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Lesson 123-124 A trip to Australia 澳大利亚之行

Key words


during prep. 在…期间trip n. 旅行travel v. 旅行

offer v. 提供job n. 工作

guess v. 猜grow(grew/grown) v. 长,让…生长

beard n.(下巴上的)胡子,络腮胡子kitten n. 小猫

★during prep. 在…期间

I went swimming in the sea twice during the vacation. 休假期间,我到海水浴场游两次泳。

词义辨析:during ,for


I was in hospital during June. 我六月间一直在住院。

People suffered food shortages during the war. 人们在战争期间受食品短缺之苦。

I was in hospital for a month. 我住院一个月。


We’re going on holiday during/in August. 我们在八月要去度假。

★trip n. 旅行

My father will make a trip to New York next week. 父亲下礼拜要到纽约去。

Tony and Susan will take a honeymoon trip to Hawaii. 托尼和苏珊要到夏威夷蜜月旅行。

固定短语搭配:a bus trip汽车旅行;a business trip出差;a field trip实地考察;a round trip往返旅行;make a side trip to(旅途中)顺路去;a sightseeing trip观光旅行

★travel v. 旅行

①v. 旅行;游历

He said that if he had a lot of money he would travel around the world.

②v. 行进;(被)传送

Light travels faster than sound.

The news didn’t travel as fast as we had expected.这消息传播得不如我们所预料得那样快。

★offer v. 提供


offer sb. Sth = offer sth. to sb. 对某人提供…

I offered my friend a cup of coffee. 我给朋友了一杯咖啡。

He offered his help to me.他表示愿意住助我一臂之力。

He is offered a job in Canada. 有人提供给他一份在加拿大的工作。

②v. 提出;出(价)

Do you have any good suggestions to offer? 你能否提供一些好的建议?

I’ll offer you 30,000 for the house.


He offered to help me with my research paper.


‘I could lend you some books,’ Jane offered.


★grow(grew/grown) v. 长,让…生长

①v. 生长;成长

His hair has grown to long.

固定搭配:grow up (指人或动物)长大,成年,成熟

When the children grow up, our life will be easier. 等孩子们长大时,我们的生活就好过了。

The trees have grown rapidly.

②v. 使生长;留(须发)

We grew a lot of roses in our garden.

grow a beard 留胡子

He grew a beard during the trip.

拓展:growth n. 生长;grown-up ①adj.长大成人的②n.大人,成人

★beard n.(下巴上的)胡子,络腮胡子

He wears a long bread. 他留了长胡须。

He plans to grow a beard. 他打算留胡须。

Key structures

MIKE: Look, Scott.

This is a photograph I took during my trip to Australia.

SCOTT: Let me see it, Mike.

This is a good photograph. Who are these people?

MIKE: They're people I met during the trip.

That's the ship we travelled on.

SCOTT: What a beautiful ship!

Who's this?

MIKE: That's the man I told you about. Remember?

SCOTT: Ah yes. The one who offered you a job in Australia.

MIKE: That's right.

SCOTT: Who's this?

MIKE: Guess!

SCOTT: It's not you, is it?

MIKE: That's right.

I grew a beard during the trip, but I shaved it off when I came home.

SCOTT: Why did you shave it off?

MIKE: My wife didn't like it!


1. This is a photograph I took during my trip to Australia.

分析:主从复合句,I took during my trip to Australia是一个定语从句中,用来修饰a photograph;由于所修饰的名词在从句中作动词took的宾语,因此引导从句的关系代词that往往省略。即:在定语从句中,如果关系代词做宾语的话,那么关系可以省略。

Why did you shave it off?

shave it off 把胡子刮掉

2.What a beautiful ship!


What + a(n)+形容词+可数名词+主谓例:What a lovely girl she is! 她是一个多么可爱的女孩啊!

What + +形容词+不可数名词+主谓例:What pleasant weather it is! 多好的天气啊!

