2011年河北大学考博真题 国际经济学

河北大学电子信息工程学院电路分析根底2021电路分析技术2007电路分析2021-2021模拟电子技术根底2021——2021-2021电子技术根底2007——2021-2021数字信号处理2021——2021-2021半导体物理学2005高等数学2006——2021控制理论与数学电子根底2006通信原理2005,2007——2021-2021通信原理、信号与系统2006微电子学根底2007微电子技术根底2006,2021自动控制理论2007——2021-2021自动控制原理2005传感器技术2007——2021-2021电磁学2007——2021-2021管理学院财政学、社会保障2007——2021电子商务2007专业综合〔行政管理专业〕2021——2021-2021 公共管理学2007——2021-2021公共管理学〔单独考试〕2007管理学2021——2021-2021行政管理综合2007西方经济学2005——2021-2021管理信息系统2007财政学2006财政学、劳动经济学2005微观经济学、管理学2005——2006会计学综合2005——2021-2021企业管理综合2007——2021-2021劳动和社会保障2006社会保障学2005信息检索2021——2021-2021情报学根底2021-2021图书馆学根底2005——2006,2021-2021信息资源建设2005——2006信息资源管理2007——2021档案学根底2021-2021公共财政与社会保障2021-2021化学与环境科学学院高等数学2007——2021高分子化学与物理2005——2006高分子化学2021-2021化学综合2006——2021〔注:2006年的试卷共7页,缺P7〕环境化学2005——2006,2021——2021-2021环境监测2021——2021-2021环境监测与环境工程2006无机化学2005——2021-2021物理化学2005——2021-2021物理化学〔结构化学〕2005——2006有机化学2005——2007,2021-2021分析化学2005,2007——2021-2021机械与建筑工程学院材料力学2021——2021-2021工程力学2006理论力学2005教育学院教育学专业根底综合〔全国统考试卷〕2007——2021-2021〔2007——2021-2021有答案〕心理学专业根底综合〔全国统考试卷〕2007——2021-2021〔2007——2021-2021有答案〕教与学的根本理论2007——2021-2021比拟教育学2005开展与教育心理学专业综合考试2005教育管理学2005教育技术学2005——2021-2021教育学〔比拟教育学专业〕2005教育学〔教育史专业〕2005教育学〔教育原理专业〕2005教育学综合2006教育原理2005心理学概论2005——2006,2021——2021-2021心理学研究方法2006,2021——2021-2021信息技术教育应用2005中外教育史2005——2006经济学院人口学2021人口学理论2005——2007,2021-2021统计学2005人口统计学2005〔注:本试卷共2页,缺P2〕西方经济学2005——2021-2021政治经济学与西方经济学2007——2021-2021西方经济学与政治经济学2005——2006政经与西经2005货币银行学2005人口、资源与环境经济学2005社会学理论2007人文学院语言学根底2007——2021文学根底2007——2021-2021汉语言根底2021-2021古代汉语2006古代汉语〔汉语言文字学专业〕2005,2021-2021〔注:2005共2页,缺P1〕古代汉语〔中国古典文献学专业〕2005古代汉语、现代汉语2006古代汉语与文献2006,2021-2021古代文学与外国文学2005文学批评2005文艺理论2005——2006文学理论2021-2021现代汉语与古代汉语2005〔注:本卷共2页,缺P1〕现代汉语与语言理论2005——2006语言学理论2005中国古代文学2006,2021-2021中国现当代文学2005——2006,2021-2021中国文学史〔中国古代文学专业〕2005中国文学史〔中国古典文献学专业〕2005综合〔中国古代文学专业〕2005〔注:本卷共2页,缺P1〕综合课〔中国语言文学所有专业〕2006历史学专业根底〔全国统考试卷〕2007——2021历史学根底2021-2021史学概论2005历史综合〔中国近现代史专业〕2006历史综合〔专门史专业〕2006古代汉语〔历史学、中国古代史专业〕2005中国古代史2005——2006中国近代史2005中国近现代史2006中国通史2005——2006中国现代史2005东北亚国际关系史2003年复试试卷宋辽夏金史方向2003年复试试卷中国古代经济史方向2003年复试试卷中国古代政法史方向2003年复试试卷中国古代史专业同等学力考生加试题2003年复试试卷中国古代史专业2003年复试试卷中国古代史专业同等学力考生加试?中国通史?试卷中国古代史专业同等学力考生加试?史学导论?试卷中国近现代史专业2003年复试试卷生命科学学院生态学2006——2021-2021生物化学2005——2021-2021生物学综合2006——2021-2021微生物学2005,2007——2021〔注:2005年试卷共2页,缺P2〕细胞生物学2005植物生物学2005动物生态学2005普通动物学2005普通昆虫学2005有机化学2005——2021数学与计算机学院高等代数与解析几何2005——2021-2021数学分析2005——2021-2021数据结构与操作系统2005——2021外国语学院二外法语2005——2021-2021二外日语2005——2021-2021英语语言技能综合2007——2021-2021英语语言知识综合2021——2021-2021英语知识综合2007语言学根底2021——2021-2021语言学根底理论2007根底英语2005——2006翻译与写作2005——2006二外英语2005,2007——2021-2021日语综合2021——2021-2021〔2021-2021缺第三页〕日本语知识综合2007日语技能综合2021日语语言技能综合2007根底日语2005综合日语2005——2006物理科学与技术学院电动力学2006——2021-2021高等数学2005——2021-2021光学2005——2021-2021量子力学2005——2021-2021电磁学2007——2021-2021普通物理2021-2021新闻传播学院文史综合2005——2021〔2021为回忆版〕传播理论与实务2005新闻传播学〔传播学〕2006新闻传播综合2006——2021〔2021为回忆版〕新闻学综合2005药学学院分析化学2005,2007——2021-2021药物分析2005,2007——2021-2021药物化学2007,2021-2021有机化学2006——2021-2021〔2021-2021共4页缺2页〕综合化学2005生物化学〔药〕2021-2021艺术学院中外美术史2007——2021-2021美学2005——2021-2021设计学概论2005,2021——2021-2021艺术概论2007——2021-2021艺术设计概论2007艺术设计理论2005——2006,2021——2021-2021艺术设计史2006——2007艺术学2005——2021-2021音乐技术理论2006——2021音乐理论2005音乐学理论2006——2021影视艺术教育2007——2021-2021视听语言2007——2021-2021政法学院政治学原理2007——2021-2021专业综合〔政治学专业〕2021法律根底2005法学根底2005伦理学2005马克思主义开展史2007马克思主义根本原理2007——2021-2021马克思主义原理2005——2006马克思主义哲学2006——2007,2021-2021马克思主义哲学〔哲学学科、马克思主义哲学专业〕2005 马克思主义哲学〔中国哲学专业〕2005马克思主义哲学原理2021毛泽东思想与邓小平理论概论2005——2006,2021-2021 邓小平理论与毛泽东思想概论2021邓小平理论与毛泽东思想2007当代中国政治与政府,政治社会学2007民商法2005诉讼法2005宪法与行政法2005行政法与行政诉讼法学2006法学综合二〔含刑法、刑事诉讼法、经济法〕2021——2021-2021法学综合一〔含法理、宪法学、民法〕2021——2021-2021理论法学〔法理学、宪法学〕2006——2007应用法学〔民法、刑法〕〔法学理论、宪法学与行政法学、民商法学、刑法学、经济法学、诉讼法学专业〕2007〔本卷共3页,缺P3〕应用法学〔法学、民商法专业〕2006应用法学〔诉讼法专业〕2006逻辑学2021——2021-2021哲学史〔马克思主义哲学、中国哲学、伦理学专业〕2007哲学史〔伦理学专业〕2005哲学史〔哲学学科、马克思主义哲学专业〕2005中西哲学史2021中国哲学史2005哲学综合2021-2021综合考试〔西方哲学局部〕2006社会学理论2007——2021-2021社会学研究方法2007——2021-2021公共管理学2007——2021-2021公共管理学〔单独考试〕2007专业根底课〔法律硕士〕2007综合课〔法律硕士〕2007当代中国政治与政府政治社会学2021-2021质检学院传感器技术2007——2021-2021电子技术根底2007——2021-2021。

2011年河北工业大学(国际商务专业基础)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.jpg /> 在四大要素之外还存在两大变数:政府与机会。

010100 哲学(4)
002 马列主 义教学研究 030505 思想政治教育(5) 部(5 李赶顺(1) 020105 世界经济(7) 02 世界经济理论 李惠茹 (备注:往届考生需要以第一 (4) 作者身份发表经济管理类论 顾六宝(1) 文 3 篇,其中核心 1 篇) 王金营(1) 03 中外金融制度 康书生(1) 与政策比较(1) 鲍静海 04 中外财政制度 孙健夫(1) 与政策比较(1) 01 西方教育史 (现当代美国教 傅松涛(1) 育史)(1) 004 教育学 院(4) 040103 教育史(4) 02 西方教育史 (1) 03 日本教育史 (2) 郭健(1)
①1001 英语②2009 新闻传播综合③3022 新闻史论 ①1001 英语②2009 新闻传播综合③3023 新闻传播 业务 ①1001 英语②2009 新闻传播综合③3024 编辑出版 ①1001 英语②2009 新闻传播综合③3025 文化传播 ①1001 英语、1002 日语 选一②2010 中国古代史 ③3026 宋辽金史 ①1001 英语、1002 日语 选一②2010 中国古代史 ③3026 宋辽金史 ①1001 英语、1002 日语 选一②2010 中国古代史 ③3026 宋辽金史 ①1001 英语、1002 日语 选一②2010 中国古代史 ③3027 中国古代经济史 ①1001 英语、1002 日语 选一②2010 中国古代史 ③3027 中国古代经济史 ①1001 英语、1002 日语 选一②2011 中国近现代 史③3028 中国近代社会经济史 ①1001 英语、1002 日语 选一②2011 中国近现代 史③3029 中国近现代社会史 ①1001 英语、1002 日语 选一②2011 中国近现代
2016 高等数学 选一③3033 高分子化学、3034 高 分子物理、 3035 高等有机化学、 3036 统计力学 选 一 ①1001 英语②2012 高等光学③3031 激光光谱 ①1001 英语②2012 高等光学③3031 激光光谱 ①1001 英语②2012 高等光学③3031 激光光谱 ①1001 英语②2012 高等光学③3031 激光光谱 ①1001 英语②2012 高等光学③3031 激光光谱 ①1001 英语②2012 高等光学③3031 激光光谱 ①1001 英语②2012 高等光学③3031 激光光谱 ①1001 英语②2012 高等光学③3031 激光光谱 ①1001 英语②2017 普通动物学、2018 普通昆虫学 选一③3037 动物分类原理与方法 ①1001 英语②2017 普通动物学、2018 普通昆虫学 选一③3037 动物分类原理与方法 ①1001 英语②2020 遗传学③3039 分子生物学 ①1001 英语②2017 普通动物学、2018 普通昆虫学 选一③3039 分子生物学 ①1001 英语②2017 普通动物学、2018 普通昆虫学

不难专业课出了三道大题:1. 中国宏观经济政策是怎样调控中国经济周期的2. 中国城镇化发展模式与政府职能转变之间的关系3. 预测经济增长有哪些工具和方法,这些方法有什么优点和缺点?决定经济增长的因素有哪些?我国经济增长速度在2012为什么放缓?北大西方经济学2010(回忆版)微观经济学部分(25)1、公共品问题(请参加刘文析教授的讲课或者是人大版高鸿业书中刘文析教授编写的部分)2、微观厂商的最优生产问题,计算题宏观经济学(25)所有的宏观经济学题目都来自罗默宏观经济学课本!!1、索洛模型达到了均衡点以后的问题,储蓄率的变动引起的一系列变化,需要画图2、拉姆齐模型,推导家庭最优化行为浙江大学2003年春西方经济学1、计算题:宏观两部门2、简答题:-奥肯定理-若伦茨曲线与基尼系数-成本递减行业的长期供给曲线-3、论述题-通货紧缩论-道德风险与逆向选择南京大学2005年博士研究生入学试题西方经济学研究:分宏观和微观两部分,每部分50分宏观经济学部分:一、已知投资曲线:I=I0--h *i ,货币需求曲线为L=KY-bi 消费曲线为:C=C0+C*Y,运用IS-LM模型通过计算说明:(20分)(1)财政政策和货币政策影响总需求的因素包括那些?(2)上述因素的影响程度如何?二、写出生命周期理论中饱含财富因素的消费函数表达式,并分析(1)当财富、预期收入增加时给消费带来的影响。


《国际经济学》学位考试试题(参考答案见题后)一、单项选择题1、斯密在批判重商主义的同时还提出了 (A )。
A. 商品B. 生产力C. 金银D. 购买力3、资本主义进入垄断时期以后,主要资本主义国家实施的是(B)。
A. 新贸易保护主义政策B. 超保护贸易政策C. 自由贸易政策D. 重商主义政策4、沿着外凸的生产可能性边界线向下移动时,随着一种物品产量的增加,生产该物品的机会成本将会(B)。
A. 保持不变B. 增加C. 减少D. 无法确定5、晚期的重商主义理论又被称为(D)。
A. 货币差额论B. 重农主义C. 重工主义D. 贸易差额论6、英国经济学家亚当。
斯密在1776年出版的《国富论》中提出了(A)A.绝对优势理论 B.比较优势理论 C. 货币差额论 D.保护贸易理论7、斯密在批判重商主义的同时还提出了 ( A )。
A. 商品B. 生产力C. 金银D. 购买力9、资本主义进入垄断时期以后,主要资本主义国家实施的是(B)。
A. 新贸易保护主义政策B. 超保护贸易政策C. 自由贸易政策D. 重商主义政策10、以下是在没有贸易的情况下,甲、乙两个国家生产每吨小麦和每万米匹布所需投入的劳动量(劳动/年),根据此表,以下选项中错误的是(D)。
A.B. 甲国的布匹生产具有绝对优势C. 甲国的小麦生产具有相对优势D. 甲国的布匹生产具有相对优势11、斯密在批判重商主义的同时还提出了 (A )。
A.B. 甲国的布匹生产具有绝对优势C. 甲国的小麦生产具有相对优势D. 甲国的布匹生产具有相对优势13、以下几种外币资产中,不是外汇的是( D )A. 美元B. 英镑C. 港元D. 越南盾14、要素价格均等化定理是(C)。

Part I Grammar and Vocabulary(15%)1.He______his children nothing and gave them everything they wanted,which spoiled the children.A)disagreed B)rejected C)declined D)denied2.The new apartment house that was built a few months ago is large enough to______over two hundred people.A)accommodate B)settle C)live D)share3.Despite______,it did a great deal of good work inside the trade union.A)mistakes and weaknessesB)of mistakes and weaknessesC)it had mistakes and weaknessesD)there were mistakes and weaknesses4.She isn't rich;______that she will ever be.A)and I imagine B)and do I imagine C)nor I imagine D)nor do I imagine5.It is an almost universal truth______the more we are promoted in a job,the less we actually exercise the skills weinitially used to perform itA)that B)which C)what D)as6.Think carefully before you answer his questions.You may be trapped______vital information.A)giving away B)to give away C)into giving away D)give away7.Marianne was tempted to turn the large rooms into traditional French-style salons,______Howard was in favorof a typically English look.A)when B)which C)where D)while8.The school has very good teachers,but when it comes______its buildings,the school is poor.A)to renovate B)to renovating C)for renovating D)as renovate9.That book is worth at Least$15,but we could let you have it______$10.A)for B)by C)at D)on10.Though be worked part time after class,his exam results are______above average.A)away B)too C)very D)way?11.Tommy talks about pyramids as though he______them himself.A)sees B)has seen C)is seeing D)had seen12.Non-gaseous substances which______naturally as pure elements,such as gold,are rare and are often highly valued.A)happen B)occur C)perceive D)assume13.______the government's record on unemployment,their chances of winning the election look poor.A)Give B)Giving C)Given D)To give14.A sacred site might be a mountain that is______some significance to a tribe.A)with B)by C)of D)at15.He said ft was important that every member______his subscription by the end of the month.A)send B)sent C)had sent D)would sentPart II Reading Comprehension(25%)Directions:There are5passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A)B)C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Questions16to20are based on the following passage:Nursing at Beth Israel Hospital produces the best patient care possible.If we are to solve the nursing shortage, hospital administration and doctors everywhere would do well to follow Beth Israel’s example.At Beth Israel each patient is assigned to a primary nurse who visits at length with the patient and constructs a full-scale health account that covers everything from his medical history to his emotional state.Then she writes a care plan centered on the patient’s illness but which also includes everything else that is necessary.The primary nurse stays with the patient through the hospitalization,keeping track with his progress and seeking further advice from his doctor.If a patient at Beth Israel is not responding to treatment,it is not uncommon for his nurse to propose another approach to his doctor.What the doctor at Beth Israel has in the primary nurse is atrue colleague.Nursing at Beth Israel also involves a decentralized(分散的)nursing administration.Every floor,every unit is a self-contained organization.There are nurse-managers instead of head nurses.In addition to their medical duties they do all their own hiring and dismissing,employee advising,and they make salary recommendations.Each unit’s nurses decide among themselves who will work what shifts and when.Beth Israel’s nurse-in-chief ranks as an equal with other vice presidents of the hospital.She is also a member of the Medical Executive Committee,which in most hospitals includes only doctors.16.Which of the following best characterizes the main feature of the nursing system at Beth Israel Hospital?A)The doctor gets more active professional support from the primary nurse.B)Each patient is taken care of by a primary nurse day and night.C)The primary nurse writes care plans for every patient.D)The primary nurse keeps records of the patient’s health conditions every day.17.It can be inferred from the passage that______.A)compared with other hospitals nurses at Beth Israel Hospital are more patient.B)in most hospitals patient care is inadequate from the professional point of viewC)in most hospitals nurses get low salariesD)compared with other hospitals nurses have to work longer hours at Beth Israel Hospital18.A primary nurse can propose different approach of treatment when______.A)the present one is refused by the patientB)the patient complains about the present oneC)the present one proves to be ineffectiveD)the patient is found unwilling to cooperate19.The main difference between a nurse-manager and a head nurse is that the former______.A)is a member of the Medical Executive Committee of the hospitalB)has to arrange the work shifts of the unit’s nursesC)can make decisions concerning the medical treatment of a patient.D)has full responsibility in the administration of the unit's nurses.20.The author's attitude towards the nursing system at Beth Israel Hospital is______.A)negative B)neutral C)critical D)positiveQuestions21to25are based on the following passage:The quality of university life is declining under strain from the higher education,leading independent schools in British complied.The warning followed survey of the impressions of campus life gained by students of school. Poor interviewing of the applicants,infrequent contacts with tutors,worries over student safety,and even complaint over the food were seen as symptoms of the pressure on universities.Head teachers said that standards could well drop if the squeeze on universities budgets continued.A survey was carried out because of fears that the level of green area in universities had declined.A great number of student suicides had raised concerns among head teachers.Although most of the6,000students surveyed were enjoying university life,almost a third were less than satisfied with their course.About one in10had serious financial problems and some give alarming accounts of conditions around their halls of their residence.Incidents mentioned included a fatal stabbing and shooting outside a hall of residence,the petrol bombing of cars near another residence,and two racist attacks.Nine percent of women and seven percent of men rated security as unsatisfactory in the area where they lived.Stanford University had the lowest satisfaction ncaster and Kinston universities were rated the safest.The survey confirmed head teachers'fears about contact between students and tutors slipping,with a quarter of the students seeing their tutors only every three weeks.New students,used to regular contact with their teachers, found it hard to adapt to the change.Interview techniques were a cause for concern,with the school calling for more training of the university staff involved in admissions.Some headmasters complained that interviews were increasingly“odd”.One greeted an applicant by throwing him an apple.Another interview lasted only three minutes. About a quarter of the students found the workload at university heavier than they had expected.Imperial College London,Oxford,and Cambridge universities registered by far the highest workload.There were differences between subjects,with architectures,engineering,veterinary science,medicine and some science subjects demanding the most work.Veterinary science was nevertheless the most popular subject,followed byphysiotherapy and history of art.General engineering,economics,computing and sociology were the least popular. The survey also confirmed that previous concerns about possible racial prejudice in admissions to medical courses. Applicants with names suggesting an ethnic minority background had been rejected with qualifications as good as successful white candidates.21.According to the passage,the main problem existing in the interview of admission is that______.A)the interviewers often greeted the applicants by throwing an appleB)the interviewers spent only a few minutes interviewing an applicantC)the interviewers were not knowledgeable to interview the applicantsD)the interviewers lack enough training and interview techniques22.From the passage,we can learn that______.A)most students surveyed were satisfied with university lifeB)many head teachers were killed by the students in universityC)veterinary science was popular for its workload was lightD)students were worried about the squeeze on university budgets23.From the passage,we can see that the author's description of the quality of university life in British is______.A)objectiveB)subjectiveC)pessimisticD)arbitrary24.Among the following,which is the proper statement of the status of the student’s security?A)Fatal stabbing and shooting often happened outside the hall of residence.B)The students in British were so worried about their security in university.C)Students were often watchful against people around their halls of residence.D)The status of students’security in Stanford University might be awful.25.From the passage,we can infer that in high school,students______?A)were never worried about their securityB)had regular contact with their tutorsC)were often dissatisfied with their courseD)were worried about their entrance examQuestions26to30are based on the following passage:Many stray dogs and cats wander in the streets of the ually they end up in animal shelters,where staffs must find ways to dispose of them.One legitimate disposal route has been the research lab.But in California, animal rights groups recently have been learning(leaning)hard on animal shelters,effectively cutting off much of the supply.About30years ago,Los Angeles voters defeated a proposal to prohibit the release of the animals for the laboratory use.But today,with new proposals being submitted to city councils and country boards,the result could be well different.And the new proposals are much more sweeping.They would create review boards for all animal experimentation.A group of California investigators even have organized a committee for animal research in medicine.“Most scientists don’t realize the danger,”ways Caltech neurobiologist John M.Allman,who uses monkeys to study the organization of the brain.“Such movements in the past---in this country,at least—have largely been the efforts of small,fragmented and relatively ineffective groups.But this new movement is carefully orchestrated,well organized,and well financed.”it is easy to look at the history of animal experimentation and compile a catalog of horrors.But the day is long past when a researcher can take animal and do anything he pleases to it with a total disregard for its welfare and comfort.“People don’t realize,”says Allman,“that we are already extensively reviewed.In my work I must follow the ethical codes laid down by the National Institute of Health and the American Physiological Society,among others.And we might have a surprise visit at any time from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s inspectors.It’s the USDA field veterinarians who do the enforcing.Believe me,these inspections are anything,but routine,and these fellows have a great deal of power.Because their reports can adversely affect federal funding,their recommendations are,in reality,orders.”It is important that the animal rights advocates do not impose their solutions on society.It would be tragic indeed---when medical science is close to learning so much more that is very useful to our health and welfare---ifalready regulation-burdened and budget-restrained researchers were further hampered.I wander about those purists who seek to halt all animal experimentation on moral grounds:Do they also refuse,for themselves and others,to accept any remedy—or information—that gained through animal experimentation?And do they have the right to make such decisions on behalf of all patients in cancer wards?26.According to Para.2,which of the following statements is true?A)People in Los Angeles voted against sending animals to lab30years ago.B)People in Los Angeles voted for sending animals to animal shelters30years ago.C)People in Los Angeles hold the same attitudes toward the laboratory use of animals as30years ago.D)The attitude of people in Los Angeles toward the laboratory use of animals has changed in the past30yes.27.What does the word“orchestrated”in Para.3most probably mean?A)Arranged.B)Performed.C)Held.D)Formed.28.The following organizations may have strong influence on animal experimentation in Los Angeles except____.A)National Institute of Health B)American Physiological SocietyC)U.S.Department of Agriculture D)City Council29.If animal rights advocates realize their ideas on the experimentation,what will happen?A)The scientists are sure to gain more research results.B)It may help the scientists to gain more financial did.C)The government may choose their regulation of the experimentation.D)The development of medical science may slow down.30.What’s the author’s attitude towards people who oppose animal experimentation?A)Supportive.B)Opposite.C)Indifferent.D)unclear.Questions31to35are based on the following passage:Most people would agree that,although our age exceeds all previous ages in knowledge,there is no corresponding increase in wisdom.But agreement ceases as soon as we attempt to define“wisdom”and consider means of promoting it.There are several factors that contribute to wisdom.Of these I should put first a sense of proportion:the capacity to take account of all the important factors in a problem and to attach to each its due weight.This has become more difficult than it used to be owing to the extent and complexity of the special knowledge required of various kinds of technicians.Suppose,for example,that you are engaged in research in scientific medicine.The work is difficult and is likely to absorb the whole of your mind.You have no time to consider the effect which your discoveries or inventions may have outside the field of medicine.You succeed(let us say)as modern medicine has succeeded,in enormously lowering the infant death-rate,not only in Europe and America,but also in Asia and Africa.This has the entirely unintended result of making food supply inadequate and lowering the standard of life in the parts of the world that have the greatest populations.To take an even more dramatic example,which is in everybody’s mind at the present time:you study the makeup of the atom from a disinterested desire for knowledge, and by chance place in the hands of a powerful mad man the means of destroying the human race.Therefore,with every increase of knowledge and skill,wisdom becomes more necessary,for every such increase augments(增强)our capacity for realizing our purposes,and therefore augments our capacity for evil,if our purposes are unwise.31.Disagreement arises when people try to decide______.A)how much more wisdom we have now than beforeB)what wisdom is and how to develop itC)if there is a great increase of wisdom in our ageD)whether wisdom can be developed or not32.According to the author,“wisdom”is the ability to______.A)carefully consider the bad effects of any kind of research workB)give each important problem some careful considerationC)acquire a great deal of complex and special knowledgeD)give suitable consideration to all the possible elements in a problem33.Lowering the infant death-rate may_______.A)prove to be helpful everywhere in the worldB)give rise to an increase m population in EuropeC)cause food shortages in Asia and AfricaD)raise the living standard of the people in Africa34.The author uses the examples in the passage to illustrate his point that______.A)it's extremely difficult to consider all the important elements in a problemB)success in medical research has its negative effectsC)scientists may unknowingly cause destruction to the human raceD)it's unwise to be totally absorbed in research in scientific medicine35.What is the main idea of the passage?A)It is unwise to place the results of scientific research in the lands of a.powerful mad man.B)The more knowledge one has,the wiser one becomes.C)Any Increase of knowledge could lead to disastrous results without the guidance of wisdom.D)Wisdom increases in proportion to one's age.Questions36to40are based on the following passage:Looking back on my childhood,I am convinced that naturalist are born and not made.Although we were all brought up in the same way,my brothers and sisters soon abandoned their pressed flowers and insects.Unlike them, I had no ear for music and languages.I was not an early reader and I could not do mental arithmetic.Before World War I we spent our summer holidays in Hungary.I have only the dim memory of the house we lived in,of my room and my toys.Nor do I recall clearly the large family of grandparents,aunts,uncles and cousins who gathered next door.But I do have a crystal-clear memory of the dogs,the farm animals,the local birds,and above all,the insects.I am a naturalist,not a scientist.I have a strong love for the natural world and my enthusiasm had led me into varied investigations.I love discussing my favorite topics and enjoy burning the midnight oil while reading about other people's observations and discoveries.Then something happens that brings these observations together in my conscious mind.Suddenly you fancy you see the answer to the riddle,because it all seems to fit together.This has resulted in my publishing300papers and books,which some might be honored with the title of scientific research.But curiosity,a keen eye,a good memory and enjoyment of the animal and plant world do not make a scientist: one of the outstanding and essential qualities required is self-discipline,a quality I lack.A scientist requires not only self-discipline but hard training,determination and a goal.A scientist,up to a point,can be made.A naturalist is born.If you can combine the two,you get the best of both worlds.36.The first paragraph tells us the author______.A)was interested in flowers and insects in his childhoodB)lost his hearing when he was a childC)didn't like Ms brothers and sistersD)was born to a naturalist's family37.The author can't remember his relatives clearly because______.A)he didn't live very long with themB)the family was extremely largeC)he was too young when he lived with themD)he was fully occupied with observing nature38.It can be inferred from the passage that the author was______.A)a scientist as well as a naturalistB)not a naturalist but a scientistC)no more than a born naturalistD)first of all a scientist39.The author says that he is a naturalist rather than a scientist probably because he thinks he______.A)has a great deal of trouble doing mental arithmeticB)lacks some of the qualities required of a scientistC)just reads about other people's observations and discoveriesD)comes up with solutions in a most natural way40.According to the author,a born naturalist should first of all be______.A)full of ambition B)knowledgeableC)full of enthusiasm D)self-disciplinedTranslate the following sentences into Chinese(25%)41.Let's hope our educators answer students'cries for career education,but at the same time let's ensure thatstudents are prepared for the day when they realize their short-sightedness.There is a lot more to life than job.42.The Olympics remains the most pure example of competition for the sake of competition itself.Athletessacrifice their careers and bodies risking injury,defeat and complete failure to compete for nothing more than honor for their country and themselves.43.Once you turn on a new leaf,you can't expect to change completely right away.You are bound to fluctuate attimes.The key is to be satisfied with gradual improvement,expecting and accepting the occasional slips that come with any change.44.To be a healthy person physically and psychologically,one should lead a balanced life.Those little things---reading mystery novels,playing volleyball.Spending time with family and friends---may seem relatively insignificant means to a healthy end.But,they can be at least rewarding.45.Excluding someone because he or she has a disability that does not affect performance is equivalent to wrongssuch as hiring based on race.Everyone deserves to have the opportunity to do a good job,and as a result have a sense of pride in being a part of society.Part IV Writing(15points)46.Directions:For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic We Need to Turn to Education for Prosperity.You should write at least150words and you should base your composition onthe outline(given in Chinese)below:1.教育的作用和意义。

(二)弗农的产品生命周期理论1966 年哈佛大学教授雷蒙德�弗农(Raymand Vernon,1966)在《产品周期中的国际贸易和国际投资》一文中提出了产品生命周期理论,而后威尔士(Wells)又进行了扩展,具体而深刻地论证了“技术决定国际贸易格局”的观点。

《国际经济学》模拟试题及参考答案(一)一、名词解释(每小题 5 分,共 20 分)1.要素禀赋:亦即要素的丰裕程度,是指在不同国家之间,由于要素的稀缺程度不同所导致的可利用生产要素价格相对低廉的状况。
根据相互需求原理,两国均衡的交换比例取决于( C )A 两国的绝对优势B 两国的比较优势C 两国的相对需求强度D 两国的要素禀赋3.在当今的国际贸易格局中,产业内贸易更容易发生于( B )A 发展中国家与发达国家B 发达国家与发达国家C 发展中国家与发展中国家D 发展中国家和最不发达国家4.课征关税会增加生产者剩余,减少消费者剩余,社会总福利的变化将( B )A 上升B 降低C 不变D 不确定5。
以下选项中,哪个选项不属于国际收支统计中居民的概念?( C )A 外国企业B 非盈利机构C 国际经济组织D 政府7.布雷顿森林体系创立了( B )A 以英镑为中心的固定汇率制度B 以美元为中心的固定汇率制度C 以英镑为中心的有管理的浮动汇率制度D 以美元为中心的有管理的浮动汇率制度8.在下列投资方式中,属于国际间接投资的是( D )A 在国外设立分公司B 在国外设立独资企业C 在国外设立合资企业D 购买国外企业债券9.经济非均衡的无形传导方式不包括( C )A 技术转让B 信息交流C 信息回授D 示范效应10。
在斯图旺表中第三象限表示( C )A 通货膨胀与国际收支顺差并存B 衰退与国际收支顺差并存C 衰退与国际收支逆差并存D 通货膨胀与国际收支逆差并存三、判断正误题1.亚当。


A.国际贸易理论的标准模型B.采用2 2 1模型进行阐述C.将技术、要素禀赋、需求偏好集于一体D.由哈伯勒、勒纳、里昂惕夫和米德等人提出2.国际金融理论的发展一直是围绕着()这一十分重要的问题而展开的。
A.证券投资B.商品修理C.计算机和信息服务D.非货币黄金8.购买力平价论(the theory of purchasing power parity),简称PPP理论,是()在其1922年出版的《1914年以后的货币与外汇》(money and foreign exchange after 1914)中第一次系统阐述的。

1999年社会科学院博士入学经济学原理试题一、概念解释(40分)价值资本积累两大部类级差地租1通货紧缩恩格尔系数 M1外贸依存度二、简答(30分)1、马克思如何看待失业人口的存在对资本主义市场经济的作用?2、当厂商的平均成本曲线为U形时,平均成本曲线与边际成本曲线之间有什么关系?3、利用凯恩斯的宏观经济模型说明储蓄和投资的一般关系三、论述(30分,任选一题)1、试论需求管理及其在我国的运用2、试论完全竞争的性质以及在经济分析中的意2000年社会科学院博士入学经济学原理试题一、概念解释(40分)1、社会必要劳动时间2、资本积累3、第2大部类4、社会主义生产目的5、GDP6、边际消费倾向7、M2、机会成本9、生产函数10、帕雷托最优二、简答题(30分)1、简述马克思劳动价值论的基本原理2、简述经济不景气条件下宏观货币政策的基本内容3、简述完全竞争条件下的市场基本特征及其理论含义三、论述题(30分,任选一题)谈一谈中国加入WTO以后的主要利弊谈一谈你对当前宏观经济政策的看法2001年社会科学院博士入学经济学原理试题一、简答题(40分)1、产业资本循环的阶段和职能2、社会主义市场经济体制的基本呢框架3、利润率最大化的条件4、通货膨胀的基本类型二、论述题(3选2,每题30分)1、市场失灵的主要表现及其校正措施2、应用宏观经济调控的基本原理,分析我国近两年宏观经济政策的特征3、应用现代公司治理结构原理分析我国国有企业的公司化改革2002年社会科学院博士入学经济学原理试题一、概念解释(28分)1、社会主义市场经济2、劳动的二重性3、资本有机构成4、边际效用5、需求弹性6、市场失灵7、GNP折算(减缩)指数二、简答题(42分)1、以宏观经济学中的总需求决定论说明扩大政府采购的作用2、试述社会总资本扩大再生产的实现条件3、作图说明垄断企业的产品价格和产量如何决定三、论述题(任选一题,30分)1、比较说明:马克思与西方经济学分别怎样解释市场上的产品价格如何决定?2、马克思如何以劳动价值论来说明资本主义社会国民收入的分配?他的观点与西方经济学中的收入分配理论有何不同?2003年社会科学院博士入学经济学原理试题一、概念辨析(70分)1、经济学与政治经济学2、价值与生产价格3、资本集中于资本积聚4、机会成本与边际成本5、经济增长与经济发展二、论述题(80分)1、谈谈经济学中的静态分析、比较静态分析和动态分析2、西方经济学中的失业理论和我国现阶段的就业问题2004年社会科学院博士入学经济学原理试题一、名词解释(30分)1、绝对剩余价值2、级差地租23、资本原始积累4、恩格尔定律5、无差异曲线二、简答题(50分)1、垄断条件下利润率平均化规律会发生哪些变化?2、浅析规模经济与范围经济的关系?三、论述题(70分)1、“生产要素按贡献参与分配”的依据及其意义2、论公平与效率的关系2005年社会科学院博士入学经济学原理试题一、名词解释:(5分一个)环比价格指数铸币税萨缪尔逊均衡试验经济学二、简答:(10分一个)比较新古典宏观经济学与新凯恩斯主义在理论假设上的不同简述比较优势理论三、论述:(30分一个)剩余价值的生产过程是劳动过程和价值增值过程的统一我国当前出现的“民工荒”及其政治经济学含义2006年社会科学院博士入学经济学原理试题一、名词解释(4*5=20分)1 无差异曲线2 流动性陷阱3 菲利普斯曲线4 资本有机构成二、问答题(2*15=30分)1 加速原理及其基本要点。

《国际经济学》期末测试题及答案第一套一、名词解释1. 国际贸易:是指不同国家和地区之间进行的商品和服务的交换。
2. 比较优势:是指一个国家在生产某种商品或提供某种服务上,相对于其他国家具有更低的机会成本。
3. 绝对优势:是指一个国家在生产某种商品或提供某种服务上,其生产效率高于其他国家。
4. 全球化:是指全球范围内的经济、政治、文化、社会等各方面的交流和融合。
5. 贸易保护主义:是指通过实施关税、配额等手段,限制外国商品和服务进入本国市场的政策。
二、填空题1. _______是国际贸易的主要形式之一。
答案:自由贸易2. _______是决定国际贸易的重要因素。
答案:比较优势3. _______是全球化的主要推动力之一。
答案:科技进步4. _______是全球化的主要挑战之一。
答案:文化冲突5. _______是贸易保护主义的主要手段之一。
答案:关税壁垒三、单项选择题1. 以下哪个选项不是决定国际贸易的因素?A. 生产成本B. 市场需求C. 政府政策D. 个人喜好答案:D2. 以下哪个选项不是全球化的推动力?A. 科技进步B. 文化交流C. 政治冲突D. 经济发展答案:C3. 以下哪个选项不是全球化的挑战?A. 文化冲突B. 环境问题C. 经济发展不平衡D. 人口增长答案:D4. 以下哪个选项不是贸易保护主义的手段?A. 关税壁垒B. 配额制度C. 非关税壁垒D. 自由贸易协定答案:D5. 以下哪个选项不是全球化的影响?A. 经济一体化B. 文化交流C. 政治冲突D. 技术进步答案:C四、多项选择题1. 以下哪些因素会影响国际贸易?()A. 生产成本B. 市场需求C. 政府政策D. 个人喜好答案:ABC2. 以下哪些是全球化的推动力?()A. 科技进步B. 文化交流C. 政治冲突D. 经济发展答案:ABD3. 以下哪些是全球化的挑战?()A. 文化冲突B. 环境问题C. 经济发展不平衡D. 人口增长答案:ABCD4. 以下哪些是贸易保护主义的手段?()A. 关税壁垒B. 配额制度C. 非关税壁垒D. 自由贸易协定答案:ABC5. 以下哪些是全球化的影响?()A. 经济一体化B. 文化交流C. 政治冲突D. 技术进步答案:ABD五、判断题1. 如果一个国家在生产某种商品或提供某种服务上,其生产效率低于其他国家,那么这个国家就没有比较优势。

河北大学课程考核试卷2006 —2007 学年第学期 1 级专业(类)考核科目国际经济学课程类别必修考核类型考试考核方式闭卷卷别B (注:考生务必将答案写在答题纸上,写在本试卷上的无效)一、多项选择(共10分,每题2分)1、下列属于主张自由贸易的经济学家有()A、托马斯·孟和威列·斯塔夫B、大卫·休谟C、赫克歇尔和俄林D、李斯特E、凯恩斯2、下列那些可能是机会成本不变的原因()A、生产中可能只使用一种生产要素B、生产中使用两种以上生产要素,但每种产品的要素使用比例相同C、生产中使用两种以上生产要素,但每种产品的要素使用比例不同D、以上都正确3、现实世界中,国际贸易产生的原因可能是()A、两国资源禀赋的相对差异B、两国生产率的相对差异C、内部规模经济或外部规模经济D、不完全竞争导致的相互倾销E、两国消费者偏好的不同4、法律意义上的倾销必须具备的条件有()A、外国企业确有低价销售之行为B、进口国生产同类产品的企业受到低价进口商品的冲击,以至于其市场份额明显减少C、进口国同类企业的利润水平明显降低D、在低价进口品的冲击下,进口国同类工业难以建立起来E、市场是分割的,不允许商品回流B—7—15、贫困化(悲惨增长)增长必须具备的条件是()A、经济增长是偏向于进口部门的B、经济增长是偏向于出口部门的C、增长国的边际进口倾向较大D、增长国在世界市场上是一个大国E、增长国的出口产品在世界市场上需求的价格弹性非常高二、单项选择(共30分,每小题1分)1、在绝对成本说和相对成本说中,机会成本()A、不变B、递增 C 、为零D、递减2、下列一体化程度较高的一种一体化形式是()A、自由贸易区B、关税同盟C、共同市场D、经济联盟3、下列不属于贸易保护学说的理论是()A、幼稚产业学说C、最佳关税学说B、资源禀赋学说D、战略性贸易政策学说4、下列哪项属于关税同盟的静态效果()A、市场扩大或规模经济效果B、贸易创造和贸易转移效果C、吸引外部投资D、促进成员国企业竞争5、关于倾销的说法正确的有()A、持续性倾销是出口商以低于其本国国内价格甚至是低于其生产成本的价格长期向国外销售其产品的行为B、掠夺性倾销是出口商以低于其本国国内价格甚至是低于其生产成本的价格向国外销售其产品的暂时性行为C、倾销不利于进口国的生产者和消费者D、倾销不利于出口国的生产者和消费者6、下列说法正确的有()B—7—2A、倾销是以低于国内价格向国外销售产品,因此,不符合企业的利润最大化目标B、出口补贴对出口国的生产者有利,对出口国的消费者也有利C、出口补贴对进口国的生产者不利,对进口国的消费者也不利D、出口补贴对出口国的生产者有利,对进口国的消费者有利7、在产品生命周期的成熟阶段,该产品一般属于()A、资本密集型产品B、劳动或资源密集型产品C、技术密集型产品D、研发密集型产品8、下列那个因素不一定导致国际贸易()A、两国需求状况相同时,要素禀赋的相对差异B、两国需求状况相同时,要素禀赋的绝对差异C、供给状况相同时,需求状况的差异D、其他条件相同时,两国生产率的相对差异9、关于国际贸易中的国际交换比价和国际贸易利益,下列说法不正确的有()A、只要国际交换比价处在开放前两国国内交换比价之间,则国际贸易就可能进行B、只要国际交换比价处在开放前两国国内交换比价之间,则国际贸易对两个国家都有好C、只要国际交换比价处在开放前两国国内交换比价之间,则国际贸易给两个国家带来的好处就相等D、只要国际交换比价处在开放前两国国内交换比价之间,则国际贸易就可增加世界总福利10、根据斯托泊—萨谬尔森定理,下列推论不正确的有()A、进口关税将提高进口商品密集使用的生产要素的实际报酬B、进口关税将降低出口部门密集使用的生产要素的实际报酬C、商品的出口将提高出口部门密集使用的生产要素的实际报酬D、商品的进口将提高进口部门密集使用的生产要素的实际报酬11、按照要素价格均等化定理,下列哪个原因不是要素价格均等化的原因()A、商品价格未实现均等化B—7—3B、关税、非关税壁垒等障碍C、运输成本的存在D、要素在国家之间的流动受到限制12、根据罗伯津斯基定理,下列那个推论是正确的()A、偏向出口部门的增长将改善本国的贸易条件B、偏向进口部门的增长将恶化本国的贸易条件C、偏向进口部门的增长将降低本国的福利D、偏向出口部门的增长在一定条件下可能会降低本国的净福利13、关于汇率,下列表述正确的是()A、汇率上升,则本币贬值B、汇率下降,则本币贬值C、直接标价法下,汇率下降,则本币贬值D、间接标价法下,汇率上升,则本币升值14、在供给弹性无穷大的情况下,马歇尔和勒纳认为,通过本币贬值改善贸易收支,必须具备的条件是()其中,ηx,ηm分别是出口和进口需求弹性A、|ηx+ηm |<1B、|ηx+ηm |≤1C、|ηx+ηm |>1D、|ηx+ηm |≥115、给定边际消费倾向为3/5,边际进口倾向为1/10,则外贸乘数为()A、10/15B、10/2C、10/4D、10/1716、假定某国关税前单位棉布的市场价格为10元,其中减品棉纱的市场价格为6元,若该国对棉布征收进口关税税率为20%,对棉纱的关税税为40%,则该国对棉布的实际保护率为()A、10%B、-10%C、90%D、-90%17、根据国际收支调整的货币分析方法,下列表述正确的是()(1)在货币需求不变的情况下,国内信贷减少,则国际收支会出现顺差(2)在货币需求不变的情况下,国内信贷减少,则国际收支会出现逆差B—7—4(3)在货币需求不变的情况下,国内信贷扩张,则国际收支会出现顺差(4)在货币需求不变的情况下,国内信贷扩张,则国际收支会出现逆差A、1和4都正确B、2和3都正确C、只有1正确D、只有2正确18、关于利率平价,下列表述正确的有()A、国内利率高于国外利率的差额等于本国货币的远期升水B、国内利率高于国外利率则人们会预期本币会升值C、抛补利率平价条件意味着,远期汇率等于预期未来的即期汇率D、同购买力平价一样,利率平价也是“一价定律”在商品市场发挥作用的结果19、关于汇率决定,下列表述正确的是()A、PPP学说是一价定律在单个商品上的体现B、若一定时期内外国的通货膨胀率高于本国,则以直接标价法表示的汇率上升C、金铸币本位制下,汇率波动范围的上限是金平价加上黄金运送成本D、一价定律的前提条件是不完全竞争的市场机制20、当一国国际收支为顺差时,外汇市场上本币的供求关系为A、供大于求B、供小于求C、供求相等D、无法判断21、在一定汇率条件下,一国物价水平普遍上升,导致出口下降、进口增加,国际收支趋于逆差,这种国际收支不平衡,属于()A、周期性不平衡B、结构性不平衡C、收入性不平衡D、价格性不平衡22、根据汇率决定的弹性价格模型,下列判断正确的有()A、外国货币供给量增加,本币贬值B、本国经济增长快于外国,本币升值C、国内利率相对上升,本币升值D、国内货币供给相对增加,本币升值23、根据蒙代尔提出的“分配法则”,内部平衡应该采取什么政策来实现()A、货币政策B、财政政策C、产业政策D、贸易政策24、固定汇率制下,某国出现了严重就业不足和国际收支逆差并存的情况,则应该采用()B—7—5A、紧缩性的财政政策与扩张性的货币政策B、紧缩性的财政政策与紧缩性的货币政策C、扩张性的财政政策与紧缩性的货币政策D、扩张性的财政政策与扩张性的货币政策25、规定金币作为本位币,但在国内不流通金币,只流通银行券,银行券不具备无限的法偿力,不能自由铸造金币,但规定单位货币的含金量和黄金的官方价格,银行券不能自由兑换成黄金,该货币制度叫()A、金本位B、金汇兑本位制C、金块本位制D、布雷顿森林体系26、下列属于主张保护贸易的经济学家有()A、亚当·斯密B、李斯特和汉米尔顿C、李嘉图D、俄林27、下列那个不是倾销必须具备的条件()A、市场是不完全竞争的B、企业在国内外市场所面临的需求曲线相同C、国内外市场完全分隔,不会发生商品回流D、国外市场的需求弹性大于国内市场的需求弹性28、下列那个不是世界贸易组织的基本原则()A、非歧视原则B、贸易自由化原则C、可预见性原则D、数量限制和关税保护并重29、关于最佳关税的描述不正确的有()A、外国出口商对进口国的出口供给弹性越大,则最佳关税越高B、外国出口商对进口国国内市场的依赖程度越高,则最佳关税越高C、进口国对外国出口商的需求弹性越大,则最佳关税税率越高D、进口国对外国出口商品的依赖程度越高,则最佳关税税率越高B—7—630、下列哪个理论不是建立在比较利益的思想基础之上的( )A、亚当斯密的绝对优势理论B、大卫李嘉图的比较优势理论C、赫克歇尔俄林的要素禀赋理论D、用规模经济来解释贸易原因的新贸易理论三、名词解释(共25分,每小题5分)1、最惠国待遇2、要素密集度逆转3、货币贬值的J曲线效应4、里昂惕夫之谜5、黄金输送点四、简答(共20分,每小题10分)1、以小国为例,画图解释进口关税对生产、消费的实际影响,以及对生产者、消费者、政府以及国家整体的福利影响。