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在句子中起名词作用的句子叫做名词性从句。名词 从句的功能相当于名词词组,它在复合句中能担 任主语,宾语,表语,同位语。因此,根据它在 句中不同的语法功能,名词性从句又分为:
主语从句(subject clause)
宾语从句(object clause)
表语从句(predicative clause) 同位语从句(appositive clause)
A.should set up B.be set up C. was set up D. setting up
2.The relatives demanded that the authorities______ them informed of the update information.
A. keep B. keeping C. be kept D. kept
考点 2 :it作形式主语,形式宾语
it 作形式主语
1.他犯了那样一个错误真是遗憾。 _T_h__a_t _h_e_m__a_d_e_s_u_c_h__a_m__i_st_a_k_e__ is a pity .
It is a pity that… 2.他来不来不重要。 W__h_e_t_h_e_r_h_e__w_i_ll_c_o_m__e_o_r__n_o_tdoesn’t matter.
5.This is where the Red Army lived. 表语从句,where有含义在从句中作地点状语
6.I doubt whether/if he will succeed.
宾语从句,引导词whether/if在句中意为是否, 但不充当任何成分
7.According to the latest statistics, 75 nations have signed the law that no death sentence should be entitled to any crime. 同位语从句,that在句中无意义,但不能省略
1 看成分
2 看句意
考点一 连接词
that / what
1. _W_h_a_t___ Beijing will do is to provide legal aid (法律支持)for relatives of the
passengers. 2._T_h_a_t__ the government has also ensured(确保) their travel costs and other
that 和what 的选用
that 和 what 都可引导所有的名词 性从句。但是,w_h_a_t___除起连接作用 外,还在名词性从句中充当成分,可 作从句的_主__语_、宾__语__、表_语____、或_定__语_。 而__th_a_t_在名词性从句中不充当任何 成分,只起_连__接____作用。
考点一:连接词what和that的选用 考点二:it作形式主语和形式宾语的用法 考点三:同位语从句和定语从句的区别

点 考点四:名词性从句中的虚拟语气 考点五:四种情况下只能用whether引导的 名词性从句
1.It is by no means clear___the president can do to end the strike.
4.The fact that he mentioned excited me. 定语从句
考点3 同位语从句和定语从句的区别
结 论 : 同 位 语 从 句 一 般 跟 在 名 词 fact, news, promise, truth, belief, thought, idea, answer, information, knowledge, doubt, hope, law, opinion, plan, suggestion后面,
A. takes B. has to take C. must take D. take
2. It is strange that two people with fake
passports_____ the plane.
A. would board
B. should board 竟然
C. had boarded
• That I have a lovely sister is my biggest pride. --主语从句
• My biggest pride is that I have a lovely sister. --表语从句
• No one knows what happened to Malaysian flight MH370. --宾语从句
D. has boarded
基本句型:It is +形容词/名词/过去分词+ that ... + (should) do
a. It is important (necessary, natural, strange, advisable, etc.) +that
b. It is a pity( a shame, no wonder, etc.) +that
It doesn’t matter whether…
It is reported/ thought/said/predicted that… It is clear/necessary/certain that… It is a pity/a shame/an honor that… It doesn’t matter whether… It seems/appears that… It happens that…
考点3 同位语从句和定语从句的区别
1.The suggestion that he should not go there is of great
2. The suggestion that he made is of great value. 定语从句
3.The fact that he won the first place can’t be denied. 同位语从句
services is a great comfort to them.
• 3. It is also delightful _th_a_tvolunteers have been sent to help the families.
• 4.But w__h_a_t is strange is that a Malaysia wizard(巫师) was invited to search for the missing plane.
advise、propose、demand、require、 insist .request、command、order后的从 句谓语动词用
注意suggest 当表示“暗示、表明“讲时, insist 表示“坚持认为”之意时,从句谓语动 词不用虚拟语气,按需要来选择时态。
主语从句,引导词whether,意为“是否” 但不充当任何成分
3. My suggestion is that we (should) start early tomorrow. 表语从句,that句中Байду номын сангаас作任何成分
4.What can be done has been done. 主语从句,what有含义,也充当句子成分, 在从句中作主语
1.Whether we’ll have a meeting hasn’t been decided yet.
2.It depends on whether it is suitable for us to do it.
用以说明或解释前面的名词的内容.连接词通常为 that,但在从句中不作任何成分,只起连接作用, 但不能被省略,
定语从句:对先行词起修饰限制作用, 并且关系代词that在句中常作句子的主语,宾语
考点4名词性从句中的虚拟语气 a)主语从句
1. It is ordered that he _____ the examination.
A.how B.which C.that
Conjunctions of Noun Clauses(引导名词
有词义, 但不做成分
that(无词义), whether, if (是否)
有词义, 做主,宾,表,定语
有词义, 做状语成分
what, who, whom, whose, which, when, where, how, why
• The news that they have divorced is not
指出名词性从句的类型及引导词在从句中作用。 1.The trouble that he has lost their address
troubles him a lot.
2.Wh同eth位e语r th从e句me,etthinagt在wi句ll b中e不pu作t o任ff何re成m分ains unknown to us.
1.I like __i_t in the autumn when the
weather is clear and bright. (2004 ) A. this B. that C. it D. one 2. 他发现很难使别人理解他. He found i_t_d_i_ff_ic_u_l_t_t_o_m__a_k_e_h__im__s_el_f_u_n_d__er_s_t_o_o_d_.
c. It is suggested (ordered, proposed, required, demanded, requested,
insisted, etc.) +that
考点4名词性从句中的虚拟语气 b)宾语从句Ⅰ
1.The officials suggested that information centers _______ at the hotels for the relatives of the passengers.
3. The evidence suggested the two people with fake passports _w__e_r_e_(were/be/is)not terrorists.
考点4名词性从句中的虚拟语气 b)宾语从句Ⅰ
总结 归纳:
Noun clauses
Michael Jackson, a famous singer, is also a good
dancer, and he likes pop music very much.
接it作形式宾语的动词及词组有: 1)表示“喜欢、恨”等心理方面
的动词:enjoy, prefer, love, like, hate, appreciate dislike, discover, find, make, think等。 2)习惯搭配: make it that…(成功), see to it that…(务必使), depend on it that…(指望), count on it that…(依赖,指望) take it for granted that..(认 为…理所当然) owe it to sb. that…(…归功于
3.The question is whether he himself will be present at the meeting.
4.He asked me whether I would go with him or not.
1.位于句子开头 2.前面有介词 3.引导表语从句 4.与or not 连用