
Rank 28:Monthly Labor Review (MLR)每月劳动评论
Rank 8: Management Science (MS)管理科学
Rank 9: Journal of Vocational Behavior (JVB)中国职业行为
Rank 10:Journal of Management (JOM)管理学报
Rank 11:Industrial and Labor Relations Review (I&LRR)工业和劳动关系回顾
Rank 1: Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ)管理科学季刊
Rank 2: Academy of Management Review (AMR)中国科学院管理评论
Rank 3: Academy of Management Journal (AMJ)管理学会期刊
Rank 23:Journal of Business Venturing (JBR)创业杂志
Rank 24:Group and Organizational Management (G&OM)集团及组织管理
Rank 25:Human Resource Management (HRM)人力资源管理
Rank 26:Leadership Quarterly (LQ)领导季刊
Rank 4: Jouຫໍສະໝຸດ nal of Applied Psychology (JAP)应用心理学杂志
Rank 5: Strategic Management Journal (SMJ)战略管理杂志

以下为部分SSCI核心期刊:Academy of Management Journal(管理学会刊)Academy of Management Review(管理学会评论)Administrative Science Quarterly(管理科学季刊)Journal of Management(管理学刊)Journal of Applied Psychology(应用心理学刊)Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (组织行为与人类决策过程)Strategic Management Journal(战略管理学刊)Journal of International Business Studies(国际商务研究杂志)Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice(创业理论与实践)2、CABS评级管理类核心期刊CABS(英国商科院校评级系统)评级管理类核心期刊主要是由英国商科院校联盟共同制定的管理学期刊信誉评级系统,旨在为学者和研究人员提供可靠的期刊评价标准。

Close 45 Journals used in FT Research RankPublished: February 17 2009 17:25 | Last updated: June 24 2010 14:29The list below details the 45 journals used by the Financial Times in compiling the Business Schoolresearch rank, included in both the Global MBA and EMBA rankings.1. Academy of Management Journal (Academy of Management, Ada, Ohio)2. Academy of Management Perspectives (AMP)3. Academy of Management Review (Academy of Management)4. Accounting, Organisations and Society (Elsevier)5. Accounting Review (American Accounting Association)6. Administrative Science Quarterly (Cornell University)7. American Economic Review (American Economic Association, Nashville)8. California Management Review (UC Berkely)9. Contemporary Accounting Research (Wiley)10. Econometrica (Econometric Society, University of Chicago)11. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (Baylor University, Waco, Texas)12. Harvard Business Review (Harvard Business School Publishing)13. Human Resource Management (John Wiley and Sons)14. Information Systems Research (Informs)15. Journal of Accounting and Economics (Elsevier)16. Journal of Accounting Research (University of Chicago)17. Journal of Applied Psychology (American Psychological Association)18. Journal of Business Ethics (Kluwer Academic)19. Journal of Business Venturing (Elsevier)20. Journal of Consumer Psychology (Elsevier)21. Journal of Consumer Research (University of Chicago)22. Journal of Finance (Blackwell)23. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis24. Journal of Financial Economics (Elsevier)25. Journal of International Business Studies (Academy of International Business)26. Journal of Management Studies (Wiley)27 Journal of Marketing (American Marketing Association)28. Journal of Marketing Research (American Marketing Association)29. Journal of Operations Management (Elsevier)30. Journal of Political Economy (University of Chicago)31. Journal of the American Statistical Association (American Statistical Association)Fin UK32. Management Science (Informs)33. Marketing Science (Informs)34. MIS Quarterly (Management Information Systems Research Centre, Unviersity of Minnesota)35. Operations Research (Informs)36. Organization Science (Informs)37. Organization Studies (SAGE)38. Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes (Academic Press)39. Production and Operations Management (POMS)40. Quarterly Journal of Economics (MIT)41. Rand Journal of Economics (The Rand Corporation)42. Review of Accounting Studies (Springer)43. Review of Financial Studies (Oxford University Press)44. Sloan Management Review (MIT)45. Strategic Management Journal (John Wiley and Sons)Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2011. Print a single copy of this article for personal use. Contact us if you wish to print more to distribute to others."FT" and "Financial Times" are trademarks of the Financial Times. Privacy policy | Terms© Copyright The Financial Times Ltd 2011.。

国内外管理学期刊展开全文根据Academy of Management Journal的1992年12月号和Strategic Management Journal的1999年2月号上各一篇评价性论文,世界最好的前20本管理学学术期刊是:Academy of Management Journal, December 1992, Vol.35, P934Strategic Management Journal, 1999, Vol.20, P2891. Administrative Science Quarterly2. Academy of Management Journal3. Journal of Applied Psychology4. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Process5. Strategic Management Journal6. Academy of Management Review7. Personnel Psychology8. Industrial and Labor Relations Review9. Industrial Relations10. Journal of Management11. Decision Science12. Journal of Occupational Psychology13. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science14. Journal of Management Studies15. Management Science16. Human Relations17. Journal of International Business Studies18. Harvard Business Review19. Journal of Vocational Behavior20. Journal of Organizational Behavior1. Journal of Applied Psychology2. Academy of Management Journal3. Administrative Science Quarterly4. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Process5. Strategic Management Journal6. Academy of Management Review7. Personal Psychology8. Harvard Business Review9. Human Relations10. Industrial and Labor Relations Review11. Journal of International Business Studies12. Management Science13. Research in Organizational Behavior14. Journal of Management15. California Management Review16. Journal of Vocational Behavior17. Long Range Planning18. Journal of Management Studies19. Organization Science20. Industrial Relations国际著名的伦敦《金融时报》经广泛咨询,选出了四十份全球最有份量的学术期刊,作为它每年的商学院评级的标准,用以衡量各商学院的研究质量。

是心理学期刊,主要是加强了解认知、 动机、 情感和行为的心理现象的理论与 实证调查。
常用外文资源 Science Direct Springer Link EBSCO
是否有JAP的资源 YES(资源较新) NO YES
7、Journal of International Business Studies(JIBS)
受托进行审查的论文一年出现两次或三次, 给本杂志的读者一个比较,对突出的问题 进行深入审查。
常用外文资源 Science Direct Springer Link EBSCO
5、American Sociological Review (ASR) 《美国社会学评论》
这个期刊的影响力非常大,此处所指的影 响力就是论文被引用的频率。在管理学领 域中,这本期刊被引用的频率是最高的。
常用外文资源 Science Direct Springer Link EBSCO
4、American Journal of Sociology (AJS)
1、Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) 《美国管理学会学报》
是由美国管理学会(AOM)主办的管理学 顶级期刊。
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常用外文资源 Science Direct Springer Link EBSCO
于1970年创刊,是国际商务学院的官方 出版物,涵盖国际业务的研究。
常用外文资源 Science Direct Springer Link EBSCO


世界顶级的管理学部分期刊目录Rank 1: Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ) 管理科学季刊Rank 2: Academy of Management Review (AMR) 中国科学院管理评论Rank 3: Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) 管理学会期刊Rank 4: Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP) 应用心理学杂志Rank 5: Strategic Management Journal (SMJ) 战略管理杂志Rank 6: Personnel Psychology (Perpsych) 人事心理学Rank 7: Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (OBHDP) 组织行为与人类决策过程Rank 8: Management Science (MS) 管理科学Rank 9: Journal of Vocational Behavior (JVB) 中国职业行为Rank 10:Journal of Management (JOM) 管理学报Rank 11:Industrial and Labor Relations Review (I&LRR) 工业和劳动关系回顾Rank 12:Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (JOOP) 职业与组织心理学Rank 13:Journal of Human Resources (JHR) 人力资源杂志Rank 14:Journal of Organizational Behavior (JOB) 中国组织行为Rank 15:Journal of Management Studies (JMS) 管理研究杂志Rank 16:Decision Sciences (DS) 决策科学Rank 17:Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) 中国国际商务研究Rank 18:Human Relations (HR) 人际关系Rank 19:Industrial Relations (IR) 劳资关系Rank 20:Harvard Business Review (HBR) 哈佛商业评论Rank 21:California Management Review (CMR) 加州管理评论Rank 22:Solan Management Review (SMJ) 索兰管理评论Rank 23:Journal of Business Venturing (JBR) 创业杂志Rank 24:Group and Organizational Management (G&OM) 集团及组织管理Rank 25:Human Resource Management (HRM) 人力资源管理Rank 26:Leadership Quarterly (LQ) 领导季刊Rank 27:Journal of Business Research (JBV) 商业研究期刊Rank 28:Monthly Labor Review (MLR)每月劳动评论。

国内外管理学核心期刊一、外文类(一)Top Management Journals (A)1.Academy of Management Journal2.Academy of Management Review3.Administrative Science Quarterly4.American Journal of Sociology5.American Sociological Review6.Journal of Applied Psychology7.Journal of International Business Studiesanization Science9.Research in Organizational Behavior10.Strategic Management Journal(二)Top Management Journals (A-/B+)1.Human relations2.Human Resource Management3.International Journal of Human Resource Management4.Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology5.Journal of Organizational Behavior6.Journal of Management7.Journal of Management Studiesanizational Behavior and Human Decision Processesanization Studies10.Personnel Psychology(三)Very Respectable Journals (B) Pacific Journal of Management2.China Quarterly3.International Management Review4.Journal of Business Research5.Journal of Business Venturing6.Journal of World Business7.Journal of Vocational Behavior8.Leadership Quarterlyanization Dynamics10.Work and Occupation二、中文类(CSSCI)1、管理世界2、南开管理评论3、科研管理4、科学学研究5、管理科学科学报6、中国软科学7、外国经济与管理8、研究与发展管理9、公共管理学报10、科学学与科学技术管理11、管理科学12、管理工程学报13、中国管理科学14、管理学报15、管理评论16、中国行政管理17、预测18、系统工程理论与实践19、科技进步与对策20、中国科技论坛21、科学管理研究22、软科学23、系统工程24、经济管理25、经济体制改革26、系统管理学报27、华东经济管理28、宏观经济管理29、管理现代化另外,建议阅读中国管理研究国际学会(IACMR)会刊Managementand Organization Review(MOR)。

AJS对提出理解社会的新方法的研究提供 奖励 。 AJS提供了一个实质性的书评部分 ,这 部分包括了社会学领域中最有影响力的学 者。 受托进行审查的论文一年出现两次或三次, 给本杂志的读者一个比较,对突出的问题 进行深入审查。
Science Direct Springer Link EBSCO
这个期刊的影响力非常大,此处所指的影 响力就是论文被引用的频率。在管理学领 域中,这本期刊被引用的频率是最高的。
Science Direct Springer Link EBSCO
4、American Journal of Sociology (AJS) 《美国社会学期刊》 成立于1895年,在社会科学领域中是美 国第一学术期刊,仍旧保持着在分析和研 究领域里的领先地位。开创性地提出了各 个领域的社会学,并侧重于理论构建和创 新方法。
1、Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) 《美国管理学会学报》 是由美国管理学会(AOM)主办的管理学 顶级期刊。 侧重于实证方面研究。
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Science Direct Springer Link EBSCO
3、Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ) 《管理科学季刊》 管理学排名第三的顶级期刊。ASQ 自从开刊以来, 一直位于组织研究的前沿。此顶级杂志定期公布 一流的理论论文(theoretical papers )和实证 论文(empirical papers ),这些论文都是基于 学位论文和不断发展的新领域的工作,以及跨学 科工作组织理论、信息和书评。

管理类学术期刊排名1. First Tier Journals1.1. Management (泛管理领域)1.1.1. Academy of Management Journal (AMJ)1.1.2. Academy of Management Review (AMR)1.1.3. Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ)1.2. Strategy management & International Business (战略管理和国际商务)1.2.1. Strategic Management Journal (SMJ)1.2.2. Journal of International Business Studies1.3. MIS(Management Information System) (管理信息系统)1.3.1. MIS Quarterly1.3.2. Information Systems Research1.4. Operations management (运营管理)1.4.1. Management Science1.4.2. Journal of Operations Management1.5. Marketing (市场营销)1.5.1. Journal of Consumer Research1.5.2. Journal of Marketing Research1.5.3. Marketing Science1.6. Accounting (会计)1.6.1. Accounting Review1.6.2. Journal of Accounting and Economics1.6.3. Journal of Accounting Research1.7. Finance (金融和财务管理)1.7.1. Journal of Finance1.7.2. Journal of Financial Economics1.7.3. Review of Financial Studies2. Second Tier Journals2.1. Management (OS 挺好的,其他的几个主要集中在人力资源和组织行为细分领域)2.1.1. Organizational Science2.1.2. Industrial and Labor Relations Review2.1.3. Journal of Organizational Behavior2.1.4. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes2.1.5. Industrial Relations2.1.6. International Journal of Human Resource Management2.1.7. Research in Organizational Behavior2.2. Strategy management & International Business2.2.1. Journal of Business Venturing2.2.2. Management International Review2.2.3. Journal of World Business2.2.4. International Marketing Review2.2.5. Journal of Management Studies2.2.6. Research Policy2.3. MIS(Management Information System)2.3.1. Journal of MIS2.3.2. Decision Support Systems2.3.3. Information and Management2.3.4. Communications of the AIS (Association for Information Systems )2.3.5. Journal of the AIS2.3.6. Communications of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)2.4. Operations management & MS(Management Science)(管理科学)2.4.1. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management2.4.2. Decision Sciences2.4.3. European Journal of Operational Research2.4.4. Interfaces2.4.5. Journal of Production and Operations Management Society2.4.6. Naval Research Logistics2.5. Operations management2.6. Marketing2.6.1. Journal of Marketing2.6.2. Journal of Consumer Psychology2.6.3. International Journal of Research in Marketing2.6.4. Journal of Retailing2.6.5. Marketing Letters2.6.6. Journal of Advertising2.6.7. Journal of Academy of Marketing Science2.7. Accounting2.7.1. Contemporary Accounting Research2.7.2. Accounting, Organizations, and Society2.7.3. Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory2.7.4. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy2.7.5. Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance2.7.6. Journal of Business, Finance, and Accounting2.7.7. Review of Accounting Studies2.8. Finance2.8.1. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis2.8.2. Journal of Corporate Finance2.8.3. Journal of Financial Intermediation2.8.4. Journal of Financial Markets2.8.5. Journal of Future Market2.8.6. Journal of Banking and Finance2.8.7. Financial Management3. 国内优秀经管期刊3.1. 《管理世界》(涵盖了管理和经济)3.2. 《经济研究》3.3. 《心理学报》3.4. 《南开管理评论》3.5. 《中国社会科学》3.6. 《经济管理》、《科研管理》等以上信息来源于JIJITANG,是多方沟通参考获悉的,可能不够完善,大家可留言。

管理科学与工程国际学术期刊排行榜以下是管理科学与工程国际期刊的按国外顶级商学院的标准的排行榜.其中管理科学与工程是尊重国内的说法,包括国外所说的生产管理,信息管理,管理科学,管理/工业工程.--------------------------------------------------------(1)A+journal A+期刊(排序有先后,前面的难发)MIS QuarterlyManagement ScienceOperations ResearchInformation Systems Research--------------------------------------------------------(2)A-journal A期刊(排序有先后,前面的难发)INFORMS Journal on computingManufacturing and Service Operations ManagementTransportation ScienceIIE TransactionsProduction and Operations ManagementJournal of Management Information SystemsDecision SciencesJournal of Operations Management--------------------------------------------------------(3)B+journal B+期刊(排序有先后,前面的难发)InterfacesNaval Research LogisticsTransportation Research Part B-MethodologicalEuropean Journal of Operational ResearchInternational Journal of Production ResearchCommunications of the ACMDecision Support SystemsEuropean Journal of Information SystemsIEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data EngineeringInformation and ManagementInternational Journal of Operations and Production ManagementAnnals of Operations ResearchComputers and Operations Research--------------------------------------------------------(4)B-journal B期刊(排序无先后)ACM Transactions on Information SystemsInternational Journal of Electronic CommerceCommunication ResearchComputers and Industrial EngineeringDatabaseIEEE Transactions Systems, Man and Cybernetics B: CybermaticsIEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation SystemsIEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics A; systems and humans Information Processing and ManagementInformation Systems JournalInformation Systems ManagementInternational Journal of Flexible Manufacturing SystemsInternational Journal of Human-Computer StudiesInternational Journal of Information ManagementInternational Journal of Logistics ManagementInternational Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management International Journal of Project ManagementInternational Journal of Quality and Reliability ManagementInternational Journal of Technology ManagementInternational Transactions in Operational ResearchJournal of Air Transport managementJournal of Behavioral Decision MakingJournal of Business LogisticsJournal of Engineering and Technology ManagementJournal of Global Information ManagementJournal of Information ManagementJournal of Information TechnologyJournal of Intelligent Information SystemsJournal of Intelligent ManufacturingJournal of Manufacturing SystemsJournal of Multi-Criteria Decision AnalysisJournal of Purchasing and Supply Management (formerly European Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management)Journal of SchedulingJournal of Strategic Information SystemsJournal of Supply Chain ManagementJournal of Systems and SoftwareJournal of the Operational Research SocietyMathematical Methods of Operations Research (formerly Zeitschrift für Operations Research)Networks (Wiley)OR SpectrumOmegaOperations Research LettersProduction Planning and ControlProduction and Inventory Management JournalProject Management JournalQuality Management JournalSupply Chain ManagementTotal Quality Management and Business Excellence (formerly Total Quality Management )Transport ReviewsTransportationTransportation JournalTransportation Research D-Transport and EnvironmentTransportation Research Part A , Policy and PracticeTransportation Research. Part E, The Logistics and Transportation Review。

世界顶级的管理学部分期刊目录Rank 1: Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ) 管理科学季刊Rank 2: Academy of Management Review (AMR) 中国科学院管理评论Rank 3: Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) 管理学会期刊Rank 4: Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP) 应用心理学杂志Rank 5: Strategic Management Journal (SMJ) 战略管理杂志Rank 6: Personnel Psychology (Perpsych) 人事心理学Rank 7: Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (OBHDP) 组织行为与人类决策过程Rank 8: Management Science (MS) 管理科学Rank 9: Journal of Vocational Behavior (JVB) 中国职业行为Rank 10:Journal of Management (JOM) 管理学报Rank 11:Industrial and Labor Relations Review (I&LRR) 工业和劳动关系回顾Rank 12:Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (JOOP) 职业与组织心理学Rank 13:Journal of Human Resources (JHR) 人力资源杂志Rank 14:Journal of Organizational Behavior (JOB) 中国组织行为Rank 15:Journal of Management Studies (JMS) 管理研究杂志Rank 16:Decision Sciences (DS) 决策科学Rank 17:Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) 中国国际商务研究Rank 18:Human Relations (HR) 人际关系Rank 19:Industrial Relations (IR) 劳资关系Rank 20:Harvard Business Review (HBR) 哈佛商业评论Rank 21:California Management Review (CMR) 加州管理评论Rank 22:Solan Management Review (SMJ) 索兰管理评论Rank 23:Journal of Business Venturing (JBR) 创业杂志Rank 24:Group and Organizational Management (G&OM) 集团及组织管理Rank 25:Human Resource Management (HRM) 人力资源管理Rank 26:Leadership Quarterly (LQ) 领导季刊Rank 27:Journal of Business Research (JBV) 商业研究期刊Rank 28:Monthly Labor Review (MLR)每月劳动评论。

刊名来源SSCI 收录Ei 收录SCIE 收录Academy of Management Journal (pre-1986)管理学学会期刊(预1986)ABI √Academy of Management. The Academy of ManagementReview (pre —1986)中国科学院管理。
管理审查(前1986年)奥斯卡ABI √Administrative Science Quarterly行政科学季刊 EBSCO-BSP √California Management Review 加州管理评论 EBSCO —BSP √Corporate Environmental Strategy企业环境战略Elsevier √ Engineer (Centaur Communications)工程师(半人马通讯) EBSCO —BSP√Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 创业与区域发展 EBSCO —BSP √Foundry Management & Technology 铸造企业管理与技术 ABI √Health Care Management Review健康护理管理评审EBSCO-BSP √IIE Transactions国际教育协会 Kluwer √ Industrial & Labor Relations Review工业和劳动关系评论 EBSCO —BSP √Industrial Management + Data Systems 工业管理+数据系统 ABI √International Journal of Human Resource Management 国际人力资源管理杂志 EBSCO —BSP √International Journal of Manpower 国际人力杂志 ABI √International Journal of Operations & ProductionManagement国际期刊的经营与生产管理 ABI √ √International Journal of Project Management 国际项目管理杂志 Elsevier √International Journal of Service Industry Management国际期刊服务行业管理 ABI √Journal of Accounting Research 大学会计研究所EBSCO —BSP √Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 作者:工程与技术管理Elsevier √Journal of Forecasting 杂志预测ABI √√Journal of Management管理学报Elsevier √Journal of Management Studies管理学杂志EBSCO-BSP √Journal of Operations Management 期刊管理业务Elsevier √√Journal of Organizational Change Management 作者:组织变革管理EBSCO-BSP √Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory 作者:公共管理研究与理论EBSCO-BSP √Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, The 房地产金融与经济日报,Kluwer √Journal of Small Business Management 小企业管理杂志EBSCO-BSP √Journal of Vocational Behavior职业行为Elsevier √Journal of the American Statistical Association 姚美国统计协会EBSCO—BSP √。

管理类国外期刊⼀览表(包括SSCI、SCIE、EI收录情况)管理类国外期刊⼀览表(包括SSCI、SCIE、EI收录情况)刊名来源SSCI收录Ei收录SCIE收录Academy of Management Journal (pre-1986)ABI √Academy of Management. The Academy of Management Review (pre-1986)ABI √Administrative Science Quarterly EBSCO-BSP√California Management Review EBSCO-BSP√Corporate Environmental Strategy Elsevier √Engineer (Centaur Communications)EBSCO-BSP√Entrepreneurship & Regional Development EBSCO-BSP√Foundry Management & Technology ABI √Health Care Management Review EBSCO-BSP√IIE Transactions Kluwer √Industrial & Labor Relations Review EBSCO-BSP√Industrial Management + Data Systems ABI √International Journal of Human Resource Management EBSCO-BSP √International Journal of Manpower ABI √International Journal of Operations & Production ManagementABI √√International Journal of Project Management Elsevier √International Journal of Service Industry Management ABI √Journal of Accounting Research EBSCO-BSP√Journal of Engineering and Technology Management Elsevier √Journal of Forecasting ABI √√Journal of Management Elsevier √Journal of Management Studies EBSCO-BSP√Journal of Operations Management Elsevier √√Journal of Organizational Change Management EBSCO-BSP√Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory EBSCO-BSP √Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, The Kluwer √Journal of Small Business Management EBSCO-BSP√Journal of Vocational Behavior Elsevier √Journal of the American Statistical Association EBSCO-BSP√MIS Quarterly ABI √√√MIT Sloan Management Review EBSCO-BSP√Management Science EBSCO-BSP√√Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly ABI √Organization Studies EBSCO-BSP√Personnel Journal (pre-1986)ABI √Personnel Review EBSCO-BSP√Quality Progress ABI √√Risk Analysis: An Official Publication of the Society for Risk Analysis EBSCO-BSP√√Strategic Management Journal ABI √√Supervision EBSCO-BSP√T + D ABI √Tourism Management Elsevier √Work & Stress EBSCO-BSP√徐淑英教授推荐的国外管理学A类学术期刊⽬录,欢迎⼤家推荐补充,谢谢!Administrative Science Quarterly, ASQ Academy of Management Review, AMRAcademy of Management Journal,AMJStrategic Management Journal, SMJJournal of Applied Psychology, JAPJournal of International Business Studies, JIBSOrganization Science, OrgSci。

国内外管理类学术期刊排名我认为,国内管理学权威期刊排名(管理科学与⼯程):1. 管理科学学报2. 系统⼯程理论与实践3. 系统⼯程学报4. 中国管理科学5. 管理科学6. 系统管理学报------------------- 我是华丽丽分割线 ----------------------经济管理类全球顶级学术期刊排名1. 美国经济评论(美) American economic review2. 经济学家(英) the Economist3. 计量经济学(英) Econometrica4. 政治经济学杂志(美) Journal of political economy5. 经济学季刊(美) Quarterly journal of economics6. 经济⽂献杂志(美) the Journal of economic literature7. 管理学会志(美) Academy of management journal8. ⾦融杂志(美) Journal of finance9. 哈佛商业评论(美) Harvard business review10. 管理学会评论(美) Academy of management review11. ⾦融经济学杂志(瑞⼠) Journal of financial economics12. 市场营销杂志(美) Journal of marketing13. 战略管理杂志(英) Strategic management journal14. 经济学杂志(英) Economic journal15. 经济展望杂志(美) the Journal of economic perspectives16. 经济研究评论(英) Review of economic studies17. 市场营销研究杂志(美) Journal of marketing research18. 经济学与统计学评论(美) Review of economics&statistics19. 消费者研究杂志(美) the Journal of consumer research20. 经济计量学杂志(瑞⼠) Journal of econometrics21. 经济理论杂志(美) Journal of economic theory22. 卫⽣保健资⾦筹措评论(美) Health care financing review23. 布鲁⾦斯经济活动论⽂集(美) Brookings papers on economic activity24. 货币经济学杂(荷兰) Journal of monetary economics25. 斯隆管理评论(美) Sloan management review26. 法律与经济学杂志(美) Journal of law&economics27. 商业杂志(美) Journal of business28. 卫⽣经济学杂志(荷兰) Journal of health economics29. 劳资关系评论(美) Industrial&labor relations review30. 风险分析(美) Risk analysis(据说在其中⼀些刊物上发表3篇论⽂,国外就能评为终⾝教授)。

1.Journal of Accounting Research2.Journal of Accounting & Economics3.Accounting Review4.Review of Accounting Studies5.Accounting Organizations & Society6.Contemporary Accounting Research7.Journal of Accounting Auditing & Finance8.American Economic Review9.Econometrica10.Economic Journal11.Journal of Economic Theory12.Journal of Political Economy13.Quarterly Journal of Economics14.Review of Economic Studies15.Harvard Law Review16.Columbia Journal of Asian Laww Quarterly Review18.Oxford Journal of Legal Studies19.Stanford Law Review20.Yale Law Journal21.Journal of Finance22.Journal of Financial Economics23.The Review of Financial Studies24.Journal of Business25.JOURNAL OF Financial and Quantitative Analysis26.Journal of Marketing27.Journal of Marketing Research28.Journal of Consumer Research29.Marketing Science30.Journal of Retailing31.International Journal of Research in Marketing32.Journal of Advertising33.Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science34.Marketing Letters35.Journal of Consumer Psychology36.Journal of International Marketing37.MIS Quarterlyrmation Systems ResearchRMS Journal of Computing40.ACM Transactions on Database Systems41.ACM Transactions on Information Systemsmunications of the ACM43.Journal of Management Information Systems44.Operations Research45.Journal of Operations Management46.Manufacturing & Service Operations Management47.Production and Operations Management48.IIE Transactions49.Naval Research Logistics50.European Journal of Operational Research51.Management Science52.Mathematical Programming53.Mathematics of Operations Research54.Transportation Science55.Academy of Management Review56.Administrative Science Quarterlyanization Science58.Journal of International Business Studies59.Strategic Management Journal60.Journal of Applied Psychology61.Academy of Management Journal62.Human Resource Management63.Journal of Management64.Journal of Management Studiesanization Studies66.British Journal of Industrial Relations67.California Management Review68.Harvard Business Review69.Human Relations70.Industrial an Labor Relations Review71.Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology72.Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology73.Journal of Organizational Behavior74.Journal of Vocational Behavioranizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes76.Personnel Psychology77.Sloan Management Review78.Review of International Political Economy79.Research Policy80.Management and Organization Review81.Work, Employment & Society。
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这是一篇2005年发表在《Strategic Management Journal》上关于管理学顶级期刊排名的论文。
Rank 1: Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ)
Rank 2: Academy of Management Review (AMR)
Rank 3: Academy of Management Journal (AMJ)
Rank 4: Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP)
Rank 5: Strategic Management Journal (SMJ)
Rank 6: Personnel Psychology (Perpsych)
Rank 7: Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (OBHDP)
Rank 8: Management Science (MS)
Rank 9: Journal of Vocational Behavior (JVB)
Rank 10:Journal of Management (JOM)
Rank 11:Industrial and Labor Relations Review (I&LRR)
Rank 12:Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (JOOP)
Rank 13:Journal of Human Resources (JHR)
Rank 14:Journal of Organizational Behavior (JOB)
Rank 15:Journal of Management Studies (JMS)
Rank 16:Decision Sciences (DS)
Rank 17:Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS)
Rank 18:Human Relations (HR)
Rank 19:Industrial Relations (IR)
Rank 20:Harvard Business Review (HBR)
Rank 21:California Management Review (CMR)
Rank 22:Solan Management Review (SMJ)
Rank 23:Journal of Business Venturing (JBR)
Rank 24:Group and Organizational Management (G&OM)
Rank 25:Human Resource Management (HRM)
Rank 26:Leadership Quarterly (LQ)
Rank 27:Journal of Business Research (JBV)
Rank 28:Monthly Labor Review (MLR)
参考文献:Podsakoff, P.M., Machenzie, S.B., Bachrach,D.G., Podsakoff, N.P. (2005). The influence of Management Journals in the 1980s and 1990s. Strategic Management Journal, 26, 473-488.。