The Open University 英国开放大学
一些国家的开放大学,如英国开放大学(The Open University),中国电子科技大学国家开放大学(UESTC Open University),澳大利亚开放大学(Open University Australia)等,都积极推动开放教育和开放科研,提供开放获取的论文和研究成果,使更多的人能够获得学术知识和享受教育资源。
也是有效 学 习 质 量 的 判 据,[5]更 是 有 效 学 习 者 的 判据。
2.关键技能 随着创新报告的更新,2017年指出教育新的关 注点在两方面:一个是注意赋予学习者权力,另一个 是将注 意 力 集 中 在 学 习 者 所 需 的 关 键 技 能 上。21 世纪对人才的需求呈多方面、多层次趋势,为满足社 会对人才的需求,国家在课程大纲中明确指出培养 学生关键技 能。[6]当 然,对 “关 键 技 能 ”的 表 述 名 称 各异,“关键能力”、“学习能力”、“基本技能”等,主 要包含以下几方面:自主学习能力、合作能力、社交 能力、信息技术能力、信息素养能力、数字运用能力、 问题解决能力、批判性思维能力、高阶思维能力、创 新能力等。可见,新世纪对人才关键技能的培养是 一项刻不容缓的任务。 21世纪是一个充满希望和挑战的新世纪,是一 个人才辈出的时代、也是一个技能时代。面对新世 纪、新时代,培养有效学习者关键技能迫在眉睫。英 国开放大学发布的《创新教学报告》,提出了多种创 新教学法,并在案例中分析了教学法的可行度,通过 教学实践运用,从主体要素、技术赋能、战略培养等 方面讲述 21世纪有效学习者关键技能培养途径,同 时相关案例中通过创新教学法的应用对教学方式、 学习方式等也进行适当阐述。下面对《创新教学报 告》进行深入分析。
【摘 要】新时代,社会对人才的关注点逐渐转向获取终身技能、培养有效学习者。英国开放大学系列《创新教 学报告》着重对有效学习者关键技能培养做出说明。运用分析法,从主体、社交、技术、问题、学习 /创新等方面对有 效学习者培养进行梳理解读,分析创新教学法对有效学习者关键技能培养途径在于:课程设置、学习方式、管理机 制、教学评价四个方面,并分析《创新教学报告》对我国未来教育变革的启示,以期推动我国教育教学,促进有效学 习者培养,提升关键技能。
英国开放大学英国开放大学(The Open University ,UK),是继20世纪90年代以来,世界远程教育和高等教育的蓬勃发展而发展起来的新型大学。
图1 英国开放大学课程开发组构成分布图二、学习模式1、学习模式众所周知,英国开放大学是世界远程教育领域的领军者,这个实行免试开放入学,拥有课程组主席 电视多媒体生产商 出版编辑人员 媒体设计人员 课程管理者 外聘评估专家 辅导教师课程组 图书馆文献支持 软件设计人员 教育技术专家 课程编写人员17万学生,8个院系,提本科、硕士、博士课程的开放大学,教学水平在全英140所大 学中位列第五位,学生支持服务质量(学生满意度)名列第一。
一、开放教育的发展历史及现状1.1 开放教育的发展历史开放教育的概念最早出现在1969年,当时加拿大的一所大学York University提出了“开放式学习”(Open Learning)的概念,通过开放的学制与开放的学习方式实现教育资源的共享。
1970年代,英国Open University(开放大学)成立以来,开放式教育逐渐被人们接受并且发展。
1.2 开放教育的主要形式开放教育的主要形式是网络学习,包括网络课程、开放式学习资源、在线课程、虚拟学习环境等。
二、跨境教育的现状及影响2.1 跨境教育的发展背景随着世界经济一体化的趋势愈加明显,各国之间的交流与合作也越来越紧密。
2.2 跨境教育的主要形式跨境教育的主要形式包括留学、远程教育和网络教育。
参加开放大学的英语作文As a student who has just enrolled in the Open University, I am excited to embark on this new journey of learning. The Open University offers a unique and flexible approach to education, which allows me to study at my own pace and in my own time.One of the main reasons why I chose to study at the Open University is because of its reputation for delivering high-quality education. The courses are designed and taught by experts in their respective fields, and the materials are constantly updated to reflect the latest developments in each subject area.Another advantage of studying at the Open University is the flexibility it offers. As a working adult, I am able to balance my studies with my other commitments, such as my job and family responsibilities. I can study in the evenings or on weekends, and I can take breaks from my studies when I need to.The Open University also provides a supportive learning environment. I have access to a personal tutor who I can contact for guidance and feedback on my work. I can also connect with other students through online forums and discussion groups, which allows me to share ideas and learn from others.Overall, I am excited to be a part of the Open University community and to take advantage of the opportunities it offers. I am confident that the knowledge and skills I gain through my studies will help me to achieve my personal and professional goals.。
一OpenLearn的起源与理念1 OpenLearn的起源2006年3月10日,英国开放大学宣布投入565万英镑(计990万美元,其中美国威廉和弗洛拉·休利特基金会捐助445万美元)启动开放内容创新项目(Open Content Initiative,简称OCI)。
英国部分Chapter1Official name官方名称:The official name of the United Kingdom is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.British Empire大英帝国:About a hundred years ago, as a result of its imperialist expansion, Britain ruled an empire that had one fourth of the world’s people and one fourth of the world’s land area. However, the two world wars greatly weakened Britain. The British colonies became independent one after another. The British Empire gradually disappeared and it was replaced by the British Commonwealth in 1931.Commonwealth of Nations/the British Commonwealth英联邦:It’s a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain. It was established in 1931, replacing the former British Empire. Member nations are joined together economically and have certain trading arrangements. The Commonwealth has no special power. The decision to became a member of the Commonwealth is left to each nation .At present there are 50 member countries within the Commonwealth.Chapter2Heptarchy七王国:During the Anglo—Saxon’s time, Britain was divided into many kingdoms. These seven principal kingdoms of Kent, Essex, Sussex, Wessex, East Anglia, Mercia and Northumbria. They were given the name of Heptarchy.Alfred the Great亚尔弗雷得大帝:Alfred was the King of Wessex, who was strong enough to defeat the invading Danes and reached a friendly agreement with them. He founded a strong fleet and is known as “the father of the British navy” .He reorganized the Saxon army, making it more efficient. He established schools and formulated a legal system. He translated books from Latin into English.William the Conqueror征服者威廉:He was also known as William, Duke of Normandy. In 1066, he invaded England, defeated and killed Harold near Hastings in Sussex and conquered England. He confiscated almost all the land and gave it to his Norman followers. He replaced the weak Saxon rule with a strong Norman government. So the feudal system was completely established in England.Chapter3Domesday Book末日审判书:It’s a book compiled by a group of clerks underthe sponsorship of King William the First in 1086.The book was in fact a property record. It was the result of a general survey of England. It recorded the extent, value, state of cultivation, and ownership of the land. It was one of the important measures adopted by William I to establish the full feudal system in England. Today, it’s kept in the Public Records Office in London. The Great Charter[Magna Carta]大宪章:The Great Charter has been also known as Magan Carta which King John was forced to sign in 1215.The Great Charter has been regarded as the foundation of English liberties, a guarantee of the freedom of the Church and the spirit of it was the limitation of the powers of the King.Joan of Arc圣女贞德:Joan of Arc was a national heroine in French history. She led and encouraged the French in driving the English out of France in the Hundred Year’s War.Chapter4The Wars of the Roses玫瑰战争:The name Wars of the Roses was refer to the battles between the House of Lancaster, symbolized by the white, from 1455 to 1485.Henry Tudor, descendant of Duke of Lancaster won victory at Bosworth Field in 1485 and put the country under the rule of the Tudors, From these wars, English feudalism received its death blow. The great medieval nobility was much weakened.Bloody Mary血腥玛丽:It’s the nickname given to Mary I, the English Queen who succeeded to the throne after Henry Ⅷ.She was a devout Catholic and had so many Protestants burnt to death that shi is remembered less by her official title Mary I by her nickname Bloody Mary.The English Renaissance英国文艺复兴:(1)Renaissance was a cultural movement in Europe from the 14th century to the 16th century.(2)It originated in Italy and began to come to England in the late 15th century.(3)The English Renaissance was largely literary, and achieved its finest expression in poetry, drama and prose.(4)The greatest literary writer of the English Renaissance was William Shakespeare.Chapter5The Reform Act of 1832改革法案:(1)It’s also known as the Greater Charter of 1832, it was passed by Parliament in 1832.(2)According to the Act, “rotten boroughs” were abolished, and parliament seats were redistributed more fairly among the growing industrial towns.(3)It also gave the vote to many householder and tenants who were required to have certain property.Charles Darwin查尔斯-达文:(1)A famous British scientist in the 19th century.(2)He has been especially remembered for his important book “the Origins of Species” in which he developed his theory of evolution.(3)The theory of evolution caused evident reaction of the Victorians and contributed to the decay of Victorianism.The Victorian Age维多利亚时期:(1)It refers to monarchy of Britain under Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1901, the longest reign in British history.(2)The Victorian Age was an age of national development and national optimism.(3)The Victorians were very religious and conservative in family life. It was also, in its later stages, an age of imperialism.The State of Westminster威斯敏斯特条例:(1)In 1931, the British Parliament passed a bill which later has been known as the Statute of Westminster, according to which, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Southern Ireland, New Foundland and South Africa turned into “Dominions”.(2)These s elf-government both internally and externally, although they still regarded the British monarch as their head of state .(3)This marked the disruption of the British Empire and the establishment of the British Commonwealth.The Europe Economic Community欧共体:(1)Also known as the Common Market, it was established by the Treaty of Rome on January 1,1958.(2)Originally it was composed of six Western Europe countries—France, West Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg.(3)Britain didn’t become a full member of the Community until 1973. Today, there are altogether 12 member in the Community.Chapter7The Constitutional monarchy君主立宪制:It’s a political system that has been practiced in Britain since the Glorious Revolution of 1688.According to this system; the Constitution is superior to the Monarch. In law, the Monarch has many supreme powers, but in practice, the real power of monarchy has been greatly reduced and today the Queen acts solely on the advice of her ministers. She reigns but doesn’t rule. The real power lies in the Parliament, or to be exact in the House of Commons.The British Constitution英国宪法:It’s not written in any single document. It’s made up of Statute Law, common law and Conventions. It’s more flexible than the written constitution of other countries.British Parliament英国议会:It includes three elements: the Sovereign, theHouse of Lords and the House of Commons. It’s the Supreme law-making authority in Britain. The real center of parliamentary power lies in the House of Commons. Its other functions include: to control and criticize the executive government; to control the raising and the spending of money.Chapter9The Church of England英格兰国教:(1)Also called the Anglican Church, it’s one of the many Protestant sects which broke away from Roman Catholic church during the Reformation tin the 16th century.(2)It’s an established church which means that it represents the official state religion.(3)Its religious leader is the Archbishop of Canterbury and its secular leader is the British Monarch.Free Churches自由教会:(1)Also known as Non-Conformist Churches in England, Free churches are protestant sect that have separated from the established church of England.(2)These include the Methodist, the Congregational, the Baptist, an the Quakers, and many others.(3)All these sects agree on the essentials of Christianity, but have different forms of service and points of emphasis.The Quakers贵格派:(1)Also known as the Religious Society of Friends. The Quakers are a Protestant group that originated in England in the 17th century, under George Fox.(2)They refuse to participate in the church of England services.(3)They advocate simple living and hard work and believe in complete equality and fraternity.Chapter10The eleven-plus十一岁附加考试:(1)Under the old selective system of secondary education in Britain, the “eleven-plus” is the examination taken by children in their last year at primary school.(2)The results of this examination determine the kind of secondary schooling each child will receive.(3)Those with the highest marks go to grammar school ;other children may go to technical schools or secondary modern schools.(4)In the 1960s and 70s, this examination was abolished and has ever since gradually been replaced by comprehensive schools which take children of all abilities.Grammar schools语法学校:(1)It’s a type of state secondary schools in Britain. It has been in existence since the 16th century.(2)These schools concentrate on academic subjects and expect many of their children to take higher examinations and go on to universities.(3)Now, its importance in the British educational system has been largely diminished due to the growth ofcomprehensive schools.Public school公学:(1)It’s a kind of independent privately-owned secondary boarding schools in Britain.(2)These schools are financially supported by tuition fees and private funds.(3)Most of their students come from rich families and are very likely to go on to famous universities.(4)The word “public” is a traditional one with little meaning today since far from being public these schools are restricted to a comparatively small section of the population. Prep schools准备学校:(1)Also called preparatory schools. They are private elementary schools in Britain, which prepare their students for public schools.(2)The prep school curriculum differs considerably from that of the state junior schools, and there is a distinctive emphasis on classical subjects.(3)At the age of thirteen, the pupils will take the “common entrance” examination for admission to a public school.Open University开放大学:(1)As a new type of higher education, Open University only appeared in Britain in 1969.(2)It’s open to everybody, especially to people who have missed the opportunity for higher education.(3)It doesn’t demand the same formal qualification as the other universities.(4)It uses modern communications means such as television, radio or correspondence.(5)It’s non-residential although there is a network of study centers throughout the country for contact with tutors and fellow students.(6)After passing the examinations of all required course, students are awarded a university degree.Comprehensive schools综合中学:Comprehensive schools take pupils without reference to ability or aptitude and provide a wide-ranging secondary education for all or most of the children in a district.The Times泰晤士报:(1)It’s the most famous of all British national newspapers and is read by the most important British all over the world.(2)Politically it is independent, though it is traditionally inclined to be more sympathetic to the Conservative Party.(3)It’s not an organ of the British government and has a reputation for extreme caution is its attitude.BBC英国广播公司:(1)It’s the abbreviation of British Broadcasting Corporation.(2)It has both radio and television services.(3)For radio broadcasting, it uses 39 languages and broadcasts to the whole world.(4)There is no advertisement on any BBC program.(5)It’s financed by payments which must be made by all people who own television sets.(6)It has a Board of Governors, who are appointed by the Government.。
开放大学学位英语考试真题及答案全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Open University Degree English Exam Questions and AnswersIntroductionThe Open University (OU) is a well-known institution that offers distance learning opportunities to students across the world. Among its wide range of courses, the OU also offers a number of degree programs in English. One key component of these programs is the English exam, which tests students' proficiency in the language. In this article, we will provide some sample questions and answers from the Open University's English degree exam.Section 1: Reading ComprehensionRead the following passage and answer the questions that follow:The passage:"The importance of education in today's society cannot be overstated. Education is not only a means to acquire knowledge and skills, but it also plays a crucial role in shaping individuals' characters and values. With a quality education, individuals can become empowered to make informed decisions and contribute positively to society."Questions:1. According to the passage, what is the significance of education in society?2. How does education empower individuals according to the passage?Answers:1. The passage asserts that education is of great importance in society, as it serves as a means to acquire knowledge, skills, and values.2. Education empowers individuals by enabling them to make informed decisions and contribute positively to society.Section 2: WritingWrite an essay of 300-500 words on the following topic:"Discuss the impact of technology on education in the 21st century."Answer:In the 21st century, technology has significantly transformed the education landscape. The integration of technology in education has revolutionized teaching and learning methods, making education more accessible and engaging for students. One of the main impacts of technology on education is the ability to access a wealth of information and resources online. With the internet, students can research, learn, and collaborate with peers from around the world. Furthermore, technology has enabled the development of innovative teaching tools such as virtual classrooms, interactive whiteboards, and educational apps, which enhance the learning experience for students. Overall, technology has undoubtedly revolutionized education in the 21st century, making it more dynamic, interactive, and accessible to all.Section 3: Listening ComprehensionListen to the following audio clip and answer the questions that follow:Audio clip:You will hear a conversation between two students discussing their views on climate change.Questions:1. What is the main topic of the conversation?2. What are the students' opinions on climate change?Answers:1. The main topic of the conversation is climate change.2. Student A believes that climate change is a serious threat that requires immediate action, while Student B is skeptical about the impact of climate change.ConclusionThe Open University's English degree exam is designed to assess students' proficiency in the language through reading, writing, and listening tasks. By practicing with sample questions and answers like the ones provided in this article, students can better prepare for the exam and improve their overall English skills.篇2Open University Degree English Exam Questions and AnswersIntroduction:The Open University is a well-known institution that offers distance learning programs to students around the world. One of the most popular courses offered by the Open University is the Degree English course, which covers a wide range of topics related to the English language and literature. In this document, we will provide you with some sample exam questions from the Open University Degree English course, along with their corresponding answers.Sample Exam Questions:1. Discuss the theme of love in William Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet". How does Shakespeare explore the concept of forbidden love in the play?Answer: In "Romeo and Juliet", Shakespeare portrays love as a powerful and uncontrollable force that transcends social boundaries and conventions. The central characters, Romeo and Juliet, come from feuding families, which makes their love forbidden and doomed from the start. Despite the obstacles they face, Romeo and Juliet's love remains strong and passionate,leading them to make bold and tragic decisions in the name of love.2. Analyze the use of symbolism in Ernest Hemingway's novel "The Old Man and the Sea". How does Hemingway use symbolism to convey deeper meanings and themes in the novel?Answer: In "The Old Man and the Sea", Hemingway uses a variety of symbols to convey deeper meanings and themes in the novel. The sea, for example, symbolizes the cyclical nature of life and the struggles and triumphs that come with it. The old man's battle with the marlin can be seen as a metaphor for the human condition and the perseverance and resilience required to overcome adversity. Additionally, the old man's relationship with the young boy symbolizes the importance of mentorship and the passing down of knowledge from one generation to the next.3. Compare and contrast the use of imagery in Emily Dickinson's poem "Because I could not stop for Death" and Robert Frost's poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening". How do Dickinson and Frost use imagery to create different moods and atmospheres in their poems?Answer: In "Because I could not stop for Death", Emily Dickinson uses vivid imagery to create a serene and contemplative mood in the poem. The image of Death as agentlemanly driver who takes the speaker on a leisurely carriage ride conveys a sense of acceptance and resignation towards the end of life. In contrast, Robert Frost's "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" uses imagery to create a sense of mystery and ambiguity. The dark and snowy woods symbolize the unknown and the allure of death, while the repetitive use of the word "sleep" hints at the idea of eternal rest and peace.4. Explain the significance of the title "Pride and Prejudice" in Jane Austen's novel. How does Austen explore the themes of pride and prejudice in the novel?Answer: In "Pride and Prejudice", Jane Austen uses the title as a reflection of the central themes of the novel. The characters in the novel, particularly Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy, struggle with their own pride and prejudice towards each other, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts throughout the story. Austen explores the consequences of pride and prejudice on personal relationships and social interactions, highlighting the importance of self-awareness and humility in overcoming these negative traits.Conclusion:The Open University Degree English course covers a wide range of topics related to the English language and literature,including works by renowned authors such as William Shakespeare, Ernest Hemingway, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and Jane Austen. By studying these works and exploring the themes, symbols, and imagery within them, students can gain a deeper understanding of the complexities and nuances of the English language and its literary traditions. If you are preparing for the Open University Degree English exam, make sure to familiarize yourself with the sample questions and answers provided in this document to help you succeed in your studies.篇3Title: Open University Degree English Exam Questions and AnswersIntroduction:The Open University offers a wide range of degree programs, including an English exam as part of the assessment process. In this document, we will provide you with some sample questions from the Open University degree English exam along with their corresponding answers.Questions:1. Give a brief summary of the poem "The Waste Land" by T.S. Eliot.2. Discuss the thematic significance of symbolism in George Orwell's "1984".3. Analyze the character development of Elizabeth Bennet in Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice".4. Compare and contrast the narrative styles of Virginia Woolf and James Joyce.5. How does Chinua Achebe use language and cultural references in "Things Fall Apart" to convey the complexities of colonialism in Africa?6. Explain the concept of the "tragic hero" in Shakespeare's "Macbeth" and how it applies to the character of Macbeth.7. Evaluate the use of humor in Oscar Wilde's "The Importance of Being Earnest" and its impact on the overall tone of the play.8. Discuss the role of gender and power dynamics in Emily Bronte's "Wuthering Heights".9. Explore the theme of isolation and longing in Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper".10. How does the setting of a dystopian society in Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" serve as a commentary on the dangers of technological advancement?Answers:1. "The Waste Land" by T.S. Eliot is a modernist poem that explores themes of fragmentation, disillusionment, and the search for meaning in a post-war world. The poem is presented in five parts and incorporates a variety of literary and cultural references, including mythology, religion, and literature. Through its fragmented structure and elusive imagery, Eliot conveys a sense of alienation and disconnection in society.2. In "1984" by George Orwell, symbolism plays a crucial role in conveying the oppressive and totalitarian nature of the dystopian society of Oceania. The symbolic use of Big Brother, the Party, and the concept of Newspeak highlights the themes of surveillance, control, and manipulation in the novel. These symbols serve to underscore the dehumanizing effects of a government that seeks absolute power over its citizens.3. Elizabeth Bennet, the protagonist of "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen, undergoes significant character development throughout the novel. Initially portrayed as quick-witted, independent, and outspoken, Elizabeth's journey ofself-discovery and personal growth is marked by her overcoming prejudice and pride to find true love and happiness. Her transformation from a prejudiced young woman to a mature and self-aware individual is central to the novel's exploration of social norms and expectations.4. Virginia Woolf and James Joyce are both renowned modernist writers known for their innovative narrative styles. Woolf's stream-of-consciousness technique, as seen in "Mrs. Dalloway" and "To the Lighthouse", focuses on the interior lives of characters and the fluidity of time. Joyce's experimental approach in "Ulysses" and "Finnegans Wake" challenges traditional narrative conventions with its complex structure and linguistic play. While both writers explore themes of identity, consciousness, and perception, they employ distinct narrative techniques to convey their ideas.5. Chinua Achebe's "Things Fall Apart" depicts the impact of colonialism on traditional Igbo society in Nigeria. Through the use of language, proverbs, and cultural references, Achebe conveys the complexities of cultural clash and change. The character of Okonkwo embodies the struggle between tradition and change, highlighting the devastating consequences of European imperialism on African communities. Achebe's novelserves as a powerful critique of colonialism and its lasting effects on indigenous cultures.6. In Shakespeare's "Macbeth", the tragic hero is a character who experiences a downfall due to their fatal flaw or hubris. Macbeth, the protagonist of the play, is a tragic hero whose ambition and desire for power lead to his eventual downfall. As he becomes consumed by guilt and paranoia, Macbeth's actions spiral out of control, ultimately resulting in his tragic demise. The concept of the tragic hero explores themes of fate, free will, and the consequences of unchecked ambition.7. Oscar Wilde's "The Importance of Being Earnest" is a comedy of manners that uses humor to satirize the social conventions and hypocrisies of Victorian society. The play's witty dialogue, wordplay, and farcical situations create a light-hearted and entertaining tone that masks deeper themes of identity, deception, and morality. Wilde's use of humor serves to criticize the superficiality and artificiality of the upper class while highlighting the importance of sincerity and authenticity in human relationships.8. Emily Bronte's "Wuthering Heights" is a gothic novel that explores themes of passion, revenge, and the destructive power of love. The novel's complex characters, including Heathcliff andCatherine Earnshaw, are embroiled in a tumultuous and tragic love affair that spans generations. The novel's portrayal of gender dynamics and power struggles reflects the societal constraints and expectations of the time, while also challenging traditional notions of love, morality, and social class.9. "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is a psychological tale that delves into the theme of female oppression and mental illness. The protagonist, who is confined to a room by her husband, becomes obsessed with the yellow wallpaper and begins to unravel psychologically. Through the use of vivid imagery and symbolism, Gilman explores the damaging effects of patriarchal control and the silencing of women's voices. The theme of isolation and longing in the story reflects the protagonist's desire for freedom and self-expression in a stifling and suffocating environment.10. Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" presents a dystopian society where technological advancement has led to the suppression of individuality and free will. The novel's setting, which is characterized by genetic engineering, conditioning, and social control, serves as a critique of the dehumanizing effects of a technocratic world. Huxley's portrayal of a society devoid of emotion, spirituality, and intellectual curiosity highlights thedangers of a society driven by consumerism, conformity, and surveillance. The novel's cautionary tale warns against the uncritical acceptance of technological progress at the expense of human values and autonomy.Conclusion:The Open University degree English exam tests students' understanding of a variety of literary works and genres, as well as their critical thinking and analytical skills. By engaging with these sample questions and answers, students can enhance their knowledge of literature and develop their abilities to analyze and interpret texts. The exam serves as a measure of students' proficiency in English and their ability to engage with complex ideas and themes in a range of literary works. As students prepare for the exam, they should focus on close reading, critical analysis, and effective communication to succeed in demonstrating their knowledge and skills in English literature.。
学习英国开放大学远程教育经验分享1500字我选择报读英国开放大学(Open University)的远程教育课程,是因为它提供了灵活的学习方式,并且可以根据个人的时间安排进行学习。
研究生课程(Master Degree)
■ 较受中国学生欢迎的研究生课程只需要一年时间, 在这一年里学生主要是写论文和做课题研究,课 堂教学较少,因此其他国家的留学生如果没有在 英国经过一段时间的学习或语言不过关,是很难 完成这一年课程的。
■ 有一些学院为此专门设计了一种研究生预备课程 (Pre-master Programme),以帮助留学生能够顺利进 入研究生课程并成功取得学位。
■ A-Level 的全称是“普通教育高级证书” (General Certificate of Education Advanc Level)
■ 是学业路线的重要阶段,它总共有100多个 科目,学制一般为两年,专业分科极为细 致。
■ A-Level课看做大学的基础课,相当于中国 大学本科课程的前两年
■ 公学所以在英国经久不衰,主要依靠四大支柱 :权势,考试,血统,金钱。五百年来, 他 们凭借这四大支柱来保持第一流的办学条 件 ,第一流的教师阵容,第一流的教学水平,培 养出第一流的学生。
■ ①绅士品格的培养。 ■ ②学校实行寄宿制。 ■ ③所提供的住宿和饮食都非常简陋。 ■ ④不让家长参观学生的食宿情况。
■ 文学士(B.A.-Bachelor of Art)
■ 理学士(B.S.-Bachelor of Science)
■ 研究生课程有很多种,包括研究生预科课程、 研究生文凭课程、一年制教授型硕士学位课 程、两年制研究型硕士学位课程,博士学位 课程(一般要三年以上),等等。
■ 一年制教授型硕士学位课程比较受中国学生 欢迎,但学习强度很高。英国的博士学位攻 读与其他国家不同,它不是授课式的,没有博 士课程这样的东西。你要做的是在三年或更 长时间内,确定研究计划,展开研究行动, 和完成最终的研究论文。
开放大学英语学位考试真题及答案Open University English Degree ExaminationThe Open University offers a range of English degree programs for students who want to further their education in the field of English language and literature. One of the key components of these programs is the English degree examination, which assesses students' knowledge, understanding, and critical thinking skills in various aspects of English studies.The English degree examination consists of a series of exams that test students' proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking in English. These exams cover a wide range of topics, including literature, linguistics, cultural studies, and communication skills. Students are required to demonstrate their ability to analyze and interpret literary texts, apply critical thinking skills to evaluate arguments and ideas, and communicate effectively in written and spoken English.To help students prepare for the English degree examination, the Open University provides a range of study materials, including textbooks, lecture notes, and online resources. Students are encouraged to engage with these materials andpractice their English skills regularly to ensure they arewell-prepared for the exam.The English degree examination is typically held at the end of each academic year, and students are required to complete a series of written and oral exams over a period of several days. The exams are designed to test students' knowledge and understanding of key concepts in the field of English studies and to assess their ability to apply this knowledge in a variety of contexts.In order to pass the English degree examination, students must achieve a minimum grade in each of the exams. The exact requirements for passing the exam may vary depending on the specific program and level of study, but typically students are required to demonstrate a solid understanding of key concepts and an ability to apply this knowledge in a variety of contexts.Overall, the English degree examination is a challenging but rewarding experience for students who are passionate about English language and literature. By successfully completing the exam, students can demonstrate their expertise in the field of English studies and enhance their academic and professional credentials.In conclusion, the Open University English degree examination is an important milestone for students who are pursuing a degree in English language and literature. By preparing diligently and demonstrating their knowledge and skills in the exam, students can achieve their academic goals and advance their career prospects in the field of English studies.。
开放大学起源英国,全称为The Open University,开放大学是1969年经英国皇家特许令批准,1971年正式成立,是一个独立、自治的国家高等教育机构,有权授予学位。
开放大学起源英国,全称为The Open University,开放大学是1969年经英国皇家特许令批准,1971年正式成立,是一个独立、自治的国家高等教育机构,有权授予学位。
开放大学无严格申请限制 年满18岁即可申请
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开放大学全称为The Open University,开放大学是1969年经英国皇家特许令批准,1971年正式成立,是一个独立、自治的国家高等教育机构,有权授予学位。
通讯地址:Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, U.K。
介绍开放大学的英语小作文The Open University, often referred to as the OU, is a pioneering institution that has been at the forefront of distance learning for decades. It offers a unique opportunity for students who wish to pursue higher education without the constraints of a traditional campus setting. One of the many subjects offered by the Open University is English, which can be studied at various levels to suit the needs of different learners.The English Program at the Open UniversityThe English program at the Open University is designed to cater to a wide range of students, from those looking to improve their language skills for personal or professional development to those seeking academic qualifications. The curriculum is comprehensive, covering essential aspects of the English language, including grammar, vocabulary, literature, and communication skills.Flexible Learning OptionsOne of the key advantages of studying English at the Open University is the flexibility it offers. Students can study at their own pace, choosing when and where they learn, which is particularly beneficial for those who have work or family commitments. The materials are accessible online, and students can engage with them anytime, making the learningprocess more accommodating.Course StructureThe English courses are structured in a way that allows for a gradual build-up of knowledge and skills. They typically begin with foundational courses that focus on essential language skills and progress to more advanced levels that delve into critical analysis and creative writing. This structured approach ensures that students develop a solid understanding of the subject matter.Support and ResourcesThe Open University provides a wealth of support for its students. English learners have access to a range of resources, including online forums where they can discuss course materials with fellow students and tutors. Additionally, personalized feedback is available to help students improve their writing and comprehension skills.Assessment MethodsAssessments are an integral part of the learning process at the Open University. For English courses, assessments may include written assignments, essays, and sometimes oral presentations. These assessments are designed to be fair and reflective of the knowledge and skills that students have acquired throughout their studies.Career OpportunitiesA qualification in English from the Open University can open up a variety of career paths. It can be particularly useful for those looking to work in fields such as education, publishing, journalism, and business, where strong communication skills are highly valued.ConclusionThe Open University's English program is an excellent choice for anyone looking to enhance their language proficiency in a flexible and supportive learning environment. With a well-rounded curriculum, personalized support, and the opportunity to study at one's own pace, the OU provides a unique and effective way to master the English language.。
一、从猎兔犬2号说起2003年临近圣诞节,世界屏住呼吸,观看欧洲航天局“火星快车”号探测器(ESA/Mars Express, 2009)经过半年的漫长飞行,抵达火星的绕星轨道。
(beagle ,2004)170多年前,达尔文乘坐英国帆船“猎兔犬号”环球航行,对地球生命进行科学考察,并由此产生了划时代的巨著《物种起源》,奠定了进化理论。
Examining the use of evidence in learning & teaching practices with technology----23 August 2010
Josie Taylor乔西 泰勒 乔西.泰勒 乔西 2006年之前英国开放大学 年之前英国开放大学IET部门学习技术的教授 年之前英国开放大学 部门学习技术的教授 2007 - 2008年英国开放大学 年英国开放大学IET代理所长 年英国开放大学 代理所长 2009 – 2013年英国开放大学 年英国开放大学IET所长 年英国开放大学 所长 她的Blog:/ 她的 : 邮箱: 邮箱:j.taylor@
IET Technology Coffee morning on Digital Scholarship delivery----12 October 2010
Third Literacy in the Digital University research seminar----07 October 2010
Web 2.0 and Learning
我感兴趣的是如何设计的Web 2.0理念,能够支持 理念, 我感兴趣的是如何设计的 理念 和充实的学习经验。为了探讨这一点,我工作的一个开 和充实的学习经验。为了探讨这一点, 放大学内的各种项目,探讨教学结构和内容在Web 2.0 放大学内的各种项目,探讨教学结构和内容在 环境中的作用。 环境中的作用。
The Open University
从英国开放大学的辉煌, 从英国开放大学的辉煌,展望教育信息化
以我在开放大学学习为题写一篇英文短文My Experience Studying at The Open UniversityI have been studying at The Open University for the past two years, and it has been a great experience. The flexibility of the courses and the quality of the teaching have made it the perfect choice for me.One of the things I love about The Open University is the ability to work at my own pace. I can watch lectures and complete assignments whenever it is convenient for me. This means I can balance my studies with work and other commitments in a way that would not be possible with traditional on-campus learning.Another great aspect of The Open University is the quality of teaching. The tutors are experts in their fields and provide engaging and thought-provoking content. The interactive online forums also allow for easy communication with other students, creating a collaborative and stimulating learning environment.Of course, studying online does come with its challenges. Staying motivated and on-track can be difficult without the structure of regular in-person classes. However, the support provided by The Open University is exceptional. The student services team is always on hand to offer help and advice, and the online resources are extensive and useful.Overall, my experience studying at The Open University has been incredibly positive. It has allowed me to pursue my education in a way that fits around my life, while still receiving top-quality teaching and support. I would highly recommend it to anyone considering online learning.。
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British comedian Lenny Henry is an Open University graduate.英国优秀的传统大学和学院闻名于世,但是人们对英国的远程教育大学了解多少?本期节目介绍英国的开放大学。
Cambridge and Oxford may be very prestigious, but not everyone has the opportunity to study there.The Open University started 41 years ago and is now considered one of the UK's top universities.Join Andrea and Jean as they find out about some of the advantages of distance learning through the Open University.Universities: The Open University 开放大学Andrea: Forty-one years ago The Open University was formed.Jean: 英国的开放大学是英国第一所使用远程教育进行授课的大学。
Distance learning 远程学习。
Andrea: And today, it's been voted one of Britain's top universities. HelloI'm Andrea.Jean: 大家好,我是董征。
Andrea: In this series, we're finding out a bit about some of the UK's topuniversities and what it's like to study at them.Jean: 但是这所开放大学Open University 或者叫它的缩写OU 并不是一所普通的大学,因为它的教学方式并不传统,并不conventional.InsertI think one of the stunning things about the OU is the way in which we use very high quality traditional texts in our teaching, but we guide students through themand our approach is multi-media. And I think for those who haven't studied for along time, who lack those skills, our emphasis has always been on developing those skills and taking people through it.Andrea: That was Professor Kathryn Woodward from the Open University. She says that the OU uses high quality texts or books, but theapproach is multi-media.Jean: The approach is multi-media 他们的教学方式是多媒体。
Andrea: And she also says that they help people who haven't studied for a long time.Jean: 她还说,开放大学的教育重点是帮助学生开发他们的技能developing skills.Andrea: How the OU works is that you sign up for a course but you do the work in your own time. That means unlike other universities youdon't go into classes. So it relies on technology. Former Vice-Chancellor of the OU, Brenda Gourley, explains.InsertThe Open University has an enormous virtual learning network of students, probably one of the largest virtual networks of any university in the world actually,and it's a very lively community of people. They've got support groups, chatrooms, they have seminars, they have clubs and societies, they have peer topeer mentoring. So when you talk about keeping in touch, all these new technologies have given us terrific ways of people being in touch with each otherand in the process helping each other.Jean: Brenda 刚才给我们谈到了开放大学中的虚拟学习网络virtual learning network. 就是说,学生们可以通过网上的聊天室和其他同学交流,也可以开展网上的学术讨论会。
Andrea: They even have societies and clubs online, just like other universities.Jean: 所以虽说开放大学的学生们不是坐在校园的教室里上课,他们依然可以拥有一个丰富活跃的大学生活。
Andrea: It's definitely an alternative or different way of studying. Thisyoung woman has been doing a course through the Open University.InsertI'm quite self-motivated which you have to be, but I've also found it amazing because I've been able to do so much at the same time. I'm 21 so obviously a social life is important, but I don't really think I've missed out at all.Jean: 说话的这位女士就是在开放大学读完了一个专业,她说她自己是一个很自觉很有自我激发力的人self-motivated.Andrea: Studying in this way has given her time to do other things and she doesn't think she's missed out on a social life.Jean: A social life 社交生活。
Andrea, did you have a good social life when you were studying 你上大学的时候有时间出去社交吗?Andrea: I had a very good social life, thank you Jean, and meeting other students and going to university events was so much a part of mydegree. So I really can't imagine not having that.Jean: 是的,大学生活相当重要的一部分就是和其他学生的社交和参加校园和社会的各种活动。
InsertBecause I could work at the same time, I've had enough money to move out ofmy parent's house and live with some friends who are actually at a regular university. And that's brought with it opportunities to join in with some of their activities and stuff as well.Andrea: So studying with the OU has allowed this woman to save moneyand work at the same time as getting her degree.Jean: 所以她和朋友们住在一起也能读完一个大学课程。
而且她也并不缺少可以参加大学活动的机会opportunities.Andrea: Studying in the UK can be expensive, especially if you're a foreign student. It can cost around 4 thousand pounds a year to study here.InsertI think the affordability of the Open University will be a real attraction for young people in the near future, because conventional university is getting more expensive and comparatively the Open University can be amazingly affordable.Jean: 看来,读开放大学的一大优点就是费用不贵容易承担affordable. 尤其是和英国其他的大学相比就更是这样。