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骄兵必败Pride comes before a fall

挡道,妨碍Stand in one’s way

奋勇抵抗Fierce resistance

阴冷凄苦的俄罗斯寒冬Raw bitter bleak winter ofRussia

向…发动进攻launch an attack against


痛苦的教训painful lesson

助。。。。一臂之力come to the aid of

速决速胜a quick victory

让某人吃惊的是to one’s surprise

受阻、被推迟、耽搁become bogged down 两军在。。。交战engage at

面临着一个重要抉择be faced with an important decision 孤注一掷take the gamble of

向。。。挺进press on to

毫无意义的胜利an empty victory 向…提出停战offer a truce

拖着脚步行进drag on

幸运的是。。。on a stroke of luck 以。。。为代价at the cost of

结盟form an alliance

不宣而战without a declaration of war 闪电战lightening war

猝不及防be caught off guard

阻止;使。。。停止bring to a halt

扭转势态从而对。。。不利turn the tide 考虑reckon with

对。。。造成损失(伤亡等)take a toll

Unit 2

最赚钱的行业the most lucrative industry 制造业manufacturing industry


感测酒精雾气pick up alcohol vapor

启动引擎start up the engine

监控行车过程monitor one’s driving


变道change lanes

盲点blind spot

发出警报sound a warning

单调的、近乎催眠的过程monotonous almost hypnotic process

长途卡车司机long-distance truck driver 被严重低估grossly underestimated

威胁生命的重大隐患life-threatening hazard

仪表板hash board 陷入交通堵塞之中get stuck in traffic

积极的影响positive impact

与无线电信号调谐turn to radio signal

全球定位系统global positioning system 原子钟atomic clock

精确的频率a precise frequency

发出无线电信号send out radio signals

导航能力navigational capability

方向盘steer wheel

遥控remote control

手杖walking stick

交通拥堵的路段traffic jams and obstructions

被编成组be bunched into groups

对环保有利an environment boon

作为。。。的替代品serve as an alternative

Unit 3

模拟面试mock interview

剪报newspaper clippings

在某人手中,为某人所拥有be in one’s hand


潜在的客户prospective customer

在我看来as I see it 俗话说the saying goes

极有可能the odds were good that

一生中仅有一次的经历once-in-a—life-time experience

事先做好准备do one’s homework

达成交易close the sale

打网球双打比赛play a double tennis


交换场地twitch sides

年龄组(段)age bracket

克服弱点work on one’s weakness

发扬长处develop one’s strengths

奇迹中的奇迹miracle of miracle

尝试take a crack

产生影响,使发生改变make a difference 鲜活的例证living proof

大约in the neighborhood of

做梦也想不到的beyond one’s wildest dream

闪烁着激动的光芒sparkle with excitement

从。。。的观点来看from one’s standpoint

Unit 4

Unit 5 Unit 6



令人目不暇接的速度at a bewildering rate 吞噬我们的时间eat further into our time 越洋购物之旅transatlantic shopping expedition

使某人从。。。解脱出来free sb. from

从事繁重的洗衣劳作toil over laundry

个人梳洗打扮personal grooming

处理软件故障fix software glitches

感到时间紧迫feel time-pressed

从世界各个角落涌入pour in from every corner of the world 微乎其微的一部分a minute proportion 学术前沿frontier of scholarship

沾点边peripherally involved

分配不均be unevenly distributed


抚养子女nurture their offspring

性别问题gender issue

家用电器household appliances

家务杂活household chores

令人震惊的不平等appalling inequalities 时间荒time famine

优质时间quality time


streamline our lives
