最新完美版 西方文明史复习概要 中英对照+重点+部分答案
![最新完美版 西方文明史复习概要 中英对照+重点+部分答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4d12c6a1960590c69ec3765e.png)
总目录:Part 1古希腊第一章:亚历山大和他的时代(古希腊文明)Part 2 古罗马第二章:古罗马共和国兴衰史(古罗马文明)第三章:凯撒与耶稣(早期基督教)第四章:罗马和平和帝国的衰亡(罗马后期,帝国时代)Part 3中世纪第五章:信仰之刃--中世纪的繁盛期(中世纪西方文明)Part 4 现代国家的滥觞第六章:“朕即国家”--英法两国君主专制的发展(资产阶级革命前夜)第七章:“勇于求索!”--科学革命(文艺复兴后的科技发展)第八章:启蒙运动第一章:本章讲述的是古希腊时期的民主制度和文化(哲学与神话),以及希腊化时代。
)公元前五世纪,雅典城邦(the Greek city-state Athens,城邦还可以称为 the polis)诞生了最早的民主制度,由此带来了社会文化的大繁荣,那个世纪便被称为古希腊的“黄金时代”(the Golden Age),堪称是西方文明的滥觞。
此后由于政治经济的最巨大差异,古希腊最强大的两个城邦——雅典和斯巴达(Sparta)陷入了长期的内战,直到公元前404年雅典战败才结束,史称“伯罗奔尼撒的战争”(Peloponnesian War)。
西方文明史参考题I.名词解释:(每卷5题,每题4分)Civis the Aegean Sea Periclesthe Etruscans Antony colereHector ostracism .imperium Cleopatra social pluralism Achilles.Megara Latium Pompey representative bodies Odysseus Aeschyluspatrician princeps the classical legacy Hellenic Aristophanes plebeianthe Principate individualism AcropolisMyron Romulus imperatorwestern Christianity Helots Xerxesfasces Cicero European languages Areopagus Thucydides tribuneOvid Semites archonHerodotus decemvirs Livyseparation of spiritual and temporal authority agora Brutus and Cassius the Parthenon consul pontifex maximus Mesopotamia Solon Platoequestrian amphitheate Helladic period ephor Socrates .HannibalRoman rotunda oligarchy yeomenDiogenes grmmaticus Apostolic Succession the Ionians Draconian the Peripatos populares Pantheon the Dorians Pisistratus Constitution of the Athenians optimatesthe Eucharist Crete ZeusPhilip of Macedon Laocoon the Ostrogothsthe Minoans Apollo Elements of Geometry Marius the Visigoth Agamemnon Poseidon Archimedes .novus homo tetrarchy Troy HeraSulla Nero the V ulgateGreek Dark Ages Athena Graeco-Roman tradition SpartacusII.简答题(每卷3题,每题10分)Hat is civilization?Why was Cimon ostracized?How did the Romans treat the conquered after the conquest of Italy?What is the difference between culture and civilization?Explain the Delian League.What was education like in the early centuries of the Roman RepubliDo you think the city plays a vital role in the development of civilization?Explain the Thirty Y ears’ Peace.Why did Sulla march with his troops on Rome?What are some of the theories of civilization?How did Athens form the Athenian Empire?How did Crassus achieve his political eminence in Rome?Why did Western civilization use to be called Western Christendom?How did the democracy work during the period of the Athenian Empire?Comment on the formation of the First Triumvirate.What basis did the tradition of the rule of law lay in Western civilization?Who were the main competitors for leadership of the Greek world after the Great Peloponnesian War.On what powers did Gaius Julius Caesar’s supreme political position rest?Can you trace back to the roots of Western civilization?Comment on the SophistsWhy was Gaius Julius Caesar assassinated?Explain classical civilization.Explain the Hippocratic Oath.What implications did Octavian’s title “Augustus” carry?What do we call Mycenaean?Talk about the difference between the Academy and the Lyceum.How did Octavian become Rome’s first emperor?Comment on Draco’s laws.Explain the Hellenistic Age.Comment on the last century of the Roman Republic and the Augustan Age as the high point of Roman culture. Explain Iliad and Odyssey.Comment on Alexander the Great.Explain Aeneid.Explain Iliad and Odyssey.Comment on Alexander the Great..Explain Aeneid.What were Homer’s gods like?Explain the heliocentric theory.Explain the Day of Judgement.Define the concept of polis.Explain the curiate assemblyExplain Sermon on the Mount.Explain the hoplite phalanx.Explain the centuriate assmbly.How did Rome become a center of the early Christian Church?Explain the Peloponnesian League.Comment on the power of consulship during the early Roman Republic.Describe and comment on what happened between Ambrose (bishop of Milan) and Emperor Theodosius in 390. Why is Clisthenes called the father of Athenian democracy?Explain the Twelve Tables.Comment on the Athanasians and the Arians.In what tradition were the modern Olympic Games originated?What were the basic responsibilities of the office of praetor?Explain the Latin Doctors.Explain the cult of Delphian Appolo.How was democracy defined in Greek terms?What role did the Roman Senate play when Gaius Julius Caesar was in power?.Explain the cult of Dionysus.Comment on the slavery in classical Greece.On what powers did Gaius Julius Caesar’s supreme political position rest?Explain the Orphic cultWhat was the aftermath of the Greek victory over the Persians in the Persian warsWhy was Gaius Julius Caesar assassinated?III.论述题:(每卷2题,每题25分)Why do you think civilization is inseparable from culture?What was “the struggle of the orders”? What methods did plebeians use to get what they wanted?What makes the West western?How was Roman society different after “the struggle of the orders” ended?Comment on the foundations of Western civilization in the ancient world.Why did Romans and Carthaginians clash in the First and Second Punic Wars?How do your view the influence of Western civilization and culture on the modern world?What problems did the Roman victory in the Punic Wars create for Rome?Comment on the generally accepted view that Western civilization was originated in classical civilization. Until 265 B.C. what were the motives for and stages in the expansion of Roman territory?Why did the Greeks consider the polis a unique and valuable institution?How was Rome able to conquer and control Italy?Comment on the period of reconstruction and reorganization from Diocletian to Constantine.How did the fundamental political, social, and economic institutions of Athens and Sparta compare about 500 B.C.? How did Rome’s desires for security, w ealth, power, and fame shape its relations with Greece and Asia Minor in the second century B.C.?Comment on Sparta’s unique forms of government and society about 500 B.C.What social, economic, and political problems did Italy have in the second century B.C.?Why did the ancient Greeks develop a system of the city-state, not form a unified country?What reform program did the Gracchi brothers wanted to implement in Rome in the second century B.C. and why did it fail?What is the significance of the Homeric epics?To what extent was th e Roman Republic d estroyed by ambitious generals who loved power more than Rome itself? Comment on Homeric society.How did Augustus alter Rome’s constitution and government?Comment on the religion and Olympian gods in archaic Greece?What solutions did Augustus provide for the problems that had plagued the Roman Republic?Why did the Greeks and Persians go to war in 490 and 480 B.C. and why were the Greeks able to defeat the Persians?Why were the Roman people willing to accept Augustus as their head of state?Why did Athens and Sparta come to blows in the Great Peloponnesian War?How did the literature in the Golden Age of Augustus differ from that of the Silver Age during the first andSecond centuries A.D.?What was e ach side’s strategy for victory in the Great Peloponnesian War?What contributions did the poetry of V ergil and Horace make to the stabilization of Augustus’s imperial system of government?In what ways were the tensions that characterized Greek life in the Classical Period reflected in its art, literature, and philosophyDiscuss the early development of Christianity in Rome.How does Hellenistic art differ from that of the Classical Period?Why were Christians at first persecuted by Roman authorities?How and why did Philip II conquer Greece between 359 and 338 B.C.?What enabled Christians to acquire enormous popularity by the fourth century A.D.?What were the major consequences of the early death of Alexander the Great?How did Christianity emerge as the state religion in Rome?Comment on Alexander the Great as a promoter of Greek civilization.。
西方文明史复习题sx大题1.What polices and instructions help explain the Roman s’ success in conquering Italy?Rome’s empire was built in three stages: the conquest of Italy, the conflict with Carthage and expansion into the western Mediterranean, and the involvement with and domination of the Hellenistic kingdoms in the eastern Mediterranean. Much of their expansion was opportunistic; once involved in a situation that threatened their security, the Romans did not hesitate to act. And then they involved them in more conflicts as the threats raised. Romans liked to portray themselves as declaring war only for defensive reasons or to protect allies.But indeed, it is a group of Roman aristocratic leaders who favored the glory, economic benefits and abundant slave labor supply it offered. Roman imperialism had become more arrogant and brutal as well. Roman’s foreign success also had enormous repercussions for the internal development of the Roman Republic.2.What influence did the Etruscans and Greeks have on early Roman history?Etruscans:By transforming villages into towns and cities, they brought urbanization to northern and central Italy.Greeks: They cultivated the olive and the vine, passed on their alphabetic system of writing, and provided artistic and cultural models through their sculpture, architecture, and literature.While Greek influence initially touched Rome indirectly through the Etruscans, the Roman conquest of southern Italy and Sicily brought them into direct contact with the Greeks.3.What is the new constitutional order that Augustus created?The basic governmental structure consisted of the princeps (Augustus) and an aristocratic senate. Augustus retained the senate as the chief deliberative body of the Roman state. Its decrees, screened in advance by the princeps, now had the effect of law. The title of princeps-first citizen of the state-carried no power in itself, Augustus held the office of consul, which gave him imperium, or the right to command. When Augustus gave up the consulship, he was granted maius imperium-greater imperium than all others. More over Augustus was given the power of a tribune without actually holding the office itself; this power enabled him to propose laws and veto any item of public business.4.How did the geography of Greece affect Greek history?Greece occupied a small area, a mountainous peninsula that encompassed only 45,000 square miles of territory. The mountainous terrain had the effect of isolating Greeks form one another. Consequently, Greek communities tended to follow their own separate paths and develop their own way life. Over a period of time, these communities became attached to their independence and were only too willing to fight one another to gain advantage. No doubt the small size of these independent Greek communities fostered participation in political affairs and unique cultural expressions, but the rivalry among these communities also led to the bitter warfare that ultimately devastated Greek society. The sea also influenced the evolution of Greek society. Greek topography helped determine the major territories into which Greece was ultimately divided.。
西方文明史试题及答案1.现代西方学者的哪些研究旨在纠正将文化视为断裂发展的观点,强调延续性?A.《近代国家的中世纪起源》B.《12世纪文艺复兴》正确答案: AB2.西罗马帝国灭亡后出现的大整合对哪些要素进行了整合?A.古希腊人的放大了的个人B.古罗马的放大了的国家C.日耳曼人的家和家族要素D.作为欧洲精神统治者的基督教教会正确答案: ABCD3.1500-1800 年间的欧洲历史,通常被界定为?A.中世纪B.前工业化时期C.近代早期D.现代正确答案: C4.西方文明的发展过程中出现过哪几次比较大的整合?A.西罗马帝国灭亡后的大整合B.文艺复兴时期的整合C.后现代文化对于现代社会的整合正确答案: ABC5.西方文明中的哪一次大整合成为推动欧洲从中世纪向近代过渡的由衰及兴的转折?A.西罗马帝国灭亡后的大整合B.文艺复兴时期的整合C.后现代文化对于现代社会的整合正确答案: B6.下列哪项不属于西方近代社会的特征?A.国家臣民关系B.主权国家C.领主附庸制D.政教分离正确答案: C7.作为知识分子的人文主义者在欧洲的危机和转型中呈现出哪些特点?A.独立于封建政府,直接来自民间,受市场、民间文化影响B.独立于封建文化,不受学院派的影响C.独立于教会,不受教会的影响D.独立于封建传统的祖宗家法正确答案: ABCD8.欧洲在中世纪晚期出现的结构性危机的具体表现包括哪些?A.危机的非复原性B.危机的普遍性C.危机导致旧结构主体与部件的分离D.危机造成对中古文明基本原则的背离正确答案: ABCD9.哪位学者充分重视了普通人在近代欧洲政治形成中的作用,这种政治是普通人通过公社、议会、共和国三个步骤自下而上推动的,从而明显有别于只强调君主通过“王朝战争”自上而下建立近代国家的历史解释?A.鲍斯曼B.布瑞克C.斯克瑞布尼D.卡赞斯坦正确答案: B10.下列哪位学者的主要观点不属于促进社会和谐的文化理论?A.亨廷顿B.卡赞斯坦C.斯克瑞布尼D.鲍斯曼正确答案: A11.哪位学者写作了《文艺复兴的衰落》,在自由与秩序组成的共生存的范畴内研究文艺复兴的文化,纠正将差异变为对立的做法?A.鲍斯曼B.布瑞克C.斯克瑞布尼D.卡赞斯坦正确答案: A12.下列哪些是软实力的特征?A.隐形的规则B.无意识的约定俗成C.高情感D.强迫性的驯服力正确答案: ABC13.创新型人才需要具备哪些素质?A.能服从领导,但不盲目跟从B.能团结群众,但不随波逐流.C.能充分展现个人魅力,但绝不损害别人形象D.能谦虚好学,但不照搬照抄正确答案: ABCD14.文明是从哪些要素的出现开始的?A.农村B.城市C.国家D.文字正确答案: ACD15.文明的发展对社会有哪些启示?A.文明从造墙开始,到拆墙结束B.从硬实力到软实力C.从世俗价值到心灵价值正确答案: ABC16.第一个提出软实力概念的人实际上是哪位?A.老子B.约瑟夫•奈正确答案: A。
Chapter 1 The First Civilizations1) Otziʹs life was a good example of the human experience inA) the Stone Age.B)central Greece。
C)what is now modern Turkey。
D)Italy.E) the Iron Age.2)The first humanlike creatures,such as Lucy,may haveA) survived for less than one million years.B)engaged in agriculture.C)displayed the brain capacity of modern humans。
D)utilized simple tools。
E)had large, developed brains.3)The Neanderthal had all of the following characteristics EXCEPTA) the ability to use tools。
B)burial customs.C)a range of distribution covering Africa,Europe,and Asia。
D) a smaller brain than other Homo sapiens.E) success surviving in the last great ice age。
4) The practice of staying put and exploiting various sources of food instead of constantly traveling is calledA) oriental despotism.B) slash-and-burn aquaculture.C) pastoral nomadism.D) broad—spectrum gathering.E) pastoralism.5) Sedentary communities led to all of the following EXCEPT which one?A) Decrease in infant mortalityB) Development of political leadership C)Reduction in populationD) Expansion of agricultureE)Longer life spans6) Which of the following was an earlyagricultural settlement in the Middle East?A) NinevehB)RomeC)JerichoD) BabylonE)Constantinople7)The statement that the Agricultural Revolution was portable means thatA) nomadic societies were eliminated in all parts of the globe.B)Neolithic society became less sedentary.C) the knowledge and technology of agriculture could be easily transported from one place to another。
内蒙古广播电视大学2011学年度第二学期《西方文明史》期末试题分,共20分)1、明治维新2、垄断组织3、“电气时代”4、《人权宣言》二、填空题:(每题2分,共20分)1、英国工业革命是从发明机器开始的,机械师( )发明了飞梭,而纺织工人哈格里夫斯创制了( )。
2、17世纪荷兰在北美建立的殖民地是( ),并在河口的曼哈顿建立了据点,称( ),后改名叫( )。
3、法国大革命时期,资产阶级启蒙思想家( ),提出( )立法、司法和( )三权分立的思想。
4、空想社会主义著名的代表人物是法国的( )、( )、和英国的( )。
5、美国内战的主要原因是( )和( )之间的矛盾所致。
6、美国内战时期著名的领导人是( ),他颁布的( )和( )调动了北方人民的积极性,使南北战争以北方的胜利结束。
7、日本明经济中心维新前,统治日本的是( ),明治维新的各项措施中地方采取的重要政治措施是( ),在文化方面的主要措施是推行“( )”。
8、第一次工业革命人们带进( ) 时代,第二次工业革命将人类带进( )时代。
9、19世纪中期,科学技术的突出发展表现在()的开发和利用( )的创制,和( )的发明。
10、19世纪晚期,欧洲帝国主义的矛盾纷繁复杂,主要表现在( )矛盾,( )三、选择题:(每题2分,共20分)1、“世界上第一次广泛的、真正群众性的、政治性的无产阶级革命运动”是指()A、法国大革命B、法国里昂工人起义C、英国宪章运动D、德国西里西亚工人起义2、不属于空想社会义者的共同点的有:()A、深刻揭露和批判资本主义制度B、希望建立一个公平合理的社会C、主张社会主义代替资本主义D、不用暴力而实现自己的主张3、俄国通过农奴制改革走上了()A、封建社会的道路B、资本主义道路C、帝国主义道路D、社会主义道路4、美国内战的根本原因是()A、南、北经济的矛盾B、南北制度的矛盾C、南北领导人的分歧D、南北人民的要求。
A.克诺索斯城邦的王宫B.迈锡尼文化C. “阿特柔斯王的宝库”D.米诺斯王宫5.古代罗马使用的文字被称为()。
A.《九十五条论纲》B.《书简》C. “因信称义”学说。
A康定斯基B爱德华·蒙克 C亨利·马蒂斯 D毕加索11.萨福()是抒情时代著名的女诗人以独唱琴歌著称。
《西方文明之源》同步测评01适用年级:九年级建议时长:0分钟试卷总分:32.0分一、单选类1.下图为古代雅典“通往公民大会会场路途交通禁行标志”示意图,被这一“交通禁行标志”禁行的人有( )①奴隶②妇女③外邦人④儿童(2.0分)(单选)A. ①②③B. ①②④C. ②③④D. ①②③④2.某电视剧制作中心准备拍摄《罗马帝国》,导演让第一位罗马帝国皇帝上场试镜(下图),这位剧中人物是()(2.0分)(单选)A. 凯撒B. 伯利克里C. 屋大维D. 汉谟拉比3.下图是公民们在国家最高权力机构——公民大会上自由发言的情形。
具有这种民主制的国家是()(2.0分)(单选)A. 雅典B. 斯巴达C. 罗马共和国D. 罗马帝国4.人类早期文明中明显具有海洋文明特征的是()(2.0分)(单选)A. 古巴比伦文明B. 古印度文明C. 古希腊文明D. 中华文明5.假如你生活在公元前5世纪,作为公民的你想享受民主权利,参与国家大事的管理,你应该选择去()(2.0分)(单选)A. 斯巴达B. 雅典C. 罗马D. 迦太基6.把发生在相同时间内的历史事件概括到一起,进行归类记忆,有助于我们从横向掌握历史。
下列国家中,在公元前6世纪成为奴隶制共和国的是()①斯巴达②雅典③罗马④古巴比伦王国(2.0分)(单选)A. ①②B. ②③C. ①③D. ②④7.罗马成为地中海霸主是在()(2.0分)(单选)A. 奴隶制共和国建立时B. 布匿战争后C. 罗马帝国时期D. 奥斯曼帝国衰落后8.为争夺地中海霸权,同罗马展开长期争夺战的是()(2.0分)(单选)A. 埃及B. 希腊C. 波斯D. 迦太基9.有人说:“如今有个趋势,人们怀念她的民主制度,并将其视为所有现代民主制度的源头。
”这里的“她”是指()(2.0分)(单选)A. 古代埃及B. 古代雅典C. 古代印度D. 古代罗马10.马小虎同学喜欢看央视《国宝档案》栏目,他惊叹于古人创造的辉煌灿烂的东方文明。
西方文明史导论答案1 【单选题】(5分)以下哪部著作通过研究日本的国民性、服务于二战后美国对日政策,并成为将基础研究与决策研究紧密结合起来的典范? A. 《菊与刀》 B. 《文明的冲突》正确A查看答案解析5分 2 【多选题】(5分)以下描述哪些符合国民性及国民性研究的特点? A. 国民性包含了文化表象、思维方式、价值观念、社会伦理、宗教传统等要素 B. 反映的是群体的、而非个别的认同和行为的方式 C. 通过国民性研究可以解剖一个国家的密码 D. 国民性研究是一种决策研究正确A,B,C,D二1 【单选题】(5分)希腊举行的第一次全国性的奥林匹克运动会是在哪一点? A. 公元前746年B.公元前776年C. 公元前465年正确B 2 【多选题】(5分)下列哪些描述符合希腊文化的意境?A. 理想与美B. 直觉、诗语和精神的形象化C. 玄同忘我之境在理想和现实的交汇点产生正确A,B,C 3 【多选题】(5分)希腊文化具有如下哪些特点?A. 来自民间的自发的民族文化;B. 心灵性,每一件艺术都是用心灵雕刻出的精品;C. 向善性;D. 唯美主义; E. 神秘性和悬念正确A,B,C,D,E 三1 【多选题】(5分)《荷马史诗》中的隐喻是指哪两部著作在内容和主旨上存在的反差之谜? A. 《伊利亚特》B. 《奥德赛》C. 《工作与时日》正确A,B查看答案解析5分 2 【单选题】(5分)破解《荷马史诗》的隐喻的关键点在于? A. 从英雄主义转变到浪漫主义B. 从唯美主义到现实主义 C. 从浪漫主义到理性主义正确答案是:A四1 【多选题】(5分)罗马文明之所以会取代希腊,在于其文化中的哪些特点? A. 浪漫 B. 理性 C. 现实 D. 世俗正确答案是:B,C,D查看答案解析2 【多选题】(5分)古代西方文明是由以下哪些要素共同塑造而成的? A. 希腊文明 B. 罗马文明 C. 日耳曼文化 D. 基督教要素正确A,B,C,D 查看答案解析5分 3 【单选题】(5分)“希腊传统”的特征是? A. 放大了的个人 B. 放大了的国家 C. 强调家的原则 D. 罗马的反文化正确A查看答案解析5分 4 【单选题】(5分)“罗马传统”的特征是? A. 放大了的个人 B. 放大了的国家C. 强调家的原则D. 罗马的反文化正确B查看答案解析5分 5 【单选题】(5分) “日耳曼传统”的特征是? A. 放大了的个人 B. 放大了的国家 C. 强调家的原则 D. 罗马的反文化正确C查看答案解析5分 6 【单选题】(5分)“原始基督教的传统”的特征是? A. 放大了的个人 B. 放大了的国家C. 强调家的原则 D. 罗马的反文化正确D五1 【多选题】(5分)下列哪些描述符合罗马文化的要素? A. 有用性 B. 工具论 C. 强调身体的快乐 D. 荣誉高于一切正确A,B,C,D 查看答案解析5分 2 【单选题】(5分)在罗马人的眼中,希腊人的文化存在什么问题? A. 没用 B. 俗正确A查看答案解析5分 3 【单选题】(5分)希腊人会觉得罗马人的文化存在什么问题? A. 没用 B. 俗正确B查看答案解析5分 4 【多选题】(5分)通过比较罗马文化和中国文化,可以得出哪些关于中西方文化之间的差异性的结论? A. 西方是高科技文化,中国文化是高情感文化 B. 西方是求新求异,未来崇拜;中国是求全责备,重视传统 C. 西方是重外王,重个人主义;中国是重内圣,重集体主义 D. 西方是断裂性发展,快而不稳;中国是延续性发展正确A,B,C,D 六1 【单选题】(5分)哪位学者提出了广义上的封建主义的概念,将封建社会视为一种社会类型,综合了封建社会的经济、政治和文化心态? A. 冈绍夫 B. 布洛赫 C. 斯特雷耶正确B查看答案解析5分 2 【单选题】(5分)哪位学者提出了狭义上的封建主义概念,以法律和政治层面为主,用以指代封君封臣制? A. 冈绍夫 B. 布洛赫C. 斯特雷耶正确答案是:A查看答案解析 3 【单选题】(5分)欧洲的贵族发展经历了三个不同阶段,这三个阶段的依此顺序为? A. 权贵贵族,等级贵族,封建贵族 B. 封建贵族,权贵贵族,等级贵族 C. 封建贵族,等级贵族,权贵贵族 D. 等级贵族,封建贵族,权贵贵族正确答案是:C 七1 【单选题】(5分)一个社会从中古到近代的转变,叫转型,也叫过渡,但是有两种情况:一种是有过渡期的过渡,另一种是没有过渡期的过渡。
西方文明通论考试试题及答案一、单选题(题数:50,共50.0 分)1关于道家和酒神的关系,描述错误的是()。
1.0 分A、都是感性的东西B、都是自然的东西C、道家较之酒神对自然更加偏重极端D、都是反文明的正确答案:C 我的答案:C2各大宗教与文明的对应关系正确的是()。
1.0 分A、新教——拉美文明B、佛教——印度文明C、道教——中华文明D、东正教——伊斯兰文明正确答案:C 我的答案:C3民族乐派的代表人物是()。
1.0 分A、拉威尔B、德彪西C、柴可夫斯基D、斯美塔那正确答案:D 我的答案:D4与西方相比,中国自古到今主要依靠()来维系社会。
1.0 分A、自由、伦理B、法律、文化C、文化、政策D、伦理、政策正确答案:D 我的答案:D5“缘起性空”是()的观点。
1.0 分A、基督教B、犹太教C、道教D、佛教正确答案:D 我的答案:D6弗洛伊德观点中的“升华”是当欲求受到文明的压抑时,可以改变欲求的()。
1.0 分A、方式和程度B、方向和形式C、程度和形式D、方式和方向正确答案:B 我的答案:B7古代等级社会中“不平等的人之间不平等”,这种“不平等”是基于()。
1.0 分A、身份B、本性C、性别D、资本正确答案:B 我的答案:B8考证得知目前保存最早的建筑是()时期的佛光寺。
1.0 分A、秦汉B、汉末C、隋代D、中晚唐正确答案:D 我的答案:D9“小国寡民”是()的社会理想。
1.0 分A、孟子B、墨子C、庄子D、老子正确答案:D 我的答案:D10下列关于个人主义的表现,说法错误的是()。
1.0 分A、市场经济是对个人经济追求的承认与规范B、基督教是个人的灵魂拯救C、宪政是对个人的尊重D、文学艺术是个性的表现正确答案:C 我的答案:C11西方建筑的主要类型可以通过()加以区分。
1.0 分A、石柱B、窗户C、屋顶D、材质正确答案:C 我的答案:C12“法国革命是一部历史,我要做它的书记”出自()。
1.0 分A、恩格斯B、歌德C、巴尔扎克D、雨果正确答案:C 我的答案:C13线型文字B是()的文字。
”下列概述符合这段文字记载的是( ) [单选题] *A.天下为公,任人为亲B.天下为家,选贤与能C.天下为公,选贤与能(正确答案)D.天下为家,世代相袭2.这一体制是在中央王朝掌握大量可自由支配的土地和人口资源,但王朝自身又无法实现直接控制的情况下,委派亲信建立对王朝负有责任和义务的具有一定独立性的政权的国家管理形式。
“这一体制”成熟于( ) [单选题] *A.夏商时期B.西周时期(正确答案)C.秦汉时期D.三国时期3.西周时期,周王室对墓葬用品的规定严格,如用鼎制度就明确规定为“天子九鼎,诸侯七鼎,大夫五鼎,元士三鼎或一鼎”。
材料反映的本质问题是( ) [单选题] *A.西周各地经济发展不平衡B.西周手工业中冶铜业十分落后C.西周社会的腐败现象严重D.西周社会呈现等级森严的特征(正确答案)4.“分封制在封土授民的同时,也把周王朝自己及其从商王朝接受过来的先进的器物、官僚体制、典章制度、意识形态和文化结构,带到了分封制度所及之地。
”这反映出了分封制( ) [单选题] *A.推动了中原文明的扩展(正确答案)B.扩大了西周的疆域C.促成了统一民族的形成D.巩固了西周的统治5.钱穆先生认为:“在史学里,制度本属一项专门学问……任何一制度之创立,必然有其外在的需要,必然有其内在的用意,则是断无可疑的。
”据此分析,秦始皇在地方设立郡县制的“内在的用意”主要是( ) [单选题] *A.继承前代制度B.适应时代变迁C.促进秦朝统一D.加强中央集权(正确答案)6.1975年12月,我国文物考古工作者在湖北省云梦县睡虎地十一号秦墓中,发现了一千五百余支竹简,内容大部分是秦代的法律文书。
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Chapter 1 The First Civilizations1) Otzis life was a good example of the human experience inA) the Stone Age.B) central Greece.C) what is now modern Turkey.D) Italy.E) the Iron Age.2) The first humanlike creatures, such as Lucy, may haveA) survived for less than one million years.B) engaged in agriculture.C) displayed the brain capacity of modern humans.D) utilized simple tools.E) had large, developed brains.3) The Neanderthal had all of the following characteristics EXCEPTA) the ability to use tools.B) burial customs.C) a range of distribution covering Africa, Europe, and Asia.D) a smaller brain than other Homo sapiens.E) success surviving in the last great ice age.4) The practice of staying put and exploiting various sources of food instead of constantly traveling is calledA) oriental despotism.B) slash-and-burn aquaculture.C) pastoral nomadism.D) broad-spectrum gathering.E) pastoralism.5) Sedentary communities led to all of the following EXCEPT which oneA) Decrease in infant mortalityB) Development of political leadershipC) Reduction in populationD) Expansion of agricultureE) Longer life spans6) Which of the following was an early agricultural settlement in the Middle EastA) NinevehB) RomeC) JerichoD) BabylonE) Constantinople7) The statement that the Agricultural Revolution was portable means thatA) nomadic societies were eliminated in all parts of the globe.B) Neolithic society became less sedentary.C) the knowledge and technology of agriculture could be easily transported from one place to another.D) agricultural sites had to be located near rivers.E) sedentary societies had to continue to move for survival.8) Which of the following is NOT true of the ecology of MesopotamiaA) The south has both adequate rain and good soil.B) The north has adequate rain but poor soil.C) Agriculture is impossible without irrigation.D) Improper irrigation results in the deposit of alkaloids in the soil.E) Uruk and other early cities were linked with irrigation.9) Which of the following do the authors suggest was the primary cause of urbanization in the south of MesopotamiaA) The need to concentrate the population in order to carry out the extensive irrigation of the regionB) The concentration of animal husbandry in the regionC) Egyptian influenceD) The availability of imported food suppliesE) The possibility of year-round reproduction and mating10) Around 3500 the first civilization was established in the region of Mesopotamia calledA) Assyria.B) Phoenicia.C) Angkor-Wat.D) Sumer.E) Egypt.11) Which of the following was NOT one of the major Sumerian cities around the time of 3000Lagash(苏美尔城邦。
位于今天伊拉克境内铁罗(Telloh),在幼发拉底河与底格里斯河相汇处的西北,在乌鲁克城以东)B) Ur乌尔(古代美索不达亚南部苏美尔的重要城市)C) UmmaD) NinevehE) Jericho12) Mesopotamian society became highly stratified, and not everyone shared equally in its benefits. The bottom social levels in this civilization were theA) landowners and merchants.B) slaves and peasants.C) artisans and soldiers.D) nomads and domesticated animals.13) The written script of Mesopotamian civilizations wasA) Aramaic.B) hieroglyphics.C) cuneiform.D) Cyrillic.14) The gods of Mesopotamian society wereA) unrelated to city life and activity.B) structured on a democratic basis.C) anthropomorphic that is, they had human form.D) regarded as perfect in form and deed.E) unique to each city.15) Which of the following was NOT one of the Mesopotamian gods of the sky, air, and riversA) Enki B) Ishtar C) Ares D) Enlil E) Anu16) Which of the following statements concerning the practice of Mesopotamian religion is NOT accurateA) Mesopotamians constantly sought intimate contact with the gods.B) Mesopotamians believed that the role of mortals was to serve the gods and feed them through sacrifice.C) The gods were believed to live in a structured and rational world.D) Temples controlled a vast portion of the cities economic resources.E) Mesopotamian gods were integral parts of stories such as The Epic of Gilgamesh.17) The first great heroic poem of Western civilization was theA) Iliad.B) Aeneid.C) Epic of Gilgamesh.D) Exodus.18) The founder of the first unified Akkadian state wasA) Hammurabi.B) Shulgi.(舒尔吉)C) Menes(美尼斯,埃及国王).D) Sargon.E) Enkidu(恩奇都,吉尔伽美什的伙伴和仆从).19) Which of the following statements concerning the Akkadian nation-state is MOSTaccurateA) Sargon created a unified empire that survived his death.B) Like most states of Mesopotamia, the Akkadian state crumbled under the pressure of dynastic disputes and regional assertions of autonomy.C) The Akkadian state became the basis for Hittite dominance in Mesopotamia.D) Although politically powerful, the Akkadian state abandoned literacy and depended on military dominance.E) Though Sargon lived only a short time, his empire continues today.20) What state expanded in Mesopotamia after the fall of the AkkadiansA) Ur under ShulgiB) Judah under DavidC) Assyria under Tiglath-pileserD) Babylonia under Hammurabi21) Who was the famous king and law-codifier who ruled during the Old Babylonian EmpireA) DavidB) HammurabiC) NebuchadnezzarD) LagashE) Ramses II22) Much of Hammurabis code was concerned withA) dealing out lenient penalties for most crimes.B) promoting justice, protecting the weak, and destroying the wicked.C) providing equal treatment for all social classes.D) creating a new social and economic order.E) persecuting the weak and thus strengthen society.23) In addition to Hammurabis code, the Old Babylonian Empire is also recognized for its contribution in the area ofA) writing.B) mathematics.C) architecture.D) medicine.E) eliminating capital punishment.24) The Hittite peopleA) based their livelihood solely on farming.B) established their capitals at Merimda and Memphis.C) perfected the light, horse-drawn war chariot and metal trade.D) never fought the Egyptians, as both were Indo-European speakers.E) had no relationship to later Persians and Greeks.25) Old Kingdom Egypts stability andself-sufficiency was due to all of the following factors EXCEPT which oneA) Systematic flooding by the Nile RiverB) A large, permanent, and professionally trained armyC) Geographical isolation created by the desertD) A predictable and favorable climateE) The rich Nile delta26) Around 3150 King Narmer united Upper and Lower Egypt and founded a new capital atA) Alexandria.B) Antioch.C) Memphis.D) Wadis.E) Hattushash.27) Osiris was theA) Persian god of the sky.B) Hittite god of war.C) Sumerian goddess of love.D) Egyptian god of the dead.E) Akkadian goddess of peasants.28) Maat is an Egyptian term meaningA) war and conflict.B) temple worship.C) divine incarnation.D) harmony and justice.E) provinces.29) The Egyptian king who built the first known pyramid wasA) Thutmose III.B) Hatshepsut.C) Horus DenD) Zoser.E) Narmer.30) The building of the great pyramids at Sakkara and outside Memphis took place during the time of theA) Intermediate Periods.B) New Kingdom.C) Middle Kingdom.D) Old Kingdom.E) Hyksos invasions.31) Which of the following did NOT occur in the transition from the Old to the Middle KingdomA) Women gained constitutional rights by becoming scribes.B) Temples continued to be constructed.C) The bureaucracy was opened to all men.D) The afterlife became available to more people.E) Egyptian royal authority collapsed.32) The new ethical perspective conveyed by the literature of the Middle Kingdom is best represented by the story ofA) Benjamin.B) al-Farabi.法拉比C) Sinuhe.辛努亥D) Amenhotep.阿蒙霍特普E) Piratical Peasant.海盗的农民33) The main contribution of the foreigners known as the Hyksos who invaded Egypt during the Middle Kingdom was toA) transform the traditions of Egyptian kingship.B) adopt a monotheistic form of religious worship.C) introduce military technology and organization.D) found a new capital city at Alexandria.E) become the military for Ahmose the pharaoh.34) Which pharaoh attempted to revolutionize Egyptian religious lifeA) TutankhamenB) AhmoseC) Thutmose ID) Akhenaten35) Amenhotep IV did all of the following EXCEPTA) move his religious capital to the city of Thebes.B) promote the worship of the sun-disk god Aten.C) change his name to Akhenaten (It pleases Aten).D) abolish the cult of Amen-Ra (the great god).E) establish his capital city at Tell-el Amarna.36) Akhenatens monotheism wasA) welcomed by the Egyptian people.B) actually a form of divinity shared by the pharaoh and the sun-disk.C) borrowed from the Hebrew religion.D) carried on by his successors.E) to have a lasting impact on Egypt. 6) Akhenatens 一神论是A)由埃及人民欢迎。