



超声医学术语胃肠心脏疾患方面一、胃肠:胃Stomach(STo)贲门Cardia(Ca) 胃底Fundus of stomach(SF)胃体Body of stomach(SB) 幽门 Pylorix (Py)肠Bowel(Bo) 十二指肠Duodenum(Du)小肠(Small intestine )空肠Jejunum 回肠Ileum盲肠Cecum阑尾Appendix(Ap)结肠Colon(Co)直肠Rectum 二、疾患方面:淋巴结Lymphaden(Ly)结节Nodule(N)脓肿Abscess(Abs)积液Effusion(Eff)腹水Ascites(Asc)坏死Necrosis(Nec)沉积物Sediment(Sed) 转移灶Metastasis(Met)钙化Calcification(Cal)结石Stone(ST)肿瘤Turmor(T)血肿Hematoma(HMA)肌瘤Myoma(Myo)血栓Thrombus(Th)血管瘤Angioma(Ang)囊肿Cyst(Cy)半月板Meniscus 脂肪瘤Lipoma 错构瘤Hamartoma 肿块Mass(M) 斑块Plaque 蛔虫Ascariasis(As)息肉Ployp(P) 肾盂积水Hydronephrosis (Hydro)幼稚子宫Pubescent uterus(PU)双角子宫Uterus bicornis (UB) 脑积水Hydrocephalic(HYD) 葡萄胎hydatidiform mole (HM) 三、心脏解剖术语左房Left Atrium(LA)左心耳LAA 肺静脉PV 房间隔IAS 左室LV 室间隔IVS 左室前壁LVAW 左室后壁LVPW 左室侧壁LVLW 左室下壁LVIW 左室流出道LVOT 左室流入道LVIT 二尖瓣MV 三关瓣TV 二尖瓣前叶AML 二尖瓣后叶PML 乳头肌PM 主动脉AO 主动脉根部AOR 升主动脉AAL 降主动脉DAL 主动脉弓ALA 主动脉窦AS 主动脉瓣AV 右冠瓣RCC 左冠瓣LCC 无冠瓣NCC 左主冠状动脉 LMCA 左前降支LAD上腔静脉SVC下腔静脉IVC 肝静脉HV 卵圆孔FO 冠状静脉窦CS 右室RV 右室流出道RVOT 右室流入道RVIT 三尖瓣TV 三尖瓣隔叶STL 三尖瓣前叶ATL三尖瓣后叶PTL 主肺动脉MPA 肺动脉PA 肺动脉瓣PV 心包P 压差降半时间 PHT 四、部分测量术语左房内径LAD 右房内径RAD 左室舒张末期内径LVDd 主动脉内径AoD 主动脉环内径AoAd 左室流出道内径LVOTD 右室流出道内径RVOTD 左室短轴缩短率FS 左室射血分数EF 左室舒张末期压 LVEDP 反流量PV 反流面积RA 反流分数RF 反流指数RI 1 颅脑大脑 cerebrum 大脑纵裂 longitudinal cerebral fissure 大脑皮质 cerebral cortex 大脑镰falx cerebri 大脑导水管,中脑水管 cerebral aqueduct 中脑 midbrain, mesencephalon小脑 cerebellum 小脑幕 tentorium cerebelli 丘脑,视丘 thalmus 延髓medulla oblongata 侧脑室 lateral ventricle 第三脑室 third ventricle 第四脑室 fourth ventricle 第五脑室 fifth ventricle 脑桥,桥脑 pons 脑干 brain stem 间脑 diencephalon 中间块 intermidiate mass 尾状核caudate nucleus 脉络丛 choroid plexus 胼胝体 corpus callosum 脑岛,岛叶 insula 大脑脚 cerebral peduncles 大脑外侧沟(窝、裂) lateral sulcus , sylvius fissure 穹窿 fornix 透明隔 septum pellucidum 透明隔腔 cavity of septum pellucidum 额叶 frontal lobe 顶叶 parietal lobe 枕叶 occipital lobe 颞叶 temporale lobe 缘叶 limbic lobe 大脑动脉环 Willi's artery circle 大脑前动脉 anterior cerebral artery 大脑中动脉 middle cerebral artery 大脑后动脉 posterior cerebral artery 基底动脉 basilar artery 前交通支(动脉) anterior communicating branch 后交通支(动脉) posterior communicating branch 颅前窝,凹 anterior cranial fossa 颅中窝,凹 middle cranial fossa 颅后窝,凹 posterior cranial fossa 2 眼、面颈、涎腺、乳腺、胸肺眼球 optic bulb ,eyeball 角膜 cornea 前房 anterior chamber 虹膜 iris 睫状体 ciliary body视网膜 retina 脉络膜 choroid 巩膜 sclera 房水 aqueous humour 玻璃体 vitreous 玻璃体膜 hyaloid membrae 晶状体 lens (眼)直肌 recti muscles 视神经 optic nerve 眶上动脉 supraorbital artery 眼动脉ophthalmic artery 视网膜中央动脉 central retinal artery 睫状后长(短)动脉posterior long (short) ciliary artery 泪腺动脉 lacrimal gland artery 滑车上动脉 supratrochlear artery 眼静脉 ophthalmic vein 眶上静脉 suprorbital vein 滑车上静脉 supratrochlear vein 视网膜中央静脉 central retinal vein 涡状静脉 vorticose veins 眼眶 orbit 结膜conjunctiva 唾液腺、涎腺 sali<I>var〈/I〉y gland 腮腺 parotid (gland) 颌下腺 submaxillary gland 舌下腺 sublingual gland 甲状腺thyroid(gland) 甲状旁腺 parathyroid(gland)上颌窦 maxillary sinus 气管 trachea 食管 esophagus 乳腺 breast, mammary gland 额 front 枕occiput 颞 temples 颊 cheek 胸廓、胸腔 thorax, thorax cavity 肋骨ribs, costae 肋软骨costal cartilages 胸骨 sternum 乳腺组织 breast tissue 悬韧带suspensory ligament, Copper’s ligament乳腺后组织 retromammary tissue 横膈 diaphragm 颈总动脉 common carotid artery 颈外动脉 external carotid artery 颈内动脉 internal carotid artery 椎动脉 vertebral artery 无名动脉 innominate artery 颈内静脉 internal jugular vein 甲状腺上动脉 superior thyroid artery 乳房内动脉 internal mammary artery 3 腹部血管、周围血管腹主动脉abdominal aorta 腹腔动脉 celiac artery 肠系膜上动脉 superior mesenteric artery 肠系膜下动脉 inferior mesenteric artery 肝总动脉common hepatic artery 肝动脉 hepatic artery 胃左动脉 left gastric artery 胃十二指肠动脉 gastroduodenal artery 脾动脉 splenic artery 肾动脉 renal artery 卵巢动脉 o<I>var</I>ian artery 髂总动脉 common iliac artery 髂内动脉 internal iliac artery 髂外动脉 external iliac artery 锁骨下动脉 subclavian artery 椎动脉 vertebral artery 乳房内动脉internal mammary artery 颈内静脉 internal jugular vein 颈外静脉external jugular vein 腋静脉 axillary vein 奇静脉 azygos vein 大隐静脉 great saphenous vein 下腔静脉 inferior vena cava 门静脉 portalvein 肠系膜上静脉 superior mesenteric vein 肝静脉 hepatic vein 肾静脉 renal vein 腰静脉 lumbar vein 精索静脉 spermatic vein 肾弓形动脉 renal arcuate arteries 股动脉 femoral artery 肱动脉 humeral artery桡动脉 radial artery尺动脉ulnar artery 面动脉 facial artery 锁骨下动脉 subclavian artery 颈浅动脉 superficial cervical artery 颞浅动脉superficial temporal artery 4 肝、胆、胰、脾、泌尿男生殖肝左叶left liver lobe(LL)肝右叶right liver lobe(RL)尾状叶 caudate lobe(CL)方叶 quadrate lobe(QL)附垂叶Riedel's lobe 胆囊gallbladder(G 胆囊管 cystic duct(CD)肝管 hepatic duct(HD)胆总管common bile duct(CBD)肝门 porta hepatis 胆囊窝 gallbladder forssa 肝圆韧带 hepatoumbilical ligament, round ligament 肝镰状韧带 falciform ligament 肝静脉韧带 venose ligament 胆管、胆道 bile duct(BD) 螺旋状瓣 spiral valve 肝总管 common hepatic duct 肝外胆管 extrahepatic duct 乏特壶腹 Vater's ampulla 胰腺 pancreas 胰管pancreatic duct , Wirsung's duct 副胰管 Santorini duct 胰头 head of pancreas 胰颈 neck of pancreas 胰体 body of pancreas 胰尾 tail of pancreas 钩突 uncinate process 脾 spleen 脾门 splenic hilum 肾周脂肪 perinephrit fat 集合系统 collective system 肾 kedney 肾盂 renal calyes 锥体 pyramids 肾柱 renal colums 肾上腺 adrenal gland输尿管 ureters, ureteral , uretero 膀胱 urinary bladder , bladder 尿道 urethra 睾丸 testis 附睾 epididymis 鞘膜 tunica vagialis, vagina tunic 白膜 tunica albuginea , albuginea 输精管 ductus deferens, deferent duct 精囊 vesiculae seminals, seminal vesicle 射精管ejaculatory ducts 阴囊 scrotum, scrotal sac 精索 spermatic cord 腹股沟 inguen 前列腺 prostate 5 妇产科子宫 uterus 输卵管 uterine tube, oviduct 卵巢 o〈I>var〈/I>y, o<I>var</I〉ies 子宫颈 cervix 子宫腔 uterine canal 子宫内膜 endometriosis 子宫直肠陷凹rectouterine fossa 子宫内口 internal ostium of the uterus 子宫口orifice of the uterus 阴道 vagina 胚胎 embryo 卵黄囊 yolk sac 羊膜amnion 羊膜腔 amniotic cavity 蜕膜 decidua 绒毛 villus 绒毛膜chorion 胎盘 placenta 胎儿 fetus 胎心 fetal heart胎动fetal movement, feta motion 胎儿脊柱 fetal spine 胎儿胃泡 fetal stomach bubble 胎儿胸部fetal thorax 胎儿肾 fetal kidney 胎儿肢体 fetal limb脐带 umbilical cord 卵泡,滤泡 follicle 附件 adnexa 羊水 amniotic fluid 宫内节育器 intrauterine device 妊娠囊 gestational sac 顶臀长度crown—rump length 双顶径 biparietal diameter 胎头指数 cephalic index 枕额径 occipito—frontal diameter 头围 head circumference 胸围 thoracic circumference 腹围 abdominal circumference 小脑径cerebellum diameter 头(径)指数 cephalic index 双眼间距 ocular distance 腹部横径 transverse trunk diameter 腹部前后径anteroposterior trunk diameter 椎骨长度(胸6~腰3)length of vertebrae 脊柱 spine, vertebral colum 股骨长度 femur length 肱骨长度 humerus length 胎儿体重 fetal weight 脐动脉 umbilical artery 脐静脉 umbilical vein 胎盘 placenta 孕周 gestational week 孕龄gestational age 超声成像 ultrasonic imaging 实时成像 real-time imaging 灰阶显示 gray scale display 彩阶显示 color scale display 经颅多普勒 transcranial doppler 彩色多普勒血流显像 color doppler flow imaging 彩色血流造影 color flow angiography 彩色多普勒能量图color doppler energy 彩色能量图color power angio 超声内镜ultrasound endoscope 超声导管ultrasound catheter 血管内超声intravascular ultrasound 血管内超声显像 intravascular ultrasonic imaging 管腔内超声显像 intraluminal ultrasonic imaging 腔内超声显像 endoluminal sonography心内超声显像 intracardiac ultrasonic imaging 内镜超声扫描endoscopic ultrasonography 内镜超声技术 endosonography 膀胱镜超声技术 cystosonography 阴道镜超声技术 vaginosonography 经阴道彩色多普勒显像transvaginal color doppler imaging 经直肠超声扫描transrectal ultrasonography 直肠镜超声(技术) rectosonography 经尿道扫查 transurethral scanning 介入性超声 interventional ultrasound 术中超声监视 intraoperative ultrasonic monitoring 超声引导经皮肝穿刺胆管造影 ultrasound guided percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography 超声引导经皮穿刺注射乙醇 US guided percutaneous alcohol injection 超声引导经皮胆囊胆汁引流 US guided percutaneous gallbladder bile drainage 超声引导经皮抽吸US guided percutaneous aspiration 超声引导胎儿组织活检US guided fetal tissue biopsy 超声引导经皮肝穿刺门静脉造影 US guided percutaneous transhepatic portography 三维显示 three dimensional display 三维图像重建 3D image reconstruction 组织特性成像 tissue specific imaging 动态成像 dynamic imaging 数字成像 digital image 血管显像 angiography 声像图法 echography sonography 声像图sonogram echogram 多用途探头 multipurpose scanner 宽频带探头wide—band probe 环阵相控探头 phased annular array probe 术中探头 intraoperative porbe 穿刺探头 ultrasound guided probe 食管探头transesophagel probe 经食管超声心动图探头transesophagel echocardiography probe 阴道探头 transvaginal probe 直肠探头transrectal probe 尿道探头 transurethral probe 膀胱探头 intervesical probe 腔内探头 intracavitary probe 内腔探头 endo-probe 导管超声探头 catheter-based US probe 扫描方式 scan mode 线阵 linear array 凸阵 convex array 扇扫 sector scanning传感器 sensor 换能器 transducer 放大器 amplifier 阻尼器 buffer 解调器、检波器 demodulator 触发器 trigger 零位调整 zero adjustment 定标、校正 calibration 快速时间常数电路 fast time constant 自动增益控制 automatic gain control 深度增益补偿 depth gain compensation 时间增益补偿 time gain compensation 对数压缩 logarithmic compression 灵敏度时间控制 sensitivity time control 动态范围dynamic range 消除 erase, eliminate 变换 shift 倒置、反转 invert 消除 clear 注释 annotation 放大 magnification ,magnify ,zoom 写入write 记录 record 聚焦 focus 帧率 <I>frame〈/I〉 rate 冻结 freeze 字符 character 抑制 rejection, reject , suppression 增益 gain 帧相关<I>frame〈/I> correlation 回放 rendering , play back 彩色极性 color polarity 彩色边界 color edge 彩色增强 color enhance 菜单选择 menu selection 彩色余辉 color persistence 彩色捕获 color capture 彩色壁滤波 color wall filter 彩色速度显像 color velocity imaging 彩色转向color steering 彩色消除 color cut 彩色锁定 color lock成像数据 imaging data 预设置 preset 前处理 pre process 后处理 post process 重调、复原 reset 动态频率扫描 dynamic frequency scanning 焦距 focal distance 动态聚焦 dynamic focusing 滑动聚焦 sliging focusing 区域聚焦 zone focusing 连续聚焦 sequential focusing 电子聚焦 electric focusing 分段聚焦 segment focusing 多段聚焦multistage focusing 全场连续聚焦 confocusing 图像均匀性 image uniformity 运动辨别力 motion discrimination 穿透深度 penetration depth 空间分辨力 spatial resolution 瞬时分辨力 temporal resolution 帧分辨力 <I〉frame〈/I〉 resolution 图像线分辨力 image—line resolution 对比分辨力 contrast resolution 细节分辨力 detail resolution 多普勒取样容积 doppler sample volume 多普勒流速分布分辨力 doppler flow-velocity distributive resolution 多普勒流向分辨力 doppler flow—direction resolution 多普勒最低流速分辨力 doppler minimum flow—velocity resolution 彩色多普勒空间分辨力 spatial resolution of color doppler 彩色多普勒时间分辨力 time resolution of color doppler 彩色多普勒最低流速分辨力 minimum flow—velocity of color doppler 彩色多普勒强度 color doppler level 彩色多普勒处理功能板 CFM processing board 彩色视频监视器 color video monitor。



心脏超声常用英文缩写附对照心脏超声常用英文缩写及对照如下:1. Echo (Echocardiography) - 超声心动图2. LV (Left Ventricle) - 左室3. RV (Right Ventricle) - 右室4. LA (Left Atrium) - 左心房5. RA (Right Atrium) - 右心房6. PM (Papillary Muscle) - 乳头肌7. MV (Mitral Valve) - 二尖瓣8. AV (Aortic Valve) - 主动脉瓣9. TV (Tricuspid Valve) - 三尖瓣10. LVOT (Left Ventricular Outflow Tract) - 左室流出道11. RVOT (Right Ventricular Outflow Tract) - 右室流出道12. PW (Pulsed Wave) - 脉冲波多普勒13. CW (Continuous Wave) - 连续波多普勒14. DT (Deceleration Time) - 舒张期减速时间15. IVS (Interventricular Septum) - 室间隔16. PP (Pressure-Volume) - 压力-容积17. EF (Ejection Fraction) - 射血分数18. PAP (Pulmonary Artery Pressure) - 肺动脉压力19. TR (Tricuspid Regurgitation) - 三尖瓣反流20. AR (Aortic Regurgitation) - 主动脉反流以上是一些常用的心脏超声英文缩写及对照,希望对您有帮助。



超声医学英语一、部位location:同侧ipsi-lateral;对侧contra-lateral;患侧affected side;健侧intact side;近侧proximal side;远侧distal side;移位deviation,shift,displacement;无移位non displaced;抬高elevation;下降descent,fall;邻接abutting,next to,secondary to;二、范围extent:局限localized,regional;弥散diffuse;三、分布distribution:单侧unilateral;双侧bilateral,(in)both(lung fields);对称symmetric;不对称asymmetric;孤立solitary;散在scattered;融合confluence(confluent);中心性central;偏心性eccentric;周围的periphery,peripheral;主要predominantly,primarily;in a segmental or lobar distribution;(sth.) on the left;in the left lower zone;稀疏;集中;四、数目number:单发solitary,single;多发multiple;增多increase;减少decrease;消失disappear;五、大小size:大large;小small;扩大enlarge/enlargement;扩张dilatation;膨胀distention;缩小shrink;体积缩小loss of volume;狭窄stenosis,narrowing;闭塞occlusion,obliteration,emphraxis;生长速率rate of growth;倍增时间doubling time;直径小于3厘米less than 3cm in diameter;不超过1厘米(small nodules)10 mm or less in size;直径增长25% 25% increase in diameter;体积增大一倍doubling of volume;大小不同的of varying sizes;六、形状shape,morphology:点状dot(punctual,punctate);斑点状mottling,stippled;粟粒状miliary;结节状nodular;团块状mass,masslike;圆形circular,round,rounded;卵圆形oval;椭圆形ellipse;长方形(椭圆形)oblong;分叶状lobulated;片状patchy;条索stripe;线状linar;网状reticular;囊状cystic;弧线形curvilinear;星状stellate;纠集crowding,converging;舟状boat-shaped,navicular,scaphoid;哑铃状dumb-bell;不规则形irregular;细致fine;粗糙coarse;变形deformity;增粗、增厚thicken;变细、变薄thinning;变平flattened;七、边缘border,margin(marginated),rim,edge(edged);轮廓(外形)outline,contour;光滑(smooth);清晰,锐利(sharp,well-defined,well-circumscribed,clear,distinct);模糊hazy,indistinct,blurred,ill-defined,obscured,silhouette out (sth);不规则irregular;毛刺状、针状spiculated;分叶的lobulated,multilobulated;八、密度density(dense),densitometry,attenuation(X线成像):透亮lucency(lucent),transparent;病灶lesion:阴影shadow;不透光haziness,opacification,opacity,opaque;致密density(dense);低密度hypodense,low density;高密度hyperdense,high density;混杂密度mixed density;solid,subsolid(part solid),ground-glass(nonsolid)回声echo(echoic)(超声成像):* 无回声anecho,弱回声poor echo,低回声hypoecho,low level echo;等回声medium echo,iso-echo,高回声hyper echo,high level echo,强回声strong echo;信号signal(磁共振成像):低信号hypointensity;高信号hyperintensity;九、程度:轻度mild;slightly;中度moderately;重度severe;grossly;十、变化:一过性的,短暂的ephemeral;fleeting;transient;稳定stability(stable);密度水样密度watery density等密度isodense均匀密度homogeneous density不均匀密度nonhomogeneous density信号等信号isointensity混合信号heterogeneous intensity信号强度减弱decreased signal intensity信号强度增高increased signal intensity流空现象flow empty phenomena增强enhancement静脉团注法intravenous bolus injection technique静脉快速滴注法intravenous rapid infusion 增强扫描enhancement scan延迟扫描delayed scan动态扫描dynamic scan电影扫描cine scan增强前pre-enhancement pre-contrast增强后post-enhancement post-contrast动脉期arterial phase微血管期capillary phase静脉期venous phase延迟期delayed phase均匀增强homogeneous enhancement不均匀增强nonhomegeneous enhancement环状增强circular enhancement结节状增强nodular enhancement片状增强patchy enhancement脑回样增强gyriform enhancement 边缘增强rim enhancement 平片与体位常规位置:standard views;补充位置:supplementary views;前后位AP,anteroposterior;后前位PA,posteroanterior;侧位lateral;斜位oblique;轴位axial;切线位tangential;眼眶orbit鼻窦后前23°位、华氏位、顶颏位occipitomental,Waters;眼眶后前37°位、柯氏位、鼻颌位、枕额位occipitofrontal,Caldwell;视神经孔后前位,瑞氏位Rhese;颞骨temporal bone乳突侧位:15°侧位,劳氏位Law;25°侧位,许氏位Schuller;35°侧位,伦氏位Runstrom;斜位:后前(45°)斜位,斯氏位Stenvers;前后斜位、反斯氏位;岩部轴位:(仰卧45°)梅氏位Mayer;欧文氏位Owen;岩部前后位AP axial,Towne;拇指thumb拇指前后位Robert;手hand后前斜位pronation oblique;前后斜位supination oblique,ball-catcher's腕wrist舟骨位scaphoid;腕管位carpal tunnel;肘elbow小头位capitellum,鹰嘴位olecranon;髋hip侧位(蛙形位)frog-leg,侧位(仰卧水平投照)cross-table lateral,groin lateral;颈椎cervical spine第1、2颈椎前后位,张口位open-mouth,OMV;胸部chest侧卧位lateral decubitus,前凸位(前后位及后前位)apical lordotic;前弓位kyphotic;附:床旁portable;呼气像expiratory;高千伏摄影high kilovoltage radiography;腹部abdomen 腹平片plain abdominal radiograph,abdominal plain film尿路仰卧前后位,尿路平片:KUB,plain film of kidney,ureters,bladder (仰卧)前后位supine abdominal radiograph;立位upright abdominal radiograph;乳腺breast钼靶X线摄影:mammogram,molybdenum target radiography;医院科室词语面面观children's hospital 儿童医院general hospital, polyclinic 综合医院hospital for lepers, leprosarium 麻风病院maternity hospital, lying-inhospital 产科医院mental hospital, mental home 精神病院obstetrics and gynecology hospital 妇产医院plastic surgery hospital 整形外科医院stomatological hospital 口腔医院tuberculosis hospital 结核病医院tumour hospital 肿瘤医院clinic 诊疗所first-aid station 急救站polyclinic 联合诊疗所quarantine station 防疫站(检疫所)rest home 休养所sanatorium 疗养院medical department 内科surgical department 外科anaesthesiology department 麻醉科cardiology department 心脏病科dental department 牙科dermatology department, skindepartment 皮肤科department of cardiac su 心脏外科department of cerebral surgery 胸外科general surgery 普通外科neurology department 神经科neurosurgery department 精神外科obstetrics and gynecology department 妇产科ophthalmology department 眼科orthopedic surgery department 矫形外科orthopedics department 骨科otorhinolaryngological department 耳鼻喉科paediatrics department 小儿科pathology department 病理科plastic surgery 整形外科psychiatry department 精神病科thoracic surgery department 脑外科traumatology department 创伤外科urology department 泌尿科X-ray department 放射科registration office 挂号处out-patient department, OPD 门诊部in-patient department 住院部nursing department 护理部consulting room 诊室waiting room 候诊室admitting office 住院处emergency room 急诊室operation room, operation theatre 手术室laboratory 化验室blood bank 血库pharmacy, dispensary 药房ward 病房medical ward 内科病房surgical ward 外科病房maternity ward 产科病房isolation ward 隔离病房observation ward 观察室hospital bed 病床director of the hospital 院长head of the department of medical administration 医务部主任head of the nursing department 护理部主任head of out-patient department 门诊部主任doctor 医生head of the medical department 内科主任head of the surgical department 外科主任physician in charge, surgeon in charge, attending doctor, doctor in charge 主治医生resident physician 住院医生intern, interne 实习医生laboratory technician 化验员nurse 护士head nurse 护士长anaesthetist 麻醉师pharmacist, druggist 药剂师internist, physician 内科医生surgeon 外科医生brain specialist 脑科专家cardiac surgeon 心外科医生cardiovascular specialist 心血管专家dentist 牙科医生dermatologist 皮肤科医生ear-nose-throat doctor 耳鼻喉医生gynecologist 妇科医生heart specialist 心脏病专家neurologist, nerve specialist 神经科专家obstetrician 产科医生oculist 眼科医生oncologist 肿瘤科医生orthopedist 骨科医生paediatrician 小儿科医生plastic surgeon 整形外科医生radiologist 放射科医师radiographer 放射科技师urologist 泌尿科医生dietician 营养医师out-patient 门诊病人in-patient 住院病人medical patient 内科病人surgical patient 外科病人obstetrical patient 产科病人heart disease patient 心脏病病人emergency case 急诊病人(参见MEDICINE)超声医学术语、缩略语的中、英文对照(一)仪器和原理方面切面面积Cross sectional Area (CSA) 扫描器、探头Scanner (SCNR)凸形、凸阵Convex (CVX) 扇扫角度Sector Angle (Sec Ang)辉度、亮度Brightness 冻结Freeze (FRZ)平均速度Mean Velocity (Mean Vel) 增益Gain返流Reversed Flow (RF) 频谱Frequency Spectrum彩色多普勒血流显像Color Doppler Flow Imaging (CDFI)经颅多普勒Transcranial Doppler ( TCD)腹部血流显示Abdominal Flow Display (AFD)阴道超声Transvagin Scan (TVS) (二)解剖学方面1)妇产科胎盘Placenta (PL) 胎心Fetal Heart (F Ht)胎头Fetal Head (FH) 胎头指数Cephalic Index大脑镰Falx Cerebri (FC;FL) 丘脑、视丘Thalmus (Th)侧脑室Lateral Ventricle (LV) 第三脑室Third Ventricle (V3)透明隔Septum Pellucidum (SP) 透明隔腔Septum Pellucidum (SP)脐带Umbilical Cord (UC) 绒毛Villus 绒毛膜Chorion (C ) 蜕膜Decidua羊水Amniotic Fluid (AF) 羊水指数Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) 妊娠囊Gestational Sac (GS) 双顶径Biparietal Diameter (BPD) 股骨径Femur Length (FL) 顶臀长度Crowm-Rump Length (CRL) 胸围Thoracic Circumference (Th C) 腹围Abdominal Circumference (AC) 头围Head circumference (HC) 枕额径Occipital Frontal Diameter (OFD) 子宫Uterus 输卵管Uterine Tube,Oviduct卵巢Ovary, Ovaries (Ov) 子宫颈Cervix (C )子宫腔Urterine Canal 子宫内膜Endometriosis (En)阴道Vagina 卵黄囊Yolk Sac (YS)子宫内口Internal Ostium of the Uterius 子宫口Orifice of the Uterius 2) 眼、面颈、涎腺、乳腺、胸腔眼球Optic Bulb; Eyeball 角膜Cornea 前房Anterior Chamber(AC ) 虹膜Iris 睫状体Ciliary Body 视网膜Retina 脉络膜Choroid 巩膜Sclera房水Aqueous Humour 玻璃体Vitreous晶状体Lens 腮腺Parotid颌下腺Submaxillay Gland 舌下腺Sublingual Gland甲状腺Thyroid 甲状旁腺Parathroid 乳腺Breast 横膈Diaphragm (D)胸腔Thoracic cavity3)血管腹主动脉Abdominal Aorta (AA) 腹腔动脉Celiac Artery (Ce A;CA)肠系膜上动脉Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA) 胃左动脉Left GastricArtery脾动脉Splenic Artery (Sp A) 肾动脉Renal Artery (RA)门静脉Portal Vein (PV) 肝静脉Hepatic Vein (HV)肝中静脉Medial Hepatic Vein (MHV) 肝左静脉Left Hepatic Vein(LHV)肝右静脉Right Hepatic Vein (RHV) 下腔静脉Inferior Vena Cava (IVC)肠系膜上静脉Superior Mesenteric Vein (SMV) 肾静脉Renal Vein (RV) 腋静脉Axillary Vein 锁骨下静脉Subclavian Vein (SCV) 颈外静脉External Jugular Vein 颈内静脉Internal Jugular Vein 颈总动脉Common Jugular Artery 髂内动脉Internal Iliac Artery髂外动脉External Iliac Artery 髂总动脉Common Iliac Artery 大隐静脉Great Saphenous Vein 小隐静脉Short Saphenous Vein股动脉Femoral Artery 股静脉Femoral Vein腘动脉Popliteal Artery 腘静脉Popliteal Vein足背动脉Dorsal Pedal Artery4)肝、胆、胰、脾、泌尿生殖肝左叶Left Liver Lobe (LL) 肝右叶Right Liver Lobe (RL)尾状叶Caudate Lobe (CL) 方叶Quadrate Lobe (QL)胆囊Gallbladder (G胆囊管Cystic Duct (CD)肝管Hepatic Duct (HD) 胆总管Common Bile Duct (CBD)肝门Porta Hepatis 肝总管Common Hepatic Duct (CHD)肝管Hepatic Duct (HD) 胰腺Pancreas (P;Pa)胰管Pancreatic Duct (PD;PaD) 副胰管Santorini Duct (SD)胰头Head of Pancreas (PaH) 胰颈Neck of Pancreas (PaN)胰体Body Of Pancreas (Pa胰尾Tail of Pancreas (PaT)钩突Uncinate Process 脾Spleen (Sp) 肾Kidney (K) 肾盂Renal Pelvis (RP) 肾盏Renal Calyces (RC) 锥体Pyramids (Py) 肾柱Renal Colums (Rco) 肾上腺Adrenal Gland (AG)输尿管Ureters (Ur) 膀胱Urinary Bladder (U,Bladder (BL)前列腺Prostate (Pro) 尿道Urethra睾丸Testis (Ts) 副睾Epididymis (Ep) 鞘膜Tunica Vagialis, Vagina Tunic 精囊Vesiculae Seminals; Seminal Vesicle (SV) 阴囊Scrotum (Sc),Scrotal Sac (SS) 精索Spermatic Cord腹股沟Inguen5)胃肠胃Stomach (STO) 贲门Cardia (C ),(Ca)胃底Fundus of Stomach (SF) 胃体Body of Stomach (S幽门Pylorus (Py) 十二指肠Duodenum (Du)小肠Small Intestine 空肠Jejunum回肠Ileum 盲肠Cecum阑尾Appendix (Ap) 大肠Large Intestine结肠Colon (Co) 结肠肝曲Hepatic Flexure of Colon结肠脾曲Splenic Flexure of Colon 升结肠Ascending Colon (As C)横结肠Transverse Colon (Tr C) 降结肠Descending Colon (De C )乙状结肠Sigmoid Colon 直肠Rectum 肠系膜Mesentery6)肌肉、骨关节肌肉Muscle, Musculus (M) 肌腱Tendon Tendon腓骨Fib 腰大肌M.Psoas Major尺骨Ulna 脊柱Verebral Colum, Spine 椎骨Vertebra (V肱骨Humerus脊柱裂Spina Bifida (S桡骨Raduis 股骨Fumur 胫骨Tibiaula 颅骨Skull ,Cranial Bones 髂骨Ilium 髋骨Hip 髂嵴Iliac Creast 关节Joint7)其它脓肿Abscess (ABS) 钙化Calcification (CAL)肌瘤Myoma (MYO) 结核Tuberculosis (T淋巴结Lymph node (LN) 肿瘤Tumor (T)包块Mass( M) 结节Node (N)壁Wall (W) 积液Effusion (Eff)腹水Ascites (ASC) 坏死Necrosis (Nec)结石Stone (St) 靶团Target (TAR) 血肿Hematoma (HMA) 血栓Thrombus (Th)纤维化Fibrosis (Fib) 疤痕Scar (Sc) 囊肿Cyst (Cy) 脂肪瘤Lipoma淋巴瘤Lymphoma 错构瘤Hamartoma异物Foreign Boby (F栓塞Embolism粪石Fecalith (Fe) 半月板Meniscus 转移灶Metastasis (Met) 沉积物Sediment (Sed)针尖Needle Tip (NT) 血管瘤Angioma (ANG)宫内节育器Intrauterine Devices (IUD) 蛔虫Ascariasis (As)胆道蛔虫Bile Dull Ascariasis (BDAS) ULTRASOUND OBST GYN 影响因子2.288ULTRASOUND MED BIO影响因子2.011J AM SOC ECHOCARDIOG影响因子1.69 ECHOCARDIOGR-J CARD影响因子1.05SEMIN ULTRASOUND CT影响因子1.135J CLIN ULTRASOUND 影响因子0.573。



超声及影像学专业常用术语中英文对照1. IntroductionIn the field of ultrasound and imaging, professionals are often required to communicate in both English and Mandarin Chinese. It is crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of the terminology used in this domain to ensure accurate communication among experts from different backgrounds. In this article, we provide a comprehensive list of commonly used terms in the field of ultrasound and imaging, along with their corresponding English translations.2. Terminology2.1 超声技术(chāo shēng jì shù) - Ultrasound technology2.2 影像学(yǐng xiàng xué) - Imaging2.3 超声波(chāo shēng bō) - Ultrasound waves2.4 类风湿性关节炎(lèi fēng shī xìng guān jié yán) - Rheumatoid arthritis2.5 放射学 (fàng shè xué) - Radiology2.6 软件(ruǎn jiàn) - Software2.7 硬件 (yìng jiàn) - Hardware2.8 病变 (bìng biàn) - Lesion2.9 视域 (shì yù) - Field of view2.10 运动伪影(yùn dòng wěi yǐng) - Motion artifact2.11 线性探头 (xiàn xìng tàn tóu) - Linear probe2.12 脉冲重复频率(mài chōng chóng fù pín lǜ) - Pulse repetition frequency2.13 超声诊断(chāo shēng zhěn duàn) - Ultrasonic diagnosis2.14 X射线 (X shè xiàn) - X-ray2.15 CT扫描(CT sǎo miáo) - CT scan2.16 MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) - 磁共振成像 (cí gòng zhèn chéng xiàng)2.17 动态增强(dòng tài zēng qiáng) - Dynamic enhancement2.18 血流动力学(xiě liú dòng lì xué) - Hemodynamics2.19 肿瘤(zhǒng liú) - Tumor2.20 回声(huí shēng) - Echo3. ConclusionBeing familiar with the terminology used in ultrasound and imaging is essential for professionals in this field. This comprehensive list of commonly used terms in both Mandarin Chinese and English provides a valuable resource for professionals to improve their communication and ensure accurate understanding of critical concepts. By establishing a commonlanguage, experts from different backgrounds can collaborate effectively and provide high-quality healthcare services.。


Coronary artery disease
Coronary artery
Cor triatriatum
Cor biloculare
Common bile duct
Cystic duct
Color Doppler flow imaging
Right ventricular inflow tract
Scrota sac
Transcranial Doppler
Transesophageal echocardiography
Bile duct

Body of pancreas
Biparietel diameter
Benign prostatic hypertrophy
Body surface area
Congenital heart disease



常用超声医学术语、缩略语中、英文对照词汇A 面积Abdominal Aorta (AA) 腹主动脉Abdominal Circumference (AC) 腹围Abdominal Flow Display (AFD) 腹部血流显示Abscess (ABS) 脓肿ACA 大脑前动脉Acc 加速度AccT 血流加速时间AComA 前交通动脉Adrenal Gland (AG) 肾上腺ALS 主动脉瓣叶开放Amniotic Fluid (AF) 羊水Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) 羊水指数Amplifier 放大器Angiography 血管显像Angioma (ANG) 血管瘤Ann 瓣环Annotation 注释Anterior Chamber(AC ) 前房Ao 主动脉Ao Arch Diam 主动脉弓直径Ao Asc 升主动脉直径Ao Desc Diam 降主动脉直径Ao Diam 主动脉根部直径Ao Isthmus 主动脉峡部Ao st junct 主动脉ST 接合Appendix (Ap) 阑尾Aqueous Humour 房水AR 主动脉返流Asc 上升Ascariasis (As) 蛔虫Ascending Colon (As C) 升结肠Ascites (ASC) 腹水ASD 心房间隔缺损Automatic gain control 自动增益控制A V 主动脉瓣膜A V- A 连续性方程计算的主动脉瓣膜面积A V Cusp 主动脉瓣膜尖端开放A V Cusp 主动脉瓣膜尖端开放A V Di am) 主动脉瓣膜直径A V A 主动脉瓣膜面积Axill 腋下动脉Axillary Vein 腋静脉BBA 基底动脉Basil V 基底静脉Bile Dull Ascariasis (BDAS) 胆道蛔虫Biparietal Diameter (BPD) 双顶径Body Of Pancreas (PaB) 胰体Body of Stomach (SB) 胃体Brac V 臂静脉Breast 乳腺Brightness 辉度、亮度BSA 体表面积Buffer 阻尼器CCalcification (CAL) 钙化Calibration 定标、校正Cardia (C )(Ca) 贲门Catheter-based US probe 导管超声探头Caudate Lobe (CL) 尾状叶CCA 颈总动脉Cecum 盲肠Celiac Artery (Ce A;CA) 腹腔动脉Ceph V V 头静脉Cephalic Index 胎头指数Cervix (C ) 子宫颈CFM processing board 彩色多普勒处理功能板CHA 肝总动脉Character 字符Chorion (C ) 绒毛膜Choroid 脉络膜CI 心脏指数Ciliary Body 睫状体Clear 消除CO 心脏输出量Colon (Co) 结肠Color capture 彩色捕获Color cut 彩色消除Color doppler energy 彩色多普勒能量图Color doppler flow imaging 彩色多普勒血流显像Color Doppler Flow Imaging (CDFI) 彩色多普勒血流显像Color doppler level 彩色多普勒强度Color edge 彩色边界Color enhance 彩色增强Color flow angiography 彩色血流造影Color lock 彩色锁定Color persistence 彩色余辉Color polarity 彩色极性Color power angio 彩色能量图Color scale display 彩阶显示Color steering 彩色转向Color velocity imaging 彩色速度显像Color video monitor 彩色视频监视器Color wall filter 彩色壁滤波Com Femoral 股总动脉Common Bile Duct (CBD) 胆总管Common Hepatic Duct (CHD) 肝总管Common Iliac Artery 髂总动脉Common Jugular Artery 颈总动脉Confocusing 全场连续聚焦Contrast resolution 对比分辨力Convex (CVX) 凸形、凸阵Convex array 凸阵Cornea 角膜Cross sectional Area (CSA) 切面面积Crowm-Rump Length (CRL) 顶臀长度Cyst (Cy) 囊肿Cystic Duct (CD) 胆囊管Cystosonography 膀胱镜超声技术DD 直径Dec 减速度Decidua 蜕膜DecT 减速时间Demodulator 解调器、检波器Depth gain compensation 深度增益补偿Desc 递减Descending Colon (De C ) 降结肠Detail resolution 细节分辨力Diaphragm (D) 横膈Digital image 数字成像Doppler flow-direction resolution 多普勒流向分辨力Doppler flow-velocity distributive resolution 多普勒流速分布分辨力Doppler minimum flow-velocity resolution 多普勒最低流速分辨力Doppler sample volume 多普勒取样容积Dorsal Pedal Artery 足背动脉Duodenum (Du) 十二指肠Dur 持续时间Dynamic focusing 动态聚焦Dynamic frequency scanning 动态频率扫描Dynamic imaging 动态影像Dynamic range 动态范围EECA 颈外动脉Echography sonography 声像图法Ed 心脏舒张EDD 预产期EdV 舒张末期容量EF 射血分数Effusion (Eff) 积液EFW 胎儿估计体重Electric focusing 电子聚焦Embolism 栓塞Endoluminal sonography 腔内超声显像Endometriosis (En) 子宫内膜Endo-probe 内腔探头Endoscopic ultrasonography 内镜超声扫描Endosonography 内镜超声技术Epididymis (Ep) 副睾EPSS E 点到室间隔分离Erase eliminate 消除EsV 收缩末期容量ET 射血时间External Iliac Artery 髂外动脉External Jugular Vein 颈外静脉FFalx Cerebri (FC;FL) 大脑镰Fast time constant 快速时间常数电路Fecalith (Fe) 粪石Femoral Artery 股动脉Femoral Vein 股静脉Femur Length (FL) 股骨径Fetal Head (FH) 胎头Fetal Heart (F Ht) 胎心Fib 腓骨Fibrosis (Fib) 纤维化Focal distance 焦距Focus 聚焦Foreign Boby (FB)异物frame correlation 帧相关frame rate 帧率frame resolution 帧分辨力Freeze (FRZ) 冻结Freeze 冻结Frequency Spectrum 频谱FS 短轴缩短率Fumur 股骨Fundus of Stomach (SF) 胃底FV 血流容量FVI 血流速度积分GGA 孕龄Gain 增益Gallbladder (GB)胆囊Gestational Sac (GS) 妊娠囊Gray scale display 灰阶显示Great Saphenous Vein 大隐静脉HHamartoma 错构瘤Head circumference (HC) 头围Head of Pancreas (PaH) 胰头Hematoma (HMA) 血肿Hepatic Duct (HD) 肝管Hepatic Duct (HD) 肝管Hepatic Flexure of Colon 结肠肝曲Hepatic Vein (HV) 肝静脉Hip 髋骨HR 心率Humerus 肱骨IICA 颈内动脉Ileum 回肠Iliac Creast 髂嵴Ilium 髂骨IMA 肠系膜下动脉Image uniformity 图像均匀性Image-line resolution 图像线分辨力Imaging data 成像数据Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) 下腔静脉Inguen 腹股沟Inno V 无名静脉Internal Iliac Artery 髂内动脉Internal Jugular Vein 颈内静脉Internal Ostium of the Uterius 子宫内口Interventional ultrasound 介入性超声Intervesical probe 膀胱探头Intracardiac ultrasonic imaging 心内超声显像Intracavitary probe 腔内探头Intraluminal ultrasonic imaging 管腔内超声显像Intraoperative porbe 术中探头Intraoperative ultrasonic monitoring 术中超声监视Intrauterine Devices (IUD) 宫内节育器Intravascular ultrasonic imaging 血管内超声显像Intravascular ultrasound 血管内超声Invert 倒置、反转Iris 虹膜IVC 下腔静脉IVRT 等容舒张期IVS 室间隔IVSd 、IVSs 室间隔(收缩期,舒张期)厚度JJejunum 空肠Joint 关节KKidney (K) 肾LL 长度LA 左心房LA Diam 左心房直径LA Major 左心房长度LA Minor 左心房宽度LA/Ao Ratio 左心房直径和主动脉根部直径比率LAA 左心房面积LAD 左心房直径Large Intestine 大肠Lateral Ventricle (LV) 侧脑室Left Gastric Artery 胃左动脉Left Hepatic Vein(LHV) 肝左静脉Left Liver Lobe (LL) 肝左叶Lens 晶状体Linear array 线阵Lipoma 脂肪瘤Logarithmic compression 对数压缩LPA 左肺动脉LPA 左肺动脉LV 左心室LV A 左心室面积LVI D 左心室内径LVIDd 舒张期左心室容积LVIDs 收缩期左心室容积LVL 左心室长度LVLd 舒张期左心室内径LVLs 收缩期左心室内径LVM 左心室心肌重量LVOT Diam 左心室流出道直径LVPW 左心室后壁LVPWd 左室后壁舒张期厚度LVPWs 左室后壁收缩期厚度Lymph node (LN) 淋巴结Lymphoma 淋巴瘤MM.Psoas Major 腰大肌Magnification Magnify Zoom 放大Mass( M) 包块MCA 大脑中动脉Mcub V 中央静脉Mean Velocity (Mean Vel) 平均速度Medial Hepatic Vein (MHV) 肝中静脉Meniscus 半月板Menu selection 菜单选择Mesentery 肠系膜metastasis (Met) 转移灶Minimum flow-velocity of color doppler 彩色多普勒最低流速分辨力Motion discrimination 运动辨别力MPA 主肺动脉MPA 主肺动脉MR 二尖瓣返流MRA 肾主动脉Multipurpose scanner 多用途探头Multistage focusing 多段聚焦Muscle Musculus (M) 肌肉MV 二尖瓣MV A By PHT 二尖瓣口面积根据压力降半时间MVcf 纤维圆周缩短平均速度MVO 二尖瓣口Myoma (MYO) 肌瘤NNeck of Pancreas (PaN) 胰颈Necrosis (Nec) 坏死Needle Tip (NT) 针尖Node (N) 结节OOccipital Frontal Diameter (OFD) 枕额径Optic Bulb; Eyeball 眼球Orifice of the Uterius 子宫口OT 流出道Ovary Ovaries (Ov) 卵巢PP 乳头肌PA 肺动脉Pancreas (P;Pa) 胰腺PAP 肺动脉压力Parathroid 甲状旁腺Parotid 腮腺PCA 大脑后动脉PComA 后交通动脉PDA 动脉导管末闭PEd 心包渗出舒张期Penetration depth 穿透深度PEP 射血前期Peripheral Vessel (PV)外周血管PFO 卵圆孔未闭PG 压力阶差Phased annular array probe 环阵相控探头PHT 压力降半时间PISA 最近等速线表面面积Placenta (PL) 胎盘Popliteal Artery 腘动脉Popliteal Vein 腘静脉Porta Hepatis 肝门Portal Vein (PV) 门静脉Post process 后处理Pre process 前处理Preset 预设置Prostate (Pro) 前列腺Ps 心脏收缩Pulmonic Diam 肺动脉瓣膜直径PV 肺动脉瓣PV Ann Diam 肺动脉瓣环面直径PV-A 连续性方程计算的肺动脉瓣口面积PVein 肺静脉PW 后壁Pylorus (Py) 幽门Pyramids (Py) 锥体QQp 肺循环血流量Qs 体循环血流量Quadrate Lobe (QL) 方叶RRA 右心房RAA 右心房面积Rad 半径RAD 右心房直径Raduis 桡骨Real-time imaging 实时成像Record 记录Rectosonography 直肠镜超声(技术)Rectum 直肠Rejection reject suppression 抑制Renal Artery (RA) 肾动脉Renal Calyces (RC) 肾盏Renal Colums (Rco) 肾柱Renal Pelvis (RP) 肾盂Renal Vein (RV) 肾静脉Rendering play back 回放Reset 重调、复原Retina 视网膜Reversed Flow (RF) 返流Right Hepatic Vein (RHV) 肝右静脉Right Liver Lobe (RL) 肝右叶Right Ventricle (RV) 右心室RPA 右肺动脉RPA 右肺动脉RV 右心室RV A 右心室面积RV AW 右心室前壁RVD 右心室直径RVID 右心室内径RVL 右心室长度RVOT 右心室流出道SSantorini Duct (SD) 副胰管Scan mode 扫描方式Scanner (SCNR) 扫描器、探头Scar (Sc) 疤痕Sclera 巩膜Scrotum (Sc)Scrotal Sac (SS) 阴囊Sector Angle (Sec Ang) 扇扫角度Sector scanning 扇扫Sediment (Sed) 沉积物Segment focusing 分段聚焦Sensitivity time control 灵敏度时间控制Sensor 传感器Septum Pellucidum (SP) 透明隔;透明隔腔Sequential focusing 连续聚焦Shift 变换Short Saphenous Vein 小隐静脉SI 搏动指数Sigmoid Colon 乙状结肠Skull Cranial Bones 颅骨Sliging focusing 滑动聚焦SMA 肠系膜上动脉Small Intestine 小肠SMV 肠系膜上静脉Sonogram echogram 声像图Spatial resolution 空间分辨力Spatial resolution of color doppler 彩色多普勒空间分辨力Spermatic Cord 精索Spina Bifida 脊柱裂Spleen (Sp) 脾Splenic Artery (Sp A) 脾动脉Splenic Flexure of Colon 结肠脾曲ST 缩短% STIVS 心室缩短百分比Stomach (STO) 胃Stone (St) 结石SUBC 锁骨下动脉Subclavian Vein (SCV) 锁骨下静脉Sublingual Gland 舌下腺Submaxillay Gland 颌下腺Sup Femoral 股浅动脉Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA) 肠系膜上动脉Superior Mesenteric Vein (SMV) 肠系膜上静脉SV 每搏量SVI 每搏量指数TT 时间TA 三尖瓣环Tail of Pancreas (PaT) 胰尾TAML 三尖瓣环面中部到侧部Target (TAR) 靶团TCD 经颅多普勒Temporal resolution 瞬时分辨力Tendon Tendon 肌腱Testis (Ts) 睾丸Thalmus (Th) 丘脑、视丘Third Ventricle (V3) 第三脑室Thoracic cavity 胸腔Thoracic Circumference (Th C) 胸围Three dimensional display 三维显示3D image reconstruction 三维图像重建Thrombus (Th) 血栓Thyroid 甲状腺Tibiaula 胫骨Time gain compensation 时间增益补偿Time resolution of color doppler 彩色多普勒时间分辨力Tissue specific imaging 组织特性成像TR 三尖瓣返流Trans A V A(d)、Trans A V A(s) 横向主动脉瓣膜面积Transcranial doppler 经颅多普勒Transcranial Doppler ( TCD) 经颅多普勒Transducer 换能器Transesophagel echocardiography probe(TEE)经食管超声心动图探头Transesophagel probe 食管探头Transrectal probe 直肠探头Transrectal ultrasonography 经直肠超声扫描Transurethral probe 尿道探头Transurethral scanning 经尿道扫查Transvagin Scan (TVS) 阴道超声Transvaginal color doppler imaging 经阴道彩色多普勒显像Transvaginal probe 阴道探头Transverse Colon (Tr C) 横结肠)Trigger 触发器Tuberculosis (TB 结核Tumor (T) 肿瘤Tunica Vagialis Vagina Tunic 鞘膜TV 三尖瓣膜TV A 三尖瓣口面积UUlna 尺骨Ultrasonic imaging 超声成像Ultrasound catheter 超声导管Ultrasound endoscope 超声内镜Ultrasound guided percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography 超声引导经皮肝穿刺胆管造影Ultrasound guided probe 穿刺探头Umbilical Cord (UC) 脐带Uncinate Process 钩突Ureters (Ur) 输尿管Urethra 尿道Urinary Bladder (BL) 膀胱Urterine Canal 子宫腔US guided fetal tissue biopsy 超声引导胎儿组织活检US guided percutaneous alcohol injection 超声引导经皮穿刺注射乙醇US guided percutaneous aspiration 超声引导经皮抽吸US guided percutaneous gallbladder bile drainage 超声引导经皮胆囊胆汁引流US guided percutaneous transhepatic portography 超声引导经皮肝穿刺门静脉造影Uterine TubeOviduct 输卵管Uterus 子宫VVagina 阴道Vaginosonography 阴道镜超声技术Vcf 纤维圆周缩短速度Vel 速度Verebral Colum Spine 脊柱VERT 椎动脉Vertebra 椎骨Vesiculae Seminals; Seminal Vesicle (SV) 精囊VET 瓣膜射血时间Villus 绒毛Vitreous 玻璃体Vmax 最大速度Vmean 平均速度VSD 室间隔缺损VTI 速度时间积分WWall (W) 壁Wide-band probe 宽频带探头Write 写入YYolk Sac (YS) 卵黄囊ZZero adjustment 零位调整Zone focusing 区域聚焦。



超声医学术语、缩略语中英文对照一解剖学方面:1、眼、面颈,乳腺,涎腺眼球Optic bulb;Eyeball 角膜Cornea 虹膜Iris 睫状体Ciliary body 视网膜Retina脉胳膜Choroid 巩膜Sclera 视神经Optic nerve(ON) 眼动脉Ophthalmic artery(OA)唾液腺、涎腺Salivary gland 甲状腺Thyrlid 颌下腺Submaxillay gland 舌下腺Sublingual gland 乳腺Breast 颈总动脉Common carotid Artery(CCA)颈外动脉External carotid Artery(ECA)颈内动脉Internal carotid Artery(ICA)无名动脉Innominate artery 椎动脉Vertebral artery (V A)2、腹部血管、周围血管腹主动脉Abdominal aorta(AA) 肠系膜上动脉Superior mesenteric artery(SMA)肝动脉Hepatic artery (HA) 胃左动脉Left gastric artery (LGA) 脾动脉SpA 肾动脉RA 卵巢动脉OA 髂内动脉IIA 髂外动脉EIA 大隐静脉GSV 下腔静脉ICA 门静脉PV 肝静脉HV 肾静脉RV 股动脉FA 锁骨下动脉Subclavian artry3、肝、胆、胰、脾、泌尿男生殖肝左叶Left liver lobe (LL) 肝右叶(RL)尾状叶CL 方叶QL胆囊GB 胆囊管CD肝管HD 肝门Porta hepatis 胆囊窝CBF 肝总管CHD 胆总管CBD 胰腺Pancreas (Pa) 胰头Head 0f pancreas (PaH)胰颈PaN 胰体PaB 胰尾PaB 钩突Uncinate process 脾Spleen(SP)脾门SPH 集合系统CS 肾Kidney (K) 肾盂RP 肾盏RC 肾柱RCo 肾上腺Adrenal gland (AG)输尿管UR 膀胱BL/UB 尿道Urethra 睾丸Tesitis (TS) 副睾Epididymis (Ep)鞘膜Tunica vagialis 精囊SV 阴囊Scrotum (SC)腹股沟Inguen 前列腺Prostate (PST)4妇产科子宫Uterus (U)t 输卵管Uterine tube 卵巢Ov 子宫内膜En 阴道Vagina 胚胎Embryo 卵黄囊Yolk sac (YS) 羊膜A m 胎儿Fetus(F) 胎心F Ht 胎头FH 胎儿脊柱F Sp 胎儿胃泡F STO 胎儿肾FK 胎儿肢体 F Lb 卵泡Follicle 附件Adnexa 羊水AF 宫内节育器IUD 妊娠囊GS 顶臀长度CRL 双顶径BPD 头围HC胸围Th C 腹围AC 股骨长度FL脊柱Spine(Sp) 胎盘PL 脐带Umbilical cord (UC)(一)仪器和原理方面切面面积Cross sectional Area (CSA) 扫描器、探头Scanner (SCNR)凸形、凸阵Convex (CVX) 扇扫角度Sector Angle (Sec Ang)辉度、亮度Brightness 冻结Freeze (FRZ)平均速度Mean Velocity (Mean Vel) 增益Gain返流Reversed Flow (RF) 频谱Frequency Spectrum彩色多普勒血流显像Color Doppler Flow Imaging (CDFI)经颅多普勒Transcranial Doppler ( TCD)腹部血流显示Abdominal Flow Display (AFD)阴道超声Transvagin Scan (TVS)(二)解剖学方面1)妇产科胎盘Placenta (PL) 胎心Fetal Heart (F Ht)胎头Fetal Head (FH) 胎头指数Cephalic Index大脑镰Falx Cerebri (FC;;;;FL) 丘脑、视丘Thalmus (Th)侧脑室Lateral Ventricle (LV) 第三脑室Third Ventricle (V3)透明隔Septum Pellucidum (SP) 透明隔腔Septum Pellucidum (SP)脐带Umbilical Cord (UC) 绒毛Villus绒毛膜Chorion (C ) 蜕膜Decidua羊水Amniotic Fluid (AF) 羊水指数Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI)妊娠囊Gestational Sac (GS) 双顶径Biparietal Diameter (BPD)股骨径Femur Length (FL) 顶臀长度Crowm-Rump Length (CRL)胸围Thoracic Circumference (Th C) 腹围Abdominal Circumference (AC)头围Head circumference (HC) 枕额径Occipital Frontal Diameter (OFD)子宫Uterus 输卵管Uterine Tube,Oviduct卵巢Ovary, Ovaries (Ov) 子宫颈Cervix (C )子宫腔Urterine Canal 子宫内膜Endometriosis (En)阴道Vagina 卵黄囊Yolk Sac (YS)子宫内口Internal Ostium of the Uterius 子宫口Orifice of the Uterius2) 眼、面颈、涎腺、乳腺、胸腔眼球Optic Bulb;;;; Eyeball 角膜Cornea前房Anterior Chamber(AC ) 虹膜Iris睫状体Ciliary Body 视网膜Retina脉络膜Choroid 巩膜Sclera房水Aqueous Humour 玻璃体Vitreous晶状体Lens 腮腺Parotid颌下腺Submaxillay Gland 舌下腺Sublingual Gland甲状腺Thyroid 甲状旁腺Parathroid乳腺Breast 横膈Diaphragm (D)胸腔Thoracic cavity3)血管腹主动脉Abdominal Aorta (AA) 腹腔动脉Celiac Artery (Ce A;;;;CA)肠系膜上动脉Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA) 胃左动脉Left Gastric Artery 脾动脉Splenic Artery (Sp A) 肾动脉Renal Artery (RA)门静脉Portal Vein (PV) 肝静脉Hepatic Vein (HV)肝中静脉Medial Hepatic Vein (MHV) 肝左静脉Left Hepatic Vein(LHV)肝右静脉Right Hepatic Vein (RHV) 下腔静脉Inferior Vena Cava (IVC)肠系膜上静脉Superior Mesenteric Vein (SMV) 肾静脉Renal Vein (RV)腋静脉Axillary Vein 锁骨下静脉Subclavian Vein (SCV)颈外静脉External Jugular Vein 颈内静脉Internal Jugular Vein颈总动脉Common Jugular Artery 髂内动脉Internal Iliac Artery髂外动脉External Iliac Artery 髂总动脉Common Iliac Artery大隐静脉Great Saphenous Vein 小隐静脉Short Saphenous Vein股动脉Femoral Artery 股静脉Femoral Vein腘动脉Popliteal Artery 腘静脉Popliteal Vein足背动脉Dorsal Pedal Artery4)肝、胆、胰、脾、泌尿生殖肝左叶Left Liver Lobe (LL) 肝右叶Right Liver Lobe (RL)尾状叶Caudate Lobe (CL) 方叶Quadrate Lobe (QL)胆囊Gallbladder (G 胆囊管Cystic Duct (CD)肝管Hepatic Duct (HD) 胆总管Common Bile Duct (CBD)肝门Porta Hepatis 肝总管Common Hepatic Duct (CHD)肝管Hepatic Duct (HD) 胰腺Pancreas (P;;;;Pa)胰管Pancreatic Duct (PD;;;;PaD) 副胰管Santorini Duct (SD)胰头Head of Pancreas (PaH) 胰颈Neck of Pancreas (PaN)胰体Body Of Pancreas (Pa 胰尾Tail of Pancreas (PaT)钩突Uncinate Process 脾Spleen (Sp)肾Kidney (K) 肾盂Renal Pelvis (RP)肾盏Renal Calyces (RC) 锥体Pyramids (Py)肾柱Renal Colums (Rco) 肾上腺Adrenal Gland (AG)输尿管Ureters (Ur) 膀胱Urinary Bladder (U,Bladder (BL)前列腺Prostate (Pro) 尿道Urethra睾丸Testis (Ts) 副睾Epididymis (Ep)鞘膜Tunica Vagialis, Vagina Tunic 精囊V esiculae Seminals;;;; Seminal Vesicle (SV) 阴囊Scrotum (Sc),Scrotal Sac (SS) 精索Spermatic Cord腹股沟Inguen5)胃肠胃Stomach (STO) 贲门Cardia (C ),(Ca)胃底Fundus of Stomach (SF) 胃体Body of Stomach (S幽门Pylorus (Py) 十二指肠Duodenum (Du)小肠Small Intestine 空肠Jejunum回肠Ileum 盲肠Cecum阑尾Appendix (Ap) 大肠Large Intestine结肠Colon (Co) 结肠肝曲Hepatic Flexure of Colon结肠脾曲Splenic Flexure of Colon 升结肠Ascending Colon (As C)横结肠Transverse Colon (Tr C) 降结肠Descending Colon (De C )乙状结肠Sigmoid Colon 直肠Rectum肠系膜Mesentery6) 肌肉、骨关节肌肉Muscle, Musculus (M) 肌腱Tendon Tendon腓骨Fib 腰大肌M.Psoas Major尺骨Ulna 脊柱Verebral Colum, Spine椎骨Vertebra (V 肱骨Humerus脊柱裂Spina Bifida (S 桡骨Raduis股骨Fumur 胫骨Tibiaula颅骨Skull ,Cranial Bones 髂骨Ilium髋骨Hip 髂嵴Iliac Creast关节Joint7) 其它脓肿Abscess (ABS) 钙化Calcification (CAL)肌瘤Myoma (MYO) 结核Tuberculosis (TB淋巴结Lymph node (LN) 肿瘤Tumor (T)包块Mass( M) 结节Node (N)壁Wall (W) 积液Effusion (Eff)腹水Ascites (ASC) 坏死Necrosis (Nec)结石Stone (St) 靶团Target (TAR)血肿Hematoma (HMA) 血栓Thrombus (Th) 纤维化Fibrosis (Fib) 疤痕Scar (Sc)囊肿Cyst (Cy) 脂肪瘤Lipoma淋巴瘤Lymphoma 错构瘤Hamartoma异物Foreign Boby (F 栓塞Embolism粪石Fecalith (Fe) 半月板Meniscus转移灶Metastasis (Met) 沉积物Sediment (Sed 针尖Needle Tip (NT)血管瘤Angioma (ANG)宫内节育器Intrauterine Devices (IUD)蛔虫Ascariasis (As)胆道蛔虫Bile Dull Ascariasis (BDAS)。



英语超声医学术语用超声医学术语、缩略语中、英文对照(按首字母分类)AA 面积Abdominal Aorta (AA) 腹主动脉Abdominal Circumference (AC) 腹围Abdominal Flow Display (AFD) 腹部血流显示Abscess (ABS) 脓肿ACA 大脑前动脉Acc 加速度AccT 血流加速时间AComA 前交通动脉Adrenal Gland (AG) 肾上腺ALS 主动脉瓣叶开放Amniotic Fluid (AF) 羊水Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) 羊水指数Amplifier 放大器Angiography 血管显像Angioma (ANG) 血管瘤Ann 瓣环Annotation 注释Anterior Chamber(AC ) 前房Ao 主动脉Ao Arch Diam 主动脉弓直径Ao Asc 升主动脉Ao Desc Diam 降主动脉直径Ao Diam 主动脉根部直径Ao Isthmus 主动脉峡部Ao st junct 主动脉 ST 接合Appendix (Ap) 阑尾Aqueous Humour 房水AR 主动脉返流Ascariasis (As) 蛔虫Ascending Colon (As C) 升结肠Ascites (ASC) 腹水ASD 心房间隔缺损Automatic gain control 自动增益控制AV 主动脉瓣膜AV- A 连续性方程计算的主动脉瓣膜面积AV Cusp 主动脉瓣膜尖端开放AV Cusp 主动脉瓣膜尖端开放AV Diam 主动脉瓣膜直径AVA 主动脉瓣膜面积Axill 腋下动脉Axillary Vein 腋静脉BBA 基底动脉Basil V 基底静脉Bile Dull Ascariasis (BDAS) 胆道蛔虫Biparietal Diameter (BPD) 双顶径Body Of Pancreas (PaB) 胰体Body of Stomach (SB) 胃体Brac V 臂静脉Breast 乳腺Brightness 辉度、亮度BSA 体表面积Buffer 阻尼器CCalcification (CAL) 钙化Calibration 定标、校正Cardia (C ),(Ca) 贲门Catheter-based US probe 导管超声探头Caudate Lobe (CL) 尾状叶CCA 颈总动脉Cecum 盲肠Celiac Artery (Ce A;CA) 腹腔动脉Ceph V V 头静脉Cephalic Index 胎头指数Cervix (C ) 子宫颈CFM processing board 彩色多普勒处理功能板CHA 肝总动脉Character 字符Chorion (C ) 绒毛膜Choroid 脉络膜CI 心脏指数Ciliary Body 睫状体Clear 消除CO 心脏输出量Colon (Co) 结肠Color capture 彩色捕获Color cut 彩色消除Color doppler energy 彩色多普勒能量图Color doppler flow imaging 彩色多普勒血流显像Color Doppler Flow Imaging (CDFI) 彩色多普勒血流显像Color doppler level 彩色多普勒强度Color edge 彩色边界Color enhance 彩色增强Color flow angiography 彩色血流造影Color lock 彩色锁定Color persistence 彩色余辉Color polarity 彩色极性Color power angio 彩色能量图Color scale display 彩阶显示Color steering 彩色转向Color velocity imaging 彩色速度显像Color video monitor 彩色视频监视器Color wall filter 彩色壁滤波Com Femoral 股总动脉Common Bile Duct (CBD) 胆总管Common Hepatic Duct (CHD) 肝总管Common Iliac Artery 髂总动脉Common Jugular Artery 颈总动脉Confocusing 全场连续聚焦Contrast resolution 对比分辨力Convex (CVX) 凸形、凸阵Convex array 凸阵Cornea 角膜Cross sectional Area (CSA) 切面面积Crowm-Rump Length (CRL) 顶臀长度Cyst (Cy) 囊肿Cystic Duct (CD) 胆囊管Cystosonography 膀胱镜超声技术DD 直径Dec 减速度Decidua 蜕膜DecT 减速时间Demodulator 解调器、检波器Depth gain compensation 深度增益补偿Desc 递减Descending Colon (De C ) 降结肠Detail resolution 细节分辨力Diaphragm (D) 横膈Digital image 数字成像Doppler flow-direction resolution 多普勒流向分辨力Doppler flow-velocity distributive resolution 多普勒流速分布分辨力Doppler minimum flow-velocity resolution 多普勒最低流速分辨力Doppler sample volume 多普勒取样容积Dorsal Pedal Artery 足背动脉Duodenum (Du) 十二指肠Dur 持续时间Dynamic focusing 动态聚焦Dynamic frequency scanning 动态频率扫描Dynamic imaging 动态影像Dynamic range 动态范围EECA 颈外动脉Echography sonography 声像图法Ed 心脏舒张EDD 预产期EdV 舒张末期容量EF 射血分数Effusion (Eff) 积液EFW 胎儿估计体重Electric focusing 电子聚焦Embolism 栓塞Endoluminal sonography 腔内超声显像Endometriosis (En) 子宫内膜Endo-probe 内腔探头Endoscopic ultrasonography 内镜超声扫描Endosonography 内镜超声技术Epididymis (Ep) 副睾EPSS E 点到室间隔分离Erase, eliminate 消除EsV 收缩末期容量ET 射血时间External Iliac Artery 髂外动脉External Jugular Vein 颈外静脉FFalx Cerebri (FC;FL) 大脑镰Fast time constant 快速时间常数电路Fecalith (Fe) 粪石Femoral Artery 股动脉Femoral Vein 股静脉Femur Length (FL) 股骨径Fetal Head (FH) 胎头Fetal Heart (F Ht) 胎心Fib 腓骨Fibrosis (Fib) 纤维化Focal distance 焦距Focus 聚焦Foreign Boby (FB)异物Frame correlation 帧相关Frame rate 帧率Frame resolution 帧分辨力Freeze (FRZ) 冻结Freeze 冻结Frequency Spectrum 频谱FS 短轴缩短率Fumur 股骨Fundus of Stomach (SF) 胃底FV 血流容量FVI 血流速度积分GGA 孕龄Gain 增益Gallbladder (GB)胆囊Gestational Sac (GS) 妊娠囊Gray scale display 灰阶显示Great Saphenous Vein 大隐静脉HHamartoma 错构瘤Head circumference (HC) 头围Head of Pancreas (PaH) 胰头Hematoma (HMA) 血肿Hepatic Duct (HD) 肝管Hepatic Duct (HD) 肝管Hepatic Flexure of Colon 结肠肝曲Hepatic Vein (HV) 肝静脉Hip 髋骨HR 心率Humerus 肱骨IICA 颈内动脉Ileum 回肠Iliac Creast 髂嵴Ilium 髂骨IMA 肠系膜下动脉Image uniformity 图像均匀性Image-line resolution 图像线分辨力Imaging data 成像数据Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) 下腔静脉Inguen 腹股沟Inno V 无名静脉Internal Iliac Artery 髂内动脉Internal Jugular Vein 颈内静脉Internal Ostium of the Uterius 子宫内口Interventional ultrasound 介入性超声Intervesical probe 膀胱探头Intracardiac ultrasonic imaging 心内超声显像Intracavitary probe 腔内探头Intraluminal ultrasonic imaging 管腔内超声显像Intraoperative porbe 术中探头Intraoperative ultrasonic monitoring 术中超声监视Intrauterine Devices (IUD) 宫内节育器Intravascular ultrasonic imaging 血管内超声显像Intravascular ultrasound 血管内超声Invert 倒置、反转Iris 虹膜IVC 下腔静脉IVRT 等容舒张期IVS 室间隔IVSd 、IVSs 室间隔(收缩期,舒张期)厚度JJejunum 空肠Joint 关节KKidney (K) 肾LL 长度LA 左心房LA Diam 左心房直径LA Major 左心房长度LA Minor 左心房宽度LA/Ao Ratio 左心房直径和主动脉根部直径比率LAA 左心房面积LAD 左心房直径Large Intestine 大肠Lateral Ventricle (LV) 侧脑室Left Gastric Artery 胃左动脉Left Hepatic Vein(LHV) 肝左静脉Left Liver Lobe (LL) 肝左叶Lens 晶状体Linear array 线阵Lipoma 脂肪瘤Logarithmic compression 对数压缩LPA 左肺动脉LPA 左肺动脉LV 左心室LVA 左心室面积LVI D 左心室内径LVIDd 舒张期左心室容积LVIDs 收缩期左心室容积LVL 左心室长度LVLd 舒张期左心室内径LVLs 收缩期左心室内径LVM 左心室心肌重量LVOT Diam 左心室流出道直径LVPW 左心室后壁LVPWd 左室后壁舒张期厚度LVPWs 左室后壁收缩期厚度Lymph node (LN) 淋巴结Lymphoma 淋巴瘤MM.Psoas Major 腰大肌Magnification , Magnify , Zoom 放大Mass( M) 包块MCA 大脑中动脉Mcub V 中央静脉Mean Velocity (Mean Vel) 平均速度Medial Hepatic Vein (MHV) 肝中静脉Meniscus 半月板Menu selection 菜单选择Mesentery 肠系膜Metastasis (Met) 转移灶Minimum flow-velocity of color doppler 彩色多普勒最低流速分辨力Motion discrimination 运动辨别力MPA 主肺动脉MPA 主肺动脉MR 二尖瓣返流MRA 肾主动脉Multipurpose scanner 多用途探头Multistage focusing 多段聚焦Muscle, Musculus (M) 肌肉MV 二尖瓣MVA By PHT 二尖瓣口面积根据压力降半时间MVcf 纤维圆周缩短平均速度MVO 二尖瓣口Myoma (MYO) 肌瘤NNeck of Pancreas (PaN) 胰颈Necrosis (Nec) 坏死Needle Tip (NT) 针尖Node (N) 结节OOccipital Frontal Diameter (OFD) 枕额径Optic Bulb; Eyeball 眼球Orifice of the Uterius 子宫口OT 流出道Ovary, Ovaries (Ov) 卵巢PP 乳头肌PA 肺动脉Pancreas (P;Pa) 胰腺PAP 肺动脉压力Parathroid 甲状旁腺Parotid 腮腺PCA 大脑后动脉PComA 后交通动脉PDA 动脉导管末闭PEd 心包渗出舒张期Penetration depth 穿透深度PEP 射血前期Peripheral Vessel (PV)外周血管PFO 卵圆孔未闭PG 压力阶差Phased annular array probe 环阵相控探头PHT 压力降半时间PISA 最近等速线表面面积Placenta (PL) 胎盘Popliteal Artery 腘动脉Popliteal Vein 腘静脉Porta Hepatis 肝门Portal Vein (PV) 门静脉Post process 后处理Pre process 前处理Preset 预设置Prostate (Pro) 前列腺Ps 心脏收缩Pulmonic Diam 肺动脉瓣膜直径PV 肺动脉瓣PV Ann Diam 肺动脉瓣环面直径PV-A 连续性方程计算的肺动脉瓣口面积PVein 肺静脉PW 后壁Pylorus (Py) 幽门Pyramids (Py) 锥体QQp 肺循环血流量Qs 体循环血流量Quadrate Lobe (QL) 方叶RRA 右心房RAA 右心房面积Rad 半径RAD 右心房直径Raduis 桡骨Real-time imaging 实时成像Record 记录Rectosonography 直肠镜超声(技术)Rectum 直肠Rejection, reject , suppression 抑制Renal Artery (RA) 肾动脉Renal Calyces (RC) 肾盏Renal Colums (Rco) 肾柱Renal Pelvis (RP) 肾盂Renal Vein (RV) 肾静脉Rendering , play back 回放Reset 重调、复原Retina 视网膜Reversed Flow (RF) 返流Right Hepatic Vein (RHV) 肝右静脉Right Liver Lobe (RL) 肝右叶Right Ventricle (RV) 右心室RPA 右肺动脉RPA 右肺动脉RV 右心室RVA 右心室面积RVAW 右心室前壁RVD 右心室直径RVID 右心室内径RVL 右心室长度RVOT 右心室流出道SSantorini Duct (SD) 副胰管Scan mode 扫描方式Scanner (SCNR) 扫描器、探头Scar (Sc) 疤痕Sclera 巩膜Scrotum (Sc),Scrotal Sac (SS) 阴囊Sector Angle (Sec Ang) 扇扫角度Sector scanning 扇扫Sediment (Sed) 沉积物Segment focusing 分段聚焦Sensitivity time control 灵敏度时间控制Sensor 传感器Septum Pellucidum (SP) 透明隔;透明隔腔Sequential focusing 连续聚焦Shift 变换Short Saphenous Vein 小隐静脉SI 搏动指数Sigmoid Colon 乙状结肠Skull ,Cranial Bones 颅骨Sliging focusing 滑动聚焦SMA 肠系膜上动脉Small Intestine 小肠SMV 肠系膜上静脉Sonogram echogram 声像图Spatial resolution 空间分辨力Spatial resolution of color doppler 彩色多普勒空间分辨力Spermatic Cord 精索Spina Bifida 脊柱裂Spleen (Sp) 脾Splenic Artery (Sp A) 脾动脉Splenic Flexure of Colon 结肠脾曲ST 缩短% STIVS 心室缩短百分比Stomach (STO) 胃Stone (St) 结石SUBC 锁骨下动脉Subclavian Vein (SCV) 锁骨下静脉Sublingual Gland 舌下腺Submaxillay Gland 颌下腺Sup Femoral 股浅动脉Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA) 肠系膜上动脉Superior Mesenteric Vein (SMV) 肠系膜上静脉SV 每搏量SVI 每搏量指数TT 时间TA 三尖瓣环Tail of Pancreas (PaT) 胰尾TAML 三尖瓣环面中部到侧部Target (TAR) 靶团TCD 经颅多普勒Temporal resolution 瞬时分辨力Tendon Tendon 肌腱Testis (Ts) 睾丸Thalmus (Th) 丘脑、视丘Third Ventricle (V3) 第三脑室Thoracic cavity 胸腔Thoracic Circumference (Th C) 胸围Three dimensional display 三维显示3D image reconstruction 三维图像重建Thrombus (Th) 血栓Thyroid 甲状腺Tibiaula 胫骨Time gain compensation 时间增益补偿Time resolution of color doppler 彩色多普勒时间分辨力Tissue specific imaging 组织特性成像TR 三尖瓣返流Trans AVA(d)、Trans AVA(s) 横向主动脉瓣膜面积Transcranial doppler 经颅多普勒Transcranial Doppler ( TCD) 经颅多普勒Transducer 换能器Transesophagel echocardiography probe(TEE)经食管超声心动图探头Transesophagel probe 食管探头Transrectal probe 直肠探头Transrectal ultrasonography 经直肠超声扫描Transurethral probe 尿道探头Transurethral scanning 经尿道扫查Transvagin Scan (TVS) 阴道超声Transvaginal color doppler imaging 经阴道彩色多普勒显像Transvaginal probe 阴道探头Transverse Colon (Tr C) 横结肠)Trigger 触发器Tuberculosis (TB 结核Tumor (T) 肿瘤Tunica Vagialis, Vagina Tunic 鞘膜TV 三尖瓣膜TVA 三尖瓣口面积UUlna 尺骨Ultrasonic imaging 超声成像Ultrasound catheter 超声导管Ultrasound endoscope 超声内镜Ultrasound guided percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography 超声引导经皮肝穿刺胆管造影Ultrasound guided probe 穿刺探头Umbilical Cord (UC) 脐带Uncinate Process 钩突Ureters (Ur) 输尿管Urethra 尿道Urinary Bladder (BL) 膀胱Urterine Canal 子宫腔US guided fetal tissue biopsy 超声引导胎儿组织活检US guided percutaneous alcohol injection 超声引导经皮穿刺注射乙醇US guided percutaneous aspiration 超声引导经皮抽吸US guided percutaneous gallbladder bile drainage 超声引导经皮胆囊胆汁引流US guided percutaneous transhepatic portography 超声引导经皮肝穿刺门静脉造影Uterine Tube,Oviduct 输卵管Uterus 子宫VVagina 阴道Vaginosonography 阴道镜超声技术Vcf 纤维圆周缩短速度Vel 速度Verebral Colum, Spine 脊柱VERT 椎动脉Vertebra 椎骨Vesiculae Seminals; Seminal Vesicle (SV) 精囊VET 瓣膜射血时间Villus 绒毛Vitreous 玻璃体Vmax 最大速度Vmean 平均速度VSD 室间隔缺损VTI 速度时间积分WWall (W) 壁Wide-band probe 宽频带探头Write 写入YYolk Sac (YS) 卵黄囊ZZero adjustment 零位调整Zone focusing 区域聚焦。




WordCFMTransducer Transducer array Transducer assembly Transducer elementUltrasound transducer Annular array Convex array Linear arrayLinear phased array Linear sequenced array Phased arrayPhased linear array Vector arrayMechanical transducerAperture ApodizationAxial resolutionDetail resolution Lateral resolution Bandwidth SensitivityCompositeCrystal/Element Curie pointBeamDampingDynamic aperture FocusFocal lengthFocal regin Meaning (Ch)彩色多普勒成像能量转化器,换能器换能器阵列换能器集成体换能器集成体中的某一小块压电陶瓷材料超声波换能器环形阵列凸形阵列线形阵列线形相阵列线形顺序阵列相控阵列定相线形阵列向量阵列机械换能器孔径干涉轴向分辨率细节分辨率横向分辨率带宽灵敏度合成元件,指Transducer居里点波束衰减,阻尼动态孔径焦点焦距焦点区Meaning (En) RemarkColor FlowMaping包括了衰减/匹配层的换能器线形阵列,操作时不同的元件之间的脉冲电压具有一定的相位差线形阵列,操作时所有元件组使用相同的电压脉冲操作和聚焦自动具有一定相位的阵列具有定相聚焦功能的线形阵列线形顺序阵列,发射脉冲沿不同的起始点和不同的方向。

通过机械运动来扫描发射超声波阵列的换能器沿声波发送方向的分辨率沿扫描方向的分辨率这里指超声波图象系统接收弱回声的能力磁性或者铁电材料特性转变的温度点为了获得固定的焦距指超声波束直径最小的地方焦点附近的区域Focal zoneExternal focus Internal focusLensElectric impulse Electric voltage F number Fractional bandwidth Near zone/Near field/ Fresnel zone Far zone/Far field/ Fraunhofer zone Near zone length Far zone length Grating lobesSide lobesPZTPVDFCeramic Piezoelectric Matching layerOperating frequency Resonance frequency Probe / ScanheadPulsed modeShock-excited mode Quality (Q) factor Sound beamSourceVoltage burst Voltage impulse EchoTissues 焦点区的长度外部焦点内部焦点凸透镜电脉冲电动势焦距与换能器孔径之比小数带宽收缩区扩张区收缩区长度扩张区长度栅瓣旁瓣锆钛酸铅聚偏氟乙烯陶瓷压电体匹配层(最佳)工作频率共振频率探头脉冲方式震激模式Q 因子声波波束声源突发电压电压脉冲回声组织由换能器凸透镜产生的焦点由凸换能器产生的焦点带宽与工作频率的比值超声波束直径随距离换能器增大而减小的区域超声波束直径随距离换能器增大而增大的区域声波发射过程中,在不少方向上都有能量传播,不同方向上的能量分布不同。



用超声医学术语、缩略语中、英文对照(按首字母分类)AA 面积Abdominal Aorta (AA) 腹主动脉Abdominal Circumference (AC) 腹围Abdominal Flow Display (AFD) 腹部血流显示Abscess (ABS) 脓肿ACA 大脑前动脉Acc 加速度AccT 血流加速时间AComA 前交通动脉Adrenal Gland (AG) 肾上腺ALS 主动脉瓣叶开放Amniotic Fluid (AF) 羊水Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) 羊水指数Amplifier 放大器Angiography 血管显像Angioma (ANG) 血管瘤Ann 瓣环Annotation 注释Anterior Chamber(AC ) 前房Ao 主动脉Ao Arch Diam 主动脉弓直径Ao Asc 升主动脉Ao Desc Diam 降主动脉直径Ao Diam 主动脉根部直径Ao Isthmus 主动脉峡部Ao st junct 主动脉 ST 接合Appendix (Ap) 阑尾Aqueous Humour 房水AR 主动脉返流Ascariasis (As) 蛔虫Ascending Colon (As C) 升结肠Ascites (ASC) 腹水ASD 心房间隔缺损Automatic gain control 自动增益控制AV 主动脉瓣膜AV- A 连续性方程计算的主动脉瓣膜面积AV Cusp 主动脉瓣膜尖端开放AV Cusp 主动脉瓣膜尖端开放AV Diam 主动脉瓣膜直径AVA 主动脉瓣膜面积Axill 腋下动脉Axillary Vein 腋静脉BBA 基底动脉Basil V 基底静脉Bile Dull Ascariasis (BDAS) 胆道蛔虫Biparietal Diameter (BPD) 双顶径Body Of Pancreas (PaB) 胰体Body of Stomach (SB) 胃体Brac V 臂静脉Breast 乳腺Brightness 辉度、亮度BSA 体表面积Buffer 阻尼器CCalcification (CAL) 钙化Calibration 定标、校正Cardia (C ),(Ca) 贲门Catheter-based US probe 导管超声探头Caudate Lobe (CL) 尾状叶CCA 颈总动脉Cecum 盲肠Celiac Artery (Ce A;CA) 腹腔动脉Ceph V V 头静脉Cephalic Index 胎头指数Cervix (C ) 子宫颈CFM processing board 彩色多普勒处理功能板CHA 肝总动脉Character 字符Chorion (C ) 绒毛膜Choroid 脉络膜CI 心脏指数Ciliary Body 睫状体Clear 消除CO 心脏输出量Colon (Co) 结肠Color capture 彩色捕获Color cut 彩色消除Color doppler energy 彩色多普勒能量图Color doppler flow imaging 彩色多普勒血流显像Color Doppler Flow Imaging (CDFI) 彩色多普勒血流显像Color doppler level 彩色多普勒强度Color edge 彩色边界Color enhance 彩色增强Color flow angiography 彩色血流造影Color lock 彩色锁定Color persistence 彩色余辉Color polarity 彩色极性Color power angio 彩色能量图Color scale display 彩阶显示Color steering 彩色转向Color velocity imaging 彩色速度显像Color video monitor 彩色视频监视器Color wall filter 彩色壁滤波Com Femoral 股总动脉Common Bile Duct (CBD) 胆总管Common Hepatic Duct (CHD) 肝总管Common Iliac Artery 髂总动脉Common Jugular Artery 颈总动脉Confocusing 全场连续聚焦Contrast resolution 对比分辨力Convex (CVX) 凸形、凸阵Convex array 凸阵Cornea 角膜Cross sectional Area (CSA) 切面面积Crowm-Rump Length (CRL) 顶臀长度Cyst (Cy) 囊肿Cystic Duct (CD) 胆囊管Cystosonography 膀胱镜超声技术DD 直径Dec 减速度Decidua 蜕膜DecT 减速时间Demodulator 解调器、检波器Depth gain compensation 深度增益补偿Desc 递减Descending Colon (De C ) 降结肠Detail resolution 细节分辨力Diaphragm (D) 横膈Digital image 数字成像Doppler flow-direction resolution 多普勒流向分辨力Doppler flow-velocity distributive resolution 多普勒流速分布分辨力Doppler minimum flow-velocity resolution 多普勒最低流速分辨力Doppler sample volume 多普勒取样容积Dorsal Pedal Artery 足背动脉Duodenum (Du) 十二指肠Dur 持续时间Dynamic focusing 动态聚焦Dynamic frequency scanning 动态频率扫描Dynamic imaging 动态影像Dynamic range 动态范围EECA 颈外动脉Echography sonography 声像图法Ed 心脏舒张EDD 预产期EdV 舒张末期容量EF 射血分数Effusion (Eff) 积液EFW 胎儿估计体重Electric focusing 电子聚焦Embolism 栓塞Endoluminal sonography 腔内超声显像Endometriosis (En) 子宫内膜Endo-probe 内腔探头Endoscopic ultrasonography 内镜超声扫描Endosonography 内镜超声技术Epididymis (Ep) 副睾EPSS E 点到室间隔分离Erase, eliminate 消除EsV 收缩末期容量ET 射血时间External Iliac Artery 髂外动脉External Jugular Vein 颈外静脉FFalx Cerebri (FC;FL) 大脑镰Fast time constant 快速时间常数电路Fecalith (Fe) 粪石Femoral Artery 股动脉Femoral Vein 股静脉Femur Length (FL) 股骨径Fetal Head (FH) 胎头Fetal Heart (F Ht) 胎心Fib 腓骨Fibrosis (Fib) 纤维化Focal distance 焦距Focus 聚焦Foreign Boby (FB)异物Frame correlation 帧相关Frame rate 帧率Frame resolution 帧分辨力Freeze (FRZ) 冻结Freeze 冻结Frequency Spectrum 频谱FS 短轴缩短率Fumur 股骨Fundus of Stomach (SF) 胃底FV 血流容量FVI 血流速度积分GGA 孕龄Gain 增益Gallbladder (GB)胆囊Gestational Sac (GS) 妊娠囊Gray scale display 灰阶显示Great Saphenous Vein 大隐静脉HHamartoma 错构瘤Head circumference (HC) 头围Head of Pancreas (PaH) 胰头Hematoma (HMA) 血肿Hepatic Duct (HD) 肝管Hepatic Duct (HD) 肝管Hepatic Flexure of Colon 结肠肝曲Hepatic Vein (HV) 肝静脉Hip 髋骨HR 心率Humerus 肱骨IICA 颈内动脉Ileum 回肠Iliac Creast 髂嵴Ilium 髂骨IMA 肠系膜下动脉Image uniformity 图像均匀性Image-line resolution 图像线分辨力Imaging data 成像数据Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) 下腔静脉Inguen 腹股沟Inno V 无名静脉Internal Iliac Artery 髂内动脉Internal Jugular Vein 颈内静脉Internal Ostium of the Uterius 子宫内口Interventional ultrasound 介入性超声Intervesical probe 膀胱探头Intracardiac ultrasonic imaging 心内超声显像Intracavitary probe 腔内探头Intraluminal ultrasonic imaging 管腔内超声显像Intraoperative porbe 术中探头Intraoperative ultrasonic monitoring 术中超声监视Intrauterine Devices (IUD) 宫内节育器Intravascular ultrasonic imaging 血管内超声显像Intravascular ultrasound 血管内超声Invert 倒置、反转Iris 虹膜IVC 下腔静脉IVRT 等容舒张期IVS 室间隔IVSd 、IVSs 室间隔(收缩期,舒张期)厚度JJejunum 空肠Joint 关节KKidney (K) 肾LL 长度LA 左心房LA Diam 左心房直径LA Major 左心房长度LA Minor 左心房宽度LA/Ao Ratio 左心房直径和主动脉根部直径比率LAA 左心房面积LAD 左心房直径Large Intestine 大肠Lateral Ventricle (LV) 侧脑室Left Gastric Artery 胃左动脉Left Hepatic Vein(LHV) 肝左静脉Left Liver Lobe (LL) 肝左叶Lens 晶状体Linear array 线阵Lipoma 脂肪瘤Logarithmic compression 对数压缩LPA 左肺动脉LPA 左肺动脉LV 左心室LVA 左心室面积LVI D 左心室内径LVIDd 舒张期左心室容积LVIDs 收缩期左心室容积LVL 左心室长度LVLd 舒张期左心室内径LVLs 收缩期左心室内径LVM 左心室心肌重量LVOT Diam 左心室流出道直径LVPW 左心室后壁LVPWd 左室后壁舒张期厚度LVPWs 左室后壁收缩期厚度Lymph node (LN) 淋巴结Lymphoma 淋巴瘤MM.Psoas Major 腰大肌Magnification , Magnify , Zoom 放大Mass( M) 包块MCA 大脑中动脉Mcub V 中央静脉Mean Velocity (Mean Vel) 平均速度Medial Hepatic Vein (MHV) 肝中静脉Meniscus 半月板Menu selection 菜单选择Mesentery 肠系膜Metastasis (Met) 转移灶Minimum flow-velocity of color doppler 彩色多普勒最低流速分辨力Motion discrimination 运动辨别力MPA 主肺动脉MPA 主肺动脉MR 二尖瓣返流MRA 肾主动脉Multipurpose scanner 多用途探头Multistage focusing 多段聚焦Muscle, Musculus (M) 肌肉MV 二尖瓣MVA By PHT 二尖瓣口面积根据压力降半时间MVcf 纤维圆周缩短平均速度MVO 二尖瓣口Myoma (MYO) 肌瘤NNeck of Pancreas (PaN) 胰颈Necrosis (Nec) 坏死Needle Tip (NT) 针尖Node (N) 结节OOccipital Frontal Diameter (OFD) 枕额径Optic Bulb; Eyeball 眼球Orifice of the Uterius 子宫口OT 流出道Ovary, Ovaries (Ov) 卵巢PP 乳头肌PA 肺动脉Pancreas (P;Pa) 胰腺PAP 肺动脉压力Parathroid 甲状旁腺Parotid 腮腺PCA 大脑后动脉PComA 后交通动脉PDA 动脉导管末闭PEd 心包渗出舒张期Penetration depth 穿透深度PEP 射血前期Peripheral Vessel (PV)外周血管PFO 卵圆孔未闭PG 压力阶差Phased annular array probe 环阵相控探头PHT 压力降半时间PISA 最近等速线表面面积Placenta (PL) 胎盘Popliteal Artery 腘动脉Popliteal Vein 腘静脉Porta Hepatis 肝门Portal Vein (PV) 门静脉Post process 后处理Pre process 前处理Preset 预设置Prostate (Pro) 前列腺Ps 心脏收缩Pulmonic Diam 肺动脉瓣膜直径PV 肺动脉瓣PV Ann Diam 肺动脉瓣环面直径PV-A 连续性方程计算的肺动脉瓣口面积PVein 肺静脉PW 后壁Pylorus (Py) 幽门Pyramids (Py) 锥体QQp 肺循环血流量Qs 体循环血流量Quadrate Lobe (QL) 方叶RRA 右心房RAA 右心房面积Rad 半径RAD 右心房直径Raduis 桡骨Real-time imaging 实时成像Record 记录Rectosonography 直肠镜超声(技术)Rectum 直肠Rejection, reject , suppression 抑制Renal Artery (RA) 肾动脉Renal Calyces (RC) 肾盏Renal Colums (Rco) 肾柱Renal Pelvis (RP) 肾盂Renal Vein (RV) 肾静脉Rendering , play back 回放Reset 重调、复原Retina 视网膜Reversed Flow (RF) 返流Right Hepatic Vein (RHV) 肝右静脉Right Liver Lobe (RL) 肝右叶Right Ventricle (RV) 右心室RPA 右肺动脉RPA 右肺动脉RV 右心室RVA 右心室面积RVAW 右心室前壁RVD 右心室直径RVID 右心室内径RVL 右心室长度RVOT 右心室流出道SSantorini Duct (SD) 副胰管Scan mode 扫描方式Scanner (SCNR) 扫描器、探头Scar (Sc) 疤痕Sclera 巩膜Scrotum (Sc),Scrotal Sac (SS) 阴囊Sector Angle (Sec Ang) 扇扫角度Sector scanning 扇扫Sediment (Sed) 沉积物Segment focusing 分段聚焦Sensitivity time control 灵敏度时间控制Sensor 传感器Septum Pellucidum (SP) 透明隔;透明隔腔Sequential focusing 连续聚焦Shift 变换Short Saphenous Vein 小隐静脉SI 搏动指数Sigmoid Colon 乙状结肠Skull ,Cranial Bones 颅骨Sliging focusing 滑动聚焦SMA 肠系膜上动脉Small Intestine 小肠SMV 肠系膜上静脉Sonogram echogram 声像图Spatial resolution 空间分辨力Spatial resolution of color doppler 彩色多普勒空间分辨力Spermatic Cord 精索Spina Bifida 脊柱裂Spleen (Sp) 脾Splenic Artery (Sp A) 脾动脉Splenic Flexure of Colon 结肠脾曲ST 缩短% STIVS 心室缩短百分比Stomach (STO) 胃Stone (St) 结石SUBC 锁骨下动脉Subclavian Vein (SCV) 锁骨下静脉Sublingual Gland 舌下腺Submaxillay Gland 颌下腺Sup Femoral 股浅动脉Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA) 肠系膜上动脉Superior Mesenteric Vein (SMV) 肠系膜上静脉SV 每搏量SVI 每搏量指数TT 时间TA 三尖瓣环Tail of Pancreas (PaT) 胰尾TAML 三尖瓣环面中部到侧部Target (TAR) 靶团TCD 经颅多普勒Temporal resolution 瞬时分辨力Tendon Tendon 肌腱Testis (Ts) 睾丸Thalmus (Th) 丘脑、视丘Third Ventricle (V3) 第三脑室Thoracic cavity 胸腔Thoracic Circumference (Th C) 胸围Three dimensional display 三维显示3D image reconstruction 三维图像重建Thrombus (Th) 血栓Thyroid 甲状腺Tibiaula 胫骨Time gain compensation 时间增益补偿Time resolution of color doppler 彩色多普勒时间分辨力Tissue specific imaging 组织特性成像TR 三尖瓣返流Trans AVA(d)、Trans AVA(s) 横向主动脉瓣膜面积Transcranial doppler 经颅多普勒Transcranial Doppler ( TCD) 经颅多普勒Transducer 换能器Transesophagel echocardiography probe(TEE)经食管超声心动图探头Transesophagel probe 食管探头Transrectal probe 直肠探头Transrectal ultrasonography 经直肠超声扫描Transurethral probe 尿道探头Transurethral scanning 经尿道扫查Transvagin Scan (TVS) 阴道超声Transvaginal color doppler imaging 经阴道彩色多普勒显像Transvaginal probe 阴道探头Transverse Colon (Tr C) 横结肠)Trigger 触发器Tuberculosis (TB 结核Tumor (T) 肿瘤Tunica Vagialis, Vagina Tunic 鞘膜TV 三尖瓣膜TVA 三尖瓣口面积UUlna 尺骨Ultrasonic imaging 超声成像Ultrasound catheter 超声导管Ultrasound endoscope 超声内镜Ultrasound guided percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography 超声引导经皮肝穿刺胆管造影Ultrasound guided probe 穿刺探头Umbilical Cord (UC) 脐带Uncinate Process 钩突Ureters (Ur) 输尿管Urethra 尿道Urinary Bladder (BL) 膀胱Urterine Canal 子宫腔US guided fetal tissue biopsy 超声引导胎儿组织活检US guided percutaneous alcohol injection 超声引导经皮穿刺注射乙醇US guided percutaneous aspiration 超声引导经皮抽吸US guided percutaneous gallbladder bile drainage 超声引导经皮胆囊胆汁引流US guided percutaneous transhepatic portography 超声引导经皮肝穿刺门静脉造影Uterine Tube,Oviduct 输卵管Uterus 子宫VVagina 阴道Vaginosonography 阴道镜超声技术Vcf 纤维圆周缩短速度Vel 速度Verebral Colum, Spine 脊柱VERT 椎动脉Vertebra 椎骨Vesiculae Seminals; Seminal Vesicle (SV) 精囊VET 瓣膜射血时间Villus 绒毛Vitreous 玻璃体Vmax 最大速度Vmean 平均速度VSD 室间隔缺损VTI 速度时间积分WWall (W) 壁Wide-band probe 宽频带探头Write 写入YYolk Sac (YS) 卵黄囊ZZero adjustment 零位调整Zone focusing 区域聚焦。



一、部位 location:同侧ipsi-lateral;对侧contra-lateral;患侧affected side;健侧intact side;近侧proximal side;远侧 distal side;移位deviation,shift,displacement;无移位non displaced;抬高 elevation;下降descent,fall;邻接 abutting,next to,secondary to;二、围 extent:局限localized,regional;弥散diffuse;三、分布 distribution:单侧unilateral;双侧bilateral,(in)both(lung fields);对称symmetric;不对称asymmetric;孤立 solitary;散在scattered;融合confluence(confluent);中心性central;偏心性 eccentric;周围的periphery,peripheral;主要predominantly,primarily;in a segmental or lobar distribution;(sth.) on the left;in the left lower zone;稀疏;集中;四、数目 number:单发solitary,single;多发multiple;增多 increase;减少 decrease;消失 disappear;五、大小 size:大 large;小 small;扩大enlarge/enlargement;扩dilatation;膨胀 distention;缩小shrink;体积缩小 loss of volume;狭窄stenosis,narrowing;闭塞occlusion,obliteration,emphraxis;生长速率 rate of growth;倍增时间doubling time;直径小于3厘米 less than 3cm in diameter;不超过1厘米(small nodules)10 mm or less in size;直径增长25% 25% increase in diameter;体积增大一倍 doubling of volume;大小不同的 of varying sizes;六、形状 shape,morphology:点状 dot(punctual,punctate);斑点状 mottling,stippled;粟粒状miliary;结节状 nodular;团块状mass,masslike;圆形 circular,round,rounded;卵圆形 oval;椭圆形 ellipse;长方形(椭圆形)oblong;分叶状 lobulated;片状 patchy;条索stripe;线状linar;网状reticular;囊状cystic;弧线形curvilinear;星状 stellate;纠集crowding,converging;舟状boat-shaped,navicular,scaphoid;哑铃状dumb-bell;不规则形irregular;细致 fine;粗糙 coarse;变形deformity;增粗、增厚thicken;变细、变薄 thinning;变平 flattened;七、边缘border,margin(marginated),rim,edge(edged);轮廓(外形)outline,contour;光滑 (smooth);清晰,锐利(sharp,well-defined,well-circumscribed,clear,distinct);模糊 hazy,indistinct,blurred,ill-defined,obscured,silhouette out (sth);不规则 irregular;毛刺状、针状spiculated;分叶的lobulated,multilobulated;八、密度density(dense),densitometry,attenuation(X线成像):透亮lucency(lucent),transparent;病灶 lesion:阴影 shadow;不透光haziness,opacification,opacity,opaque;致密 density(dense);低密度 hypodense,low density;高密度 hyperdense,high density;混杂密度 mixed density;solid,subsolid(part solid),ground-glass(nonsolid)回声 echo(echoic)(超声成像):* 无回声anecho,弱回声 poor echo,低回声 hypoecho,low level echo;等回声 medium echo,iso-echo,高回声 hyper echo,high level echo,强回声 strong echo;信号 signal(磁共振成像):低信号hypointensity;高信号hyperintensity;九、程度:轻度mild;slightly;中度moderately;重度 severe;grossly;十、变化:一过性的,短暂的ephemeral;fleeting;transient;稳定 stability(stable);密度水样密度 watery density等密度 isodense均匀密度 homogeneous density不均匀密度 nonhomogeneous density信号等信号 isointensity混合信号 heterogeneous intensity 信号强度减弱decreased signal intensity 信号强度增高increased signal intensity流空现象 flow empty phenomena增强 enhancement静脉团注法intravenous bolus injection technique静脉快速滴注法 intravenous rapid infusion增强扫描 enhancement scan延迟扫描 delayed scan动态扫描 dynamic scan电影扫描 cine scan增强前pre-enhancement pre-contrast增强后post-enhancement post-contrast动脉期 arterial phase微血管期 capillary phase静脉期 venous phase延迟期 delayed phase均匀增强 homogeneous enhancement 不均匀增强nonhomegeneous enhancement环状增强 circular enhancement结节状增强 nodular enhancement片状增强 patchy enhancement脑回样增强 gyriform enhancement 边缘增强 rim enhancement平片与体位常规位置:standard views;补充位置:supplementary views;前后位 AP,anteroposterior;后前位 PA,posteroanterior;侧位 lateral;斜位 oblique;轴位 axial;切线位 tangential;眼眶 orbit鼻窦后前23°位、华氏位、顶颏位occipitomental,Waters;眼眶后前37°位、柯氏位、鼻颌位、枕额位 occipitofrontal,Caldwell;视神经孔后前位,瑞氏位 Rhese;颞骨 temporal bone乳突侧位:15°侧位,劳氏位 Law;25°侧位,许氏位 Schuller;35°侧位,伦氏位 Runstrom;斜位:后前(45°)斜位,斯氏位 Stenvers;前后斜位、反斯氏位;岩部轴位:(仰卧45°)梅氏位 Mayer;欧文氏位 Owen;岩部前后位 AP axial,Towne;拇指 thumb拇指前后位 Robert;手 hand后前斜位 pronation oblique;前后斜位supination oblique,ball-catcher's腕 wrist舟骨位 scaphoid;腕管位 carpal tunnel;肘 elbow小头位 capitellum,鹰嘴位 olecranon;髋 hip侧位(蛙形位) frog-leg,侧位(仰卧水平投照)cross-table lateral,groin lateral;颈椎 cervical spine第1、2颈椎前后位,口位 open-mouth,OMV;胸部 chest侧卧位 lateral decubitus,前凸位(前后位及后前位) apical lordotic;前弓位 kyphotic;附:床旁 portable;呼气像 expiratory;高千伏摄影high kilovoltage radiography;腹部 abdomen腹平片plain abdominal radiograph,abdominal plain film 尿路仰卧前后位,尿路平片:KUB,plain film of kidney,ureters,bladder(仰卧)前后位 supine abdominal radiograph;立位upright abdominal radiograph;乳腺 breast钼靶X线摄影:mammogram,molybdenum target radiography;医院科室词语面面观children's hospital 儿童医院general hospital, polyclinic 综合医院hospital for lepers, leprosarium 麻风病院maternity hospital, lying-inhospital 产科医院mental hospital, mental home 精神病院obstetrics and gynecology hospital 妇产医院plastic surgery hospital 整形外科医院stomatological hospital 口腔医院tuberculosis hospital 结核病医院tumour hospital 肿瘤医院clinic 诊疗所first-aid station 急救站polyclinic 联合诊疗所quarantine station 防疫站(检疫所)rest home 休养所sanatorium 疗养院medical department 科surgical department 外科anaesthesiology department 麻醉科cardiology department 心脏病科dental department 牙科dermatology department, skin department 皮肤科department of cardiac su 心脏外科department of cerebral surgery 胸外科general surgery 普通外科neurology department 神经科neurosurgery department 精神外科obstetrics and gynecology department 妇产科ophthalmology department 眼科orthopedic surgery department 矫形外科orthopedics department 骨科otorhinolaryngological department 耳鼻喉科paediatrics department 小儿科pathology department 病理科plastic surgery 整形外科psychiatry department 精神病科thoracic surgery department 脑外科traumatology department 创伤外科urology department 泌尿科X-ray department 放射科registration office 挂号处out-patient department, OPD 门诊部in-patient department 住院部nursing department 护理部consulting room 诊室waiting room 候诊室admitting office 住院处emergency room 急诊室operation room, operation theatre 手术室laboratory 化验室blood bank 血库pharmacy, dispensary 药房ward 病房medical ward 科病房surgical ward 外科病房maternity ward 产科病房isolation ward 隔离病房observation ward 观察室hospital bed 病床director of the hospital 院长head of the department of medical administration 医务部主任head of the nursing department 护理部主任head of out-patient department 门诊部主任doctor 医生head of the medical department 科主任head of the surgical department 外科主任physician in charge, surgeon in charge, attending doctor, doctor in charge 主治医生resident physician 住院医生intern, interne 实习医生laboratory technician 化验员nurse 护士head nurse 护士长anaesthetist 麻醉师pharmacist, druggist 药剂师internist, physician 科医生surgeon 外科医生brain specialist 脑科专家cardiac surgeon 心外科医生cardiovascular specialist 心血管专家dentist 牙科医生dermatologist 皮肤科医生ear-nose-throat doctor 耳鼻喉医生gynecologist 妇科医生heart specialist 心脏病专家neurologist, nerve specialist 神经科专家obstetrician 产科医生oculist 眼科医生oncologist 肿瘤科医生orthopedist 骨科医生paediatrician 小儿科医生plastic surgeon 整形外科医生radiologist 放射科医师radiographer 放射科技师urologist 泌尿科医生dietician 营养医师out-patient 门诊病人in-patient 住院病人medical patient 科病人surgical patient 外科病人obstetrical patient 产科病人heart disease patient 心脏病病人emergency case 急诊病人 (参见MEDICINE)超声医学术语、缩略语的中、英文对照(一)仪器和原理方面切面面积 Cross sectional Area (CSA) 扫描器、探头Scanner (SCNR)凸形、凸阵Convex (CVX) 扇扫角度Sector Angle (Sec Ang)辉度、亮度Brightness 冻结 Freeze (FRZ)平均速度 Mean Velocity (Mean Vel) 增益 Gain返流Reversed Flow (RF) 频谱Frequency Spectrum彩色多普勒血流显像 Color Doppler Flow Imaging (CDFI) 经颅多普勒Transcranial Doppler ( TCD)腹部血流显示Abdominal Flow Display (AFD)阴道超声 Transvagin Scan (TVS) (二)解剖学方面1)妇产科胎盘Placenta (PL) 胎心Fetal Heart (F Ht)胎头Fetal Head (FH) 胎头指数Cephalic Index大脑镰 Falx Cerebri (FC;FL) 丘脑、视丘 Thalmus (Th)侧脑室Lateral Ventricle (LV) 第三脑室 Third Ventricle (V3)透明隔Septum Pellucidum (SP) 透明隔腔 Septum Pellucidum (SP)脐带Umbilical Cord (UC) 绒毛Villus绒毛膜Chorion (C ) 蜕膜 Decidua 羊水Amniotic Fluid (AF) 羊水指数Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI)妊娠囊Gestational Sac (GS) 双顶径Biparietal Diameter (BPD)股骨径Femur Length (FL) 顶臀长度Crowm-Rump Length (CRL)胸围 Thoracic Circumference (Th C) 腹围Abdominal Circumference (AC) 头围 Head circumference (HC) 枕额径Occipital Frontal Diameter (OFD) 子宫Uterus 输卵管Uterine Tube,Oviduct卵巢Ovary, Ovaries (Ov) 子宫颈Cervix (C )子宫腔Urterine Canal 子宫膜Endometriosis (En)阴道 Vagina 卵黄囊Yolk Sac (YS) 子宫口Internal Ostium of the Uterius 子宫口Orifice of the Uterius2) 眼、面颈、涎腺、乳腺、胸腔眼球Optic Bulb; Eyeball 角膜Cornea前房Anterior Chamber(AC ) 虹膜Iris睫状体Ciliary Body 视网膜Retina 脉络膜Choroid 巩膜Sclera房水Aqueous Humour 玻璃体Vitreous晶状体Lens 腮腺Parotid颌下腺Submaxillay Gland 舌下腺Sublingual Gland甲状腺Thyroid 甲状旁腺Parathroid 乳腺Breast 横膈Diaphragm (D)胸腔Thoracic cavity3)血管腹主动脉Abdominal Aorta (AA) 腹腔动脉Celiac Artery (Ce A;CA)肠系膜上动脉Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA) 胃左动脉Left Gastric Artery脾动脉Splenic Artery (Sp A) 肾动脉Renal Artery (RA)门静脉Portal Vein (PV) 肝静脉Hepatic Vein (HV)肝中静脉Medial Hepatic Vein (MHV) 肝左静脉Left Hepatic Vein(LHV)肝右静脉Right Hepatic Vein (RHV) 下腔静脉Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) 肠系膜上静脉Superior Mesenteric Vein (SMV) 肾静脉Renal Vein (RV) 腋静脉Axillary Vein 锁骨下静脉Subclavian Vein (SCV)颈外静脉External Jugular Vein 颈静脉Internal Jugular Vein颈总动脉Common Jugular Artery 髂动脉Internal Iliac Artery髂外动脉External Iliac Artery 髂总动脉Common Iliac Artery大隐静脉Great Saphenous Vein 小隐静脉 Short Saphenous Vein股动脉Femoral Artery 股静脉Femoral Vein腘动脉Popliteal Artery 腘静脉Popliteal Vein足背动脉 Dorsal Pedal Artery4)肝、胆、胰、脾、泌尿生殖肝左叶Left Liver Lobe (LL) 肝右叶Right Liver Lobe (RL)尾状叶Caudate Lobe (CL) 方叶Quadrate Lobe (QL)胆囊 Gallbladder (G 胆囊管Cystic Duct (CD)肝管Hepatic Duct (HD) 胆总管Common Bile Duct (CBD)肝门 Porta Hepatis 肝总管Common Hepatic Duct (CHD)肝管Hepatic Duct (HD) 胰腺Pancreas (P;Pa)胰管 Pancreatic Duct (PD;PaD) 副胰管Santorini Duct (SD)胰头Head of Pancreas (PaH) 胰颈Neck of Pancreas (PaN)胰体Body Of Pancreas (Pa 胰尾Tail of Pancreas (PaT)钩突Uncinate Process 脾Spleen (Sp)肾Kidney (K) 肾盂Renal Pelvis (RP) 肾盏Renal Calyces (RC) 锥体Pyramids (Py)肾柱Renal Colums (Rco) 肾上腺Adrenal Gland (AG)输尿管Ureters (Ur) 膀胱Urinary Bladder (U,Bladder (BL)前列腺Prostate (Pro) 尿道Urethra 睾丸Testis (Ts) 副睾Epididymis (Ep)鞘膜Tunica Vagialis, Vagina Tunic 精囊Vesiculae Seminals; Seminal Vesicle (SV) 阴囊Scrotum (Sc),Scrotal Sac (SS) 精索Spermatic Cord腹股沟 Inguen5)胃肠胃Stomach (STO) 贲门Cardia (C ),(Ca)胃底Fundus of Stomach (SF) 胃体Body of Stomach (S幽门Pylorus (Py) 十二指肠Duodenum (Du)小肠Small Intestine 空肠 Jejunum 回肠Ileum 盲肠Cecum阑尾Appendix (Ap) 大肠Large Intestine结肠Colon (Co) 结肠肝曲Hepatic Flexure of Colon结肠脾曲Splenic Flexure of Colon 升结肠Ascending Colon (As C)横结肠Transverse Colon (Tr C) 降结肠Descending Colon (De C )乙状结肠Sigmoid Colon 直肠Rectum 肠系膜 Mesentery6)肌肉、骨关节肌肉Muscle, Musculus (M) 肌腱Tendon Tendon腓骨Fib 腰大肌M.Psoas Major尺骨Ulna 脊柱Verebral Colum, Spine椎骨Vertebra (V 肱骨Humerus脊柱裂Spina Bifida (S 桡骨Raduis 股骨Fumur 胫骨Tibiaula颅骨Skull ,Cranial Bones 髂骨Ilium髋骨Hip 髂嵴Iliac Creast关节Joint7)其它脓肿Abscess (ABS) 钙化Calcification (CAL)肌瘤Myoma (MYO) 结核Tuberculosis (T淋巴结Lymph node (LN) 肿瘤Tumor (T)包块Mass( M) 结节Node (N)壁Wall (W) 积液Effusion (Eff)腹水Ascites (ASC) 坏死Necrosis (Nec)结石Stone (St) 靶团 Target (TAR) 血肿Hematoma (HMA) 血栓Thrombus (Th)纤维化Fibrosis (Fib) 疤痕Scar (Sc) 囊肿Cyst (Cy) 脂肪瘤 Lipoma淋巴瘤Lymphoma 错构瘤 Hamartoma异物Foreign Boby (F 栓塞 Embolism 粪石Fecalith (Fe) 半月板 Meniscus 转移灶Metastasis (Met) 沉积物Sediment (Sed) 针尖Needle Tip (NT) 血管瘤Angioma (ANG)宫节育器Intrauterine Devices (IUD) 蛔虫Ascariasis (As)胆道蛔虫Bile Dull Ascariasis (BDAS)ULTRASOUND OBST GYN影响因子 2.288ULTRASOUND MED BIO影响因子 2.011J AM SOC ECHOCARDIOG影响因子 1.69ECHOCARDIOGR-J CARD影响因子 1.05SEMIN ULTRASOUND CT影响因子 1.135J CLIN ULTRASOUND影响因子 0.573。



超声医学史上最全超声术语汉英对照(值得收藏!)【超声基础方面】超声成像 ultrasonic imaging实时成像 real-time imaging灰阶显示 gray scale display彩阶显示 color scale display经颅多普勒 transcranial doppler彩色多普勒血流显像 color doppler flow imaging彩色血流造影 color flow angiography彩色多普勒能量图color doppler energy彩色能量图color power angio超声内镜ultrasound endoscope超声导管ultrasound catheter血管内超声 intravascular ultrasound血管内超声显像 intravascular ultrasonic imaging管腔内超声显像 intraluminal ultrasonic imaging腔内超声显像 endoluminal sonography心内超声显像 intracardiac ultrasonic imaging内镜超声扫描 endoscopic ultrasonography内镜超声技术 endosonography膀胱镜超声技术 cystosonography阴道镜超声技术 vaginosonography经阴道彩色多普勒显像transvaginal color doppler imaging 经直肠超声扫描 transrectal ultrasonography直肠镜超声(技术) rectosonography经尿道扫查 transurethral scanning介入性超声 interventional ultrasound术中超声监视 intraoperative ultrasonic monitoring超声引导经皮肝穿刺胆管造影 ultrasound guided percutaneoustranshepatic cholangiography超声引导经皮穿刺注射乙醇US guided percutaneous alcohol injection超声引导经皮胆囊胆汁引流US guided percutaneous gallbladder bile drainage超声引导经皮抽吸US guided percutaneous aspiration超声引导胎儿组织活检US guided fetal tissue biopsy超声引导经皮肝穿刺门静脉造影US guided percutaneous transhepatic portography三维显示 three dimensional display三维图像重建 3D image reconstruction组织特性成像 tissue specific imaging动态成像 dynamic imaging数字成像 digital image血管显像 angiography声像图法 echography sonography声像图 sonogram echogram多用途探头 multipurpose scanner宽频带探头 wide-band probe环阵相控探头 phased annular array probe术中探头 intraoperative porbe穿刺探头 ultrasound guided probe食管探头 transesophagel probe经食管超声心动图探头transesophagel echocardiography probe阴道探头 transvaginal probe直肠探头 transrectal probe尿道探头 transurethral probe膀胱探头 intervesical probe腔内探头 intracavitary probe内腔探头 endo-probe导管超声探头 catheter-based US probe 扫描方式 scan mode线阵 linear array凸阵 convex array扇扫 sector scanning传感器 sensor换能器 transducer放大器 amplifier阻尼器 buffer解调器、检波器 demodulator触发器 trigger零位调整 zero adjustment定标、校正 calibration快速时间常数电路 fast time constant自动增益控制 automatic gain control 深度增益补偿 depth gain compensation 时间增益补偿 time gain compensation 对数压缩 logarithmic compression灵敏度时间控制 sensitivity time control 动态范围 dynamic range消除 erase, eliminate变换 shift倒置、反转 invert消除 clear注释 annotation放大 magnification , magnify , zoom写入 write记录 record聚焦 focus帧率 frame rate冻结 freeze字符 character抑制 rejection, reject , suppression增益 gain帧相关 frame correlation回放 rendering , play back彩色极性 color polarity彩色边界 color edge彩色增强 color enhance菜单选择 menu selection彩色余辉 color persistence彩色捕获 color capture彩色壁滤波 color wall filter彩色速度显像 color velocity imaging彩色转向 color steering彩色消除 color cut彩色锁定 color lock成像数据 imaging data预设置 preset前处理 pre process后处理 post process重调、复原 reset动态频率扫描 dynamic frequency scanning 焦距 focal distance动态聚焦 dynamic focusing滑动聚焦 sliging focusing区域聚焦 zone focusing连续聚焦 sequential focusing电子聚焦 electric focusing分段聚焦 segment focusing多段聚焦 multistage focusing全场连续聚焦 confocusing图像均匀性 image uniformity运动辨别力 motion discrimination穿透深度 penetration depth空间分辨力 spatial resolution瞬时分辨力 temporal resolution帧分辨力 frame resolution图像线分辨力 image-line resolution对比分辨力 contrast resolution细节分辨力 detail resolution多普勒取样容积 doppler sample volume多普勒流速分布分辨力doppler flow-velocity distributive resolution多普勒流向分辨力 doppler flow-direction resolution多普勒最低流速分辨力doppler minimum flow-velocity resolution彩色多普勒空间分辨力 spatial resolution of color doppler彩色多普勒时间分辨力 time resolution of color doppler彩色多普勒最低流速分辨力minimum flow-velocity of color doppler彩色多普勒强度 color doppler level彩色多普勒处理功能板 CFM processing board彩色视频监视器 color video monitor【解剖学方面】1、颅脑大脑 cerebrum大脑纵裂 longitudinal cerebral fissure大脑皮质 cerebral大脑镰 falx cerebri大脑导水管,中脑水管 cerebral aqueduct中脑 midbrain, mesencephalon小脑 cerebellum小脑幕 tentorium cerebelli丘脑,视丘 thalmus延髓 medulla oblongata侧脑室 lateral ventricle第三脑室 third ventricle第四脑室 fourth ventricle第五脑室 fifth ventricle脑桥,桥脑 pons脑干 brain stem间脑 diencephalon中间块 intermidiate mass尾状核 caudate nucleus脉络丛 choroid plexus胼胝体 corpus callosum脑岛,岛叶 insula大脑脚 cerebral peduncles大脑外侧沟(窝、裂) lateral sulcus , sylvius fissure 穹窿 fornix透明隔 septum pellucidum透明隔腔 cavity of septum pellucidum额叶 frontal lobe顶叶 parietal lobe枕叶 occipital lobe颞叶 temporale lobe缘叶 limbic lobe大脑动脉环 Willi's artery circle大脑前动脉 anterior cerebral artery大脑中动脉 middle cerebral artery大脑后动脉 posterior cerebral artery基底动脉 basilar artery前交通支(动脉) anterior communicating branch后交通支(动脉) posterior communicating branch 颅前窝,凹 anterior cranial fossa颅中窝,凹 middle cranial fossa颅后窝,凹 posterior cranial fossa2、眼、面颈、涎腺、乳腺、胸肺眼球 optic bulb ,eyeball角膜 cornea前房 anterior chamber虹膜 iris睫状体 ciliary body视网膜 retina脉络膜 choroid巩膜 sclera房水 aqueous humour玻璃体 vitreous玻璃体膜 hyaloid membrae晶状体 lens(眼)直肌 recti muscles视神经 optic nerve眶上动脉 supraorbital artery眼动脉 ophthalmic artery视网膜中央动脉 central retinal artery睫状后长(短)动脉posterior long (short) ciliary artery 泪腺动脉 lacrimal gland artery滑车上动脉 supratrochlear artery眼静脉 ophthalmic vein眶上静脉 suprorbital vein滑车上静脉 supratrochlear vein视网膜中央静脉 central retinal vein涡状静脉 vorticose veins眼眶 orbit结膜 conjunctiva唾液腺、涎腺 salivary gland腮腺 parotid (gland)颌下腺 submaxillary gland舌下腺 sublingual gland甲状腺 thyroid (gland )甲状旁腺 parathyroid (gland )上颌窦 maxillary sinus气管 trachea食管 esophagus乳腺 breast, mammary gland额 front枕 occiput颞 temples颊 cheek胸廓、胸腔 thorax, thorax cavity肋骨 ribs, costae肋软骨costal cartilages胸骨 sternum乳腺组织 breast tissue悬韧带suspensory ligament, Copper's ligament 乳腺后组织 retromammary tissue横膈 diaphragm颈总动脉 common carotid artery颈外动脉 external carotid artery颈内动脉 internal carotid artery椎动脉 vertebral artery无名动脉 innominate artery颈内静脉 internal jugular vein甲状腺上动脉 superior thyroid artery乳房内动脉 internal mammary artery3、腹部血管、周围血管腹主动脉 abdominal aorta腹腔动脉 celiac artery肠系膜上动脉 superior mesenteric artery 肠系膜下动脉 inferior mesenteric artery 肝总动脉 common hepatic artery肝动脉 hepatic artery胃左动脉 left gastric artery胃十二指肠动脉 gastroduodenal artery 脾动脉 splenic artery肾动脉 renal artery卵巢动脉 ovarian artery髂总动脉 common iliac artery髂内动脉 internal iliac artery髂外动脉 external iliac artery锁骨下动脉 subclavian artery椎动脉 vertebral artery乳房内动脉 internal mammary artery颈内静脉 internal jugular vein颈外静脉 external jugular vein腋静脉 axillary vein奇静脉 azygos vein大隐静脉 great saphenous vein下腔静脉 inferior vena cava门静脉 portal vein肠系膜上静脉 superior mesenteric vein肝静脉 hepatic vein肾静脉 renal vein腰静脉 lumbar vein精索静脉 spermatic vein肾弓形动脉 renal arcuate arteries股动脉 femoral artery肱动脉 humeral artery桡动脉 radial artery尺动脉ulnar artery面动脉 facial artery锁骨下动脉 subclavian artery颈浅动脉 superficial cervical artery颞浅动脉 superficial temporal artery4、肝、胆、胰、脾、泌尿男生殖肝左叶left liver lobe(LL)肝右叶right liver lobe(RL)尾状叶 caudate lobe(CL)方叶 quadrate lobe(QL)附垂叶 Riedel's lobe胆囊 gallbladder(GB)胆囊管 cystic duct(CD)肝管 hepatic duct(HD)胆总管common bile duct (CBD)肝门 porta hepatis胆囊窝 gallbladder forssa肝圆韧带 hepatoumbilical ligament, round ligament 肝镰状韧带 falciform ligament肝静脉韧带 venose ligament胆管、胆道 bile duct(BD)螺旋状瓣 spiral valve肝总管 common hepatic duct肝外胆管 extrahepatic duct乏特壶腹 Vater's ampulla胰腺 pancreas胰管 pancreatic duct , Wirsung's duct 副胰管 Santorini duct胰头 head of pancreas胰颈 neck of pancreas胰体 body of pancreas胰尾 tail of pancreas钩突 uncinate process脾 spleen脾门 splenic hilum肾周脂肪 perinephrit fat集合系统 collective system肾 kidney肾盂 renal calyes锥体 pyramids肾柱 renal colums肾上腺 adrenal gland输尿管 ureters, ureteral , uretero膀胱 urinary bladder , bladder尿道 urethra睾丸 testis附睾 epididymis鞘膜 tunica vagialis, vagina tunic白膜 tunica albuginea , albuginea输精管 ductus deferens, deferent duct 精囊 vesiculae seminals, seminal vesicle 射精管 ejaculatory ducts阴囊 scrotum, scrotal sac精索 spermatic cord腹股沟 inguen前列腺 prostate5、妇产科子宫 uterus输卵管 uterine tube, oviduct卵巢 ovary, ovaries子宫颈 cervix子宫腔 uterine canal子宫内膜 endometriosis子宫直肠陷凹 rectouterine fossa子宫内口 internal ostium of the uterus 子宫口 orifice of the uterus阴道 vagina胚胎 embryo卵黄囊 yolk sac羊膜 amnion羊膜腔 amniotic cavity蜕膜 decidua绒毛 villus绒毛膜 chorion胎盘 placenta胎儿 fetus胎心 fetal heart胎动fetal movement, feta motion胎儿脊柱 fetal spine胎儿胃泡 fetal stomach bubble胎儿胸部fetal thorax胎儿肾 fetal kidney胎儿肢体 fetal limb脐带 umbilical cord卵泡,滤泡 follicle附件 adnexa羊水 amniotic fluid宫内节育器 intrauterine device妊娠囊 gestational sac顶臀长度 crown-rump length双顶径 biparietal diameter胎头指数 cephalic index枕额径 occipito-frontal diameter头围 head circumference胸围 thoracic circumference腹围 abdominal circumference小脑径 cerebellum diameter头(径)指数 cephalic index双眼间距 ocular distance腹部横径 transverse trunk diameter腹部前后径 anteroposterior trunk diameter 椎骨长度(胸6~腰3)length of vertebrae 脊柱 spine, vertebral colum股骨长度 femur length肱骨长度 humerus length胎儿体重 fetal weight脐动脉 umbilical artery脐静脉 umbilical vein胎盘 placenta孕周 gestational week 孕龄 gestational age。



超声医学术语中英文对照(SY)Fumur 股骨Skull ,Cra nialBones颅骨Hip 髋骨Spi naBifida脊柱裂Humerus 肱骨Tendon Tendon 肌腱Iliac Creast 髂嵴Tibiaula 胫骨Ilium 髂骨Ulna尺骨脊柱Joint关节M.Psoas Major Verebral Colum, SpineMuscle, Musculus (M)8)心脏(Cardiac )AccTALS腰大肌椎骨肌肉Vertebra加速度面积Acc血流加速时间心率HR主动脉瓣叶开放等容舒张期IVRT室间隔AnnAo瓣环IVS主动脉IVSd 、IVSs主动脉弓直径L升主动脉直径室间隔(收缩期,舒期)厚度Ao Arch Diam 长度Ao Asc LA 左心房Ao Desc Diam 降主动脉直径LA Diam 左心房直径Ao DiamAo IsthmusAo st junctARAscASDAVAV- A 连续性方程计算的主动脉瓣膜面积AV CuspAV CuspAV Di am)AVABSACI主动脉根部直径主动脉峡部主动脉ST接合主动脉返流上升心房间隔缺损主动脉瓣膜主动脉瓣膜尖端开放主动脉瓣膜尖端开放主动脉瓣膜直径主动脉瓣膜面积体表面积心脏指数LA MajorLA MinorLA/Ao RatioLAALADLPALPALVLVALVI DLVIDdLVIDsLVL左心房长度左心房宽度左心房直径和主动脉部直径比率左心房面积左心房直径左肺动脉左肺动脉左心室左心室面积左心室内径舒张期左心室容积收缩期左心室容积左心室长度舒张期左心室内径LVLd。



超声术语.缩略语中英文对照1.血管:颈总动脉CCA 颈外动脉ECA 颈内动脉ICA 颈内静脉IJV 颈外静脉EJV椎动脉VA 椎静脉VV 基底动脉BA 锁骨下动脉SCA 上肢动脉UEA 无名动脉INA 腋动脉AxA 肱动脉BA 桡动脉RA 尺动脉UA上肢静脉UEA 无名静脉INA 锁骨下静脉SCV 腋静脉AxV 肱静脉BV桡静脉RV 髂总动脉CIA 髂内动脉IIA 髂外动脉EIA 股总动脉CIA 股浅动脉SFA 股深动脉DFA 动脉POA 胫前动脉ATA 腓动脉PEA 胫后动脉PTA 足背动脉DPA 下肢静脉LEV 髂总静脉CTV 髂内静脉IIV 髂外静脉EIV 股总静脉CFV 股浅静脉SFV 股深静脉DFV 静脉POV胫前静脉ATV 腓静脉PEV 胫后静脉PTV 大隐静脉GSV 小隐静脉SSV 主动脉弓AOAR 腹主动脉AA 肠系膜上动脉SMA 肠系膜上静脉SMV门静脉PV 肝动脉HA 胃左动脉LGA 胃十二指肠动脉GDA脾动脉SPA 肾动脉RA 腹腔动脉AA 卵巢动脉OA乳房内动脉IMA 上腔静脉SVC 下腔静脉IVC 精索静脉SV 肾静脉RV 肝静脉HV 脾静脉SPV 奇静脉AzV 血管瘤ANG 血栓TH 彩色多普勒血流图像CDFI 彩色血流成像CFI 连续波CW彩色血流流速成像CVI 脉冲波PW 脉冲重复周期PRI阻力指数RI=(血流峰值流速(S)---舒张期峰值流速(D))/收缩期峰值流速(S)收缩期.舒张期比值S/D2.肝胆胰脾.泌尿生殖:肝左叶LL 肝右叶RL 尾状叶CL 方叶QL 胆囊GB 胆囊管CD 肝管叶HD 胆总管CBD 肝总管CD 胰腺叶Pa/P 胰管PD 副胰管SD 胰头叶PaH胰颈PaN 胰体PaB 胰尾叶PaT 脾SP 肾K 肾盂叶RP 肾盏RC椎体Py 肾柱叶Rco 肾上腺AG 输尿管Ur 膀胱叶BL 睾丸Ts附睾Ep 输精管叶DD 精囊SV 射精管ED 阴囊叶SS/Sc 前列腺Pro 3.妇产科:子宫UT 卵巢Ov 子宫颈C 子宫内膜En 卵黄囊Ys 羊膜Am羊膜腔AmC 胎盘PL 胎儿F 胎心FHt 胎头FH 胎儿脊柱Fsp胎儿胃泡Fsto 胎儿肢体Fib 股骨FL 脐带UC 脐动脉UA 脐静脉uv羊水AF 宫内节育器IUD 妊娠囊GS 顶臀径CRI 枕额径OFD头围HC 胸围ThC 腹围AC4.胃肠:胃STO 贲门C/Ca 胃底SF 胃体SB 角区AR 幽门Py 肠Bo十二指肠DU 阑尾Ap 结肠Co 升结肠AsC 横结肠TrC降结肠DeC5.其他:腰大肌Ps 脓肿Abs 积液Eff 腹水Asc 钙化Cal 结石ST肿瘤T 血肿HMA 肌瘤Myo 血栓TH 血管瘤Ang 囊肿Cy肝细胞癌HCC 异物FB 淋巴结L YN 结核TB 肿块M6.颅脑:大脑镰FC/FL 小脑Ce;Cb 小脑幕TC 丘脑Th 延髓MO 侧脑室LV第三脑室V3 第四脑室V4 透明隔SP 透明隔腔CSP 脉络丛CHP额叶FL 顶叶PL 枕叶OL 颞叶TL 大脑前动脉ACA 大脑中动脉MCA大脑后动脉PCA7.心脏:胸壁CW 左房LA 左心耳LAA 肺静脉PV 房间隔IAS 左室LV室间隔IVS 左室前壁LV AW 左室后壁LVPW 左室侧壁LVLW左室下壁LVIW 左室流出道LVOT 左室流入道LVIT 二尖瓣MV二尖瓣前叶AML 二尖瓣后叶PML 前外侧联合ALC 后内侧联合PIC二尖瓣环MV A 腱索CT 乳头肌PM 左室前外侧乳头肌LVALPM左室后内侧乳头肌LVPIPM 主动脉A;AO 主动脉根部AOR 升主动脉AA降主动脉DA;DAO 主动脉弓AOA 主动脉瓣AV 主动脉瓣环A V A主动脉窦AS 右冠瓣RCC 左冠瓣LCC 后(无)冠瓣NCC 左主冠状动脉LMGA 左室假膜索LVEFCT 右房RA 卵圆窝FO 冠状静脉窦GS 右室RV右室前壁RV AW 右室流出道RVOT 右室流入道RVTT 三尖瓣TV三尖瓣隔叶STL 三尖瓣前叶A TL 三尖瓣后叶PTL 三尖瓣环TV A右室前乳头肌RV APM 右室后乳头肌PVPPM 右室圆锥乳头肌RV APM主动脉MPV 肺动脉PA 右肺动脉RPA 左肺动脉LPA 肺动脉瓣PV肺动脉右瓣RPV 肺动脉左瓣LPV 肺动脉后瓣PPV 肺动脉瓣环PV A心包P 壁层心包PP 脏层心包VP 心内膜EN 心外膜EP 室上嵴SVC心尖AP 动脉 A 静脉V 超声心动图UCG M型超声心动图ME二维超声心动图2DE 三维超声心动图3DE 脉充波多普勒超声心动图PWDE连续多普勒超声心动图CWDE 彩色多普勒血流显像CDFI 经胸超声心动图TTE经食道超声心动图TEE 介入性超声心动图IE 造影超声心动图(声学造影)CE血管内超声显像(血管内超声)IVUI 心尖AP 剑突下SC 胸骨上窝SS锁骨上窝SCL 左房内径LAD 右房内径RAD 左室舒张末期内径LVDd左室收缩末期内径LVDs 右室舒张末期内径RVDd 右室收缩末期内径RVDs主动脉内径AoD 主动脉环内径AoAD 右室流出道内径RVOTD左室流出道内径LVOTD 二尖瓣室间隔间距EPSS二尖瓣舒张早期关闭斜率MVEF 左室舒末容积EDV 左室舒末容积指数EDVI左室收末容积ESV 左室收末容积指数ESVI 右室收末容积RVEDV右室收末容积指数RVEDVI 左室短轴缩短率FS,△D℅右室短轴缩短率RVFS,RV△D℅。



超声医学术语、缩略语的中、英文对照(一)仪器和原理方面切面面积Cross sectional Area (CSA) 扫描器、探头Scanner (SCNR)凸形、凸阵Convex (CVX) 扇扫角度Sector Angle (Sec Ang)辉度、亮度Brightness 冻结Freeze (FRZ)平均速度Mean Velocity (Mean Vel) 增益Gain返流Reversed Flow (RF) 频谱Frequency Spectrum彩色多普勒血流显像Color Doppler Flow Imaging (CDFI)经颅多普勒Transcranial Doppler ( TCD)腹部血流显示Abdominal Flow Display (AFD)阴道超声Transvagin Scan (TVS)(二)解剖学方面1)妇产科胎盘Placenta (PL) 胎心Fetal Heart (F Ht)胎头Fetal Head (FH) 胎头指数Cephalic Index大脑镰Falx Cerebri (FC;FL) 丘脑、视丘Thalmus (Th)侧脑室Lateral Ventricle (LV) 第三脑室Third Ventricle (V3)透明隔Septum Pellucidum (SP) 透明隔腔Septum Pellucidum (SP)脐带Umbilical Cord (UC) 绒毛Villus绒毛膜Chorion (C ) 蜕膜Decidua羊水Amniotic Fluid (AF) 羊水指数Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI)妊娠囊Gestational Sac (GS) 双顶径Biparietal Diameter (BPD)股骨径Femur Length (FL) 顶臀长度Crowm-Rump Length (CRL)胸围Thoracic Circumference (Th C) 腹围Abdominal Circumference (AC)头围Head circumference (HC) 枕额径Occipital Frontal Diameter (OFD)子宫Uterus 输卵管Uterine Tube,Oviduct卵巢Ovary, Ovaries (Ov) 子宫颈Cervix (C )子宫腔Urterine Canal 子宫内膜Endometriosis (En)阴道Vagina 卵黄囊Yolk Sac (YS)子宫内口Internal Ostium of the Uterius 子宫口Orifice of the Uterius2) 眼、面颈、涎腺、乳腺、胸腔眼球Optic Bulb; Eyeball 角膜Cornea前房Anterior Chamber(AC ) 虹膜Iris睫状体Ciliary Body 视网膜Retina脉络膜Choroid 巩膜Sclera房水Aqueous Humour 玻璃体Vitreous晶状体Lens 腮腺Parotid颌下腺Submaxillay Gland 舌下腺Sublingual Gland甲状腺Thyroid 甲状旁腺Parathroid乳腺Breast 横膈Diaphragm (D)胸腔Thoracic cavity3)血管腹主动脉Abdominal Aorta (AA) 腹腔动脉Celiac Artery (Ce A;CA)肠系膜上动脉Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA) 胃左动脉Left Gastric Artery脾动脉Splenic Artery (Sp A) 肾动脉Renal Artery (RA)门静脉Portal Vein (PV) 肝静脉Hepatic Vein (HV)肝中静脉Medial Hepatic Vein (MHV) 肝左静脉Left Hepatic Vein(LHV)肝右静脉Right Hepatic Vein (RHV) 下腔静脉Inferior Vena Cava (IVC)肠系膜上静脉Superior Mesenteric Vein (SMV) 肾静脉Renal Vein (RV)腋静脉Axillary Vein 锁骨下静脉Subclavian Vein (SCV)颈外静脉External Jugular Vein 颈内静脉Internal Jugular Vein颈总动脉Common Jugular Artery 髂内动脉Internal Iliac Artery髂外动脉External Iliac Artery 髂总动脉Common Iliac Artery大隐静脉Great Saphenous Vein 小隐静脉Short Saphenous Vein股动脉Femoral Artery 股静脉Femoral Vein腘动脉Popliteal Artery 腘静脉Popliteal Vein足背动脉Dorsal Pedal Artery4)肝、胆、胰、脾、泌尿生殖肝左叶Left Liver Lobe (LL) 肝右叶Right Liver Lobe (RL)尾状叶Caudate Lobe (CL) 方叶Quadrate Lobe (QL)胆囊Gallbladder (G 胆囊管Cystic Duct (CD)肝管Hepatic Duct (HD) 胆总管Common Bile Duct (CBD)肝门Porta Hepatis 肝总管Common Hepatic Duct (CHD)肝管Hepatic Duct (HD) 胰腺Pancreas (P;Pa)胰管Pancreatic Duct (PD;PaD) 副胰管Santorini Duct (SD)胰头Head of Pancreas (PaH) 胰颈Neck of Pancreas (PaN)胰体Body Of Pancreas (Pa 胰尾Tail of Pancreas (PaT)钩突Uncinate Process 脾Spleen (Sp)肾Kidney (K) 肾盂Renal Pelvis (RP)肾盏Renal Calyces (RC) 锥体Pyramids (Py)肾柱Renal Colums (Rco) 肾上腺Adrenal Gland (AG)输尿管Ureters (Ur) 膀胱Urinary Bladder (U ,Bladder (BL)前列腺Prostate (Pro) 尿道Urethra睾丸Testis (Ts) 副睾Epididymis (Ep)鞘膜Tunica Vagialis, Vagina Tunic 精囊Vesiculae Seminals; Seminal Vesicle (SV) 阴囊Scrotum (Sc),Scrotal Sac (SS) 精索Spermatic Cord腹股沟Inguen5)胃肠胃Stomach (STO) 贲门Cardia (C ),(Ca)胃底Fundus of Stomach (SF) 胃体Body of Stomach (S幽门Pylorus (Py) 十二指肠Duodenum (Du)小肠Small Intestine 空肠Jejunum回肠Ileum 盲肠Cecum阑尾Appendix (Ap) 大肠Large Intestine结肠Colon (Co) 结肠肝曲Hepatic Flexure of Colon结肠脾曲Splenic Flexure of Colon 升结肠Ascending Colon (As C) 横结肠Transverse Colon (Tr C) 降结肠Descending Colon (De C ) 乙状结肠Sigmoid Colon 直肠Rectum肠系膜Mesentery6)肌肉、骨关节肌肉Muscle, Musculus (M) 肌腱Tendon Tendon腓骨Fib 腰大肌M.Psoas Major尺骨Ulna 脊柱Verebral Colum, Spine椎骨Vertebra (V 肱骨Humerus脊柱裂Spina Bifida (S 桡骨Raduis股骨Fumur 胫骨Tibiaula颅骨Skull ,Cranial Bones 髂骨Ilium髋骨Hip 髂嵴Iliac Creast关节Joint7)其它脓肿Abscess (ABS) 钙化Calcification (CAL)肌瘤Myoma (MYO) 结核Tuberculosis (T淋巴结Lymph node (LN) 肿瘤Tumor (T)包块Mass( M) 结节Node (N)壁Wall (W) 积液Effusion (Eff)腹水Ascites (ASC) 坏死Necrosis (Nec)结石Stone (St) 靶团Target (TAR)血肿Hematoma (HMA) 血栓Thrombus (Th)纤维化Fibrosis (Fib) 疤痕Scar (Sc)囊肿Cyst (Cy) 脂肪瘤Lipoma淋巴瘤Lymphoma 错构瘤Hamartoma异物Foreign Boby (F 栓塞Embolism粪石Fecalith (Fe) 半月板Meniscus转移灶Metastasis (Met) 沉积物Sediment (Sed)针尖Needle Tip (NT) 血管瘤Angioma (ANG)宫内节育器Intrauterine Devices (IUD) 蛔虫Ascariasis (As)胆道蛔虫Bile Dull Ascariasis (BDAS)。



超声常用英文缩写及对照血管头颈部:大脑前动脉:ACA 大脑中动脉:MCA 大脑后动脉:PCA 基底动脉:BA 椎动脉:VA无名动脉:INA 左无名静脉:LIV 右无名静脉:RIV 锁骨下静脉:SCV 锁骨下动脉:SCA颈外静脉:EJV 颈内静脉:IJV 颈总动脉:CJA 腋动脉:AxA胸部:肺动脉分叉:PABif 主肺动脉:MPA 腋静脉:RHV 左肺动脉:LPA 右肺静脉:RPV肺总静脉:CPV 右上肺动脉:RVPV 右下肺动脉:RLPV 胸主动脉:ThAO上肢:上肢动脉:UEA 上肢静脉:UEV 肱动脉:BA 桡动脉:RA 尺动脉:UA腹腔:肠系膜上静脉:SMV 腹主动脉:AA 腹腔动脉:CA 肠系膜上动脉:SMA 腔静脉:VC门静脉:PV 上腔静脉:SVC 下腔静脉:IVC 肝静脉:HV 脾动脉:SP A肝中静脉:MHV 肝左静脉:LHV 肾动脉:RA 肾静脉:RV 肾主动脉:MRA肾叶间动脉:IRA 肾段动脉:SRA 睾丸动脉:TA 髂总动脉:CIA 髂内动脉:IIA髂外动脉:EIA下肢:股总动脉:CFA 股浅动脉:SFA 股深动脉:DFA 股静脉:FV 大隐静脉:GSV小隐静脉:SSV 胫前动脉:ATA 腓动脉:PEA 胫后动脉:PTA 腘动脉:PA腘静脉:PV 足背动脉:DPA左位上腔静脉:LSVC 右位上腔静脉:RSVC 大动脉转位:RSVC 夹层动脉瘤:DA 动脉瘤:AN静脉导管:DV 下肢深静脉血栓:DVT 下肢深静脉瓣功能不全:DVI心脏心内膜:EN 心外膜:EP 乳头肌:PM 前壁:AW 下壁:IW 侧壁:PW 心尖:AP室上嵴:CS 腱索:CT 左心耳:LAA 右室前壁:RVAW 左室:LV 左房:LA 室间隔:IVS左室腔:LVC 左室后壁:LVPW 右室:RV 右房:RA 房间隔:IAS 右室腔:RVC二尖瓣:MV 二尖瓣前叶:AMV 二尖瓣后叶:PMV 左室流入道:LVTT 左室流出道:LVOT三尖瓣:TV 三尖瓣前叶:ATV 三尖瓣后叶:PTV 右室流出道:RVOT主动脉根部/主动脉:AO升主动脉:AAO 降主动脉:DAO主动脉弓:APAR 左冠状动脉前降支:LAD 左冠状动脉回旋支:LCC 左冠状动脉:LCA右冠状动脉:RCV 冠状静脉窦:CS二尖瓣狭窄:MS 二尖瓣关闭不全:MI 二尖瓣脱垂:MVP主动脉瘤:AAN 主动脉瓣关闭不全:AI 主动脉瓣狭窄:AS主动脉缩窄:AC 主动脉夹层动脉瘤:DAAN 动脉导管未闭:PDA房间隔缺损:ASD 室间隔缺损:VSD 共同心室:CV房化右室:ARV 心包积液:PE 假腔:FL节段性室壁运动异常:PWMA 赘生物:V 真腔:TL先天性心脏病:CHD 心内膜垫缺损:ECD 永存左上腔静脉:LSVC主-肺动脉隔缺损:APSD 右室双出口:DORV 冠状动脉瘘:CAF主动脉窦瘤破裂:RASA 房间隔膨出瘤:IASAN 共同房室瓣:CAV永存动脉干:PTA 马凡综合征:MS 原发性肺动脉高压:PPH双腔心:CB 三房心:CTA 左室室壁瘤:LVAN冠状动脉瘤:CAAN 陈旧性心梗:OMI 急性心肌梗塞:AMI冠心病:CAD 左冠瓣:LCA 乳头肌断裂:DPM急性肺动脉栓塞:APE 川畸病:KD 感染性心内膜炎:IE缩窄性心包炎:CP 心包积液:PE 非对称性肥厚性心肌病:AS心包钙化:CP 心包填塞:CT 心脏指数:CI扩张性心肌病:DCM 限制性心肌病:HCM 体表面积:BSA心输出量:CO 加速时间:AT 加速度:Ac肝、胆、胰、脾、泌尿、生殖肝左叶:LL 肝右叶:RL 尾状叶:CL 方叶:QL 胆囊:GB胆囊管:CD 肝管:HD 胆总管:CBD 肝门:PH 肝总管:CHD 胰腺:P 胰管:PD 副胰管:SD 胰头:PaH 胰颈:PaN胰体:Pa 胰尾:PaT 钩突:UP 脾:SP 肾:K肾盂:RP 肾盏:RC 肾锥体:Py 肾柱:Rco 输尿管:U副睾:Ep 鞘膜:TV 腹股沟:I精囊:SV 阴囊:SS精索:SC 睾丸:TS 膀胱:BL 前列腺:PST 肾上腺:AdG肾盂积水:HYDRO胃、肠胃:STO 喷门:C 胃底:SF 胃体:S 幽门:Py 十二指肠:Du小肠:SI 空肠:J 回肠:I 盲肠:C 阑尾:Ap 大肠:LI结肠:Co 结肠肝区:HFC 肠系膜:M 结肠脾区:SFC 升结肠:AsC横结肠:TrC 降结肠:DeC 乙状结肠:SC 直肠:R胃左动脉:LGA妇产科子宫:UT 输卵管:UTO 卵巢:OV 宫颈:C 内膜:EN 卵黄囊:YS 阴道:V胎盘:PL 胎心:FHt 胎头:FH 大脑镰:FC 透明隔:SP 透明隔腔:SP 枕额径:PFD 蜕膜:D 丘脑、视丘:Th侧脑室:LV 绒毛膜:C 脐带:UC 绒毛:V 第三脑室:V3 羊水:AF 羊水指数:AFI 胸围:ThC 腹围:AC 头围:HC 妊娠囊:GS 双顶径:BPD 股骨径:FL 顶臀长:CRL其它脓肿:ABS 钙化:CAL 肌瘤:MYO 结核:T 蛔虫:AS 淋巴结:LN 肿瘤:T 包块:M 结节:N 积液:EFF腹水:ASC 坏死:Nec 结石:ST 靶团:TAR 血肿:HMA 血栓:TH 纤维化:Fib 疤痕:Sc 囊肿:Cy 异物:F栓塞:E 粪石:Fe 单胆道蛔虫:BDAS 转移灶:Met沉积物:Sed 针尖:NT 血管瘤:ANG 宫内节育器:IUD。

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Fast time constant
Color persistence
Focal distance
Color polarity
Color power angio
Frame correlation
Intracardiac ultrasonic imaging
Intracavitary probe
Reversed Flow (RF)
Intraluminal ultrasonic imaging
Scan mode
Intraoperative porbe
Digital image
Doppler flow-direction resolution
Doppler flow-velocity distributive resolution
Motion discrimination
Spatial resolution of color doppler
Multipurpose scanner
Temporal resolution
Depth gain compensation
Automatic gain control
Detail resolution
Color doppler flow imaging
Electric focusing
Color Doppler Flow Imaging (CDFI)
Endoluminal sonography
Color doppler level
Mean Velocity (Mean Vel)
Sliging focusing
Menu selection
Sonogram echogram
Minimum flow-velocity ofcolor doppler
Spatial resolution
Dynamic frequency scanning
Color capture
Dynamic imaging
Color cut
Dynamic range
Color doppler energy
Echography sonography
Frequency Spectrum
Contrast resolution
Gray scale display
Image uniformity
Real-time imaging
Image-line resolution
超声医学术语中英文对照 (SY)
1)仪器和原理方面(Ultrasound Theory)
Convex (CVX)
3D image reconstruction
Convex array
Abdominal Flow Display (AFD)
Cross sectional Area (CSA)
Imaging data
Interventional ultrasound
Rejection, reject , suppression
Intervesical probe
Rendering , play back
Frame rate
Color steering
Frame resolution
Color velocity imaging
Freeze (FRZ)
Color video monitor
Color wall filter
Catheter-based US probe
Doppler minimum flow-velocity resolution
CFM processing board
Doppler sample volume
Dynamic focusing
Scanner (SCNR)
Intraoperative ultrasonic monitoring
Sector Angle (Sec Ang)
Intravascular ultrasonic imaging
Sector scanning
Intravascular ultrasound
Segment focusing
Sensitivity time control
Linear array
Logarithmic compression
Sequential focusing
Magnification , Magnify , Zoom
Color edge
Endoscopic ultrasonography
Color enhance
Color flow angiography
Erase, eliminate
Color lock