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Thickness measurement, according to the ultrasonic pulse reflection when the launch of the ultrasonic pulse probe through the material object to be tested interface, the pulse is reflected back to the probe, through the accurate measurement of ultrasonic wave propagation in the material time to determine the thickness of the material being tested. Those that make the ultrasonic wave at a constant speed in its internal communications can adopt the measure of various materials. According to this design can accurately measure about all kinds of plates and all kinds of machining parts, can be all kinds of pipeline and pressure vessel in the production equipment to monitor, monitor them in the process of using the degree of corrosion after thinning. Can be widely used in petroleum, chemical industry, metallurgy, shipbuilding, aviation, aerospace and other fields,Equipment using the latest high performance and low power consumption microprocessor technology, based on ultrasonic measuring principle, can measure the thickness of the metal and other a variety of materials, and can be conducted on the material of the sound velocity measurement. The machine using the single chip microcomputer technology application of measuring the thickness of the liquid crystal display (LCD) value, and at the same time shows that sound velocity, implements the automatic calibration known sound velocity measuring thickness and thickness measuring sound velocity known two big functions. The operation is simple, stable and reliable, and is an ideal testing tools to nondes

【key words】ultrasonic pulse reflection; The eddy current sensor; Data acquisition system; The CCD output signal.


第一章引言 (1)

1.1研究背景和意义 (1)

1.2国内外研究现状 (2)

第二章测量原理和方案论证 (3)

2.1系统的测量原理 (3)

2.1.1激光三角法测量 (3)

2.1.2非接触高精度厚度测量方法 (3)

2.1.3 线阵CCD 用于光学三角法测量金属板厚 (4)

2.2 测量方案的比较与确定 (6)

第三章系统设计 (7)

3.1光学系统设计 (7)

3.2机械结构设计 (8)

3.2.1 行走机构的设计 (8)

3.2.2 测量部分的设计 (10)

3.3电路系统设计 (11)

第四章精度分析 (13)

4.1电路对测量精度的影响 (13)

4.2误差分析 (13)

第五章总结 (16)

参考文献 (17)

致谢 (18)



几何量测量技术随着科技的发展而发展着。从19世纪开始出现的线刻尺,到现在的游标尺、千分尺及其它机械式的测微仪,使几何量测量技术向前迈了一大步。目前,我国大部分企业中,为了保证产品的质量,花费在测量上的时间和人员数量是相当可观的,这严重影响了工厂生产效率、经济效益。而目前传统的接触式测量技术显然跟不上现代工业机械加工、材料加工的非接触要求,相反已成为提高生产效率和加工精度的制约因素. ,那么,这就需要有一种新的方法来代替接触式测量. 随着科技大发展和生产力的要求,非接触式的测量方法出现了。第一台成功的非接触式自动测厚仪应用了X射线吸收技术。从此,非接触式测量方法开始了迅猛发展,其强大的功能和优点无法使传统的接触式测量望其项背,也为人类社会的发展,工业文明的进步做出了巨大的贡献。现在,人类已经在非接触式测量方面取得了巨大成就,但是,我们还是不能满足于当前的现状,因为社会的进步,生产力的发展,时不时还有新的问题出现在我们面前,对测量的各个方面有新的更高的要求,这些都摆在我们面前亟待解决。因此,研究更好的,功能更强大,精度更高,更智能化,更人性化对,环境依赖性更小的非接触式测量方法究意义非凡了。

