
合同 contract应力 stress折旧 depreciation质量控制 quality control关键路线 critical path施工组织 construction organization合同条款 contract term投标过程 bidding process耐久性 durability水泥混凝土 cement concrete应变 strain规范 code施工图 working drawing成本估算法 cost-accounting methods质量保证 quality assurance网络图 network标书 tender保留金 retention money工程造价 construction costs预应力混凝土 prestressed concrete结构工程 construction engineering施工横道图 the static as-built bars挖方 excavation承包商 contractor静载 static load总时差 total float产权 encumbrance违约 breach of contract土木工程 civil engineering箭头图 arrow diagram填方 fill可靠性 authenticity活载 live loading预制 prefabrication最早完成时间 earliest finis1、关键路线是指网络图种具有零时差的相互连接地工序的连线。
The critical path is the series of interconnected activities through the network for which each activity has zero float time.2、人们在建造混凝土结构系统的过程中,在构思、设计施工和使用等各个环节中工作表现的好坏,取决于知识水平、培训程度和其他人进行交流的能力。

Unit 1 the owner’s perspective 第1单元业主的观点1.2 Major Types of Construction 1.2大建筑类型Since most owners are generally interested in acquiring only a specific type of constructed facility, they should be aware of the common industrial practices for the type of construction pertinent to them [1]. Likewise, the construction industry is a conglomeration of quite diverse segments and products. Some owners may procure a constructed facility only once in a long while and tend to look for short term advantages. However ,many owners require periodic acquisition of new facilities and/or rehabilitation of existing facilities. It is to their advantage to keep the construction industry healthy and productive. Collectively, the owners have more power to influence the construction industry than they realize because, by their individual actions, they can provide incentives for innovation, efficiency and quality in construction [2]. It is to the interest of all parties that the owners take an active interest in the construction and exercise beneficial influence on the performance of the industry.由于大多数业主通常只对获得特定类型的建筑设施感兴趣,所以他们应该了解与他们有关的建筑类型的常见工业实践[1]。

Specialized English for Construction Management
普通英语 (Common or Ordinal English) ——通用、普遍的 基础词汇以及听说读写
科技英语 (English for Science and Technology)
专业英语 (English for Special Science and Technology) □ 隶属于科技英语 是科技英语的一部分,以表达科技概念
、理论与事实为主要目的。遵守科技英语的语法体系和翻 译方法,特别注意客观事实和真理,表达准确(accuracy) 、精炼(conciseness)和正式(f专业性、涉及的面 更加狭窄,与专业内容配合更为密切。 □ 专业英语与科技英语既有区别又有联系,专业英语的学习 需要有一个良好的科技英语基础,同时也要注意其自身的 词汇特点,语法特点、修饰特点和翻译特点等等。
Unit 1 Types of Construction Project 建筑项目的类型
□ Field-labor-intensive 现场劳动密集型的 □ Account for 占,说明 □ Fiscal 财政的 □ Skyscraper 摩天大楼 □ Sophistication 老于世故,老练,复杂 □ Oligopoly 垄断,求过于供 □ Footpath 人行道,小路 □ Pipeline 管道,管线 □ Earthmover 重型推土机 □ Crane 起重机
□ human endeavor 人类活动
□ Educational philosophies and practices take shape in the architecture

《工程管理专业英语》期末试题1一、词汇汉译英1.Project scheduling:项目企划2.individual project:单项工程3.framed structure:框架结构4.buckling:弯曲、翘曲5.foundation settlement:基础沉降6.line of action and the sense of the force:力的作用线和力的指向7.statically indeterminate structure:超静定结构8.Rate of expansion:伸长率9.Simulation: 仿真10.Relative height:相对高度(高差)11.Pavement:人行道12.Bulldozer:推土机13.Dummy:虚工序14.Withdrawal:撤回二、词汇汉译英1.钢筋混凝土:reinforced concrete2.抗压强度:compression strength3.恒载:dead loads4.总承包商:general contractors5.预算:budget6.承重墙:bearing wall7.规范、说明书:specification8.水平荷载:vertical load9.流动资金:working capital10.合同管理:contract management11.工程量清单:bill of quantities12.垫层砂浆:bedding mortar13.刚度:rigidity三、典型句子英译汉1、All these loads depend largely on the location of the building, have to be taken by the structural system from all points and manners of application and transferred to the foundations.所有这些荷载,在很大程度上取决于建筑物的位置,这些荷载由结构体系从各个点以各种作用方式传递到基础。

1、Construction industry 建筑业2、High-rise apartments 高层公寓3、Institution and commercial building construction 办公和商业用房建设办公和商业用房建设4、Oligopoly 垄断,供过于求5、Specialized industrial construction 专业化工业项目建设6、Infrastructure and heavy construction 重大基础项目建设7、Residential housing construction 住宅类房屋建设8、Take charge 负责9、Single-family house 独户住宅10、Professional consultant 专业咨询人士11、General contractor 总承包商12、Mission-oriented 以目标(任务)为导向的13、Continuity 连续性14、Indispensable 不可或缺的15、Common-place 常见的16、Schedule 进度17、Maximization 最大化18、Communication 沟通19、Certification 认证20、Distinguish 区别,区分21、Predetermined 预定的22、Ingredient 组成部分,成分23、Linear programming 线性规划24、Trade off 均衡,权衡25、Delineation 叙述,说明26、Utilization 使用27、Integration 综合,整合28、Shop drawings 施工图,安装图29、Simultaneously 同时的30、Prebid site 投标前现场31、Nominated subcontractor 指定分包商32、Prequalified 预审合格33、An manual of professional practice 专业人员从业手册专业人员从业手册34、Risk-reward 风险和回报35、Structural design 结构设计36、Specialized subcontractor 专业分包商37、Work package 工作包38、Construction planning 施工计划39、Technical feasibility 技术可行性40、Construction operations 施工作业41、Structural or foundation details 结构或基础的具体情况42、Ingenuity and creativity 灵活性和创造性1 建筑工程翻译公司选择本领域的专业翻译公司,需要参考以下实力标准:数量多。
工程类专业英语 翻译技巧

倒译法 e.g. About one third of all accidents happen when it is dark although obviously there is more traffic during daytime.
尽管白天交通明显繁忙得多,然而约三分之 一的交通事故却发生在夜晚。
e.g. Much progress has been made in civil engineering in less than one century.
译成被动句(通过,由,被,受到,使…) e.g.The construction project performance is greatly influenced by its risk management level.
省略冠词(a, an, the) e.g. The memory is the important part of a computer system.
省略介词 e.g.The critical temperature is different for different kind of steel.
省略代词 e.g. If you know the relationship between the cost and the schedule, you can balance them to get best performance.
如果你知道成本和进度之间的关系,就可 以权衡二者,以取得最佳绩效。

1. A decision whether to pump or to transport concrete in buckets will directly affect the cost and duration of tasks involved in building construction.用泵送混凝土还是用吊斗浇筑混凝土的决定将直接影响建筑物施工中各项任务的成本和时间2.In selecting among alternative methods and technologies, it may be necessary to formulate a number of construction plans based on alternative methods or assumptions. 在选择施工方法和技术时,有必要根据各种备选的施工方法和假设制订若干套施工计划。
3.This examination of several alternatives is often made explicit in bidding competitions in which several alternative designs may be proposed or value engineering for alternative construction methods may be permitted这种对几个备选方案之间的评比在公开招标中表现的十分明显:在设计招标中会要求提交数个设计方案;在施工招标中会用到价值工程的方法4. In this case, potential constructors may wish to prepare plans for each alternative design using the suggested construction method as well as to prepare plans for alternative construction methods which would be proposed as part of the value engineering process.在这个案例中,潜在的承包商需要针对每个备选设计方案根据被建议的施工方法来制定具体的计划;也需要针对每个备选施工方法制定具体计划,而这些施工方法选择会被推荐应用价值工程方法5.In forming a construction plan, a useful approach is to simulate the construction process either in the imagination of the planner or with a formal computer based simulation technique.根据施工计划人员的想象或者利用以计算机为工具的仿真技术队施工过程进行模拟。

Part1market demand 市场需求facility 设施the speculative housing market 投机性住宅市场the real estate developer 房地产开发商government agency 政府机构public project 公共项目project management 项目管理the conceptual planning stage 概念规划阶段feasibility 可行性in-house 内部的,内业的the project life cycle 项目生命周期from cradle to grave 从开始到结束knowledge domain 知识领域construction industry 建筑业spectrum 波普,光谱,范围residential housing construction 房屋住宅建设subcontractor 分包商institutional and commercial building construction 办公与商业用房建设specialized industrial construction 专业化工业项目建设infrastructure and heavy construction 重大基础项目建设architectural and engineering(A/E)firm 建筑与工程设计公司consortium 财团,株式会社preliminary design 初步设计general contractor 总承包商on site quality inspection 现场质量监督litigation 法律诉讼shop drawings 施工图constructability 可建造性,可施工性value engineering 价值工程construction contract 施工合同design/construct firm 设计、施工公司turnkey 交钥匙(承发包)模式facility maintenance 设施维护Part2project integration management 项目综合管project scope management 项目范围管理project time management 项目时间管理project cost management 项目成本管理project quality management 项目质量管理project human resource management 项目人力资源管理project communications management 项目沟通管理project risk management 项目风险管理project procurement management 项目采购管理contractual relationships 合同关系changes 工程变更claims 施工索赔mega-projects 巨型项目“functional”organization “职能式”组织“project”organization “项目式”组织suborganizations 次级组织strong matrix-type suborganization 强矩阵式次级组织interpersonal influence 人际间影响力formal authority 正式的授权reward and/or penalty power 奖励和/或惩罚的权利matrix organization 矩阵式组织hierarchical structure 层级结构Part3job-site productivity 工作现场生产率non-productive activities 非生产性工作temporary work stoppage 临时性工作暂停union activities 工作活动performance analysis 绩效分析base labor productivity 基准劳动生产率labor productivity index 劳动力生产指数non-local labor 非当地用工productive labor yield 劳动力产出requisitions 询价purchase orders 订购单subcontracts 分包合同shipping and receiving documents 装船与接收文件invoices 发票bulk materials 大众材料standard off-the-shelf materials 现货材料fabricated members or units 预制构件或单元semi-processed state 半成品状态pre-processed 预加工的pressure vessels 压力容器field assembly 现场装配skilled craftsmen 熟练技工crawler mounting 履带式底盘claim shell 抓铲挖土机`dragline 拉铲挖土机backhoe 反铲挖土机shovel 正铲挖土机bulldozer 推土机rotary-percussion drills 旋转冲击钻bituminous 沥青Part4economic evaluation 经济评价the planning horizon 规划期cash flow profile 现金流量图minimum attractive rate of return(MARR) 最低收益率sensitivity or uncertainty analysis 敏感性或不确定性分析annual benefit 年收益annual cost 年费用net annual cash flow 年净现金流量opportunity cost 机会成本social rate of discount 社会贴现率profit measure利润指标值private corporations 私营股份制公司public agencies 公共机构net future value(NFV) /净终值net present value(NPV) 净现值equivalent uniform annual net value (NUV)等额净年值capital recovery factor 资金回收因子benefit-cost ratio(BCR) 收益-费用比profitability index 盈利指数saving-to-investment ratio(SIR) 存款投资比率absolute numerical measure 绝对指数internal rate of return(IRR) 内部收益率marginal efficiency of capital 边际资本收益return on investment(ROI) 投资收益payback period(PBP) 投资回收期profit maximization利润最大化public sector 公共领域basic principle 基本原理nonnegative 非负的budget constraint 预算限制incremental analysis 追加分析internal rate of return method 内部收益率法Part5Word Bank-financed projects 世界银行融资贷款项目foreign bidders 海外投标人civil works 土木工程I nternational Competitive Bidding(ICB) 竞争性国际招标Limited International Bidding 有限国际招标National Competitive Bidding 国内竞争性招标International Shopping 国际订购Direct Contracting 直接签约General Procurement Notice 通用采购公告prequalification 资格预审bidding documents 招标文件domestic contractors 国内承包商instructions to bidders 投标人须知conditions of contract 合同条件specifications of drawings 技术规范与图纸bill of quantities 工程量清单payment terms 支付条件minutes of the conference 会议纪要pre-bid conferences 标前会议site visits 现场踏勘substantially responsive 实质性响应the lowest evaluated cost 经评审的最低造价Part6the sealed bids 密封的投标报价construction company 建筑公司marketing strategy 市场营销策略long-term goals 长期目标client relationships 客户关系short-term goal 短期目标direct costs estimate 直接费估算mark-up 涨价溢价company or head office overheads 公司或总部管理费unrealistic bids 不切实际的报价owner-contractor agreement 业主与承包商之间订立的合同standard form of agreement 标准合同形式American Institute of Architects(AIA) 美国建筑师协会bonus and penalty clauses 奖励与惩罚条款lump-sum agreement 总价合同changer order 变更单written authorization 书面授权unit-price agreement 单价合同quantity takeoff 工程量清单cost-plus-fee agreements 成本加酬金合同equity partners 股权伙伴rental rates 出租比例percentage fee 百分百酬金合同fixed fee 固定酬金合同changes 工程变更contract award 合同授予changes clause 变更条款publicly financed project 公共融资项目extra work 附加工作the prime contractor 主承包商Part7the International Federation of Consulting Engineering 国际咨询师联合会the FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Constructions FIDIC施工合同条件the General Conditions (FIDIC)通用条件the Particular Conditions (FIDIC)专业条件the Appendix to Tender (FIDIC)投标附录arbitration 仲裁,裁决Dispute Adjudication Board(DBA)争议仲裁委员会Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction 土木工程施工合同条件Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Work 机电安装工程合同条件Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey设计-建造于交钥匙合同条件Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement 客户/咨询师服务协议Conditions of Subcontract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction 土木工程分包合同条件Guides to the Use of the Different FIDIC Conditions of Contract 各种FIDIC合同条件应用指南Amicable Settlement of Construction Disputes 施工争端友好解决方式Insurance of Large Civil Engineering Projects 大型土木工程保险The Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (FIDIC)安装与设计-建造合同The Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects (FIDIC)EPC/交钥匙项目合同条件The Short Form of Contract (FIDIC)简短格式合同The Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (FIDIC)疏浚与防洪工程合同格式priced contract with activity schedule 总价合同priced contract with bill of quantities 单价合同target contract with activity schedule 目标总价合同target contract with bill of quantities 目标单价合同cost reimbursable contract 成本补偿合同performance bond 履约保函parent company guarantee 母公司担保advance payment 预付款retention (工程)留置权bonus for early completion 工期提前奖delays damages 误期损害surety 担保financial loan 商业贷款insurance policy 保险政策in breach of contract 合同违约bid bond 投标担保justification (正当的)理由labor and material bond 劳动力与原材料担保lien bond 留置权担保comprehensive general liability insurance 综合责任险professional liability insurance职业责任险workers’compensation insurance 工人补偿险builder’s risk fire insurance 施工方火灾险Part8construction planning 施工计划the choice of technology 施工技术的选择the definition of work tasks 工作任务的定义the estimation of the required resources and durations for individual tasks 所需资源和各项工作持续时间的估算reasoning backward 逆向推理normative problem 规范性问题cost control 成本控制schedule control 进度控制critical path scheduling procedures 关键线路进度控制程序job shop scheduling procedures 工作现场进度控制程序work breakdown 工作分解manufacturing terminology加工制造业术语resource allocations 资源分配fore-runner 先行者laborious and tedious process 复杂和枯燥的过程general models 通用模型databases and information systems 数据库和信息系统the storage and recall of the activities工作活动的存储于记忆manpower 人力,劳动力the duration of the activity 工作活动的持续时间placing concrete on site 现场浇筑混凝土placing forms 支设模板installing reinforcing steel 绑扎钢筋pouring concrete 浇筑混凝土finishing the concrete 混凝土养护removing forms 模板拆除position forms on the cleaning station 在清理场所码放的模板hierarchical structure 层级结构work breakdown structure 工作结构分解precedence relations 先导顺序关系structural integrity结构整体性design drawings 设计图纸milestone events 里程碑事件lag 时间间隔computer based simulation 基于计算机的模拟excavation equipment 开挖机械\Part9critical path method(CPM) 关键路线发predecessor/successor activities先导/后续工作resource constraint 资源约束artificial precedence constraint 人为先导关系约束activity-branch network 双代号网络图dummy activity 虚工作earliest time schedule 最早时间进度latest time schedule 最迟时间进度float 时差,机动时间maneuvering room 可调整的余地free float 自由时差independent float 独立时差total float 总时差inter-relationships 相互关系graphical presentations of project schedules 项目进度的图形表达network diagrams 网络图time-scaled network 时标网络bar or Gantt chart 横道或甘特图horizontal axis 横轴,横坐标vertical axis 纵轴,纵坐标S-curves S型曲线resource graphs 资源图uncertainty associated with the actual durations与实际持续时间相关的不确定性regulatory approval 行政许可adverse weather 不利的天气contingency allowance 应急准备probabilistic perspective概率的角度independent random variables 相互独立的随机变量random fluctuations 随机波动positive correlations正相关over-optimistic 过于乐观的Part10e-construction 工程返工personal injuries 人身伤害conformance 遵守,服从re-evaluation of design decisions设计决策的重要评估tunneling methods 隧道开掘方法actual site conditions 现场的实际状况roadway rehabilitation 公路路面返修quality assurance 质量保证n-site inspections 现场监督检查US Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA)美国职业安全与健康署violation of existing standard 违反现行规范标准employee participation in quality control 质量控制的员工参与statistical methods 统计方法batches of materials 材料批implicit assumption 隐含的假设total quality control 全面质量控制zero defects goal 零缺陷目标quality circles 质量环“optimum”proportion “最佳”的比例non-destructive techniques 非破坏性技术x-ray inspection of welds 焊接的X光检测exhaustive or 100% testing 全数或100%检测lot 母体,总体sampling by attributes 特征抽样sampling by variables 变量抽样direct costs 直接成本indirect costs 间接成本construction accidents 工程事故insurance premiums 保险赔偿unsecured railings 未经保护的围栏on-board electronics面板电子元器件asbestosis 矽肺,石棉肺sewer line 排污管道four lane street 四车道道路Part11construction yard and warehouse management information 施工仓储管理信息concrete pumps 混凝土泵warehouse clerks 仓储管理员daily rental charge 日租金tedious manual task 繁琐的手工作业application programs 应用程序duplicate 复制verbal description 文字描述warehouse inventory database 仓储清单数据库relational data model 关系数据模型data dictionary 数据字典numerical code 数据编码redundancy 冗余aggregate 集料,骨料external models of the information 外部信息模型algebraic theory 代数理论projection 映射advantages of distributed processing 分散式处理的优点dynamic changes in information needs 信息需求的动态变化untidy information 凌乱的信息information flow 信息流preprocessor system 预处理系统independent systems 独立系统geometric information 图形信息。

1.1T he Project Life Cycle1段:Project managers or the organization can divide projects into phases to provide better management control with appropriate links to the ongoing operations of the performing organization. Collectively, these phases are known as the project life cycle. Many organizations identify a specific set of life cycles for use on all of their projects.项目经理或组织可以把每一个项目划分成若干个阶段,以便有效地进行管理控制,并与实施该项目组织的日常运作联系起来。
2段:For example, from the perspective of an owner, the project life cycle for a constructed facility may be illustrated schematically in Figure1-1.从业主的角度来看,建设项目的生命周期可用图1-1表示。
Essentially, a project is conceived to meet market demands or needs in a timely fashion.从本质上讲,一个项目试图及时满足市场需求。
in a timely fashion. 及时meet market demands or needs 满足市场需求Various possibilities may be considered in the conceptual planning stage, and the technological and economic feasibility of each alternative will be assessed and compared in order to select the best possible project.在项目规划阶段,很多不同的方案都可能被考虑,同事每一天备选方案的技术可行性都经过评估和比较,以选出最优方案。

Construction project management is concerned with planning, scheduling, and controlling nonroutine activities within certain time and resource constrains. If a construction project is to be constructed within its established budget and time schedule, close management control of field operations is a necessity. Construction project conditions include technical complexity, importance of timely completion, resource limitations, and control of construction operations. Unfortunately, the construction process once it is set into motion is not a self-regulating mechanism and requires expert guidance if events are to conform to plans.

建筑工程专业英语词汇翻译(4)综合分析判断prehensive analysis and judgement变压器transformer抽芯loose core过道aisle三相电容three phase capacitance芯棒core rod都市规划与土地开发urban g and land development 社区开发及工业区开发munity development and industry park development 开发许可申请development permit土地使用变更计划land use rezoning plan主要计划及细部计划master plan and detail plan都市计划更新计划urban renewal plan都市设施urban design建筑设施architecture design大地工程geotechnical engineering工址调查site investigation现地试验与室内试验in-situ and laboratory test基础工程foundation design深开挖工程及建物保护deep excavation and building protection新生地及软弱地层改良reclamation and soft ground improvement 山坡地开发与水土保持slope land development, soil and water conservation潜盾隧道与岩石隧道shield tunnel and rock tunnel大地工程施工顾问geotechnical construction consultant土壤材料试验soil and material结构工程structural engineering各类钢筋混凝土、预力混凝土、钢结构及钢骨钢筋混凝土结构structures of r.c., prestressed concrete, steel, and src桥梁、高层建筑、地下结构物、隧道、深开挖挡土结构bridges, high-rise buildings, underground structures, tunnels, retaining structures for deep excavations桥梁安全检测、评估及维修补强bridge inspection, assessment, and rehabilitation钢结构细部设计及制造图steel structural detail design and shop drawings厂房工程industrial plant工业厂房-石化工厂、钢厂、电厂、气体厂、科技工业厂房、一般性厂房industrial plants__petroleum and chemical, steel, power, gas, high-technical and general plants环保设施工厂-垃圾焚化厂、垃圾掩埋场、污水处理厂及相关管线environment protecting plants__incineration plants, garbage disposal plants, waste water treatment plants and piping system设备支撑结构、管架、操作平台equipment supporting structures, pipe racks, operating platforms设备基础equipment foundations厂区一般土木及公共设施general civil works and utilities of plants 运输工程transportation engineering运输规划transportation planning停车场设施工程规划、设计engineering planning design for parking facilities建筑交通维持计划traffic control management during construction 水利及港湾工程hydraulic and harbor engineering营建管理construction management估价及工程预算制作estimates and engineering budget works营建管理construction management工程监造construction supervision施工计划construction plan工程进度控管schedule control during construction施工规划construction specifications环境工程environmental engineering环境影响评估environment impact assessment环境监测environmental monitoring地下水监测系统groundwater monitoring污水处理厂wastewater treatment plant污水下水道sewage system噪音振动防治noise and vibration垃圾焚化厂兴建工程waste incinerator废弃物处理系统工程waste treatment disposal共同管道mon ducts管道及附属设施之规划设计planning and design of mon ducts structures and subsidiary facilities经济效益分析economic and efficiency analysis财务评估financial evaluation管理维护办法及组织订定regulation for the management, maintenance and organization。

Chapter3 Labor, Material and Equipment Utilization劳动力、材料和设备利用3.1 Factors Affecting Job-Site Productivity影响工地生产率的因素Job-site productivity is influenced by many factors which can be characterized either as labor characteristics, project work conditions or as non-productive activities.影响工地生产率的因素很多,大致分为劳动力特性、工程工作条件(环境)和非生产性活动。
The labor characteristics include:劳力特性包含:Age, skill and experience of workforceLeadership and motivation of workforce员工的年龄、技能和工作经验员工的领导力和动力The project work conditions include among other factors:工程施工环境因素包括:Sob size and complexity工作规模和复杂性Job site accessibility工作场地的易接近性Labor availability劳力的可用性Equipment utilization设备的使用Contractual agreements合同Local climate当地的气候Local cultural characteristics, particularly in foreign operations当地的文化特征,特别是海外工作的文化特征The non-productive activities associated with(与…相关,与…联系) a project may or may not be paid by the owner, but they nevertheless take up potential labor resources(占据可能的劳动力资源) which can otherwise be directed to the project.与项目有关的非生产型工作业主可以支付,也可以不支付,但他们占据潜在的劳动力资源,这些资源原本可以投入到项目中的.The non-productive activities include among other factors:非生产型活动包括:Indirect labor required to maintain the progress of the project维护工程进度的间接性劳力Rework for correcting unsatisfactory(不合格的) work不合格任务的返工Temporary work stoppage(停工)due to inclement (严酷的)weather or material shortage严酷的天气或者物料缺乏导致的临时停工Time off for union activities因工会活动而休假Absentee(缺勤) time, including late start and early quits缺勤时间,包括迟到和早退Non-working holidays节假日Strikes罢工Each category of factors affects the productive labor available to a project as well as the on-site labor efficiency.每类因素都影响生产劳动力的可用性和现场劳动力效率。

On improving the quality of project cost managementAbstractProject cost is an important part of project construction management, it can take effective measures in the whole process of engineering construction, the construction of full cost control within the approved limit, and correct the deviation at any time, to ensure that completed the investment estimate, design budget and final accounts, etc, to achieve the goal of management to achieve the rational use of manpower, material resources, financial resources, the purpose of the largest investment benefit. Is the core content of the project cost estimates of investment estimation, design, modification and construction drawing budget, engineering settlement, completion final accounts, and so on. The task of the project cost is according to the drawings, norm and listing standards, calculate the project included in the direct fee (all the branch of engineering, subdivisional work of labor, materials, mechanical stage class expense, etc.), indirect fees, fees and taxes, and so on.Engaged in engineering cost personnel mainly involves the ability should include: the project has a strong ability of calculation of quantities, to prepare the accounting settlement of construction cost control, the bill of quantities, prices, bid price quotations, engineering settlement, skilled application software cost, have certain ability of data management and so on.Keywords: construction cost; The status of the construction project cost management; The project cost; Benefits.Project cost is a pay all the expenses of construction projects completed and put into operation combined. Engineering cost in addition to the related to project content, it also with the construction of regional economic development level, the management of builders, and technical level, national and local government policies, laws and other external conditions is intimately involved. The uniqueness of the project determines the project cost also has uniqueness. Preparation of project cost correctly for the government and the owner's decision has an irreplaceable role. In our country has been under the situation of "WTO", study how to improve the level of project cost establishment, scientifically reflect the engineering actual expense, is already in front of our construction cost professionals has become a major topic. Combined with practical work and thinking about the problem now, talk about the following experience and advice.1. the current situation of engineering cost management in our countryOur country the current engineering cost management system is formed in the 50 s, eighty s perfect. Due to historical reasons, the former Soviet union's basically overall introduction of the basic construction of budget system. The system is the product of highly centralized planned economic system. Directly involved in the form of country and management of economic activities. Regulation in different design stage must prepare the estimate or budget and shall be responsible for the government; Relevant departments to formulate the budget compilation principle, content, methods and measures for examination and approval, the cost budget quota, quota and equipment material budget price establishment, examination and approval, management authority, etc. Along with the historical process, after recovery, reform and development, formed a relatively complete system of budget quota management. But with the development of the socialist market economy, many of the problems in the system has been exposed.In recent years, the developed countries in the world is predicted in advance, matter to the requirement of engineering investment control. And the practice of our country traditional decision objectively cause light, heavy, light the economy and technology, after construction, first get the consequences. Due to the engineering technical personnel's technical and economic ideas and weak consciousness of costcontrol, cost management personnel's quality is difficult to improve. The project cost control goal difficult to achieve for a long time.According to the above situation, our country academic circles in the eighty s first puts forward the concept of whole process cost management and control, relevant departments are the feasibility study of construction projects and the budget to the relevant requirements of both ends to extension, the our country cost management ideas and methods mentioned a new height. We should now the task is the modern cost management and target market economic system which accords with the situation of China, draw lessons from the advanced experience of developed countries, to establish a set of perfect market economy law system of engineering cost management, efforts to improve the level of project cost of.2. change the backward idea, establish consciousness of the whole process of investment controlProject cost control and management, it is in the project decision-making stage, design stage and construction stage of project implementation, the study of project cost, the construction project cost control in the range of scientific and reasonable, according to the project progress at any time the deviation correction, to ensure the implementation of project management investment objectives, strive for in every stage of the construction of the project reasonable use of manpower and material resources, financial resources, in order to obtain better investment benefit and social benefit. According to the scientific connotation of engineering construction, and cost control problems in each stage. Interconnected each stage of cost control, this requires that we should establish a scientific and perfect engineering cost management system, make the project valuation, review, determine, settlement and final accounts of standardization institutionalization, establish a set of powerful supervision and inspection mechanism and rewards and punishments measures. At the same time, how to reasonably determine the cost and make full and reasonable match of the various resources, in order to obtain better investment benefit and social benefit, is also need to study the problem.Because the project construction period is longer, usually influenced by a variety of external factors and constraints, the beginning of the project is difficult to determine the correct cost. With the development of the project and the thorough,understanding of the project is more comprehensive, thus cost estimate is more reasonable. Such as estimation, budget, budget and final accounts of compilation is done in different stages of the construction, its precision is becoming more and more deep. Therefore, reasonable and effective control of engineering cost, should consider the following issues:(1) because of the large scale of construction projects, construction cycle is long, complex technology, financial and material resources is used up big, considering the factors such as economic benefits after put into use, once decision-making error, will cause huge economic loss beyond retrieve, in order to reasonable cost, must be in the whole construction process, according to the characteristics of different stages of multiple valuation, namely according to construction procedure reasonable accuracy of the various stages of construction cost, to fully embody the rationality of the cost. Historical experience tells us that the sequencing of construction project is the basic premise for reasonable cost.(2) over the years, our country the construction of the project is generally ignored the importance of prophase project construction stage, the cost control mainly focus on the project of the construction of the late stage and even in the final stage, so often appear the phenomenon of investment overrun. Some programs even in after the completion of investment has more than plan, bad engineering so as to build a lot of benefits. , so we must renew the idea, summed up a complete set of engineering cost control and management methods.(3) the project cost control should run through the whole process of construction projects, but in the early period of the control key should be transferred to the project construction, is transferred to the project decision-making and design stage, but once the investment decision, the control should focus on the design stage.(4) all construction project implementation stage is subject to supervision and engineering cost control system, all can obtain satisfactory economic benefits and social benefits, but at present our country construction project prophase stage has not yet adopted this system. Because on the premise of meet the specifications, designs the cost will be because of the influence of the experience, level, or other factors, the difference is bigger, conservative design thought, and makes the project cost is high, so, the whole process of construction project management and cost control system is very necessary.3, to effectively control the project costEffectively control the project cost, it is necessary to do the following: first, at the early stage of the project construction phase must be carried out on the supervision system of supervision (including cost). It should be said that this is a relatively objective and fair way. Through the supervision of the design process, make a design more reasonable, the construction cost control within the scope of the limit, but also can make design units to improve management, optimize structure, improve the design level, truly with minimal funds for maximum output. On the other hand is actively promoting "limit design method, which is proved an effective way, it is not just an economic problem, more accurately, a technical and economic problems. Will not assimilation of the whole project by facilities sites or function is divided into several units, design personnel according to the limited quota for selection and design. The limitation of "design" can effectively control the project cost of the project. For the aim of "design" the limit to, should be involved in the designer must be experienced designers understand the technical and economic. The results of their design must be practical, advanced and reasonable cost. To control the engineering cost on the other hand is a must for scheme comparison, because design achievements is a process of gradually improve, not can determine down at the beginning, so much more is to measure the practicality, advancement and economy.Effectively control the project cost, should be measures in many aspects: from the organizational measures is clear project organization structure, clear cost controller and its mission to make the cost of each part is responsible for personnel; Take measures from the technology's strict inspection supervise each stage of design, design review, in terms of technical and economic research may save investment; Take measures is to dynamically from the economic comparative cost plan value and the actual value, audit strictly the expense, adjust the design according to the design progress.Engineering design field in China for a long time do not do the optimization combination of technology and economy. Technical personnel lack of economic idea, conservative design, make the design results of economy get fully embody. And budget personnel because of not familiar with engineering technology, also less understanding of the project progress in various relations, difficult to effectively control the project cost. Therefore, we should solve the problem now is to enhance economic efficiency as the goal, in the heart of the project construction process organically organization, technology and economy. Through economic analysis, the comparison of the technology, and the effect evaluation, correctly handle the unity ofopposites between the economic and reasonable and advanced technology, strive to advanced technology under the condition of economic and reasonable, in the economic and reasonable on the basis of advanced technology.In the process of project cost control is very important. Cost engineer should comprehensively to master and apply the bidding documents, the contract agreement and the relevant design, construction documents. Was based on reasonable of the bill of quantities, grasp measurement pay this key link, carefully examine and verify the payment application, so that each of the funds to jindu can get reasonable control and payment. Cost engineer except for what had happened in the process of project implementation of cost control, also need to know the national related aspects of the project cost in the laws and regulations, collect all kinds of price information, understand price is dynamic, after analyzing all kinds of cost data, etc. Obviously, there is no solid knowledge of economic and technical strength is difficult to finish the work. It puts forward higher requirements on cost engineer.The core content of the project cost control is based on the market as the center of cost dynamic control and management. The complexity of construction project determines its valuation for many times, and the construction process in different stages of the corresponding cost is dynamically reflect the total cost of the project. Especially in the project implementation stage, due to the changes of external conditions, the design phase is not considered factors are often exposed, lead to design changes, the cost changes. This will require a cost engineer for timely research and analysis of problems in the operation of the construction project, and take timely corrective measures, to achieve the target. This stage is the most concentrated cost dynamic control process. Cost engineer is the large amount of work should be done at this time.4, develop a team having both ability and political integrity of the project costProject cost management is a comprehensive discipline. It to the relevant national guidelines and policies as the norms of engineering construction, and other technical and economic disciplines, it is a policy, technical, economy and practicality are very strong work. Cost engineer in addition to our professional knowledge, therefore, have a deep understanding and the understanding, also deal with design content, design process, construction technology, project management, economic lawsand regulations, computer application, construction of the external environment and so on, have a comprehensive understanding. Shall also have rich practical experience, with its technical and economic knowledge. Cost engineer is a multi-level talent of knowledge. In market economic system gradually perfected, investment increasingly diverse today, urgent need a large number of provide scientific decision basis for project investment cost engineer. To meet the above requirements, should begin from the following aspects:(1) to establish a truly independent of engineering cost consulting agencies, intermediary role between the owner and the contractor. In the management of government investment project, consultancy activities that the government need not go directly to the project management, and to rely on indirect means to achieve the purpose of regulating the management. In the process, cost engineers and other professional engineers have the same status and restrict and influence each other and play a positive role in engineering construction; This not only can let the government officials from multifarious economic activity, can give full play to the project cost professional work initiatives and creativity. They both for the owners to provide quality, convenient, comprehensive cost management services, and provide professional engineering cost consultation service for government departments.(2) to set up for the general association of engineering cost personnel of the service organization or academic organizations. These institutions: is the main task of the use of education and the scientific method, cost engineering science. To cultivate new engineering cost to provide convenient conditions; Research project cost management problems, promote the development of engineering cost engineering science and technology; Provide academic BBS and communication tool, to project cost practice () personnel to provide the field of communication, publishing of cost engineering theory and technology journal, published for relevant personnel research experiences and exchange work experience; This industry and promote the social concern; Advance the project cost professional terminology standardization process, applicable standard methods: encourage add people cost engineering course in engineering college and university education is to train the professional senior talents, promote our main goal; To promote the cooperation with other related organizations, promote the development of the public interest.(3) strengthen the accumulation of engineering cost data analysis. Engineering cost is a practical major. If there is no experience but only control method, the work is carried out. Therefore, to improve the level of project cost for both organizations andindividuals, must attach great importance to data accumulation and analysis. Simple data accumulation is just a pile of data. Can only be called after finishing analysis data. In developed countries, all kinds of cost of basic data, including the consumption of labor, materials, machines and prices, and even the land price, raise interest rates, the benefit is generally not make uniform or norm, completely determined by markets or actual needs, by cost management professionals and professional organizations to manage. However, the country has to go through a series of all aspects of the law to regulate market behavior, protect the legitimate interests of all parties, achieve the goal of macroeconomic regulation and control. The engineering cost consultation company has its own years of accumulation, the full cost data. They put the cost data collection, and the analysis in the archives. If necessary, to bring up from the computer at any time, and then adjusted according to the concrete situation, can be used for new project. Many engineering cost consulting company or institute and academic groups also insisted on for many years to the cost of public offering all the latest information and price information, achieve cost social sharing of information resources. The main content in addition to the purpose of people, material, machine, consumption and price, rate, the profits thereof, and all kinds of engineering of annual price index and price index between the cities. These after decades of experience in developed countries proved to be effective methods, we should draw lessons from and fully developed the data collecting and anally sing system suitable for China's national conditions.(4) improve the project cost professional senior education and on-the-job personnel's continuing education activities. Due to the engineering cost management in construction projects and closely related to the economic interests of the parties, and to the economic activities of the whole society plays a very important guiding role, we should according to the market to the quality requirement of the cost management talent, prompting courses in project cost professional education institutions, formal training project cost professional senior talents. The professional curriculum setting, should also be completely according to the requirement of the market needs and talent quality to decide. Both due and structures, machinery and other engineering, should also be open economy, finance, cost, probability and mathematical statistics and other basic courses. At the same time should also open systems engineering, value engineering, technology, economy, econometrics, computer, management science, such as expanding knowledge and enlightenment thinking emerging course. As industry management, engineering cost society should periodically on-the-jobpersonnel to continue education. In academic exchanges, short-term training, and other areas of the form of the cost of the latest theory, technology promotion and reference case. Two aspects of education institutions and industry management institutions constitute a complete education system. To engineering to create conditions for the growth of senior talents.(5) construction cost professionals to learn and improve. Overall, at present we are engineering cost industry personnel quality and distance from the social demands. Therefore, we should take learning and keep up with the pace of The Times. In addition to our professional knowledge is updated to improve, work should also be combined with extensive understanding and preliminary master relevant knowledge of engineering. Only has a comprehensive grasp of project content, in order to increase the project cost control work. Just think, if we don't know for the preparation of the cost of engineering, the professional knowledge is very fuzzy, how can invest control? Construction cost professionals should be the first professional experts, at the same time, it should be an expert in the field of engineering. Only a high level of talent to develop the high levels of the project cost. The role of the professional status and professional is proportional to the. We should improve the level of individual manpower from, and gradually raise the level of the industry's work, for our country modernization play our role.In short, the project cost control is a whole process control, it should be said that each link cannot be ignored, and every link is very important also. With China's accession to the WTO, China's investment must be diversified, investors to reduce the cost, control costs, improve the investment benefit is becoming more and more attention. So, change the original project cost estimation, budget, budget, and the contract price settlement price, the final accounts of the traditional mode, improve the control level, investment projects for the development of comprehensive control system, can promote the development of the socialist market economy in our country, and adapt to the global economic integration process improve the level of project cost establishment is a systems engineering. It not only needs a high quality team of experts, must have the form a complete set of government policy and social environment. In this paper, combined with the author's working practice, made some Suggestions on relevant issues. In view of the author's theoretical level and practical experience is insufficient, Hard to avoid some negligence . Here is only for reference.。

Unit 1 safety management systemAccident causation models 事故致因理论Safety management 安全管理Physical conditions 物质条件Machine guarding 机械保护装置House-keeping 工作场合管理Top management 高层管理人员Human errors 人因失误Accident-proneness models 事故倾向模型Munitions factory 军工厂Causal factors 起因Risking taking 冒险行为Corporate culture 公司文化Loss prevention 损失防止Process industry 制造工业Hazard control 危险控制Intensive study 广泛研究Organizational performance 公司绩效Mutual trust 互相信任Safety officer 安全官员Safety committee 安全委员会Shop-floor 生产区Unionized company 集团公司Seniority 资历、工龄Local culture 本地文化Absenteeism rate 缺勤率Power relations 权力关系Status review 状态审查Lower-level management 低层管理者Business performance 组织绩效Most senior executive 高档主管Supervisory level 监督层Safety principle 安全规则Wall-board 公示栏Implement plan 执行筹划Hazard identification 危险辨识Safety performance 安全性能One comprehensive definition for an organizational culture has been presented by Schein who has said the organizational culture is “a pattern of basic assumptions –invented,discovered,or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration –that has worked well enough to be considered valid and,therefore,to be taught to new members as thecorrect way to perceive,think,and feel in relation to those problems”译文:Schein给出了组织文化广泛定义,她以为组织文化是由若干基本假设构成一种模式,这些假设是由某个特定团队在解决外部适应问题与内部整合问题过程中创造、发现或完善。

目录第一章 (2)passage1:施工管理Construction Management (2)Passage2 项目管理与计算机 (2)Project Management and the Computer (2)第二章 (3)Passage1 混凝土Concrete (3)Passage2 现代建筑与结构材料 (4)Modern Buildings and Structural Materials (4)第三章 (5)Passage1 计算机辅助制图与设计 (5)Computer Aided Drafting and Design (5)Passage2 新兴技术Emerging Technologies (7)第四章 (9)Passage1 项目管理的观点 (9)Project Management Perspective (9)Passage2项目经理The Project Manager (10)第五章 (10)Passage1 进度开发Schedule Development (10)Passage2业主的时间表-单独设计招标合同 (11)The Owner’s Schedule for Separate Design-Bid Contracts (11)第六单元: (12)文章1 施工中的质量和安全问题 (12)Quality and Safety Concerns in Construction (12)第七章 (13)Passage1 成本控制Cost Control (13)Passage2 成本控制程序Cost Control Procedure (14)第八章 (15)Passage1 房地产市场的兴起和衰落 (15)Rise and Fall of Property Market (15)Passage2 房地产市场特征 (15)Market Characteristic of Real Estate (15)第九章 (16)Passage1 一个项目的开始,完成和计划 (16)The Commencement,Completion and program of a Project (16)Passage2 土木工程合同Civil Engineering Contracts (17)第十章 (18)Passage1 施工索赔Construction Claims (18)Passage2 工程施工索赔:常见的陷阱 (18)Delay Claims in Construction Cases:Common Pitfalls (18)第十一章 (19)Passage1招标文件Bidding Documents (19)Passage2 招标有效性和安全性Competitive Bids (20)第12章 (22)Passage1 建筑的未来趋势 (22)Smart Structures and Intelligent Building (22)建设:未来趋势Construction:Future Trends (22)第一章passage1:施工管理Construction Management在施工管理中,业主与建筑师-工程师签订项目合同。

目标mission/ objective 内部环境internal environment 外部环境external environment 集体目标group objective 计划planning 组织organizing人事staffing 领导leading 控制controlling步骤process 原理principle 方法technique经理manager 总经理general manager 行政人员administrator 主管人员supervisor 企业enterprise 商业business产业industry 公司company 效果effectiveness效率efficiency 企业家entrepreneur 权利power职权authority 职责responsibility 科学管理scientific management现代经营管理modern operational management 行为科学behavior science生产率productivity 激励motivate 动机motive法律law 法规regulation 经济体系economic system管理职能managerial function 产品product 服务service利润profit 满意satisfaction 归属affiliation尊敬esteem 自我实现self-actualization 人力投入human input盈余surplus 收入income 成本cost 资本货物capital goods机器machinery 设备equipment 建筑building 存货inventory 经验法the empirical approach 人际行为法the interpersonal behavior approach集体行为法the group behavior approach 协作社会系统法the cooperative social systems approach社会技术系统法the social-technical systems approach 决策理论法the decision theory approach数学法the mathematical approach 系统法the systems approach 随机制宜法the contingency approach 管理任务法the managerial roles approach经营法the operational approach 人际关系human relation心理学psychology 态度attitude 压力pressure 冲突conflict招聘recruit 鉴定appraisal 选拔select 培训train报酬compensation 授权delegation of authority 协调coordinate 业绩performance考绩制度merit system 表现behavior 下级subordinate 偏差deviation检验记录inspection record 误工记录record of labor-hours lost 销售量sales volume 产品质量quality of products 先进技术advanced technology 顾客服务customer service 策略strategy结构structure 领先性primacy 普遍性pervasiveness 忧虑fear 忿恨resentment 士气morale 解雇layoff批发wholesale 零售retail 程序procedure 规则rule规划program 预算budget 共同作用synergy 大型联合企业conglomerate 资源resource 购买acquisition 增长目标growth goal 专利产品proprietary product 竞争对手rival 晋升promotion 管理决策managerial decision 商业道德business ethics 有竞争力的价格competitive price 供货商supplier 小贩vendor 利益冲突conflict of interests 派生政策derivative policy 开支帐户expense account 批准程序approval procedure病假sick leave 休假vacation 工时labor-hour 机时machine-hour 资本支出capital outlay 现金流量cash flow 工资率wage rate 税收率tax rate 股息dividend 现金状况cash position 资金短缺capital shortage总预算overall budget 资产负债表balance sheet 可行性feasibility投入原则the commitment principle 投资回报return on investment 生产能力capacity to produce 实际工作者practitioner 最终结果end result 业绩performance个人利益personal interest 福利welfare 市场占有率market share 创新innovation 生产率productivity 利润率profitability 社会责任public responsibility 董事会board of director 组织规模size of the organization 组织文化organizational culture 目标管理management by objectives 评价工具appraisal tool 激励方法motivational techniques 控制手段control device 个人价值personal worth 优势strength 弱点weakness 机会opportunity 威胁threat个人责任personal responsibility 顾问counselor 定量目标quantitative objective 定性目标qualitative objective 可考核目标verifiable objective 优先priority 工资表payroll 策略strategy 政策policy 灵活性discretion 多种经营diversification 评估assessment 一致性consistency应变策略consistency strategy 公共关系public relation 价值value 抱负aspiration 偏见prejudice 审查review 批准approval 主要决定major decision 分公司总经理division general manager 资产组合距阵portfolio matrix 明星star 问号question mark 现金牛cash cow 赖狗dog 采购procurement 人口因素demographic factor 地理因素geographic factor 公司形象company image产品系列product line 合资企业joint venture 破产政策liquidation strategy紧缩政策retrenchment strategy 战术tactics 追随followership 个性individuality 性格personality 安全safety 自主权latitude悲观的pessimistic 静止的static 乐观的optimistic 动态的dynamic 灵活的flexible 抵制resistance 敌对antagonism 折中eclectic 激励motivation 潜意识subconscious 地位status 情感affection 欲望desire 压力pressure满足satisfaction自我实现的需要needs for self-actualization 尊敬的需要esteem needs 归属的需要affiliation needs 安全的需要security needs 生理的需要physiological needs 维持maintenance 保健hygiene 激励因素motivator 概率probability 强化理论reinforcement theory 反馈feedback 奖金bonus 股票期权stock option 劳资纠纷labor dispute 缺勤率absenteeism 人员流动turnover 奖励reward 特许经营franchise 热诚zeal 信心confidence 鼓舞inspire 要素ingredient忠诚loyalty 奉献devotion 作风style 品质trait适应性adaptability 进取性aggressiveness 热情enthusiasm毅力persistence 人际交往能力interpersonal skills行政管理能力administrative ability智力intelligence 专制式领导autocratic leader 民主式领导democratic leader 自由放任式领导free-rein leader 管理方格图the managerial grid 工作效率work efficiency 服从obedience 领导行为leader behavior 支持型领导supportive leadership 参与型领导participative leadership指导型领导instrumental leadership成就取向型领导achievement-oriented leadershipAutomated inspection 自动化检验automatic assembly system 自动化装配系统applied biomechanics 应用生物力学CAD/CAM 计算机辅助设计与制造computer integrated manufacturing system 计算机整合制造系统data structure 数据结构data base management system 数据库管理系统decision analysis 决策分析engineering economy 工程经济engineering statistics 工程统计facilities planning 设施规划factory diagnoisis and improvement method 工厂诊断与改善方法financial and cost analysis 财务与成本分析fuzzy theory and application 模糊理论与应用human-computer interaction (HCI)人因工程与计算机系统human factors engineering 人因工程human information processing 人类讯息处理human-machine system design 人机系统设计human resource management 人力资源管理human system diagnosis and improvement 人体系统诊断与改善industrial environment evaluation 工业环境评估industrial organizations and management 工业组织与管理industrial safety 工业安全information technology 信息技术intellectual property laws 智慧财产权法knowledge engineering 知识工程linear algebra 线性代数manufacturing automation 制造自动化manufacturing engineering 制造工程manufacturing management 制造管理manufacturing process 制造程序manufacturing systems and management 制造系统与管理market and marketing 市场与行销material flows automation 物流自动化mathematical programming 数学规划multicriteria decision making 多目标规划multi-criteria decision methods 多准则决策分析network analysis 网络分析numerical analysis 数值分析organization and management 组织与管理product and technology development management 产品与技术开发管理production management 生产管理production planning and control 生产计划与管制quality control 质量管理quality engineering 品质工程quality management techniques and practice 品质管理queueing theory 等候线理论reliability engineering 可靠度工程research,development and innovation management 研究发展管理semiconductor production management 半导体生产管理sequencing and scheduling 排序与排程simulation 模拟分析statistical method 统计方法stochastic processes 随机系统strategic management of technology 技术策略system analysis and design in large scale 大型系统分析与设计system performance evaluation 系统绩效评估技术system quality assurance engineering 系统品质保证工程systems engineering 系统工程systems simulation 系统仿真vision and colors 视觉与色彩work physiology 工作生理学work study 工作研究Accounting Assistant 会计助理Accounting Clerk 记帐员Accounting Manager 会计部经理Accounting Stall 会计部职员Accounting Supervisor 会计主管Administration Manager 行政经理Administration Staff 行政人员Administrative Assistant 行政助理Administrative Clerk 行政办事员Advertising Staff 广告工作人员Airlines Sales Representative 航空公司定座员Airlines Staff 航空公司职员Application Engineer 应用工程师Assistant Manager 副经理Bond Analyst 证券分析员Bond Trader 证券交易员Business Controller 业务主任Business Manager 业务经理Buyer 采购员Cashier 出纳员Chemical Engineer 化学工程师Civil Engineer 土木工程师Clerk/Receptionist 职员/接待员Clerk Typist & Secretary 文书打字兼秘书Computer Data Input Operator 计算机资料输入员Computer Engineer 计算机工程师Computer Processing Operator 计算机处理操作员Computer System Manager 计算机系统部经理Copywriter 广告文字撰稿人Deputy General Manager 副总经理Economic Research Assistant 经济研究助理Electrical Engineer 电气工程师Engineering Technician 工程技术员English Instructor/Teacher 英语教师Export Sales Manager 外销部经理Export Sales Staff 外销部职员Financial Controller 财务主任Financial Reporter 财务报告人F.X. (Foreign Exchange)Clerk 外汇部职员F.X. Settlement Clerk 外汇部核算员Fund Manager 财务经理General Auditor 审计长General Manager/ President 总经理General Manager Assistant 总经理助理General Manager's Secretary 总经理秘书Hardware Engineer 计算机硬件工程师Import Liaison Staff 进口联络员Import Manager 进口部经理Insurance Actuary 保险公司理赔员International Sales Staff 国际销售员Interpreter 口语翻译Legal Adviser 法律顾问Line Supervisor 生产线主管Maintenance Engineer 维修工程师Management Consultant 管理顾问Manager 经理Manager for Public Relations 公关部经理Manufacturing Engineer 制造工程师Manufacturing Worker 生产员工Market Analyst 市场分析员Market Development Manager 市场开发部经理Marketing Manager 市场销售部经理Marketing Staff 市场销售员Marketing Assistant 销售助理Marketing Executive 销售主管Marketing Representative 销售代表Marketing Representative Manager 市场调研部经理Mechanical Engineer 机械工程师Mining Engineer 采矿工程师Music Teacher 音乐教师Naval Architect 造船工程师Office Assistant 办公室助理Office Clerk 职员Operational Manager 业务经理Package Designer 包装设计师Passenger Reservation Staff 乘客票位预订员Personnel Clerk 人事部职员Personnel Manager 人事部经理Plant/ Factory Manager 厂长Postal Clerk 邮政人员Private Secretary 私人秘书Product Manager 生产部经理Production Engineer 产品工程师Professional Staff 专业人员Programmer 电脑程序设计师Project Staff 项目策划人员Promotional Manager 推售部经理Proof-reader 校对员Purchasing Agent 采购进货员Quality Control Engineer 质量管理工程师Real Estate Staff 房地产职员Recruitment Co-ordinator 招聘协调人Regional Manger 地区经理Research&.Development Engineer 研究开发工程师Restaurant Manager 饭店经理Sales and Planning Staff 销售计划员Sales Assistant 销售助理Sales Clerk 店员、售货员Sales Coordinator 销售协调人Sales Engineer 销售工程师Sales Executive 销售主管Sales Manager 销售部经理Salesperson 销售员Seller Representative 销售代表Sales Supervisor 销售监管School Registrar 学校注册主任Secretarial Assistant 秘书助理Secretary 秘书Securities Custody Clerk 保安人员Security Officer 安全人员Senior Accountant 高级会计Senior Consultant/Adviser 高级顾问Senior Employee 高级雇员Senior Secretary 高级秘书Service Manager 服务部经理Simultaneous Interpreter 同声传译员Software Engineer 计算机软件工程师Supervisor 监管员Systems Adviser 系统顾问Systems Engineer 系统工程师Systems Operator 系统操作员Technical Editor 技术编辑Technical Translator 技术翻译Technical Worker 技术工人Telecommunication Executive电讯(电信)员Telephonist / Operator 电话接线员、话务员Tourist Guide 导游Trade Finance Executive 贸易财务主管Trainee Manager 培训部经理Translation Checker 翻译核对员Translator 翻译员Trust Banking Executive 银行高级职员Typist 打字员Wordprocessor Operator 文字处理操作员Aaccess discrimination 进入歧视action research 动作研究adjourning 解散adhocracy 特别结构administrative principle 管理原则artifacts 人工环境artificial intelligence 人工智能工巧匠avoiding learning 规避性学习ambidextrous approach 双管齐下策略Bbalance sheet 资产负债表bcg matrix 波士顿咨询集团矩阵bona fide occupation qualifications 善意职业资格审查bounded rationality 有限理性bureaucracy 官僚机构benchmarking 标杆瞄准bounded rationality perspective 有限理性方法boundary-spanning roles 跨超边界作用Ccomputer-aided design and computer-automated manufacturing(cad/cam)计算机辅助设计与计算机自动生产confrontation 对话consortia 企业联合change agent 变革促进者chaos theory 混沌理论charismatic leaders 魅力型领导者charity principle 博爱原则coercive power 强制权cohesiveness 凝聚力collaborative management 合作型管理comparable worth 可比较价值competitive benchmarking 竞争性基准confrontation meeting 碰头会constancy of purpose 永久性目标contingency approach 权变理论corporate social performance 公司社会表现corporate social responsibility公司社会责任corporate social responsiveness公司社会反应critical incident 关键事件current assets 流动资产current liabilities 流动负债culture strength 文化强度creative department 创造性部门craft technology 技艺性技术contextual dimension 关联性维度continuous process production 连续加工生产collectivity stage 集体化阶段clan control 小团体控制clan culture 小团体文化coalition 联合团体collaborative 协作网络centrality 集中性centraliazation 集权化charismatic authority 竭尽忠诚的权力Ddecentralization 分权democracy management 民主管理departmentalization 部门化differential rate system 差别报酬系统dialectical inquiry methods 辩证探求法division of labor 劳动分工downward mobility 降职流动dynamic engagement 动态融合dynamic network 动态网络domain 领域direct interlock 直接交叉divisional form 事业部模式differentiation strategy 差别化战略decision premise 决策前提dual-core approach 二元核心模式Eelectronic data-processing(edp) 电子数据处理employee-oriented style 员工导向型风格empowerment 授权encoding 解码end-user computing 终端用户计算系统entrepreneurship 企业家精神equity 净资产equity theory 公平理论espoused value 信仰价值ethnocentric manager 种族主义的管理者expectancy theory 期望理论expense budget 支出预算expense center 费用中心external audit 外部审计external stakeholders 外部利益相关者extrinsic rewards 外部奖励ethic ombudsperson 伦理巡视官external adaption 外部适应性elaboration stage 精细阶段entrepreneurial stage 创业阶段escalating commitment 顽固认同Ffamily group 家庭集团financial statement 财务报表flat hierarchies 扁平型结构flexible budget 弹性预算force-field theory 场力理论formal authority 合法权力formal systematic appraisal 正式的系统评估franchise 特许经营权formalization stage 规范化阶段functional grouping 职能组合formal channel of communication 正式沟通渠道Ggame theory 博弈论general financial condition 一般财务状况geocentric manager 全球化管理者general manager 总经理globalization 全球化gossip chain 传言链grapevine 传言网global strategic partnership 全球战略伙伴关系general environment 一般环境generalist 全面战略geographic grouping 区域组合global company 全球公司global geographic structure 全球区域结构Hhawthorne effect 霍桑效应heuristic principles 启发性原理hierarchy 科层制度hiring specification 招聘细则horizontal linkage model 横向联系模型hybrid structure 混合结构high tech 高接触high-velocity environments 高倍速环境Iimpoverished management 放任式管理income statement 损益表information transformation 信息转换infrastructure 基础设施integrative process 整合过程intelligent enterprises 智力企业internal audit 内部审计internal stakeholder 内部相关者internship 实习intrapreneurship 内部企业家精神intrinsic reward 内在报酬inventory 库存, 存货internal integration 内部整合interorganization relationship 组织间的关系intergroup conflict 团体间冲突interlocking directorate 交叉董事会institutional perspective 机构的观点intuitive decision making 直觉决策idea champion 构思倡导者incremental change 渐进式变革informal organizational structure 非正式组织结构informal performance appraisal 非正式业绩评价Jjob description 职务描述job design 职务设计job enlargement 职务扩大化job enrichment 职务丰富化job rotation 职务轮换job specialization 职务专业化Kkey performance areas 关键业务区key result areas 关键绩效区Llabor productivity index 劳动生产力指数laissez management 自由化管理large batch production 大批量生产lateral communication 横向沟通leadership style 领导风格least preferred co-worker(lpc)最不喜欢的同事legitimate power 合法权力liability 负债liaison 联络者line authority 直线职权liquidity 流动性liaison role 联络员角色long-linked technology 纵向关联技术losses from conflict 冲突带来的损失low-cost leadership 低成本领先Mmanagement by objective 目标管理Managerial Grid 管理方格matrix bosses 矩阵主管management champion 管理倡导者materials-requirements planning(MRP) 物料需求计划Mslow,s hierarchy of needs 马斯洛需求层次论marketing argument 管理文化多元化营销观multiculturalism 文化多元主义multidivisional firm 多部门公司moral rules 道德准则management by walking around(MBWA) 走动式管理matrix structure 矩阵结构multinational enterprise(MNE) 跨国公司moral relativism 道德相对主义mechanistic system 机械式组织middle-of-the-road management 中庸式管理meso theory 常态理论multidomestic strategy 多国化战略mediating technology 调停技术Nnaïve relativism 朴素相对主义need-achievement 成就需要norming 规范化norms 规范nonprogrammed decisions 非程序化决策nonsubstitutability 非替代性nonroutine technology 非例行技术niche 领地Ooff-the-job training 脱产培训on-the-job training 在职培训operational budget 运营预算order backlog 订单储备organic system 有机系统organizational development(OD) 组织发展orientation 定位outcome interdependence 结果的相互依赖性outplacement services 外延服务organization ecosystem 组织生态系统Pparadox of authority 权威的矛盾paradox of creativity 创造力的矛盾paradox of disclosure 开放的矛盾paradox of identify 身份的矛盾paradox of individuality 个性的矛盾paradox of regression 回归的矛盾partial productivity 部分生产率participative management 参与式管理path-goal model 路径目标模型peer recruiter 同级招聘political action committees(PACs) 政治活动委员会polycentric manager 多中心管理者portfolio framework 业务组合框架portfolio investment 资产组合投资positive reinforcement 正强化production flexibility 生产柔性profitability 收益率programmed decisions 程序化决策psychoanalytic view 精神分析法paradigm 范式personal ratios 人员比例pooled dependence 集合性依存professional bureaucracy 专业官僚机构problem identification 问题识别problemistic search 问题搜寻population ecology model 种群生态模型Qquality 质量quality circle 质量圈question mark 问题类市场quid pro quo 交换物Rrational model of decision making 理性决策模式realistic job preview(RJP) 实际工作预览reciprocal interdependence 相互依存性resource dependence 资源依赖理论routine technology 例行技术retention 保留rational approach 理性方法rational model 理性模型rational-legal authority 理性—合法权威Ssemivariable cost 准可变成本sense of potency 力量感sensitivity training 敏感性训练sexual harassment 性骚扰short-run capacity changes 短期生产能力变化single-strand chain 单向传言链situational approach 情境方法situational force 情境力量situational leadership theory 情境领导理论sliding-scale budget 移动规模预算small-batch production 小规模生产sociotechnical approaches 社会科技方法span of management 管理幅度staff authority 参谋职权standing plan 长设计划step budget 分步预算stewardship principle 管家原则stimulus 刺激storming 调整阶段strategic management 战略管理strategic partnering 战略伙伴关系strategy formulation 战略制定strategy implementation 战略实施strategic control 战略控制strategic contingencies 战略权变satisficing 满意度subsystems 子系统subunits 子单位synergy 协同system boundary 系统边界structure dimension 结构性维度sequential interdependence 序列性依存self-directed team 自我管理型团队specialist 专门战略strategy and structure changes 战略与结构变革symptoms of structural deficiency 结构无效的特征Ttall hierarchies 高长型科层结构task force or project team 任务小组或项目团队task independence 任务的内部依赖性task management 任务型管理task-oriented style 任务导向型管理风格total productivity 全部生产率Total Quality Management 全面质量管理training positions 挂职培训training program 培训程序transactional leaders 交易型领导transformational leaders 变革型领导treatment discrimination 歧视待遇two-factory theory 双因素理论two-boss employees 双重主管员工technical or product champion 技术或产品的倡导者Uunfreezing 解冻unit production 单位产品Vvariation 变种子variety 变量valence 效价variable costs 可变成本vertical communication 纵向沟通vertical integration 纵向一体化vestibule training 仿真培训volume flexibility 产量的可伸缩性vertical linkage 纵向连接venture team 风险团队value based leadership 基于价值的领导Wwin-lose situation 输赢情境win-win situation 双赢情境workforce literacy 员工的读写能力work in progress 在制品work flow redesign 工作流程再造成work flow automation 工作流程自动化whistle blowing 揭发Zzero-sum 零---和zone of indifference(area of acceptance) 无差异区域(可接受区域)。

目标mission/ objective内部环境internal environment 外部环境external environment 集体目标group objective计划planning组织organizing人事staffing领导leading控制controlling步骤process原理principle 方法technique经理manager总经理general manager行政人员administrator主管人员supervisor企业enterprise商业business产业industry公司company效果effectiveness效率efficiency企业家entrepreneur权利power职权authority职责responsibility科学管理scientific management现代经营管理modern operational management 行为科学behavior science生产率productivity激励motivate动机motive法律law法规regulation经济体系economic system管理职能managerial function产品product服务service利润profit满意satisfaction归属affiliation尊敬esteem自我实现self-actualization人力投入human input盈余surplus收入income成本cost资本货物capital goods机器machinery设备equipment建筑building存货inventory经验法the empirical approach人际行为法the interpersonal behavior approach集体行为法the group behavior approach协作社会系统法the cooperative social systems approach 社会技术系统法the social-technical systems approach决策理论法the decision theory approach数学法the mathematical approach系统法the systems approach随机制宜法the contingency approach管理任务法the managerial roles approach经营法the operational approach人际关系human relation心理学psychology态度attitude压力pressure冲突conflict招聘recruit鉴定appraisal选拔select培训train报酬compensation授权delegation of authority协调coordinate业绩performance考绩制度merit system表现behavior下级subordinate偏差deviation检验记录inspection record误工记录record of labor-hours lost 销售量sales volume产品质量quality of products先进技术advanced technology顾客服务customer service策略strategy结构structure领先性primacy普遍性pervasiveness忧虑fear忿恨resentment士气morale解雇layoff批发wholesale零售retail程序procedure规则rule规划program预算budget共同作用synergy大型联合企业conglomerate 资源resource购买acquisition增长目标growth goal专利产品proprietary product 竞争对手rival晋升promotion管理决策managerial decision商业道德business ethics有竞争力的价格competitive price 供货商supplier小贩vendor利益冲突conflict of interests派生政策derivative policy开支帐户expense account批准程序approval procedure病假sick leave休假vacation工时labor-hour机时machine-hour资本支出capital outlay现金流量cash flow工资率wage rate税收率tax rate股息dividend现金状况cash position资金短缺capital shortage总预算overall budget资产负债表balance sheet可行性feasibility投入原则the commitment principle 投资回报return on investment生产能力capacity to produce实际工作者practitioner最终结果end result业绩performance个人利益personal interest福利welfare市场占有率market share创新innovation生产率productivity利润率profitability社会责任public responsibility董事会board of director组织规模size of the organization组织文化organizational culture目标管理management by objectives 评价工具appraisal tool激励方法motivational techniques控制手段control device个人价值personal worth优势strength弱点weakness机会opportunity威胁threat个人责任personal responsibility 顾问counselor定量目标quantitative objective 定性目标qualitative objective 可考核目标verifiable objective 优先priority工资表payroll策略strategy政策policy灵活性discretion多种经营diversification评估assessment一致性consistency应变策略consistency strategy 公共关系public relation价值value抱负aspiration偏见prejudice审查review批准approval主要决定major decision分公司总经理division general manager 资产组合距阵portfolio matrix明星star问号question mark现金牛cash cow赖狗dog采购procurement人口因素demographic factor地理因素geographic factor公司形象company image产品系列product line合资企业joint venture破产政策liquidation strategy紧缩政策retrenchment strategy战术tactics追随followership个性individuality性格personality安全safety自主权latitude悲观的pessimistic静止的static乐观的optimistic动态的dynamic灵活的flexible抵制resistance敌对antagonism折中eclectic激励motivation潜意识subconscious地位status情感affection欲望desire压力pressure满足satisfaction自我实现的需要needs for self-actualization 尊敬的需要esteem needs归属的需要affiliation needs安全的需要security needs生理的需要physiological needs维持maintenance保健hygiene激励因素motivator概率probability强化理论reinforcement theory 反馈feedback奖金bonus股票期权stock option劳资纠纷labor dispute缺勤率absenteeism人员流动turnover奖励reward特许经营franchise热诚zeal信心confidence鼓舞inspire要素ingredient忠诚loyalty奉献devotion作风style品质trait适应性adaptability进取性aggressiveness热情enthusiasm毅力persistence人际交往能力interpersonal skills行政管理能力administrative ability智力intelligence专制式领导autocratic leader民主式领导democratic leader自由放任式领导free-rein leader管理方格图the managerial grid工作效率work efficiency服从obedience领导行为leader behavior支持型领导supportive leadership参与型领导participative leadership指导型领导instrumental leadership成就取向型领导achievement-oriented leadership Automated inspection 自动化检验automatic assembly system 自动化装配系统applied biomechanics 应用生物力学CAD/CAM 计算机辅助设计与制造computer integrated manufacturing system 计算机整合制造系统data structure 数据结构data base management system 数据库管理系统decision analysis 决策分析engineering economy 工程经济engineering statistics 工程统计facilities planning 设施规划factory diagnoisis and improvement method 工厂诊断与改善方法financial and cost analysis 财务与成本分析fuzzy theory and application 模糊理论与应用human-computer interaction HCI人因工程与计算机系统human factors engineering 人因工程human information processing 人类讯息处理human-machine system design 人机系统设计human resource management 人力资源管理human system diagnosis and improvement 人体系统诊断与改善industrial environment evaluation 工业环境评估industrial organizations and management 工业组织与管理industrial safety 工业安全information technology 信息技术intellectual property laws 智慧财产权法knowledge engineering 知识工程linear algebra 线性代数manufacturing automation 制造自动化manufacturing engineering 制造工程manufacturing management 制造管理manufacturing process 制造程序manufacturing systems and management 制造系统与管理market and marketing 市场与行销material flows automation 物流自动化mathematical programming 数学规划multicriteria decision making 多目标规划multi-criteria decision methods 多准则决策分析network analysis 网络分析numerical analysis 数值分析organization and management 组织与管理product and technology development management 产品与技术开发管理production management 生产管理production planning and control 生产计划与管制quality control 质量管理quality engineering 品质工程quality management techniques and practice 品质管理queueing theory 等候线理论reliability engineering 可靠度工程research,development and innovation management 研究发展管理semiconductor production management 半导体生产管理sequencing and scheduling 排序与排程simulation 模拟分析statistical method 统计方法stochastic processes 随机系统strategic management of technology 技术策略system analysis and design in large scale 大型系统分析与设计system performance evaluation 系统绩效评估技术system quality assurance engineering 系统品质保证工程systems engineering 系统工程systems simulation 系统仿真vision and colors 视觉与色彩work physiology 工作生理学work study 工作研究Accounting Assistant 会计助理Accounting Clerk 记帐员Accounting Manager 会计部经理Accounting Stall 会计部职员Accounting Supervisor 会计主管Administration Manager 行政经理Administration Staff 行政人员Administrative Assistant 行政助理Administrative Clerk 行政办事员Advertising Staff 广告工作人员Airlines Sales Representative 航空公司定座员Airlines Staff 航空公司职员Application Engineer 应用工程师Assistant Manager 副经理Bond Analyst 证券分析员Bond Trader 证券交易员Business Controller 业务主任Business Manager 业务经理Buyer 采购员Cashier 出纳员Chemical Engineer 化学工程师Civil Engineer 土木工程师Clerk/Receptionist 职员/接待员Clerk Typist & Secretary 文书打字兼秘书Computer Data Input Operator 计算机资料输入员Computer Engineer 计算机工程师Computer Processing Operator 计算机处理操作员Computer System Manager 计算机系统部经理Copywriter 广告文字撰稿人Deputy General Manager 副总经理Economic Research Assistant 经济研究助理Electrical Engineer 电气工程师Engineering Technician 工程技术员English Instructor/Teacher 英语教师Export Sales Manager 外销部经理Export Sales Staff 外销部职员Financial Controller 财务主任Financial Reporter 财务报告人. Foreign ExchangeClerk 外汇部职员. Settlement Clerk 外汇部核算员Fund Manager 财务经理General Auditor 审计长General Manager/ President 总经理General Manager Assistant 总经理助理General Manager's Secretary 总经理秘书Hardware Engineer 计算机硬件工程师Import Liaison Staff 进口联络员Import Manager 进口部经理Insurance Actuary 保险公司理赔员International Sales Staff 国际销售员Interpreter 口语翻译Legal Adviser 法律顾问Line Supervisor 生产线主管Maintenance Engineer 维修工程师Management Consultant 管理顾问Manager 经理Manager for Public Relations 公关部经理Manufacturing Engineer 制造工程师Manufacturing Worker 生产员工Market Analyst 市场分析员Market Development Manager 市场开发部经理Marketing Manager 市场销售部经理Marketing Staff 市场销售员Marketing Assistant 销售助理Marketing Executive 销售主管Marketing Representative 销售代表Marketing Representative Manager 市场调研部经理Mechanical Engineer 机械工程师Mining Engineer 采矿工程师Music Teacher 音乐教师Naval Architect 造船工程师Office Assistant 办公室助理Office Clerk 职员Operational Manager 业务经理Package Designer 包装设计师Passenger Reservation Staff 乘客票位预订员Personnel Clerk 人事部职员Personnel Manager 人事部经理Plant/ Factory Manager 厂长Postal Clerk 邮政人员Private Secretary 私人秘书Product Manager 生产部经理Production Engineer 产品工程师Professional Staff 专业人员Programmer 电脑程序设计师Project Staff 项目策划人员Promotional Manager 推售部经理Proof-reader 校对员Purchasing Agent 采购进货员Quality Control Engineer 质量管理工程师Real Estate Staff 房地产职员Recruitment Co-ordinator 招聘协调人Regional Manger 地区经理Research&.Development Engineer 研究开发工程师Restaurant Manager 饭店经理Sales and Planning Staff 销售计划员Sales Assistant 销售助理Sales Clerk 店员、售货员Sales Coordinator 销售协调人Sales Engineer 销售工程师Sales Executive 销售主管Sales Manager 销售部经理Salesperson 销售员Seller Representative 销售代表Sales Supervisor 销售监管School Registrar 学校注册主任Secretarial Assistant 秘书助理Secretary 秘书Securities Custody Clerk 保安人员Security Officer 安全人员Senior Accountant 高级会计Senior Consultant/Adviser 高级顾问Senior Employee 高级雇员Senior Secretary 高级秘书Service Manager 服务部经理Simultaneous Interpreter 同声传译员Software Engineer 计算机软件工程师Supervisor 监管员Systems Adviser 系统顾问Systems Engineer 系统工程师Systems Operator 系统操作员Technical Editor 技术编辑Technical Translator 技术翻译Technical Worker 技术工人Telecommunication Executive电讯电信员Telephonist / Operator 电话接线员、话务员Tourist Guide 导游Trade Finance Executive 贸易财务主管Trainee Manager 培训部经理Translation Checker 翻译核对员Translator 翻译员Trust Banking Executive 银行高级职员Typist 打字员Wordprocessor Operator 文字处理操作员Aaccess discrimination 进入歧视action research 动作研究adjourning 解散adhocracy 特别结构administrative principle 管理原则artifacts 人工环境artificial intelligence 人工智能工巧匠avoiding learning 规避性学习ambidextrous approach 双管齐下策略Bbalance sheet 资产负债表bcg matrix 波士顿咨询集团矩阵bona fide occupation qualifications 善意职业资格审查bounded rationality 有限理性bureaucracy 官僚机构benchmarking 标杆瞄准bounded rationality perspective 有限理性方法boundary-spanning roles 跨超边界作用Ccomputer-aided design and computer-automated manufacturingcad/cam计算机辅助设计与计算机自动生产confrontation 对话consortia 企业联合change agent 变革促进者chaos theory 混沌理论charismatic leaders 魅力型领导者charity principle 博爱原则coercive power 强制权cohesiveness 凝聚力collaborative management 合作型管理comparable worth 可比较价值competitive benchmarking 竞争性基准confrontation meeting 碰头会constancy of purpose 永久性目标contingency approach 权变理论corporate social performance 公司社会表现corporate social responsibility公司社会责任corporate social responsiveness公司社会反应critical incident 关键事件current assets 流动资产current liabilities 流动负债culture strength 文化强度creative department 创造性部门craft technology 技艺性技术contextual dimension 关联性维度continuous process production 连续加工生产collectivity stage 集体化阶段clan control 小团体控制clan culture 小团体文化coalition 联合团体collaborative 协作网络centrality 集中性centraliazation 集权化charismatic authority 竭尽忠诚的权力Ddecentralization 分权democracy management 民主管理departmentalization 部门化differential rate system 差别报酬系统dialectical inquiry methods 辩证探求法division of labor 劳动分工downward mobility 降职流动dynamic engagement 动态融合dynamic network 动态网络domain 领域direct interlock 直接交叉divisional form 事业部模式differentiation strategy 差别化战略decision premise 决策前提dual-core approach 二元核心模式Eelectronic data-processingedp 电子数据处理employee-oriented style 员工导向型风格empowerment 授权encoding 解码end-user computing 终端用户计算系统entrepreneurship 企业家精神equity 净资产equity theory 公平理论espoused value 信仰价值ethnocentric manager 种族主义的管理者expectancy theory 期望理论expense budget 支出预算expense center 费用中心external audit 外部审计external stakeholders 外部利益相关者extrinsic rewards 外部奖励ethic ombudsperson 伦理巡视官external adaption 外部适应性elaboration stage 精细阶段entrepreneurial stage 创业阶段escalating commitment 顽固认同Ffamily group 家庭集团financial statement 财务报表flat hierarchies 扁平型结构flexible budget 弹性预算force-field theory 场力理论formal authority 合法权力formal systematic appraisal 正式的系统评估franchise 特许经营权formalization stage 规范化阶段functional grouping 职能组合formal channel of communication 正式沟通渠道Ggame theory 博弈论general financial condition 一般财务状况geocentric manager 全球化管理者general manager 总经理globalization 全球化gossip chain 传言链grapevine 传言网global strategic partnership 全球战略伙伴关系general environment 一般环境generalist 全面战略geographic grouping 区域组合global company 全球公司global geographic structure 全球区域结构Hhawthorne effect 霍桑效应heuristic principles 启发性原理hierarchy 科层制度hiring specification 招聘细则horizontal linkage model 横向联系模型hybrid structure 混合结构high tech 高接触high-velocity environments 高倍速环境Iimpoverished management 放任式管理income statement 损益表information transformation 信息转换infrastructure 基础设施integrative process 整合过程intelligent enterprises 智力企业internal audit 内部审计internal stakeholder 内部相关者internship 实习intrapreneurship 内部企业家精神intrinsic reward 内在报酬inventory 库存, 存货internal integration 内部整合interorganization relationship 组织间的关系intergroup conflict 团体间冲突interlocking directorate 交叉董事会institutional perspective 机构的观点intuitive decision making 直觉决策idea champion 构思倡导者incremental change 渐进式变革informal organizational structure 非正式组织结构informal performance appraisal 非正式业绩评价Jjob description 职务描述job design 职务设计job enlargement 职务扩大化job enrichment 职务丰富化job rotation 职务轮换job specialization 职务专业化Kkey performance areas 关键业务区key result areas 关键绩效区Llabor productivity index 劳动生产力指数laissez management 自由化管理large batch production 大批量生产lateral communication 横向沟通leadership style 领导风格least preferred co-workerlpc最不喜欢的同事legitimate power 合法权力liability 负债liaison 联络者line authority 直线职权liquidity 流动性liaison role 联络员角色long-linked technology 纵向关联技术losses from conflict 冲突带来的损失low-cost leadership 低成本领先Mmanagement by objective 目标管理Managerial Grid 管理方格matrix bosses 矩阵主管management champion 管理倡导者materials-requirements planningMRP 物料需求计划Mslow,s hierarchy of needs 马斯洛需求层次论marketing argument 管理文化多元化营销观multiculturalism 文化多元主义multidivisional firm 多部门公司moral rules 道德准则management by walking aroundMBWA 走动式管理matrix structure 矩阵结构multinational enterpriseMNE 跨国公司moral relativism 道德相对主义mechanistic system 机械式组织middle-of-the-road management 中庸式管理meso theory 常态理论multidomestic strategy 多国化战略mediating technology 调停技术Nnaïve relativism 朴素相对主义need-achievement 成就需要norming 规范化norms 规范nonprogrammed decisions 非程序化决策nonsubstitutability 非替代性nonroutine technology 非例行技术niche 领地Ooff-the-job training 脱产培训on-the-job training 在职培训operational budget 运营预算order backlog 订单储备organic system 有机系统organizational developmentOD 组织发展orientation 定位outcome interdependence 结果的相互依赖性outplacement services 外延服务organization ecosystem 组织生态系统Pparadox of authority 权威的矛盾paradox of creativity 创造力的矛盾paradox of disclosure 开放的矛盾paradox of identify 身份的矛盾paradox of individuality 个性的矛盾paradox of regression 回归的矛盾partial productivity 部分生产率participative management 参与式管理path-goal model 路径目标模型peer recruiter 同级招聘political action committeesPACs 政治活动委员会polycentric manager 多中心管理者portfolio framework 业务组合框架portfolio investment 资产组合投资positive reinforcement 正强化production flexibility 生产柔性profitability 收益率programmed decisions 程序化决策psychoanalytic view 精神分析法paradigm 范式personal ratios 人员比例pooled dependence 集合性依存professional bureaucracy 专业官僚机构problem identification 问题识别problemistic search 问题搜寻population ecology model 种群生态模型Qquality 质量quality circle 质量圈question mark 问题类市场quid pro quo 交换物Rrational model of decision making 理性决策模式realistic job previewRJP 实际工作预览reciprocal interdependence 相互依存性resource dependence 资源依赖理论routine technology 例行技术retention 保留rational approach 理性方法rational model 理性模型rational-legal authority 理性—合法权威Ssemivariable cost 准可变成本sense of potency 力量感sensitivity training 敏感性训练sexual harassment 性骚扰short-run capacity changes 短期生产能力变化single-strand chain 单向传言链situational approach 情境方法situational force 情境力量situational leadership theory 情境领导理论sliding-scale budget 移动规模预算small-batch production 小规模生产sociotechnical approaches 社会科技方法span of management 管理幅度staff authority 参谋职权standing plan 长设计划step budget 分步预算stewardship principle 管家原则stimulus 刺激storming 调整阶段strategic management 战略管理strategic partnering 战略伙伴关系strategy formulation 战略制定strategy implementation 战略实施strategic control 战略控制strategic contingencies 战略权变satisficing 满意度subsystems 子系统subunits 子单位synergy 协同system boundary 系统边界structure dimension 结构性维度sequential interdependence 序列性依存self-directed team 自我管理型团队specialist 专门战略strategy and structure changes 战略与结构变革symptoms of structural deficiency 结构无效的特征Ttall hierarchies 高长型科层结构task force or project team 任务小组或项目团队task independence 任务的内部依赖性task management 任务型管理task-oriented style 任务导向型管理风格total productivity 全部生产率Total Quality Management 全面质量管理training positions 挂职培训training program 培训程序transactional leaders 交易型领导transformational leaders 变革型领导treatment discrimination 歧视待遇two-factory theory 双因素理论two-boss employees 双重主管员工technical or product champion 技术或产品的倡导者Uunfreezing 解冻unit production 单位产品Vvariation 变种子variety 变量valence 效价variable costs 可变成本vertical communication 纵向沟通vertical integration 纵向一体化vestibule training 仿真培训volume flexibility 产量的可伸缩性vertical linkage 纵向连接venture team 风险团队value based leadership 基于价值的领导Wwin-lose situation 输赢情境win-win situation 双赢情境workforce literacy 员工的读写能力work in progress 在制品work flow redesign 工作流程再造成work flow automation 工作流程自动化whistle blowing 揭发Zzero-sum 零---和zone of indifferencearea of acceptance 无差异区域可接受区域。

1.工程管理 construction management 2.建筑材料 building materials 3.工程项目 Construction project 4.供热系统 heating system 5.建筑企业 construction enterprise 6.土木工程项目 civil engineering project 7.设备安装 erection of equipment 8.工程规模 the scale of construction
例3、The materials are the basic elements of any building. Building materials may be classified into three groups,according to the purposes they are used for. Strctural materials are those that hold the building up,keep it rigid, form its outer covering of walls and roof, and divide its interior into rooms. In the second group are materials for the equipment inside the building, such as the plumbing, heating, and lighting systems. Finally, there are materials that are used to protect or decorate the strctural materials.
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passge 1 project management perspective 关键步骤在任何项目的第一步,这是了解项目的目标,和项目团队成员沟通,考虑项目替代办法在投入项目工作之前。