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位于象鼻山山腰南北两侧, 互相贯通,高约 2 米,宽 5 ~ 10 米,长52.8米,呈扁长形,面积约274平方米。象眼岩原 是一段不长的古地下河道,形成年代比水月洞早,因部位 恰巧在象眼处而得名。
Samantabhadra pagoda
It on elephant back to the hilt, and like a quaint Aquarius, so also named the hilt tower ", or" Aquarius Tower. The tower built in the Ming Dynasty, the high is13.6 m,not only coincides with the legend of the landscape of Guilin, confirmed Samantabhadra by elephant said, the elephant pack Aquarius, in the many legendary Asian countries, but also a symbol of peace, beauty and happiness.

塔高13.2米,始建于唐朝,于明朝重建。位于象鼻山的西南面,桃花 江畔。宝瓶式塔身,伞盖般塔顶,有相轮五圈,冠以葫芦形铜质宝顶。 (13.2 m high tower was built in the Tang Dynasty, rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty. Elephant Trunk Hill is located in the southwest of Peach Blossom River. Aquarius tower, canopylike top of the tower, with round five laps, dubbed the gourd-shaped bronze ding.)

水月洞在象鼻山的象鼻和象腿之间, 水月洞洞口朝阳,亦名朝阳洞。但 洞在水上,如明月浮水,十分形象, 所以水月之名 ,一直沿用至今 。 “象 山水月”是桂林山水一大奇 景,文人学士属文赋句,莫不叹为 观止。宋蓟北处士《水月洞》诗有 “水底有明月,水上明月浮。水流 月不去,月去水还流”之句,细致 刻画了天上、洞中,水底月亮相互 辉映的奇迹。象山的水月与南望的 穿山月岩相对, 一悬于天,一浮 于水,形成“漓江双月”的奇特景 观。
The three flowers Xiangshan cellar located in Guilin's famous 4A level scenic spot the cavern of the Xiangshan Park, Xiangshan cellar year round maintained at 20 degrees Celsius and humidity suitable, Guilin Sanhuajiu stored here pleasant, mellow winetop grade. In addition, the unique heritage the Xiangshan cellar - Xiangshan workshop - Guilin Sanhuajiu of Heritage Museum Trinity, is a non-material cultural heritage in Guangxi Guilin Sanhuajiu of traditional brewing skills, but also the Guilin industrial
Chaoyang Pavilion

Chaoyang Pavilion in the Moon water cave, built in the Song, pavilion early as waste. But as far away as 800 years ago, around the moon in the water hole named regional governors the two Guizhou before and after any place between a back-to-back battle of words, has become a hot topic of this tourists

Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu

地理位置:广西区桂林市桃花江与漓江汇流处 面积:11.88万平方米

水月洞(The moon in the water hole)

朝阳亭(Chaoyang Pavilion)
象眼岩( Eyes of rock ) 普贤塔(Samantabhadra pagoda ) 象鼻山酒窖(Elephant Trunk Hill cellar) 舍利塔(Stupa)
The moon in the water hole

Moon Water Cave between the legs of the Elephant Trunk Hill and the trunk , also called Chaoyang Dong. Hole above the water, such as the moon floating, very vivid, so the name of the moon in the water, has been in use ever since.

远看像插在象背上的剑柄, 又像一只古雅的宝瓶,因 此称“剑柄塔”,或“宝 瓶塔”。该塔建于明代, 塔高 13 . 6 米,普贤塔位 于象山之颠,不仅与桂林 山水的传说相吻合,又印 证了普贤菩萨乘大象之说, 而大象驮宝瓶,在亚洲各 国的许多传说中,也象征 着和平、美好和幸福。
Elephant Trunk Hill cellar
象鼻山是桂林的城徽山,是桂林旅游 的标志山,它坐落在桂林市中心的漓 江与桃花江汇流处,形似一头鼻子伸 进漓江饮水的巨象,象鼻和象腿之间 是面积约一百五十平米的圆洞,江水 穿洞而过,如明月浮水。坐落西岸的 象山水月与漓江东岸的穿月岩相对, 一挂于天,一浮于水,形成“漓江双 月”的奇特景观 . 主要景点有水月洞、 象眼岩、普贤塔、宏峰寺及寺内的太 平天国革命遗址陈列馆等,附近还有 隋唐开元寺仅存的舍利塔。(Elephant Trunk Hill juts out into the Li River where it joins the Peach Blossom River. It looks like an elephant drinking water with its long trunk.)

在鼻山水月洞内,始建于宋,亭已早废。但远在800多年 前,围绕水月洞的命名,两位桂州前后任的地方长官之间 展开的一场背靠背的笔墨官司,一直成为到此游览的人们 永恒的话题
Eyes of rock
Located in the Elephant Trunk Hill mountainside north and south sides, about 2 meters high, 5 to 10 meters wide, 52.8 meters long, the area of approximately 274 square meters. Eyes of the rock was originally a long ancient underground river, formed earlier than the moon in the water hole, due to site happens to the rock be named as the eye of rock

Elephant Trunk Hill originally named Li River, located in the Guangxi District of Guilin in the Peach Blossom River and the Lijiang River confluence, the mountain looks for a station in the extended nose booze Lijiang river oasis of the elephant and the name, known as the symbol of Guilin Scenery. Xiangshan is known to the magic. The first is the spirit like magic, Bi, followed by creating a round water moon in the nose between the legs, constitute the "Xiangshan water" phenomenon. Therefore, elephant trunk hill is the Guilin city emblem mountain, is the symbol of Guilin tourism mountain, it is located in the Lijiang River and peach blossom river at the confluence of Guilin downtown, the shape of a head of elephant nose into the Lijiang River water, between the elephant trunk and the legs are round hole area of about one hundred and fifty square meters, the river Chuandong and, as the moon floating. Located on the west coast of Xiangshan water and the Lijiang River on the east coast rock relative wear, a hanging in the day, a floating in the water, the formation of "Lijiang River bimonthly strange landscape".

象鼻山最初命名为漓江,桂林位于广西地区在桃花河和漓江融合,山看 起来站在大象的长鼻子酒漓江绿洲和名字,被称为桂林风景的象征。

香山的魔力。第一个是精神像魔术,Bi,紧随其后的是创建一个圆水在 腿间的鼻子,构成了“香山水”现象。因此,象鼻山是桂林城市象征的 山,是桂林旅游的象征,它位于漓江,桂林市区桃花河汇流处,一头大象 的鼻子的形状到漓江水 ,大象的鼻子和腿之间的圆孔面积约一百五十 平方米,河里的川东,月亮漂浮。位于西海岸的香山水和漓江东海岸的 岩石相对磨损,挂在那一天,漂浮在水中,形成“漓江双月刊奇怪的景 观”。

桂林三花象山酒窖位于桂 林著名的 4A 级风景区—— 象山公园的岩洞内,象山 酒窖中常年保持在二十摄 氏度,湿度适宜,桂林三 花酒存放于此,香醇宜人, 成为酒中上品。此外,象 山酒窖——象山车间—— 桂林三花酒文化博物馆三 位一体,既是广西非物质 文化遗产——桂林三花酒 传统酿造技艺的唯一传承 地,同时也是广西桂林工 业旅游示范点。
象鼻山简介Introduction of the Elephant Trunk Hill

Name:Elephant Trunk Hill Alias:Yi Hill. Chenshui Hill Geographical position: at the meeting point of Peach Blossom and Li Rivers Acreage:118,800 ㎡