会计英语 第7章 Revenue and Expense




Chapter One(1). The job of an accountant is to record transactions and post them to the ledgers.(F)(2). Double-entry bookkeeping developed in Europe in the Middle Ages. (T)(3). The functions of accounting have increased with the rapid development of management science. (T)(4). There are only two fields of accounting: financial accounting and managerial accounting.(F)(5). Only the management needs the financial information about an economic entity.(F)(6). Financial accounting prepares information for the management.(F)(7). Private accountants work for private people.(F)(8). Public accountants earn salaries for their professional work.(F)(9).Securities and Exchange Commission issues regulations for preparing financial statements in the U.S.. (T)(10). American Accounting Association is an organization primarily for accounting educators. (T)(11). The expenses of the owners of proprietorship should be recorded in a business’s expense accounts.(F)(12). After the financial statements are prepared a company will continue its business. (T)(13). The usual time period for a business is a year, called the financial/fiscal year. (T)(14). As a result of inflation, the purchasing power of money will decrease, so the accountants should record the value of assets in their decreased values.(F)(15). According to Materiality Principle, the purchase of stationery can be recorded as an expense. (T)(16). Objectivity Principle and Cost Principle are mutually supported. (T)(17). Objectivity Principle and Materiality Principle are somewhat contradictory. (T)Chapter Two(1). The simplest form of business organizations is Proprietorship. (T)(2).The proprietorship has a single owner. (T)(3).Partners of partnership have limited liability for debts.(F)(4). If a corporation goes bankrupt, shareholders need not pay for the debts with their personal assets.(T)(5).In the proprietorship, the owner’s equity is capital. (T)(6).The accounting equation can also be expressed as “Assets – Liabilities = Owner’s Equity”.(T)(7).An owner’s investment in a business increases assets and capital. (T)(8).When a business buys equipment, it can either pay cash or make the purchase on account. (T)(9).Buying something on account creates a liability. (T)(10).When a business provides goods or service, it receives revenue from its customers or clients.(T)(11).The payment of Accounts Payable decreases assets and liability. (T)(12).The payment of expenses decreases assets and owner’s equity.(T)(13).The owner of proprietorship can withdraw money for personal use.(T)(14).When the owner of proprietorship pays for expenses with his personal funds, the accountant need not record the event. (T)Chapter Three(1) The double-entry system is based on the principle of duality.(T)(2) Every transaction affects at least two accounts.(T)(3) The entry for $50000 cash investment in a business isDr. Cash 50000Cr. Capital 50000 (T)(4) The Expenses in the owner’s house paid with his personal fund should not be recorded in the business’s accounts.(T)(5) Debit means increase while credit means decrease.(F)(6) The remaining amount of an account is called its balance.(T)(7)The journal is a chronological record of the business’s transactions.(T)(8) Posting is the process of transferring information from the ledger to the journal.(F)(9) The normal balances of asset accounts are debits.(T)(10) Withdrawal of cash by the owner is a deduction of capital.(T)Chapter Four(1) The three major financial statements are the income statement, the statement of owner’s equity and the balance sheet.(T)(2)The income statement reflects the revenues and expenses of a specific date.(F)(3)The statement of owner’s equity reflects the changes in owner’s equity for a specific period.(T)(4)The balance sheet shows the balances of assets, liabilities and owner’s equity for a specific period of time.(F)(5)The three major financial statements are related to one another.(T)(6)Current liabilities do not include long-term liabilities due within this accounting period.(F)(7)Patents,trademarks and goodwill are all assets, so they should appear in an entity’s financial statements. (F)(8)Liquidity is a measure of how quickly an item can be converted to cash.(T)(9)Current ratio is the ratio of an entity’s current assets to its current liabilities.(T)(10)It is desirable for an entity to maintain a low debt ratio.(T)(11)For an entity, the higher its gross margin percentage is, the better.(T)(12)An entity wants to maintain a low inventory turnover.(F)Chapter Five(1) Revenues enhance an entity’s assets. (T)(2) Expenses are incurred in the course of an entity’s revenue-making activities.(T)(3) Revenues result in a decrease in the owner’s equity while expenses result in an increase in the owner’s equity.(F)(4)Revenue and expense accounts are permanent.(F)(5)Asset, liability and owner’s equity accounts have balances at the end of the accounting period.(T)(6)Under accrual basis, revenues are recognized when cash is received.(F)(7)When a doctor renders services to a patient, this activity creates revenue no matter whether the cash is received or not.(T)(8)Financial statements pertain to a definite period.(T)(9)Expenses must go with the revenues they help to produce.(T)(10)Unearned revenues are revenues which have been earned but the cash has not been received.(F)(11)Accrued revenues are revenues which you have received but have not rendered services for the clients.(F)(12)Prepaid expenses are expenses which have been paid for before they are incurred.(T)(13)At the end of the accounting period, supplies used are recorded as a debit to Supplies Expense and a credit to Supplies.(T)(14)The cost of depreciation is recorded as a debit to Depreciation Expense and a credit to the Fixed Asset account. (F)(15)Accumulated Depreciation appears in the Balance Sheet as a separate account.(F)(16)Adjusted Trial Balance has only Asset, Liability and Owner’s Equity Accounts. (T)Chapter Six(1) The accounting cycle starts with the analysis of transaction source documents. (T)(2) The accounting cycle ends with the preparation of financial statements. (F)(3) The balances in the trial balance of the work sheet are the beginning balances of the accounts. (F)(4) The balances of the expense and revenue accounts in the trial balance of the work sheet include all the expenses and revenues for the accounting period. (F)(5) The total of the debit side does not equal to the credit side for the Income Statement in the work sheet. (T)(6) The amount for the Capital account in the work sheet is the beginning balance of the accounting period. (T)(7) The total for the debit side of the Balance Sheet in the work sheet is the total of Assets. (F)(8) At the end of the accounting period, only the revenue and expense accounts should be closed. (F)Chapter Seven(1) A merchandising business needs to purchase the goods it sells first.(T)(2) When a merchandising business purchases goods, the journal entry is a debit to Inventory and a credit to Cash. (F)(3) A discount is made by the seller to the buyer for prompt payment.(T)(4) A sales return is the amount which the returned goods from sellers cost.(F)(5) Cost of goods sold = Beginning Inventory + Net Purchase – Ending Inventory (F)(6) Purchase discount is not computed on the freight charges.(T)(7) Inventory is an Expense account.(F)(8) Purchase is an asset account.(F)(9) In the work sheet, the Inventory account has two balances, both the beginning balance and the ending balance.(T)(10)The adjusting entries of a merchandising business are the same as those of a service business.(T)(11)Both the beginning and the ending balances of the Inventory account should be closed.(T)(12) Purchase Discounts and Purchase Returns and Allowances accounts have Debit balances.(F)Chapter Eight(1)All the sales are recorded in a Sales Journal.(F)(2)Only the credit sales are recorded in a Sales Journal. (T)(3)All the purchases are recorded in a Purchase Journal.(F)(4)Only the purchases of merchandise are recorded in a Purchase Journal. ((F)(5)All the amounts that are posted to the general ledger are totals.(F)(6)All the postings are made at the end of an accounting period.(F)(7)All the accounts have its subsidiary accounts. (F)(8)General Journals are not used by merchandising businesses.(F)。



1 资产assets11~ 12 流动资产current assets111 现金及约当现金cash and cash equivalents1111 库存现金cash on hand1112 零用金/周转金petty cash/revolving funds1113 银行存款cash in banks1116 在途现金cash in transit1117 约当现金cash equivalents1118 其它现金及约当现金other cash and cash equivalents112 短期投资short-term investment1121 短期投资-股票short-term investments - stock1122 短期投资-短期票券short-term investments - short-term notes and bills1123 短期投资-政府债券short-term investments - government bonds 1124 短期投资-受益凭证short-term investments - beneficiary certificates1125 短期投资-公司债short-term investments - corporate bonds 1128 短期投资-其它short-term investments - other1129 备抵短期投资跌价损失allowance for reduction of short-term investment to market113 应收票据notes receivable1131 应收票据notes receivable1132 应收票据贴现discounted notes receivable1137 应收票据-关系人notes receivable - related parties1138 其它应收票据other notes receivable1139 备抵呆帐-应收票据allowance for uncollectible accounts- notes receivable114 应收帐款accounts receivable1141 应收帐款accounts receivable1142 应收分期帐款installment accounts receivable1147 应收帐款-关系人accounts receivable - related parties1149 备抵呆帐-应收帐款allowance for uncollectible accounts - accounts receivable118 其它应收款other receivables1181 应收出售远汇款forward exchange contract receivable1182 应收远汇款-外币forward exchange contract receivable - foreign currencies1183 买卖远汇折价discount on forward ex-change contract1184 应收收益earned revenue receivable1185 应收退税款income tax refund receivable1187 其它应收款- 关系人other receivables - related parties1188 其它应收款- 其它other receivables - other1189 备抵呆帐- 其它应收款allowance for uncollectible accounts - other receivables121~122 存货inventories1211 商品存货merchandise inventory1212 寄销商品consigned goods1213 在途商品goods in transit1219 备抵存货跌价损失allowance for reduction of inventory to market1221 制成品finished goods1222 寄销制成品consigned finished goods1223 副产品by-products1224 在制品work in process1225 委外加工work in process - outsourced1226 原料raw materials1227 物料supplies1228 在途原物料materials and supplies in transit1229 备抵存货跌价损失allowance for reduction of inventory to market125 预付费用prepaid expenses1251 预付薪资prepaid payroll1252 预付租金prepaid rents1253 预付保险费prepaid insurance1254 用品盘存office supplies1255 预付所得税prepaid income tax1258 其它预付费用other prepaid expenses126 预付款项prepayments1261 预付货款prepayment for purchases1268 其它预付款项other prepayments128~129 其它流动资产other current assets1281 进项税额V AT paid ( or input tax)1282 留抵税额excess V AT paid (or overpaid V AT)1283 暂付款temporary payments1284 代付款payment on behalf of others1285 员工借支advances to employees1286 存出保证金refundable deposits1287 受限制存款certificate of deposit-restricted1291 递延所得税资产deferred income tax assets1292 递延兑换损失deferred foreign exchange losses 1293 业主(股东)往来owners(stockholders) current account 1294 同业往来current account with others1298 其它流动资产-其它other current assets - other13 基金及长期投资funds and long-term investments131 基金funds1311 偿债基金redemption fund (or sinking fund)1312 改良及扩充基金fund for improvement and expansion 1313 意外损失准备基金contingency fund1314 退休基金pension fund1318 其它基金other funds132 长期投资long-term investments1321 长期股权投资long-term equity investments1322 长期债券投资long-term bond investments1323 长期不动产投资long-term real estate in-vestments1324 人寿保险现金解约价值cash surrender value of life insurance 1328 其它长期投资other long-term investments1329 备抵长期投资跌价损失allowance for excess of cost over market value of long-term investments14~ 15 固定资产property , plant, and equipment141 土地land1411 土地land1418 土地-重估增值land - revaluation increments142 土地改良物land improvements1421 土地改良物land improvements1428 土地改良物-重估增值land improvements - revaluation increments1429 累积折旧-土地改良物accumulated depreciation - land improvements143 房屋及建物buildings1431 房屋及建物buildings1438 房屋及建物-重估增值buildings -revaluation increments1439 累积折旧-房屋及建物accumulated depreciation - buildings 144~146 机(器)具及设备machinery and equipment1441 机(器)具machinery1448 机(器)具-重估增值machinery - revaluation increments1449 累积折旧-机(器)具accumulated depreciation - machinery151 租赁资产leased assets1511 租赁资产leased assets1519 累积折旧-租赁资产accumulated depreciation - leased assets 152 租赁权益改良leasehold improvements1521 租赁权益改良leasehold improvements1529 累积折旧- 租赁权益改良accumulated depreciation - leasehold improvements156 未完工程及预付购置设备款construction in progress and prepayments for equipment1561 未完工程construction in progress1562 预付购置设备款prepayment for equipment158 杂项固定资产miscellaneous property, plant, and equipment1581 杂项固定资产miscellaneous property, plant, and equipment 1588 杂项固定资产-重估增值miscellaneous property, plant, and equipment - revaluation increments1589 累积折旧- 杂项固定资产accumulated depreciation -miscellaneous property, plant, and equipment16 递耗资产depletable assets161 递耗资产depletable assets1611 天然资源natural resources1618 天然资源-重估增值natural resources -revaluation increments 1619 累积折耗-天然资源accumulated depletion - natural resources 17 无形资产intangible assets171 商标权trademarks1711 商标权trademarks172 专利权patents1721 专利权patents173 特许权franchise1731 特许权franchise174 著作权copyright1741 著作权copyright175 计算机软件computer software1751 计算机软件computer software cost176 商誉goodwill1761 商誉goodwill177 开办费organization costs1771 开办费organization costs178 其它无形资产other intangibles1781 递延退休金成本deferred pension costs1782 租赁权益改良leasehold improvements1788 其它无形资产-其它other intangible assets - other18 其它资产other assets181 递延资产deferred assets1811 债券发行成本deferred bond issuance costs1812 长期预付租金long-term prepaid rent1813 长期预付保险费long-term prepaid insurance1814 递延所得税资产deferred income tax assets1815 预付退休金prepaid pension cost1818 其它递延资产other deferred assets182 闲置资产idle assets1821 闲置资产idle assets184 长期应收票据及款项与催收帐款long-term notes , accounts and overdue receivables1841 长期应收票据long-term notes receivable1842 长期应收帐款long-term accounts receivable1843 催收帐款overdue receivables1847 长期应收票据及款项与催收帐款-关系人long-term notes, accounts and overdue receivables- related parties1848 其它长期应收款项other long-term receivables1849 备抵呆帐-长期应收票据及款项与催收帐款allowance for uncollectible accounts - long-term notes, accounts and overdue receivables185 出租资产assets leased to others1851 出租资产assets leased to others1858 出租资产-重估增值assets leased to others - incremental value from revaluation1859 累积折旧-出租资产accumulated depreciation - assets leased to others186 存出保证金refundable deposit1861 存出保证金refundable deposits188 杂项资产miscellaneous assets1881 受限制存款certificate of deposit - restricted1888 杂项资产-其它miscellaneous assets - other2 负债liabilities21~ 22 流动负债current liabilities211 短期借款short-term borrowings(debt)2111 银行透支bank overdraft2112 银行借款bank loan2114 短期借款-业主short-term borrowings - owners2115 短期借款-员工short-term borrowings - employees2117 短期借款-关系人short-term borrowings- related parties2118 短期借款-其它short-term borrowings - other212 应付短期票券short-term notes and bills payable2121 应付商业本票commercial paper payable2122 银行承兑汇票bank acceptance2128 其它应付短期票券other short-term notes and bills payable 2129 应付短期票券折价discount on short-term notes and bills payable 213 应付票据notes payable2131 应付票据notes payable2137 应付票据-关系人notes payable - related parties2138 其它应付票据other notes payable214 应付帐款accounts pay able2141 应付帐款accounts payable2147 应付帐款-关系人accounts payable - related parties216 应付所得税income taxes payable2161 应付所得税income tax payable217 应付费用accrued expenses2171 应付薪工accrued payroll2172 应付租金accrued rent payable2173 应付利息accrued interest payable2174 应付营业税accrued V AT payable2175 应付税捐-其它accrued taxes payable- other2178 其它应付费用other accrued expenses payable218~219 其它应付款other payables2181 应付购入远汇款forward exchange contract payable2182 应付远汇款-外币forward exchange contract payable - foreign currencies2183 买卖远汇溢价premium on forward exchange contract2184 应付土地房屋款payables on land and building purchased2185 应付设备款Payables on equipment2187 其它应付款-关系人other payables - related parties2191 应付股利dividend payable2192 应付红利bonus payable2193 应付董监事酬劳compensation payable to directors and supervisors2198 其它应付款-其它other payables - other226 预收款项advance receipts2261 预收货款sales revenue received in advance2262 预收收入revenue received in advance2268 其它预收款other advance receipts227 一年或一营业周期内到期长期负债long-term liabilities -current portion2271 一年或一营业周期内到期公司债corporate bonds payable - current portion2272 一年或一营业周期内到期长期借款long-term loans payable - current portion2273 一年或一营业周期内到期长期应付票据及款项long-term notes and accounts payable due within one year or one operating cycle2277 一年或一营业周期内到期长期应付票据及款项-关系人long-term notes and accounts payables to related parties - current portion 2278 其它一年或一营业周期内到期长期负债other long-term lia- bilities - current portion228~229 其它流动负债other current liabilities2281 销项税额V AT received(or output tax)2283 暂收款temporary receipts2284 代收款receipts under custody2285 估计售后服务/保固负债estimated warranty liabilities2291 递延所得税负债deferred income tax liabilities2292 递延兑换利益deferred foreign exchange gain2293 业主(股东)往来owners current account2294 同业往来current account with others2298 其它流动负债-其它other current liabilities - others23 长期负债long-term liabilities231 应付公司债corporate bonds payable2311 应付公司债corporate bonds payable2319 应付公司债溢(折)价premium(discount) on corporate bonds payable232 长期借款long-term loans payable2321 长期银行借款long-term loans payable - bank2324 长期借款-业主long-term loans payable - owners2325 长期借款-员工long-term loans payable - employees2327 长期借款-关系人long-term loans payable - related parties 2328 长期借款-其它long-term loans payable - other233 长期应付票据及款项long-term notes and accounts payable2331 长期应付票据long-term notes payable2332 长期应付帐款long-term accounts pay-able2333 长期应付租赁负债long-term capital lease liabilities2337 长期应付票据及款项-关系人Long-term notes and accounts payable - related parties2338 其它长期应付款项other long-term payables234 估计应付土地增值税accrued liabilities for land value increment tax2341 估计应付土地增值税estimated accrued land value incremental tax pay-able235 应计退休金负债accrued pension liabilities2351 应计退休金负债accrued pension liabilities238 其它长期负债other long-term liabilities2388 其它长期负债-其它other long-term liabilities - other 28 其它负债other liabilities281 递延负债deferred liabilities2811 递延收入deferred revenue2814 递延所得税负债deferred income tax liabilities 2818 其它递延负债other deferred liabilities286 存入保证金deposits received2861 存入保证金guarantee deposit received288 杂项负债miscellaneous liabilities2888 杂项负债-其它miscellaneous liabilities - other3 所有者权益(股东权益)owners equity31 资本capital311 资本(或股本)capital3111 普通股股本capital - common stock3112 特别股股本capital - preferred stock3113 预收股本capital collected in advance3114 待分配股票股利stock dividends to be distributed 3115 资本capital32 资本公积additional paid-in capital321 股票溢价paid-in capital in excess of par3211 普通股股票溢价paid-in capital in excess of par- common stock 3212 特别股股票溢价paid-in capital in excess of par- preferred stock 323 资产重估增值准备capital surplus from assets revaluation3231 资产重估增值准备capital surplus from assets revaluation324 处分资产溢价公积capital surplus from gain on disposal of assets 3241 处分资产溢价公积capital surplus from gain on disposal of assets 325 合并公积capital surplus from business combination3251 合并公积capital surplus from business combination326 受赠公积donated surplus3261 受赠公积donated surplus328 其它资本公积other additional paid-in capital3281 权益法长期股权投资资本公积additional paid-in capital from investee under equity method3282 资本公积- 库藏股票交易additional paid-in capital - treasury stock trans-actions33 保留盈余(或累积亏损) retained earnings (accumulated deficit)331 法定盈余公积legal reserve3311 法定盈余公积legal reserve332 特别盈余公积special reserve3321 意外损失准备contingency reserve3322 改良扩充准备improvement and expansion reserve3323 偿债准备special reserve for redemption of liabilities3328 其它特别盈余公积other special reserve335 未分配盈余(或累积亏损) retained earnings-unappropriated (or accumulated deficit)3351 累积盈亏accumulated profit or loss3352 前期损益调整prior period adjustments3353 本期损益net income or loss for current period34 权益调整equity adjustments341 长期股权投资未实现跌价损失unrealized loss on market value decline of long-term equity investments3411 长期股权投资未实现跌价损失unrealized loss on market value decline of long-term equity investments342 累积换算调整数cumulative translation adjustment3421 累积换算调整数cumulative translation adjustments343 未认列为退休金成本之净损失net loss not recognized as pension cost3431 未认列为退休金成本之净损失net loss not recognized as pension costs35 库藏股treasury stock351 库藏股treasury stock3511 库藏股treasury stock36 少数股权minority interest361 少数股权minority interest3611 少数股权minority interest4 营业收入operating revenue41 销货收入sales revenue411 销货收入sales revenue4111 销货收入sales revenue4112 分期付款销货收入installment sales revenue 417 销货退回sales return4171 销货退回sales return419 销货折让sales allowances4191 销货折让sales discounts and allowances46 劳务收入service revenue461 劳务收入service revenue4611 劳务收入service revenue47 业务收入agency revenue471 业务收入agency revenue4711 业务收入agency revenue48 其它营业收入other operating revenue488 其它营业收入-其它other operating revenue4888 其它营业收入-其它other operating revenue - other5营业成本operating costs51 销货成本cost of goods sold511 销货成本cost of goods sold5111 销货成本cost of goods sold5112 分期付款销货成本installment cost of goods sold 512 进货purchases5121 进货purchases5122 进货费用purchase expenses5123 进货退出purchase returns5124 进货折让charges on purchased merchandise513 进料materials purchased5131 进料material purchased5132 进料费用charges on purchased material5133 进料退出material purchase returns5134 进料折让material purchase allowances514 直接人工direct labor5141 直接人工direct labor515~518 制造费用manufacturing overhead5151 间接人工indirect labor5152 租金支出rent expense, rent5153 文具用品office supplies (expense)5154 旅费travelling expense, travel5155 运费shipping expenses, freight5156 邮电费postage (expenses)5157 修缮费repair(s) and maintenance (expense ) 5158 包装费packing expenses5161 水电瓦斯费utilities (expense)5162 保险费insurance (expense)5163 加工费manufacturing overhead - outsourced 5166 税捐taxes5168 折旧depreciation expense5169 各项耗竭及摊提various amortization 5172 伙食费meal (expenses)5173 职工福利employee benefits/welfare5176 训练费training (expense)5177 间接材料indirect materials5188 其它制造费用other manufacturing expenses56 劳务成本制ervice costs561 劳务成本service costs5611 劳务成本service costs57 业务成本gency costs571 业务成本agency costs5711 业务成本agency costs58 其它营业成本other operating costs588 其它营业成本-其它other operating costs-other 5888 其它营业成本-其它other operating costs - other6 营业费用operating expenses61 推销费用selling expenses615~618 推销费用selling expenses6151 薪资支出payroll expense6152 租金支出rent expense, rent6153 文具用品office supplies (expense)6154 旅费travelling expense, travel6155 运费shipping expenses, freight6156 邮电费postage (expenses)6157 修缮费repair(s) and maintenance (expense) 6159 广告费advertisement expense, advertisement 6161 水电瓦斯费utilities (expense)6162 保险费insurance (expense)6164 交际费entertainment (expense)6165 捐赠donation (expense)6166 税捐taxes6167 呆帐损失loss on uncollectible accounts6168 折旧depreciation expense6169 各项耗竭及摊提various amortization6172 伙食费meal (expenses)6173 职工福利employee benefits/welfare6175 佣金支出commission (expense)6176 训练费training (expense)6188 其它推销费用other selling expenses62 管理及总务费用general & administrative expenses625~628 管理及总务费用general & administrative expenses 6251 薪资支出payroll expense6252 租金支出rent expense, rent6253 文具用品office supplies6254 旅费travelling expense, travel6255 运费shipping expenses,freight6256 邮电费postage (expenses)6257 修缮费repair(s) and maintenance (expense)6259 广告费advertisement expense, advertisement6261 水电瓦斯费utilities (expense)6264 交际费entertainment (expense)6265 捐赠donation (expense)6266 税捐taxes6267 呆帐损失loss on uncollectible accounts6268 折旧depreciation expense a6269 各项耗竭及摊提various amortization6271 外销损失loss on export sales6272 伙食费meal (expenses)6273 职工福利employee benefits/welfare6274 研究发展费用research and development expense6275 佣金支出commission (expense)6276 训练费training (expense)6278 劳务费professional service fees6288 其它管理及总务费用other general and administrative expenses 63 研究发展费用research and development expenses635~638 研究发展费用research and development expenses6351 薪资支出payroll expense6352 租金支出rent expense, rent6353 文具用品office supplies6354 旅费travelling expense, travel6355 运费shipping expenses, freight6357 修缮费repair(s) and maintenance (expense)6361 水电瓦斯费utilities (expense)6362 保险费insurance (expense)6364 交际费entertainment (expense)6366 税捐taxes6368 折旧depreciation expense6369 各项耗竭及摊提various amortization6372 伙食费meal (expenses)6373 职工福利employee benefits/welfare6376 训练费training (expense)6378 其它研究发展费用other research and development expenses7 营业外收入及费用non-operating revenue and expenses, other income(expense)71~74 营业外收入non-operating revenue711 利息收入interest revenue7111 利息收入interest revenue/income712 投资收益investment income7121 权益法认列之投资收益investment income recognized under equity method7122 股利收入dividends income7123 短期投资市价回升利益gain on market price recovery of short-term investment713 兑换利益foreign exchange gain7131 兑换利益foreign exchange gain714 处分投资收益gain on disposal of investments7141 处分投资收益gain on disposal of investments715 处分资产溢价收入gain on disposal of assets7151 处分资产溢价收入gain on disposal of assets748 其它营业外收入other non-operating revenue7481 捐赠收入donation income7482 租金收入rent revenue/income7483 佣金收入commission revenue/income7484 出售下脚及废料收入revenue from sale of scraps7485 存货盘盈gain on physical inventory7486 存货跌价回升利益gain from price recovery of inventory7487 坏帐转回利益gain on reversal of bad debts7488 其它营业外收入-其它other non-operating revenue- other items 75~ 78 营业外费用non-operating expenses751 利息费用interest expense7511 利息费用interest expense752 投资损失investment loss7521 权益法认列之投资损失investment loss recog- nized under equity method7523 短期投资未实现跌价损失unrealized loss on reduction of short-term investments to market753 兑换损失foreign exchange loss7531 兑换损失foreign exchange loss754 处分投资损失loss on disposal of investments7541 处分投资损失loss on disposal of investments755 处分资产损失loss on disposal of assets7551 处分资产损失loss on disposal of assets788 其它营业外费用other non-operating expenses7881 停工损失loss on work stoppages7882 灾害损失casualty loss7885 存货盘损loss on physical inventory7886 存货跌价及呆滞损失loss for market price decline and obsolete and slow-moving inventories7888 其它营业外费用-其它other non-operating expenses- other8 所得税费用(或利益) income tax expense (or benefit)81 所得税费用(或利益) income tax expense (or benefit)811 所得税费用(或利益) income tax expense (or benefit)8111 所得税费用(或利益)income tax expense ( or benefit)9 非经常营业损益nonrecurring gain or loss91 停业部门损益gain(loss) from discontinued operations911 停业部门损益-停业前营业损益income(loss) from operations of discontinued segments9111 停业部门损益-停业前营业损益income(loss) from operations of discontinued segment912 停业部门损益-处分损益gain(loss) from disposal of discontinued segments9121 停业部门损益-处分损益gain(loss) from disposal of discontinued segment92 非常损益extraordinary gain or loss921 非常损益extraordinary gain or loss9211 非常损益extraordinary gain or loss93 会计原则变动累积影响数cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles931 会计原则变动累积影响数cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles9311 会计原则变动累积影响数cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles94 少数股权净利minority interest income941 少数股权净利minority interest income9411 少数股权净利minority interest income。



会计英语试题及答案1. Multiple Choice QuestionsChoose the correct option for each question.1. What is the main objective of financial accounting?a) To provide information for internal decision makingb) To provide information for external partiesc) To prepare budgets and forecastsd) To ensure tax compliance2. The matching principle in accounting suggests:a) Expenses should be recognized when incurredb) Revenues should be recognized when cash is receivedc) Expenses should be recognized when cash is paidd) Revenues should be recognized when earned3. Which financial statement reports the financial position of a company at a specific point in time?a) Income statementb) Cash flow statementc) Balance sheetd) Statement of retained earnings4. An increase in accounts payable would be recorded as a:a) Debit to accounts payableb) Credit to accounts payablec) Debit to accounts receivabled) Credit to accounts receivable5. Under the accrual basis of accounting, revenue is recognized:a) When cash is receivedb) When goods are deliveredc) When services are providedd) When accounts receivable are collected2. Fill in the BlanksComplete the following sentences with the appropriate accounting terms.1. The ___________________ is the owner's claim on the assets of a business.2. _________________ is the process of allocating the cost of an asset over its useful life.3. The ___________________ is the amount by which current assets exceed current liabilities.4. A _________________ is a decrease in equity resulting from the sale of goods or services.5. The process of converting assets, liabilities, and owners' equity from one currency to another is called _________________.3. True or FalseDetermine whether the following statements are true or false.1. Accrual accounting recognizes revenue and expenses when cash is exchanged.2. The accounting equation is Assets = Liabilities + Owners' Equity.3. The statement of cash flows reports the cash inflows and outflows during a specific period.4. An audit is an examination of financial statements to ensure their accuracy.5. Liabilities represent the claims of owners on the assets of a business.4. Short AnswerProvide a brief answer to the following questions.1. What is the difference between a debit and a credit in accounting?2. Define the term "fixed assets" and provide an example.3. What is the purpose of adjusting entries in the accounting cycle?4. What are the main components of the income statement?5. How does the accrual basis of accounting differ from the cash basis of accounting?答案:1. Multiple Choice Questions1. b) To provide information for external parties2. a) Expenses should be recognized when incurred3. c) Balance sheet4. b) Credit to accounts payable5. c) When services are provided2. Fill in the Blanks1. Equity2. Depreciation3. Working capital4. Expense5. Foreign currency translation3. True or False1. False2. True3. True4. True5. False4. Short Answer1. In accounting, a debit represents an increase in assets or expenses anda decrease in liabilities or equity. A credit represents an increase in liabilities or equity and a decrease in assets or expenses.2. Fixed assets, also known as property, plant, and equipment, are long-term assets with a useful life of more than one year. An example of a fixed asset is a building or a vehicle.3. Adjusting entries are made at the end of the accounting period to ensure that revenues and expenses are recognized in the correct period. These entries are necessary to comply with the matching principle and accrual accounting.4. The main components of the income statement are revenues, expenses, gains, and losses. Revenues represent the income generated from the primary operations of the business, while expenses are the costs incurred to generate that revenue. Gains and losses are non-operating items that result from activities outside the normal course of business.5. The accrual basis of accounting recognizes revenue and expenses when they are earned or incurred, regardless of the actual cash flow. In contrast, the cash basis of accounting recognizes revenue and expenses only when cash is received or paid. The accrual basis provides a more accurate picture of the financial performance and position of a business over a specific period of time.。

第8章 Revenues and Expenses《会计英语》PPT课件

第8章 Revenues and Expenses《会计英语》PPT课件
Special Terms
1. deliver / delivery 交货、交割,指在交易过程中,货物或证券由一方转交于 另一方。在交货之前货物或证券的所有权未发生转移,在交割后所有权已经转移 ,即持有商品或证券的利益与风险都已转移。此时通常被认为是收入过程基本完 成的时点。 2. real estate broker 不动产经纪人,指房地产的卖主和买主之间的交易中介 人,向买主或卖主或双方收取一定的佣金。 3. commission 佣金,即手续费,指按业务活动量(如销售额)给予推销员或经纪 人的报酬。
Special Terms
4. government bond 政府债券、公债。由政府发行的长期债券,期限通常在 5年以上。 5. realization principle 实现原则,也称为收入实现原则,是用来指导收入确认 的会计原则。它的基本含义是,只有当下列条件都得到满足时,才能够在账面上 反映收入:企业已将商品所有权上的主要风险和报酬转移给购货方;企业没有保 留对商品的继续管理权或控制权;与交易相关的经济利益能够流入企业;相关的 收入和成本能够可靠地计量。 6. quoted prices 牌价,指证券交易所公布的证券或商品的交易价格。课文中 指某些产品虽然没有销售,但其销售没有困难,而且交易金额可以预先知悉。
Unit 2 Expenses
➢An expense always causes a decrease in owners'equity. The related changes in the accounting equation can be either (1)a decrease in assets, or (2)an increase in liabilities. An expense reduces assets if payment occurs at the time that the expense is recorded or if payment has been made in advance. If the expense will not be paid until later, as, for example, the purchase of advertising services on account, the recording of the expense will be accompanied by an increase in liabilities.






1. 会计基础词汇会计英语中有一些基础的词汇需要掌握,比如:“accounting”(会计)、“asset”(资产)、“liability”(负债)、“revenue”(收入)和“expense”(费用)等。


2. 财务报表财务报表是记录和反映企业财务状况和经营成果的重要工具。


- "balance sheet"(资产负债表): 显示企业在特定日期的资产、负债和股东权益。

- "income statement"(利润表): 描述企业在一定期间内的收入、费用和利润情况。

- "statement of cash flow"(现金流量表): 汇报企业现金流动的进出情况。

- "financial statement analysis"(财务报表分析): 通过对财务报表进行分析,评估企业的财务状况和经营表现。


3. 会计准则会计准则是规范会计行为的准则和原则,它们对财务报表的编制和披露提供了一套标准规范。


- "generally accepted accounting principles"(普遍认可的会计准则,简称GAAP): 是一套被广泛接受而通用的会计准则,用于编制和呈报财务报表。

- "International Financial Reporting Standards"(国际财务报告准则,简称IFRS): 是国际会计准则委员会(IASB)制定的一套国际会计准则,广泛应用于世界各国的财务报告编制。



会计英语单元题第一章Answer of these questions appears at the end of lesson cases.1.Which of the following statements is false?____A____.A.The partnership form of business organization protects the personal assets ofthe owners from creditors of the businessB. A proprietorship has a single ownerC.Accounting is the information system that measures business activities,processes that information into reports, and communicates the results to decision makersD.The FASB determines how accounting is practiced in the United States2.The primary objective of financial reporting is _______C_.A.to present information in an ethical mannerB.to provide information to the federal governmentC.to provide information useful for investment and lending decisionsD.to provide information useful to managers in making daily decisions3.The principle or concept that holds that an entity will remain in operation for theforeseeable future is the_____A____.A.going-concern conceptB.stable-monetary-unit conceptC.reliability principleD.cost principle4.Which of the following statements is true?___B_____.A.Revenues are assets because they represent economic benefitsB.Assets are economic resources that are expected to benefit future periodsC.The accounting equation can be stated as Assets +Liabilities =Owner’s EquityD.Liabilities are economic obligations to insiders5.Aftin Co. performed services on account. When Aftin collects the accountreceivable, ____B____.A.assets increaseB.assets do not changeC.owner’s equity decreasesD.liabilities decrease6.Which of the following trans actions would not affect ower’s equity?___A_____.A.Payment of an account payableB.Payment of salary expenseC.Service provided on accountD.Withdrawal of cash by owner7.An income statement reports___D______.A.The assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity on a pattic ular dateB.the change in the owner’s capital during the periodC.the cash receipts and cash payments during the periodD.the difference between revenues and expenses during the period8. If assets increase $80000 during the period and owner’s equity decreases $16000during the period, liabilities must have___B______.A. increased $64000B. increased $96000C. decreased $64000 \D. decreased $960009.The following information about the assets and liabilities at the end of 20*1 and 20*2 is given below:20*1 20*2Assets $75000 $90000Liabilities 36000 45000If net income was $15000 and there were no withdrawals, how much did the owner invest____A___.A.$ 4500B.$ 6000C.$ 45000D.$ 4350010.The amount of net income shown on the income statement also appears on the ______C__.A. statement of financial positionB. balance sheetC. statement of owner’s equityD. statement of cash flows第二章1.Which of these is (are) an example of an asset account? ___C___A.Service RevenueB.WithdrawalsC.SuppliesD.All of the above2.Traylor Company paid $ 2 850 on account. The effect of this transaction on theaccounting equation is to __D___.A.Decrease assets and d ecrease owner’s equityB.Increase liabilities and decrease owner’s equityC.Have no effect on total assetsD.Decrease assets and decrease liabilities3.Which of these statements is false? __A____.A.Increase in assets and increase in revenues are recorded with a debitB.Increase in liabilities and increases in owner’s equity are recorded with acreditC.Increase in both assets and withdrawals are recorded with a debitD.Decreases in liabilities and increases in expenses are recorded with a debit4.Not Payable has a normal beginning balance of $ 30 000. During the period, newborrowings total $ 63 000 and the ending balance in Notes Payable is $ 41 000.Determine the payments on loans during the period. __B___.A.$ 74 000B.$ 52 000C.$ 134 000D.Cannot be determined from the information given5.Which of these statements is not correct? __C___.A.The account is a basic summary device used in accountingB. A business transaction is recorded first in the journal and then posted to deledgerC.The ledger is a chronological listing of all transactionsD.The debit entry is recorded first in a journal entry , then the credit entry6.Which of these accounts has a normal debit balance? ___D___.A.Rent ExpenseB.WithdrawalsC.Service RevenueD.Both A and B have a normal debit balance7.The journal entry to record the collection of $ 890 from a customer on account is___B___.A. Accounts Payable 890Cash 890B. Cash 890Account Receivable 890C. Cash 890Accounts Payable 890D. Cash 890Service Revenue 8908.The ending Cash account balance is $ 57 600. During the period, cash receiptsequal $ 124 300. If the cash payments during the period total $ 135 100, then the beginning Cash amount must have __A____.A.$ 68 400B.$ 46 800C.$ 181 900D.Cannot be determined from the information givene the following selected information for the Alecia Company to calculate thecorrect credit column total for a trial balance ___C___.Accounts receivable $ 7 200Accounts payable 6 900Building 179 400Cash 15 800Capital 64 000Insurance expense 6 500Salary expense 56 100Salary payable 3 600Service revenue 190 500A.$ 201 000B.$ 137 100C.$ 265 000D.$ 74 50010.Which of the following statements is correct? ____D___.A.The chart of accounts is a list of all accounts with their balancesB.The trial balance is a list of all accounts with their balances, divided as debitor creditC.The ledger is maintained in chart-of-accounts orderD.Both B and C are correct第三章1.When should revenue be recorded under the accrual-basis and cash-basis ofaccounting? ____D___Accrual-Basis Cash-BasisA.When received When the service is performedB.When the service is performed When the customer is billedC.When the customer is billed When receivedD.When the service is performed When received2.During 20*4, Bustamante Co. incurred salary expense of $240,000.Begining andending Salary Payable was $4,000 and $ 8,000 , respectively. In 20*4,Bustamante paid salaries of ____C___A.$ 248,000B.$ 240,000C.$ 236,000D.$244,0003.During 20*4, Bustamante received $ 600,000 for service revenue. Bustamante hasnot received $ 30,000 for service already performed in 20*4, Bustamante also invested $ 20,000 into the business. Bustamante should report service revenue for 20*4 of ____D___A.$ 550,000B.$570,000C.$580,000D.$630,0004.Recording an expense when it is paid instead of when incurred is a violation of____C___A.The matching principleB.The time period conceptC.The reliability conceptD.The revenue principle5.On July 31, $3,600 is paid for a one-year insurance policy. On December 31,theadjusting entry for prepaid insurance would include ____C___A.a debit to Insurance Expense, $ 3,600B.a credit to Prepaid Insurance, $ 3,600C.a debit to Insurance Expense, $ 1,500D.a credit to Prepaid Insurance, $ 1,5006. Failure to record an adjusting entry for an accrued expense , will result in the following____B___Liabilities Net IncomeA. no effect understateB. understate overstateC. overstate understateD. understate no effect7. An adjusting entry could contain all of the following except___B___A. a debit to Unearned RevenueB. a credit to CashC. a debit to Interest ReceivableD. a credit to Salary Payable8. The 20*3 income statement showed Rend Expense of $ 6,100. The related balance sheet account, Prepaid Rent, had a beginning balance of $ 1,400 and a ending balance of $ 1,200. The amount of cash paid for rent during 20*3 is (D )A. $ 6,100B. $ 1,200C. $ 6,300D. $ 5,9009. Refer to Exhibit 3-2. The credit column of the adjusted trial balance should total ___C___A. $ 45,300B. $ 49,300C. $ 49,500D. $ 51,10010. Refer to Exhibit 3-2.Assume the net income is $ 8,000. The ending balance of Lemon, Capital should be ___A__A. $ 17,600B. $ 15,600C $ 13,600D. $ 2,000第四章1.which of the following statements best describes the purpose of internal control ? __C____A. To provide assurance that the entire business operates in accordance with management ’s plans and policiesB To prevent fraudC. To ensure that expenses and cash outlays are held to a minimumD. To provide adequate subdivision of duties within the organizationThe Data Co. has asked you to assist in the preparation of a bank reconciliation at the end of July. Answer questions 2-4 using the following code letters to indicate how the item described would be reported on the bank reconciliation.a.Add to the book balanceb.Add to the bank balancec.Deduct from the bank balanced.Deduct from the book balancee.Dose not belong to the bank reconciliation2. Note and interest collected by the bank of the company ,$500(plus $25 interest).____A__3. Deposit in transit ,$400___B___4. Check No.662 for which should have been written for $730 was incorrectly recorded by the bank as $370.____C__.5 If a bank reconciliation include an NSF check for $45, the journal entry to record this reconciliation item would include ___A___.A.credit to CashB.debit to CashC.credit to Accounts ReceivableD.no entry is required6. All of the following are controls over cash received in a store except ____C___.A. the clerk should have access to the cash register tape to make corrections when necessaryB. the customer should be able to see the amounts entered into the registerC it should be a requirement that a receipt be given to the customerD. the cash drawer should open only when the sale clerk enters an amount on the keys7. Which of the following statements related to receivables is true ? ___C___A. On the balance sheet , accounts receivable are usually reported as total accounts receivable plus the allowance for uncollectible accountsB A dishonored notes receivable should be shown as a current liabilityC. When a notes receivable is not paid at maturity, the principal plus any interest due should be charged back to the cus tomer’s accounts receivableD When a customer overpays his accounts receivable ,the resulting balance should be properly shown among the long-term (noncurrent) assets on the balance sheet8. Cox Company began the month of July with a balance in Accounts Receivable of $51600.During July , Cox reported cash sales of $50000, credit sales on account of $228000, collections from customers on account , $201400 , and write-offs of $750.Uncollectibe-Account expense for July was estimated to be 1% of credit sales . The balance in Account Receivable on July 31 is ___A____.A. $ 77450B $ 75170C. $ 75920D $ 80550accounts receivable ).___D___.A. 41 daysB. 11 daysC. 33 daysD. 37 days10. Refer to Exhibit 4-1. Compute the acid-test ratio ___B____.A. 0.31B 0.57C. 0.13D. 0.27第五章1.The weighted average for the year inventory cost flow methostd is applicable towhich of the following inventory systems? ___B____.Periodic PerpertualA. Yes YesB. Yes NoC. No YesD. No No2.The LIFO inventory cost flow method may be applied to which of the following inventory systems? ___C____.Periodic PerpertualA. No NoB. No YesC. Yes YesD. Yes No3.Crow Company bagan a year and purchased merchandise as follows:Jan.1 Beginning inventory 40 units @ $ 17.00Feb.4 Purchased 80 units @ $ 16.00May.12 Purchased 80 units @ $ 16.50Aug.9 Purchased 60 units @ $ 17.50Nov.23 Purchased 100 units @ $ 18.00The company uses a periodic inventory system and the ending inventory consists of 60 units ,20 from each of the last three purchases. Determine the ending inventory assuming costs are assigned on a weighted-average basis. ___D____A.$1000.00C.$1040.00C.$1080.00D.$1022.004.A Company uses a periodic inventory system and made an error at the end of year I that caused its year I ending inventory to be understated by $ 5000.What effect does this error have on the company’s financial statements? ___A___ income is understated;assets are understated income is understated;assets are overstated income is overstated;assets are understated income is overstated;assets are overstated5.ABC Company estimates the cost of its physical on June 30,20*2 for use in an interim financial statement.The rate of markup on cost is 25%.The following account balances are available:Inventory,March 31,20*2 $150000Purchases 86000Purchases returns 4000Sales during the second quarter of 20*2 190000The estimate of the cost of the inventory on June 30 would be ___C____.A.$80000B.$88000C.$89500D.$1845006.Which of the following factors would not be considered in the selection of LIFO as an inventory costing method? ___C____.A.Tax benbefitsB.MatchingC.Physical flowD.Improved cash flow7.Which of the following methods of inventory valuation is allowable at interim dates but not at year-eng? __B____A.Weighted averageB.Estimated gross profit ratesC.Retail methodD.Specific identication8.Dart Company’s accounting records indicated the followi ng information: Inventory,1/ 1/20*2 $ 500000Purchases during 20*2 2500000Sales during 20*2 3200000A physical inventory taken on December 31,20*2,resulted in an ending inventory of $ 575000.Dart’s gross profit on sales has remained constant at 25% in recent years.Dart suspects some inventory may have been taken by a new employee.At December 31,20*2,what is the estimated cost of missing inventory? __A____A.$ 25000B.$ 100000C.$ 175000D.$ 2250009.Which of the following is not affected by the inventory valuation method used by a business? __C____A.Amounts owed for income taxesB.Cost of merchandise soldC.Amounts paid to acquire merchandise income of the business10.Under the retail inventory method,freight-in would be included in the calculation of the goods available for sale for which of the following? __C____Cost RetailA. No NoB. No YesC. Yes NoD. Yes Yes会计英语业务题1.The following selected transactions were completed by Castell Delivery SeeviceduringNovember :(1) Received cash from owner as additional investment , $20 000(2) Paid advertising expense , $ 520(3) Purchased supplies of gas and oil for cash $ 780(4) Received cash from cash customers , $ 1 500(5) Charged customers for delivery services on account , $ 2 100(6) Paid creditors on account , $ 470(7) Paid rent for November , $ 1 000(8) Received cash from customers on account , $ 1 810(9) Paid cash to owner for personal use , $ 900(10) Determined by taking an inventory that $ 650 of supplies of gas and oil hadbeen used during the monthIndicate the effect of each transactions on the accounting equation by listing the numbers identifying the transactions , (1) through (10) ,in a vertical column , and inserting at the right of each number the appropriate letter from the following list :(a)Increase in one asset , decrease in another asset(b)Increase in an asset , increase in a liability(c)Increase in an asset , increase in capital(d)Decrease in an asset , decrease in a liability(e)Decrease in an asset , decrease in capital2.Prepare the following columnar form . Then enter the word debit or credit in eachof the last three columns to indicate the action necessary to increase the account , to indicate the action necessary to decrease the account , and to show the normal3.Ora Company’s two employees each earn $ 90 per day for a four day week thatbegains on Monday and ends on Thursday . They were paid for the week ended Thursday , December 27 and both worked a full day on Monday , December 31 .January 1 of the next year was an unpaid holiday ,but the employees all worked on Wednesday and Thursday , Journalize the year-end adjusting entry to record the accrued wages and the entry to pay the employees on January 3 .4. Botello Company began operations on January 1,20×2. During the next two years , the company completed a number of transactions involving credit sales, accounts receivable collections ,and bad debts. These transactions are summarized as follows :20×2a . Sold merchandise on credit for $54 500, terms n/60.b. Wrote off uncollectible accounts receivable in the amount of $850.c. Received cash of $45100 in payment of outstanding accounts receivable.d. In adjusting the accounts on December 31 , concluded that 2% of the outstandingaccounts receivable would become uncollectible .20×3e. Sold merchandise on credit for $ 67 800, terms n/60.f. Wrote off uncollectible accounts receivable in the amount of $1280.g. Received cash of $65 900 in payment of outstanding accounts receivable , Inadjusting the accounts on December 31 , concluded that 2% of the outstanding accounts receivable would become uncollectibleRequired:Prepare general journal entries to record the 20×2 and 20×3 summarized transactions of Botello Company and the adjusting entries to record bad debts expense at the end of each year,5. The following information is available for Carson ,Inc. for 20×2:Freight-in $20 000 Purchase returns 70 000Selling expenses 200 000Ending inventory 80 000The cost of goods sold is equal to 600 percent of selling expenses.:Required:Calculate the cost of goods available for sale.6.The accounting records of Classic Stores provides the following information for 20×2Beginning inventory $120 000 Purchases 790 000 Transportation-in 45 000Purchases discounts 15 000 Purchases returns and allowances 10 000 Ending inventory 130 000 Requireda.Calculate the inventory turnover ratio for 20×2 .b. If asked by management, how would you interpret the ratio that you calculated?1.posting2.revenues3.cash flow statement4.GAAPs5.chart of accounts6.debit and credit rules7. accrual accounting8. depreciation9. trial balance10.retailers11.perpetual inventory system12.liquidity1.Please state the types of accountants.2.What are the transaction recorded using debits?3.What are the steps in closing?4. Please tell us what about vouchers.5.How to account for sales using net method?6.What are the objectives of cash management?Answers1. In the double-entry accounting system, every transaction is recorded by equal dollar amounts of debits and credits.。

《会计专业英语》Chapter 7 Revenues Expenses and Profits

《会计专业英语》Chapter 7 Revenues  Expenses  and Profits
Chapter 7
Revenues Expenses and Profits
▪ 7.1 Revenues
▪ 7.2 Expenses
▪ 7.3 Profits
7.1 Revenues
7.1.1 Definition
➢ Revenueervices rendered during a given
these transactions.
➢ To illustrate, assume that on August 25, 2018, ABC Wine Company’s entries to
record credit for returned goods involved (1) an increase in Sales Returns and
to Sunshine Company for $2 000, offering terms of 2/10, n/30. The sales
revenue is recorded at the full invoice price, as shown below:
Accounts Receivable
• (2) Companies recognize revenue from service provided, when services have
been performed and are billable.
• (3) Companies recognize revenue from permitting others to use their assets,
at the date of sale.
7.1.3 Recording Sales of Merchandise

诚毅10级 会计英语练习题

诚毅10级   会计英语练习题

专业英语习题一、单项选择题1. Which of the following are reported in the stockholders‟ equity section of the balance sheet? ( )a.revenues and expensesb.dividends and retained earningsmon stock and dividendsmon stock and retained earnings2. Current assets are presented in the balance sheet in order of ( )a.dollar amounts b,liquidity c.solvency d.the alphabet3. Current liabilities include all of the following except ( )a.accrued wages payableb.advance received from customerc.current portion of long-term loand.prepaid expenses4. Credit terms of 2/10 n/30 indicate: ( )a. a 2% discount if 10 items are purchasedb.no payment is required until the 31st day after the invoice datec. a 10% discount if 2 items are purchased.d. a 2% discount for amounts paid within 10 days of the invoice and the remaining balancedue within 30 days5. Which statement regarding the inventory turnover ratio is Not True? ( )a.The ratio measures the average rate of speed inventories move through and out ofcompany.b.Inventory turnover=Average Inventory COGSc.Inventory turnover figures vary considerably from industry to industry.d. A low inventory turnover can result from an overextended inventory position or frominadequate sales volume.6. Which statement regarding the liabilities and owners‟ equity section of balance sheet is False? ( )a.Payment of Dividend Payable eliminates both the assets and the owners‟ equityb.Liabilities are debts or obligations that must be discharged in money or services in thefuturec.Owners‟ equity is a residual claim to the remaining assets after discharge of debts.d.Balance sheet of corporations should separate Capital Stock and Retained Earnings.7. What is the difference between the quick and current ratio? ( )a.The quick ratio deals with the company‟s ability to pay its liabilities whereas the currentratio does notb.The current ratio is a more stringent(严格的) test of liquidity than the quick ratio.c.The quick ratio excludes inventory, which the current ratio includes for calculationpurposes.d.Management primarily uses the current ratio whereas investors and analysts are theprimary users of the quick ratio.8. What of the following is Not an example of apportionment of recorded costs? ( )a.Depreciation of fixed assetsb.Reallocation of receipts in advance.c.Expiration of insurance premium.d.Consume of supplies.9. For its most recent year, a corporation had beginning and ending accounts receivable balances of $50,000 and $60,000, respectively. The year's sales on account were $800,000. What was the amount of cash received from customers during the year? ( )a.$790,000b.$820,000c.$810,000d.$800,00010. Sales revenue $200,000, beginning inventory $30,000, inventory purchased $100,000 and inventory sold $90,000. It is true that ( )a.goods available for sale (GAFS) equals $200,000b.gross profit equals $110,000c.ending inventory equals $30,000d.cost of goods sold (COGS) equals $40,00011. Users of financial information may be classified as internal or external. Which following statement is true regarding financial information users? ( )a.External users evaluate the performance of a company's management using managementaccounting reports.b.Financial accounting provides information to managers and external users, such aspotential investors.c.Many laws require managerial accounting reports be reported to various levels of thegovernment.d.Management accounting provides information to managers and external users, such aspotential investors.12. What does the term …net realizable value‟ mean regarding Accounts Receivable? ( ) realizable value is the balance in the Accounts Receivable account as of a given date. realizable value is what a company‟s Accounts Receivable accounts will bring if theyare sold to a third party.c.Accounts Receivable less Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts will equal the netrealizable value of Accounts Receivable realizable value is the balance in the Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts as of agiven date.13. Which of the following statements about a trail balance is incorrect? ( )a.It‟s primary purpose is to prove the mathematical equality of debits and credits afterpostingb.It uncovers certain errors in the journalizing and postingc.It is useful in the preparation of financial statementsd.It proves that all transactions have been recorded.14. In the closing process all of the revenues and expenses account balances are transferred to the ( )a.capital accountb.income summary accountc.retained earnings accountd.dividends account15. The post-closing trial balance consists only of ( )a.Asset and liability accountsb.temporary accountsc.revenue and expense accountsd.permanent accounts16. Which of the following statements is True? ( )a.The credit side of an account implies something favorable.b.For a given account, total debits must always equal total credits.c.Transactions are initially recorded in a ledger accountd.Journalizing means entering the economic effect of each transaction in a journal inchronological order under the double-entry system.17. Financial statements can be prepared from ( )a.the trial balanceb.the adjusted trial balancec.the journald.the ledger18. Which of the following statements is False? ( )a.After a bank reconciliation has been completed, the company must make journal entriesto adjust for all outstanding checks.b. A bank reconciliation for the moth of September will begin with “balance per book” and“balance per bank statement” at September 30.c. A check that is outstanding for two consecutive months should be included in bothmonths‟ bank reconciliations.d. A credit memorandum on a bank statement indicates an addition to the bank balance.19. V oucher Register is ( )a. A record of vouchers that have been paidb.The journal that contains a record of each approved voucherc. A list of debtsd. A document that authorizes payment.20. Estimated bad debts as presented on the income statement is ( )a.Allowance for uncollectible accountsb.Creditc.Uncollectible accounts expensed.Revenue21. The GAAP assets that an item should be included in a financial statement if its omission or misstatement would tend to mislead the users of financial statements is known as ( )a.the cost-benefit criterionb.the going concern conventionc.the materiality conventiond.reliability22. Accounts receivable, notes receivable, and interest receivable are all classified as __________ on the balance sheet. ( )a.assetsb.liabilitiesc.owners' equityd.receivables23. Which book or document is a list of all accounts and their balances? ( )a.the journalb.the trial balancec.the ledgerd.the chart of accounts二、多项选择题1. Three major fields of accounting activity are: ( )a.social accountingb.private accountingc.public accountingernmental accounting2. The three forms of business organizations are: ( )a.Corporationb.Enterprise.c.Single proprietorshipd.Partnership3. Specialized fields of accounting include: ( )a.cost accountingb.tax accountingernmental and not-for-profit accountingd.HR accountinge.international accounting4. The interested users of financial information include: ( )a.Banks and other creditorsb.Managersc.Stockholdersd.Investment advisorsernmental agencies5. Long-term assets can be further classified into: ( )a.long-term investmentsb.fixed assetsc.intangible assets.d.capital stock6. The necessary data for preparing the balance sheet and income statement are accumulated in major categories of ledger accounts including: ( )a.assets accountsb.liabilities accountsc.owners‟ equity accountsd.revenues accountse.expenses accounts7. Adjusting entries made to align revenue and expense with the appropriate periods consist of: ( )a.Apportioning recorded cost to periods benefited.b.Apportioning recorded revenue to periods in which it is earnedc.Accruing unrecorded expensesd.Accruing unrecorded revenuee.Merchandise inventory adjustment8. Assume ending inventory is overstated because some inventory is accidentally counted twice. Which of the statements below regarding this situation is true? ( ) income for this accounting period will be overstated.b.COGS for this accounting period will be overstated income in the next accounting period will be understated.d.Ending Retained Earnings in the next accounting period will be correct.9. Which statement below regarding "closing procedures" is correct? ( )a.Closing procedures only apply to temporary accounts.b.Closing the books means to prepare the accounts for next period's transactions.c.The closing process only applies to permanent accounts.d.Eventually closing entries transfer temporary account balances to Retained Earnings.三、判断题1.The normal balance of an account appears on the side for recording increases ( )2.It is customary to include any amounts received from customers but has not yet earned asrevenue in current liability. ( )3.Financial position of an organization can best be determined by referring to the incomestatement. ( )4.Managerial accounting is governed by GAAP. ( )5.Current assets are presented in the order of liquidity or convertibility into cash; while currentliabilities are listed in the order that they come due. ( )6.Closing procedures only apply to permanent accounts. ( ) income or net loss in the income statement is reflected in the owners‟ equity section onthe balance sheet at the end of the accounting period. ( )8.Retained earning represents exactly what the term implies: that portion of net income thecompany has retained. ( )9.Business firms whose accounting year ends on December 31 are said to be on a calendar-yearbasis. ( )10.The income statement subtracts assets from revenues to determine income or loss for a periodtime. ( )11.Posting transfers journal entries to ledger accounts. ( )12.When interim financial statement are being prepared, usually adjustments are made only onthe worksheet and will not be recorded in the journal and posted to the ledger account..( )13.In order to permit normal recording of subsequent payments or receipts, it is desirable tomake reversing entries at the end of the accounting period. ( )14.The entry to write off a specific uncollectible account has no effect on net realizable AccountReceivable account. ( )15.In the case of corporation, the Income Summary account will be closed to the RetainedEarnings account, which is kept separately from the Capital Stock account. ( )16.COGS =Beginning inventory-Net purchase-Ending inventory ( )17.In order to permit normal recording of subsequent payment or receipts, it is desirable to makereversing entries at the beginning of next accounting period. ( )18.The entry to write off a specific uncollectible account has no effect on net income and ontotal assets. ( )19.The terms debit and credit are used to describe the right-hand and left hand sides of any“two-column” account. ( )20.Business firms whose accounting year ends on December 31 are said to be on a fiscal yearbasis. ( )21.All adjusting entries will affect one balance sheet account and one income statement account.( )22.Expense accounts are closed by debiting each expense account and crediting RetainedEarnings ( )23.Closing entries produce a zero balance in revenue accounts, asset accounts and dividendaccounts. ( )24.The adjusted trial balance contains all of the data needed for preparation of the incomestatement, retained earnings statement and the balance sheet. ( )25.The balance sheet presents a company‟s assets, liabilities and stockholders equity at a specificpoint in time. ( )26.Posting transfers ledger transaction data to journal. ( )27.The presentation of the owners‟equity section is same for three types of businessorganization. ( )四、业务题1.The night manager of Majestic Limousine Service, who had no accounting background, prepared the following balance sheet for the company at February 28, 2001. The dollar amounts were taken directly from the company‟s accounting records and are correct. However, the balance sheet contains a number of errors in its headings, format, and the classification of assets, liabilities, and owner‟s equity.Prepare a corrected balance sheet. Include a proper heading.2.An inexperienced accountant for Fowler Company prepared the following income statement for the month of August 2001:Instruction:Prepare a revised income statement in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.3.The following accounts show the first six transactions of the Gutierez. Construction Company. Prepare a journal entry (including written explanation) for each transaction.4.Louis Dixon, a dentist, begin his own dental practice. The practice was organized as a sole proprietorship. The business transactions during September are listed below.Sept. 1 Dixon opened a bank account in the name of the business by depositing $50,000 cash., which he had saved over a number of years.Sept.10 Purchased a small office building for a total price of $182,400, of which $106,000 was applicable to the land and $76,400 to the building. A cash payment of $36,500 wasmade and a note payable was issued for the balance of the purchase price.Sept 15 Purchased a microcomputer system from Computer Stores, inc. for $4,680 cash.Sept.19 Purchased office furnishings, at a cost of $5,760. A cash down payment of $960 was made, the balance to be paid in future.Instructionprepare journal entries to record the above transactions. Select the appropriate account titles from the following chart of accounts:cash;office furnishings;notes payable;accounts receivable;land;accounts payable;building;Louis Dixon, Capital;Computer System。






1. Assets(资产)Assets refer to the resources or economic benefits owned or controlled by a company. This includes cash, accounts receivable, inventory, buildings, and equipment.2. Liabilities(负债)Liabilities refer to the financial obligations or debts owed by a company to external parties. This includes loans, accounts payable, and accrued expenses.3. Equity(所有者权益)Equity represents the ownership interest in a company. It is calculated as the difference between assets and liabilities. Equity can be further divided into contributed capital and retained earnings.4. Revenue(收入)Revenue refers to the inflow of economic benefits resulting from the ordinary activities of a company. Thisincludes sales revenue, service revenue, and interest income.5. Expenses(费用)Expenses refer to the outflow of economic benefits incurred by a company in order to generate revenue. This includes salaries, rent, utilities, and advertising expenses.6. Accounts Payable(应付账款)Accounts payable are amounts owed by a company to its suppliers or vendors for goods or services received on credit.7. Accounts Receivable(应收账款)Accounts receivable are amounts owed to a company for goods or services provided to customers on credit.8. Depreciation(折旧)Depreciation is the systematic allocation of the cost of a long-term asset over its useful life. It reflects the wear and tear or obsolescence of the asset.9. Inventory(库存)Inventory refers to the goods held by a company for sale or production. It includes raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished goods.10. Cash Flow(现金流量)Cash flow refers to the movement of cash in and out of a company. It can be classified into operating, investing, and financing activities.11. Profit Margin(利润率)Profit margin is a measure of a company's profitability. It is calculated by dividing net income by revenue. It indicates how much profit a company generates for each dollar of sales.12. Balance Sheet(资产负债表)A balance sheet is a financial statement that shows a company's assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific point in time. It provides a snapshot of a company's financial position.13. Income Statement(利润表)An income statement is a financial statement that shows a company's revenues, expenses, and net income over aspecific period. It provides information on a company's profitability.14. Cash Basis Accounting(现金基础会计)Cash basis accounting is a method of recognizing revenue and expenses when cash is received or paid. It does not take into account when revenue is earned or expenses are incurred.15. Accrual Basis Accounting(权责发生制会计)Accrual basis accounting is a method of recording revenue and expenses when they are earned or incurred, regardless of when cash is received or paid.以上是一些常用的。



注意:请将所有答案手写在答题纸上!Ⅰ. Identify true (T) or false (F) statements (12X1′=12′)F . 1. An income statement is a summary of the revenues and expenses of a business as of a specific date.T 2. Accounting is thought to be the “language of business”because business information is communicated to stakeholders.F 3. If a building is appraised for $90,000, offered for sale at $95,000, and the buyer pays $85,000 cash for it, the buyer would record the building at $90,000.F 4. Cash equivalents are short-term highly liquid investment assets that are readily converted to a known cash amount, and have maturities of one year.F 5. For good internal control over cash, all payments should be made from the petty cash, except for very large payments.T 6. The aging method of determining bad debts expense is based on the knowledge that the longer a receivable is past due, the lower the likelihood of collection.F 7. Land improvements are generally charged to the Land account.T 8. Recording depreciation each period is an application of the matching principle.T 9. The cost of an inventory item includes its invoice cost minus any discount, and plus any added or incidental costs necessary to put it in a place and condition for sale.T 10. A consignor who has goods out on consignment with an agent should include the goods in ending inventory even though they are not in the possession of the consignor.F 11. Whether purchase costs are rising or falling, FIFO always will yield the highest gross profit and net income.T 12. If the perpetual inventory system is used and a physical count disclosed a shortage, the cost of merchandise sold should be debited and the merchandise inventory account credited.Ⅱ. Insert “+” for increase and “-”for decrease in the appropriate columns below, based on double-entry bookkeeping rules (6X2′=12′)Ⅲ. Translate the accounting terms from English to Chinese (No. 1-6) and from Chinese to English (No. 7-10) (10X2′=20′)1. General journal (总分类账)2. Accounting elements (会计要素)3. Closing entries(结账分录)4. CICPA(中国注册会计师协会)5. Net realizable value(可变现净值)6. Accrual-basis accounting (应计制会计)7. 非流动负债(non-current liabilities)8. 历史成本(Historical cost)9. 分类账(ledger)10. 经营周期(Operating cycle)Ⅳ. Short answer questions (3X6′=18′)1.What is accounting?Accounting may be described as the process of identifying, measuring, recording,and communicating economic information to permit informed judgments anddecisions by users of that information2.What is depreciation of plant assets? What is the basic purpose of depreciation?Depreciation, as the term is used in accounting, is the allocation of the cost of atangible plant asset to expense in the periods in which services are received from theasset. In short, the basic purpose of depreciation is to achieve the matching principlethat is, to offset the revenue of an accounting period with the costs of the goodsand services being consumed in the effort to generate that revenue.3.Identify the tools of financial statement analysis.The analysis of financial data employs various techniques to emphasize thecomparative and relative significance of the data presented and to evaluate theposition of the firm. Three commonly used tools are as following.Horizontal analysisevaluates a series of financial statement data over a periodof time.Verticalanalysis evaluates financial statement data by expressing each item in afinancial statement as a percent of a base amount.Ratio analysisexpresses the relationship among selected items of financialstatement data.Ⅴ. Problem Solving (38′)1. Analyze the effects of business transactions on the Accounting Equation. (2X5′=10′)Transaction (1): paid a $6,500 premium on July 1 for one year’s insurance in advance.Transaction (2): bought office equipment from Brown Company on account $2,800.2. Prepare journal entries for the two transactions in No. 1 above-mentioned. (2X5′=10′)3. Samuel Co. Ltd issued a $15,000, 6%, 9-month note payable. How much is the interest payment at maturity?(Calculating process is required) (6′)4. Assume the financial position data of Sue Company consist of the following items: (2X6′=12′)Sue CompanyBalance Sheet (Partial)January 31, 2011Required: Calculate its current ratio and acid-test ratio. Calculating steps are needed.。



Chapter 1Page 81.Classify following items as either an expense (E),a revenue(R),an asset(A),or a liability( L);Cash, buildings, salaries of the sales force, $5 owed to a company for work performed, Mortgage to a bank, sales.Answer:Cash—A Buildings—A Salaries of the sales force—E$5 owed—L Mortgage to a bank—L Sales—R2. Classify each of the following as n operating (O), bank (I) , or financing (F) in a statement of cash flows; Wage paid to workers, Cash received form a bank in the form of a mortgage, cash dividends paid to a supplier of inventory, Cash paid to purchase a new machine.Answer:Wage paid—O Cash of mortgage-- F Cash dividends paid -- FCash paid to supplier of inventory—O Cash paid to purchase a machine—IPage111.List several economic decisions that rely on accountinginformation.Answer:·Whether to grant a loan·How much to pay for a share of common stock.·Whether to grant a rate increase to an electric utility·How much in damages the loser of a lawsuit must pay·How much of a bonus to pay a plant manager·Whether to enter a new market2. Why do financial statements have footnotes, and what kinds of information might you find in them?Answer:Financial statements have footnotes because financial disclosure is a complex business. The notes tell us some of the specifics about the company environment , what accounting methods the company has used, what the accounting numbers might be if alternative methods had been used, and some of the major contingencies that are not formally included in the statement proper.Page 201.Describe the process of setting accounting standards. What are the roles of all the parties you mention?Answer:The FASB, a private, not-for-profit organization ,sets GAAP in the U.S. It publicly declares an agenda, promulgates "ExposureDrafts" of proposed standards, holds open meetings, and invites input from interested parties. The FASB has been delegated this authority by the SEC, a government agency with legal authority to determine GAAP.2.Think of an example, like the executive compensation example in the chapter, where incentives might exist to bias accounting numbers one way or another.Answer:There are other examples, but here is one that is different. A taxpayer has incentives to bias reported income downward in order to minimize income tax payments. However, it is important to understand that tax accounting rules are different from GAAP, and this book is about GAAP. Chapter 14 covers GAAP for taxes in more detail.Other examples include:·An entrepreneur seeking a loan from a bank or funding from a venture capitalist might have incentives to bias accounting numbers to look favorable.·A firm that is subject to scrutiny for earning excess profits(e.g.,an oil company)might have incentives to bias accounting numbers to look less favorable.·A utility subject to rate regulation might have an incentive tobias accounting numbers to look less favorable in order to gain more generous increases in its rates. (At this writing, there is a rather severe controversy about whether electric utilities in California are genuinely in financial difficulty and should be allowed to continue to impose large rate increase.)Chapter 2Page 381 Define assets, liabilities, and equities.Gave an example of each.How are assets valued? How are liabilities valued? Answer:An asset is a probable future economic benefit obtained or controlled by an entity as a result of a past transaction. Cash marketable securities, accounts receivable, inventories, prepaid expenses, patents, copyrights, trademarks, and property, plant and equipment are all examples of assets. A liability isa probable future sacrifice of economic benefits arising frompresent obligations of an entity to transfer assets or provide services as a result of a past transaction or event. Accounts payable, accrued liabilities, unearned revenues, warranties, and bonds payable are all examples of liabilities.Accounting valuation of assets uses several different methods, includingmarket value, expected realizable value, lower of cost or market, present value of future cash flows, and historical cost. Accounting valuation of liabilities is the expected amount that will be paid, perhaps adjusted for the time value of money.2. Explain what is meant by the entity concept.Answer:The entity is the person or organization about which accounting's financial history is being written.3 .A company signs a ten-year employee contract with a vicepresident. The salary is $500000 per year, guaranteed. Is this contract an asset? W ould it appear on the balance sheet?Explain.Answer:The rights conveyed by the contrat may be an asset from an economic point of view, but they are not an asset under GAAP. The contract would not appear on the balance sheet as an asset, because GAAP does not record executory contracts, which are contracts that require future performance form both parties. That is ,GAAP views the contract as determining what services will be provided, no asset is recognized under GAAP.(Neither is a liability for payment recognized until services have beenperformed.)4 .A company purchased a parcel of land 10 years ago at a cost of $300000.The land has recently been appraised at $900000. At what value is the land carried in the balance sheet? How does the appraisal affect the carrying value in the balance sheet? Answer:The land is on the balance sheet at its historical cost of $300000.The carrying value of the land is unaffected by the appraisal.Page 421、Define debit and credit .What kind of balance ,debit or credit ,would you expect to find in the inventory T-account?In the Common Stock T-account?Answer:A debit is an entry on the left side of a T-account. A credit is an entry on the right side of a T-account. We would except to find a debit balance in Inventory, and credit balances in Bonds Payable and Common Stock. The reason is the convention that increases in assets are debits and increases in liabilities and equities are credits.2、If the trial balances, it means that you have analyzed all theeffects of transactions correctly. True or false?Explain. Answer:False. A balanced means that the trial balance is consistent, not necessarily correct. For example. If an arbitrary entry is made that debits Cash and credits Common Stock for an equal amount, the trial balance will balance but it will be wrong. An accounting can receipt of cash and the issuance of common stock, but it alone can not make cash or additional common shares.3﹑Suppose Web sell leases a portion of its space to another company. Web sell’s accounts are debited and credited to record this transaction?Answer:Web sell would debit Cash and a liability, Rent Received in Advance, for the prepayment.Chapter 3Page 571. Define revenue and expense. How does one decide to list an item as revenue in an income statement? What is matching? Answer:Revenues are increases in net assets resulting from operations over a period of time .Expense are decreases in net assets resulting from operations over a period of time .Revenue isrecognized the earnings process is substantially complete , a transaction2. Give an example not found in the text , of an expense that is paid for in cash in a prior accounting period .In a subsequent accounting period.Answer:There are many allowable responses . An example is a patent that is purchased and paid for in one year and used in next .3. Give an example, not found in the text , of a revenue that is received in cash in a prior accounting period . In a subsequent accounting period .Answer:An example is a house painting contractor that receives payment for one-third of the contract price before beginning the painting .4. Explain why it is right to think of an asset as a cost and an expense as an expired cost .Answer:An asset is a future benefit . And there is an opportunity cost associated with not selling it for cash or exchanging it to settleChapter 6Page 120:1.The following table lists the adjustments and has an X in thecolumn indicating the approach:2. We first take adjustment for prepaid insurance and insurance expense. It would be easy to think of this adjustment as focusing on how much of the insurance coverage remained, as opposed to how much was used. In fact, the same type of logic could be used---computing a monthly rate for the coverage and applying that to the months reminding, instead of the months used.Now take adjustment for depreciation expense and accumulated depreciation. Estimating the value of the equipment at year end might be easy, for example, if there is a market for used equipment, or very difficult, for example, if the equipment was specially designed for Websell. Once a value estimate for the equipment at year end is obtained, depreciation expense would be the change in value over the year.Page 1231.$5000×(1+0.06)^10=$5000×1.79085=$8954.242.$5000×(1+0.06/2)^(10×2)=$5000×(1+0.03)^20=$5000×1.80611=$9030.563. $1000×(1.05)^3+$1000×(1.05)^2+$1000×(1.05)^1=$3310.134. ($1000×0.05/5)^13+$1000×(1+0.05/5)^10+$1000×(1+0.05/5)^5=($1000×(1.01)^15)+($1000×(1.01)^10)+($1000×(1.01)^5) =$1160.97+$1104.62+$1051.01=$3316.6Page 1241.x×.(1.07)^3=$3000 x=$3000/(1.07)^3=$2448.892. Calculate the present value at 10% of $1300 received two years from now. If that is greater than $1000, you are better offwith the $1300 to be received in two years. If its present value is less that $1000, you better off with $1000 now. $1300/(1.10)^2=$1074.38Therefore, you are better off receiving $1300 two years from now.Another way to do this problem is to take the future value at 10% of $1000. At the end of two years, the $1000 would compound up to:$1000×(1.10)^2=$1210,Which is less than you would have at that point if you took the $1300.3.The most I would be willing to pay is the present value at 8% of the stream of $1000 payment:$1000/(1.08)^1+$1000/(1,08)^2+$1000/(1,08)^3=$925.926+857.339+793.832=$ 2577.1(rounded)Chapter 8Page 1681.Aging takes the balance in accounts receivable at the end of the year, and sorts it by how long ago the transaction occurred that gave rise to that receivable. Experience has shown that ―older‖ accounts have less likelihood of ever being collected.Percentages of likely uncollectibles for each category are applied to the totals in that category , and the results added to obtain an estimate of the allowance for uncollectibles required to value properly the estimated amount that will be collected from the accounts receivable. The bad debts expense then falls out as a ―plug‖ in the allowance for uncollectibles.The percentage-of-sales method just estimates bad debt expense as a percent of sales, and plug the balance in the allowance account.2. Cash (118)Accounts receivable (118)12/31/2003(to recognize collection of cash from companies owing service co. from 2002 sales)Allow ance for doubtful accounts (7)Accounts receivable (7)12/31/2003(to write off accounts we know will not be collected) Ac counts receivable (125)Sales reven ue (125)12/31/2003(to recognize revenue and to anticipate collection of the receivable)If we focus on recording the bad debts expense that is associated with billings for 2003, we would record.06×$125000=$7500 inbad debts expense.B ad debts expense………………………………………7.5 Allowan ce for doubtful accounts…………………………7.5 12/31/2003(to record bad debt expense in anticipation of not collecting 100% of receivables)Method one: focus on the percentage of sales expected not to be collected.Allowance for doubtful accounts(10.5 is the ―plug”,i.e., the number that drops out)Now we move to 2004, where events now proceed as expected . Collections are $117.5 thousand. Cash………………………………………………..117.5 Accounts receivable…………………………………117.512/31/2004(to recognize collection of cash form companies owing service co. from 2003 sales)Allowance for doubtful ac counts………………………7.5 Accounts receivable………………………………….7.512/31/2004(to write off accounts we know will not be collected)Accounts receivable (125)Sales revenue (125)12/31/2004(to recognize revenue and to anticipate collection of the receivable)If we focus on recording the bad debts expense that is associated with billings for 2004, we would record.06×$125000=$7500 in bad debts expense.Bad debts expense……………………………………7.5 Allowance for doubtful accounts…………………………7.5 12/31/2003(to record bad debt expense in anticipation of not collecting 100% of receivables)The allowance for doubtful accounts using the peentage-of-sales method looks like this:Method one: focus on the percentage of sales expected not to be collected.Allowance for doubtful accountsOnly the entries recording bad debt expense are different using the aging method. Instead of the above entries recording bad debt expense, we would have the following analysis: Each year, we would adjust the balance in the allowance for doubtful accounts so that the net receivable ends up at $117500. That is, we would solve $125000-X=$117500,and find that the ending balance in the allowance for doubtful accounts must be $7500.Analyzing the account, we would determine that at 12/31/2003 we must add $4500 to the allowance for doubtful accounts: Bad debts expense………………………………..4.5 Allowanc e for doubtful accounts…………………….4.512/31/2004(to record bad debt expense in anticipation of not collecting 100% of receivables)At 12/31/2004, we must add $7500 to the allowance for doubtful accounts:Bad debts expense………………………………..7.5 Allowan ce for doubtful accounts…………………….7.512/31/2004(to record bad debt expense in anticipation of not collecting 100% of receivables)Using aging, the allowance for doubtful accounts T-accountlooks like this:Method two: focus on the ending balance in the allowance for doubtful accounts.Allowance for doubtful accountsChapter 9Page 1831.LIFO is last-in first-out. It means that in computing ending inventoryand cost of goods sold, the cost of items sold is assigned in reverse chronological order of their purchase, beginning from the most regent items purchased in a period. FIFO is first-in, first-out .It means that in computing ending inventory and cost of goods sold, the cost of items sold is assigned in chronological order of their purchase, beginning from the goods on hand at the beginning of the period. Average cost means that in computing ending inventory and cost of goods sold, the average unit cost of the beginning inventory and items purchased in aperiod is used to determine the cost of goods sold and remaining inventory.2.Y es, it is still a positive net present value project. In fact, its netpresent value is higher than when the purchase was made at$1.05 per unit, since the cash outflow is reduced but the cash inflow remains the same. The cash outflow on 12/31/01 when purchases are at $0.95 per unit is $114.This means the net cash flow at 12/31/01 is ($4) instead of ($16),and the NPV for Widget Company is:NPV=-100-$4/1.1+$10/ (1.1^2) +$144/ (1.1^3) =$12.82First, we redo the case of FIFO. The inventory T-account is:Widget Co. Inventory Account under FIFO Flow AssumptionInventory (FIFO)Ending inventory values can be read from the above T-account. Netincomes are:Widget Incomes using FIFONow we redo the case of FIFO. First, the inventory T-account is: Widget Co. Inventory Account under FIFO Flow AssumptionInventory (FIFO)Ending inventory values can be read from the above T-account. Net incomes are:Page 186To calculate the market-to-book ratios and accounting returns on equity: Market-to-book Ratios under Average CostAccounting Rates of Return under Average CostCollecting the results for FIFO from the chapter and these results for average cost, we have:Market-to-book Ratios under V arious Cost Flow AssumptionAccounting Rates of Return under V arious Cost Flow AssumptionAs is apparent, the market-to-book ratios and accounting rates of return for average cost are between for LIFO and FIFO.2. Because it has more recent costs on the balance sheet in the inventory account, FIFO has market-to-book ratios closer to 1regardless of whether prices rise or fall.Chapter 10Page 1961. The total profit on the transaction is the sales price of $880.00 less the original cost of $734.03:Sales price of securities $880.00Less : original cost ($735.03)Profit on transaction $144.97The cash flows were: $735.03 out on January1, 2001, and $880.00 in on January 3, 2003.There were profit in 2001, 2002, and 2003.In 2001, there was a profit of $81.17.In 2003,there was a profit of $5.00.2. The unadjusted book value of the security on December 31,2002 was $793.83.If the market value of the security on that date was $790.00,an adjustment reducing its carrying value by $3.83 is required to write it down to its market value: Unrealized loss on market value securities-trading ……3.83 Marketable securities –trading ………… 3.83 If the security were sold for $810.00 on January 3, 2003, the entry would be:Cash ………………………………810.00Marketable securities –trading ………………790.00Gain on marketable securities-trading …………20.001/03/2003(To record the sale of the Marketable securities—trading )Page 1981. When a securities is classified as trading security, profits or losses show up on the income statement in every period from when the security is purchased until when it is sold. when a security is classified as available-for-sale ,profits or losses only show up on the income statement in the period in which the security is sold.2. the unadjusted book value of the security on December 31,2002 was $793.83.If the market value of the security on that date was $790.00,an adjustment reducing it’s carrying value by $3.83 is required to write it down to it’s market value. however unlike the trading security case ,the unrealized loss is an equity account ,not a temporary account:Unrealized loss on marketable securities-available-for-sale 3.38 Marketable securities –trading ………………3.83To record the sale of the security for $810.00 on January 3,2003: Cash ………810.00Unrealized gain on marketable securities-available-for-sale(58.80-3.83) ………54.97Marketable securities-trading …………790.00Realized gain on marketable securities-available-for-sale ……………74.9712/31/2002(To mark-to-market the Marketable securities—available-for-sale)Chapter 111.a. Under straight-line depreciation, the depreciation expense each year is$600-$100/5 years=$100 per year.b. Under double-declining balance depreciation, the depreciation expense each year is given in the following table:c. Under sum-of-year’-digits depreciation, the depreciation expense each year is given in the following table:Sum-of years’-digits depreciation2. Intangible assets are most often shown in one line that is cost net of amortization. Tangible assets are sometimes shown in three lines: cost , accumulated depreciation, and net .3. Economic depreciation is the change in the economic value of the asset. Economic depreciation can be appreciation when the asset increases in value. We seen this already withmarketable debt securities, which sometimes increase in value because of unpaid interest4.It is easy and fulfills the requirement of GAAP to provide depreciation using a systematic and rational method. No GAAP depreciation method likely correctly reflects economic depreciation anyway ,so a simple expedient may be good enough.1.Sraight-line depreciation is $100 per year ($300/3 years).Double-declining balance depreciation is given in the following table:2.For straight-line depreciation,the entry is the same each year: Depreciation expense (100)Accumulateddepreciation (100)For double-declining balance depreciation,the entries are: Year1Depr eciation expense (200)Accu mulated depreciation (200)Year2Depreciation expense………………………………66.67 Acc umulated depreciation………………………66.67 Year3.declining balance because depreciation expense under straight-line is only $100,while under double-declining balance depreciation expense is $200.4.If the company buys one asset every year and each asset lasts three years,then in year 4 it will have three assets.Under straight-line depreciation,each of those assets generates a depreciation expense of $100;therefore total depreciation expense would be 3*$100,or $300.Under double-declining balance depreciation,total depreciation expense depends on the age of each asset.The company would have one asset in its first year of life,one in itssecond year of life,and one in its third year.Therefore,total depreciation expense would be:$200+$66.67+$33.33=$300,the same as under straight-line.Both depreciation methods give the same total depreciation because:1.Both methods fully depreciate the assets over their lives.2.The cost of the assets has remained constant.3.The company is in a steady state in which the number ofnew assets purchased in a period equals the number ofold assets being retired in that period.。


◦ Administrative expenses should be recorded in the current profits and losses during the occurrence period.
◦ Both selling expenses and administrative expenses are period
5. Research and Development Costs
◦ Research and development (R&D) are activities undertaken by a firm to create new products, design new processes, improve old products, or to discover valuable new knowledge.
A company must be very careful to use these two words and try not to misuse.

According to the matching principle, once revenues have been recognized in conformity withria for any reporting period, expenses occurred in generating these revenues should also be recognized in the same period.
advertising expenses insurance expenses commission expenses
◦ ……
(3)Administrative Expenses





一、财务报表(Financial Statements)财务报表是反映企业财务状况和经营成果的重要工具。

常见的财务报表包括资产负债表(Balance Sheet)、利润表(Income Statement)以及现金流量表(Statement of Cash Flows)。

在会计英语中,这些报表分别被称为Balance Sheet, Income Statement和Statement of Cash Flows。

其中,Balance Sheet反映了企业特定日期的资产、负债和所有者权益的情况;Income Statement反映了企业一定期间内的收入和支出情况;Statement of Cash Flows反映了企业一定期间内现金流入和流出的情况。

二、会计核算(Accounting Entries)会计核算是指对企业的经济业务进行记录和记账的过程。

在会计英语中,记账一般被称为“make entries”,而核算的结果被称为“accounting entries”。

之后,会计人员通过编制会计凭证(Accounting Vouchers)来反映这些核算结果。

会计凭证的种类包括现金凭证(Cash Voucher)、银行存款凭证(Bank Deposit Slip)等。

三、费用与收入(Expenses and Revenues)费用(Expenses)是指企业在生产经营过程中所发生的、用以取得和保持资源的付出。

在会计英语中,费用往往被称为“expenses”,如劳务费(Labor Expenses)、行政费用(Administrative Expenses)等。

而与之对应的是收入(Revenues),也被称为“revenues”,如售货收入(Sales Revenue)等。



《会计英语》复习资料二、单项选择(红字为正确答案):Financial reports are used byd、all of the above1、 For accounting purposes, the business entity should be considered separate from its owners if the entity is()d、all of the above2、 Which of the following best describes accounting?b、is an information system that provides reports to stakeholders3、 Using accrual accounting, expenses are recorded and reported onlya、when they are incurred, whether or not cash is paid4、 The measurement bases exclude( )c、Sale price5、 Debts owed by a business are referred to as()d、liabilities6、 Which of the following financial statements reports information as of a specific date?c、balance sheet7、 Cash investments made by the owner to the business are reported on the statement of cash flows in thea、financing activities section8、 The accounting equation may be expressed asd、Assets - Liabilities = Owner's Equity9、 Which of the following groups of accounts have a normal credit balance?a、revenues, liabilities, capital10、 Which of the following groups of accounts have a normal debit balance?d、assets, expenses11、 Which of the following types of accounts have a normal credit balance?c、revenues and liabilities12、 In the accounting cycle, the last step is()a、preparing a post-closing trial balance13、 Which of the following should not be considered cash by an accountant?c、postage stamps14、 A bank reconciliation should be prepared periodically because ()c、any differences between the depositor's records and the bank's recordsshould be determined, and any errors made by either party should bediscovered and corrected15、 The amount of the outstanding checks is included on the bank reconciliation as a(n) ()c、deduction from the balance per bank statement16、 The asset created by a business when it makes a sale on account is termedc、accounts receivable17、 What is the type of account and normal balance of Allowance for Doubtful Accounts?a、Contra asset, credit18、 The term "inventory" indicates ()d、both A and B19、 Merchandise inventory at the end of the year was understated、 Which of the following statements correctly states the effect of the error?a、net income is understated20、Merchandise inventory at the end of the year is overstated、 Which of the following statements correctly states the effect of the error?b、owner's equity is overstated21、The inventory method that assigns the most recent costs to cost of good sold isb、LIFO22、Under which method of cost flows is the inventory assumed to be composed of the most recent costs?b、first-in, first-out23、 When the perpetual inventory system is used, the inventory sold is debited to ( )b、cost of merchandise sold24.All of the following below are needed for the calculation of depreciation exceptd、book value25、 A characteristic of a fixed asset is that it isb、used in the operations of a business26、 Accumulated Depreciation ( )c、is a contra asset account27、 The two methods of accounting for investments in stock are the cost method and the ()b、equity method28、 A capital expenditure results in a debit to ()d、an asset account29、 Current liabilities are()d、due and payable within one year30、 The debt created by a business when it makes a purchase on account is referred to as anb、account payable31、 Notes may be issued ()d、all of the above32、The cost of a product warranty should be included as an expense in thec、period of the sale of the product33、 If the market rate of interest is 8%, the price of 6% bonds paying interest semiannually witha face value of $100,000 will bec、Less than $100,00034、 The interest rate specified in the bond indenture is called the ()b、contract rate35、 When the corporation issuing the bonds has the right to repurchase the bonds prior to the maturity date for a specific price, the bonds ared、callable bonds36、 When the market rate of interest on bonds is higher than the contract rate, the bonds will sell atd、 a discount37、 One potential advantage of financing corporations through the use of bonds rather than common stock isc、the interest expense is deductible for tax purposes by the corporation38、 Characteristics of a corporation include ()d、shareholders who have limited liability39、 Stockholders' equity ()c、includes retained earnings and paid-in capital40、 The excess of issue price over par of common stock is termed a(n) ()d、premium41、 Cash dividends are usually not paid on which of the following?c、treasury stock42、 Which of the following accounts below is reported in the paid-in capital/stockholders' equity section of the corporate balance sheet?d、Preferred Stock43、 If preferred stock has dividends in arrears, the preferred stock must bed、convertible44、 The primary purpose of a stock split is tob、reduce the market price of the stock per share45、 Which statement below is not a reason for a corporation to buy back its own stock、d、to increase the shares outstanding46、 The liability for a dividend is recorded on which of the following dates?d、the date of declaration47、 In credit terms of 2/10, n/30, the "2" represents thed、 percent of the cash discount48、 Revenue should be recognized when()b、the service is performed49、 The ability of a business to pay its debts as they come due and to earn a reasonable amount of income is referred to as ()b、solvency and profitability50、 Which of the following is not included in the computation of the quick ratio?a、inventory四、问答题:3.Differentiate between financial accounting and managerial accounting、财务会计与管理会计得区别。



The inventory that has not been sold during an accounting period is shown as an asset on the balance sheet and the inventory that has been sold is reported as an expense on the income statement. The difference between the sales revenue and the cost of goods sold is called gross margin. Selling and administrative expenses are subtracted from the gross margin to arrive at the operating income:
5 calculating operatin income
Th total inventory cost for a given accounting period is calculated by adding the beginning inventory account balance to the amount of inventory bought during the period. The result of adding these two numbers is called cost of goods available for sale. The cost of goods available for sale is allocated between the merchandise inventory account and an expense account called COGS (Cost of goods sold).



Segmented Information
Related Party Transactions
Subsequent Events
◤English Language in Accounting◢
Accounting Policies
Accounting policy information allows users to evaluate data more efficiently. Businesses are usually required to disclose accounting policies used by them so the users can make better assessment of the financial position and operating result and to make meaningful comparisons between years and among companies.
◤English Language in Accounting◢
Consolidated financial information may mask important trends,risks, and opportunities for diversified company.
The second type are those events that are indicative of conditions that arose subsequent to the financial statement date and that may require the inclusion of a note to the financial statements.

会计专业英语 第7章 Revenue and Expense

会计专业英语 第7章 Revenue and Expense
◦ The first section begins with cash balance in the bank statement and ends with the adjusted balance.
◦ The second section starts with the cash balance in the company’s (depositor’s) journal of cash and ends with the adjusted balance.
◦ The purpose of obtaining a fixed asset is to serve the production and business activities.
Companies can produce products through fixed assets, and earn sales revenue through the sale of products;
In practice, most of cash are deposited in bank and a company needs to reconcile with bank by preparing bank reconciliations.
Usually, there are two sections in the bank reconciliation.
The common examples of fixed assets include houses, buildings, machinery, vehicle and other equipment and tools related to production and operation.
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Cost and expense usually occur at the same time, or at least in the same accounting period. However, there are still many costs that cannot be recognized immediately as an expense.
For most of the companies, the earning process of revenue is very long
1. Recognition at Completion of Earning Process. 2. Recognition Prior to Delivery 3. Recognition After Delivery 4. Recognition by Percentage-of-Completion
7.1 Revenue
7.1.1 Definition of Revenue
The increase in economic resources either through increases to assets or reductions to liabilities.
Various terms can used to describe different types of revenue
◦ ……
(3)Administrative Expenses
◦ Expenses used to organize and manage production and other business activities.
◦ Administrative expenses should be recorded in the current profits and losses during the occurrence period.
◦ Examples of expenses
Cost of employees’ salaries, advertising, rent, utilities, and depreciation. All these expenses are essential to attract and service customers and thereby earn revenue
(2)Selling Expenses
◦ Definition
Expenses occurred in the process of selling products, semi-finished goods and services.
◦ Examples
packaging expenses borne by the company, transportation expenses advertising expenses insurance expenses commission expenses
◦ Sale Commissions Earned ◦ Commission Revenue ◦ Fees Earned ◦ interest earned
A firm earns revenues as it engages in activities that increase the value or utility of an item or service.
(1)Cost of Goods d
◦ The determination of cost of goods sold involves allocating the total cost of goods available for sale between the cost of goods sold and the cost of the ending inventory.
A company must be very careful to use these two words and try not to misuse.

According to the matching principle, once revenues have been recognized in conformity with the revenue recognition criteria for any reporting period, expenses occurred in generating these revenues should also be recognized in the same period.
◦ Both selling expenses and administrative expenses are period
(4)Depreciation Expenses
◦ Depreciation is the term for allocating any fixed asset’s cost to the periods of its use or benefits, regardless of the type of assets.
7.2.1 Definition of Expense
◦ Generally speaking, expense is the expenditure that is charged against revenue. Specifically, expense is the decrease in economic resources resulting from reductions of assets or occurrence of liabilities.
◦ Depreciation expenses should be recognized in a rational and systematic manner appropriate to the nature of the fixed asset.