



医学英语翻译第一篇:医学英语翻译Unit 1参考译文一、肺的血管系统肺从两个血管系统----支气管循环系统和肺循环系统获得血液供应。



























1. 生理学是研究生物体正常功能的一门科学。






Physiology is the study of thefunctions of living matter. It is concerned with how an organism performs its varied activities: how it feeds, how it moves, how it adapts to changing circumstances, how it spawns new generations . The subject is vast and embraces the whole of life. The success of physiology in explaining how organisms perform their daily tasks is based on the notion that they are intricate and exquisite mac hines whose operation is governed by the laws of physics and chemistry. Although some processes are similar across the whole spectrum of biology—the replication of the genetic code for example —many are specific to particular groups of organisms. For this reason it is necessary to divide the subject into various parts such as bacterial physiology, plant physiology, and animal physiology. 2.正如要了解一个动物如何活动,首先需要了解它的构成,要充分了解一个生物体的生理学活动就必须掌握全面的解剖学知识。



Chapter 1Human Body as a WholeMedical TerminologyLearn the following combining forms, prefixes and suffixesand write the meaning of the medical term in the space provided.1. a hormone secreted from the adrenal gland2. inflammation of the adrenal gland3. pertaining to medicine4. pertaining to biology5. pertaining to chemistry6. pertaining to the blood vessel7. pertaining to cells8. pertaining to molecules9. pertaining to the medicine of the living thing10. the study of the living thing11. pertaining to the physics of the living thing12. the study of the heart13. the disease of the heart14. the record of the heart waves15. the study of the human inner secretion from glands16. pertaining to the production of hormone17. the study of inner gland secretion18. the red blood cell19. the white blood cell20. the lymph cell21. the study of cell22. the study of chemistry of cell23. the study of biology of cell25. the tumor of the embryo26. the study of the disease of the embryo27. the study of the human inner secretion from glands28. pertaining to the inside of the heart29. pertaining to the inside of the cell30. above the skin31. above the skin32. inflammation of the skin33. red blood cells34. instrument of measuring red blood cells35. to breathe out the waste gas36. to drive somebody or something out37. to spread outside38. sth that produces diseases39. the study of blood40. blood cells41. the study of tissues42. the study of tissue pathology43. therapy treatment, hence tissue treatment44. pertaining to the base45. pertaining to the toxin46. pertaining to symptoms47. the study of body’s auto protection from diseases48. protected from49. deficiency in the immune system of the body50. substance from the adrenal gland51. water from it52. the study of societies53. the study of urinary system55. lymph cells56. tumor of the lymphatic system57. the study of the lymphatic system58. the study of physical growth59. a doctor of internal medicine60. treatment by physiological methods61. the new growth ,tumor62. the study of mind63. abnormal condition of the mind64. the study of the relationship between psychology and biology65. a condition of over activity of the thyroid gland66. the condition of under activity of the thyroid gland67. the inflammation of the thyroid gland68.cutting apart the human body as a branch of medical sciences69. cut open the bone70.to cut the heart open71. pertaining to the blood vessel72. inflammation of the blood vessel73. pertaining to the lymphatic system and the blood vesselKey to the Exercises B.1.(embryo)embryology2.(process/condition) mechanism3.(heart) cardiovascular4.(color) chromatin5.(secretion) endocrinology6.(cell) cytology7.(sth. that produces or is produced) pathogen8.(lymph) lymphatic9.(the study of) psychology10.(pertaining to) regularLanguage Points:put together组成known as 叫做joints between bones关节to provide points of attachment for the muscles that move the body牵动骨骼肌引起各种运动hip joint髋关节flexible有韧性的cushioning缓冲replaced by bone 骨化one bone moves in relation to the other两骨彼此靠近产生运动contents物质nourishment营养物质function发挥功能waste products废物accumulate积聚poison the body危害生命distributes运送needed materials有用的物质unneeded ones废物is made up of包括protect…against foreign invaders防止外来侵袭(See! Power Point)identical对等的receives吸收traveled through流经forced out压送reenter流入directly直接地channels 管道filters过滤larynx喉管trachea气管two lungs左右肺very large number of 大量的air spaces肺泡release释放出extending 延伸到broken down分解absorbed into吸收进chewing咀嚼esophagus食管Key to the Section B Passage 1 Exercises B.1. (The skeletal system consists of bones, joints and soft bones.)2. (Heart is generated when muscles are contracted, which helps keep the bodytemperature constant.)3. (The circulation of blood carries useful materials to all body cells while removing wasteones.)4. (Oxygen is inhaled and carbon dioxide is exhaled in the process of respiration.)5. (The digestion of food involves both mechanical and chemical procedures.)6. (The urinary system keeps normal levels of water and of certain chemicals in the body.)7. (The pituitary is a major gland located under the brain in the middle of the head.)8. (The brain collects and processes information and then sends instructions to all parts ofthe body to be carried out.)9. (The main function of the male reproductive system is to generate, transport and keepactive male sex cells.)10. (The largest of the body’s organs, the skin protects the inner structure of the body with acomplete layer.)Key to the Section A Passage 1 Exercises E.1.cardiovascular diseases2. function of the pituitary3. the urinary tract4. molecules5. artery6. endocrinology7. dyspnea / difficulty in respiration 8. saliva9. histology 10. blood circulation11. hematology 12. physiology13. anatomy 14. the female reproductive15. nervous cells 16. immunology17. indigestion / poor in digestion 18. voluntary muscle19. embryology 20. psychologySection B, Passage 2 Cells and TissuesLanguage PointsOrganized组(构)成arranged in to构成in turn are grouped into又进一步组成serves its specific有特定的bear in mind记住result from源于billions亿万determind确立fit on合在一起by contrast相比之下machinary机构while normally在正常情况下function with great efficiency高效地发挥作用are subject to易于发生result in导致millionth百万分之一equal等于average一般 a speck barely visible基本上看不见的一个小点The science that deals with cells on the smalleststructural and functional level is called molecular biology.从最小的结构及功能水平研究细胞的科学叫分子生物学。



Translation:Unit one1 医院,在现代意义上,就是由专业人员和专业的设备为病人提供医疗服务的机构,通常但也不总是提供长期的住院治疗;它的历史意义,直至最近,是给退伍战士提供服务的地方;2 在现代社会,从广义上说,医院或者由它所处的国家的政府提供资助,或者在私营部门通过竞争在经济上生存下来;目前,为医院提供赞助的通常有公共部门,医疗机构,赢利或者非赢利的,医疗保险公司或者教会,包括直接由教会提供捐赠;在历史上,医院通常由宗教机构或者教会的成员或领导来建立和资助;与此不同的是,现代医院主要由专业的内科医生、外科医生和护士组成,在过去这些工作主要由成立医院的宗教机构或者志愿者来完成;3 一些病人去医院只是去接受诊断和治疗,然后离开,不在医院过夜门诊病人;也有一些病人被收入院,在医院过夜,甚至长达几个星期或几个月住院病人;医院的等级划分通常由它们所提供的医疗设施的类型和为住院病人提供的医疗服务,以及其他的在门诊所提供的医疗服务水平所决定;医院与其他医疗机构的区别在于它具有将病人收住院并为住院病人提供医疗服务的能力,而其他一类通常称为诊所;Unit two1它们平均是每两位医生为一千位病人提供预防性和初级医疗服务;下一级别的为城镇医疗中心,这些中心通常主要为一万到三万位病人提供门诊医疗服务;每一个中心有十到三十个床位,中心的专业医生为医士助理医师;这两个较低级别的医疗机构构成了乡村合作医疗系统,为大多数的乡村病人提供医疗服务;2强调公共卫生和预防性治疗为主的医疗政策始于50年代早期,在那个时候,共产党开始有大批的人口流动,动员群众参与大规模的“爱国卫生运动”,目的在于改进较差的环境卫生,预防某些疾病;3这一转变对农村医疗卫生产生了一系列重要影响,合作医疗缺乏资金来源,致使赤脚医生数量减少,这就意味着健康教育、初级保健和家庭保健都受挫,在一些村庄,卫生状况和饮用水水源检测这个大家自己看哈很少得到监控;Unit three1金刚烷阻碍阻断了由m2蛋白质形成的离子通道,这一通道在vRNPs释放进入细胞质的过程中是至关重要的;对金刚烷的排斥耐药迅速形成,大多数的人类传染性H1N1和H3N2病毒,一些H5N1病毒,大多数的欧洲猪H1N1、H1N2和H3N2病毒都能抵制耐受金刚烷;2然而,万一一旦发生流行性疾病大流行,鸡蛋供应就会短缺,相反的是,细胞培养是可高度控制的系统,可以促使疫苗的大批量生产,包括这些对抗高致病性H5N1的禽流感病毒可以促使包括那些针对高致病性H5N1病毒在内的疫苗大批量生产,通过以狗肾传代细胞或者非洲绿猴子肾细胞生产的流感疫苗的纯度和免疫能力免疫原性与鸡蛋胚胎中产生的疫苗的纯度和免疫能力免疫原性是一致的;3几种新的疫苗途径方法目前正处于发展的不同阶段;一种基于M2蛋白质保存的保守的就是指序列不容易改变的意思胞外域基础上的万能疫苗可以防止流感病毒在动物之间的传播动物感染流感病毒;各种病毒样子的分子病毒样颗粒含有表达HA和NA蛋白质,一些还含有与MI和M2蛋白质结合已经通过了抗原性和保护效能免疫效力的检测;Unit five1有三百多种目前广泛使用的中药有长达至少两千多年的历史;在这么长的时间里,在这些中药的临床应用上积累了大量的丰富经验;根据中医的临床研究,经过几个世纪被收入到有用的中药目录里面的这些中药和其他一些中药这些中药及经过几个世纪被收入到有用的中药目录里面的其他中药,可以极大地提高现代西药药物的治疗效果,减少它们的副作用,有时候甚至可以完全替代它们;2大约有6000多种使用的类别目前使用中的药物大约有6000种,包括大概1000多种来自动物的中药和100多种矿物质,所有这些都被归为广义的中药类别;中药有各种各样的加工方式,根据最能有效的发挥作用的制作方法,比如有清洗、浸泡、切片和烘干根据最能有效的发挥作用的制作方法,中药有各种各样的加工方式,比如有清洗、浸泡、切片和烘干;这些药材被组合成一个方子;这些成分和每一种中药的使用数量剂量取决于病人的身体状况需治疗的疾病的性质;3有一些中成药标签上说明只含有中药成分,但是也有一些含有几种西药;一些来自中国的中成药只包含西药瓶子上的标签也这样用中文标注,但是购买者通常没有意识到这一点,因为他们通常会被告知,这是来自中国的一种有效的药物,因此,进口自中国的中药产品应该只有在有经验的专业医师开的处方的基础上使用; Unit six1NICUs新生儿监护室是五六十年代由儿科医生建立起来的,目的在于提供更好的温度支持,隔离感染,提供专业化的喂养,以及能够使用专业的设备和资源;婴儿被放置在保温箱里;一些出生时低体重的婴儿需要呼吸支持,包括提供氧气通过头罩或鼻管来产生持续的正气压或者是机械呼吸;一些低出生体重儿需要从吸氧通过面罩或鼻管到正压通气或机械通气程度不等的呼吸支持;2物理治疗是一个保健职业,可以为病人评估健康状况和提供治疗,使病人能最大限度的发展、保持和恢复运动功能;这包括提供治疗由于年老、受伤、疾病或环境因素造成的运动和功能障碍为由于年老、受伤、疾病或环境因素造成的运动和功能障碍提供治疗;3 PACU麻醉后监护室的工作人员主要由受过高级训练的护士组成,她们能承担麻醉后和手术后病人的多项重要监护任务;这些基本的任务包括监控重要的指标生命指征心率、血压、体温、呼吸频率;应对术后疼痛,处理术后呕吐症状,监控手术现场手术部位出现的大出血、引流、肿胀、血肿和发红红肿等;。



Chapter 1Human Body as a WholeMedical TerminologyLearn the following combining forms, prefixes and suffixesand write the meaning of the medical term in the space provided.1. a hormone secreted from the adrenal gland2. inflammation of the adrenal gland3. pertaining to medicine4. pertaining to biology5. pertaining to chemistry6. pertaining to the blood vessel7. pertaining to cells8. pertaining to molecules9. pertaining to the medicine of the living thing10. the study of the living thing11. pertaining to the physics of the living thing12. the study of the heart13. the disease of the heart14. the record of the heart waves15. the study of the human inner secretion from glands16. pertaining to the production of hormone17. the study of inner gland secretion18. the red blood cell19. the white blood cell20. the lymph cell21. the study of cell22. the study of chemistry of cell23. the study of biology of cell25. the tumor of the embryo26. the study of the disease of the embryo27. the study of the human inner secretion from glands28. pertaining to the inside of the heart29. pertaining to the inside of the cell30. above the skin31. above the skin32. inflammation of the skin33. red blood cells34. instrument of measuring red blood cells35. to breathe out the waste gas36. to drive somebody or something out37. to spread outside38. sth that produces diseases39. the study of blood40. blood cells41. the study of tissues42. the study of tissue pathology43. therapy treatment, hence tissue treatment44. pertaining to the base45. pertaining to the toxin46. pertaining to symptoms47. the study of body’s auto protection from diseases48. protected from49. deficiency in the immune system of the body50. substance from the adrenal gland51. water from it52. the study of societies53. the study of urinary system55. lymph cells56. tumor of the lymphatic system57. the study of the lymphatic system58. the study of physical growth59. a doctor of internal medicine60. treatment by physiological methods61. the new growth ,tumor62. the study of mind63. abnormal condition of the mind64. the study of the relationship between psychology and biology65. a condition of over activity of the thyroid gland66. the condition of under activity of the thyroid gland67. the inflammation of the thyroid gland68.cutting apart the human body as a branch of medical sciences69. cut open the bone70.to cut the heart open71. pertaining to the blood vessel72. inflammation of the blood vessel73. pertaining to the lymphatic system and the blood vesselKey to the Exercises B.1.(embryo)embryology2.(process/condition) mechanism3.(heart) cardiovascular4.(color) chromatin5.(secretion) endocrinology6.(cell) cytology7.(sth. that produces or is produced) pathogen8.(lymph) lymphatic9.(the study of) psychology10.(pertaining to) regularLanguage Points:put together组成known as 叫做joints between bones关节to provide points of attachment for the muscles that move the body牵动骨骼肌引起各种运动hip joint髋关节flexible有韧性的cushioning缓冲replaced by bone 骨化one bone moves in relation to the other两骨彼此靠近产生运动contents物质nourishment营养物质function发挥功能waste products废物accumulate积聚poison the body危害生命distributes运送needed materials有用的物质unneeded ones废物is made up of包括protect…against foreign invaders防止外来侵袭(See! Power Point)identical对等的receives吸收traveled through流经forced out压送reenter流入directly直接地channels 管道filters过滤larynx喉管trachea气管two lungs左右肺very large number of 大量的air spaces肺泡release释放出extending 延伸到broken down分解absorbed into吸收进chewing咀嚼esophagus食管Key to the Section B Passage 1 Exercises B.1. (The skeletal system consists of bones, joints and soft bones.)2. (Heart is generated when muscles are contracted, which helps keep the bodytemperature constant.)3. (The circulation of blood carries useful materials to all body cells while removing wasteones.)4. (Oxygen is inhaled and carbon dioxide is exhaled in the process of respiration.)5. (The digestion of food involves both mechanical and chemical procedures.)6. (The urinary system keeps normal levels of water and of certain chemicals in the body.)7. (The pituitary is a major gland located under the brain in the middle of the head.)8. (The brain collects and processes information and then sends instructions to all parts ofthe body to be carried out.)9. (The main function of the male reproductive system is to generate, transport and keepactive male sex cells.)10. (The largest of the body’s organs, the skin protects the inner structure of the body with acomplete layer.)Key to the Section A Passage 1 Exercises E.1.cardiovascular diseases2. function of the pituitary3. the urinary tract4. molecules5. artery6. endocrinology7. dyspnea / difficulty in respiration 8. saliva9. histology 10. blood circulation11. hematology 12. physiology13. anatomy 14. the female reproductive15. nervous cells 16. immunology17. indigestion / poor in digestion 18. voluntary muscle19. embryology 20. psychologySection B, Passage 2 Cells and TissuesLanguage PointsOrganized组(构)成arranged in to构成in turn are grouped into又进一步组成serves its specific有特定的bear in mind记住result from源于billions亿万determind确立fit on合在一起by contrast相比之下machinary机构while normally在正常情况下function with great efficiency高效地发挥作用are subject to易于发生result in导致millionth百万分之一equal等于average一般 a speck barely visible基本上看不见的一个小点The science that deals with cells on the smalleststructural and functional level is called molecular biology.从最小的结构及功能水平研究细胞的科学叫分子生物学。





通过研读本册内容,可以帮助学习者扩充 medical 的词汇量,增强阅读和理解能力。

文章一:Medical Insurance翻译医疗保险是一种保障人们健康的保险,它可以减轻因疾病引起的财务压力。









答案解析1.What is medical insurance for?Medical insurance is for protecting people’s health and reducing financial pressure caused by illness.2.What kind of policy do different medical insurances have?Different medical insurances have different policies, such as government-provided medical insurance and commercial medical insurance.3.What benefits can medical insurance provide for medical institutions?Medical insurance can increase the demand for medical treatment, promote the development of new medical technologies and treatment methods, and provide benefits for medical institutions.4.What should be considered when choosing medical insurance?When choosing medical insurance, people should consider their own needs and capabilities, including the reimbursement limit and coverage range of the insurance as well as the fees charged by different insurance companies.文章二:Heart Health翻译心脏健康是人们健康的重要组成部分,然而最近的研究表明,越来越多的人患有心脏病。



医学英语翻译试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "cardiology" refers to the study of which organ?A. HeartB. LiverC. KidneyD. Lung2. Which of the following is not a symptom of diabetes?A. Frequent urinationB. Excessive thirstC. Rapid weight lossD. Fever3. The medical abbreviation "IV" stands for:A. IntravenousB. IntramuscularC. IntraperitonealD. Intradermal4. What does the abbreviation "MRI" stand for in medical terms?A. Magnetic Resonance ImagingB. Maximum Respiratory IndexC. Multiple Respiratory InfectionsD. Medical Research Institute5. The term "anemia" is associated with a deficiency of whichsubstance in the blood?A. PlateletsB. Red blood cellsC. White blood cellsD. Plasma6. Which of the following is a common treatment for hypertension?A. AntibioticsB. AntihypertensivesC. AntiviralsD. Antihistamines7. The medical term "hyperglycemia" refers to:A. High blood sugarB. High blood pressureC. High cholesterolD. High blood calcium8. What is the medical term for the removal of the appendix?A. AppendectomyB. ColectomyC. HysterectomyD. Nephrectomy9. The abbreviation "AED" in medical settings stands for:A. Automated External DefibrillatorB. Advanced Emergency DoctorC. Acute Epileptic DisorderD. Acute Endocrine Dysfunction10. Which of the following is a type of cancer that affects the blood?A. MelanomaB. LeukemiaC. Lung cancerD. Breast cancer答案:1. A2. D3. A4. A5. B6. B7. A8. A9. A 10. B二、填空题(每空1分,共20分)1. The medical term for the surgical removal of the gallbladder is __________.2. The condition where the body cannot properly regulate body temperature is known as __________.3. A person with a medical condition that causes them to have an abnormally high level of lipids in the blood is said to have __________.4. The abbreviation "CT" in medical imaging stands for__________.5. The medical term for a condition characterized bydifficulty in breathing is __________.6. The study of the structure and function of the nervous system is known as __________.7. A common diagnostic tool used to visualize blood vesselsis __________.8. The medical term for the surgical removal of the prostate gland is __________.9. A condition characterized by the abnormal presence of air or gas in the tissues is called __________.10. The medical term for the surgical removal of the uterus is __________.答案:1. Cholecystectomy2. Dysregulation3. Hyperlipidemia4. Computed Tomography5. Dyspnea6. Neurology7. Angiography8. Prostatectomy9. Emphysema10. Hysterectomy三、翻译题(每题5分,共30分)1. 将下列医学术语从英文翻译成中文:- Hypertension: 高血压- Diabetes mellitus: 糖尿病- Asthma: 哮喘- Osteoporosis: 骨质疏松症2. 将下列医学术语从中文翻译成英文:- 冠心病: Coronary heart disease- 脑卒中: Stroke- 慢性阻塞性肺疾病: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)- 甲状腺功能亢进: Hyperthyroidism3. 翻译以下医学句子:- The patient is scheduled for a cardiac catheterizationnext week.病人下周安排进行心脏导管检查。



Chapter 1Passage 1 Human BodyIn this passage you will learn:1. Classification of organ systems2. Structure and function of each organ system3. Associated medical termsTo understand the human body it is necessary to understand how its parts are put together and how they function. The study of the body's structure is called anatomy; the study of the body's function is known as physiology. Other studies of human body include biology, cytology, embryology, histology, endocrinology, hematology, immunology, psychology etc.了解人体各部分的组成及其功能,对于认识人体是必需的。



Anatomists find it useful to divide the human body into ten systems, that is, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, the endocrine system, the nervous system, the reproductive system and the skin. The principal parts of each of these systems are described in this article.解剖学家发现把整个人体分成骨骼、肌肉、循环、呼吸、消化、泌尿、内分泌、神经、生殖系统以及感觉器官的做法是很有帮助的。



Translation:Unit one1 医院,在现代意义上,就是由专业人员和专业的设备为病人提供医疗服务的机构,通常但也不总是提供长期的住院治疗。


2 在现代社会,从广义上说,医院或者由它所处的国家的政府提供资助,或者在私营部门通过竞争在经济上生存下来。




3 一些病人去医院只是去接受诊断和治疗,然后离开,不在医院过夜(门诊病人);也有一些病人被收入院,在医院过夜,甚至长达几个星期或几个月(住院病人)。



)Unit two1它们平均是每两位医生为一千位病人提供预防性和初级医疗服务。








医学专业英语答案【篇一:医学英语(阅读一分册)翻译及答案】passage 1 human bodyin this passage you will learn:1. classification of organ systems2. structure and function of each organ system3. associated medical termsto understand the human body it is necessary to understand how its parts are put together and how they function. the study of the bodys structure is called anatomy; the study of thebodys function is known as physiology. other studies ofhuman body include biology, cytology, embryology, histology, endocrinology, hematology, immunology, psychology etc.了解人体各部分的组成及其功能,对于认识人体是必需的。



anatomists find it useful to divide the human body into ten systems, that is, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, the endocrine system, the nervous system, the reproductive system and the skin. the principal parts of each of these systems are described in this article.解剖学家发现把整个人体分成骨骼、肌肉、循环、呼吸、消化、泌尿、内分泌、神经、生殖系统以及感觉器官的做法是很有帮助的。



UNIT 1 A Doctor’s LifeTeaching ObjectivesAfter learning Unit 1, students (Ss) are expected to accomplish the following objectives:Teaching Activities and ResourcesPart 1 ReadingText ALead-inSuggested teaching plan1.Start the class by sharing your experiences with doctors.2.Brainstorming task:1)Ask Ss to brainstorm what they know about a doctor’s life and practice.2)Write down the key words on the chalkboard.3)Ask Ss to have a short discussion on different aspects of a doctor’s life. Ssare encouraged to use the key words in discussion.The following is a list of suggested key words:3.Make a summary on the discussion and introduce the topic of Text A.Text ComprehensionSuggested teaching plan1.When preparing for and planning the class, the teacher (T) can search “doctor’slife” on the Internet and find out what people say and think about a doctor’s life.Start the class by introducing the findings. This is a natural continuation of Lead-in.2.Analyze the text and lead Ss to discuss, integrating Task 2 / Critical reading andthinking / Text A into analysis and discussion. The presentation topics should be assigned to individual Ss for preparation at least one week in advance. Ask other Ss to preview the text with the guidance of the presentation topics.3.Integrate Task 2/ Language building-up/ Text A when a parentheticalstatement is dealt with.4.When analyzing the text, ask Ss to pay special attention to the sentences listed inLanguage focus below.5.If time allows, ask Ss to do Task 1 / Critical reading and thinking / Text A inabout five minutes. Check out the task by asking one or two Ss to read their answers. This is done to get an overview about the text.Language focus1.… that one stray request from a patient—even one that is quite relevant—might send the delicately balanced three-ring circus tumbling down. (P2, Para. 1)两个破折号之间是插入语,补充说明病人冷不丁提出的要求(stray request)也可能是相当中肯的(relevant),即便如此,对聚精会神的医生来说也是“灾难性的”。



医学专业英语1-4单元术语解释、短语和课后习题答案Chapter 1Human Body as a WholeMedical TerminologyLearn the following combining forms, prefixes and suffixes and write the meaning of the medical term in the space provided.1. a hormone secreted from the adrenal gland2. inflammation of the adrenal gland3. pertaining to medicine4. pertaining to biology5. pertaining to chemistry6. pertaining to the blood vessel7. pertaining to cells8. pertaining to molecules9. pertaining to the medicine of the living thing10. the study of the living thing11. pertaining to the physics of the living thing12. the study of the heart13. the disease of the heart14. the record of the heart waves15. the study of the human inner secretion from glands16. pertaining to the production of hormone17. the study of inner gland secretion18. the red blood cell19. the white blood cell20. the lymph cell21. the study of cell22. the study of chemistry of cell23. the study of biology of cell25. the tumor of the embryo26. the study of the disease of the embryo27. the study of the human inner secretion from glands28. pertaining to the inside of the heart29. pertaining to the inside of the cell30. above the skin31. above the skin32. inflammation of the skin33. red blood cells34. instrument of measuring red blood cells35. to breathe out the waste gas36. to drive somebody or something out37. to spread outside38. sth that produces diseases39. the study of blood40. blood cells41. the study of tissues42. the study of tissue pathology43. therapy treatment, hence tissue treatment44. pertaining to the base45. pertaining to the toxin46. pertaining to symptoms47. the study of body’s auto protection from diseases48. protected from49. deficiency in the immune system of the body50. substance from the adrenal gland51. water from it52. the study of societies53. the study of urinary system55. lymph cells56. tumor of the lymphatic system57. the study of the lymphatic system58. the study of physical growth59. a doctor of internal medicine60. treatment by physiological methods61. the new growth ,tumor62. the study of mind63. abnormal condition of the mind64. the study of the relationship between psychology and biology65. a condition of over activity of the thyroid gland66. the condition of under activity of the thyroid gland67. the inflammation of the thyroid gland68.cutting apart the human body as a branch of medical sciences69. cut open the bone70.to cut the heart open71. pertaining to the blood vessel72. inflammation of the blood vessel73. pertaining to the lymphatic system and the blood vesselKey to the Exercises B.1.(embryo)embryology2. (process/condition) mechanism3.(heart) cardiovascular4. (color) chromatin5.(secretion) endocrinology6. (cell) cytology7.(sth. that produces or is produced) pathogen9. (the study of) psychology10. (pertaining to) regularLanguage Points:put together组成 known as 叫做 joints between bones关节to provide points of attachment for the muscles that move the body牵动骨骼肌引起各种运动hip joint髋关节 flexible有韧性的 cushioning缓冲 replaced by bone 骨化one bone moves in relation to the other两骨彼此靠近产生运动 contents物质nourishment营养物质 function发挥功能waste products废物 accumulate积聚poison the body危害生命 distributes运送needed materials有用的物质 unneeded ones废物is made up of包括 protect…against foreign invaders防止外来侵袭(See! Power Point)identical对等的 receives吸收traveled through流经 forced out压送reenter流入 directly直接地channels 管道 filters过滤larynx喉管 trachea气管two lungs左右肺 very large number of 大量的air spaces肺泡 release释放出extending 延伸到 broken down分解absorbed into吸收进 chewing咀嚼 esophagus食管Key to the Section B Passage 1 Exercises B.1. (The skeletal system consists of bones, joints and soft bones.)2. (Heart is generated when muscles are contracted, which helps keep the bodytemperature constant.)3. (The circulation of blood carries useful materials to all body cells while removing wasteones.)4. (Oxygen is inhaled and carbon dioxide is exhaled in the process of respiration.)5. (The digestion of food involves both mechanical and chemical procedures.)6. (The urinary system keeps normal levels of water and of certain chemicals in the body.)7. (The pituitary is a major gland located under the brain in the middle of the head.)8. (The brain collects and processes information and then sends instructions to all parts ofthe body to be carried out.)9. (The main function of the male reproductive system is to generate, transport and keepactive male sex cells.)10. (The largest of the body’s organs, the skin protects the inner structure of the body with acomplete layer.)Key to the Section A Passage 1 Exercises E.1.cardiovascular diseases2. function of the pituitary3. the urinary tract4. molecules5. artery6. endocrinology7. dyspnea / difficulty in respiration 8. saliva9. histology 10. blood circulation11. hematology 12. physiology13. anatomy 14. the female reproductive15. nervous cells 16. immunology17. indigestion / poor in digestion 18. voluntary muscle19. embryology 20. psychologySection B, Passage 2 Cells and TissuesLanguage PointsOrganized组(构)成 arranged in to构成 in turn are grouped into又进一步组成serves its specific有特定的 bear in mind记住 result from源于 billions亿万determind确立 fit on合在一起 by contrast相比之下 machinary机构while normally在正常情况下 function with great efficiency高效地发挥作用 are subject to易于发生 result in导致 millionth百万分之一equal等于 average一般 a speck barely visible基本上看不见的一个小点 The science that deals with cells on the smalleststructural and functional level is called molecular biology.从最小的结构及功能水平研究细胞的科学叫分子生物学。



Chapter 1Passage 1 Human BodyIn this passage you will learn:1. Classification of organ systems2. Structure and function of each organ system3. Associated medical termsTo understand the human body it is necessary to understand how its parts are put together and how they function. The study of the body's structure is called anatomy; the study of the body's function is known as physiology. Other studies of human body include biology, cytology, embryology, histology, endocrinology, hematology, immunology, psychology etc.了解人体各部分的组成及其功能,对于认识人体是必需的。



Anatomists find it useful to divide the human body into ten systems, that is, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, the endocrine system, the nervous system, the reproductive system and the skin. The principal parts of each of these systems are described in this article.解剖学家发现把整个人体分成骨骼、肌肉、循环、呼吸、消化、泌尿、内分泌、神经、生殖系统以及感觉器官的做法是很有帮助的。



Chapter 1Passage 1 Human BodyIn this passage you will learn:1. Classification of organ systems2. Structure and function of each organ system3. Associated medical termsTo understand the human body it is necessary to understand how its parts are put together and how they function. The study of the body's structure is called anatomy; the study of the body's function is known as physiology. Other studies of human body include biology, cytology, embryology, histology, endocrinology, hematology, immunology, psychology etc.了解人体各部分的组成及其功能,对于认识人体是必需的。



Anatomists find it useful to divide the human body into ten systems, that is, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, the endocrine system, the nervous system, the reproductive system and the skin. The principal parts of each of these systems are described in this article.解剖学家发现把整个人体分成骨骼、肌肉、循环、呼吸、消化、泌尿、内分泌、神经、生殖系统以及感觉器官的做法是很有帮助的。



医学翻译试题及答案1. 将下列医学术语从英文翻译成中文。

- Cardiology: 心脏病学- Dermatology: 皮肤科- Gastroenterology: 胃肠病学- Hematology: 血液学- Nephrology: 肾脏病学- Oncology: 肿瘤学- Ophthalmology: 眼科- Orthopedics: 骨科- Psychiatry: 精神病学- Rheumatology: 风湿病学2. 翻译以下医学句子。

- "The patient is suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)." 翻译为:患者患有慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)。

- "The surgeon decided to perform a laparoscopic cholecystectomy." 翻译为:外科医生决定进行腹腔镜胆囊切除术。

- "The patient was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus." 翻译为:患者被诊断为2型糖尿病。

- "The patient's blood pressure is within the normal range." 翻译为:患者的血压在正常范围内。

3. 将下列医学段落从中文翻译成英文。

- “患者因持续性胸痛被送往急诊室。

” 翻译为:"The patient was admitted to the emergency room due to persistent chest pain."- “医生建议进行心脏导管检查。

” 翻译为:"The doctor recommended a cardiac catheterization."- “手术后,患者恢复良好。



Chapter 1Passage 1 Human BodyIn this passage you will learn:1. Classification of organ systems2. Structure and function of each organ system3. Associated medical termsTo understand the human body it is necessary to understand how its parts are put together and how they function. The study of the body's structure is called anatomy; the study of the body's function is known as physiology. Other studies of human body include biology, cytology, embryology, histology, endocrinology, hematology, immunology, psychology etc.了解人体各部分的组成及其功能,对于认识人体是必需的。



Anatomists find it useful to divide the human body into ten systems, that is, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, the endocrine system, the nervous system, the reproductive system and the skin. The principal parts of each of these systems are described in this article.解剖学家发现把整个人体分成骨骼、肌肉、循环、呼吸、消化、泌尿、内分泌、神经、生殖系统以及感觉器官的做法是很有帮助的。

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Chapter 1Passage 1 Human BodyIn this passage you will learn:1. Classification of organ systems2. Structure and function of each organ system3. Associated medical termsTo understand the human body it is necessary to understand how its parts are put together and how they function. The study of the body's structure is called anatomy; the study of the body's function is known as physiology. Other studies of human body include biology, cytology, embryology, histology, endocrinology, hematology, immunology, psychology etc.了解人体各部分的组成及其功能,对于认识人体是必需的。



Anatomists find it useful to divide the human body into ten systems, that is, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, the endocrine system, the nervous system, the reproductive system and the skin. The principal parts of each of these systems are described in this article.解剖学家发现把整个人体分成骨骼、肌肉、循环、呼吸、消化、泌尿、分泌、神经、生殖系统以及感觉器官的做法是很有帮助的。


The skeletal system is made of bones, joints between bones, and cartilage. Its function is to provide support and protection for the soft tissues and the organs of the body and to provide points of attachment for the muscles that move the body. There are 206 bones in the human skeleton. They have various shapes - long, short, cube - shaped, flat, and irregular. Many of the long bones have an interior space that is filled with bone marrow, where blood cells are made.骨骼系统由骨、关节以及软骨组成。





A joint is where bones are joined together. The connection can be so close that no movement is possible, as is the case in the skull. Other kinds of joints permit movement: either back and forth in one plane - as with the hinge joint of the elbow - or movement around a single axis - as with the pivot joint that permits the head to rotate. A wide range of movement is possible when the ball - shaped end of one bone fits into a socket at the end of another bone, as they do in the shoulder and hip joints.关节把骨与骨连接起来。




Cartilage is a more flexible material than bone. It serves as a protective, cushioning layer where bones come together. It also connects the ribs to thebreastbone and provides a structural base for the nose and the external ear. An infant's skeleton is made of cartilage that is gradually replaced by bone as the infant grows into an adult.软骨是一种比一般骨更具韧性的物质。




The muscular system allows the body to move, and its contractions produce heat, which helps maintain a constant body temperature. Striated muscles can be consciously controlled. The ends of these muscles are attached to different bones by connective tissue bands so that when the muscle contracts, one bone moves in relation to the other. This makes it possible to move the whole body, as when walking, or to move just one part of the body, as when bending a finger. Contractions of the heart and smooth muscles are not under conscious control. Smooth muscles are found in the walls of organs such as the stomach and the intestines and serve to move the contents of these organs through the body.肌肉系统使躯体运动,肌肉收缩产生的热有助于维持一个恒定的体温。






The circulatory system. All parts of the body must have nourishment and oxygen in order to function and grow, and their waste products must be removed before they accumulate and poison the body. The circulatory system distributes needed materials and removes unneeded ones. It is made up of the heart, blood vessels, and blood, which together make up the cardiovascular system. The blood is also part of the body's defense system. It has antibodies and white blood cells that protect the body against foreign invaders. 循环系统:机体的所有部分需要营养物质和氧气来使之发挥功能和生长,也需要在这些器官所产生的废物积聚而危害生命之前将其排除。




The heart is a muscle that is divided into two nearly identical halves: one half receives blood from the lungs and sends it to the rest of the body, the other half sends blood that has traveled through the body back to the lungs. When the heart muscle contracts, the blood is forced out into arteries and enters small capillaries. Blood returns to the heart through veins. 心脏是一块被分为几乎对等两半的肌肉。
