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模块五Unit1 单词讲解

1.betray vt


betray sb/ friends / one’s country

He would rather die than betray his country to the enemy.


Her trembling hands betrayed her nervousness.

The expression on her face betrayed her anger.

The expression betrays that she is angry.

betrayal n. 背叛,出卖,泄露,暴露betrayer n. 背叛者,卖国贼

2.pretend vt./vi. 假装

pretend to be/ to do/ to be doing/ to have done/ that …

Don’t pretend to know what you don’t (know).

Hearing his mother opening the door, he pretended to be studying.

She pretended she didn’t know me/ not to know me when we met in the street.

3.admit vt./vi admitted admitting

1) 承认,供认,招认

admit (to) +n.

admit doing/ having done/ that

admit sb to be /as + n/adj

admit that…

admit one’s mistake

He admitted that he was wrong.

George admitted having stolen the car.

We all admit him to be a fool.

2) 许可进入,招收,可容纳

Each ticket admits two people to the party.

The school admits 1000 students this year.

The hall can admit 1000 people.

be admitted to/into sp

children under 18 aren’t admitted to the stadium.

He was admitted to Peking University.

n. admission

4. beg v begged begging 乞讨,请求,恳求

beg from door to door

beg (for) +n.

beg sb. to do/ that sb. should do

I beg your pardon.

I beg to differ. 恕我不敢苟同。

I beg you not to do anything like that.

beggar n 乞丐

5. swear swore, sworn 诅咒(at…);宣誓

swear to do/ that …

She was shouting and swearing at everyone.

She swore that he was the man who had attacked her.

He swore to stay out of politics when he retired.


1)n. 间谍

2)vi. 从事间谍活动,搜集情报

spy on 暗中监视,窥探

The police have been spying on the gang’s movement.

He knew he was being spied on.

7. forgive vt 原谅,宽恕forgave forgiven

forgive sb/sth

forgive sb for sth

We forgave them( their rudeness).

I’ll never forgive her for what she did.

They forgave me for losing his notebook.

8. focus

(1)vt/vi. 集中注意力,聚焦

focus ( one’s mind ) on work and study

All eyes were focused on the speaker

The discussion focused on three main problems.

(2)n. 焦点,关注点,中心点

She always wants to be the focus of attention.

bring…into focus 使清楚,使突出

come into focus (问题)突出,清晰

in/out of focus 焦距对准/未对准,清楚/模糊

9. manner n

1) 方法,方式

Hold your knife and fork in this manner.


He has a polite manner.


table manners

It is good/ bad manners to do

It’s bad manners to make noise while eating.

10. guilty adj 有罪的,内疚的

a guilty man

be guilty of 犯…罪

be guilty about/ for

I feel guilty about having told a lie.

guilt n

11. dislike v. (无进行时态)

dislike + n./ doing/ it when

n. likes and dislikes

12. argue v 争论,争辩

argue with sb. about/ over sth.

argue for/ against sth.

argue that…

argue sb. into/ out of doing

We used to argue over who should drive.

I’ve managed to argue him out of going to the match.

Ruben opposed the new road, arguing that it wasn’t worth spending so much tim just to cut seven minutes off drivers’ journey times.

n. argument

13. apologize v 道歉

apologize (to sb) for (doing) sth

He apologized to his teacher for coming late.
