HND 商务行为技巧报告

IntroductionThis report will show the leader skills, and compare with the case to introduce the skills. The report will has five aspects. It will include the role of management, the assertiveness skills, the conflict, the time management techniques and the stress. The can influence people in which side. When the conflict and the stress happen, it will give the method to solve them. The following will give the information can help them resolved the problem.FindingRoles of the managerAt the start of the year, Richard cranberry decided to off-load several tasks to his three project team leaders—Ian Campbell, Carole Devlin and Joanne Cassidy.At the beginning of the season, Richard cranberry decided to take several tasks to his three project team leaders-Ian Campbell, carol... Joanne ·card and. Due to the complex nature of work, Richard don't think that's possible task share alike. He thinks that, only carol necessary commitment and professional knowledge can adapt to increase the amount of work. But he was too busy, her lack of information and communication from the other stakeholders.In the implementation of the command activities, Richard didn't give him a clear command a clear command she should do. So he was subjected to severe constraints, she can't understand her responsibility and the difference between the accountabilities Richard and other directors. In the implementation coordination activities, Richarddoesn’t try to solve the conflict and jean card relatives and friends. He was off work. Richard also does not take action in coordination with other department's activities. He resolutely refused to participate in the organization form of the working group, although now Brenda framework.Assertiveness skillsAssertive that some people can express their true feelings, do not let others use his advantage. Ahead, some people do not take into account respect for the rights of others to express their feelings or options. Passive, some people hide their feelings from others, let others push him, and told him what, no matter how he feels.Carole belongs to a submissive style. People may avoid dealing with compliance issues. Others may become frustrated and they trampled them. This may lead to dissatisfaction, lower self-esteem, and stress. She decided to face Joanne took over the network to her analysis, but the King refused to accept this additional workload. She did not resist. She was angry, lack of communication.To solve these problems, effective communication and Carol Joanne or department staff should be told Richard that she could not and so a lot of work to cope. In addition, Carol should be considered real, rather than look forward to receiving help from others from a moral point of view. He can convey her feelings, her bill of rights through the exercise, "she may not know. Examples of the Bill of Rights is as follows: employees have the right to express their views and ideas; employees have the right to ask for his needs; employees have the right to say "No" to unreasonable demands, employees have the right to make mistakes. Self-confidence is a useful technique, Carol is the "record" and "no." He let her hear, until Richard Department, and from her would not politely said Richard arrangements.Analysis the conflict in the work placeThis conflict may be due to cognitive dissonance, pressure groups, mode of communication, personality conflicts, poor coordination, and so on. Joanne refused his request to replace her as a specialized network analysis. Conflict between family and friends and Joan is an interpersonal conflict, from the cognitive dissonance and his abuse of power. Richard refused to participate in working groups, although now Brenda groups. The conflict between Richard, Brenda is a structural contradiction, from the differences between the various departments. He often changed her decision, it belongs to the self-conflict.Carole decided to take over the face of Joanne to her analysis of the network, but the King refused to accept this additional workload. So she was very angry. This will result in reduced efficiency. And contact will be getting worse. There are two types of major conflict. First, the limited resource, Joanne has a good network analysis. Carole wanted to use her resources to reduce the work. So Joan does not want to give her. There is less work Joanne, have a good resource network analysis. Carole has a great network and poor work.The negative impact of the conflict as follows: it can be resources, which could lead to a bad relationship between the staff, it may affect mental health, which could lead to a poor efficiency. Active role in the conflict as follows: it can stimulate the communication between employees; it can reduce the boring work, it may lead to reform; it makes the work more accurate and effective for the wrong direction, will find more ideas will be that it promotes self-motivation of employees.Conflict is competition, cooperation, to accommodate and compromise. Cooperationis self-confidence and cooperation of co-operation with the other party because of a win-win solution. Carole wanted to know the use of resources.Carole needs to know how long her time.Carole was late will affect her work. If you do not affect her, she should share with the network analysis. Complete the work as soon as she can share with family and friends.Carole will increase communication with each other; she cannot resolve this conflict, cooperation, mediation. Joanna she can communicate and find an acceptable solution to them. She can also work with other directors, so that they can help herTime managementTime management contained: Priority Setting, Your Peak Time, Stress, Five Minute Rule and Planning and Scheduling time. Doing well time management was to help the individuals to accomplish the work efficiently.No matter what is being done, before starting work, there should have a time schedule, because it will improve the efficiency and shorten time to complete. In determining priorities, its purpose is to outline the importance of the events, because they are from one activity to the next according to the order, this order is based on the urgency and importance. Therefore, we should firstly achieve those important things, because they will directly affect the completion of the project progress and achievement of objectives. Then do non-important and non-emergency activities. Your peak time is the peak time to complete the work on your most important task, because our mind and body closely linked. There was a very effective method, and that is five-minute rule. It includes: loop through each task, make sure you are doing each task, take time to achieve things for themselves within five minutes, if this is a major task, trying to get a basic treatment and then arrange a time, you can continue to work.There are other techniques that can help make time management. For example: to reduce the number of working hours to be interrupted, with colleagues to maintain a good working relationship; with the customer to maintain a good working relationship, in his spare time to help customers and colleagues to do their tasks and learn, learn to say "no."In this case, because the responsibilities are not clearly so that Carole had done a lot of wasted effort; due to lack of necessary new so again and again to change their decision; project cannot be implemented, because there were too little communication between stakeholders, and with subordinate communication are few as well. She did not set out a time schedule to plan a good thing so that she was so wasted a lot of time.So she can use the diagram to list the matrix which is the important thing, which is the emergency, what should do first things and which do not need to do things. After the time is planned, the efficiency would be increased. Also she could use Pareto principle that means spending her 80 percent of working hours to focus on doing the 20 percent of the works.Stress managementThe main stages of stress have three stages. Firstly, it is the alarm stage, the secondly is the resistance to change, the thirdly, is the exhaustion stage.Moderate level of stress may actually improve the performance and efficiency. Too little pressure can lead to boredom. Too much pressure there will be many negative effects.The negative impacts of physical are: weight gain or loss, unexpected hair loss, heart palpitations and high blood pressure. The negative impacts of emotional are: mood swings, anxiety, depression, forming unhealthy coping strategies, such as alcohol, drugs and so on.Carole is feeling pressure, cannot work effectively and Joan, Gan. She suffers from migraine headaches and stomach; she has also experienced repeated headaches. She was angry because she had to cancel several nights with her friends and everyone's situation. Carole's work due to stress and overloading of the conflict. He chose to drink a glass of wine too much to deal with her stress, but that is not a good idea.Carole was very tired, not a good rest. So she felt too much pressure. She needs to pay attention to physical reaction; she needs a good rest, every day. So that she will have enough energy to complete the day's work time and family and friends also need to eat drink, and since then she will feel the pressure will be reduced.she could improve her working environment and change the working atmosphere; she could conduct an effective communication with staff rather than littering the post-it notes and documents on her desk; she should think realistically, gaining control of time; she could carry out much more communication with colleagues, improving the relationship with them; she should pay attention to healthy diet instead of eating microwave ready meals.ConclusionThis report analyzes the problems. Management will know that there are many ways to solve this problem between employees and management. Management may need a good business proposition to encourage employees. Management business can best resolve the conflict. Time management skills can help them deal with the problem employees. They can best cope with stress.Reference/20040725/n221188268.shtml/Html/IndustryNews/InstNews/287625584.html/phoenix.zhtml?c=112761&p=irol-reportsannual /WenZhang/Detail/Article_84010.html。

HND 商务沟通技巧

Content1.Introduction (2)2.Procedures (2)3.Strategies (2)Everything is core commitment to the customer (2)Learn how to listen, not just talk (2)Make personal interactions (3)Help customers stay connected (3)Foster relationships between customers and brands (3)Meet customer needs (3)4.Standards (4)Seller Standard (4)Service Standard (4)5.Feedbacks (5)6.Evaluation (5)Covid-19 Impact (5)Flailing customer experience (6)7.Recommendations (6)Improve Shopping Experience (6)Improve Customer Service (6)8.Conclusion (8)9.References.................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
1.IntroductionThis article introduces one of the companies which owns best customer services: Amazon. Amazon is a vast Internet-based enterprise that sells books, music, movies, housewares, electronics, toys, and many other goods, either directly or as the middleman between other retailers and Amazon’s millions of customers. This report intends to face to company managers and who are interest with Amazon’s amazing customer care. This report will come up with strategies, standards, feedbacks and evaluation of Amazon’s customer service. Written by Wang Yafei, submit on June 16, 2021.2.ProceduresThis report was supported with tremendous amount of second-hand data. Most of the information was looked up on google, google scholar and many rating platform which contains customer complaints.3.StrategiesEverything is core commitment to the customer.Customer service strategy is in the core tenet of Amazon. The company’s main mission statement is: “to be earth’s most customer-centric company.” CEO of Amazon, Bezos has said his leadership decisions have many times fallen to these simple words. With a laser-focus on customer experience and service as guiding strategic forces, it’s no wonder that Amazon has the best customer service.Learn how to listen, not just talkBecause CEO decisions are not enough, Amazon makes sure that people in the company internalize the vision. Many Amazon employees have opportunities to attend two days of call-center training. The goal: get them to learn how to listen, not just talk to customers. When they were listening, they will understand how to take the appropriate steps to meet the needs of customers.Community SupportSometimes, it takes a lot of energy to solve a problem for customer. Through hosting many forums,Amazon has made it easy for shoppers to tap into the crowd to get their customer support. The benefits are numerous. When customers help one another, Amazon’s service representatives can handle customer requests at a faster pace. And those users who do help one another get the satisfaction that comes with knowing they are part of a community.Make personal interactionsIf Amazon’s self-service FAQs or community forums can’t solve the problem, customers have the option of reaching out to a real person. Callers get 24/7 support and are almost never put on hold. Amazon has also famous with a free customer support service called “Mayday.” Owners of Amazon Fire phones can tap a “Mayday” button and get instantly connected to a tech advisor. The user sees the advisor live while the advisor only sees what’s on the phone screen. It’s yet another example of how important human interaction can be to ensure quality customer service.Help customers stay connectedHalf of customers now use their devices to make purchases. Amazon’s mobile-first approach has become an industry standard, an impressive feat given the company’s vast array of products and categories. Streamlined and easy to navigate, Amazon’s site provides smart categorization and search functionality. With auto-fill, one-click ordering, and other features, the shopping experience is one of convenience online store, something critical for modern-day shoppers on the go.Foster relationships between customers and brands.Amazon also wins points for advocating for the consumer when there is a problem with a vendor’s product or delivery process. In addition to this, the company builds relationships between its shoppers and hosted brands. Last year the company launched Amazon Exclusives, an initiative for entrepreneurs who want to promote their story. In the spirit of a crowdfunding website, the videos help shoppers feel more personally connected to the company and its products.Meet customer needsIn 1994 when Amazon first started, the idea of making a purchase through “the informationsuperhighway” was still the legacy of the company. Customers had to learn to trust the method of purchase online. A challenge Bezos met largely because he placed such strong emphasis on customer service. But books were never the end game for Amazon. Since then, the company has obviously expanded into other products and services to meet its shoppers’ content needs such as streaming and digital downloads. The company has also created its own hardware such as the Kindle e-reader.4.StandardsAmazon was founded on providing an extraordinary experience for customers. Customers have come to expect this type of service, and that is what keeps them coming back for more purchases.Seller StandardSellers had a big roll in Amazon promoting system. Sellers will handle all customer contacts relating to those customer service issues for which Seller is responsible, including: products, pricing, rebates, item information, availability, technical support, warranty, and public and private recalls, anything related to third party platform editions of Amazonr Products. Order cancellation by customer through Seller Sales Channels and feedback concerning experiences with Personnel.Service StandardAmazon will handle all customer contacts relating to those customer service issues for which Amazon is responsible, including: payment; credit card processing, debiting or crediting; use of the Amazon Sites and their features, including the ordering process, cancellation process, use of customer accounts, help and subscription management.When providing customer service for Products purchased through the Subscribe with Amazon Program, the customer service for the Products are responsive and available and offer at least the same level of support as the most favorable customer services offered in connection with any Seller Sales Channels.5.FeedbacksAmazon may implement mechanisms that rate, or allow customers to rate, Amazon Products and Amazon performance as a Seller, and Amazon may make these ratings and feedback publicly available.Online sales platforms such as Amazon allow customers to review items and provide feedback regarding their experiences with sellers. In making their buying decisions, shoppers place substantial emphasis on these messages. In the online world, this is the measure of customer service. Having based and built its business on incredible customer service, Amazon expects no less of the third-party sellers using their platforms. Amazon’s sales platforms are structured to identify, reward and highlight the listings of sellers who provide good customer service, and to de-emphasize those who do not. In extreme cases, sellers providing poor CS may find their accounts suspended or even removed completely.For the ninth consecutive year, customers ranked Amazon #1 in customer satisfaction during the holiday shopping season according to the newly-released Foresee Experience Index: US Retail Edition. For their study, customer experience analytics firm Foresee collected more than 67,600 surveys between November 29, 2013, and December 17, 2013, asking consumers to rate their satisfaction with the top 100 retailers. Foresee ranked Amazon highest in overall customer satisfaction in the survey with a score of 90—the highest ever recorded by the firm. In addition, that customers ranked Amazon highest in satisfaction with the online experience and also put Amazon significantly out front when it came to the mobile shopping experience.6.EvaluationCovid-19 ImpactCustomers’ dissatisfaction with retail is very real. And, since the pandemic, it’s only gotten worse – especially for internet retailers. Internet retail’s once-comfortable lead over the supermarkets, specialty retail stores, department and discount stores, and drug stores has all but evaporated. Since our 2019-2020 Retail Report, customer satisfaction with internet retail plummets 4.9% to a score of 77, the largest decline within the retail space, as no internet retailers improve during the pandemic.As if this weren’t surprising enough, no internet retailer has taken a bigger knock on the chin during COVID-19 than Amazon.It’s not just that Amazon no longer leads the category, it’s that Amazon is no longer even in the upper echelon of internet retailers. After tumbling 7% to a score of 77, Amazon finds itself in the middle, tying five other companies – Staples, Best Buy, Target, eBay, and Macy’s – for the industry average.Flailing customer experienceAmazon doesn’t have the sole lead in any customer experience benchmark. According to the data, the drops have been significant. The online giant’s largest decreases come in inventory, navigation, variety, shipping, and customer support. Many of Amazon’s losses aren’t as sizable, but they are still noteworthy, including site performance, images, and site-generated recommendations.In most cases, Amazon’s scores aren’t bad. The company is near the top in mobile reliability, clarity, variety, and site performance, and it shares the lead in mobile quality, store speed, shipping, and inventory. However, its marks in these areas have all declined over the past six months.7.RecommendationsImprove Shopping ExperienceTo enjoy a high customer satisfaction rate, Amazon need to offer the best shopping experience; it’s the cornerstone of a successful business. Amazon retailers not only have to offer quality products at a competitive price but also, in terms of order fulfillment, a competitive shopping experience. It’s important to fulfill the order accurately and successfully; make sure Amazon deliver the right products in the right quantities every time; otherwise, Amazon will lose repeat orders.Improve Customer ServiceIt’s true that Amazon customer service matters to conversions as well as customer satisfaction.Improve customer service, it will retain customers and increase business conversions. For Amazon retailers, it’s important to keep making improvements to customer service. Customer service normally includes the support Amazon provide and customers both before, during, and after they buy and use Amazon products and service. Providing great support is not only how to attract and retain loyal customers, but it’s also a great way for Amazon to build reputation and improve customers’ shopping experience.8.ConclusionAmazon owns great customer service with no doubt. Since the expansion of the Covid-19, the whole business got hit, Amazon have advantage on the mount of users they accumulate these years, it should not be a thing to worry about in long term.。

商务沟通技巧报告outcomeCommunication: Analysing and PresentingComplex CommunicationUnit Student GuideDE3N 34Outcome 2Contents1.0Introduction 32.0Procedure 33.0Customer service 33.1 What is customer service? 34.0Daily life 3 4.1Dormitory 4 4.2Canteen 4 4.3 The university hospital 55.0Teaching and studying5.1 Facility 55.2 Teachers strength 65.3Professional curriculm 65.4Career Prospects 76.0 Extracurricular activity 86.1Student activity center 86.2 Sports activity 87.0 Conclusion 98.0Bibilgraphy 109.0 Appendices 111.0 IntroductionThis report is for assessment in the Communications unit of the Higher National Certificate in customer service. The aim of this report is to investigate the way in which customer services of Nankai University. The objectives of the report are to define what customer service is and to look at how customer services provided in Nankai University.2.0 ProcedureTo source this report:a) A number of books on customer surveys were consulted.b) Information on customer surveys was taken from internet websites.c) Information was gathered from an interview with the Nankai University students.3.0 Customer surveys3.1 what is customer surveys?Customer service is a customer oriented values, its integration and management in the pre-set the optimal cost - service portfolio of all the ingredients of a customer interface. Broadly speaking, any can improve customer satisfaction contents belong to customer service scope.4.0Daily life4.1 DormitaryAs for the specific accommodation, Nankai there are two places to stay, a district in the South Park Xiangyu, a hospital in the north campus of Nankai. Undergraduate: RuXi dormitory building 5 and earth, spread the bed, bunk bed desk. One floor has a bathroom. The second floor 6 beds, bunk. 4 Building IV Room, capped a bed, bunk bed is the desk, every house with a separate pit. Campus dormitory 6 beds, bunk beds.To the headquarters, 21 residential apartments and the Western better conditions, a large unit in sets of 4-5 4 earth, above the bed below the desk, plus a separate desk cabinet. Conditions quite other quarters.4.2 Canteen North School cafeteria prices were relatively cheap. Most people buy lunch at noon, to wait about 15 minutes, but you can also come from the classroom to avoid late peak. South Park canteen individual contract so the price because it is relatively high, do not look too tasty, very few go.A canteen, two canteens, canteen internshipA cafeteria breakfast good, the other is light-based, more girls to go;Two cafeteria on the first floor is the brother hodgepodge, not good but also expensive. On the second floor is not ye. The middle of the dumpling shop that Korean food and good; floor Xin Hong Park restaurant food is equivalent to a child, but also lacks delicious;Three first floor cafeteria breakfast is very cheap, on the second floor of the pasta well. Canteen frequented freshman, is relatively inexpensive;Triangle restaurant food good, prices are also authentic;Jinnan is known as a place with cooking waste oil, something very authentic unpalatable!90 is a place to drink, eat expensive and not good;Park is the foreign students should often go to restaurants where food is more expensive number, but foreigners seemingly wealthy, actually said to me very cheap. .4.3 The university hospitalNankai University Hospital, 35 existing employees in preparing it into medicine, surgery, radiology, and dental and Traditional Chinese Medicine and other departments.Two north of the main building to the university hospital the most commonly encountered situation is to give you a referral certificate. Boring, but the chargeswill be cheaper, or do a number of minor5.0 Teaching and Studying5.1 FacilitiesClassroom and laboratory:There are many buildings for students to learn, like the administration building, the comprehensive test building, Chinese language teachingcenter, the new stadium, the first mathematical sciences such as building provides students with a good learning environment. They have advanced laboratory. The experiment teaching in chemistry, biology and physics, electrical and electronic four fundamental teaching center, they brought in the life science instrument platform and the polymer of large-scale instrument and equipment.The school laboratory:Schools to make full use of equipment, equipment management approach is very strict, very important to go through a number of regulatory constraints. Include: purchase, inspection and claims, use and management, assessment and punish, repair, scrap.The filing of the instrument also has an important archive requirements.5.2 Teachers strengthCurrently, Nankai University has a neat line, reasonable structure, academic exquisite, innovative teachers. In 2052 full-time teachers have doctoral instructor in 619, 723 professors, 787 associate professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering 11, 5 Academy of Sciences in developing countries, "973" and "863" Chief Expert 9, the State Council degree Committee Subject 12, 12 state-level experts with outstanding contributions, distinguishedProfessor of Cheung Kong Scholars Program 31, 14 Chan gjia ng scholar Chair Professor, National outstanding Youth Fund, 29 winners , selected countries tale nts Project 20, program for New Cen tury excelle nt Tale nts in Un iversity (in clud ing the former Mi nistry of Educati on, cross-ce ntury tale nts fund) selected were 120 people, the n ati onal teacher of college teach ing 8, Tianji n, "131" Tale nt Project first level 25. Not only do they have a wealth of kno wledge but also have their only teachi ng style. They will be based on the character of the differe nt stude nts with differe nt educati on al. Students in this university will have a well development.5.3 Professi onal curriculumNan kai uni versity is the famous medical arts with comprehe nsive uni versity, the liberal arts subjects, such as finan ce, intern ati on al fi nan ce, finan cial engin eeri ng, in sura nee study, in sura nee actuarial scie nee, finan ce, intern ati onal econo mic trade and applied econo mics, wester n econo mics, macroec ono mics, microec ono mics, political econo mics theory of econo mics, moder n intern ati on al logistics, in dustry and commerce admi nistrati on, admi nistrative man ageme nt, political scie nee, man ageme nt scie nee, history, tourism, Chin ese literature and other professi onal subject in the leadi ng positi on. Science subjects, such as scie nee subject in the n ati on al life categories is the best. Such as mathematics and applied mathematics, physics and mathematics theory, optical and optical tech no logy, in tellige nt robot tech no logy, electr onic in formati on tech no logy and software scie nee, chemical materials, en ergy chemical, biological chemistry, biology, medic ine, biology gene microbial scie nee technique research ability and ranked the academic level. So, there are various professi on opti ons for stude nts.5.4 Career prospectsIn domestic and foreign, Nankai university employment is possible, the college alumni is also widely to every corner of the world, in addition to the learning en vir onment of a school superior outside, the school also ope n n etwork platform, through the Nan kai uni versity employme nt n ets to provide a good platform for the stude nts to better un dersta nd the employme nt in formati on. After a few years of con struct ion, the website whether from the fun cti on developme nt, colu mn setup to tech ni cal service level are achieved certa in level. With your curre nt site employme nt tren ds, employme nt guida nee, employme nt policy, professi onal in troduct ion, civil service exam in ati on s, laws and regulati ons, professi onal evaluati on, recruitme nt, employme nt in formati on, stude nts and in formatio n service colu mns recomme ndatio n. In addition, the site also creative developed individualized service and management way, for every registered users and un its provide users graduates of an in depe ndent virtual spacefor stude nt on li ne recruitme nt in formati on, deliveri ng customized electro nic resume and employers recruitme nt in formati on, recei ving stude nts released resume to provide a broad n etwork space.Nan kai uni versity employme nt in formatio n can not on ly through the n etwork in formatio n get un dersta nding, school every year also holds a recruitme nt conference, each en terprise compa ny came to select the people, so that stude nts will have more opportunities to understand social employment situation.6.0 Extracurricular activities6.1 Stude nt Activity Ce nterNew stude nt activity cen ter in vestme nt of 100 milli on yua n, cover an area of about 13000 square meters, from the grey, black and brow n rust 3 kinds of color alu minum panel is built, the con tour no vel chic, strong con temporary feeli ng, like a pia no. There are more tha n 1150 square meters of floor ope n hall, multi-f un cti on hall of more tha n 500 square meters and more tha n 1000 square meters of theatre, also have stude nt service center, PaiLianTing symphony, make up, Musical Instruments, the classroom, activity room, library exhibition hall, the engine room and piano room, etc.6.2 Sports activitySchool to support the developme nt of stude nt sports orga ni zati on, en courage and support them con duct ing various forms of stude nt sports activities. School for stude nt sports orga ni zati on equipped with professi onal guida nee teachers, most of the students in the exercise of the body while improving the skills. At present, the school has set up taijiqua n, table tennis room, chess &cards room, tennis, football, martialarts, bicycle, badminton 16 student sports organization. Student sports organization is active with other colleges and universities jointly carrying out the sports com muni cati on, and other forms of sports activities and in com muni cati on enhance frien dship, to broade n their horiz on s, improve level. Such as badm inton associati on of tianjin university of successive hold more badminton team competition, and Beijing uni versity badm inton associati on excha nge ", stre ngthe n the two schools stude nts of badm inton sport cooperati on and excha nges. Stude nt sports orga ni zati on also take an active part in tianjin game, won a very good performanee, won the honor for the school. Badmi nto n club won the 2007 "alpha cup" tianjin uni versity badm in ton team competiti on champi on.7.0 Con clusi onThis report on field surveys, questi onn aires and han ds-on way to an in terview survey of each customer's situation,Nankai University, and discover the pros and cons of these customer services. Gen erally speak ing, most customers have some drawbacks, and most of the students reflect the same situation, we need to improve these problems.The problem of most stude nts: the high price of dining, you could not use cash, part of the con structi on is too old school, teach ing facilities in complete, and some accommodation is no separate bathroom floor, easily lost in the campus bike. These are the schools n eed improveme nt, such as: can tee n price adjustme nt, and allows the use of cash; old school relocati on, new build ing con structi on equipme nt; for each dormitory buildi ng be equipped with separate toilet, to stre ngthe n the man ageme nt of the campus to combat theft .8.0 BibliographyThe websites visited in cluded:The book is Communication: Analysing and Presenting Complex Communication Unit Student Guide'10.0 Appendices1匚—~_7I。

Behavioural Skills for BusinessDE3L 35OUTCOME 1Tutor teacher:HNDCandidate Name:ID Number:Total Words:Finish Date:1. IntroductionThis report focuses on the skills of the leader. Faboil Ltd has developed into a successful organization biotechnology field, Richard is the leader of this team, he was not aware of their responsibilities and the division of work of their subordinates not clear, and so some of the problems, the report will be an analysis of the company's business behavior skills the role of managers involved in the conflict, time management, stress management, in order to solve these problems.2.0Analysis and Resolution2.1 Manage rolesHenry Mintzberg identified 10 roles common to the work of all managers. The ten roles are divided into three groups:●The interpersonal roles are the result of position he or she holds in management.●The informational roles link all the managerial work together.●The decisional roles the unique access to information places the manager at the centre of organization decision making.The three interpersonal roles are primarily concerned with relationships. For instance, Figurehead, Liaison, Leader.The direct relationships with people in the interpersonal roles place the manager in a unique position to get information. Thus, the three informational roles are primarily concerned with the information aspects of managerial work. For instance, Monitor, Disseminator, Spokesperson.The unique access to information places the manager at the centre of organizational decision making. There are four decisional roles, for instance, Entrepreneur, Disturbance, Handler, Resource Allocator, and Negotiator.In this case, Richard Cranberry is the leader of this team, he is difficult to control and manage the team, however, and this organization is very backward management approach. Richard Cranberry has encouraged his three project teams to develop new products, as quickly as possible. The leader's responsibility is to motivate and activation staffing, training, associated duties. But he was not clear about the responsibility of the leader, and the work of Joanne Carole Carole's work is not necessity. Richard Cranberry should be equal distribution of work.In this team, Richard is not associated with other departments.For the science department, finance department and marketing department, no association with each other.In a team, various departments should be contacted by the appropriate contact, so that is conducive to the development of the team, we must be engaged in the information exchange network and access the knowledge base. Thus, Richard should strengthen the interaction with other departments.Richard does not use the resources possible role in the allocation of resources, and can not provide a suitable job to the right person. Description of financial, material and human resources, distribution andsupervisory responsibilities. Depending on the sector, he should the allocate new work, and to strengthen the team spirit of cooperation among the three groups. In this case, Carole towards work dutifully, her organization has been 10 years, the other two the Team Leaders to with Carole's situation seemed to be coping better than Carole. Both Joanne and Ian sympathized, and told her that she should tell Richard that she could not cope. Carole did not really want to admit that she was unable to cope. Further consideration, she gave Richard some suggestions, but that meeting Richard but please long-term sick leave. She told the HR manager Colin Meed, about the status quo, let her do Acting Executive know Richard. A negotiation must have clear aim to discuses, and do many prepare work, you need to consider in advance they said the proposal is adopted, and whether the other side of the negotiations can be time presence.2.2 Assertiveness skillsAssertiveness is an umbrella term it is more concerned with the judgment, action, decision making and modification of manager's integrated ability.Aggressive people may upset others. This may lead to others avoiding them or escalating the conflict. This can affect communication, company image, relationships, and stress. They may also get upset with themselves afterwards if they have lost their temple -often aggressive people cannot control their aggressive.Submissive people may avoid dealing with issues.0ther may get frustrated with them or trample over them .This may lead to resentment, reduced self-esteem, and stress.Assertive people develop positive relationships with others, as they will try to consider other viewpoints as well as presenting their own viewpoint in a clear way. They will seek to work with others but will also stand up for themselves. This can lead to better self-image and reduced stress.Bill of rightIn this case,2.3Conflict in the workplaceConflict is process which begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected, or is about to negatively affect, something the first party cares about.Conflict between Carole and Joanne. It belongs to interpersonal conflict. Carole asked Joanne, network analysis, is to take over because she thought it was Joanne expertisefrom a moral perspective, Joanne refused to take on additional workload because she thought she was being undertaken Richard asked her.Source of conflict in the workplace have different goals, different time frames, different relationships, unequal distribution of power, unclear roles and responsibilities, as well as a limited number of resources.Carroll conflict because different goals. Incorrect authority Richard led to a clear role conflict leads to a great extent.As a result, to reduce individual and organizational performance, damage to physical and mental health, and increase the high stress levels and poor work attitude, damage to personal and working relationship between each other.Dealing with conflict can ignore the conflict, the conflict continues, to reduce or contain the conflict, conflict resolution, and to prevent the conflict in the first place. Communication with Joanne Carroll should perform; they can hold a meeting in order to solve this problem.2.4 Time ManagementTime management is about our use of time in relation to what we want to achieve. Typical time stealers are that searching for things or people, longer travel time, correcting mistakes, doing unnecessary activities, interruptions, changing priorities, unable to say “no”, waiting, clutter, procrastination.Carol decision, due to the lack of communication of information, and other stakeholders, we must change. This is a steal to correct the error. She is doing unnecessary activities, because she had received a lot of workload, she could not cope. She could not say "no". There are wastes of time to interrupt her. After save notes staff interrupted her work.她应该设置优先级的紧迫性和重要性,并确认她的工作。


Report on Green ICT Adoption IT名字, Manager of部门DepartmentJanuary 2nd, 2013Sino-America 2Table of Contents1.0 Term of reference--------------------------------------------------------------------3 1.1 Background--------------------------------------------------- 错误!未定义书签。
1.2 Purpose ------------------------------------------------------- 错误!未定义书签。
2.0 Action Taken ------------------------------------------------------------------------3 2.1 Research -----------------------------------------------------------------------------32.2 Coordination between Department --------------------------- 错误!未定义书签。
3.0 Findings ------------------------------------------------------ 错误!未定义书签。
3.1 Findings through research ------------------------------------ 错误!未定义书签。
3.2 Findings through research coordination---------------------- 错误!未定义书签。

1.0 IntroductionThere is a large European manufacturing company,the senior managers,together with their French counterparts,who based in paris.They will have a conference in a big city about the planning process for combining French and British company operations. This meeting needs two days. In the last day, all the managers will have a travel in the city. There are twenty people attending to it, six people come from French and fourteen people come from British.2.0 ProcedureTo source this reportAll of the information was taken from Internet websites.3.0 Findings3.1 Time and LocationLondon, Manchester and Plymouth are the three optional cities in UK.Because the there optional cities are all big cities in UK.But London - the capital of England has an ancient history standing astride the river Thames.London has a long history.So London has a longer history than Manchester and Plymouth.People will feel deeper at profound culture of London.Secondly, London is a global city,which has a more complete transportation and service than Manchester and Plymouth.So People will feel more comfortable and convenient in st but not least,London has more tourist attractions than Manchester and Plymouth.whether it's feeding the pigeons at Trafalgar square or walking through bond street or just strolling through Hyde park,London has something for everyone.London is more suitable for tourism than Manchester and Plymouth.There are two dates available.The first one is 21th December and the second one is 29th December.Considering the basic requirement that meeting days must at the end of next month and the sightseeing day should be a Saturday,so the alternative days is limited.The first one is a day before Christmas when everybody have to prepare for the Christmas.So people will be very busy on that day.The second one is a working day after the Christmas holidays when people will be free.Maybe it is more appropriate for the senior managers.3.2 AccommodationThere are two hotels which are for reference.The first one is Claridge’s.It is a luxury hotel in Mayfair, central London.It is located at the corner of Brook Street and DaviesStreet.And the cost of Claridge’s is £130 per night.The second one is Hilton Hotel. Hilton Hotel is situated in Kensington & Chelsea, close to exclusive shops on Kings Road and a mile from Harrods. It offers an on-site gym and an elegant cocktail lounge .In the Hilton Hotel, each beautifully furnished room has a marble-lined bathroom with a walk-in shower and a spa bath.The cost of Hilton Hotel is £180 per night. Through the comparison,Claridge’s is cheaper than Hilton Hotel.The Claridge’s is in an ideal central location. And Claridge’s is closer to the city center than Hilton Hotel. So people will enjoy a more complete service and more convenient transportation if people live in Claridge’s rather than Hilton st but not least,Claridge’s can offer more delicious food and drinks than Hilton Hotel.And the price of food and drinks are cheaper in Claridge’s.3.3 Traveling and Cost of TravelingFor the senior managers,there are two transportations which are for reference.And according to the reputation of participants,time is important for them.So the conference must be a time-saving one.Considering the factors of time and geography distant,there are two traveling way available for French senior managers.If they choose to travel by air, they will board the Charles De Gaulle Airport at 9:15 on AF1980,and the company will arrange two cars to pick up them to the destination. The price of round-trip airfare is £468.2 per person. If they choose to travel by high-speed train which named Euro star, it will cost much time at a bitter lower price. But it is still a very convenient way and cost about £180.For the British senior managers,choosing what kind of transportation depends on the distance from the place of departure to the destination. If it is a long distant trip,they could take trains to the destination,which is a very cheap way.If it is a If it is a short distant trip,they could take subways or hire cars. Subway is very cheap and comfortable,it only cost about £30 per person. While if the managers hire a car, the number of participants should taken into consideration.3.4 SightseeingConsidering the limited time of the senior managers,There are two tourism attractions available.The first tourism attraction is Windsor Castle and the second one is St Paul's Cathedral.Windsor Castle is a medieval castle and royal residence in Windsor in the English county of Berkshire, notable for its long association with the British royal family and its architecture. The original castle was built after the Norman invasion by William the Conqueror.St Paul's Cathedral, London, is a Church of England cathedral and seat of the Bishop of London. Its dedication to Paul the Apostle dates back to the original church on this site, founded in AD 604. St Paul's sits at the top of Ludgate Hill, the highest point in the City of London, and is the mother church of the Diocese of London.Because the scenery of Windsor Castle's architecture take an important role in European architecture.And Windsor Castle has more profound culture than St Paul's Cathedral.People will feel deeper at profound culture of Windsor Castle than St Paul'sCathedral.And Windsor Castle is more symbolic than St Paul's Cathedral.The amazing style of palace architecture will make people enjoy the mysterious building.4.0 Conclusion and RecommendationsSo the conference can take place on 29th December better than 21st December.By comparison of the three optional cities in UK, London will be the best choice of conference site.Claridge’s will be better choice for the senior managers to live than Hilton Hotel.For the senior managers from French,the way they arrive at London by air is better than the way they arrive at London by train.For the senior managers from British,the way they arrive at London by train is better than the way they arrive at London by air.For the tourism attraction,Windsor Castle is better choice than St Paul's Cathedral.5.0 BibliographyInternet Web Sites:/wiki/London//wiki/Hotels_in_London/airports/list/cdg.html/od/yinglunshendu/a/goldentours.htm/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=ppc&utm_campaign =travelclick/zh/CN//index.php3。

1.0 IntroductionThis report is for assessment the customer services and whole environment in the Xuezhi building. The report is to introduce the customer service. At this point,the main research is Xuezhi building. The aim of this report is to investigate internal and external environment of the Xuezhi building. Including the infrastructure, foundation services, administration mode and neighboring environment. Through questionnaires and interview to reflect problems and.2.0 Proceduresa)A number of books on customer serviceb)Search for information from internet websites.c)Through these ways above to draft and distributing questionnaire. Collect recommendations from interviews.3.0 Definition of customer service3.1 What is customer serviceCustomer service is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase. Customer service is an organization's ability to supply their customers' wants and needs. Customer service is the practice of providing customers with a positive, helpful experience when they enter a business, throughout the time they stay at the business, and even after the customer leaves, should they have additional questions or products to return. Many stores and other businesses spend a great deal of time training their employees to provide great customer service, because it makes a customer more likely to become a returning, loyal client. (See Bibliography)3.2 The importance of customer serviceGood customer service is more than handling customers who have problems. It begins with the first contact a customer has with company. Good customer service looks like this: Make sure it represent a product or service. Then, warm, sincere greeting on first contact. Establish whether the business has what the customer needs (offer to help find it) provide it or suggest better alternative, to their benefit. Develop an easy, positive rapport with the customer which lets them know they are respected and appreciated. Provide an easy way to complete the transaction. Sincerely and warmly thank the customer for their business and invite them to come back if ever they need the help again . Good customer service is of vital importance for all businesses, large or small. It can have a direct impact on customer loyalty and where potential customers choose to spend their money. Simply put, the higher quality customer service the company provide, the higher level of customer satisfaction they will enjoy, and that will translate into repeat business. (See Bibliography)3.3 Who are the customers?A customer (also known as a client, buyer, or purchaser) is usually used to refer to a current or potential buyer or user of the products of an individual or organization, called the supplier, seller, or vendor. This is typically through purchasing or renting goods or services. However, in certain contexts, the term customer also includes by extension any entity that uses or experiences the services of another. A customer may also be a viewer of the product or service that is being sold despite deciding not to buy them. The general distinction between a customer and a client is that a customer purchases products, whereas a client purchases services. (See Bibliography)3.4 What do they need?As customers, they want the following services. Service or product must be the right. The price will reasonable. Also at the right time and in the right place. They need positive and helpful service at anytime. Customer service representative ought to be listened to customer and understood. The customers want to be treated intelligently and treated as an individual.3.5 Customer services in Xuezhi buildingXuezhi building is a multifunction construction including dormitories, classrooms, teacher offices and some other infrastructure. The students is the major customers, so, this report mainly survey the students. Also the questionnaire is primary aim at students. Due to the properties of the building, customer services in the building is mainly comprised of the follow part: First and foremost, the environment and facility of dormitory including dormitory layout, electrical equipment, bathroom, potable water supply, washhouse and so on. Next, the teaching facilities in the classrooms including student desks and chairs, computer, multi-media. The last is around environment and traffic.4.0 Research4.1 MethodologyThere are a number of research methods. Through consult books of customers services and collect information from internet to draft and distributing questionnaire. Collect recommendations from interviews. Through these methods collect data and statistical analysis, etc. From this, it can reflect various existing problems and gather advises in Xuezhi building.4.2 Introduction questionnaireThe questionnaire mainly research the Xuezhi building overall environment. There are twelve questions in the questionnaire. There were 100 respondents did the questionnaire who live in Xuezhi building. The other people who not live in Xuezhi building just participate the interviews. The questionnaire has three part probably. Top five questions were about dormitory environment. Next three questions were about classrooms' facilities. Surplus questions is about other facilities and around environment and traffic. Also it has spare parts for respondents to give their advises.4.3 Data and analysisSending 100 pieces of questionnaire to collect information about the environment and customer services from the students who live in Xuezhi building. (Specific data see the form, Appendix A&B)On the whole dormitory environment issue interviews, 63% of students were satisfied with it, 26% of students were thought generally and 11% of students were dissatisfied. According to the survey data make a chart about dormitory environment. (See Appendix C)On the whole teaching facilities issue interviews, 42% of students were satisfied, 23% were thought generally, 35% of students were dissatisfied. Especially, 100% of students were dissatisfied with the computer and multi-media. According to the survey data make a chart about the teaching facilities. (See Appendix D)On the other customer services, around environment and traffic interviews, 71% of students were satisfied, 15% of students were thought generally,14% of students were dissatisfied. Especially. According to the survey data make a chart about these. (See Appendix E)4.4 Information in process of researchThrough the research got a great deal of information from students. It is including problems and suggestions in terms of the environment and customer services in Xuezhi building. Hereon list some major advantage and disadvantage.In the dormitories, overall environment is acceptable. The public sanitation is very will. Dormitory corridor, public halls and elevator someone fixed cleaning. Sound insulation is general. The outside noise can not enter into. But if someone make noises in corridor can heard clearly. Network is mainly steady. But sometimes it will interruption and most of students consider the price is higher. Then, central heating24 hours working during whole winter. It is very warming. Last but not least, most of people complain the public bathroom, the water temperature is fluctuant and the price is higher.In the classrooms, student desks and chairs are generally acceptable but a small number of them are damaged. Several classrooms are located in high-rise. If students take the elevator, they must across the dormitory or take the stairs. It is inconvenience. The most important problem is the computer and multi-media. Almost all the computers have virus. A large number of USB flash drive can not read data.In other way, there is a washhouse in the third floor. It is not a self-service washhouse. So, it will be a big timesaver for students. Opposite, the price is higher then the self-service. The shop located inthe first floor. It is very small, so it just offer some snacks, several beverage, ice cream and some other pinhead. The super-market is little far from Xuezhi building, so students usually buy foods and drinks in there. Therefore, the price of goods in this shop is higher then other shop outside. The traffic in Xuezhi building is convenient. There is a subway station and two bus station near it.5.0 ConclusionAccording to the research, a lot of problems was reflex. through investigation and research, collect lots of data and suggestion. In the first place, many students were satisfied with dormitory environment, although has some shortages. They thought the dormitory clean and comfortable, infrastructure well and living convenient. But about bathroom should be improve. In the second place, about classrooms, most of students satisfied with the environment but dissatisfied the teaching facilities in especial the computers. In the third place, around environment and traffic, almost of people are satisfied. Finally, the whole environment of Xuezhi building, its advantages outweighs its disadvantages.6.0 RecommendationThrough the research discovered some shortage about Xuezhi building environment and customer services. According this situation, to give some advises below:A)Control the external person to enter.B)Renewal the teaching facilitiesC)Decrease the price of public bathroom7.0 BibliographyTurban, Efraim (2002). Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective. Prentice Hall. ISBN H. Selden (December 1998). "Sales Process Engineering: An Emerging Quality Application". Quality Progress: 59– tm_medium=C336CSTGANDNE1&utm_campaign=C336CSTGANDNE1&8.0 Appendix8.1 Appendix AQUESTIONAIREThe environment and customer services of Xuezhi building1. Do you satisfied the dormitory sound insulation effect?A.SatisfiedB.GeneralC.Dissatisfied2. Do you satisfied with heating service of dormitory?A.SatisfiedB.GeneralC.Dissatisfied3. Do you satisfied with the public sanitation ?A.SatisfiedB.GeneralC.Dissatisfied4. What about the public bathroom environment?A.ExcellentB.GeneralC.Bad5. What about the network?A.ExcellentB.GeneralC.BadPlease give some advices about dormitory environment_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________6. Do you satisfied the classroom environment?A.SatisfiedB.GeneralC.Dissatisfied7. Do you satisfied the student desks and chairs?A.SatisfiedB.GeneralC.Dissatisfied8. What about the computer and multi-media?A.ExcellentB.GeneralC.BadPlease give some advices about classroom environment_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________9. Do you satisfied the washhouse?A.SatisfiedB.GeneralC.Dissatisfied10. Do you satisfied the shop in the Xuezhi building?A.SatisfiedB.GeneralC.Dissatisfied11. Does the Xuezhi building surrounding environment noisy?A.YesB.GeneralC.No12. Does the transportation convenient?A.YesB.GeneralC.NoPlease give some advices_____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________8.2 Appendix B8.2 Appendix C1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12A 47 93 76 38 64 86 82 0 46 68 95 96B 24 7 18 27 23 14 13 27 37 32 5 0C 29 0 6 35 13 0 5 73 17 0 0 48.2 Appendix D8.2 Appendix E页脚。

The report for Ibex Electronics詻筱敉This report depends on Ibex Electronics give some details related to business and management theories. It suggests the appropriate leader style for senior managers and the balance of power which is used to persuade Frank to consider their proposals. Furthermore, with positive negotiation skills give the suitable way to the senior managers to achieve a ‘win-win’ situation. Also when Frank conducts his meetings and briefings, a set of guidelines will be prepared. Besides the research findings of problem solving/decision making approach is suggested for the senior manager.At first, there are two approaches to available to Frank respectively from style and contingency-the situational approach and transformational leadership.The situational approach: Researchers began to examine the context in which leadership was exercised and what might be needed the particular situations. Most of the researchers considered the idea that leadership style would need to change in the given situation, particular situations required particular approaches to leadership. Fiedler’s model of management, the contingency model, suggests that a manager should choose task or employee orientation according to the interaction of three situational variables: leader-member relations, task structure, and leader position power. The leader-member relations refer to the degree to which the leader is or feels accepted by the groups.In a good relationship, the leader should be able to inspire and influence subordinates. If the relationship is poor, the manager may have to resort to negotiating or to promising favors to get performance. The task structure ratings relate to the nature of subordinates’ jobs or tasks. A structured task is or can be broken into proced ures. It is narrowly defined and may be machine-paced, and it tends to be full of routines that are repeated regularly.An unstructured job includes complexities, variety, and latitude for creative expression. The leader position power describes the organizational power base from which the leader operates. In the case study Frank’s present style is autocratic, Frank selects the leader style. Each member of staff was offered an opportunity to put forward suggestions on how things could be improved for the company, but some of the staff’s ideas and suggestions are implemented immediately and others disappear rapidly, only to re-emerge in the future. The situation is democratic thus he should adapt some autocratic. Also Frank can use the style of Delegating and not neglect the opinions from some of the staff. This can increase their enthusiastic for the organization and can build a good relationship with staff.Transformational Leadership: transformational leaders communicate a vision and a positive image and display behavior that reinforces this. Bass(Arnold et al,1995) identified three components of transformational leadership: charisma, Individual Consideration, Intellectual stimulation. Therefore, according to the case study, Frank can adapt this style thus c an promote the staff’s enthusiasm and take part in.As taking the balance of power into consideration, the connected influencingtechniques they should use will be described in the section. It is simple to know influence is the power to swift other people to one’s will or views. Persuasion is the process that someone deliberately uses communication to try to change a receiver’s attitude. Both influence and persuasion concern deliberate change, but diverge because persuasion requires communication and seeks attitude change. By contrast, influence can happen without communication and may achieve behavior change without gaining attitude change. There is a wide range of situations when influence may be used in the workplace. For instance, the following may require the use of influence:●initiating changes●negotiating with colleagues and outside parties such as customers or suppliers●during appraisals●when allocating work/delegating●during meetings●during problem solving activities●making presentationsWhile there are six underlying principles affecting influence, they are rule of reciprocity, commitment and consistency, social proof, liking, authority and scarcity. From the case study, we can see that the senior managers of Ibex Electronics should use influence-pull strategies.●Reason it providing a logical argument to support a request. As we allknown, the senior managers have been researching alternative markets for the company’s products and expertise. Thus there is a lucrative market for electronic components used in the production of medical equipment and only a limited number of companies supplying. It is vital to describe their views about implementing the proposal to Frank. The competitive advantages must be mentioned and emphasize this is a seldom chance for the company and should catch it to develop the wider market to occupy. It is a good opportunity for the company and the senior managers need excellent reasons to persuade Frank to consider the proposals.●Friendliness developing the relationship between parties●Coalition involving others in supporting you. The senior managers allmembers of the company, ever the experienced staff to convince Frank. The coalition between senior managers and other staff can strengthen the power of persuasion. Thus the alliance may strengthen their position.●Bargaining negotiation and being able to provide benefits in exchange forwhat you want-reciprocity. Comparing with the company’s current condition, the decline in their competitiveness and the risk in the foreign market. But the electronic components will give the organization an opportunity.●Assertiveness being firm about what you are requesting. Senior manager mustbe firm about what they are requesting. It is important for the success to show their position and they must insistent to have a try to strive.As the company’s senior managers, who want to achieve a ‘win-win’ situation, they should using positive negotiation skills.Negotiation is concerned with creating a situation with the aim of seeking agreement from opposing sides. It is also the process of making joint decisions where those involved have different preferences or opinions. It is the act of discussing an issue between two or more parties with competing interests, with the aim of coming to an agreement.Negotiation can take a variety of forms:●It can be central to a collective bargaining process where procedural andsubstantive agreements can be sought between management and workforce.Procedural agreements are those relating to how the parties will interact.●Individual managers may negotiate with their staff on things such as holidays andtasks.In the case study, they should arrange for the negotiation, give a clear goal to persuade Frank accept it.First of all, they should have a preparation for the negotiation. The main question is what do we want? At this time they should ensure that other staff and ever experienced staff have a consistent opinion about the problem with them and select the most rational negotiation behaviors.Second is the discuss stage, this stage should involve finding out what the other party wants but often turns into arguments. The main question is what they want. Besides, there are problems:●Not listening effectively—interrupting, talking too much.●Behavior likely to upset—point-scoring, attacking, blaming, being ‘too clever’,use of sarcasm or threats.●Arguing.●Not summarizing areas of understanding or argument.●Not checking assumptions.The managers need to choose positive skills and friendly way to discuss and find out Frank’s attention, like present their findings from their market research, a full financial analysis and forecasts, to try to persuade Frank to view the whole proposal as a positive step towards maintaining Ibex’s place in the market.Thirdly is signal, this is giving an indication of willingness to move from a currently stated position.Fourth is propose, this is involves putting forward a tentative solution to a negotiation problem. At this stage neither party knows how far the other will go. The main question at this stage is: what ‘wants’ could we trade? Which of our ‘wants’ could we trade with their ‘wants’?Fifth is package, once the key issues or variables have been brought out, proposals can be put together in a form that addresses the other party’s wants. Up to this point all issues may not have been clear.Then bargain, this is about exchanging-something gained for something given up. At this point specific proposals are made, which, if accepted, will lead to an agreement. The main question is: what wants will we trade?Above all, final offers and decide to stop trading and try all the best efforts to achieve the agreement. The senior managers use the activity negotiation skills above canachieve ‘win-win’.Besides, the formal etiquette on the conduct of meetings and briefings will be explained.Meetings and briefings can take up large portions of a manager’s time, and if not managed, can very easily waste their time and those of the other parties attending. Meetings are held for many reasons within organisations.:●Exchange information●Planning●Decision making●Problem solving●Team development●Staff involvement●Ideas generation●Examining progressMeeting can provide an opportunity for people to contribute their views and ideas and can be motivational. They can also help the development of staff, providing the opportunity to learn from one another. Last but not least, they give people a chance to interact and so can foster team spirit. Besides, the chairperson needs to ensure that:●what should be accomplished at the meetings.●when start/finish the meetings.●preparing an agenda for present.●The purpose of the meeting is clear and is communicated effectively to thoseattending●Time is managed effectively●They deal with conflict in a positive manner●They keep meeting focused●They encourage contribution from all●They clarify and summaries points for the group to maintain progress●Follow-on actions from the meeting are clearly defined and decisions are madeon who should do what and by when●All salient points are recorded in the minutesFurthermore, briefings are a special form of meeting where managers or supervisors provide, in a concise manner, information on current developments, planed or policies within a company. Their purpose is to provide information to those present and to ensure that any queries raised are clarified. The briefing allows those present to ask questions in order to reinforce their understanding.In the case study, as a consequence of Frank’s style of communicating, managers do not ask questions, or raise concerns, as to do so would prolong the briefing. Consequently, these briefings have now developed into ‘tell’session s—telling managers what to do, and how quickly it must be done. In general terms, the briefings held within the organization have lost their purpose. Frank should change this style. In addition, there are guidelines helping Frank when conducting his meetings and briefings.●Meetings that have a purpose●People prepared for the meeting●The important meetings and briefings could have a chairpersonAt last, a problem solving/decision making approach should be explained. Managers are required to deal with the changes they might encounter or wish to initiate. The process of problem solving is follow:●Defining the problem: it affects all the steps that follow. The problem is Frank’sleader way have some problem that lead to the company’s competition decrease.●Developing potential alternatives: At this point, the managers should look for,develop, and list as many possible alternatives. For the company, the senior managers researching the electronics components markets and found that there isa lucrative market for electronic components used in the production of medicalequipment.●Evaluation the alternatives: The purpose of this step is to evaluate the relativemerits of each alternative, to identify the positives and negatives or the advantages and disadvantages of each. This is a good opportunity only few companies take part in to compete.●Selecting the Best alternatives: The best choice is the one that offers the fewestserious disadvantages and the most advantages. Take care not to solve one problem and create another with your choice. The company should choose the opportunity and develop it to enter the trade.●Implement the decision: Everyone involved with carrying out the decision mustknow what he or she must do, how to do it, and why and when it must be done.Now the company needs specialized production machinery and the necessary expertise, so it should redundancies and cooperates with the two companies in the south of England. This partnership would provide Ibex with the additional venture capital required to ensure business viability.●Controlling and evaluation: Frank still is the item’s leader, but the details can givethe senior managers or other staffs to deal.This report describes the details of Ibex Electronics, give two approaches to leadership available to Frank, influence skills and negotiation skills thus help the company achieve a ‘win-win’ situation. Furthermore, it give a set of guidelines that would assist Frank when conducting his meetings and briefings and a problem solving/decision making approach.。

1.0 IntroductionThe purpose of this report is to investigate which coffee shop is satisfied with student. It is about environment, price, taste and factors. The aim is how to create a good coffee shop for student. The intended readers are teacher, students and coffee shop customer service. There are five coffee shop in our school, boxingdi, MAAN coffee, campusstory coffee, Jiananmeidi and water through stone coffee.2.0 ProceduresThere are several sources of collecting information about coffee shop. The internet is import, it is convenient and fast. Some practical point of view need do questionnaire. Questionnaire can reflect the issues. Access to book is a effective way to collect information, some question need observation.3.0 Literature review3.1 customer serviceCustomer service can be defined as ' values ' which follows the customer. Daniel. Y. D (2006) had concluded that the main goal of customer service is to satisfy the customers. It gathers and manages the optimal cost in the predetermined. In the broad sense, every thing can raise the satisfaction of customer can be in the range of the customer service. To raise the satisfaction, it require to reduce the different between the expectation of customers and the practical situation they are treated. (Bryman, 2007)Customer service is often an important strategy and a value proposition for a company. From the sales process, customer service can be seen as an important part. It can checkout the organization whether has a perfect process of sale and ability to settle the problem from the customer. So to improve the system of customer service, a necessary premise is that the staffs should be absorbed in the every detail of the customers and to service from the heart . To improve themselves and increase there responsibilities. Give the customers a exceeds expectations service to keep the customer to long stay. This will be the base of the perfect customer service.(Rossman,1991)3.2 college customer serviceA college at least have two kind of customers, the first are students and business practitioners. The other is academics. College customer service not only about students canteen, dormitory, store and others facilities. Knowledge and academics are more important for student. (cathrye,2005). Students are customers for school, they give money to school and school provide service. So school service should transparency.(peter,2007). Scott said that if customer service failures, the school should analysis it. The impact of service operations failures satisfaction: evidence on how failures and their source affect what matters to customer.3.3 coffee shop createCoffee is one of the three major beverage in the world, as time advances and the opening up of china into the western culture, people bagan to accept coffee, understanding and consumption. Coffee shop should have own brand, that is important. Starbucks is around all the world, it business philosophy and service focused on six areas, brand positioning, brand experience, brand equity accumulation,brand communication, brand and brand extension chain. Starbucks on the successful experience of the brand strategy is: the third space, a unique brand positioning, experiential consumption around with customer, employees and suppliers, the relationship between asset accumulation, coffee, religion, word of moth spread, strict and flexible way to join the brand extension of rich Starbucks brand value.(Ray, 2005). The customer service is important, but a coffee shop should have good environment, well taste, and more others.4.0 Research4.1 MethodMy method of data collection have three: interview, questionnaire and observation. I interview our schoolmate, ask them how they fell about our school coffee shop and which coffee shop they usually consume. But I think interview not comprehensive, so I do some questionnaire to survey the question. The questionnaire involve coffee shop location, taste, environment and others. Questionnaire can make survey more clear and definite. That is a effective way. The observation is also important, some substance question need observe, then obtain conclution.4.2 LimitationThe limitation of questionnaire is I just survey HND students, most of HND students live in xuezhi, so the result may influence by location. Questionnaire give out to girls than to boys. Girls may pay more attention on environment, boys may most mind taste. So some result may not very accuracy.4.3 data analysis4.3.1 The introduction of questionnaireI give out 105 questionnaires to students, all the questionnaire give to HND students, include classmates, roommates and other students. The girls are doing 70 share, boys are doing 35 share. Because more girls like stay in coffee shop. They always doing homework or talk with student in coffee shop. Boys more like pubs. So give more questionnaire to girls. The questionnaire is about school coffee shop. Survey about which coffee shop is suitable for HND students. My questionnaire have 10 question. The first is ask how often students go to coffee shop. The second is talk about with coffee shop popular. The third is ask about who they will go coffee shop with. The forth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth are talk about the reason of coffee shop they choice. The fifth is say characteristics.4.3.2 Analysis data and survey resultThe questionnaire data show that the campusstory coffee is most popular, some student also like study at Boxingdi. Some student like go to MAAN coffee. It is the third. Little student will go to water through stone. Seldom student like go to Jiananmeidi. (See Appendix C)If the student go to coffee shop to study, they like go to Boxingdi, because many students study at there, they can conclusion at Boxingdi, and the price is low than others. If have a meeting with friend or boy/girl friend, most of student may choice xiaoyouji, xiaoyouji have sofa and environment is best. It warm than others, and quiet. If only want to drink coffee, MAAN coffee is popular. Jiananmeidi is suitable for make business. Little student choice shuichuanshi. The data show that girls go tocoffee shop usually, boys only waiting at there, or complain with girls. Every coffee shop have it own special. But do not have a coffee shop perfect, so many student have suggestion. Like shop’s internet, chairs, taste and others. (See Appendix B and Appendix D)4.3.3 Analysis reasonsurvey show that the popular coffee shop in our school is campusstory coffee, most students choice it because the environment is good, food taste is well, it have wi-fi, and it open 24hours. In our school, only this coffee shop open 24hours, so if students need study at night or have a meet, they will choice it first. The installation is good than others. It has sofa, table lamp and light let student feel warm. So it most popular than others. The second popular coffee shop is Boxingdi. It is nearest HND main dormitory, so the location is best for HND students, but it at underground, some student do not know it. The food is not well but cheap than others. The coffee is taste well.It is a little noise. MAAN coffee have it own characteristic. MAAN coffee shop’s coffee is the best in school. It smell savoury. If you order something, they will give you a colorful bear replace receipt, that really special, make students have a good mood. And MAAN coffee shop have many foreign students at there, we can make friends with them. Most people do not like go to water through stone, because it far away from HND class and dormitory. It environment and taste not good. So HND student do not go to there. Seldom student go to Jiananmeidi. Because the place is small, and it suitable for talk about business, not suitable for study or have a meet.5.0 ConclusionIn our school, most girls like go to coffee shop, the environment is the important than others. The whole factor is also important. Most students go to coffee shop for study. So it needs quiet. In the winter, good location is a superiority. Internet is must when students study now, so wheter have steady wi-fi is also need consider.6.0 suggestOur school have 5 coffee shop, but these are not very satisfied with student. Good service can take more benefit for shop. So the coffee shop should provide their service. That include change environment, make more good food, shop assistant provide good service. Coffee shop should have it owner brand and characteristic. Like Starbucks, that will attract more students. Coffee is develop in china now, coffee shop is not only a place to drink coffee, people like go to there to relax, so Starbucks the third space is popular. School should popularize coffee culture, let our school student have a good coffee shop atmosphere to study and relax.7.0 ReferencesBryman, A and Bell, E (2007)business research methods , 2nd Edition, new York, Oxford university press.Daniel. Y. D (2006) International journal of market research, V ol.43, Quarter4, pp.361-375.Rossman, S.(2002)learning and Development, London, CIPD.Cathrye, D (2005) school customer service, 3rd Edition, Gower.Ray, T. (2005), managing knowledge, sage, London.peter, Z (2007), industrial and commercial training, V ol. 40, No.1,pp.39-40.8.0 Appendices8.1 Appendices AThe Campus culture of the coffee shop in HND studentsI'm sorry to take up your valuable time, hope you can contribute your power in campus cafe culture to Renmin University. Appreciate!1. How many times you go to café inside of campus normally?*always *not many times *rarely have chance to go there2. Which café is your choice normally?*XIAOYOUJI*BOXINGDI*JIANANMEIDI*MANCOFFEE*WATERSTONE3. Who will go to the café with you when you are going to café?*alone *friends *classmates *lover *somebody relate to your work4. What is the reason you select in the second question do you think it is attracting you?*price - please go to question 9*surrounding (including hardware facilities) – please go to question 5*services - please go to question 6*catering - please go to question 7*position - please go to question 85. Please write one or more than one aspect attracts you in the environmental characteristics._____________________________________________________________________6. What are there special place you consider they have in services?_____________________________________________________________________7. What kinds of food in this café you prefer? Chinese food or western food? or have any other feature?_____________________________________________________________________8. The reason you come to this coffee shop is just because relatively close? Any other ideas?_____________________________________________________________________9. What suggestion and opinion you have and want to put forward to the café inside of campus?_____________________________________________________________________Thank you for your cooperation, God bless you!8.2 Appendices B01020304050607080enviroument taste servicewhich coffee shop students usually goBOXINGDIXIAOYOUJIMAANJIANANMEIDISHUICHUANSHIstudyhave a meeting wite boy/girl friend 0102030405060study talk with friendhave a meeting wite boy/girl friend。

hnd商务行为技巧报告hnd商务行为技巧1最新20151. Management theory and leadership theory Applied in analyzing Jess’s role as manager of the Customer Engagement team.a) In terms of the management theoryAnalyses jess’s role as manager of the Customer Engagement team using appropriate management and leadership theories.According to Rosemary Stewart state that the reality of what managers do . Rosemary Stewart’s study that used three –part classification for analysis of job include that “the demand of the job”, “the choices available”, and “the constraints of the job”.The demand of the job, that is to say, what must Jess do? Jess should establish object and control staff and performance. As shown in the case, as a new manager Jess has only limited experience andability to manage team. Hence, Jess often patches to help her team member which lead to she focus some day to day issues. She should improve her manage ability via communicate and share experience with Jack. What’s more, she should fully chat with the team member particularly Richard and Abad about work performance.The choices available, In other words, there are something Jess can do with her power. Jess has power to manage two teams and coordinate the staff’s relationships. However, due to she has a poor management ability, what’s more, the employees think that she has a little experience, therefore, the staff didn’t obey her order. She should improve her management ability, and coordinate the conflict between the organization and the staff, and then make the employees trust and respect her.The constraints of the job, namely, the limits on what the Jess can do. As we can see from the case, the seniormanager didn’t approve her abilities, Jess and senior management to communicate her ideas and thoughts, make Top learn more about her ability and the next solution. On the other hand,Jess didn't get subordinates the respect, trust, and recognition. Therefore, Jess should always work together with the team members which lead to familiar with each other to build trust relationships. So that employees understand jess, obey jess words.b) In terms of the leadership theoryJess is a manager at the same time as a leader. Hence, John Adair’s function approach is suitable for the Jess. John Adair aims at effectiveness of the leader depend on three aspects: Task needs, Team needs and Individuals needs.At the first, although the Jess has clear plan for the long term develop and create new operational system. As a result the divisions within the team were maintained and there was very little movement which lead to the work is hardto impose. Hence, Jess should reinforcing the structural divisions and effective communication with team member for specific work. Secondly, Jess’s team is lack of cohesiveness and morale which due to the team is new building. So, Jess should organize more activities in the team which help to increase the cohesion among employees and more effective working. In final, Jess should consider every team member about personal issues, conflicts and individual motivation. For instance, Elspeth is a positive and aggressive staff and frequent absences. Jess should in-depth exchanges with her and find out why and help solve absenteeism.篇二:大三HND 商务行为技巧1Leader: Richard cranberry has encouraged his three project teams to develop new productions. But Richard doesn't know about theleader's duty, and gives the Joanne's work to Carole, which addsCarole's work unduly. Duties are at the heart of the manager-subordinate relationship and include structuring and motivating subordinates, overseeing their progress, promoting and encouraging their development, and balancing effectiveness. He should distribute work equally.Liaison: Richard can't associate with other departments. Describes the information and communication obligations of a manager. One must network and engage in information exchange to gain access to knowledge bases. So Richard should enhance the interaction with the other department, which is beneficial to team development.Resource Allocator: Richarddoesn't use resources possibly, and can't provide a suitable job to the right people. Describes the responsibility of allocating and overseeing financial, material and personnel resources. He should allocat different new work according to the different departments,and strengthen team spirit among the three groups.2 Assertiveness is a way of thinking and behaving that allows a person to stand up for his or her rights while respecting the rights of others. Through the acts in this case we can find Carole is a confident person.Firstly, Carole had never been asked to attend seminars as an ambassador of Fabio, nor had she been asked to negotiate with experienced staff and suppliers over the organization’s product range. Carole did not understand her own ability, so she would not like to admit that she could not handle the work, which makes her have to spend much time to deal with the work and almost have no time to rest and do some other things, and makes her feel pressure. Carole should say no. When Richard gave her the extra workload, she should tell him that she was not so professional, so that Richard can assign appropriate work to her.Secondly, Carole knew Joanne specializes in network analysis, she was very angry, and asked Joanne to take over the work of the network, but Joanne refused, which expand the rift between them. She can ask Joanne to help her, but not with the attitude of the command, because it is not the responsibility of Joanne. If Carole wants Joanne to take over the network analysis, she must tell Joanne if she gives the work to her or not before the communication. Otherwise, she let Joanne take over her job; she should tell this to Richard, to make Richard distribute the work efficiently. 第三:She lacks of effective communication. She lacks of the communication with her staff face to face, she asks them to leave a piece of paper when they have any comments, and she will solve it.。

商务沟通技巧报告outcomeCommunication:Analysing and PresentingComplex CommunicationUnit Student GuideDE3N34Outcome2Contents1.0Introduction32.0Procedure33.0Customer service33.1What is customer service?34.0Daily life3 4.1Dormitory4 4.2Canteen44.3The university hospital55.0Teaching and studying55.1Facility5 5.2Teachers strength6 5.3Professional curriculm65.4Career Prospects76.0Extracurricular activity8 6.1Student activity center86.2Sports activity87.0Conclusion98.0Bibilgraphy109.0Appendices111.0IntroductionThis report is for assessment in the Communications unit of the Higher National Certificate in customer service.The aim of this report is to investigate the way in which customer services of Nankai University.The objectives of the report are to define what customer service is and to look at how customer services provided in Nankai University.2.0ProcedureTo source this report:a)A number of books on customer surveys were consulted.b)Information on customer surveys was taken from internet websites.c)Information was gathered from an interview with the Nankai University students.3.0Customer surveys3.1what is customer surveys?Customer service is a customer oriented values,its integration and management in the pre-set the optimal cost-service portfolio of all the ingredients of a customer interface.Broadly speaking,any can improve customer satisfaction contents belong to customer service scope.4.0Daily life4.1DormitaryAs for the specific accommodation,Nankai there are two places to stay,a district in the South Park Xiangyu,a hospital in the north campus of Nankai. Undergraduate:RuXi dormitory building5and earth,spread the bed,bunk bed desk.One floor has a bathroom.The second floor6beds,bunk.4Building IV Room,capped a bed,bunk bed is the desk,every house with a separate pit. Campus dormitory6beds,bunk beds.To the headquarters,21residential apartments and the Western better conditions,a large unit in sets of4-54earth, above the bed below the desk,plus a separate desk cabinet.Conditions quite other quarters.4.2CanteenNorth School cafeteria prices were relatively cheap.Most people buy lunch at noon,to wait about15minutes,but you can also come from the classroom to avoid late peak.South Park canteen individual contract so the price because it is relatively high,do not look too tasty,very few go.A canteen,two canteens,canteen internshipA cafeteria breakfast good,the other is light-based,more girls to go;Two cafeteria on the first floor is the brother hodgepodge,not good but also expensive.On the second floor is not ye.The middle of the dumpling shop that Korean food and good;floor Xin Hong Park restaurant food is equivalent to a child,but also lacks delicious;Three first floor cafeteria breakfast is very cheap,on the second floor of the pasta well.Canteen frequented freshman,is relatively inexpensive;Triangle restaurant food good,prices are also authentic;Jinnan is known as a place with cooking waste oil,something very authentic unpalatable!90is a place to drink,eat expensive and not good;Park is the foreign students should often go to restaurants where food is more expensive number,but foreigners seemingly wealthy,actually said to me very cheap..4.3The university hospitalNankai University Hospital,35existing employees in preparing it into medicine, surgery,radiology,and dental and Traditional Chinese Medicine and other departments.Two north of the main building to the university hospital the most commonly encountered situation is to give you a referral certificate.Boring,but the chargeswill be cheaper,or do a number of minor5.0Teaching and Studying5.1FacilitiesClassroom and laboratory:There are many buildings for students to learn,like the administration building,the comprehensive test building,Chinese language teaching center,the new stadium,the first mathematical sciences such as building provides students with a good learning environment.They have advanced laboratory.The experiment teaching in chemistry,biology and physics,electrical and electronic four fundamental teaching center,they brought in the life science instrument platform and the polymer of large-scale instrument and equipment.The school laboratory:Schools to make full use of equipment,equipment management approach is very strict,very important to go through a number of regulatory constraints.Include:purchase,inspection and claims,use and management,assessment and punish,repair,scrap.The filing of the instrument also has an important archive requirements.5.2Teachers strengthCurrently,Nankai University has a neat line,reasonable structure,academic exquisite,innovative teachers.In2052full-time teachers have doctoral instructor in619,723professors,787associate professor,Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering11,5Academy of Sciences in developing countries,"973"and"863"Chief Expert9,the State Council degree Committee Subject12,12state-level experts with outstanding contributions,distinguishedProfessor of Cheung Kong Scholars Program31,14Changjiang scholar Chair Professor,National outstanding Youth Fund,29winners,selected countriestalents Project20,program for New Century excellent Talents in University (including the former Ministry of Education,cross-century talents fund)selected were120people,the national teacher of college teaching8,Tianjin,"131"Talent Project first level25.Not only do they have a wealth of knowledge but also have their only teaching style. They will be based on the character of the different students with different educational. Students in this university will have a well development.5.3Professional curriculumNankai university is the famous medical arts with comprehensive university,the liberal arts subjects,such as finance,international finance,financial engineering, insurance study,insurance actuarial science,finance,international economic trade and applied economics,western economics,macroeconomics,microeconomics,political economics theory of economics,modern international logistics,industry and commerce administration,administrative management,political science,management science,history,tourism,Chinese literature and other professional subject in the leading position.Science subjects,such as science subject in the national life categories is the best.Such as mathematics and applied mathematics,physics and mathematics theory,optical and optical technology,intelligent robot technology, electronic information technology and software science,chemical materials,energy chemical,biological chemistry,biology,medicine,biology gene microbial science technique research ability and ranked the academic level.So,there are various profession options for students.foreign,Nankai university employment is possible,the college alumni is also widely to every corner of the world,in addition to the learning environment of a school superior outside,the school also open network platform, through the Nankai university employment nets to provide a good platform for the students to better understand the employment information.After a few years of construction,the website whether from the function development,column setup to technical service level are achieved certain level.With your current site employment trends,employment guidance,employment policy,professional introduction,civil service examinations,laws and regulations,professional evaluation,recruitment, employment information,students and information service columns recommendation. In addition,the site also creative developed individualized service and management way,for every registered users and units provide users graduates of an independent virtual space for student online recruitment information,delivering customized electronic resume and employers recruitment information,receiving students released resume to provide a broad network space.Nankai university employment information can not only through the network information get understanding,school every year also holds a recruitment conference, each enterprise company came to select the people,so that students will have more opportunities to understand social employment situation.6.0Extracurricular activities6.1Student Activity Center7.0ConclusionThis report on field surveys,questionnaires and hands-on way to an interview survey of each customer's situation,Nankai University,and discover the pros and cons of these customer services.Generally speaking,most customers have some drawbacks, and most of the students reflect the same situation,we need to improve theseproblems.The problem of most students:the high price of dining,you could not use cash,part of the construction is too old school,teaching facilities incomplete,and some accommodation is no separate bathroom floor,easily lost in the campus bike.These are the schools need improvement,such as:canteen price adjustment,and allows the use of cash;old school relocation,new building construction equipment;for each dormitory building be equipped with separate toilet,to strengthen the management of the campus to combat theft./default.asp/english/shownews.asp?newsid=1049/news/show.jsp?informationid=200812030915297814 /wiki/%E5%8D%97%E5%BC%80%E5%A4%A7%E5%AD% A6‘Communication:Analysing and Presenting Complex Communication Unit Student Guide’10.0Appendices11。

Tracking Customer SatisfactionK. Douglas HoffmanF or many companies, customer satisfaction is both a goal and a major factor in company success. Tools for tracking and measuring customer satisfaction range from the primitive to the sophisticated. Companies use the following methods to measure how much customer satisfaction they are creating.A customer-centered organization makes it easy for customers to make suggestions or complaints. Restaurants and hotels provide forms on which guests can check off their likes and dislikes. Hospitals place suggestion boxes in the corridors, supply comment cards to exiting patients, and employ patient advocates to solicit grievances. Some customer-centered companies, such as P&G, General Electric, and Whirlpool, set up customer hotlines with 800 numbers to make it easy for customers to inquire, suggest, or complain. Such systems not only help companies to act more quickly to resolve problems, they also provide companies with many good ideas for improved products and service.Simply running complaint and suggestionsystems may not give the company a full pictureof customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction.Studies show that one of every four purchasesresults in consumer dissatisfaction , but that lessthan 5 percent of dissatisfied customers botherto complain—most customers simply switchsuppliers. As a result, the company needlesslyloses customers.Responsive companies take direct measuresof customer satisfaction by conducting regular surveys. They send questionnaires or make telephone calls to a sample of recent customers to find out how they feel about various aspects of the company’s performance. They also survey buyer’s views oncompetitor performance. Whirlpool surveys customer satisfaction on a massive scale, then acts on the results:When customers talk, Whirlpool listens. Each year the company mails its Standardized Appliance Measurement of Satisfaction (SAMS) survey to 180,000 households, asking people to rate all its appliance on dozens of attributes. When a competitor’s product rankers higher, Whirlpool engineers rip it apart to see why. The company [also] pays hundreds of consumers to fiddle with computer-simulated products at the company’s Usability Lab while engineers record the users’ reactions on videotapeA company can measure customer satisfaction in a number of ways. It can measure satisfaction directly by asking: “How satisfied are you with this product? Are you highly dissatisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, somewhat satisfied, or highly satisfied? ” Or it can ask respondents to rate how much they expected of certain attributes and how much they actually experienced. Finally, the company can ask respondents to list any problems they have had with the offer and to suggest improvements.While collecting customer satisfaction data, companies often ask additional useful questions. They often measure the customer’s repurchase intention; this will usually be high if customer satisfaction is high. According to CEO John Young ateHewlett-Packard, nine out of ten customers in H-P surveys who rank themselves as highly satisfied say they would definitely or probably buy from H-P again. The company also might ask about the customer’s likelihood or willingness to recommend the company and brand to other people. A strongly positive word-of-mouth rating suggests high customer satisfaction.Another useful way of assessing customer satisfaction is to hire people to pose as buyers to report their experiences in buying the company’s and competitor’s products. These “ghost shoppers” can even present specific problems to test whether the company’s personnel handle difficult situations well. For example, ghost shoppers can complain about a restaurant’s food to see how the restaurant handles this complaint. Not only should companies hire ghost shoppers, but managers themselves shouldleave their offices from time to time and experience first-hand the treatment they receive as “customers.”Companies should contact customers who have stopped buying, or those who have switched to a competitor, to learn why this happened. When IBM loses a customer, it mounts a thorough effort to learn how it failed: Was IBM’s price too high, its service poor, or its products substandard? Not only should the company conduct such exit interviews, it should also monitor the customer loss rate. A rising loss rate indicates that the company is failing to satisfy its customers.Customer satisfaction ratings are sometimes difficult to interpret. When customers rate their satisfaction with some element of the company’s performance, say delivery, they can vary greatly in how they define good delivery. It might mean early delivery, on-time delivery order completeness, or something else. Yet, if the company tried to define every element in detail, customers would face a huge questionnaire. Companies also must recognize that two customers can report being “highly satisfied” for different reasons. One might be easily satisfied most of the time, whereas the other might be hard to please but was pleased on this occasion. Further, managers and salespeople can manipulate their ratings on customer satisfaction. They can be especially nice to customers just before the survey or try to exclude unhappy customers from being included in the survey. Finally, if customers know that the company will go out of its way to please customers, even if they are satisfied, some customers may express high dissatisfaction in order to receive more concessions.。
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Campus dining service in China Renmin University1.0 introduction2.0Procedure3.0 The Renmin University of China of students’consumption custom andbehavior3.1 The Renmin University of China canteens of the developments andchanges in the background3.2 The students of the Renmin University of China consume behavior3.3The students of the Renmin University of China consume behavioranalysis.4.0 Conclusion5.0Recommendation6.0appendices6.1appendices A6.2appendices B6.3appendices C1.0 IntroductionThe main purpose of this report is through research the Renmin University of China of students’consumption custom and behavior, providing some issue about Renmin University of China of campus dining. Hope that this problem can be solved, and then improve the quality of campus dining service, making teachers and students has adequately energy and enthusiasm face work and study.2.0 ProcedureTo source this report:In order to enable readers to get more accurate information, the following procedures were carrying out.a. The student behavior survey data from MSH’S questionnairesb. The student satisfaction survey on campus dining from campus questionnaires.3.0 The Renmin University of China of students’consumption custom and behavior3.1 The Renmin University of China canteens of the developments and changes in the backgroundWith the rapid of development of our economy, our country’s higher education also made a historic achievement. Education Reform has made vital advances. With the growth of the population, the education’s scales continue enlarging. From 1996, China formally implemented a policy to expand university enrollment. Since the expansion of university enrollment, the China’s university student’s quantity has been reached over 2,000 million; merely in 2007 there are over 5.6 million freshmen into the university campus. At the same time, with the rapid of development of China’s economy and household’s living level generally promoting, university student’s study and living conditions has been greatly improved. It is estimate that education consumption market has 2,000 million university students, these students annual consumer amount approximately 0.8 billion.(Dere Allen,Tanniru Rao,2005). This is enormous numbers. With China continues to expand the university enrollment. The freshmen of the Renmin University of China persist to increase; the canteen scale of the Renmin University of China continues to enlarge,3.2The students of the Renmin University of China consume behaviorMSH marketing Group at the Renmin University of China conducted a survey. Involving survey’s students, most of the students are from the city, these students have 185 population and 153 students come from rural area.Most family monthly average income is within $1000 to $3000 range.Monthly average spending $ 800 ~ 1200 within this range’s students is most. In this range’s student amount are 171 populations, reached 50.6% of survey total numbers.Canteen consumes amount survey: Monthly average consumption amount below $450, there are 52 students, reached 15.4% of survey total numbers. There are 151 students average monthly spending $450 ~ $ 650 in campus canteens, reached 44.7% of survey total numbers. There are 113 students monthly average consumption in between $650 ~ $950, reached 15.4% of survey total numbers.Monthly average consumption is higher than the $ 950 more students only 2 students, merely reached 0.6% of survey total numbers.Canteen eating situation survey: most of the students often eating in the campus canteen. Very few students never eat in the campus canteens. Students generally have lunch in the campus canteens, follow by are the dinner, eating breakfast’s students are the most less, The studen t’s average daily breakfast consume amount generally low, usually consume amount is less than $5.Average daily lunch and dinner consumption amount is reasonable. In the range is $8 ~$15 within, 169 student’s thinks dish’s quality not good so that they do not want to consume in the campus dining, reached 0.6% of survey totalnumbers. In addition, 57.1%’s student thinks that food’s category too less, so that they do not want to consume in the campus dining3.3The students of the Renmin University of China consume behavior analysisFrom above survey is easy to see that families and personal habits are influence the main factors of students’ consumption custom and behavior. We found that students does not want to consume at campus canteens, the main reason are the quality of dish too low and personal diet habits, through the university students the survey of consume amount. The many university student’s consume attitudes is saving, it is a commendable habit. Despite university student’s ideological and psychological are the gradual mature, but university students still difficult to independence in the economy aspect, they do not have a fixed income, parents give university students the cost of living, this money is the parents a part of the salaries, so university student’s cost of living is stable, and the cost of living has the features of stability. More than 99%’s university student relies on parents providing living expenses, follow by the scholarships also became a 10%the student‘s living expenses source.Through the university students dining survey found that dish’s quality not high leads to students does not want to consume at campus canteens. This is a main cause why students does not want to consume at campus canteens; Total 169 students select this option, reached the 50% of survey total numbers ,in addition dish’s tastes so bad, dish’s quantity not enough, dish’s breed so less, these are why students does not want to consume at campus canteens, one of main reason. On the other hand, we should be attention that students do not want to breakfast at campus canteens does not equivalent to students has not breakfast. In the course of the investigation, through communication with survey objects, we can be found that some students in the previous day's night had prepared for the next day breakfast such as milks or breads. This method saving time, students will do not need to spend time to the canteens.4.0 ConclusionAfter reading this analysis, it is easy to sees that families and personal habits are influence the main factors of students’ consumption custom and behavior. At the same time, we know that the Renmin University of China campus dining’s disadvantages are dish price is unreasonable and expensive. Canteen provides food breed lack diversity, students can chose’s foods were restricted.5.0 RecommendationThe canteen could sets up a complaint system, through collecting student’s complaint and the canteen can solves these problems, making feedback.Canteens should through the questionnaires, to understand student’s needs, making its own existence’s problem and then to improve these lack.The canteens could make different taste’s dish to satisfy student’s tastes differently.6.0 Appendices6.1 Appendix AStudents survey family income:the amount of monthlypopulation Percentage of the total number consumption1000~3000 153 49.4%800~1200 171 50.6%6.2 Appendix BThe student’s average spending amount per month:population Percentage of the total number the amount of monthlyconsumption450以下52 15.4%450~650 151 44.7%650~950 113 33.4%950以上 2 0.6%6.3 Appendix CDish’s quality, satisfaction surveyDish’s quality population Percentage of the total number High 87 25.7%moderate 82 24.3%low 169 50%D ish’s quantity satisfaction surveyDish’s quantity population Percentage of the total number High 64 19.1%moderate 78 23%low 196 57.9%Food’s category satisfaction surveyFood’s category population Percentage of the total number most 68 20.2%moderate 77 22.7%less 193 57.1%。