一、教学目标:1. 通过本节课学习,学生将能够掌握并正确使用一些常见的英语口语表达。
2. 增强学生的听力和口语能力,提高他们的交际能力。
3. 培养学生的团队合作意识和沟通能力。
二、教学准备:1. 教师准备演示材料和活动所需的道具。
2. 确保教室环境整洁有序。
三、教学过程:1. Warm-up(热身活动):- 使用图片展示一些常见的英语口语表达,引导学生进行猜测并讨论它们的意思。
- 提问学生是否了解这些表达,鼓励他们积极参与。
2. Presentation(呈现):- 向学生介绍一些常见的英语口语表达,包括问候语、道别语、感谢语等。
- 通过示范和朗读正确的口语表达,帮助学生正确掌握发音和语调。
- 逐步扩展学生的词汇量和口语表达能力,鼓励他们进行模仿和角色扮演。
3. Practice(练习):- 分组进行口语练习活动,让学生有机会实践所学的口语表达。
- 使用问题和情境的方式让学生进行对话练习,帮助他们提高听力和口语能力。
- 教师可以走进每个小组,进行指导和反馈,鼓励学生彼此合作,相互学习。
4. Production(产出):- 要求每个小组设计一个小对话片段,展示他们所学的口语表达。
- 学生可以根据自己的兴趣和创意,自行编写对话内容,并进行表演。
- 教师可以对学生的表现进行评价,并提供指导和建议。
5. Extension(拓展):- 鼓励学生积极参与英语角、英语俱乐部等英语实践活动,提高他们的英语交际能力。
It’s long. It has no feet.
lion wolf How to describe it?
Step Two: Listen and answer 提出问题
环节四 •Do you know? 整合拓展
环节三 •Think and answer 巩固验收 环节二 •Listen and find 听录音
方式二: 猜图识词
It’s the king(王) of the forest. It’s scared(恐怖).
polar bear
It only lives in China. It likes eating bamboo.
It is a bear and his body is white. It lives in the Arctic(北极).
Where does… come from? Does… come from …?
monkey from South America
elephant from Africa and India
kangaroo from Australia
dolphin from ocean
koala from Australia
kangaroo tiger
Asia Europe
the Arctic
meat meat meat
The pawnodlfa comes from China and it eats bampboolaor .bear
初中英语阅读教案模版一、教学目标1. 帮助学生提高英语阅读理解能力。
2. 学习如何通过阅读各类英语文本获得信息。
3. 开发学生的英语阅读技巧,如快速阅读、扫读和细读。
二、教学重点1. 培养学生对文本的整体把握能力。
2. 增强学生的词汇积累和运用能力。
3. 培养学生的阅读理解能力。
三、教学难点1. 帮助学生理解篇章上下文的关系,提高阅读理解能力。
2. 培养学生的阅读速度与阅读技巧。
四、教学内容及步骤1. 导入(5分钟)教师出示一幅插图,让学生进行观察并用英文进行描述。
2. 预测(10分钟)教师给学生提供一个标题或问题,让学生预测接下来文章的内容。
3. 浏览(15分钟)教师让学生快速阅读文章的开头和结尾部分,帮助学生理解文章的整体组织结构。
4. 细读(20分钟)教师将文章分段给学生,让学生在规定时间内阅读该段落,并通过问题来检验学生对文章的理解程度。
5. 理解(15分钟)教师提问学生一些问题,以帮助学生进一步理解和思考文章的含义。
6. 总结(10分钟)教师帮助学生总结文章的主要内容和重点句子,并进行评价和展示。
五、教学辅助手段1. 教材:选择适合初中英语水平的阅读材料。
2. 视频:使用适当的教育视频,辅助教学。
六、教学评价1. 学生通过快速阅读获取文章的主要信息。
2. 学生通过细读获取文章的细节信息。
3. 学生能够理解并回答与文章内容相关的问题。
4. 学生能够用自己的话总结文章的主要内容。
七、教学延伸1. 学生可以继续阅读有关主题的其他文章,提升自己的阅读能力。
2. 学生可以通过读英文新闻、故事书等来扩大自己的阅读量。
3. 学生可以通过多做阅读练习题来巩固所学知识。
全国初中八年级英语微课大赛一等奖《八下Unit 10 阅读课》完美版教学设计方案
附件3《八下Unit 10 阅读课》微课教学设计方案学校:XX实验中学设计者:XXX 时间:2022年2月20日活动过程模板(一)记忆1.活动名称:看图识词与情境识词Learn some new words from the pictures and the stories.2.活动内容:hometown,among,regard,according to, search for,3.活动目标:学生能理解among,regard,accoding to等新词的意思,并明确本节课的主题4.活动具体步骤:(1)Look at the pictures and get the meaning of the topic (2)Learn some new words from the stories about the Beijing drifters and Shenzhen drifters.(二)理解1.活动名称:阅读理解Reading Comprehension2.活动内容:预测、略读、精读P78 Hometown Feelings3.活动目标:学生通过读前预测、略读、精度等多种阅读策略抓住文章主旨,理解文章结构,把握文章关键信息。
4.活动具体步骤:(1)Brain storm why people leave their hometowns.(2)Skim the passage and find out the hero and the main idea of the passage.(3)Scan the passage and complete the mind map of Zhong Wei’s story.(4)Complete the summary of Zhong Wei’s story.(三)评价1.活动名称:小组讨论Group Discussion2.活动内容:评价家乡变化并运用完成时描述家乡已经发生的变化3.活动目标:让学生联系自身实际,赏析评价,发展批判性思维。
八年级英语教案初中一、教学目标:1. 掌握八年级英语教材中的重点词汇及基础语法知识;2. 提升学生听说读写技能,培养学生的语言表达能力;3. 培养学生的合作意识和团队合作精神;4. 培养学生的学习策略,提高自主学习能力。
二、教学内容:本教案以《八年级英语教材》为教学依据,主要包括以下几个方面的内容:1. 单元教学:针对每个单元的主要词汇和语法知识进行教学,并结合课文内容展开听说读写训练;2. 听力训练:通过多种形式的听力材料,帮助学生提高听力理解能力,并培养他们的听力技巧;3. 口语训练:通过对话、习题和角色扮演等活动,激发学生的口语表达兴趣,培养他们的口头交流能力;4. 阅读训练:通过课文阅读、阅读理解题和课外阅读材料,提高学生的阅读速度和理解能力;5. 写作训练:通过写作练习,培养学生的写作能力,提高他们的语言组织和表达能力。
三、教学方法:1. 任务型教学法:通过给学生明确任务,激发他们的学习兴趣和学习动力,培养他们的自主学习能力;2. 合作学习法:鼓励学生在小组内进行合作学习,培养他们的合作精神和团队合作能力;3. 形象化教学法:通过图片、视频等多媒体资源,加强新知识的理解和记忆;4. 情景教学法:创设各种真实情景,使学生感受和运用语言的真实背景;5. 演绎法:通过师生互动、学生角色扮演等活动,培养学生的语言运用能力。
四、教学过程:1. Warm-up(导入):通过复习上一节课的内容,引导学生进入学习状态;2. Presentation(展示):向学生介绍本节课的重点词汇和语法知识,通过图片或实物进行展示,加深学生的理解;3. Practice(练习):利用各种练习形式,如填空、选择题、问答等,帮助学生熟练掌握所学内容;4. Production(表达):设计一些情景对话或写作任务,让学生运用所学知识进行口语或写作表达;5. Consolidation(巩固):通过小组活动或游戏等形式,巩固所学内容,加深学生对知识的记忆;6. Evaluation(评价):通过测试或考试,对学生的学习效果进行评价,及时发现问题并进行调整;7. Extension(拓展):引导学生运用所学知识进行更广泛的阅读和交流,拓宽他们的英语运用范围。
初中八年级英语教案一、教学目标:1. 知识目标:掌握日常生活中常用的英语表达;学习掌握一些基本的英语语法知识;了解英语字母的发音和书写规则。
2. 能力目标:培养学生良好的英语听、说、读、写能力;提高学生的学习策略和自主学习能力;培养学生合作与交流的能力。
3. 情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣;培养学生自信心和积极向上的学习态度;增强学生的跨文化意识和国际交流意识。
二、教学重点与难点:1. 重点:学习掌握常用的英语基本表达;培养学生良好的英语听、说、读、写能力;引导学生积极参与课堂活动,增强口语表达能力。
2. 难点:学习英语语法的基本知识,如动词时态、名词复数等;培养学生自主学习的能力,需要学生积极配合并主动参与教学活动;引导学生进行自主、合作与探究式学习,提高学生的英语口语表达能力。
三、教学过程及内容:1. 导入环节:通过播放英语歌曲、猜谜语等方式激发学生学习兴趣,并引导学生用英语问候老师和同学。
2. 基础知识讲解与学习:(1)字母的发音与书写规则:介绍英语字母的发音方法,并进行声、读练习。
3. 语法知识讲解与学习:(1)动词时态的基本用法:介绍动词的现在时、过去时和将来时的形式及使用方法,通过例句进行讲解和练习。
4. 口语表达练习:(1)日常生活用语练习:设计情境,让学生进行日常生活对话练习,加强口语交流能力。
5. 综合巩固与扩展:(1)听力训练:通过听录音并回答问题的方式进行听力训练,提高学生的听力能力。
• • a book fair • a speaking competition • a play a treasure hunt
a play
a book fair
a treasure hunt
a speaking competition
• A2 Which activity do you like best? Why?
• in public 公开地,当众 • We should not smoke in public
places. • 我们不应该在公共场所吸烟。 • 翻译:他公开回答了这个问题。
He answered the question in public.
• had better do sth 最好做某事 • You’d better take the warm
Unit 8 English week
• What do you know about…?
• A1 It is English Week a Rosie Bridge School, and the students are doing some activities. Write the correct activity name under each picture.
• 5. I advised people to speak slowly.
• 我提议人们讲话慢点。 • He advised me _t_o__li_s_te_n_____ • (listen ) to English video every
二、教学目标1. 通过听力活动,培养学生的听力理解能力,提高其听力水平;2. 通过口语练习,使学生能够准确流利地运用所学的词汇和句型进行口头表达;3. 通过阅读训练,提高学生的阅读理解能力,培养学生的阅读习惯;4. 通过写作任务,培养学生的写作能力,使他们能用英语进行简单的书面表达;5. 培养学生的合作与交流能力,鼓励他们在小组内互帮互助,共同合作完成任务。
三、教学重难点1. 重点:词汇和句型的熟练运用,口语表达能力的提高;2. 难点:听力和阅读理解的训练,写作能力的培养。
四、教学准备1. 教师准备:制作课件、教学素材和教学辅助工具;2. 学生准备:准备课本、笔记本和学习工具。
1.As a student, we go to school for _________e_d_u_ca_t_io_n___________. 2.Jim wants to find a job, at first, he’d better go to school ___t_o_l_e_a_rn__a_s_k_il_l ______________. 3.If we want to know the development of our country, we must learn ___h_i_s_to_r_y________ well. 4.In class, the role(角色) of a teacher is _t_o_s_h_o_w__h_is__st_u_d_e_n_ts__h_o_w__to__le_a_r_n. 5.The student who ___k_n_o_w_s_h_o_w__t_o_t_e_a_c_h_h_i_m_s_e_lf_/h_e_r_s_e_lf_______ is the best student.
八年级英语下册人教版教案一、教学目标:1. 知识目标:- 学生能够掌握本单元的英语单词和短语。
- 学生能够理解并运用日常交际用语。
- 学生能够阅读和理解本单元的课文。
- 学生能够正确使用一般现在时态和一般将来时态。
2. 能力目标:- 学生能够运用所学知识与他人进行简单的口头交流。
- 学生能够阅读和理解简单的文章。
3. 情感目标:- 通过本单元的学习,培养学生们积极参与课堂活动的意识。
- 培养学生们对英语学习的兴趣和自信心。
二、教学重点和难点:1. 教学重点:- 单词和短语的掌握与运用。
- 一般现在时态和一般将来时态的正确使用。
- 阅读理解的能力培养。
- 学生间基本的口头交际能力培养。
2. 教学难点:- 一般将来时态的正确使用。
- 阅读理解的能力培养。
三、教学过程:1. 导入(10分钟):- 利用课件或黑板上展示一些与本单元相关的图片,引发学生对本单元内容的兴趣,并让学生猜测与图片相关的单词或短语。
2. 观看视频(15分钟):- 观看与本单元话题相关的视频,让学生通过视觉方式对本单元的主题有一个初步了解,并引发学生对该主题的思考。
3. 新课展示(15分钟):- 教师通过课件或黑板展示本单元的重点单词和短语,并讲解其意思和用法。
4. 听力训练(20分钟):- 播放录音,让学生听录音并跟读,提高学生们的听力理解能力,并加强对重点单词和短语的记忆。
5. 语法讲解(15分钟):- 通过课件或黑板展示一般现在时态和一般将来时态的用法,并举例说明。
6. 阅读理解(20分钟):- 教师提供一篇与本单元话题相关的短文,让学生们阅读并理解。
7. 口语练习(15分钟):- 配对练习:学生两人一组进行对话练习,使用本单元的重点单词和短语,锻炼学生的口语表达能力。
8. 作业布置(5分钟):- 布置本单元的作业,包括课后习题和口语练习。
Unit 5 Save the endangered animals
课第:Unit5 als
The Trojan Horse教案Teaching aims:1.To enable the students to find out the main ideas of the paragraphs in a story.2.To enable the students to use the key words and lines to understand a story.3.To develop the students' critical thinking and creative thinking.4.To enable the students to be interested in ancient stories.Teaching main points:Reading strategy---- the main ideas of the paragraphs in a storyTeaching difficult points:To develop the students' critical thinking and creative thinking.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead inTalk about the virus--- the Wooden horse. Ask students where the name comes from.Step 2 PresentationTell something about The Trojan HorseWho were the two sides of the war?Who won the war?How did the war start? Tell students that in some ways, the war started because of a beautiful woman---Helen.Step 3 ReadingLook through thestory quickly and putthe pictures in thecorrect order. Writethe numbers 1–5 inthe boxes.Step 4 Reading strategy--- the main ideas of the paragraphs in a storyTip: pay attention to the most important information, such as the character, the situation or the event. The story can be divided into five parts.Pay attention to the behaviors of the Trojans and the Greeks.Step 6 Read the story again! Read the story with the tape.Complete the table. Pay attention to the time order.The Greeks tried for 10 years to capture the city of Troy. However, they didn't s________. So they thought of a clever t______. They left a huge wooden horse f______ of soldiers outside of the main gates of the city. The Trojan Captain ordered his men to pull it i______ the city. They thought they w_____ the war and they celebrated happily that night. However when the square was e_______ at midnight, the Greek soldiers c_______ quietly out of the horse from a secret door and opened the main gates to let their army e________ the city. This time, the Greeks f______ captured the city.Step 8 Fun time ---听台词,猜身份1.Listen and guess.2.Ask one student to read the lines with proper emotion, the others guess.Step 9 Think beyond the linesWhat can we learn from the Greeks?What lesson can we learn from the Trojans?Step 10 HomeworkRead these ancient stories after school.“the story of 100,000 arrows”(草船借箭),“the art of war”(孙子兵法).。
Unit 3 Traditional skillsReading Fishing with birds课标要求:能根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息了解中国悠久的历史文化和传统技艺,对祖国文化能有更深刻的了解和认识教学目标:1、通过阅读,了解中国古老技艺——鸬鹚捕鱼,知晓鸬鹚捕鱼的过程及其现状与未来;2、能够运用阅读技能(略读、精读、寻读等),完成阅读任务,理解文章内容3、了解中国传统文化,加深对祖国文化的理解和热爱学习重点:阅读技巧的运用练习;简单复述鸬鹚捕鱼的过程学习难点:对鸬鹚捕鱼过程的理解学习过程:Step I. Lead-in1. Guessing game:Look at the pictures, and guess: what are they doing? What do they use for fishing?(Pay attention to the tools: rod net)2.Read and know鸬鹚也叫鱼鹰,善潜水,能在水中以长而带钩的嘴捕鱼。
Step II. Reading practice●Before reading:Watch a short video: fishing with birds●While reading1.Scan the first paragraph and complete the table.Wang DaminJobAgeHealth2.Read the secondparagraph and fill in the mind-map.►size:________►color:______►good at ___________ and___________►special ability:__________and_________________________________3.Read paragraph 3 in silence, then check T or F.(1) Damin often goes fishing in the early afternoon. ( )(2) Damin ties a piece of grass around the mouth of each cormorant. ( )(3) Damin jumps up and down to attract fish. ( )(4) After dark, Damin hangs a light on his boat. ( )(5) The fish are taken from the fisherman's mouth. ( )4. Look at the pictures and phrases, try to find out sentences from the passage to describe them.●After readingHow do Damin and his cormorants work?1.Put the pictures into right order, match the phrases with them.2.Try to describe how Damin and his cormorants work.3.Group work: Retell the way of fishing with birds4.The future of fishing with birdsI hope we can protect and learn some Chinese traditional skillsStep III. HomeworkSuppose you are Wang Damin, try to describe how you catch fish.I usually set off in the late afternoon...。
People like him are _i_n_te_r_e_s_te_d_ in how their hometowns are changing. New buildings are often built by the _g_o_v_e_r_n_m__en__t . Zhong Wei thinks these changes are _g_o_o_d_ because things need to change in order to become better. But he also thinks some things _w__il_l_n_e_v_e_r__ change, and his hometown is still the place that holds all his childhood _m__e_m_o_r_i_e_s.
1 Large hospital
changes 2 New roads 3 New schools
4 Teachers from cities
play together under the big tree
Complete the summary with words from the passage. You may need to change the forms of the words.
I like the changes I don’t like the
because …
my hometown has developed fast.
they help my hometown to be a modern city.
more and more people choose to live in the hometown.
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AAt the beginning of this year, we started a plan called “WorldClass”. Not everyone in the class could take part, but 1 I could.The school chose a “twin* school” in a different area of the world. Ourhead teacher 2 a school in Africa. They gave us someone to writeto from that school. For three months, I wrote to a girl called Louisa and we were at the same 3 .I was glad to hear about 4 life. She told me that life there was very hard and poor. They couldn’t take a shower because there wasn’t enough water. I couldn’t believe that her school didn’t have any 5 so they couldn’t see clearly even in the day. They even didn’t have enough food for lunch. She often couldn’t go to school because she had to 6 her baby brother and sister. She had to do lots of housework after school, too. 7 lucky we are here!I love this experience 8 it makes me think about what life is like somewhere else. I have to say students here can go to classes without these worries because 9 above is difficult for us. I think more people should help out with projects like this. This weekend we’re going to have a sports day to 10 money to help the school in Africa. The whole plan makes us think about how wonderful our life is.1. A. quickly B. luckily C. quietly D. easily2. A. chose B. described C. understood D. remembered3. A. city B. school C. age D. class4. A. your B. her C. their D. his5. A. water B. food C. money D. lights6. A. look after B. look at C. look down D. look up7. A. How B. What C. Where D. Who8. A. or B. but C. so D. because9. A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. something10. A. hide B. raise C. throw D. reportBCamping often makes us think of sunny sky, soft wind and delicious BBQ outdoors. However,it isn’t always lucky to find a good place.During the May Day holiday, my parents and I decided to go 11 . At first, I was excited to prepare things, such as the tent*, sleeping bag and food. When we got there, we 12 everything was bad. For one thing, we can see 13 everywhere. For another, the BBQ stand was dirty. With no choice, we picked up the rubbish and wash the stand. We do 14 best to make ourselves feel better. Then we cooked dinner. The food was ready and at least we wouldn’t be very 15 . After dinner, we set up the tents. When the sun went 16 , the sky was dark and the wind was strong. Our sleeping bags didn’t keep the warmth, so it was hard to fall asleep.17 made things worse was that our tent was far away from the restroom. I couldn’t help crying because I was so sad in that 18 place. In order to keep us warm, my dad made a fire and my mother told some interesting stories and sang songs for us. Finally I fell asleep.The next morning, the sun came out. We 19 the place and finally enjoyed the bright sunshine together. On the way home I felt so happy that even in the 20 place we can also have the best memory.11. A. swimming B. fishing C. camping D. hiking12. A. found B. decided C. offered D. wanted13. A. snow B. holes C. hills D. rubbish14. A. your B. our C. their D. his15. A. lonely B. hungry C. thirsty D. tired16. A. on B. up C. down D. out17. A. What B. How C. When D. Where18. A. terrible B.harmful C. correct D. interesting19. A. took away B.look after C. cleaned up D. set up20. A. worst B. cleanest C. biggest D. cheapest二、阅读理解(本题有24小题,40和44小题3分,其余每题各2分,共50分)阅读下面短文:客观题请从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项;主观题请在答题纸规定区域作答。
AIt is so difficult to live in the desert*. As we know, there is little rainand it is very hot in the day and quite cold at night. If you go hiking ordrive your car through desert, it is wise to know some important skills tolive in the desert.Drink a bit water every hour not too much at once. If you find a place where it is wet, you can dig* deep to look for water. Another skill of getting water is to cover a green plant with a bag. It may take long time but little by little, you can get enough water to drink.Remember to travel at night and sleep during the day. What’s more, you have to find any shadow that can keep you from the strong sunlight. It can also help you save the water in your body.Wear clothing in light colour. It seems like you’ll be cooler when you wear that kind of clothes. However, it helps you protect your skin from the sun.Prepare to get help from the planes flying over your head notice you if you are in trouble. During the day, use a big smoking fire and at night, a bright, clean burning one. Spell out the word SOS on the ground as large as you can. You can use anything you can find to write it. In this way, you can be saved.21. According to the passage, how many skills of getting water in the dessert are mentioned?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.22. When you travel in the desert, you should .A. wear clothes in blackB. go to bed early in the eveningC. stay away from the strong sunlightD. drink as much water as possible23. If you want to get help from planes in the desert, you can .A. say out SOS loudly to the skyB. get anything you can find to eatC. write down huge SOS on the groundD. use a big and clean fire in the morning24. The main purpose of the passage is to ______.A. show us what the desert is likeB. tell us how to live in the desertC. encourage us to travel in the desertD. help us enjoy ourselves in the desertBDo you know how your pets* are feeling? When is your dog happy? A new app* called Happy Pets can tell you the answer.The app can analyze* the faces of cats and dogs. Then it can tell you what kind your pet is and how it is feeling. It can show the basic feelings–happy, angry, sad, and afraid. It can also show a neutral feeling, whichmeans no special feeling.Researchers at the University of Melbourne in Australia developed the app. The key of the app is facial recognition*, a common use of AI. We can turn on our mobile phones or enter train stations with it. But this is the first time that the tech has been used with animals.How did the app work? First, it analyzed a picture of an animal. Then, it was taught to analyze the face of your pet. Was it a dog or a cat? Next came the most important thing -teaching it to find out the feeling of the animal. For example, if a dog closes its eyes and mouth while moving its ears back, this means the dog is afraid. To get this skill, the app “saw” and “read” thousands of example pictures.Can the app tell us the feelings of pets exactly? The researchers are confident about it. Interestingly, they find that cats are harder to read than dogs. In the future, the app may also be able to analyze a pet’s body language.25. Happy Pets can tell people the _________ of a pet.A. ageB. colorC. sizeD. feeling26. The underlined “neutral” in Paragraph 2 means _________.A. shyB. excitedC. commonD. special27. Which of the sentences is TRUE according to the passage?A. Happy Pets can help people enter train stations.B. The researchers find it easier to read dogs than cats.C. The researchers are not sure about the answers of the app.D. Happy Pets can understand the body language of the pets now.28. Who may be more interested in this passage?A. A train driver.B. An animal doctor.C. A movie actress.D. A language teacher.CThere is a lot of water in the air. Think of clouds, for example. Acloud is a group of small drops* of water. The drops are so small thatthey can fly in the air.There are different kinds of clouds. Cumulus clouds are big and soft. Cirrus clouds* are very thin and long. When cirrus clouds are in the sky, it means the weather is going to change soon. Cumulus and cirrus clouds are white. Do you know why? The reason is the drops of water are not very close together. Grey clouds have more water, and the drops are very close together. These are rain clouds or nimbostratus clouds.Fog* is also a cloud. But it is not up in the sky. It is down on the ground where we walk. Fog looks beautiful but sometimes fog can be very parlous. You cannot see the road clearly when you drive and hear well when you talk to people, so most people don’t feel safe when it’s foggy. London is famous for its fog. In old movies of English like Sherlock Holmes, the streets of London are often full of fog, which makes people worry something bad will happen. But that isn’t really fog. It is smog. When fog mixes* with smoke in the air, it makes smog. Smog isn’t healthy. Today, there isn’t as much smog in London as there was in old days. The air is much cleaner, but it’s still foggy in London.29. We can know that cirrus clouds .A. are grey and soft cloudsB. are down on the groundC. tell us the weather will changeD. have more water in there30. What does the underlined word “parlous” mean to in the passage?A. uglyB. specialC. helpfulD. dangerous31. What can you learn from the passage?A. Fog can cause many problems for drivers.B. People can see and hear clearly in the fog.C. Fog can mix with more water to become smog.D. Fog and smog are not good for people’s health.32. What’s the best title for the passage?A. Clouds in MoviesB. Foggy LondonC. Fog and SmogD. Water in the AirDElephants are the biggest land animals. The elephants live inAfrica and Asia called African elephants and Indian elephants. Theyare herbivores, meaning that they don’t eat meat. They only eat plants,leaves and some fruit as snacks.The African elephants are bigger than the Indian elephants. It has larger ears, too.They use them to make themselves cool down. All African elephants have tusks*but only male*Indian elephants have tusks. The African elephants have gray wrinkly* skin and two tips* at the end of its nose. Indian elephants is smaller than the African elephants and has smaller ears. It has only one tip just like a finger at the end of its nose. Also, its skin is less wrinkly than that of the African elephant.Elephants are truly huge animals. They can grow to 11 feet tall and can be to 13000 pounds. The largest ever was 13 feet tall and 24000 pounds! Elephants can eat as large as their size. They can eat up to 400 pounds and drink up to 120 kilograms of water each day. Elephants have huge ears and long tusks. They use their ears to cool off. Their tusks can be up 10 feet long. Elephants use tusks to dig or cut off the trees, and sometimes to fight* .Elephants are very smart. They have big and long noses. They can use their noses to do a lot of things. They use their long noses to pick up food, drink and collect water for a bath. What’s more, they can have their own way to communicate with each other. They have many skills for using tools* and can be good at finishing tasks after learning. Maybe it is true that “ an elephants never forgets.”33. T he underlined word “herbivores” probably means elephants .A. are very largeB. live on landC. only eat vegetablesD. come from Africa and Asia34. What is the difference between the African elephants and the Indian elephant?A. All African elephants have tusks but the Indian elephants don’t.B. The African elephants have smaller ears than the Indian elephant.C. The Indian elephants have bigger noses than the African elephants.D. The African elephants have more wrinkly skin than the Indian elephants.35. Elephants use their tusks to .A. drink waterB. dig the groundC. take a showerD. pick up food36. Why do people say elephants are smart?A. Because elephants can learn many skills.B. Because people like elephants very much.C. Because elephants can help people use tools.D. Because elephants are good friends of human.EA young boy lived with his father alone. He loved playing footballand his father always cheered him on. His father never missed a game. Hisson would always sit on the bench*, but his father would always be there. He was a big fan of his son.When the young boy went to college, he still decided to join the football team. He always tried his best to practice, but he was far from a good player. The coach decided to keep him on the team because he hoped the other members could learn the boy’s spirit*.One day, the boy was practising before the big game. After receiving a telephone call, he stayed there for a long time without saying anything. Then he went to the coach and said, “Coach, please let me play today! I have to play today.” The coach agreed.When the young boy started playing, the other t eam couldn’t stop him. He played like a star. At last, his team won the game.After the game, the coach saw the young boy sitting quietly in the corner all alone. He went to him and said, “You did great today! You never played in any game before. Tell me h ow you did it.”The young boy with tears* in his eyes answered, “Well, my dad died today, but did you know that he was blind? He could n’t see anything, but he came to all my games. Today, it was the first time he could see me play. And I wanted to show him I could do it!”37. According to the first paragraph, we know the boy ________.A. could play football really wellB. got on well with other playersC. enjoyed playing football very muchD. always felt sad after playing football38. Wh y did the boy’s father never miss a game?A. Because he wanted to become a football coach.B. Because he loved his son and wanted to cheer for him.C. Because he liked watching football matches very much.D. Because his son asked him to come and watch every match.39. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A. An Important FanB. A Wonderful TeamC. An Excellent CoachD. A Great Football Star40. What did the boy want to show to his father? (用30-40词回答)_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________FOn a hot summer day, a little boy and his mother lived in a lake house. Little boy decided to go for a swim in the lake behind his house. The boy couldn’t wait! He went into the lake and swam far without knowing that he swam right into the middle of that lake. The boy’s mother looked out of window and saw an alligator* coming to his son.As she saw both of them getting closer to each other, she ran towards the little boy and shouted as loudly as she could. She shouted about alligator getting close to him and asked him to swim back. Hearing the voice of his mother, the boy got afraid and swam back to his mother but itwas too late. Just when the mother reached* her son and grabbed* his arm, at the same moment the alligator hurt his legs badly.That began a fight between two.The alligator was too strong but mother really wanted to let her son go so she never decided to give up. At the same time, a farmer just came by and saw the accident. He lift up his arm and shot the alligator. The farmer sent the boy and his mother to the hospital. After two weeks, luckily, the boy came over the hard time. A newspaper reporter came to interview the boy and asked him about the accident. The boy showed his long and deep scars on his legs and arms.Newspaper reporter said , “What a brave boy you are! I think you must be more careful when you swim in the river next time”The boy said with pride, “Of course, the scars are the teachers. And they are also the symbol of love. They are great scars.”41. According to Paragraph1, the boy was ______ when he went swimming.A.angryB. excitedC. afraidD. proud42. When the boy’s mother saw the alligator getting close to his son, ______.A. she ran fast and shouted loudlyB. the boy swam back to the houseC. the farmer was waiting near the riverD. the reporter heard the voice of the mother43. What can you infer from this passage?A. The boy couldn’t swim very well.B. The mother was busy doing housework.C. The farmer and the mother saved the boy.D. The river was not dangerous for children.44. According to the passage, why does the boy think his scars are great?(请用30-40词回答)_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________三、短文填空。