
活动流程:1. 比赛前的准备工作:- 确定参赛学校和参赛学生人数,并将活动信息通知学生和家长。
- 设定比赛日期,并邀请适当的英语老师担任评委。
- 准备比赛所需的场地、设备和奖品。
- 设计听写题目,根据不同年级的学生,设置不同难度的单词。
2. 比赛规则:- 比赛采用个人赛的形式进行。
- 根据学生的年级,设置不同轮数的听写。
- 每轮听写将由评委随机抽取题目,将单词用英语念出,学生需听写出单词的正确拼写。
- 学生需要在限定时间内写出正确答案。
- 根据学生听写的准确率和用时,评选出胜出者。
3. 比赛分级:- 根据学生的年级和听写水平,分为初级组、中级组和高级组。
- 初级组:一至三年级的学生,选择基础单词进行听写。
- 中级组:四至六年级的学生,选择稍微难度较高的单词进行听写。
- 高级组:六年级学生以上,选择高难度的单词进行听写。
4. 比赛奖励:- 每一轮过后,评委将根据学生听写的准确率和用时,评选出该轮的胜出者。
- 比赛结束后,将根据不同年级和组别评选出各个年级和组别的前三名,并颁发奖杯和证书。
- 为了鼓励所有参赛选手,还可以准备参与奖和贡献奖,表彰他们的参与和努力。
5. 比赛过程:- 比赛正式开始前,主持人介绍比赛规则,并向学生们鼓励和加油。
- 每一轮开始前,评委宣布题目,并倒计时启动。
- 学生听完题目后,立即开始书写答案。
- 每轮比赛结束,评委将收集答案进行评分,并宣布进入下一轮的选手。
- 最后评选出比赛的各个组别的前三名,并颁发奖杯和证书。
6. 活动总结:- 比赛结束后,可以邀请评委发表评语,并对选手的表现进行点评。


小学英语单词听写比赛活动方案设计Hosting an elementary school English spelling bee competition is a great way to encourage students to improve their English language skills. 在小学举办英语单词听写比赛是激励学生提高英语语言能力的好方式。
This competition can provide students with a fun and challenging opportunity to test their spelling and vocabulary knowledge. 这种比赛可以为学生提供一个有趣而富有挑战性的机会,让他们测试自己的拼写和词汇知识。
To organize a successful English spelling bee competition, severalkey factors need to be considered. 要组织一场成功的英语单词听写比赛,需要考虑几个关键因素。
First and foremost, it is essential to select age-appropriate English words for the competition. 首先,选择比赛中适合年龄的英语单词至关重要。
The words should be challenging enough to test the students' spelling abilities but not so difficult that they become discouraged.单词应该具有足够的挑战性,以测试学生的拼写能力,但不要太难以至于让他们感到沮丧。
Additionally, it is important to create a friendly and supportive atmosphere during the competition. 此外,比赛期间营造友好和支持的氛围也很重要。

二年级英语朗读比赛短文一、适合二年级英语朗读比赛的短文(人教版)1. My Family.- I have a happy family. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and I.- My father is a tall man. He likes to play basketball. He is strong.- My mother is a beautiful woman. She likes to read books. She is kind.- I am a little boy/girl. I like to draw pictures. I love my family.2. My School.- My school is big and beautiful. There are many classrooms in it.- There is a library in my school. I can read a lot of interesting books there.- There is also a playground. We can play games and do sports on the playground.- I like my school very much.3. My Pet.- I have a pet. It is a cat/dog. Its name is Mimi/Tom.- My cat/dog is very cute. It has big eyes and a small nose.- It likes to eat fish/bones. It likes to play with me.- I love my pet very much.4. The Seasons.- There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.- In spring, it is warm. The flowers are blooming. The birds are singing.- In summer, it is hot. We can eat ice - creams and go swimming.- In autumn, it is cool. The leaves are falling. We can pick apples.- In winter, it is cold. It sometimes snows. We can make a snowman.。



三、参赛对象全体同学四、比赛时间和地点时间:[具体日期]地点:[具体地点]五、比赛规则1. 比赛分为初赛和决赛两个阶段。
2. 初赛采用笔试形式,听写单词范围为[具体教材或大纲]中的词汇。
3. 决赛采用现场听写形式,听写单词范围与初赛相同。
4. 比赛过程中,选手需在规定时间内正确写出所听到的单词,写错或未写均不得分。
5. 比赛设一等奖 1 名,二等奖 2 名,三等奖 3 名,优秀奖若干名。
六、活动宣传1. 在学校宣传栏张贴比赛海报。
2. 向各班级发放比赛通知。
3. 邀请学校广播电台进行宣传。
七、活动流程1. 初赛阶段:参赛选手在规定时间内完成笔试。
2. 决赛阶段:决赛选手提前到达比赛现场签到。
八、活动预算1. 奖品费用:[具体金额]2. 宣传费用:[具体金额]3. 其他费用:[具体金额]九、注意事项1. 参赛选手需提前 15 分钟到达比赛现场签到,迟到者视为弃权。
2. 比赛过程中,选手需保持安静,不得使用任何通讯工具或参考资料。
3. 工作人员需提前准备好比赛所需的试卷、听写设备等。
4. 如遇突发情况,活动将延期进行,并及时通知参赛选手。
十、工作安排1. 活动总策划:[具体姓名]2. 宣传工作:[具体姓名]3. 试卷准备:[具体姓名]4. 比赛现场组织:[具体姓名]5. 评委邀请:[具体姓名]6. 奖品颁发:[具体姓名]篇二单词听写比赛策划书一、活动主题“单词大比拼,谁与争锋”二、活动目的本次单词听写比赛旨在提高同学们的英语词汇量,增强英语学习的兴趣和积极性,同时也为同学们提供一个展示自己英语水平的平台。

英语单词听写比赛作文The English Word Dictation Competition: A Journey of Learning and Excitement.Amidst the hustle and bustle of daily school life, an event stood out as a beacon of excitement and anticipation– the English Word Dictation Competition. It was a chance for students to showcase their linguistic prowess, aplatform where words came alive and spelled out their magic.The anticipation began weeks before the actual competition. Rumors flew about who was preparing hard, who had a secret strategy, and who was the ultimate favorite to win. In the classroom, students could be seen flipping through dictionaries, underlining obscure words, and repeating them out loud to perfect their pronunciation. The air was filled with a sense of competition and camaraderie, as everyone wanted to do their best but also support their classmates.On the day of the competition, the atmosphere was electric. The auditorium was decorated with streamers and balloons, and the stage was set with a large podium and a microphone. The audience was filled with students, teachers, and even some parents, all eager to witness the spectacle.The competition kicked off with a brief introduction by the organizer, who explained the rules and regulations. Then, it was time for the participants to take the stage. Each contestant was given a card with a word written on it, and they had to spell it correctly within a set time limit. The difficulty level gradually increased, with words becoming more obscure and challenging.As the competition progressed, the tension mounted. Some contestants.。

活动时间:2024年X月X日活动地点:XX小学一、活动准备阶段(提前2-3个月)1. 确定活动组织者:学校英语教师和学校相关领导2. 活动目标和规则确定:明确比赛的目标、规则和流程,确保公正、公平、公开。
3. 报名与选拔:根据年级进行报名,并根据人数进行初赛,选拔出参赛学生。
4. 学生准备:学生进行单词听写的训练,老师根据学生的程度设定难度适当的单词列表。
二、活动宣传阶段(提前1-2个月)1. 学校内宣传:在学校的公告栏、班级群、电子屏幕等栏目中发布活动的时间、地点、参赛要求等信息。
2. 家长宣传:通过家长会、家长微信群等渠道向家长传达比赛的信息,并鼓励家长积极参与。
3. 媒体宣传:向当地媒体发布新闻稿,宣传活动的意义和影响,吸引更多的关注。
三、活动实施阶段1. 比赛分级:根据年级和程度,将参赛学生分为初、中、高级别,确保比赛的公平性。
2. 比赛流程:- 选拔赛:确定初赛时间,并由学校教师监督进行。
- 决赛:初赛后,选拔出各年级的决赛选手,并确定决赛时间。
- 决赛赛程:全程由学校英语教师监督,学生在规定时间内完成听写,并由评委评分。
3. 比赛内容设计:- 难度适宜:根据学生的年级和英语水平设计相应的听写词汇。
- 形式多样:包括听写单词、短语、句子等不同形式,旨在全面测试学生的听力和理解能力。
- 时间控制:合理控制听写时间,使比赛过程紧凑而有序。
4. 赛事确保:- 赛事场地:确保比赛场地的良好状态,提供良好的活动环境。
- 赛事设备:准备达标的声音设备、计时器等必备设备,确保比赛的顺利进行。
- 评委和监督:邀请学校英语教师或专业人士担任评委,监督比赛的公平性。

小学英语单词听写比赛活动方案设计全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Sure, here's a 2000-word activity proposal for an English Spelling Bee Competition, written from a student's perspective in English:Title: The Ultimate English Spelling Showdown - An Epic Battle of Words and Wits!Hey, fellow word warriors! Are you ready to put your spelling skills to the ultimate test? Get ready for the most epic spelling showdown our school has ever witnessed! This year, we're bringing back the legendary English Spelling Bee Competition, and trust me, it's going to be bigger, better, and morebrain-busting than ever before.First things first, let's talk about what's at stake here. The winner of this competition will not only be crowned the undisputed Spelling Champion of our school but will also receive an awesome prize that will make all your friends green with envy. We're talking about a brand-new tablet, loaded with all thecoolest apps and games! Can you imagine the bragging rights? You'll be the envy of the entire school!But that's not all! The top three finishers will also receive exciting prizes, including gift cards, books, and other cool stuff that you'll definitely want to get your hands on.Now, let's talk about how this whole thing is going to go down.The competition will be divided into three rounds, each more challenging than the last:Round 1: The Warm-UpIn this round, we'll start with some easy-peasy words to get everyone warmed up and feeling confident. Don't get too comfortable, though, because the words will gradually increase in difficulty. This round is all about separating the spelling novices from the true word warriors.Round 2: The Spelling GauntletThis is where things start to get serious. In the Spelling Gauntlet, you'll face a barrage of tricky words that will put your spelling skills to the ultimate test. From tongue-twisters to words with silent letters, this round is designed to separate the wheatfrom the chaff. Only the bravest and most skilled spellers will make it through unscathed.Round 3: The Final ShowdownIf you've made it this far, congratulations! You're officially among the elite spellers in our school. But don't celebrate just yet, because the Final Showdown is where the real magic happens. In this round, you'll go head-to-head with the other finalists, battling it out in a nail-biting, word-for-word showdown until only one champion remains.But wait, there's more! To make things even more exciting, we've added a few special twists and turns to keep you on your toes.The Spelling Stumper: At random intervals, a "Spelling Stumper" will be thrown into the mix. These are words so outrageously difficult that even the most seasoned spellers might struggle. If you can conquer the Spelling Stumper, you'll earn bonus points that could propel you to the top of the leaderboard.The Rapid-Fire Round: Just when you thought it couldn't get any more intense, we're introducing the Rapid-Fire Round. In this lightning-fast segment, you'll have to spell as many words aspossible in a limited time frame. It's a true test of your spelling speed and accuracy!So, what are you waiting for? It's time to start studying those word lists, practicing your spelling strategies, and getting ready for the ultimate battle of words and wits. Mark your calendars, because this Spelling Bee Competition is one event you won't want to miss!Who will emerge as the ultimate Spelling Champion? Only time will tell! May the best speller win!篇2A Proposal for a Fun Spelling Bee ActivityIntroductionAs students, we all know how important it is to learn new vocabulary words and spelling in English class. But let's be honest, sometimes the usual methods of just memorizing word lists can be a little boring. That's why I think we should organize a schoolwide Spelling Bee competition! A Spelling Bee is an entertaining and engaging way to motivate students to actively learn and practice spelling words. Not only will it make expanding our vocabulary more enjoyable, but it will also build confidence in our spelling abilities through friendly competition.Event OverviewThe Spelling Bee would be open to all students from grades 3 through 6. We could have separate divisions for the different grade levels to make it fair. Each class would hold preliminary rounds a few weeks before the main event to determine their top spellers to represent them. Maybe the top 3 students from each class could advance.Then on the designated day, we'd have the finals! It could be held in the auditorium or gym so everyone can watch. Participants would get eliminated one by one as they misspell words until we're down to the final few contestants. The last student remaining would be crowned the Spelling Bee Champion for their grade!To make it exciting, we could decorate the stage with a big bee mascot and have teachers announcing the words dramatically. Judges would be needed to verify the spelling was correct. Rounds could start with easy words but get harder as it progresses. There could even be bonus rounds with some kind of special rules to keep things interesting.Of course, every participant who made it to the finals would receive a certificate or medal. But the grade level champions could win bigger prizes like books, educational games or toys.Their names could go on a plaque in the trophy case too! Imagine the glory of being the best speller in your grade. Just think of all the new words you'd learn preparing for the competition as well.BenefitsHolding a Spelling Bee would be incredibly beneficial for everyone involved in many ways:It encourages students to actively expand their vocabulary rather than just passively memorizing words from a list. The competitive spirit will push us to learn more words in order to outshine our peers.It builds strong spelling skills that will drastically improve our reading, writing, and communication abilities across all subjects. Good spellers make good students!It boosts public speaking confidence. Spelling words out loud in front of an audience takes courage and poise. This experience will help prepare us for future presentations and performances.It allows students to have fun while learning! The gameshow atmosphere and prizes will make vocabulary study feel much more engaging than just another routine assignment.Bringing the whole school together to watch the finals builds community spirit and school pride. Wouldn't it be great to see everyone cheering each other on?RequirementsTo pull off an successful Spelling Bee, we would need the support and resources of teachers and parents:Teacher sponsors and volunteers to organize everythingA schedule of when class preliminaries and finals would occurAccess to the auditorium/gym and audio equipmentFunding for prizes, certificates/medals, decorationsJudges (teachers or parent volunteers)Promotion and building excitement around the eventOf course students would need to study hard and compile lists of challenging words as well!ConclusionIn conclusion, I firmly believe that hosting an annual Spelling Bee competition would be an incredible way to make vocabulary learning more fun and motivating. The thrill of competingagainst friends while showing off our spelling prowess is an opportunity we students shouldn't miss! I hope teachers and parents will consider making this a new tradition at our school. Who's ready to start spelling?篇3Title: Designing an Epic English Spelling Bee for Our SchoolHey there, friends! I'm super pumped to share my ideas for our upcoming English Spelling Bee contest. As a student who loves all things spelling and vocabulary, I've been bursting with excitement to help plan this event. Let me walk you through the awesomeness I have in mind!First up, we need to make this Spelling Bee an absolute showstopper. I'm talking decorations galore! We should deck out the auditorium with a massive backdrop proclaiming "Spelling Superstars" in bold, vibrant letters. And let's not forget the balloons – masses of them in every color imaginable, clustered around the stage and aisles. Oh, and we absolutely must have sparkling streamers dangling from the ceiling, shimmering under the stage lights. This bee needs to buzz with energy and pizzazz!Of course, no Spelling Bee would be complete without the all-important word list. I propose we divide the words into different difficulty levels based on grade. For the little kindergarteners and first graders, we can have an "Easy Explorers" round with simple, common words like "cat," "jump," and "happy." Then, the difficulty can progress through rounds like "VAULTing Vocabularians" for second and third graders, hitting them with words like "scrumptious" and "mystify." The big kids in fourth and fifth grade better prepare for the "Orthographic Olympians" round, where they'll face off against tongue-twisters like "onomatopoeia" and "broccoli." Let the battle of the braniacs begin!Speaking of battles, we have to make sure this Spelling Bee is an epically good time for the audience too! I'm thinking we could have a"Cheerleading Cheering Section" where classes prepare choreographed chants and dances to uplift their spellers. Can't you just picture a sea of second graders waving neon pom-poms while chanting "Spell it! Yell it! We're here and we're well-read!"? Absolute pandemonium (in the best way possible)!And when our valiant spellers inevitably get a dreaded tongue-twister wrong, we must have the most dramatic elimination ritual ever. I'm talking spotlight focused on thedissapointed speller, fog machine blasting, and theneeeeeext speller's name called out in an echoing announcer's voice. Elimination drama at its finest!Of course, we have to make sure our winners are rewarded in grand fashion too. Obviously there will be the classic first, second, and third place trophies – but made entirely of letters, naturally. The first place winner could receive a solid gold"C-H-A-M-P-I-O-N" trophy to hoist victoriously. Maybe the runner up gets a "W-O-R-D-N-E-R-D" trophy crafted from sparkling rhinestones. Hmm, we could even have a"P-R-E-S-T-I-G-E" trophy made from intertwined vines for the third place winner. How whimsical!But physical prizes can only go so far in such an illustrious event. The true reward is eternal glory and bragging rights for our spelling celebrities! That's why I propose we put together an official "Spelling Bee Yearbook," preserving the legacies of our winners for all time. We could have current photos of each grade level's spelling champs, along with their favorite words, personal spelling strategies, and inspirational quotes. "I won't let 'cough' laugh at me again!" "My Achilles' heel was the schiusschuignitshees." You get the idea - literary gold that shall be treasured for generations!And of course, we have to capture all the magical moments for our spelling stars to relive over and over. I'm talking professional video and photography packages, complete with slow-motion replays of tense spelling faceoffs, photoshoots with their trophies, and behind-the-scenes looks at studying routines. Imagine epic music set to a montage of our heroes scribbling furiously to prepare. Simply iconic spelling content.Well, those are my visions for making our Spelling Bee one for the ages, friends! Bright lights, big words, tons of spirit, and even more excitement. I just know with a little ingenuity and spelling passion, we can make this the must-see elementary event of the year. It'll be an epic for the dictionary books!。

学校英语单词听写比赛作文The School English Spelling Bee: A Thrilling Experience.In the vibrant and dynamic atmosphere of our school, various events and competitions are regularly organized to foster a culture of learning and excitement among the students. One such event that stands out is the annual English Spelling Bee competition. This competition not only tests the students' vocabulary and spelling skills but also serves as a platform for them to showcase their talents and win prizes.The excitement began to build up weeks before theactual competition. Students from different grades and classes eagerly prepared themselves by studying dictionaries, practicing spelling tests, and revising vocabulary. The competition was open to all students, andthe participation was voluntary. However, the allure of the prize and the thrill of the challenge were enough to entice most students to participate.The day of the competition arrived with much anticipation. The school auditorium was decorated with colorful banners and posters, adding to the festive atmosphere. The students gathered in the auditorium,chatting excitedly and sharing their preparation strategies. The judges, who were experienced teachers from the English department, sat on a dais, ready to test the students' spelling abilities.The competition began with a brief introduction by the principal, who emphasized the importance of English language skills and the value of participating in such competitions. Then, the first contestant was called up to the stage. He appeared nervous but determined, as he faced the judges and the audience. The judge read out the first word, and the contestant confidently spelled it out. The judge then moved on to the next word, and so on.As the competition progressed, the audience was treated to a display of spelling prowess. Some contestants breezed through the rounds with ease, while others struggled butnever gave up. The judges were strict but fair, ensuring that the competition was conducted in a professional and orderly manner.The highlight of the competition was the final round, where the remaining contestants had to spell increasingly difficult words. The tension was palpable as the audience watched the contestants struggle to recall the correct spellings. Each correct answer was greeted with cheers and applause, while each mistake was followed by a collective groan.Finally, after a tense and exciting final round, the winner was declared. It was a student from the tenth grade who had displayed exceptional spelling skills and a remarkable vocabulary. The audience erupted into cheers and applause as the winner was presented with the prize.The competition ended on a high note, leaving the students with a sense of accomplishment and pride. It was not just about winning or losing; it was about the learning experience and the opportunity to showcase their talents.The Spelling Bee competition not only tested the students' spelling abilities but also instilled in them the values of hard work, perseverance, and team spirit.In conclusion, the school English Spelling Bee competition was a thrilling and enriching experience forall the students. It fostered a sense of competition and teamwork among them, while also helping them improve their English language skills. The competition was a resounding success, and it left the students looking forward to the next one with eager anticipation.。

小明兴奋地说道:“我最喜欢‘apple’,因为它的颜色鲜艳,而且很好吃!”小华则自信满满地回应:“我喜欢‘g iraffe’,因为它的脖子很长,真有趣!”这种热烈的讨论不仅让他们的英语词汇量在不知不觉中增加,也培养了他们的语言表达能力和团队合作精神。
小强在听到“e lephant”这个词时,脸上露出了犹豫的神情。


宣传推广:通过学校公告、班级群等方式,宣传比赛的时间和地点,鼓 励更多的学生参加。
通过学校广播、海 报等方式进行宣传
吸引学生参与,提 高活动知名度
制定宣传计划,明 确宣传目标和时间 表
制作宣传资料,包 括海报、传单等
设立活动组织委员会 负责活动现场的秩序维护 负责应急处理
参与奖的设立目的:鼓励所有 参赛者积极参与,提高英语单 词听写水平
参与奖的评选标准:所有参赛 者均可获得参与奖,无需进行
参与奖的意义:鼓励学生积极 参与英语学习,提高英语水平,
总结活动效果,提出改进措施和 建议
预赛阶段,每组进 行单词听写,得分 最高的小组进入决 赛
决赛阶段,各小组 进行单词听写接力 赛,最终得分最高 的小组获胜
确定活动场地:选择合适的教室或会议室,确保有足够的空间容纳参赛 者和观众。
准备听写纸:根据参赛者的数量,准备足够的听写纸和笔,确保每位参 赛者都能得到一份。
准备奖品:根据比赛的奖项设置,准备相应的奖品,如奖状、奖品等, 以激励参赛者。
01 活 动 背 景
02 活 动 目 标
03 活 动 对 象 和 时 间
04 活 动 形 式 和 规 则
05 活 动 组 织
06 活 动 奖 励
英语是全球通用的语言,掌握英 语可以提高国际交流能力
英语是许多学科的基础,学好英 语有助于其他学科的学习

英语单词听写大赛方案1. 赛事背景英语单词是学习英语的基础,而听写是提高英语听力和拼写能力的有效方式。
2. 比赛目的•提高学生的英语听力和拼写能力•增加学生对英语单词的记忆和理解•培养学生的竞争意识和团队协作能力3. 比赛形式本次英语单词听写大赛分为初赛和决赛两个阶段。
初赛•比赛对象为学校所有年级的学生,每个班级选派3名代表参赛•比赛形式为口头听写•参赛学生将在规定时间内,听读出由裁判老师朗读出的英语单词,同时书写在答题卡上•比赛单词将从每个年级的教材词汇范围中选取,包括基础单词和拓展单词•初赛评选出每个年级的前三名代表进入决赛决赛•决赛将根据初赛成绩,选拔出每个年级的前三名代表参赛•比赛形式为书面听写•参赛学生将在规定时间内,听读出由裁判老师播放的英语单词,同时书写在答题卡上•比赛单词将从各个年级的教材词汇范围中选取,包括基础单词和拓展单词•决赛评选出每个年级的冠军、亚军和季军4. 比赛规则•比赛采用个人计分制,按照答题准确性和答题速度进行评分•比赛使用英语老师编写的题库,确保题目的正确性和难度适宜性•参赛学生需携带有效的学生证件,并遵守比赛规则和裁判的指导5. 奖励设置•初赛阶段:根据成绩评选出每个年级的前三名代表,并颁发荣誉证书•决赛阶段:评选出每个年级的冠军、亚军和季军,并颁发奖杯、奖牌和奖金•决赛优秀个人:评选出每个年级的最佳听写奖和进步奖6. 组织安排•组织方:学校英语教研组•比赛时间:初赛预计在每个学期期末进行,决赛时间在下学期开学后的第一个周末•比赛场地:学校图书馆或多媒体教室•裁判组成:由英语教师组成的专业裁判团队7. 宣传推广•在学校公告栏、班级微信群等渠道宣传比赛背景和目的•制作海报和宣传册,张贴在教学楼、学生宿舍等显眼位置•通过学校官方微信公众号发布比赛相关信息,吸引更多学生关注和参与8. 预算安排•比赛所需场地和器材费用•奖杯、奖牌、奖金和证书的制作费用•宣传材料的设计和印刷费用•裁判的报酬和工作餐费用9. 安全保障•比赛期间,学校安排安全人员维护比赛场馆的秩序和安全•参赛学生需遵守比赛规则,注意个人安全和自我保护以上为英语单词听写大赛的方案,希望能够激发学生学习英语的热情,提高他们的英语水平,并培养团队协作和竞争意识。

Last weekend, my school held an English dictation competition. All the students from different grades participated in it. I was nervous but excited. The competition started, and I listened carefully to the sentences the teacher read out. I wrote down all the words as fast as I could, trying not to make any mistakes. After the competition, the teachers corrected our papers, and I was relieved to find out that I got a high score. It was a challenging but fulfilling experience, and I felt proud of myself for overcoming my nerves and doing well.

组员: 所有英语教师负责对学生的辅导、宣传发动,比赛过程的组织、实施与阅卷。

二、活动目的1. 提高学生的英语单词拼写能力。
2. 增强学生的英语学习兴趣。
3. 丰富学生的课余生活。
三、活动时间[具体时间]四、活动地点[具体地点]五、参与人员全体学生六、活动流程1. 前期宣传(1)在学校宣传栏张贴比赛海报。
2. 报名方式(1)学生在班级英语老师处报名。
3. 比赛规则(1)比赛分为初赛和决赛两个阶段。
4. 奖项设置(1)初赛设置优秀奖若干名,颁发荣誉证书。
(2)决赛设置一等奖 1 名、二等奖 2 名、三等奖 3 名,颁发荣誉证书和奖品。
5. 比赛准备(1)准备比赛所需的单词卡片、试卷等。
6. 比赛进行(1)初赛① 学生在规定时间内完成试卷。
② 评委老师批改试卷,评选出优秀奖。
(2)决赛① 进入决赛的学生在比赛场地进行现场听写。
② 评委老师根据学生的听写情况进行评分。
③ 评选出一、二、三等奖。
7. 颁奖仪式(1)在学校礼堂举行颁奖仪式。
七、活动预算1. 奖品费用:[具体金额]2. 宣传费用:[具体金额]3. 其他费用:[具体金额]八、注意事项1. 比赛过程中要保持安静,不得使用任何电子设备。
2. 参赛学生要遵守比赛规则,不得作弊。
3. 评委老师要公正、公平地评分。
篇二《单词听写比赛策划书》一、活动主题“拼写青春,记忆单词”二、活动目的1. 提高学生学习英语的兴趣,增强学生的英语单词记忆能力。
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Listening Part 听力部分(50’)
一、 听音,选单词。
(5’×5=25分) 1. ( ) A. spoon B . skip C. sofa 2. ( ) A. glass B. bowl C. plate 3. ( ) A. tap B. towel C. soap 4. ( ) A. lamp B. quilt C. toothbrush 5. ( ) A. hen B. cow C. bear 二、选出你所听到的句子。
(5’×5=25分) 1. ( ) A. Bring me a bowl. B. Bring me some milk. 2. ( ) A. Turn on the tap. B. Turn off the tap. 3. ( ) A. Don ’t walk on the grass. B. Don ’t climb the tree. 4. ( ) A. I ’m thirsty. B. I’m hungry. 5. ( ) A. I want some juice. B. I want some bread. Writing Part 笔试部分
1. ( ) 如果你想问别人想要什么,你应该怎么问?
A. What do you see?
B. What do you want? 姓名: 班级: 学校:
2. ( ) 你想让你的朋友打开门,你应该怎么说?
A. Open the door, please.
B. Clean your room, please.
3. ( ) 你想告诉Spotty,你有一只鸭子,你应该怎么说?
A. I’ve got a pig.
B. I’ve got a duck.
4. ( ) 你想让Sam把牛奶给Kitty,你应该怎么说?
A. Give it to Kitty, Sam.
B. Bring me some milk, Sam.
5. ( ) 你想让你的朋友把奶牛画在纸上,你应该怎么说?
A. Draw the cow on the paper.
B. Draw the duck on the ground.
(2’×10 = 20分)
1. 夏天_______
2. 骑______
3. 马_______
4. 房间_______
5. 刀_______
6. 叉子_______
7. 跳绳_______ 8. 小鸡_______
9. 洗_______ 10. 绵羊_______。