
高级财务管理考试试题及答案The document was prepared on January 2, 2021高级财务管理一一、判断对错共10分,共10小题,每小题1分1.高级财务管理主要是研究突破了财务管理基本假设的一些专门性问题.√2.企业并购中现金支付的缺点是对目标企业股东而言,现金支使其即时形成纳税义务.√3.降低交易费用是企业并购的动因之一.√4.企业集团的财务管理更加突出战略性.√5.核心企业对非紧密层企业出售产品时,若没有市价则用标准成本加成法制定内部结算价格.×6.分拆上市是指一家母公司通过将其在子公司所拥有的股份,按比例分配给现有母公司的股东,从而在法律和组织上将子公司的经营从母公司的经营中分离出去,这时便有两家独立的最初的、股份比例相同的公司存在,而在此之前只有一家公司.×7.并购的交易费用包括并购直接费用和并购管理费用.√.8.资本经营的过程仅是不断获得控制权的过程.×9.企业集团最基本的联结纽带是资本.√10.所有者权益报酬率=销售净利率×资产周转率×权益乘数.√二、单项选择题:共30分,共15小题,每小题2分1. _______是指从事同类产品的不同产销阶段生产经营的企业所进行的并购.A. 横向并购B.纵向并购C.混合并购D. 控股合并2.参与合并的各方在并购后法人资格均被注销,重新注册成立一家新的企业.这种并购形式属于.A. 控股合并B.吸收合并C.新设合并D. 混合并购3. 下列哪种并购防御战略会使被并购方反守为攻A. 资产重估B.股份回购C. 帕克曼防御策略D. 出售“皇冠上的珍珠”4.一个企业购买另一个企业10%的股份,另一个企业反过来同样购买这个企业10%的股份,一旦其中一个企业成为收购目标,另一个企业就会伸出援助之手,从而起到反收购的目的,这种反收购手段属于.A. 收购收购者B.交叉持股计划C. 股份回购D. 寻找“白衣骑士”5.下列不属于并购风险的是.A. 市场风险B.利率风险C.经营风险D. 投资风险6. _______是一种上市公司发出的证明文件,赋予它的持有人一种权利,即持有人有权在指定的时间内,用指定的价格认购由该公司发行的一定数量按换股比率的新股.A. 可转换债券B.认股权证C.看涨期权D. 看跌期权7.下列说法不正确的是.A.企业整体能够具有价值,在于它可以为投资人带来现金流量.B.企业的整体价值来源于各部分之间的联系.C.企业的整体功能,只有在运行中才能得以体现.D.价值评估的一般对象是企业整体的价值.8. 企业集团财务管理的基础是 .A.计划B.组织C.协调D. 控制9. ______是公司所有权利要求者,包括普通股股东、优先股股东和债权人的现金流量总和A. 股利自由现金流量B.股权自由现金流量C.公司自由现金流量D. 债权自由现金流量10. 完全内部价格法中的内部价格直接以为基础指定.A. 实际成本B.标准成本C.市场价格D. 目标成本11.企业集团采取集权管理的缺点在于 .A. 管理者距离生产和经营最前沿较远,容易作出武断的决策.B.上下级沟通慢,信息分散化和不对称的现象较常见.C. 虽然一般事项决策较快,但重大事项的决策速度被减缓了.D. 下属单位容易各自为政,忽视整体利益.12.下列哪一项属于企业集团财务控制中的事后控制A.组织结构控制B.预算执行控制C.内部结算中心控制D. 内部审计控制13.平衡计分卡中衡量企业财务绩效的典型指标是 .A.顾客满意程度B.新产品上市时间C.新顾客的获得D. 经济附加值14. 国际企业投资管理中区分直接投资和间接投资的标志是 .A.投资者是否能控制作为投资对象的外国企业.B.投资者是否在国外兴办合资企业.C.投资者是否在国外进行证券投资.D.投资者是否是大型的企业集团.15. 国际合作投资的优点是:A.所需时间比较短,审批手续简单.B.可以通过内部转移价格合理避税.C.外国投资者可以获得东道国对本国企业的优惠政策.D.资金筹集、运用和分配上拥有自主权,不会受到其他干涉.三、简答题共30分,共5小题,每小题6分1. 简述企业并购中在进行目标公司选择时发现目标公司的渠道有哪些答:1利用公司自身的力量.即用公司内部人员通过私人接触或自身管理经验发现目标公司,或者通过证券市场、过报刊杂志、专业网站、产权交易所系统等发现某些具有收购价值的企业如某些ST公司或市价被严重低估的企业;2借助公司外部力量.即利用投资银行、会计师事务所、资产评估公司、管理咨询公司等专业金融机构为并购公司选择目标出谋划策.2. 什么是事业部制的组织结构答:事业部制结构M型结构是在集团母公司下面设立若干个自主营运的业务部门——事业部.这些事业部可以按产品、地区、服务甚至生产程序来划分,每一事业部包含了相关的若干个子公司或其他集团成员.事业部制结构的基本关系是公司的决策分两个层次:战略决策层和运作决策层3.简述企业集团财务公司的主要作用.答:1对内起到集中集团自身财力、发展重点项目或工程的作用.2对外可以通过金融手段为企业集团投资项目筹集到资金.3财务公司通过买方信贷、卖方信贷和消费信贷等多种形式促进销售、合理利用浮游现金、加快资金周转率.4. 简述经济增加值的基本原理答:经济增加值EVA是从税后净营业利润中扣除包括股权和债务的所有资金成本后的真实经济利润.EVA指标背后的逻辑是,企业所运用的每一分钱,无论是募股资金还是债务资金——也就是说无论来自股权投资还是债权投资者——都有其成本.只有企业创造的利润超出这些成本后有余额,才是真正为投资者创造了财富.5.简述企业集团预算编制的过程.答:预算的编制是整个预算管理体系的基础和起点.整个过程为:①先由高层管理者提出企业总目标和部门分目标;②各级责任单位和个人根据一级管理的原则据以制定本单位的预算方案,呈报分部门;③分部门再根据各下属单位的预算方案,制定本部门的预算草案,呈报预算委员会;④预算委员会审查各分部预算草案,进行沟通和综合平衡,拟定整个组织的预算方案;⑤预算方案再反馈回各部门征求意见.经过自上而下、自下而上的多次反复,形成最终预算,经企业最高审批后,称为正式预算,逐级下达各部门执行.四、论述题共10分,共1小题,每小题10分什么是内部转移价格论述内部转移价格的形式及每种形式的优缺点.答:1内部转移价格指企业集团各成员企业之间相互提供产品或劳务时由于结算的需要而选定的价格标准.2内部转移价格主要有下面三种形式:1以实际成本为基础确定内部价格:按内部产品的实际生产成本,也可以以此为基础加上一定的利润比例,来确定内部价格.优点:资料容易取得、客观缺点:会把产品提供方在成本控制上的业绩和不足转移到产品的接受方,不便于业绩考评、也不利于促进集团成员对生产成本的控制.2以标准成本为基础确定内部价格:按以标准价格为基础确定内部价格,也可以加上一定的利润比例.优点:避免了下游子公司的采购成本随上游子公司生产效率变动的不科学性,消除了成绩相互共享或不足相互转嫁的可能性,而且具有稳定、使用方便的特点.缺点:对标准成本制定的科学性要求很高.3以市场价格为基础确定内部价格:按以市场价格为基础确定内部价格优点:考虑产品市场本身的波动,确定的内部价格比较公允,可以促使供方积极加强成本管理,参与市场竞争,以提高生产效率.缺点:市场价格容易波动准确性与可靠性受影响,甚至有些产品无市场价格作为参考,市场价格作为内部转移价格有很大的限制.五、计算分析题共20分,共1小题,每小题20分远洋公司2000年的息税前净收益为亿元,资本性支出为亿元,折旧为亿元,销售收入为亿元,营运资本占销售收入的20% ,所得税率为40%,国库券利率为% .预期该公司在今后5年内将以8%的速度高速增长,β为,税前债务成本为%,负债比率为50%.5年后公司进入稳定增长期,预期增长率为5%,β为1,税前债务成本为%,负债比率为25%,资本性支出可以由折旧来补偿.市场平均风险报酬率为5%.已知:P/F, %,1=, P/F, %,2=, P/F, %,3=, P/F, %,4=, P/F,%,5=要求:估计该公司的整体价值.答:1估计公司高速成长期现金流量FCF=息税前利润×1-税率+折旧–资本性支出-营运资本净增加额2估计公司高速成长期的资本加权平均成本WACC.高速成长阶段的股权资本成本=%+×5%=%高速成长阶段的WACC=%×50%+%×1-40%×50%=%3计算公司高速成长期的股权自由现金流的现值.4估计第6年的公司自由现金流量5计算公司稳定增长期的WACC稳定成长阶段的股权资本成本=%+1×5%=%稳定成长阶段的WACC=%×75%+%×1-40%×25%=% 6计算稳定增长期的公司自由现金流量的现值7计算公司自由现金流量的现值总和.。

二、判断正误,并简要说明其理由:× 1、财务管理(Financial Management)与公司财务(Corporate Finance)是相同的概念。
√ 3、《高级财务管理》是《财务管理》课程的延续,主要是讲授有关财务管理的专题,其本身没有严密的体系结构。

《高级财务管理》期末试卷一、单项选择题(共10题,每题2分,共20分)1.财务的本质是( )A. 财务活动 C •财务关系2•针对跨国公司而言,以本币标价的出口商品和所欠外债的利息支出,在本币升值的情况下, 对公司现金流出和流入的影响分别是(3. 风险按其产生的根源划分为(A. 可控制风险和不可控制风险B.客观风险和主观风险4•各国实践经验表明,在对经营者知识资本采取股票支付方式的情况下,折股价格最好是采 用()标准。
B. 每股市价 0.每股账面净资产5•在购并一体化整合中,最困难的是( )的整合。
6•在有关目标公司价值评估方面,集团总部面临的最大困难是以( )的观点,选择恰当的评估方法来进行。
B. 会计分期假设 D. 整体利益最大化B •资金运动 D •生产关系A.木币升值时,流出增加, 流入增加 B •木币升值时,流出增加, 流入减少 C.本币升值时,流出减少, 流入增加 D.本币升值时,流出减少, 流入减少C.宏观风险和微观风险D. 口然风险和人为风险A.市盈率C.每股收益 A. 管理一体化B. 财务一体化C. 文化一体化D •作业一体化 A.时间价值 C.持续经营A.购并一体化整计划B.购并资金融通计划C.目标公司价值评估D.购并目标规划&在经营战略上,发展期企业集团的首要目标是()。
A.5000B. 3000C. 2000D. 1000二、多项选择题(共5题,每题3分,共15分)1.财务现象包括()等内容。

ACCA《财务会计》真题及答案ACCA《财务会计》真题及答案在2016年ACCA考试之际,yjbys店铺为大家分享的是ACCA 《财务会计》的真题及答案,希望能帮助到大家!Question:Cronin Auto Retail (CAR) is a car dealer that sells used cars bought at auctions by its experienced team of buyers. Every car for sale is less than two years old and has a full service history. The company concentrates on small family cars and, at any one time, there are about 120 on display at its purpose-built premises. The premises were acquired five years ago on a 25 year lease and they include a workshop, a small cafe and a children’s playroom. All vehicles are selected by one of five experienced buyers who attend auctions throughout the country. Each attendance costs CAR about $500 per day in staff and travelling costs and usually leads to the purchase of five cars. On average, each car costs CAR $10,000 and is sold to the customer for $12,000. The company has a good sales and profitability record, although a recent economic recession has led the managing director to question ‘whether we are selling the right type of cars. Recently, I wonder if we have been buying cars that our team of buyers would like to drive, not what our customers want to buy?’ However, the personal selection of quality cars has been an important part of CAR’s business model and it is stressed in their marketing literature and website.Sales records show that 90% of all sales are to customers who live within two hours’ drive of CAR’s base. This is to be expected as there are many competitors and most customers want to buy from a garage that they can easily return the car toif it needs inspection, a service or repair. Consequently, CAR concentrates on display advertising in newspapers in this geographical area. It also has a customer database containing the records of people who have bought cars in the last three years. All customers receive a regular mail-shot, listing the cars for sale and highlighting any special offers or promotions. The company has a website where all the cars are listed with a series of photographs showing each car from a variety of angles. The website also contains general information about the company, special offers and promotions, and information about its service, maintenance and repair service.CAR is keen to expand the service and mechanical repair side of its business. It would particularly like customers who have purchased cars from them to bring them back for servicing or for any mechanical repairs that are subsequently required. However, although CAR holds basic spare parts in stock, it has to order many parts from specialist parts companies (called motor factors) or from the manufacturers directly. Mechanics have to raise paper requisitions which are passed to the procurement manager for reviewing, agreeing and sourcing. Most parts are ordered from regular suppliers, but there is an increasing backlog and this can cause a particular problem if the customer’s car is in the garage waiting for the part to arrive. Customers are increasingly frustrated and annoyed by repairs taking much longer than they were led to expect. Another source of frustration is that the procurement manager only works from 10.00 to 16.00. The mechanics work on shifts and so the garage is staffed from 07.00 to 19.00. Urgent requisitions cannot be processed when the procurement manager is not at work. The backlog of requisitions is placing increased strain on the procurement manager who hasrecently made a number of clerical mistakes when raising a purchase order.Requests for stationery and other office supplies also go through the same requisitioning process, with orders placed with the office supplier who is offering the best current deal. Finding this deal can be time consuming and so employees are increasingly submitting requisitions earlier so that they can be sure that new supplies will be received in time.The managing director is aware of the problems of the requisitioning system but is reluctant to appoint a second procurement manager because he is trying to keep staff overheads down during a difficult trading period. He is keen to address ‘more fundamental issues in the marketing and procurement processes’. He is particularly interested in how the ‘interactivity, intelligence, individualisation and independence of location offered by e-marketing media can help us at CAR’.Required:(a) Evaluate how the principles of interactivity, intelligence, individualisation and independence of location might be applied in the e-marketing of the products and services of CAR. (16 marks)(b) Explain the principles of e-procurement and evaluate its potential application at CAR. (9 marks)(25 marks)Answer:(a) This question uses four of the ‘6 Is’ developed by McDonald and Wilson to explore the differences between traditional and e-marketing. Candidate answers do not have to be strictly classified within each of the factors identified below. In reality, suggestions will cross the boundaries of these factors.Interactivity concerns the development of a two-way relationship between the customer and the supplier. The traditional display advertising and mail-shots used by CAR are examples of ‘push media’ where the marketing message is broadcast to current and potential customers. Their current website continues this approach, with the stock listing essentially representing a continually updated, but widely accessible, display advertisement. Supplementing mail-shots with e-mails could be immediately considered by CAR and would be a cheaper alternative to mail-shots. However, it still remai ns a ‘push technique’ with little dialogue with the customer.Here are three ideas that CAR could consider to improve the interactivity of its site. Other legitimate suggestions will also be given credit.(1) Encouraging potential buyers on their website to ask questions about any car that they are interested in. Both questions and answers are published. This may provide someone with the vital information that clinches the sale. It also creates a great enthusiasm around the car. Buyers may move quickly so that they do not lose the opportunity to buy the car. On e-bay, customers are encouraged to ‘ask a question’ of the seller and this often leads to long threads where the supplier and potential buyers interact.(2) Many buyers would like to test drive a car before they purchase it. CAR could provide the opportunity for customers to book a test drive over the Internet.(3) Once a purchase had been complete, CAR might encourage feedback which could be published on the website. In this instance, customers are actually providing information that is commercially useful to buyers. This may be in the form oftestimonials, or in the form of more structured feedback that e-bay encourages. Suppliers who have 100% positive feedback backed up by testimonials from previous buyers are powerfully reinforcing their marketing message.Intelligence is about identifying and understanding the needs of potential customers and how they wish to be communicated with. It is traditionally the area of market research and marketing research. Currently CAR does very little research. It relies on a database that only consists of people who have actually bought cars from the company. Collecting email addresses through promotions and interactivity initiatives (see above) provides a much greater pool of potential customers who can be kept up-to-date through email. It can also give CAR significant intelligence about the type of cars that they are interested in and at what price. At present, the buyers for CAR use their experience when buying cars at auction and there is some concern that they buy what they would like to drive, not what the customers want to drive. It would be useful to support this experience with quantitative information about the type of cars potential buyers are really interested in. This may lead to a change in buying policy.Individualisation concerns the tailoring of marketing information to each individual, unlike traditional media where the same message tends to be sent to everyone. Personalisation is a key element in building an effective relationship with the customer. In the context of CAR, individuals who have shown interest in a certain model or type of car may be selectively emailed when a similar car becomes available. This approach may also be used for current customers. For example, someone who purchased a particular car two or three years ago might be e-mailed about an opportunity to upgrade to an updated model. For individualisation to be successful, sufficient details must be collected through the intelligence and interactive facets of the ‘6 Is’.Individualisation will also be key in offering relevant after-sales service. This may concern inviting customers to return their cars for servicing at the correct dates or offering services only appropriate to that type of car. For example, circulating details of air-conditioning renewal only to customers with air conditioned cars.Independence of location concerns the geographical location of the company. Electronic media increases the geographical reach of a company. For many companies this gives opportunities to sell into international markets which had previously been inaccessible to them.This facet of the new media is unlikely to be appropriate to CAR. Most sales are to customers who are within two hours’ drive of the CAR premises. The commodity nature of the cars that CAR are selling means that similar cars will be available throughout the country, often from garages that offer local service and support. Independence of location would be more significant if CAR was selling collectors or classic cars where each car is relatively rare and people are prepared to travel long distances to view the car they are interested in. Furthermore, the long term lease on CAR’s current premises makes it unlikely that they will be able to locate to a cheaper site and hence exploit the independence of location offered by the new media.(b) Procurement is concerned with purchasing goods or services for the organisation. It is concerned with sourcing items at the right price, delivered at the right time, to the right quality,in the right quantity and from the right source. Many contemporary definitions of procurement also include the inbound logistics required to get the product from the supplier to the customer.E-procurement looks at the opportunities presented by automating aspects of procurement to improve the performance of the five ‘rights’ identified above. There is a wide range of potential answers to this part of the question depending on the scope and focus of e-procurement selected by the candidate. Solutions may vary from the simple automation of part of the system, to re-thinking the way the company does business.In the context of CAR, two distinct types of procurement can be identified. The first is production-related procurement and is directly related to the core activities of the organisation. This relates to the purchase of cars for sale and the purchase of parts required for servicing or repairing vehicles. The second is non-production procurement.CAR has always purchased its vehicles through experienced buyers attending auctions. On average this attendance costs the company $500 per day, leading to the purchase (on average) of five cars. This purchasing cost of $100 per car represents 5% of the average profit margin on each car. This cost could be eliminated if cars were purchased through e-auctions, with bids made on-line. The risk here is that the cars bought were not of the right quality. CAR prides itself in the personal selection of its cars. However, it could be argued that cars which are less than two years old with a full service history are unlikely to have much wrong with them.The parts needed for servicing and mechanical repairs are ordered from motor factors or manufacturers. A number ofregular suppliers are retained, many in long-term relationships with CAR. This is known as systematic sourcing. Most of the problems here are caused by the need to pass requisitions for parts through a procurement manager. The first problem is the delay in the purchasing cycle. There is a backlog of requisitions that have to be reviewed, agreed and sourced by the procurement manager. This is particularly problematic when a customer’s car is in the garage awaiting a part. The customer is likely to be frustrated and annoyed by the delay, whilst the car is occupying garage space that could have been profitably used for a fee-paying job. The second problem is the cost of the paperwork and the processing time of the procurement manager associated with the purchase. The final problem is that purchases can only be made between 10.00 and 16.00 when the procurement manager is at work. Mechanics work 07.00 to 19.00 and are frustrated that they cannot make orders outside the times the procurement manager is at work. Giving the mechanics the systems and authorisation to order parts (up to a certain value limit) from specified suppliers over the Internet should deliver cost savings and speed up repairs and services. A direct ordering system should also reduce administrative errors and enhance customer goodwill. CAR might also use eprocurement to open up competitive bidding between potential suppliers; posting their requirements on their website and inviting competing bids. Parts could be sourced from a number of suppliers, taking advantage of the lowest prices for each part. This could be combined with just-in-time supply, reducing the cost of stock holding at CAR.Non-production procurement is concerned with ordering things such as stationery, paper, ink toner and other officesupplies. Christa Degnan (quoted in Chaffney, E-Business and E-Commerce Management) suggested that for ‘every dollar a company earns in revenue, 50 cents to 55 cents is spent on indirect goods and services –things like office supplies and computer equipment. That half dollar represents an opportunity. By driving costs out of the purchasing process, companies can increase profits without having to sell more goods’. CAR is in this situation. It uses the same process for office supplies as it does for car parts. However, most office supplies are cheap, commodity products where sometimes the cost of ordering the product exceeds the value of the purchased product, particularly where a cumbersome purchasing process is in place. With little differentiation between products, it is the availability and cost of the product that become the most significant aspects in the procurement process. E-procurement should provide better information, identifying alternative suppliers and allowing spot sourcing of office products to fulfil immediate need.Overall, e-procurement should reduce the administrative burden on the procurement manager, giving him or her the opportunity to concentrate on negotiating terms, agreements and product standardisation; more strategic tasks in the procurement process.下载全文。

(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1、在下列各项业务中,可以归为多层次结构会计主体的特殊会计业务是( )A.通货膨胀会计B.企业合并C.期货交易D.股份上市公司信息披2、某国有企业整体改组为上市公司,经评估确认的账面净资产为8000万元,其中股本5000万元。
新组建公司注册资本为6000万元,折股倍数为( )A. 166.67%B.60%C. 104.17%D. 106.67%3、市盈率等于普通股股票的( )与每股盈利之间的比例。
A.每股面值B.每股设定价值C.每股账面价值D.每股市价4、对于融资租赁性质的回租业务,承租人(兼销货方)所取得的销售收入超过资产账面净值的差额,应作为( )A.当期损失B.递延收益C.财务费用D.营业收入5、房地产企业对外转让、销售和出租开发产品等取得的收入应计入( )科目。
A.其他业务收入B.经营收入C.营业外收入D.销售利润6、我国外币报表折算采用( )A.时态法B.货币与非货币性项目法C.现行汇率法D.流动与非流动性项目法7、直接标价法下,汇率上升,企业拥有( )会产生汇兑收益。
A.货币性资产B.外币货币性资产C.货币性负债D.外币货币性负债8、关于权益集合法,下列哪种说法是错误的( )A.参与合并企业资产、负债和所有者权益以账面价值计价B.企业合并通过股票交换C.留存收益不予以合并D.一般适用于吸收合并和创立合并9、房地产会计中开发产品成本采用( )核算。
A.制造成本法B.完全成本法C.作业成本法D.变动成本法10、在财务资本维护观念下,“持产损益”属于( )科目。

一、判断题:1、×2、×3、√4、√5、√6、×7、×8、×9、× 10、√11、√ 12、√ 13、× 14、× 15、√16、× 17、√ 18、√ 19、× 20、×21、√ 22、√ 23、× 24、× 25、√26、× 27、√ 28、√ 29、√ 30、×31、× 32、√33、√ 34、× 35、×36、√ 37、× 38、√ 39、× 40、×41、× 42、√ 43、× 44、√ 45、√46、√ 47、√ 48、× 49、√ 50、√51、× 52、√ 53、√ 54、× 55、√56、√ 57、√ 58、√ 59、× 60、×61、√ 62、√ 63、√ 64、× 65、×66、× 67、√ 68、√ 69、√ 70、×71、√ 72、× 73、× 74、× 75、√76、√77、× 78、√ 79、× 80、√81、×82、√ 83、√ 84、× 85、×86、√87、√ 88、× 89、√ 90、×91、√92、√ 93、√ 94、×95、×96、√97、×98、×99、×100、√二、单项选择题:1、C2、D3、B4、A 5、B6、B7、C8、D9、C 10、A11、B 12、D 13、D 14、A 15、C16、B 17、D 18、A 19、C 20、A21、B 22、B 23、C 24、C 25、A26、D 27、D 28、A 29、B 30、A31、D 32、B 33、B 34、C 35、A36、D 37、B 38、A 39、D 40、A41、B 42、D 43、C 44、D 45、B46、D 47、D 48、C 49、A 50、D51、A 52、D 53、B 54、D 55、C56、C 57、B 58、D 59、A 60、C61、B 62、A 63、D 64、A 65、A66、B 67、A 68、C 69、D 70、B71、D 72、D 73、A 74、C 75、B三、多项选择题:1、BCD2、AE3、BDE 4、CDE 5、BCE6、ABD7、ACD8、BCD 9、ABCDE 10、ABD11、ABCDE 12、CD 13、AD 14、BDE 15、CDE16、BCDE 17、BDE 18、ABC 19、ACD 20、ABE21、ABD 22、BD 23、ABD 24、DE 25、ACD26、ACDE 27、ABCDE 28、ABCDE 29、ABDE 30、ABCDE31、ADE 32、BDE 33、ABCDE 34、BCDE 35、ABCDE36、CD 37、ABDE 38、BCDE 39、ACDE 40、CDE41、ACD 42、BCD 43、BCE 44、ABDE 45、ABCDE46、BD 47、ACE 48、BCD 49、CDE 50、ABDE51、BCE 52、ABCE 53、ABD 54、BCE 55、ABCE56、CDE 57、AC 58、BCD 59、ABE 60、DE四、计算及分析题:1.解:(1)息税前利润=总资产×20%保守型战略=1000×20%=200(万元)激进型战略=1000×20%=200(万元)(2)利息=负债总额×负债利率保守型战略=1000×30%×8%=24(万元)激进型战略=1000×70%×8%=56(万元)(3)税前利润(利润总额)=息税前利润—利息保守型战略=200—24=176激进型战略=200—56=144(4)所得税=利润总额(应纳税所得额)×所得税税率保守型战略=176×25%=44激进型战略=144×25%=36(5)税后净利(净利润)=利润总额—所得税保守型战略=176—44=132激进型战略=144—36=108(6)税后净利中母公司收益(控股60%)保守型战略=132×60%=79.2激进型战略=108×60%=. 64.8(7)母公司对子公司的投资额 保守型战略=1000×70%×60%=420 激进型战略=1000×30%×60%=180(8)母公司投资回报率保守型战略=79.2/420=18.86% 激进型战略=64.8/64.8= 36%列表计算如下:保守型 激进型 息税前利润(万元) 1000×20%=200 1000×20%=200 利息(万元) 300×8%=24 700×8%=56 税前利润(万元) 200-24=176 200-56=144 所得税(万元) 176×25%=44 144×25%=36 税后净利(万元)176-44=132 144-36=108 税后净利中母公司收益(万元) 132×60%=79.2 108×60%=64.8 母公司对子公司的投资额(万元) 700×60%=420 300×60%=180 母公司投资回报(%) 79.2/420=18.86% 64.8/180=36%分析:上述两种不同的融资战略,子公司对母公司的贡献程度完全不同,保守型战略下子公司对母公司的贡献较低,而激进型则较高。

2016年12月ACCA考试《高级财务管理》真题及答案2016年12月ACCA考试《高级财务管理》真题(总分:100.00,做题时间:150分钟)案例分析题Section A为必做题,Section B任意选两题。
(总题数:4,分数:125.00)Section A – This ONE question is compulsory and MUST be attemptedMorada Co is involved in offering bespoke travel services and maintenance services. In addition to owning a few hotels, it has built strong relationships with companies in the hospitality industry all over the world. It has a good reputation of offering unique, high quality holiday packages at reasonable costs for its clients. The strong relationships have also enabled it to offer repair and maintenance services to a number of hotel chains and cruise ship companies.Following a long discussion at a meeting of the board of directors (BoD) about the future strategic direction which Morada Co should follow, three directors continued to discuss one particular issue over dinner. In the meeting, the BoD had expressed concern that Morada Co was exposed to excessive risk and therefore its cost of capital was too high. The BoD feared that several good projects had been rejected over the previous two years, because they did not meet Morada Co’s high cost of capital threshold. Each director put forward a proposal, which they then discussed in turn. At the conclusion of the dinner, the directors decided to ask for a written report on the proposals put forward by the first director and the second director, beforetaking all three proposals to the BoD for further discussion.First director’s proposalThe first director is of the opinion that Morada Co should reduce its debt in order to mitigate its risk and therefore reduce its cost of capital. He proposes that the company should sell its repair and maintenance services business unit and focus just on offering bespoke travel services and hotel accommodation. In the sale, the book value of non-current assets will reduce by 30% and the book value of current liabilities will reduce by 10%. It is thought that the non-current assets can be sold for an after-tax profit of 15%.The first director suggests that the funds arising from the sale of the repair and maintenance services business unit and cash resources should be used to pay off 80% of the long-term debt. It is estimated that as a result of this, Morada Co’s credit rating will improve from Baa2 to A2.Second director’s proposalThe second director is of the opinion that risk diversification is the best way to reduce Morada Co’s risk and therefore reduce its cost of capital. He proposes that the company raise additional funds using debt finance and then create a new strategic business unit. This business unit will focus on construction of new commercial properties.The second director suggests that $70 million should be borrowed and used to invest in purchasing non-current assets for the construction business unit. The new debt will be issued in the form of four-year redeemable bonds paying an annual coupon of 6·2%. It is estimated that if this amount of debt is rai sed, then Morada Co’s credit rating will worsen to Ca3 from Baa2. Current liabilities are estimated to increase to $28 million.Third director’s proposalThe third director is of the opinion that Morada Co does not need to undertake the proposals suggested by the first director and the second director just to reduce the company’s risk profile. She feels that the above proposals require a fundamental change in corporate strategy and should be considered in terms of more than just tools to manage risk. Instead, she proposes that a risk management system should be set up to appraise Morada Co’s current risk profile, considering each type of business risk and financial risk within the company, and taking appropriate action to manage the risk where it is deemed necessary.Morada Co, extracts from the forecast financial position for the coming yearOther financial informationMorada Co’s forecast after-tax earnings for the coming year are expected to be $28 million. It is estimated that the company will make a 9% return after-tax on any new investment in non-current assets, and will suffer a 9% decrease in after-tax earnings on any reduction in investment in non-current assets.Morada Co’s current share price is $2·88 per share.According to the company’s finance division, it is very difficult to predict how the share price will react to either the proposal made by the first director or the proposal made by the second director. Therefore it has been assumed that the share price will not change following either proposal.The finance division has further assumed that the proportion of the book value of non-current assets invested in each business unit gives a fair representation of the size of each business unit within Morada Co.Morada Co’s equity beta is estimated at 1·2, while the asset beta of the repairs and maintenance services business unit is estimated to be 0·65. The relevant equity beta for the new, larger company including the construction unit relevant to the second director’s proposals has been estimated as 1·21.The bonds are redeemable in four years’ time at face value. For the purposes of estimating the cost of capital, it can be assumed that debt beta is zero. However, the four-year credit spread over the risk free rate of return is 60 basis points for A2 rated bonds, 90 basis points for Baa2 rated bonds and 240 basis points for Ca3 rated bonds.A tax rate of 20% is applicable to all companies. The current risk free rate of return is estimated to be 3·8% and the market risk premium is estimated to be 7%.Required:(分数:50)(1).Explain how business risk and financial risk are related; and how risk mitigation and risk diversification can form part of a company’s risk management strategy.(分数:6)________________________________________________________________ _________________ _________正确答案:(The owners or shareholders of a business will accept that it needs to engage in some risky activities in order to generate returns in excess of the risk free rate of return.A business will be exposed to differing amounts of business and financial risk depending on the decisions it makes. Business risk depends on the decisions a business makes with respect to the services and products it offers and consists of the variability in its profits. For example, it could be related to the demand for its products, the rate of innovation, actions of competitors, etc. Financial risk relates to the volatility of earnings due to the financial structure of the business and could be related to its gearing, the exchange rate risk it is exposed to, its credit risk, its liquidity risk, etc. A business exposed to high levels of business risk may not be able to take excessive financial risk, and vice versa, as the shareholders or owners may not want to bear risk beyond an acceptable level.Risk management involves the process of risk identification, of assessing and measuring the risk through the process of predicting, analysing and quantifying it, and then making decisions on which risks to assume, which to avoid, which to retain and which to transfer. As stated above, a business will not aim to avoid all risks, as it will want to generate excess returns. Dependent on factors such as controllability, frequency and severity of the risk, it may decide to eliminate or reduce some risks from the business through risk transfer. Risk mitigation is the process of transferring risks out of a business through, for example, hedging or insurance, or avoiding certain risks altogether. Risk diversification is a process of risk reduction through spreading business activity into different products and services, different geographical areas and/or different industriesto minimise being excessively exposed by focusing exclusively on one product/service.)(2).Prepare a report for the board of directors of Morada Co which:(i) Estimates Morada Co’s cost of equity and cost of capital, based on market value of equity and debt, before any changes and then after implementing the proposals put forward by the first and by the second directors;(17 marks)(ii) Estimates the i mpact of t he first and second directors’ proposals on Morada Co’s forecast after-tax earnings and forecast financial position for the coming year; and (7 marks) (iii) Discusses the impact on Morada Co of the changes proposed by the first and second directors and recommends whether or not either proposal should be accepted. The discussion should include an explanation of any assumptions made in the estimates in (b)(i) and (b)(ii) above. (9 marks) Professional marks will be awarded in part (b) for the format, structure and presentation of the report. (4 marks)(分数:37)________________________________________________________________ _________________。

2016年12⽉ACCA考试P1模拟试题及答案 Section A – This ONE question is compulsory and MUST be attempted 1 Rowlands & Medeleev (R&M),a major listed European civil engineering company,was successful in its bid to become principal (lead) contractor to build the Giant Dam Project in an East Asian country. The board of R&M prided itself in observing the highest standards of corporate governance. R&M‘s client,the government of the East Asian country,had taken into account several factors in appointing the principal contractor including each bidder‘s track record in large civil engineering projects,the value of the bid and a statement,required from each bidder,on how it would deal with the‘sensitive issues’ and publicity that might arise as a result of the project. The Giant Dam Project was seen as vital to the East Asian country’s economic development as it would provide a large amount of hydroelectric power. This was seen as a ‘clean energy’ driver of future economic growth. The government was keen to point out that because hydroelectric power did not involve the burning of fossil fuels,the power would be environmentally clean and would contribute to the East Asian country’s ability to meet its internationally agreed carbon emission targets. This,in turn,would contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases in the environment. Critics,such as the environmental pressure group‘Stop-the-dam’,however,argued that the project was far too large and the cost to the local environment would be unacceptable. Stop-the-dam was highly organised and,according to press reports in Europe,was capable of disrupting progress on the dam by measures such as creating ‘human barriers’ to the site and hiding people in tunnels who would have to be physically removed before proceeding. A spokesman for Stop-the-dam said it would definitely be attempting to resist the Giant Dam Project when construction started. The project was intended to dam one of the region’s largest rivers,thus creating a massive lake behind it. The lake would,the critics claimed,not only displace an estimated 100,000 people from their homes,but would also flood productive farmland and destroy several rare plant and animal habitats. A number of important archaeological sites would also be lost. The largest community to be relocated was the indigenous First Nation people who had lived on and farmed the land for an estimated thousand years. A spokesman for the First Nation community said that the ‘true price‘ of hydroelectric power was ’misery and cruelty’。

高级财务管理习题含答案一、单选题(共30题,每题1分,共30分)1、EVA (附加经济价值或经济利润)的计算公式是()。
A、企业分拆重组B、企业内部优化重组C、企业整合重组D、企业产权重组正确答案:D12、债务治理各项功能效应发挥的基本前提是债务融资的(A )oA、杠杆作用B、约束作用C、激励作用D、破产效应正确答案:D13、治理效应最为重要、最为显著的债权治理工具形式是()。

《高级财务管理》习题与答案(解答仅供参考)一、名词解释:1. 资本结构:资本结构是指企业各项长期资金筹集来源的构成及其比例关系,主要包括股权资本和债权资本。
2. 财务杠杆:财务杠杆是指企业在运用固定成本资本(如债务融资)时,由于息税前利润变动对普通股每股收益产生放大的效应。
3. 经济附加值(EVA):经济附加值是指公司扣除资本成本后的经营利润,即企业净利润减去全部资本成本后的余额,是衡量企业真实盈利能力与股东价值创造能力的重要指标。
4. 现金流量贴现模型(DCF):现金流量贴现模型是一种基于未来预期现金流入现值总和来评估投资项目或企业价值的方法,反映了货币时间价值的概念。
5. 资产证券化:资产证券化是指将缺乏流动性的但具有稳定现金流收入的资产,通过一定的结构安排,转变为可以在金融市场上流通的证券的过程。
二、填空题:1. 企业财务管理的目标通常概括为____最大化和____最大化。
2. 在财务管理中,____分析是对企业偿债能力进行评价的重要方法之一。
3. 根据____理论,公司在确定最佳资本结构时应使得加权平均资本成本最低。
4. 财务管理中,____原则是指每一项投资决策都应当以其预计产生的未来净现金流为基础进行评价。
5. 企业通过调整____政策、____政策和____政策,实现财务管理的主要目标。
三、单项选择题:1. 下列哪一项不是影响资本结构的因素?(A)A. 行业特征B. 股东要求的回报率C. 企业生命周期阶段D. 国家宏观经济政策2. 当企业面临破产清算时,下列哪类投资者拥有优先清偿权?(C)A. 普通股股东B. 优先股股东C. 债权人D. 管理层3. 下列哪种情况会降低公司的财务杠杆系数?(B)A. 发行普通股股票以增加资本B. 提高息税前利润C. 增加长期借款D. 减少留存收益4. 关于财务预算编制,以下哪种说法不正确?(D)A. 财务预算是对未来一定时期内企业财务活动所作的具体规划B. 财务预算包括现金预算、预计利润表和预计资产负债表等内容C. 财务预算有助于企业控制成本、提高经济效益D. 财务预算仅适用于大型企业,中小企业无需编制5. 在企业进行投资项目决策时,如果两个互斥项目的初始投资额相同,应该选择哪个项目?(B)A. 投资回收期短的项目B. 净现值大的项目C. 内部收益率高的项目D. 年金成本低的项目四、多项选择题:1. 下列哪些因素会影响企业的资本结构决策?(ABCD)A. 财务风险偏好B. 利率波动预期C. 企业成长阶段与生命周期D. 税收政策及税率E. 市场对股权和债权的需求2. 在进行财务报表分析时,以下哪些是常用的财务比率?(ABCE)A. 流动比率B. 速动比率C. 权益乘数D. 销售净利率E. 资产负债率F. 总资产周转率3. 关于股利政策,以下说法正确的有?(ABD)A. 股利支付率体现了公司分配给股东利润的比例B. 剩余股利政策主张公司在满足投资需求后,将剩余收益分配给股东C. 固定股利政策可以保证股利的稳定性,不受公司盈利变动的影响D. 股利增长模型可用于估计股票价值,并帮助确定合理的股利发放水平E. 股票回购不能作为股利分配的一种替代方式4. 下列哪些属于财务管理中的长期筹资方式?(ABCD)A. 发行普通股B. 发行优先股C. 长期借款D. 发行企业债券E. 商业信用5. 企业在进行投资项目评价时可能使用的指标包括?(ABCE)A. 净现值(NPV)B. 内部收益率(IRR)C. 投资回收期D. 平均会计回报率E. 获利指数(PI)五、判断题:1. 财务杠杆效应说明了增加债务融资会同时放大公司的盈利能力与破产风险。

高级财务管理考试试题及答案第一部分:简答题1. 请解释什么是财务风险管理,并提供几个例子说明。
2. 请解释什么是资本结构,以及它对组织的影响。
对组织的影响:- 杠杆效应:通过增加债务融资的比例,组织可以实现杠杆效应,从而提高企业的盈利能力。
- 财务成本:不同的资本来源具有不同的成本。
- 投资者信心:资本结构对投资者信心有重要影响。
重要性:1. 目标实现:财务规划帮助个人或组织确立明确的财务目标,并提供达到这些目标的指导和计划。
2. 风险管理:财务规划有助于评估和管理风险,确保能够应对紧急情况或不可预测的财务挑战。
3. 资源最优化:通过财务规划,可以有效分配和管理有限的资源,以实现最佳的财务结果。
4. 稳定未来:财务规划可以帮助个人或组织预测未来的财务需求,并制定相应的储蓄和投资计划,以保证未来的财务稳定。


《高级财务管理》综合练习题一、名词解释:1、目标逆向选择2、公司治理结构3、财务管理体制4、财务结算中心5、财务控制制度6、财务监事委派制7、财务主管委派制 8、战略发展结构 9、财务政策10、预算控制 11、预算管理组织 12、资本预算13、投资政策 14、投资质量标准 15、固定资产存量重组 16、比较优势效应 17、技术置换模式 18、购并目标19、杠杆收购 20、卖方融资 21、标准式公司分立 22、融资政策 23、资本结构 24、杠杆融资25、财务公司 26、税收筹划 27、剩余股利政策28、股票合并 29、经营者薪酬计划 30、财务危机预警系统三、单项选择题:1、下列权利监事会一般不具备的是()。
A.管理优势 B.资本优势C.产业优势 D.资本优势与产业优势7、在经营战略上,发展期企业集团的首要目标是()。

函授 高级财务管理 试卷(A )答案第 1 页 共 1 页一、判断题1、×2、√3、√4、×5、√6、√7、×8、√ 二、 单项选择题1、C2、D3、D4、A5、A6、B7、D 三、 多项选择题1、AE2、ABCD3、BCD4、ABC5、ABCDE6、ABDE7、BCD 四、名词解释:1、融资帮助:是指管理总部利用集团资源的一体化整合优势与融通调剂便利而对总部或成员企业的融资活动提供支持的财务安排。


[单选题] *A.主营业务收入B.资本公积(正确答案)C.盈余公积D.财务费用2、下列项目中,应计入营业外收入的有()。
[单选题] *A.处置交易性金融资产的收益B.固定资产盘盈C.接受捐赠(正确答案)D.无法收到的应收账款3、企业因解除与职工的劳动关系给予职工补偿而发生的职工薪酬,应借记的会计科目是()。
[单选题] *A.管理费用(正确答案)B.计入存货成本或劳务成本C.营业外支出D.计入销售费用4、企业购进货物用于集体福利时,该货物负担的增值税额应当计入()。
[单选题] *A.应交税费——应交增值税B.应付职工薪酬(正确答案)C.营业外支出D.管理费用5、下列固定资产当月应计提折旧的有()。
[单选题] *A.以经营租赁方式租出的汽车(正确答案)B.当月购入并投入使用的机器C.已提足折旧的厂房D.单独计价入账的土地6、会计期末,如果企业所持有的非专利技术的账面价值高于其可回收金额的,应按其差额计入()。
[单选题] *A.其他业务成本B.资产减值损失(正确答案)C.无形资产D.营业外支出7、企业为扩大生产经营而发生的业务招待费,应计入()科目。
[单选题] *A.管理费用(正确答案)B.财务费用C.销售费用D.其他业务成本8、某企业去年发生亏损235 000元,按规定可以用本年度实现的利润弥补去年全部亏损时,应当()。
[单选题] *A.借:利润分配——弥补亏损235 000 贷:利润分配——未分配利润235 000B.借:盈余公积235 000 贷:利润分配——未分配利润235 000C.借:其他应收款235 000 贷:利润分配——未分配利润235 000D.不做账务处理(正确答案)9、某企业自创一项专利,并经过有关部门审核注册获得其专利权。

(参照导学)1P9 2P22 3P33 4P33 5.P46二、判断题。
1 .x 2.7 3.7 4.7 5.x 6.x 7.P 8.x 9.x 10.11.x12J 13.x 14.x 15.x 16J 17.x 18.x 19J 20.x三、单项选择题。
1. C2.C3.B4.A5.C 5.B6.A7.A8.D9.C 10.B四、多项选择题。
1. BC2.ACD3.BCE4.CD5.ABDE6.BCD7.DE8.BCD9.ACE 10.ABD五、简答题。
参照导学 1.P9 2.P9 3.P20 4.P20 5.书P72-73六、案例分析。
1. 答:(1)A企业的决策者应对核心企业采取绝对股权控制形式,对一般性关联不大企业可采取出售股权或分权形式。
2. 参照:《导学》P21案例二,要点,补充完整。
3.保守型:EBIT:投资报酬率x资产总额=1500x20%=300万利息:负债总额:1500x30%=450万负债利息:450x8%=36力.•.税前利润=300-36=264万所得税=264x30%=79.2 万税后净利=264-79.2=184.8万税后净利中母公司权益:184.8x62%=母公司对子公司投资的资本报酬率===?同法计算激进型(自己计算)(第五章至第六章)一、名词解释。
(参照导学)1.P60 2P60 3.P96 4.P97 5.P98二、判断题。


以下是三种常见的投资分析方法:- 净现值(NPV):通过计算未来现金流折现值与投资成本之间的差异,评估投资项目的可行性。
- 内部收益率(IRR):IRR是使净现值等于零的折现率。
- 敏感性分析:通过改变不同投资变量的值,评估对投资回报的影响。
资本结构的影响因素包括以下几点:- 债务成本:债务融资通常具有较低的成本,因为债券持有人优先受偿。
- 股权成本:股权融资可能包括支付股息和分红。
- 公司规模:公司规模越大,通常获得债务融资的机会越多。
- 行业特征:某些行业更适合债务融资,因为它们的现金流稳定性更高。
- 税收因素:债务融资允许企业扣除利息支出,降低纳税金额。
以下是两种财务风险管理方法:- 多元化投资组合:通过将资金投资于不同的资产类别和行业,可以减少特定风险对整体资产组合的影响。
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2016年12月ACCA考试《高级财务管理》真题(总分:100.00,做题时间:150分钟)案例分析题Section A为必做题,Section B任意选两题。
(总题数:4,分数:125.00)Section A – This ONE question is compulsory and MUST be attemptedMorada Co is involved in offering bespoke travel services and maintenance services. In addition to owning a few hotels, it has built strong relationships with companies in the hospitality industry all over the world. It has a good reputation of offering unique, high quality holiday packages at reasonable costs for its clients. The strong relationships have also enabled it to offer repair and maintenance services to a number of hotel chains and cruise ship companies.Following a long discussion at a meeting of the board of directors (BoD) about the future strategic direction which Morada Co should follow, three directors continued to discuss one particular issue over dinner. In the meeting, the BoD had expressed concern that Morada Co was exposed to excessive risk and therefore its cost of capital was too high. The BoD feared that several good projects had been rejected over the previous two years, because they did not meet Morada Co’s high cost of capital threshold. Each director put forward a proposal, which they then discussed in turn. At the conclusion of the dinner, the directors decided to ask for a written report on the proposals put forward by the first director and the second director, before taking all three proposals to the BoD for further discussion.First director’s proposalThe first director is of the opinion that Morada Co should reduce its debt in order to mitigate its risk and therefore reduce its cost of capital. He proposes that the company should sell its repair and maintenance services business unit and focus just on offering bespoke travel services and hotel accommodation. In the sale, the book value of non-current assets will reduce by 30% and the book value of current liabilities will reduce by 10%. It is thought that the non-current assets can be sold for an after-tax profit of 15%.The first director suggests that the funds arising from the sale of the repair and maintenance services business unit and cash resources should be used to pay off 80% of the long-term debt. It is estimated that as a result of this, Morada Co’s credit rating will improve from Baa2 to A2.Second director’s proposalThe second director is of the opinion that risk diversification is the best way to reduce Morada Co’s risk and therefore reduce its cost of capital. He proposes that the company raise additional funds using debt finance and then create a new strategic business unit. This business unit will focus on construction of new commercial properties.The second director suggests that $70 million should be borrowed and used to invest in purchasing non-current assets for the construction business unit. The new debt will be issued in the form of four-year redeemable bonds paying an annual coupon of 6·2%. It is estimated that if this amount of debt is raised, then Morada Co’s credit rating will worsen to Ca3 from Baa2. Current liabilities are estimated to increase to $28 million.Third director’s proposalThe third director is of the opinion that Morada Co does not need to undertake the proposals suggested by the first director and the second director just to reduce the company’s risk profile. She feels that the above proposals require a fundamental change in corporate strategy and should be considered in terms of more than just tools to manage risk. Instead, she proposes that a risk management system should be set up to appraise Morada Co’s current risk profile, considering each type of business risk and financial risk within the company, and taking appropriate action to manage the risk where it is deemed necessary.Morada Co, extracts from the forecast financial position for the coming yearOther financial informationMorada Co’s forecast after-tax earnings for the coming year are expected to be $28 million. It is estimated that the company will make a 9% return after-tax on any new investment in non-current assets, and will suffer a 9% decrease in after-tax earnings on any reduction in investment in non-current assets.Morada Co’s current share price is $2·88 per share. According to the company’s finance division, it is very difficult to predict how the share price will react to either the proposal made by the first director or the proposal made by the second director. Therefore it has been assumed that the share price will not change following either proposal.The finance division has further assumed that the proportion of the book value of non-current assets invested in each business unit gives a fair representation of the size of each business unit within Morada Co.Morada Co’s equity beta is estimated at 1·2, while the asset beta of the repairs and maintenance services business unit is estimated to be 0·65. The relevant equity beta for the new, larger company including the construction unit relevant to the second director’s proposals has been estimated as 1·21.The bonds are redeemable in four years’ time at face value. For the purposes of estimating the cost of capital, it can be assumed that debt beta is zero. However, the four-year credit spread over the risk free rate of return is 60 basis points for A2 rated bonds, 90 basis points for Baa2 rated bonds and 240 basis points for Ca3 rated bonds.A tax rate of 20% is applicable to all companies. The current risk free rate of return is estimated to be 3·8% and the market risk premium is estimated to be 7%.Required:(分数:50)(1).Explain how business risk and financial risk are related; and how risk mitigation and risk diversification can form part of a company’s risk management strategy.(分数:6)_________________________________________________________________________________ _________正确答案:(The owners or shareholders of a business will accept that it needs to engage in some risky activities in order to generate returns in excess of the risk free rate of return.A business will be exposed to differing amounts of business and financial risk depending on the decisions it makes. Business risk depends on the decisions a business makes with respect to the services and products it offers and consists of the variability in its profits. For example, it could be related to the demand for its products, the rate of innovation, actions of competitors, etc. Financial risk relates to the volatility of earnings due to the financial structure of the business and could be related to its gearing, the exchange rate risk it is exposed to, its credit risk, its liquidity risk, etc. A business exposed to high levels of business risk may not be able to take excessive financial risk, and vice versa, as the shareholders or owners may not want to bear risk beyond an acceptable level.Risk management involves the process of risk identification, of assessing and measuring the risk through the process of predicting, analysing and quantifying it, and then making decisions on which risks to assume, which to avoid, which to retain and which to transfer. As stated above, a business will not aim to avoid all risks, as it will want to generate excess returns. Dependent on factors such as controllability, frequency and severity of the risk, it may decide to eliminate or reduce some risks from the business through risk transfer. Risk mitigation is the process of transferring risks out of a business through, for example, hedging or insurance, or avoiding certain risks altogether. Risk diversification is a process of risk reduction through spreading business activity into different products and services, different geographical areas and/or different industries to minimise being excessively exposed by focusing exclusively on one product/service.)(2).Prepare a report for the board of directors of Morada Co which:(i) Estimates Morada Co’s cost of equity and cost of capital, based on market value of equity and debt, before any changes and then after implementing the proposals put forward by the first and by the second directors;(17 marks)(ii) Estimates the impact of t he first and second directors’ proposals on Morada Co’s forecast after-tax earnings and forecast financial position for the coming year; and (7 marks)(iii) Discusses the impact on Morada Co of the changes proposed by the first and second directors and recommends whether or not either proposal should be accepted. The discussion should include an explanation of any assumptions made in the estimates in (b)(i) and (b)(ii) above. (9 marks)Professional marks will be awarded in part (b) for the format, structure and presentation of the report. (4 marks)(分数:37)_________________________________________________________________________________。