
作文范文之雅思g类作文模板雅思g类作文模板【篇一:ielts雅思g类作文模板高级句子】i am writing this letter to explain the reason why i have been unable to return the three books i have out on three days loan, which are now overdue. i would like to point out that the reason why i was overdrawn was attributed to a mistake made by your colleague.netta would be able to attend those meetings as my deputy, as she has already been involved in the project and knows all the partners.第一句it is certainly very understandable that today …i believe it is true that today …i agree with the vi ew that today … i think it is undeniable that in almost every country on the globe today each household and family produces a large amount of waste every week.描述问题the primary computers were developed many years ago; however, it is only in the recent ten or so years that our daily routine has been affected by their influence.however, progress often comes at a price. however, a problem has arisen.computers are now so indispensable that it is difficult to imagine what the world would be like today without them. you can simply go into a bank when their main computer is underrepair to see the disorder that would happen if computers were suddenly removed all over the world.these people end up with more virtual friends than actual ones.分析问题why are we confronted with such an acute …the reason why we have so much packaging is that we consume so much more on a daily basis than families did in the past. convenience is also of great importance in modern life, so we buy packaged or canned food that can be transported from long distances and stored until we need it, first in the supermarket, and then at home.if they cannot play make-believe games, how can they develop their imagination? some educationalists think it is more effective to educate boys and girls in single-sex schools because they believe this environment reduces distractions and encourages pupils to concentrate on their studies.similarly, boys in single-sex schools are more likely to take cookery classes and to study languages, which are often thought of as traditional subjects for girls. this is probably true to some extent. however, the reverse is also true. on the other hand, some experts would argue that mixed schools prepare their pupils better for their future lives. personally, i think that there are advantages to both systems.away from these serious concerns, young people have an active social life with their friends, often simply by hanging out with them.解决问题in order to resolve this problem constructively, it is important to remember that children need to develop skills other than intellectual ones, and the best way to do this isthrough activities such as sports, games and playing with other kids. but how should it be achieved?it is of great significance that some governments should work on ways of limiting their populations to a reasonable figure.therefore, it is recommended to work by persuasion rather than compulsion.i believe, therefore, that governments should raise the public awareness. governments can encourage such action by putting taxes on packaging, such as plastic bags, by providing recycling services and by fining households and shops that do not attempt to recycle their waste.of course, if it cannot be resolved within a reasonable time scale, other solutions must be considered, such as tax incentives or child-benefit payments for small families only.总结in conclusion, i think there may be some reasons why entertainment stars earn high salaries but overall i agree that they are overpaid.it is undeniable that this is a very delicate area, and that social engineering can create as many problems as it solves.i believe that it is wise to be cautious of the benefits that computers will bring and to make sure that we never become too dependent on them.【篇二:雅思写作g类小作文模板】智课网ielts备考资料雅思写作g类小作文模板出国英语考试有哪些雅思6.5是什么水平雅思阅读评分标准托福阅读评分标准雅思和托福的区别雅思写作g类作文模版apology——目的+原因+再次表示歉意/ 补救措施1. i am writing to apologize for …2. i am terribly sorry, but…3. thank you for …, but i am sorry to say that…end of an apology letter1. i hope you can accept my apologies. please allow me to say sorry again.2. once again, i am sorry for any inconvenience caused.3. i would be very grateful if you could tell me if there is any way that i can make up for it. i do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.writing task 1one of your pen pals will shortly be visiting your city. for some reasons, you cannot manage to meet her at the airport on time.write a letter asking her to wait for you at the airport and tell her how to identify you.dear mary,i am very much looking forward to your visit to my city. just think: after all these years of writing to each other, we will finally have the chance to meet! however, i regret to inform you that i will not be able to meet you at the airport as soon as you arrive.the reason is that your flight will arrive early in the morning, and the quickest i can get to the airport will be about an hourafter you land. please wait for me in the arrival lounge. you should be able to have breakfast there while you wait.by the way, as we have never met i must tell you how to recognize me: i am medium height and have a small mustache. in addition, i will be carrying a copy of the morning newspaper tucked under my left arm.looking forward to out first meeting.yours sincerely,harry一般道歉信是雅思g类小作文写作中最常见的一个类型,所以雅思网建议大家可以从结构和语言上掌握相应的模板和方法,这样在考试中就会节省很多的时间来准备语言。

雅思g类作文5分【篇一:雅思g类小作文汇总(2006~2015)】20062008080112 推荐信the local newspaper is holding a “best neighbor in the area” competition. write a letter to the newspaper to recommend your neighbor for this competition. in your letter,1. introduce yourself2. say whom you are recommending3. explain why this neighbor should be the winner of this competition 080119 道歉信you recently met a manager from a new company that has just opened in your town. after the meeting, he wrote to you to offer you a job in this new company. however, you want to stay in your present job. write a letter to the manager. in your letter,1. thank him for the offer2. explain why you want to stay in the present job3. recommend a friend for the job in the new company20080214 友情信one of your relatives is going to another country where your english speaking friend lives. you want your relative to see your friend. write a letter to this friend. in your letter,1. tell him who this relative is2. explain why he is going to this country3. say why you think they can become friends20080216 抱怨信you are not happy with the work a home builder does to your house. write a letter to the manager of the company. in your letter,1. say who you are and why you are writing2. explain the details of the work that you are unsatisfied with3. give suggestions on what you think they should do080308 推荐信one of your friends in a foreign country is starting an import-export business, and he has asked you to recommend aproduct from your country to him. write a letter to your friend. in your letter,1. say what product you want to recommend to him2. tell him where he/she can get this product3. explain why you want to recommend this product080329书信种类请求信you are working in an english speaking country. recently, you have learned that a person who lives near your home can offer english lessons. write a letter to this person. in this letter,1. tell him/her how you got to know about the lesson2. explain why you are interested in this lesson3. say when and where you want to have the lesson080412书信种类抱怨信you recently bought an item of clothing in another town, but found some problems with it after you returned home. write a letter to the manager. in your letter,1. say what happened2. explain the problems3. say what you would like them to do080419书信种类邀请信you have an english-speaking friend who lives in another country. his son has a short vacation before going to college. write a letter to your friend. in your letter,1. invite your friends son to come to your city,2. introduce some interesting places to visit3. say something about the weather in the city you live080510书信种类申请信you heard there is a job to guide tourists in you town for a travel company. write a letter to the company. in your letter,1. how (where) you heard about this job2. why you think you are suitable for this job3. ask some questions about this job080522书信种类请求信you are in an english-speaking country. a local college will be holding an “international day” and is inviting some students, including you to give a short talk on some interesting things about the countries they come from. write a letter to the principal. in your letter,1. tell him what topic you are going to talk about2. say why you think they will be interested in your topic3. ask for necessary information for preparing for the talk080614书信种类邀请信an english-speaking friend of yours has just had a baby recently. you have bought a gift for her. write a letter to your friend. in your letter,1. describe the gift2. explain why you chose that item as a gift3. arrange an appointment to meet her and give her the gift080628书信种类邀请信you won a first prize of in a photography competition and some of your photos are shown in a photo exhibition. write a letter to invite your friend to the photo exhibition. in your letter,1. give details about the competition and the prize2. describe the photograph you took3. invite your friend to come to the exhibition080712书信种类推荐信your friend wants to find a part-time job and you know one job whichquite suits him. write a letter to your friend. in your letter,1. tell him about this part time job2. explain why it suits him3. tell him how to apply for the job080726书信种类挂失信you come back home from travel but find an item of clothing was left in the hotel. write a letter to the manager of the hotel for this matter. in your letter,1. describe this item of clothing2. say where it might be left3. tell the manager what you want him or her to do080821书信种类邀请信your college is going to organize an international day. write to the organizer of this event. in your letter,1. explain why it is a good event2. what typical food you could prepare3. what activity you are going to organize080830书信种类抱怨信you have just finished a one-week holiday and are leaving the holiday apartment you rented. write a letter to the owner of the apartment to complain about some problems. in your letter,1. describe your stay【篇二:雅思写作小作文g类题型及范文20篇】智课网ielts备考资料雅思写作小作文g类题型及范文20篇摘要:雅思写作小作文g类题型你是否熟悉了呢?雅思写作g类小作文和a类差异较大,主要是个人新建;大作文和a类的差不多,常是一篇议论文,本文就为大家详细的介绍一下雅思写作小作文g类题型和高分范文!雅思写作小作文g类小作文基本是投诉类、感谢类、邀请类等实用的信件文章,虽然样式多变,但是只要掌握了基本规律,也比较简答。

雅思G类小书信之信题目一:Someone you know well is applying to a university abroad. Write a recommendation letter for him, say how you got to know him and why he is worth your recommendation.范文:Dear Sir or Madam,Im writing to recommend to you the outstanding personality and the super ability for learning of Mr. Robert Jiang.友爱的先生/女士:我写信是向您推举罗伯特蒋先生的超凡独特与超强学习能力的。
I got to know Mr. Jiang a few years ago while I was teaching British literature to a class of English majors in which he was a student. His excellent performances on several occasions such as group discussions and open debate really took me by great surprise. Never had I met a young student speaking English so fluently and accurately. His insight into British literature as a whole as well as the perspectives he cut into the analysis of characters in the literature aroused my great curiosity about his first-class and unique capability of doing research work. Later on, upon his completion of the Bachelor degree, he moved on to pursue his study for a Masters degree in the samefield of study and I was very lucky to be his supervisor. Mr. Jiang has always been an honest person. He is very friendly to people and is very easy-going. Many of his classmates have mentioned on different occasions about how helpful he was to them and to which I simply cannot agree more.我是几年前在给一个英语专业班级讲授英国文学时认识蒋先生的,那时他是班里的一名学生。

5.1.2 范例5-1 投诉信Dear Sir/Madam,亲爱的先生/女士,I am writing to you to complain about the CD Player which I bought in your store in January.After only two days,things started to go wrong.我正写信给你投诉一月份在你们店里买的CD播放机。
The first problem was the CD drawer,which opened and closed too quickly.I nearly trapped my fingers in it.The next day,I recorded a CD onto a cassette.Everything worked,but the sound quality was very poor.On the following day,the CD Pause button stopped working.第一个问题是光盘屉,它弹出合上太快了。
Naturally,I returned the player to you for repair.Your assistant said I would have to wait only a week.After two weeks,the necessary spare parts had still not arrived.Eventually,nine weeks later,I collected the stereo.The CD player worked properly,but there was no improvement in the recording quality.自然而然地,我将播放器还给你们返修。

雅思g类写作模板11go up and down/ wave/ fluctuate/ beunstable/ be in flexible 起伏不定2 The first point tonote is the huge increase in the number of需要注意的第一点就是…的急剧增长3 The statistics show that这些数据表明4Form/comprise/make up/constitute/ account for….percent 占百分之几5 This cure graph describes the trendof该曲线图描述了…的趋势6 The statistics lead us to theconclusion that由这些数据,我们可以做出如下结论7 As can be seen from the line graph, 由线状图我们可以看出8增加:Increase / raise / rise / go up/ soar/ascend/ mount/ climb9减少:Decrease / grow down / drop / fall/ reduce/descend/ shrink to/decline10稳定:Remain stable / stabilize / level off/ remainunchanged雅思g类写作模板21 It can be seen from the table that由表格我们可以看出2 The table shows the changes in thenumber of… over theperiod from…to…该表格展示了从…到…数据的变化3 The table provides some data of该表格提供了有关…的数据4 As can be seen clearly from thetable,从表格中我们可以清楚地看出,5 As can be seen from the table,great changes have taken place in...从表格中可以看出,...发生了巨大变化6 This table illustrates the changingproportion of A and B from...to...该表格描述了...年到...年间a与b的比例关系7 急剧地 sharply, steeply, dramatically, drastically,suddenly8 显著地,considerably, significantly, noticeably,remarkably, rapidly9 稳步地, 逐渐地 steadily, moderately, gradually, smoothly10 轻微地, 缓慢地 slightly, slowly, mildly, moderately雅思g类写作模板31 The following diagram shows the structure of...... 以下的图展示了...的结构2 The picture illustrates...... 该图展示了...3 It mainly consists of following steps. 它主要包括以下步骤4The whole procedure can be divided into...stages. 整个的过程可以分为...步5 The first step is to第一步是...6 The next step is to接下来的一步是...7 The last step is to最后的一步是...8 The first stage involves第一步包括...9 In the next stage接着10 In the last stage最后雅思g类写作模板41The bar chart illustrates that…该柱状图展示了2 As is shown in the bar chart, 如柱状图所示,3It can be concluded from the barchart that…从该柱状图我们可以推导出4 The bar chart presents the general trend in…该柱状图描述了……总的趋势5 This bar chart displays the numbers of…该柱状图展示了…的数据6 The number of … increased by %…的数字上升了百分之…7 The number of… dropped by %…的数字下降了百分之…8 The chart reflects several trends. 该图展示了几个趋势9 As can be seen clearly from the barchart, the fluctuation of…tookplace从该柱状图我们可以清楚地看出:…出现了波动10 Over the period from…to…the…remained level. 在……至……期间,…基本不变。

雅思G类写作最新小作文高分范文之挂失信雅思G类小作文之挂失信主题:给旅行保险申报你遗失了一件贵重物品On a recent holiday you lost a valuable item. Fortunately you have travel insurance to cover the cost of anything lost. Write a letter to the manager of your insurance company. In your letter describe the item you lost explain how you lost it tell the insurance company what you would like them to do.雅思G类小作文参考范文:Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to make an insurance claim for an item that I lost while on holiday last week.The item is a wristwatch that I inherited from my grandfather. Both the watch strap and the face are made of gold, and the watch is worth a considerable amount of money. It also has great sentimental value.I believe that I must have left the watch on the beach in front of the hotel where I was staying. I did return to search for it, but I can only assume that it was either covered in sand or that it had been washed out to sea.I took out comprehensive travel insurance with your company, and my contract states that all lost items are covered. I would therefore ask that you review the attached information regarding the estimated value of the watch, and that you process my claim as quickly as possible.Please let me know if you require any further information.Yours faithfully,Paul Jones雅思G类写作小作文高分范文之感谢信旅拍照片雅思G类小作文主题:问你的朋友要你们旅行时拍照的照片You recently went on a trip with a friend and you both took some photographs. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter ask your friend to send you one of the photographs explain why you need that particular photograph and tell your friend what happened to your copy of it.雅思G类小作文参考范文:Dear Jane,I hope youve recovered from the trip, and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!Im just writing to ask whether you could send me a copy of the photo you took of the sun setting over the mountains on the last evening. I think you took some photos of me with the sunset in the background, but there should be one that just shows the sunset.The reason Im after that particular photo is that I think it would look great as the screen saver on my laptop. Im fed up with the stock image that Ive got at the moment, and I was hoping to change it for something really stunning that I had taken myself.I did take a fantastic picture of the sunset, but somehow managed to delete it on my camera. It would be great if you could email a copy to me if you have it.Speak soonJim雅思G类写作最新小作文高分范文之邀请信参观新家雅思G类小作文之邀请信主题:告诉你的朋友你搬家了Write a letter on one friend to notify that you have moved to a new apartment.Explain the reason.Describe the new apartment.Invite your friend to visit your new apartment.雅思G类小作文之范文Dear John,Im just writing to let you know that we moved house.As you know, I went for an interview for a job here in London. Well, they gave me the position! It would have been impractical to travel down from Manchester every day, so wave found a house here, in a nice part of London called Greenwich.。

总分总Section 1:Recently there has arisen a heated debate over…People retain diverse attitudes towards this hot issue. Before presenting my view, I intend to explore both sides of the argument.Section 2:Many people firmly believe that…First and foremost, Therefore, Moreover, In addition, Last but not least…Section 3:Some other people, however, strongly hold that… for several sound reasons.Primarily, Furthermore, Worst of all,Section 4:In the final analysis, both sides have sound foundations. However, if asked to make a choice, I will not hesitate to assent to the latter/ former view. I believe that…Therefore … should be discouraged./Consequently, it is irresponsible to一边倒Section 1:Recent years…. The issue is gaining more and more concern of the public, some of whom propose that…. However, I can hardly approve of the proposal for the following reasons.Section 2:It is undeniable that…Section 3:However we shall never underestimate the demerits of…First and foremost, Therefore, Moreover, In addition, Last of all…Section 4:From the above discussion, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that it is not always advisable to .../ In the final analysis, the risks of … fa r outweigh the benefits. I firmly believe that it is unnecessary to do so.Discussion 类型Section 1: 通过事实数据说明严重性,引起关注Recent years we have witnessed a worsening situation in …. According to a survey by local authority, the number …. This issue is gaining g reat concern of the public.Section 2: 分析造成的原因Why are we confronted with such an acute …? Factors likely to contribute to it include …, …, … and ….To begin with, …. Moreover, …. Lastly, …Section 3: 提出应对办法In order to resolve this problem constructively, it is recommended that … Firstly of all, …Secondly… Lastly… / For individuals, we should… In terms of the society, the government should…Section 4: 总结和呼吁To avoid catastrophe, it is important to act now. By…, we … / Therefore, the individual and the society have to work hand in hand to tackle this pressing problem.表达论点:it is an effective way to…it is irrational to…it is of great significance to…it is also possible that…It’s not uncommon to…it is a necessity for … to…, because it may impose an adverse influence on their … if they cannot …may bring out negative outcomes such as…It will undoubtedly exert a negative impact on…Undoubtedly,… howeverAdmittedly, …It is undeniable that… is becoming a growing trend.it is wise for them to…It would be far better to…We should … rather than pursue something with less tangible benefits.As an illustration, … A further example is…for instance…Research findings reveal that..从句:因果,比较,转折,并列,让步,举例,定语让步 although转折 however, but, though结果 so原因 because并列 and定语从句 which, when, whoPeople who… / Those who善于换用同义或近义表达避免重复,使行文紧凑。

雅思G类写作信件范文-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除雅思G类写作信件范文(总13页)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除1.投诉信A night club just opened near where you live. You are very unhappy about the situation because it disturbs the peace of the neighborhood. Write a letter to your local government official. Say who you are and explain why you are unhappy and suggest what should be done about it.Dear Sir or Madam,I’m writing to express my dissatisfaction with the horrible situation I have been faced with recently.I’m a resident of Rose Park on St. Johnson Stree t. I had been enjoying my life since I moved here five years ago. However, a nightclub recently opened right across the street from my apartment block has completely changed everything.To begin with, the club itself is very unsightly. It has blackened windows with sexually explicit pictures displayed on the outside, which I find extremely offensive. Also, the noise level during the early hours of the morning is so intense that it has really disturbed my sleep. Consequently, I find that I am unable to concentrate fully on my job, as I am often too tired.I work as a surgeon in the local hospital; therefore, I am sure you can see the gravity of my complaint. Indeed, the consequences of my making any mistake due to my lack of sleep can be very serious indeed.I understand that, as a member of the local government, you have the power to close the club down. Nevertheless, I know very clearly that people need to make a living and I would not like to be responsible for people losing their jobs. Hence, if you could please ensure that the offensive pictures are removed, and the noise level is kept to a minimum level, I would be more than satisfied.I look forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Kenny Gao 2.投诉信You have recently made a purchase from the local department store. However, when you arrived home, you found a fault with it. Write a letter to the manager, say what the product is, explain the problem and say what you’d like to be done about it.Dear Sir or Madam,I’m writing to complain about the recent purchase of a woolen sweater from your department store on Philip Street, on August 25, 2007.I recently washed the sweater in cool water, as per the instructions on the label. However, when I removed it from the machine, the garment was stretched out of shape and no longer fits.I phoned the store last Tuesday (June 21) and spoke to the department manager, a Mr. Morris, who was rather rude on the phone and informed me that I could not get a replacement sweater as it was purchased at a reduced price. I felt really upset, for I have been a loyal customer of your store for many years and until this incident, never have had any complaints. I, therefore, feel disappointed to be treated in such a manner.I would, however, be perfectly satisfied if you would kindly replace the sweater or refund my money, whichever is more convenient.I look forward to hearing from yousoon.Yours truly,Kenny Gao 3.问询信You wish to immigrate to a country but are not sure about the requirements and application procedure. Write a letter to the immigration officer of this country to ask about, say who you are and explain your qualifications and experience.Dear Sir or Madam,I would like to receive information regarding the immigration procedures to Canada.I am 34 years old and am currently working as senior mechanical engineer at ABC Tech Company in Shanghai. I hold a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree from Shanghai Tongji University. I am married and my wife will be having our first child this coming autumn.I have been considering immigrating to Canada for quiet some time and would like to know if my qualifications and work experience make me eligible to apply. I have enclosed my resume as well as a bank statement of my current financial status and my English proficiency level.I’d also like to know if my wife and I can make one application, or whether we’ll have to apply separately. In addition, if you could send me information regarding permanent residence i n Canada, I’d be most grateful.I look forward to receiving the information at your earliest convenience.Yours truly,Kenny Gao4.问询信You are going to an overseas university to study. Write a letter to the university asking about accommodation and airport pickup.Dear Ms. Morris,I’m writing to inquire about some information regarding accommodation at your university and the airport pickup issue.I’m a mature, female student and would prefer, as far as possible, to share some accommodation with other mature female students, preferably in a quiet location. However, I have no objection to living on campus as long as it is quiet enough for me to study. I’m also a non-smoker and would prefer to share with other non-smokers although this is a preference rather than a request.I will arrive in London on August 26 from Shanghai and would be very grateful if you could send someone to pick me up or, at the least, send me the details of how to get to the university by myself from London Heathrow Airport, as this will be my first time to the UK.I’m looking forward to receiving your reply and meeting you in person in September.Yours sincerely,Susan Gao5.推荐信Someone you know well is applying to a university abroad. Write a recommendation letter for him, say how you got to know him and why he is worth your recommendation.Dear Sir orMadam,I’m writing to recommend to you the outstanding personality and the super ability for learning of Mr. Robert Jiang.I got to know Mr. Jiang a few years ago while I was teaching British literature to a class of English majors in which he was a student. His excellent performances on several occasions suchas group discussions and open debate really took me by great surprise. Never had I met a young student speaking English so fluently and accurately. His insight into British literature as a whole as well as the perspectives he cut into the analysis of characters in the literature aroused my great curiosity about his first-class and unique capability of doing research work. Later on, upon his completion of the Bachelor degree, he moved on to pursue his study for a Master’s degree in the same field of study and I was very lucky to be his supervisor. Mr. Jiang has always been an honest person. He is very friendly to people and is very easy-going. Many of his classmates have mentioned on different occasions about how helpful he was to them and to which I simply cannot agree more.Now Mr. Jiang is applying to your prestigious university for a chance to continue his research. I hope you’ll find he is just as good as I’m now recommending him to be. And should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at the following e-mail address:……Truly yours,Kenny Gao6.建议信A hotel you stayed in recently asked guests to write to the manager and suggest ways in which they could improve their service. Write a letter to the manager, explain who you are, say what you liked about the hotel, and suggest ways in which they could be improved.Dear Manager,I’m writing in response to your invitation to guests who have recently stayed at your hotel to suggest ways in which you could further improve your service.I was a guest at your hotel last month and I found that the level of customer service was excellent. Indeed, every member of your staff, from the manager to the room-cleaning maid, was, without exception, extremely polite and helpful. The standard of the rooms was far beyond what I had expected.However, I found that the hotel restaurant stopped serving breakfast at 8:30am. As I was on holiday, I would have liked to take my breakfast at around 9:30, thus I was unable to do so. I also spoke to several other guests who expressed the same disappointment. In addition, I feel that if you could supply newspapers in Chinese, the quality of stay for Chinese speakers, of whom the number has been on a steady rise in the past few years, would be considerably enhanced.I would be happy to know if my suggestions have turned out to be useful in your constant improvement of your overall service.Looking forward to your reply.Yours faithfully, Kenny Gao7.建议信You have a friend who is about to enter university and he wants you to advise him on which subject to specializein. He is very interested in history, but computer science offers better job prospects. Write a letter to give him some advices.Dear Jack,You have asked me for my advice concerning whether you should study history or computer science at university and now I am trying to give you some useful suggestions.You must keep in mind that, above all, your university training is a preparation foryour future career. Therefore, your first consideration should be to study a subject which will best equip you to earn a living. There is no doubt that the field of computer offers far wider job opportunities than history.Besides, we are now in the age of a Hi-tech revolution. In the foreseeable future, not onlywill it be necessary for everyone to be computer-literate, it will also be necessary for him to be equipped with comp uter skills merely to earn a living! History, I’m afraid, however fascinating it may be, offers few career prospects.Of course, you don’t have to devote all your time at university to studying computers and nothing else. On the contrary, I would recommend that you keep up your reading of history in your spare time. In that way, you will find that your leisure hours are enriched while you prepare yourself for a worthwhile career in computers.Hope you find these suggestions useful in helping you make your decision.Yours sincerely,Kenny Gao1.申请信You have seen a job advertised in your local newspaper. Write a letter of application. Introduce yourself and give details of your experience and say why you’d like the job.Dear Sir or Madam,I’m writing in response to the advertisement you placed in Chicago News daily for a librarian on Monday, Aug. 23.I graduated with a Master’s degree in telecommunications in 1992 and began my career at California State University as a young teacher. In 2002, I was promoted to associate professor and DeputyDirector of the Department of Telecom Engineering.In the past ten years, I have been actively involved in academic researches and have published several articles in “Telecom Now”, “Engineering Research”and “Telecom Strategies”.I also teach marketing strategies on a part-time basis at the university.However, my husband has recently been relocated to Chicago by his company and I am, therefore, seeking a position in the same area in Chicago.I have enclosed my resume that outlines in detail my qualifications and experience as well as an open letter of recommendation from California State University.Please give me a feedback at your earliest convenience if my qualifications meet your requirements.I look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours sincerely,Sue Huang2.请求信You have lost your credit card. Write a letter to the bank manager, explain where and how you lost it and any other relevant details. Ask the manager to cancel the old card and send you a replacement one.Dear Sir,I am writing to confirm the loss of my credit card. I telephoned your office earlier today.The details of my card are as follows. It is a Master-card in the name of Kenny Gao. The credit card number is 3241 3578 6688. I have had it since 1999. This card is valid from 1999 to 2008.I lost the card yesterday (September 8, 2006) at about 10:30 in the morning. The only time I used the card that day was to buy a pair of sports shoes at Carrifour on Jinqiao Road. By accident, I left the card at the cashier’s, but the shop assistants therecould not find the card.Could you please cancel my card immediately and make the necessary arrangements to issue me with a replacement card I can be contacted at the following address: Room 201, No. 32, 555 Lane, Huashan Road. Should you ever wish to call me, here is my number: 9.Thankyou for your assistance. I look forward to hearing from you.谢谢您的协助,期盼收到您的答复。

Paraphrase the task in your own words.State your main idea in a clear and concise way.正文段1。
Provide specific details and examples to support your main idea.Use transition words to connect your ideas smoothly.Ensure your sentences are grammatically correct and well-structured.正文段2。
Continue providing evidence to support your main idea.Use different types of sentences to add variety and interest to your writing.Avoid simply repeating information from the first paragraph.结论段。
Restate your main idea in a slightly different way.Summarize the key points discussed in your essay.End with a strong concluding sentence that leaves a lasting impression.Additional Tips。
Use formal language and avoid contractions.Proofread your work carefully for errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.Manage your time wisely to ensure you complete your essay within the given time frame.中文回答:雅思小作文G 类模板。

下面是店铺分享的雅思G类写作范文,希望能对大家有所帮助!雅思g类小作文范文【1】Dear Sir/ Madam,Dear Professor Moss,I am Sandy, a junior student of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. I am writing to enquire about your African Literature and Culture course.Just a few days ago, I found the course when we were asked to choose optional courses for next semester. The name of African Literature and Culture aroused my great interest. Because of your reputation and my enthusiasm in literature, I hope I could study this course next semester. Except the name, however, all I know about the course is that it is a two-hour one held every Thursday afternoon. I want to get more details of the course. First of all, I would like to know the brief outline of the course. Moreover, I wonder if there are some relevant books that you can recommend for me to read before the course.I also heard that another course of yours, Chinese Literature, is held every Friday afternoon. If the registration of this course hasn’t closed yet, I will be so glad to participate in your class.Sorry to bother you. Your help will be greatly appreciated.Yours sincerely,Sandy雅思g类小作文范文【2】Some people say that older people should live with their adult children. Others say that they shouldn't. Which do you thinkis good practice.One of the topics in daily life is whether or not the older people should live with their adult children. My answer is the question is that it is better for them not to.Firstly, people of different ages have different ways of life. The old people like a quiet, peaceful and regular life whereas the young prefer noises, activities and unrestrained enjoyment. If they live together, old may feel that they are always disturbed and the young may feel that they are often handicapped.Secondly, people of different generations have different views and values. What is quite normal to the parents may seem to be old-fashioned or wrong to the children. When they live together, they may disagree on matters ranging from minor domestic matters to national and international issues. Consequently, family life may be unpleasant or even unbearable to both the old and the young.Last but not the least, adult children, like their parents, love independence and freedom, but their parents still take them as children and unintentionally interfere in their affairs. The situation will be worse if the adult children are already married. In this case, the children have already built a new and closed world and any outside interference may lead to conflicts.From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that if the parents and their adult children do not live together, both the old and the young can enjoy complete independence and freedom, live a life they like, and keep intact their affections for each other.雅思g类小作文范文【3】I am writing to seek accommodation in the Snowy Mountains for agroup of students from Perth.We expect to be the Snowy Mountains between June 1 and June 12. There are fourteen people in our group, five men and seven women, and a married couple. The five men will accept dormitory accommodation,and the women are happy to share rooms, but the married couple would like a double room. We hope to keep our expenses as low as possible.Please tellme about recreational services in the area. The group will bring their own boots for bushwalking, but we are hoping to hire equipment for other sports, likes kiing. Some of our group will want to hire geological picks and other equipment, if possible. We also need to know about access to caves and other interesting geological features in the area.I am looking forward toreceiving information about the Student Hostel Services and other facilities.。

题目:Youhaverecentlymadeapurchasefromthelocaldepartmentstore.However,w henyouarrivedhome,youfoundafaultwithit.writealettertothemanager,sayw hattheproductis,explaintheproblemandsaywhatyou’dliketobedoneaboutit.(投诉信)范文:dearSirormadam,i’mwritingtocomplainabouttherecentpurchaseofawoolensweaterfromyourde partmentstoreonPhilipStreet,onaugust25,20XX.亲爱的先生、女士:我写此信是要就我20XX年8月25日从你们在菲利普大街上的商店里购买的一件羊毛衫进行投诉的。
iphonedthestorelastTuesday(June21)andspoketothedepartmentmanager,a mr.morris,whowasratherrudeonthephoneandinformedmethaticouldnotgeta replacementsweaterasitwaspurchasedatareducedprice.ifeltreallyupset,fori havebeenaloyalcustomerofyourstoreformanyyearsanduntilthisincident,nev erhavehadanycomplaints.i,therefore,feeldisappointedtobetreatedinsucham anner.我上周二(6月21日)打电话到店里,是与一位叫morris先生的部门经理讲的,他电话里很是无礼,告知我说因为这件衣服是降价购买的,因此不能退换。

G类雅思书信写作范文:建议信(1)题目:A hotel you stayed in recently asked guests to write to the manager and suggest ways in which they could improve their service. Write a letter to the manager, explainwho you are, say what you liked about the hotel, and suggest ways in which they could be improved.(建议信)范文:Dear Manager,I’m writing in response to your invitationto guests who have recently stayed at your hotel to suggest ways in which you could further improve your service.友爱的经理:我是看过你们给最近落脚贵宾馆的客人的〔邀请函〕后写此信的,你们在信中邀请客人做些提议,以便你们可以进一步改善服务。
I was a guest at your hotel last month and I found that the level of customer service was excellent. Indeed, every member of your staff, from the manager to the room-cleaning maid, was, without exception, extremelypolite and helpful. The standard of the rooms was far beyond what I had expected.我上个月曾入住贵宾馆,觉察你们的客户服务特殊好。

快来看看店铺为你准备了雅思G类小作文高分的万能模板,欢迎大家阅读!雅思G类小作文万能模板:道歉信1. 书信结构道歉信通常有四个主要部分。
2. 常用句型1) I just wanted to write you a quick note to apologise for not being able to keep our appointment tomorrow.2) In deference to your valuable time,I would like to get straight to the point and admit that I was wrong.3) I really hope that you will be able to accept my apology.4) Please accept my apologies for…5) Please accept my sincere apology for missing the interview scheduled for…6) Please accept my apology for the delay and thank you for your understanding.雅思G类小作文模板:投诉信1. 书信结构投诉信是雅思考试中最常见的一种,写信时应该重点包括三个部分。

雅思G类小作文范文:日常信题目:You are writing your first letter to a pen pal. Introduce yourself and tell her that you will be visiting her country during the summer vacationand suggest meeting her.(日常信)范文:Dear Sue,How are you? I obtained your name and address from Pen Pal International. I am very glad to write to you and we become pen pals.亲爱的Sue:你好吗?我从国际笔友那里获得的你的姓名和地址。
Let me first introduce myself. I’m currently working as an English teacher at Shanghai Onlytoya College. I graduated from Shanghai Foreign Languages University in 1988, majoring in English literature and linguistics. I got my Master’s degree in pragmaticsin 1998. I like playing erhu (a kind of Chinese musical instrument) and listening to pop music. I am also very interested in traveling. Oh, yes, I am a great bar-goer!让我先介绍一下我自己:我目前在上海昂立托雅学院做英语教师。

雅思G类小作文范文(信件类)1、雅思G类小作文范文--邀请信Task:You were promoted recently. And you want to invite your friend Jack for celebration. Write a letter to Jack. In your letter1) describe why an when you want Jack to come2) tell Jack what to bring withSample answer:Dear JackI am pleased to invite you to join our little celebration which is currently planned to be held on Feb 23rd. so far we have not yet decided the precise time, but there are a collection of choices about locations, which I want your suggestions, including my office, my home or anywhere you consider convenient.Your earliest response will be highly appreciated, and I will definitely take into consideration all suggestions from you or anybody else being invited, before reaching the final decision. The celebration is mainly concerned with my latest promotion. Without your thorough support, and my other friends and colleagues, it is impossible for me to be promoted, as I have been merely working for the company for half a year. Meanwhile, I feel it a precious chance for us, a group of friends, to come together to hold a relaxing talk and have some delicious food.Please do not bring anything but yourself if you can come over. If you can add some amusements to the celebration, for example, some jokes, I will be greatly pleased.I am looking forward to your reply, and waiting to meet you.Yours truly,Mary2、雅思G类小作文范文--挂失信Task:You lost your bag in a museum. And you want to ask for help.Write a letter to the manager of museum. In your letter1) describe when you visit the museum2) describe the bag you lost3) tell your manager your contact informationSample answer:Dear Sir/ Madam,I am writing to inform you that I lost my handbag in your museum and I would like to ask for your help.I paid a visit to your museum on May 13, 2014. When I visited the hall of modern art and history. I left my handbag in the hall because of my carelessness. It is a black leather bag. There are some important things in it, including my passport, ID card, credit card, some checks and US $1000, but the most important thing is my business address book, which records all my clients’ phone numbers and appointment agenda in the following two weeks.This bag is very important to me. My friends suggested me that I contact your department to seek help, so I write this letter to you anxiously. I hope you and your staff can help me find my lost bag. Your meticulous and warm-hearted help will be greatly appreciated.For more information about my lost things, please contact me in the following ways: Mobile phone:xxxxxxxx Home phone:xxxxxx Office phone:xxxxxxYours sincerely,Eva3、雅思G类小作文范文--请假信Task:Your parents will hold the 60th wedding anniversary next month. And you want to ask for a leave.Write a letter to the manager of your company. In your letter1) describe why you ask for a leave2) tell your manager when you will be away3) tell your manager how to make up for when leaving.4、雅思G类小作文范文--建议信Task:You have finished management course. You want to give some suggestions about the course.Write a letter to the director. In your letter1) describe what your opinion about the course is。

Dear Sir or Madam,。
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the recent service I received at your establishment. On [date], I visited your [store/restaurant/hotel] and was extremely disappointed with the level of customer service.Firstly, the staff were rude and unhelpful. When I asked for assistance, I was met with a dismissive attitude and felt as though my concerns were not taken seriously. Additionally, the quality of the product I purchased was subpar and did not meet the standards that were advertised.I believe that as a customer, I deserve to receive a certain level of respect and quality when visiting your establishment. I hope that you will take my feedback into consideration and take the necessary steps to improve the service provided.I look forward to hearing from you and hope that we can resolve this matter amicably.Sincerely,。
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Task 1 (G)✧Types of Letterplaint2.Enquiry3.Request4.Apology5.Acknowledgement6.Suggestion7.Job application8.Recommendation9.Self-introduction10.Invitation✧Format of a letterDear …------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Regards )ClosureSignature✧称谓❖To an organization: Formal❖Dear Sir or Madam❖Dear Mr. / Mrs./Miss/Ms. + surname❖To those who are concerned/ To whom itmay concern❖齐头式❖To an individual/friend: Formal or semi-formal❖Dear Professor + SurnameTake care Cordially yours,Tactics for Task 1 (General Training)Structure——unknown authority/strangerDear Mr./Ms./Prof/Dr (Surname), ——known authority——friend/relativeRe: (position)——only for application letterAs one of your (identity) s, I am writing this letter to express my (emotion) ——formalI am (name) , writing to you for (purpose) ——informalQuestion 1&2——explanation of the whole event and expression of some emotionQuestion 3——offer your own solutionLooking forward to your early reply and thanks for your great effort to deal with it.Yours sincerely(English name)Emotion WordsComplain Request Thanks Apology Invitation App/RecomJunk Words discomfortconcern thanks regret invitationconfidence1.I am writing to complain about…/that…2.I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with somebodyabout something3.I am most reluctant to complain, but…4.I feel sorry to trouble you but I am afraid I have to make acomplaint about…Examples:I am writing to complain about the service on theBeijing-Shanghai train which I took on August 16, 2001.I am writing to express my dissatisfaction about the Walkman Ibought at the duty-free shop in your airport on February 14, 2005.✧End of a complaint letter1.I would be grateful / I shall appreciate it very much if youcould take the matter into consideration and solve it at your earliest convenience.2.I would like to have this matter settled by the end of…/within 14 days.Writing task 1❖You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You find it very difficult to work there because he or she always has friends visiting. They have parties in the room and sometimes borrow your things without asking you.❖Write a letter to the Accommodation Office at the college and ask for a new room next term. You would prefer a single room. Explain your reasons.Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to inform you that I wish to move into a new room next term. I would prefer a single room, as I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient.I must explain that the reason for my dissatisfaction is my roommate’s inconsiderate behavior. For one thing, his friends are constantly visiting him; for another, he regularly holds noisy parties. In addition, he sometimes borrows my things without asking me. In these circumstances, I find it difficult to concentrate on my students, and I am falling behind in my assignments.I am sure you will agree that the only solution is for me to move into a room of my own, where I will be free from such distractions. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could find a single room for me, preferably not in the same building but as near to the college campus as possible.Yours sincerely,Janice KennedyWriting task 1You have received your pay for your summer holiday part-time job, but your pay is less than you were promised. Please write a letter to the manager of the unit, clearly stating what work you have done and how long your work took. While explaining your case, put forward your demand and suggestion.Dear Manager,I have received the $800 cheque which you pay to me as a part-time software programmer in your company during my latest summer vacation. However, I am at a loss why the amount is $ 100 less than you promised to pay me.It was contracted that a part-time software programmer’s weekly wage is $ 300. I signed the contract with you and consequently worked in your company for a total of 3 weeks. In the period, I went to and from work on time and to your satisfaction, I completed each task that you assigned me without any errors. Also, no blame about me was ever heard in any aspect. So my total income should be $ 900, which is $ 100 more than that Igained from you. I firmly insist on your kind explanation of the difference and making it up as soon as possible.Your early reply would be highly appreciated.Yours sincerelyJanet Smith✧Enquiry –目的+具体问题+(急切心情+感激+联系方式)1.I am writing for information about…2.I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide mewith information regarding…3.I would be most grateful if you could supply me with thefollowing information.✧End of an Enquiry letter1.Thank you for your consideration2.I am expecting your early reply.3.I am looking forward to your immediate response.4.In addition, if you could let me have details of … I would bemore than grateful.Writing task 1✹As part of a student social survey project, you are organizing a group to visit a historical exhibition in a small town.✹Write a letter asking for information regarding such things as the contents of the exhibition, and the dates of its opening and closing, and if there are any discounts available.Dear Sir,I am organizing a group of students to pay a visit to the historical exhibition in your town. This visit will be part of our school’s activities to encourage the students to take part in social surveys. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could supply me with the following information.First of all, what are the dates between which the exhibition willbe held, and what are the daily opening hours? Secondly, what is the size of the exhibition, what is its theme and what objects are on display? Thirdly, are there any other activities being held in connection with the exhibition?I must point out that I hope to bring over students to the exhibition. So I would like to inquire if there is any discount available on entrance tickets for students. If so, how much is the discount and what is the minimum number of students necessary to qualify for it?I look forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,George Moore✧Apology –目的+原因+再次表示歉意/ 补救措施1.I am writing to apologize for …2.I am terribly sorry, but…3.Thank you for …, but I am sorry to say that…✧End of an apology letter1.I hope you can accept my apologies. Please allow me to saysorry again.2.Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.3.I would be very grateful if you could tell me if there is anyway that I can make up for it. I do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.Writing task 1✹One of your pen pals will shortly be visiting your city. For some reasons, you cannot manage to meet her at the airport on time.✹Write a letter asking her to wait for you at the airport and tell her how to identify you.Dear Mary,I am very much looking forward to your visit to my city. Just think: after all these years of writing to each other, we will finally have the chance to meet! However, I regret to inform you that I will not be able to meet you at the airport as soon as you arrive.The reason is that your flight will arrive early in the morning, and the quickest I can get to the airport will be about an hour after you land. Please wait for me in the arrival lounge. You should be able to have breakfast there while you wait.By the way, as we have never met I must tell you how to recognize me: I am medium height and have a small mustache. In addition, I will be carrying a copy of the morning newspaper tucked under my left arm.Looking forward to out first meeting.Yours sincerely,Harry✧Invitation –目的+具体情况(5W)+ 期待回复1.I am writing to invite you to …2.I would like to see your presence at …3.I am sending you this invitation to … and I sincerely hopeyou can be part of it.4.I am wondering if you could come to my birthday party inmy new house this Saturday evening.✧End of an invitation letter1.My family and I would feel honored if you could come.2.We would be looking forward to your participation in theparty.3.Would you please drop me a line to let me know if you cancome? I really hope you can make it.•RSVP (repondez s’il vous plait) (before April 1)Writing task 1You want to invite some friends to a party. Write an invitation letter to them individually, elaborating on the reason why such a party should be held and what activities will be arranged for them.Dear Susan,I will hold a dinner party at my house on June 23, 2000(Saturday) to celebrate my father’s being awarded the Pulitzer Prize for journalism this year. As you are a close friend of our family, myparents and I would very much like you to participate in the celebration and share our joy.The occasion will star at five o’clock in the afternoon, with the showing of the documentary film of the 1999 Kosovo war produced by my father, which secured the prize for him. This will be followed by a dinner party. At around eight o’clock, we will hold a small musical soiree, at which a band will perform some works by Bach and Strauss.If you do not have any prior appointment on June 23, my family and I look forward to the pleasure of your company.Cordially yours,Jessica LouisRSVP before June 19✧Acknowledgement –目的+原因+再次感谢1.I am writing to extend/convey my heart-felt thanks/sincereappreciation/gratitude to you for…✧End of a thank-you letter1.I must thank you again for your generous help / kindassistance.2.Please accept my gratitude, now and always.3.My true gratitude is beyond words. Thank you again.4.If you need any help to …, please let me know. I shallappreciate it very much if you can give me a chance to return your kindness.Writing task 1After being involved in an accident, you were looked after by another person.Write a special letter to express your thanks.Dear John,I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude. I am referring to that unfortunate accident the other day, when I was knocked off my bike by a taxi. If it had not been for your timely assistance in giving me first aid and taking me to a nearby hospital, I fear that the consequences might have been much more serious.The doctor says that my broken leg is healing well, and the bruises and cuts I suffered will soon be completely better. In addition, the taxi company has agreed to pay my hospital bills. Everyone agrees that it was your quick-witted response in that emergency that has led to this satisfactory outcome.Although nowadays many people talk about the need to be unselfish to help others, we see very few people practicing what they preach. But you showed by your selfless action that you are an exception. If there were more people like you, this world would be a much nicer place.Yours sincerely,Ted Writing task 1You have just arrived in the city where you are going to spend two years for your master’s degree. You have a lot preparation to do before the new term starts, but you do not know how to go round the city. A friend you have newly acquainted offered you guidance and helped you through difficulties. Write a letter to express your thanks.Dear Mary,I am writing this letter to thank you for the guidance you gave me.I was a perfect stranger when arriving at this city. Once I lost myself for not knowing the way in a downtown street, although I stopped to ask some people for direction. As you know this is the first time for me to come up to this big city.I bought a guidebook, but there were still difficulties in going round the city. The streets and shops puzzled me so much that Iwould rather stay indoors. It is your valuable guidance that has enabled me to go about the city without losing myself. I thank you very much for your kink help. Now I begin to know how to take the proper trolley buses. Yesterday I went downtown with some of my schoolmates to buy some stationery.Lesson will begin in a few days. I will come over to see you some day next week and tell you everything that has happened to me. Sincerely yoursJulia Noel✧Request –目的+解释原因+重申并表达感谢1.I am writing to request to do something2.I am writing in the hope that …✧End of a request letter1.By the way, if you think it is possible ..., I would like to . (I)am sorry for the inconvenience this may cause you.2.I am looking forward to your reply.Writing task 1You stayed with a local family when you attended a training program in New Zealand. You returned to your home country in a hurry and found that you had left your laptop computer in the family. Write a letter to the family, thanking them for their hospitality. Describe your computer and where it is and ask the host to send it back to you.You do NOT need to write your own address.Dear Mr. Scoot,I’m writing to express my gratitude for your entertainment during my stay in your house. I cannot forget your beautiful wife’s cooking.However, due to my rashness, I left my laptop computer in the guest room that you had arranged for me, which causes many inconveniences both in my work and my life.The above mentioned laptop computer is Model IBM 500 with gray appearance, half-new. I vaguely remember that I put it on the desk by the fireplace of the guest room. The laptop computer contains all the important data related to my job. I cannot live without it.I really appreciate if you can find it out and send it to me by EMS as soon as possible. Enclosed with the letter is the return envelope with address, and a cheque of post.I am looking forward to your kind reply.Sincerely yours✧Suggestion–目的+建议(2~3点)1.I got to know from …that …. I am writing to give yousome advice about it.2.I am writing in response to … to suggest ways in which …✧End of a suggestion letter1.I would appreciate …and will be more than happy toexpand on any of the comments I have made here.2.I wish you a nice stay here.Writing task 1A friend who lives abroad will shortly be visiting your university and has asked you to make arrangements for his stay. Write a letter informing him of what you have done.Dear Mr. Smith,I have received your letter dated April 5, 1996 in which you have asked me to make arrangements for your stay here. I am glad to tell you that all relevant things have been arranged as follows: First of all, I will meet you at the airport when you arrive here. Then I will take you to our university reception where I have booked a room for you. On the second day of your arrival, you will be invited to attend our teaching activity in a small group. In the afternoon, I will take you to visit our students’ design work of architecture. On the third day, I have arranged a lecture at which I hope you could give us an introduction to the teaching features of architecture at Cambridge. In the evening, I will have a small party for you at which you will have more chance to communicate with our student as well as our staff. On the last day I will see you off at the airport.If there is anything inconvenient for you in this schedule, please let me know as soon as possible.I am looking forward to your reply and wish you a pleasant journey.Yours respectfullyRobert Kennedy✧Application –目的+个人陈述(2~3点)1.I am writing to apply for the position of … you advertisedin … on …2.I am writing to express my interest in your recentlyadvertised position for …✧End of an application letter1.All these give me enough confidence to say that I am theright person for the position. I shall appreciate it verymuch if you could give my application its due attention.2.I am looking forward to your favorable reply.Writing task 1From an advertisement you learn that a company has the position vacant in an engineering department. You are a postgraduate student with a master’s degree from Mechanical Training Program as Programmer Trainee. You have just arrived in the United States and you want to have the job. You’ll enclose your resume with details of academic courses in your letter. You should ask to have an appointment.Dear Sir,From your advertisement on New York Times, March 24, I have learned that you need an engineer in your mechanic department.I have been seeking a position in the engineering department in which I may use my training in computer sciences to solve engineering problems and I would be interested in exploring thepossibility of obtaining such a position within your firm.I received a master’s of science degree in mechanical engineering from Qinhua University in June 1995. Since September 1997 I have been participating, through my university, in Professional Training Program as Programmer Trainee and have gained a great deal of experience in computer applications. Details of the academic courses that I have taken are contained in the enclosed resume.May I have an appointment for an interview with you to discuss my qualifications in detail? Please write to me at my home or telephone me at (317) 668-5792 any weekday.Yours sincerelyMary Jones✧Recommendation–目的+解释原因+重申1.I have learned from your advertisement …that you arelooking for …. I am writing to you to recommend …2.As…, I earnestly recommend … for the position that youadvertised …✧End of a recommendation letter1.Therefore, I do not hesitate to recommend … as an idealcandidate for the post. I am sure you will make a wisedecision in hiring her.最新雅思写作题目集锦普通培训类小作文(书信类)1.You are going to London for a visit, and you would like tospend two days in visiting a library as you are doing a researchproject. Write a letter to the library assistant, asking him/her for help and specifying your requirements.2.When you were painting your rented apartment, youaccidentally damaged something in one of the rooms. Write to your landlord, explaining the reason for writing the letter and how the whole thing happened. Finally, you should suggest how you can compensate for the damages.3.You are an international student who studies in a collegewithout sports facilities. Write to the manager of a sports club nearby, inquiring about what procedures are needed before you can join the club.4.During your travel overseas, you left a handbag on thepassenger plane. Write a letter to the airline company, explaining the situation and describing the handbag. Also, indicate the way they can possibly solve the problem.5.You bought a CD player from a local store a few days ago, butnow it doesn’t work. Write a letter to the manufacturer, asking them what the problems are and complaining about the attitude of the shop assistant. Also tell them how they can handle the situation.6.You are a local student who has moved to a newneighborhood where there is an extremely large tree just infront of your doorway. Write a letter to the local authority, complaining about the problems the big tree has brought to your life.7.Write a letter to invite one of your friends to attend a largecelebration at your home. State the reasons why the celebration is held and all the details about the celebration.Also, ask your friend to do a favor for you.8.One of the pen friends overseas is going to visit you. However,for some reason, you cannot meet him/her as previously arranged. Write about your reason, the place where you want him to wait for you, and how he/she can recognize you.9.You are a college student taking part in a research project.Write a letter to a local museum, asking them to provide essential materials. Give the details of your project and specify the required materials.10.During your business trip to another city, you met anattendant on the train who treated you with very impolite manners. Write a letter to the railway authority, complaining about the bad attitude and poor service of that attendant. 11.You have just received good news related with your family.Write a letter to one of your friends, explain the reason for writing. Also, tell him/her the details of the good news andwhy you are so excited about it.12.You are in international student who has been arranged byyour university to live with a local family. However, for some reason, you are not satisfied with the accommodation. Write a letter to your university, explaining about the situation and asking for a rearrangement.13.One of the pen friends overseas is going to visit you. However,for some reason, you cannot meet him/her as previously arranged. Write about your reason, the place where you want him to wait for you, and how he/she can recognize you.14.You are organizing a business meeting, and you should writeto people from other companies and tell them the changes of the meeting (time, location, etc.). You can (1) explain why you have to make changes, (2) tell them the changes, and (3) apologize for the changes.15.You are going to London for a visit, and you would like tospend two days in visiting a library as you are doing a research project. Write a letter to the library assistant, asking him/her for help and specifying your requirements.16.Someone wrote an article in the newspaper criticizing a newmovie. Write a letter to the author to express your disapproval, explaining why you disagree with his or her opinion.17.You have a friend who will go on holiday to a town which youknow very well. Please write a letter to him/her including these contents: (1) recommend a place to live (2) what things he/she can do there (3) the weather conditions there.18.You want to ask a friend of yours to visit you for the first timeand live at your home for a short period. Write a letter of invitation, suggesting him to bring essential things and what he can do during his visit.19.You are an international student who has rented an apartmenton campus. Recently you damaged something in one of your rooms. Write to the school authorities, explaining how the damage was caused, offering some solution and apologizing for the inconvenience.20.Your company is going to have a working weekend in a hotel.Write a letter to the hotel staff about what you need. You need to introduce yourself, tell them your plan and requirements of the accommodation.21.You have been working for a company for several years.However, you are dissatisfied and disappointed with it. Write a letter of resignation, explaining the reason why you want to leave and making some requests or suggestions.22.One of your neighbours wrote you a letter, complaining aboutthe annoying noise you made in the neighbourhood. Write a letter to him/her in which you should explain the situation, apologize for the noise you made and tell him/her about the action you will take to deal with the problem.23.For some reason, you cannot attend a course you have alreadypaid for. Write a letter to the professor, indicating the reason and tell him/her what you plan to do.24.A company is organizing a trip abroad for language trainingto a number of limited places. Please write a letter, expressing that you want to join, why you think you should join, and why the organizer you select you.25.You are a college student and feel very unhappy about havingto live outside the campus. Write a letter to the college authorities, introducing yourself, explaining why you are unhappy, asking for on-campus accommodation, and telling them why it is better to live inside the college.26.You went to computer shop last week to have your brokencomputer repaired. However, you are not satisfied with their service. Write a letter of complaint to their manager, explaining the situation and the reason why you were unhappy, and telling them what should be done about it.st weekend, your watch was lost in an English-speaking文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.friend’s home during your visit. Write a letter to your friend, thanking his/her kindness, describing how you lost it and asking for his/her help.28.You are moving to an English-speaking country with yourfamily. Write to an accommodation agency to seek a house for your family. Please tell them what type of house you are looking for and some detailed requirements.29.You had a long distance flight and found there were someproblems on the plane. Also the crew was not helpful. Write a letter to the airline to describe the situation, tell them what happened during the journey and give some suggestions.21文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.。