1- 特征⼯程机器学习的关注点是特征表⽰,也就是说,开发者通过添加和改善特征来调整模型。
1.1- 将原始数据映射到特征左侧表⽰来⾃输⼊数据源的原始数据,右侧表⽰特征⽮量,也就是组成数据集中样本的浮点值集。
1.2- 映射数值整数和浮点数据不需要特殊编码,因为它们可以与数字权重相乘。
1.3- 映射分类值分类特征具有⼀组离散的可能值。
实现⽅法:1. 定义⼀个从特征值(可能值的词汇表)到整数的映射。
2. 将所有其他可能值词汇分组为⼀个全部包罗的“其他”类别,称为 OOV(词汇表外)分桶。
但如果将这些索引数字直接纳⼊到模型中,将会造成⼀些可能存在问题的限制:模型没有灵活地学习不同的权重,⽽是学习了适⽤于所有可能值的单⼀权重特征值可能有多个值如何去除以上限制?可以为模型中的每个分类特征创建⼀个⼆元向量来表⽰这些值对于适⽤于样本的值,将相应向量元素设为 1。
将所有其他元素设为 0。
当只有⼀个值为 1 时,这种表⽰法称为独热编码;当有多个值为 1 时,这种表⽰法称为多热编码。
1.4- 稀疏表⽰法 (sparse representation)⼀种张量表⽰法,仅存储⾮零元素。
那你们想知道represent的用法吗?今天给大家带来了represent 的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。
represent的用法总结大全represent的意思vt. 表现,象征,代表,代理,扮演,作为示范vi. 代表,提出异议变形:过去式: represented; 现在分词:representing; 过去分词:represented;represent用法represent可以用作动词represent的基本意思是“代表”,多指受委托代表某人、组织、机构、国家等办理某事。
He represented me at the meeting.他代表我在会议上。
He delegated me to the meeting.他派我代表他去会议。
represent用作动词的用法例句Monsters in dreams often represent fears.怪物在梦里经常表现为恐惧。
Both represent the triumph of passion over reason.两者都表现出理智之外的激情。
Dotted arrows represent flow of information.虚矢线表示信息流程。
represent用法例句1、The two politicians represent opposite poles of the political spectrum.这两位从政者代表了政界的两个极端。
representation bias例子 -回复
representation bias例子-回复什么是“representation bias”,举例说明其影响,以及如何消除或减轻这种偏见。
在讨论"representation bias"之前,我们先来了解一下这个词的含义。
"Representation bias"(表征偏见)意味着对特定群体,社会或文化群体进行描绘和呈现时,存在一种有意或无意的偏见和畸视。
Reproduction or Representation:Reflection on the Disputes in Chinese Translation of“Representa-
作者: 伏飞雄[1];李明芮[1]
作者机构: [1]重庆师范大学文学院,重庆401331
出版物刊名: 南宁师范大学学报:哲学社会科学版
页码: 1-9页
年卷期: 2020年 第6期
主题词: representation;再现;表象;霍尔
faithful representation会计
The Work of Representation
The Work of RepresentationStuart HallSummarize by Jesse Tseng1 Representation, meaning and languageAt first we have to know that:Representation is an essential part of the process by which meaning is produced and exchanged between members of a culture. It does involve the use of language, of signs and images which stand for or represent things. And surly it is not a simple or straightforward process.How this article exploring the concept of representation connect meaning and language to culture?We will be drawing a distinction between three different account or theories:the reflective, the intentional and the constructionist approaches to representation. Most of this text will be exploring the constructionist approach with two major variants or models of the constructionist approach, the semiotic approach- Ferdinand de Saussure and the discursive approach- Michel Foucault.But we have to answer the question first:what does the word representation really mean?1.1 Making meaning, Representing thingsRepresentation is the production of the meaning of the concepts in our minds through language.There are two processes, two systems of representation.First, there is the system by which all sort of objects, people and events are correlated with a set of concepts or mental representations which we carry around in our heads.(like chair, table)Second, Language is therefore the second system of representation.(When we say we belong to the same culture, it is because we interpret the world in similar ways. That’s why culture is sometimes defined in terms of shared meaning or shared conceptual maps. However we must also able to represent or exchange meanings and concepts.)The relation between things, concepts and signs lies at the heart of the production of meaning in language. The process which links these three elements together is what we call Representation.1.2 Language and RepresentationAs people who belong to same culture must share a broadly similar conceptual map, so they must also share the same way of interpreting the signs of a language.In the SHEEP example:In order to interpret them, we must have access to the two systems of representation: to a conceptual map which correlates the sheep in the field with the concept of a sheep: and a language system which is visual language, bear some resemblance to the real thing of looks like it in some way.The relationship in the system of representation between sign, the concept and the object to which they might be used to refer is entirely arbitrary.(Tree will not mind if we used the word Seert to represent the concept of them)1.3 Sharing the codesThe meaning is constructed by the system of representation. It is constructed and fixed by the code, which sets up the correlation between our conceptual system and our language system in such a way that, every time we think of a tree the code tells us to use the English word TREE, or Chinese word 樹.The code tells us that in our culture!One way of thinking about culture is in terms of these shared conceptual maps, shared language systems and the codes which govern the relationships of translation between them.Not because such knowledge is imprinted in their genes, but because they learn its conventions and so gradually become culture persons. They unconsciously internalize the codes which allow them to express certain concepts and ideas through their systems of representation.But of our social, cultural and linguistic conventions, then meaning can never be finally fixed, we can all agree to allow words to carry somewhat different meanings.Social and linguistic conventions do change over time.1.4 Theories of representationIn the reflective approach, meaning is thought to lie in the object, person, idea or event in the real world, and language functions like a mirror, to reflect the true meaning as it already exists in the world. We can also call it as mimetic approach.The second approach to meaning in representation argues the opposite case. Itholds that it is the speaker the author, who imposes his or her unique meaning on the world through language. Words mean what the author intends they should mean. This is the intentional approach.The third approach recognizes this public, social character of language. Things don’t mean: we construct meaning, using representational systems. Hence it is called the constructionist approach.1.5 The language of traffic lightsThe simplest example of this point, which is critical for an understanding of how languages function as representational systems, is the famous traffic lights example.According to the constructionist approach, colors and the language of traffic light s’ work as a signifying or representational system.In the language of traffic lights, it is the sequence and position of the colors, as well as the colors themselves, which enable them to carry meaning and thus function as signs.It is the code that fixes the meaning, not color itself. This also has wider implications for the theory of representation and meaning in language. It means that signs themselves cannot fix meaning. Instead, meaning depends on the relation between a sign and a concept which is fixed by a code.Meaning the constructionist would say, is relational.2. Saussure’s legacyIn the important move, Saussure analysed the sign into two further elements. There was, he argued, the form, and there was the idea or concept in your head with which the form was associated. Saussure called the first element, the signifier, and the second element the signified.Signifier:The word or image of a Walkman, for exampleSignified:The concept of a portable cassette-player in your headSaussure also insisted on what we called the arbitrary nature of the sign: There is no natural or inevitable link between the signifier and the signified. Signs do not possess a fixed or essential meaning. What signifies, according to Saussure, is not RED or the essence of red-ness, but the difference between RED and GREEN.Signs are members of a system and are defined in relation it the other members of that system.Furthermore, the relation between the signifier and the signified, which is fixed by our cultural codes, is not permanently fixed.BLACK is dark, evil etc.BLACK is beauty.However, if meaning changes, historically, and is never finally fixed, then it follows that taking the meaning must involve an active process of interpretation. There is a necessary and inevitable imprecision about language.2.1 The social part of languageSaussure divided language into two parts.1.The first consisted of the general rules and codes of the linguistic system,which all its users must share, if it is to be of use as a mean ofcommunication. Saussure called the structure of language, the langu e.2.the second part consisted of the particular acts of apeaking or writing ordrawing, which are produced by an actual speaker or writer. He calledthis, the parole.For Saussure, the underlying structure of rules and codes was the social part of language, the part which could be studied with the law-like precision of a science because of its closed, limited nature.The second part of language, the individual speech-act or utterance, he regarded as the surface of language.In separating the social part of language from the individual act of communication, Saussure broke with our common-sense notion of how language works…… The author decides what she wants to say, but she cannot decide whether or not to use the rules of language.Critique of Saussure’s modelIn his own work, he tended to focus almost exclusively on the two aspects of the sign-signifier and signified. He gave little or no attention to how this relation between signifier/signified could serve the purpose of what we called reference.Another problem is that Saussure tended to focus on the formal aspects of language-how language actually works. However, Saussure’s focus on language may have been too exclusive. The attention to its formal aspects did divert attention away from the more interactive and dialogic features of language.Later cultural theorist learned from Saussure’s structuralism but abandoned its scientific premise. Language remains rule-governed. But it is not a closed system which can be reduced to its formal elements.3.From language to culture: linguistics to semioticsThe general approach to the study of signs in culture, and of culture as a sort of language, which Saussure foreshadowed, is now generally known by the term semiotics.The French critic, Roland Barthes, he brought a semiotic approach to bear on reading popular culture, treating these activities and objects as signs, as a language through which meaning is communicated.In much the same way, the French anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss, not by analyzing how these Amazonian peoples, but in terms of what they were trying to say, what messages about the culture they communicated.In the semiotic approach, not only words and images but objects themselves can function as signifiers in the production of meaning. Clothes, for example.In this example, we have moved from the very narrow linguistic level from which we drew examples to a wider, cultural level……Barthes called the first, descriptive level, the level of denotation: the second level, that of connotation.3.1 Myth todayIn his essay Myth today, in Mythologies, Barthes gives another example which helps us to see exactly how representation is working at this second, broader cultural level.a. A black soldier is giving the French flag a salute.b.The Panzani ad for spaghetti and vegetables in a string bag as a myth aboutItalian national culture.Think of ads, which work in the same way.4. Discourse, power and subjectAlready, in Roland Barthes’s work in the 1960s, as we have seen, Saussure’s linguistic model is developed through its application to a much wider field of signs and representations.Semiotics seemed to confine the process of representation to language, and to treat it as a closed, rather static, system…some people had more power to speak about some subject than others. Models of representation, these critics agued, ought to focus on these broader issues of knowledge and power.Foucault used the word representation in a narrower sense than we are using it here, but he is considered to have contributed to a novel and significant generalapproach to the problem of representation. What concerned him was the production of knowledge through what he called discourse.His work was much more historically grounded, more attentive to historical specificities, than the semiotic approach. As he said ‘relation of power, not relation of meaning’ were his main concern.4.1 From language to discourseFoucault studied not language, but discourse as a system of representation. By ‘discourse’, Foucault meant ‘a group of statements which provide a language for talking bout a particular topic at a particular historical moment….Discourse is a bout the production of knowledge through language.Discourse, Foucault argued, never consist of one statement, one text, one action or one source. The same discourse, characteristic of the way of thinking or the state of knowledge at one time, will appear across a range of texts, and as forms of conduct, at a number of different institutional sites within society. However, whenever these discursive event refer to the same object,……, then they are said by Foucault to belong to the same discursive formation.Nothing has any meaning outside of discourse.4.2 Historicizing discourse: discursive practicesThings meant something and were true, he argued, only within a specific historical context. He thought that, in each period, discourse produced forms of knowledge, objects, subjects and practices of knowledge, which differed radically from period to period, with no necessary continuity between them.The mental illness exampleThe homosexual exampleThe hysterical woman exampleKnowledge about and practices around all these subjects, Foucault argued, were historically and culturally specific. They did not and could not meaningfully exist outside specific discourse.4.3 From discourse to power/knowledgeIn his later work Foucault became even more concerned with how knowledge was put to work through discursive practice in specific institutional settings to regulate the conduct of others.This foregrounding of the relation between discourse, knowledge and power marked a significant development in the constructionist approach to representation which we have been outlineing.Foucault’s main argument against the classical Marxist theory of ideology was that it tended to reduce all the relation between knowledge and power to a question of class power and class interests.Secondly, he argued that Marxism tended to truth. But Foucault did not believe that any form of thought could claim an absolute truth of this kind, outside the play of discourse.The Gramsci’s theory has some similarities to Foucault’s position.Knowledge linked to power, not only assumes the authority of the truth but has the power to make itself true.The Regime of truth!Secondly, Foucault advanced an altogether novel conception of power. We tend to think of power as always radiating in a single direction and come from a specific source.It is deployed and exercised through a net-like organization. This suggests that we are all, to some degree, caught up in its circulation- oppressors and oppressed.4.5 Charcot and the performance of hysteriaThe activity 7, look the figure 1.8 and answer the follow questions. (page 54.)5. Where is the subjectThe conventional notion thinks of the subject as an individual who is fully endowed with consciousness……it suggests that, although other people may misunderstand us, we always understand ourselves.Indeed, this is one of Foucault’s most radical propositions: subject is produced with discourse.Foucault’s subject seems to be produced through discourse in two fidderent senses or places.First, the discourse itself produces subject.But the discourse also produces a place for the subject.Subject-positions5.1 How to make sense of Velasquez’ Las Meninas5.2 The subject of/in representationLook the Diego Velasquez’ Las Meninas, and follow the question in activity 9.6. Conclusion: representation, meaning and language reconsideredRepresentation is the process by which members of a culture use language to produce meaning.Meaning, consequently, will always change, from on culture or period to another. Because meanings are always changing and slipping, codes operate more like social conventions than like fixed laws or unbreakable rules.In semiotic, we will recall the importance of signifier/signified, langue/parole and myth, and how the marking of difference and binary oppositions are crucial for meaning.In the discursive approach, we will recall discursive formation,power/knowledge, the idea of a regime of truth, the way discourse also produces the subject and defines the subject-positions from which knowledge proceeds and indeed, the return of questions about the subject to the field of representation.。
血透机英文Dialysisrepresentation透析表示Dialysis透析[da?'?l?s?s]Dialysate[dai'?lizeit]渗析液Representation代表;表现[,reprizen'tei??n]DiagramselectionUpperLower?ArterialVenouspressuren.压力;压迫,[物]压强['pre??] Arterial/VenouspressureSensor?n.传感器英?['sens?]?美?['s?ns?] Pressuresensor压力传感器BPMdata(syst/diast)BPMdata(MAP)BTMdataBVMdataBPM+BVMdataOCM-diagramOCM-DataTreatment?治疗,疗法;处理;对待['tri?tm(?)nt]?modeDialysisOCMHeightAge年龄GenderV(urea)尿素氮[j?'ri??;'j??r??]?Msmt.intvKt/vgoalGoalinwatertreatment水处理dialysismembrane透析膜,dialysisbag透析袋Hemodialysis血液透析;[,hi?m?da?'?l?s?s]?美?[,h?m?da?'?l?s?s]?n. Treatmentmode:治疗模式Profiles['pr?ufail]n.侧面;侧面像外形;轮廓;外观;形象剖面;纵断面UFprofileVolumeUF超滤UFraterate[reit]UFgoalRecording[ri'k?:di?]n.记录;录音(或录像等)唱片;录制品Alarmlimitsmenu报警设置菜单alarm?[?'lɑ:m]n.警报;报警信号;报警器,(闹钟的)闹铃limit['limit]n.界限,界线,限度,极限,极点。
表征 representation 作者Hall
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E dite d S T U AR T ALL by H
T H E W O R ( O I _R E P R E S E N T A I ON
I n th is c h a p te rw e w ill b e c o n c e n tra tin g n o n e o f th e k e y p ro c e s s e in th e o s 'c u ltu ra l c irc u it' ( s e ed u G a y ,H a ll e t a l. , 1 9 9 7 ,a n d th e I n tro d u c tio nto th is vo lu m e ) - th e p ra ctice so f re p re se ta tio n . T h e a im o f th is ch a p te ris to n in tro d u c ey o u to th is to p ic , a n d to e x p ia in w h a t it is a b o u ta n d w h y w e g iv e it su ch im p o rta n ce in cu ltu ra l stu d ie s. T h e c o n c e p to f re p re s e n ta tio h a s c o m e to o c c u p va n e w a n d im p o rta n tp la c e n in th e s tu d y o f c u ltu re . R e p re s e n ta tioc o n n e c ts e a n in ga n d la n g u a g e n m to c u ltu re . B u t w h a t e x a c tlyd o p e o p le m e a nb y it? W h a t d o e sre p re s e n ta tio n h a ve to d o r,r'ithcu ltu re a n d m e a n in g ? O n e co m m o n - se n se sa g eo f th e te rm u n is a s fo llo w s : 'R e p re s e n ta tiom e a n su s in g la n g u a g e s a y s o m e th in g to m e a n in g fu la b o u t,o r to re p re s e n t, e w o rld m e a n in g fu lly to o th e r p e o p le . ' th , Y o u m a y w e ll a s k , 'I s th a t a ll? ' W e ll, y e s a n d n o . R e p re s e n ta tiois a n n e s s e n tia p a rt o f th e p ro c e s s y w h ic h m e a n in gis p ro d u c e da n d e x c h a n g e d l b b e tw e e nm e m b e rso f a c u ltu re . I I d o e sin v o lv e th e u s e o f la n g u a g eo f s ig n s , a n d im a g e sw h ich sta n d fo r o r re p re se n tth in g s. B u t th is is a fa r fro m sim p le p , o r s tra ig h tfo rw a rd ro c e s sa s y o u w ill s o o n d is c o v e r. H o w d o e sth e c o n c e p to f re p re s e n ta tio c o n n e c tm e a n in ga n d la n g u a g e n to c u ltu re ? I n o rd e rto e x p lo reth is c o n n e c tio nfu rth e r,w e w ill lo o k a t a n u m b e r o f d iffe re n tth e o rie sa b o u th o w ia n g u a g e u s e d to re p re s e n th e w o rld . H e re is t w e w ill b e d ra w in g a d is tin c tio nb e tw e e nth re e d iffe re n ta c c o u n ts r th e o rie s : o Ih e re fle ctive ,th e in te n tio n a l a n d Ih e co n stru ctio n ista p p ro a ch e s to re p re s e n ta tio nD o e sla n g u a g e im p ly re fle c ta m e a n in gw h ic h a lre a d ye x is ts . s o u t th e re in th e w o rld o f o b je cts,p e o p le a n d e ve n ts ( re fle ctive ) ?D o e s la n g u a g ee xp re sso n ly w h a t th e sp e a ke ro r w rite r o r p a in te r w a n ts to sa y.h is o r h e r p e rso n a lly in te n d e d m e a n in g ( in te n tio n a l) ? O r is m e a n in g co n stru cte d in a n d th ro u g h la n g u a g e( co n stru ctio n isf) ?Y o u w ill le a rn m o re in a m o m e n t a b o u tth e s eth re e a p p ro a c h e s . M o s t o f th e c h a p te rw ill b e s p e n te x p lo rin gth e c o n s tru c tio n isa p p ro a c h . f b e c a u s e is th is p e rs p e c tiv e h ic h h a s h a d th e m o s t s ig n ific a n tim p a c t o n it w c u ltu ra l s tu d ie sin re c e n ty e a rs . T h is c h a p te rc h o o s e s e x a m in etw o m a jo r to v a ria n tso r m o d e lso f th e c o n s tru c tio n isa p p ro a c h th e s e m io lica p p ro a c h , t g re a tlyin flu e n c e db y th e g re a tS w is slin g u is t, F e rd in a n dd e S a u s s u rea, n d th e d iscu rsivea p p ro a ch ,a sso cia te d r,riithth e F re n ch p h ilo so p h e r a n d h is to ria n ,M ic h e l F o u c a u it. L a te rc h a p te rs th is b o o k w ill ta k e u p th e s etw o in th e o rie sa g a in ,a m o n go th e rs ,s o V o u w iil h a v e a n o p p o rtu n ityto c o n s o lid a te yo u r u n d e rsta n d in go f th e m , a n d to a p p ly th e m to d iffe re n t a re a so f a n a lysis. O th e r ch a p te rsw ill in tro d u ce th e o re tica lp a ra d ig m sw h ich a p p ly c o n s tru c tio n isa p p ro a c h e s d iffe re n tw a y s to th a t o f s e m io tic sa n d t in F o u c a u lt. A ll, h o w e v e r,p u t in q u e s tio nth e v e ry n a tu re o f re p re s e n ta tio n . W e tu rn to th is o u e stio n first.
Moment-Based Features (cont’d)
• Eccentricity: is either
– The ratio between the radii of the best-fit ellipse, or – The ratio between the minimum and maximum
Representation Schemes
Chain Codes
A digital boundary of an image is superimposed with a grid. The boundary points are approximated to the nearest grid point. Then a sampled image is obtained. From a selected starting point, a chain code can be generated by using a 4-directional or an 8-directional chain code. These refer to 4- and 8-connectivity ly.
An object can be represented by: • its external characteristics, such as its boundary. • Or its internal characteristics, such as its texture.
The Convex Hull
If S is the figure surface and H is the convex hull surface, H-S is called the convex deficiency. The boundary is partitioned at the points of deviation between the boundaries of S and H.
represent的用法总结大全represent的意思vt.表现,象征,代表,代理,扮演,作为示范vi.代表,提出异议变形:过去式: represented; 此时此刻分词:representing; 过去分词:represented;represent用法represent可以用作动词represent的根本意思是“代表”,多指受托付代表某人、组织、机构、国家等办理某事。
He represented me at the meeting.他代表我在会议上。
He delegated me to the meeting.他派我代表他去会议。
represent用作动词的用法例句Monsters in dreams often represent fears.怪物在梦里经常表现为恐惊。
Both represent the triumph of passion over reason.两者都表现出理智之外的激情。
Dotted arrows represent flow of information.虚矢线表示信息流程。
represent用法例句1、The two politicians represent opposite poles of the political spectrum.这两位从政者代表了政界的两个极端。
My Vocabulary Briefing in Legal English同一词语普通用语与法律用语意义不同的对比同一意义正式与非正式的表达一词多义:Advise释义:advise在法律英语中有两个常用意思:①律师等法律工作者提供法律建议,如The partner of the law firm advised the Manager on various specialist legal issues。
②通知,相当于notify或inform,如The use of advise in the sense of “inform, notify,”was restricted to business correspondence and legal contexts. Thus one may say the suspects were advised of their rights, but it would be considered pretentious to say you’d better advise your friends that the date of the picnic has been changed。
advise 表示“通知,告知”的这种用法局限地用于商业往来及法律情况。
Deposit释义:deposit在法律英语中通常最常用的意思有两个:①存款,这是他在普通英语和法律英语都很常见的意思,既可作名词也可作动词,如He has a deposit of 10,000yuan in ICBC。
People tend to deposit their idle money in the bank。
representation bias例子
Representation Bias: Understanding its Impact and Examples随着信息传播的全球化和数字化,人们接触到的信息越来越多,但是这些信息是否真实客观却值得深入思考。
在信息传播的过程中,由于各种原因,存在对某一类裙体或事物的片面或不全面表达,这种现象被称为"representation bias",即"表达偏差"。
本文将针对representation bias 进行深入分析,并给出一些实例来帮助读者更好地理解这一概念。
I. 什么是 representation bias?representation bias 是指在信息传播过程中,对特定裙体或事物的表达存在倾向性或片面性。
无论是有意还是无意,representation bias 都可能导致对裙体或事物的误解和偏见。
II. representation bias 的影响1. 对社会裙体的影响representation bias 在信息传播中对社会裙体可能产生负面影响。
2. 对商品和服务的影响在商业广告中存在的 representation bias 也可能对商品和服务的市场表现产生影响。
III. representation bias 的例子1. 媒体报道中的 representation bias媒体报道中常常存在对特定裙体的representation bias。
拓扑群表示中的旋representation 拓扑群表示中的旋转表示在拓扑群表示理论中,旋转表示是一种重要的表示方式,广泛应用于物理学、数学和工程学等领域。
二、旋转表示的应用1. 物理学中的旋转表示旋转表示在量子力学和粒子物理学中具有广泛的应用。
2. 数学学科中的旋转表示旋转表示在数学学科中也有重要应用。
3. 工程学中的旋转表示工程学中的旋转表示主要应用于图像处理、计算机图形学和机器人学等领域。
三、旋转表示的特性1. 正交性旋转表示的矩阵通常是正交矩阵,即满足矩阵的转置和逆矩阵等于其本身。
2. 不可约性旋转表示具有不可约性,即不能通过矩阵的相似变换将其分解为更小的表示。
3. 行列式为正旋转表示的矩阵的行列式通常为正,表示旋转操作保持了体积和定向性质。
count-based representation特征表示法
count-based representation特征表示法Count-based representation 是一种基于计数的特征表示方法,在自然语言处理中被广泛应用。
Count-based representation的特征向量的每个元素表示一个单词或短语在整个文本中出现的次数,或者在某个上下文窗口中出现的次数。
Count-based representation 特征表示法通过单词计数来捕获文本的语义。
letter of representation审计
letter of representation审计
“letter of representation”审计是一个重要的过程,主要用于确认受审计机构提供的财务报表的真实性、准确性和合规性。
进行“letter of representation”审计有助于增强除管理层之外的利益相关者的信心,使他们能够信任受审计机构的财务报表和其他财务信息。
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• There are broadly speaking three approaches to explaining how representation of meaning through language works:the reflective approach,the intentional approach,the constructionist approach. • The constructionist approach:It acknowledges that neither things in themselves nor the individual users of language can fix meaning in language .Things don't mean: we construct meaning, using representational systems— concepts and signs.
Stuart Hall:Representation
陈吉祥பைடு நூலகம்
• Introduction • Two systems of representation • How do we know which concept stand for which thing • Limitation • Conclusion
• The second system: The general term we use for words,sounds or images which carry meaning is sign.Signs are organized into languages and it is the existence of common language which enables us to translate our thoughts(concepts) into words, sounds or images,and then to use these, operating as a language, to express meanings and communicate thoughts to other people.
How do we know which concept stand for which thing
• This may seem relatively simple in the case of visual signs, because the drawing, painting, camera or TV image of the thing bears a resemblance to the real thing.
Two systems of representation
• The first system: by which all sorts of objects, people and events are correlated with a set of concepts or mental representations which we carry around in our heads.
• Green =Go! Red= Stop! • Words don't look or sound anyting like the things to which they refer, so it is even more difficult with written or spoken language. • How do people who belong to the same culture know the arbitrary combination of letters and sounds that makes up the word will stand for or represent the concept?
• The world we can see is limited.Human being reflect the world by the signs we know, but we can't completely reflect the world on the grounds that there exists two limitations:the technique we master,the unconsciousness(the primordial desire, position, ideology, benefit,etc).
• Representation: Things don't mean: we construct meaning, using representational systems—concepts and signs.According to this constructionist approach,we must not confuse the material world, where things and people exist and the symbolic practices and process through which representation,meaning and language operate.