Oona O’Neill
Chaplin’s In love with Oona O’Neil
After failure of the third marriage in 1942, He had met a young woman, the daughter of the great American playwright, Eugene
Text Study—Understanding
Part III. Emotional Life
Chaplin’s emotional collision: need to be loved & fear of being betrayed
Personal disaster; The collision found its way into his comic creations.
•The text is about Charlie Chaplin’s life which is full of contrasts.
• Please find them out while reading.
Text Study—Understanding
Part I. General Introduction
• Contrast 4: his emotional collision led to 3 painful marriages but brought him the last happy ending.
• Contrast 5: he died but the incident served as a fitting memorial to his life.
Charlie Chaplin
Great comic actor and film director
人顶罪。然而事与愿违,监狱进不去,不过却因祸得福 得到了受他帮助的那个女孩的爱。
“Modern times ”
• 片中喜剧手法和视觉手段都有着卓别林 独特匠心的痕迹。而其主题则更为突出, 围绕美国当年工业起步时期美国劳苦人 民的生活悲剧展开了诙谐的讽刺。查理 这个普普通通的工厂工人在节奏异常紧 张的流水线上疯狂工作。毫无间歇的劳 作终于让他发了疯,一见到圆形的东西, 就忍不住要用扳子上紧。查理发疯的一 幕从形式上的确引人发笑,但实质上却 暴露出是发人深思的社会现象。
• 描写的是人和机器的冲突。背景是当时的美国工业因为 转用机器而大量解雇工人所造成的失业浪潮,而主角夏
轮中、被出了毛病的吃饭机器在他悲戚惊恐的脸上不住 扇打……。最后夏尔洛失业了,他加入了找工作的巨大
• 从1919年开始,卓别林独立制片,此后一 生共拍摄80余部喜剧片。卓别林以其精湛
刺,对法西斯头子希特勒进行了无情的鞭 笞。1952年,他受到麦卡锡主义的迫害, 被迫离开美国,定居瑞士。1972年,美国
笑得浑身颤抖, 又止不住眼泪直往上涌
Char查理.卓别林 Chaplin
(1889-1977),英 国人。是20世纪伟大 的批判现实主义电影 艺术家,世界著名的 喜剧明星、幽默大师。
• 查理•卓别林
人顶罪。然而事与愿违,监狱进不去,不过却因祸得福 得到了受他帮助的那个女孩的爱。
“Modern times ”
• 片中喜剧手法和视觉手段都有着卓别林 独特匠心的痕迹。而其主题则更为突出, 围绕美国当年工业起步时期美国劳苦人 民的生活悲剧展开了诙谐的讽刺。查理 这个普普通通的工厂工人在节奏异常紧 张的流水线上疯狂工作。毫无间歇的劳 作终于让他发了疯,一见到圆形的东西, 就忍不住要用扳子上紧。查理发疯的一 幕从形式上的确引人发笑,但实质上却 暴露出是发人深思的社会现象。
• 描写的是人和机器的冲突。背景是当时的美国工业因为 转用机器而大量解雇工人所造成的失业浪潮,而主角夏
轮中、被出了毛病的吃饭机器在他悲戚惊恐的脸上不住 扇打……。最后夏尔洛失业了,他加入了找工作的巨大
• 从1919年开始,卓别林独立制片,此后一 生共拍摄80余部喜剧片。卓别林以其精湛
刺,对法西斯头子希特勒进行了无情的鞭 笞。1952年,他受到麦卡锡主义的迫害, 被迫离开美国,定居瑞士。1972年,美国
笑得浑身颤抖, 又止不住眼泪直往上涌
Char查理.卓别林 Chaplin
(1889-1977),英 国人。是20世纪伟大 的批判现实主义电影 艺术家,世界著名的 喜剧明星、幽默大师。
• 查理•卓别林
外貌流浪汉,内心则一幅绅士 气度、穿着一件窄小的礼形象——卓别林。
1889年,卓别林出生于英国伦敦南部地区的一个演艺家庭,父母都是艺人。 1896年他的母亲失业,他们被送入一个收养孤儿的学校。卓别林12岁半时,父 亲酗酒去世,母亲患精神病。7岁後,他离开了孤儿学校,成了一名流浪儿。他 当过报童、杂货店小夥计、玩具小贩、医生的小佣人、吹玻璃的小工人,还在 游艺场扫过地。
早年的贫困生活启发了他后来创造流浪汉的灵感;小胡须、细手杖、 大号裤子及皮鞋,以及歪歪扭扭的正式晚礼服,暗示了在儿童天真的想象 中的威严的成人,意在用一个天真无邪的形象重新塑一个下层阶级的代表。 17岁时,卓别林进入了当时非常有名的卡尔诺剧团。在这里,卓别林有生 以来遇到了使他终生受益的良师卡尔诺,正是卡尔诺,把卓别林带进了喜 剧的最高行列。
外貌流浪汉,内心则一副绅士气度,穿着一件窄 小的礼服,特大的帽子和鞋,戴着一顶圆礼帽, 手拿一根竹拐杖,留着一撇小胡子。
In 1889,he was born in London , his parents are performing artist .In 1896 his mother unemployment ,At the age of 12,his father died .Seven years later ,he left school ,become a waif .He worked as newsboy ,the grocery store small folk ,toys tradesmen……
1889年,卓别林出生再伦敦,父母都是演员,1896年他 的母亲失业,在他12岁时,他的父亲去世了,7年后,他 离开了学校,变成了一个流浪当过报童,他当过报童,杂 货店小伙计,玩具小贩……
Not only an actor but also a director . Before sound film was invented he took two of his most famous silent films, „City lights“ and „‟ modern times” 他不仅是个演员还是个导演,在有声电影被发 明之前,他拍了两部最著名的无声电影《城市 之光》,《摩登时代。》
竹子; 竹竿; 竹木家具 流浪儿; 无家可归的人 食品杂货店; 食品杂货业 狭窄的; 狭隘的 圆屋顶; 像圆屋顶一样的东西 商人; 上门推销商 圣诞节
《淘金记》 《城市之光》 《摩登时代》 《大独裁者》 《凡尔特先生》 《纽约王》
In 1977,he died in Switzerland ,it was 来自hristmas.
卓别林的介绍 课件
The first film acted in by Charlie Chaplin
“Making a Living” in 1914. The public loved him and in a short time, he had become a popular film star.
The special manner of acting of Charlie Chaplin
Reading Comprehension
1. Charlie Chaplin gained his fame in the history of the cinema as a result of his ________. A. good appearance B. own manner of acting C. visit to the States D. mother’s effort B
3. Which of the following is true according to the text? A. Chaplin got his first film part at the age of seventeen. B. A. Chaplin died when he was 80 years old. C. City Light is a film with no music. D. Chaplin was not only good at acting but good at directing and writing. D
The most famous films acted in by Charlie Chaplin
卓别林 英语ppt
United Artists 联美电影公司
• Chaplin coroperated with his friends together to run a film distribution corporation (电影发行公 司) -- United Artists. • They wanna escape the growing rights that took shape from Hollywood’s production company (制片公司)and sponsors (资助人) .Until 1950s he held the post of (担任)the director(理事) United Artists.
• After talking movies were invented,he also make another his famous silent movies City Lights &Modern Times,then he find his way into talking movies.
Chaplin’ Chaplin’s Career
He became the movie director
Charplin run his own Hollywood company in 1918,and he had access to controlling his movies’ art and economic.Then he made use of the independence to create many excellent works, including some short o》
• Story's tent drawn from the send Mr Downer short stories. The film showed Chaplin's typical adequately, especially his processes visual style of image and mime charismatic capability, the classic "cooking as boots" scene, and "packets" and "face dance with the dog," "the other people fight and gun always to yourself", "cliff hut, wit and humour" escape the object reference imitate become later. The film had be funny narrative, tragedy, lyrical lasting appeal for clever balance among combination.
卓别林 PPT
卓别林与琼·巴里有过一段短暂 的关系。本来卓别林想让巴里扮演 一个主角,但是过了不久巴里就开 始对卓别林纠缠不休并有精神病的 表现。两人的关系因此终止。
1977年圣诞节卓别林在瑞士沃韦中风逝世, 享年88岁。他被葬在沃州科西埃-苏尔-沃韦 的墓地中。1978年3月1日有人盗走了卓别 林的遗体并以此试图向他的遗人要钱。但 是盗墓者被捕,十一周后他的遗体在日内 瓦湖附近被寻回。今天他被葬在六英尺的 水泥下面以防再发生类似的事件。
Fight For Liberty 为自由而战斗
(《大独裁者》 结尾演讲词)
描写的是人和机器的冲突。背景是当时的美国工业因为 转用机器而大量解雇工人所造成的失业浪潮,而主角夏 尔洛是这个时代的悲剧代表人物:他在不断加快的传送 带式的作业线上被弄得精神失常、被卷入巨大的机器齿 轮中、被出了毛病的吃饭机器在他悲戚惊恐的脸上不住 扇打……。最后夏尔洛失业了,他加入了找工作的巨大 洪流之中;甚至无意中领导了示威运动的群众,然而最 后仍是改变不了他可怜的命运。唯一不用为生活操心的 最好地方是监狱,所以为了进监狱,夏尔洛不惜主动替 人顶罪。然而事与愿违,监狱进不去,不过却因祸得福 得到了受林的人”的比赛。鲍勃·霍普曾 在一次这样的比赛中获第一,卓别林本人 则在一场这样的比赛中失败。
卓别林终身是无神论者。宗教在他眼 里只有被开玩笑的分。他有一次取笑说: “我愿意扮演耶稣,我最适合这个角色了 因为我是一名喜剧演员。”
埃德娜·普文斯是卓别林 电影中的第一位主要女演 员。两人在1916年到1917 年间有过一段浪漫关系。。
1918年10月23日29岁的卓别林与16岁的 《绿野仙踪》的女主角米尔德里德·哈里斯 结婚。1920年两人离婚。离婚时卓别林称 哈里斯是女同性恋,而哈里斯则称卓别林 嗜性成瘾。
20世纪 流浪汉查理”可以称得上是他在这个世纪 的商标。在中国没有人不知道这个使人发笑的伟大 的小丑——可以肯定地说,任何一部艺术的经典 或商业大片都不可能比卓别林的一个小品更具生命 力和流行性。In China there is no one but knows this is to make people laugh great clown
1889年,卓别林出生于英国伦敦南部地区的一个演艺家庭,父母都是艺人。 1896年他的母亲失业,他们被送入一个收养孤儿的学校。卓别林12岁半时,父 亲酗酒去世,母亲患精神病。7岁後,他离开了孤儿学校,成了一名流浪儿。他 当过报童、杂货店小夥计、玩具小贩、医生的小佣人、吹玻璃的小工人,还在 游艺场扫过地。
In 1977 ,Chaplin died in Switzerland, it was Christmas !
Let everyone laugh
The 20th century Charlie was this century's trademark , In China there is no one but knows this is to make people laugh greas first discovered the truth: let everyone laugh
Entering the stage
17 years old, Chaplin entered the very famous Carl debbi troupe . Here, Chaplin ever met made him for a lifetime mentor Karl's, it is the Chaplin's Carl that brought him into the ranks of the comedy of the highest.
1889年,卓别林出生于英国伦敦南部地区的一个演艺家庭,父母都是艺人。 1896年他的母亲失业,他们被送入一个收养孤儿的学校。卓别林12岁半时,父 亲酗酒去世,母亲患精神病。7岁後,他离开了孤儿学校,成了一名流浪儿。他 当过报童、杂货店小夥计、玩具小贩、医生的小佣人、吹玻璃的小工人,还在 游艺场扫过地。
In 1977 ,Chaplin died in Switzerland, it was Christmas !
Let everyone laugh
The 20th century Charlie was this century's trademark , In China there is no one but knows this is to make people laugh greas first discovered the truth: let everyone laugh
Entering the stage
17 years old, Chaplin entered the very famous Carl debbi troupe . Here, Chaplin ever met made him for a lifetime mentor Karl's, it is the Chaplin's Carl that brought him into the ranks of the comedy of the highest.
A tramp in appearance while a gentleman in the heart ,a narrow dress ,super pants and shoes ,wearing a top hat and a tiny moustaches , armed with a bamboo stick,—this is Charlie Chaplin. 外貌流浪汉,内心则一副绅士风度, 穿着一件窄小的礼服、特大的裤子 和鞋,戴着一顶圆顶硬礼帽,留着 一撇小胡子,手持一根竹手杖的形 象。
His emotional life
In the art field, he can be said to be easy, but the feeling in his life, he has encountered a lot of trouble. All his life he has experienced four marriages.
Monsieur Verdoux 凡 杜尔先生
“City Lights”
proved to be the hardest and longest undertaking of Chaplin’s career. By the time it was completed he had spent two years and eight months on the work, with almost 190 days of actual shooting.
ildred • Halilisi (In 1918 ) the feelings of dissent(不 合). divorced . in second year. His second wife towers • Lori McMurray ( In 1922) Charlie Chaplin fled. had two children . their marriage ended in failure.
大学英语 卓别林ppt
Part one
Enter the stage
17 years old, Chaplin entered in the very famous troupe-The Carl Debbi Troupe . Here,Chaplin met mentor Karl who changed his life, and brought him into the ranks of the highest comedy.
film director
He is not only an actor but also a director. After sound film was invented but he also took two of his most famous silent films, “City Lights" and “Modern Times"
17岁时,卓别林进入了当时非常有名的卡尔诺剧团。在这里, 卓别林有生以来遇到了使他终生受益的良师卡尔诺,正是卡尔 诺,把卓别林带进了喜剧的最高行列。
In 1889, Chaplin was born in London ,his parents are performing artists . In 1896 his mother was in unemployment , At the age of 12,Chaplin’s father died. Seven years later, he left the Orphan School, became a waif. He worked as a newsboy,and in the grocery store as a toys trademan and so on .
The most interesting thing is the image that he created for us ---Wearing a top hat ,nose and just a pinch(一撮,少量) of black mustache(胡子) ,tight jackets and loose(宽松的) trousers to wear on his body ,like a duck appear on screen .
His masterpi, Chaplin began to make movie independently , after this lifetime, he captured more than 80 movies.In film history of comedy, the famous film were "the gold rush", "city lights" ,"modern times" and "the great dictator", "whoever's Mr. Du", "stage of his career. Chaplin has become one of the greatest critical realist art masters.
CharlieChaplin (1889~1977) Great comic actor and flim director, He was born in London, and his panents were singers
In 1913,Chplin began his long film career.
His masterpi, Chaplin began to make movie independently , after this lifetime, he captured more than 80 movies.In film history of comedy, the famous film were "the gold rush", "city lights" ,"modern times" and "the great dictator", "whoever's Mr. Du", "stage of his career. Chaplin has become one of the greatest critical realist art masters.
CharlieChaplin (1889~1977) Great comic actor and flim director, He was born in London, and his panents were singers
In 1913,Chplin began his long film career.
Charlie Chaplin
Great comic actor
and film director
Chaplin was born in London April 16 ,1889.
And his parents were singers .
Complicated emotional life
In his whole life ,he lost 3 wives ,and he had 5 marriages and had 2 sons .
In 1913,Chaplin began his long film career .
<<To make a living >>
January 1914,Chaplin finished his first movie “to make a living (谋生)”, 1 year later ,Chaplin became a popular actor in the United States .
Learning Is To Achieve A Certain Goalome Various Difficulties For A Goal
“Gold Rush”
“To make a living (谋生)”
“The great dictator(大独裁者)”
“The great dictator”
“Modern times ”
Questions And Answers
·学习就是为了达到一定目的而努力去干, 是为一个目标去 战胜各种困难的过程,这个过程会充满压力、痛苦和挫折
Great comic actor
and film director
Chaplin was born in London April 16 ,1889.
And his parents were singers .
Complicated emotional life
In his whole life ,he lost 3 wives ,and he had 5 marriages and had 2 sons .
In 1913,Chaplin began his long film career .
<<To make a living >>
January 1914,Chaplin finished his first movie “to make a living (谋生)”, 1 year later ,Chaplin became a popular actor in the United States .
Learning Is To Achieve A Certain Goalome Various Difficulties For A Goal
“Gold Rush”
“To make a living (谋生)”
“The great dictator(大独裁者)”
“The great dictator”
“Modern times ”
Questions And Answers
·学习就是为了达到一定目的而努力去干, 是为一个目标去 战胜各种困难的过程,这个过程会充满压力、痛苦和挫折
查理卓别林的简介pptCharlie Chaplin
Cr to us is this image !
But have you ever known his original image ?
Charlie Chaplin, (16 April 1889–25 December 1977) was an English comic actor and film director of the silent film era who became one of the best-known film stars in the world before the end of the First World War. Chaplin was one of the most creative and influential personalities of the silent-film era. Just like George Bernard Shaw called him "the only genius to come out of the movie industry". His working life in entertainment spanned over 75 years, from the Victorian stage and the Music Hall in the United Kingdom as a child performer, until close to his death at the age of 88.
• Charlie Chaplin and Peaking Opera master MeiLanfang .
While they were by no means rich, the music hall provided the Chaplins with a comfortable living . Unfortunately happy life didn't last long. Father's alcoholism was slowly, but surely destroying his marriage. Finally it ended in divorce, but Hannah was indomitable不服输的.Without her, Charlie Chaplin would have become just one more child lost in the poverty of Victorian London.
But have you ever known his original image ?
Charlie Chaplin, (16 April 1889–25 December 1977) was an English comic actor and film director of the silent film era who became one of the best-known film stars in the world before the end of the First World War. Chaplin was one of the most creative and influential personalities of the silent-film era. Just like George Bernard Shaw called him "the only genius to come out of the movie industry". His working life in entertainment spanned over 75 years, from the Victorian stage and the Music Hall in the United Kingdom as a child performer, until close to his death at the age of 88.
• Charlie Chaplin and Peaking Opera master MeiLanfang .
While they were by no means rich, the music hall provided the Chaplins with a comfortable living . Unfortunately happy life didn't last long. Father's alcoholism was slowly, but surely destroying his marriage. Finally it ended in divorce, but Hannah was indomitable不服输的.Without her, Charlie Chaplin would have become just one more child lost in the poverty of Victorian London.
Chaplin's Fourth Wife - Oona O'Neill
They were married June 16, 1943. They had 8 children.
Thanks for watching
Charlie Chaplin
Name: Charlie Chaplin
Nationality(home): Britain
Birth place : London ,Bs188w9 orks
TDehateh dtartea:mDepcem1b9e1r 245-,11997715
• City Lights(城市之光)
Faced with the arrival of sound film, Chaplin still produce silent “City Lights”
• Modern Times(摩登时代)
The first film in which he was heard as a singing waiter, he made up a nonsense language which sounded like no known nationality.
Chaplin's Second Wife: Lita Grey
They were married November 26, 1924. They had two sons: Charles Spencer Chaplin, Jr. - born May 5, 1925, and Sydney Earle Chaplin - born March 30th, 1926. The couple divorced on August 25, 1927.
They were married June 16, 1943. They had 8 children.
Thanks for watching
Charlie Chaplin
Name: Charlie Chaplin
Nationality(home): Britain
Birth place : London ,Bs188w9 orks
TDehateh dtartea:mDepcem1b9e1r 245-,11997715
• City Lights(城市之光)
Faced with the arrival of sound film, Chaplin still produce silent “City Lights”
• Modern Times(摩登时代)
The first film in which he was heard as a singing waiter, he made up a nonsense language which sounded like no known nationality.
Chaplin's Second Wife: Lita Grey
They were married November 26, 1924. They had two sons: Charles Spencer Chaplin, Jr. - born May 5, 1925, and Sydney Earle Chaplin - born March 30th, 1926. The couple divorced on August 25, 1927.