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4. If the pound’s value is high, British _in_v_e_s_t_o_rs will spend their money abroad because the pound will buy them more.
5. With your help today, we can begin to _m_o_b_i_li_z_e __ the resources necessary to communicate to all of them on a regular and ongoing basis.
6. A(n) _c_o_n_q_u_e_r_o_r_ always thinks his own customs are best, and he imposes them on the conquered.
7. Over the years I’d found that the best way to _e_le_v_a_t_e_ my spirit was to get involved in physical training.
8. She often _p_u_b__li_c_iz_e_s__ her findings with the help of journalists and policymakers who know she’s a good, reliable source.
9. The _i_n_v_e_st_i_g_a_to_r__ has carried out some research in the field before, so interpreting newly available material is not so difficult for him.
B. humanitarian G. beneficiary L. mentally
C. domain
H. committed M. originally
D. integral
I. define N. surviving
E. embarked J. humane O. cherishing
Audrey Hepburn was a beautiful actress and model, who became one of the most successful and well-known actresses in the film 1)_d_o_m__a_in_. She was a fashion icon and role model for women all over the world, helping 2) _d_e_f_i_n_e_ a particular type of fresh, vulnerable, elfin (小精灵似的) beauty. Today’s 3) p_o_p__u_la_r_i_ty_of
11. When you teach our kids not to integrate, not to _g_e_n_e_r_a_li_z_e_ , not to see connections, you are destroying their capacity to think.
12. Nazi _d_i_c_ta_t_o_r_ Adolf Hitler’s evil ambition brought the world closer to the brink of disaster than at any other time in the whole millennium(一千年)
below. Change the form where necessary. Each word can be used only once
conscientious compliment domain anonymous cherish noteworthy afflict perpetual portray integral
Words learned Add –ize New words formed




The suffix –or combines with verbs to form nouns. Nouns formed in this way refer to people who do the action described by the original verb, usually because it is their job. The suffix –or also cmbines with verbs to form nouns that refer to things rather than people.
2. For each debate group, two students select the affirmative position, two select the negative, and the fifth serves as _m_o_d_e_r_a_t_o_r_.
3. If parents decide not to have their child _i_m_m__u_n_i_z_ed__ , they are responsible for keeping their child as healthy as possible.
-ize general → ___g_e_n_e_r_a_l_iz_e__
normal → ____n_o_r_m_a_l_i_ze__
→ ____p_u_b_li_c_iz_e___
minimum → ____m_i_n_im__i_z_e__
immune → ____i_m_m__u_n_i_z_e_
→ _m_o_b_i_li_z_e_____
invest dictate
→ _i_n_v_e_st_o_r_____ → _d_i_ct_a_t_o_r_____

investigate →
moderate →

__co_n__q_u_e_r_o_r ___ _i_n_v_e_s_ti_g_a_to_r__ __m_o_d__er_a_t_o_r___ __e_le_v_a_t_e_______
Байду номын сангаас
10. In these companies, enlightened management has begun to treat workers as assets to be cultivated, rather than merely as costs to be _m__in_i_m__iz_e_d_ .
5. The director said that they needed a young actress who could _p_o_r_t_r_a_y_ someone who was both unbalanced and confident at the same time.
6. Praise must be used wisely to _c_o_m__p_li_m_e_n_t__ students who perform up to expectations and to encourage students to perform to maximum levels.
1. As a number of authors point out, the urge to migrate is a(n)_i_n_te_g_r_a_l_ part of human nature.
2. Children should be allowed to _c_h_e_r_is_h__those few years of innocence before they have to learn the truth about the real world.
V. Fill in the blanks with the newly-formed words in Active 4. Change the form where necessary. Each word can be used only once
1. I think it’ll be interesting to see what she does to overcome those problems and to _n_o_r_m__a_li_z_e_ the relations between the two countries.
3. He has been _a_ff_l_ic_t_e_d_ by a horrible disease, from which one of his best friends died two weeks ago.
4. The results of the survey are _n_o_t_e_w_o_r_t_h_y__ and useful despite being from a small sample.
10. It is understandable that the health and welfare of their family is a(n) _p_e_r_p_e_tu__a_l concern for this young couple.
Word Building The suffix -ize combines with adjectives that refer to a state or condition in order to form verbs. Verbs formed in this way describe the process by which the state or condition mentioned is brought about.
8. He received a(n) a_n__o_n_y_m_o_u_s__ call threatening to disclose details of his affair if he did not pay the money.
9. The movie presents Lincoln as a strongwilled _c_o_n_s_ci_e_n_t_io_u_s__ man who led the US through a moral, constitutional and political crisis.
Banked cloze
VI. Fill in the blanks by selecting suitable words from
the word bank. You may not use any of the words
more than once.
A. diplomatic F. popularity K. devote
New Horizon College English Exercise Unit 3
Text A Audrey Hepburn--A true angel in this world
Language Focus Words in Use III. Fill in the blanks with the words given
7. In the _d_o_m_a_i_n_ of research, it is an accepted fact that scientific publications have to be written or translated into English to get published, acknowledged, and cited.
Words learned Add –or New words formed




IV. Add -ize or –or to or remove them from the following words to form new words.