf o=1700HZ 频偏±500HZ600bit/s f o=1500HZ 频偏±200HZ上音频复用300/600bit/s f o=2880HZ 频偏±200HZf o=3000HZ 频偏±200HZ3.通信方式:四线制全双工。



6.数据接口:RS232/ V23。







三.使用说明(一). 端子定义1.通信线路接线端X2:1 主信道接收23 主信道发送45 备信道接收67 备信道发送82.48线数据口接线端X1:B2:+12VB4:-12VD30:+5VD10B10 0VZ10D4:RTSA A口请求发送线输入Z14:RTSB B口请求发送线输入Z4:CTSA A口发送允许线输出D16:CTSB B口发送允许线输出D2:TxDA A口调制数据信号输入D14:TxDB B口调制数据信号输入D6:CDA A口载波捡出B16:CDB B口载波捡出Z2:RxDA A口解调数据输出B14:RxDB B口解调数据输出Z6:CpA A口时钟输出线Z16:CpB B口时钟输出线(二). 开关设置定义1.K1 拨动开关K1-1 ON:长发载波状态(常规)OFF:断续发送载波状态K1-2 OFF:全话路使用ON:上音频复用K1-3 OFF:传输速率设置为300b/s和600b/sON:传输速率设置为1200b/sK1-4 OFF:上音频复用时,信号中心频率为3000HZON:上音频复用时,信号中心频率为2880HZK1-5 OFF:CDT方式,需要装置的CPA或CPB时钟为数据采样时钟时,K1-5 在OFF位。



Infineon BGT24MTR11 24 GHZ雷达用户向导目录1引言 (2)2 概述 (2)3 VCO 压控振荡器 (2)3.1调谐电压输入 (3)3.2预分频器 (4)3.2.1 16分频器 (4)3.2.2 65536分频器 (4)4 发射机 (5)4.1 TX 端 (5)4.1.1 输出功率的使能与禁用 (6) 通过SPI总线使能/禁用 (7) 通过TXOFF引脚使能/禁用 (7)4.2 本振LO (7)5 接收机 (8)5.1低噪声放大器ANA (8)5.2 混频器 (9)6 传感器 (9)6.1 功率传感器 (10)6.2 温度传感器 (10)图目录图一 BGT24MTR11结构图图二 VCO频率与调谐电压VFINE=VCOARSE及温度的关系图图三三维图:输出频率与VCOARSE及VFINE的关系图图四二维图:输出电压与VCOARSE及VFINE的关系图图五 Div16的输出终端图图六不同温度下TX输出的功率与频率的关系图图七功率传感器的转换特性图图八温度传感器的转换特性图表格目录表一输出功率简表表二模拟多路复用器真值表1引言本文关于如何使用BGT24MTR11提供了一些数据手册中未作说明的补充信息。

BGT24MTR11是英飞凌公司24 GHZ雷达收发产品BGT24系列的主导产品,在此操作说明书中作为所有的BGT24产品的一个例子。



2 概述下图显示了BGT24MTR11的内部结构图。

此操作说明书包括结构图的一下分节:●压控振荡器和前置分频器●发射机链,包括TX和LO输出端●接收器链,包括低噪声放大器和混频器●片上传感器3 VCO 压控振荡器BGT24MTR11的信号发生器由一个自由运行的振荡器组成,该振荡器带有两路单独的调谐电压输入端,输入端后跟一个缓冲放大器,以减少频率牵引效应。



2、寄存器说明与命令格式 (1)、电参量数据寄存器定义表
寄存器个数 寄存器状态
放 01 通道电流值
只读0Biblioteka 01放 02 通道电流值1
0002 0003 0004
放 03 通道电流值
放 04 通道电流值
放 05 通道电流值
只读 只读 只读
放 06 通道电流值
寄存器地址(Hex) 0030H
寄存器内容 地址与 波特率
寄存器个数 1
寄存器状态 写
数据范围 地址(0-256) 波特率(0-3)
(3)、命令举例 命令中所有寄存器地址字节、寄存器个数字节、数据字节高位在前,低位在后;CRC 校验码低位字节 在前,高位字节在后; A:读所有 24 组电流数据发送命令举例:
从设备地址 (0x01-0xFF 1 字节)
功能码 (0x03 1 字节)
起始寄存器地址 (2 字节)
寄存器个数 (2 字节)
CRC 校验码 (2 字节)
寄存器个数 (2 字节)
数据区字节数 (2*寄存器个数 1 字节)
写入寄存器的数据 (2*寄存器个数个字节)
CRC 校验码 (2 字节)
从设备地址 (0x01-0xFF 1 字节)
从设备地址 功能码 起始寄存器地址 寄存器个数 CRC-L CRC-H
10H 00H 30H 00H 01H 85H
C:新增硬件拨盘地址与软件地址选择功能 本板设有一个硬件地址和软件地址选择开关,当 DZ01 短接时,为硬件设置通讯地址和波特率方式; 不插短接块时为软件设置通讯地址和波特率方式。 硬件设置地址和波特率: 软件设置地址和波特率: 本板设有一个 8 位 DIP 双列拨盘开关,当选择硬件设置通讯地址和波特率方式时,用于地址和波特 率设定,开关位于“ON“时为“0”;“OFF”时为“1”。 1 ̄6 为地址设置,可选地址为:00H ̄3FH(十六进制)0 ̄63D(十进制) 7 ̄8 为波特率设置,可选波特率为,00H ̄03H(十六进制)0 ̄3D(十进制)





1、工作电源:AC220V、110V、36V、24V 50/60Hz允许电压波动范围为(85%~110%)Ue;DC6V、12V、24V。





Phoenix Contact PLC-RPT-24DC 21 MS数据手册说明书

Phoenix Contact PLC-RPT-24DC 21 MS数据手册说明书

01/06/2021 Page 1 / 17Relay Module - PLC-RPT- 24DC/21/MS - 2909667Please be informed that the data shown in this PDF Document is generated from our Online Catalog. Please find the complete data in the user's documentation. Our General Terms of Use for Downloads are valid (/download)PLC-INTERFACE, consisting of PLC-BPT.../21 basic terminal block with Push-in connection and plug-inminiature relay with power contact and manual operation, 1 changeover contact, 24 V DC input voltageYour advantagesSlim designEfficient connection to system cabling using V8 adapter RT III sealed relaySafe isolation according to DIN EN 50178 between coil and contact Functional plug-in bridgesIntegrated input circuit and interference suppression circuitKey Commercial DataTechnical dataNoteRelay Module - PLC-RPT- 24DC/21/MS - 2909667Technical dataNoteDimensionsAmbient conditionsCoil sideContact side01/06/2021 Page 2 / 17Relay Module - PLC-RPT- 24DC/21/MS - 2909667Technical dataContact sideGeneralConnection dataConnection data 2Standards and Regulations01/06/2021 Page 3 / 1701/06/2021 Page 4 / 17Relay Module - PLC-RPT- 24DC/21/MS - 2909667Technical dataStandards and RegulationsConformance/approvalsEnvironmental Product ComplianceDrawingsDiagramInterrupting ratingDiagram0,711,30,80,91,11,21,4U UN T [°C]U Curve A01/06/2021 Page 5 / 17Relay Module - PLC-RPT- 24DC/21/MS - 2909667Maximum permissible continuous voltage U max with limiting continuous current on the contact side (see relevant technical data) Curve BMinimum permissible operate voltage U op after pre-excitation (see relevant technical data)Circuit diagramA2111412Articles in setRelay base - PLC-BPT- 24DC/21 - 29004456.2 mm PLC basic terminal block with push-in connection, without relay or solid-state relay, for mounting on DIN rail NS 35/7,5, 1 PDT, input voltage 24 V DCSingle relay - REL-MR- 24DC/21/MS - 2909642Plug-in miniature power relay, with power contact, 1 changeover contact, manual operation, 24 V DC input voltageClassificationseCl@ssRelay Module - PLC-RPT- 24DC/21/MS - 2909667ClassificationsETIMUNSPSCApprovalsApprovalsApprovalsUL Listed / UL Recognized / cUL Recognized / cUL Listed / DNV GL / EAC / EAC / cULus Recognized / cULus ListedEx ApprovalsApproval detailsUL Listed /cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1FRAME/index.htm FILE E 172140 UL Recognized /cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1FRAME/index.htm FILE E 238705 cUL Recognized /cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1FRAME/index.htm FILE E 23870501/06/2021 Page 6 / 1701/06/2021 Page 7 / 17Relay Module - PLC-RPT- 24DC/21/MS - 2909667ApprovalscUL Listed/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1FRAME/index.htm FILE E 172140DNV GL https:/// TAE0000196-03EAC TR_TS_D_00573_cEACRU*C-DE.*08.B.00010cULus RecognizedcULus ListedAccessoriesAccessories BridgeContinuous plug-in bridge - FBST 500-PLC RD - 2966786Continuous plug-in bridge, length: 500 mm, color: red01/06/2021 Page 8 / 17Relay Module - PLC-RPT- 24DC/21/MS - 2909667AccessoriesContinuous plug-in bridge - FBST 500-PLC BU - 2966692Continuous plug-in bridge, length: 500 mm, color: blueContinuous plug-in bridge - FBST 500-PLC GY - 2966838Continuous plug-in bridge, length: 500 mm, color: graySingle plug-in bridge - FBST 6-PLC RD - 2966236Single plug-in bridge, length: 6 mm, number of positions: 2, color: redSingle plug-in bridge - FBST 6-PLC BU - 2966812Single plug-in bridge, length: 6 mm, number of positions: 2, color: blueSingle plug-in bridge - FBST 6-PLC GY - 2966825Single plug-in bridge, length: 6 mm, number of positions: 2, color: gray01/06/2021 Page 9 / 17Relay Module - PLC-RPT- 24DC/21/MS - 2909667AccessoriesSingle plug-in bridge - FBST 8-PLC GY - 2967688Single plug-in bridge, length: 8 mm, number of positions: 2, color: grayController boardSystem connection - PLC-V8/FLK14/OUT - 2295554V8 adapter for 8 x PLC-INTERFACE (6.2 mm), controller: PLC system cabling of output cards, connection 1: Screw connection 1x, connection 2: IDC/FLK pin strip 1x 14-position, connection 3: Plug connection (Can be snapped onto 8x PLC-INTERFACE terminals), number of channels: 8, control logic: positive switchingSystem connection - PLC-V8/FLK14/OUT/M - 2304102V8 adapter for 8 x PLC-INTERFACE (6.2 mm), controller: PLC system cabling of output cards, connection 1: Screw connection 1x, connection 2: IDC/FLK pin strip 1x 14-position, connection 3: Plug connection (Can be snapped onto 8x PLC-INTERFACE terminals), number of channels: 8, control logic: negative switchingAdapter module - PLC-V8/D15S/OUT - 2296058V8 adapter for 8 x PLC-INTERFACE (6.2 mm), controller: PLC system cabling of output cards, connection 1: Screw connection 1x, connection 2: D-SUB pin strip 1x 15-position, connection 3: Plug connection (Can be snapped onto 8x PLC-INTERFACE terminals), number of channels: 8, control logic: positive switchingSystem connection - PLC-V8/D15B/OUT - 2296061V8 adapter for 8 x PLC-INTERFACE (6.2 mm), controller: PLC system cabling of output cards, connection 1: Screwconnection 1x, connection 2: D-SUB socket strip 1x 15-position, connection 3: Plug connection (Can be snapped onto 8x PLC-INTERFACE terminals), number of channels: 8, control logic: positive switching01/06/2021 Page 10 / 17Relay Module - PLC-RPT- 24DC/21/MS - 2909667AccessoriesDIN railDIN rail perforated - NS 35/ 7,5 PERF 2000MM - 0801733DIN rail perforated, Standard profile, width:35 mm, height:7.5 mm, acc. to EN 60715, material:Steel, galvanized,passivated with a thick layer, length:2000 mm, color:silverDIN rail, unperforated - NS 35/ 7,5 UNPERF 2000MM - 0801681DIN rail, unperforated, Standard profile, width:35 mm, height:7.5 mm, acc. to EN 60715, material:Steel, galvanized,passivated with a thick layer, length:2000 mm, color:silverDIN rail perforated - NS 35/ 7,5 WH PERF 2000MM - 1204119DIN rail perforated, Standard profile, width:35 mm, height:7.5 mm, acc. to EN 60715, material:Steel, Galvanized, white passivated, length:2000 mm, color:silverDIN rail, unperforated - NS 35/ 7,5 WH UNPERF 2000MM - 1204122DIN rail, unperforated, Standard profile, width:35 mm, height:7.5 mm, acc. to EN 60715, material:Steel, Galvanized, white passivated, length:2000 mm, color:silverDIN rail, unperforated - NS 35/ 7,5 AL UNPERF 2000MM - 0801704DIN rail, unperforated, Standard profile, width:35 mm, height:7.5 mm, acc. to EN 60715, material:Aluminum, uncoated,length:2000 mm, color:silver01/06/2021 Page 11 / 17Relay Module - PLC-RPT- 24DC/21/MS - 2909667AccessoriesDIN rail perforated - NS 35/ 7,5 ZN PERF 2000MM - 1206421DIN rail perforated, Standard profile, width:35 mm, height:7.5 mm, acc. to EN 60715, material:Steel, galvanized,length:2000 mm, color:silverDIN rail, unperforated - NS 35/ 7,5 ZN UNPERF 2000MM - 1206434DIN rail, unperforated, Standard profile, width:35 mm, height:7.5 mm, acc. to EN 60715, material:Steel, galvanized,length:2000 mm, color:silverDIN rail, unperforated - NS 35/ 7,5 CU UNPERF 2000MM - 0801762DIN rail, unperforated, Standard profile, width:35 mm, height:7.5 mm, acc. to EN 60715, material:Copper, uncoated,length:2000 mm, color:copper-coloredEnd cap - NS 35/ 7,5 CAP - 1206560DIN rail end piece, for DIN rail NS 35/7.5DIN rail perforated - NS 35/15 PERF 2000MM - 1201730DIN rail perforated, Standard profile, width:35 mm, height:15 mm, similar to EN 60715, material:Steel, galvanized,passivated with a thick layer, length:2000 mm, color:silver01/06/2021 Page 12 / 17Relay Module - PLC-RPT- 24DC/21/MS - 2909667AccessoriesDIN rail, unperforated - NS 35/15 UNPERF 2000MM - 1201714DIN rail, unperforated, Standard profile, width:35 mm, height:15 mm, similar to EN 60715, material:Steel, galvanized,passivated with a thick layer, length:2000 mm, color:silverDIN rail perforated - NS 35/15 WH PERF 2000MM - 0806602DIN rail perforated, Standard profile, width:35 mm, height:15 mm, similar to EN 60715, material:Steel, Galvanized, white passivated, length:2000 mm, color:silverDIN rail, unperforated - NS 35/15 WH UNPERF 2000MM - 1204135DIN rail, unperforated, Standard profile, width:35 mm, height:15 mm, similar to EN 60715, material:Steel, Galvanized,white passivated, length:2000 mm, color:silverDIN rail, unperforated - NS 35/15 AL UNPERF 2000MM - 1201756DIN rail, unperforated, Standard profile, width:35 mm, height:15 mm, similar to EN 60715, material:Aluminum, uncoated,length:2000 mm, color:silverDIN rail perforated - NS 35/15 ZN PERF 2000MM - 1206599DIN rail perforated, Standard profile, width:35 mm, height:15 mm, similar to EN 60715, material:Steel, galvanized,length:2000 mm, color:silver01/06/2021 Page 13 / 17Relay Module - PLC-RPT- 24DC/21/MS - 2909667AccessoriesDIN rail, unperforated - NS 35/15 ZN UNPERF 2000MM - 1206586DIN rail, unperforated, Standard profile, width:35 mm, height:15 mm, similar to EN 60715, material:Steel, galvanized,length:2000 mm, color:silverDIN rail, unperforated - NS 35/15 CU UNPERF 2000MM - 1201895DIN rail, unperforated, Standard profile, width:35 mm, height:15 mm, similar to EN 60715, material:Copper, uncoated,length:2000 mm, color:copper-coloredEnd cap - NS 35/15 CAP - 1206573DIN rail end piece, for DIN rail NS 35/15DIN rail, unperforated - NS 35/15-2,3 UNPERF 2000MM - 1201798DIN rail, unperforated, Standard profile 2.3 mm, width:35 mm, height:15 mm, acc. to EN 60715, material:Steel,galvanized, passivated with a thick layer, length:2000 mm, color:silverLabeled terminal markerZack marker strip - ZB 6 CUS - 0824992Zack marker strip, can be ordered: Strip, white, labeled according to customer specifications, mounting type: snap into tall marker groove, for terminal block width: 6.2 mm, lettering field size: 6.15 x 10.5 mm, Number of individual labels: 1001/06/2021 Page 14 / 17Relay Module - PLC-RPT- 24DC/21/MS - 2909667AccessoriesZack marker strip - ZB 6,LGS:FORTL.ZAHLEN - 1051016Zack marker strip, Strip, white, labeled, can be labeled with: CMS-P1-PLOTTER, printed horizontally: consecutivenumbers 1 ... 10, 11 ... 20, etc. up to 491 ... 500, mounting type: snap into tall marker groove, for terminal block width: 6.2mm, lettering field size: 6.15 x 10.5 mm, Number of individual labels: 10Zack marker strip - ZB 6,QR:FORTL.ZAHLEN - 1051029Zack marker strip, Strip, white, labeled, can be labeled with: CMS-P1-PLOTTER, Printed vertically: consecutive numbers 1 ... 10, 11 ... 20, etc. up to 491 ... 500, mounting type: snap into tall marker groove, for terminal block width: 6.2 mm,lettering field size: 6.15 x 10.5 mm, Number of individual labels: 10Zack marker strip - ZB 6,LGS:GLEICHE ZAHLEN - 1051032Zack marker strip, Strip, white, labeled, can be labeled with: CMS-P1-PLOTTER, printed horizontally: Identical numbers 1or 2, etc. up to 100, mounting type: snap into tall marker groove, for terminal block width: 6.2 mm, lettering field size: 6.15x 10.5 mm, Number of individual labels: 10Marker for terminal blocks - ZB 6,LGS:L1-N,PE - 1051414Marker for terminal blocks, Strip, white, labeled, can be labeled with: CMS-P1-PLOTTER, horizontal: L1, L2, L3, N, PE,L1, L2, L3, N, PE, mounting type: snap into tall marker groove, for terminal block width: 6.2 mm, lettering field size: 6.15 x 10.5 mm, Number of individual labels: 10Marker for terminal blocks - ZB 6,LGS:U-N - 1051430Marker for terminal blocks, Strip, white, labeled, can be labeled with: CMS-P1-PLOTTER, printed horizontally: U, V, W,N, GND, U, V, W, N, GND, mounting type: snap into tall marker groove, for terminal block width: 6.2 mm, lettering field size: 6.15 x 10.5 mm, Number of individual labels: 1001/06/2021 Page 15 / 17Relay Module - PLC-RPT- 24DC/21/MS - 2909667AccessoriesMarker for terminal blocks - UC-TM 6 CUS - 0824589Marker for terminal blocks, can be ordered: by sheet, white, labeled according to customer specifications, mounting type:snap into tall marker groove, for terminal block width: 6.2 mm, lettering field size: 5.6 x 10.5 mm, Number of individual labels: 80Marker for terminal blocks - UCT-TM 6 CUS - 0829602Marker for terminal blocks, can be ordered: by sheet, white, labeled according to customer specifications, mounting type:snap into tall marker groove, for terminal block width: 6.2 mm, lettering field size: 5.6 x 10.5 mm, Number of individual labels: 60Partition plateSeparating plate - PLC-ATP BK - 2966841Separating plate, 2 mm thick, required at the start and end of a PLC terminal strip. Furthermore, it is used for: visual separation of groups, safe isolation of different voltages of neighboring PLC relays in acc. with DIN VDE 0106-101,isolationPower modulePower terminal block - PLC-ESK GY - 2966508Power terminal block, for the input of up to four potentials, for mounting on NS 35/7.5Screwdriver tools01/06/2021 Page 16 / 17Relay Module - PLC-RPT- 24DC/21/MS - 2909667AccessoriesScrewdriver - SZF 1-0,6X3,5 - 1204517Actuation tool, for ST terminal blocks, also suitable for use as a bladed screwdriver, size: 0.6 x 3.5 x 100 mm, 2-component grip, with non-slip gripTerminal markingZack marker strip - ZB 6:UNBEDRUCKT - 1051003Zack marker strip, Strip, white, unlabeled, can be labeled with: PLOTMARK, CMS-P1-PLOTTER, mounting type: snap into tall marker groove, for terminal block width: 6.2 mm, lettering field size: 6.15 x 10.5 mm, Number of individual labels:10Marker for terminal blocks - UC-TM 6 - 0818085Marker for terminal blocks, Sheet, white, unlabeled, can be labeled with: BLUEMARKIDCOLOR, BLUEMARKID,BLUEMARK CLED, PLOTMARK, CMS-P1-PLOTTER, mounting type: snap into tall marker groove, for terminal block width: 6.2 mm, lettering field size: 5.6 x 10.5 mm, Number of individual labels: 80Marker for terminal blocks - UCT-TM 6 - 0828736Marker for terminal blocks, Sheet, white, unlabeled, can be labeled with: TOPMARKNEO, TOPMARK LASER,BLUEMARKIDCOLOR, BLUEMARKID, BLUEMARK CLED, THERMOMARK PRIME, THERMOMARK CARD 2.0,THERMOMARK CARD, mounting type: snap into tall marker groove, for terminal block width: 6.2 mm, lettering field size:5.6 x 10.5 mm, Number of individual labels: 60Spare partsRelay base - PLC-BPT- 24DC/21 - 29004456.2 mm PLC basic terminal block with push-in connection, without relay or solid-state relay, for mounting on DIN rail NS 35/7,5, 1 PDT, input voltage 24 V DC01/06/2021 Page 17 / 17Relay Module - PLC-RPT- 24DC/21/MS - 2909667AccessoriesSingle relay - REL-MR- 24DC/21/MS - 2909642Plug-in miniature power relay, with power contact, 1 changeover contact, manual operation, 24 V DC input voltagePhoenix Contact 2021 © - all rights reserved 。

AT24C11 EEPROM 产品说明书

AT24C11 EEPROM 产品说明书

Features•Low Voltage and Standard Voltage Operation–2.7 (V CC = 2.7V to 5.5V)–1.8 (V CC = 1.8V to 5.5V)•Internally Organized 128 x 8•Two-wire Serial Interface•Bidirectional Data Transfer Protocol•400 kHz (1.8V) and 1 MHz (2.5V, 2.7V, 5V) Compatibility •4-Byte Page Write Mode•Self-Timed Write Cycle (5 ms max)•High Reliability–Endurance: 1 Million Write Cycles –Data Retention: 100 Years•Automotive Grade, Extended Temperature and Lead-Free/Halogen-Free Devices Available•8-lead PDIP , 8-lead JEDEC SOIC, 5-lead SOT23 and 8-lead TSSOP Packages •Die Sales: Wafer Form, Waffle Pack, and Bumped Wafers •Access to One Additional Page Upon RequestDescriptionThe AT24C11 provides 1024 bits of serial electrically erasable and programmable read only memory (EEPROM) organized as 128 words of 8 bits each. The device is optimized for use in many industrial and commercial applications where low power and low voltage operation are essential. The AT24C11 is available in space saving 8-lead PDIP, 8-lead JEDEC SOIC, 5-lead SOT23 and 8-lead TSSOP packages and is accessed via a two-wire serial interface. In addition, the entire family is available in 2.7V (2.7V to 5.5V) and 1.8V (1.8V to 5.5V) versions.Table 0-1.Pin ConfigurationPin Name Function NC No Connect SDA Serial Data SCL Serial Clock Input TESTTest Input (GND or VCC)Two-wire Serial EEPROM1K (128 x 8)AT24C11Note:Not recommended for new design; please refer to AT24C01B datasheet.Rev. 3409G–SEEPR–8/078-lead PDIP8-lead SOIC8-lead TSSOP23409G–SEEPR–8/07AT24C11Figure 0-1.Block Diagram 1.Pin DescriptionSERIAL CLOCK (SCL): The SCL input is used to positive edge clock data into each EEPROM device and negative edge clock data out of each device.SERIAL DATA (SDA): The SDA pin is bidirectional for serial data transfer. This pin is open-drain driven and may be wire-ORed with any number of other open-drain or open collector devices.Absolute Maximum Ratings*Operating Temperature..................................–55°C to +125°C *NOTICE:Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent dam-age to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Storage Temperature.....................................–65°C to +150°C Voltage on Any Pinwith Respect to Ground....................................–1.0V to +7.0V Maximum Operating Voltage..........................................6.25V DC Output Current........................................................5.0 mA33409G–SEEPR–8/07AT24C112.Memory OrganizationAT24C11, 1K SERIAL EEPROM: Internally organized with 32 pages of 4 bytes each. The 1K requires a 7-bit data word address for random word addressing. Access to one additional page (33rd page) available upon request.Note:1.V IL min and V IH max are reference only and are not tested.Table 2-1.Pin CapacitanceApplicable over recommended operating range from T A = 25°C, f = 1.0 MHz, V CC = +1.8V.Symbol Test ConditionMax Units Condition C I/O Input/Output Capacitance (SDA)8pF V I/O = 0V C INInput Capacitance (A0, A1, A2, SCL)6pFV IN = 0VTable 2-2.DC CharacteristicsApplicable over recommended operating range from: T AI = –40°C to +85°C, V CC = +1.8V to +5.5V, V CC =+2.7V to +5.5V (unless otherwise noted)Symbol Parameter Test ConditionMin TypMax Units V CC1Supply Voltage 1.8 5.5V V CC2Supply Voltage 2.5 5.5V V CC3Supply Voltage 2.7 5.5V V CC4Supply Voltage4.55.5V I CC Supply Current V CC = 5.0V READ at 100 kHz 0.4 1.0mA I CC Supply Current V CC = 5.0V WRITE at 100 kHz 2.0 3.0mA I SB1Standby Current V CC = 1.8V V IN = V CC or V SS 0.6 3.0µA I SB2Standby Current V CC = 2.5V V IN = V CC or V SS 1.4 4.0µA I SB3Standby Current V CC = 2.7V V IN = V CC or V SS 1.6 4.0µA I SB4Standby Current V CC = 5.0V V IN = V CC or V SS 8.018.0µA I LI Input Leakage Current V IN = V CC or V SS 0.10 3.0µA I LO Output Leakage Current V OUT = V CC or V SS0.05 3.0µA V IL Input Low Level (1)–0.6V CC × 0.3V V IH Input High Level (1)V CC × 0.7V CC + 0.5V V OL2Output Low Level V CC = 3.0V I OL = 2.1 mA 0.4V V OL1Output Low Level V CC = 1.8VI OL = 0.15 mA 0.2V43409G–SEEPR–8/07AT24C11Note:1.This parameter is characterized and is not 100% tested.Table 2-3.AC CharacteristicsApplicable over recommended operating range from T AI = –40°C to +85°C, V CC = +1.8V to +5.5V, V CC = +2.7V to +5.5V, CL = 1 TTL Gate and 100pF (unless otherwise noted)Symbol Parameter1.8V2.7V, 2.5V, 5.0V Units MinMax MinMax f SCL Clock Frequency, SCL 4001000kHz t LOW Clock Pulse Width Low 1.20.4µs t HIGH Clock Pulse Width High 0.60.4µs t AA Clock Low to Data Out Valid0.µs t BUF Time the bus must be free before a new transmission can start (1) 1.20.5µs t HD.STA Start Hold Time 0.60.25µs t SU.STA Start Set-up Time 0.60.6µs t HD.DAT Data In Hold Time 00µs t SU.DAT Data In Set-up Time 100100ns t R Inputs Rise Time (1)0.30.3µs t F Inputs Fall Time (1)300100ns t SU.STO Stop Set-up Time 0.60.25µs t DH Data Out Hold Time 5050ns t WRWrite Cycle Time 55ms Endurance (1) 5.0V, 25°C, Page Mode1M 1MWrite Cycles53409G–SEEPR–8/07AT24C113.Device OperationCLOCK and DATA TRANSITIONS: The SDA pin is normally pulled high with an external device. Data on the SDA pin may change only during SCL low time periods (see Figure 3-3 on page 7). Data changes during SCL high periods will indicate a start or stop condition as defined below.START CONDITION: A high-to-low transition of SDA with SCL high is a start condition which must precede any other command (see Figure 3-4 on page 7).STOP CONDITION: A low-to-high transition of SDA with SCL high is a stop condition which ter-minates all communications. After a read sequence, the stop command will place the EEPROM in a standby power mode (see Figure 3-4 on page 7).ACKNOWLEDGE: All addresses and data words are serially transmitted to and from the EEPROM in 8-bit words. Any device on the system bus receiving data (when communicating with the EEPROM) must pull the SDA bus low to acknowledge that it has successfully received each word. This must happen during the ninth clock cycle after each word received and after all other system devices have freed the SDA bus. The EEPROM will likewise acknowledge by pull-ing SDA low after receiving each address or data word (see Figure 3-5 on page 7).STANDBY MODE: The AT24C11 features a low power standby mode which is enabled: (a)upon power-up and (b) after the receipt of the STOP bit and the completion of any internal operations.MEMORY RESET: After an interruption in protocol, power loss or system reset, any 2-wire part can be reset by following these steps:(a) clock up to 9 cycles, (b) look for SDA high in each cycle while SCL is high and then (c) create a start condition as SDA is high.63409G–SEEPR–8/07AT24C11Figure 3-1.Bus TimingFigure 3-2.Write Cycle TimingSCL: Serial Clock, SDA: Serial Data I/ONote:1.The write cycle time t WRis the time from a valid stop condition of a write sequence to the end of the internal clear/write cycle.73409G–SEEPR–8/07AT24C11Figure 3-3.Data ValidityFigure 3-4.Start and Stop DefinitionFigure 3-5.Output Acknowledge83409G–SEEPR–8/07AT24C114.Write OperationsBYTE WRITE: Following a start condition, a write operation requires a 7-bit data word address and a low write bit. Upon receipt of this address, the EEPROM will again respond with a zero and then clock in the first 8-bit data word. Following receipt of the 8-bit data word, the EEPROM will output a zero and the addressing device, such as a microcontroller, must terminate the write sequence with a stop condition. At this time the EEPROM enters an internally-timed write cycle to the nonvolatile memory. All inputs are disabled during this write cycle, t WR , and the EEPROM will not respond until the write is complete (see Figure 5-1 on page 9).PAGE WRITE: The AT24C11 is capable of a 4-byte page write.A page write is initiated the same as a byte write but the microcontroller does not send a stop condition after the first data word is clocked in. Instead, after the EEPROM acknowledges receipt of the first data word, the microcontroller can transmit up to three more data words. The EEPROM will respond with a zero after each data word received. The microcontroller must ter-minate the page write sequence with a stop condition (see Figure 5-2 on page 9).The data word address lower 2 bits are internally incremented following the receipt of each data word. The higher five data word address bits are not incremented, retaining the memory page row location. When the word address, internally generated, reaches the page boundary, the fol-lowing byte is placed at the beginning of the same page. If more than four data words are transmitted to the EEPROM, the data word address will “roll over” and previous data will be overwritten. Access to 1 additional page is available upon request.ACKNOWLEDGE POLLING: Once the internally-timed write cycle has started and the EEPROM inputs are disabled, acknowledge polling can be initiated. This involves sending a start condition followed by the device address word. The read/write bit is representative of the operation desired. Only if the internal write cycle has completed will the EEPROM respond with a zero allowing the read or write sequence to continue.5.Read OperationsRead operations are initiated the same way as write operations with the exception that the read/write select bit in the device address word is set to one. There are two read operations:byte read and sequential read.BYTE READ: A byte read is initiated with a start condition followed by a 7-bit data word address and a high read bit. The AT24C11 will respond with an acknowledge and then serially output 8data bits. The microcontroller does not respond with a zero but does generate a following stop condition (see Figure 5-3 on page 9).SEQUENTIAL READ: Sequential reads are initiated the same as a byte read. After the micro-controller receives an 8-bit data word, it responds with an acknowledge. As long as the EEPROM receives an acknowledge, it will continue to increment the data word address and serially clock out sequential data words. When the memory address limit is reached, the data word address will “roll over” and the sequential read will continue. The sequential read operation is terminated when the microcontroller does not respond with an input zero but does generate a following stop condition (see Figure 5-4 on page 9).93409G–SEEPR–8/07AT24C11Figure 5-1.Byte WriteFigure 5-2.Page WriteFigure 5-3.Byte ReadFigure 5-4.Sequential Read103409G–SEEPR–8/07AT24C11Notes:1.For2.7V devices used in the 4.5V to 5.5V range, please refer to performance values in the AC and DC Characteristicstables.2.“U” designates Green package + RoHS compliant.3.Die sales available in waffle pack and wafer form, order as SL719 for wafer form. Bumped die sales available upon request.Please contact Serial EEPROM Marketing.AT24C11 Ordering Information (1)Ordering Code Package Operation Range AT24C11-10PI-2.7AT24C11N-10SI-2.7AT24C11-10TI-2.78P38S18A2Industrial Temperature (–40°C to 85°C)AT24C11-10PI-1.8AT24C11N-10SI-1.8AT24C11-10TI-1.88P38S18A2Industrial Temperature (–40°C to 85°C)AT24C11-10PU-2.7(2)AT24C11-10PU-1.8(2)AT24C11N-10SU-2.7(2)AT24C11N-10SU-1.8(2)AT24C11-10TU-2.7(2)AT24C11-10TU-1.8(2)AT24C11-10TSU-1.8(2)8P38P38S18S18A28A25TS1Lead-free/Halogen-free/Industrial Temperature (–40°C to 85°C)AT24C11-W2.7-11(3)AT24C11-W1.8-11(3)Die Sale Die SaleIndustrial Temperature (–40°C to 85°C)Package Type8P38-lead, 0.300" Wide, Plastic Dual Inline Package (PDIP)8S18-lead, 0.150" Wide, Plastic Gull Wing Small Outline (JEDEC SOIC)8A28-lead, 4.4 mm Body, Plastic, Thin Shrink Small Outline Package (TSSOP)5TS15-lead, 2.90 mm x 1.60 mm Body, Plastic Thin Shrink Small Outline Package (SOT23)Options–2.7Low-Voltage (2.7V to 5.5V)–1.8Low-Voltage (1.8V to 5.5V)AT24C11 6.Packaging Information8P3 – PDIP118S1 – JEDEC SOIC12AT24C11AT24C11 8A2 – TSSOP135TS1 – SOT2314AT24C11Headquarters InternationalAtmel Corporation 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 USATel: 1(408) 441-0311 Fax: 1(408) 487-2600Atmel AsiaRoom 1219Chinachem Golden Plaza77 Mody Road TsimshatsuiEast KowloonHong KongTel: (852) 2721-9778Fax: (852) 2722-1369Atmel EuropeLe Krebs8, Rue Jean-Pierre TimbaudBP 30978054 Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines CedexFranceTel: (33) 1-30-60-70-00Fax: (33) 1-30-60-71-11Atmel Japan9F, Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg.1-24-8 ShinkawaChuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033JapanTel: (81) 3-3523-3551Fax: (81) 3-3523-7581Product ContactWeb SiteTechnical Support******************Sales Contact/contactsLiterature Requests/literatureDisclaimer: The information in this document is provided in connection with Atmel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise,to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Atmel products. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN ATMEL’S TERMS AND CONDI-TIONS OF SALE LOCATED ON ATMEL’S WEB SITE, ATMEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY RELATING TO ITS PRODUCTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR INCIDEN-TAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS DOCUMENT, EVEN IF ATMEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Atmel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. Atmel does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. Unless specifically provided otherwise, Atmel products are not suitable for, and shall not be used in, automotive applications. Atmel’s products are not intended, authorized, or warranted for use as components in applications intended to support or sustain life.© Atmel Corporation 2007. All rights reserved. Atmel®, logo and combinations thereof, and others, are registered trademarks or trademarks of Atmel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other terms and product names may be trademarks of others.。

Honmax Grove_DopplerRadar(BGT24LTR11) 雷达模块通信协议 v1.

Honmax Grove_DopplerRadar(BGT24LTR11) 雷达模块通信协议 v1.

Grove_DopplerRadar(BGT24LTR11)Radar module communication protocol v1.1(Shenzhen Honmax Technology Co., Ltd.)(Nov2019)ListGrove_DopplerRadar(BGT24LTR11) Radar module (1)Document name: (1)Grove_DopplerRadar(BGT24LTR11) Radar module communication protocol v1.1 (1)Document number: (1)1, Application of this manual (3)2, The composition of the radar communication protocol (4)3, Update history (8)1. Application of this manualGrove-DopplerRadar (BGT24LTR11) radar module communication.2. The composition of the radar communication protocolCommunication interface:UARTCommunication settings:Baud rate: 115200 bpsData bit: 8bitStop bit: 1bit,Parity bit: NoneMotherboard:External controller that communicates with the radar moduleModule:This Radar moduleM-> R:Motherboard send message to Radar moduleR-> M:Radar module send message to MotherboardAddress Code (occupies two bytes):M->R: 0x55 0x2AR->M: 0x55 0xA2Instruction Code (occupies one byte):M->R or R->M0xC1-Query target detection information0xC2-Report radar I / Q signal ADC value information0xC3-Set the speed detection range0xC4-Query the currently set speed detection range0xC5-Set radar working mode0xC6-Query radar working modeData length field (occupies two bytes):M->R or R->MIndicates the length of the data (including check code) immediately following, occupies two bytes, high-order first, low-order secondData filed (Variable length):M->R or R->MPayload data, occupied bytes is determined by the data length fieldCheck Code (occupies two bytes):M->R or R->MChecksum: The sum of all bytes from the Address Code to the data filed. Occupies two bytes, high order first, low order second1.1 Query target detection information1.1.1 Motherboard sending, module receiving0x55 0x2A0xC10x00 0x020x01 0x421.1.2 The module returns, the motherboard receives0x55 0xA20xC10x00 0x050x02 0x07 0x020x01 0xC8among them:0x55 0xA2 Address code means the module returns to the motherboard0xC1 Instruction code means query target detection information0x00 0x05 Data length field indicates the data length0x02 0x07Data field indicates the target speed information (occupies two bytes, high order first) unit cm/s here is 519 cm/sThe 0x02 data field indicates that the detected event (accounting for one byte) is as follows: 0x02: It is detected that the target is approaching the radar0x01: It is detected that the target is moving away from the radar0x00: No target detected0x01 0xC8 Check code means checksumNote: When the radar working mode is in the target detection mode, when the radar detects the target, it will actively report the target detection information.1.2 Report ADC value information of radar I / Q signal1.2.1 The module returns, the motherboard receives0x55 0xA20xC20x10 0x020x00 0x00 0x00……0xCC 0x0Aamong them:0x55 0xA2 Address code means the module returns to the motherboard0xC2 Instruction code means to query the ADC value information of radar I / Q signal0x10 0x02 Data length field indicates the data length. Here is 4096 + 2 check digits0x00 0x00 0x00 ...Data field indicates the ADC value of the radar I / Q signalEach ADC value occupies two bytes, the I signal is in the first half, and the Q signal is in the second half.0xCC 0x0A Check code means checksum1.3 Set the speed detection range1.3.1 Motherboard sending, module receiving0x55 0x2A0xC30x00 0x060x02 0x09 0x01 0x030x01 0x57among them:0x55 0x2A Address code means that the motherboard sends to the module0xC3 Instruction code indicates setting speed detection range0x00 0x06 Data length field indicates the data length0x02 0x09 Data field means set the maximum value of speed detection (accounting for two bytes, high-order first) unit cm/s, here is 521 cm/s0x01 0x03 Data field indicates the minimum value of setting speed detection (accounting for two bytes, high-order first) unit cm/s, here is 259 cm/s0x01 0x57 Check code means checksum1.3.2 The module returns, the motherboard receives0x55 0xA20xC30x00 0x060x02 0x09 0x01 0x03 0x01 0xCF1.4 Query the currently set speed detection range1.4.1 Motherboard sending, module receiving0x55 0x2A0xC40x00 0x020x01 0x451.4.2 The module returns, the motherboard receives0x55 0xA20xC40x00 0x060x02 0x09 0x01 0x030x01 0xD0among them:0x55 0xA2 Address code means the module returns to the motherboard0xC4 Instruction code means to query the currently set speed detection range0x00 0x06 Data length field indicates the data length0x02 0x09 Data field indicates the maximum value of the set speed detection (accounting for two bytes, high-order first) unit cm/s,Here is 521 cm/s0x01 0x03 Data field indicates the minimum value of the set speed detection (accounting for two bytes, high-order first) unit cm/s,Here is 259 cm/s0x01 0xD0 Check code means checksumNote: When the target is within the set speed range, the radar will recognize the target.1.5 Set the radar working mode1.5.1 Motherboard sending, module receiving0x55 0x2A0xC50x00 0x030x000x01 0x47among them:0x55 0x2A Address code means that the motherboard sends to the module0xC5 Instruction code means to set the radar working mode0x00 0x03 Data length field indicates the data length0x01 Data field indicates the radar working mode (occupies one byte) as follows: 0x01: report ADC value mode of radar I / Q signal0x00: detection target mode0x01 0x47 Check code means checksum1.5.2 The module returns, the motherboard receives0x55 0xA20xC50x00 0x030x010x01 0xBF1.6 Query radar working mode1.6.1 Motherboard sending, module receiving0x55 0x2A 0xC60x00 0x020x01 0x471.6.2 The module returns, the motherboard receives0x55 0xA20xC60x00 0x030x000x01 0xC0among them:0x55 0xA2 Address code means the module returns to the motherboard0xC6 Instruction code means to query the radar working mode0x00 0x03 Data length field indicates the data length0x00 Data field indicates that the detected event (accounting for one byte) is as follows: 0x01: report ADC value mode of radar I / Q signal0x00: detection target mode0x01 0xC0 Check code means checksumDescription:The radar works in the detection target mode by default.When the radar works in the mode of reporting the ADC value of the radar I / Q signal: the radar only reports the ADC value information of the radar I / Q signal and does not report the target detection information.When the radar is working in the target detection mode: the radar only reports target detection information and does not include the ADC value information of the radar I / Q signal.1.7 Set radar trigger threshold1.7.1 Motherboard sending, module receiving0x55 0x2A0xC700x00 0x06 0x00 0x00 0x04 0x000x01 0x501.7.2 The module returns, the motherboard receives0x55 0xA20xC70x00 0x060x00 0x00 0x04 0x000x01 0xC8among them:0x55 0xA2 Address code means the module returns to the motherboard0xC7 Instruction code means to set the radar trigger threshold0x00 0x06 Data length field indicates the data length0x00 0x00 0x04 0x00 data field represents the set radar trigger threshold (4 bytes, high order first) here is 10240x01 0x50 Check code means checksum1.8 Query the currently set radar trigger threshold1.8.1 Motherboard sending, module receiving0x55 0x2A0xC80x00 0x02 0x01 0x491.8.2 The module returns, the motherboard receives0x55 0xA20xC8 0x00 0x060x00 0x00 0x04 0x000x01 0xC9among them:0x55 0xA2 Address code means the module returns to the motherboard0xC8 Instruction code means to set the radar trigger threshold0x00 0x06 Data length field indicates the data length0x00 0x00 0x04 0x00 Data field represents the set radar trigger threshold (4 bytes, high order first) Here is 10240x01 0xC9 Check code means checksum3, Update history。

AM24-SR 空调闸簧驱动器说明书

AM24-SR 空调闸簧驱动器说明书

ApplicationThe AM24-SR is intended for operation of air control dampers in HVAC systems.AdjustmentThe basic parameters for normal applica-tions of the AM24-SR actuator are as-signed during manufacturing. If neces-sary, special versions of the actuators can be ordered with the functions highlighted in orange in the table. The configuration data sheet on page 12 is intended as an aid to ordering special purpose products.For making service adjustments to the sys-tem, these parameters can be changed when necessary using the MFT Handy (see Operating Instructions MFT-H).Product featuresBasic positionsWhen the power supply is switched on for the first time, i.e. during the initial com-missioning or after pressing the button, the actuator will run to the basic position.The actuator then runs to the position de-manded by the control signal.Simple direct mounting on the damper spindle by universal spindle clamp. An an-tirotation device is supplied.Manual operation by self-resetting push-button when necessary (gearing disengag-ed while the button is held depressed).Adjustable angle of rotation with mechan-ical stops.High functional reliability (overload-proof)needs no limit switches, halts automati-cally at the end stops.Connection is either by means of the pre-fitted lead included with the actuator or directly by means of screw terminals. In the case of direct connection terminal box will be opened (page 15/16).Electrical accessories (* see Doc. 2. Z-…)*SG...24Positioners *ZAD24Digital position indicator MFT-H HandySA1, SA2Auxiliary switches, page 17PA...Feedback potentiometer, p. 18Mechanical accessories, page 22ZG-AM Damper linkage kit Mounting instructions, page 21/22Typical functions , page 11Important: Read the notes about the use and torque requirements of the damper actuators on page 3.Dimensions , page 2010E N G -93001-93226-12.02-2M • P r i n t e d i n S w i t z e r l a n d • Z S D • S u b j e c t t o t e c h n i c a l c h a n g e sAM24-SR Damper actuator, modulating, multi-functional 18 NmDampers up to approx. 3.6 m 2Modulating damper actuator (AC/DC 24 V)Control DC 0...10 V or selectable Position feedback DC 2...10V or selectableCommunication capacity (PP)p 0061002B Ca i l ab l eE N G -93001-93226-12.02-2M • P r i n t e d i n S w i t z e r l a n d • Z S D • S u b j e c t t o t e c h n i c a l c h a n g e sTypical functions for the AM24-SR with basic valuesB C12E N G -93001-93226-12.02-2M • P r i n t e d i n S w i t z e r l a n d • Z S D • S u b j e c t t o t e c h n i c a l c h a n g e sConfiguration data sheet for customised parameter AM24-SR’sOverride control andelectronic angle of rotation limiting➅ZS(intermediate position)= %(0...100%)(0% = Min.; 100% = Max.)Max.(max. position)= %(0...100%)(end of operating range)Min.(min. position)= 0%ZS (intermediate position)=50%(basic values)B CPE N G -93001-93226-12.02-2M • P r i n t e d i n S w i t z e r l a n d • Z S D • S u b j e c t t o t e c h n i c a l c h a n g e sExamples and functions of customised parameter AM24-SR’sB CE N G -93001-93226-12.02-2M • P r i n t e d i n S w i t z e r l a n d • Z S D • S u b j e c t t o t e c h n i c a l c h a n g e sExamples and functions of customised parameter AM24-SR’sB Ci l。



Product BriefBGT24L TR11Ultra-low power sensing using new generation of 24GHz radarBGT24L TR11 is a Silicon Germanium radar MMIC for signal generation and reception, ope­rating in the 24.0 GHz to 24.25 GHz ISM band. It is based on a 24 GHz fundamental voltage controlled oscillator (VCO). The device was designed with Doppler­radar applications in mind – as it is capable of keeping the transmit signal inside the ISM band without any external PLL – and may also be used in other types of radar such as FMCW or FSK.Radar used in motion detection applications is superior to passive infrared technology by allowing precise measurement of object detection. Radar is also superior to camera based systems by allowing detection of the objects while keeping identities anonymous. There are multiple applications for using radar sensors to make your system smarter than the competition.A built­in voltage source delivers a VCO tuning voltage which is proportional to absolute temperature (PTAT). When connected to the VCO tuning pin it compensates for the in­herent frequency drift of the VCO over temperature thus stabilizing the VCO within the ISM band eliminating the need for a PLL/microcontroller. An integrated 1:16 frequency divider also allows for external phase lock loop VCO frequency stabilization.The device is manufactured in a 0.18 µm SiGe:C technology offering a cutoff frequency of 200 GHz. It is packaged in a 16­pin leadless RoHS compliant TSNP package.Package size reduction compared with BGT24MTR114.5mmSize comparison5.5m m2.4mmMotion detection applications›Building and home automation (IoT) ›Door opening and lighting ›Robotics›UAV – drone altimeter /24GHzRobotics Lighting›24GHz transceiver MMIC›Fully integrated low phase noise VCO ›Built in temperature compensationcircuit for VCO stabilization ›Low power consumption ›Fully ESD protected device›Single ended RF and IF terminals ›200 GHz bipolar SiGe:C technology B7HF200›Single supply voltage 3.3 V›Chip evaluation board to performbasic measurements with the chip (EVAL_BGT24L TR11_BOARD) ›Demo kit to get a feel for motion detection using 24GHz radar sensing (SENSE2GO)›Complete datasheets and applica­tions notes available to kick start your design›Intelligent motion sensing›Precise measurement of objectdetection compared to PIR›Operates in harsh environments ›Further enabler of IoT – type motion sensing applications›Smallest package in industryKey featuresEasy to use design toolsBenefitsBGT24L TR11Ultra-low power sensing using new generation of 24GHz radarPublished byInfineon Technologies AG 81726 Munich, Germany © 2016 Infineon Technologies AG.All Rights Reserved.Order Number: B132­I0329­V1­7600­EU­EC­P Date: 08 / 2016Please note!THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY AND ANY INFORMATION GIVEN HEREIN SHALL IN NO EVENT BE REGARDED AS A WARRANTY, GUARANTEE OR DESCRIPTION OF ANY FUNCTIONALITY, CONDITIONS AND/OR QUALITY OF OUR PRODUCTS OR ANY SUITABILITY FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. WITH REGARD TO THE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF OUR PRODUCTS, WE KINDLY ASK YOU TO REFER TO THE RELEVANT PRODUCT DATA SHEETS PROVIDED BY US. OUR CUSTOMERS AND THEIR TECHNICAL DEPARTMENTS ARE REQUIRED TO EVALUATE THE SUITABILITY OF OUR PRODUCTS FOR THE INTENDED APPLICATION.WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CHANGE THIS DOCUMENT AND/OR THE INFORMATION GIVEN HEREIN AT ANY TIME.Additional informationFor furth er information on tech nologies, our products, th e application of our products, delivery terms and conditions and/or prices, please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies office ().WarningsDue to tech nical requirements, our products may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question, please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies office. Except as oth erwise explicitly approved by us in a written document signed by auth orized representatives of Infineon Tech nologies, our products may not be used in any life­ endangering applications, including but not limited to medical, nuclear, military, life­critical or any oth er applications wh ere a failure of th e product or any consequences of th e use th ereof can result in personal injury.Block diagramVEE Tx VEEVEE RFIN VEETx_ON241002412024140241602418024200242202424024260-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5510152025303540455055606570758085Temperature [°C]8 kΩV C O f r e q u e n c y [M H z ]16 kΩ24 kΩOrderable part No.: BGT24L TR11N16 E6327The VCO frequency is kept within the ISM band using the internal PTAT circuit, no external PLL or tuning circuitry required for frequency stabilization. The frequency band can be shifted using an external tuning resistor. Stable performance over wide temperature range.。

24GHz mmWave 人静态传感器-人静态存在模块Lite用户手册说明书

24GHz mmWave 人静态传感器-人静态存在模块Lite用户手册说明书

24GHz mmWave Sensor-Human Static Presence Module LiteUser Manual and User Protocol Product OverviewTable of Contents24GHz mmWave Sensor-Human Static Presence Module Lite (1)Product Overview (1)Statement (2)Electrostatic Protection (3)Part List (3)Software (3)Quick Start (3)Hardware Connection (3)Getting Started (4)FAQ (4)User Protocol (6)Communication Command and Parameter Definition (6)StatementThis document is the user manual for the24GHz mmWave Sensor-Human Static Presence Module Lite and covers its use.Electrostatic ProtectionThis radar product have electrostatic sensitive circuits inside,whichis easily caused the problem by electrostatic hazards.Therefore,it isnecessary perform electrostatic protection in the process of transportation,storage,working and taking.Please do not touch the surface of radar module antenna and connector pins with your hands,but only touch the corners.And please wear antistatic gloves when operating the radar sensor.Part List24GHz mmWave Sensor-Human Static Presence Module Lite x1SoftwareUpper Computer Software(Windows)Quick StartHardware ConnectionThe following figure illustrates the connection method.Examples:1.Hardware connection for using upper computer software.2.Hardware connection for using Arduino library.Getting StartedThe getting started tutorial is published by Seeed Studio and you can refer to here for further information.FAQHow long is the initialization time?When the module is initially powered on and started to work,the internal circuit of the module needs to be completely reset and the ambient noise needs to be fully evaluated to ensure the normal operation of the module.Therefore,during the initial power-on of a module,ensure that the steady start time is at least30seconds to ensure the validity of subsequent output parameters.Why do detections sometimes fail?Since human biometric features belong to ultra-low frequency and weak reflection characteristic signals,radar processing requires relatively long-term cumulative processing. In the cumulative process,many factors may affect radar parameters,so occasional detection failure is normal.User ProtocolThis protocol is applied to the communication between the radar and the upper computer. The control commands and data required for radar operation are defined as follows:✧Interface levels:TTL✧Baud Rate:115200bps✧Stop Bit:1✧Data Bit:8✧Parity Check:noCommunication Command and Parameter DefinitionThis radar contains two output functions:●Standard Function●Open Underlying FunctionFrame Structure Definition and DescriptionHead Control Command Length Data Check Tail2bytes1byte1byte2bytes n bytes1byte2bytes●Head:2bytes,fixed as0x53and0x59;●Control:1byte0x01-Heartbeat Packet Identifier0x02-Product Information0x03-OTA Upgrade0x05-Working Status0x80-Human presence●Command:1byte-identify the current data content●Length:2bytes,equal to the data length in bytes●Data:n bytes,defined according to the actual function●Check:1byteCheck code calculation:Take the sum of(Head+Control+Command+Length+ Data)In hexadecimal,and then take the lower eight bits.●Tail:2bytes,fixed as0x54and0x43.Address Assignment and Data Information Description。

RB24 闸簧盒 测试与维护用 FFI DC 驱动器遥控 附кого链assertEquals说明书

RB24 闸簧盒 测试与维护用 FFI DC 驱动器遥控 附кого链assertEquals说明书

12-Mar-14 page 1 of 1 800-677-0228 Field Power Switchfor use with FFI DC ActuatorsFor testing, installation and maintenance,such as to extend the chain to attachto a window at installation.For connecting one to 3 actuators,(up to 1.0 amps total of actuators at startup).Requires an AC 110‐240V power outlet.Part # SW.FPS.01Application• For testing, installation and maintenance, can power DC actuators and control basic open and close functions before actuators are connected to the building’s power supply. A typical use is to extend the chain from an actuator case in order to attach it to a window at installation, as power is required to extend the chain.Features• Can connect and control one to 3 DC actuators (up to 1.0 amps total of actuators at startup).• Terminals for 2 wire DC connection to actuator. Terminals have easy push and release connection. • Each wire can be connected to either terminal (polarity inversion).• Maintained contact switch with 2-prong power converter.• Power Output: 24VDC ; 1.0 amps.• Power Input: requires AC 110-240V outlet.• Power cord length: 66 inches.• Case is plastic; faceplate is gray color, switch and case are white color.• One year warranty; requires use according to Functional Fenestration Inc. instructions.Part number Description SW.FPS.01 Field Power Switch - for DC Actuators Ordering Information: Field Power Switch If in-stock, items ship within 24-48 hours。

CIM24夹子24 x 48夹子手动复位零件号99777820 产品手册说明书

CIM24夹子24 x 48夹子手动复位零件号99777820 产品手册说明书

Description Adaptor for 50 x 25 mm cut-out - Fixed with screws Adaptor for 50 x 25 mm cut-out - Fixed with clips Adaptor for 48 x 48 mm cut-out
Part numbers
Type 99777820 24 x 48 Clip manual reset
Number of digits 5
Operating frequency (Hz) VDC
General characteristics Counting capacity
999,999 impulses without manual reset 99,999 impulses with manual reset 4 VAC→10 impulses/s VDC→10 impulses/s VAC→50 ms VDC→50 ms VAC→50 ms VDC→50 ms Unlimited 12/24 VDC : ± 10 % VAC : ± 10 % 24 VAC : 0,75 VA 230 VAC : 1,5 VA 12/24 VDC : 0,5 W > 50 x 106 U < 60 V : 500 V U > 60 V : 2 000 V IP40 IP00 Plated or stainless steel components None Any - 10 →+50 - 40 →+80 CE 6.35 Faston connectors or screw terminals With clip 65
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Infineon BGT24MTR11 24 GHZ雷达用户向导目录1引言 (2)2 概述 (2)3 VCO 压控振荡器 (2)3.1调谐电压输入 (3)3.2预分频器 (4)3.2.1 16分频器 (4)3.2.2 65536分频器 (4)4 发射机 (5)4.1 TX 端 (5)4.1.1 输出功率的使能与禁用 (6) 通过SPI总线使能/禁用 (7) 通过TXOFF引脚使能/禁用 (7)4.2 本振LO (7)5 接收机 (8)5.1低噪声放大器ANA (8)5.2 混频器 (9)6 传感器 (9)6.1 功率传感器 (10)6.2 温度传感器 (10)图目录图一 BGT24MTR11结构图图二 VCO频率与调谐电压VFINE=VCOARSE及温度的关系图图三三维图:输出频率与VCOARSE及VFINE的关系图图四二维图:输出电压与VCOARSE及VFINE的关系图图五 Div16的输出终端图图六不同温度下TX输出的功率与频率的关系图图七功率传感器的转换特性图图八温度传感器的转换特性图表格目录表一输出功率简表表二模拟多路复用器真值表1引言本文关于如何使用BGT24MTR11提供了一些数据手册中未作说明的补充信息。

BGT24MTR11是英飞凌公司24 GHZ雷达收发产品BGT24系列的主导产品,在此操作说明书中作为所有的BGT24产品的一个例子。



2 概述下图显示了BGT24MTR11的内部结构图。

此操作说明书包括结构图的一下分节:●压控振荡器和前置分频器●发射机链,包括TX和LO输出端●接收器链,包括低噪声放大器和混频器●片上传感器3 VCO 压控振荡器BGT24MTR11的信号发生器由一个自由运行的振荡器组成,该振荡器带有两路单独的调谐电压输入端,输入端后跟一个缓冲放大器,以减少频率牵引效应。




正如引脚名的含义,COARSE与FINE 相比,它的调谐坡度更为陡峭。




也就是说,一旦这两个引脚中任意一个被置为开路,它的内部电平将为Vcc.因此两个引脚均被置为开路时,在室温下振荡器将在26 GHZ左右。

注:这两个引脚电压要求不低于0.5 V.引脚电平低于0.5V时振荡器将不工作。

当启动控制回路且回路的控制输出电压一开始低于0.5V 时,这可能导致故障。


在设备指定温度范围及与生产相关的小程度变化内,调谐电压在0.5V-3.3V之间,覆盖整个24 GHZ ISM频段是可以实现的。





第一个预分频器将振荡器的频率进行16分频(即乘以分频因子1/16),后送往第二个预分频器,第二个预分频器对前一个预分频器的输出进行65536分频,即分频因子为1/1,048,576.3.2.1 16分频器第一个预分频器将压控振荡器的振荡频率乘以分频因子1/16,因此在给定24 GHZ的振荡频率时该预分频器的输出频率为1.5 GHZ.这是一个易于送入射频锁相环的频率。

输出频率差异送入针脚 31 和 1.差分端口阻抗是 100Ω。

注:为使预分频器正确操作,这两个引脚需要50 电阻来终止。




3.2.2 65536分频器该预分频器在16分频器输出频率的基础上,对前一个预分频器的输出进行65536分频,即总的分频因子为1/1,048,576.也就是说,24 GHZ的压控振荡器信号将会产生一个大约23 KHZ 的方波信号,该方波信号在Q2输出。





4 发射机本章描述了主功率放大器及中等功率放大器的功能(框图中的PA),该主功率放大器为发射实际雷达信号在TX输出端提供输出,而中等功率放大器在LO输出端提供信号。

4.1 TX 端TX输出信号由TX和TXX引脚提供(第22、23个引脚)。







为减慢高温下输出功率的下降,可将SPI数据位第3位(PC1_BUF,High TX buffer output power)置为高电平。

这个buffer在第5 页图一的框图中并未明确显示。



在本次试验中TX 缓冲区处于高输出功率模式。

4.1.1 输出功率的使能与禁用在IC上电后TX输出端将默认禁用。






打开和关闭的TX输出功率有两种路径,一种是通过SPI总线,二是用TXOFF 引脚。 通过SPI总线使能/禁用将SPI数据位的第12位(DIS_PA)置为低电平时使能功率输出,禁用功率需将DIS_PA置为高电平。

如果用该方法需将TXOFF引脚接地。 通过TXOFF引脚使能/禁用用TXOFF引脚可以进行开关转换或产生发射脉冲,这种方法与用SPI总线相比,所用转换时间更短。



4.2 本振LOBGT24MTR11专为单基地雷达设计使用。










这种情况可通过将SPI 寄存器的第4位(即PC2_BUF)置为高电平实现。



5 接收机BGT24MTR11的接收机部分包括两大模块,低噪声放大器和混频器。


可将SPI数据位第15位(GS)置为高电平来降低ANA 的增益。


5.2 混频器BGT24MTR11采用了零差正交下变频混频器。




每一个端口都自带一个800Ω的负载,还可与10K Ω以上的负载直接相连。


这个直流电压是特殊值2.3V ±0.2V,其中的0.2V是根据接收到的功率及系统本振泄露量的多少所做的弥补。


6 传感器BGT24MTR11 有三个内置的传感器用来测量TX功率,LO功率及芯片温度。


下表显示了SPI 数据寄存器某一位的设置与ANA引脚的传感器读数的对应关系。

6.1 功率传感器为了测量输出功率,峰值电压检测器要连在TX功率放大器的输出端及LO中功率放大器。

为了消除温度和电源电压的变化,参考电压VREF 可通过TX和LO功率传感器的ANA输出端得到。




6.2 温度传感器芯片温度的检测由芯片上的温度传感器提供,该传感器为TEMP 输出引脚提供与温度成正比的电压。
