

人力资源管理英文专业词汇[第二部分]- -

Cafeteria benefit programs:Cafeteria benefit programs allow employees toselect the fringe benefits and services that answer their individual needs.

career:A career is all the jobs that are held during one's working life.

career counseling:Career counseling assists employees in finding appropriate career goals and paths.career development Career development consists of those experiences and improvements that one undertakes to achieve a career plan.

career goals: Career goals are the future positions that one strives to reach. These goals serve as benchmarks along one's career path.

career path:A career path is the sequential pattern of jobs that form one'scareer.

career planning:Career planning is the process by which one selects career goals and paths to those goals.

career plateau: A career plateau occurs when an employee is in a position he or she does well enough not to be demoted or fired but not wellenough to be promoted.

change agents: Change agents are people who have the role of stimulatingchange within a group.

checkoff :A checkoff provision in a union-management labor agreement requires the employer to deduct union dues from employee paychecks and to remit those moneys to the union.

Civil Rights: Act of 1964 This act was passed to make various forms of discrimination illegal.

closed shop: A closed shop is a workplace where all employees are required to be members of the union before they are hired. These arrangementsare illegal under the National Labor Relations Act.

codetermination :Codetermination is a form of industrial democracy

first popularized in West Germany. It gives workers the right to have representatives vote on management decisions.

coinsurance clause:A coinsurance clause is a provision in an insurance policy that requires the employee to pay a percentage of the insured's

communication: Communication is the transfer of information and understanding from one person to another.

comparable worth: Comparable worth is the idea that a job should be evaluated as to its value to the organization and then paid accordingly. Thus of comparable worth would be paid equally. For example, two people with widely different jobs would both receive the same pay if the two were of equal value to the employer.

comparative evaluation approaches:Comparative evaluation approaches are collection of different methods that compare one person's performancewith that of co-workers.

compensation:Compensation is what employees receive in exchange for their .

Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973 (CETA): CETA was a ranging act designed to provide job training, employment, and job hunting assistance to less advantaged persons. It has since been replaced the Job Partnership Training Act.

concentration in employment: Concentration exists when an employer (orsome subdivision such as a department) has a higher proportion of employees from a protected class than is found in the employer's labor market. (See underutilization.)

concessionary bargaining:Concessionary bargaining occurs when labor management negotiations result in fewer employer-paid fringe benefits or concessions, such as a freeze or wage cut.

conciliation agreement:a conciliation agreement is a negotiated settlement agreeable to the EEOC and to all parties involved. Its acceptances closesthe case.

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA):This act was signed into law in 1986. COBRA requires employers that provide benefits to employees through a group plan to also provide group benefits to qualified beneficiaries with the right to elect to continue their for a certain period of time after their coverage would otherwise , with

a few exceptions.

constructs :Constructs are substitutes for actual performance. For example,a score on a test is a construct for actual learning.

contract labor: Contract labor consists of people who are hired (and often trained) by an independent agency that supplies companies with neededhuman resources for a fee.

contributory benefit plans Contributory benefit plans are fringe benefits thatrequire both the employer and the employee to contribute to the cost ofthe insurance, retirement, or other employer benefit.

coordinated organing:Coordinated organing occurs when two or more pool their resources to organize a targeted employer or group of .

corrective discipline: Corrective discipline is an action that follows a rule infraction and seeks to discourage further infractions so that future acts re in compliance with standards.

counseling :Counseling is the discussion of an employee problem with the objective of helping the worker cope with it.

counseling functions:Counseling functions are the activities performed bycounselors. They include advice, reassurance, communication, release of tension, clarified thinking, and reorientation.

craft unions: Craft unions are labor organizations that seek to include all workers who have a common skill, such as carpenters or plumbers.

critical incident method: The critical incident method requires the rater to statements that describe extremely good or extremely bad employee behavior. These statements are called critical incidents, and they used as examples of good or bad performance in rating the employee.

Decision-making authority: See line authority.

deductible clause:A deductible clause is a provision in an insurance policy that requires the insured to pay a specified amount of a claim before the is obligated to pay.

deferral jurisdictions: Deferral jurisdictions are areas in the United States where the EEOC will refer a case to another (usually a

state or local); for example, Florida Human Relations Commission.

deferred stock incentive systems: These incentives award stock that becomes by the executive gradually over several years.

delegation: Delegation is the process of getting others to share a manager's . It requires the manager to assign duties, grant authority, and createa sense of responsibility.

Delphi technique: The Delphi technique solicits predictions from a panel of experts about some specified future development(s). The collective estimates are then reported back to the panel so that the members may adjust their opinions. This process is repeated until a general agreement on future trends emerges.

demographics: Demographics is the study of population characteristics.

demotions: Demotions occur when an employee is moved from one job to that is lower in pay, responsibility, and organizational level.

development: Development represents those activities that prepare an employee for future responsibilities.

Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT):The Dictionary of Occupational Titles is a federal government publication that provides detailed job descriptions and job codes for most occupations in government andindustry.

differential validity: Differential validity is used to demonstrate that tests or other selection criteria are valid for different subgroups or protected .

directive counseling: Directive counseling is the process of listening to an employee's emotional problems, deciding with the employee what shouldbe done, and then telling and motivating the employee to do it. (See non directive counseling.)

discipline: Discipline is management action to encourage compliance withthe organization's standards.

dismissal: Dismissal is the ultimate disciplinary action because it separates employee from the employer for a cause.

disparate impact: Disparate impact occurs when the results of an

employer's actions have a different effect on one or more protected classes.

disparate treatment:Disparate treatment occurs when members of a protected class receive unequal treatment.

Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988: This legislation requires that organizations applying for federal grants certify that they will make good-faith efforts to provide a drug-free work place. dual responsibility for personnel management Since both line and staff are responsible for employees, production, and quality of work , a dual responsibility for personnel management exists.

due process:Due process means that established rules and procedures for disciplinary action are followed and that employees have an opportunity respond to the charges made against them




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人力资源管理英文词汇 [日期:2006-05-31] 来源:作者: [字体:大中 小] 5天5夜突破英语听说,100%保证!——点击进入 人力资源管理:(Human Resource Management ,HRM) 人力资源经理:( human resource manager) 高级管理人员:(executive) 职业:(profession) 道德标准:(ethics) 操作工:(operative employees) 专家:(specialist) 人力资源认证协会:(the Human Resource Certification Institute,HRCI) 外部环境:(external environment) 内部环境:(internal environment) 政策:(policy) 企业文化:(corporate culture) 目标:(mission) 股东:(shareholders) 非正式组织:(informal organization) 跨国公司:(multinational corporation, MNC) 管理多样性:(managing diversity) 工作:(job) 职位:(posting) 工作分析:(job analysis) 工作说明:(job description) 工作规范:(job specification) 工作分析计划表:(job analysis schedule, JAS) 职位分析问卷调查法:(Management Position Description Questionnaire, MP DQ) 行政秘书:(executive secretary) 地区服务经理助理:(assistant district service manager) 人力资源计划:(Human Resource Planning, HRP) 战略规划:(strategic planning) 长期趋势:(long term trend) 要求预测:(requirement forecast) 供给预测:(availability forecast) 管理人力储备:(management inventory) 裁减:(downsizing) 人力资源信息系统:(Human Resource Information System,HRIS) 招聘:(recruitment)


目录 导论:人力资源环境与策略2第一篇设计:工作分析与人力规划5第二篇招聘:人力资源选拔与预测8第三篇开发:人力资源培训与评价12第四篇报酬:薪资方案与福利计划18第五篇影响:员工健康与劳资关系22

导论:人力资源环境与策略 第一章人力资源策略 1.人力资源政策与哲学 。人力资源管理(human resource management ,HRM) 。人力资源管理目标objectives of HRM 。人力资源管理职责duties of HRM 。人力资源管理任务tasks of HRM 。战略性人力资源管理strategic HRM 。人力资源政策human resource policy 。人力资源哲学human resource philosophy 。精神契约psychological contract 。企业认同感organization commitment 2.组织:行为与文化 。正式组织formal organization 。非正式组织informal organization 。组织文化organization culture

。亚文化subculture 。跨文化cross-national culture 。价值观values 。态度attitudes 。角色行为role behavior 。个人主义—集体主义individualism-collectivism 。不确定性规避uncertainty avoidance 。权力距离power distance 。直线和职能职权line and staff authority 3.激励与组织绩效 。激励motivation 。需要层次理论hierarchy of needs theory 。X理论与Y理论theory X & theory Y 。组织体系Ⅰ与组织体系Ⅳsystem Ⅰ& system Ⅳ 。激励-保健理论motivation-hygiene theory 。ERG理论ERG theory 。麦克莱兰德需要理mc-clelland’s theory of needs 。期望理论expectency theory 。公平理论equity theory 。强化理论reinforcement theory 。波特-劳勒期望机率理论borter-lawler’s theory of expectency 第二章人力资源环境


人力资源管理常见英文 单词 人力资本:human capital 工作投入 work/job engagement 管理过程 management process 直线管理者 line manager 职能管理者 staff manager 职能控制 functional control 人事职能staff(service)function 劳动力 labor(work)force 劳资关系 labor relations 公平就业机会 equal opportunity 反雇佣歧视行为affirmative action 雇员健康与安全employee health and safety 员工申诉 grievance 失业unemployment 病假工资 sick pay 工会 trade union 人性化管理humanized management 住房补贴 subsidized housing 集体谈判 collective bargaining 充分就业 full employment 就业立法employment legislation 企业家的 entrepreneurial 工业行动 industrial action 谈判工资 negotiated wage 市场工资率 market rate 工作分析job analysis Methods of collecting job analysis information:inteiview、questionaires问卷法、observation观察法、participant dairy/logs 工作日志写实法、position analysis questionnaire PAQ职位分析问卷 工作描述 job description 工作说明 job specification 工作承担者在职(位)者 job incumbent/holder 权限 authority 工作权限Authority of incumbent 工作标识 job identification 工作概要(综述) job summary 知识、技能、能力 KSA 职位弱化 Dejobbing 扁平化组织flattened organization 工作扩大化 job enlargement 工作轮换 Job rotation 无边界组织boundaryless organization 工作丰富化 job enrichmment 流程再造 reengineering 继任、接班 succession 富余 redundancy 人员流动 turnover 招聘 recruitment 人力资源规划及补充 HR planning and recruiting 人力资源需求personal need/demand 人力资源供给 personal supply (企业)(外)部供给 Supply of inside/outside candidate Methods of predicting


人力资源管理专业词汇(中英文对照) 人力资源管理:(Human Resource Management ,HRM) 人力资源经理:( human resource manager) 高级管理人员:(executive) 职业:(profession) 道德标准:(ethics) 操作工:(operative employees) 专家:(specialist) 人力资源认证协会:(the Human Resource Certification Institute,HRCI) 外部环境:(external environment) 内部环境:(internal environment) 政策:(policy) 企业文化:(corporate culture) 目标/使命:(mission) 股东:(shareholders/stakeholder) 非正式组织:(informal organization) 跨国公司:(multinational corporation,MNC) 管理多样性:(managing diversity) 二、工作:(job) 职位:(posting) 工作分析:(job analysis) 工作说明:(job description) 工作规范:(job specification) 工作分析计划表:(job analysis schedule,JAS) 职位分析问卷调查法:(Management Position Description Questionnaire,MPDQ)行政秘书:(executive secretary) 地区服务经理助理:(assistant district service manager) 三、人力资源计划:(Human Resource Planning,HRP) 战略规划:(strategic planning) 长期趋势:(long term trend) 要求预测:(requirement forecast) 供给预测:(availability forecast) 管理人力储备:(management inventory) 裁减:(downsizing) 人力资源信息系统:(Human Resource Information System,HRIS) 四、招聘:(recruitment) 员工申请表:(employee requisition) 招聘方法:(recruitment methods) 内部提升:(Promotion From Within ,PFW) 工作公告:(job posting) 广告:(advertising) 职业介绍所:(employment agency) 特殊事件:(special events) 实习:(internship)


在实际工作中,我们经常会听到人事经理提出这样的疑问:“企业中的人力资源管理到底是什么角色?是服务吗?是战略伙伴吗?”这个问题的实质,就是企业人力资源管理的定位问题。而企业人力资源管理作为企业整体运营提供发展支持的单位,其定位必然取决于企业的组织结构、经营战略、企业类型等多种根本性因素。其中企业的组织结构,对其内部的人力资源管理定位,起着决定性的作用。这就如同一栋房子,不同的设计结构,其承重的部位是不同的。如果非承重墙硬是要把自己当成是承重墙,其结果可想而知。本文中将通过对三种主要的组织结构特点的梳理,提出不同结构下人力资源管理的定位。 一、企业组织的五大基本组成部分。 根据新组织结构学派的组织理论,一个组织主要有五大基本构成部分:战略高层、直线中层、工作核心层、技术专家结构,和辅助人员。 战略高层:企业的高层领导集团,对企业全面负责,设立、推动组织的战略目标。 工作核心层:由组织的基层部门组成,直接从事产品生产或服务。 直线中层:由各部门的中层直线经理或负责人构成,他们的作用在于连接战略高层和工作核心层。 技术专家结构:由组织中的职能人员组成,他们的作用不是直接参加生产或服务过程,而是运用自己的专门知识和技能,帮助上述三个部分,提高效率和效益。 辅助人员:又称支持人员。他们不直接同组织的生产或经营发生联系,而是以自己的活动去支持上述四个部分,使它们的工作能够正常地进行。如房屋维修等。 二、职能式组织结构下的HR定位 (一)什么是职能式组织结构 一个采用职能式组织结构的企业,是自上而下按照职能进行同类合并,形成按专业划分的部门。例如,主管研发的副总裁负责所有的产品技术研发活动,所有的研发人员都被安排在研发部工作。其他职能,如市场、生产、人力资源等也是如此。因此职能式组织结构的五大组成部分的关系如图2所示。 (二)职能式组织结构的特点 技术专家结构在组织中占有极为重要的地位,具有相当强大的决策权力; 专业化程度高,行为流程化、制度化,因而会有较多的规章制度;整体的分权形式是有限的横向分权。这种结构也就自然而然地产生出如下优势和缺点。 优势 1.鼓励部门内部实现规模经济; 2.促进深层次技能提高;


人力资源管理制度 一、目的: 为使我公司人力资源管理走上正规化、制度化、现代化的道路,在有章可循的情况下提高人力资源管理水平,造就一支高素质的员工队伍,特制定本规定。 二、适用范围: 长期合同工、短期合同工关于人力资源方面的管理,均依照本制度办理。 三、人力资源管理制度 (一)招聘管理 1、招收的学生按《大学生动态管理与晋升选拔制度》执行; 2、其他招聘人员见《招聘管理手册》; 3、具有高级职称和中级职称年满55岁以上的聘用人员,可享受以下待遇: (1) 公司办公室负责安排房间和床位以供午间休息; (2) 中午可到食堂小餐厅凭票免费就餐,公司办公室负责发放就餐证; (3) 一般小病,可到公司医务所免费就诊; (4) 对60岁以上人员,如工作时疲倦允许到房间休息。 4、聘用人员转长期合同工程序: (1) 人力资源部负责每季度对聘用人员办理一次转长期合同工手续工作。 (2) 人员转长期合同工时,本人写请调申请,子公司人员由部门负责人、子公司经理签字;集团总部人员由部门负责人、主管部长签字后,到总部人力资源部填写转长期合同工人员登记表,由总部人力资源部负责组织考核,送交总经理签批后,方可办理调动手续。 (3) 人员转长期合同工体检:由集团总部人力资源部(总部人员转长期合同工)或子公司人劳处(子公司人员转长期合同工)陪同到医院体检,费用自理,体检项目有:血压、五官、心电图、肝胆脾胰肾 B 超、胸透、五项防免、肝功、血常规、尿常规。体检结果交总部人力资源部,由医务所做出健康鉴定结论,健康者办理转长期合同工手续。 (4)转长期合同工的员工,经考察表现不好或不能胜任定向招聘的专业技术工作,视其情节轻重,公司可分别予以辞退、取消长期合同工待遇,降低工资等处理。 (二)招收短期合同工管理 1、招收短期合同工 (1)招工审批程序 子公司计划办填写用人申请(如因人员流失需补充人员时,用人部门申请,生产部确认),人劳处审核,子公司经理批准后招收。 ①驻外分公司招工:分公司经理申请,子公司经理批准,人劳处备案并协助驻外公司招收。


精选了一些常用的人力资源英语,希望对大家有所帮助哦16PF 卡特尔16 种人格因素测试 360-degree appraisal 360 度评估 360-degree feedback 360 度反馈 7S 7S 原则/模型 New 7S 新7S 原则/模型 80/20 principle 80/20 法则 AAR-After Action Review 行动后学习机制 Ability Test 能力测试 Ability of Manager 管理者的能力 Absence Management 缺勤管理 Absence rate 缺勤率 Absent without Leave 无故缺勤擅离职守 Absenteeism 缺勤 Accident Insurance 意外伤害保险 Accident Investigation 事故调查 Accident Loss 事故损失 Accident Work Injury 工伤事故 Achievement Need 成就需求 Achievement Test 成就测试 Action Learning 行动(为)学习法 Administer 管理者 Administrative Level 管理层次 Administrative Line 直线式管理 Adverse Impact 负面影响 Advertisement Recruiting 广告招聘 Affective Commitment 情感认同 Affiliation Need 归属需求 Age Composition 年龄结构 Age Discrimination 年龄歧视 Age Retirement 因龄退休 Agreement Content 协议内容 Allowance 津贴 Annual Bonus 年终分红 Annual Leave 年假 Annuity/Pension 退休金 Applicant-Initiated Recruitment 自荐式招聘 Application Blank 申请表 Appraisal Feedback 考评反馈 Appraisal Interview 考评面谈 Appraisal Standardization 考评标准化 Attendance 考勤


人力资源管理英文专业词汇[第二部分]- - Cafeteria benefit programs:Cafeteria benefit programs allow employees toselect the fringe benefits and services that answer their individual needs. career:A career is all the jobs that are held during one's working life. career counseling:Career counseling assists employees in finding appropriate career goals and paths.career development Career development consists of those experiences and improvements that one undertakes to achieve a career plan. career goals: Career goals are the future positions that one strives to reach. These goals serve as benchmarks along one's career path. career path:A career path is the sequential pattern of jobs that form one'scareer. career planning:Career planning is the process by which one selects career goals and paths to those goals. career plateau: A career plateau occurs when an employee is in a position he or she does well enough not to be demoted or fired but not wellenough to be promoted. change agents: Change agents are people who have the role of stimulatingchange within a group. checkoff :A checkoff provision in a union-management labor agreement requires the employer to deduct union dues from employee paychecks and to remit those moneys to the union. Civil Rights: Act of 1964 This act was passed to make various forms of discrimination illegal. closed shop: A closed shop is a workplace where all employees are required to be members of the union before they are hired. These arrangementsare illegal under the National Labor Relations Act. codetermination :Codetermination is a form of industrial democracy


页眉内容 Managing human resource Introduction Nowadays, as the stress of the competition become heavier and heavier, people who go to an interview or work in a firm pay more and more attention to the EEO. The EEO is the law of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was the first federal law designed to protect most U.S. employees from employment discrimination based upon that employee's (or applicant's) race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The Title also established the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to assist in the protection of U.S. employees from discrimination.EEO legislation requires fair treatment for all members of the community and the elimination of discrimination. It means selecting the best person for the job in terms of their job-related skills. EEO includes following aspects: RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, NATIONAL ORIGIN Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, protects applicants and employees from discrimination in hiring, promotion, discharge, pay, fringe benefits, job training, classification, referral, and other aspects of employment, on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), or national origin. Religious discrimination includes failing to reasonably accommodate an employee’s reli gious practices where the accommodation does not impose undue hardship. DISABILITY Title I and Title V of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, protect qualified individuals from discrimination on the basis of disability in hiring, promotion, discharge, pay, fringe benefits, job training, classification, referral, and other aspects of employment. Disability discrimination includes not making reasonable accommodation to the known physical or mental limitations of an otherwise qualified individual with a disability who is an applicant or employee, barring undue hardship. AGE The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended, protects


企业人力资源管理体系的构建 企业集团的人力资源管理的目的在于通过对人力资源管理的整合与开发,发挥集团人力资源的协同作用,最大限度地提高人力资源的使用效益,使人力资源价值最大化,从而实现企业集团的战略目标。构建科学的人力资源管理体系是人力资源管理效能发挥的保证。企业集团人力资源管理体系包括人力资源管控模式的确定、管理职能的定位、组织体系的建设、运营体系的设计和监控体系的建设等。 一、企业集团人力资源管控模式的确定 根据企业集团的发展和形成过程,其管控模式一般有“运营管控型,战略管控型和财务管控型”。不同的管控模式对应的人力资源管控模式是不同的,对应集团管控模式的人力资源管控模式一般有“全面管理型(业务操作型)、监管型(政策指导型)和分散管理型(顾问型)”一般情况下实施运营管控型的企业集团、产业单一、地域集中、规模较小,首次集团化的企业集团一般都实行“集中式”的人力资源管控模式。而处于快速发展阶段、实施战略管控型的企业集团一般实施“监管型”的人力资源管控模式。多元化、财务管控型、地域分散、产业复杂、股权多样的企业集团一般实行“分散式”的人力资源管控模式。人力资源的管控模式决定总部人力资源的管理职能和整个集团的人力资源管理体系的组织建设、管理权限划分、各级人力资源管理部门的管理幅度、管理重点以及业务模式等。因此在进行人力资源体系建设时,首先要确定企业集团的人力资源管控模式。 目前大部分企业集团都实施“政策监管型”的人力资源管控模式,或者随着企业集团管控模式的转变正在由“监管型”向“顾问型”转变。人力资源管控模式的确定是由集团的发展战略、管控模式、业务模式、管理水平、人力资源管理人员的管理水平等确定。 二、集团总部人力资源部门的职能定位 确定了人力资源管控模式后,集团总部的人力资源部门的管理职能就随之明确了。实施“集中管理型”管控模式的集团总部人力资源部门是整个集团人力资源管理的实施者,因此要建立强大的总部人力资源管理机构,以便于对整个集团


人力资源常用英语词汇 计算机/互联网/通讯 Technology/Internet 首席技术执行官 CTO/VP Engineering 技术总监/经理 Technical Director/Manager 信息技术经理 IT Manager 信息技术主管 IT Supervisor 信息技术专员 IT Specialist 项目经理/主管 Project Manager/Supervisor 项目执行/协调人员 Project Specialist / Coordinator 系统分析员 System Analyst 高级软件工程师 Senior Software Engineer 软件工程师 Software Engineer 系统工程师 System Engineer 高级硬件工程师 Senior Hardware Engineer 硬件工程师 Hardware Engineer 通信技术工程师 Communications Engineer ERP技术/应用顾问 ERP Technical/Application Consultant 数据库工程师 Database Engineer 技术支持经理 Technical Support Manager 技术支持工程师 Technical Support Engineer 品质经理 QA Manager 信息安全工程师 Information Security Engineer 软件测试工程师 Software QA Engineer 硬件测试工程师 Hardware QA Engineer 测试员 Test Engineer 网站营运经理/主管 Web Operations Manager/Supervisor 网络工程师 Network Engineer 系统管理员/网管 System Manager/Webmaster 网页设计/制作 Web Designer/Production 技术文员/助理 Technical Clerk/Assistant 销售 Sales 销售总监 Sales Director 销售经理 Sales Manager 区域销售经理 Regional Sales Manager 客户经理 Sales Account Manager 渠道/分销经理 Channel/Distribution Manager 渠道主管 Channel Supervisor 销售主管 Sales Supervisor 销售代表 Sales Representative / Executive 销售工程师 Sales Engineer 医药代表 Pharmaceutical Sales Representative 保险代理 Insurance Agent


人力资源管理专用英文词汇 人力资源管理:(Human Resource Management ,HRM) 人力资源经理:( human resource manager) 高级管理人员:(executive) 职业:(profession) 道德标准:(ethics) 操作工:(operative employees) 专家:(specialist) 人力资源认证协会:(the Human Resource Certification Institute,HRCI) . 外部环境:(external environment) 内部环境:(internal environment) 政策:(policy) 企业文化:(corporate culture) 目标:(mission) 股东:(shareholders) 非正式组织:(informal organization) 跨国公司:(multinational corporation,MNC) 管理多样性:(managing diversity) . 工作:(job) 职位:(posting) 工作分析:(job analysis) 工作说明:(job description) 工作规范:(job specification) 工作分析计划表:(job analysis schedule,JAS) 职位分析问卷调查法:(Management Position Description Questionnaire,MPDQ) 行政秘书:(executive secretary) 地区服务经理助理:(assistant district service manager) . 人力资源计划:(Human Resource Planning,HRP) 战略规划:(strategic planning) 长期趋势:(long term trend) 要求预测:(requirement forecast) 供给预测:(availability forecast) 管理人力储备:(management inventory) 裁减:(downsizing) 人力资源信息系统:(Human Resource Information System,HRIS) . 招聘:(recruitment) 员工申请表:(employee requisition) 招聘方法:(recruitment methods)


人力资源招聘管理制度 第七章人力资源招聘管理制度 一、招聘管理制度 第一章总则 第一条目的。 为满足公司持续、稳定、快速发展对人才的需要,规范员工招聘流程,健全人才选用机制,特制订本制度。 第二条原则。 坚持公开招聘、平等竞争、择优录用、先内后外的原则。 第三条归口管理。 一般员工的招聘工作由公司人力资源部负责,干部的内部竞聘工作由公司思想政治部负责。 第四条适用范围。 本制度适用于公司所有员工的招聘管理。 第二章招聘组织管理 第五条招聘工作分为如下几个环节:提出人力资源需求、拟定招聘计划、人员招聘、人员甄选录用、招聘工作评估。用人部门提出人员需求,人力资源部/思想政治部根据人员需求和人员供给状况拟定招聘计划、发布招聘信息,并协助用人部门进行甄选录用,最后对招聘工作进行评估,用以改善工作方式,提高工作效率和效果。 第六条除董事、监事及党、工、团系统管理人员外,人力资源部负责公司一般员工的招聘;思想政治部负责公司干部的招聘;人力资源部协助。 第七条人力资源部/思想政治部在招聘前负责组织有关专家和用人部门根据岗位职责和岗位要求进行测评内容的设计。

第八条一般管理岗位的招聘由公司人力资源部/思想政治部组织,用人部门部长和人力资源管理负责人组织测试及初试,本单位负责人(高层管理人员)进行复试,公司主管领导审批。 第九条事业部副部长以上岗位的招聘由公司总经理负责测试,党政联席会负责审批。 第十条对公司总部及事业部中层以上管理人员、高级专业人员进行招聘测试时,思想政治部应组建初试、复试测评小组。 (1)测评小组的组建原则:知识互补、能力互补、气质互补、年龄互补、性别互补。 (2)测评小组的培训:所有测评小组成员在测评开始前应参加人力资源部组织的测评培训,培训内容为测评内容、测评方式、测评过程及其控制、测评结果的处理等。 第三章招聘计划 第十一条人力资源需求预测。 (1)各部门人力资源需求预测及审核。 公司总部及事业部各部门每年根据公司发展战略和年度经营目标编制年度计划时,应同时制订本部门年度人员需求预测,内容包括实现本部门年度目标所需人员总数及结构、现有人员总数及结构、流出人数及方式(退休、辞退、轮岗等)、流入人数、时间及方式(内招、外招)及其原因分析等;人力资源部负责对各部门的人员需求预测进行审核。 (2)公司年度需求预测。 人力资源部综合考虑公司发展、组织结构调整、员工内部流动、员工流失、竞争对手的人才政策等因素,对各部门人力资源需求预测进行综合平衡,分别制订年度人力资源需求预测。 (3)临时人力资源需求。 各部门对于未列入年度预测的人员需求,由部门领导填写“临时招聘申请表”,说明未列入年度预测的原因,经人力资源部审核,报公司办公会讨论,总经理审核,董事会审批,人力资源部组织实施。

人力资源专业词汇汇总 (中英文)超全 整理 的很辛苦的

第一篇导论:人力资源环境与策略第一章人力资源策略 1.人力资源政策与哲学 。人力资源管理(human resource management ,HRM) 。人力资源管理目标 objectives of HRM 。人力资源管理职责 duties of HRM 。人力资源管理任务 tasks of HRM 。战略性人力资源管理 strategic HRM 。人力资源政策 human resource policy 。人力资源哲学 human resource philosophy 。精神契约 psychological contract 。企业认同感 organization commitment 2.组织:行为与文化 。正式组织 formal organization 。非正式组织 informal organization 。组织文化 organization culture 。亚文化 subculture 。跨文化 cross-national culture 。价值观 values 。态度 attitudes 。角色行为 role behavior

。个人主义—集体主义individualism-collectivism 。不确定性规避 uncertainty avoidance 。权力距离 power distance 。直线和职能职权 line and staff authority 3.激励与组织绩效 。激励 motivation 。需要层次理论 hierarchy of needs theory 。X理论与Y理论 theory X & theory Y 。组织体系Ⅰ与组织体系Ⅳ system Ⅰ& system Ⅳ 。激励-保健理论 motivation-hygiene theory 。ERG理论 ERG theory 。麦克莱兰德需要理 mc-clelland’s theory of needs 。期望理论 expectency theory 。公平理论 equity theory 。强化理论 reinforcement theory 。波特-劳勒期望机率理论 borter-lawler’s theory of expectency 第二章人力资源环境 1.人力资源法律环境 。公平就业机会 equal employment opportunity,EEO 。公平就业机会委员会equal employment opportunity commission,EEOC 。实际职业资格 bona fide occupational qualification,BFOQ


人力资源开发与培训管理制度 第一章总则 第一条目的为了建立和健全事业部人力资源开发与培训管理制度,有计划地组织经理人和员工参加培训,不断地提高经理人和员工的职业化水平与岗位技能,满足事业部可持续经营发展的需要,特制定本管理制度。 第二条理念学习是经理人和员工具备持续性价值创造能力的唯一途径,人力资源开发与培训应引导经理人和员工做好个人职业的发展规划,并负责为经理人和员工创造学习环境和机会,推动学习型组织的建立。 第三条适用范围本制度适合事业部及其下属的二级单位所有人员,二级单位可根据单位实际情况参照本制度制定本单位的培训与教育管理办法,并报事业部人力资源部备案。 第二章培训职责 第四条事业部人力资源部作为事业部人力资源开发和培训的归口管理部门主要负责:事业部培训与学习平台的建立;事业部人力资源开发培训整体方案的设计;相关管理制度体系的制定及培训项目的监控;组织实施针对事业部职能部及二级单位经理人、后备经理人和职能部员工的培训项目;同时负责与集团人力资源开发中心的业务衔接并指导、督促二级单位培训主管开展本部门员工的培训工作。 第五条二级单位管理部门作为本单位有关员工培训项目的规(计)戈I」、组织和实施的主体责任部门,负责本单位的员工培训工作,并同事业部人力资源部的整体培训工作相衔接。 第三章人力资源开发与培训体系 第六条事业部人力资源开发和培训体系直接为经理人和员工个人的职业生涯发展服务。根据本宗旨,事业部的培训体系分为以下四部分: 1、新员工入职训练与发展计划; 2、员工职业能力发展计划;

3、后备经理人开发计划; 4、经理人职业能力发展计划。 第四章培训计划 第七条年度培训计划 1、事业部人力资源部每年12 月份修订《人力资源开发与培训课程菜单》在事业部内部 网络公布,供事业部、各二级单位相关部门及个人制定年度培训计划参考。 2、经理人和员工个人根据所在职位工作的需要和个人职业生涯发展的规划,于每年12 月份制订好下一年度个人培训与学习计划,经理人、后备经理人及职能部员工的培训计划报事业部人力资源部,二级单位员工的培训计划报各二级单位管理部门。 3、人力资源部于每年12 月份负责事业部下一年度经理人和职能部员工开发培训计划的 制定和审核,总经理审批(《年度培训计划表》,附表1),报集团人力资源部备案;二级单位管理部门制定本部门员工的开发培训计划(《年度培训计划表》,附表1),二级单位领导审批,报事业部人力资源部备案。 4、事业部年度培训计划调整由人力资源部长审核,总经理审批;二级单位年度培训计 划的调整由单位领导审批。 第八条月度培训计划 每月人力资源部负责组织月度培训工作计划与总结会议,总结事业部和各二级单位上一个月度培训计划执行情况(《月度培训统计表》附表3),同时讨论下一个月份事业部和各二级单位的培训计划,事业部培训主管负责 汇总形成事业部整体月度培训实施计划,并在事业部内部网络上公布 第五章培训项目实施 第九条各部门培训主管根据事业部《月度培训计划表》(附表2)负责其业务范围内具体培训项目的实施,制定《培训项目实施表》(附表4),人力资源部进行监控并协助做好培训项目的实施。 第十条培训项目实施前应通过事业部内部网络发布信息,培训对象为事业部职能部和二级单位的所有员工,以有效利用培训资源。员工经过本部门的批准可以参加其他单位组织


人力资源管理词汇 人力资源管理:(Human Resource Management ,HRM) 人力资源经理:( human resource manager) 高级管理人员:(executive) 职业:(profession) 道德标准:(ethics) 操作工:(operative employees) 专家:(specialist) 人力资源认证协会:(the Human Resource Certification Institute,HRCI) . 外部环境:(external environment) 内部环境:(internal environment) 政策:(policy) 企业文化:(corporate culture) 目标:(mission) 股东:(shareholders) 非正式组织:(informal organization) 跨国公司:(multinational corporation,MNC) 管理多样性:(managing diversity) . 工作:(job) 职位:(posting) 工作分析:(job analysis) 工作说明:(job description) 工作规范:(job specification) 工作分析计划表:(job analysis schedule,JAS) 职位分析问卷调查法: (Management Position Description Questionnaire,MPDQ) 行政秘书:(executive secretary) 地区服务经理助理:(assistant district service manager) . 人力资源计划:(Human Resource Planning,HRP) 战略规划:(strategic planning) 长期趋势:(long term trend) 要求预测:(requirement forecast) 供给预测:(availability forecast) 管理人力储备:(management inventory)
