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[ 1]
44 个小麦品种 ( 系) 苗期氮素吸收与积累的差异性, 分析了在正常 ( 5 mmo1 / L) 和高氮 ( 45 mmo1 / L ) 供应 水平下, 不同小麦品种苗期茎叶干重、氮含量及氮 素累积量等参数指标, 计算氮效率综合值并以此进 行聚类分析, 划分不同氮营养效率小麦品种, 为研究 小麦氮素高效吸收利用机理提供基础材料。
wheat cu1tivars at the seed1ing stage ;The Yangmai16 and Jian76 are Pre1iminary confirmed as the wheat cu1tivars with high nitrogen use efficiency in the norma1 and high nitrogen conditions,Wanmai68 ,F6 0501 -4 ,Jian62 and Annong1026 as cu1tivars with high nitrogen use efficiency in the high nitrogen conditions. Key Words: wheat; seed1ing stage; nitrogen uPtake efficiency; c1uster ana1ysis 小麦是我国三大粮食作物之一, 其产量的高低 对我国粮食安全有重要影响。氮素是限制小麦生长 和品质的重要因子
作者简介:杜保见 ( 1988 —) ,男,安徽阜阳人, 硕士研究生, 主要从事植物营养高效利用方面的研究。E-mai1:dubaojian0720@ 126. com
20 卷
root nitrogen accumu1ation( RNA ) of the wheat cu1tivars between the two N suPP1y 1eve1s. The coefficients of the norma1 and high nitrogen 1eve1s, resPective1y. The integrated nitrogen use efficiency va1ues( INUEV)under the INUEV and the c1ustering ana1ysis( CA)of INUEV,the 44 wheat cu1tivars are divided into three categories which are high ,midd1e and 1ow nitrogen use efficiencies( NUE ) . The Yangmai16 and Jian76 be1ong to high NUE category under both norma1 and high nitrogen 1eve1s,and the Wanmai68 ,F6 0501 - 4 ,Jian62 and Annong1026 be1ong to high NUE wheat cu1tivars on1y under the high nitrogen 1eve1. The wheat cu1tivars with high ,midd1e and 1ow nitrogen use efficiencies in the norma1 nitrogen condition account for 4. 54% , 54. 55% and 40. 91% ,and root dry weight and 1eaf area can be used as indices to eva1uate the Potentia1s of weight,root nitrogen accumu1ation, INUEV of Jian76 wheat cu1tivar is greater than 80% under the both norma1 and high nitrogen 1eve1s. Based on the norma1 and high nitrogen 1eve1s at the seed1ing stage are 0. 053 - 0. 920 and 0. 001 - 0. 853 ,resPective1y. The variation( CV)of SDW,RDW,LA,SNA and RNA are between 27. 9% - 33. 7% and 21. 5% - 33. 7% under
。受 “ 施肥越多, 产量越高” 观
念的影响, 小麦氮肥过量施用的现象较普遍。我国 仅为 28. 2% 平均利用率 小麦氮肥的平均投入量为 187 kg / hm ,
[ 2-3 ]
, 氮肥损失增加了农业成本和生态
环境风险。品种改良、氮肥配方施肥和农艺技术的 应用是提高小麦氮肥利用效率的有效途径, 而选育
increasing nitrogen ferti1izer use efficiency and reducing environmenta1 risks. In this PaPer ,44 wheat cu1tivars at the seed1ing stage for their Potentia1 of high nitrogen use efficiency were screened.【 Methods 】HydroPonic were standardized by the method of Subordinate function into interva1[ 0 , 1] ,and the standardized data were exPeriments were conducted with norma1( 5 mmo1 / L)and high( 45 mmo1 / L )nitrogen 1eve1s. Eva1uation indices
文章编号: 1008-505X ( 2014 ) 06-1349-09
Screening and cluster analysis of nitrogen use efficiency of different Wheat cultivars at the seedling stage
( School of Resources and Environment,Anhui Agricultural University,Hefei 230036 ,China) DU Bao-jian,GAO Hong-jian ,CHANG Jiang,ZHANG Li-gan
1] ; 而后采用客观赋权法将标准化后的数据整合成一个无量纲的综合值, 最后基 指标数据进行标准化, 区间为 [0,
氮效率综合值均大于 80% 。通过隶属函数氮效率综合值及其聚类分析, 将 44 个供试小麦品种分为氮高效型、氮 4” 、 “ 鉴 62 ” 和 “ 安农 1026 ” 只在高氮条件下表现为高效型。氮高效型、氮中效型、氮低效型小麦品种在正常供氮 和高氮条件下, 44 个供试小麦品种的茎叶氮累积量、茎叶干重、根部氮累积量、根部干重和叶面积存在显著性差 “ 皖麦 68 ” 、 “ F6 0501-4 ” 、 “ 鉴 62 ” 和 “ 安农 1026 ”为高氮条件下的氮高效型品种。 关键词:小麦;苗期;氮吸收效率;聚类分析 中图分类号:S512. 1. 01 文献标识码:A 中效型和氮低效型三类; 其中 “ 扬麦 16 “和 “ 鉴 76 ” 在正常氮和高氮条件下均表现为高效型, “ 皖麦 68 ” 、 “ F6 0501-
[ 4-5 ] 氮高效作物品种是关键 。
于综合值运用最短距离法、欧氏距离平方聚类分析方法, 将 44 个小麦品种划分成不同的氮效率类型。 【 结果】 在 两种供氮水平下, 不同小麦品种的茎叶干重、根干重、叶面积、茎叶氮累积量和根氮累积量存在显著性差异, 其变 合值在正常氮和高氮水平下分别在 0. 053 33. 7% 和 21. 5% 0. 920 和 0. 001 异系数分别在 27. 9% 32. 8% 之间, 可作为小麦苗期氮效率的评价指标。小麦苗期氮效率综 0. 853 之间, 其中 “ 鉴 76 ” 在正常氮和高氮条件下的
植物营养与肥料学报 2014 , 20 (6) : 1349 - 1357 Journa1 of P1ant Nutrition and Ferti1izer
doi: 10. 11674 / zwyf. 2014. 0604
杜保见,郜红建 ,常 江,章力干
( 安徽农业大学资源与环境学院,安徽合肥 230036 ) 摘要: 【 目的】 氮肥过量施用, 不仅造成氮素大量流失, 还增加了农业生产成本, 对生态环境带来了巨大的威胁。筛 选和培育氮高效小麦品种是提高氮肥利用率、降低环境污染风险的有效途径。本文通过对 44 个小麦品种苗期性 种 ( 系) 在正常氮 ( 5 mmo1 / L) 和高氮 ( 45 mmo1 / L) 条件下苗期氮素吸收利用效率的差异。采用隶属函数法将评价 状的考察, 初步筛选出具有氮高效潜力的小麦品种。 【 方法】 利用循环营养液培养方法, 研究了安徽省 44 个小麦品
和高氮条件下分别占供试品种总数的 4. 54% 、 54. 55% 、 40. 91% 和 13. 63% 、 38. 64 、 47. 73% 。 【 结论】 在正常供氮 和 “ 鉴 76 ” 为正常供氮和高氮条件下的氮高效型品种, 异, 可以作为小麦苗期氮效率评价指标; 初步确定 “ 扬麦 16 ”
agricu1tura1 Production. Screening and breeding croP cu1tivars with high nitrogen use efficiency is effective way of
Abstract: 【 Objewenku.baidu.comtives 】Excessive aPP1ication of nitrogen ferti1izer 1ead to nitrogen 1oss and cost increase of
接受日期: 2014-01-24 收稿日期: 2013-10-28
ca1cu1ated into a dimension1ess integrated va1ues by objective weighting method. Based on the comPrehensive va1ue
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划项目 ( 2012BAD20B05 , 2012BAD04B09 , 2013BAD07B08 ) 资助。 0551-65786447 ,E-mai1:gaohongjian2@ 163. com 通信作者 Te1:
using the shortest distance method and squared euc1idean distance method of c1ustering ana1ysis , 44 wheat cu1tivars were divided into different categories using their nitrogen use efficiency. 【 Results】 There are significant differences
in shoot dry weight( SDW) ,root dry weight( RDW ) ,1eaf area( LA ) ,shoot nitrogen accumu1ation( SNA )and
13. 63% ,38. 64 and 47. 73% high nitrogen condition. 【 Conclusions】The shoot nitrogen accumu1ation ,shoot dry
44 个小麦品种 ( 系) 苗期氮素吸收与积累的差异性, 分析了在正常 ( 5 mmo1 / L) 和高氮 ( 45 mmo1 / L ) 供应 水平下, 不同小麦品种苗期茎叶干重、氮含量及氮 素累积量等参数指标, 计算氮效率综合值并以此进 行聚类分析, 划分不同氮营养效率小麦品种, 为研究 小麦氮素高效吸收利用机理提供基础材料。
wheat cu1tivars at the seed1ing stage ;The Yangmai16 and Jian76 are Pre1iminary confirmed as the wheat cu1tivars with high nitrogen use efficiency in the norma1 and high nitrogen conditions,Wanmai68 ,F6 0501 -4 ,Jian62 and Annong1026 as cu1tivars with high nitrogen use efficiency in the high nitrogen conditions. Key Words: wheat; seed1ing stage; nitrogen uPtake efficiency; c1uster ana1ysis 小麦是我国三大粮食作物之一, 其产量的高低 对我国粮食安全有重要影响。氮素是限制小麦生长 和品质的重要因子
作者简介:杜保见 ( 1988 —) ,男,安徽阜阳人, 硕士研究生, 主要从事植物营养高效利用方面的研究。E-mai1:dubaojian0720@ 126. com
20 卷
root nitrogen accumu1ation( RNA ) of the wheat cu1tivars between the two N suPP1y 1eve1s. The coefficients of the norma1 and high nitrogen 1eve1s, resPective1y. The integrated nitrogen use efficiency va1ues( INUEV)under the INUEV and the c1ustering ana1ysis( CA)of INUEV,the 44 wheat cu1tivars are divided into three categories which are high ,midd1e and 1ow nitrogen use efficiencies( NUE ) . The Yangmai16 and Jian76 be1ong to high NUE category under both norma1 and high nitrogen 1eve1s,and the Wanmai68 ,F6 0501 - 4 ,Jian62 and Annong1026 be1ong to high NUE wheat cu1tivars on1y under the high nitrogen 1eve1. The wheat cu1tivars with high ,midd1e and 1ow nitrogen use efficiencies in the norma1 nitrogen condition account for 4. 54% , 54. 55% and 40. 91% ,and root dry weight and 1eaf area can be used as indices to eva1uate the Potentia1s of weight,root nitrogen accumu1ation, INUEV of Jian76 wheat cu1tivar is greater than 80% under the both norma1 and high nitrogen 1eve1s. Based on the norma1 and high nitrogen 1eve1s at the seed1ing stage are 0. 053 - 0. 920 and 0. 001 - 0. 853 ,resPective1y. The variation( CV)of SDW,RDW,LA,SNA and RNA are between 27. 9% - 33. 7% and 21. 5% - 33. 7% under
。受 “ 施肥越多, 产量越高” 观
念的影响, 小麦氮肥过量施用的现象较普遍。我国 仅为 28. 2% 平均利用率 小麦氮肥的平均投入量为 187 kg / hm ,
[ 2-3 ]
, 氮肥损失增加了农业成本和生态
环境风险。品种改良、氮肥配方施肥和农艺技术的 应用是提高小麦氮肥利用效率的有效途径, 而选育
increasing nitrogen ferti1izer use efficiency and reducing environmenta1 risks. In this PaPer ,44 wheat cu1tivars at the seed1ing stage for their Potentia1 of high nitrogen use efficiency were screened.【 Methods 】HydroPonic were standardized by the method of Subordinate function into interva1[ 0 , 1] ,and the standardized data were exPeriments were conducted with norma1( 5 mmo1 / L)and high( 45 mmo1 / L )nitrogen 1eve1s. Eva1uation indices
文章编号: 1008-505X ( 2014 ) 06-1349-09
Screening and cluster analysis of nitrogen use efficiency of different Wheat cultivars at the seedling stage
( School of Resources and Environment,Anhui Agricultural University,Hefei 230036 ,China) DU Bao-jian,GAO Hong-jian ,CHANG Jiang,ZHANG Li-gan
1] ; 而后采用客观赋权法将标准化后的数据整合成一个无量纲的综合值, 最后基 指标数据进行标准化, 区间为 [0,
氮效率综合值均大于 80% 。通过隶属函数氮效率综合值及其聚类分析, 将 44 个供试小麦品种分为氮高效型、氮 4” 、 “ 鉴 62 ” 和 “ 安农 1026 ” 只在高氮条件下表现为高效型。氮高效型、氮中效型、氮低效型小麦品种在正常供氮 和高氮条件下, 44 个供试小麦品种的茎叶氮累积量、茎叶干重、根部氮累积量、根部干重和叶面积存在显著性差 “ 皖麦 68 ” 、 “ F6 0501-4 ” 、 “ 鉴 62 ” 和 “ 安农 1026 ”为高氮条件下的氮高效型品种。 关键词:小麦;苗期;氮吸收效率;聚类分析 中图分类号:S512. 1. 01 文献标识码:A 中效型和氮低效型三类; 其中 “ 扬麦 16 “和 “ 鉴 76 ” 在正常氮和高氮条件下均表现为高效型, “ 皖麦 68 ” 、 “ F6 0501-
[ 4-5 ] 氮高效作物品种是关键 。
于综合值运用最短距离法、欧氏距离平方聚类分析方法, 将 44 个小麦品种划分成不同的氮效率类型。 【 结果】 在 两种供氮水平下, 不同小麦品种的茎叶干重、根干重、叶面积、茎叶氮累积量和根氮累积量存在显著性差异, 其变 合值在正常氮和高氮水平下分别在 0. 053 33. 7% 和 21. 5% 0. 920 和 0. 001 异系数分别在 27. 9% 32. 8% 之间, 可作为小麦苗期氮效率的评价指标。小麦苗期氮效率综 0. 853 之间, 其中 “ 鉴 76 ” 在正常氮和高氮条件下的
植物营养与肥料学报 2014 , 20 (6) : 1349 - 1357 Journa1 of P1ant Nutrition and Ferti1izer
doi: 10. 11674 / zwyf. 2014. 0604
杜保见,郜红建 ,常 江,章力干
( 安徽农业大学资源与环境学院,安徽合肥 230036 ) 摘要: 【 目的】 氮肥过量施用, 不仅造成氮素大量流失, 还增加了农业生产成本, 对生态环境带来了巨大的威胁。筛 选和培育氮高效小麦品种是提高氮肥利用率、降低环境污染风险的有效途径。本文通过对 44 个小麦品种苗期性 种 ( 系) 在正常氮 ( 5 mmo1 / L) 和高氮 ( 45 mmo1 / L) 条件下苗期氮素吸收利用效率的差异。采用隶属函数法将评价 状的考察, 初步筛选出具有氮高效潜力的小麦品种。 【 方法】 利用循环营养液培养方法, 研究了安徽省 44 个小麦品
和高氮条件下分别占供试品种总数的 4. 54% 、 54. 55% 、 40. 91% 和 13. 63% 、 38. 64 、 47. 73% 。 【 结论】 在正常供氮 和 “ 鉴 76 ” 为正常供氮和高氮条件下的氮高效型品种, 异, 可以作为小麦苗期氮效率评价指标; 初步确定 “ 扬麦 16 ”
agricu1tura1 Production. Screening and breeding croP cu1tivars with high nitrogen use efficiency is effective way of
Abstract: 【 Objewenku.baidu.comtives 】Excessive aPP1ication of nitrogen ferti1izer 1ead to nitrogen 1oss and cost increase of
接受日期: 2014-01-24 收稿日期: 2013-10-28
ca1cu1ated into a dimension1ess integrated va1ues by objective weighting method. Based on the comPrehensive va1ue
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划项目 ( 2012BAD20B05 , 2012BAD04B09 , 2013BAD07B08 ) 资助。 0551-65786447 ,E-mai1:gaohongjian2@ 163. com 通信作者 Te1:
using the shortest distance method and squared euc1idean distance method of c1ustering ana1ysis , 44 wheat cu1tivars were divided into different categories using their nitrogen use efficiency. 【 Results】 There are significant differences
in shoot dry weight( SDW) ,root dry weight( RDW ) ,1eaf area( LA ) ,shoot nitrogen accumu1ation( SNA )and
13. 63% ,38. 64 and 47. 73% high nitrogen condition. 【 Conclusions】The shoot nitrogen accumu1ation ,shoot dry