

精品 word.最新文件---------------- 仅供参考-------------------- 已改成-----------word 文本 ------------ --------- 方便更改赠人玫瑰,手留余香。
异:①发行主体不同3、什么是证券投资基金,有哪些特点?投资基金,是通过发行基金券(基金股份或收益凭证) ,将投资者分散的资金集中起来,由专业管理人员分散投资于股票、债券或其他金融资产,并将投资收益分配给基金持有者的一种投资制度。
特点: 1.规模经营——低成本 2.分散投资——低风险 3.专家管理——更多的投资机会4、服务专业化——方便4、什么是金融期货,与远期有何区别。
②净现值率法净现值率是指项目的未来现金流入现值与全部投资现值之比,也精品 word.即单位投资现值的净现值。

( 12)金本位制:以黄金作为本位钱币的钱币制度。
( 12)格雷欣法例:在金银双本位制下,金银两种钱币按国家规定的法定比率流通,结果,官方的金银比价与市场自觉形成的金银比价平行存在。
铸币税:铸币税,也称为“钱币税” 。
( 21)间接融资:资本盈余部门的部分资本经过诸如银行等金融中介机构流向资本欠缺部门。
( 82)非系统风险:单个财产独有的风险。
( 82)信誉风险:债务人不如期还本付息的履约风险。
( 30)(319)市场风险:因各样原由致使金融工具市场价钱下跌的风险。
( 30)李嘉图等价:政府采纳收税或刊行债券对我们的积蓄和花费选择的影响是相等的。
( 109)内部人控制:是指现代公司中的所有权与经营权(控制权)相分其余前提下形成的,因为所有者与经营者利益的不一致,由此致使了经营者控制公司,即“内部人控制”的现象。
浙江财经金融专硕-公司金融习题集公司金融案例 期末2

5.简述功能系数评价法的步骤选择业绩评价指标(基本指标和修正指标)----------确定标准指标值和标准系数(借鉴行业标准指标)----------确定各项指标的权数(一级和二级权重)--------各类指标得分计算----------综合评价得分计算(定性和定量)-----------综合评价结果分级(信用等级)6.简述财务规划指企业对未来融资需求的规划,在进行财务规划时,制订者需要把握以下几方面:制定出适应的超前的规划;能够防止糟糕的业绩财务规划主要包括:1.确定收入与融资之间的关系2.解决公司目前资产结构和未来融资的关系7.价值评估包括那些内容1).影响公司价值的关键因素:----------从管理者的角度提出的,要求评估者深入探索和分析公司价值的驱动因素,并最终提出可行的管理意义2).公司是否具有投资的价值;----------从投资者的角的提出来,要求评估者判断公司当前市场价格是被高估还是低估.8.简述公司金融的主要议题1).资本结构:研究和分析公司融资方法和融资结构2).股利策略:研究公司用什么方法将所赚的钱返还给股东3).兼并与收购:探讨并购的原因和并购的方法4).公司治理:研究佛你公司所有权和控制权结构以及则样对投资者进行保护5).投资银行业务的过程:研究证券上市和发行的过程和方法6).金融中介:研究和分析商业银行等金融机构的功能及其效率9.简述外汇债务的功能1.调节国际收支,保证对外支出2.干预外汇市场,稳定本币汇率3.维护国际信誉,提高融资能力4.增强综合国力,抵抗金融风险10.全能金融将传统的银行储蓄,贷款业务与证券,基金,保险,企业年金及个人理财咨询等较新兴的金融服务全部整合于一家大型金融机构之下,为顾客提供“一次全买”的全套服务,全能化的金融服务理论上的两大成本优势:规模经济;范围经济11.简述配股时机的选择股价上涨,大盘走强初期---------资金面充足易于承销配股风险低---------良好的配股时机股价上涨,大盘走强初期---------二级市场活跃投资者认购踊跃---------良好的配股时机12简述ROE的周期性ROE是能够衡量一个公司对股东提供之资本的使用效益,反映权益资本中每一单位货币产生的股利,或股东从他们的投资中得到与此相当的收益百分比1.时效问题2.风险问题3.价值问题4. ROE与市价--------价值创造(股东市价)13.试述财务状况分析试验步骤14试述股权融资偏好的成因和对金融市场的影响成因1).二元股权结构是股东目标异化,二元的股权的结构,造成了我国客观上公司非流通股大股东和流通股股东的目标异化,占主导地位,非流通股股东更关注每股净资产,以最大化每股净资产为其目标,而上市融资则是实现这一目标的捷径。

Problem:1.Function of financial market and list some financial intermediarie Answer1:A.contributing to higher production and efficiency in the economyB.Improving the well-being of consumers by allowing them to their purchases better Answer2:(1) facilitate investment and financing.(2) a reasonable guidance of capital flow, which contributes to the concentration of capital and promotes the transfer of high-efficiency units.(3) convenient and flexible turnover of funds.(4) to achieve risk diversification, reduce transaction costs.(5) are conducive to enhancing the flexibility of macro-control.(6) to help strengthen economic ties between regions and countries. Intermediaries:BanksBuilding societiesCredit unionsFinancial advisers or brokersInsurance companiesCollective investment schemesPension fundsThe investment decision is the most important of the firm’s three major decisions when it comes to value creation. It begins with a determination of the total amount of assets needed to be held by firm.Financing decision: financial manager is concerned with the makeup of the right-hand side of the balance sheet.Asset management decision: once assets have been acquired and appropriate financing provided, these assets must still be managed efficiently.2.Why profit maximization is not an ideal corporate finance objective?(1)The primary goal of corporate finance is maximize or increase shareholder value not profit(2)To a skilled accountant, however, a decision that increases profits under one set of accounting rules can reduce it under another.(3)Accounting profits are not necessarily the same as cash flows.(4)The problem with profit maximization as a goal is that it does not tell us when cash flows are to be received.(5)Profit maximization ignores the uncertainty or risk associated with cash flows. 总:For the fact that a firm cannot survive with mere profit maximization ,but must increase long-term security through investment and meeting shareholder expectations. This will increase their productive capacity for the future as well as encourage the risky capital investment of the shareholders.3. Characteristics of business organization:(1) sole proprietorship: A business owned and managed by a single individual.Features: Cheapest to form. no formal charter, few government regulationsPays no corporate income taxesUnlimited liability for business debts and obligations.Its life is limited by the life of the sole proprietorThe money raised is limited by the proprietor’s personal wealth(2) partnership: A business formed by two or more individuals or entities. General partnership: All partners share in gains or losses, all have unlimited liability for all partnership debts.Limited partnership: One or more general partners will run the business and have unlimited liability. The limited partner's liability is limited to their contribution to the partnership.Features: Often inexpensive and easy to formDifficult to transfer ownershipDifficult to raise large amounts of cashIncome is taxed as personal income(3) Corporation: Is a legal “person” separate and distinct from its owners . Features: Limited liability for stockholders.Unlimited life for the business.Ownership can be easily transferred.These characteristics make it easier for corporations to raise capital. The disadvantage to corporations is double taxation.4. What is corporate finance and describe their decisions?Corporate finance is the study of the answers to the following questions:(1) What long-term investments should you take on?(2)Where will you get the long-term financing to pay for your investment?(3) How will you manage your everyday financial activities?(WIKI)Corporate finance is the area of finance dealing with the sources of funding and the capital structure of corporations and the actions that managers take to increase the value of the firm to the shareholders, as well as the tools and analysis used to allocate financial resources.Investment Decisions: Concerning non-current assent or capital budgeting.Evaluating the size, timing and risk of future cash flow.Cash flow versus accounting profitFinancing Decisions: Determine how the assets will be financed.What is the best type of financing?What is the best financing mix?What is the best dividend policy (dividend decision)?Capital structureAsset Management Decisions: How do we manage existing assets efficiently?Greater emphasis on current asset management than fixed assetmanagement.Working capital management.5. Evaluate IRR ruleFor the fact that internal rate of return is a rate quantity, it always is used to be an excellent indicator of the efficiency, quality, or yield of an investment. However, As an investment decision tool, the calculated IRR should not be used to rate mutually exclusive projects, but only to decide whether a single project is worth investing in.The IRR does give you a rate of return, but the IRR could be for a small investment or for only a short period of time.6. Financial managementFinancial management is concerned with the acquisition, financing, and management of assets with some overall goal in mind.The investment decision is the most important of the firm’s three major decisions when it comes to value creation. It begins with a determination of the total amount of assets needed to be held by firm.Financing decision: financial manager is concerned with the makeup of the right-hand side of the balance sheet.Asset management decision: once assets have been acquired and appropriate financing provided, these assets must still be managed efficiently.7. Describe net operation theory,traditional theory, MM theory without(with)corporate tax, with bankruptcy and agency costNet Operating Income Approach -- A theory of capital structure in which the weighted average cost of capital and the total value of the firm remain constant as financial leverage is changed.Traditional Approach -- A theory of capital structure in which there exists an optimal capital structure and where management can increase the total value of the firm through the judicious use of financial leverage.The relationship between financial leverage and the cost of capital is explained by the NOI approach.Provide behavioral justification for a constant ko over the entire range of financial leverage possibilities.Total risk for all security holders of the firm is not altered by the capital structure.Therefore, the total value of the firm is not altered by the firm’s financing mix. Total market value is not altered by the capital structure (the total size of the pies are the same).M&M assume an absence of taxes and market imperfections.Investors can substitute personal for corporate financial leverage.No TaxesProposition I: Firm value is not affected by leverageVL = VUProposition II: Leverage increases the risk and return to stockholdersrs = r0 + (B / SL) (r0 - rB)rB is the interest rate (cost of debt)rs is the return on (levered) equity (cost of equity)r0 is the return on unlevered equity (cost of capital)B is the value of debtSL is the value of levered equitywith Corporate TaxesProposition I (with Corporate Taxes):Firm value increases with leverage VL = VU + TC BProposition II (with Corporate Taxes):Some of the increase in equity risk and return is offset by interest tax shield rS = r0 + (B/S)×(1-TC)×(r0 - rB)rB is the interest rate (cost of debt)rS is the return on equity (cost of equity)r0 is the return on unlevered equity (cost of capital)B is the value of debtS is the value of levered equityAgency Costs -- Costs associated with monitoring management to ensure that it behaves in ways consistent with the firm’s contractual agreements with creditors and shareholders.Value of levered firm= Value of firm if unlevered + Present value of tax-shield benefits of debt -Present value of bankruptcy and agency costsCalculation:1.Annuity;Perpetuity:PV:FVC = Cash flow per periodi = interest raten = number of paymentsC = Cash flow per periodi = interest raten = number of paymentsPV of a perpetuity = P / iIn this formula "P" represents your annual payment and "i" represents your interest or discount rate.PV of a growing perpetuity = P / (i - g)In this formula "P" represents your annual payment, "i" represents your interest or discount rate and "g" represents the growth rate.2.Valuation of bond(half year)and stock3.Investment criterion IRR,NPV,PBP,PINPV:Given the (period, cash flow) pairs (, ) where is the total number of periods, the net present value is given by:IRR:NPV=0,i=IRRGiven the (period, cash flow) pairs (, ) where is the total number of periods, the net present value is given by:PBP:Payback Period = W + (X - Y) / ZW is the year before which the investment value is crossed in cumulative cash flows X is the initial investment or the initial cash outlayY is the cumulative cash flow just before the investment value is crossed in cumulative cash flowsZ is the cash flow of the year in which the investment value is crossed in the cumulative cash flowsPI:PI=(PV of future cash flow )/(Initial investment)=1+NPV/(Initial investment)4.Expanding and Replacement:;EAC:EAC = NPV/A t, r where A= the present value of an annuity factort = number of periodsr = interest rateA t, r=(1-1/(1+r)^t)/r5.WACC,CAPM:WACC:where is the number of sources of capital (securities, types of liabilities); is the required rate of return for security ; and is the market value of all outstanding securities .where D is the total debt, E is the total shareholder’s equity, Ke is the cost of equity, and Kd is the cost of debt.Tax effects[edit]Tax effects can be incorporated into this formula. For example, the WACC for a company financed by one type of shares with the total market value of and cost of equity and one type of bonds with the total market value of and cost of debt , in a country with corporate tax rate , is calculated as:CAPM:where:is the expected return on the capital assetis the risk-free rate of interest such as interest arising from government bonds (the beta) is the sensitivity of the expected excess asset returns to the expected excess market returns, or also ,is the expected return of the marketis sometimes known as the market premium (the difference between the expected market rate of return and the risk-free rate of return).is also known as the risk premiumRestated, in terms of risk premium, we find that:Modified formula:"where:is required return on security iis risk-free rateis general market risk premiumis risk premium for small sizeis risk premium due to company-specific risk factor6.DOL,DFL,DTL,EPS-EBITDOL:DOL =% change in EBIT / % change in salesDFL:DFL =% change in EPS / % change in EBITDTL:DTL =% change in EPS / % change in salesEPS:earnings per shareEBIT:operating profit7.MM without and with corporate tax;arbitrageWithout taxesProposition Iwhereis the value of an unlevered firm = price of buying a firm composed only of equity, and is the value of a levered firm = price of buying a firm that is composedof some mix of debt and equity. Another word for levered is geared, which has the same meaning.Proposition IIwhereis the required rate of return on equity, or cost of equity.is the company unlevered cost of capital (ie assume no leverage).is the required rate of return on borrowings, or cost of debt.is the debt-to-equity ratio.With taxesProposition Iwhereis the value of a levered firm.is the value of an unlevered firm.is the tax rate () x the value of debt (D)the term assumes debt is perpetualProposition IIwhere:is the required rate of return on equity, or cost of levered equity = unlevered equity + financing premium.is the company cost of equity capital with no leverage (unlevered cost of equity, or return on assets with D/E = 0).is the required rate of return on borrowings, or cost of debt.is the debt-to-equity ratio.is the tax rate.。

可编辑修改精选全文完整版大学《公司金融》期末考试试题及答案解析(共三套)目录《公司金融》期末考试试题及答案解析(第一套) (1)《公司金融》期末考试试题及答案解析(第二套) (15)《公司财务》期末考试试题及答案解析 (29)《公司金融》期末考试试题及答案解析(第一套)一、《公司金融》考试大纲1、考试题型期末考试采用开卷的形式,时间为90分钟,满分100分。
A.1B.2C.3D.以上均不对【答案】A3、已知每年年底存款5 000元,欲计算第五年末的价值总额,应该利用()。



A 价值尺度B 流通手段C 贮藏手段D 支付手段E 世界货币2、纸币的基本功能是()。
A 价值尺度B 流通手段C 贮藏手段D 支付手段E 世界货币3、格雷欣法则一般发生在以下哪一种货币制度下()。
A 平行本位制B 金本位制C 银本位制 D双本位制E 跛行本位制4、货币制度的构成要素有哪些()。
A 币材的确定B 货币单位的确定C 流通货币的确定D 货币铸造和发行E 支付能力的规定5、香港的港元由以下哪几家商业银行发行()。
A 花旗银行 B汇丰银行 C 渣打银行 D 中国银行 E 中国人民银行第二章信用一、名词解释:商业信用消费信用银行信用二、选择题1、银行对客户发放的房地产按揭贷款是()。
A 商业信用B 银行信用C 消费信用D 国家信用E 国际信用2、高利贷信用的特点有()。
A 利率高B 生产性C 非生产性D 保守性E 扩张性三、简答:1、简要比较商业信用与银行信用。
A 10.98%B 21.4%C –10.42%D 10.42%2、一张面值为100元的“零息债券”,发行价为90元,一年到期后按面值赎回,这张债券的实际收益率为()。
A 10%B 11.1%C –10%D 0三、简答:1、决定和影响利率的主要因素有哪些?2、简述凯恩斯流动性偏好利率理论。



A、3B、1000C、500D、50例:甲、乙、丙共同出资设立一有限责任公司,主营商品批发业务, 该公司注册资本最低金额就是(D )万元。


A.可转债B.信用期权C.可召回债券D. 期货11、优先股的收益率经常低于债券的收益率,原因是()。
浙江财经金融专硕-公司金融习题集 公司金融期末资料暂缺计算题


Problem:1.Function of financial market and list some financial intermediarie Answer1:A.contributing to higher production and efficiency in the economyB.Improving the well-being of consumers by allowing them to their purchases better Answer2:(1) facilitate investment and financing.(2) a reasonable guidance of capital flow, which contributes to the concentration of capital and promotes the transfer of high-efficiency units.(3) convenient and flexible turnover of funds.(4) to achieve risk diversification, reduce transaction costs.(5) are conducive to enhancing the flexibility of macro-control.(6) to help strengthen economic ties between regions and countries. Intermediaries:BanksBuilding societiesCredit unionsFinancial advisers or brokersInsurance companiesCollective investment schemesPension fundsThe investment decision is the most important of the firm’s three major decisions when it comes to value creation. It begins with a determination of the total amount of assets needed to be held by firm.Financing decision: financial manager is concerned with the makeup of the right-hand side of the balance sheet.Asset management decision: once assets have been acquired and appropriate financing provided, these assets must still be managed efficiently.2.Why profit maximization is not an ideal corporate finance objective?(1)The primary goal of corporate finance is maximize or increase shareholder value not profit(2)To a skilled accountant, however, a decision that increases profits under one set of accounting rules can reduce it under another.(3)Accounting profits are not necessarily the same as cash flows.(4)The problem with profit maximization as a goal is that it does not tell us when cash flows are to be received.(5)Profit maximization ignores the uncertainty or risk associated with cash flows. 总:For the fact that a firm cannot survive with mere profit maximization ,but must increase long-term security through investment and meeting shareholder expectations. This will increase their productive capacity for the future as well as encourage the risky capital investment of the shareholders.3. Characteristics of business organization:(1) sole proprietorship: A business owned and managed by a single individual.Features: Cheapest to form. no formal charter, few government regulationsPays no corporate income taxesUnlimited liability for business debts and obligations.Its life is limited by the life of the sole proprietorThe money raised is limited by the proprietor’s personal wealth(2) partnership: A business formed by two or more individuals or entities. General partnership: All partners share in gains or losses, all have unlimited liability for all partnership debts.Limited partnership: One or more general partners will run the business and have unlimited liability. The limited partner's liability is limited to their contribution to the partnership.Features: Often inexpensive and easy to formDifficult to transfer ownershipDifficult to raise large amounts of cashIncome is taxed as personal income(3) Corporation: Is a legal “person” separate and distinct from its owners . Features: Limited liability for stockholders.Unlimited life for the business.Ownership can be easily transferred.These characteristics make it easier for corporations to raise capital. The disadvantage to corporations is double taxation.4. What is corporate finance and describe their decisions?Corporate finance is the study of the answers to the following questions:(1) What long-term investments should you take on?(2)Where will you get the long-term financing to pay for your investment?(3) How will you manage your everyday financial activities?(WIKI)Corporate finance is the area of finance dealing with the sources of funding and the capital structure of corporations and the actions that managers take to increase the value of the firm to the shareholders, as well as the tools and analysis used to allocate financial resources.Investment Decisions: Concerning non-current assent or capital budgeting.Evaluating the size, timing and risk of future cash flow.Cash flow versus accounting profitFinancing Decisions: Determine how the assets will be financed.What is the best type of financing?What is the best financing mix?What is the best dividend policy (dividend decision)?Capital structureAsset Management Decisions: How do we manage existing assets efficiently?Greater emphasis on current asset management than fixed assetmanagement.Working capital management.5. Evaluate IRR ruleFor the fact that internal rate of return is a rate quantity, it always is used to be an excellent indicator of the efficiency, quality, or yield of an investment. However, As an investment decision tool, the calculated IRR should not be used to rate mutually exclusive projects, but only to decide whether a single project is worth investing in.The IRR does give you a rate of return, but the IRR could be for a small investment or for only a short period of time.6. Financial managementFinancial management is concerned with the acquisition, financing, and management of assets with some overall goal in mind.The investment decision is the most important of the firm’s three major decisions when it comes to value creation. It begins with a determination of the total amount of assets needed to be held by firm.Financing decision: financial manager is concerned with the makeup of the right-hand side of the balance sheet.Asset management decision: once assets have been acquired and appropriate financing provided, these assets must still be managed efficiently.7. Describe net operation theory,traditional theory, MM theory without(with)corporate tax, with bankruptcy and agency costNet Operating Income Approach -- A theory of capital structure in which the weighted average cost of capital and the total value of the firm remain constant as financial leverage is changed.Traditional Approach -- A theory of capital structure in which there exists an optimal capital structure and where management can increase the total value of the firm through the judicious use of financial leverage.The relationship between financial leverage and the cost of capital is explained by the NOI approach.Provide behavioral justification for a constant ko over the entire range of financial leverage possibilities.Total risk for all security holders of the firm is not altered by the capital structure.Therefore, the total value of the firm is not altered by the firm’s financing mix. Total market value is not altered by the capital structure (the total size of the pies are the same).M&M assume an absence of taxes and market imperfections.Investors can substitute personal for corporate financial leverage.No TaxesProposition I: Firm value is not affected by leverageVL = VUProposition II: Leverage increases the risk and return to stockholdersrs = r0 + (B / SL) (r0 - rB)rB is the interest rate (cost of debt)rs is the return on (levered) equity (cost of equity)r0 is the return on unlevered equity (cost of capital)B is the value of debtSL is the value of levered equitywith Corporate TaxesProposition I (with Corporate Taxes):Firm value increases with leverage VL = VU + TC BProposition II (with Corporate Taxes):Some of the increase in equity risk and return is offset by interest tax shield rS = r0 + (B/S)×(1-TC)×(r0 - rB)rB is the interest rate (cost of debt)rS is the return on equity (cost of equity)r0 is the return on unlevered equity (cost of capital)B is the value of debtS is the value of levered equityAgency Costs -- Costs associated with monitoring management to ensure that it behaves in ways consistent with the firm’s contractual agreements with creditors and shareholders.Value of levered firm= Value of firm if unlevered + Present value of tax-shield benefits of debt -Present value of bankruptcy and agency costsCalculation:1.Annuity;Perpetuity:PV:FVC = Cash flow per periodi = interest raten = number of paymentsC = Cash flow per periodi = interest raten = number of paymentsPV of a perpetuity = P / iIn this formula "P" represents your annual payment and "i" represents your interest or discount rate.PV of a growing perpetuity = P / (i - g)In this formula "P" represents your annual payment, "i" represents your interest or discount rate and "g" represents the growth rate.2.Valuation of bond(half year)and stock3.Investment criterion IRR,NPV,PBP,PINPV:Given the (period, cash flow) pairs (, ) where is the total number of periods, the net present value is given by:IRR:NPV=0,i=IRRGiven the (period, cash flow) pairs (, ) where is the total number of periods, the net present value is given by:PBP:Payback Period = W + (X - Y) / ZW is the year before which the investment value is crossed in cumulative cash flows X is the initial investment or the initial cash outlayY is the cumulative cash flow just before the investment value is crossed in cumulative cash flowsZ is the cash flow of the year in which the investment value is crossed in the cumulative cash flowsPI:PI=(PV of future cash flow )/(Initial investment)=1+NPV/(Initial investment)4.Expanding and Replacement:;EAC:EAC = NPV/A t, r where A= the present value of an annuity factort = number of periodsr = interest rateA t, r=(1-1/(1+r)^t)/r5.WACC,CAPM:WACC:where is the number of sources of capital (securities, types of liabilities); is the required rate of return for security ; and is the market value of all outstanding securities .where D is the total debt, E is the total shareholder’s equity, Ke is the cost of equity, and Kd is the cost of debt.Tax effects[edit]Tax effects can be incorporated into this formula. For example, the WACC for a company financed by one type of shares with the total market value of and cost of equity and one type of bonds with the total market value of and cost of debt , in a country with corporate tax rate , is calculated as:CAPM:where:is the expected return on the capital assetis the risk-free rate of interest such as interest arising from government bonds (the beta) is the sensitivity of the expected excess asset returns to the expected excess market returns, or also ,is the expected return of the marketis sometimes known as the market premium (the difference between the expected market rate of return and the risk-free rate of return).is also known as the risk premiumRestated, in terms of risk premium, we find that:Modified formula:"where:is required return on security iis risk-free rateis general market risk premiumis risk premium for small sizeis risk premium due to company-specific risk factor6.DOL,DFL,DTL,EPS-EBITDOL:DOL =% change in EBIT / % change in salesDFL:DFL =% change in EPS / % change in EBITDTL:DTL =% change in EPS / % change in salesEPS:earnings per shareEBIT:operating profit7.MM without and with corporate tax;arbitrageWithout taxesProposition Iwhereis the value of an unlevered firm = price of buying a firm composed only of equity, and is the value of a levered firm = price of buying a firm that is composedof some mix of debt and equity. Another word for levered is geared, which has the same meaning.Proposition IIwhereis the required rate of return on equity, or cost of equity.is the company unlevered cost of capital (ie assume no leverage).is the required rate of return on borrowings, or cost of debt.is the debt-to-equity ratio.With taxesProposition Iwhereis the value of a levered firm.is the value of an unlevered firm.is the tax rate () x the value of debt (D)the term assumes debt is perpetualProposition IIwhere:is the required rate of return on equity, or cost of levered equity = unlevered equity + financing premium.is the company cost of equity capital with no leverage (unlevered cost of equity, or return on assets with D/E = 0).is the required rate of return on borrowings, or cost of debt.is the debt-to-equity ratio.is the tax rate.。

4、简述财务报表的局限性答:a 财务比率分析的局限性:财务比率的根本问题在于,没有一个标准来判断比率是否高低。

《公司金融》(17级)复习内容一、名词解释(25分)股价操纵上市公司金融战略管理者过度自信“市场势力假说”(Market Power)杠杆收购(leveraged buyouts):资本结构信息传递理论:并购的类型。
8.为什么生存分析是企业财务困境动态变化的很有价值的工具?9.简述因子分析(Factor Analysis)的基本思想?10.简述企业收账政策。
管理者过度自信一般认为,所谓管理者过度自信是指管理者在进行决策时会因为高估自身的能力和知识而产生偏差,从而导致管理者高估决策成功的可能性并低估与决策相关的风险“市场势力假说”(Market Power)市场势力理论是一种市场理论,该理论认为,并购活动的主要动因经常是由于可以借并购达到减少竞争对手来增强对经营环境的控制,提高市场占有率,使企业获得某种形式的垄断或寡占利润,并增加长期的获利机会。
杠杆收购(leveraged buyouts):书P338资本结构信息传递理论:信号传递理论认为,公司可以通过调整资本结构来传递有关获利能力和风险方面的信息,以及公司如何看待股票市价的信息。

1.李凯是一个财经学院M B A二年级的学生,他得到了一份每年10 0,0 0 0元薪金的工作。
他估计他的年薪会每年增长12%,第4 年末,他被开除了。
在银行存款利率为10%的情况下,此人最初的存款额应为多少?3.王老师想要三年后收到10 0,0 0 0元,他可以以7%的回报进行投资。
三年末,能得到多少钱? 如果单利计算能得到多少钱?6.王明很幸运,赢得了一项杭州市的博彩大奖,在以后2 0年中每年将得到5 0 , 0 0 0元的奖金,一年以后开始领取奖金。
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Problem:1.Function of financial market and list some financial intermediarieAnswer1:A.contributing to higher production and efficiency in the economyB.Improving the well-being of consumers by allowing them to their purchases betterAnswer2:(1) facilitate investment and financing.(2) a reasonable guidance of capital flow, which contributes to the concentration of capital and promotes the transfer of high-efficiency units.(3) convenient and flexible turnover of funds.(4) to achieve risk diversification, reduce transaction costs.(5) are conducive to enhancing the flexibility of macro-control.(6) to help strengthen economic ties between regions and countries.Intermediaries:BanksBuilding societiesCredit unionsFinancial advisers or brokersInsurance companiesCollective investment schemesPension fundsThe investment decision is the most important of the firm’s three major decisions when it comes to value creation. It begins with a determination of the total amount of assets needed to be held by firm.Financing decision: financial manager is concerned with the makeup of the right-hand side of the balance sheet.Asset management decision: once assets have been acquired and appropriate financing provided, these assets must still be managed efficiently.2.Why profit maximization is not an ideal corporate finance objective?(1)The primary goal of corporate finance is maximize or increase shareholder value not profit(2)To a skilled accountant, however, a decision that increases profits under one set of accounting rules can reduce it under another.(3)Accounting profits are not necessarily the same as cash flows.(4)The problem with profit maximization as a goal is that it does not tell us when cash flows are to be received.(5)Profit maximization ignores the uncertainty or risk associated with cash flows.总:For the fact that a firm cannot survive with mere profit maximization ,but must increase long-term security through investment and meeting shareholder expectations. This will increase their productive capacity for the future as well as encourage the risky capital investment of the shareholders.3. Characteristics of business organization:(1) sole proprietorship: A business owned and managed by a single individual.Features: Cheapest to form. no formal charter, few government regulationsPays no corporate income taxesUnlimited liability for business debts and obligations.Its life is limited by the life of the sole proprietorThe money raised is limited by the proprietor’s personal wealth(2) partnership: A business formed by two or more individuals or entities.General partnership: All partners share in gains or losses, all have unlimited liability for all partnership debts.Limited partnership: One or more general partners will run the business and have unlimited liability. The limited partner's liability is limited to their contribution to the partnership. Features: Often inexpensive and easy to formDifficult to transfer ownershipDifficult to raise large amounts of cashIncome is taxed as personal income(3) Corporation: Is a legal “person”separate and distinct from its owners .Features: Limited liability for stockholders.Unlimited life for the business.Ownership can be easily transferred.These characteristics make it easier for corporations to raise capital.The disadvantage to corporations is double taxation.4. What is corporate finance and describe their decisions?Corporate finance is the study of the answers to the following questions:(1) What long-term investments should you take on?(2)Where will you get the long-term financing to pay for your investment?(3) How will you manage your everyday financial activities?(WIKI)Corporate finance is the area of finance dealing with the sources of funding and the capital structure of corporations and the actions that managers take to increase the value of the firm to the shareholders, as well as the tools and analysis used to allocate financial resources.Investment Decisions: Concerning non-current assent or capital budgeting.Evaluating the size, timing and risk of future cash flow.Cash flow versus accounting profitFinancing Decisions: Determine how the assets will be financed.What is the best type of financing?What is the best financing mix?What is the best dividend policy (dividend decision)?Capital structureAsset Management Decisions: How do we manage existing assets efficiently?Greater emphasis on current asset management than fixed assetmanagement.Working capital management.5. Evaluate IRR ruleFor the fact that internal rate of return is a rate quantity, it always is used to be an excellent indicator of the efficiency, quality, or yield of an investment.However, As an investment decision tool, the calculated IRR should not be used to rate mutually exclusive projects, but only to decide whether a single project is worth investing in.The IRR does give you a rate of return, but the IRR could be for a small investment or for only a short period of time.6. Financial managementFinancial management is concerned with the acquisition, financing, and management of assets with some overall goal in mind.The investment decision is the most important of the firm’s three major decisions when it comes to value creation. It begins with a determination of the total amount of assets needed to be held by firm.Financing decision: financial manager is concerned with the makeup of the right-hand side of the balance sheet.Asset management decision: once assets have been acquired and appropriate financing provided, these assets must still be managed efficiently.7. Describe net operation theory,traditional theory, MM theory without(with)corporate tax, with bankruptcy and agency costNet Operating Income Approach -- A theory of capital structure in which the weighted average cost of capital and the total value of the firm remain constant as financial leverage is changed. Traditional Approach -- A theory of capital structure in which there exists an optimal capital structure and where management can increase the total value of the firm through the judicious use of financial leverage.The relationship between financial leverage and the cost of capital is explained by the NOI approach.Provide behavioral justification for a constant ko over the entire range of financial leverage possibilities.Total risk for all security holders of the firm is not altered by the capital structure.Therefore, the total value of the firm is not altered by the firm’s financing mix.Total market value is not altered by the capital structure (the total size of the pies are the same).M&M assume an absence of taxes and market imperfections.Investors can substitute personal for corporate financial leverage.No TaxesProposition I: Firm value is not affected by leverageVL = VUProposition II: Leverage increases the risk and return to stockholdersrs = r0 + (B / SL) (r0 - rB)rB is the interest rate (cost of debt)rs is the return on (levered) equity (cost of equity)r0 is the return on unlevered equity (cost of capital)B is the value of debtSL is the value of levered equitywith Corporate TaxesProposition I (with Corporate Taxes):Firm value increases with leverage VL = VU + TC BProposition II (with Corporate Taxes):Some of the increase in equity risk and return is offset by interest tax shield rS = r0 + (B/S)×(1-TC)×(r0 - rB)rB is the interest rate (cost of debt)rS is the return on equity (cost of equity)r0 is the return on unlevered equity (cost of capital)B is the value of debtS is the value of levered equityAgency Costs -- Costs associated with monitoring management to ensure that it behaves in ways consistent with the firm’s contractual agreements with creditors and shareholders.Value of levered firm= Value of firm if unlevered + Present value of tax-shield benefits of debt -Present value of bankruptcy and agency costsCalculation:1.Annuity;Perpetuity:PV:FVC = Cash flow per periodi = interest raten = number of paymentsC = Cash flow per periodi = interest raten = number of paymentsPV of a perpetuity = P / iIn this formula "P" represents your annual payment and "i" represents your interest or discount rate. PV of a growing perpetuity = P / (i - g)In this formula "P" represents your annual payment, "i" represents your interest or discount rate and "g" represents the growth rate.2.Valuation of bond(half year)and stock3.Investment criterion IRR,NPV,PBP,PINPV:Given the (period, cash flow) pairs (, ) where is the total number of periods, the netpresent value is given by:IRR:NPV=0,i=IRRGiven the (period, cash flow) pairs (, ) where is the total number of periods, the netpresent value is given by:PBP:Payback Period = W + (X - Y) / ZW is the year before which the investment value is crossed in cumulative cash flowsX is the initial investment or the initial cash outlayY is the cumulative cash flow just before the investment value is crossed in cumulative cash flows Z is the cash flow of the year in which the investment value is crossed in the cumulative cash flowsPI:PI=(PV of future cash flow )/(Initial investment)=1+NPV/(Initial investment)4.Expanding and Replacement:;EAC:EAC = NPV/A t, r where A= the present value of an annuity factort = number of periodsr = interest rateA t, r=(1-1/(1+r)^t)/r5.WACC,CAPM:WACC:where is the number of sources of capital (securities, types of liabilities); is the requiredrate of return for security ; and is the market value of all outstanding securities .where D is the total debt, E is the total shareholder’s equity, Ke is the cost of equity, and Kd is the cost of debt.Tax effects[edit]Tax effects can be incorporated into this formula. For example, the WACC for a company financedby one type of shares with the total market value of and cost of equity and one typeof bonds with the total market value of and cost of debt , in a country with corporatetax rate , is calculated as:CAPM:where:is the expected return on the capital assetis the risk-free rate of interest such as interest arising from government bonds(the beta) is the sensitivity of the expected excess asset returns to the expected excess marketreturns, or also ,is the expected return of the marketis sometimes known as the market premium (the difference between the expected market rate of return and the risk-free rate of return).is also known as the risk premiumRestated, in terms of risk premium, we find that:Modified formula:"where:is required return on security iis risk-free rateis general market risk premiumis risk premium for small sizeis risk premium due to company-specific risk factor6.DOL,DFL,DTL,EPS-EBITDOL:DOL =% change in EBIT / % change in salesDFL:DFL =% change in EPS / % change in EBITDTL:DTL =% change in EPS / % change in salesEPS:earnings per shareEBIT:operating profit7.MM without and with corporate tax;arbitrageWithout taxesProposition Iwhereis the value of an unlevered firm = price of buying a firm composed only of equity, andis the value of a levered firm = price of buying a firm that is composed of some mix of debt and equity. Another word for levered is geared, which has the same meaning.Proposition IIwhereis the required rate of return on equity, or cost of equity.is the company unlevered cost of capital (ie assume no leverage).is the required rate of return on borrowings, or cost of debt.is the debt-to-equity ratio.With taxesProposition Iwhereis the value of a levered firm.is the value of an unlevered firm.is the tax rate () x the value of debt (D)the term assumes debt is perpetualProposition IIwhere:is the required rate of return on equity, or cost of levered equity = unlevered equity + financing premium.is the company cost of equity capital with no leverage (unlevered cost of equity, or return on assets with D/E = 0).is the required rate of return on borrowings, or cost of debt.is the debt-to-equity ratio.is the tax rate.。