图1. 3机器人各轴说明
图1. 4 SA1400机器人各关节运动示意图1.2.3各关节电机说明
图1. 5 1,2,3,4轴电机位置示意图
图1. 6 5,6轴电机在内部
图1. 7一轴零点二轴零点
图1. 8三轴零点四轴零点
图1. 9五轴零点六轴零点可随意定
图1. 10机器人铭牌位置图
图1. 13 SRC2控制柜内部示意图
2.2 STEP伺服说明(21
2.5 I/O模块(28
3.1.1标定工具DynCal (30
3.2.1性能测试工具CompuGauge (31
7) An overflow occurred during parameter computation.
490 SERVO ALARM: 5TH AXIS OVER 5–axis, 6–axis overload signal is on. Refer to diagnosis display No.
N–th axis digital servo system fault. Refer to diagnosis display No. 720 and No.727 for details.
4n5 SERVO ALARM: n–TH AXIS – EX- A speed higher than 4000000 units/s was attempted to be set in the
4n0 SERVO ALARM: n–TH AXIS – EX- The position deviation value when the n–th axis stops is larger than
the set value.
Note) Limit value must be set to parameter for each axis.
1) The value set in Parameter No. 8n20 (motor form) is out of the
specified limit.
2) A proper value (111 or –111) is not set in parameter No. 8n22
(motor revolution direction).
爱普生 RC90 RC90-B 机器人控制器使用手册说明书
![爱普生 RC90 RC90-B 机器人控制器使用手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4689acd1dc88d0d233d4b14e852458fb770b38f9.png)
Rev.27C1M212C4575F机器人控制器RC90 / RC90-B(EPSON RC+ 7.0)机器人控制器RC90 / RC90-B (EPSON RC+ 7.0)Rev.27 ii机器人控制器RC90 / RC90-B(EPSON RC+ 7.0)Rev.27Copyright © 2013-2021 SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION. All rights reserved.RC90 / RC90-B (EPSON RC+ 7.0) Rev.27i前言感谢您购买本公司的机器人系统。
)但在以下情况下,将对客户收取修理费用(即使发生在保修期内):1. 因不同于使用说明书内容的错误使用以及使用不当而导致的故障与损伤。
2. 客户擅自改造或拆卸造成的故障。
3. 因调整不当/擅自修理而导致的损坏。
4. 因地震、洪水等自然灾害导致的损坏警告、注意、使用:1. 如果机器人或相关设备的使用超出本手册所述的使用条件及产品规格,将导致保修无效。
2. 本公司对因未遵守本手册记载的“警告”与“注意”而导致的任何故障或事故,甚至是人身伤害或死亡均不承担任何责任,敬请谅解。
3. 本公司不可能完全预见危险与故障发生的所有状况,此可预见性存在局限性。
ii RC90 / RC90-B (EPSON RC+ 7.0) Rev.27商标Microsoft、Windows、Windows 图标是美国Microsoft Corporation 在美国及其他国家的注册商标或商标。
2020控制系统操作手册20.06纳博特目录第2章安全注意事项 (15)注意事项 (15)第3章产品组装 (16)3.1示教盒安装 (16)3.2控制柜安装 (16)3.2.1线缆要求 (17)3.2.2布线要求 (18)3.2.3接地要求 (18)3.2.4接线注意事项 (19)第4章新机器人配置步骤 (20)第5章机器人的坐标系与轴操作 (26)5.1控制组与坐标系 (26)5.1.1坐标系 (26)坐标系与轴操作 (27)5.1.2关节坐标系 (27)5.1.3直角坐标系 (28)5.1.4工具坐标系 (29)5.1.5用户坐标系 (30)5.2外部轴 (33)第6章示教器按键与界面简介 (34)6.1T20示教器物理按键 (34)6.2T30示教器物理按键 (35)6.3操作系统简介 (37)6.3.1基本说明 (37)6.3.2状态介绍 (37)6.4界面介绍 (38)6.4.1主页 (38)6.4.2用户 (39)6.4.3设置 (41)6.4.4用户坐标标定 (43)6.4.5系统设置 (44)6.4.6远程程序设置 (48)6.4.11Modbus设置 (69)6.4.12后台任务 (71)6.4.13网络设置 (72)6.4.14数据上传 (73)6.4.15程序自启动 (73)6.4.16操作参数 (74)6.4.17工艺 (75)6.4.18变量 (103)6.4.19状态 (105)6.4.20工程 (107)6.4.21程序 (108)6.4.22日志 (109)6.4.23监控 (110)第7章机器人示教与运行 (111)7.1机器人准备 (111)7.1.1开机与安全确认 (111)7.1.2示教器准备 (111)7.2点动操作 (111)7.2.1示教速度调节 (112)7.2.2坐标系说明与切换 (112)7.2.3点动操作 (113)7.3程序编写 (113)7.3.1程序新建/打开/删除/重命名/复制 (113)7.3.2指令操作 (118)7.3.3指令说明(指令规范) (122)7.4程序运行 (142)7.4.1示教模式 (143)7.4.2运行模式 (143)7.4.3远程模式 (143)7.4.4从当前行运行 (145)7.5.4远程IO速度修改方式 (147)第8章工具手与用户坐标 (149)8.1工具手标定 (149)8.1.1工具坐标系 (149)8.1.2TCP:TOOL CENTER POINT,即工具中心点 (149)8.1.3工具坐标系特点 (150)8.1.4工具手参数设置 (151)8.1.57点标定 (152)8.1.612/15点标定 (156)8.1.720点标定 (161)8.1.82点标定 (162)8.2用户坐标系 (163)8.2.1用户坐标系作用 (164)8.2.2用户坐标参数设置 (165)8.2.3用户坐标系标定 (165)第9章数值变量 (167)9.1变量的名称 (167)9.2全局数值变量 (167)9.3全局数值变量使用 (169)9.3.1定义全局数值变量 (169)9.3.2通过计算指令为全局数值变量赋值 (169)9.3.3直接变量赋值 (171)9.3.4使用全局数值变量来计数 (172)9.4局部数值变量 (172)9.5局部变量使用 (173)9.5.1定义局部数值变量 (173)9.5.2使用计算指令为局部变量赋值 (174)9.5.3直接为变量赋值 (174)第10章位置变量 (175)10.1全局位置变量 (175)10.3.4READPOS 指令 (179)10.3.5USERFRAME_SET 指令 (180)10.3.6TOOLFRAME_SET 指令 (180)10.3.7COPYPOS 指令 (180)10.44轴SCARA机器人左右手 (180)10.4.1全局变量设置左右手 (181)第11章条件判断类指令的使用 (183)11.1指令说明 (183)11.1.1CALL (183)11.1.2IF (183)11.1.3ELSE (184)11.1.4ELSEIF (185)11.1.5WHILE (187)11.1.6WAIT (188)11.1.7LABEL (189)11.1.8JUMP (190)11.1.9UNTIL (191)11.1.10CRAFTLINE (192)11.1.11CMDNOTE (192)11.1.12POS_REACHABLE (192)11.1.13CLKSTART (193)11.1.14CLKSTOP (193)11.1.15CLKRESET (193)第12章后台任务 (194)12.1限制 (194)12.2注:运行模式按暂停按钮、远程模式IO暂停只暂停主程序,不暂停后台任务 (194)12.3后台任务编程 (195)12.3.1注意 (195)12.4主程序编程 (195)12.4.1PTHREAD_START(开启线程) (195)12.4.4CONTINUERUN(继续线程) (197)12.4.5STOPRUN (停止运行) (197)12.4.6RESTARTRUN(重新运行) (198)第13章IO、Modbus与远程程序 (199)13.1IO (199)13.1.1输入输出指令 (199)13.1.2I/O功能选择设置 (200)13.1.3IO状态提示设置 (201)13.1.4IO安全设置 (202)13.1.5IO复位 (202)13.1.6IO配置 (203)13.1.7使能IO (204)13.1.8报警消息 (205)13.1.9端口名称 (205)13.1.10远程模式IO预约简要说明 (206)13.2远程程序设置 (208)13.3复位点设置 (208)13.4远程功能的使用(IO) (209)13.4.1远程功能概述 (209)13.4.2远程功能使用步骤 (209)13.4.3编写程序 (209)13.4.4设置远程程序 (209)13.4.5设置IO (210)13.4.6切换到远程模式 (210)13.4.7预约排序 (210)13.4.8运行 (211)13.5Modbus修改地址码 (211)13.6Modbus的使用 (214)13.6.1ModBus功能概述 (214)13.6.2Modbus触摸屏使用流程 (214)第14章多机模式与双机协作 (218)14.1设置机器人 (218)14.2切换机器人 (219)第15章视觉工艺 (222)15.1视觉参数设置 (222)15.2视觉范围设置 (224)15.3 (225)15.4视觉位置参数 (225)15.5位置调试 (226)15.6视觉运作方式 (226)15.7视觉指令 (226)15.7.1VISION_RUN (226)15.7.2VISION_TRG (227)15.7.3VISION_POSNUM (227)15.7.4VISION_POS (227)15.7.5VISION_CLEAR (227)15.7.6VISION_END (227)15.8使用示例 (228)15.8.1抓取应用 (228)第16章传送带跟踪 (229)16.1参数设置 (229)16.1.1基本信息 (229)16.1.2识别参数 (230)16.1.3传送带标定 (230)16.1.4传感器标定 (233)16.1.5位置设置 (235)16.2编写程序 (236)16.2.1CONVEYOR_ON指令 (236)16.2.2CONVEYOR_OFF指令 (237)16.2.3CONVEYOR_CHECKPOS指令 (237)16.2.4CONVEYOR_CHECKEND指令 (237)16.3示例 (237)16.3.1使用传感器、MOVJ走轨迹 (237)16.3.2使用传感器、外部发点功能走轨迹 (238)16.3.3视觉传送带跟踪 (238)第17章外部传输点 (240)17.2通讯方式 (241)17.2.1点位存放的数据 (241)17.2.2示例 (242)17.2.3指令 (242)第18章外部通讯 (243)18.1TCP协议 (243)18.1.1参数设置 (243)18.1.2指令 (243)18.1.3READCOMM (244)18.1.4OPENMSG (245)18.1.5CLOSEMSG (245)18.1.6PRINT (245)18.1.7MSG_CONN_ST (245)第19章数据上传 (246)19.1基本设置 (246)19.2数据格式 (246)19.2.1生成csv文件示例 (247)第20章机器人日志 (249)20.1示教器日志查看 (249)日志说明 (249)操作日志:此类型日志保存用户的基本操作,例如新建程序、重命名程序插入指令等。
CRP-S40 PLC说明书
![CRP-S40 PLC说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0f3ad52b4b35eefdc8d333fc.png)
成都卡诺普自动化控制技术有限公司1 概述S40控制系统具有软件PLC 功能。
可根据系统的可编程I/O、辅助继电器、定时器等资源可管理系统所有I/O 接口、内部辅助继电器在,进行逻辑判断、计数等处理实现对输入口的检测和对输出口的控制以及与系统内核进行数据交换。
针对不同的系统其PLC 的功能指标会有所区别,S40系统的PLC 指标如下。
编辑方式:梯形图 执行指令:指令表 程序容量:10000步 执行周期:10ms执行方式:顺序执行①、循环执行② 基本指令:内部继电器 定时器 计数器输入继电器X 输出继电器Y注:①顺序执行是指,PLC的执行是对指令表的程序文件一行一行逐步执行,所以和一般的继电器电路的工作原理不尽相。
2 梯形图中的基本元件符号在S40系统中为了便于梯形图的编辑,特设定如下基本元件符号序号 符号名称 符号图形 说 明1 常开触点 各元件(继电器)的常开触点2 常闭触点 各元件(继电器)的常闭触点3 直接输出线圈 各元件(继电器)的线圈4 置位输出线圈 各元件(继电器)的线圈(置位保持)5 复位输出线圈 各元件(继电器)的线圈(复位保持)6 水平连接线用于水平连接各继电器的触点和线圈7 垂直连接线用于垂直连接各继电器的触点和线圈(通常为分支用)3 指令表中的基本逻辑指令在S40系统中PLC 指令表中共有16条基本的逻辑指令,用于实现基本逻辑控制。
3.1 LD、LDI、OUT 指令LD:常开触点与母线连接指令。
2.1 结构 .............................................................................................................................................. 3 2.2 控制柜 .......................................................................................................................................... 3 2.3 示教盒 .......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.3.1 示教盒的外观 ....................................................................................................................... 4 2.3.2 按键操作 ............................................................................................................................... 5 2.3.3 按键的功能 ........................................................................................................................... 6 2.4 示教盒画面显示......................................................................................................................... 12 2.4.1 快捷菜单区 ......................................................................................................................... 13 2.4.2 系统状态显示区 ................................................................................................................. 16 2.4.3 主菜单区 ............................................................................................................................. 19 2.4.4 文件列表区 ......................................................................................................................... 19 2.4.5 人机接口显示区 ................................................................................................................. 20 2.5 软键盘 ........................................................................................................................................ 20 2.6 输入数值 .................................................................................................................................... 22
机器人协作控制系统的说明书一、引言机器人协作控制系统(即Robot Collaborative Control System)是一种基于先进的机器人技术和控制算法的系统,旨在实现多台机器人之间的协同工作。
二、系统概述1. 功能机器人协作控制系统具备以下主要功能:- 实现机器人之间的协同工作,提高工作效率;- 提供实时的机器人位置和状态信息,以便进行准确的控制;- 能够根据工作要求对机器人的控制策略进行灵活调整;- 支持多种通信方式,方便与其他系统进行接口;- 具备安全性控制,保障操作人员的安全;- 可以对机器人进行远程监控和管理。
2. 特点机器人协作控制系统的特点如下:- 系统易于部署和集成,可以与各种类型的机器人和设备配合使用;- 系统具备高度的可扩展性,可以支持从少数几台机器人到大规模机器人团队的协同工作;- 系统具备较高的实时性和稳定性,能够满足各种复杂工作场景的需求;- 系统支持图形化界面,方便用户进行操作和监控。
三、系统组成机器人协作控制系统主要由以下几个组件组成:1. 控制器(Controller):负责对机器人进行控制和调度,根据任务需求进行协同工作的规划和执行。
2. 通信模块(Communication Module):实现机器人之间及机器人与其他设备之间的通信,确保实时的数据交换和命令传输。
3. 传感器(Sensors):用于获取机器人位置、状态、环境等信息,并通过接口将数据传输给控制器进行处理。
4. 执行器(Actuators):根据控制器的指令,控制机器人的动作和运动。
5. 用户界面(User Interface):提供直观友好的图形化界面,方便用户进行系统操作和任务监控。
四、使用方法使用机器人协作控制系统的步骤如下:1. 确保各个机器人被正确连接并装备了相应的传感器和执行器。
2. 启动机器人协作控制系统,并进行相应的初始化设置。
![SINUMERIK SINUMERIK ONE 机器人控制系统操作手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ec729a890408763231126edb6f1aff00bfd5705c.png)
SINUMERIKSINUMERIK ONEMillingOperating ManualValid for:SINUMERIK ONESoftware versionCNC system software for SINUMERIK ONE V6.20 SINUMERIK Operate for PCU/PC V6.2007/2022A5E48384797B ADLegal information Warning notice systemThis manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are graded according tothe degree of danger.DANGERindicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.WARNINGindicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.CAUTIONindicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.NOTICEindicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property damage.Qualified PersonnelThe product/system described in this documentation may be operated only bypersonnel qualified for the specific task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions. Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.Proper use of Siemens productsNote the following:WARNINGSiemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.TrademarksAll names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.Disclaimer of LiabilityWe have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.Siemens AGDigital Industries Postfach 48 4890026 NÜRNBERG GERMANYA5E48384797B ADⓅ 06/2022 Subject to change Copyright © Siemens AG 2019 - 2022.All rights reservedTable of contents1Introduction (17)1.1About SINUMERIK (17)1.2About this documentation (18)1.3Documentation on the internet (20)1.3.1Documentation overview SINUMERIK ONE (20)1.3.2Documentation overview SINUMERIK operator components (20)1.4Feedback on the technical documentation (22)1.5mySupport documentation (23)1.6Service and Support (24)1.7Important product information (26)2Fundamental safety instructions (27)2.1General safety instructions (27)2.2Warranty and liability for application examples (28)2.3Security information (29)3Fundamentals (31)3.1Product overview (31)3.2Operator panel fronts (32)3.2.1Overview (32)3.2.2Keys of the operator panel (34)3.3Machine control panels (42)3.3.1Overview (42)3.3.2Controls on the machine control panel (42)3.4User interface (46)3.4.1Screen layout (46)3.4.2Status display (47)3.4.3Actual value window (49)3.4.4T,F,S window (51)3.4.5Operation via softkeys and buttons (53)3.4.6Entering or selecting parameters (54)3.4.7Pocket calculator (56)3.4.8Pocket calculator functions (57)3.4.9Context menu (59)3.4.10Changing the user interface language (59)3.4.11Entering Chinese characters (60) - input editor (60) Asian characters (62)3.4.12Entering Korean characters (63)3.4.13Protection levels (65)MillingOperating Manual, 07/2022, A5E48384797B AD3Table of contents3.4.14Work station safety (67)3.4.15Cleaning mode (67)3.4.16Display live image from a camera (68)3.4.17Online help in SINUMERIK Operate (69)4Multitouch operation with SINUMERIK Operate (73)4.1Multitouch panels (73)4.2Touch-sensitive user interface (74)4.3Finger gestures (75)4.4Multitouch user interface (78)4.4.1Screen layout (78)4.4.2Function key block (79)4.4.3Further operator touch controls (80)4.4.4Virtual keyboard (80)4.4.5Special "tilde" character (81)4.5Expansion with side screen (82)4.5.1Overview (82)4.5.2Sidescreen with standard windows (82)4.5.3Standard widgets (84)4.5.4"Actual value" widget (84)4.5.5"Zero point" widget (85)4.5.6"Alarms" widget (85)4.5.7"NC/PLC variables" widget (85)4.5.8"Axle load" widget (86)4.5.9"Tool" widget (86)4.5.10"Service life" widget (87)4.5.11"Program runtime" widget (87)4.5.12Widget "Camera 1" and "Camera 2" (87)4.5.13Sidescreen with pages for the ABC keyboard and/or machine control panel (88)4.5.14Example 1: ABC keyboard in the sidescreen (89)4.5.15Example 2: Machine control panel in the sidescreen (90)4.6SINUMERIK Operate Display Manager (91)4.6.1Overview (91)4.6.2Screen layout (92)4.6.3Operator controls (92)5Setting up the machine (97)5.1Switching on and switching off (97)5.2Approaching a reference point (98)5.2.1Referencing axes (98)5.2.2User agreement (99)5.3Operating modes (101)5.3.1General (101)5.3.2Modes groups and channels (103)5.3.3Channel switchover (103)5.4Settings for the machine (105)5.4.1Switching over the coordinate system (MCS/WCS) (105)5.4.2Switching the unit of measurement (105)Milling 4Operating Manual, 07/2022, A5E48384797B ADTable of contents5.4.3Setting the zero offset (107)5.5Measure tool (109)5.5.1Overview (109)5.5.2Manually measuring drilling and milling tools (109)5.5.3Measuring drilling and milling tools with the workpiece reference point (110)5.5.4Measuring drilling and milling tools with fixed reference point (111)5.5.5Measuring radius or diameter (112)5.5.6Fixed point calibration (113)5.5.7Measuring the drilling and milling tool length with electrical tool probe (113)5.5.8Calibrating the electrical tool probe (116)5.5.9Manually measuring a turning tool (for milling/turning machine) (117)5.5.10Manually measuring a turning tool using a tool probe (for milling/turning machine) (118)5.5.11Logging tool measurement results (120)5.6Measuring the workpiece zero (122)5.6.1Overview (122)5.6.2Sequence of operations (126)5.6.3Examples with manual swiveling (swiveling in JOG mode) (127)5.6.4Setting the edge (128)5.6.5Edge measurement (129)5.6.6Measuring a corner (134)5.6.7Measuring a pocket and hole (137)5.6.8Measuring a spigot (140)5.6.9Aligning the plane (145)5.6.10Defining the measurement function selection (147)5.6.11Logging measurement results for the workpiece zero (148)5.6.12Calibrating the electronic workpiece probe (149) of length and radius or diameter (149) on sphere (151)5.7Settings for the measurement result log (153)5.8Zero offsets (155)5.8.1Display active zero offset (156)5.8.2Displaying the zero offset "overview" (157)5.8.3Displaying and editing base zero offset (158)5.8.4Displaying and editing settable zero offset (159)5.8.5Displaying and editing details of the zero offsets (160)5.8.6Deleting a zero offset (161)5.8.7Measuring the workpiece zero (162)5.9Monitoring axis and spindle data (164)5.9.1Specify working area limitations (164)5.9.2Editing spindle data (164)5.10Displaying setting data lists (166)5.11Handwheel assignment (167)5.12MDA (169)5.12.1Saving an MDA program (169)5.12.2Editing/executing a MDI program (170)5.12.3Deleting an MDA program (171)MillingOperating Manual, 07/2022, A5E48384797B AD5Table of contents6Execution in manual mode (173)6.1General (173)6.2Selecting a tool and spindle (174)6.2.1T, S, M windows (174)6.2.2Selecting a tool (176)6.2.3Starting and stopping a spindle manually (176)6.2.4Position spindle (177)6.3Traversing axes (179)6.3.1Traverse axes by a defined increment (179)6.3.2Traversing axes by a variable increment (180)6.4Positioning axes (181)6.5Swiveling (182)6.6Manual retraction (187)6.7Simple face milling of the workpiece (188)6.8Simple workpiece machining operations with milling/turning machines (191)6.8.1Simple workpiece face milling (milling/turning machine) (191)6.8.2Simple stock removal of workpiece (for milling/turning machine) (193)6.9Default settings for manual mode (197)7Machining the workpiece (199)7.1Starting and stopping machining (199)7.2Selecting a program (201)7.3Testing a program (202)7.4Displaying the current program block (203)7.4.1Displaying a basic block (203)7.4.2Display program level (203)7.5Correcting a program (205)7.6Repositioning axes (206)7.7Starting machining at a specific point (207)7.7.1Use block search (207)7.7.2Continuing program from search target (209)7.7.3Simple search target definition (210)7.7.4Defining an interruption point as search target (210)7.7.5Entering the search target via search pointer (211)7.7.6Parameters for block search in the search pointer (212)7.7.7Block search mode (212)7.7.8Block search for position pattern (215)7.8Controlling the program run (217)7.8.1Program control (217)7.8.2Use Powerride for program control (219)7.8.3Skip blocks (219)7.9Overstore (221)7.10Editing a program (223)Milling 6Operating Manual, 07/2022, A5E48384797B ADTable of contents7.10.1Searching in programs (223)7.10.2Replacing program text (225)7.10.3Copying/pasting/deleting a program block (226)7.10.4Renumbering a program (228)7.10.5Creating a program block (229)7.10.6Opening additional programs (230)7.10.7Editor settings (231)7.11Working with DXF files (235)7.11.1Overview (235)7.11.2Displaying CAD drawings (236) a DXF file (236) a DXF file (236) or reducing the CAD drawing (237) the section (238) the view (238) information for the geometric data (239)7.11.3Importing and editing a DXF file in the editor (240) procedure (240) a reference point (240) the machining plane (241) the tolerance (241) the machining range / deleting the range and element (242) the DXF file (243) the drilling positions (244) contours (246)7.12Importing shapes from CAD programs (250)7.12.1Reading in CAD data into an editor and processing (252) procedure (252) from CAD (252) reference points (253) point information (256) a new contour (257) the machining steps (258)7.13Display and edit user variables (260)7.13.1Overview (260)7.13.2Global R parameters (261)7.13.3R parameters (262)7.13.4Displaying global user data (GUD) (264)7.13.5Displaying channel GUDs (265)7.13.6Displaying local user data (LUD) (266)7.13.7Displaying program user data (PUD) (267)7.13.8Searching for user variables (267)7.14Displaying G Functions and Auxiliary Functions (270)7.14.1Selected G functions (270)7.14.2All G functions (272)7.14.3G functions for mold making (272)7.14.4Auxiliary functions (273)7.15Displaying superimpositions (275)7.16Mold making view (278)MillingOperating Manual, 07/2022, A5E48384797B AD7Table of contents7.16.1Overview (278)7.16.2Starting the mold making view (280)7.16.3Adapting the mold making view (280)7.16.4Specifically jump to the program block (281)7.16.5Searching for program blocks (282)7.16.6Changing the view (283) or reducing the graphical representation (283) and rotating the graphic (284) the viewport (284)7.17Displaying the program runtime and counting workpieces (286)7.18Setting for automatic mode (288)8Simulating machining (291)8.1Overview (291)8.2Simulation before machining of the workpiece (299)8.3Simultaneous recording before machining of the workpiece (300)8.4Simultaneous recording during machining of the workpiece (301)8.5Setting the model quality (302)8.6Different views of the workpiece (303)8.6.1Plan view (303)8.6.23D view (304)8.6.3Side view (304)8.6.4Turning view (305)8.6.5Half section (305)8.7Editing the simulation display (307)8.7.1Blank display (307)8.7.2Showing and hiding the tool path (307)8.8Program control during the simulation (308)8.8.1Changing the feedrate (308)8.8.2Simulating the program block by block (309)8.9Changing and adapting a simulation graphic (310)8.9.1Enlarging or reducing the graphical representation (310)8.9.2Panning a graphical representation (311)8.9.3Rotating the graphical representation (311)8.9.4Modifying the viewport (312)8.9.5Defining cutting planes (312)8.10Displaying simulation alarms (314)9Generating a G code program (315)9.1Graphical programming (315)9.2Program views (316)9.3Program structure (320)9.4Fundamentals (321)9.4.1Machining planes (321)9.4.2Current planes in cycles and input screens (321)Milling 8Operating Manual, 07/2022, A5E48384797B ADTable of contents9.4.3Programming a tool (T) (322)9.5Generating a G code program (323)9.6Blank input (324)9.7Machining plane, milling direction, retraction plane, safe clearance and feedrate (PL, RP,SC, F) (326)9.8Selection of the cycles via softkey (327)9.9Calling technology functions (331)9.9.1Hiding cycle parameters (331)9.9.2Setting data for cycles (331)9.9.3Checking cycle parameters (331)9.9.4Programming variables (332)9.9.5Changing a cycle call (332)9.9.6 Compatibility for cycle support (333)9.9.7Additional functions in the input screens (333)9.10Measuring cycle support (334)10Creating a ShopMill program (335)10.1Program views (336)10.2Program structure (341)10.3Fundamentals (342)10.3.1Machining planes (342)10.3.2Polar coordinates (342)10.3.3Absolute and incremental dimensions (343)10.4Creating a ShopMill program (346)10.5Program header (347)10.6Program header (for milling/turning machine) (349)10.7Generating program blocks (352)10.8Tool, offset value, feed and spindle speed (T, D, F, S, V) (353)10.9Defining machine functions (355)10.10Call work offsets (357)10.11Repeating program blocks (358)10.12Specifying the number of workpieces (360)10.13Changing program blocks (361)10.14Changing program settings (362)10.15Selection of the cycles via softkey (364)10.16Calling technology functions (369)10.16.1Additional functions in the input screens (369)10.16.2Checking input parameters (369)10.16.3Setting data for technological functions (369)10.16.4Changing a cycle call (370)10.16.5Programming variables (370)10.16.6 Compatibility for cycle support (371)MillingOperating Manual, 07/2022, A5E48384797B AD9Table of contents10.17Measuring cycle support (372)10.18Example, standard machining (373)10.18.1Workpiece drawing (374)10.18.2Programming (374)10.18.3Results/simulation test (386)10.18.4G code machining program (388)11Programming technological functions (cycles) (391)11.1Know-how protection (391)11.2Drilling (392)11.2.1General (392)11.2.2Centering (CYCLE81) (393)11.2.3Drilling (CYCLE82) (394)11.2.4Reaming (CYCLE85) (398)11.2.5Deep-hole drilling 1 (CYCLE83) (399)11.2.6Deep-hole drilling 2 (CYCLE830) (405)11.2.7Boring (CYCLE86) (415)11.2.8Tapping (CYCLE84, 840) (417)11.2.9Drill and thread milling (CYCLE78) (424)11.2.10Positioning and position patterns (428)11.2.11Arbitrary positions (CYCLE802) (430)11.2.12Row position pattern (HOLES1) (433)11.2.13Grid or frame position pattern (CYCLE801) (434)11.2.14Circle or pitch circle position pattern (HOLES2) (436)11.2.15Displaying and hiding positions (438)11.2.16Repeating positions (440)11.3Milling (441)11.3.1Face milling (CYCLE61) (441)11.3.2Rectangular pocket (POCKET3) (443)11.3.3Circular pocket (POCKET4) (450)11.3.4Rectangular spigot (CYCLE76) (457)11.3.5Circular spigot (CYCLE77) (462)11.3.6Multi-edge (CYCLE79) (466)11.3.7Longitudinal groove (SLOT1) (470)11.3.8Circumferential groove (SLOT2) (476)11.3.9Open groove (CYCLE899) (482)11.3.10Long hole (LONGHOLE) - only for G code programs (491)11.3.11Thread milling (CYCLE70) (493)11.3.12Engraving (CYCLE60) (497)11.4Contour milling (504)11.4.1General (504)11.4.2Representation of the contour (504)11.4.3Creating a new contour (506)11.4.4Creating contour elements (507)11.4.5Changing the contour (512)11.4.6Contour call (CYCLE62) - only for G code program (513)11.4.7Path milling (CYCLE72) (514)11.4.8Contour pocket/contour spigot (CYCLE63/64) (519)11.4.9Predrilling contour pocket (CYCLE64) (521)11.4.10Milling contour pocket (CYCLE63) (524)Milling 10Operating Manual, 07/2022, A5E48384797B ADTable of contents 11.4.11Residual material contour pocket (CYCLE63) (529)11.4.12Milling contour spigot (CYCLE63) (530)11.4.13Residual material contour spigot (CYCLE63) (534)11.5Turning - milling/turning machine (537)11.5.1General (537)11.5.2Stock removal (CYCLE951) (537)11.5.3Groove (CYCLE930) (541)11.5.4Undercut form E and F (CYCLE940) (545)11.5.5Thread undercut (CYCLE940) (551)11.5.6Thread turning (CYCLE99), only for G code (557) aspects of the selection alternatives for infeed depths (584)11.5.7Thread chain (CYCLE98) (585) aspects of the selection alternatives for infeed depths (594)11.5.8Cut-off (CYCLE92) (595)11.6Contour turning - Milling/turning machine (599)11.6.1General information (599)11.6.2Representation of the contour (600)11.6.3Creating a new contour (601)11.6.4Creating contour elements (603)11.6.5Changing the contour (610)11.6.6Contour call (CYCLE62) (611)11.6.7Stock removal (CYCLE952) (612)11.6.8Stock removal residual (CYCLE952) (627)11.6.9Grooving (CYCLE952) (630)11.6.10Grooving residual material (CYCLE952) (641)11.6.11Plunge turning (CYCLE952) (645)11.6.12Plunge turning residual material (CYCLE952) (655)11.7Further cycles and functions (660)11.7.1Swivel plane (CYCLE800) (660) surface transformation with swivel plane (667)11.7.2Swiveling tool (CYCLE800) (671) tool/preloading milling tools - only for G code program (CYCLE800) (671) turning tools (CYCLE800) - millling/turning machine (672)11.7.3High-speed settings (CYCLE832) (677)11.7.4Subroutines (681)11.7.5Adapt to load (CYCLE782) (683)11.7.6Interpolation turning (CYCLE806) (685) (685) interpolation turning - CYCLE806 (686) the cycle (687) (687)11.8Additional cycles and functions in ShopMill (688)11.8.1Transformations (688)11.8.2Translation (689)11.8.3Rotation (689)11.8.4Scaling (690)11.8.5Mirroring (691)11.8.6Cylinder surface transformation (691)11.8.7Straight or circular machining (694)11.8.8Programming a straight line (696)Table of contents11.8.9Programming a circle with known center point (697)11.8.10Programming a circle with known radius (698)11.8.11Helix (699)11.8.12Polar coordinates (700)11.8.13Straight polar (701)11.8.14Circle polar (701)11.8.15Obstacle (702)12Multi-channel view (705)12.1Multi-channel view (705)12.2Multi-channel view in the "Machine" operating area (706)12.3Multi-channel view for large operator panels (709)12.4Setting the multi-channel view (711)13Collision avoidance (713)13.1Activate collision avoidance (715)13.2Set collision avoidance (716)14Tool management (719)14.1Lists for the tool management (719)14.2Magazine management (721)14.3Tool types (722)14.4Tool dimensioning (725)14.5Tool list (732)14.5.1Additional data (735)14.5.2Creating a new tool (736)14.5.3Measuring the tool (738)14.5.4Managing several cutting edges (738)14.5.5Delete tool (739)14.5.6Loading and unloading tools (739)14.5.7Selecting a magazine (741)14.5.8Code carrier connection (742)14.5.9Managing a tool in a file (744)14.6Tool wear (747)14.6.1Reactivating a tool (749)14.7Tool data OEM (751)14.8Magazine (752)14.8.1Positioning a magazine (754)14.8.2Relocating a tool (754)14.8.3Deleting / unloading / loading / relocating all tools (755)14.9Tool details (757)14.9.1Displaying tool details (757)14.9.2Tool data (757)14.9.3Cutting edge data (758)14.9.4Monitoring data (760)14.10Changing a tool type (761)Table of contents14.11Graphic display (762)14.12Sorting tool management lists (764)14.13Filtering the tool management lists (765)14.14Specific search in the tool management lists (767)14.15Multiple selection in the tool management lists (769)14.16Settings for tool lists (770)14.17Working with Multitool (771)14.17.1Tool list for multitool (771)14.17.2Create multitool (772)14.17.3Equipping multitool with tools (774)14.17.4Removing a tool from multitool (775)14.17.5Deleting multitool (776)14.17.6Loading and unloading multitool (776)14.17.7Reactivating the multitool (777)14.17.8Relocating a multitool (778)14.17.9Positioning a multitool (779)15Managing programs (781)15.1Overview (781)15.1.1NC memory (784)15.1.2Local drive (784)15.1.3USB drives (786)15.1.4FTP drive (786)15.2Opening and closing the program (788)15.3Executing a program (790)15.4Creating a directory / program / job list / program list (792)15.4.1File and directory names (792)15.4.2Creating a new directory (792)15.4.3Creating a new workpiece (793)15.4.4Creating a new G code program (794)15.4.5Creating a new ShopMill program (794)15.4.6Storing any new file (795)15.4.7Creating a job list (796)15.4.8Creating a program list (798)15.5Creating templates (799)15.6Searching directories and files (800)15.7Displaying the program in the Preview (802)15.8Selecting several directories/programs (803)15.9Copying and pasting a directory/program (805)15.10Deleting a program/directory (807)15.10.1Deleting a program/directory (807)15.11Changing file and directory properties (808)15.12Set up drives (810)Table of contents15.12.1Overview (810)15.12.2Setting up drives (810)15.13Viewing PDF documents (816)15.14EXTCALL (819)15.15Execution from external memory (EES) (821)15.16Backing up data (822)15.16.1Generating an archive in the Program Manager (822)15.16.2Generating an archive via the system data (823)15.16.3Reading in an archive in the Program Manager (825)15.16.4Read in archive from system data (826)15.17Setup data (828)15.17.1Backing up setup data (828)15.17.2Reading-in set-up data (830)15.18Recording tools and determining the demand (832)15.18.1Overview (832)15.18.2Opening tool data (833)15.18.3Checking the loading (833)15.19Backing up parameters (835)15.20RS-232-C (838)15.20.1Reading-in and reading-out archives via a serial interface (838)15.20.2Setting V24 in the program manager (839)15.21Multiple clamping (841)15.21.1Multiple clamping (841)15.21.2Program header setting, "Clamping" (842)15.21.3Creating a multiple clamping program (843)16Service and diagnostics (845)16.1Alarm, error, and system messages (845)16.1.1Displaying alarms (845)16.1.2Displaying an alarm log (847)16.1.3Displaying messages (848)16.1.4Sorting, alarms, faults and messages (848)16.1.5Deactivating system alarms (849)16.2PLC and NC variables (851)16.2.1Displaying and editing PLC and NC variables (851)16.2.2Saving and loading screen forms (855)16.3Creating screenshots (856)16.4Version (857)16.4.1Displaying version data (857)16.4.2Save information (858)16.5Logbook (860)16.5.1Displaying and editing the logbook (860)16.5.2Making a logbook entry (861)16.6Remote diagnostics (863)16.6.1Setting remote access (863)Table of contents16.6.2Permit modem (864)16.6.3Request remote diagnostics (865)16.6.4Exit remote diagnostics (866)17Working with Manual Machine (867)17.1Manual Machine (867)17.2Measuring the tool (869)17.3Measuring the workpiece zero (870)17.4Setting the zero offset (871)17.5Set limit stop (872)17.6Simple workpiece machining (873)17.6.1Traversing axes (873)17.6.2Angular milling (874)17.6.3Straight and circular machining (875) milling (875) milling (876)17.7More complex machining (878)17.7.1Drilling with Manual Machine (879)17.7.2Milling with Manual Machine (880)17.7.3Contour milling with manual machine (881)17.7.4Turning with manual machine - milling/turning machine (881)17.8Simulation and simultaneous recording (883)18Teaching in a program (885)18.1Overview (885)18.2Select teach in mode (887)18.3Processing a program (888)18.3.1Inserting a block (888)18.3.2Editing a block (888)18.3.3Selecting a block (889)18.3.4Deleting a block (889)18.4Teach sets (891)18.4.1Input parameters for teach-in blocks (892)18.5Settings for teach-in (894)19Handheld terminals for multi-touch operation (895)19.1HT 8 (895)19.1.1HT 8 overview (895)19.1.2Traversing keys (897)19.1.3Machine control panel menu (898)19.1.4Virtual keyboard (900)19.2HT 10 (902)19.2.1HT 10: Overview (902)19.2.2Machine control panel menu (904)19.2.3Virtual keyboard (906)19.3Calibrating the touch panel (907)Table of contents20Ctrl-Energy (909)20.1Functions (909)20.2Ctrl-E analysis (910)20.2.1Displaying energy consumption (910)20.2.2Displaying the energy analyses (911)20.2.3Measuring and saving the energy consumption (912)20.2.4Tracking measurements (913)20.2.5Tracking usage values (913)20.2.6Comparing usage values (914)20.2.7Long-term measurement of the energy consumption (915)20.3Ctrl-E profiles (916)20.3.1Creating and editing energy-saving profiles (916)20.3.2Using the energy-saving profile (919)Index (921)。
TECHNICAL REFERENCE技术资料MODEL名称脉冲式8轴控制系统系列工业机器人控制系统ISSUE发行日2016年8月8日RIVISION改定日2016年8月28日HUNAN BOCHUANG Robot Co.,Ltd.湖南博创机器人有限公司地址:长沙市岳麓区麓谷锦园43栋1号电话:0731-********版权说明本产品控制系统示教使用说明书(以下简称“说明书”)内容若有变动,恕不另行通知。
版本及功能列表发布时间版本号新增功能标记2016-8-28V1.0初版技术资料 (1)版权说明 (2)版本及功能列表 (3)1.术语、定义、符号和缩略语 (6)2.概述 (8)2.1系统简介82.2系统组成82.2.1控制器82.2.2示教器102.3软件界面112.3.1自动界面112.3.2手动界面122.4系统登录193.运行前的准备工作 (21)3.1驱动器配置213.2I/O端口配置213.3机器参数设置233.3.1附加轴设置243.4设置零位角274.程序控制 (28)4.1基础程序的创建284.1.1程序的创建和取消284.1.2任务类型、运动类型分类294.1.3曲线的建立364.1.4非曲线的建立374.1.5程序的保存384.2模块化程序的创建384.2.1程序的创建和取消384.2.2任务类型、运动类型分类384.2.3曲线的建立384.2.4非曲线的建立394.2.5程序的保存394.3工艺包程序的创建394.3.1普通喷涂工艺394.3.2九轴喷涂工艺434.4程序的管理454.4.1程序的管理464.4.2点的管理484.5程序的运行494.5.1参数设置494.5.2物理按键与触摸屏上按键的使用505.坐标系的使用 (51)5.1用户坐标系的建立和使用515.1.1用户坐标系的建立515.1.2用户坐标系的使用53 6跟踪功能 (54)6.1跟踪程序的创建546.1.1本体跟踪546.1.2滑轨跟踪566.2跟踪程序的管理576.3跟踪程序的运行577.系统的更新和备份 (59)8.故障说明与处理 (61)1.术语、定义、符号和缩略语为方便用户对控制系统的使用,系统对使用过程中涉及到的一些术语、定义、符号和缩略语进行了解释说明。
系统具体环境要求如下表:运行 0℃ ~ +45℃温度储存 -20℃~ +60℃湿度 10~90RH振动 ≤0.5G电源 AC220V +10% - -15% 50/60Hz 150W必需用隔离变压器供电, 变压器初级输入电压要求使用AC380V。
环境 避免粉尘、油雾及腐 、蚀性气体、通风良好四、接口定义1、电源接口本系统电流为交流AC220V输入,其必须经隔离变压器供,容量不小于200W。
2、TP(示教盒)接口引脚定义作用:连接示教盒引脚名称定义有效状态接收 RS232COM41 COM4_RXD键盘数据信号脉冲信号(双向)2 K_DATA3 AD0+ 液晶LVDS信号差分信号(输出)4 AD1+ 液晶LVDS信号差分信号(输出)5 AD2- 液晶LVDS信号差分信号(输出)急停信号 0V有效(输入)6 E_STOP选择开关1 0V有效(输入)7 SWITCH18 GND 地线0V \9 +24V 输出+24V \COM4发送 RS23210 COM4_TXD11 HB 手轮B信号极电极开路(输入)键盘时钟信号脉冲信号(双向)12 K_CLOCK13 AD0- 液晶LVDS信号差分信号(输出)14 AD2+ 液晶LVDS信号差分信号(输出)15 ACLK- 液晶LVDS信号差分信号(输出)安全开关2 0V有效(输入)16 SAFE-SW2LCD灯管控制 0V有效(输出)17 LCD_CON18 +24V 输出+24V \19 HA 手轮A信号极电极开路(输入)20 SOUND 蜂鸣器控制 0V有效(输出)安全开关3 0V有效(输入)21 SAFE-SW322 AD1- 液晶LVDS信号差分信号(输出)23 ACLK+ 液晶LVDS信号差分信号(输出)安全开关1 0V有效(输入)24 SAFE-SW1选择开关2 0V有效(输入)25 SWITCH226 GND 地线0V \说明:该接口与示教相连,其线缆长度标准规格为6米,使用不同规格时需用系统厂家联系不得随意更改线缆长度,更不能在线缆中间加连接头。
开放式、可重组机器人规格说明目录1产品参数 (2)1.1机器人电控柜 (2)1.1.1机器人电控柜结构 (2)1.1.2机器人电控柜参数 (3)1.1.3机器人电控柜功能列表 (3)1.2机器人手持示教操作盘 (5)1.2.1 机器人手持操作盘结构 (5)1.2.2 机器人手持示教操作盘技术参数 (6)1.2.3 机器人手持操作示教盘功能说明 (8)1.3机器人软件DEMO平台 (14)1.3.1软件分层结构 (14)1.3.2机器人应用系统开发平台软件关键功能列表 (14)1.3.3界面设计规格 (15)1.3.4功能设计规格 (15)2产品其他规格指标 (16)2.1用户界面 (16)2.2软硬件环境 (16)1 产品参数1.1 机器人电控柜1.1.1 机器人电控柜结构1.1.2机器人电控柜参数表格 1 机器人电控柜参数1.1.3机器人电控柜功能列表表格 2 机器人电控柜功能列表1.2 机器人手持示教操作盘1.2.1 机器人手持操作盘结构1.2.2 机器人手持示教操作盘技术参数表格 3 机器人手持示教操作盘技术参数1.2.3 机器人手持操作示教盘功能说明1.3 机器人软件DEMO 平台 1.3.1 软件分层结构1.3.2 机器人应用系统开发平台软件关键功能列表表格 4 “机器人应用系统开发平台”软件关键功能模块1.3.3 界面设计规格描述界面风格,并给出界面示意图或效果图,包括功能区划分、图形显示、文本编辑、菜单、按键设计Figure 1 DEMO 11.3.4 功能设计规格2产品其他规格指标2.1 用户界面以OtoStudio为基本系统界面,在OtoStudio内提供HMI模块库、机器人运动指令专用函数包即调用接口。
2.2 软硬件环境硬件环境:GUC-800-TPV-M01-L2软件环境:WinCE 5.0,Otostudio-Standard-V1.0。
二、功能和特点机器人智能控制系统具有以下主要功能和特点:1. 自主导航:通过激光导航技术,机器人能够在室内或室外环境中自主导航,实现路径规划和避障功能。
2. 任务执行:机器人可以根据预设的任务,执行定位、抓取、运输等操作,完成各类工作任务。
3. 智能识别:配备了先进的图像识别系统和人工智能算法,机器人能够实现物体、人脸等的识别和分析。
4. 远程监控:通过手机或电脑端的应用程序,用户可以远程监控机器人的状态和操作,随时随地进行控制。
5. 数据分析:机器人智能控制系统能够对采集到的数据进行处理和分析,提供实时、准确的数据报告和决策支持。
三、安装步骤以下是机器人智能控制系统的安装步骤:1. 准备工作:根据提供的安装指南,仔细阅读和理解系统的硬件结构和软件环境要求。
2. 硬件安装:按照指南中的步骤,将机器人和相关设备进行组装和连接,确保各个部件的正常工作。
3. 软件配置:根据指南中的说明,在电脑上安装和配置相关的软件程序,确保机器人和控制系统的互联正常。
4. 网络设置:根据需要,设置机器人和控制系统所需的网络连接,确保数据传输的稳定和安全。
5. 功能测试:完成安装后,对机器人进行各项功能的测试,确保系统的正常运行和各项功能的稳定性。
四、操作方法以下是机器人智能控制系统的基本操作方法:1. 启动与关闭:通过控制系统提供的开关按钮,可以启动或关闭机器人智能控制系统。
2. 导航与定位:通过控制系统提供的导航功能,用户可以让机器人实现自主导航和精确定位。
3. 任务设定:通过控制系统提供的任务设定功能,用户可以为机器人设定各种任务要求和工作流程。
4. 远程控制:通过手机或电脑端的应用程序,用户可以远程监控和控制机器人的运动和任务执行。
迈科讯机器人控制系统深圳市迈科讯科技有限公司版本:V1.60日期:2012年10月18日目录1 迈科讯机器人控制系统概述 (3)2 迈科讯机器人控制系统的坐标系 (4)2.1 关节坐标系 (4)2.2 直角坐标系 (5)2.3 世界坐标 (7)2.4 工具坐标 (7)2.4.1 工具坐标系的方向 (8)2.4.2 工具坐标系的移动 (9)2.5 工件坐标 (9)3 迈科讯机器人控制系统软件操作指南 (11)3.1 页面选择区 (12)3.1.1 参数设定 (13) 操作员登录设置 (14) 系统登录设置 (14) 机械参数设置 (15) 本体定位设置 (16) 编码器设置 (17) 工具设置 (17)3.1.2 点位教导 (18)3.1.3 程序设计 (24)3.1.4 运行程序 (29)3.2 启动和关闭系统 (31)3.3 状态栏 (35)迈科讯机器人控制系统深圳市迈科讯科技有限公司1 迈科讯机器人控制系统概述迈科讯机器人控制系统是深圳市迈科讯科技有限公司采用高级语言采用高级编程语言Visual C++ 6.0开发的通用的六轴机器人控制软件,此控制系统具有界面美观、操作方便、功能齐全、性能稳定的人机操作接口和控制特点。
2 迈科讯机器人控制系统的坐标系迈科讯机器人控制系统的机器人的坐标系统有两种:关节坐标系和直角坐标系,而在教导点位的时候直角坐标系可分为世界坐标和工具坐标两种。
2.1 关节坐标系图2-1 迈科讯机器人控制系统关节坐标系迈科讯机器人控制系统关节坐标系(Joint Coordinate):用每个轴的旋转角度(J1,J2,J3,J4,J5,J6)来表示机器人的位姿。
控制系统产品规格说明书【产品规格说明书】1.简介1.1 目的本文档旨在详细说明控制系统的产品规格,包括系统功能、硬件要求、软件要求、性能指标等相关内容,以提供给相关团队和开发人员参考和使用。
1.2 范围控制系统产品规格说明书适用于所有控制系统的设计、开发和维护。
2.功能概述2.1 概述控制系统是一种用于控制动作和行为的软硬件集成系统。
该系统能够实现以下基本功能:●系统初始化和配置●操纵运动●实时监测状态●数据处理和分析●故障检测和报警●远程控制和管理2.2 功能详细描述①系统初始化和配置该功能主要包括对控制系统的初始化配置,包括连接外部设备、设置系统参数等。
3.硬件要求3.1 硬件组成控制系统的硬件组成如下:●控制器:负责控制运动和接收传感器数据的设备。
3.2 硬件接口控制系统的硬件接口包括以下内容:●电源接口:用于提供电源供给。
4.软件要求4.1 软件功能控制系统的软件功能包括以下内容:●系统初始化和配置功能●运动控制功能●状态监测和数据处理功能●故障检测和报警功能●远程控制和管理功能4.2 软件架构控制系统的软件架构包括以下组件:●控制器软件:实现运动控制和数据处理等功能。
Establishing the Interface for G-Bot Monitoringand Controlling SystemDewi Permata Sari1, Nyayu Latifah Husni 1,*, , Fatma Indah Sari1, Nurhaida Nurhaida1, Yogi Eka Fernandes1, Ade Silvia Handayani21Electronic Engineering Study Program, Electrical Engineering Department, Sriwijaya State Polytechnic2Telecommunication Engineering Study Program, Electrical Engineering Department, Sriwijaya State Polytechnic*Corresponding author. Email:ABSTRACTGarbage is a worldwide problem that has not been fully handled, including in Indonesia. As citizens, the human has an obligation to dispose the garbage properly, however, there are so many people who still do not care about this problem. In this situation, The author introduces the Garbage Robot (G-Bot) which can be controlled from further place. This G-Bot works based on the Internet of Things (IoT) in which it can connect things so that they may operate together. This G-Bot can be controlled using some devices, such as: mobile phone, PC, and laptop. However, how to establish the interface for the G-Bot monitoring and controlling system is still a problem. Therefore, this paper proposes the interface design for the G-Bot. Using this interface, it is hoped that the G-Bot can be monitored and controlled using the user’s devices from further place. The G-Bot may go from one place to another place using speech recognition, human followers, and user manuals instructions that have been integrated in the devices. In addition, the interface design in this proposed method also includes the menu of the environmental monitoring, such as temperature, humidity, and air quality.Keywords:Garbage, G-Bot, IoT, Environmental Monitoring, Controlling, Human Follower, Speech Recognition1.I NTRODUCTIONGarbage is a material that comes from sources resulting from human or natural activities which is a major global problem and has not been completely resolved [1], [2], including in Indonesia. Many people still is not aware of the effect of the garbage to the health [3]–[6]. The habit of throwing the garbage to the improper place poses a serious threat to human life [7]–[10] .Actually, the habit of disposing garbage to its place is the obligation of all of the citizens. However, the habits are sometimes still be constrained by human limitations. Therefore, an effective, efficient and innovative way should be made to help the community in disposing the waste. In this research, garbage robots (G-Bots) that provide organic and inorganic garbage compartmnets are introduced. The G-Bot also provides an indicator if the waste capacity is almost full. In addition, it also displays the information of the temperature, humidity, and the air quality.The G-Bot works based on the Internet of Things (IoT). It is designed to increase the efficiency and the effectiveness in controlling G-Bot remotely. Through this system, the G-Bot can be controlled through android software. It can be moved from one place to another either through speech recognition, human followers, or user manuals commands. The G-Bot also provides the information of temperature (o C), humidity (RH), air quality (PPM), organic and inorganic waste capacity (%) via android software and platform that can be monitored in real-time. However, how to establish the interface so that the users device can communicate with the G-bot is still a problem. Thus, this paper proposes the interfaces that can be applied to the G-bot.2.METHODOLOGYThe G-bot is designed using some electronic components as shown in Figure 1. The voltage source comes from the Battery, which supplies all components, except for the Raspberry Pi 4, which uses a PowerBank with a voltage of 3V. The input sensors from the G-Bot are Ultrasonic HC-SR04 sensor, DHT22 sensor, MQ-8 sensor, Compass sensor HMC5883L, TCS3200 colorsensor and Webcam. While the outputs of the G-Bot are 5 th FIRST T1 T2 2021 International Conference (FIRST-T1-T2 2021)Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press International B.V.a 20x4 LCD display, PG45 Motor and MG996 Servo. The input sensor value data will be read by the Arduino Mega 2650 microcontroller and sent to the Raspberry Pi 4. Then, the collected data is sent in real-time using an internet connection to the data cloud, which in this case it is the hosting. Then, it will be displayed on the web interface and mobile software phone. In this case, the access for monitoring can be done through devices, such as: mobile phones, laptops and Personal Computers (PCs) that have a browser installed and connected to the internet. As for controlling the Garbage Robot (G-Bot), the mobile phone must have a G-Bot application installed and connected to the internet, so that it can monitor the Garbage Robot (G-Bot) anytime and anywhere.In the G-Bot monitoring block diagram, Figure 2, there are inputs in the IoT device, namely temperature (o C) and humidity (RH), DHT-22 sensor, air quality (PPM), MQ-8 sensor, the capacity of organic and inorganic garbage(%), and sensor HC-SR04. All this input data will be read by the Arduino Mega 2650 microcontroller and sent to the Raspberry Pi 4 using serial communication. In this case the Raspberry Pi 4 which is connected to the internet will directly transmit the collected data in real-time using an internet connection to the data cloud, namely hosting which will be received in the MySQL database and web interface every three seconds. In order to transfer data and interact, the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format in the PHP and Java programming languages is used. Then, Application Programming Interface (API) software is also used to integrate two applications so that they can be connected to each other (which in this case is the web interface and mobile phone software, and Ajax. This is done so that data can enter in real-time on the web interfacemonitor through the G-Bot application and thewebsitewith the www.g-bot.id domainThe controllingof the G-Bot can be processedusing 3 methods, i.e., speech recognition, humanfollower, and user manual. In the G-Bot application, theuser gives the command, in which it can enter the datacloud and be sent to the Raspberry Pi 4 via an internetconnection which is then forwarded to the Arduino Mega2560 and the G-Bot will perform the action of changingclasses according to the command.The user can move the robot from class one toclass thirteenth class using the speech recognition methodthrough human voice commands by detecting the lastword. If it succeessful, the success alert appears. If theclass serial number when ordered is at the beginning orthe middle word and the mention of the class numbermore than thirteen, then it will appear the alert “failed”.In this research, the G-Bot can move using humanfollower in which the control of the G-Bot which movesto its destination can be estaclished by following thehuman objects. Besides that, the rovot navigation can beset using the user manual. It is a method of changingclasses by clicking on the destination class button. Whenthe command is successful with the indicator on thehosting, namely by entering data on the MySQL databaseand on the Raspberry Pi 4 which is connected to a routerthat is connected to the internet, it will give the robot acommand to move to the destination class. In order totransfer data or interact, the JavaScript Object Notation(JSON) format in the Java programming language isused. Then, the Application Programming Interface(API) software to integrate the two applications can beconnected to each other.Figure 1 Block Diagram of G-Bot monitoringRASPBERRY PI 4RASPBERRY PI 4RASPBERRY PI 4G-BOT BLUEG-BOT GREYFigure 2(a) Login(b) Dashboard(c) Monitoring G-Bot Red (d) Monitoring G-BotGrey(f) Monitoring G-Bot Blue (g) Controlling G-Bot Red (h) Controlling G-Bot Grey (i) Controlling G-BotBlueFigure 3 Interface Design on Mobile phone3.PRPOSED INTERFACEThe proposed interface is shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4. In web interface design for G-Bot monitoring, the design uses monitoring and controlling features for the three robots. The monitoring consists of temperature, humidity, air quality, organic waste capacity and inorganic waste capacity. Then the controlling robot can be conducted through speech recognition, human followers and user manuals commands.4.CONCLUSIONS(a) Dashboard(b) Monitoring G-bot Red(c) Monitoring G-bot Grey(d) Monitoring G-bot BlueFigure 4 Interface Design on the WebThe interface of the G-Bot has been established well. It can be connected to the mobile phone and also the computers, or laptop. The controlling of the G-Bot can be conducted using speech recognition system, human follower, and user manual that can be controlled trough the mobile phone interface. While the interface in the monitoring system of the mobile phone, PC, and also laptop, can display the status of temperature, humidity, air quality, organic and inorganic capacity of the garbage. REFERENCES[1] A. 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Hurco 机器人控制系统用户指南说明书
![Hurco 机器人控制系统用户指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/276f498ef9c75fbfc77da26925c52cc58bd69082.png)
Using Cycle InterruptHurco Applications**********************317-614-1549Cycle Interrupt can be used anytime the operator wants to suspend the automatic operation of the machine – in either conversational or NC programs – and place the machine into a semi-manual mode.During a Cycle Interrupt the machine can be manually jogged – in any axis – to any desired location, for any reason.Once automatic operation of the machine is required again, the operator can simply press the AUTO mode key, followed by the flashing START CYCLE button. The machine will safely resume the previous operation from wherever it was interrupted.•During AUTO operation, press the INTERRUPT key to cause the machine toenter the cycle interruptmode•“CONTROL ENTERING INTERRUPT MODE”message should appear onthe control screen whilethe Z-axis begins to retract to the full Z home position•The control is now in a semi-manual mode, and any of themachine’s axes can be jogged •Simply select the axis that you wish to move with theaxis jog selector switch, andmove the axis to the desiredlocation•NOTE: do not press any other keys on the control panel, oryou will force the control toexit the interrupt mode -note that the MANUAL key is automatically highlighted•To resume automaticoperation, simply press the AUTO mode key, followedby the flashing STARTCYCLE button•The machine will safely reposition to the necessary location and resume theprogram from where it was interrupted。
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1. 系统概述
2. 硬件组成
2.1 主控制器
2.2 传感器
2.3 执行器
2.4 用户界面
3. 软件功能
3.1 运动规划
3.2 路径优化
3.3 自主避障
3.4 远程控制
4. 使用指南
4.1 系统安装
4.2 初始化
4.3 运行控制
5. 安全注意事项
5.1 在操作机器人时,请务必遵循相关的安全操作规程,确保操作人员和周围环境的安全。
5.2 在进行系统配置和参数调整时,请确保操作人员具备相关的技术知识,以免误操作导致机器人损坏或事故发生。
5.3 在远程控制机器人时,请确保网络连接的稳定性和安全性,以免被未授权的人员进行非法访问和操作。
6. 故障排除
7. 技术支持