伦敦奥运会 London Olympic Games 英文(精选)

The London Olympic Games
Olympic Games
意:奥林匹克运动会(简称奥运会) 音:[əˈlɪmpɪk] ['ɡeɪmz]
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
意:游戏;比赛 音: ['ɡeɪm]
The Olympic Flag
意:环;戒指;铃声 音: [rɪŋ]
Olympics./ We can see skating at Winter Olympics. • What's on the Olympic Flag? • There are five rings on the Olympic Flag.
句型: What do you know about ……?
What do you know about Olympic Games?
• How often(多久) does the Olympic Games take place? • A :They take place every four years. • How many kinds (种类)of Olympic Games are there? • A : There are Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics. • What can you see at Summer/Winter Olympics? • A : We can see swimming and boating at Summer
意:关于……你知道什么? 例句: 1、What do you know about your country?

伦敦英语作文【篇一:初中英语作文the london olympic games】the london olympic games was hold in the year of 2012. in the summer, i was on vacation, so i had time to appreciate the big party. there were so many athletes took part in the games, iwas so excited when i saw our country’s team. i watched all kinds of sports, i like driving most. driving is our country’s skillful sport, we has won many golf medals in the last olympic games. the athletes stood on the board, made some ready for the action, then when the referee said go, they would drive into the water with wonderful move. this was so amazing to watch, the whole summer, i enjoyed the big party.伦敦奥运会在2012年举行。

"When people mention the Beijing Olympics, associated with the" bird's nest "; and mentioned the London games, you will think of" The answer is the dazzling red steel spiral tower of view-arcelor mittal rail tower. Scheme is come from 3 britons indians-designer Ann furnish • kapoor, Mr YaNa (Arup)engineering consultant company's construction engineers Cecil • barr have DE, and investors-the world's largest steel companies, arcelor mittal boss lakshmi mittal,.The tower is a continuous steel tube composition of the track. The British seemed more like the monster nicknamed the "iron blame", "shredded tobacco for water pipes", people's aesthetic view may different, but no matter how you evaluation, it is the model of steel construction engineering innovation.Although the Eiffel Tower track Tower is half high of Rail tower, but it is a challenging structure. Its unique design means that is impossible to adjust after construction starts .Singular appearance, because the Eiffel Tower has four legs, Tower itself from bottom to top are all generalshape, but Rail tower has three rail tower "leg", therefore can do from any Angle is not the shape of the unity at all. It is a sculpture, it is a kind of structure, and it is also a building.The shape of the Rail tower is complex, which is about 9 km steel pipe, and the size to be different from each other——through the 1800 co nnections dish together formed various kinds of dazzling geometric shapes.The project of another amazing at, the whole construction site only three workers operate.Rail tower will hang a weighed 40 tons, and reducing the pendulum similar place, in order to offset the wind and cause of the mast vibration, eliminate movement to visitors and bring insecurity.Rail tower during the games are open to the public, it has two direct elevator, but the design company more encourage people to climb the 455 steps, feel unique experience, the entire tower in the 70 m and 80 m has two observatory.Arcelor mittal company expect, the Olympic Games opening after 3 months, each hour can accommodate 500to 700 people up to the tower. After the Olympic Games, it will be permanent, ascend the tower by ticket system, expected a profit of 10 million pounds a year.Beijing Olympic Games "bird's nest" invited a famous designer Switzerland Jacques herzog design, "water cube" also has invited Australian designer participation and cooperation. And in 2019, the London Olympic Games are main venue by British home construction firm finish design, including the Atkins company which is responsible for c leaning up the ground and recycling, they were asked to circular utilization to achieve 90%; Populous company responsible for "London bowl" design, firm, hadid, building firm responsible for swimming pool design.As the regional soil is already a highly pollution type of soil, Atkins companies and even set up a "soil hospital", more than 80% of the contaminated soil get clean again, they also at the site through the soil bioremediation technology (through some microorganisms to clean upthe soil), let the soil was again use.The sports field"London bowl" is known as the London games "beating heart". The appearance of the bowl for London all white, appearance on wide below narrow, like a large soup bowl. "London bowl" a total of five ring structures, London bowl is lowering shape design, can let the audience closer watching the action of the athletes.In the external, with special material to fill the whole stadium "package" up, the porous, translucent, printing fabric, can make whole venues are "natural breath" in London, the walls of the bowl printed many Olympic Games on the history of outstanding athletes. Door curtain will surround the London temporary buildings of the bowl of part, as to the audience, protection and covered. After the game, fabrics for protecting wall will be made to people the bag."London bowl" design project of the Lord, comparing the vick "bird's nest" and "London bowl" the similarities and differences, but he said: "the UK design philosophy is very different.China is square and round" "The Olympic Games ended," London bowl will narrow two-thirds, "we have no depression, but very excited. We have too many landmark design construction, such as wembley stadium,O2 stadium and 'London bowl is we design' first a temporary stadium."。

外文名:London Olympic Games 奥运口号:Inspire a generation 激励一代人! 吉祥物:文洛克
2012年第三十届夏季奥林匹克运动会在伦敦举行。英文口号为“Embrace the four winds friends”。于 2005年7月6日在国际奥委会会议上宣布,这是伦敦第3次主办夏季奥运会。 伦敦是迄今为止举办夏季奥运会次数最多的城市。也是历史上第二座三度举办奥运会的城市。 第一次:1908年伦敦奥运会;第二次:1948年伦敦奥运会;第三次:2012年伦敦奥运会。 第一座是奥地利的因斯布鲁克,分别是1964年冬奥会,1976年冬奥会和2012年青冬奥会(比伦敦早几个月)
奥运会的吉祥物文洛克(Wenlock)是以1850年现代奥运会的雏形——英国温洛克奥林匹亚运动会命名的。他来自于马齐文 洛克的施罗普希尔村。在那里,曾经举办过文洛克奥伦匹克运动会,而这项古老的赛事正是现代奥运之父顾拜旦创造现代 奥林匹克运动会的灵感来源地之一:在19世纪,顾拜旦曾被邀请去那里观看文洛克游戏,顾拜旦大受文洛克游戏的启发, 进而创立了现代奥林匹克运动。至今,文洛克游戏仍在举行。因此,为了纪念文洛克奥林匹克运动会,伦敦奥运会决定将 吉祥物命名为“文洛克”。 在吉祥物的头上还有黄灯标志。据称,这是来自于伦敦的标志性出租 车。而文洛克手上戴有奥运友谊手环。他们的大眼睛事实上还有照相 功能,目的是见证他们每一个去过的地方和见过的人。伦敦奥 运会组 委会主席塞巴斯蒂安·科表示,吉祥物是为儿童创作的,他们将把儿童 和运动联系在一起,讲述让人们引为自豪的奥运会的故事。文洛克将 帮助孩子们健康成长。
2012伦敦奥运会 London Olympic Games 英文

The triangular-shaped torch represents: • 1、The three Olympic values (respect, excellence and friendship) • 2、The Olympic Motto (faster, higher, stronger) • 3、Olympic games hosted by United Kingdom(1908, 1948 and 2012)
1948 Байду номын сангаасondon Olympic Games
1908 London Olympic Games
slogan • “Inspire a generation” • “激励一代人”
London Olympics emblem
• Colours :green, magenta, orange and blue.
The Olympic Flame Cauldron Lighting The Olympic Flame is used to light the cauldron at the end of Day 9 following the journey between Llanarth and Llanrhystud in the London 2012 Olympic Torch Relay
Wembley Stadium(温布利体育场) Hyde Park(海德公园)
Location:in the west of London Events:marathon swimming、 triathlon三项全能…. Seats:3000 Location:in the west of London Events:football Seats:90000

The motto of Olympic GamesThe motto of the London Olympic Games - Inspire a Generation - was unveiled by the London Olympics organizing committee (LOCOG) on Wednesday as they celebrate 100 days to go to the Olympic Games.It is "reflecting the promise made when London bid for the Games, the motto will appear on branding and publications in the run-up to and during, the Games," LOCOG said in a statement before a press conference for the 100 days countdown to the opening of the Games.How to get the tickets for London 2012 Olympic Games?The tickets for 2012 London Olympics are available on the London 2012 website which is the official website for the London Olympic Games. Approximately 8 million tickets will be obtainable for the 2012 Olympic Games. It is estimated that around 1.5 million tickets are going to be available for the Paralympic Games. If you have the ticket for the London Olympic Events or Opening Ceremony, you will receive a Games Travelcard. This will be a one-day Travelcard only for that event. If you have this Games Travelcard, you will receive free travel on the London Public Transport Network within zones 1-9 on the day of the specific Olympic event. For those who missed getting the Olympic tickets in the lottery, they have a chance to get them in the London Olympic tickets resale. What is the Schedule for 2012 London Olympic Games?The schedule for the Olympic Games has been disclosed. Roughly 10,500 athletes from different parts of the world will be a part of the Summer Olympic Games. The Olympic Games which will be held from July 27 to August 12, 2012 is among of the biggest events of 2012. The dates of the various events have been revealed. If you know the schedule, you can easily plan your visit to London for the Olympics to watch events of your choice.LogoThere have been two London 2012 logos: one for the bidding process created by Kino Design and a second as the brand for the Games themselves. This will be the first time that the same essential logo is to be used for both the Olympic and Paralympic games. London 2012 has stated that the new logo is aimed at reaching young people. Sebastian Coe stated that it builds upon everything that the organizing committee has said "about reaching out and engaging young people, which is where our challenge is over the next five years."MascotsWenlock and Mandeville are animations depicting two drops of steel from a steelworks in Bolton. London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic mascots Wenlock and Mandeville return to cinemas in the fourth and final instalment of their animated adventures, ‘Rainbow to the Games’. The 15 minute film will be screened exclusively at the ODEON weekend kids club throughout May, offering children across the country the chance to catch the exciting conclusionof Wenlock and Mandeville’s journey on the big screen.(PRWEB) May 07, 2012London 2012 Olympic and Paralympics mascots Wenlock and Mandeville return to cinemas in the fourth and final instalment of their animated adventures,‘Rainbow to the Games’. The 15 minute film will be screened exclusively at the ODEON weekend kids club throughout May, offering children across the country the chance to catch the exciting conclusion of Wenlock and Mandeville’s journey on the big screen.Wenlock and Mandeville’s first three films showed fans how they were created and their sporting adventures across the UK but ‘Rainbow to the Games’ is their most action-packed adventure yet. The film sees the mascots meeting new friends and athletes, as well as carrying out a daring rescue – all with a nail-biting wait to see if they make it to the London 2012 Games in time..The London 2012 mascots were created from the last drops of steel left over from the construction of the final support girder for the Olympic Stadium.Their names reflect the UK’s rich Olympic and Paralympic histories. Wenlock’s name is inspired by the Shropshire village of Much Wenl ock where the ‘Wenlock Games’ was one of the inspirations that led the founder of the modern Olympic movement Baron Pierre de Coubertin to create the Olympic Games. Mandeville’s name is inspired by Stoke Mandeville in Buckinghamshire. In the 1940s, Dr.Ludwig Guttmann came to Stoke Mandeville Hospital to set up a new spinal unit to help former soldiers suffering from spinal cord injuries. Looking for ways to inspire those in his care, he encouraged them to take up sport, leading to the formation of the Stoke Mandeville Games, widely recognised as a forerunner of the modern Paralympic movement.But you had better get used to these strange blob-like creatures because Wenlock and Mandeville, as they are known, are the mascots for the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics respectively, and will be all over Britain for the next two years. Following the ridicule over the £400,000 Olympic logo, their creators will be hoping that Wenlock and Mandeville get a more favourable reception - even though they too carry the much-mocked 2012 image.MedalsA total of around 4,700 medals for the Olympic and Paralympic Games are produced by the Royal Mint.Following recent tradition, the front of the medal features Nike, the Greek goddess of victory, stepping from Parthenon. The reverse side features has the Games logo, the River Thames, and a series of lines symbolizing the energy of the athletes.Torch relay8,000 inspirational people will carry the Olympic Flame as it journeys across the UK. Nominated by someone they know, it will be their moment to shine, inspiring millions of people watching in their community, in the UK and worldwide. Lit in Greece, the Olympic Flame arrives in the UK on 18 May 2012. Representing peace, unity and friendship, as it makes its way across the UK on a 70-day journey it will bring the excitement of the Games to everyone.Venues and infrastructureThe 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games will use a mixture of new venues, existing and historic facilities, and temporary facilities, some of them in well-known locations such as Hyde Park and Horse Guards Parade. Some of the new facilities will be reused in their Olympic form, while others will be resized or relocated.The Olympic Venues within London are▪Excel▪ Earls Court▪ Horse Guards Parade▪ Hampton Court Palace▪ Greenwich Park▪ North Greenwich Arena▪ Wembley Arena▪ The Mall▪Lord’s Cricket Ground▪ The Royal Artillery Barracks▪Wembley Stadium▪WimbledonPublic Transport for London OlympicsLondon’s public transport underwent several improvements to prepare for the Olympic Games. London Overground’s East London Line underwent expansion. The North London Line as well as the Docklands Light Railway has been upgraded. The new High-speed Javelin rail service has also been introduced. Platforms at Stratford international station will temporarily accommodate Javelin trains.If you have the ticket to any of the Games Event or the Opening Ceremony, you can make use of your Travelcard. This way you can travel by the Public Transport during the Olympic Games without spending any money.。

关于伦敦奥运会的英语作文伦敦奥运会中国代表团成立July 10, the Chinese delegation of the London Olympic Games was established in Beijing. China will send 396 athletes in 23 sports to the upcoming London Olympic Games.The team, consisting of 171 men and 225 women athletes, will a lso be accompanied by 225 officials for the Games which start on July 27. According to the Chinese Olympic Committee, China will be represented in 23 of 26 sports at the Summer Games after it has filed to quality for soccer, equestrian and handball.At Beijing 2008, host China sent its biggest-ever Olympic team of 639 athletes who finally won 51 gold medals, and stunned the world by standing on top of the medal table on home soil. By winning 51 golds, 21 silvers and 28 bronzes, China also relegated the mighty United States to second place. Now China will look to extend its domination to London as the squad has been strenghtened by comeback men's 110m hurdling star Liuxiang and swimming prodigy Sunyang.However, the head of delegation seems not so optimistic. He said that the athletes from around the world had worked very hard for the Games and they were so eager to make breakthrough and won medals, so the competitions would be hotly contested. As for our athletes must get fully prepared and ready to face the challenges. They have to fight for each gold.运动会开幕词Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning! I am Oscar, the spokesman of the Students’Union. On behalf of the Students’ Union, the main organizer of today’s sports meeting, I welcome you all to the beautiful stadium. After two months’ preparation, our annual sports meeting is held on schedule.Thanks to the support and help from our school leaders and teachers. Though they have many school responsibilities, they have taken time off to take part in our sports activities. Let’s give them a big hand. Through sports, we can not only develop our physical prowess, but also promote social andemotional skills, and even intellectual skills, which will matter in our future lives substantially. So hope everybody here cherish this opportunity and enjoy it.At last, best wishes for the success of the sports meeting and best wishes for the good results of our athletes. It is my pleasure to announce the open of the sports meeting. Thank you and good luck!我对运动员使用兴奋剂的看法With the upcoming of the London Olympic Games, the anti-doping is being hotly discussed again. It's said that the analeptic inspection of London Olympic Games is the most stringent ever. Some athletes resort to stimulants to boost their competition results, because a good competition result means a lot to an athlete, glory, repuation and money. But almost all people think that the stimulants should be banned in any kind of sports games. I strongly support it.First of all, using the stimulants will destro y the athlete both in physical and in mental. T aking stimulants can release the energy within a short period of time, using up athletes' energy and making them totally excited, even crazy. After the games, they have to rest for several days to recover. Furthermore, the athletes may become addicted to the stimulants. It's kind of drugs that hardly to get rid of.Secondly, taking stimulants violates the spirit of the Olympic Games. If every athletes take stimulants to get better competition results, there's no point in holding any kind of sports games, because it would be the competition of stimulants rather than the competitive level of athletes.In short, the athletes should stay away from stimulants and rely on their hard work to win the gold medal in the sports games.2012伦敦奥运会London Olympic GamesThe 2012 London Olympic Games has successfully started on July 27. The opening ceremony was so splendid that made the world surprised. The movie plots go throughout the opening ceremony, James Bond, Mr. Bean, Harry Potter. Now, the 2012 London Olympic Games has been carried out for 8 days. Many athletes performed excellently and won the gold medals. Because of time difference, it's a great pity that I can't watch the games from beginning to end. But some games I never miss. I hope that the athletes can performe well in this games.。

1. Inspire a generation2. Olympic rings(奥运五环): five interlocking rings in colors of blue, yellow, black, green, red. Each color stands for one continent. Accordingly, they’re Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania, and America. It symbolizes the friendship between the five continents.3. Mascot(吉祥物): Wenlock & Mandeville4. Emblem(标志): the combination of word “London”, number “2012” and five rings5. Slogan(口号): see the world, visit London6. IOC: International Olympics CommitteeOlympic Games奥运会Paralympic Games残奥会Torchbearers火炬手Torch relay火炬传递7. Opening Ceremony(开幕式): at 20:12 of 27 July (London local time) Items:Archery射箭Athletics田径Badminton羽毛球Basketball篮球Beach Volleyball沙滩排球Boxing拳击Canoe Slalom皮划艇Cycling - BMX自行车越野赛Cycling - Mountain Bike 山地自行车赛Cycling - Track场地自行车赛Diving跳水Equestrian马术Fencing击剑Football足球Gymnastics - Artistic竞技体操Gymnastics - Rhythmic艺术体操Handball手球Hockey曲棍球Judo柔道Modern Pentathlon现代五项Sailing帆船Shooting射击Swimming游泳Synchronised Swimming花样游泳Table Tennis兵乓球Taekwondo跆拳道Tennis网球Trampoline蹦床Triathlon铁人三项Volleyball排球Water Polo水球Weightlifting举重Wrestling摔跤High jump撑杆跳Ice hockey冰球Rowing赛艇Walk竞走Regarding foreign sports stars, if the Swiss “god of tennis” Roger Federer, who has just won the Wimbledon Championships, win the gold medal in the London Olympics, he will reach a new high peak in his career and become an even perfect sports idol. The U.S. “flying fish” Michael Phelps, who amazingly won eight gold medals in the Beijing Olympics, will show again in the London Olympics and people are eagerly expecting his new performance. Although the fierce war of the 100-meter race among Usain Bolt, Tyson Gay, Asafa Powell and others will last only about 9 seconds, it will still be one of the most attractive events in London. In the basketball field, the U.S. basketball “dream team” consisting of stars including Kobe Bryant and LeBron James will give us a most exciting basket performance. Their mission is not to win the gold medal but is to win it in a beautiful way.winner 优胜者record holder 纪录保持者cut the record 打破纪录record breaker 打破创造者set a new record 创造新纪录world record 世界纪录champion 冠军runner-up/the 2nd place 亚军third place/the 3rd place 季军medalist 奖牌获得者gold medalist 金牌获得者silver medalist 银牌获得者bronze medalist 铜牌获得者last eight 取得决赛权的八名选手final result 决赛成绩total points 总分placement/ranking 名次,排名final placing 决赛名次medal tally 奖牌榜lost to 败给defeat 击败win title 夺魁go for gold 夺取金牌defend title 卫冕road to 进军victory and ceremony/awarding ceremony 颁奖仪式The victory ceremony for …will now take place 颁奖仪式现在开始announce results 公布成绩The medals will be presented in descending order-1st, 2nd, 3rd. 按第一名、第二名、第三名顺序颁发奖牌。

"When people mention the Beijing Olympics, associated with the" bird's nest "; and mentioned the London games, you will think of" The answer is the dazzling red steel spiral tower of view-arcelor mittal rail tower. Scheme is come from 3 britons indians-designer Ann furnish • kapoor, Mr YaNa (Arup)engineering consultant company's construction engineers Cecil • barr have DE, and investors-the world's largest steel companies, arcelor mittal boss lakshmi mittal,.The tower is a continuous steel tube composition of the track. The British seemed more like the monster nicknamed the "iron blame", "shredded tobacco for water pipes", people's aesthetic view may different, but no matter how you evaluation, it is the model of steel construction engineering innovation.Although the Eiffel Tower track Tower is half high of Rail tower, but it is a challenging structure. Its unique design means that is impossible to adjust after construction starts .Singular appearance, because the Eiffel Tower has four legs, Tower itself from bottom to top are all generalshape, but Rail tower has three rail tower "leg", therefore can do from any Angle is not the shape of the unity at all. It is a sculpture, it is a kind of structure, and it is also a building.The shape of the Rail tower is complex, which is about 9 km steel pipe, and the size to be different from each other——through the 1800 co nnections dish together formed various kinds of dazzling geometric shapes.The project of another amazing at, the whole construction site only three workers operate.Rail tower will hang a weighed 40 tons, and reducing the pendulum similar place, in order to offset the wind and cause of the mast vibration, eliminate movement to visitors and bring insecurity.Rail tower during the games are open to the public, it has two direct elevator, but the design company more encourage people to climb the 455 steps, feel unique experience, the entire tower in the 70 m and 80 m has two observatory.Arcelor mittal company expect, the Olympic Games opening after 3 months, each hour can accommodate 500to 700 people up to the tower. After the Olympic Games, it will be permanent, ascend the tower by ticket system, expected a profit of 10 million pounds a year.Beijing Olympic Games "bird's nest" invited a famous designer Switzerland Jacques herzog design, "water cube" also has invited Australian designer participation and cooperation. And in 2012, the London Olympic Games are main venue by British home construction firm finish design, including the Atkins company which is responsible for c leaning up the ground and recycling, they were asked to circular utilization to achieve 90%; Populous company responsible for "London bowl" design, firm, hadid, building firm responsible for swimming pool design.As the regional soil is already a highly pollution type of soil, Atkins companies and even set up a "soil hospital", more than 80% of the contaminated soil get clean again, they also at the site through the soil bioremediation technology (through some microorganisms to clean up the soil), let the soil was again use.The sports field"London bowl" is known as the London games "beating heart". The appearance of the bowl for London all white, appearance on wide below narrow, like a large soup bowl. "London bowl" a total of five ring structures, London bowl is lowering shape design, can let the audience closer watching the action of the athletes.In the external, with special material to fill the whole stadium "package" up, the porous, translucent, printing fabric, can make whole venues are "natural breath" in London, the walls of the bowl printed many Olympic Games on the history of outstanding athletes. Door curtain will surround the London temporary buildings of the bowl of part, as to the audience, protection and covered. After the game, fabrics for protecting wall will be made to people the bag."London bowl" design project of the Lord, comparing the vick "bird's nest" and "London bowl" the similarities and differences, but he said: "the UK design philosophy is very different.China is square and round" "The Olympic Games ended," London bowl will narrow two-thirds, "we have no depression, but very excited. We have too many landmark design construction, such as wembley stadium,O2 stadium and 'London bowl is we design' first a temporary stadium."。

伦敦奥运会火炬传递历时70天,全长8000英里,由总 共8000名火炬手每人接力1英里。不进行全球火炬传递, 整个过程只在本国进行。将穿越巨石阵 或邂逅尼斯湖 水怪 伦敦奥组委称,这条传递路线经过精心设计,将 保证95%英国人民在1小时的车程范围内,可以亲眼见 证火炬风采。“火炬传递路线的设计旨在让更多人有机 会参与其中,”伦敦奥组委主席塞巴斯蒂安-科表示, 他希望看到奥运火炬所到之处都能受到热烈欢迎。
外表为纯白色的奥运篮球馆将为预赛和四分之一决赛提供1.2万个座位,在 奥运会后则将被彻底拆除并可能在他处重建。弗罗斯特告诉记者,伦敦有不少 公司提供运动场馆和设施租赁工作,这个篮球馆或许会出现在别的国家的运动 会上。
伦敦奥运会组委会官方网站称,这组吉祥物反映了英国与奥运会 的浓厚渊源。奥运会吉祥物名叫文洛克,是以1850年现代奥运会 的雏形--英国温洛克奥林匹亚运动会命名的。残奥会吉祥物名 叫曼德维尔,是以1948年首先举行残疾人体育比赛的英国曼德维 尔国立脊髓损伤中心命名的。 这两个吉祥物都只有一只眼睛,是经过1年半的创作过程后 正式确认的。伦敦奥运会组委会主席塞巴斯蒂安· 科表示,这两个 吉祥物是为儿童创作的,他们将把儿童和运动联系在一起,讲述 让人们引为自豪的奥运会的故事。温洛克和曼德维尔将帮助孩子 们健康成长。
在2008年4月动工,2012年投入使用。 “伦敦碗”被誉 为伦敦奥运“跳动的心脏”伦敦碗下沉式的碗形设计,可 以让观众更近距离地观看运动员的动作。同样因为下窄上 宽的设计,导致由绳索支撑的伦敦碗屋顶只有28米的半径, 只能遮盖场馆三分之二的观众。考虑到奥运会比赛时间处 于伦敦比较干燥的两个星期,赛事主席冒险决定放弃使用 全顶房屋。通过6个月的研究,他们终于确定,使用三分 之二屋顶也不会产生强烈的侧风而影响比赛成绩。
【最新文档】伦敦奥运会用英语怎么说_伦敦奥运会英语简介-范文word版 (1页)

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London has hosted the Olympic Games on two past occasions , in 1908 and 1948, with a third scheduled for 201X. The planned 201X Olympics will make London the first city to have hosted the modern Games of three Olympiads .
London is the only city in the United Kingdom to have ever hosted the Olympics ; the United States is the only country to have hosted Summer Olympics on more occasions than the UK .
No city in the UK has hosted the Winter Olympic Games .
British participation in Olympic events , both as a competitor and as a host , is the responsibility of the British Olympic Association .。
2012伦敦奥运会 中英文

• Competition items and small items less than the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
• 2012 London Olympic Stadium London Bowl
• 2012年伦敦奥运会主 年伦敦奥运会主 体育场——“伦敦碗” 伦敦碗” 体育场 伦敦碗
• 2012 London Olympic Games indoor cycling stadium
Yes!That’s London! ! ! The Next Hold the Olympic Games Please!! !!
The history of London Olympics.
• The first time: the 1908 London Olympics • The second : the 1948 London Olympics
The Olympic motto
• Embrace four friends !
• 拥抱四方朋友! 拥抱四方朋友!
• 吉祥物叫做文洛克,图解为儿童设计的吉 吉祥物叫做文洛克, 祥物! 祥物!吉祥物是具有金属现代感的独眼卡 通吉祥物。 通吉祥物。它们的大眼睛其实是一个摄像 头,头上的黄灯代表了具有标志性意义的 伦敦出租车, 伦敦出租车,而手上则戴着代表友谊的奥 林匹克手链。 林匹克手链。
• 伦敦奥组委发布的4种颜色2012年奥运会徽
伦敦奥运火炬上镂刻 个圆环, 有8000个圆环,包 个圆环 涵着向8000名火炬 涵着向 名火炬 手的人生成就致敬的 寓意。 寓意。在火炬设计上 还融入了火炬手的符 号,这在奥运史上也 是第一次, 是第一次,将人的因 素加入到火炬中, 素加入到火炬中,也 充分表明了伦敦奥运 会的创新性。 会的创新性。

伦敦奥运会英语作文67句The London Olympics was a spectacular event that brought together athletes from around the world to compete in various sports. Here's a comprehensive essay on the London Olympics, structured into 67 sentences, to help you understand the significance of this international event.1. The 2012 Summer Olympics, commonly known as the London Olympics, were held from July 27 to August 12, 2012.2. This major international multi-sport event took place in London, the capital city of the United Kingdom.3. The Games featured 302 events in 39 disciplines, covering 26 different sports.4. Over 10,000 athletes from 204 countries participated, making it one of the most inclusive Olympic Games to date.5. The opening ceremony was a grand affair, showcasingBritish culture and history.6. The Olympic Stadium, located in Stratford, was the centerpiece of the Olympic Park.7. The Games were officially opened by Queen Elizabeth II, marking a significant moment in British history.8. The London Olympics saw the debut of women's boxing as an Olympic sport.9. The Paralympic Games followed the Olympics, celebrating the achievements of athletes with disabilities.10. The Olympic torch relay began its journey in May 2012, traveling through thousands of communities across the UK. 11. The torch was carried by a diverse group of torchbearers,including celebrities and everyday heroes.12. The Games' motto was "Inspire a Generation," aiming to motivate young people to engage in sports.13. London's iconic landmarks, such as the Tower Bridge and the London Eye, were illuminated during the Olympics.14. The Olympic Village provided accommodation for the athletes, situated in the Stratford area.15. The Games were a platform for technological advancements, with high-speed cameras and digital scoreboards enhancing the viewing experience.16. Sustainability was a key focus, with the use of renewable energy and recycled materials in venue construction.17. The London Olympics had a significant economic impact on the city, attracting tourists and boosting local businesses.18. The event also led to the creation of the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, a public space for sports and leisure.19. The British team performed exceptionally well, securing third place in the medal table.20. Usain Bolt of Jamaica set world records in the 100m and 200m sprints, cementing his status as the fastest man in the world.21. Michael Phelps of the United States became the most decorated Olympian of all time, winning 18 gold medals in his career.22. The London Olympics saw the rise of new stars, such as Chinese diver Qiu Bo and British cyclist Laura Trott.23. The Games were marked by moments of sportsmanship, such as the embrace between Mo Farah and Galen Rupp after the10,000m race.24. Controversies also arose, including the disqualification of badminton players for not trying to win their matches.25. The London Olympics faced criticism for ticketing issues and the high cost of hosting the event.26. Despite challenges, the Games were widely regarded as a success, showcasing the best of human achievement and global unity.27. The closing ceremony was a vibrant celebration, featuringa performance by the legendary band The Who.28. The Olympic flag was passed to the mayor of Rio de Janeiro, host of the next Summer Olympics in 2016.29. The London Olympics left a lasting legacy, with many of its venues being repurposed for public use.30. The event inspired a generation of athletes, who aspired to compete at the highest level.31. The Paralympics were equally inspiring, highlighting the incredible abilities of athletes with disabilities.32. The London Olympics were a testament to the power of sports to bring people together.33. The Games fostered a sense of national pride and international camaraderie.34. The organization and execution of the event were praised by the International Olympic Committee.35. Volunteers played a crucial role in the success of the Games, contributing their time and energy to ensure a smooth experience for all.36. The London Olympics were broadcast to a global audience, reaching billions of viewers worldwide.37. The event showcased the diversity of sports, from the elegance of gymnastics to the power of weightlifting.38. The Olympics also highlighted the importance of fair play and adherence to the rules.39. The London Games were a stage for innovation, with newtechnologies being used to enhance performance and safety. 40. The Olympic Village became a symbol of international cooperation, with athletes from different countries livingand dining together.41. The London Olympics were a memorable event for the city, leaving a mark on its history and identity.42. The Games were a platform for athletes to express their national pride and personal achievements.43. The event also raised awareness about environmentalissues and the need for sustainable practices.44. The London Olympics were a celebration of human potential, with athletes。