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9月10日,姚明正式进驻美国篮球名人堂。姚明是入选美国篮球名人堂的中国第一人,也是获得这一荣誉的亚洲第一人。“让我第一个上台演讲,我还以为你们搞错了…”作为名人堂颁奖仪式的第一位演讲者,姚明又一次展现他的风趣。短短14分钟演讲,他将东方智慧和西方理念完美结合,严谨而不失幽默。演讲全文(中英双语)>>>点击咨询Mr. John Doleva, Hall of Fame Executive Committee, ladies and gentlemen, good evening.约翰-多利瓦先生,名人堂执行委员会委员们,女士们先生们,晚上好。When I heard that I was speaking first tonight, I thought that someone made a mistake. The first speaker should be the great Allen Iverson. I need practice more than he does.当我听说今晚第一个演讲时,我想是不是有人搞错了。第一个演讲应该是伟大阿伦-艾弗森。我需要比他更多的练习时间。First of all, I would like to thank you for giving me this great honor. Your recognition has made tonight a most memorable moment for me. Although perhaps

my career ended too soon, for me I treasure each and every moment. I am grateful for my time on the court, and for your recognition tonight.首先,我要谢谢你们给我这样一个伟大的荣誉。今晚,你们的肯定与褒奖给了我人生中一个难忘的时

刻。尽管我的职业生涯很快就结束了,但是我珍惜每一个时刻。我很感激自己在场上打球的时光,也感激今晚你们对我的褒奖。I would like to thank my sponsors.我要谢谢我的良师益友。Bill Russell. I will never forget that you invited me to dinner at your house in Seattle when I was a young rookie. That evening, and all of your advice since, really built up my confidence and made me feel comfortable in a new country.比尔-拉塞尔。我不会忘记在我还是一个年轻新秀时,你邀请我到西雅图、到您的家里与您共进晚餐。在那个夜晚,你所有的建议帮助我建立自信,有助于我在崭新的国度里安定下来。Bill Walton. You supported me all the way. Thank you for your advice and encouragement. You were the first one who called me when I woke up from my foot surgery. You told me to stay positive. I will never forget that.比尔-沃顿。你一直都在支持着我,谢谢你的建议以及鼓励。当我做完脚部手术醒来后,你是第一个打电话给我的人,你告诉要保持积极乐观,我永远也不会忘记。Dikembe Mutombo. I put you last because you are the oldest of the three. We played together for five years and had so many memories on and off the court. Nothing can peak the bond between us —not even all those elbows you gave me in practice.迪坎贝-穆托姆博。我把你放在最后是因为你是三人中最年长的一位。我们一起征战五年,场上场下有着太多回

忆。没有什么可以阻断我们之间的联系,甚至是训练中给我的那些肘击。As you know I am from China, and my journey began there.众所周知,我来自中国,我的职业生涯起始于那里。My parents were basketball players back in the 1970s. I heard so many great stories about them, about how they played and how good they were. More importantly, so many people know how good they are as people. I am very fortunate to be your son. The gift I had from you was not only height. It was much more. You taught me how to think, how to make decisions. And of course, my soft touch on the free throw line. Which is why I am happy to say I am entering the hall with a career 83% free throw percentage —just a little better than Shaq’s.我的父母是70年代的篮球运动员。我听说了非常多关于他们的伟大故事,出色的球技以及为人。更重要的是,他们是好人。我非常幸运成为他们的儿子。父母赐予我的不仅有身高,还有很多很多,如何思考,如何做决定等等,当然还有我在罚球线上柔和的手感。这也是为什么我能有生涯83%的罚球命中率,比奥尼尔稍稍好一点。My wife Li. We met when we were high school age. You know how much you mean to me. Thank you for being my life partner. Our lovely daughter Amy

is a treasure to both of us. We wish she could be here, but she is in her first week of school. And she has to live with the
