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北京新航道 曹舒阳
measure orbital speed planet
scale = range = size = scope
the Solar System

太阳系 银河系
galaxy / Milky Way galaxy
solar <adj.> 太阳的 solar energy / solar power
� 【复习】 evolve
condition foster
ing diversity is for people to The key to foster fostering learn their ancestral tongue as well as the t language. dominan dominant
北京新航道 曹舒阳
<adj.> cosmic = universal
detect <v.> = find = discover
【复习】orbit C9T1P2 We want to know whether life evolves naturally if given the right conditions, or whether there is something very special about the Earth to have fostered the variety of life forms that we see around us on the planet.
北京新航道 曹舒阳
star 恒星
govern <v.> = control = dominate = predominate = administrate = manage = operate = run
orbit <n.>
e.g. the orbit of the Earth e.g. the Earth orbits the Sun
layer <n.>
层 臭氧层
北京新航道 曹舒阳
e.g. ozone layer
atmospheric layer = atmosphere
【区分】 layer 层次
storey (建筑物的)层数 e.g. a 5-storey building a building of 5 storeys high floor (第几)层 e.g. on the 5th floor of the building
rate = unusual = scarce
astronomical <adj.>
<n.> astronomy 天文学 astronaut 宇航员
<n.> astronomபைடு நூலகம்r 天文学家
event 重大事件 incident 事故 affair 事务 e.g. the foreign affair 外交事务
The goal was to measure the AU; then, knowing the orbital speeds of all the other planets round the Sun, the scale of the Solar System would fall into place. � 【复习】 goal = aim = target = purpose = objective
calculate = measure
parallax angle 视角差
北京新航道 曹舒阳
The apparent difference in position of an astronomical ’s position. body due to a difference in the observer observer’ � apparent <adj.> = obvious = evident
fundamental = basic = elementary = primary
measurement <n.>= calculation
The distance of the planets from the Sun governed their orbital speeds. � planet 行星 → the earth

lunar <adj.> 月亮的 renewable energy resource : solar energy / power wind energy / power tidal energy / power non-renewable energy resource --- fossil fuel: coal oil natural gas nuclear energy / power
<v.> 绕轨道运行 <adj.> orbital
No one had found a way to calculate accurate distances to the planets from the Earth. � 【复习】 calculate accurate distance planet calculation = measure accuracy measurement
force = power = strength
outperform = outstrip = exceed = surpass = be superior to
accuracy <n.>
<adj.> accurate = precise = exact
observation = investigation = survey = study = exploration = probe = research <v.> observe 观察
北京新航道 曹舒阳
【易混】 principal = main = important <adj.>主要的;<n.>校长 【复习】 measure distance star

But such transits have paved the way for what might prove to be one of the most vital breakthrough in the cosmos – detecting Earth-sized planets orbiting other stars. � 【复习】 transit

北京新航道 曹舒阳
【复习】 calculate = measure
ultimate <adj.> = final
goal = aim = target = objective = purpose
distance <n.> 距离
astronomical unit
AU was one of the most fundamental of all astronomical measurements. �
passage <n.>
<v.> pass
北京新航道 曹舒阳
appear to = seem to
differ <v.> = vary = alter = shift = switch = transform = modify = convert = change
By timing the transit from two widely-separated locations, teams of astronomers could calculate the parallax angle. � time <v.> 计时
【复习】 parallax angle
determine <v.> = decide = confirm <n.> determination = decision = confirmation
Venus was surrounded by a thick layer of gases refracting sunlight around it. � surround <v.> 包围 【复习】<n.> surrounding 环境 = environment = circumstance = setting = background = context = situation = condition
More than half of the population of the world were treated to a rare astronomical event. � treat sb. to sth. 用 sth.招待 sb.
treat <v.> 治疗;对待;招待 【复习】 treatment = therapy = cure
transit <n.> 经过
transit of Venus
<v.> 运送 = transport
separate <v.> = isolate
location = position = site = place <v.> locate 定位 sth. is located (in / on / at...) ...
Form different latitudes, the passage of the planet across ’s disc world appear to differ. the Sun Sun’ � latitude <n.> 纬度 longitude <n.> 经度 altitude <n.> 海拔
fall into place 逐渐明朗 逐渐理解
北京新航道 曹舒阳
Mercury was so far away than its parallax angle would be very difficult to determine. � Mercury 水星 Jupiter Neptune 木星 海王星 Venus Saturn (Pluto) 金星 土星 冥王星 Mars Uranus 火星 天王星
The combined forces of three schoolmistresses outperformed the professionals with the accuracy of their observations. �
北京新航道 曹舒阳
combine <v.> = associate = bond combine A with B <adj.> combined = associated
【复习】position = location =site = place
astronomical body
due to = attribute to = owing to
【复习】 observe <v.>
<n.> observer
Calculating this angle would allow astronomers to measure what was then the ultimate goal: the distance of the Earth from the Sun. This distance is known as the ’ or AU. ‘astronomical unit unit’
pave the way for...
prove <v.> = confirm = verify
vital = important = significant = critical = crucial = essential
breakthrough <n.> 突破
cosmos = universe <n.>
【复习】 gas 温室气体排放 solid 固体 液体 the cellular fluid emission of greenhouse gases
liquid = fluid
refract <v.>
折射 反射
reflect = reflex <v.>
The parallax principle can be extended to measure the distances to the stars. � principle = theory <n.>理论 原理