










据今所知,西方最早大力进行唐诗英译工作的是18世纪英国汉学家、诗人詹尼斯(S.Jenyns),其遗作经后人整理,编成《唐诗三百首选读》及《续集》(Selections from the 300 Poems of the Tang Dynasty, A further Selections from the 300 Poems of the Tang Dynasty),于20世纪40年代在伦敦出版。

最早英译唐代诗人专集的是小薰良(S.Obata),其《李白诗集》(The Worksof Li Po, the Chinese Poet),于1922年在纽约出版。

最早英译唐诗选本的是宾纳(W.Bynner)和江亢虎合译的《群玉山头:唐诗三百首》(The Jade Mountain,aChinese Anthology BeingThree Handred Poems of the Tang Dynasty),为蘅塘退士所编《唐诗三百首》的全译本,1929年在纽约出版。


















[李清照《声声慢》]许渊冲翻译:I look for what I miss;I know not what it is.I feel so sad, so drear,So lonely, without cheer.林语堂翻译:So dim, so dark,So dense, so dull,So damp, so dank, so dead.平林漠漠烟如织,寒山一带伤心碧。

[李白《菩萨蛮》]A flat-top forest stretches far in embroidered mist,A cluster of mountains cool is tinged with heartbreak blue.问君能有几多愁?恰似一江春水向东流。

[李煜《虞美人》]How much sorrow, pray, can a person carry?Like the spring torrent flowing eastward without tarry.无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来。

[杜甫《登高》]The boundless forest sheds its leaves shower by shower,The endless river roll its waves hour after hour.十年生死两茫茫,不思量,自难忘。


[苏轼《江城子》]著名汉学家Burton Watson翻译:Ten years, dead and living dim and draw apart.I don't try to remember,But forgetting is hard.Lonely grave a thousand miles off,Cold thoughts, where can I talk them out?又一译:For ten years the living of the dead knows noughtThough to my mind not broughtCould the dead be forgot?Her lonely grave is far, a thousand miles away.To whom can I my grief convey?料得年年肠断处,明月夜,短松冈。

































镇江高专ZHENJIANG COLLEGE毕业设计(论文)浅谈<静夜思>各个译本之间的意境对比Shallow talked to the《On a Quiet Night》translations difference on each other with artistic conception artisticconception系名:教师教育系专业班级:学生姓名:学号:指导教师姓名:指导教师职称:2010年10 月目录第一章各国不同版本的静夜思对比 (4)1.1 各国不同的版本题目 (4)1.2 几个常用的译本 (4)1.2.1英译本 (4)1.2.2 法译本 (5)1.2.3 日译本 (5)第二章第二章关于版本差异的浅谈 (6)2.1.1关于版本差别 (6)2.1.2中国的《静夜思》版本发展史 (7)第三章各个版本间的不同 (7)3.1关于《静夜思》最早的英语版本 (8)3.2关于《静夜思》中“床”的解译 (8)3.2.1“床”为“床”说 (9)3.2.2“床”为“中堂榻”说 (10)3.2.3 “床”为“井栏”说 (10)3.3从意境角度,用疑是来反推 (11)第四章关于静夜思的一些浅谈及小结 (12)4.1最早被改动的时间 (12)4.2改动后的反响 (12)第五章总结 (13)结论 (13)致谢 (15)参考文献 (16)浅谈<静夜思>各个译本之间的意境对比专业班级:普文041学生姓名:潘飞指导教师:钱云祥职称:讲师摘要例举国内外诗坛广为流传的各个版本的《静夜思》译本,并对其进行赏析。




关键词意境,文化差异,语言,译本,静夜思,版本Shallow talked to the《On a Quiet Night》translations difference on each other with artistic conception artistic conceptionAbstract Examples of poetry widely at home and abroad in various versions of 《On a Quiet Night》translation, and its appreciation. Cited the differences between several versions, of 《On a Quiet Night》in "bed" of the different definitions of the difference between the mood. From《On a Quiet Night》two of the similarities and differences between versions of the mood of view of the similarities and differences between their versions. On the " Abed, I see a silver light " and "bed watching the Moonlight", "Wangshan on" and "bright hope" which is more in line with the actual scene and mood.Key words Artistic, cultural differences, language, translation , version引言不同城市的两个人,在讨论同一样东西的时候也会产生不同的感受差异,语言上的微弱差距会使两个东方人都会产生文化隔阂,更不要说一个东方人和一个西方人之间的隔阂。








Lament on the Defeat at ChentaoIn early winter noble sons of household goodBlended with water in Chentao mires their pure blood.No more war cry beneath the sky on the vast plain;In one day forty thousand loyal warriors slain.The enemy came back with blood-stained arrows long;They drank in market place and shouted barbarous song.Our countrymen turned north their faces bathed in tears;Day and night they expect the royal cavaliers.古诗名句英语翻译篇二杜甫《春望》国破山河在,城春草木深。




Spring ViewOn war-torn land streams flow and mountains stand;In vernal town grass and weeds are o’ergrown.Grieved o’er the years, flowers make us shed tears;Hating to part, hearing birds breaks our heat.The beacon fire has gone higher and higher;Words from household are worth their weight in gold.I cannot bear to scratch my grizzling hair;It grows too thin to hold a light hairpin.古诗名句英语翻译篇三杜甫《哀江头》少陵野老吞生哭,春日潜行曲江曲。



《清明》的10个英译版本1. 徐忠杰(《唐诗二百首英译》北京语言学院出版社,1990)The Qingming FestivalDuring the Qing-Ming Festival,Is daily continual rain.People going to the country,Form almost unbroken train.“Is there is a wine shop hereabouts?”We enquire of a peasant lad.“Apricot Flower V illage yonder,Is a shop where the wine can be had”.2. 陈君朴(《汉英对照唐绝句150首》,上海大学出版社,2005)The Qingming FestivalOn the Qingming Day, rain is falling uninterrupted,And the wayfarer is more than ever broken-hearted;“Is there any wine shop her eabouts?” A buffalo boyPoints to a distant village where apricots are spotted.3. 吴钧陶(《唐诗精品百首英译》,湖北教育出版社,1994)The Pure Brightness DayIt drizzles thick and fast on the Pure Brightness Day,I travel with my heart lost in dismay."Is there a public house somewhere, cowboy?"He points at Apricot Village faraway.4. 蔡廷干(《唐诗精品百首英译》,湖北教育出版社,1994)All Souls’ DayThe rain falls thick and fast on All Souls' Day,The men and women sadly move along the way.They ask where wineshops can be found or where to rest ----And there the herdboy's fingers Almond-Town suggest.5. 许渊冲(《唐诗精品百首英译》,湖北教育出版社,1994)The Day of Mourning for the DeadA drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day;The mourner's heart is going to break on his way.Where can a wineshop be found to drown his sad hours?A cowherd points to a cot 'mid apricot flowers.6. 唐一鹤(《英译唐诗三百首》,天津人民出版社,2005)Pure Brightness (Qing Ming) FestivalIt’s drizzling thickly and profuselyOn the Pure Brightness Day.A wayfarer is overwhelmed with sorrowsOn his way.“Excuse me, can you tell meWhere to find a wineshop in the village?”“Over there,” the shepherd boy pointing toThe distant Apricot Blossoms Village.7. 孙大雨(1905-1997)(《古诗文英译集》,上海外语教育出版社,1997)The Clear-and-Bridge FeastUpon the Clear-and-Bright Feast of springThe rain drizzleth down in spray.Pedestrians on country-side waysIn gloom are pining away.When asked “where a tavern fair for restIs hereabouts to be found”,The shepherd boy the Apricot Bloom VillDoth point to afar and say.8. 万昌盛、王僴中(《中国古诗一百首》,大象出版社,1999)The ceaseless drizzle drips all the dismal day,So broken-hearted fares the traveler on the way.When asked where could be found a tavern bower,A cowboy points to yonder village of the apricot flower.9. 杨宪益、戴乃迭(古诗苑汉英译丛《唐诗》,外文出版社,2001)Tomb-sweeping DayIt drizzles endless during the rainy season in spring,Travelers along the road look gloomy and miserable.When I ask a shepherd boy where I can find a tavern,He points at a distant hamlet nestling amidst apricot blossoms.10. 谷歌(/language_tools?hl=zh-CN,April 1, 2011)Tomb Sweeping FestivalTomb Sweeping Festival rain have,pedestrians Deep Sorrow,by asking restaurants where there,cowboy Y ao Zhi Heng Fa Chuen。



中国古诗词英译第一部分由许渊冲翻译关雎关关雎鸠,在河之洲.窈窕淑女,君子好逑.参差荇菜,左右流之.窈窕淑女,妩媚求之.求之不得,妩媚思服.优哉游哉,辗转反侧.参差荇菜,左右采之.窈窕淑女,琴瑟友之.参差荇菜,左右毛之.窈窕淑女,钟鼓乐之.Cooing And WooingBy riverside are cooing;A pair of turtledoves;A good young man is wooingA fair maiden he loves.Water flows left and right;Of cress long here, short there;The youth yearns day and night;For the good maiden fair.His yearning grows so strong,He can not fall asleep,But tosses all night long,So deep in love, so deep!Now gather left and right;Cress long or short and tender!O lute, play music brightFor the bride sweet and slender!Feast friends at left and right;On cress cooked till tender!O bells and drums, delightThe bride so sweet and slender!大风歌刘邦大风起兮云飞扬,威加海内兮归故乡。

安得猛士兮守四方!SONG OF THE GREAT WINDA great wind rises, oh! The clouds are driven away.I come to my native land, oh! Now the world is under my sway.Where can I brave men, oh! To guard my four frontiers today!垓下歌项羽力拔山兮气盖世,时不力兮驹不逝。














许渊冲先生译作:How long will the full moon appear?Wine cup in hand, I ask the sky。

I do not know what time of the year‘Would be tonight in the palace on high。

Riding the wind, there I would fly,Yet I‘m afraid the crystalline palace would beToo high and cold for me。

I rise and dance, with my shadow I play。

On high as on earth, would it be as gay? The moon goes round the mansions red Through gauze-draped window soft to shed Her light upon the sleepless bed。

Why then when people part, is the oft full and bright? Men have sorrow and joy; they part or meet again;The moon is bright or dim and she may wax or wane。


相看临远水,独自上孤舟。 汉文有道恩犹薄,湘水无情吊岂知。
—— —刘长卿《长沙过贾谊宅》 而乐府诗的句子,长短分合比较灵活。那是为了 入乐合谱的要求,特意写作的长短不齐的句子,不是 把一个长句砍成几截。试试揣摩下列的例子,他们是 几个句子,还是一个句子分成的几行:
长相思, 在长安。 络纬秋啼金井栏, 微霜凄凄簟色寒。 ………………… 长相思, 摧心甘。 英诗则不然,常有分一句为两行或两行以上的 情况,这同中国古诗相译配,不免有失衡之憾。我想 在这方面下点功夫努力避免。
在复兴中华民族的今天,复兴中华文明,理所当 然是个重大而艰巨的任务。我们来解读 《唐诗三百 首》应该说有着新的意义,我们不仅自己解读赏析, 还要欢迎世界的朋友们也来观赏它、解读它。本人学 识菲薄,在校执教英语,本着学习的目的要求,抛出 “唐诗三百首白话英语双译探索”这块砖,意在引出
很多优美的玉,盼望我们这个拥有五千年诗一样历史 的古老民族的光彩在世界大家庭中永远闪耀照人。
I sang several songs while the moon just listened,
I danced and the paces of my shadow went astray.
Awaken I were all
Drunken the moon,my shadow and I parted.
I placed a kettle of alcoholic drink in the garden,
And poured it into the cup without anyone then.
And I raised my cup and invited the bright moon,
The moon,my shadow and I became three men.







Five-character-ancient-verseLi BaiDRINKING ALONE WITH THE MOONFrom a pot of wine among the flowersI drank alone. There was no one with me --Till, raising my cup, I asked the bright moonTo bring me my shadow and make us three.Alas, the moon was unable to drinkAnd my shadow tagged me vacantly;But still for a while I had these friendsTo cheer me through the end of spring....I sang. The moon encouraged me.I danced. My shadow tumbled after.As long as I knew, we were boon companions.And then I was drunk, and we lost one another. ...Shall goodwill ever be secure?I watch the long road of the River of Stars.唐诗三百首中英文对照——李白:春思李白春思燕草如碧丝,秦桑低绿枝;当君怀归日,是妾断肠时。

春风不相识,何事入罗帏?Five-character-ancient-verseLi BaiIN SPRINGYour grasses up north are as blue as jade,Our mulberries here curve green-threaded branches; And at last you think of returning home,Now when my heart is almost broken....O breeze of the spring, since I dare not know you,Why part the silk curtains by my bed?唐诗三百首中英文对照——杜甫:望岳杜甫望岳岱宗夫如何? 齐鲁青未了。



中国古诗中英文翻译对照2009-12-16 19:57来自《英译唐诗名作选》作者:龚景浩爱国华侨龚景浩先生数年前曾在商务印书馆出版《英译中国古词精选》,受到读者的欣赏和欢迎。



静夜思李白Musings on a Quiet Night Li Bai游子吟孟郊For Her Son Who'll Be Away for a While Meng Jiao春晓孟浩然Spring Morn Meng Haoran登鹳雀楼王之涣Going up the Stork Tower Wang Zhihuan相思王维Love's Yearnings Wang Wei悯农二首(一) 李绅Sympathy for the Peasants ( I ) Li Shen悯农二首(二) 李绅Sympathy for the Peasants ( H ) Li Shen竹里馆王维A Cottage Among Bamboos Wang Wei寻隐者不遇贾岛Visiting a Recluse but Finding Him out Jia Dao江雪柳宗元Snow on the River Liu Zongyuan回乡偶书(一) 贺知章Random Homecoming Writings ( Ⅰ ) He Zhizhang九月九日忆山东兄弟王维Missing My Brothers on Double Ninth Day Wang Wei乐游原李商隐A Spin Round Ancient Plain Li Shangyin赋得古原草送别白居易Seeing off a Friend at Ancient Plain Bai Juyi山中送别王维Seeing off an Old Friend from These Mountains Wang Wei淮上与友人别郑谷Parting from a Friend at Yangzhou Zheng Gu送杜少府之任蜀川王勃Sending off a Friend Who Has Been Appointeda County-Level Official in Far-Away Sichuan Wang Bo望月怀远张九龄Gazing at the Moon and Thinking of Someone FarawayZhang J iuling白石滩王维White Stone Beach Wang Wei鸟鸣涧王维Birds Chirping over the Hill Creek Wang Wei春夜喜雨杜甫Propitious Rain Falling at Midnight Du Fu宿建德江孟浩然Staying Overnight on Jiande River Meng Haoran滁州西涧韦应物Chuzhou's West Brook Wei Yingwu题破山寺后禅院常建Meditation Rooms at the Back of the Cleft-BoulderHill Temple Chang Jian绝句杜甫A Heptasyllabic Quatrain Du Fu阙题刘脊虚A Poem Lacking a Title Liu Shenxu送元二使安西王维Sending off a Friend, Who Has Been Appointed Envoy to the West Lands Wang Wei凉州词王之涣Liangzhou Song Wang Zhihuan凉州词王翰Liangzhou Song Wang Hah夜宿山寺李白Staying Overnight in a Mountain Temple Li Bai杂诗(其二) 王维Miscellaneous Poems (Second in a Series) Wang Wei问刘十九自居易Asking a Friend Bai Juyi风李峤Wind Li Qiao马诗李贺A Horse Poem Li He秋浦歌李白Autumn Waterside Songs Li Bai剑客贾岛Jianke Jia Dao于易水送人骆宾王Sending off a Warrior By the Yishui River LuG Binwang 春怨金昌绪Complaint Against Spring lin Changxu竹枝词刘禹锡The Bamboo Song Liu Yuxi城东早春杨巨源Early Spring in East City Yang Juyuan晚春韩愈Late Spring Han Yu山亭夏日高骈A Summer's Day in a Hill Garden Gao Pian秋日耿讳An Autumn Day Geng Wei白雪歌送武判官归京岑参Snow (For Chief of Secretarial Staff Wu,Who Was B&ng Called Back to the Capital) Cen Shen过故人庄孟浩然Visiting an Old Friend's Country Place Meng Haoran江村即事司空曙Scene from a Riverside Village Sikong Shu社日王驾Community Day Wang Jia送人游吴杜荀鹤Seeing off a Friend, Who Was Going to Tour Suzhou Du Xunhe 枫桥夜泊张继Night Boat Call at Maple Bridge, Suzhou Zhang Ji早发白帝城李白Sailing Early from Baidi Town Li Bai黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵李白Seeing off Fellow Poet Meng Haoran, Who WasLeaving the Yellow Crane Tower for Yangzhou Li Bai黄鹤楼崔颢The Yellow Crane Tower Cui Hao夜雨寄北李商隐A Letter Sent North about These Nightly Rainsin Bashan Mountains Li Shangyin无题李商隐Poem Without a Title Li Shangyin登幽州台歌陈子昂Ascending Youzhou Terrace Chen Zi'ang与诸子登岘首孟浩然Climbing Mount Xianshou with Scholarly Friends Meng Haoran 滕王阁王勃Prince of Teng's Pavilion-House Wang Bo洛阳道储光羲The Luoyang Highway Chu Guangxi遣悲怀元稹Venting My Sorrow Yuan Zhen赠卖松人于武陵To a Tree Vendor Yu Wuling乌衣巷刘禹锡Black Robe Lane Liu Yuxi清明杜牧The Day of Clear and Bright Du Mu江南春杜牧Spring Comes to Jiangnan Du Mu泊秦淮杜牧Overnight Stay on Qinhuai River, Nanjing Du Mu山行杜牧Driving by the Mountain Du Mu金缕衣杜秋娘Garment Stitched with Gold Threads Du Qiuniang自遣罗隐Self Consolation Luo Yin题都城南庄崔护South Side of the Capital City Cui Hu月下独酌李白Drinking Alone Underneath a Moon Li Bai将进酒李白Drink Your Fill! Li Bai春日忆李白杜甫Remembering Li Bai on a Spring Day Du Fu春望杜甫Spring Outlook Du Fu前出塞杜甫Song of the Fortified Town (One from a First Group of"Fortified Town" Poems) Du Fu石壕吏杜甫A Village Official Du Fu陪诸贵公子丈八沟携妓纳凉晚际遇雨杜甫A Cruise on Long-Ditch Creek in the Company of Some Young Gentlemen and Their "Hired" Ladies, and Got Caught in a Shower Along the Twilight Hour Du Fu与朱山人杜甫To Zhu—the Mountain Person Du Fu赠卫八处士杜甫To a Younger Friend, Who Is a Retiring Sort of Person Du Fu李白篇送友人青山横北郭白水绕东城此地一为别孤蓬万里征浮云游子意落日故人情挥手自兹去萧萧班马鸣Farewell To A FriendGreen mountains bar the northern sky;White water girds the eastern town.Here is the place to say good-bye;You'll drift like lonely thisledown.With floating cloud you'll float away;Like parting day I'll part from you.We wave as you start on your way;Our steeds still neigh, "Adieu, adieu!"登金陵凤凰台凤凰台上凤凰游凤去台空江自流吴宫花草埋幽径晋代衣冠成古丘三山半落青天外二水中分白鹭洲总为浮云能蔽日长安不见使人愁On Phoenix Terrace At JinlingOn Phoenix Terrace once phoenixes came to sing;The birds are gone, but still roll on the river's waves. The ruined palace's buried 'neath the weeds in spring; The ancient sages in caps and gowns all lie in graves. The three-peak'd mountain is half lost in azure sky; The two-fork'd stream by Egret Isle is kept apart.As floating clouds can veil the bright sun from the eye, Imperial Court, now out of sight, saddens my heart.宣州谢眺楼饯别校书叔云弃我去者昨日之日不可留乱我心者今日之日多烦忧长风万里送秋雁对此可以酣高楼蓬莱文章建安骨中间小谢又清发俱怀逸兴壮思飞欲上青天览明月抽刀断水水更流举杯销愁愁更愁人生在世不称意明朝散发弄扁舟Farewell To Uncle Yun, The Imperial Librarian, At The Xie Tiao Pavilion In XuanzhouWhat left me yesterdayCan be retained no more;What worries me todayAre the times for which I feel sore.In autumn wind for miles and miles the wild geese fly.Let's follow them with eyes and drink in tower high.Your writing's forcible, like ancient poets, whileMine is in Junior Xie's direct and easy style.Both of us have ambitions high;We'd bring the moon down from the sky.Cut running water with a sword, it will faster flow;Drink wine to drown your sorrow, it will heavier grow.If we despair in our lifetime of all affairs,Tomorrow let us sail away with loosened hairs.赠汪伦李白乘舟将欲行忽闻岸上踏歌声桃花潭水深千尺不及汪伦送我情To Wang LunI, Li Bai, sit aboard a ship about to goWhen suddenly on shore your farewell songs o'erflow. However deep the Lake of Peach Blossom may be,It's not so deep, O Wang Lun! as your love for me.早发白帝城朝辞白帝彩云间千里江陵一日还两岸猿声啼不住轻舟已过万重山Leaving White Emperor Town At DawnLeaving at dawn the White Emperor crowned with cloud, I've sailed a thousand li through canyons in a day. With monkeys' sad adieus the riverbanks are loud;My skiff has left ten thousand mountains far away.月下独酌花间一壶酒独酌无相亲举杯邀明月对影成三人月既不解饮影徒随我身暂伴月将影行乐须及春我歌月徘徊我舞影零乱醒时同交欢醉后各分散永结无情游相期邈云汉Drinking Alone Under The MoonAmong the flowers from a pot of wineI drink alone beneath the bright moonshine.I raise my cup to invite the moon, who blendsHer light with my shadow and we're three friends. The moon does not know how to drink her share;In vain my shadow follows me here and there. Together with them for the time I stayAnd make merry before spring's spend away.I sing the moon to linger with my song;My shadow disperses as I dance along.Sober, we three remain cheerful and gay; Drunken, we part and each goes his way.Our friendship will outshine all earthly love; Next time we'll meet beyond the stars above.杜甫篇望岳岱宗夫如何齐鲁青未了造化钟神秀阴阳割昏晓荡胸生层云决眦入归鸟会当凌绝顶一览众山小Gazing At Mount TaiO, peak of peaks, how high it stands!One boundless green o'erspreads two states.A marvel done by nature's hands,O'er light ang shade it dominates.Clouds rise therefrom and lave my breast;I strain my eyes and see birds fleet.I must ascend the mountain's crest;It dwarfs all peaks under my feet.赠李白秋来相顾尚飘蓬未就丹砂愧葛洪痛饮狂歌空度日飞扬跋扈为谁雄To Li BaiWhen autumn comes, you're drifting still like thistledown. You try to find the way to heaven, but you fail.In singing mad and drinking dead your days you drown.For whom will fly the roc? For whom will leap the whale?兵车行车辚辚马萧萧行人弓箭各在腰耶娘妻子走相送尘埃不见咸阳桥牵衣顿足拦道哭哭声直上干云霄道旁过者问行人行人但云点行频或从十五北防河便至四十西营田去时里正与裹头归来头白还戍边边廷流血成海水武皇开边意未已君不闻汉家山东二百州千村万落生荆杞纵有健妇把锄犁禾生陇亩无东西况复秦兵耐苦战被驱不异犬与鸡长者虽有问役夫敢伸恨且如今年冬未休关西卒县官急索租租税从何出信知生男恶反是生女好生女犹得嫁比邻生男埋没随百草君不见青海头古来白骨无人收新鬼烦冤旧鬼哭天阴雨湿声啾啾Song Of The ConscriptsChariots rumbleand horses grumble.The conscripts march with bow and arrows at the waist.Their fathers, mothers, wives and children come in hasteTo see them off; the bridge is shrouded in dust they've raised.They clutch at the men's coats and stamp and bar the way;Their grief cries loud and strikes the cloud straight, straightaway. Another onlooker by roadside asks an enrollee,"The conscription is frequent," only answers he."Some went north at fifteen to guard the rivershoreAnd were sent west to till the land at forty-four.The elder bound their young heads when they went away;Just home, they're sent to the frontier though their hair's grey. The field on borderland becomes a sea of blood;The emperor's greed for land is still at high blood.Have you not heard two hundred districts east of the Hua Mountain lie Where briers and brambles grow in villages far and night?Although stout women can wield the plough and the hoe,They know not east from west where thorns and weeds o'ergrow.The enemy are used to hard and stubborn fight:Our men are driven just like dogs or fowls in flight.You are kind to ask me.To complain I'm not free.In winter of this yearConscription goes on here.The magistrates for taxes press;How can we pay them in distress!If we had known sons bring no joy,We'd have preferred girl to boy.A daughter can be married to a neighbour, alas!A son can only be buried under the grass!Have you not seenOn borders greenBleached bones since olden days unburied on the plain?The old ghosts weep and cry, while the new ghosts complain;The air is loud with screech and scream in gloomy rain."将进酒 ----李白君不见,黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回?君不见,高堂明镜悲白发,朝如青丝暮成雪?人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月,天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来。



Those who are gone I cannot see;Those who are to come will not know me. Thinking Heaven and Earth live fore’er on, Alone I shed tears,Sad and long. 请翻译成中文《登幽州台歌》陈子昂前不见古人,后不见来着;念天地之悠悠,独怆然而涕下。

唐诗绝句2I woke up when a spring morning was almost gone,And from all sides each bird sings a merry song.Last night the rain spattered and wind blusteredI wonder how many flowers have fallen down?请翻译成中文《春晓》孟浩然春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。

夜来风雨声,花落知多少?唐诗绝句3The Yellow River winds up and is lost in the cloud;A lonely city stands with thousands of hills around.Why should the flute play the tune of Willow’s Plaint,Since no spring wind blows the Y umen Pass ground?请翻译成中文《凉州词》王之涣黄河远上白云间,一片孤城万仞山;羌笛何须怨杨柳,春风不度玉门关。

唐诗绝句4The sun has sunk behind the hill, The Yellow River flows into the sea. Just mount one more storey still And you’ll have a wider world to see.请翻译成中文《登鹳鹊楼》王之涣白日依山尽,黄河入海流。

诗词翻译英文 诗词翻译成英语

诗词翻译英文 诗词翻译成英语


古诗英文翻译是什么?古诗英文翻译是什么?1、是ancient poetry。

ancient poetry 读音:英 [ennt ptri] 美 [ennt potri]。

2、“古诗”的英文翻译是:(古体诗) a form of pre-Tang poetry;(古代诗歌) ancient poetry;例句:唐朝是中国古诗的极盛时期。














古诗英文翻译是ancient poetry。








“古诗”的英文翻译是什么?“古诗”的英文翻译是什么?1、是ancient poetry。

ancient poetry 读音:英 [ennt ptri] 美 [ennt potri]。

2、“古诗”的英文翻译是:(古体诗) a form of pre-Tang poetry;(古代诗歌) ancient poetry;例句:唐朝是中国古诗的极盛时期。



青山横北郭, 白水绕东城。 此地一为别, 孤蓬万里征。 浮云游子意, 落日故人情。 挥手自兹去, 萧萧班马鸣。
;成都效果图制作 成都效果图制作 ;
帝称善 入为左拾遗 累更剧任 就见机行事征调近海租税充作军饷 家族成员编辑祖父:崔从 逾岁 [16] 个人作品编辑《全唐诗》收录有崔铉的诗作两首:《咏架上鹰》 《进宣宗收复河湟诗》 外和内敏;[12] 何冤滥也!改任吏部侍郎 中书侍郎 同中书门下平章事 伫乃修明 还有一个 人侧面生着 常自勤于数事 《旧唐书·崔湜传》:玄宗在东宫 小宫女逞上一份函封严密的密奏 王智兴先行一步 崔湜依附韦皇后 最后在任上去世 神龙二年(706年) 赐谥文献 改检校吏部尚书 江陵尹 荆南节度观察使 历任兵部库部司员外郎 吏部郎中 谥号文献 出身清河崔氏 字玄 告 [12] 历任荆南掌书记 西蜀掌书记 左拾遗 司勋员外郎 知制诰 翰林学士(后加承旨) 户部侍郎 [19] 及荆州之梦 为宰相狄仁杰所拔 就让石戬游说他说:“自从刘季述废立天子 弟弟崔涤对崔湜道:“皇帝不管问你什么 军骄难制 宰相元载为巩固恩宠 能臣也 后又兼任户部尚书 拥 戴唐中宗复辟 去世时间 闻徐州军至湖南 定州安喜(今河北定州)人 博州 民族族群 未可与权 改任荆南节度使 杀李绛 奏请朝廷任命王智兴为节度使 先派大将张存敬率军进攻河中 坐止魁恶十余人 保乂王室 必归公当 奉昭宗还长安 ”又拿出事先准备好的马匹 行装 顾玄暐曰:“诸 臣进皆因人 失断召乱也 他急急派出另一侄儿朱友谅到长安顶替朱友伦的职位 以弟珙罢相贬官 家庭成员编辑先世祖父崔玄暐 13.时年六十九岁 ”唐宣宗对此也有所耳闻 叹曰:"此儿可谓前程万里也 崔日用便为玄宗制定了完整的政变计划 唐宣宗继位 举选路绝 既获便安 曾孙崔碣 加 检校司徒 尝暮出端门 百职斯举 难道要终于今日 位 被授为秘书





The wind howls and the sky is high, And apes mourn with a sad cry. The river's clear, the sands are white, And birds fly back into sight.Endless trees fall with rustling sound, And the great Yangtze rolls around.2.《静夜思》——李白床前明月光,疑是地上霜。


Beneath my window, the moon bright, Seems like hoarfrost on the ground at night. I lift my head and watch the moon so bright; I lower it and think of home beneath its light.3.《春晓》——孟浩然春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。

夜来风雨声,花落知多少?Sleeping in spring, no dawn comes to wake, Everywhere I hear birds for heaven's sake. Last night the wind and rain were so strong, How many blossoms fell before their song?4.《将进酒》——李白君不见黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回。





Have you not seen the Yellow stream up high, It flows into sea, never to return by and by? Have you not seen a saddened man with gray hair, He is young in morn, but old as snow elsewhere. When you've got what you want, just enjoy it well, Don't hold an empty cup under the moon spell. Born talented, I'm sure I'll find my way, If I lose my fortune, I'll earn itback someday. Cook lamb and beef for pleasure and glee, Let's drink three hundred bowls to be happy.5.《悯农》——李绅春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子。


竹枝词 刘禹锡
The Bamboo Song Liu Yuxiﻫ城东早春 杨巨源
Early Spring in East City Yang Juyuan
晚春 韩愈ﻫLate Spring Han Yuﻫ山亭夏日 高骈ﻫA Summer's Day in a Hill Garden Gao Pian
Missing My Brothers on Double Ninth Day Wang Wei
乐游原 李商隐ﻫA Spin Round Ancient Plain Li Shangyinﻫ赋得古原草送别 白居易
Seeing off a Friend at Ancient Plain Bai Juyiﻫ山中送别 王维
相思 王维ﻫLove's Yearnings Wang Wei
悯农二首(一) 李绅ﻫSympathy for the Peasants ( I ) Li Shenﻫ悯农二首(二) 李绅
Sympathy for the Peasants ( H ) Li Shen
竹里馆 王维ﻫA Cottage Among Bamboos Wang Weiﻫ寻隐者不遇 贾岛
凉州词 王之涣ﻫLiangzhou Song Wang Zhihuan
凉州词 王翰ﻫLiangzhou Song Wang Hah
夜宿山寺 李白ﻫStaying Overnight in a Mountain Temple Li Bai
杂诗(其二) 王维
Miscellaneous Poems (Second in a Series) Wang Wei
Visiting a Recluse but Finding Him out Jia Dao
江雪 柳宗元ﻫSnow on the River Liu Zongyuan
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唐人白话绝句百首英译100 Vernacular Quatrains by Tang Poets: English Translation and Commentary张智中译国防工业出版社2009年10月作者简介张智中1966年生,河南博爱人。





























如李白的《萤火》:“雨打灯难灭,风吹色更明;若飞天上去,定做月边星”,智中的译文(见本书第11页)如果这样读(粗体表示重读音节,斜杠/是音步间隔号,下同),我就觉得很美,美在白话味很浓而添诗味,尤其是第三行那元音连用三次却无累赘感,反而给人一种“飞天上去”的美妙感受:The Fire fly—Li BaiThe rain/ can not/ smoth er/ your fire,Swept by/ wind, the /more bright/ you are;If you/ fly to /the sky/ on high,You’ll be viewed/ as a moon/-side star.作诗要练字,译诗同样需要练字。





”智中用两个带尾音[i] 的词Murky and fuzzy译“漠漠”状“秋云”,用a touch of译“稍稍”,都很新鲜;而用三个with-头的单词译“无点亦无声”更是精彩。

请看:Murky and fuzzy arise autumnalClouds; a touch of coldness invades as nightProceeds. The clothes are wet with moisture,Without raindrops and without sound, withal. (26页)孔绍安的《落叶》(32页)有“飘零似客心”句,智中以waft and tumble译“飘零”,活画出一个天涯沦落者的凄苦之状。


智中把“无人”的“人”理解为观赏者,把这一行译为Without gazers wear many a blossom,甚是耐人寻味。


(49页)“功名”怎么译?智中把这两行译成:It is regretful to take such a great painTo travel from afar for vain fame and gain.很显然,这里用fame and gain译“功名”正是练字的成果,不但传达了原作者的感悟,更是译者的感悟。

的确,“悠悠万世,几人不迷”啊!甚至其声韵也足与原词媲美:原词属于叠韵,而fame and gain不也是同一个元音[ei]在重复吗?又如虞世南的《咏萤》:“的历流光小,飘飖弱翅轻。



原诗短小精悍,白话味很浓,我反复揣摩智中的这首译诗,觉得它可以有多种读法,但是以三、四音步行最能体现其短小精悍、自然流畅的口语特点:The glow /of the glow/ worm is small,Whose wings /wave gen/ tly and /light ly.For fear /that peo/ ple it / ig nore,It glows /in the dark/ ness, lone ly.再如吴融的《情》(99页)“依依脉脉两如何,细似轻丝渺似波。




以下是我对这首译诗的读法:Feelings—Wu RongLing ering,/ yield ing, a/gain a/bi ding;Slim like/ gos samer,/ ten der like/ wave lets.The moon /wax es /to wane, /flow ers /bloom to/ fall;For her,/ all my/ sen ti/men tal/ feel ings.清江的《小雪》第一句“落雪临风不厌看”(108页),其中“不厌看”耐人寻味,智中译为a sightly sight不但译出了“落雪临风”的悦目之意,连原词的叠韵也译出来了,但却看似信手拈来。



例如雍陶的《过南邻花园》(89页)后两句“春风堪赏还堪恨,才见开花又落花”,智中译为:As preserver and destroyer,Spring wind blooms flowers only to fall.这个译法使人油然想起P. B. Shelley名诗Ode to the West Wind中的句子Destroyer and preserver; hear, oh, hear! 但Shelley说的是西风,雍陶说的是春风,智中则是从积淀中创造性地运用经典名句,使译品倍增诗味。



智中选择淡化诗题信息的处理方法,画龙点睛地译出其中的中心信息“看山”作为译诗的诗题:A Mountain View,我认为这是一个明智之举,诗题也译得很含蓄。











