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Budget constraint 预算约束
Consumption bundles : a list of numbers of goods and services the objects of consumers choice.
The budget set of the consumer : the consumer’s affordable consumption bundles, (x 1, x 2) satisfying p 1x 1 + p 2x 2 ≤ m.
Composite good : take x 2 as everything else, the dollars spent on other goods.
复合商品: 它代表除商品1之外所有其他的消费品
Budget line : the set of bundles that cost exactly m :p 1x 1 + p 2x 2 = m 预算线:是指恰好将收入m 花费完的预算集
为了多消费一些商品1,你必须放弃一些商品2 的消费。放弃消费商品2 的机会是多消费商品1 的经济成本,这样的经济成本以预算线的斜率衡量
预算线的变动Budget Line Changes :
Change in income
Changes in prices 商品1 价格上升,预算线会变得更陡峭,商品2 价格上升,预算线会变得更平缓
观点:完全平衡的通货膨胀(即所有商品价格和收入都按相同比率上升),不会改变任何人的预算集,因此也不会改变任何人的最优选择。(tp 1)x 1 + (tp 2)x 2 = tm
Preference 偏好
Consumer Preferences :Consumer ranks consumption bundles by his satisfaction from use of goods, irrelevant to the prices.
φ: strictly preferred (严格偏好于)
~ : indifferent (无差异)
φ: weakly preferred (弱偏好于)
1:完备性公理:A>=B 或B>=A 或A~B
3:传递性公理:A>=B ,B>=C ,则A>=C Weakly preferred set : all of the consumption bundles that are weakly preferred to (x 1, x 2). 弱偏好集:所有弱偏好于(x1, x2)消费组合的消费束
Monotonicity (单调性):在讨论的范围内消费商品越多越好
2112p p x x -=∆∆
Convexity (凸性):平均消费束弱偏好于端点消费束
Indifference curves (无差异曲线): ----The boundary of weakly preferred set; ----The bundles for which the consumer is just indifferent to (x 1, x 2). 无差异曲线:弱偏好集的边界,恰好与(x1,x2)无差异的消费束集合。表示不同偏好水平的无差异曲线不可能相交
Perfect Substitutes (完全替代品)不满足凸性
Perfect Complements (完全互补品)不满足凸性和单调性
Discrete Goods (离散商品)
Marginal rate of substitution (MRS): slope of an indifference curve. 边际替代率:无差异曲线的斜率,MRS 衡量某消费者恰好愿意以一种商品替代另外一种商品的比率。衡量消费者愿意支付一定数量的商品2 来购买边际数量(即少许)的商品1。 边际替代率递减:随着商品1 数量的增多,每增加一单位商品1,消费者愿意放弃商品2 的数量是递减的。或者反过来说,即随着商品1 数量的增多,为了多得到一单位商品2,消费者愿意放弃商品1 的数量是递增的。你拥有某种的数量越多,你越愿意放弃一些这种商品,用来交换其他商品。 MRS =1
2dx dx = 12x x ∆∆ Utility 效用
Utility :a numeric mea sure of a person’s happiness.
Utility function: a way of assigning a number to every possible consumption bundle.
效用函数:是为每一个可能的消费束指派一个数字的方法。更受偏好的消费束,赋值越大。 Summarize: a monotonic transformation of a utility function is a utility function that represents the same preferences as the original utility function.
Cardinal utility (基数效用): it measures the magnitude of satisfaction. Marginal utility (边际效用): The ratio that measures the rate of change in utility associated with a small change in the amount of good 1
Marginal Utility and MRS
12121111),(),(x x x u x x x u x u MU ∆-∆+=∆∆=.2
112MU MU x x MRS -=∆∆=