国际学校高中入学考试真题英文版International School High School Entrance Exam English Version。
The International School high school entrance exam is a crucial step for students looking to further their education in an international setting. This exam assesses students' proficiency in English and other subjects, ensuring they are prepared for the rigorous academic curriculum of an international school. In this article, we will provide a sample of the types of questions that may appear on the exam, as well as tips for success.Reading Comprehension:Read the following passage and answer the questions below:Passage:Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing our planet today. As global temperatures continue to rise, we are seeing more frequent and severe weather events, such as hurricanes, droughts, and wildfires. It is crucial that we take action now to reduce our carbon footprint and transition to sustainable energy sources.Questions:1. What is one of the main issues discussed in the passage?2. Why is it important to reduce our carbon footprint?3. What can individuals do to help combat climate change?Writing:Write a short essay (150-200 words) on the following topic:"Describe a time when you faced a challenge and how you overcame it."Listening Comprehension:Listen to the following audio clip and answer the questions below:Audio Clip:"You will hear a conversation between two students discussing their plans for the upcoming school year. Listen carefully and answer the questions that follow."Questions:1. What extracurricular activities are the students interested in joining?2. How do the students plan to balance their academic and extracurricular commitments?Grammar:Complete the following sentences with the correct verb tense:1. By the time I __________ (arrive) at the party, everyone had already left.2. She __________ (study) for her exams all week, so she was well-prepared.Vocabulary:Match the following words with their definitions:1. Resilient。
中美国际高中入学考试模拟试卷英语International High School ProgramChengdu No.7 High SchoolEntrance Test中美国际高中入学考试(Mock Exam Paper: English)英语模拟试卷(120 minutes Full Score 150)时间:120分钟满分:150Paper I: Listening (15 minutes 16 marks)A.For Questions 1-10, you will hear 10 shortdialogues and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Listen and mark “T” or “F” on the answer sheet. You’ll hear the recording TWICE.1. The driver puts the man’s bag in the trunk.2. The woman refuses the man’s suggestion.3. Lynne is having a potluck party.4. Chris is a vegetarian.5. The customer needs the salesperson’s help right now.6. The food at the restaurant was so-so.7. The man tells the woman not to do something.8. Helen feels better.9. Cindy is talking about the job that she has now.10. Bob is going to start jogging before work.B.For questions 1-6, you will hear a series ofshort conversations. Please write the answer to each question on the line provided. Your answer should be as brief as possible. You will hear each item TWICE.1. Where will Alberto find the tea?2. At what point exactly will the three students appear in the concert?3. When will the friends go swimming?4. Where will the tour meeting take place?5. How will teachers know who wants to attend their revision class?6. What is Lili’s problem AND how might this be resolved?Paper II: Reading (65 minutes 54 marks)A.For questions 1-10, please look at thesentences below about a journey to the Arctic on board a ship. Read the following text to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.If it is correct, mark T on your answer sheet. If it is not correct, mark F on your answer sheet.1 This trip is for people who like peace and quiet.2 Many different activities are organized on board.3 The voyage begins in Scotland.4 The ship follows a fixed route.5 There are different types of accommodation.6 Passengers serve themselves in the dining room.7 Whales can be seen in the morning near Tromso.8 There are some examples of traditional buildings in Tromso.9 The ship stays overnight in Tromso.10 Bear Island used to be a busy fishing centre.Exploring the ArcticThe Arctic is one of the few places in the world untouched by pollution where you can see nature at its wildest and most beautiful. Join our ship the Northern Star from 2 to 18 July,for a 17-day voyage to the Arctic. During the voyage you are able to relax and get away from it all. There are no parties or film-shows to attend, quizzes to enter, or entertainers to watch. However, we do have specialists on board who are willing to answer any of your questions about the Arctic and who will talk about the animals and birds that you see on the trip.After setting off from Scotland, we go north along the coast of Norway to Bear Island. Along the way you'll see thousands of seabirds and wonderful scenery, with rivers of ice and huge cliffs. You will have the chance to see reindeer, polar bears, and other Arctic animals. Although we have a timetable, experience has shown that we may have to change our direction a little, depending on the weather and on which animals appear.The Northern Star is a very special ship and our past voyages have been very popular. Our cabins all have the same excellent facilities, which include a private bathroom and refrigerator. Our chefs are happy to prepare any food for people on special diets. Choose just what you want to eat from the wide variety available from the dining room buffet. There is a library, shop, clinic and plenty of space for relaxation. If you need some exercise, why not gojogging every morning around the decks, or do some swimming in the indoor pool.Prices include economy class air travel and 16 nights on board the Northern Star, all meals and excursions and all lectures.Day 1 Board the Northern Star.Days 2–7 We sail slowly north along the coast of Norway, stoppingat places of interest.Day 8 Tromso. You need to get up at sunrise to see the whalesas we sail towards Tromso. Visit Tromso to see theArctic Museum, the cathedral and the beautiful oldwooden houses. In the evening we sail away along thewest coast to Bird Island, which is excellent forbird-watching.Days 9–10 Bear Island. We arrive here in the early evening andstay overnight. Bear Island once had an active fishingindustry, but today little of this remains. We willexplore the island, looking out for Arctic flowers.Days 11–16 Spitsbergen. A place of mountains and rivers of ice, it ishome to a large variety of animals.Day 17 Leave the ship in Spitsbergen and fly to London fromTroms.B.Please read the text about behaviors onairplane and answer questions 1-8.Air rage is the current expression for aggressive or disruptive behavior of airline passengers. It comes from the term road rage, used to describe drivers whose rude and hostile attitude toward others can lead to serious accidents or violence.Major airlines are becoming increasingly concerned about air rage and are training their staff to deal with it. At the same time, they are introducing tougher policies and supporting legislation that will allow local police to arrest offenders when they land. A special agreement, known as the 1963 Tokyo Convention, allows for the arrest of troublesome passengers on landing, even if they are not citizens of that country and did not technically commit a crime there.。
Intern ati onal High School ProgramChe ngdu No.7 High SchoolEntrance Test中美国际高中入学考试(Mock Exam Paper: En glish)英语模拟试卷(120 mi nutes Full Score 150)时间:120分钟满分:150Paper I: Liste ning (15 minu tes 16 marks)A. For Questi ons 1-10, you will hear 10 short dialogues and decide whether the follow ingstatements are true or false. Listen and mark “ T” or “ F” on the answer sheet. You hear the recordi ng TWICE.1. The driver puts the man ' s bag in the trunk.2. The woman refuses the man ' s suggestion.3. Lynne is hav ing a potluck party.4. Chris is a vegetaria n.5. The customer needs the salesperson ' s help right now.6. The food at the restaura nt was so-so.7. The man tells the woman not to do something.8. Helen feels better.9. Cindy is talk ing about the job that she has now.10. Bob is going to start joggi ng before work.B. For questions 1-6, you will hear a series of short conversations. Please write the answerto each question on the line provided. Your answer should be as brief as possible. You will hear each item TWICE.1. Where will Alberto find the tea?2. At what point exactly will the three stude nts appear in the con cert?3. Whe n will the frie nds go swim ming?4. Where will the tour meet ing take place?5. How will teachers know who wants to atte nd their revisi on class?6. What is Lili ' s problem AND how might this be resolved?Paper II: Read ing (65 minu tes 54 marks)A. For questi ons 1-10, please look at the sentences below about a journey to the Arctic on board a ship. Read the following text to decide if each sentence is correct or in correct.If it is correct, mark T on your an swer sheet.If it is not correct, mark F on your an swer sheet.Explori ng the ArcticThe Arctic is one of the few places in the world untouched by pollution where you can see nature at its wildest and most beautiful. Join our ship the Northern Star from 2 to 18 July, for a 17-day voyage to the Arctic. During the voyage you are able to relax and get away from it all. There are no parties or film-shows to attend, quizzes to enter, or entertainers to watch. However, we do have specialists on board who are willi ng to an swer any of your questi ons about the Arctic and who will talk about the ani mals and birds that you see on the trip.After setting off from Scotland, we go north along the coast of Norway to Bear Island. Along the way you'll see thousands of seabirds and wonderful scenery, with rivers of ice and huge cliffs. You will have the cha nce to see rein deer, polar bears, and other Arctic ani mals. Although we have a timetable, experience has shown that we may have to change our direction a little, depending on the weather and on which animals appear.The Northern Star is a very special ship and our past voyages have been very popular. Our cabins all have the same excellent facilities, which include a private bathroom and refrigerator. Our chefs are happy to prepare any food for people on special diets.Choose just what you want to eat from the wide variety available from the dining room buffet. There is a library, shop, clinic and plenty of space for relaxation. If you need some exercise, why not go jogging every morning around the decks, or do some swimming in the indoor pool.Prices include economy class air travel and 16 nights on board the Northern Star, all meals and excursions and all lectures.Day 1 Board the Northern Star.Days 2 —We sail slowly north along the coast of Norway, stopping at placesof interest.Day 8 Tromso. You need to get up at sunrise to see the whales as wesail towards Tromso. Visit Tromso to see the Arctic Museum, thecathedral and the beautiful old wooden houses. In the evening wesail away along the west coast to Bird Island, which is excellentfor bird-watching.Days 9 —0 Bear Island. We arrive here in the early evening and stayovernight. Bear Island once had an active fishing industry, buttoday little of this remains. We will explore the island, looking outfor Arctic flowers.Days 11 -6 Spitsbergen. A place of mountains and rivers of ice, it is home to alarge variety of animals.Day 17Leave the ship in Spitsbergen and fly to London from Troms.B. Please read the text about behaviors on airplane and answer questions 1-8.Air rage is the current expression for aggressive or disruptive behavior of airline passengers. It comes from the term road rage, used to describe drivers whose rude and hostile attitude toward others can lead to serious accidents or violence.Major airli nes are beco ming in creas in gly concerned about air rage and are trai ning their staff to deal with it. At the same time, they are introducing tougher policies and supporting legislation that will allow local police to arrest offen ders whe n they land.A special agreeme nt, known as the 1963 Tokyo Convention, allows for the arrest of troublesome passengers on landing, even if they are not citizens of that country and did not technically commit a crime there.The problem of air rage may start before passe ngers eve n board the pla ne and may become worse on board. Reas ons for air rage in clude heavy traffic on the way to the airport, l ong check-i n lin es, the amount of alcohol available both in the waiting area and given out free on board the plane, and strict enforcement of no-smoking laws at the airport and on the flight itself.Airline staff are trained to spot a potential troublemaker and to deal with violent behavior by talk ing to the pers on. For more serious cases, han dcuffs and straitjackets are kept on board, although these are used only as a last resort . Fortunately, incidentsinvolving serious violence are rare, but air rage is in creas in gly beco ming an issue of concern for all airli nes.1、Air rage and road rage refer to aggressive behavior by ______________a. passe ngers in cars or pla nes.b. airli ne passe ngers and car drivers.c. car drivers and airli ne pilots.d. airli ne passe ngers and crews.2. Accord ing to this passage, air rage ____________a. is a more serious problem today than it was 25 years ago.b. is a problem that more and more airli ne compa nies are deali ng with.c. is a problem that became very serious in the 1960s.d. occurs more on certa in airli nes tha n on others.3. The Tokyo Conven ti on en ables local police _______________a. to in troduce tougher policies.b. to arrest people while flyi ng over their cou ntry.c. to arrest aggressive passe ngers of any n ati on ality.d. to use han dcuffs and straitjackets to restra in aggressive passe ngers.4. Accord ing to this passage, which of the followi ng factors con tributes to air rage?a. a difficult jour ney to the airportb. smok ing on boardc. restricti ons on alcohold. han dcuffs and straitjackets being kept on board5. From this passage we can un dersta nd that airli ne staff will watch out for _____________a. heavy smokers.b. heavy dri nkers.c. people who are n ervous about flying.d. people who start talk ing to aggressive passe ngers.6. The phrase as a last resort in the last paragraph means _______________a. in a far-away vacati on spot.b. if the plane cannot return to the airport.c. after everyth ing else has failed.d. with pote ntial troublemakers.7. What might the airline crew do to control air rage on the plane?a. allow the passe nger to smokeb. arrest the passe ngerc. restra in the passe ngerd. behave rudely to the passe nger8. The writer's main purpose in this passage is to ________________a. discuss the phe nomenon of air rage.b. expla in the reas ons for air rage.c. suggest soluti ons for airli ne staff faced with air rage.d. war n passe ngers about air rage.C. Please read the following article about men who hunt for birds 'ests in caves inThaila nd, and the n an swer questi ons 1-9 in your own words on a separate an swer sheet.The Nest Hun ters of Tam YaiSwiftlets are shy birds that make their nests in the remotest corners of deep caves. They have the ability to fly fast and straight like arrows around the interior of the cave walls. Like some other birds, they build their n ests with their saliva, the juicy liquid from their own mouths. This juice harde ns quickly to make a small nest, shaped like a cup. These nests are called “ white gold ” , because they cabe sold for thousa nds of dollars in the Chin ese food markets. It is these n ests for which the hun ters ofTam Yai are prepared to risk their lives.Tam Yai cave in souther n Thaila nd is the largest n etwork of caves in side a limest one mou ntai n, known as Suwan Kuha, meaning “ cave temple ” . It has been given this name because it contains a large area decorated with statues of Buddhas. High above the statues, in the far cor ners of the cave complex, is where the n ests are to be found.The n est hun ters climb barefoot up dan gerous bamboo poles hun dreds of metres above the grou nd to collect these valuable nests. They rarely use safety equipment, and if they fall, they will die instantly. These nests can only be reached by the bravest and most skilled climbers, and they are often only able to reach the highest n ests with the aid of a stick and a n et.Nest hunting is a skill passed down in families from father to son. Because of the profits that can be made, the competition among rival climbers is fierce. There are armed guards at the entrance to the cave to protect the nests from thieves. In Tam Yai, there are also strict laws to prevent illegal hunting and to ensure proper collec ting, or “ harvesting ” , of the nests. As a result, the birds are a protected species and the n umber of swiftlets is grow ing. Nest harvest ing beg ins in March and if the harvest is collected at the correct time of year, each swiftlet will lay eggs three times a seas on. Once the you ngbirds have hatched and flow n, the n ests can be collected and sold to the Chin ese food in dustry as the vital ingredient in bird ' s nest soup.The recipe for the highly valued bird ' s nest soup is centuries old, and thecBbavesasaid tvalue in prolonging life. Chinese doctors often prescribe it for people who are suffering from skin con diti on s, lu ng disease and breathi ng problems.2028Prices of b rds' nesh over the posl 60 yearsPrice (in dollars]of birds' nestsper kilogramIt is importa nt to prepare the n ests thoroughly whe n they arrive in the restaura nt kitche ns. Firstly they are washed, soaked and boiled until they have a soft, rubber-like texture. Then they are mixed with meat and coconut and all the ingredients are cooked together. The nest itself is not delicious, in fact it has hardly any taste. As one Chin ese chef says: "It is the other in gredie nts which give the soupits flavour. The nest is soft and crunchy, and when you prepare it you must be careful to remove all traces of the bird, such as bones or feathers. This is because Chin ese people appreciate the way it feels in their mouth rather than the taste and smell. ”It is an exotic dish in a multi-million dollar market. The nests themselves are small; they weigh less tha n 10 grams and measure just a few cen timetres. But for the n est hun ters the risks are great in deed.Questi ons:1. What happe ns to the saliva whe n the birds build their n ests?2. Why do the hun ters take such great risks to collect the n ests?3. Which country buys most of the birds ' n ests?4. Why is Suwa n Kuha regarded as a temple?5. What makes the job of n est hun ti ng particularly dan gerous? Give TWO details.6. Accord ing to the graph, how does the price of birds ' n ests in 2008 compare tothat of 1968?7. How is the bus in ess of n est hun ti ng in Tam Yai con trolled? Give TWO details.8. How is b ird ' s nest soup important for health?9. How does the soup get its taste?Paper III: Use of En glish (20 min utes 60 marks)A. ClozeSchool ' s Art SaleLast Friday parents helped collect lots of money for a school by buying children ' s pictures. A primary school in Bicester used its classrooms as an art gallery for a day and (1) ............ parents tocome and look. All the pupils (2) ............ a work of art and (3) ............. pain ti ng went on sale at 5.Hun dreds of pare nts and relati ons came and, together, they spe nt (4) ............. 2,000. £Now the school is (5) ........... of making the exhibiti on bigger n ext year by also con tact ingbus in esses (6) ......... operate in the local area. One of the schoolchildre n ' s pare nts firs(7) ........... a fter going to (8).............. exhibiti ons in her home cou ntry, South Africa.The school has decided to (9) ........... the money to buy books and CD players. The Head Teachersaid he was delighted to see the school (10) ........... full and he was very proud of the children.1 A hoped B invited C pleased D wished2 A operated B played C performed D produced3 A few B some C each D all4 A over B more C close D near5 A planning B thinking C considering D wanting6 A what B who C which D whose7 A memory B idea C habit D choice8 A same B likely C similar D equal9 A bring B add C join D use10 A so B too C such D enoughB. Grammar and Vocabulary Multiple Choices1. We don't have any milk left. ____ ?a. don't youb. are wec. do wed. have you2. I tried on two sweaters, but I didn't buy ___ of them.a. eitherb. nonec. neitherd. any3. If they _______________ the car earlier, they wouldn't have gotten stuck on the road.a. were checkedb. did checkc. had checkedd. checked4. I saw every episode in that ____________ television series.a. ten-partsb. tens-partc. tens-partsd. ten-part5. "How are you managing with the new computer program?" "Not great. I to figure it out yet.'"a. can't have managedb. haven't managedc. don't managed. haven't been managing6. I've been trying __________ Sue all morning.a. to callb. callingc. calld. to have called7. You _________ close all the windows before you leave the house.a. needc. oughtd. might8. He was accused ____________ stealing money from the store.a. inb. forc. byd. of9. We stayed up to watch TV __________ it was very late.a. despiteb. in spite ofc. althoughd. even10. "I have a headache. Can you get me an aspirin?" "Sure. _______ get you one right now."a. I'm able tob. I'm goingc. I ought tod. I'll11. It will take you _____ three hours to drive to the campsite.a. greatlyb. entirelyc. approximatelyd. annually12. We didn ' t get to the meeting on time _________ raaffitc jam.a. causingb. because ofd. due to13. I have to make an _______ with my dentist.a. arrangementb. assignmentc. interviewd. appointment14. The sign on the front tells you the ______ of each bus.a. resortb. destinationc. agencyd. port15. The school must be very old. When was it _________ up?a. posedb. evolvedc. setd. foundedre very good __________16. I really like Jan and Dave. Theya. societyb. companyc. associatesd. friendship17. The letter is okay, but you _______ a few words in the last line.a. leftb. omittedc. avoidedd. lost18. I want to move out of the city because I find ________ life exhausting.a. ruralb. remotec. urband. country19. She doesn ' t talk about her feelings. She ' s a very __________ person.a. insincereb. passivec. reservedd. upset20. Jim _________ h is brother to lend him $ 500.a. imposedb. persuadedc. requiredd. desiredPaper IV: Writi ng (20 minu tes 20 marks)Please write a short paragraph of about 150 words and tell us what your favorite TV program is, what it is about, and why you enjoy watch ing it.。
International High School ProgramChengdu No.7 High SchoolEntrance Test中美国际高中入学考试(Mock Exam Paper: English)英语模拟试卷(120 minutes Full Score 150)时间:120分钟满分:150Paper I: Listening (15 minutes 16 marks)A.For Questions 1-10, you will hear 10 short dialogues and decide whether the followingstatements are true or false. Listen and mark “T” or “F” on the answer sheet. You’ll hear the recording TWICE.1. The driver puts the man’s bag in the trunk.2. The woman refuses the man’s suggestion.3. Lynne is having a potluck party.4. Chris is a vegetarian.5. The customer needs the salesperson’s help right now.6. The food at the restaurant was so-so.7. The man tells the woman not to do something.8. Helen feels better.9. Cindy is talking about the job that she has now.10. Bob is going to start jogging before work.B.For questions 1-6, you will hear a series of short conversations. Please write the answerto each question on the line provided. Your answer should be as brief as possible. You will hear each item TWICE.1. Where will Alberto find the tea?2. At what point exactly will the three students appear in the concert?3. When will the friends go swimming?4. Where will the tour meeting take place?5. How will teachers know who wants to attend their revision class?6. What is Lili’s problem AND how might this be resolved?Paper II: Reading (65 minutes 54 marks)A.For questions 1-10, please look at the sentences below about a journey to the Arctic onboard a ship. Read the following text to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.If it is correct, mark T on your answer sheet.If it is not correct, mark F on your answer sheet.Exploring the ArcticThe Arctic is one of the few places in the world untouched by pollution where you can see nature at its wildest and most beautiful. Join our ship the Northern Star from 2 to 18 July, for a 17-day voyage to the Arctic. During the voyage you are able to relax and get away from it all. There are no parties or film-shows to attend, quizzes to enter, or entertainers to watch. However, we do have specialists on board who are willing to answer any of your questions about the Arctic and who will talk about the animals and birds that you see on the trip.After setting off from Scotland, we go north along the coast of Norway to Bear Island. Along the way you'll see thousands of seabirds and wonderful scenery, with rivers of ice and huge cliffs. You will have the chance to see reindeer, polar bears, and other Arctic animals. Although we have atimetable, experience has shown that we may have to change our direction a little, depending on the weather and on which animals appear.The Northern Star is a very special ship and our past voyages have been very popular. Our cabins all have the same excellent facilities, which include a private bathroom and refrigerator. Our chefs are happy to prepare any food for people on special diets. Choose just what you want to eat from the wide variety available from the dining room buffet. There is a library, shop, clinic and plenty of space for relaxation. If you need some exercise, why not go jogging every morning around the decks, or do some swimming in the indoor pool.Prices include economy class air travel and 16 nights on board the Northern Star, all meals and excursions and all lectures.Day 1 Board the Northern Star.Days 2–7 We sail slowly north along the coast of Norway, stopping atplaces of interest.Day 8 Tromso. You need to get up at sunrise to see the whales aswe sail towards Tromso. Visit Tromso to see the ArcticMuseum, the cathedral and the beautiful old woodenhouses. In the evening we sail away along the west coast toBird Island, which is excellent for bird-watching.Days 9–10 Bear Island. We arrive here in the early evening and stayovernight. Bear Island once had an active fishing industry,but today little of this remains. We will explore the island,looking out for Arctic flowers.Days 11–16 Spitsbergen. A place of mountains and rivers of ice, it ishome to a large variety of animals.Day 17 Leave the ship in Spitsbergen and fly to London fromTroms.B.Please read the text about behaviors on airplane and answer questions 1-8.Air rage is the current expression for aggressive or disruptive behavior of airline passengers. It comes from the term road rage, used to describe drivers whose rude and hostile attitude toward others can lead to serious accidents or violence.Major airlines are becoming increasingly concerned about air rage and are training their staff to deal with it. At the same time, they are introducing tougher policies and supporting legislation that will allow local police to arrest offenders when they land. A special agreement, known as the 1963 Tokyo Convention, allows for the arrest of troublesome passengers on landing, even if they are not citizens of that country and did not technically commit a crime there.The problem of air rage may start before passengers even board the plane and may become worse on board. Reasons for air rage include heavy traffic on the way to the airport, long check-in lines, the amount of alcohol available both in the waiting area and given out free on board the plane, and strict enforcement of no-smoking laws at the airport and on the flight itself.Airline staff are trained to spot a potential troublemaker and to deal with violent behavior by talking to the person. For more serious cases, handcuffs and straitjackets are kept on board, although these are used only as a last resort. Fortunately, incidents involving serious violence are rare, but air rage is increasingly becoming an issue of concern for all airlines.1、Air rage and road rage refer to aggressive behavior by ____________a.passengers in cars or planes.b.airline passengers and car drivers.c.car drivers and airline pilots.d.airline passengers and crews.2.According to this passage, air rage _____________a.is a more serious problem today than it was 25 years ago.b.is a problem that more and more airline companies are dealing with.c.is a problem that became very serious in the 1960s.d.occurs more on certain airlines than on others.3.The Tokyo Convention enables local police _________________a.to introduce tougher policies.b.to arrest people while flying over their country.c.to arrest aggressive passengers of any nationality.d.to use handcuffs and straitjackets to restrain aggressive passengers.4.According to this passage, which of the following factors contributes to air rage?a. a difficult journey to the airportb.smoking on boardc.restrictions on alcohold.handcuffs and straitjackets being kept on board5.From this passage we can understand that airline staff will watch out for _______________a.heavy smokers.b.heavy drinkers.c.people who are nervous about flying.d.people who start talking to aggressive passengers.6.The phrase as a last resort in the last paragraph means ______________a.in a far-away vacation spot.b.if the plane cannot return to the airport.c.after everything else has failed.d.with potential troublemakers.7.What might the airline crew do to control air rage on the plane?a.allow the passenger to smokeb.arrest the passengerc.restrain the passengerd.behave rudely to the passenger8.The writer's main purpose in this passage is to _________________a.discuss the phenomenon of air rage.b.explain the reasons for air rage.c.suggest solutions for airline staff faced with air rage.d.warn passengers about air rage.C.Please r ead the following article about men who hunt for birds’ nests in caves inThailand, and then answer questions 1-9 in your own words on a separate answer sheet.The Nest Hunters of Tam YaiSwiftlets are shy birds that make their nests in the remotest corners of deep caves. They have the ability to fly fast and straight like arrows around the interior of the cave walls. Like some other birds, they build their nests with their saliva, the juicy liquid from their own mouths. This juice hardens quickly to make a small nest, shaped like a cup. These nests are called “white gold”, because they can be sold for thousands of dollars in the Chinese food markets. It is these nests for which the hunters of Tam Yai are prepared to risk their lives.Tam Yai cave in southern Thailand is the largest network of caves inside a limestone mountain, known as Suwan Kuha, meaning “cave temple”. It has been given this name because it contains a large area decorated with statues of Buddhas. High above the statues, in the far corners of the cave complex, is where the nests are to be found.The nest hunters climb barefoot up dangerous bamboo poles hundreds of metres above the ground to collect these valuable nests. They rarely use safety equipment, and if they fall, they will die instantly. These nests can only be reached by the bravest and most skilled climbers, and they are often only able to reach the highest nests with the aid of a stick and a net.Nest hunting is a skill passed down in families from father to son. Because of the profits that can be made, the competition among rival climbers is fierce. There are armed guards at the entrance to the cave to protect the nests from thieves. In Tam Yai, there are also strict laws to prevent illegal hunting and to ensure proper collec ting, or “harvesting”, of the nests. As a result, the birds are a protected species and the number of swiftlets is growing. Nest harvesting begins in March and if the harvest is collected at the correct time of year, each swiftlet will lay eggs three times a season. Once the youngbirds have hatched and flown, the nests can be collected and sold to the Chinese food industry as the vital ingredient in bird’s nest soup.The recipe for the highly valued bird’s nest soup is centuries old, and the soup is said t o have a value in prolonging life. Chinese doctors often prescribe it for people who are suffering from skin conditions, lung disease and breathing problems.It is important to prepare the nests thoroughly when they arrive in the restaurant kitchens. Firstly they are washed, soaked and boiled until they have a soft, rubber-like texture. Then they are mixed with meat and coconut and all the ingredients are cooked together. The nest itself is not delicious, in fact it has hardly any taste. As one Chinese chef says: “It is the other ingredients which give the soup its flavour. The nest is soft and crunchy, and when you prepare it you must be careful to remove all traces of the bird, such as bones or feathers. This is because Chinese people appreciate the way it feels in their mouth rather than the taste and smell.”It is an exotic dish in a multi-million dollar market. The nests themselves are small; they weigh less than 10 grams and measure just a few centimetres. But for the nest hunters the risks are great indeed.Questions:1. What happens to the saliva when the birds build their nests?2. Why do the hunters take such great risks to collect the nests?3. Which country buys most of the birds’ nests?4. Why is Suwan Kuha regarded as a temple?5. What makes the job of nest hunting particularly dangerous? Give TWO details.6. According to the graph, how does the price of birds’ nests in 2008 compare tothat of 1968?7. How is the business of nest hunting in Tam Yai controlled? Give TWO details.8. How is b ird’s nest soup important for health?9. How does the soup get its taste?Paper III: Use of English (20 minutes 60 marks)A.ClozeSchool’s Art SaleLast Friday parents helped collect lots of money for a school by buying children’s pictures. Aprimary school in Bicester used its classrooms as an art gallery for a day and (1) ............ parents tocome and look. All the pupils (2) ............ a work of art and (3) ............ painting went on sale at £5.Hundreds of parents and relations came and, together, they spent (4) ............ £2,000.Now the school is (5) ............ of making the exhibition bigger next year by also contactingbusinesses (6) ............ operate in the local area. One of the schoolchildren’s parents first had the(7) ............ after going to (8) ............ exhibitions in her home country, South Africa.The school has decided to (9) ............ the money to buy books and CD players. The Head Teachersaid he was delighted to see the school (10) ............ full and he was very proud of the children.1 A hoped B invited C pleased D wished2 A operated B played C performed D produced3 A few B some C each D all4 A over B more C close D near5 A planning B thinking C considering D wanting6 A what B who C which D whose7 A memory B idea C habit D choice8 A same B likely C similar D equal9 A bring B add C join D use10 A so B too C such D enoughB.Grammar and Vocabulary Multiple Choices1. We don't have any milk left. _____ ?a. don't youb. are wec. do wed. have you2. I tried on two sweaters, but I didn't buy _____ of them.a. eitherb. nonec. neitherd. any3. If they ________________ the car earlier, they wouldn't have gotten stuck on the road.a. were checkedb. did checkc. had checkedd. checked4. I saw every episode in that _____________ television series.a. ten-partsb. tens-partc. tens-partsd. ten-part5. "How are you managing with the new computer program?""Not great. I ___________ to figure it out yet.'"a. can't have managedb. haven't managedc. don't managed. haven't been managing6. I've been trying ____________ Sue all morning.a. to callb. callingc. calld. to have called7. You ___________ close all the windows before you leave the house.a. needb. shouldc. oughtd. might8. He was accused ______________ stealing money from the store.a. inb. forc. byd. of9. We stayed up to watch TV ___________ it was very late.a. despiteb. in spite ofc. althoughd. even10. "I have a headache. Can you get me an aspirin?" "Sure. ________ get you one right now."a. I'm able tob. I'm goingc. I ought tod. I'll11. It will take you _______ three hours to drive to the campsite.a. greatlyb. entirelyc. approximatelyd. annually12. We didn’t get to the meeting on time __________ a traffic jam.a. causingb. because ofc. owing tod. due to13. I have to make an _________ with my dentist.a. arrangementb. assignmentc. interviewd. appointment14. The sign on the front tells you the ________ of each bus.a. resortb. destinationc. agencyd. port15. The school must be very old. When was it ___________ up?a. posedb. evolvedc. setd. founded16. I really like Jan and Dave. They’re very good ___________.a. societyb. companyc. associatesd. friendship17. The letter is okay, but you _________ a few words in the last line.a. leftb. omittedc. avoidedd. lost18. I want to move out of the city because I find __________ life exhausting.a. ruralb. remotec. urband. country19. She doesn’t talk about her feelings. She’s a very __________ person.a. insincereb. passivec. reservedd. upset20. Jim __________ his brother to lend him $ 500.a. imposedb. persuadedc. requiredd. desiredPaper IV: Writing (20 minutes 20 marks)Please write a short paragraph of about 150 words and tell us what your favorite TV program is, what it is about, and why you enjoy watching it.。
高中入学考试英语模拟试卷Paper I: Listening (15 minutes 16 marks)A.For Questions 1-10, you will hear 10 short dialogues and decide whether thefollowing statements are true or false. Listen and mark “T” or “F” on the answer sheet. You’ll hear the recording TWICE.1. The driver puts the man’s bag in the trunk.2. The woman refuses the man’s suggestion.3. Lynne is having a potluck party.4. Chris is a vegetarian.5. The customer needs the salesperson’s help right now.6. The food at the restaurant was so-so.7. The man tells the woman not to do something.8. Helen feels better.9. Cindy is talking about the job that she has now.10. Bob is going to start jogging before work.B.For questions 1-6, you will hear a series of short conversations. Please writethe answer to each question on the line provided. Your answer should be as brief as possible. You will hear each item TWICE.1. Where will Alberto find the tea?2. At what point exactly will the three students appear in the concert?3. When will the friends go swimming?4. Where will the tour meeting take place?5. How will teachers know who wants to attend their revision class?6. What is Lili’s problem AND how might this be resolved?Paper II: Reading (65 minutes 54 marks)A.For questions 1-10, please look at the sentences below about a journey to theArctic on board a ship. Read the following text to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.If it is correct, mark T on your answer sheet.If it is not correct, mark F on your answer sheet.Exploring the ArcticThe Arctic is one of the few places in the world untouched by pollution where you can see nature at its wildest and most beautiful. Join our ship the Northern Star from 2 to 18 July, for a 17-day voyage to the Arctic. During the voyage you are able to relax and get away from it all. There are no parties or film-shows to attend, quizzes to enter, or entertainers to watch. However, we do have specialists on board who are willing to answer any of your questions about the Arctic and who will talk about the animals and birds that you see on the trip.After setting off from Scotland, we go north along the coast of Norway to Bear Island. Along the way you'll see thousands of seabirds and wonderful scenery, with rivers of ice and huge cliffs. You will have the chance to see reindeer, polar bears, and other Arctic animals. Although we have a timetable, experience has shown that we may have to change our direction a little, depending on the weather and on which animals appear.The Northern Star is a very special ship and our past voyages have been very popular. Our cabins all have the same excellent facilities, which include a private bathroom and refrigerator. Our chefs are happy to prepare any food for people on special diets. Choose just what you want to eat from the wide variety available from the dining room buffet. Thereis a library, shop, clinic and plenty of space for relaxation. If you need some exercise, why not go jogging every morning around the decks, or do some swimming in the indoor pool.Prices include economy class air travel and 16 nights on board the Northern Star, all meals and excursions and all lectures.Day 1 Board the Northern Star.Days 2–7 We sail slowly north along the coast of Norway,stopping at places of interest.Day 8 Tromso. You need to get up at sunrise to see thewhales as we sail towards Tromso. Visit Tromso tosee the Arctic Museum, the cathedral and the beautifulold wooden houses. In the evening we sail away alongthe west coast to Bird Island, which is excellent forbird-watching.Days 9–10 Bear Island. We arrive here in the early evening andstay overnight. Bear Island once had an active fishingindustry, but today little of this remains. We will explorethe island, looking out for Arctic flowers.Days 11–16 Spitsbergen. A place of mountains and rivers of ice, itis home to a large variety of animals.Day 17 Leave the ship in Spitsbergen and fly to London fromTroms.B.Please read the text about behaviors on airplane and answer questions 1-8.Air rage is the current expression for aggressive or disruptive behavior of airline passengers. It comes from the term road rage, used to describe drivers whose rude and hostile attitude toward others can lead to serious accidents or violence.Major airlines are becoming increasingly concerned about air rage and are training their staff to deal with it. At the same time, they are introducing tougher policies and supporting legislation that will allow local police to arrest offenders when they land. A special agreement, known as the 1963 Tokyo Convention, allows for the arrest of troublesome passengers on landing, even if they are not citizens of that country and did not technically commit a crime there.The problem of air rage may start before passengers even board the plane and may become worse on board. Reasons for air rage include heavy traffic on the way to the airport, long check-in lines, the amount of alcohol available both in the waiting area and given out free on board the plane, and strict enforcement of no-smoking laws at the airport and on the flight itself.Airline staff are trained to spot a potential troublemaker and to deal with violent behavior by talking to the person. For more serious cases, handcuffs and straitjackets are kept on board, although these are used only as a last resort. Fortunately, incidents involving serious violence are rare, but air rage is increasingly becoming an issue of concern for all airlines.1、Air rage and road rage refer to aggressive behavior by ____________a.passengers in cars or planes.b.airline passengers and car drivers.c.car drivers and airline pilots.d.airline passengers and crews.2.According to this passage, air rage _____________a.is a more serious problem today than it was 25 years ago.b.is a problem that more and more airline companies are dealing with.c.is a problem that became very serious in the 1960s.d.occurs more on certain airlines than on others.3.The Tokyo Convention enables local police _________________a.to introduce tougher policies.b.to arrest people while flying over their country.c.to arrest aggressive passengers of any nationality.d.to use handcuffs and straitjackets to restrain aggressive passengers.4.According to this passage, which of the following factors contributes to air rage?a. a difficult journey to the airportb.smoking on boardc.restrictions on alcohold.handcuffs and straitjackets being kept on board5.From this passage we can understand that airline staff will watch out for _______________a.heavy smokers.b.heavy drinkers.c.people who are nervous about flying.d.people who start talking to aggressive passengers.6.The phrase as a last resort in the last paragraph means ______________a.in a far-away vacation spot.b.if the plane cannot return to the airport.c.after everything else has failed.d.with potential troublemakers.7.What might the airline crew do to control air rage on the plane?a.allow the passenger to smokeb.arrest the passengerc.restrain the passengerd.behave rudely to the passenger8.The writer's main purpose in this passage is to _________________a.discuss the phenomenon of air rage.b.explain the reasons for air rage.c.suggest solutions for airline staff faced with air rage.d.warn passengers about air rage.C.Please read the following article about men who hunt for birds’ nests in cavesin Thailand, and then answer questions 1-9 in your own words on a separate answer sheet.The Nest Hunters of Tam YaiSwiftlets are shy birds that make their nests in the remotest corners of deep caves. They have the ability to fly fast and straight like arrows around the interior of the cave walls. Like some other birds, they build their nests with their saliva, the juicy liquid from their own mouths. This juice hardens quickly to make a small nest, shaped like a cup. These nests are called “white gold”, because they can be sold for thousands of dollars in the Chinese food markets. It is these nests for which the hunters of Tam Yai are prepared to risk their lives.Tam Yai cave in southern Thailand is the largest network of caves inside a limestone mountain, known as Suwan Kuha, meaning “cave temple”. It has been given this name because it contains a large area decorated with statues of Buddhas. High above the statues, in the far corners of the cave complex, is where the nests are to be found.The nest hunters climb barefoot up dangerous bamboo poles hundreds of metres above the ground to collect these valuable nests. They rarely use safety equipment, and if they fall, they will die instantly. These nests can only be reached by the bravest and most skilled climbers, and they are often only able to reach the highest nests with the aid of a stick and a net.Nest hunting is a skill passed down in families from father to son. Because of the profits that can be made, the competition among rival climbers is fierce. There are armed guards at the entrance to the cave to protect the nests from thieves. In Tam Yai, there are also strict laws to prevent illegal hunting and to ensure proper collecting, or “harvesting”, of the nests. As a result, the birds are a protected species and the number of swiftlets is growing. Nest harvesting begins in March and if the harvest is collected at the correct time of year, each swiftlet will lay eggs three times a season. Once the young birds have hatched and flown, the nests can be collected and sold to the Chinese food industry as the vital ingredient in bird’s nest soup.The recipe for the highly valued bird’s nest soup is centuries old, and the soup is said to have a value in prolonging life. Chinese doctors often prescribe it for people who are suffering from skin conditions, lung disease and breathing problems.It is important to prepare the nests thoroughly when they arrive in the restaurant kitchens. Firstly they are washed, soaked and boiled until they have a soft, rubber-like texture. Then they are mixed with meat and coconut and all the ingredients are cooked together. The nest itself is not delicious, in fact it has hardly any taste. As one Chinese chef says: “It is the other ingredients which give the soup its flavour. The nest is soft and crunchy, and when you prepare it you must be careful to remove all traces of the bird, such as bones or feathers. This is because Chinese people appreciate the way it feels in their mouth rather than the taste and smell.”It is an exotic dish in a multi-million dollar market. The nests themselves are small; they weigh less than 10 grams and measure just a few centimetres. But for the nest hunters the risks are great indeed.Questions:1. What happens to the saliva when the birds build their nests?2. Why do the hunters take such great risks to collect the nests?3. Which country buys most of the birds’ nests?4. Why is Suwan Kuha regarded as a temple?5. What makes the job of nest hunting particularly dangerous? Give TWOdetails.6. According to the graph, how does the price of birds’ nests in 2008compare to that of 1968?7. How is the business of nest hunting in Tam Yai controlled? Give TWOdetails.8. How is bird’s nest soup important for health?9. How does the soup get its taste?Paper III: Use of English (20 minutes 60 marks)A.ClozeSchool’s Art SaleLast Friday parents helped collect lots of money for a school by buying children’s pictures.A primary school in Bicester used its classrooms as an art gallery for a day and (1) ............parents to come and look. All the pupils (2) ............ a work of art and (3) ............ painting went on sale at £5. Hundreds of parents and relations came and, together, they spent(4) ............ £2,000.Now the school is (5) ............ of making the exhibition bigger next year by also contacting businesses (6) ............ operate in the local area. One of the schoolchildren’s parents firsthad the (7) ............ after going to (8) ............ exhibitions in her home country, South Africa.The school has decided to (9) ............ the money to buy books and CD players. The Head Teacher said he was delighted to see the school (10) ............ full and he was very proud of the children.1 A hoped B invited C pleased D wished2 A operated B played C performed D produced3 A few B some C each D all4 A over B more C close D near5 A planning B thinking C considering D wanting6 A what B who C which D whose7 A memory B idea C habit D choice8 A same B likely C similar D equal9 A bring B add C join D use10 A so B too C such D enoughB.Grammar and Vocabulary Multiple Choices1. We don't have any milk left. _____ ?a. don't youb. are wec. do wed. have you2. I tried on two sweaters, but I didn't buy _____ of them.a. eitherb. nonec. neitherd. any3. If they ________________ the car earlier, they wouldn't have gotten stuck on the road.a. were checkedb. did checkc. had checkedd. checked4. I saw every episode in that _____________ television series.a. ten-partsc. tens-partsd. ten-part5. "How are you managing with the new computer program?""Not great. I ___________ to figure it out yet.'"a. can't have managedb. haven't managedc. don't managed. haven't been managing6. I've been trying ____________ Sue all morning.a. to callb. callingc. calld. to have called7. You ___________ close all the windows before you leave the house.a. needb. shouldc. oughtd. might8. He was accused ______________ stealing money from the store.a. inb. forc. byd. of9. We stayed up to watch TV ___________ it was very late.a. despiteb. in spite ofc. althoughd. even10. "I have a headache. Can you get me an aspirin?" "Sure. ________ get you one right now."a. I'm able tob. I'm goingc. I ought tod. I'll11. It will take you _______ three hours to drive to the campsite.a. greatlyc. approximatelyd. annually12. We didn’t get to the meeting on time __________ a traffic jam.a. causingb. because ofc. owing tod. due to13. I have to make an _________ with my dentist.a. arrangementb. assignmentc. interviewd. appointment14. The sign on the front tells you the ________ of each bus.a. resortb. destinationc. agencyd. port15. The school must be very old. When was it ___________ up?a. posedb. evolvedc. setd. founded16. I really like Jan and Dave. They’re very good ___________.a. societyb. companyc. associatesd. friendship17. The letter is okay, but you _________ a few words in the last line.a. leftb. omittedc. avoidedd. lost18. I want to move out of the city because I find __________ life exhausting.a. ruralb. remotec. urban19. She doesn’t talk about her feelings. She’s a very __________ person.a. insincereb. passivec. reservedd. upset20. Jim __________ his brother to lend him $ 500.a. imposedb. persuadedc. requiredd. desiredPaper IV: Writing (20 minutes 20 marks)Please write a short paragraph of about 150 words and tell us what your favorite TV program is, what it is about, and why you enjoy watching it.。
高中入学考试英语模拟试卷Paper I: Listening (15 minutes 16 marks)A.For Questions 1-10, you will hear 10 short dialogues and decide whether the following statementsare true or false. Listen and mark “T” or “F” on the answer sheet. You’ll hear the recordingTWICE.1. The driver puts the man’s bag in the trunk.2. The woman refuses the man’s suggestion.3. Lynne is having a potluck party.4. Chris is a vegetarian.5. The customer needs the salesperson’s help right now.6. The food at the restaurant was so-so.7. The man tells the woman not to do something.8. Helen feels better.9. Cindy is talking about the job that she has now.10. Bob is going to start jogging before work.B.For questions 1-6, you will hear a series of short conversations. Please write the answer to eachquestion on the line provided. Your answer should be as brief as possible. You will hear each item TWICE.1. Where will Alberto find the tea?2. At what point exactly will the three students appear in the concert?3. When will the friends go swimming?4. Where will the tour meeting take place?5. How will teachers know who wants to attend their revision class?6. What is Lili’s problem AND how might this be resolved?Paper II: Reading (65 minutes 54 marks)A.For questions 1-10, please look at the sentences below about a journey to the Arctic on board a ship.Read the following text to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.If it is correct, mark T on your answer sheet.If it is not correct, mark F on your answer sheet.1 This trip is for people who like peace and quiet.2 Many different activities are organized on board.3 The voyage begins in Scotland.4 The ship follows a fixed route.5 There are different types of accommodation.6 Passengers serve themselves in the dining room.7 Whales can be seen in the morning near Tromso.8 There are some examples of traditional buildings in Tromso.9 The ship stays overnight in Tromso.10 Bear Island used to be a busy fishing centre.Exploring the ArcticThe Arctic is one of the few places in the world untouched by pollution where you can see nature at its wildest and most beautiful. Join our ship the Northern Star from 2 to 18 July, for a 17-day voyage to the Arctic. During the voyage you are able to relax and get away from it all. There are no parties or film-shows to attend, quizzes to enter, or entertainers to watch. However, we do have specialists on board who are willing to answer any of your questions about the Arctic and who will talk about the animals and birds that you see on the trip.After setting off from Scotland, we go north along the coast of Norway to Bear Island. Along the way you'll see thousands of seabirds and wonderful scenery, with rivers of ice and huge cliffs. You will have the chance to see reindeer, polar bears, and other Arctic animals. Although we have a timetable, experience has shown that we may have to change our direction a little, depending on the weather and on which animals appear.The Northern Star is a very special ship and our past voyages have been very popular. Our cabins all have the same excellent facilities, which include a private bathroom and refrigerator. Our chefs are happy to prepare any food for people on special diets. Choose just what you want to eat from the wide variety available from the dining room buffet. There is a library, shop, clinic and plenty of space for relaxation. If you need some exercise, why not go jogging every morning around the decks, or do some swimming in the indoor pool.Prices include economy class air travel and 16 nights on board the Northern Star, all meals and excursions and all lectures.Day 1 Board the Northern Star.Days 2–7 We sail slowly north along the coast of Norway,stopping at places of interest.Day 8 Tromso. You need to get up at sunrise to see thewhales as we sail towards Tromso. Visit Tromso tosee the Arctic Museum, the cathedral and the beautifulold wooden houses. In the evening we sail away alongthe west coast to Bird Island, which is excellent forbird-watching.Days 9–10 Bear Island. We arrive here in the early evening andstay overnight. Bear Island once had an active fishingindustry, but today little of this remains. We will explorethe island, looking out for Arctic flowers.Days 11–16 Spitsbergen. A place of mountains and rivers of ice, itis home to a large variety of animals.Day 17 Leave the ship in Spitsbergen and fly to London fromTroms.B.Please read the text about behaviors on airplane and answer questions 1-8.Air rage is the current expression for aggressive or disruptive behavior of airline passengers. It comes from the term road rage, used to describe drivers whose rude and hostile attitude toward others can lead to serious accidents or violence.Major airlines are becoming increasingly concerned about air rage and are training their staff to deal with it. At the same time, they are introducing tougher policies and supporting legislation that will allow local police to arrest offenders when they land. A special agreement, known as the 1963 Tokyo Convention, allows for the arrest of troublesome passengers on landing, even if they are not citizens of that country and did not technically commit a crime there.The problem of air rage may start before passengers even board the plane and may become worse on board. Reasons for air rage include heavy traffic on the way to the airport, long check-in lines, the amount of alcohol available both in the waiting area and given out free on board the plane, and strict enforcement of no-smoking laws at the airport and on the flight itself.Airline staff are trained to spot a potential troublemaker and to deal with violent behavior by talking to the person. For more serious cases, handcuffs and straitjackets are kept on board, although these are used only as a last resort. Fortunately, incidents involving serious violence are rare, but air rage is increasingly becoming an issue of concern for all airlines.1、Air rage and road rage refer to aggressive behavior by ____________a.passengers in cars or planes.b.airline passengers and car drivers.c.car drivers and airline pilots.d.airline passengers and crews.2.According to this passage, air rage _____________a.is a more serious problem today than it was 25 years ago.b.is a problem that more and more airline companies are dealing with.c.is a problem that became very serious in the 1960s.d.occurs more on certain airlines than on others.3.The Tokyo Convention enables local police _________________a.to introduce tougher policies.b.to arrest people while flying over their country.c.to arrest aggressive passengers of any nationality.d.to use handcuffs and straitjackets to restrain aggressive passengers.4.According to this passage, which of the following factors contributes to air rage?a. a difficult journey to the airportb.smoking on boardc.restrictions on alcohold.handcuffs and straitjackets being kept on board5.From this passage we can understand that airline staff will watch out for _______________a.heavy smokers.b.heavy drinkers.c.people who are nervous about flying.d.people who start talking to aggressive passengers.6.The phrase as a last resort in the last paragraph means ______________a.in a far-away vacation spot.b.if the plane cannot return to the airport.c.after everything else has failed.d.with potential troublemakers.7.What might the airline crew do to control air rage on the plane?a.allow the passenger to smokeb.arrest the passengerc.restrain the passengerd.behave rudely to the passenger8.The writer's main purpose in this passage is to _________________a.discuss the phenomenon of air rage.b.explain the reasons for air rage.c.suggest solutions for airline staff faced with air rage.d.warn passengers about air rage.C.Please read the following article about men who hunt for birds’ nests in caves in Thailand, and thenanswer questions 1-9 in your own words on a separate answer sheet.The Nest Hunters of Tam YaiSwiftlets are shy birds that make their nests in the remotest corners of deep caves. They have the ability to fly fast and straight like arrows around the interior of the cave walls. Like some other birds, they build their nests with their saliva, the juicy liquid from their own mouths. This juice hardens quickly to make a small nest, shaped like a cup. These nests are called “white gold”, because they can be sold for thousands of dollars in the Chinese food markets. It is these nests for which the hunters of Tam Yai are prepared to risk their lives.Tam Yai cave in southern Thailand is the largest network of caves inside a limestone mountain, known as Suwan Kuha, meaning “cave temple”. It has been given this name because it contains a large area decorated with statues of Buddhas. High above the statues, in the far corners of the cave complex, is where the nests are to be found.The nest hunters climb barefoot up dangerous bamboo poles hundreds of metres above the ground to collect these valuable nests. They rarely use safety equipment, and if they fall, they will die instantly. These nests can only be reached by the bravest and most skilled climbers, and they are often only able to reach the highest nests with the aid of a stick and a net.Nest hunting is a skill passed down in families from father to son. Because of the profits that can be made, the competition among rival climbers is fierce. There are armed guards at the entrance to the cave to protect the nests from thieves. In Tam Yai, there are also strict laws to prevent illegal hunting and to ensure proper collecting, or “harvesting”, of the nests. As a result, the birds are a protected species and the number of swiftlets is growing. Nest harvesting begins in March and if the harvest is collected at the correct time of year, each swiftlet will lay eggs three times a season. Once the young birds have hatched and flown, the nests can be collected and sold to the Chinese food industry as the vital ingredient in bird’s nest soup.The recipe for the highly valued bird’s nest soup is centuries old, and the soup is said to have a value in prolonging life. Chinese doctors often prescribe it for people who are suffering from skin conditions, lung disease and breathing problems.It is important to prepare the nests thoroughly when they arrive in the restaurant kitchens. Firstly they are washed, soaked and boiled until they have a soft, rubber-like texture. Then they are mixed with meat and coconut and all the ingredients are cooked together. The nest itself is not delicious, in fact it has hardly any taste. As one Chinese chef says: “It is the other ingredients which give the soup its flavour. The nest is soft and crunchy, and when you prepare it you must be careful to remove all traces of the bird, such as bones or feathers. This is because Chinese people appreciate the way it feels in their mouth rather than the taste and smell.”It is an exotic dish in a multi-million dollar market. The nests themselves are small; they weigh less than 10 grams and measure just a few centimetres. But for the nest hunters the risks are great indeed.Questions:1. What happens to the saliva when the birds build their nests?2. Why do the hunters take such great risks to collect the nests?3. Which country buys most of the birds’ nests?4. Why is Suwan Kuha regarded as a temple?5. What makes the job of nest hunting particularly dangerous? Give TWO details.6. According to the graph, how does the price of bird s’ nests in 2008 compare to thatof 1968?7. How is the business of nest hunting in Tam Yai controlled? Give TWO details.8. How is bird’s nest soup important for health?9. How does the soup get its taste?Paper III: Use of English (20 minutes 60 marks)A.ClozeSchool’s Art SaleLast Friday parents helped collect lots of money for a school by buying children’s pictures. A primary school in Bicester used its classrooms as an art gallery for a day and (1) ............ parents to come and look. All the pupils (2) ............ a work of art and (3) ............ painting went on sale at £5.Hundreds of parents and relations came and, together, they spent (4) ............ £2,000.Now the school is (5) ............ of making the exhibition bigger next year by also contactingbusinesses (6) ............ operate in the local area. One of the schoolchildren’s parents first had the(7) ............ after going to (8) ............ exhibitions in her home country, South Africa.The school has decided to (9) ............ the money to buy books and CD players. The Head Teachersaid he was delighted to see the school (10) ............ full and he was very proud of the children.1 A hoped B invited C pleased D wished2 A operated B played C performed D produced3 A few B some C each D all4 A over B more C close D near5 A planning B thinking C considering D wanting6 A what B who C which D whose7 A memory B idea C habit D choice8 A same B likely C similar D equal9 A bring B add C join D use10 A so B too C such D enoughB.Grammar and Vocabulary Multiple Choices1. We don't have any milk left. _____ ?a. don't youb. are wec. do wed. have you2. I tried on two sweaters, but I didn't buy _____ of them.a. eitherb. nonec. neitherd. any3. If they ________________ the car earlier, they wouldn't have gotten stuck on the road.a. were checkedb. did checkc. had checkedd. checked4. I saw every episode in that _____________ television series.a. ten-partsb. tens-partc. tens-partsd. ten-part5. "How are you managing with the new computer program?""Not great. I ___________ to figure it out yet.'"a. can't have managedb. haven't managedc. don't managed. haven't been managing6. I've been trying ____________ Sue all morning.a. to callb. callingc. calld. to have called7. You ___________ close all the windows before you leave the house.a. needb. shouldc. oughtd. might8. He was accused ______________ stealing money from the store.a. inb. forc. byd. of9. We stayed up to watch TV ___________ it was very late.a. despiteb. in spite ofc. althoughd. even10. "I have a headache. Can you get me an aspirin?" "Sure. ________ get you one right now."a. I'm able tob. I'm goingc. I ought tod. I'll11. It will take you _______ three hours to drive to the campsite.a. greatlyb. entirelyc. approximatelyd. annually12. We didn’t get to the meeting on time __________ a traffic jam.a. causingb. because ofc. owing tod. due to13. I have to make an _________ with my dentist.a. arrangementb. assignmentc. interviewd. appointment14. The sign on the front tells you the ________ of each bus.a. resortb. destinationc. agencyd. port15. The school must be very old. When was it ___________ up?a. posedb. evolvedc. setd. founded16. I really like Jan and Dave. They’re very good ___________.a. societyb. companyc. associatesd. friendship17. The letter is okay, but you _________ a few words in the last line.a. leftb. omittedc. avoidedd. lost18. I want to move out of the city because I find __________ life exhausting.a. ruralb. remotec. urband. country19. She doesn’t talk about her feelings. She’s a very __________ person.a. insincereb. passivec. reservedd. upset20. Jim __________ his brother to lend him $ 500.a. imposedb. persuadedc. requiredd. desiredPaper IV: Writing (20 minutes 20 marks)Please write a short paragraph of about 150 words and tell us what your favorite TV program is, what it is about, and why you enjoy watching it.。
高中国际学校入学考试真题1. 在国际学校,学生通常需要具备哪种能力来适应多元文化环境?A. 优秀的语言能力B. 深厚的文化背景知识C. 强大的数学技能D. 卓越的体育竞技能力2. 哪个学科领域通常在国际学校中受到特别重视?A. 自然科学B. 人文社会科学C. 艺术与设计D. 商业与管理3. 国际学校通常如何评估学生的学术表现?A. 仅通过考试成绩B. 通过考试成绩和平时表现C. 仅通过平时表现D. 通过家长评价4. 在国际学校,学生通常需要掌握哪种外语以适应全球化的学习环境?A. 英语B. 法语C. 西班牙语D. 德语5. 国际学校的教育模式通常与传统的国内学校有何不同?A. 更注重应试技巧B. 更注重实践和创新能力的培养C. 课程设置更加单一D. 教学方法更加保守6. 学生在国际学校中,通常如何参与社区服务活动?A. 作为强制性任务B. 通过学校组织的志愿活动C. 个人自行安排D. 不参与社区服务7. 国际学校通常如何培养学生的全球视野和跨文化交流能力?A. 仅通过课堂教学B. 通过课堂教学和实践活动相结合C. 仅通过课外活动D. 仅通过阅读国际新闻8. 在国际学校,学生通常如何准备大学申请?A. 仅依赖学校的指导B. 通过学校的指导和个人的研究相结合C. 仅依赖个人的研究D. 不需要特别准备,直接申请答案及解析请注意,以上题目仅为模拟题,不代表真实的考试内容。
高中入学考试英语模拟试卷Paper I: Listening (15 minutes 16 marks)A.For Questions 1-10, you will hear 10 short dialogues and decide whether the following statementsare true or false. Listen and mark “T”or “F”on the answer sheet. You’ll hear the recording TWICE.1. The driver puts the man’s bag in the trunk.2. The woman refuses the man’s suggestion.3. Lynne is having a potluck party.4. Chris is a vegetarian.5. The customer needs the salesperson’s help right now.6. The food at the restaurant was so-so.7. The man tells the woman not to do something.8. Helen feels better.9. Cindy is talking about the job that she has now.10. Bob is going to start jogging before work.B.For questions 1-6, you will hear a series of short conversations. Please write the answer to eachquestion on the line provided. Your answer should be as brief as possible. You will hear each item TWICE.1. Where will Alberto find the tea?2. At what point exactly will the three students appear in the concert?3. When will the friends go swimming?4. Where will the tour meeting take place?5. How will teachers know who wants to attend their revision class?6. What is Lili’s problem AND how might this be resolved?Paper II: Reading (65 minutes 54 marks)A.For questions 1-10, please look at the sentences below about a journey to the Arctic on board a ship.Read the following text to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.If it is correct, mark T on your answer sheet.If it is not correct, mark F on your answer sheet.1 This trip is for people who like peace and quiet.2 Many different activities are organized on board.3 The voyage begins in Scotland.4 The ship follows a fixed route.5 There are different types of accommodation.6 Passengers serve themselves in the dining room.7 Whales can be seen in the morning near Tromso.8 There are some examples of traditional buildings in Tromso.9 The ship stays overnight in Tromso.10 Bear Island used to be a busy fishing centre.Exploring the ArcticThe Arctic is one of the few places in the world untouched by pollution where you can see nature at its wildest and most beautiful. Join our ship the Northern Star from 2 to 18 July, for a 17-day voyage to the Arctic. During the voyage you are able to relax and get away from it all. There are no parties or film-shows to attend, quizzes to enter, or entertainers to watch. However, we do have specialists on board who are willing to answer any of your questions about the Arctic and who will talk about the animals and birds that you see on the trip.After setting off from Scotland, we go north along the coast of Norway to Bear Island. Along the way you'll see thousands of seabirds and wonderful scenery, with rivers of ice and huge cliffs. You will have the chance to see reindeer, polar bears, and other Arctic animals. Although we have a timetable, experience has shown that we may have to change our direction a little, depending on the weather and on which animals appear.The Northern Star is a very special ship and our past voyages have been very popular. Our cabins all have the same excellent facilities, which include a private bathroom and refrigerator. Our chefs are happy to prepare any food for people on special diets. Choose just what you want to eat from the wide variety available from the dining room buffet. There is a library, shop, clinic and plenty of space for relaxation. If you need some exercise, why not go jogging every morning around the decks, or do some swimming in the indoor pool.Prices include economy class air travel and 16 nights on board the Northern Star, all meals and excursions and all lectures.Day 1 Board the Northern Star.Days 2–7 We sail slowly north along the coast of Norway,stopping at places of interest.Day 8 Tromso. You need to get up at sunrise to see thewhales as we sail towards Tromso. Visit Tromso tosee the Arctic Museum, the cathedral and the beautifulold wooden houses. In the evening we sail away alongthe west coast to Bird Island, which is excellent forbird-watching.Days 9–10 Bear Island. We arrive here in the early evening andstay overnight. Bear Island once had an active fishingindustry, but today little of this remains. We will explorethe island, looking out for Arctic flowers.Days 11–16 Spitsbergen. A place of mountains and rivers of ice, itis home to a large variety of animals.Day 17 Leave the ship in Spitsbergen and fly to London fromTroms.B.Please read the text about behaviors on airplane and answer questions 1-8.Air rage is the current expression for aggressive or disruptive behavior of airline passengers. It comes from the term road rage, used to describe drivers whose rude and hostile attitude toward others can lead to serious accidents or violence.Major airlines are becoming increasingly concerned about air rage and are training their staff to deal with it. At the same time, they are introducing tougher policies and supporting legislation that will allow local police to arrest offenders when they land. A special agreement, known as the 1963 Tokyo Convention, allows for the arrest of troublesome passengers on landing, even if they are not citizens of that country and did not technically commit a crime there.The problem of air rage may start before passengers even board the plane and may become worse on board. Reasons for air rage include heavy traffic on the way to the airport, long check-in lines, the amount of alcohol available both in the waiting area and given out free on board the plane, and strict enforcement of no-smoking laws at the airport and on the flight itself.Airline staff are trained to spot a potential troublemaker and to deal with violent behavior by talking to the person. For more serious cases, handcuffs and straitjackets are kept on board, although these are used only as a last resort. Fortunately, incidents involving serious violence are rare, but air rage is increasingly becoming an issue of concern for all airlines.1、Air rage and road rage refer to aggressive behavior by ____________a.passengers in cars or planes.b.airline passengers and car drivers.c.car drivers and airline pilots.d.airline passengers and crews.2.According to this passage, air rage _____________a.is a more serious problem today than it was 25 years ago.b.is a problem that more and more airline companies are dealing with.c.is a problem that became very serious in the 1960s.d.occurs more on certain airlines than on others.3.The Tokyo Convention enables local police _________________a.to introduce tougher policies.b.to arrest people while flying over their country.c.to arrest aggressive passengers of any nationality.d.to use handcuffs and straitjackets to restrain aggressive passengers.4.According to this passage, which of the following factors contributes to air rage?a. a difficult journey to the airportb.smoking on boardc.restrictions on alcohold.handcuffs and straitjackets being kept on board5.From this passage we can understand that airline staff will watch out for _______________a.heavy smokers.b.heavy drinkers.c.people who are nervous about flying.d.people who start talking to aggressive passengers.6.The phrase as a last resort in the last paragraph means ______________a.in a far-away vacation spot.b.if the plane cannot return to the airport.c.after everything else has failed.d.with potential troublemakers.7.What might the airline crew do to control air rage on the plane?a.allow the passenger to smokeb.arrest the passengerc.restrain the passengerd.behave rudely to the passenger8.The writer's main purpose in this passage is to _________________a.discuss the phenomenon of air rage.b.explain the reasons for air rage.c.suggest solutions for airline staff faced with air rage.d.warn passengers about air rage.C.Please read the following article about men who hunt for birds’ nests in caves in Thailand, and thenanswer questions 1-9 in your own words on a separate answer sheet.The Nest Hunters of Tam YaiSwiftlets are shy birds that make their nests in the remotest corners of deep caves. They have the ability to fly fast and straight like arrows around the interior of the cave walls. Like some other birds, they build their nests with their saliva, the juicy liquid from their own mouths. This juice hardens quickly to make a small nest, shaped like a cup. These nests are called “white gold”, because they can be sold for thousands of dollars in the Chinese food markets. It is these nests for which the hunters of Tam Yai are prepared to risk their lives.Tam Yai cave in southern Thailand is the largest network of caves inside a limestone mountain, known as Suwan Kuha, meaning “cave temple”. It has been given this name because it contains a large area decorated with statues of Buddhas. High above the statues, in the far corners of the cave complex, is where the nests are to be found.The nest hunters climb barefoot up dangerous bamboo poles hundreds of metres above the ground to collect these valuable nests. They rarely use safety equipment, and if they fall, they will die instantly. These nests can only be reached by the bravest and most skilled climbers, and they are often only able to reach the highest nests with the aid of a stick and a net.Nest hunting is a skill passed down in families from father to son. Because of the profits that can be made, the competition among rival climbers is fierce. There are armed guards at the entrance to the cave to protect the nests from thieves. In Tam Yai, there are also strict laws to prevent illegal hunting and to ensure proper collecting, or “harvesting”, of the nests. As a result, the birds are a protected species and the number of swiftlets is growing. Nest harvesting begins in March and if the harvest is collected at the correct time of year, each swiftlet will lay eggs three times a season. Once the young birds have hatched and flown, the nests can be collected and sold to the Chinese food industry as the vital ingredient in bird’s nest soup.The recipe for the highly valued bird’s nest soup is centuries old, and the soup is said to have a value in prolonging life. Chinese doctors often prescribe it for people who are suffering from skin conditions, lung disease and breathing problems.It is important to prepare the nests thoroughly when they arrive in the restaurant kitchens. Firstly they are washed, soaked and boiled until they have a soft, rubber-like texture. Then they are mixed with meat and coconut and all the ingredients are cooked together. The nest itself is not delicious, in fact it has hardly any taste. As one Chinese chef says: “It is the other ingredients which give the soup its flavour. The nest is soft and crunchy, and when you prepare it you must be careful to remove all traces of the bird, such as bones or feathers. This is because Chinese people appreciate the way it feels in their mouth rather than the taste and smell.”It is an exotic dish in a multi-million dollar market. The nests themselves are small; they weigh less than 10 grams and measure just a few centimetres. But for the nest hunters the risks are great indeed.Questions:1. What happens to the saliva when the birds build their nests?2. Why do the hunters take such great risks to collect the nests?3. Which country buys most of the birds’ nests?4. Why is Suwan Kuha regarded as a temple?5. What makes the job of nest hunting particularly dangerous? Give TWO details.6. According to the graph, how does the price of bird s’ nests in 2008 compare tothat of 1968?7. How is the business of nest hunting in Tam Yai controlled? Give TWO details.8. How is bird’s nest soup important for health?9. How does the soup get its taste?Paper III: Use of English (20 minutes 60 marks)A.ClozeSchool’s Art SaleLast Friday parents helped collect lots of money for a school by buying children’s pictures. A primary school in Bicester used its classrooms as an art gallery for a day and (1) ............ parents to come and look. All the pupils (2) ............ a work of art and (3) ............ painting went on sale at £5. Hundreds of parents and relations came and, together, they spent (4) ............ £2,000.Now the school is (5) ............ of making the exhibition bigger next year by also contactingbusinesses (6) ............ operate in the local area. One of the schoolchildren’s parents first had the(7) ............ after going to (8) ............ exhibitions in her home country, South Africa.The school has decided to (9) ............ the money to buy books and CD players. The HeadTeacher said he was delighted to see the school (10) ............ full and he was very proud of the children.1 A hoped B invited C pleased D wished2 A operated B played C performed D produced3 A few B some C each D all4 A over B more C close D near5 A planning B thinking C considering D wanting6 A what B who C which D whose7 A memory B idea C habit D choice8 A same B likely C similar D equal9 A bring B add C join D use10 A so B too C such D enoughB.Grammar and Vocabulary Multiple Choices1. We don't have any milk left. _____ ?a. don't youb. are wec. do wed. have you2. I tried on two sweaters, but I didn't buy _____ of them.a. eitherb. nonec. neitherd. any3. If they ________________ the car earlier, they wouldn't have gotten stuck on the road.a. were checkedb. did checkc. had checkedd. checked4. I saw every episode in that _____________ television series.a. ten-partsb. tens-partc. tens-partsd. ten-part5. "How are you managing with the new computer program?""Not great. I ___________ to figure it out yet.'"a. can't have managedb. haven't managedc. don't managed. haven't been managing6. I've been trying ____________ Sue all morning.a. to callb. callingc. calld. to have called7. You ___________ close all the windows before you leave the house.a. needb. shouldc. oughtd. might8. He was accused ______________ stealing money from the store.a. inb. forc. byd. of9. We stayed up to watch TV ___________ it was very late.a. despiteb. in spite ofc. althoughd. even10. "I have a headache. Can you get me an aspirin?" "Sure. ________ get you one right now."a. I'm able tob. I'm goingc. I ought tod. I'll11. It will take you _______ three hours to drive to the campsite.a. greatlyb. entirelyc. approximatelyd. annually12. We didn’t get to the meeting on time __________ a traffic jam.a. causingb. because ofc. owing tod. due to13. I have to make an _________ with my dentist.a. arrangementb. assignmentc. interviewd. appointment14. The sign on the front tells you the ________ of each bus.a. resortb. destinationc. agencyd. port15. The school must be very old. When was it ___________ up?a. posedb. evolvedc. setd. founded16. I really like Jan and Dave. They’re very good ___________.a. societyb. companyc. associatesd. friendship17. The letter is okay, but you _________ a few words in the last line.a. leftb. omittedc. avoidedd. lost18. I want to move out of the city because I find __________ life exhausting.a. ruralb. remotec. urband. country19. She doesn’t talk about her feelings. She’s a very __________ person.a. insincereb. passivec. reservedd. upset20. Jim __________ his brother to lend him $ 500.a. imposedb. persuadedc. requiredd. desiredPaper IV: Writing (20 minutes 20 marks)Please write a short paragraph of about 150 words and tell us what your favorite TV program is, what it is about, and why you enjoy watching it.。
高中入学考试英语模拟试卷Paper I: Listening (15 minutes 16 marks)A.For Questions 1-10, you will hear 10 short dialogues and decide whether thefollowing statements are true or false. Listen and mark “T” or “F” on the answer sheet. You’ll hear the recording TWICE.1. The driver puts the man’s bag in the trunk.2. The woman refuses the man’s suggestion.3. Lynne is having a potluck party.4. Chris is a vegetarian.5. The customer needs the salesperson’s help right now.6. The food at the restaurant was so-so.7. The man tells the woman not to do something.8. Helen feels better.9. Cindy is talking about the job that she has now.10. Bob is going to start jogging before work.B.For questions 1-6, you will hear a series of short conversations. Please writethe answer to each question on the line provided. Your answer should be as brief as possible. You will hear each item TWICE.1. Where will Alberto find the tea?2. At what point exactly will the three students appear in the concert?3. When will the friends go swimming?4. Where will the tour meeting take place?5. How will teachers know who wants to attend their revision class?6. What is Lili’s problem AND how might this be resolved?Paper II: Reading (65 minutes 54 marks)A.For questions 1-10, please look at the sentences below about a journey to theArctic on board a ship. Read the following text to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.If it is correct, mark T on your answer sheet.If it is not correct, mark F on your answer sheet.Exploring the ArcticThe Arctic is one of the few places in the world untouched by pollution where you can see nature at its wildest and most beautiful. Join our ship the Northern Star from 2 to 18 July, for a 17-day voyage to the Arctic. During the voyage you are able to relax and get away from it all. There are no parties or film-shows to attend, quizzes to enter, or entertainers to watch. However, we do have specialists on board who are willing to answer any of your questions about the Arctic and who will talk about the animals and birds that you see on the trip.After setting off from Scotland, we go north along the coast of Norway to Bear Island. Along the way you'll see thousands of seabirds and wonderful scenery, with rivers of ice and huge cliffs. You will have the chance to see reindeer, polar bears, and other Arctic animals. Although we have a timetable, experience has shown that we may have to change our direction a little, depending on the weather and on which animals appear.The Northern Star is a very special ship and our past voyages have been very popular. Our cabins all have the same excellent facilities, which include a private bathroom and refrigerator. Our chefs are happy to prepare any food for people on special diets. Choose just what you want to eat from the wide variety available from the dining room buffet. Thereis a library, shop, clinic and plenty of space for relaxation. If you need some exercise, why not go jogging every morning around the decks, or do some swimming in the indoor pool.Prices include economy class air travel and 16 nights on board the Northern Star, all meals and excursions and all lectures.Day 1 Board the Northern Star.Days 2–7 We sail slowly north along the coast of Norway,stopping at places of interest.Day 8 Tromso. You need to get up at sunrise to see thewhales as we sail towards Tromso. Visit Tromso tosee the Arctic Museum, the cathedral and the beautifulold wooden houses. In the evening we sail away alongthe west coast to Bird Island, which is excellent forbird-watching.Days 9–10 Bear Island. We arrive here in the early evening andstay overnight. Bear Island once had an active fishingindustry, but today little of this remains. We will explorethe island, looking out for Arctic flowers.Days 11–16 Spitsbergen. A place of mountains and rivers of ice, itis home to a large variety of animals.Day 17 Leave the ship in Spitsbergen and fly to London fromTroms.B.Please read the text about behaviors on airplane and answer questions 1-8.Air rage is the current expression for aggressive or disruptive behavior of airline passengers. It comes from the term road rage, used to describe drivers whose rude and hostile attitude toward others can lead to serious accidents or violence.Major airlines are becoming increasingly concerned about air rage and are training their staff to deal with it. At the same time, they are introducing tougher policies and supporting legislation that will allow local police to arrest offenders when they land. A special agreement, known as the 1963 Tokyo Convention, allows for the arrest of troublesome passengers on landing, even if they are not citizens of that country and did not technically commit a crime there.The problem of air rage may start before passengers even board the plane and may become worse on board. Reasons for air rage include heavy traffic on the way to the airport, long check-in lines, the amount of alcohol available both in the waiting area and given out free on board the plane, and strict enforcement of no-smoking laws at the airport and on the flight itself.Airline staff are trained to spot a potential troublemaker and to deal with violent behavior by talking to the person. For more serious cases, handcuffs and straitjackets are kept on board, although these are used only as a last resort. Fortunately, incidents involving serious violence are rare, but air rage is increasingly becoming an issue of concern for all airlines.1、Air rage and road rage refer to aggressive behavior by ____________a.passengers in cars or planes.b.airline passengers and car drivers.c.car drivers and airline pilots.d.airline passengers and crews.2.According to this passage, air rage _____________a.is a more serious problem today than it was 25 years ago.b.is a problem that more and more airline companies are dealing with.c.is a problem that became very serious in the 1960s.d.occurs more on certain airlines than on others.3.The Tokyo Convention enables local police _________________a.to introduce tougher policies.b.to arrest people while flying over their country.c.to arrest aggressive passengers of any nationality.d.to use handcuffs and straitjackets to restrain aggressive passengers.4.According to this passage, which of the following factors contributes to air rage?a. a difficult journey to the airportb.smoking on boardc.restrictions on alcohold.handcuffs and straitjackets being kept on board5.From this passage we can understand that airline staff will watch out for _______________a.heavy smokers.b.heavy drinkers.c.people who are nervous about flying.d.people who start talking to aggressive passengers.6.The phrase as a last resort in the last paragraph means ______________a.in a far-away vacation spot.b.if the plane cannot return to the airport.c.after everything else has failed.d.with potential troublemakers.7.What might the airline crew do to control air rage on the plane?a.allow the passenger to smokeb.arrest the passengerc.restrain the passengerd.behave rudely to the passenger8.The writer's main purpose in this passage is to _________________a.discuss the phenomenon of air rage.b.explain the reasons for air rage.c.suggest solutions for airline staff faced with air rage.d.warn passengers about air rage.C.Please read the following article about men who hunt for birds’ nests in cavesin Thailand, and then answer questions 1-9 in your own words on a separate answer sheet.The Nest Hunters of Tam YaiSwiftlets are shy birds that make their nests in the remotest corners of deep caves. They have the ability to fly fast and straight like arrows around the interior of the cave walls. Like some other birds, they build their nests with their saliva, the juicy liquid from their own mouths. This juice hardens quickly to make a small nest, shaped like a cup. These nests are called “white gold”, because they can be sold for thousands of dollars in the Chinese food markets. It is these nests for which the hunters of Tam Yai are prepared to risk their lives.Tam Yai cave in southern Thailand is the largest network of caves inside a limestone mountain, known as Suwan Kuha, meaning “cave temple”. It has been given this name because it contains a large area decorated with statues of Buddhas. High above the statues, in the far corners of the cave complex, is where the nests are to be found.The nest hunters climb barefoot up dangerous bamboo poles hundreds of metres above the ground to collect these valuable nests. They rarely use safety equipment, and if they fall, they will die instantly. These nests can only be reached by the bravest and most skilled climbers, and they are often only able to reach the highest nests with the aid of a stick and a net.Nest hunting is a skill passed down in families from father to son. Because of the profits that can be made, the competition among rival climbers is fierce. There are armed guards at the entrance to the cave to protect the nests from thieves. In Tam Yai, there are also strict laws to prevent illegal hunting and to ensure proper collecting, or “harvesting”, of the nests. As a result, the birds are a protected species and the number of swiftlets is growing. Nest harvesting begins in March and if the harvest is collected at the correct time of year, each swiftlet will lay eggs three times a season. Once the young birds have hatched and flown, the nests can be collected and sold to the Chinese food industry as the vital ingredient in bird’s nest soup.The recipe for the highly valued bird’s nest soup is centuries old, and the soup is said to have a value in prolonging life. Chinese doctors often prescribe it for people who are suffering from skin conditions, lung disease and breathing problems.It is important to prepare the nests thoroughly when they arrive in the restaurant kitchens. Firstly they are washed, soaked and boiled until they have a soft, rubber-like texture. Then they are mixed with meat and coconut and all the ingredients are cooked together. The nest itself is not delicious, in fact it has hardly any taste. As one Chinese chef says: “It is the other ingredients which give the soup its flavour. The nest is soft and crunchy, and when you prepare it you must be careful to remove all traces of the bird, such as bones or feathers. This is because Chinese people appreciate the way it feels in their mouth rather than the taste and smell.”It is an exotic dish in a multi-million dollar market. The nests themselves are small; they weigh less than 10 grams and measure just a few centimetres. But for the nest hunters the risks are great indeed.Questions:1. What happens to the saliva when the birds build their nests?2. Why do the hunters take such great risks to collect the nests?3. Which country buys most of the birds’ nests?4. Why is Suwan Kuha regarded as a temple?5. What makes the job of nest hunting particularly dangerous? Give TWOdetails.6. According to the graph, how does the price of birds’ nests in 2008compare to that of 1968?7. How is the business of nest hunting in Tam Yai controlled? Give TWOdetails.8. How is bird’s nest soup important for health?9. How does the soup get its taste?Paper III: Use of English (20 minutes 60 marks)A.ClozeSchool’s Art SaleLast Friday parents helped collect lots of money for a school by buying children’s pictures.A primary school in Bicester used its classrooms as an art gallery for a day and (1) ............parents to come and look. All the pupils (2) ............ a work of art and (3) ............ painting went on sale at £5. Hundreds of parents and relations came and, together, they spent(4) ............ £2,000.Now the school is (5) ............ of making the exhibition bigger next year by also contacting businesses (6) ............ operate in the local area. One of the schoolchildren’s parents firsthad the (7) ............ after going to (8) ............ exhibitions in her home country, South Africa.The school has decided to (9) ............ the money to buy books and CD players. The Head Teacher said he was delighted to see the school (10) ............ full and he was very proud of the children.1 A hoped B invited C pleased D wished2 A operated B played C performed D produced3 A few B some C each D all4 A over B more C close D near5 A planning B thinking C considering D wanting6 A what B who C which D whose7 A memory B idea C habit D choice8 A same B likely C similar D equal9 A bring B add C join D use10 A so B too C such D enoughB.Grammar and Vocabulary Multiple Choices1. We don't have any milk left. _____ ?a. don't youb. are wec. do wed. have you2. I tried on two sweaters, but I didn't buy _____ of them.a. eitherb. nonec. neitherd. any3. If they ________________ the car earlier, they wouldn't have gotten stuck on the road.a. were checkedb. did checkc. had checkedd. checked4. I saw every episode in that _____________ television series.a. ten-partsc. tens-partsd. ten-part5. "How are you managing with the new computer program?""Not great. I ___________ to figure it out yet.'"a. can't have managedb. haven't managedc. don't managed. haven't been managing6. I've been trying ____________ Sue all morning.a. to callb. callingc. calld. to have called7. You ___________ close all the windows before you leave the house.a. needb. shouldc. oughtd. might8. He was accused ______________ stealing money from the store.a. inb. forc. byd. of9. We stayed up to watch TV ___________ it was very late.a. despiteb. in spite ofc. althoughd. even10. "I have a headache. Can you get me an aspirin?" "Sure. ________ get you one right now."a. I'm able tob. I'm goingc. I ought tod. I'll11. It will take you _______ three hours to drive to the campsite.a. greatlyc. approximatelyd. annually12. We didn’t get to the meeting on time __________ a traffic jam.a. causingb. because ofc. owing tod. due to13. I have to make an _________ with my dentist.a. arrangementb. assignmentc. interviewd. appointment14. The sign on the front tells you the ________ of each bus.a. resortb. destinationc. agencyd. port15. The school must be very old. When was it ___________ up?a. posedb. evolvedc. setd. founded16. I really like Jan and Dave. They’re very good ___________.a. societyb. companyc. associatesd. friendship17. The letter is okay, but you _________ a few words in the last line.a. leftb. omittedc. avoidedd. lost18. I want to move out of the city because I find __________ life exhausting.a. ruralb. remotec. urban19. She doesn’t talk about her feelings. She’s a very __________ person.a. insincereb. passivec. reservedd. upset20. Jim __________ his brother to lend him $ 500.a. imposedb. persuadedc. requiredd. desiredPaper IV: Writing (20 minutes 20 marks)Please write a short paragraph of about 150 words and tell us what your favorite TV program is, what it is about, and why you enjoy watching it.。
中美国际高中入学考试模拟试卷(英语)International High School ProgramChengdu No.7High SchoolEntrance Test中美国际高中入学考试(Mock Exam Paper:English)英语模拟试卷(120minutes Full Score150)时间:120分钟满分:150Paper I:Listening(15minutes16marks)A.For Questions1-10,you will hear10short dialogues and decide whether thefollowing statements are true or false.Listen and mark“T”or“F”on the answer sheet.You’ll hear the recording TWICE.1.The driver puts the man’s bag in th e trunk.2.The woman refuses the man’s suggestion.3.Lynne is having a potluck party.4.Chris is a vegetarian.5.The customer needs the salesperson’s help right now.6.The food at the restaurant was so-so.7.The man tells the woman not to do something.8.Helen feels better.9.Cindy is talking about the job that she has now.10.Bob is going to start jogging before work.B.For questions1-6,you will hear a series of short conversations.Please writethe answer to each question on the line provided.Your answer should be as brief as possible.You will hear each itemTWICE.1.Where will Alberto find the tea?2.At what point exactly will the three students appear in the concert?3.When will the friends go swimming?4.Where will the tour meeting take place?5.How will teachers know who wants to attend their revision class?6.What is Lili’s problem AND how might this be resolved?Paper II:Reading(65minutes54marks)A.For questions1-10,please look at the sentences below about a journey to theArctic on board a ship.Read the following text to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.If it is correct,mark T on your answer sheet.If it is not correct,mark F on your answer sheet.1This trip is for people who like peace and quiet.2Many different activities are organized on board.3The voyage begins in Scotland.4The ship follows a fixed route.5There are different types of accommodation.6Passengers serve themselves in the dining room.7Whales can be seen in the morning near Tromso.8There are some examples of traditional buildings in Tromso.9The ship stays overnight in Tromso.10Bear Island used to be a busy fishing centre.Exploring the ArcticThe Arctic is one of thefew places in the worlduntouched by pollution where you can see nature at its wildest and most beautiful.Join our ship the Northern Star from2to18July,for a17-day voyage to the Arctic.During the voyage you are able to relax and get away from it all.Thereare no parties or film-shows to attend,quizzesto enter,or entertainers to watch.However,we do have specialists on board who are willing to answer any of your questions about the Arctic and who will talk about the animals and birds that you see on the trip.After setting off from Scotland,we go north along the coast of Norway to Bear Island.Along the way you'll see thousands of seabirds and wonderful scenery,with rivers of ice and huge cliffs.You will have the chanceto see reindeer,polar bears,and other Arctic animals.Although we have a timetable,experience has shown that we may have to change our direction a little,depending on the weather and on which animals appear.The Northern Star isa very special ship and our past voyages have been very popular. Our cabins all have the same excellent facilities,which include a private bathroom and refrigerator.Our chefs are happy to prepare any food for people on special diets. Choose just what youwant to eat from thewide variety available from the dining room buffet.There is a library,shop,clinic and plenty of space for relaxation.If you need some exercise,why not go jogging every morning around the decks,or do some swimming in the indoor pool.Prices include economy class air travel and16nights on board the Northern Star,all meals and excursions and all lectures.Day1 Days2–7Board the Northern Star.We sail slowly north along the coast of Norway, stopping at places of interest.Day8Tromso.You need to get up at sunrise to see thewhales as we sail towards Tromso.Visit Tromso tosee the Arctic Museum,the cathedral and thebeautiful old wooden houses.In the evening we sailaway along the west coast to Bird Island,which isexcellent for bird-watching.Days9–10Bear Island.We arrive here in the early evening and stay overnight.Bear Island once had an activefishing industry,but today little of this remains.We will explore the island,looking out for Arcticflowers.Days11–16Spitsbergen.A place of mountains and rivers of ice, it is home to a large variety of animals.Day17Leave the ship in Spitsbergen and fly to London from Troms.B.Please read the text about behaviors on airplane and answer questions1-8.Air rage is the current expression for aggressive or disruptive behavior of airline passengers.It comes from the term road rage,u sed to describe drivers whose rude and hostile attitude toward others can lead to serious accidents or violence.Major airlines are becoming increasingly concerned about air rage and are training their staff to deal with it.At the same time,they are introducing tougher policies and supporting legislation that will allow local police to arrest offenders when they land.A special agreement,known as the1963Tokyo Convention,allows for the arrest of troublesome passengers on landing,even if they are not citizens of that country and did not technically commit a crime there.The problem of air rage may start before passengers even board the plane and may become worse on board.Reasons for airrage include heavy traffic on the way to the airport,long check-in lines,the amountof alcohol available both in thewaiting area and given out free on board the plane,and strict enforcement of no-smoking laws at the airport and on the flight itself.Airline staff are trained to spot a potential troublemaker and to deal with violent behavior by talking to the person.For more serious cases,handcuffs and straitjackets are kept on board,although these are used only as a last resort.Fortunately,incidents involving serious violence are rare,but air rage is increasingly becoming an issueof concern for all airlines.1、Air rage and road rage refer to aggressive behavior by____________a.passengers in cars or planes.b.airline passengers and car drivers.c.car drivers and airline pilots.d.airline passengers and crews.2.According to this passage,air rage_____________a.is a more serious problem today than it was25years ago.b.is a problem that more and more airline companies are dealing with.c.is a problem that became very serious in the1960s.d.occurs more on certain airlines than on others.3.The T okyo Convention enables local police_________________a.to introduce tougher policies.b.to arrest people while flying over their country.c.to arrest aggressive passengers of any nationality.d.to use handcuffs and straitjackets to restrain aggressive passengers.4.According to this passage,which of the following factorscontributes to airrage?a.a difficult journey to the airportb.smoking on boardc.restrictions on alcohold.handcuffs and straitjackets being kept on board5.From this passage we can understand that airline staff will watch out for_______________a.heavy smokers.b.heavy drinkers.c.people who are nervous about flying.d.people who start talking to aggressive passengers.6.The phrase as a last resort in the last paragraph means______________a.in a far-away vacation spot.b.if the plane cannot return to the airport.c.after everything else has failed.d.with potential troublemakers.7.What might the airline crew do to control air rage on the plane?a.allow the passenger to smokeb.arrest the passengerc.restrain the passengerd.behave rudely to the passenger8.The writer's main purpose in this passage is to_________________a.discuss the phenomenon of air rage.b.explain the reasons for air rage.c.suggest solutions for airline staff faced with air rage.d.warn passengers about air rage.C.Please read the following article about men who hunt for birds’nests in cavesin Thailand,and then answer questions1-9in your own words on a separate answer sheet.The Nest Hunters of Tam YaiSwiftlets are shy birds that make their nests in the remotest corners of deep caves. They have the ability to fly fast and straight like arrows around the interior of the cave walls.Like some other birds,they build their nests with their saliva,the juicy liquid from their own mouths.This juice hardens quickly to make a small nest,shaped like a cup.These nests are called“white gold”,because they can be sold for thousandsof dollars in the Chinese food markets.It is these nests for which the hunters of Tam Yai are prepared to risk their lives.Tam Yai cave in southern Thailand is the largest network of caves inside a limestone mountain,known as Suwan Kuha,meaning“cave temple”.It has been given this name because it contains a large area decorated with statues of Buddhas.High above the statues,in the far corners of the cave complex,is where the nests are to be found.The nest hunters climb barefoot up dangerous bamboo poles hundreds of metres above the ground to collect these valuable nests.They rarely use safety equipment,and if they fall,they will die instantly.These nests can only be reached by the bravest and most skilled climbers,and they are often only able to reach the highest nests with the aid of a stick and a net.Nest hunting is a skill passed down in families from father to son.Because of the profits that can be made,the competition among rival climbers is fierce.There are armed guards at the entrance to the cave to protect the nests from thieves.In Tam Yai, there are also strict laws to preventillegal hunting and to ensure proper collecting,or“harvesting”,of the nests.As a result,the b irds are a protected species and the number of swiftlets is growing.Nest harvesting begins in March and if the harvest is collected at the correct time of year,each swiftlet will lay eggs three times a season.Once the young birds have hatched and flown,the nests can be collected and sold to the Chinese food industry as the vital ingredient in bird’s nest soup.The recipe for the highly valued bird’s nest soup is centuries old,and the soup is said to have a value in prolonging life.Chinese doctors often prescribe it for people who are suffering from skin conditions,lung disease and breathing problems.It is important to prepare the nests thoroughly when they arrive in the restaurant kitchens.Firstly they are washed,soaked and boiled until they have a soft,rubber-like texture.Then they are mixed with meat and coconut and all the ingredients are cooked together.The nest itself is not delicious,in fact it has hardly any taste.As one Chinese chef says:“It is the other ingredients which give the soup its flavour.The nest is soft and crunchy,and when you prepare it you must be careful to remove all traces of the bird,such as bones or feathers.This is because Chinese people appreciate the way it feels in their mouth rather than the taste and smell.”It is an exotic dish in a multi-million dollar market.The nests themselves are small; they weigh less than10grams and measurejust a few centimetres.But for the nest hunters the risks are great indeed.Questions:1.What happens to the saliva when the birds build their nests?2.Why do the hunters take such great risks to collect the nests?3.Which country buys most of the birds’nests?4.Why is Suwan Kuha regarded as a temple?5.What makes the job of nest hunting particularly dangerous?Give TWOdetails.6.According to the grap h,how does the price of birds’nests in2008compare to that of1968?7.How is the business of nest hunting in Tam Yai controlled?Give TWOdetails.8.How is bird’s nest soup important for health?9.How does the soup get its taste?Paper III:Use of English(20minutes60marks)A.ClozeSchool’s Art SaleLast Friday parents helped collect lots of money for a school by buying children’s pictures.A primary school in Bicester used its classrooms as an art gallery fora day and(1)............p arents to come and look.All the pupils(2)............a work of art and(3)............p ainting wenton sale at £5.Hundreds of parentsand relations came and,together,they spent(4)............£2,000.Now the school is(5)............of making the exhibition bigger next year by also contacting businesses(6)............o perate in the local area.One of theschoolchildren’s parents first had the(7)............after going to(8)............e xhibitions in her home country,South Africa.The school has decided to(9)............t he money to buy books and CD players.The Head Teacher said he was delighted to see the school(10)............full and he was very proud of the children.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10A hopedA operatedA fewA overA planningA whatA memoryA sameA bringA soB invitedB playedB someB moreB thinkingB whoB ideaB likelyB addB tooC pleasedC performedC eachC closeC consideringC whichC habitC similarC joinC suchD wishedD producedD allD nearD wantingD whoseD choiceD equalD useD enoughB.Grammar and Vocabulary Multiple Choices1.We don't have any milk left._____?a.don't youb.are wec.do wed.have you2.I tried on two sweaters,but I didn't buy_____of them.a.eitherb.nonec.neitherd.any3.If they________________the car earlier,they wouldn't have gotten stuck on the road.a.were checkedb.did checkc.had checkedd.checked4.I saw every episode in that_____________television series.a.ten-partsb.tens-partc.tens-partsd.ten-part5."How are you managing with the new computer program?""Not great.I___________to figure it out yet.'"a.can't have managedb.haven't managedc.don't managed.haven't been managing6.I've been trying____________Sue all morning.a.to callb.callingc.calld.to have called7.You___________close all the windows before you leave the house.a.needb.shouldc.oughtd.might8.He was accused______________stealing money from the store.a.inb.forc.byd.of9.We stayed up to watch TV___________it was very late.a.despiteb.in spite ofc.althoughd.even10."I have a headache.Can you get me an aspirin?""Sure.________get you one right now."a.I'm able tob.I'm goingc.I ought tod.I'll11.It will take you_______three hours to drive to the campsite.a.greatlyb.entirelyc.approximatelyd.annually12.We didn’t get to the meeting on time__________a traffic jam.a.causingb.because ofc.owing tod.due to13.I have to make an_________with my dentist.a.arrangementb.assignmentc.interviewd.appointment14.The sign on the front tells you the________of each bus.a.resortb.destinationc.agencyd.port15.The school must be very old.When was it___________up?a.posedb.evolvedc.setd.founded16.I really like Jan and Dave.They’re very good___________.a.society/doc/b0d94c36ee3a87c24028915f804 d2b160a4e86d6.html panyc.associatesd.friendship17.The letter is okay,but you_________a few words in the last line.a.leftb.omittedc.avoidedd.lost18.I want to move out of the city because I find__________life exhausting.a.ruralb.remotec.urband.country19.She doesn’t talk about her feelings.She’s a very__________person.a.insincereb.passivec.reservedd.upset20.Jim__________his brother to lend him$500.a.imposedb.persuadedc.requiredd.desiredPaper IV:Writing(20minutes20marks)Please write a short paragraph of about150words and tell us what your favorite TV program is,what it is about,and why you enjoy watching it.。
此文档下载后即可编辑International High School Program2014 Entry ExamEnglish Paper SampleExam Duration:2 hoursExam Content:4 Parts-Listening,Reading,Grammar,and Writing Exam Full Mark: 150 PointsExam Instruction: Please answer all the questions in the exam paper and fill in the corresponding boxes on the answer sheet.Name (Chinese & Pin yin):Name (English):Date:Part 1. Listening (20 questions, 1.5 point each)Listening 1: Listen and circle the correct answer.1). Why did the girl call home?A. She needs more clothes.B. She needs more money.C. She misses her mother. 4). What word best describes Randy’s roommate?A. seriousB. messyC. unreliable2). What is the man’s hobby now?A. collecting stampsB. collecting baseball cardsC. collecting comic books 5). What does Mr. Fox have to do?A. fill out the registration cardB. leave a depositC. show a driver’s license3). What kind of movie did thewoman see?A. musicalB. horrorC. comedyListening 2: Listen and circle the best response.1). A. Isn’t that great? It fits perfectly.B. Oh, really? What seems to be the problem?2). A. Yes, I know what you mean.B. Yes, he does.3). A. You missed the flight.B. Terrible! Someone stole all my money.4). A. The traffic is moving slowly.B. It’s not very expensive.5). A. Yes, I’ll call one for you.B. Yes, of course you can. 6). A. Really? I’m not.B. So do I.7). A. What book did you read?B. Yeah. It’s one of the b estI’ve se en.8). A. Yes, I go to concerts all the time.B. Not really. It bores me.9). A. Yes, you can see a lot with the help of a guide.B. Yes, they’re good. I see them in souvenir shops.10). A. Yes, ma’am. Which ones are yours?B. Yes, they’re right there at thefront desk.Listening 3.Listen and circle the correct answer.1.)The suitable tasks that an au pair may do in the houseA.Cooking dinnerB.Painting the houseC.Taking care of childrenD.Mowing lawn2.)How much money should be given as pocket money?A.14 to 20 pounds a weekB.15 to 20 pounds a weekC.15 to 20 pounds a monthD.50 to 60 pounds a month3.)An au pair must be a single girl agedA.Under 17B.Under 27C.More than 27D.Between 17 to 274.)The appropriate nationalities for an au pair.A.JapaneseB.TurkishC.RussiaD.ChineseBlank filling:5. An au pair is a single girl without any dependants who comes to UK to learn English ad to live asPart 2. Reading (20 Questions ,2 Points each)Passage 1Family stories are amazing to me. You hear of family members long ago and by hearing about their stories, you can find timeless wisdom that can apply to your own life.I’ll never forget the story my mom told me about Grandma. Grandma cooked for a crew of 24 farmhands so most of her days were taken up cooking breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a bunch of (一群) loud complaining men coming in from hunting or farming. She took care of five children as well so her house was a busy little place, but where you would find Grandma the most would be in front of her stove, stirring (搅拌) a pot of something.The kids would run in and she’d give them a hug and then she’d go back to stirring. The men would come in and clean up all the biscuits and bacon and then she’d start on the next meal, on ce again standing an d stirring at the stove. They’d tell her how wonderful her food was and then pour out their troubles to her as she listened and stirred.One time Ruth watched as the farmhands ate quickly and went back out to work, hearing all of them grumbling about their lives. Then one by one the children came in to tell Grandma their own worries. She would smile, give them some kind of advice, and keep stirring. Ruth watched sitting at the table and when everyone left she said,“ Mother. How can you just sit there and stir? Everyone tells you how bad their life is and you just smile and stir? Why don’t you just tell them that you’ve had enough and you can’t take anymore? Do something … Stop stirring!”Grandma looked up at Ruth and smiled … and kept s tirring.“Ruth, don’t you know that the stirring is very important? You see, when I’m stirring I’m putting all my thoughts and dreams into that pot. As everyone comes in and tells me about their life I put the love and positive thoughts into my pot and stir. Then when they eat it they have been given a pot full o hope. If we have any kind of problems I envision (想象) a solution and put it in my pot and stir. My stirring is what keeps me focused on what is good in the world. So instead of worrying about all that is around me I keep stirring knowingthat all is well.”1. From the passage we know .A. women’s position was very low in those daysB. lots of people lived in the author’s familyC. the author’s grandma lived a very busy lifeD. women could not find jobs outside at that time2. The underlined phrase “grumbling about”in the passage means “”.A. talking aboutB. complaining aboutC. showing offD. commenting on3. Why did Ruth ask her mother those questions?A. She believed her mother was so great and helpful.B. She thought her mother treated the workers badly.C. She thought it was unfair for her mother to do so much work.D. She complained her mother was doing nothing but stir.4. Which of the following words can describe the author’s grandma?A. Patient.B. Determined.C. Independent.D. Generous.5. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?A. Grandma always put her tiredness and troubles into the pot.B. Grandma was always worried about people’s troubles and problems.C. Grandma was unconcerned with other people’s complaint and troubles.D. Grandma was always keeping a positive attitude to anything good or bad.Passage 2TouringToronto!Toronto is a popular city, attracting thousands of tourists from all over the world each year. It is the largest city in Canada, with a population of over 4 million, located on the north shore of Lake Ontario, the smallest of the great Lakes. It tends to be hot in the summer with frequent rain storms, and very cold in the winter, with temperatures well below freezing and plenty of snow. But there is always something to do or see, no matter when you visit the city. Listed here are three tours, showing just a few of the of the many things you can do while on h oliday in “Hogtown”!.Tour #1: St. Lawrence MarketThe Market has been in continuous operation at this location since 1803. You can get there by taking the Church Street Bus, or the King street car. It's open Tuesday to Saturday, and is home to 55 market stalls selling everything from meats and fish to baked goods. It's also a great place to pick up a quick bite. On the lower level of the St. Lawrence market there are food stalls where you can choose from a wide variety of Italian, Greek and other ethnic dishes as well as regular North American food. The Market also features the St. Lawrence Farmer's Market with over 49 Ontario farmers every Saturday year round. Also, each Sunday an "Antique" market is held. You can sometimes find something very nice if you get there early.Tour #2: YorkvilleTake the subway and get off at Bay, and you are in Yorkville! Located in the heart of Toronto, Yorkville offers some of the best fashion shopping experiences in town. If famous labels 1 make your heart race, this is the place to go, but make sure you have plenty oftime to shop and lots of money in your wallet. Of course high fashion is not the only attraction here. Yorkville is home to fine restaurants and boutiques, as well as world class galleries to explore. Tour #3: The BeachesThe beaches are a relaxing place close to the city, just east of downtown. To get there take the Queen streetcar or the Woodbine Bus, both of which will drop you off one block from the beach. The beaches are a favorite place to roller blade, bike or just take a relaxing stroll along the boardwalk that extends along the lake. You can also browse the many boutiques and eateries along Queen Street East. In July, the area hosts the annual Beaches Jazz Festival.1 label: 商标n.Answer the following three questions after reading the article.1. Which tours could you take if you want to buy brand name goods?____ ___2. Which tour should you take if you just want to relax? ___ ____3. Where can you buy fresh produce? _____ __ Answer the following True / False questions4. The St. Lawrence Market has been in operation for over 200 years.5. You can find some nice antiques if you go to St. Lawrence Market early on Saturdays.6. Yorkville is located in the center of Toronto.7. You can have a quick meal at the lower level of St. Lawrence Market.8. You are not allowed to ride your bike on the boardwalk along "the beaches".Give the meaning of the following:9. "a quick bite" means (line 11) __________________________________10. "year round" means (line 15) __________________________________Passage 3What is it?The Rio de Janeiro carnival, held annually in the month of February, is a spectacular celebration of life that attracts millions of people onto the streets of the Brazilian city. The whole country stopsto watch, either in the city itself or on the television. It is estimated that each year 700,000 visitors come to watch from all over the world. “Samba” schoo lsThe music played throughout the carnival procession is called the “samba”. Many participants belong to “samba” schools where they learn to dance and play the music which is so popular throughout Brazil. There are about 30 “samba” schools with thousands of members. They perform for four entire nights in a huge arena called the “Sambadrome”. The schools take part in an official competition and the best of them is awarded a prize. Each school is assessed on its costumes, the theme of its performance and the quality of the music. Some “samba” schools hold street parties and perform in their local areas because many people cannot afford to buy a ticket for the official competition.From year to year...Because it is such a huge event, planning for the carnival begins many months in advance. In fact, it is true to say that as soon as one carnival finishes, rehearsals and preparations for the next one begin. Much of this work is done in “Samba City”, which consists of enormous buildings where most of the equipment and costumes are prepared.The stars of the showEach school is led by a queen followed by hundreds of drummers and brightly decorated carnival vehicles. The Carnival Queens are the biggest stars and they are chosen from amongst the most beautiful women in each community. As well as beauty, the queen has to be very fit to lead her group of drummers on the slow procession through thestreets of Rio.“Blocos” parades“Blocos” parades have become an important feature of Rio’s carnival in addition to the “samba” schools. These parades are less formal and include groups of musicians from the same neighborhood who just want to sing, dance and have a good time. Today, they number more than 100 and the groups increase each year. They all dress in costumes or T-shirts with special themes or logos. Before the show they gather in a square, then parade through sections of the city, before performing near to the beach. Some of them have a particular place such as a café where they play and dance to attract spectator s. Questions 1-5: You can cite words from the passage (you may need to modify the words slightly to suit the question) or use your own words to answer each question.1) How often is the Rio carnival held?2) Apart from Brazil, where do the spectators come from?3) What is the “Sambadrome”?4) What are the essential qualities for a Carnival Queen? Give two details.5) Where are you likely to see the “blocos” perform? Give twodetails.Part 3. Grammar (40 Questions, 1 point each)Section 11. Where ________ the car?a. did you parkb. did you parkedc. parked youd. you parked2. I’d like to borrow this book. Has Anna read it ____?a. doneb. forc. justd. yet3. She’s rea lly keen ___ skiing.a. onb. aboutc. ind. of4. Tim ____ a letter at the moment.a. writesb. writec. is writingd. are writing5. _____ she is quite right.a. I thinkingb. I am thinkingc. I thinkd. I thinks6. The video ______ for two hours.a. is playingb. playsc. have playedd. has been playing7. Emma packed her case ______.a. since last nightb. for two daysc. nowd. yesterday8. I felt terribly nervous. I’ve _________ about it all week.a. worriesb. worriedc. worryingd. worry9. If _____ my passport, I’ll be in trouble.a. l’ll loseb. I losedc. I losed. I would lose10. Someone suggested _____ for a walk.a. goingb. goc. of goingd. to goSection 211. We met when we …… in France.a. studiedb. were studyingc. studyd. had studied12. Try …… be late.a. notb. not toc. to notd. to not to13. This is the first time I …… a spor ts car.a. drivenb. am drivingc. drived. have driven14. He tried to avoid …… my questions.a. answerb. to answerc. answeringd. answered15. Have you ever considered …… live in another country?a. goingb. going toc. to go tod. goto16. The bo y apologized …… saying rude words to teachers.a. tob. forc. ind. by17. The house …… in 1486.a. was builtb. is builtc. was buildingd.built18. My Dad …… smoke, bu t he has quit now.a. use tob. is used toc. was use tod. used to19. I am not sure what ……a. do they want?b. do they want.c. they want.d. want them.20 … he gets, … .a. The richer… the more friends he has.b. T he richer… the more he has friends.c. Ric her…more friends he has .d. The richer… the more friends has he.Section 3Complete the text by choosing one of the choices, A, B or C.Michael works in a farm tool factory. He and five of his friends are very interested (Example: __0__) singing. So they have __21__ a singing group, which is called Happy Birds. They sing __22__ songs both in Chinese and in foreign languages. They sing very __23__. The other workers and people __24__ the villages around their town really like to hear them __25__. Now New Year's Day __26__ here soon. The Happy Birds have been asked to __27__ at different places. They'd __28__to go to all of them, __29_ one friend has too much work and __30__ may have to give up his holidays. The Happy Birds can't sing without him.Example:0. [A] in [B] on [C] at answer: [A]21. [A] built [B] taken [C] formed22. [A] many [B] much [C] lot23. [A] good [B] well [C] best24. [A] in [B] at [C] to25. [A] singing [B] sing [C] to sing26. [A] will be [B] has been [C] was27. [A] arrive [B] go [C] sing28. [A] love [B] want [C] plan29. [A] so [B] but [C] when30. [A] they [B] he [C] itSection 4Complete the text by choosing one of the choices, A, B or C. Nowadays running is a very popular way to keep fit and healthy. Even if you only run a short ___31___ once or twice a week, you ___32___ to make sure you are wearing good running shoes. ___33___ are a lot of different styles and brands of running shoes today. First of all, you need to decide how ___34___ money you want to ___35___ on your shoes. But even more important, you need to find a pair that fit well; this is crucial. You may find that you have to ___36___ different sizes fo r different brands. Women’sshoes are usually narrower ___37___ men’s, but there is no ___38___ why a woman can’t wear a man’s shoes. A good fit is important ___39___ shoes which fit poorly can lead to injury. Take your time - if you ___40___ a mistake when you buy your running shoes, your may suffer later.31. a) distance b) line c) length32. a) should b) must c) need33. a) It b) There c) This34. a) long b) much c) many35. a) spend b) buy c) pay36. a) ask b) try c) look37. a) from b) as c) than38. a) choice b) fact c) reason39. a) because b) rather c) so40. a) do b) make c) arePart 4 Writing (Total marks: 40)Imagine that you are writing a letter to a friend. You have just spent a week on holiday visiting your friend at their house in UK. You should•Thank them for a lovely holiday. Talk about some of the things you did while you were visiting them.•Talk about what the best thing you did or saw was•Invite them to come visit you in the futurePay attention to the punctuation, conjunctions, and sentence structures.Write at least 150 words.Dear ……………………,…………………………………………………………………………………………...…………………………………………………………………………………………...…………………………………………………………………………………………...。
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A. For Questions 1-10, you will hear 10 short dialogues and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Listen and mark “T” or “F” on the answer sheet. You’ll hear the recording TWICE.
1. Where will Alberto find the tea?
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2. At what point exactly will the three students appear in the concert? 3. When will the friends go swimming? 4. Where will the tour meeting take place? 5. How will teachers know who wants to attend their revision class? 6. What is Lili’s problem AND how might this be resolved?
Bear Island. We arrive here in the early evening and stay overnight. Bear Island once had an active fishing industry, but today little of this remains. We will explor Arctic flowers.
After setting off from Scotland, we go north along the coast of Norway to Bear Island. Along the way you'll see thousands of seabirds and wonderful scenery, with rivers of ice and huge cliffs. You will have the chance to see reindeer, polar bears, and other Arctic animals. Although we have a
1 This trip is for people who like peace and quiet. 2 Many different activities are organized on board. 3 The voyage begins in Scotland. 4 The ship follows a fixed route. 5 There are different types of accommodation. 6 Passengers serve themselves in the dining room. 7 Whales can be seen in the morning near Tromso. 8 There are some examples of traditional buildings in Tromso. 9 The ship stays overnight in Tromso. 10 Bear Island used to be a busy fishing centre.
Paper II: Reading (65 minutes 54 marks)
A. For questions 1-10, please look at the sentences below about a journey to the Arctic on board a ship. Read the following text to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, mark T on your answer sheet. If it is not correct, mark F on your answersheet.
B. Please read the text about behaviors on airplane and answer questions 1-8.
Air rage is the current expression for aggressive or disruptive behavior of airline passengers. It comes from the term road rage, used to describe drivers whose rude and hostile attitude toward others can lead to serious accidents or violence.
Major airlines are becoming increasingly concerned about air rage and are training their staff to deal with it. At the same time, they are introducing tougher policies and supporting legislation that will allow local police to arrest offenders when they land. A special agreement, known as the 1963 Tokyo Convention, allows for the arrest of troublesome passengers on landing, even if they are not citizens of that country and did not technically commit a crime there.
1. The driver puts the man’s bag in the trunk. 2. The woman refuses the man’s suggestion. 3. Lynne is having a potluck party. 4. Chris is a vegetarian. 5. The customer needs the salesperson’s help right now. 6. The food at the restaurant was so-so. 7. The man tells the woman not to do something. 8. Helen feels better. 9. Cindy is talking about the job that she has now. 10. Bob is going to start jogging before work.
timetable, experience has shown that we may have to change our direction a little, depending on the weather and on which animals appear.
The Northern Star is a very special ship and our past voyages have been very popular. Our cabins all have the same excellent facilities, which include a private bathroom and refrigerator. Our chefs are happy to prepare any food for people on special diets. Choose just what you want to eat from the wide variety available from the dining room buffet. There is a library, shop, clinic and plenty of space for relaxation. If you need some exercise, why not go jogging every morning around the decks, or do some swimming in the indoor pool.
Board the Northern Star. We sail slowly north along the coast of Norway, stopping at places of interest. Tromso. You need to get up at sunrise to see the whales as we sail towards Tromso. Visit Tromso to see the Arctic Museum, the cathedral and the beautiful old wooden houses. In the evening we sail away along the west coast to Bird Island, which is excellent for bird-watching.
Days 11–16
Spitsbergen. A place of mountains and rivers of ice, it is home to a large variety of animals.
Day 17
Leave the ship in Spitsbergen and fly to London from Troms.
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International High School Program Chengdu No.7 High School Entrance Test 中美国际高中入学考试