With the 1970s came an end to the domination of the single international design movement. While on the one hand Modernism continued to come under attack and to be widely discredited, on the other hand latter-day modernists set out to prove the validity of this moment and to persuade us that, even with changing economic, social and cultural conditions, the impulse of technological progress would lead us into a bright future.
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课程名称:工业设计专业英语英语 英文名称:English for Industrial Design 适用专业:工业设计专业 课程类别:专业基础课 开课时间:第4学期 学期总学时:48学时
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English for Industrial Design 工业设计专业英语
Schools of mechanical & electrical engineering
The marketplace demands more. Today, the material o en becomes the product. We know that materials can help to differen ate our product’s character, add value, enhancoer mpaenrfce and make the difference between success and failure. In a world where new processes and new
Today, we do not need a vast working knowledge of material and processes. All we need is to know how to find that knowledge. And most of it exists within the framework of IDSA, through the experiences of its members, their personal contacts and resources. The networking, programs and educa on of IDSA’s special Interest Sec on on Materials and Processed tap this knowledge base and put the informa on we need literally at our finger ps.
(6)·(Twentieth-century··industrial nations)20世纪意大利设计仅仅是意大利当代文化、政治、社会和经济事物的一个方面。
(9)·(Markers and colored pencils ideal ··any drawing surface)马克笔和彩铅既是设计过程中最理想的工具,又是最终表现效果中最理想的工具。
·(Neither extensive practice··as casein and tempera)有了这两种上色工具,既不需要过多的练习,也不需要高超的技巧,这两种方法简单明了。
·(Markers and colored pencils are readily··and watercolor)马克笔可以很容易的买到,并且如今在专业的设计事务所里它大概是应用最为广泛的上色工具—-比加蛋黄的颜料的画法和水彩应用更为广泛.·(A variety of marker··or toned point paper)在专门经营艺术和绘画工具的商店里可以买到何种各样的马克笔品牌。
为了保证最大的使用灵活性和存储易用性, Kubus采用了耐热工业玻璃。它由七个大小不同可互 换盖子的可堆叠的玻璃容器组成,用于在冰箱、餐具 室和厨房中使用。
In this modular system, the containers can be used
either together as a unit or individually as needed. Wagenfeld's Kubus system, which was mass produced and widely available, exemplifies the Bauhaus commitment to industrial production of well-designed standardized forms at affordable prices.
1931-1935年,他被委任为柏林的国立美术学院的 教授。离开包豪斯后,他又设计了不少广受消费者喜 爱的产品,其中最成功的是他于1935年创作的模块化 的玻璃存储容器Kubus。
Made of heat-resistant industrial glass, Kubus is
designed for maximum flexibility of use and ease of storage. Consisting of seven separate, stackable units of variable sizes and interchangeable lids, the Kubus containers were created for use in the refrigerator and pantry, or on the kitchen table.
Design-Led Innovation设计驱动创新By Design Council/UK设计委员会/英国In 2006 our former Chairman, Sir George Cox,was commissioned by The Treasury to undertake a review of creativity in business, and to recommend how the governments, educational institutions and to recommend how the governments, educational institutions and businesses could help support economic growth.Supporting innovation sat at the heart of his recommendations because he saw that the UK currently earns most of our living through high value creative industry, and that without protection,investment and development, our creative industries could falter in the face of developing international competition. Sir George saw that designers working as part of a multi-disciplinary team, with business managers, engineers, scientists and technologists, can support innovation in the UK.设计驱动创新由英国设计委员会/2006年,我们的前主席乔治•考克斯爵士(Sir George Cox)受英国财政部委托,对商业中的创造力进行了一次评估,并就政府、教育机构如何以及政府、教育机构和企业如何帮助支持经济增长提出建议。
Unit O n e Design Fundam entalLesson1 Color Dr awing(1)Markers and colored pencils are ideal for use during the design process as well as for final renderings or drawings.Since much rough drawing and sketch-work is done on thin tracing papers, brush media such as water-color and tempera are unusable,since they will buckle the paper. Makers dry quickly with no buckling and along with colored pencils,can be quickly used on almost any drawing surface.Neither extensive practice nor a high level of skill is necessary with these two color media, since methods are simple and direct.By becoming familiar with the methods you will probably speed your work considerably.For most designers this approach to color is faster and easier to handle than brush media and one with which most students and professionals are to some degree familiar.Many of the advantages and subtleties of water-color and other brush media are attainable with markers and colored pencils.The mingling and graded washes of watercolor and airbrush techniques can be imitated,as can the highlighting achieved with opaque brush media such as casein and tempera.Markers and colored pencils are readily available commercially and are probably the most widely used color media in professional design offices today—more so than the brush media of tempera and watercolor.A variety of marker brands is available at stores that specialize in art or drafting supplies. Choose a marker brand with a full range of colors so that a wide choice is possible.Each of the brands offers between100and200different colors,many of which are variations of a single hue.It pays to use a high-quality colored pencil for this kind drawing.A soft,waxy pencil is preferable to a hard,brittle type,as it produces a more brilliant deposit of color,a necessary characteristic for effecting lighted surfaces on tracing or toned print paper.Whether you are primarily involved with interiors,exteriors,or general color-work, black-line media in a variety of widths are necessary for texturing and outlining.Since technical pens often clog when used over waxy colored pencils,it is best to use felt-tipped and ordinary fountain pens.Of course,other types of line media that you find workable may be substituted for those suggested.The important point is to have a variety of line widths available.As with the line media mentioned above,you will also need a palette of gray markers and colored pencils(including black and white),regardless of the type of color-work you are engaged in.Warm-gray pencils and markers are slightly reddish,while cool and cold-gray markers and pencils are slightly bluish.It is recommended that you obtain both a warm-gray pencil series and a cool gray marker series.With this variety neutral grays and neutralized reductions of color intensity may be mixed when desired.Cool-gray markers also seem to represent exterior windows more believably.If your design work primarily encompasses natural materials and outdoor design as does that of a landscape architect a natural palette of markers and colored pencils is recommended.These colors can be used to draw plant materials,various kinds of woods,bricks,a variety of stone types, and other related materials.Lesson1 Color Dr awing(1)Colored pencil is applied over a marker“base”for any or all of the following reasons:to alter the color of the marker base,to make a surface appear illuminated,or to give the effect of subtle texture with line patterns.If an area of paper is covered with a transparent marker coating,the resultant color will be a blend of the paper color and the marker color.The marker color will appear most brilliant on white paper since a maximum amount of light will reflect from the paper’s surface through the marker coating to the viewer’s eye.On yellow tracing paper the color will appear lighter and more washed out and will change depending on the color of the surface.On toned paper the same marker coating will appear less brilliant,depending on the lightness or darkness of the tone,since less light will reflect from the paper’s surface.Colored pencils leave a semiopaque coating on the paper’s surface.When used very lightly,the paper will still show between the minute spots of pencil deposit,since the pencil has coated only the highest grain of the surfaces.The result is a visual mixture of paper and pencil.When used with more pressure,the pencil will eventually squash the grain and thoroughly coat paper,resulting in a solid,brilliant color.Note,however,that,even when applied with pressure, the resulting pencil color will be partially influenced by the color and tone of the paper beneath it.When light-colored pencils(such as White Flesh,and Light Violet)are used on toned papers,the resulting color seems to glow.This is because the lightness and brilliance of the colors appear even greater in contrast to the dull-toned surface.A similar phenomenon occurs when light-colored pencils are applied to yellow tracing paper and placed over a darker surface.An even greater apparent brilliance is created when the drawing is placed almost parallel to the direction of the light.The use of light-colored pencil over a toned or marker surface is an especially effective way of making a surface appear illuminated.From the above discussion,the effect of colored pencil applied over a marker base should be clear.Light reflects from the colored-pencil deposit,while the marker simultaneously shows through the minute particles.The result is a visual mixture of the two—a third color.The visual mix of separate colors is not new to color work.The neoimpressionist painters placed spots and lines of pure hue in close proximity to one another,thus forming medial mixtures when viewed from even a short distance.New Words1.rendering/rend ri/n.演出之方式;表现效果2.sketch-work/sket-w k/n.草图3.tempera/temp r/n.涂料加蛋黄以使色彩暗晦的画法4.buckle/b kl/n.扣子;弯曲;使变形5.subtlety/s tlti/n.精细;聪明;诡秘6.airbrush/br/n.喷笔7.mingling/mingli/adj.混和的8.casein/keisi n/n.酪蛋白Unit One Design Fundam ental9.drafting/dra fti/n.起草;草拟10.textile/tekstail/n.(织物的)密度;质地;结构11.clog/kl g/vi.阻碍12.felt-tipped/felt-tipt/adj.檀毛;笔尖的13.encompass/in k mp s/vt.围绕;包围14.palette/p lit/n.调色板15.blend/blend/v t.混和16.neoimpressionist/ni uim pre nist/n.新印象派主义者“neo-”前缀,意为“新”17.proximity/pr k simiti/n.接近;近似Phr ases and Expr essions1.tracing paper描图纸2.pay to use充分利用3.be applied to应用于NotesIf your design work primarily encompasses natural materials and outdoor design as does that of a landscape architect a natural palette of markers and colored pencils is recommended.如果你的设计作品主要包括自然材料和象建筑风景这类的户外设计,那么最好用自然色彩的马克笔和色铅来作画。
Lesson33 Just in Time DesignA dizzying array of choices is available to designers needing to output their CAD designs as physical prototypes. The question of which is best requires some careful consideration. Much depends on what the designer is trying to achieve with the prototype,whether it is a study of form--requiring some degree of high finish and detail-or function, requiring a more robust technique or a particular type of material.The accuracy of many of the techniques listed below is within a margin of around 0.1 to 0.2 mm, but this tends to vary relative to the direction of the slicing and size of models. (Designers should check with the vendor first if this is a major concern.) All rapid prototyping techniques are limited by the size of parts they can produce in one piece, but vendors can be asked to divide and conquer. They are very savvy at splitting a CAD model and rejoining the pieces to create very large parts.The Web is a useful resource for keeping an eye on all of these continually changing techniques. Rapid prototyping is such a competitive industry that vendors are always improving materials and processes. Models now take a third of the cost and time that they did five years ago. As a consequence, design teams can now, in theory, make three times as many models, creating a more sophisticated and mature end product.It is worth remembering that while it is easy to be romanced by all of this computer-aided design and virtual prototyping, the tried and tested foam model, generated in an afternoon from simple 2-D drawings, will often beat out its hi-tech sister in both schedule and cost Here' s an overview of the latest modeling techniques.Rapid prototyping: the choices.Selective Laser Sintering(SLS) DTM Corp. Austin, TX; 512-339-2922Method: Uses laser energy to melt layers of powdered nylon, polycarbonate or elastomer 5,000th of an inch (mils) thick to build up parts with 75 percent the properties of the normal polymer.Uses: The parts have a slightly granular look making them best suited to models needing strength rather than looks. Good for medical applications.Laminated Object Modeling(LOM)Helisys Inc., Torrance, CA; 310-891-0600Method: Build up low-cost sheet materials, such as paper and plastic, into models.Uses: The main advantage is model size(up to 22'' x32 " x20" )and slightly lower cost. Parts are less accurate and have a thicker,stepped look.Fused Deposition Modeling(FDM)Stratasys Inc., Eden Prairie, MN; 612-937-3000Method: Weaves models from a thermoplastic thread ofABS or elastomer.Uses: Atechnique still in its infancy, FDM produces a coarse 3-D fabric look unsuitable for anything aesthetic.Ballistic Particle Manufacturing(BPM)BPM Technology, Greenville, SC; 803-297-7700Method: uses a nozzle to spray tiny molten particles of thermoplastic into 3-D models. The nozzle can deliver the material from any angle, which reduces the stepping effect.Uses: Holds promise for curvy shapes.Laser Cutting Lasrcam, Menlo Park, CA, 650-324-2525Method: Used extensively for architectural models of plastic, paper and wood (not always considered a rapid prototyping technique)Uses: Any design that can be built up, kitlike, from 2-D CAD profiles can be lasercut. A widevariety of thicknesses (up to 0.5 " ) are possible. Highly cost-and speed-effective. Excellent for mocking up the sheet metal of a design, complete with intricate vent patterns, as well as for testing hinge and other complex dynamic mechanism ideas.CNC Machining Checking your normal modelmaking or machinist vendors.Method: Familiar to all as the best way of showing off organic surfaces, it has kept improving in schedule and cost to compete with the emerging rapid prototype industry.Uses: If you can afford a little more cost and time, CNC is still the best way to represent smooth surfaces. As an added bonus,better plastics are used in the process, so models will not warp in the car trunk, nor fall apart during user tests.Stereolithography(SLA) 3D systems, Valencia, CA; 805-295-5600Method: The ever-handy and most popular modeling technique. Uses light to photopolymerize and build up thin layers of special resins direct from digital data.Uses: Great for form and surface studies that check out CAD model progress, as well as for limited functional testing of detailed parts(injection molding, die casting, etc.). The direct transfer of data eliminates the chances of human error. Can produce parts in steps of between 3 and 5 mm, but the resins are brittle and thermally unstable.Solid Ground Curing (SGC or "Cubital " ) Cubital America Inc., Troy, MI; 810-585-7880Method: a relatively new variation on Stereolithography, producing parts layer by layer using a photopolymer that is fixed with UV light then backfilled with wax, but in coarser 6 mm steps.Uses: Much the same as Stereolithography, except that Cubital parts stand up better to heat and aging and are stronger. It is best to see parts unfinished rather that risk sanding away small details or subtle surface irregularities.Lesson33准时设计令人眼花缭乱的选择提供给设计师无需输出他们的CAD设计为物理样机。
THE IPOD, WHICH celebrated its 10th birthday on Sunday, may not have been the first portable music player, or even the first to play digital music files. But it's the one that everyone remembers, and will go down in history as one of the most significant technology launches of the 21st century.周日庆祝其10周岁生日的IPOD可能不是第一台便携式音乐播放器,或者甚至是第一个播放数字音乐文件的播放器。
Sure, there was the Sony Walkman. It played cassette tapes, and everyone had one, but no one fondly remembers the Walkman's industrial design. Nor was the Walkman even the first mobile music device. That distinction goes to various portable vinyl players-- yes, vinyl! -- that floated around during the pre-Walkman era.当然,有索尼随身听。
这种区别适用于各种便携式乙烯基播放器- 是的,乙烯基!- 在前期Walkman时代浮现。
1、AALTO,ALVAR(1898——1976)Finish architect and designer. Aalto studied architecture at the Polytechnic in Helsinki from 1918 to 1921. He established himself as an architect in 1923,and his Sanatorium at Paimio (1929——1933)is a classic of International Modern architecture. At the same time he began to design plywood chairs,and in 1935 set up a firm,Artek,to market his simple and successful furniture. Some of his plywood is cantilevered like Bauhaus tubular steel,but clearly softer in finish. His furniture was successful in England and in America and prompted other experiments in that direction,notably by Jack Pritchard. From 1937 he designed glass for Iittala,using asymmetrical shapes and subtle curves. Though part of the International Modern movement,Aalto was always sensitive to brick as a material,and he was one of the gentler exponents Modern forms.阿尔瓦尔,阿尔托(1898——1976)芬兰建筑师和设计者。
工业设计专业必修课:思想品德修养与法律基础Cultivation of Ethic Thought and Fundamentals of Law中国近代史纲要Outline of Modern History of China马克思主义基本原理Principles of Marxism毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论Mao Zedong Thoughts, Deng Xiaoping Theories, and the "Three Representativenesses""高等数学ⅠⅡAdvanced Mathematics ⅠⅡ英语ⅠⅡⅢⅣCollege English ⅠⅡⅢⅣ工业设计概论Introduction to Industrial Design设计素描Design sketch设计色彩Color Design艺术概论Introduction to Art设计美学Design aesthetics大学语文College Chinese信息技术基础Basis for Information Technology信息基础实验Experiment of Basis for Information Technology程序设计语言Language Programming程序设计语言实验Experiment of Language Programming体育ⅠⅡⅢⅣPhysical Education ⅠⅡⅢⅣ国防军事导论Introduction to National Defense and Military Affairs 形势与政策Situation & Policy大学生就业与创业Enterprise Starting and Employment of College Students 工程图学ⅠⅡEngineering Graphics工程力学Engineering Mechanics机械设计基础Basis of Mechanical Designing设计基础ⅠⅡBasis of Design ⅠⅡ设计表达ⅠⅡDesign Expression ⅠⅡ视觉和传达设计‘Visual Communication Design造型材料与工艺Modeling Material and Technique工业设计工程基础ⅠⅡEngineering basics of industrial design ⅠⅡ工业设计史History of Industrial Design产品设计原理和方法Principle and Method for Product Design 产品系统设计Systematic Product Design计算机辅助工业设计Computer Assisted Industrial Design人机工程学Ergonomics设计研究Design Research专业选修课:设计素描ⅡDesign Sketch Ⅱ计算机绘图Computer Graphics设计基础ⅢBasis of Design Ⅲ数字化建模ⅠⅡDigitalized Modeling ⅠⅡ模型制作Modeling产品开发设计Product Development Design雕塑Sculpture设计心理学Design Psychology科类选修课:线性代数ⅠLinear Algebra Ⅰ概率论与数理统计Probability Theory & Mathematical Statistics 中外美术史History of Chinese and Foreign Art摄影基础Basis for Photography设计管理Design Management传播学导论Introduction to Communication电工电子学Electronics in Electrical Engineering先进制造技术Advanced Manufacturing Technology。
2. 细节设计: 在纸上绘制详细的部 件和组件,完善仪表板的实际设 计。
目的: 利用纸制原型对某品牌汽车 的内部仪表板进行设计评估,以 便在实际生产之前发现问题并进 行改进。
1. 概念设计: 通过手绘草图和简化 的比例模型展示仪表板的基本布 局和功能分区。
By using paper prototypes, designers can identify potential design issues early on, preventing costly mistakes and delays later in the design process.
Industrial Design Professional English
(Third Edit
• Introduction to Paper Prototype
• Paper Prototype Production Process
• The Application and Value of Paper Prototypes
InVision, Axure RP, and Adobe Illustrator. These tools allow you to create wireframes, mockups, and other design elements that can be printed out and assembled into a paper prototype.
to understand and provide feedback on the design direction.
Paper prototypes are easy to modify and update, making them an effective tool for iterative design discussions and presentations.
The spruce aphid is outfitted with compound eyes that allow it to see in virtually all directions, enabling it to cause as much widespread defoliation as it has time for in a day’s work.Insects have extraordinary sensory capacities . Their eyes ,which may take the form of enormous hemispheres bulging from their head, typically consist of hundreds of tiny, tightly opposed units, called facets. Each facet points in one particular direction , with the result that the two eyes see in virtually all directions . For an aerial hunter such as a robber fly, this means being able to spot prey instantly from wherever it may appear. Insects can also see a color –ultraviolet –to which we are blind. Flowers are often adorned with ultraviolet patterns that are invisible to us , but visible and attractive to the pollinating insect.
The Purpose and Power of Color in Industrial Design:工业设计中色彩的目的和力量:Encouraging the Meaningful Use of Color in Design Education在设计教育中鼓励色彩的有效运用Jason A. Morris, Assistant Professor莫里斯, 助理教授Western Washington UniversityWestern Washington UniversityColor may be the most influential factor in the decision to buy, or not to buy. In Malcolm Gladwell’s book, Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking, he suggests that when presented with a choice, the subconscious mind makes a decision within just a few seconds. Even before one rationalizes and investigates the choices, through rapid cognition, the mind has already been made up. In relation to industrial design, that critical decision is the purchasing decision. Within those first few seconds the majority of the information that is available is visual information and one of the most dominant aspects of that visual information is color. So, considering this, the application of color and finish in design becomes much more important than one first thought.颜色可能是决定购买或不买的最有影响的因素。
For the first time design, without the crutch of architecture, was proclaiming itself to be free from the restraints of Modernism and in tune with the post industrial age. The impact was felt internationally and such was the Liberating effecny other countries—including France, Spain ,Germany, Holland, Great Britain, Czechoslovakia and Japan— aligned themselves to (what Sottsass himself dubbed“the New Design”).)
设计首次没有依赖建筑这根拐杖,而宣告它自身摆脱了现代主义的束缚,而与后工业时代合拍。 这次冲击是国际性的,这个时间的解放效应分别影响了许多国家,包括法国、西班牙、德国、荷 兰、英国、捷克、日本,他们结成联盟,被索特萨斯命名为“新设计”。
Called“the designer decade”, the 1980s enjoyed another worldwide consumer boom and the now fully democratic concept of design took on a new meaning in the context of this affluence. The word“designer”was tagged to any commodity (that promoted itself as special, from hairdressers to jeans.) In the mass - market context of the late 20th century the term“designer”implied a level of individualism and taste (that was reassuring to people
工业设计专业英语lesson2课后自由阅读翻译Why Good Design Doesn‘t Always Guarantee Success为什么好的设计并不总是成功的保证If a customer‘s total experience surrounding a product is bad, it can supersede everything else about the product, even its outstanding design. 如果一个客户围绕一个产品的总经验是坏的,它可以取代一切有关的产品,即使其卓越的设计。
―Good design is, of cours e, a primary building block of the total cu stomer experience,‖acknowledges Daniel Cuffaro of Altitude, a Boston-based product design and development firm. But good design in itself does not guarantee a positive customer experience. To achieve that, you need to build customer awareness, make the product easily available, price it properly, package it well, and offer support after the purchase. ―When these things are achieved in support of an excellent product,‖ says Cuffaro, ―they make three things possible - three things that make up a sort of ?valu e pyramid‘‖―当然,好的设计, 是总用户体验的一个主要组成部分‖,Daniel Cuffaro 承认,一个位于波士顿的产品设计和开发公司。
⼯业设计专业简介英⽂范⽂ 简历是求职者的个⼈名⽚,那么你知道⼯业设计专业的英⽂简介应该怎么写吗?下⾯由店铺为你提供的⼯业设计专业简介英⽂范⽂,希望能帮到你。
⼯业设计专业简介英⽂(⼀) Four years of campus life, so that my own overall quality, self-cultivation, human ability and communication skills have a qualitative leap; let me know in addition to learning the importance of personal ability and the ability to communicate the necessity. I went to university with my dream, my major is industrial engineering, I earnestly learn the profession, expand knowledge, and strengthen the principle of ability to exercise, a lot of knowledge of wealth, exercise their own ability. I strive to learn basic courses, deep research expertise, and achieved excellent results, many times among the best, year after year scholarships. In school, I love socialism, support the Chinese Communist Party and his leadership. Consciously abide by national laws and school discipline.Actively participate in various activities within the party school, to move closer to the party organization, and achieved a certificate of party school graduation. In school, I actively participate in classes from the class, the school's various collective activities, and make suggestions for the collective. Always concerned about the students, and we harmonious relationship. As a class cadre, I try my best to serve my classmates, actively assist my teachers in my work, carry out various forms of activities, coordinate the relationship between my classmates and the class, and make my class a vibrant and dynamic class. After-school life, I also adhere to cultivate their extensive hobbies, adhere to physical exercise, so that they always remain in the best condition. In order to improve their social interaction and the use of all aspects of knowledge, I actively participate in social practice. Four years, I joined the young volunteers, attended the school party school training, these experiences not only enhance my hard-working, self-reliance ability, but also improve my cooperation and exchanges with others ability. I understand my shortcomings and advantages, I have is young and knowledge. Young may mean lack of experience, but young also means enthusiasm and vitality, I am confident that with their own ability and knowledge in the work and life after graduation to overcome various difficulties, and constantly realize the value of life and the pursuit of self-goal. Heaven and earth, learning is endless, I know that in addition to theoretical knowledge, my experience and experience is still shallow. I am convinced that the opportunity will be favored people who have prepared, I look forward to a better future, always ready to work with you, I am always looking forward to a better future! Four years of campus life, so that my own overall quality, self-cultivation, human ability and communication skills have a qualitative leap; let me know in addition to learning the importance of personal ability and the ability to communicate the necessity. I went to university with my dream, my major is industrial engineering, I earnestly learn the profession, expand knowledge, and strengthen the principle of ability to exercise, a lot of knowledge of wealth, exercise their own ability. I strive to learn basic courses, deep research expertise, and achieved excellent results, many times among the best, year after year scholarships. In school, I love socialism, support the Chinese Communist Party and his leadership. Consciously abide by national laws and school discipline.Actively participate in various activities within the party school, to move closer to the party organization, and achieved a certificate of party school graduation. In school, I actively participate in classes from the class, the school's various collective activities, and make suggestions for the collective. Always concerned about the students, and we harmonious relationship. As a class cadre, I try my best to serve my classmates, actively assist my teachers in my work, carry out various forms of activities, coordinate the relationship between my classmates and the class, and make my class a vibrant and dynamic class. After-school life, I also adhere to cultivate their extensive hobbies, adhere to physical exercise, so that they always remain in the best condition. In order to improve their social interaction and the use of all aspects of knowledge, I actively participate in social practice. Four years, I joined the young volunteers, attended the school party school training, these experiences not only enhance my hard-working, self-reliance ability, but also improve my cooperation and exchanges with others ability. I understand my shortcomings and advantages, I have is young and knowledge. Young may mean lack of experience, but young also means enthusiasm and vitality, I am confident that with their own ability and knowledge in the work and life after graduation to overcome various difficulties, and constantly realize the value of life and the pursuit of self-goal. Heaven and earth, learning is endless, I know that in addition to theoretical knowledge, my experience and experience is still shallow. I am convinced that the opportunity will be favored people who have prepared, I look forward to a better future, always ready to work with you, I am always looking forward to a better future! ⼯业设计专业简介英⽂(⼆) No.29 Beisanhuan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100029, China EMPLOYMENT OBJECTIVE Electronics engineer with a foreign enterprise in Beijing City. BACKGROUND SUMMARY Over eleven years of extensive computer/electronics experience.Versed in both digital and analog electronics withspecific emphasis on computer hardware/ software.Special expertise in system and component evaluation. Network supervisor responsible for installing/maintaining Arcnet LAN system.Proficient in assembly and C programming languages.Excelent communication skills including written,verbal and interpersonal. PROFESSIONAL WORK EXPERIENCE Stevenson Data Systems,Los Angeles,CA 1981-1993 ??Components Evaluation Engineer 1992-1993 Responsible for the characterization and evaluation of, and approved vendors list for:Power supplies, oscillators,crystals,and programmable logic used in desktop and laptop computers. Evaluated and recommended quality components that increased product profitability.Created adn developed power supply test plan used for evqluating third party power supplies.Interacted with vendors to resolve problems associated with components qualification. Technical advisor for Purchasing. Promoted to engineer II. ??Design Evaluation Engineer 1990-1992 Evaluated new computer product designs ,solving environmental problems on prototype computers. Conducted systems analysis on new computer profucts to ensure hardware,software and mechanical design integrity.Designed hardware and software for PC,ISA bus programmable load board used for environmental testing.Performed reliability lift testing on computer systems. Installed/maintained 20 user. Novell,Arcnet LAN system.Examined system and sub-system susceptibility to electrostatic discharge in order to meet IEC-801-2 industry standards.Analyzed complete power and load of computer system and subsystem to verify power and load estimations. ??Assistant Engineer 1981-1990 Performed extensive hardware evaluation ion prototype computers,tested prototype units for timing violation using the latest state-of-the-art test equipment,digital oscilloscopes and logic analyzers. Performed environmental, ESD and acoustic testing.Designed and built a power-up test used to test prototype computers during cold boot. EDUCATION Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering --University of Southern California 1990 Associate in Engineering Electronics --University of Southern California 1981 PERSONAL INFORMATION Sex :Male Birthday:November,8th,19xx Marital Status:Single Nativeplace: Beijing Tele:(86-10)1234-5678 ⼯业设计专业简介英⽂(三) curriculum vitae name: gender: male date of birth: place of birth: china marital status: singlelanguage: english, proficient telephone: email: education experience september 1989 - july 1993 department of electrical engineering, shenyang institute of aeronautics * majored in radio engineering * won a third-class award in the contest of technological facture & experimental skills in electronics and electrician, for students from the colleges affiliated to the ministry of aeronautics & astronautics *masterful in analog circuit, power circuit, switching power circuit, operation and amplification; proficient in solving problems related to analog circuit. * bachelor of engineering degree obtained in july 1993 september 1993 - july 1996 nanjing university of aeronautics & astronautics * majored in communication & electrical system * main field of research was contemporary communication circuit, especially on high efficiency, high frequency power amplifier (class e and class s). *instructed undergraduate students in their research on wide band frequency multiplier * my diploma thesis was the electromagnetic compatibility testing system of an airplane * read extensively on electromagnetic compatibility and its testing, obtained a through knowledge on the test of electromagnetic compatibility, and on the solutions (methods and instrument) to the issues of electromagnetic compatibility. familiar with the testing standards, especially the gjb and the mtl-std * master of engineering degree obtained in july 1996 work experience january 1994 - december 1995 * chairted the research and development work in the nanjing leader electronics company * independently developed 3 types of charging devices and management systems for telephones, ldjf-i, ldjf-ii and ldjf-1, and their volume of sales exceeded a total of 5,000. * became the copartner and chief engineer of the company at the end of 1995 january 1996 - august 1999 chief engineer, nanjing leader electronics company * hosted the refinement of htd-80 program controlled telephone exchanger by adding an e & m trunk. *primary designer of the htd-120 program controlled telephone exchanger * perfection of the ssc-2 telecontrol system, which obtained the commercial approval from the ministry of electrical power resource *took charge of the quality control and production of the company *perfection of the fft algorithm program for alternative current sampling in the ssc-2 system, which was used to measure harmonic wave * in the research and development processes, read extensively on production reliability and solved many problems related to production reliability and electromagnet compatibility * designed the management board by using an intel 80c188eb processor, studied the tc 2.0 compiler and rewrote its startup code, and developed a locator and a simple debugging tool * lead the development of the supervision system for petroleum tanks, based on the ssc-2 system, for the yangtze petroleum chemical works * chaired the development of the data collection device for electrical power charging system, which was not finished before my departure from the company * retrieved a lot of literatures on field bus and real time operating systems, including can, hart, lonworks, profibus, ff, arcnet, ethernet october 1999 - march XX * technological center for operation & maintenance, the beijing telecommunication administration * tracing and research on internet media technology * developed a dial box march XX - october XX beijing orienttech network & telecommunication technology ltd. co. * project manager of the automatic call distribution in a call center, and the manager of the hardware department simultaneously * as the head of the research & development division, took charge of four projects, including adsl (asymmetric digital subscriber line) modem (pci, usb); adsl router; dslam with 16 adsl ports and one 100 m ethernet port; migration of the routeware protocol stack skills & capability * masterful in electronic circuit; mcs 51, mcs 96, x86 series; adsl, msdsl, hdsl, e 1; industrial supervision and control; program controlled telephone exchanger and tcp/ip * a thorough knowledge on mpc 8xx, mpc 82xx and field bus * as far as software ability is concerned, i am good at assembler of mcs 51, x86; pl/m-51, pl/m-96, pl/m-86; turbo c, and visual c++ position desired * department manager * project manager * research & development engineer * advanced field engineer。
• 1856年维也纳的罗伯迈(Ludwig Lobmeyr)还设 计出一种新型的玻璃杯,这不是为酒店设计的,它 杯壁很薄,并有一支细长的脚与之相配。这一形式 很快为公众接受,所以时至今日仍在生产。它们的 魅力不仅在于形式的简洁,也在于其展示杯中美酒 的方式,也就是说非常适于优质葡萄酒的鉴赏家。
铁路提供了另一个与新技术有关的设计演化的实例。横贯英国及欧洲大陆的 铁路网比其它任何东西都更加反映出19世纪工作和生活的变化。
1813年 (Christopier Blackett)建 造了迈拉姆· 迪里号机车, 看上去就像放置在轮子上 的一台卧式蒸汽机,其外 形直接反映了机器的功能。
• 陶瓷业中 的翻模技 术在19世纪就得
到了进一步发展, 并被应用到大量的 新产品中。
• 虽传统的吹制、切割和雕刻 仍有赖于高水平的手工技艺, 但有了两种技术革新,从而 增加了产量并扩大了产品范 围; • 其一是模内吹制成型技术, 这使瓶一类的容器能以较低 成本重复生产,以满足日益 增长的酿造、食品和医药工 业的需要; • 其二是玻璃压制成型技术, 融熔的玻璃置于加热的金属 模具中,然后压人一个内模 使制件成型。
托勒家具中采用蒸汽压力弯曲成型的部件,并用螺钉进 行装配,完全不用卯榫联结。托勒家具的秘密不仅在于 其创造性的成型方式,也在于逻辑地组织整个生产过程, 不少产品中的部件是可以互换的。
使新生产工艺适应于流行 的审美情趣也反映到了
贝尔特(John Henry
Belter)所生产的家具之中。 贝尔特是一位德国移民, 1850年左右定居美国纽 约,并取得了树脂纸板成 型工艺及利用蒸汽压力将 胶合板制成复杂形状构件 的专利。这些板材被人工 雕刻成繁复而通透的新洛 可可纹样,并流行一时。
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1. The Future Is Now—Philips’ Vision of the Future( Part 1 )“ In this era of short - term thinking, it’s refreshing to see a company allocate funds for long term envisioning. “—Tom Hardy, IDSA.What will life be like in 2005? What will people want to do? What will interest them and make their lives more fulfilled? As a worldwide producer of consumer electronics, Philips is in a position to propose ways to use new technology to improve the quality of people’s lives.It is difficult to predict the future because people’s perspectives change and technologies develop and merge. Traditionally, technological innovation has been responsible for most new products. However, to make products and services come closer to meeting human needs and desires, we need to redress the balance and look more carefully at the increasingly complex relationship between people and technology.Philips initiated the Vision of the Future project to investigate developments over the next ten years, because we have to look far enough into the future to see the steps we need to undertake next.The project’s broad aim was to explore what people will perceive as useful, desirable and beneficial in the future and to create a technological road map to realize this goal. This goal required a new approach to discern the latent needs and aspirations of people, in particular what qualities they would value in future products and services.Our first step toward such a vision was extensive research in socio -cultural trends and developments in technology. Trend - forecasting institutes, such as the Risc Institute for Social Change, provided information on emerging attitudes, preoccupations and concerns within society, and research into emerging technologies came from both within the Philips organization and with reference to global forecasting done in Japan and Germany.Our next step was to set up multidisciplinary teams of cultural anthropologists, ergonomists, sociologists, engineers, industrial designers, interaction designers, exhibition designers, graphic designers and video and film experts. In a series of creative workshops, these teams developed more than300 scenarios based on the findings from our socio - cultural and technological research.We based these scenarios (short stories describing a product concept and its use) on five basic parameters: people, time, space, objects and circumstances then refined and filtered the scenarios using four criteria: Would they clearly provide people with genuine benefits? Did they fit with Philips’majorareas of competence and interest? Would they be technically feasible? And would they be applicable to the social and cultural area we had defined?From these scenarios, we developed 60 well - defined concept descriptions. To make the project more manageable, these 60 divided into four domains representing all aspects of everyday life: Personal, Domestic, Public and Mobile. A panel of futurologists assessed the concepts, which were also reviewed for ecological impact.Our next challenge lay in developing and enriching the basic concepts and making them more easily understandable to a wider audience. To do this, the ideas for future products and services had to be manifested in the form of tangible models, simulations of interfaces and short films.The product models used a simple, harmonious design language, with extensive use of visual metaphors to support communication on both a functional and an emotional level. In addition,products that had no obvious metaphors received original identities.Through interaction design, we incorporated natural modes of communication, such as speech, Writing and gesture, in order to make use of the products and services easy and intuitive.Short films of each scenario depicted the products in relation to their context of use, allowing usbrief glimpses of people’s everyday lives— natural scenes in which the proposed products or ser vicesare being used in realistic future situations. This medium also captures the dynamic aspects o f interaction design.To achieve an important objective of the project— getting feedback— the results are being communicated to as broad an audience as possible. This resultant feedback will give us a clearer picture of people’s needs and desires. The project is being presented using a variety of media including an exhibition, a series of communication events, a video compilation, a book and a Web site: http: / / www. Philips. Com/ design’ of/The Vision of the Future demonstrates that design can play an important role as a partner in developing strategic directions for the company.It reflects the evolution of design from aservice - oriented focus toward a strategic tool that helps t o shape the future.In order to fulfill this expanded responsibility, we will need to complement traditional tools and ways of working with new disciplines and processes. Teamwork and synergy have never been so i mportant。