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66.(10分).According to new research,recently,some terrible events that teachers were abused(辱骂)on some websites by students happened in the UK.It had a bad influence on schools and the society.The British Teaching Union did a survey of 7,500teachers.We can get some information from the following data(数据)and know how the teachers who were abused dealt with the problem.

You know teachers are often destroyed by the terrible abuse.Some have lost their confidence to teach and have left school.The survey showed many of the bad comments related to teachers'looks,abilities and behaviors.We've got another data from it.It SHOWS the bad comments were made by not only students but their parents.Please look at the following chart.

It is clear that we should take some methods to protect teachers from the abuse.We think that the way to solve the problem is the better understanding among teachers,students and parents.Besides good communication,respecting(尊敬)each other is very important.If so,they can get on well with each other.

66.What result did these terrible events lead to according to the passage?It had a bad influence on schools and the society.

67.From Chart One,how did 50% of the teachers deal with the abuse?They reported the abuse to the school,the society or the website.

68.What percent of the bad comments were made by parents in total?36%

69.What is the way to solve the abuse problem according to the passage?The way to solve the problem is the better understanding among teachers,students and parents.70.After reading the passage,what do you think of this kind of social phenomenon(现象)?

I think good communication and respecting each other is very important..





很显然,我们应该采取一些方法来保护教师不受侵害.我们认为,解决问题的方法是教师、学生和家长之间的更好的理解.除了良好的沟通,彼此尊重是非常重要的.如果是这样,他们彼此可以相处得很好.【解答】66.It had a bad influence on schools and the society.细节理解题根据文章第一段中It had a bad influence on schools and the society.可知它在学校和社会引起了不良影响.故填:It had a bad influence on schools and the society.

67.They reported the abuse to the school,the society or the website.图表计算题根据图表一中第一个柱状图,可知人数是3750,是7500的50%,故填:They reported the abuse to the school,the society or the website.

68.36% 图表计算题根据图表二,可知9%和27%两部分,都有父母.所以两者相加,即36%.故填:36%.

69.The way to solve the problem is the better understanding among teachers,students and parents.细节理解题根据文章最后一段中细节We think that the way to solve the problem is the better understanding among teachers,students and parents.我们认为,解决问题的方法是教师、学生和家长之间的更好的理解.故填:The way to solve the problem is the better understanding among teachers,students and parents.

70.I think good communication and respecting each other is very important.归纳总结题通读全文,了解大意.结合Besides good communication,respecting(尊敬)each other is very important可知我认为良好的沟通,彼此尊重是非常重要的.故填:I think good communication and respecting each other is very important.

