



上海交通大学附属中学2020学年度第二学期高二物理期中试卷(满分100分,90分钟完成.答案一律写在答题纸上.) 考生注意: 1.g 取lOm/s 2.2.计算题要求写出必要的文字说明、方程式和重要的演算步骤,只写出最后答案,而未写出主要演算过程的,不能得分.有数字计算的问题,答案中必须明确写出数值和单位.一、单项选择题(10分)本大题共5小题,每小题2分. 1. 下列科学成果属于卢瑟福的是A .发现电子的存在B .发现天然放射现象C .发现质子的存在D .发现中子的存在2. 我国已建成了酒泉、太原和西昌卫星发射中心,假如还要建设一个卫星发射中心,为了发射卫星时尽量节约火箭的燃料,在自南向北排列的三亚、上海、北京、哈尔滨四个城市中你认为最合适的是A .三亚 B. 上海 C. 北京 D. 哈尔滨3.如下图所示,a 是长直密绕通电螺线管,应用DIS 的磁传感器b 沿a 的轴线Ox 从O 点自左向右匀速穿过通电螺线管螺管a 。

能正确反映通电螺线管内部磁感应强度B 随x 变化规律的是OxBOxBAOxBOxBBCDa b xO4.下列关于磁感线的说法,正确的是A.磁感线从磁体的N极出发,终止于磁体的S极B.磁感线可以形象地表示磁场的方向和强弱C.电流磁场的磁感线都是同心圆D.放入螺线管内的小磁针的N极指向与该处磁感线方向相反5.老师做了一个物理小实验让学生观察:一轻质横杆两侧各固定一金属环,横杆可绕中心点自由转动,老师拿一条形磁铁插向其中一个小环,后又取出插向另一个小环,同学们看到的现象是A.磁铁插向左环,横杆发生转动B.磁铁插向右环,横杆发生转动C.无论磁铁插向左环还是右环,横杆都不发生转动D. 无论磁铁插向左环还是右环,横杆都发生转动二、单项选择题(12分)本大题共4小题,每小题3分.6. 如图所示是查德威克发现某粒子的实验示意图,在这个实验中发现了一种不可见的贯穿能力很强的粒子,这种粒子是A.正电子B.中子C.光子D.电子7.如图所示,将线框从匀强磁场中匀速拉出第一次拉动速率为V1=V,第二次拉动速率为V2=2V,则两次拉出过程中外力F1与F2,以及做功W1与W2的关系是A.F1∶F2=2∶1,W1∶W2=2∶1左Po 铍不可见粒子B.F1∶F2=1∶1,W1∶W2=1∶1C.F1∶F2=1∶2,W1∶W2=1∶1D.F1∶F2=l∶2,W1∶W2=1∶28.如图所示,在水平地面下有一条沿东西方向铺设的水平直导线,导线中通有自东向西稳定、强度较大的直流电流。


物理试题 (满分 110 分)
一、单项选择题(有 8 小题,每题 4 分,共计 32 分)
1. 如图所示,虚线是某静电场的一簇等势线,边上标有电势的值。一带电粒子只
在电场力作用下恰能沿图中的实线从 A 经过 B 运动到 C。下列说法中正确的是 ( )
A. 粒子一定带负电
B.A 处场强大于 C处场强
3.11eV 之间.由此可推知,氢原子 ( )
A. 从高能级向 n=1 能级跃迁时发出的光的波长比可见光的短
B. 从高能级向 n=2 能级跃迁时发出的光均为可见光
C. 从高能级向 n=3 能级跃迁时发出的光的频率比可见光的高
D. 从 n=3 能级向 n=2 能级跃迁时发出的光为可见光
11. 共享单车被称为是中国的新四大发明之一,共享单车的轮胎已全部配置真空胎,比传统 的轮胎有不小的优势。普通的自行车轮胎并不是真空胎,由内胎和外胎组成。在夏天,内胎充
的小灯泡,开关 S 闭合和断开的过程中,灯 L1、L2的亮度变化情况是 ( 灯丝不会断 )(
A.S 闭合, L1 亮度不变, L2 亮度逐渐变亮,最后两灯一样亮; S 断开, L2 立即熄灭, L1 逐渐变 亮 B.S 闭合, L1 不亮, L2 很亮; S 断开, L1、 L2 立即熄灭 C.S 闭合, L1、 L2 同时亮,而后 L1 逐渐熄灭, L2 亮度不变; S 断开, L2 立即熄灭, L1亮一下才 熄灭 D.S 闭合, L1、 L2 同时亮,而后 L1 逐渐熄灭, L2 则逐渐变得更亮; S 断开, L2 立即熄灭, L1 亮 一下才熄灭
D.带电体的加速度一定越来越小 6. 下列说法不.正.确.的是( )



上海交通大学附属中学【精品】高二(下)期中调研物理试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单选题1.天然放射性元素衰变时放出的β射线是()A.电子流B.光子流C.中子流D.质子流2.威耳逊云室能够观察到射线径迹,是利用( )A.射线在云室里的穿透本领B.射线在云室里的化学效应C.射线在云室里的热效应D.射线在云室里的电离作用3.如图所示为α粒子散射实验装置,α粒子打到荧光屏上都会引起闪烁,若将带有荧光屏的显微镜分别放在图中A、B、C、D四处位置.则这四处位置在相等时间内统计的闪烁次数可能符合事实的是( )A.1 305、25、7、1B.202、405、625、825C.1 202、1 010、723、203D.1 202、1 305、723、2034.关于恒星的描述,下列说法中正确的是()A.质量越大的恒星,寿命越短B.质量越大的恒星,寿命越长C.表面温度比太阳高的恒星呈现出比太阳稍红的颜色D.表面温度比太阳低的恒星呈现出比太阳稍蓝的颜色5.关于我国现已建成的核电站,下列说法中正确说法是()A.发电的能量来自于天然放射性元素衰变放出的能量B.发电的能量来自于重核裂变放出的能量C.当控制棒插入反应堆的深度增大时链式反应速度加快D.当控制棒插入反应堆的深度减小时链式反应速度减慢6.关于物理学发展过程中的认识,下列说法正确的是()A.奥斯特发现了电流的磁效应,并发现了电磁感应现象B.法拉第在分析了许多实验事实后提出,感应电流应具有这样的方向,即感应电流的磁场总要阻碍引起感应电流的磁通量的变化C.楞次发现了电流的磁效应,揭示了磁现象和电现象之间的联系D.在法拉第、纽曼、韦伯等人工作的基础上,人们认识到:电路中感应电动势的大小,跟穿过这一电路的磁通量的变化率成正比,后人称之为法拉第电磁感应定律7.如图所示,两同心圆环A、B置于同一水平面上,其中A为均匀带电绝缘环,B为导体环,两环均可绕中心在水平内转动,则()A.若A匀速转动,B中产生恒定的感应电流B.若A逆时针加速转动,B中一定产生顺时针方向的感应电流C.若A顺时针减速转动,B中感应电流的方向可能是逆时针D.若A、B以相同的转速同方向加速转动,B中没有感应电流8.太阳系各行星几乎在同一平面内沿同一方向绕太阳做圆周运动。







一、又大又好方程组(15分)天下方程千千万,这一组又大又好(Maxwell )。

0001E BB B E tE B J tεμμε⎧∇⋅=⎪⎪⎪∇⋅=⎪⎨∂∇⨯=⎪∂⎪⎪∂∇⨯=+⎪∂⎩1.对物理史实认识有误的是()A .电磁学理论促进了电力技术的革命,并改善了人类生活B .发电机和电动机的发明,标志着第一次工业革命的开始C .赫兹延续麦克斯韦的想法在实验上验证了电磁波的存在D .麦克斯韦认为电磁场是一种客观存在,他完成了物理学第三次大综合2.(多选)电磁波能够发生()A .压电效应B .多普勒效应C .反射D .衍射3.*当某电磁波从真空进入玻璃中时,不.发生变化的是()A .振幅B .波长C .波速D .频率4.按贡献先后排序:(1)→牛顿→(2)→(3)→法拉第→(4)→(5)→爱因斯坦→(6)→……()A .杨振宁B .麦克斯韦C .赫兹D .沈括E .库仑F .奥斯特5.(多选)关于下图中的电磁振荡,当电容器上的电荷量增加时,()A .通过P 点的电流一定减小B .电感器中存储的磁场能一定减小C .通过P 点的电流一定向下D .电容器极板间电场强度一定减小二、正弦交流电(30分)正弦交流电的产生方式有很多,它还可以通过变压器进行远距离输电。


(1)*假设所有空气分子均作速度为v 的匀速运动,垂直通过扇叶平面。

请从动能计算的角度分析,得出功率P 正比于风速v 的__________次方;(直接填数字)(2)风吹扇叶,再通过传动装置带动了某个线圈在某匀强磁场中转动,产生电压为10sin(100)V u t π=⋅的交流电,则0.05s t =时,磁感线与线圈平面__________(选涂:“A :平行”“B ;垂直”或“C ;不平行也不垂直”);(3)*若前问中线圈转速加倍,则交流电频率变为__________Hz ,电压有效值变为__________V 。


(1)要想使电流计指针发生偏转,即有感应电流产生,小红进行了以下四种操作,其中可行的是( )
(2)病房由开放状态变为正常工作状态,需抽取出的气体质量与原来气体质量的百分比 (保留两位有效数字)。
B A、B中感应电流方向相反
C. 磁铁对B有向上的安培力
11.每年春节前农村都有捣年糕的习俗,借此来寓意“年年发财、步步高升”,捣年糕时,一人将“石杵”一起一落挥动,另一人在“石杵”挥动的间隙迅速翻动米粉团,直到米粉团柔软而有粘性,已知“石杵”质量为 每分钟上下挥动20下,每次重心上升的高度约为 ,则人挥动“石杵”做功的功率约为( )



上海交通大学附属中学高二第二学期期中考试试卷上海交通大学附属中学2019-2020学年度第二学期高二英语期中试卷出卷人:张骁纯审卷人:朱雪艳(满分150分,答案一律写在网上阅卷答题纸上)I. Listening ComprehensionSection A [1x10’]Directions:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. There is some mechanical problem with the mans cell phone.B. The man should buy a battery right now.C. The man must have taken some cash with him.D. The man is accustomed to paying the bill with his cell phone.2. A. She can handle the work. B. The increasing work stops her from taking a rest.C. She will take a rest soon after the work is finished.D. She enjoys her work.3. A. The man will visit Russia in the near future.B. The man has a good command of Russian.C. Russia doesn’t hold immediate appeal to the man.D. The man will never consider taking a trip to Russia.4. A. Fashion designer. B. Vet. C. Model. D. Coach.5. A. New forms of money. B. Market potential for a new product.C. Governments, attitudes to e-commerce.D. Replacement of old coins.6. A. Because he wants to save money.B. Because he wants to stay away from crowds.C. Because he is too exhausted with his work.D. Because the ticket price is higher.7. A. Impatient. B. Regretful. C. Angry. D. Relieved.8. A. Wedding rings will last forever.B. Good wedding rings are always expensive.C. It is a serious matter to choose a wedding ring.D. The value of wedding rings determines the quality of marriage.9. A. In a department store. B. In a map shop. C. In a geography class. D. At a metro station.10. A. Jenny can’t have another make-up exam.B. Jenny doesn’t study hard.C. Jenny has wasted four opportunities.D. Jenny should pay a high price for her carelessness.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. One year. B. Ten years. C. Eighteen years. D. Twentyyears.12. A. It’s comfortable. B. It’s time-saving. C. It’s cheap.D. It is enjoyable.13. A. It’s safer. B. It’s healthier. C. It’s more conven ient.D. It’s colorful.Questions 14 through 17 are based on the following passage.14. A. Because he could not catch a fish.B. Because his father was not patient with him.C. Because his father did not teach him fishing.D. Because he could not join the local fishing club as his father did.15. A. They like deep water. B. They are insensitive to water temperature.C. Their eyelids help to block the sunlight.D. They are cold-blooded animals.16. A. It is easy to think like a customer.B. His father’s fish ing advice is inspiring.C. Salespeople should find older and richer clients.D. It is difficult to sell services to poor people.Questions 18 through 20 are based on the following conversation17. A. Because books are too heavy.B. Because a cell phone is portable.C. Because his books are not popular among travelers.D. Because users can rate the restaurants and food on the app.18. A. He accepts advice from taxi drivers.B. He does a lot of research into the difficult menus.C. The hotel staff recommends restaurants to him.D. He talks with local people and walk around to spot goodrestaurants.19. A. He checks out the place the chef comes from.B. He ignores fancy restaurants and only visits small restaurants.C. He tries high-priced wines.D. He decides the hygiene conditions by using the bathroom first.20. A. The importance of menus and services. B. Young people’s travelling budget.C. The choice of good food and restaurants.D. The advantages of a food app.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.21. I got up early this morning, but I __________ so because I needn't work on Sundays.A. couldn’t hav e doneB. needn’t have doneC. shouldn’t have doneD. might not have done22. They didn’t get rewarded for what they had done __________ their findings were released to the public one day.A. unlessB. ifC. untilD. while23. The recipe, __________ reminding me of home, is the bestI have ever tried.A. the oneB. the one thatC. the one whichD. which24. It is reported that the rich __________ priority to get tested for Covid-19.A. is givenB. are givenC. giveD. gives25. Why do people say the word 'over' after they __________ talking on a walkie talkie and not anything else?A. finishedB. are to finishC. have been finishingD. have finished26. __________ not to miss the great bargain online at Double Eleven Day, though tired, Lisa tried not to fall asleep.A. Being remindedB. RemindedC. Having remindedD. Reminding27. I am worried about Jane. Do you know what has happened to her? She’s been wearing a ________ look all day.A. troubleB. troublingC. to-be-troubledD. troubled28. Johnson won a gold medal at an international programming competition, therefore ________ him famousovernight at school.A. makingB. to makeC. madeD. having made29. That multinational company is adopting an aggressive expanding strategy, with the result that it has recruited ________ in the year of 2015 as they did two years ago.A. three times as many as new employeesB. three times many new employeesC. three times as many new employeesD. three times more new employees than30. There were about two dozen kids playing in the park, ________ with each other around.A. some of whose parents chattingB. some of their parents chattingC. some of the parents chattedD. some of whom parents chatted31. You should always remember that, in the years to come, you have some people ________ company with, the parents who have sacrificed to raise you and provide you with the best education possible.A. keepB. keepingC. keptD. to keep32. The young athlete took a deep breath, prayed silently, and told himself that he was closer now than ever to ________ the championship.A. have wonB. winC. winningD. having won33. Though nothing in the animal kingdom is using what we ________ language, gestures used by bonobos and chimpanzees come close.A. think of asB. look to asC. think about withD. depend on34. The guidebook warns the travelers ________ walking alone in this district of the city at night.A. ofB. forC. againstD. to35. Resources are ________ because we live in a world in which humans’ wants are infinite but the land, labor, and capital required to satisfy those wants are limited.A. scarceB. rareC. unusualD. oddSection BDirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.(A)As the world is getting more and more connected, will human be uni-cultural in the near future?The homogenizing(类同) forces are as strong as the heterogenizing(多样化) forces. In short, in the globally connected world, we (36)__________ not be as homogenized as we assume to be.For instance, the Internet enables the homogenizing force of English (37)__________ the world's common language. At the same time, it enables the speakers of various small languages (38)__________(connect) and build common content like never before. Fifty years ago, were there encyclopedias in all the regional languages? No. Most were in English. Now, you have a diverse set of language in Wikipedia (39)__________ allows knowledge creation in small languages.In a globalized world, we tend to see McDonalds and Starbucks everywhere in the world. But the same globalization allows cuisines of various nations to be explored by people across the world. (40)__________(Think) of all the quality Thai, Chinese, Indian or Mexican restaurants (41)__________(spread) across the world over the pasttwenty years.Again, a connected world also allows one to explore different religions and spiritual paths that were previously (42)__________ __________ reach due to geography. You could be sitting in Jakarta and exploring T aoism, Shintoism, Hinduism or various African/native American religions. In the past, your choices would have been very limited to (43)__________ the local spiritual teachers could teach.Globalization/interconnections are also giving a voice to people from various cultures. In the past, you would have had todepend on the equivalent of The New York Times or the BBC (44)__________(develop) your opinions and those would be the majority opinions - highly slanted(倾向的) towards one culture. Now, you have the option of getting a lot more diverse voices (45)__________(hear) as the major filters — publishing houses and newspaper editors — are getting replaced by more democratic forms.We are not getting uni-cultural. We are getting multi-cultural and slowly grasping the diversity of human culture.(B)Fashion Is NOT ArtOn a trip to Paris, the New York fashion designer Donna Karan was dragged off to the Picasso Museum by her husband, Stephen Weiss. He hoped that his wife would love it as much as he did. Instead, she dashed at speed from gallery to gallery barely pausing to look at the works.Suddenly Weiss heard Donna (46)__________(scream) with glee in another gallery. At last, he thought, she has finally founda Picasso that inspired her. He ran into the gallery only(47)__________(discover) his wife gazing at a bare expanse of green wall. This particular shade of green, she explained breathlessly,(48)__________(be) perfect for next season's dress.(49)__________(argue) over whether fashion is more or less important than art is just as pointless as questioning(50)__________ or not it is art. Of course it's not, it's fashion. That is not to say that fashion, at its best, is not a suitable subject for museums or (51)__________ it cannot share some of the attributes of art. On the contrary, a fine haute couture dress(高级时装) - like the ones that Cristóbal Balenciaga crea ted in his 1950s heyday - can look as perfect as (52)__________ beautiful paintingor sculpture.Yet only an old-fashioned aesthete(审美家) would argue that the purpose of the art is to create beauty. Sometimes artists do create beauty, (53)__________ for most of them beauty tends to be a by-product of their quest to explore the complex, messy, ambiguities of modern life. Think of Wolfgang Tillmans's photographs of areroplane wings and window sills(窗沿) now on display at Tate Britain. Beautifully composed they may be, but with a forlorn(凄凉的) beauty too subtle to be replicated in fashion.Similarly, fashion is good at fulfilling another traditional function of art by reflecting changes in contemporary culture, but only up to a point. (54)__________ art, fashion rarely expresses more than the headlines of history.And fashion has a practical purpose, whereas art does not. The result may be as gorgeous as a Balenciaga ballgown (舞会礼服), but it is still an item of clothing (55)_________(intend) to be worn. Why pretend that it is anything else?Section CDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.(A)How to Put on a Fashion Show Without a Designer?Designers usually close out runway shows with a wave and a bow, after the final march of their models. But that didn’t happen at the Luooif Studio show. The music ended and house lights dimmed, and then a stylist emerged on the runway holdinga laptop in his hands. He turned the screen toward the audience, displayingphotos of two young Chinese designers.One was Lena Luo, a founder of Luooif Studio; the other was her studio partner, EkceeChan, who designs the footwear. Both were supposed to be there in person, but they had beenbanned from visiting the US in the middle of the (56)________ over the spread of coronavirus.On Jan. 31, the United States government announced that most foreign nationals who hadrecently spent time in China would be (57)________ entry to the United States. Ms. Luo wasscheduled to arrive in New York on Feb. 4, about a week before her show. Two large boxescontaining her fall 2020 collection were being (58)________ by United States customsofficials. It didn’t look as if the shipment would be(59)________ in time for the show at 9a.m. on Feb. 10.Ms. Luo, who worked as an intern in the studios of Alexander McQueen and VivienneWestwood, is a(n) (60)________ of Central Saint Martins and founded Luooif Studio in 2015. Last week, canceling her fashion week show (61)________ her, she said, but she worried about letting down her team, who had put “patience and passion” into the collection.Instead she tried to (62)________ the show, to allow more time for the shipment to make it through customs. Her (63)________ inNew York, the Prjct 428, asked the organizers of New York Fashion Week to reschedule. But that didn’t work.Then, three days before the Luooif Studio show, the fall 2020 collection finally arrived. Prjct 428 rushed to bring on a stylist and cast models. The team sent photos and videos every night for her approval. But beyond that, fear (64)________ her country. Ms. Luo could only stay at her parents’ home. “There are so many ways you can get the disease,” she said. “The only way we prot ect ourselves is away from people.”Finally, the show successfully went on. There were problems, of course. The designers wanted to be on video chat backstage, watching as the models had their hair and makeup done, but the connection in the (65)________ sp ace wasn’t strong enough. Five hours after the show had ended, Ms. Luo had still not seen footage of the show. Ms. Chan, who had seen a few photos, said the styling choices weren’t exactly what she had envisioned.(B)A. remarkableB. limitC. caseD. developedE. producedF. reachingG. flowing H. based I. set J. house K. uncomfortableInside the Quietest Place on EarthWhile many working people suffer the tip-tap of keyboards, the noise of chatter from colleagues, and the constant hum of computers, LeSalle Munroe is surrounded by almost total silence. His office is the quietest place on the planet.His specially-constructed room is hidden in the depths ofBuilding 87 at Microsoft’s headquarters in Redmond, Washington, where the firm’s hardware laboratories are (66)________. Products such as the Surface computers and Xbox have been developed there. Microsoft’s engineers built the room — known as the anechoic chamber (消音室) — to help them test new equipment they were developing. In 2015 it (67)________ the official world record for silence when the background noise level inside was measured at an incredible -20.6 decibels (分贝). It gets close to the (68)________ of what should be possible to achieve without creating a vacuum. The noise (69)________ by air molecules (分子) hitting each other at room temperature is estimated to be about -24 decibels.“It is a very unique experience inside with the door closed,” says Munroe. “When you stop breathing, you can hear your heart beating and the blood (70)________ in your veins (静脉). I don’t stay inside with the door closed very often.”It took almost two years to design and build the anechoic chamber. Even finding a building quiet enough to(71)________ it took nearly eight months of testing. The room sits at the heart of six concrete onion layers that help to block out sounds from the outside world. This nest of rooms within rooms — each with walls up to 30 centimeters thick — helps to cut the noise (72)________ the room by around 110 decibels. If a jet was taking off just outside the building, one would hear little more than a whisper inside the anechoic chamber.You might think that staying in such a quiet place would offer you perfect peace. But for visitors who enter that space, this is far from the (73)________. Most people want to leave within a few seconds. A lot of them find the experience very (74)________. Some people even feel dizzy.For Monroe, however, even more (75)________ is the feeling when, after a while, he steps outside the chamber. “When you open the door, it is almost like a waterfall of sound hitting your ears,” says Munroe. “You hear things that you wouldn’t normally notice. It gives you a new perspective.”III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.There is a reason why murder mystery movies have survived for as long as they have in Hollywood. When executed well, they’re (76)_________ and amusing. Yet, this is a type of tale that has been (77)_________ for long and it feels like an area that’s hard to break new ground in. With Knives Out, writer/director Rian Johnson has managed to pull off just that, by crafting a truly unique and highly entertaining modern whodunnit (侦探推理片) for all ages.Knives Out (78)_________ the death of the renowned crime novelist Harlan Thrombey, who is found dead at his estate just after his 85th birthday. Following the incident, the entire family is gathered for the investigation, which is led by the detective Benoit Blanc. While (79)_________ the case, Blanc and the police must sift through (筛查) a web of clues and lies to uncover the truth behind Thrombey’s untimely death as (80)_________ rise over the fate of the vast fortune at stake (利害攸关的).A good murder mystery (81)_________keeping the audience guessing. Knives Out is the work of a cinematic magician, one who keeps you so (82)_________what the left hand is doing that you miss the right. Using a wonderful (83)_________ structure thatwould make Agatha Christie smile, Johnson confidently stays a bit (84)_________ his audience, leaving them breathless but satisfied at the end.Outside of a twist(反转) , a movie like this relies entirely on (85)_________. They need to be entertaining. They need to be layered. They need to bring everything to life(86)_________simply push the tale to its eventual conclusion. Knives Out has an A-list of stars, like Craig, Chris Evans and the great Plummer, all in one place. But rather than aiming for the biggest names (87)_________fit, Johnson has chosen recognizable yet smart casting, with each actor perfectly (88)_________their role.To that point, this cast is made up of people who seem to just be having fun working on a project with very little pressure. Craig has been working on James Bond for more than a decade. Evans just got done playing Captain America. The list goes on.(89)_________, here, it’s not a big franchise (系列电影). It’s just a classic mystery designed for everyone to relax. This is pure entertainment. Plain and simple. It’s wildly funny, suspenseful (充满悬念的) and not just a collection of lovable stars, but the kind of movie that is (90)_________ in our franchise-dominated landscape. Don’t let Knives Out slip through the cracks.76. A. engaging B. extravagant C. persuasive D. offensive77. A. up B. down C. around D. off78. A. ends with B. associates with C. turns on D. centers on79. A. looking up B. looking into C. looking on D. looking over80. A. tensions B. opportunities C. profits D. opinions81. A. depends on B. makes use of C. believes in D. mixes with82. A. optimistic about B. distracted from C. wrapped up in D. careless about83. A. theory B. argument C. tradition D. plot84. A. parallel with B. keen on C. linked to D. ahead of85. A. plots B. characters C. logic D. directors86. A. apart from B. as well as C. rather than D. other than87. A. regardless of B. instead of C. in case of D. due to88. A. connected with B. matched to C. enrolled in D. taking to89. A. Moreover B. Furthermore C. Likewise D. Yet90. A. existing B. disappearing C. emerging D. developingSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)When I think about the connection between art and optimism, the first person who comes to mind is Leonardo da Vinci.I have been reading about Leonardo for decades, and in 1994 I bought one of the notebooks, known as the Codex Leicester (莱斯特手稿), in which Leonardo recorded his thoughts and some general ideas.What does a Renaissance artist have to do with optimism? For me, the connection is innovation. I feel optimistic about the future because I know that advances in human knowledge have improved life for billions of people, and I am confident they will keep doing so. Although I am no art expert, everything I have learned about Leonardo leads me to believe he was one of the most innovative thinkers ever.Today of course Leonardo is most famous for paintings likethe Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. But in his mind, Leonardo was not primarily a painter. He considered himself as an engineer first. In a letter to the ruler of Milan listing his strengths, sent in the early 1480s, Leonardo mentioned ten different skills —designing bridges, tunnels, chariots (双轮马车) and catapults (石弩), for example — before adding at the end that he could also paint.Leonardo was an insatiable learner. He studied everything he could see: the flow of water, the way smoke rises through the air, how a woodpecker uses its tongue. Every single opportunity was grasped. And he had insights that were ahead of his time. He developed a new theory about the working of a certain heart valve (心瓣膜) that researchers only confirmed a few decades ago.Scientific inquiries were essential to Leonardo’s art. He was able to give the Mona Lisa that mysterious look on her face because he had studied all the muscles involved in smiling. In The Last Supper, he could make the perspective lines (透视线) work perfectly because he had spent countless hours understanding how our eyes see objects at a distance. By examining his surroundings so closely, Leonardo was able to develop new techniques that advanced his field and portrayed the world in a way no one had ever seen before. In other words, he was an innovator.In my own work today, I get to connect with brilliant people who have this same spirit. When I meet with scientists to discuss the development of new vaccines, for example, I see in them a similar passion for learning about the world and turning knowledge into big breakthroughs that make all our lives better. That, more than anything, is the root of my optimism.91. The underlined word in Paragraph 5 probably describesa person who ______.A. is able to raise difficult questionsB. has a strong desire for achievementC. is able to learn and understand things fastD. always wants more of something92. According to the article, which of the following statements about Leonardo da Vinci is true?A. The Codex Leicester was of no significance to him.B. Art is as important as engineering in his mind.C. He made a contribution to modern medical science.D. He preferred studying painting to engineering.93. Paragraph 6 mainly talks about ______.A. what made the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper stand outB. which fields Leonardo was expert inC. why Leonardo is regarded as an innovatorD. how Leonardo applied scientific theories to his paintings94. What can we learn about the author from the article?A. He became an admirer of Leonardo not that long ago.B. He admires Leonardo mainly for his success in art.C. He enjoys working with people with innovative ideas.D. He is considering investing in research for new vaccines.(B)All Events Calendar24 March, 2019●Art Exhibition: ‘Encounter’9: 30am to 4: 00pm, Ustinov College at Sheraton ParkA new art exhibition at Ustinov College that explores the theme of human and environmental encounters. This exhibition of contemporary art by local professional and emerging artists is taking place at Durham University's Ustinov College at SheratonPark.Contact ************************.uk for more information about this event●Everyone's History: 20 years of the Portable Antiquities Scheme and the Treasure Act10:00am to 5:00pm, Museum of Archaeology, Palace Green LibraryThis exhibition celebrates 20 years of the Portable Antiquities Scheme and the Treasure Act and also the ancient item that is discovered every day by the public.Contact ****************************.uk for more information about this event.●Khyal: Music and Imagination10: 00am to 5:00pm, Oriental Museum, Elvet Hill, DHI 3TH Led by Durham University's Music Department, this multimedia exhibition brings together visual artists and musicians to explore visual responses to Indian classical music.Contact *************************.uk for more information about this event.●Beautiful BooksPalace Green Library, Palace Green, Durham, DH1 3RNCelebrate our wonderful library and make your own book to take home.Contact ********************.uk for more information about this event.●Fantastic Fans1: 00pm to 3: 00pm, Oriental Museum, Elver Hill, Durham DH1 3THExplore our new exhibition all about South Koran culture, learn to count in Korean and make a Korean fan to take home.Contact *************************.uk for more information about this event.●Durham Singers: Songs of Farewell7: 30pm to 9:00pm, St Cuthbert’s Chapel, Ushaw CollegeContrasting reflections on the end of life, from eighteenth century Italy and early-twentieth century England.Highly expressive settings of Roman Catholic texts by Scarlatti and Lotti contrast with Parry's deeply personal response to his own approaching death and to the tragedy of the First World war.Contact ***********************for more information about this event.95. In which of the following groups of events will a participant have an experience of DIY?A. Art Exhibition: ‘Encounter’ and Fantastic FansB. Beautiful Books and Fantastic FansC. Beautiful Books and Durham Singers: Songs of FarewellD. Art Exhibition: 'Encounter' and Durham Singers: Songs of Farewell96. For those who want to enjoy music not only with their ears, they can go toA. Ustinov College at Sheraton ParkB. Museum of ArchaeologyC. Oriental MuseumD. St Cuthbert’s Chapel97. What will participants find in the event of Durham Singers: Songs of Farewell?A. Ancient objects in memory of the dead.B. Performance by singers in their eighties.C. Classical music combined with technology.。





1、如图为两分子系统的势能E.与两分子间距离r的关系曲线.下列说法正确的是A.当r大于r1时,分子间的作用力表现为引力B.在r由r1变到r2的过程中,分子间的作用力做负功C.当r等于r1时,分子间的作用力为零D.当r等于r2时,分子间的作用力为零2、一个动能为E k的带电粒子,垂直于电力线方向飞入平行板电容器,飞出电容器时动能为2E k,如果使这个带电粒子的初速度变为原来的两倍,那么它飞出电容器时的动能变为( )A.8 E k B.5 E k C.1.25 E k D.1 E k3、如图所示,一质点由静止开始,从A到B做匀加速直线运动,已知质点在第1s内的位移恰好等于它在最后1s内位移的15,则下列物理量中可求出的是A.质点到达B点时的速度大小;B.质点从A运动到B所用的时间C.质点运动的加速度大小D.A、B两点之间的距离4、导体A带5Q的正电荷,另一完全相同的导体B带Q的负电荷,将两导体接触一会儿后再分开,则B导体的带电荷量为()A.-Q B.Q C.2Q D.4Q5、若以M表示水的摩尔质量,V表示在标准状态下水蒸气的摩尔体积,ρ为在标准状态下水蒸气的密度,N A为阿伏加德罗常数,m、v0分别表示每个水分子的质量和体积,下列关系式中正确的有A .A M N m =B .A m N Vρ= C .0A V N v = D .0A M N v ρ=6、图甲、图乙分别表示两种电压的波形,其中图甲所示电压按正弦规律变化下列说法正确的是A .图甲表示交流电,图乙表示直流电B .两种电压的最大值和有效值都相等C .图甲所示电压的瞬时值表达式为u=31lsin100πt(V)D .图甲所示电压经原副线圈匝数比为10︰1的变压器变压后频率变为原来的二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。




)命题:朱润生审核:王晓敏一、选择题(32分)1.建立完整的电磁场理论并首先预言电磁波存在的科学家是A.法拉第B.奥斯特C.赫兹D.麦克斯韦2.用中子轰击锂核63Li发生的核反应是6130Li n+→31H X+,其中X粒子应是A.α粒子B.β粒子C.质子D.中子3.潮汐现象主要是受月球对地球的万有引力影响产生的。





已知地磁场的水平分量为B 0,长直导线电流磁场在小磁针处的磁感强度为B ,则小磁针的N 极将A .向东偏转角度θ=arctg(B/B 0)而静止 B .向东偏转角度θ=arctg(B 0/B)而静止C .向西偏转角度θ=arctg(B/B 0)而静止D .向西偏转角度θ=arctg(B 0/B)而静止 8.有一个很长的光滑斜面,框底边连有一个小灯泡,匀强磁场B 垂直于斜面框,当金属棒ab 边到达稳定状态时,小灯泡获得一定的电功率,除小灯泡外其它电阻均不计,若要小灯泡的功率减小到原来的l/2,下列措施可行的是 A .换一个电阻为原来l/2倍的小灯泡 B .将金属棒质量增为原来的2倍C2 D.将磁感强度的大小增为原来的二、填空题(32分)9.图中P 为放在匀强电场中的天然放射源,其放出的射线在电场的作用下分成a 、b 、c 三束,其中a 是__________射线,b 是__________射线,c 是__________射线。



B. 磁感线总是从磁体的 N 极指向磁体的 S 极
C. 磁感线上各点的切线方向与该点的磁场方向一致
D. 两个磁场叠加的区域,磁感线就有可能相交
3. 如图所示,两根可自由移动的靠得很近的平行长直导线,通以相反 方向的电流,且 I1>I2,则两导线所受的安培力 F1 和 F2 的大小关系
及其运动方向为( )
A. F1>F2,且相互靠近 C. F1=F2,且相互靠近
B. F1<F2,且相互远离 D. F1=F2,且相互远离
4. 关于感应电流的产生,下列说法中正确的是( )
A. 导体相对磁场运动,导体内一定会产生感应电流
B. 导体做切割磁感线运动,导体内一定会产生感应电流
C. 穿过闭合电路的磁通量发生变化,电路中一定会产生感应电流
三、填空题(本大题共 5 小题,共 20.0 分)
第 2 页,共 13 页
13. 如图所示,在磁感强度为 B 的匀强磁场中,有一个边长为 L 的 正六边形线圈 abcde线f,圈平面垂直于磁场方向,则穿过线圈的 磁通量大小为______若;去掉其中的一条边 ab,且通有图示顺 时针方向的电流,电流强度大小为 I,则剩余的五条边所受安 培力的大小为______(线圈不发生形变).
D. 闭合电路在磁场中做切割磁感线运动,电路中一定会产生感应电流
5. 如图所示,一根条形磁铁从左向右靠近闭合金属环的过程中
,环中的感应电流(自左向右看)( )
A. 沿顺时针方向 B. 先沿顺时针方向后沿逆时针方向 C. 沿逆时针方向 D. 先沿逆时针方向后沿顺时针方向
6. 如图所示,光滑水平桌面上平放着通有电流 I1 的导体圆环,圆环正上
的 N 极位置与 S 极位置对调后,仍放在斜面上原来的位置,










当质量为50kg的人处在A顶端时,会经滑梯R滑向B的地面,然后在B 坐电梯上升到顶部,再滑向距地面1m的A台底部,然后乘电梯而上回到A台顶端。




某种可充电锂电池的部分参数如图,由此可以估算这种电池的容量约为________mA h⋅;一节锂电池以1.5V的电压正常工作,能以最大放电电流连续工作________分钟。


在充电开始后的一段时间t 内,充电器的输出电压U 、输出电流I 可认为是恒定不变的,锂电池的内阻为r ,则时间t 内,锂电池存储的化学能为______,充电器给锂电池充电的效率为_______。



上海交通大学附属中学2014-2015学年度第二学期高二物理期中试卷命题人:刘仁臣 审核人:董涛注意:(本卷分为卷I 和卷Ⅱ,卷I 为100分,卷Ⅱ为50分。

非物理班同学只做卷I (1-6页),共90分钟;物理班同学做卷I (1-6页)+卷Ⅱ(7-10页),共120分钟 )卷I (本卷共100分,全体同学必做题) 一. 单项选择题(12分).本大题共6小题,每小题2分.1.很多杰出物理学家为物理学的发展做出了巨大的贡献,下列正确的是A .汤姆孙通过对阴极射线的研究发现了电子,提出了原子的核式结构学说B .卢瑟福通过α粒子散射实验,发现质子是原子核的组成成分C .贝可勒尔发现天然放射性,说明原子核是有内部结构的D .查德威克通过对含铀矿石的研究,发现了钋和镭的天然放射性 2.关于宇宙,下列说法中正确的是A .银河系是一种旋涡星系,太阳处在其中的一个旋臂上B .恒星的寿命取决于亮度C .太阳能够发光、放热,主要是因为太阳内部不断发生化学反应D .地球是宇宙中唯一有卫星的星球3.有关核电站发电过程中的能量转化情况,下列说法中正确的是 A .发电机是将电能转化为机械能 B .汽轮机是将内能转化为机械能 C .核电站是利用核聚变释放的核能 D .核电站是利用化学反应释放的核能4. 在法拉第时代,下列验证”由磁产生电”设想的实验中,能观察到感应电流的是 A.将绕在磁铁上的线圈与电流表组成一闭合回路,然后观察电流表的变化 B.在一通电线圈旁放置一连有电流表的闭合线圈,然后观察电流表的变化C.将一房间内的线圈两瑞与相邻房间的电流表连接。

往线圈中插入条形磁铁后,再到相 邻房间去观察电流表的变化D.绕在同一铁环上的两个线圈,分别接电源和电流表,在给线圈通电或断电的瞬间,观 察电流表的变化5. 英国《新科学家(New Scientist )》杂志评选出了2008年度世界8项科学之最,在XTE J1650-500双星系统中发现的最小黑洞位列其中,若某黑洞的半径R 约45km ,质量M 和半径R 的关系满足Gc 2R M 2(其中c 为光速, G 为引力常量),则该黑洞表面重力加速度的数量级为A .108m/s 2B .1010m/s 2C .1012m/s 2D .1014m/s 26.物体在A 、B 两地沿直线做往返运动。



上海交大附中08-09学年高二下学期期中考试物 理(满分100分,90分钟完成,答案请写在答题纸上)命题:龚 进 审核:王晓敏一、(30分)单项选择题.(本大题共10小题,每小题3分.) 1.在下列四个核反应方程中,x 表示质子的是(A )x Si P +→30143015 (B )x Th U +→2349023892 (C )x Mg n Al +→+2712102713 (D )x P He Al +→+3015422713[ ]2.铝的原子核(2713Al )中有(A )13个质子,27个中子 (B )13个质子,14个中子 (C )27个质子,13个中子 (D )14个质子,13个中子[ ]3.如图所示,匀强磁场足够大,闭合线圈abcd 处在磁场中,且与磁感应强度B 垂直,则下列说法中,正确的是(A)线圈在该平面内匀速运动时,有感应电流 .(B)线圈在该平面内做加速直线运动时,有感应电流 (C)线圈在该平面内以a 为圆心做匀速转动时,有感应电流 (D)以上三种情况,均无感应电流[ ]4.N 匝线圈的总电阻为R ,当它的磁通量由1Φ增大到2Φ的过程中,通过线圈截面的总电量为 (A)21R Φ-Φ (B)21NR Φ-Φ (C)21()R N Φ-Φ (D)21()NRΦ-Φ [ ]5.如图所示,水平桌面上放有两个大小不等的同心导线圆环,小圆环内有顺时针方向的恒定电流。

当大圆环的半径逐渐增大时,关于大圆环中的感应电流,下列说法中正确的是: (A )方向为顺时针 (B )方向为逆时针 (C )无感应电流 (D )有感应电流,但无法判定方向[ ]6.下图表示闭合电路的一部分导线ab 在作切割磁感线运动时,磁场方向、导线运动方向和感应电流方向之间的关系,其中正确的是[ ]7.关于感应电动势和感应电流的关系,下列说法中正确的是 (A )电路中有感应电动势,就一定有感应电流 (B )电路中有感应电流,就一定有感应电动势(C )两个电路中,感应电动势大的,感应电流也一定大 (D )两个电路中,感应电流大的,感应电动势也一定大[ ]8.一闭合环形线圈放在匀强磁场中,磁场方向与线圈平面垂直,当磁感强度均匀变化时,在下述办法中(若需改绕线圈,用原规格的导线),可使线圈中感应电流增加一倍的方法是(A )把线圈匝数增加一倍 (B )把线圈面积增加一倍(C )把线圈半径增加一倍 (D )把线圈匝数减少到原来的一半[ ]9.如图所示,用一根长为L 、质量不计的细杆与一个上弧长为0l 、下弧长为0d 的金属线框的中点连接并悬挂于O 点,悬点正下方存在一个上弧长为20l 、下弧长为20d 的方向垂直纸面向里的匀强磁场,且0d 远小于L 。

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Li n





A .向东偏转角度θ=arctg(B/
B 0)而静止 B .向东偏转角度θ=arctg(B 0/B)而静止
C .向西偏转角度θ=arctg(B/B 0)而静止
D .向西偏转角度θ=arctg(B 0/B)而静止 8.有一个很长的光滑斜面,框底边连有一个小灯泡,匀强磁场B 垂直于斜面框,当金属棒ab 边到达稳定状态时,小灯泡获得一定的电功率,除小灯泡外其它电阻均不计,若要小灯泡的功率减小到原来的l/2,下列措施可行的是 A .换一个电阻为原来l/2倍的小灯泡 B .将金属棒质量增为原来的2倍
2 D
9.图中P 为放在匀强电场中的天然放射源,其放出的射线在电场的作用下分成a 、b 、c 三束,其中a 是__________射线,b 是__________射线,c 是__________射线。


11.离地面高度h 处的重力加速度是地球表面的1/2,则高度是地球半径的_________倍。

12.一光年等于_______________m (保留两位小数)。

一颗恒星的周年视差为0.72”,1月份和7月份地球移动的直线距离为4×1012m ,试估算该恒星离地球的距离为______________m (保留两位小数)。


方法一:________________________________________ 方法二:________________________________________ 方法三:________________________________________
14.如图所示,将一金属线框从匀强磁场中匀速拉出来,第一次速度为V ,第二次速度为2V ,则拉力大小之比F 1:F 2=__________,线框拉出过程中产生的热量之比Q l :Q 2=____________。

15.一个10匝、面积40cm 2的圆线圈与磁感线成37°角放在匀强磁场B 中,电阻为1.0Ω。

当B 在0.05s 内由0.1T 增加到0.5T 时,线圈中的感应电流为__________A ,线圈磁通量变化率为________V 。

16.如图所示,间距为20cm 、倾角为53︒的两根光滑金属导轨间,有磁感应强度为 1.0T 、方向竖直向上的匀强磁场,导轨上垂直于导轨放有质量为0.03kg 的金属棒,在与导轨连接的电路中,变阻器R 1的总电阻为12Ω,电阻R 2也为12Ω
棒电阻均不计,电源内阻为1.0 。















21.如图所示,横截面积为S=0.10m 2,匝数为N=120匝的闭合线圈放在平行于线圈轴线的匀强磁场中,该匀强磁场的磁感应强度B 随时间t 变化的规律如图所示。


求: ⑴线圈中的感应电动势;
⑵从t 1=0到t 2=0.30s 时间内,通过电阻R 的电荷量q 。

22、如图所示,是一个水平放置的导体框架.宽度L=0.50m ,接有电阻R=0.20Ω,设匀强磁场与框架平面垂直,磁感强度B=0.40T 。


今有一条形导体ab 跨放在框架上,并能无摩擦地沿框架滑动。

框架和导体ab 的电阻均不计。

当ab 以V=4.0m/s 的速度向右匀速滑动时,求: (1)回路上感应电流的大小;
(2)要维持导体ab 作匀速运动,外力F 的大小;
(3)如果作用在导体ab 上的外力突然减小为F’,试简要分析ab 以后的运动情况。

23.如图所示,ef 、gh 为水平放置的足够长的平行光滑导轨,导轨间距为L =1.0m ,导轨左端连接一个R=2.0Ω的电阻,将一根质量为m = 0.2kg 的金属棒cd 垂直放置在导轨上,且与导轨接触良好,导轨与金属棒的电阻均不计,整个装置放在磁感应强度为B=2.0T 的匀强磁场中,磁场方向垂直于导轨平面向下。

现对金属棒施加一水平向右的拉力F ,使棒从静止开始向右运动。

⑴若施加的水平外力恒为F=8.0N ,则金属棒达到的稳定速度V 1是多少?
⑵若施加的水平外力的功率恒为P=18W ,金属棒从开始运动到速度恒定的过程中电阻R 产生的热量为35.1J ,求金属棒达到的稳定速度V 2和该过程所需的时间t 。

t /s


11.0.414 12.9.46×1015,5.73×1017 13.略14.1:2,1:2 15.0.192,0.0192 16.2,66


22.(1) 4A(2)0.8N(3)略
