浙江教师资格证考试面试高中英语试讲教案《Breaking the record》


Breaking the record阅读课课堂教学设计

Breaking the record阅读课课堂教学设计

Breaking the record阅读课课堂教学设计一、教学目标1. 帮助学生在阅读中掌握相关阅读技巧,提高阅读速度和理解能力。

2. 培养学生对阅读的兴趣和热情,提高学生的阅读能力和自学能力。

3. 通过阅读让学生了解并学习挑战和突破自己的态度和行为,培养学生的积极向上的人生态度。

二、教学重点和难点1. 教学重点:激发学生对阅读的兴趣,提高学生的阅读速度和理解能力。

2. 教学难点:如何引导学生破解未知单词、句子和段落的理解困难,增强学生的阅读信心。

三、教学过程1. 初始环节(1)教师通过引导学生自主阅读的方式,调动学生对阅读的兴趣和热情。


3. 阅读理解(1)教师通过问题引导学生复述和理解文章,然后带领学生一起进行对文章内容的分析和讨论,引导学生理解文章的核心意思和主题思想。


4. 互动交流(1)教师组织学生进行互相交流,分享自己的阅读经验和心得,增进学生对阅读的兴趣和热情。


5. 总结回顾(1)教师对本堂课的重点和难点进行总结和梳理,帮助学生对本节课的内容有个清晰的认识和理解。


四、教学方式1. 教师引导式教学教师在教学中通过引导学生进行自主阅读,自主学习,引导学生自主探究和思考,培养学生的自主学习和解决问题的能力。

2. 学生合作式学习教师将学生分成小组,组织学生进行小组合作学习,让学生在合作中相互学习和交流,丰富学生的学习内容和活动。

3. 体验式教学教师在教学中通过设置角色扮演、朗诵、小组讨论等体验式教学活动,让学生在体验中感悟和领悟。



教师资格证高中英语面试教案一、教学目标:1. 知识目标:(1)让学生掌握高中英语面试的基本流程和注意事项。



2. 能力目标:(1)培养学生具备流利的英语口语表达能力。


3. 情感目标:(1)增强学生对英语学习的兴趣。


二、教学内容:1. 高中英语面试的基本流程和注意事项。

2. 英语自我介绍的常用句型和表达方式。

3. 英语面试常见问题的回答策略。

4. 英语口语表达的技巧和训练方法。

5. 英语听力理解的训练和提高方法。

三、教学过程:1. 导入:向学生介绍本节课的主题和目标,激发学生的学习兴趣。

2. 讲解:详细讲解高中英语面试的基本流程、注意事项、自我介绍的句型和回答问题的策略。

3. 实践:学生分组进行角色扮演,模拟英语面试场景,锻炼口语表达和听力理解能力。

4. 训练:针对面试常见问题,进行口语表达训练,提高学生的应试技巧。

5. 总结:对本节课的内容进行总结,鼓励学生积极参与英语学习,提高自身能力。

四、教学方法:1. 讲授法:讲解面试基本流程、注意事项、自我介绍句型和回答问题策略。

2. 实践法:模拟面试场景,进行角色扮演,锻炼学生的口语表达和听力理解能力。

3. 训练法:针对面试常见问题,进行口语表达训练,提高学生的应试技巧。

4. 激励法:鼓励学生积极参与英语学习,提高自身能力。

五、教学评价:1. 学生课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂上的发言和表现,评价学生的参与程度。

2. 学生口语表达和听力理解能力:通过角色扮演和面试模拟,评价学生的口语表达和听力理解能力。

3. 学生应试技巧的提高:观察学生在模拟面试中的表现,评价学生应试技巧的提高程度。

4. 学生学习兴趣和自信心的增强:通过课堂观察和学生反馈,评价学生学习兴趣和自信心的增强情况。

六、教学资源:1. 教材:高中英语教材及相关面试资料。



高中英语教师资格证试讲教案第一章:课程概述与目标1.1 课程背景分析高中英语课程的背景和重要性,强调其在学生全面发展中的作用。

1.2 课程目标阐述高中英语课程的教学目标,包括语言知识、技能、情感态度和文化意识等方面。

1.3 教学方法介绍常用的教学方法,如任务型教学法、合作学习法和信息技术辅助教学等。

第二章:教学内容与教材分析2.1 教学内容分析高中英语课程的主要教学内容,包括听说读写技能和词汇语法知识等。

2.2 教材分析分析所使用的教材的特点和结构,如人教版高中英语教材和新概念英语等。

2.3 教学资源介绍可以使用的教学资源,如多媒体课件、网络资源和纸质教材等。

第三章:学生分析与学习策略3.1 学生分析分析学生的年龄特点、学习兴趣和英语水平,以便更好地制定教学计划。

3.2 学习策略介绍有效的学习策略,如自主学习、合作学习和反思学习等。

3.3 教学评价阐述教学评价的方法和标准,包括课堂表现、作业质量和考试成绩等。

第四章:教学计划与教学活动设计4.1 教学计划制定详细的教学计划,包括教学目标、教学内容和教学步骤等。

4.2 教学活动设计设计具体的教学活动,如听力练习、口语表达、阅读理解和写作训练等。

4.3 教学反思强调教学反思的重要性,并提供一些反思问题和修改建议。

第五章:教学实施与课堂管理5.1 教学实施描述教学过程中的具体操作,包括课堂讲解、学生互动和教学反馈等。

5.2 课堂管理介绍有效的课堂管理策略,如规则制定、学生激励和纪律维护等。

5.3 教学改进提出教学过程中的改进措施,以提高教学效果和学生的学习兴趣。

高中英语教师资格证试讲教案第六章:听力教学6.1 听力教学目标阐述听力教学的目标,包括提高学生的听力理解能力和听觉注意力。

6.2 听力教学方法介绍常用的听力教学方法,如听写练习、听力游戏和多媒体辅助听力等。

6.3 听力教学活动设计设计具体的听力教学活动,如听力对话、听力短文和听力练习等。

第七章:口语教学7.1 口语教学目标阐述口语教学的目标,包括提高学生的口语表达能力和交流能力。



教师资格证考试-面试-高中英语-教案模板+逐字稿-听力课【设计思路】听力课,我们采用PWP模式,即pre-listening、while- listening以及post- listening;各个环节可以设计的活动如下:Pre- listening:预测文章内容1st listening:获取文章大意PWP While- listening 2nd listening:获取文章细节内容3rd listening:检查细节内容Post- listening:复述文章内容/小组讨论/角色扮演【教案】Teaching PlanTeaching Aims:Knowledge aims:(1)Students can understand the meaning of the listening material.(2)Students will learn some knowledge about ….Ability aims:(1)Students can improve their listening abilities for general idea and detailed information.(2)Students can master their skills about how to introduce … in their own words.Emotional aims: (以下内容选一/二即可)(1)Students can get more interests and confidence in learning English.(2)Students will be willing to apply their English into daily use.(3)Students can get the awareness of cooperation with others.Teaching Key & Difficult Points:Teaching key point:Students can get a better understanding of the listening material.Teaching difficult point:Students will learn to use different listening abilities to deal with different information..Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings.2.Lead-in: (以下导入方式选其一即可)①Review the knowledge that we learned before/in the last class with the students: …②Check students’ homework that I assigned in the last class: …③Share a story/saying/experience with students: …④Show students some pictures about … and ask them to think about the following questions:/ Play a short video to the students and ask them to think about the following questions during watching:Q1: …Q2: …⑤Free talk: ask students to discuss the following question and then invite some of them to share their answers:Q: …Step 2 Pre-listening (以下方式取其一即可)①Show students the title of the listening material and ask them to try to predict the what the listening material may talk about according to the title/the pictures on the screen.②Show students some words and expressions that appear in the listening material and ask them to predict what the passage may talk about according to these.Words and expressions: …③Ask students to think about the following questions and then invite two of them to share their ideas. Then ask them to predict what the passage may talk about.Q1: …Q2: …Step 3 While-listening(1)1st listening: ask students to listen to the material for the first time and try to catch the main idea of it.(2)2nd listening: ask students to listen to the material again, in order to answer the following questions/in order to tell the following statements true(T) or false(F)/in order to finish the chart on the screen.Questions/statements/chart: …(3)3rd listening: the teacher will read the material and ask students to check all the answers.(若材料比较难,可以设计此步骤,若材料比较简单,可在2nd listening中设计成教师朗读,但是若文章没有要求教师朗读,可省略此步骤)Step 4 Post-listening (以下方式选其一即可)①Ask students to retell the listening material according to the key details on the screen in their own words.②Ask students to discuss the following question in group of four and then share their ideas and give evaluation.Question: …③Role play the conversation.(一般对话形式的材料可以用此活动)Step 5 Summary and HomeworkSummary: ask a student/lead the students to summarize the content of this lesson.(总结环节可是老师自己总结,让同学总结,老师和同学一起总结三种方式,一般使用后两种方式比较好)Homework: ask students to search the Internet for more information about … and try to write a short passage to introduce it./ask students to finish the exercises on the book.Blackboard design:【试讲逐字稿】[自我介绍]:Good morning/afternoon, dear judges, I’m No.X candidate applying for high school English teacher. (有的地方不让说姓名,只能说号码,但有的地方规定要说姓名,进入面试室时,有人会给你看一下注意事项,所以请一定看清,否则说错了会视为作弊,取消资格的)(上面这一句是在敲门得到允许进去后,所做的自我介绍,或者是向考官问好,一般考官会回应说:good morning/afternoon,之后你需要走到讲台上,进行结构化答题,回答结束后,考官会说请开始你的试讲)分割线—下面是真正的试讲逐字稿Today my topic is …, now I’ll start my class.[Greetings]:Class begins, sit down please. Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls, welcome to my class. How are you guys today? Great? Not bad? Glad to hear that. Me? Oh I’m pretty good, thanks for your asking. So are you ready for our class? Ok, good.[Lead-in]:以下方式选其一即可(建议在此步骤中,若能与文章标题联系起来的时候,可以书写板书:具体的标题,若文章没有标题,可以找机会一边说:today we’re going to have a reading class, 一边书写板书:reading)①Before our class, boys and girls, let’s have a quick review about what we learned in the last class. Do you still remember it? Great, you all remember it. Yes, we learned about …. Now as for today we are going to learn more about it/we are going to learn another grammar.②Before our class, boys and girls, do you still remember the task that I assigned for you in the last class? Yes, it is … Ok, so how many of you have prepared it? Show me your hands. Ok Anna, please. (此处停顿几秒,假装Anna在回答)Excellent, I can see you did it with your heart. Now as for today, we are going to learn …/we are going to talk more about …③-1.Before our class, boys and girls, I’d like to share a story with you. After the story, you need to tell me …(此处可以出一个问题)So please listen to me carefully. … So who wants to share your answers with us? Anna, please. …(Anna的回答)Very good, sit down, please. Now as for today, we are going to learn …/we are going to talk more about …③-2.Before our class, boys and girls, I have s sentence for you, please listen to me carefully and please try to guess its meaning …(此处讲一个名人名言)So who wants to share your answers with us? Anna, please. …(Anna的回答)Very good, sit down, please. Now as for today, we are going to learn …/we are going to talk more about …③-3.Before our class, boys and girls, I’d like to share one experience of mine with you …(讲经历)So how about you? Do you have any unforgettable experience? Anna, please share with us. …(Anna的回答)Very good, sit down, please. Now as for today, we are going tolearn …/we are going to talk more about …④Before our class, boys and girls, let’s watch a short video/some pictures, and you need to think about the following questions: Q1: … and Q2: … Are you clear? Ok, great, let’s start here.(观看视频/图片,停顿几秒)Well you have enjoyed the video/the pictures, have you got the answers? Anna, you please. Oh you think … Yes, great, sit down please. How about question 2? Peter, please have a try. You think … I agree with you, sit down please. Now as for today, we are going to learn …/we are going to talk more about …⑤Before our class, boys and girls, I’d like to ask you a question: … Anna, please have a try. Yeah, …(Anna的回答)Wonderful, thank you, sit down please. And? Peter, please. Great, …(Peter的回答)Now as for today, we are going to learn …/we are going to talk more about …[Pre-listening]: 以下方式选其一即可①We’ll have a listening class, now I’ll give you the title of the material. As now we know the title of the listening material, so can you try to guess what the listening material may talk about? I heard that it may talk about … Wonderful! We’ll see whether you’re right or not inthe following listening part.(如果文章比较难,可以提问学生;注意此处的预测的只是文章的大概内容,并不是文章大意)②Now, let’s look at the words and expressions on the screen, they’re from this listening material. Do you know the meaning of them? You all know? Very good. Ok now please try to guess what the passage may talk about? You can discuss it with your partners first, then share with us, clear? Ok, start here.(停顿几秒)Time’s up. Who wants to try? Don’t be shy, just to have a try, ok? Elsa, please. …(Elsa的回答)Good, sit down please. Do you agree with her? Yes? No? Well let’s check her answer in the following reading.(如果文章比较简单,提问一人即可,若比较难,可以提问两个学生;另外,如果单词比较难,需要简单的讲解下)(注意此处的预测的只是文章的大概内容,并不是文章大意)③Now look at the following two questions on the screen. You can discuss them with your partners first and then share your answers with us. Ok, start here.(停顿几秒)Time’s up. Who wants to try? Don’t be shy, just to have a try, ok? How about Elsa? …(Elsa的回答)That’s excellent, thank you and sit down please. And question 2? David, please have a try. …(David的回答)Great, sit down, please. According to these two questions, I’m sure you’ll have a guess about what the passage may talk about in your heart, right? Ok, let’s check your answers in the following reading.[While-listening]:(1)Now let’s listen to the material for the first time. In this time, you don’t need to catch some detailed information, just listen and try to catch key words and then summarize the main idea of it, clear? Good, let’s start here.(停顿几秒,这时可以书写板书:1st listening: main idea)Ok, let’s stop here. Have you got the answer? Good, it’s very easy, right? You can answer me together. The passage tells us … Wonderful! (若文章比较难,也可请同学回答: Ok, any volunteers? Tom, please have a try. The passage is mainly about … Ok, sit down please. Do you agree with him? No? Mike do you have any supplement? Oh, it mainly talks about … Yes, both of you did a good job. Sit down please.)(2)Now let’s listen to it again. This time, you should listen carefully to fill in the blanks/toanswer the questions/to tell the following statements true or false/to finish the chart on the screen. you should take notes if necessary, clear? Ok, start.(此时可以书写板书:2nd listening: Q1: … Q2: …)Ok, it’s over. Have you got the answers? Ok, I’d like you to discuss youranswers with your partners, clear?(停顿几秒)Ok, time’s up. Now I need some students to share with us. Amy, the first one please. … Good job, sit down please. The second one? Elsa, you please. …very good, sit down please. You all did a good job in this part.(3)Now I’ll read the material for the third time, and in this time, try to check all the answersand pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation, ok?(此时可以书写板书:3rd listening: check,然后教师阅读材料)That’s all for the listening part.[Post-listening]:以下方式选其一即可①Ok, next I’d like you to retell the passage on your own words according to the key details on the screen. you’ll have 10 minutes to think about it, and you can discuss it with your partners first, and then share your answers with us, clear? Ok start here.(停顿几秒)Now who can have a try? Peter, I saw your hands, please come to the front. (不需要真正复述,只需停顿几秒,然后直接点评即可)Good, you have a good memory, thanks for your sharing, please come backto your seat. Anyone else? Anna, you please,. (不需要真正复述,只需停顿几秒,然后直接点评即可)Well down, you can organize the passage in such short time, you must be a good English writer. Thanks and please come back to your seat.②Ok, next let’s do a group discussion. Four students in one group and try to think about the following question: … Please discuss it with your group members first, and then share your ideas with us, you’ll be given 10 minutes. Let’s start here. (停顿几秒)Time’s up. Have you got any ideas? Share with us. Group one, who’s the representative? Ok Elsa, please come to the front and show us your idea. (不需要真正回答,只需停顿几秒,然后直接点评即可)Sounds that your idea are so reasonable. Thanks for your sharing and please come back to your seat. How about group 2? Oh Mike, please. Come on, be brave. (不需要真正回答,只需停顿几秒,然后直接点评即可)Good, I heard so many great ideas. Thanks for your sharing too. And please come back to your seat. Group 3 and group 4, you are all helpers, well done.(三组和四组就不必一一回答了,整体点评即可)③There’s the listening material on the screen, now let’s do a role play. Three students in one group, one acts as … another acts as … and the last one acts as … You can practice it with your partners first, then show it in front of us. During your performance, please pay attention to the facial expressions and body languages. Let’s start.(停顿几秒)Ok, I see that you have finished your practice, so now let’s show it. Any volunteers? Ok, Elsa, Anna and Peter, you three, please come to the front.(停顿几秒)Wow, your pronunciation is so great, thank you, please come back to your seat.(若材料为对话,可设计此活动,分组的人数与对话材料中的人物数保持一致)[Summary and homework]:How time flies! It’s time to make a summary. Let’s do it together. Today we havelearned … Yes, very good, and we also learned some listening strategies for general idea and detailed information. Ok good, we all did a good job in this class.(老师带领大家一起回答时,当说到重点时候,要有所停顿,因为我们需要做的是引导学生回答,而不是我们自己回答)Well, after class, I’d like you to search the Internet for more information about … and try to write a short passage to introduce it. Please finish it, we’ll share it in the next class, are you clear? Ok, great, that’s all for today’s class, goodbye class, see you next time.(若实在想不出些什么作业,就直接让学生完成课本后的练习题:Well, please turn your book to page 23, do you see the exercises? Ok, good, after class, please finish the exercise 1 and 2, and we’ll check the answers in the next class, are you clear? Ok, great, that’s all for today’s class, goodbye class, see you next time.)[结尾]:That’s all for my presentation, thank you![接下来就是答辩]。

Breaking the record阅读课课堂教学设计

Breaking the record阅读课课堂教学设计

Breaking the record阅读课课堂教学设计一、教学目标1. 知识与技能目标通过本节课,学生应该能够:a. 理解并掌握《Breaking the record》这篇文章的主要内容和重点信息。

b. 掌握文章中出现的重要词汇和短语的意思。

c. 能够在课后进行简单的阅读理解和写作。

2. 过程与方法目标采用多种途径和方式,包括听、说、读、写等方式,培养学生的阅读理解能力,提高他们的语言表达能力和文学素养。

二、教学重点1. 掌握文章中的重要内容和重点信息。

2. 理解并掌握文章中的重要词汇和短语的意思。

1. 阅读理解和语言表达的能力提升。

2. 主要信息概括和写作能力的培养。

四、教学准备1. 课堂环境的布置。

2. 准备教材《Breaking the record》的文本和生词表。

3. 准备多媒体设备和其他教学辅助工具。

五、教学内容与过程1. Warm-up (热身)教师可先问学生是否了解过一些创纪录的案例,鼓励学生分享一些有关创纪录的故事或事件,吸引学生的注意力。

2. Pre-reading (课文导入)教师可以用一些图片或视频引入文章的主题,让学生对本课要阅读的文章有一定的期待和探索欲。

a. 教师带领学生一起读课文,要求学生在阅读过程中理解文章大意,并圈出生词。

b. 教师讲解生词及重点短语的意思,并帮助学生掌握其用法。

c. 分段讲解文章内容,帮助学生理解文章的细节和语言表达方式。

a. 小组讨论:将学生分成小组,让他们一起讨论文章中出现的问题,并合作回答相关问题。

b. 互动问答:教师向学生提出一些问题,让学生用自己的语言简单描述文章的主要内容和自己的理解。

c. 写作练习:让学生根据课文内容,进行写作练习,如写一篇关于创纪录的短文或写一篇关于自己目标的文章。

六、教学延伸1. 线上课程延伸可以将课文内容纳入线上教学平台,提供配套的阅读材料和练习题,让学生在课外进行课文的再阅读和巩固,提高阅读能力。

2. 实践活动安排学生进行一些有关创纪录的实践活动,如校园长跑比赛、朗读比赛等,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高他们的语言表达能力和实际运用能力。



高中英语教师资格证书试讲(说课万能模板)Good morning,everyone.Today I`m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about so me of my teaching ideas.The content of my lesson isI`ll be ready to begin this lesson from four parts.They are 1 Analyzing teaching Materia l 2.the teaching methods 3.the studying methods 4.the teaching procedures,and while presenti ng these parts I will do the blackboard design properly.Ok now I am going to start from th e first partPart 1 Analyzing teaching Material:This lesson is about.By studying of this lesson,we`ll enable the students to know the ser ious attitude towards and develop the interest inAt the same time,let the students learn how to give instructions.This lesson plays an im portant part in the English teaching in this unit.As it is the main passage in this unit which outlines the theme of this unit.If the Ss can learn it well,it will be helpful to make Ss lear n the rest of this unit.And as we all know,reading belongs to the input during the process o f language learning.The input has great effect on output,such as speaking and writing.Then a ccording to the new standard curriculum and syllabus(新课程标准和教学大纲,I think the teac hing aims of this lesson are the following:1.Knowledge aim:Understand the main idea of the text.2.Ability aim:Retell the text in their own words.3.Emotional aim:Make the Ss loveThen the Teaching important point is how to understand the text betterAnd the teaching difficult points are:e own words to retell the text2.Discuss thePart 2 Teaching methods:Dealing with this lesson.I`ll do my best to carry out the following theories:Make the Ss the real masters in class while me,myself acts as director;Combine the language structureswith the language functions;Let the Ss receive some moral education while they are learning the English language.To achieve my goal I`ll use the following teaching methods:mucative Approach(交际教学法2.Task based watch and listen activity3.Question and answer activity4.Pair work or individual role play or scene play activityAnd in order to practice my teaching methods well,I need the following teaching aids1.a projector2.a tape recorder3.multimedia4.the blackboardPart 3 Studying Methods:As Ss are poor in cooperative learning skill,many Ss are not active in class,and even so me of them don`t like English.Therefore,I`ll have Ss study in a relaxed atmosphere.The learn ing process of students is from seeing,thinking,saying.So after feeling and understanding the l anguage points,I will let the students get the knowledge actively by cooperative study.In a w ord I will1.Let the Ss pass observation–imitation-practice to study language.2.Teach the Ss how to master dialogues and how to communicate with others.Part 4 Teaching ProcedureI have designed the following steps to train their ability of listening,speaking,reading an d writing.Especially reading ability.Step 1.Lead-inHave a free talk about and then discuss the question in pre-reading on pagePurpose:arouse the Ss`interest of studyStep 2.Listening comprehensions1.Present the students the questions before listening to the textAB2.Get the students to listen to the tape and then answer the questions.Purpose:Train the Ss`listening ability to grasp the general idea of a passage and prepare for the later exercises.Step 3.Fast readingRead the passage as quickly as they can.I will use the question and answer activity to help them get the main idea of each paragraph,then ask them to use their own words to co nclude the main ideas of each paragraph.Purpose:Improve the Ss`fast reading skills like skimming reading and scanning reading.U nderstand the general idea of each paragraph.Step 4 Intensive readingRead the passage carefully again and answer some detailed questions.ABCit is also called depth reading or study reading.It means reading for detailed informatio n.Purpose:Further understand the text to find out some different sentences and details of t he text.Step 5.Retell the passage1.I will list out the general idea of each paragraph which the Ss have concluded in fast reading2.Encouraging Ss to use their own words to retell the passage according to the general ideas.Purpose:I want to check if my students really understand the whole text and if they ma ster what I mean to tell them in this class.What`s more,I want to make the students practice their oral English through retelling.Step nguage pointsI will show the important words phrases and sentences which the Ss need to learn in t his passage on the screen one by one.Then give them the right usages of these new languag e points.What`s more I will ask Ss to make sentences by using these newly learnt words an d phrases.Step 7.Pair work or individual role play or scene play activityPurpose:I mean to give them emotional education.I give them muti-media pictures to aro use their interest of study and their love for Step 8 Summary I will go through the importa nt points and difficult points of this lesson with the students once again.Step 9 Homework Write an article of I want to improve the ability of their writing.At the same time,train the ability of do it yourself and looking up the information by themselves.Above is my teaching plan of this lesson.Thank you for listening.注:关于blackboard(板书设计,在说课前在黑板上表出课题,然后只需在说课过程中根据内容需要(比如课程导入或者课堂活动时)稍许写一下,切忌满篇板书而减少了说课时间,也最好不要把板书设计单独成为一个说可部分。

2024年5月高中英语教资面试真题教案高中英语口语课-Preserving Our Heritage

2024年5月高中英语教资面试真题教案高中英语口语课-Preserving Our Heritage

2024年5月高中英语教资面试真题教案高中英语口语课-Preserving Our Heritage1.题目:口语教学试讲2.内容:One growing problem is tourists who want to prove that they have visited a destination.Tourists have used paint,rock,or even keys to write on the Luxor Temple in Egypt,the Colosseum in Rome,Stonehenge in the UK, memorial stones at the bottom of Qomolangma,and many,many other places.Thousands of tourist sites are being destroyed by tourists who “love them to death”.I have three words for people like this:please stop it.If you want to leave a mark on the world,do it by changing someone's life with kindness and love.Pass kindness to future generations,not destruction.3.基本要求:(1)朗读所给段落。





4.AI逐字稿Lesson TitlePreserving Our Heritage:A Call for Kindness and RespectWarm-upTeacher:"Good morning,everyone!How are you all doing today?Before we dive into our lesson,I want to ask you a question:What does it mean to truly'visit'a place?Let's think about that for a moment."Student A:"Well,I think it's about experiencing the culture and respecting the place you're visiting."Teacher:"Excellent point.Let's delve deeper into this with today's topic."IntroductionTeacher:"Today,we're going to talk about a growing problem that affects our world's treasures.Let's take a look at these images of the Luxor Temple,the Colosseum,Stonehenge,and Qomolangma.Can anyone tell me what you see?"Student B:"I see graffiti and damage on these historical sites."Teacher:"Yes,that's right.We see clear signs of damage.This is happening at thousands of tourist sites around the world.Now,let's read this text together and see what it has to say about this issue."Presentation(Teacher reads the text aloud,pausing at key points for emphasis)Teacher:"The author has a strong message for those who damage these sites.Can anyone tell me what the three words are that the author suggests?"Student C:"Please stop it."Teacher:"Correct.Let's discuss why this message is so important."PracticeTeacher:"Now,I'm going to divide you into groups and each group will discuss one of these sites.I want you to talk about why tourists might do this,what the consequences are,and how we can promote responsible tourism.You have five minutes for your discussion."(Students engage in group discussions)Teacher:"It sounds like there's a lot of great discussion happening.Group 1,can you start us off with your insights on the Luxor Temple?"Group1Representative:"We think some tourists might not realize the impact of their actions,and they want to leave a mark to remember their visit."Teacher:"Interesting perspective.Let's hear from Group2about the Colosseum."Group2Representative:"We believe education is key.If tourists knew the historical significance,they might think twice before defacing the site."Teacher:"Education indeed plays a crucial role.Groups3and4,whatabout Stonehenge and Qomolangma?"(Groups3and4share their thoughts)ProductionTeacher:"We've heard some excellent points.Now,let's have a debate.I propose this statement:'Tourists should be allowed to leave a small, non-destructive mark at tourist sites to remember their visit.'What do you think?Are you for or against this statement?Let's have a lively debate!"(Students engage in a debate,with the teacher facilitating and encouraging participation)ConclusionTeacher:"It's clear that we all have strong opinions on this matter. Remember,as tourists,we have a responsibility to preserve and respect the places we visit.Let's end today's class with a thought:How can you leave a positive impact on the places you visit?"Student D:"We could share our experiences online without damaging the site,and maybe even educate others about preservation."Teacher:"Great idea.Let's carry the message of kindness and respect with us wherever we go.”Homework AssignmentTeacher:"That's all for today.For your homework,write a short paragraph on how you can be an ambassador of kindness and respect when traveling.See you next time.Have a great day,everyone!"。

高中英语《Unit 1 Breaking records》优质教学课件

高中英语《Unit 1 Breaking records》优质教学课件

Furman was fascinated with sports.(para.8) _______
4).Ashrita has been one of Sri Chinmoy’sF
students since 1970.(para.9)
5).Ashrita is alwaysT
Time Task 2
Challenge time!
What made Ashrita succeed in breaking so many Guinness records? physical skills/abilities (strength, balance…) confidence hard training concentration
1. There is no limit to people’s physical
abilities. 2. The body is just an instrument of the
spirit. 3. You can use your spirit to accomplish
anything. 4. There is only one perfect road. It is
Read the passage carefully and then discuss the reading comprehension exercises in groups.
Task 1 Try to find whether the following
statements are true (T) or false (F).



课时:1课时教学对象:高中英语教师教学目标:1. 知识目标:了解高中英语教学的基本原则和方法,掌握面试试讲的基本流程。

2. 能力目标:提升教学设计能力,提高英语教学实践技能。

3. 情感目标:培养自信、谦逊的教学态度,增强自我展示能力。

教学重点:1. 教学设计的基本框架。

2. 教学方法的选择与运用。

3. 教学活动的设计与实施。

教学难点:1. 如何根据不同教学目标设计合理的教学活动。

2. 如何在有限的时间内完成教学任务。

教学过程:一、导入1. 引导学生回顾高中英语教学的基本原则和方法。

2. 提出面试试讲的基本流程,让学生对整个面试过程有一个大致的了解。

二、教学设计1. 介绍教学设计的基本框架,包括教学目标、教学内容、教学过程、教学评价等。

2. 结合具体案例,讲解如何根据教学目标设计教学内容。

3. 分析不同教学目标下的教学方法,如讲解法、讨论法、任务型教学法等。

三、教学方法与活动设计1. 讲解各种教学方法的适用场景和操作步骤。

2. 以小组为单位,让学生设计一节15分钟的高中英语试讲课。

3. 每个小组汇报自己的教学设计,其他小组进行点评。

四、教学实施与评价1. 邀请部分学生进行模拟试讲,其他学生扮演评委角色。

2. 评委根据教学设计、教学方法、教学效果等方面进行评价。

3. 教师总结评价,指出优点和不足,提出改进建议。

五、总结与反思1. 学生分享自己的试讲心得,总结经验教训。

2. 教师点评学生试讲,指出亮点和不足,鼓励学生继续努力。

教学资源:1. 高中英语教材2. 教学设计模板3. 教学方法与活动设计案例4. 模拟试讲视频教学评价:1. 学生对教学设计、教学方法、教学活动的掌握程度。

2. 学生在模拟试讲中的表现,包括教学效果、课堂互动等方面。

3. 学生对教学过程和教学评价的反馈意见。

教学反思:1. 教师根据学生的试讲表现,反思教学设计是否合理,教学方法是否得当。

2. 教师总结教学过程中的亮点和不足,为今后的教学提供借鉴。

人教版高中英语必修9 Unit 1 Breaking Records 教案设计

人教版高中英语必修9 Unit 1 Breaking Records 教案设计

Unit 1 Breaking recordsⅠ教学目标(Teaching objectives)1. vocabulary(1)after the lesson, students will know about some new words about sports and use these words to express their opinion on sports(2)after the lesson, students will know about the words expressing their emotions such as surprising, exciting, depressing and so on2. grammarAfter the lesson, students will develop their understanding of the form and uses of subject3. knowledge(1)after the lesson, students will know about some basic information about the world's records(2)after the lesson, students will know about the basic information about Chinese famous record breakers and their ways to achieve their goals(3)after the lessonn, students will know about more sports and know more about their familiar sports4. emotion(1)after the lesson, students will feel proud of Chinese athletes and develop their patriotism(2)after the lesson, students will learn from those successful record breakers’ hardwirking and stick-at-itiveness5. listening(1)after the lesson, students will reinforce their abilities to listen to interview(2)after the lesson, students will learn how to listen to the key information to answer “what”, “how”, “why” questions in listening6. speaking(1)after the lesson, students will be able to express their surprised and amazed emotion with some expression such as “You are kidding!” “Well, good luck!” “Wewere amazed at …” “How amazing!”, etc.(2)after the lesson, students will be able to talk about some reasons aiming to a topic and talk about preparations for a plan7. reading(1)after the lesson, students will develop their ability to scan the reading material and their ability to find out key information through scanning(2)after the lesson, students will develop their ability to read the essays on sports and know about the methods to read passages on sports(3)after the lesson, students will develop their ability to answer the “what”, “how”, “why” questions in reading8.writing(1) after the lesson, students will be able to wri te a small passage to tell a person’s life(2) after the lesson, students will know about the “4W and 1H”(who,when,where,what,how) in the story writingⅡ教学内容分析本单元的中心话题是“世界纪录”。



高中英语教师面试试讲教案模板(共8篇)第1篇:高中英语面试试讲教案高中英语面试试讲教案高中英语新教材unit11教案一、教学分析 1、教材内容分析【篇1:高中英语教师资格证试讲教案】本单元围绕“scientific achievements”这一中心话题,从科学家、科学假说、科学理论、科学探索等方面设计听、说、读、写等一系列教学活动。

“warming up”部分设置了三个问题,要求学生就重要的科学成就进行讨论,从而帮助学生认识重要的科学成就,了解科学成就对社会发展、人类进步的重大贡献,同时激发学生热爱科学、投身于科学研究的热情,探索科学研究的方法。






“language study”部分由词汇和语法两部分组成,该部分不仅教授了四种构词法知识,更鼓励学生通过四项练习,运用构词法知识提高阅读能力。

“integrating skills”部分设计了一个阅读和写作的练习,在学生了解四大科技成就及其重要性后,要求学生略加扩充写一篇最伟大的科学成就的文章。






教案模板:教师资格证面试高中英语万能教案模板教案模板:教师资格证面试高中英语万能教案模板精选2篇(一)教案模板课程名称:高中英语教材版本:根据实际教材选择课时数:1课时教学目标:1. 学生能够听懂、理解并运用课文中的重要词汇和句型。

2. 学生能够通过课文内容,运用相关语法和句型进行口头表达。

3. 学生能够在课堂上通过讨论和交流,提高英语口语表达能力。

教学重点:1. 重点教学课文中的重要词汇和句型。

2. 重点培养学生的口头表达能力。

教学难点:1. 如何引导学生充分参与课堂讨论和交流。

2. 如何提高学生的英语口语表达能力。

教学准备:1. 教师准备好课文教材和相关教具。

2. 教师准备好相关课件和讲义。

教学过程:Step 1: Warm-up (5分钟)教师通过图片、视频等方式引导学生回顾和热身,激发学生的学习兴趣。

Step 2: Pre-reading (10分钟)教师提出一个或者几个与课文主题相关的问题,引导学生思考并讨论。


Step 3: While-reading (30分钟)教师引导学生按照课文的结构和内容进行默读,理解课文的大意和细节。


Step 4: Post-reading (10分钟)教师引导学生根据课文内容进行讨论和交流,鼓励学生发表自己的观点和看法。


Step 5: Consolidation (5分钟)教师通过巩固练习,帮助学生巩固课文中的重要词汇和句型。


Step 6: Homework (5分钟)教师布置相关作业,要求学生通过阅读和写作等方式,进一步巩固所学知识。



Breaking the record阅读课课堂教学设计

Breaking the record阅读课课堂教学设计

Breaking the record阅读课课堂教学设计【摘要】本文主要介绍了一堂关于"Breaking the record"的阅读课的教学设计。







【关键词】Breaking the record, 阅读课, 教学设计, 设计目的, 教学内容, 教学方法, 评估方式, 拓展延伸, 总结, 展望, 建议1. 引言1.1 Breaking the record阅读课课堂教学设计《Breaking the record》是一本很受欢迎的英语读物,它讲述了一位年轻运动员突破自己的记录的故事。




2. 正文2.1 设计目的本节课的设计目的主要是培养学生的阅读能力和理解能力,帮助他们提高在阅读过程中的思维能力和解析能力。





Breaking the record阅读课课堂教学设计

Breaking the record阅读课课堂教学设计

Breaking the record阅读课课堂教学设计一、教学目标1. 能够理解并归纳文章中的主要内容和要点。

2. 能够运用所学的阅读策略,提高阅读理解能力。

3. 能够用英文简洁、流畅地表达自己的理解与观点。

4. 能够结合所学的语言知识,进行文本分析和评价。

5. 培养学生搜集信息、整理信息的能力,提高学生的语言运用能力。

二、教学内容1. 文本:《Breaking the record》2. 阅读策略:预测、提问、概括、归纳3. 词汇:相关运动项目的英文术语三、教学重点和难点1. 教学重点:训练学生阅读理解能力,提高学生在阅读中的信息搜集和整理能力。

2. 教学难点:培养学生进行文本分析和评价的能力,以及用英文表达观点和理解的能力。


2. 预备活动让学生利用所学的相关词汇,预测文章内容,举行怎样的体育赛事可能会打破记录。

3. 阅读训练(1)扫读文章,了解大意。




4. 阅读策略训练(1)提供相关问题,让学生进行提问,并根据问题来查找文章中的相关信息。


5. 词汇学习介绍相关运动项目的英文术语,让学生掌握其中的一些常用词汇。

6. 综合训练(1)教师提问,学生回答与讨论,根据学生的回答进行相关解释和指导。


7. 作文训练要求学生就文章中的某一段落或观点进行总结和评价,并用英文写成短文。

8. 展示与分享学生展示自己的作文,教师提供反馈和指导,促进学生的语言表达和写作能力的提高。


  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

浙江教师资格证考试面试高中英语试讲教案《Breaking the
浙江教育考试网为考生准备了浙江教师资格证考试面试高中英语试讲教案《Breaking the record》,为您助考。

2.训练skimming, scanning, careful reading等阅读微技能;


Leading-in (discussion)
To show Ss pictures about some famous athletes to let them know something in common about these people--the key of success.
Some words may be used in this activity :
Sports champion athlete winning breaking records challenge exciting confidence physical ability speed strength
Something in common: concentration confidence good physical abilities speed strength flexibility athletic skills strong will interest hard training


Task one
to show students some pictures which occur in the text,
First, lets them to know the name of the activity and the way to do it,
Second, let the students experience one or more of this, such as somersaulting doing jumping jacks,
Third, thinking and discussing
① Would you consider each activity to be serious sports?
② Which activity would you like to try? Would you need to be fit to do any of them?
③ Do you think you could do any of them for any length of time?
(Indication:Different activity requires different physical fitness psychological
personification such as coordination strength balance? concentration strong will devotion)
Now class we will read a story about a man called Ashrita Furman who has broken Guinness
浙江教育考试网为考生准备了浙江教师资格证考试面试高中英语试讲教案《Breaking the record》,为您助考。

While reading
Task two Listening (scanning)(close your book 此处把快速阅读与听力整合在一起正大课堂容量加快课堂节奏) (提高学生的听力水平培养快速获取所需信息的能力) Task two
Listen to the tape, after listening tick the topics that the author does not cover
physical skills needed for events ② number of records broken ③ his family life ④ kind of records broken ⑤ why he became a sportsman ⑥ countries he likes best⑦ place and date of birth ⑧ his occupation ⑨ his education ⑩ his first Guinness record
Task three
Skim the text and answer the questions
①Who is Ashrita Furman?
②When and why he entered the Guinness book of world records?
③When did Ashrita become a student Chinmoy?
④When did he first come across the Guiness book of the world records
⑤ What are some of his pgysical difficulties?
A walking with a bottle of milk on his head
B standing on top of a Swiss ball
C somersaulting
D doing gymnastically correct lunges
⑥ what happens in an event that prevent Ashrita from giving up?
Post reading
Task five
Discussion on Ashrita’s motivation
①Why did Ashrita challenge the Guinness world records instead of taking part in
the Olympic games?
②Why does he keep on trying to challenge different Guinness records?
③Why didn’t he take part in a conventional sports instead of un conventional and
funny one?
④Why did Ashrita took part in active sports after learned quiet mediation?
Task six
discussion on Ashrita’s belief.
work in group four or five each group may be for it or against it, choose one, and discuss with your group, (divide the class into two parts for-part and against part, then have a class report)
Task seven
Summary and homework
Task one
Write an article about the imagination about the outlook of Ashrita
Task two
work in group to find more information about Ashria through internet as well as books about after class each group should try brief paper about ahsrita.
浙江教育考试网为考生准备了浙江教师资格证考试面试高中英语试讲教案《Breaking the record》,为您助考。
