
楼群最大特色": ①古今、中西合璧式.②楼梯石板悬挑式.③清水雕砌特大的张灯结彩、垂珠彩帘吉祥:图案式.在当时,三大特色均是独一无二,为此,1989年后厦门市把它定为古建筑保护单位.。

厦门大学历任校(院)长:田昭武:(1982年2月至1989年9月任厦门大学校长);林祖赓:(1990年7月至 1999年4月任厦门大学校长);陈传鸿:(1999年4月至2003年5月任厦门大学校长);朱崇实:( 2003年5月到至今任厦门大学校长)。
厦门大学全景介绍 PPT课件

厦大历史 校园风光
校园特色 人文关怀
所有的教学楼和图书馆以及宿舍都有免费的饮水机和不间 断的纯净水
所有的公共洗手间有不间断的卫生纸供应 覆盖全校的免费校园网XMUNET,上课再也不担心流量不
蔡 启 瑞 田 昭 武
2005年田中群当选中国科学院院士,他的父亲田昭武于1980年当选 2015年孙士刚当选中国科学院院士 2016年孙勇奎当选为美国工程院院士
1929-1933年嘉庚先生企业 受世界经济危机影响破产,嘉 庚先生在最艰难的时候说: “宁可变卖大厦,也要支持厦 大”
最终由于经济难以维系, 1937年先生将厦大捐给政府, 厦门大学于此改为国立
1945年毛泽东同志誉陈嘉庚 为“华侨旗帜,民族光辉”
厦门大学 “校主”陈嘉庚先生
• 思明校区-校本部(1921) • 漳州校区-嘉庚学院(2003) • 翔安校区(2012) • 马来西亚校区(2015)

But at
Never look down on yourself!
Believe in yourself
France Telecom Group confidential
Is this the best I can do?
交流· 分享· 厦门大学
Xiamen University
厦门大学是教育部直属、 “211工程”和“985工 程”重点建设的高水平 研究型大学。是中国近 代教育史上第一所由华 侨创办的大学,该校是 中国最早开展研究生教 育的三所大学之一,被 誉为“南方之强”。
France Telecom Group confidential
France Telecom Group confidential
在厦门大学的发展历程中,众多教育大家和学术名 流,如林语堂、顾颉刚、鲁迅、陈景润、余光中等 都和该校具有渊源。厦门大学从创建起就卓尔不凡 ,站在一个极高的起点上,具有强烈的时代和民族 使命感。
France Telecom Group confidential
France Telecom Group confidential
Keep Healthy
摆正心态 自荐信
做好心理准备 全面复习 回归高考
France Telecom Group confidential

“自强不息”意指自 觉地积极向上、奋发图 强、永不懈怠。“止于 至善”语出《礼记·大 学》:“大学之道,在 明明德,在亲民,在止 于至善”,指通过不懈 的努力,以臻尽善尽美 而后才停止,也就是说 不达到十分完美的境界 绝不停止自己的努力。
厦门大学图书馆设立于1921年,现设有1个总馆、3个 分馆(漳州校区、曾厝垵学生公寓、翔安校区)、3个专业 分馆(文史、经济与管理、法学)以及7个学院资料室(建 筑与土木工程学院、外文学院、化学化工学院、南洋研究院、 台湾研究院、教育研究院等)。截止2005年9月底,图书馆 馆藏资源总量为409万册,生均103册。经济学、管理学、哲 学、历史学、数学、物理学、化学、生物学等本校具有优势
建南大礼堂建在演武场东南角山岗上,1952年开工, 1954年竣工。它的建筑精细巧妙,楼房最大特色为利用前面 最高部位(25米)的中式歇山顶与精细雕砌各种吉祥图案,尤 其是特大的张灯结彩、垂珠彩帘图案的点缀方式,使之成为 古今、中西相结合,博采众长的一大独特景观。
厦门大学鲁迅纪念馆在福建厦门大学集美楼,1926年9 月4日至1927年1月16日鲁迅在厦门期间曾寓居于此。1952 年在此设立厦门大学鲁迅纪念室。这是目前国内唯一设在高 校的鲁迅纪念馆。
厦大有南校门,就是所谓的主校门,并不是因为它在学 校的南边,只是因为毗邻南普陀寺而得名,出了南校门便是 沙滩。南校门股部而端正庄严。一批批朝气蓬勃、热情洋溢 的学子从这里开始大学之旅,一代代踌躇满志、怀揣憧憬的 人才从这里踏入新的征途。
嘉庚楼群座落于中国最美的大学--厦门大学校园内。该 楼群以厦门大学的创办人,著名爱国华侨陈嘉庚先生的名字 命名。它是厦门大学建筑系师生自已设计,由五个相连的楼 组成,位于风景秀丽芙蓉湖畔。是厦门大学的标志性景观。

• 博士、科学家、院士 • 曾经以为遥不可及的
梦想,在这里只是校园生 活的常态。
• ①古今、中西合璧式。 • ②楼梯石板悬挑式。 • ③清水雕砌特大的张灯结彩、 垂珠彩帘吉祥图案式
• 游泳馆、图书馆、上弦场、
厦门大学上弦场和 建南大礼堂是厦大的标志 性建筑。校内楼房的命名 也颇有讲究,如凌云、凌 峰、映雪、囊萤、群贤、 芙蓉等。
海上花园学府 中国南方之强
校园概貌: 厦 门大学 占地面 积 8000 多亩,其中厦门校本 部 2500 亩(研究生的学习、生活全 部在校本部),漳州校区 2568 亩, 集美校区 3000 亩。三个校园均依山 傍海、风景秀丽,被誉为中国最美 丽的校园。
学 校 大 门 之 一
校歌: 自强!自强!学海 何洋洋!谁欤操钥发其藏? 鹭江深且长,致吾 知与无央。 吁嗟乎!南方之强! 吁嗟乎!南方之强! 自强!自强!人生 何茫茫!谁欤普渡架慈航? 鹭江深且长,充吾 爱与无疆。吁嗟乎!南方 之强!吁嗟乎!南方之强!
厦门大学依山傍海,一边是南普陀 寺,一边是海滨与胡里山炮台。 Nhomakorabea门大学简介
• 厦门大学是由著名爱国华侨领 袖陈嘉庚先生于1921年创办的,是 中国近代教育史上第一所华侨创办 的大学,也是我国唯一地处经济特 区的国家“211工程”和“985工程” 重点建设的高水平大学。 90年来,学校秉承“自强不息, 止于至善”的校训,积累了丰富的 办学经验,形成了鲜明的办学特色, 成为一所学科门类齐全、师资力量 雄厚、居国内一流、在国际上有广 泛影响的综合性大学。

厦门大学的介绍英语作文Introduction to Xiamen University。
Xiamen University is a prestigious university locatedin Xiamen, a coastal city in southeast China's Fujian Province. Founded in 1921 by Tan Kah Kee, a famous overseas Chinese philanthropist, the university is one of the oldest and most selective universities in China, with a reputation for academic excellence and cultural heritage.The university has a beautiful campus covering an areaof 1.2 square kilometers, with a total floor space of 1.5 million square meters. The campus is divided into two parts: the main campus and the new campus. The main campus is located on the south side of Xiamen Island, facing the sea, and is known for its picturesque scenery and unique architecture. The new campus is located in the Jimei District, about 10 kilometers away from the main campus,and is home to the School of Law, the School of Economics, and the School of Management.Xiamen University has a wide range of academic programs, including undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs. The university has 26 schools and colleges, with more than 40,000 students, including over 3,000 internationalstudents from more than 100 countries. The universityoffers courses in various disciplines, including economics, law, management, engineering, medicine, and liberal arts.The university has a strong faculty, with over 3,000full-time teachers, including more than 1,500 professorsand associate professors. Many of the faculty members are internationally renowned scholars and experts in their fields, and have won numerous awards and honors for their research and teaching.Xiamen University is committed to promotinginternational exchange and cooperation, and has established partnerships with more than 300 universities and research institutions in over 50 countries and regions. Theuniversity has also set up Confucius Institutes in many countries, promoting Chinese language and culture aroundthe world.In conclusion, Xiamen University is a world-class university with a long history and rich cultural heritage. With its beautiful campus, excellent academic programs, and strong faculty, the university is a great place for students to pursue their dreams and achieve their goals.。

Never look down on yourself!
Is this the best I can do?
Keep Healthy
▪ 摆正心态 ▪ 自荐信
——展现真实的自己,自信的自己 做好心理准备 全面复习 回归高考
她是985+211,不断电、不断网、不 禁校园亲热,米饭免费、免费纯净水、 公费医疗,气候适宜,师生河蟹,政 治倾向自由、宽松言论,5A级校园、 国际化办学,国防前线、偷渡便捷, 面向太平洋、氛围浪漫,靓仔一片、 美女如云。请认准代码10384,欢迎 报考厦门大学
Our Dean Minhan Dai
Billy Moore From America
一所好大学 能带给你什么?
知识? 工作?
环境? 朋友?
This might be your
But at
Xiamen University
the most beautiful university in China
我们的校园—— 面朝大海,春暖花开
我们的图书馆—— 读书是五星级的享受
我们的校长 —— 愿意倾听你的想法
厦门大学 英文版介绍

Xiamen University1.IntroductionXiamen University, located in Xiamen, Fujian province, is the first university in China founded by overseas Chinese. Before 1949, it was originally known as the University of Amoy. The university is one of many comprehensive universities directly administered by the Chinese Ministry of Education. In 1995 it was included in the list of the "211" Project for the state key construction; in 2000 it became one of China’s higher-level universities designated for the state key construction of the 985 Project.1.1 HistoryIn 1919, Mr. Tan kah kee, the well-known overseas Chinese leader, donated millions of dollars to establish and endow Xiamen University, officially founded in 1921. It is regarded as one of the most prestigious and selective universities in China.Mr. Tan handed over Xiamen University to the government in 1937 due to lack of funds, and the institution subsequently became a national university.In 1938, at the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War, the university temporary relocated to Changting in Min Xi county, western Fujian.At the end of World War II in 1946, Xiamen University moved back to Xiamen and resumed normal operations.In 1952, Xiamen University became a comprehensive university, and has been designated as a national key university since 1962. Then, in 1952 it became a comprehensive university embracing both arts and science. In 1963, it was designated as a state key university. In 1995, it was included in the list of the "211 Project" for the state key construction; in 2000, it became one of China’s higher-level universities designated for the state key construction of the "985"Project.1.2 School MottoOver the past eighty six years, as the result of following the school motto "Pursue Excellence, Strive for Perfection", Xiamen University has accumulated rich experience in offering its educational programs and has presented its different features in running the programs. Equipped with a strong team of faculty and staff, Xiamen University, which provides a fairly complete range of programs of education, has become a first-class comprehensive university in China with a mass of international influence. Since its founding, Xiamen University has produced more than 140,000 undergraduates and graduates for the country.1.3 TeachersXiamen University has a high level team of faculty and staff including 2,282 full-time faculty and professional researchers. Many of them own the honour of the "Leading Figure for the New Century ". With so many excellent teachers, Xiamen University will have a bright future.Xiamen University has set up over 80 research institutions, including 2 State Key Laboratories, 1 State Engineering Research Center 4 Education Ministry Key Laboratories, and 5 state key research bases in humanities and social science. In 2005, the Science Park of Xiamen University was recognized as a state university science park by the Ministry of Education. Xiamen University has strong potentiality in human and science research. Taiwan studies, Southeast Asian studies, economic studies, and accounting studies are at the highest tier among domestic universities.1.4 Student.The university now has a total enrollment of over 35,000 full-time students on campus, including 20,195 undergraduates, 12,213 master students, 2,023 doctoral students, and over 1200 international students. In 2005, Xiamen University received a straight-A score in the undergraduate level Teaching Appraisal organized by the Ministry of Education and in the later years it also keep a good level in China.1.4.1 Students' impression of OECStudents at the University are well disciplined, not leaving litter or spitting. As I wander around the campus, I often see people cleaning up, creating a clean environment on the campus. In the University, no matter who you are, you feel welcome everywhere, people smile at you, and arefriendly, willing to talk with you and help you."--- VERINE TAN from America "Our teachers not only give us lessons, but also give us the chance to practice. Combining teaching and practice makes us acquire more knowledge!"--- Student of Traditional Chinese Medicine from Malaysia "Xiamen University is indeed beautiful! I was enchanted and delighted by its beauty at first sight. Fresh air, a clean campus, and friendly people! Great changes have taken place in China."--- JI EUN JANG from Korea 1.5 Application and Admission in Henan Province.Years Admitmarks(arts) Marksline(arts)Admitmarks(science)Marksline(science)2011 609 562635 5822010579 5326125522009 581 552 6175672008596 5576145632007 624 589 6385962.Founding fatherMr. Tan kah kee (1874-1961) is an overseas Chinese legend. Mr. Tan kah kee's legacies have inspired many in Southeast Asia, by Comrade Mao Zedong as the "Flag of the Overseas Chinese and Glory of the Nation." From humble immigrant origins, he rose to a prominence, which few can match. Best remembered as an eminent entrepreneur, social reformer, political activist, philanthropist, community leader, and educationist, he died at the age of 87 in Beijing on August 121961 and was accorded a national funeral by the Chinese Government for his contribution to the society.3.CampusThe University has a total campus area of over 538 hectares. The Main Campus on Xiamen Island has an area of 167 hectares; the Zhangzhou Campus is 171 hectares in area; and the Jimei Campus has an area of 200 hectares. Xiamen University's main campus is located in Siming District, southwestern Xiamen. Located at the foot of the green mountains, facing the blue ocean and surrounded by Xiamen bay. With green hills behind and the sea close by, the three campuses are set amidst delightful scenery and are generally recognised as one of the most beautiful campuses in China. the university also has campuses at Jimei and Zhangzhou. The Xiamen campus of Xiamen University is remarked as "the most beautiful campus in China". It is at the foot of mountain and beside the seashore, with two lakes within the campus and trees, flowers and green lawn everywhere. The beautiful and peaceful environment is very good for self-reflection.3.1 The gate of Xiamen University.It was the largest university gate in China in that year. The whole building was made of rock. It looks like a bird which opens its wing to fly in the sky. It means the university will make progress and have a bright future. And its three arches signify Xiamen University's pardon and opening. The four words "Xiamen University" was written by a famous writer-Luxun. The whole gate expresses some Xiamen University’s main specialties.3.2 Jiannan Auditorium ComplexThere is a famous hall named "Jiannan assembly hall". This building style is full of classical and modern art. Mr. Chen kah kee personally participate in the hall’s design and project supervision. It was built in 1952, and finished in 1954. The hall's construction is wonderful article excelling nature. It combines ancient and modern, Chinese and Western, and it become a particular building learning widely from others' strong points. Five halls are arranged appearing camber and they are facing the ocean. This building is also the symol in Xiamen.It can hold 4000 students at the same time. It's not only big, but also grandness.3.3 Lotus TunnelThis is also one of the symol buildings in the university. It is 1455m long. Among them, pedestrian tunnel is 1015 meters long, 8m wide and 5.1m high. In the Xiamen University, all the students knows Lotus tunnel, which is named Graffiti tunnel by our students now. It had been clean and clear. There were rows of fluorescent lamps. The locomotive was forbidden in the tunnel. Even if we walked in the tunnel at deep night, we can also feel safe. Later, the fluorescent lamps went out and they were changed by energy-saving lamps that there were few bright spots. One day many pictures dropped from the skies in the white wall.In this tunnel, students can draw pictures, or write the pop words. It was design by the students. Some of them are about love, some of them are about friendship. This "chicken tracks" attract others attention and become the symbol of this university.3.4 Economics ComplexThe complex of School of Economics was located near the West Gate of Xiamen Campus. It consists of five buildings, which are all connected with piazzas and inlaid with gardens. Each teacher can expect to have an office of different size in the building. There are also sports rooms especially equipped for teachers.3.5 LibraryThe XMU's library is set up in 1921. Now it has one main library, two medical libraries, three specialty libraries and seven reference rooms. It occupies 6.68 million square meters. It is a five star library. In 2005, there had been 4,090 thousands books. The books are keeping in library by the numbers and the association about Southeast Asia and Taiwan is so distinctive. Now the perfect checking system can be handled in internet.The library has five floors. There is full room for students to read and study. There are always most students in every floor and in the time close to exam there will be no room if you get late. We can see a university's good atmosphere in there.4.FutureNow, Xiamen University has four campuses. They are cadre campus, zhangzhou campus, haiyun campus and xiang'an campus. Among them the xiang'an campus is being put up. Every campus has its good hardware capacities to give students and teachers rich sources. They are linked tightly verymuch. Different grades' students and those students who learn different majors will live in different campus. And every campus' choosing is upon different students' features. Xiamen University, this policy makes full use of its sources and let its students have their suitable learning and living atmosphere.Xiamen University is making great strides towards its goal of "building a high-level university well-known both at home and abroad." From the time it was set up, more and more talents go out from this university. Under its special policy, professional teaching team and good studying atmosphere, it must will give China and even our human beings more and more fresh blood. Following the school motto "Pursue Excellence, Strive for Perfection", Xiamen University will have a bright future. The university will provide more undergraduates and graduates for the country to do what they can do. And there will be more brand new technology from them. It was like a new beautiful word there.For me, I also want to say. May be, today, I'm studying in Shenda not Xiada, but I can also use the motto from this university in order to improve myself. I have confidence that I can do better than those Xiada’s students and I must accomplish it.Xiamen University is really a good place that has good environment and most top talents. But I want to say, being young, knowledgeable and self-motivated, they will become the leading economists and economics educators of tomorrow. No mater where we study now, we can also make big progress。

厦门大学克立楼不远处是嘉庚楼群的21层行政大楼,学校始建于1921年,厦门大学将主楼建成21 层含有双关意蕴。楼前就是人工造的芙蓉湖,登上21层顶楼可以向四周俯瞰,鼓浪屿、南普陀寺、 植物园、大嶝岛、沿海大桥、船型桥、厦门大学职工宿舍区、学生公寓区、博士楼群、教学区楼 群等,群贤楼群、建南楼群、化学楼群、艺术教育学院、厦门大学法学院、演武田径场、厦门大 学水库、厦门大学人类博物馆、厦门大学国学研究院、陈嘉庚纪念堂和纪念碑、钟美林广场、图 书馆、陈嘉庚与学生雕塑群、鲁迅雕像、鲁迅纪念馆、教师之家、学生公寓区、厦门软件园尽收 眼底 。
校训 含义
“自强不息”语出《周易· 乾》:“天行厦门大学校训 厦门大学校训 健,君子以自强不息”,意指自觉地积极向上、奋发图强、永不懈 怠。“止于至善”语出《礼记· 大学》:“大学之道,在明明德, 在亲民,在止于至善”,意指通过不懈的努力,达到尽善尽美。
校徽图案是陈嘉庚先生创办厦门大学厦门大 学校徽 厦门大学校徽 时确定并沿用下来的,其特定的内涵, 简要 说明如下:徽标圆环上方为繁体字“厦门大 学”,下方为拉丁语“厦门大学”;盾形上 的三颗五角星图案代表中国传统哲学中的 “三才”,即所谓天然中精神的、宇宙的、 人类的三大元素;盾形中心的城及城门图案 象征着广纳贤才、开放办学;绶带上的“止 于至善”四字为建校初期校训。
校园介绍 校园文化 知名校友
录取情况 校园风光
厦门大学(Xiamen University),简称厦大(XMU),是中华人民共和国教育部直属的全国重点大学,是 国家“211工程”、“985工程”重点建设高校,是国家“2011计划”牵头高校。入选“111计划”、“珠峰计 划”、“卓越工程师教育培养计划”、“卓越法律人才教育培养计划”、“卓越医生教育培养计划”、国家建 设高水平大学公派研究生项目,是全国31所副部级中管高校。学校由著名爱国华侨领袖陈嘉庚先生于1921年创 办,是中国近代教育史上第一所华侨创办的大学,是国内最早招收研究生的大学之一,被誉为“南方之强” 。 目前学校占地超过9000亩,其中思明校区位于厦门岛南端,占地2596亩,漳州校区占地2568亩,翔安校区占地 3645亩(2012年完成一期工程建设并投入使用)。2014年7月,厦门大学马来西亚分校动工建设。校舍建筑总 面积210万平方米,图书馆馆藏纸质图书总量468万册,固定资产总值46亿元,仪器设备总值超过18亿元。校园 高速信息网络建设的规模、水平居全国高校前列并成为CERNET2的核心节点之一 。 学校设有研究生院、27个学院(含76个系)和14个研究院,187个博士学位授予点,276个硕士学位授予点,92 个本科专业。有在校生近40000人(本科生19379人,硕士生18085人,博士生3001人),其中外国留学生及港、 澳、台学生3600余人

介绍厦大的英语作文English: Xiamen University, located in the beautiful coastal city of Xiamen in Fujian Province, is one of the top-ranking universities in China. Established in 1921, Xiamen University is known for its picturesque campus, strong academic programs, and vibrant student life. The university offers a wide range of undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs in various fields including business, science, engineering, arts, and social sciences. With a focus on internationalization, Xiamen University has established partnerships with over 270 universities around the world, providing opportunities for students to participate in exchange programs and study abroad. The university's faculty includes renowned scholars and researchers who are dedicated to providing a high-quality education to their students. In addition to academics, Xiamen University offers a rich campus life with a variety of student clubs, sports teams, and cultural activities. Overall, Xiamen University is a prestigious institution that combines academic excellence with a vibrant campus culture.中文翻译: 厦门大学坐落在美丽的福建省沿海城市厦门,是中国排名靠前的大学之一。

英语作文介绍福建厦门大学Xiamen University, located in the beautiful coastal city of Xiamen, Fujian Province, is one of China's prestigious institutions of higher education. Established in 1921 by the renowned Chinese educator and philanthropist Tan Kah Kee, the university has a rich history and a strong academic reputation.Nestled between the serene blue waters of the South China Sea and lush green hills, Xiamen University offers a picturesque environment that is conducive to learning and research. The campus is renowned for its blend of traditional Chinese architecture and modern facilities, creating a unique and inspiring atmosphere for students and scholars alike.Academically, Xiamen University is known for its comprehensive range of disciplines, including but not limited to humanities, sciences, engineering, law, and economics. The university places a strong emphasis on research and innovation, with numerous research centers and institutes dedicated to advancing knowledge in various fields.Culturally, the university is a vibrant hub of diversity, attracting students from all over China and the world. It provides a platform for cultural exchange and fosters an environment where students can learn not only from books but also from the rich tapestry of experiences and perspectives that their peers bring.In addition to its academic pursuits, Xiamen University is also committed to the holistic development of its students.It offers a wide array of extracurricular activities, including sports, arts, and social clubs, allowing students to pursue their interests and develop their talents outside the classroom.For those interested in furthering their education in a place of natural beauty with a strong academic foundation, Xiamen University is undoubtedly an excellent choice. It stands as a beacon of knowledge and cultural exchange, shaping the minds of tomorrow while celebrating the diversity and richness of human endeavor.。

厦门大学英文作文介绍范文英文:Xiamen University, located in the beautiful coastalcity of Xiamen, is one of the top universities in China. I chose to study at Xiamen University because of itsexcellent reputation, stunning campus, and diverse academic programs.As soon as I stepped onto the campus, I was captivated by its natural beauty. The lush greenery, picturesque lakes, and traditional Chinese architecture create a serene and inspiring environment for learning. The university's modern facilities, such as state-of-the-art laboratories and well-equipped libraries, provide students with the resourcesthey need to excel in their studies.One of the things I love most about Xiamen Universityis the vibrant student life. There are numerous clubs and organizations catering to a wide range of interests, fromsports and music to volunteering and entrepreneurship. I have made lifelong friends through my involvement in these activities, and I have had the opportunity to develop valuable leadership and teamwork skills.The academic programs at Xiamen University are alsotop-notch. The professors are knowledgeable and passionate about their subjects, and they are always willing to offer guidance and support to their students. I have had the chance to participate in research projects and study abroad programs, which have broadened my horizons and enriched my educational experience.Overall, my time at Xiamen University has been incredibly rewarding. I have grown both academically and personally, and I am proud to be part of such a prestigious institution.中文:厦门大学位于美丽的沿海城市厦门,是中国顶尖的大学之一。

厦门大学-英文版介绍————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:Xiamen University1.IntroductionXiamen University, located in Xiamen, Fujian province, is the first university in China founded by overseas Chinese. Before 1949, it was originally known as the University of Amoy. The university is one of many comprehensive universities directly administered by the Chinese Ministry of Education. In 1995 it was included in the list of the "211" Project for the state key construction; in 2000 it became one of China’s higher-level universities designated for the state key construction of the 985 Project.1.1 HistoryIn 1919, Mr. Tan kah kee, the well-known overseas Chinese leader, donated millions of dollars to establish and endow Xiamen University, officially founded in 1921. It is regarded as one of the most prestigious and selective universities in China.Mr. Tan handed over Xiamen University to the government in 1937 due to lack of funds, and the institution subsequently became a national university.In 1938, at the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War, the university temporary relocated to Changting in Min Xi county, western Fujian.At the end of World War II in 1946, Xiamen University moved back to Xiamen and resumed normal operations.In 1952, Xiamen University became a comprehensive university, and has been designated as a national key university since 1962. Then, in 1952 it became a comprehensive university embracing both arts and science. In 1963, it was designated as a state key university. In 1995, it was included in the list of the "211 Project" for the state key construction; in 2000, it became one of China’s higher-level universities designated for the state key construction of the "985"Project.1.2 School MottoOver the past eighty six years, as the result of following the school motto "Pursue Excellence, Strive for Perfection", Xiamen University has accumulated rich experience in offering its educational programs and has presented its different features in running the programs. Equipped with a strong team of faculty and staff, Xiamen University, which provides a fairly complete range of programs of education, has become a first-class comprehensive university in China with a mass of international influence. Since its founding, Xiamen University has produced more than 140,000 undergraduates and graduates for the country.1.3 TeachersXiamen University has a high level team of faculty and staff including 2,282 full-time faculty and professional researchers. Many of them own the honour of the "Leading Figure for the New Century ". With so many excellent teachers, Xiamen University will have a bright future.Xiamen University has set up over 80 research institutions, including 2 State Key Laboratories, 1 State Engineering Research Center 4 Education Ministry Key Laboratories, and 5 state key research bases in humanities and social science. In 2005, the Science Park of Xiamen University was recognized as a state university science park by the Ministry of Education. Xiamen University has strong potentiality in human and science research. Taiwan studies, Southeast Asian studies, economic studies, and accounting studies are at the highest tier among domestic universities.1.4 Student.The university now has a total enrollment of over 35,000 full-time students on campus, including 20,195 undergraduates, 12,213 master students, 2,023 doctoral students, and over 1200 international students. In 2005, Xiamen University received a straight-A score in the undergraduate level Teaching Appraisal organized by the Ministry of Education and in the later years it also keep a good level in China.1.4.1 Students' impression of OECStudents at the University are well disciplined, not leaving litter or spitting. As I wander around the campus, I often see people cleaning up, creating a clean environment on the campus. In theUniversity, no matter who you are, you feel welcome everywhere, people smile at you, and are friendly, willing to talk with you and help you."--- VERINE TAN from America "Our teachers not only give us lessons, but also give us the chance to practice. Combining teaching and practice makes us acquire more knowledge!"--- Student of Traditional Chinese Medicine from Malaysia "Xiamen University is indeed beautiful! I was enchanted and delighted by its beauty at first sight. Fresh air, a clean campus, and friendly people! Great changes have taken place in China."--- JI EUN JANG from Korea 1.5 Application and Admission in Henan Province.Years Admitmarks(arts) Marksline(arts)Admitmarks(science)Marksline(science)2011 609 562 635 5822010 579 532 612 5522009 581 552 617 5672008 596 557 614 5632007 624 589 638 5962.Founding fatherMr. Tan kah kee (1874-1961) is an overseas Chinese legend. Mr. Tan kah kee's legacies have inspired many in Southeast Asia, by Comrade Mao Zedong as the "Flag of the Overseas Chinese and Glory of the Nation." From humble immigrant origins, he rose to a prominence, which few can match. Best remembered as an eminent entrepreneur, social reformer, political activist, philanthropist, community leader, and educationist, he died at the age of 87 in Beijing on August 12 1961 and was accorded a national funeral by the Chinese Government for his contribution to the society.3.CampusThe University has a total campus area of over 538 hectares. The Main Campus on Xiamen Island has an area of 167 hectares; the Zhangzhou Campus is 171 hectares in area; and the Jimei Campus has an area of 200 hectares. Xiamen University's main campus is located in Siming District, southwestern Xiamen. Located at the foot of the green mountains, facing the blue ocean and surrounded by Xiamen bay. With green hills behind and the sea close by, the three campuses are set amidst delightful scenery and are generally recognised as one of the most beautiful campuses in China. the university also has campuses at Jimei and Zhangzhou. The Xiamen campus of Xiamen University is remarked as "the most beautiful campus in China". It is at the foot of mountain and beside the seashore, with two lakes within the campus and trees, flowers and green lawn everywhere. The beautiful and peaceful environment is very good for self-reflection.3.1 The gate of Xiamen University.It was the largest university gate in China in that year. The whole building was made of rock. It looks like a bird which opens its wing to fly in the sky. It means the university will make progress and have a bright future. And its three arches signify Xiamen University's pardon and opening. The four words "Xiamen University" was written by a famous writer-Luxun. The whole gate expresses some Xiamen University’s main specialties.3.2 Jiannan Auditorium ComplexThere is a famous hall named "Jiannan assembly hall". This building style is full of classical and modern art. Mr. Chen kah kee personally participate in the hall’s design and project supervision. It was built in 1952, and finished in 1954. The hall's construction is wonderful article excelling nature. It combines ancient and modern, Chinese and Western, and it become a particular building learning widely from others' strong points. Five halls are arranged appearing camber and they are facing the ocean. This building is also the symol in Xiamen.It can hold 4000 students at the same time. It's not only big, but also grandness.3.3 Lotus TunnelThis is also one of the symol buildings in the university. It is 1455m long. Among them, pedestrian tunnel is 1015 meters long, 8m wide and 5.1m high. In the Xiamen University, all the studentsknows Lotus tunnel, which is named Graffiti tunnel by our students now. It had been clean and clear. There were rows of fluorescent lamps. The locomotive was forbidden in the tunnel. Even if we walked in the tunnel at deep night, we can also feel safe. Later, the fluorescent lamps went out and they were changed by energy-saving lamps that there were few bright spots. One day many pictures dropped from the skies in the white wall.In this tunnel, students can draw pictures, or write the pop words. It was design by the students. Some of them are about love, some of them are about friendship. This "chicken tracks" attract others attention and become the symbol of this university.3.4 Economics ComplexThe complex of School of Economics was located near the West Gate of Xiamen Campus. It consists of five buildings, which are all connected with piazzas and inlaid with gardens. Each teacher can expect to have an office of different size in the building. There are also sports rooms especially equipped for teachers.3.5 LibraryThe XMU's library is set up in 1921. Now it has one main library, two medical libraries, three specialty libraries and seven reference rooms. It occupies 6.68 million square meters. It is a five star library. In 2005, there had been 4,090 thousands books. The books are keeping in library by the numbers and the association about Southeast Asia and Taiwan is so distinctive. Now the perfect checking system can be handled in internet.The library has five floors. There is full room for students to read and study. There are always most students in every floor and in the time close to exam there will be no room if you get late. We can see a university's good atmosphere in there.4.FutureNow, Xiamen University has four campuses. They are cadre campus, zhangzhou campus, haiyun campus and xiang'an campus. Among them the xiang'an campus is being put up. Every campus has its good hardware capacities to give students and teachers rich sources. They are linked tightly very much. Different grades' students and those students who learn different majors will live in different campus. And every campus' choosing is upon different students' features. Xiamen University, thispolicy makes full use of its sources and let its students have their suitable learning and living atmosphere.Xiamen University is making great strides towards its goal of "building a high-level university well-known both at home and abroad." From the time it was set up, more and more talents go out from this university. Under its special policy, professional teaching team and good studying atmosphere, it must will give China and even our human beings more and more fresh blood. Following the school motto "Pursue Excellence, Strive for Perfection", Xiamen University will have a bright future. The university will provide more undergraduates and graduates for the country to do what they can do. And there will be more brand new technology from them. It was like a new beautiful word there.For me, I also want to say. May be, today, I'm studying in Shenda not Xiada, but I can also use the motto from this university in order to improve myself. I have confidence that I can do better than those Xiada’s students and I must accomplish it.Xiamen University is really a good place that has good environment and most top talents. But I want to say, being young, knowledgeable and self-motivated, they will become the leading economists and economics educators of tomorrow. No mater where we study now, we can also make big progress。


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• 滨海风光,秀色可餐,建筑散落云雾之中,若蓬莱仙境;最妙海塘堤岸,红 花绿影,仿佛珍珠翡翠,镶嵌于鹭岛之西,这是对厦门大学最美的概括。厦
• 三房两厅两卫、电梯入户、可视门禁系统、保险柜、高层看海景…… 这不是房地产广告而是厦门大学漳州校区2010级新生的宿舍楼、被住在
现有在校生38000多人,其中本科生20575人,硕士生15590人(其中专业硕士6014人),博士生2567人,外国留 学生及港、澳、台学生2500余人。学校获第四、五、六届国家级高等教育教学成果一等奖6项、二等奖14项,名列全国 高校前茅。29门课程入选全国“精品课程”。学校推行通识教育,注重培养学生创新意识和创造能力,多次在中国大学 生各类比赛中获奖。2005年底,我校本科教学工作水平以“优秀”的成绩通过教育部评估。厦大毕业生是最受社会欢 迎的群体之一,就业率保持在95%以上。在教育部第四届和第五届高校社会科学优秀成果奖中,分别有19项和14项成 果获奖。在2010年全球最著名的两大科技期刊之一的《Nature》发布的《自然出版指数2010中国》(Nature Publishing Index 2010 China)在这份报告中,厦门大学科研实力位居国内所有科研机构第9名。(以上数据截至2011 年3月31日)
厦门大学是由著名爱国华侨领袖陈嘉庚先生于1921年创办的,是中国 近代教育史上第一所华侨创办的大学,是我国最早开展研究生教育的 三所大学之一,被誉为“南方之强”,是我国唯一位于经济特区的,“211 工程”和“985工程”重点建设的高水平重点大学。厦门大学也是国家 副部级建制的重点大学,是加入国家珠峰计划的17 所985 高校之一(即 基础学科拔尖学生培养实验计划,从数学、物理、化学、生物、计算 机学科开始),是学科门类齐全、师资力量雄厚、居国内一流、在国 际上有广泛影响的综合性大学。建校迄今,先后为国家培养了陈景润、 谢希德、卢嘉锡、曾呈奎等20多万名优秀本科和研究生,在厦大学习、 工作过的两院院士达60多人。
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厦门大 学
学校占地约2500多亩,一边是南普陀寺,一边是海滨 与胡里山炮台,被誉为中国最美的大学校园之一。厦 门大学校园有芙蓉湖、情人谷水库等景点,有“谈情说 爱在厦大”之说。厦门大学的旧建筑多为陈嘉庚先生的 女婿所建,清水墙、琉璃顶极富特色,被喻为“穿西装、 戴斗笠”(比喻中西建筑风格结合),尤其是建南大礼 堂和上弦场相当宏伟。 厦大的“校训”, “自强不息,止於至善”八个大字。 厦大校园内的建筑群无论新旧大多是一主四从的建筑 结构-像群贤楼群/颂恩楼群乃至建南大礼堂。群贤楼 群包括群贤主楼,两边对称的分别是同安楼集美楼-取 自地名,和囊萤楼映雪楼,取自囊萤映雪的典故,有 劝学之义。 厦门大学是中国南方环境最美的大学,也是最具文化 省厦门市东南五老峰下,面临碧澄海港, 该寺占地面积25.8万平方米,建筑面积2.1270万平方米。始建 于朝末年,称为泗洲寺,宋治平年间改名为普照寺,明朝初年, 寺院荒芜,直到清朝康熙年间才得到重建。因其供奉观世音菩 萨,与浙江普陀山观音道场类似,又在普陀山以南而得名“南 普陀寺”,为闽南佛教胜地之一。寺内明万历年间血书《妙法 莲华经》和何朝宗名作白瓷观音等最为名贵。 南普随寺中轴线上主要建筑有天王殿、大雄宝殿、大悲殿、 藏经阁等。两旁有钟鼓楼、禅堂、客堂、库房,另有闽南佛学 院,佛教养正院,寺前有放生池,寺后近年新建“太虚大师纪 念塔”。整座寺院气势宏伟,错落有序。 南普陀寺为汉族地区佛教全国重点寺院 、福建省第六批省级文 物保护单位、厦门八大风景区之一。 中文名称 南普陀寺 地理位置福建省厦门市思明区思明南路南 端 占地面积 25.8万平方米开放时间 3:00~18:00 门票价格 免费 著名景点 天王殿
厦门园林植物园,俗称“万石植物园”,位于福建省厦门岛东南隅的万石山 中,背靠五老峰南普陀,紧邻中山路商圈。始建于1960年,占地4.93平方公 里,是福建省第一个植物园,是鼓浪屿——万石山国家级重点风景名胜区的 重要组成部分,集植物景观、自然景观、人文景观于一体。 厦门园林植物园自1960年建园至2014年,厦门植物园已引种、收集7000多 种(含品种)植物,建成了松杉园、蔷薇园、竹径、棕榈岛、沙生植物区、 南洋杉疏林草地、雨林植物世界、藤本植物区、花卉园、药用植物区、彩叶 灌木区、百花厅、苏铁园、引种驯化区、市花园等15个专类园区。