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number percentage
is twice is 4 times is half
Expressions regularly used
reached 50 percent approached an average of 50 percent risen to in the recent 5 years. in the past few years. since 1992.
第二段:分析这种问题/现象/趋势出现的原 因 第三段:做出评价,这种问题/现象/趋势可 能引发的结果与对策
1、看懂图表,熟悉图表的各种类型,了解 它们的特点和作用,弄清它们所反映的问 题或现象。(analysis of graphs)
• 这种曲线图用来表示一种事物的上升或下 降趋势。
In one word:
既要具备一定的语言概括能力,还要具备 分析问题、解决问题的能力。能够根据图 表里的一些简单的数据,对其所反映的社 会现象进行分析。
1)审题:认真阅读写作提示观察图表 2)作文提纲: 第一段:转述文章题目,描述图表内容,并 阐述数据显示出的问题/现象/趋势
16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 15
(per thousand)
7 3 0.5
1967 1987 2007 2012 1967 1977 1987 1992 Changes in the divorce rate in some big cities in China
According to a 2015 Census Bureau report on marriage and divorce in some big cities, during the past five years, the divorce rate has increased as much as it had in the entire previous forty years. In 1967 there were only 0.5 divorced persons for every 1000 married people, and in 2007 the rate was 7 per thousand, but in 2012 the rate jumped to 15 divorced per 1000 married. It is obvious that the divorce rate in China has increased drastically.
up from 20 percent for the same period last year. in March, an increase of 3 percent in a threemonth period. only 65.3 births per 1000 females of childbearing age.
A Writing Pattern for Reference
Description: In recent years China has experienced a dramatic increase in the divorce rate. According to a 2006 census on __________ in some big cities, __________ has continued an upward trend since forty years ago. In 1956 there were only __________, and in 1996 the rate was __________, but in 2006 the rate jumped to __________. According to the chart, during the last decade, __________ in big cities has increased as much as it had in the previous thirty years.
1) Have a correct understanding of the given information, and grasp the main idea; 2) Make a careful analysis of the information; 3) Use the right technique of writing; (The most common techniques used in this kind of writing are: comparison and contrast.) 4) Make a comment on the main topic, then reach a conclusion.
• 一般用来比较几种事物在同一时期上升或 者下降的情况。
• 这种图表用于表示多种事物间的相互关系。
• 3. 语言表达 • 抓住了所要评论的问题,接着就是先把它 用语言表述出来。在描写中,对数字的运 用要有针对性,不要把图表中的数字全描 写出来。(description of graphs)
10.00% 9.00% 8.00% 7.00% 6.00% 5.00% 4.00% 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% 0.00% 1956
Sample One
In recent years China has experienced a dramatic increase in the divorce rate. According to the chart, during the last decade, the divorce rate in big cities has increased as much as it had in the previous thirty years.
4% 7%
1981 1992 1 2 3 1
2012 1992
• • • •
上图1、2 、3分别表示: 1:Graduates who continue to study 2:Graduates who take jobs irrelevant to their majors 3:Graduates who hold jobs in their majors
Expressions regularly used
second-highest second-lowest upward downward
Expressions regularly used
only less than 9. By 1990, more than about over as many as
Percentage of TV Viewers of Various Programmes
100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0%
68% 54%
78% 42% 26%
Graph 3 Rising Divorce Rates in China
“图表类”说明文 的写作
Candy 2016. 11
图表说明文(What):把问题或现象用图 表反映出来,要求学生把图表看懂,并用 文字表述出来,进而对图表所反映的问题 或现象展开讨论。
Requirements for graph exposition:
1.发现图表中的相关数据的变化规律,分析其 反映的问题; 2. 对相关数据、图示标记等进行描述,评论图 表所反映问题; 3. 对所评述问题进行总结。
二、看图表哪些数字变化最大: 图表中有三组六个数字,分别表示毕 业生继续读书、找专业对口的工作和找专 业不对口的工作。但后面两组数据在十年 里的变化最大。因此它们就是文章要讨论 的主要问题。
Graph 1 :the first paragraph
• Each year thousands upon thousands of graduates flood the job market, waving their college diplomas and certificates, expecting better jobs in their majors, only to be frustrated and disappointed. According to the charts, only 58% percent of college graduates in 2012 could find jobs in their specialities, compared with 89% percent in 1992. Why do college graduates find it increasingly difficult to get a rewarding job?
from 10 to 5 percent. to 15 percent. by 15 percent.
Expressions regularly used
3. The
figure percentage number population doubled, tripled, that of last year. has nearly has almost
three-quarters 40 percent of one out of five one in four
colleges populations graduates housewives
as against as compared with
preferred to … began to …
The upward trend in divorce seems to be a mirror of some important changes in Chinese society. First, legal changes have simplified divorce procedures, and removed barriers to divorce. More and more people, both young and old, are now benefiting from, even taking advantage of the new law which for the first time in history allows a couple to get divorced merely for love’s sake.
1. In 1990, it increased rose •jumped shot up from 5 to 10 percent of the total. to 15 wk.baidu.comercent. by 15 percent.
Expressions regularly used
decreased dropped fell
compared with as against
Expressions regularly used
dropped increased decreased almost more than about
two and a half times, six times,
Expressions regularly used
• Examples
4% 7%
1981 1992 1 2 3 1
2012 1992
• • • •
上图1、2 、3分别表示: 1:Graduates who continue to study 2:Graduates who take jobs irrelevant to their majors 3:Graduates who hold jobs in their majors
Expressions regularly used
Expressions regularly used
8. There was were
(has been)
26 traffic accidents 26 teenage suicides a 26 percent increase/decline in birth rates