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1.In1914,in U.S.v.Lexington Mill and Elevator Company,the Supreme Court issues its first ruling on food additives.It ruled that in order for bleached flour with nitrite residues to be banned from foods,the government must show a relationship between the chemical additive and the harm it allegedly caused in humans.The court also noted that the mere presence of such an ingredient was not sufficient to render the food illegal.



court系列:the Supreme court-its-it-the court;汉语译为:最高法院—(省略)—最高法院—最高法院。汉语使用了更多的重复。

food additives系列:food additives-nitrite residues-the chemical additive-it-such an ingredient;汉语译为:食品添加剂—亚硝酸盐—亚硝酸盐这种化学添加剂—(省略)—亚硝酸盐;汉语中使用了更多的重复。

bleached flour系列:bleached flour-the food。汉语译为:漂白面粉一该面粉。原文用上义词food与bleached flour衔接,而汉语重复使用了“面粉”,表示上下文意思的关联。

另外,bleached flour和the food也与mill构成衔接链。实际上,如果不是文中关于面粉的叙述,就无法判断mill是指面粉厂还是其他加工厂。

2.In1959,the U.S.cranberry crop was recalled three weeks before Thanksgiving for FDA tests to check for aminotriazole,a weed killer found to cause cancer in laboratory animals.Cleared berries were allowed a label stating that they had been tested and had passed FDA inspection,the only such endorsement ever allowed by FDA on a food product.


【解析】原文的共指链是cranberry crop-berries-they-a food product;汉语是:越桔—越桔—(省略)—一种食品。如果没有把berries还原为“越桔”,而是按照字典意思翻译为“浆果”,共指链就会断裂,意思无法连贯。

3.The1945Penicillin Amendment requires FDA testing and certification of safety and effectiveness of all penicillin ter amendments extended this requirement to all antibiotics.In1983such control was found no longer needed and was abolished.






As the Council has said on previous occasions,China is no different from any other country in needing an integrated transport policy in which[the integrated transport policy]the advantages and disadvantages of different modes[of transport]can be judged against each other[different modes of transport].As the number of private cars[a mode of transport]increases and traffic congestion [caused by cars]worsens,so does the need for better and more reliable public transport[a mode of transport].Prices for all kinds of transport,whether[transport] of people or[transport of]freight,should reflect the real social,economic and environmental costs[of transport].Throughout environmental standards need to be strictly applied[to transport].If,as seems inevitable,use of cars and road transport increases,at least in the short term,strict environmental standards need to be applied to motor vehicles[a mode of transport],and best available clean technologies need to be used[in transport].Throughout the impact[of transport]
