3、“工业设计”一词英文译为Industrial Design,最早出现于美国。
主要的建筑师与设计家代表为奥古斯都普金(August Welby Northmore Pugin)6.包豪斯在设计理论上提出了三个基本观点,分别是:(1)艺术与技术的新统一;(2)设计的目的是人而不是产品;(3)设计必须遵循自然与客观法则进行。
15、绿色设计的三个“RE”原则,是指Reduce(减少),Reuse(回收),Recycle (再生)16、斯堪的纳维亚的丹麦,其家具设计在世界上享有盛誉。
History of Modern Design -BAUHAUS
法古斯工厂的整个立面是以玻 璃为主的,这样的设计构思在 建筑史上还是第一次,并且格 罗皮乌斯发明了玻璃幕墙。工 厂建筑的转角处没有用任何支 撑。 不再使用横、竖线条平衡 的构图方式,采用横向运动的 构图方式。法古斯工厂对钢与 玻璃的处理,取消了室内外空 间完全分开的现象。
History of Modern Design -BAUHAUS
包豪斯第一任校长(格罗皮乌斯(Walter Gropius) 1883-1969
History of Modern Design 4 -BAUHAUS
History of Modern Design 5 -BAUHAUS
费宁格1919年设计的木刻作品《大教 堂》,刊于《包豪斯宣言》的书名页 上。
History of Modern Design -BAUHAUS
History of Modern Design -BAUHAUS
• 1、早期阶段—魏玛时期的包豪斯(1919-1925)
• 魏玛时期的这种教学体制的建立奠定了包豪斯发展的基础 。 • 在“形式导师”中,较早的伊顿(Johnnes Itten,18881967 ),费宁格( Lyonel Feininger , 1971-1956 ), 后来的康定斯基(Wassily Kandinsky,1866-1944), 克利( Paul Klee, 1897-1940 )等都产生了积极的影响 , 尤 其 是 接 替 伊 顿 的 艺 术 家 纳 吉 ( Lasxlo Moholy— Nagy , 1895-1946 )对基础课程中构成内容的建立作出 了贡献。 1923 年,包豪斯举办了第一次作品展览会,取 得了很大的成功。
为了保证最大的使用灵活性和存储易用性, Kubus采用了耐热工业玻璃。它由七个大小不同可互 换盖子的可堆叠的玻璃容器组成,用于在冰箱、餐具 室和厨房中使用。
In this modular system, the containers can be used
either together as a unit or individually as needed. Wagenfeld's Kubus system, which was mass produced and widely available, exemplifies the Bauhaus commitment to industrial production of well-designed standardized forms at affordable prices.
1931-1935年,他被委任为柏林的国立美术学院的 教授。离开包豪斯后,他又设计了不少广受消费者喜 爱的产品,其中最成功的是他于1935年创作的模块化 的玻璃存储容器Kubus。
Made of heat-resistant industrial glass, Kubus is
designed for maximum flexibility of use and ease of storage. Consisting of seven separate, stackable units of variable sizes and interchangeable lids, the Kubus containers were created for use in the refrigerator and pantry, or on the kitchen table.
,尖塔、廊柱、窗洞、拱顶,不论是哥特式 旳式样还是维多利亚旳风格,强调艺术感染 力旳理念使其深刻体现着宗教神话对世俗生 活旳影响,这么旳建筑是无法适应工业化大 批量生产旳。格罗皮乌斯针对此提出了他崭 新旳设计要求:既是艺术旳又是科学旳,既 是设计旳又是实用旳,同步还能够在工厂旳 流水线上大批量生产制造。
包豪斯旳开拓与创新引起了保守势力旳敌视,1925年,它迁 往德国东部旳德绍。4月1日,包豪斯在德绍正式开学。从这 时起,包豪斯开设了平面构成、立体构成、色彩构成等课程 ,为当代建筑设计旳教学模式和科学发展奠定了基础。格罗 皮乌斯还在学校里专门开办了建筑系,并由他亲自领导,建 立起教学——研究——生产于一体旳当代教育体系。格罗皮 乌斯在此期间设计旳包豪斯校舍被誉为当代建筑设计史上旳 里程碑。这座“里程碑”涉及教室、礼堂、饭堂、车间等,具 有多种实实在在旳使用功用,楼内旳一间间房屋面对走廊, 走廊面对阳光用玻璃围绕。格罗皮乌斯让包豪斯旳校舍呈现 为普一般通旳四方形,尽情体现着建筑构造和建筑材料本身 质感旳优美和力度,令世人看到了20世纪建筑直线条旳明朗 和新材料旳庄重。尤其是,对于建筑旳外层面,不用墙体而 用玻璃,这一创举为后来旳当代建筑所广泛采用。今日,在 世界许多城市依旧可见许多格罗皮乌斯“里程碑”式样旳楼宇 ,它们耸立在我们这一代人生活旳视野中,证明着一种富有 预见旳思想和行动旳伟大。
BAUHAUS – Dessau
By Walter Gropius
建筑大师格罗皮乌斯和包豪斯 王瑛
1925年,德国著名建筑大师格罗皮乌斯在德国魏玛设置旳“公 立包豪斯学校”迁往德绍,4月1日在德国德绍正式开学。包豪 斯是德语Bauhaus旳译音,由德语Hausbau(房屋建筑)一 词倒置而成。以包豪斯为基地,20世纪23年代形成了当代建 筑中旳一种主要派别──当代主义建筑,主张适应当代大工业 生产和生活需要,以讲求建筑功能、技术和经济效益为特征 旳学派。包豪斯一词又指这个学派。
外文文献翻译(含:英文原文及中文译文)英文原文Germany Bauhaus design and Future Design TrendAbstractGerman Bauhaus had a significant influence on the modern design education, meanwhile, it established the foundation of the leading position in the world for German industrial design. Through analyzing on current industrial design conditions from different countries, art design is considered as the main part of industrial design. This paper reviewed the last 10 years’ development of industrial design program in Zhejiang University of Science and Technology. The industrial design program have taken considerable achievements in many fields, such as the practice of Germany model, disciplines construction, teaching reform, manufactures & college cooperation, project teaching and design competitions. And Y ou cannot ignore the industrial design ten trend Keywords: Bauhaus, industrial design, project teaching, practice , 10 Industrial Design Trends1. German Bauhaus and industrial designGerman Bauhaus Design and Future Design TrendsAbstractGerman Bauhaus has a significant influence. At the same time, modern design education laid the foundation for the world's leading German industrial design. By analyzing the current industrial design conditions in different countries, artistic design is considered as the main industrial design. This article reviews the process of developing industrial designs in the last 10 years. Industrial design programs have taken considerable success in many areas such as the German practice model, professional construction, teaching reform, collaboration between production and engineering colleges, teaching and design competitions and ten trends in industrial design that you cannot ignore.Key words: ten trends of Bauhaus, industrial design, project teaching, practice, industrial design1. German Bauhaus and Industrial DesignIn 1919, the school had built Bauhaus Weimar, Germany. This is known as the “cradle of world industrial design” and the history of this milestone art design. Bauhaus believes that the most important thing is to allow students to explore their own ways of designing, rather than teaching their teachers; to cultivate students' ability to think independently and critically, instead of putting certain design styles on them. Compared with other schools with similar design education, Bauhaus philosophy has a unique philosophy of education. It took a thorough reform of the traditional art design education system andestablished art design as a new professional discipline. At the same time, Walter Gropius, the founder of Bauhaus, put forward the "unified art and technology" as the leading design philosophy of education.One of Bauhaus's works is a general industrial product that actively purifies the form. Bauhaus stressed that the design of the product's shape should be based on basic geometric models such as cubes, squares, and circles. The form of the product, and outlined should be simple and varied in different ways and follow abstract forms of principles and aesthetics. Because of Bauhaus's bravery and active exploration and reform, he took a major influence on the formation of the modernist artistic style and enabled Bauhaus to design a world-class reputation. Therefore Bauhaus became a milestone in the history of modern design art.The American artist Jose Sinel first mentioned the industrial design of the term in 1919. However, in China, until 1983, the Ministry of Education had met the industrial design disciplines and sample major ordinary universities. The original name was "The main product formation was" students for the arts. In 1998, the national priority category was adjusted to be integrated into international conventions. The “major” product formation has long since focused on the human-product-environment relationship in the field of product morphology and other research. This name has replaced "industrial design" and some of the major schools for engineering and art education.Bauhaus has many top European artists during this time, such as Kandinsky and Kerry. They are famous abstract painters. Their teaching trains students and leads to Bauhaus's 20th-century art design. The most famous industrial designers such as Philip Starck behar Marc Newson and Maca graduated from the School of Art Design. Their success proves that industrial design education in art design education is effective. The product form design is still an important aspect. Industrial design in undergraduate industrial design research is currently an important part of the famous Art Design School.The Academy of Art and Design of the Norwegian Royal Academy of Arts, the University Politecnico Duisburg-Esse Milan, the applied sciences and arts of Hannover University (Hanover Industrial Design Division), all of whom belong to the School of Art and Design.According to a survey: the American Association of Industrial Designers (IDSA organized by the United States) in 1998, there are 49 colleges, which have industrial design undergraduate or graduate programs registered on the IDSA-sponsored list. Typical industrial design students are usually set up in art schools and can obtain bachelor degree or above, fine arts or related majors. Most people are accredited to the school NASAD (National Association of Arts and Design). Only 15 - schools are not certified. After five years o f IDSA’s announcement, only registered industrial design students can be recognized. Among them are37 industrial design majors in universities, 6 in design colleges, and 4 in art schools. This situation has not changed in the current year.Asia: In Japan, industrial design majors also set in art schools or independent industrial design faculties, such as Tokyo Zokei University, Musashino Art University, Tama Art University, and University of Tsukuba etc. In Hongkong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University has famous industrial design programs. In Taiwan, Shih Chien University, National Cheng Kung University, National Yunlin University of Science & Technology have famous industrial design programs. In mainland of China, Jiangnan University, Tsinghua University, Hunan University, Tongji University and the Guangzhou academic of fine arts all have their industrial design departments in the art design schools or departments.2 10 Industrial Design Trends Y ou Can't Ignore2.1 Design For A CauseCompanies including Herman Miller and American Apparel are promoting their ideals through design. Y ves Béhar's leaf lamp for Herman Miller (shown) uses a biomorphic grid of LEDs, which consume 40% percent less energy than fluorescent lights and last for 100,000 hours. And Nike plans to make its entire footwear line out of sustainable materials by 2010.2.2 SimplexitySteve McCallion, executive creative director of Portland, Ore.-basedindustrial design firm Ziba Design, says there's a trend toward "simplexity," products that have many functions but are approachable, ergonomically correct and easy to use--like Apple's iPhone. The baby boomers have also propelled simplexity; as the generation ages, the need for easy-to-use, at-home medical equipment becomes greater. Ami V erhalen, director of industrial design at Madison, Wis.-based Design Concepts, says that in-home health care will be a huge driver for product innovation in the upcoming decade.2.3 PersonalizationFrom Nike ID shoes to Build-a-Bear teddies, retailers are adding a "build your own" element to brands. Do it yourself--or DIY--serves as an important element of this trend. Publications like Ready Made magazine and books like designer Wendy Mullin's Sew U encourage consumers to put their own spin on things.2.4 GlobalizationLike other industries, outsourcing has affected international design. Today a designer in Delhi might be working with a manufacturer in Columbus. Steve McCallion says that the globalization of product design has created Internet communities that enable more people to participate in the design process. Companies like Kid Robot can employ toy designers from Tokyo to Tucson with greater ease than ever.2.5 OrnamentationIn fashion design, we're seeing a return to minimalism, but in home decor, ornate details are in fashion. For the first time in decades, wallpaper is in fashion, and the details are rich--brocades, velvets and jewel-tone colors. Long-forgotten textile designers like Florence Broadhurst and V era Neumann are receiving attention from a new generation of design-savvy consumers.2.6 Polarization Of DesignBig-box or luxury retailer? Many experts say that design has been polarized, with innovative products available at both the very high end (Neiman Marcus, Moss) and the very low end (Target, Ikea). Meanwhile, midrange retailers like Macy's suffer from lack of fresh, on-trend ideas. That isolates the huge chunk of the population that can afford something higher-end than the $200 Malm bed at Ikea but scoff at the price of a $16,000 Hastens mattress.2.7 Pink DesignGadgets are a guy's game, right? Not if you consider the latest products with feminine mystique. Motorola released a lipstick pink Razr cellphone, and more recently, LG released a Prada phone. More and more manufacturers are creating sleeker, feminized versions of their clunky, chunky products, and both men and women are biting. Want proof of the feminization of product design? Just check out , which rates several items a day as "Geek chic" or "Just Plain Geeky."2.8 Mass ImperfectionSome designers are creating intentionally flawed pieces, like designer Jason Miller's duct tape chair or Bodum's Pavina glassware collection, which uses mouth-blown double-walled glass, giving each piece a slight variation in height, thickness and weight. Whiskered and weathered textiles--on denim as well as furniture and tapestries--are more recognizable examples of intentional imperfection in production.2.9 CraftAs mass retailers like Target become more design-focused, there's a countertrend of independent manufacturers and designers creating one-off, heirloom pieces. Where to find these limited-edition treasures? Artisan e-commerce sites like , classical craft companies like Heath Ceramics and modernist design houses such as Design Within Reach.2.10 Focus On The Other 90%Anthony Pannozzo, vice president of design strategy at Waltham, Mass.-based firm Herbst LaZar Bell, says that well-designed products are available to only 10% of the world's population. However, more and more designers are starting to cater to consumers in Africa, Asia and Latin America.中文译文德国包豪斯设计与未来设计趋势摘要德国包豪斯有显著的影响, 与此同时, 现代设计教育奠定了基础, 它处于世界领先地位的德国工业设计。
工业设计起源工业设计起源于包豪斯(Bauhaus,1919/4/1—1933/7),德国魏玛市“公立包豪斯学校”(Staatliches Bauhaus)的简称,后改称“设计学院”(Hochschule für Gestaltung),习惯上仍沿称“包豪斯”。
在两德统一后位于魏玛的设计学院更名为魏玛包豪斯大学(Bauhaus-Universität Weimar)。
格罗皮乌斯(WALTER GROPIUS)任校长,提出“艺术与技术新统一”的崇高理想,肩负起训练20世纪设计家和建筑师的神圣使命。
1928年格罗皮乌斯辞去包豪斯校长职务,由建筑系主任汉内斯·梅耶(HANNS MEYER)继任。
最后梅耶本人也不得不于1930年辞职离任,由(L MIES VAN DE ROHE)继任。
包豪斯包豪斯(Bauhaus),是位于德国的一所艺术和建筑学校,有著名建筑家、设计理论家瓦尔特·格罗皮乌斯(Walter Gropius)创建。
包豪斯(Bauhaus)由德文“B au”和“H aus”组成(“Bau”为“建筑”,动词“b auen”为建造之意,“Haus为名词,“房屋”之意)。
他广招贤能,聘任艺术家与手工匠师授课,形成艺术教育与手工制作相结合的新型教育制度;第二阶段1925 年至1932年的德绍时期,汉斯·迈耶担任校长,包豪斯在德国德绍重建,并进行课程改革,实行了设计与制作教学一体化的教学方法,取得了优异成果;第三阶段1932年至1933年,柏林时期,密斯·凡德罗将学校迁至柏林德一座废弃德办公楼中,试图重整旗鼓,由于包豪斯精神为德国纳粹所不容,面对刚刚上台德纳粹政府,密斯终于回天无力,于该年8月宣布包豪斯永久关闭。
this new machine technology.
格罗佩斯的目的是将艺术家和工艺师结合起来拥抱技术发 展。很明显,技术是未来,机器为大量生产每天使用的产 品提供了机会。
With this vision of unity, the Bauhaus aimed to create an environment in which artists could work alongside architects and designers to contribute to the ‘building of the future’ using
精细工艺 [sə‘ræmɪks]陶瓷
murals, stained glass, metalwork, book binding and
[‘mjʊrəl] 壁画 [steɪnd] 着色的
furniture-making – and learned to combine these fine art skills with new technologies to design and manufacture products that were both beautiful and practical.
embrace [ɪm'bres]拥抱 technological
developments. It was clear that
technology was the future and
opportunities to mass-produce
products for everyday use.
Arts and Crafts movement 工艺美术运动 Emerge [ɪ'mɜːdʒ] 出现 Survival [sə‘vaɪv(ə)l] 存活 Labour ['leɪbə]劳动力 Craft 工艺品 Craftsmanship 工艺
1. 功能主义:功能主义是工业设计领域最早的流派之一,主张以功能为中心设计产品。
该流派的代表人物包括德国设计师迪特·拉姆斯和美国设计师Raymond Loewy,他们的设计作品强调产品的功能和简洁性。
1. 国际工业设计协会(Icsid):国际工业设计协会是一个国际性的工业设计组织,由全球各地的工业设计师和学者组成。
工业设计常用工艺词汇中英文对照整理:工业设计课吕健安目录一、表面处理技术英文词汇 (1)二、表面处理不良英文词汇 (3)三、工业设计英文词汇 (4)四、模具制造和五金加工英文词汇 (8)五、模具塑胶缺陷英语词汇 (10)六、模具、塑胶原料英语词汇 (11)七、常用印刷工艺英语词汇 (12)一、表面处理技术英文词汇1. 高亮光hi-glossy2. 亚光honed(石材);matte(瓷砖);Dull3. 亮光glossy;shine4. 半光(亚光)semi dull5. 全消光full dull6. 亚光黑色Matte black7. 变色color changing8. 拉丝Brushed9. 金属拉丝brushed metal10. 光面Smooth surface11. 喷油spray12. 电镀electroplate13. 喷砂处理sand blast14. 金属喷镀法metallikon15. 真空涂膜metallizing16. 表面蚀刻etching17. 阳极氧化处理anodizing18. 蚀纹erode grain19. 抛光polishing20. 磨砂玻璃frosted glass;depolished glass21. 磨砂milled(表面的磨砂效果)22. 磨砂铜brushed brass23. 磨砂面纯银效果silver brushed finish24. 倒角chamfer25. 圆角round corner26. 轮廓contour27. 样板,仿形copy28. 设计,方案design29. 表面,外观face30. 利边sharp edge31. 金属氧化Metal oxide s32. 着色处理color coated treatment33. 丝印silk—screen34. 菲林film35. 工艺technics36. 外观appearance; Exterior; appearance; face37. 水转印water transfer printing38. 水转印膜water transfer printing film39. 纹理Textures40. 木纹wood grain41. UV油UV oil42. 铬chrome43. 镀铬chromate treatment;chrome-plating;chroming;Chromium-plating44. 镀三价铬(枪色) Plating of trivalent chromium45. 枪色rifle color coating;Gun color46. 深色dark color47. 浅色light color48. 激光雕刻Laser engraving49. 双面激光雕刻double—sided laser engraving50. 背面back51. 装饰ornamental;decorate;Decorative52. 透明红色Transparent red53. 镜片lens;Optic54. 模内抛光Mold polishing55. 印刷printing56. 印刷油墨printing ink57. 丝网screen mesh58. 丝网印刷screen printing59. 移印tempo printing;pad printing60. 丝网印版screen printing forme61. 漏印through printing62. 印刷网框screen printing frame63. 丝网类型type of screen, type of mesh64. 涂饰Coating65. 烫金Hot Stamping66. 烫金膜Hot Stamping foil67. 印刷油墨Printing Ink二、表面处理不良英文词汇1. 飞油、喷油过多over spray2. 喷油不足、起牙边under spray3. 喷油表面不均匀uneven spray4. 喷油不良poor spray5. 喷油表面刮花scratch painting6. 喷油表面粘尘dust painting7. 外来油污foreign paint8. 喷油反底(露底色)paint insufficient coverage9. 喷油擦花paint abraded10. 喷油拖花painting smear11. 漏喷油missing painting12. 甩油/起皮painting peel off13. 橙皮油orange peel14. 聚油paint accumulation15. 叻架积油lacquer accumulation16. 喷油表面起泡bubble paint17. 补油不良poor re—paint18. 喷油水渍water stain mark19. 喷油颜色不配对paint color mismatch20. 喷油颜色分歧错误称paint color misalignment21. 喷油颜色有差别paint color deviation22. 喷油哑色paint color dull23. 喷油颜色有光泽paint color shine24. 喷油表面不光滑rough surface on coating25. 油料深色dark paint26. 漆油喷涂不良poor paint27. 油漆外层不良poor coating28. 喷油完成不良poor finishing29. 磨擦甩油color migration30. 涂油painting31. 喷油spraying32. 丝印不良poor silk screen printing33. 印油过多over print34. 印油不足under printing35. 印刷不良poor printing36. 热烫不良poor hot stamp37. 热烫过多over stamp38. 热烫不足under stamp39. 移印位置不准确tempo paint dislocate40. 移印油过多over tempo41. 移印油不足under tempo42. 移印不良poor tempo43. 移印刮花tempo scratching44. 移印不完整、缺油incomplete tempo painting45. 移印不清晰、朦tempo illegible46. 移印颜色不同tempo painting mismatch47. 移印套色偏移tempo painting off set48. 漏移印missing tempo49. 移印移位tempo off position50. 油漆不干paint damped51. 喷错油spraying wrong52. 电镀不良poor electro-plating53. 电镀过多over plating54. 电镀变黄electro—plating yellow55. 电镀脱落electro—plating peel off56. 电镀擦花electro-plating abraded57. 电镀彩虹色electro—plating rainbow58. 电镀阴阳色electro-plating shadow59. 电镀发黑electro-plating black60. 氧化oxidation三、工业设计英文词汇1. 设计Design2. 现代设计Modern Design3. 工艺美术设计Craft Design4. 工业设计Industrial Design5. 产品设计Product Design6. 包装设计Packaging Design7. 结构设计Structure Design8. 概念设计Concept Design9. 改型设计Model Change10. 工艺设计Technological Design11. 成套化设计Set Design12. 超小型设计Compact type13. 袖珍型设计Pocketable Type14. 便携型设计Portable type15. 系列化设计Series Design16. 组合式设计Unit Design17. 仿生设计Bionics Design18. 结构设计Structure Design19. 图形设计Graphic Design20. 视觉设计Visual Design21. 形式设计Form Design22. 工艺设计Technological Design23. 改型设计Model Change24. 照明设计Illumination Design25. 视觉传达设计Visual Communication Design26. 字体设计Lettering design27. 二维设计Two-dimension Design28. 三维设计Three-dimension Design29. 设计语言Design Language30. 设计条件Design Condition31. 装饰、装潢Decoration32. 设计方法论Design Methodology33. 设计语言Design Language34. 设计条件Design Condition35. 设计过程Design Process36. 设计调查Design Survey37. 功能分析Functional Analysis38. 生命周期Life Cycle39. 外观饰面Facing40. 设计美学Design Aesthetics41. 人类工程学Human Engineering42. 造型艺术Plastic Arts43. 机械美Beauty of Machine44. 功能美Functional Beauty45. 材料美Beauty of Material46. 平衡Balance47. 对称Symmetry48. 协调Harmony49. 对比Contrast50. 类似Similarity51. 比例Proportion52. 黄金分割Golden Section53. 变形Deformation54. 表现Expression55. 构成Composition56. 纹样Pattern57. 形态Form58. 设计素描Design Sketch59. 制造原形Prototype60. 模型Model61. 仿真模型Finished Model62. 实体模型Solid Model63. 石膏模型Plaster Model64. 计算机三维动画Computer Three Dimensional Animation65. 图形与背景Figure and ground66. 产品开发Product Development67. 产品改型Model Change68. 产品测试Product Testing69. 产品成本Product Cost70. 促销Sales Promotion71. 产品形象Product identity72. 形象策略Image Strategy73. 设计策略Design Policy74. 艺术总监Art Director75. 明度Valve76. 彩度Chroma77. 色相Hue78. 色温Color temperature79. 有彩色Chromatic color80. 无彩色Achromatic colors81. 明色Light color82. 暗色Dark color83. 图形符号Graphic symbol84. 符号论Semiotic85. 视觉符号Visual sign86. 符号Sign87. 宣传Propaganda88. 广告Advertising89. 企业形象Corporate identity90. 企业标准色Company color91. 标签Label92. 包装Pack93. 包装Package94. 工业包装Industrial packing95. 博览会Exposition96. 商品目录Catalogue97. 广告计划Advertising planning98. 广告效果Advertising Effect99. 象征/符号Symbol100. 象征标志Symbol mark101. 版面设计Layout102. 广告摄影Advertising photography 103. 设计费Design Fee设计法规与标准(英)104. 工业产权Industrial Property 105. 知识产权Intellectual Property 106. 注册商标Registered Trade Mark 107. 专利Patent108. 发明专利Patent for Invention 109. 外观设计专利Patent for Design 110. 实用新型Utility Model设计思潮与流派(英)111. 古典主义Classicism112. 现实主义Realism113. 新艺术运动Art Nouveau114. 流线型风格Streamlined Forms115. 国际风格International Style116. 功能主义Functionalism117. 包豪斯Bauhaus118. 现代主义Modernism119. 极少主义Minimalism120. 概念主义Conceptualism121. 超级写实主义Super Realism四、模具和五金加工英文词汇1. 模具Mold2. 模芯Mold core3. 压模Pressing dies4. 注塑模injection mould5. 凹凸模punch-cum-blanking die6. 嵌入式凹模inserted die7. 定模和动模fixed half and moving half8. 模具分型线mould split line9. 直接脱模in-line-of-draw10. 嵌件insert11. 硬件hardware12. 型腔impression13. 电铸electroform;Electro—deposition14. 电镀Galvanized;Electroplate15. 铸造Foundry16. 锻造forge17. 粗砂rough sand18. 脱模Mold release19. 化学电镀chemical plating20. 电化学加工electrochemical machining21. 铸造Casting22. 切削加工Cutting23. 挤出成型Squeezing24. 木材工艺Woodcraft25. 喷涂成型Spray Up26. 铸塑成型Casting27. 压缩成型Compression Molding Pressing28. 注射injection29. 轮廓contour30. 使弯曲curve31. 扭曲distort32. 切断,夹住clip33. 冷挤压cold hobbing34. (使)变形,扭曲distort35. 轮廓profile36. 冲孔punch37. 斜角Bevel38. 凹槽Groove39. 边框Frame Front40. 逆时针Counter Clockwise41. 垂直的Perpendicular42. 螺丝Screw43. 规格Specification44. 粗糙的Rough45. 锥形taper; cone46. 首选的Preferred47. 阴影线Hatching48. 表面Surface49. 中心,圆心Center(CEN)50. 角度Angle51. 有角的angular52. 凹穴depression53. 细节,详情detail54. 边缘edge55. 制图drawing56. 特色,特征feature57. 裂口,间隙gap58. 图解的graphic59. 六角形的,六角的hexagonal60. 智能的intelligent61. 安装installation62. 结合线joint line63. 未加工的raw64. 凹槽,凹座,凹进处recess65. 凹入的re—entrant66. 阴影的shaded67. 槽slot68. 毛坯,坯料stock69. 高度Height70. 硬度Hardness71. 布氏硬度值Brinell Hardness Number72. 强度strength73. 减,减去subtract74. 螺纹thread75. 处理treatment76. 侧视图side view;side elevation77. 正视图front view78. 断面图、截面图、剖视图sectional view79. 初步的,预备的preliminary80. 注塑件molding81. 毛刺burr82. 板金工Sheet metal Work83. 光洁度Glossiness;gloss finish84. 外观Surface;Appearance85. 颜色标准Color standard86. 尺寸过大Over dimension87. 尺寸过小Under dimension88. 缩影Sink marks五、塑胶产品缺陷英语词汇1. 橘皮状表皮皱摺surface roughening2. 刮伤/划痕scratch3. 疤痕scar4. 凹陷riding5. 斑点mottle6. 压痕indentation7. 刮伤flaw8. 流痕flow mark9. 毛边galling10. 光滑glazing11. 裂纹fissure12. 褪色fading13. 变形deformation14. 色斑color mottle15. 腐蚀corrosion16. 毛边burr17. 泛白blushing18. 色差aberration19. 光泽gloss20. 表面白斑White patches on surface21. 银纹Silver marks / silver streak22. 水纹Splay mark23. 翘曲Warp age /warped24. 收缩Shrinkage/shrink25. 颜色差异Off color六、模具、塑胶材料英语词汇1. 材料Material2. 原材料raw material3. 材料规划Material Planning4. 材料评价Material Appraisal5. 加工材料Processing Materials6. 铝aluminum7. 电化铝Alumite8. 颜料Artist Color9. 黄铜brass10. 铸铝Casting aluminum11. 铸钢Casting steel12. 陶瓷制品ceramic13. 橡胶rubber14. 黑色金属Ferrous Metal15. 有色金属Nonferrous Metal16. 有机材料Organic Materials17. 金属材料Metal Materials18. 无机材料Inorganic Materials19. 复合材料Composite Materials20. 天然材料Natural Materials21. 塑料Plastics22. 通用塑料Wide Plastics23. 工程塑料Engineering Plastics24. 热塑性树脂Thermoplastic Resin25. 烫金膜Hot Stamping foil26. 涂料,油漆Paints27. 玻璃Glass28. 搪瓷、珐琅Enamel29. ABS树脂Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Resin30. 硅树脂Silicone Resin31. 聚氨酯树脂Polyurethane Resin32. 著色剂colorant33. 调色color matching34. 色母料color master batch35. 塑胶plastic36. 热熔性塑胶thermosetting plastic37. 聚氯乙烯PVC polyvinylchloride38. 聚乙烯PE polythene39. 聚氨基甲酸酯PU polyurethane40. 聚丙烯PP polypropylene41. 聚碳酸酯PC polycarbonate42. 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯PMMA Polymethyl methacrylate,43. 工程塑胶engineering plastics44. 压克力acrylic45. 颜料Pigment46. 染料Dye七、常用印刷英语词汇常见印刷工艺和材料英语词汇1. 表面处理coating,finishing2. 光胶gloss lamination3. 亚胶matte lamination4. 植毛flocking5. 菲林film6. 边着色painted edge7. 烫金foil stamping8. 压纹line embossed9. 击凸embossing10. 吸塑油blister varnish11. 隐性油invisible UV12. 局部UV spot UV13. 丝印silk screen14. 金粉glittering15. 珍珠油bronzing varnish16. 环保吸塑ENV heat-seal17. 环保磨光ENV calendering18. 特別UV special UV coating19. 亚油matte varnish20. 水油AQU varnish21. 印油press varnish22. UV UV varnish23. 夜光油glowing dark24. 出版Output25. 排版Impose the layout26. 骑马订saddle stitching27. 加光(M。
造型老师-形式大师 技术老师-作坊大师(实习工厂:木工,编织,陶瓷,金工,玻璃等)
约翰伊顿(Johannes Itten)
瑞士人 神秘主义者 强调用直觉解决问题,引导学生脱离 现实,追求一种“未知”和“内在的 和谐”
他创造的设计风格成为现代艺术的范本,为现代设计的发展培养了一 代新人,被誉为传播现代主义的大本营。
沃尔特格罗庇乌斯(Walter Gropius)
骑兵军官 贝伦斯设计事务所 德意志制造联盟 魏玛工艺美术学校 魏玛美术学院
具有强烈的政治使命感,希望改革艺术 教育,也希望改革社会本身.
3.包豪斯集中体现了现代设计运动的思想和 实践,真正形成了理性主义的设计原则,开 创了面向现代工业的设计方法。 包豪斯风格——没有任何装饰,简洁,强调 几何构成,诚实,客观,有效,为一种功能 主义美学。 超越了对生产方式的考虑,分析组成部分的 最佳功能关系,考虑最合理的技术结构。
(二)局限 1.是一种学院式的探索,没有工业生产第 一线的工程师,企业家参加。 2.停留在传统产品的设计研究上,很少和 当时先进的工业产品(汽车,家电等)联 系,对工业的理解仍然有艺术家的理想主 义色彩。 3.将几何概念作为设计中心,试图用图形 来定义文化,走向了形式主义,忽视了产 品设计中复杂的人文因素,形成了一种 “国际主义风格”。
莫霍利纳吉(Moholy Nagy)
匈牙利人 理性主义者 塔特林的高足 “象一支长枪投进了布满金鱼 的水塘”
一个著名的包豪斯设计作品是建筑师瓦尔特·格罗皮乌斯设计的“包豪斯建筑”(Bauhaus Building)。
这座建筑的外观简洁,采用了几何形状和对称的设计,是现代主义建筑的典范之一另一个著名的包豪斯设计作品是建筑师路德维希·密斯·凡德罗设计的“巴塞尔椅”(Barcelona Chair)。
设计师玛丽安娜·布兰德特(Marianne Brandt)设计了一系列的实用品,如茶壶、灯具和时钟。
美国画家约瑟夫·阿尔伯斯(Joseph Albers)的色彩理论研究以及其设计的图形作品在包豪斯的教育中扮演了重要角色。
格罗皮乌斯(WALTER GROPIUS)任校长,提出“艺术与技术新统一”的崇高理想,肩负起训练20世纪设计家和建筑师的神圣使命。
1928年格罗皮乌斯辞去包豪斯校长职务,由建筑系主任汉内斯·梅耶(HANNS MEYER)继任。
最后梅耶本人也不得不于1930年辞职离任,由密斯·凡·德·罗(MIES VAN DE ROHE)继任。
The institute for experiments and education of German architecture, industrial art and handicraft was founded in Weimar by the architect Walter Gropius in 1919. In the middle of the 1920s Bauhaus moved to Dessau into a radicallyb modern designed by Gropius.
The effects of the Bauhaus stretches beyond our furniture and light fixtures, into the realms of architecture, theater, and typography. where the designs and style of the Bauhaus are still spoken of today.
The new Bauhaus art institute was inaugurated on 4th December 1926. The building complex was made of steel nd glass. It was considered an architectonic wonder.
People’s image of the Bauhaus was the cabinetmaking workshop. The “Haus am Horn”,built for the Bauhaus exhibition of 1923, conveys one of the earliest and most radical visions of a "new living" style.
比利时十九世纪末二十世纪初最为杰出的设计家与设计理论家,无疑应推凡·德·威尔德(Henry Vaan de Velde),威尔德出身画家,后来也当过建筑师,1890年他为结婚选购家具时,感到市场的所有用品都"形态虚伪",从而开始自己动手设计大部分用品,这使他立志毕生从事设计活动和设计改革,在这一点上,他和威廉·莫里斯颇为相似。
9. High quality of design,
10. Intellectual and sensory stimulation
practical, sensible, economical, unpretentious, neutral.
世界各地的“德国设计”引起了相同的联想 ——功能的、实
[staɪ‗lɪstɪk]格式上的 ['fʌŋ(k)ʃ(ə)n(ə)lɪz(ə)m]
They called for the objective and spatial environment to be treated with responsibility, saying that the repertoire of design should be continuously improved, but not thrown overboard for the sake of short-lived fashions (such as postmodernism, for example).
This stylistic functionalism became the touchstone for large sectors of German industry. 这种功能主义风格成为了德国工业很多地方的试 金石。
The ―Ten Commandments‖ (Lindinger 1983) id
狭义上的包豪斯指创立于1919年的包豪斯国立包豪斯学校(Staatliches Bauhaus),由建筑师沃尔特·格罗皮乌斯在创立于德国魏玛。
包豪斯的设计受荷兰风格派(de stijl)的影响很大,蒙德里安的红白蓝经典元素经常可以在包豪斯的作品中出现
例如Gerrit Thomas Rietveld的经典红黄蓝椅,当今版权属于意大利品牌Cassina
Cassina 还拥有一系列包豪斯大师柯布西耶(Le Corbusier)的产品版权
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毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译译文题目 德国包豪斯设计与未来设计趋势专 业 工业设计 班 级 1班 姓 名 朱 灿 学 号 2011403030123 指导教师 郭庆机械工程学院JINGCHU UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGYGermany Bauhaus design and Future Design Trend【Abstract】German Bauhaus had a significant influence on the modern design education, meanwhile, it established the foundation of the leading position in the world for German industrial design. Through analyzing on current industrial design conditions from different countries, art design is considered as the main part of industrial design. This paper reviewed the last 10 years’ development of industrial design program in Zhejiang University of Science and Technology. The industrial design program have taken considerable achievements in many fields, such as the practice of Germany model, disciplines construction, teaching reform, manufactures & college cooperation, project teaching and design competitions. And You cannot ignore the industrial design ten trend 【Keywords】Bauhaus, industrial design, project teaching, practice ,10 Industrial Design Trends1. German Bauhaus and industrial designIn 1919, the Bauhaus school had been built in Weimar, Germany. This have been called the “cradle of world industrial design”, the milestone in the art design history. Bauhaus believed that the foremost thing is letting the students explore their own design ways, rather than just teaching them the teachers’ ways; developing students’ in dependent and critical thinking ability rather than imposing certain design styles on them. Compared with other design schools that had similar education philosophies, Bauhaus had distinctive education philosophy. It took thorough reform on the traditional art design education system and established art design as a new professional discipline. Meanwhile, Walter Gropius, the founder of Bauhaus made “Unity of art and technology” as the dominant design education philosophy.One of Bauhaus initiative works is purifying the forms of general industrial products. Bauhaus stressed that the product forms should be designed based on basic geometric patterns such as cubes, squares and circles. The product forms and outlines should be simple and varied in different way s and follow abstract form principles and aesthetics. Because Bauhaus’s brave and aggressive exploring and reform, it took significant key influence on the forming of Modernism Art Style and made the Bauhaus design a world-wide reputation. Therefore Bauhaus became the milestone of modern art design history.American artist Joseph Sinel first mentioned the term of Industrial design in 1919. However in China, until 1983, the Ministry of Education had conformed industrial design discipline as the sample major of general colleges. The original name of the major is “Product Forming” for art students. In 1998 the national major category had been adjusted to be integrated into the international conventions. The “Product forming” major had removed the focus from th e product forms to the area of researching the human-product-environment relationships. The name had been replaced by “Industrial design” and the major had been set for both engineering and art education schools.Bauhaus had many top European artists at that time, such as Itten, Kandinsky, and Klee etc. They are famous abstract painters. Their teaching cultivated the Bauhaus students and contributed to the 20’s century art design. Most of famous industrial designers such as Philippe Starck, Marc Newson and yves béhar are graduated from the art design schools. Their success proved that the art design education is effective for industrial design education. The product form design is still an important aspect in undergraduate industrial design studies and the industrial design is an important component of current famous art design schools.Royal College of Art Norwegian Institute of Art and Design University of Duisburg-Essen, Politecnico di Milano, Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts (FH Hannover), their industrial design departments are belong to art and design schools.America: According to a survey of IDSA (The Industrial Designers Society of America) in 1998, there are 49 institutes that have industrial design undergraduate or graduate programs registered in IDSA list. Typical industrial design majors usually are set in art schools, which can grant bachelor degree in fine arts or science. Most of them got the certification of NASAD (National Association of Schools of Art and Design). Only 15 in the 49 schools did not get the certification. IDSA declared that 5 years later, only the certified the industrial design majors can get be recognized. There are 37 industrial design majors in universities, 6 in design colleges, 4 in art schools. This situation did not vary in current years.Asia: In Japan, industrial design majors also set in art schools or independent industrial design faculties, such as Tokyo Zokei University, Musashino Art University, Tama Art University, and University of Tsukuba etc. In Hongkong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University has famous industrial design programs. In Taiwan, Shih Chien University, National Cheng Kung University,National Yunlin University of Science & Technology have famous industrial design programs. In mainland of China, Jiangnan University, Tsinghua University, Hunan University, Tongji University and the Guangzhou academic of fine arts all have their industrial design departments in the art design schools or departments.2 .10 Industrial Design Trends You Can't Ignore2.1Design For A CauseCompanies including Herman Miller and American Apparel are promoting their ideals through design. Yves Béhar's leaf lamp for Herman Miller (shown) uses a biomorphic grid of LEDs, which consume 40% percent less energy than fluorescent lights and last for 100,000 hours. And Nike plans to make its entire footwear line out of sustainable materials by 2010.2.2SimplexitySteve McCallion, executive creative director of Portland, Ore.-based industrial design firm Ziba Design, says there's a trend toward "simplexity," products that have many functions but are approachable, ergonomically correct and easy to use--like Apple's iPhone. The baby boomers have also propelled simplexity; as the generation ages, the need for easy-to-use, at-home medical equipment becomes greater. Ami Verhalen, director of industrial design at Madison, Wis.-based Design Concepts, says that in-home health care will be a huge driver for product innovation in theupcoming decade.2.3PersonalizationFrom Nike ID shoes to Build-a-Bear teddies, retailers are adding a "build your own" element to brands. Do it yourself--or DIY--serves as an important element of this trend. Publications like Ready Made magazine and books like designer Wendy Mullin's Sew U encourage consumers to put their own spin on things.2.4GlobalizationLike other industries, outsourcing has affected international design. Today a designer in Delhi might be working with a manufacturer in Columbus. Steve McCallion says that the globalization of product design has created Internet communities that enable more people to participate in the design process. Companies like Kid Robot can employ toy designers from Tokyo to Tucson with greater ease than ever.2.5OrnamentationIn fashion design, we're seeing a return to minimalism, but in home decor, ornate details are in fashion. For the first time in decades, wallpaper is in fashion, and the details are rich--brocades, velvets and jewel-tone colors. Long-forgotten textile designers like Florence Broadhurst and Vera Neumann are receiving attention from a new generation of design-savvy consumers.2.6Polarization Of DesignBig-box or luxury retailer? Many experts say that design has been polarized, with innovative products available at both the very high end (Neiman Marcus, Moss) and the very low end (Target, Ikea). Meanwhile, midrange retailers like Macy's suffer from lack of fresh, on-trend ideas. That isolates the huge chunk of the population that can afford something higher-end than the $200 Malm bed at Ikea but scoff at the price of a $16,000 Hastens mattress.2.7Pink DesignGadgets are a guy's game, right? Not if you consider the latest products with feminine mystique. Motorola released a lipstick pink Razr cellphone, and more recently, LG released a Prada phone. More and more manufacturers are creating sleeker, feminized versions of their clunky, chunky products, and both men and women are biting. Want proof of the feminization of product design? Just check out , which rates several items a day as "Geek chic" or "Just Plain Geeky."2.8Mass ImperfectionSome designers are creating intentionally flawed pieces, like designer Jason Miller's duct tape chair or Bodum's Pavina glassware collection, which uses mouth-blown double-walled glass, giving each piece a slight variation in height, thickness and weight. Whiskered and weathered textiles--on denim as well as furniture and tapestries--are more recognizable examples of intentional imperfection in production.2.9CraftAs mass retailers like Target become more design-focused, there's a countertrend of independent manufacturers and designers creating one-off, heirloom pieces. Where to find these limited-edition treasures? Artisan e-commerce sites like , classical craft companies like Heath Ceramics and modernist design houses such as Design Within Reach.2.10Focus On The Other 90%Anthony Pannozzo, vice president of design strategy at Waltham, Mass.-based firm Herbst LaZar Bell, says that well-designed products are available to only 10% of the world's population. However, more and more designers are starting to cater to consumers in Africa, Asia and Latin America.【References】[1] S Z Wang. “A History of Modern Design”, China Youth Press, Beijing, 2002[2] D.S. 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Mehta, Some Aspects of Uncertainty in Computational Fluid Dynamics Results, Journal of Fluids Engineering Transactions of the ASME, Dec. 1991, V ol. 113, pp538 - 543[12] STAR-CD User Guide Version 3.10, Computational Dynamics Limited 1999[13] STAR-CD Tutorial Manual V ol. 1 Tutorial 1 ~ Tutorial 7 Version 3.10, Computational Dynamics【中文翻译】德国包豪斯设计与未来设计趋势摘要德国包豪斯有显著的影响,与此同时,现代设计教育奠定了基础,它处于世界领先地位的德国工业设计。