SSATTEST2词汇真题2Section4VerbalSkillsSSAT TEST 2 Section 4 Verbal Skills1.FOE(A)author(B)warrior(C)poet(D)spy(E)enemy2.FRACTION(A)piece(B)break(C) breach(D)disagreement(E)opposing side3.DISCARD(A)reject(B)acquire(C)offend(D)play(E)amass4.EMPLOY(A)deceive(B)use(C)trick(D)pay(E)fall 5. CONTORT(A)twist(B)accompany(C)legislate(D)dine(E)diet6.EXALT(A)elevate(B)breathe(C)insult(D)denigrate(E)fatigue7.SOMNOLENT(A)liquid(B)flexible(C)spartan(D)fluid(E)sleepy8.TERRAIN(A)land(B)water(C)justice(D)storm(E)atmosphere9. MEDDLESOME(A)nosy(B)noisome(C)confusing(D)addled(E)unbalanced10.BOON(A)interruption(B)explosion-(C)gift(D)deviation(E)fool11.STERN(A)stem(B)sterile(C)stout(D)strict(E)stressed12.DUBIOUS(A)welcome(B)slow(C)random(D)doubtful(E)hearty13.FALLACY(A)plunge(B)credit(C)fancy(D)style(E)error14.ABODE(A)home(B)augury(C)container(D)design(E)prediction 15.INDEFATIGABLE(A)unknown(B)friendless(C)inflated(D)undefinable16.TOXIC(A)void(B)free(C)poisonous(D)concealing(E)hidden17.MALICIOUS(A)odorous(B)spiteful(C)inedible(D)atypical(E)hungry18.CONTOUR(A)expedition(B)incarceration(C)texture(D)duty(E)outline19.HERALD(A)announcer(B)paper(C)tribute(D)monarch(E)jester20.AVARICE(A)snow(B)beauty(C)envy(D)serenity21.COLOSSAL(A)misplaced(B)sloppy(C)grieving(D)gigantic(E)clumsy22.AFFABLE(A)friendly(B)fiery(C)unintelligent(D)casual(E)truculent23.AMBULATORY(A)injured(B)walking(C)conservative(D)scientific(E)medical24.ANTITHESIS(A)control(B)formula(C)statement(D)similarity(E)opposite25.CRUDE(A)physical(B)refined(C)crass(D)mental(E)weak 26.CHIDE(A)scold(B)wager(C)nick(D)chip(E)bet27.FOIBLE(A)bone(B)feeling(C)being(D)sport(E)weakness28.ALOOF(A)reserved(B)intelligent(C)diligent(D)dogged(E)alien29.INNOCUOUS(A)repugnant(B)immune(C)medical(D)harmless(E)sharp30.VERACIOUS(A)lawful(B)legal(C)true(D)mature(E)angry(A)big is to heavy(B)dean is to dirty(C)bar is to soap(D)pure is to immaculate(E)simple is to easy32.Negative is to positive as______.(A)valley is to mountain(B)dominant is to overbearing(C)height is to weight(D)neutral is co flat(E)ocean is to sea33.Pack is to suitcase as______.(A)jump is to plane(B)fuel is to car(C)read is to magazine(D)eat is to restaurant(E)buy is to groceries34.Bus is to car as whale is to______.(A)fish(B)plankton(C)dolphin(D)ocean(E)ship35- Tile is to mosaic as______.(A)tire is to car(B)sand is to box .(C)musician is to orchestra(D)flower is to plant(E)colony is to ant(A)hockey is to net(B)football is to goal(C)course is to basketball(D)baseball is to diamond(E)volleyball is to spike 37.Coat is to jacket as chair is to_____.(A)stool(B)table(C)couch(D)counter(E)sofa38.Modest is to vanity as innocent is to______.(A)happiness(B)reason(C)fear(D)guilt(E)purity39.Recluse is to publicity as______.(A)pragmatist is to practicality(B)politician is to votes(C)anarchist is to order(D)spider is to web(E)equivocator is to hunger40.Zoo is to animals as______.(A)school is to education(B)prison is to policemen(C)circus is to tightrope(D)letter is to mailbox(E)factory is to workers41.Blossom is to bloom as______.(A)fruit is to tree(B)quiver is to vibrate(C)run is to hide(D)fast is to slow(E)wax is to wane42.Desert is to arid as______.(A)sand is to beach(B)saturated is to desiccated(C) wet is to dry(D)continent is to unexplored(E)rainforest is to humid43. Hero is to villain as antagonist is to______.(A)character(B)protagonist(C)mentor(D)companion(E)sidekick44.Zebra is to skunk as______.(A)rhinoceros is to hippopotamus(B)horse is to cow(C)leopard is to Dalmatian(D)mammoth is to wool(E)dinosaur is to bird45.Grizzly is to bear as______.(A)butter is to bur(B)night is to mare(C)mint is to herb(D)spear is to pepper(E)puppy is to dog46.Square is to pentagon as______.(A)triad is to chord(B)quartet is to quintet(C)circle is to sphere(D)multiply is to divide(E)cube is to root47. Recess is to play as breakfast is to______.(A)dress(B)pancakes(C) juice(D)eat(E)lunch48. Walk is to stroll as______.(A)run is to race(B)sing is to orate(C)converse is to chat(D)dance is to twirl(E)rattle is to roll 49.Helter is to skelter as______.(A)wishy is to washy(B)in is to out(C)back is to forth(D)mish is to mash(E)harem is to scarem50.Odd is to agenda as______.(A)strange is to tent(B)plan is to point(C) weird to wired(D)quirky is to schedule(E)list is to nomination51.Drill is to hole as blender is to______.(A)flour(B)batter(C) eggs(D)milk(E)blades52.Sanitary is to clean as______.(A)empathy is to ethereal(B)heinous is to inane(C)elegy is to copious(D)cogent is to haphazard(E)earnest is to serious53. Imagination is to thought as______.(A)song is to bird(B)music is to sound(C)art is to painting(D)theatre is to auditorium(E)engineering is to train54. Parade is to march as______.(A)circus is to walk(B)swim is to meet(C)meet is to eat(D)race is to run(E)sweat is to sweet55.Record is to document as______.(A)excel is to feign(B)excuse is to pardon(C)conceal is to exempt(D)inundate is to wilt(E)challenge is to venture56.Financial is to money as psychological is to______.(A)mind(B)spirit(C)body(D)academics(E)psychiatric57.Pencil is to lead as______.(A)pen is to paper(B)tube is to straw(C)stem is to pith(D)graphite is to mineral(E)wood is to mill58.Monday is to Thursday as______.(A)February is to May(B)eight is to six(C)March is to May(D)12:00 is to 1:00(E) first is to third59.Bath is to water as______.(A)soap is co tub(B)tub is to popcorn(C)popcorn is to movie(D)movie is to picture(E)picture is to frame60.Fiend is co friend as______.(A)enemy is to foe(B)hart is to wart(C)tuck is to truck(D)height is to weight(E)monster is to critic。
SSAT 词汇真题同义词1. admonition gentle warning discouragement monition2. alleviate release cushion slacken3. animate make a life invigorate enliven4. annotation explanatory comment5. aqueduct channel6. badger harass annoy pester7. belligerent hostile8. clique sect faction clan9. collateral secondary parallel security10. concede yield11. constrict tighten compact squeeze12. denigrate minimize belittle derogate13. destitution poverty indigence impoverishment14. divulge reveal unwrap bring out15. doleful joyless16. elude escape17. eminent famous18. epilogue concluding paragraph continuation appendix19. facet side aspect smooth surface20. frugal thrifty submissive complaisance21. hyperbole exaggerated word22. implicate involve23. impoverished poor24. innuendo sly suggestion insinuation hint25. jaunt short journey trip travel26. judicious wise heady prudent27. laudatory28. literal actual genuine real29. meditation thought contemplation speculation30. motif thesis31. natal referring to birth innate inherent32. nebulous vague cloudy unclear33. ominous threatening baleful sinister34. onslaught assault assail attack35. paltry worthless trivial trifling36. paramount supreme uppermost primary37. potency strength effectiveness authority38. prevail triumph predominate reign39. purloin steal pilfer appropriate40. replenish refill make full renew41. stipulate order42. swivel turn around pivot rotate43. tranquility serenity quiescence composure44. trifling negligible paltry worthless45. unprecedented novel unduplicated exceptional 完整真题1.A.B.C.D.E.2.A.B.C.D.E.3.A.B.C.D.E.4.A.B.C.D.E.5.A.B.C.D.E.6.A.B.C.D.E.7.A. B.FEASIBLEcombustible classical accidental possible visibleTEMPOtonepaceclaritydesigntextureIMPLYaccusegossipflatterapologizehintANALYSISdiagnosisperceptionexpansionconfusionsufferingPROVOKEstealstopcatchannoyreduceCONFERsharpenobjectconsultexchangeforecastDISMANTLErun intoargue with.give away .work on .take apart 8.CLARIFICATION .reproduction .decrease .overcharge .explanation .connection 9.SOMBER .alarming .gloomy . feeble . cruel.ugly 10. COMPEL . force .tighten .agree . instruct.settle 11. TENACITY . perfection .commencement .altercation . persistence.delegation 12. SERENE . slow .meek .calm . patient.sober 13. RELINQUISH .decode .observe . decide . surrender.presume 14. GARRULOUS . shy .prompt .truthful . attentiveC D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C DE. talkative15. COMPRISEA. containB. understandC. controlD. interruptE. remember。
Upper Level SSATWritingTime 25 MinutesOne TopicYou have 25minutes to complete a brief writing sample. This writing exercise will not be scored but is used by admission officers to assess your writing skills.Direction: Read the following topic carefully. Take a few minutes to think about the topic and organize your thoughts before you begin writing. Be sure that your handwriting is legible and that you stay within the lines and margins.Topic: Out with the old, in with the new.Assignment: Do you agree or disagree with the topic statement? Support your position with one or two specific examples from personal experience, the experience of others, current events, history, or literature.SECTION 160 QuestionsThis section consists of two different types of questions. There are directions and a sample question for each type.Each of the following questions consists of one word followed by five words or phrases. You are to select the one word or phrase whose meaning is closest to the word in capital letters.Sample Question:1. PRETENTIOUS(A) lavish (B) simple (C) responsible (D) ostentatious (E) unassuming2. DISTORT(A) espouse (B) embellish (C) undermine (D) dominate (E) deform3. SUPERFICIAL(A) mythical (B) frivolous (C) distant (D) universal (E) debatable 4. EXPROPRIATE(A) withhold (B) disclose (C) confiscate (D) censure (E) determine 5. FLORID(A) efficient (B) severe(C) straightforward (D) ornate(E) basic6. ASSIDUOUS(A) unalterable (B) diligent(C) indecorous (D) indeterminate (E) extenuating7. CLARITY(A) exception (B) objectivity (C) lucidity(D) enforcement (E) result8. ATYPICAL(A) rough(B) varied(C) thoughtless (D) unusual(E) tenseCHILLY: (A) lazy(B) nice(C) dry(D) cold(E) sunny9. CONDESCENDING (A) rude(B) gracious(C) gruff(D) agreeable(E) superior10. EXASPERATE(A) disdain(B) define(C) observe(D) irritate(E) isolate11. RENUNCIATION (A) circumlocutions (B) affiliations (C) gibbering(D) machinations (E) foregoing12. DISGUISE(A) misrepresent (B) exaggerate (C) satisfy(D) reflect(E) mask13. RESTRICT(A) aide(B) confine(C) increase(D) contradict(E) discredit14. INTEGRITY(A) honesty(B) influence (C) restraint(D) discrimination (E) pretense 15. BEQUEATH(A) delegate (B) express(C) forbid(D) impute(E) grant16. AGILE(A) socialized (B) dominant (C) vocal(D) adept(E) mimicking17. MORASS(A) college(B) development (C) hodgepodge (D) wonder(E) harangue18. RAMBLING(A) ambiguous (B) coherent (C) unintelligible (D) amorphous (E) clear19. SURREPTITIOUS(A) indefensible (B) sneak(C) indefatigable (D) comprehensive (E) corrective20. MANIFEST(A) nefarious (B) insidious (C) methodical (D) obvious(E) vital21. EXPURGATE(A) condense (B) delineate (C) aggrandize (D) delete(E) transcribe22. DISSEMINATE(A) suppress (B) spread(C) undermine (D) confound (E) foreshadow23. VACILLATE(A) waver(B) experiment (C) rely(D) sermonize (E) buoy24. STEADFASTNESS(A) inconsistency (B) fidelity (C) resolution (D) inflexibility (E) negligence 25. SUCCUMB(A) subvert (B) avoid(C) observe (D) ignore(E) surrender 26. AMELIORATION(A) damage (B) uniformity (C) weathering (D) improve (E) havoc27. REFUTATION(A) profession (B) reflective (C) indicative (D) denial (E) evidence 28. INCENTIVE(A) arsenal (B) motivator (C) talisman (D) trademark (E) harbinger 29. BENEFICENT(A) indecisive (B) pragmatic (C) parasitic (D) bountiful (E) hospitable 30. DILETTANTE(A) athlete (B) lobbyist (C) Itinerant (D) amateur (E) idealistThe following questions ask you to find relationships between words. For each question, select the answer choice that best completes the meaning of the sentence.Sample Question:Kitten is to cat as (A) fawn is to colt (B) puppy is to dog (C) cow is to bull (D) wolf is to bear(E) hen is to roosterChoice (B) is the best answer because a kitten is a young cat, just as a puppy is a young dog. Of all the answer choices, (B) states a relationship that is most like the relationship between kitten and cat.31. Drought is to rain as (A) desert is to sun (B) hurricane is to wind (C) epidemic is to disease (D) volcano is to lava(E) famine is to nourishment32. Antibiotic is to infection as (A) thermometer is to fever (B) anesthesia is to surgery (C) vaccine is to inoculation (D) antiseptic is to alcohol (E) antidote is to poisoning33. Humidifier is to moisture as (A) iron is to wrinkle (B) candle is to wax (C) tub is to liquid (D) furnace is to heat (E) chimney is to smoke34. Condolence is to mourner as (A) secret is to stranger (B) loan is to borrower (C) rescue is to knight(D) congratulation is to victor (E) record is to athlete35. Postscript is to letter as (A) preamble is to document (B) footnote is to reference (C) epilogue is to play (D) signature is to name (E) index is to page36. Impious is to reverence as (A) profane; behavior(B) paranoid is to persecution (C) contrite is to offense (D) superficial is to depth (E) contemptuous is to scorn37. Disingenuous is to craftiness as (A) ecstatic is to contentment (B) idolatrous is to doubt.(C) narcissistic is to appearance (D) penitent is to wrongdoing (E) surreptitious is to stealth38. Exculpate is to blame as (A) extricate is to difficulty (B) exemplify is to illustration (C) expedite is to process (D) divulge is to secret (E) bewilder is to confusion39. Custom is to society as(A) hypothesis is to evidence(B) testimony is to trial(C) ballot is to election(D) rule is to game(E) contest is to debate40. Tunnel is to mine as(A) conduit is to fluid(B) corner is to intersection(C) sign is to detour(D) aisle is to seat(E) corridor is to building41. Diversion is to boredom as(A) assurance is to uncertainty(B) enmity is to hatred(C) secrecy is to curiosity(D) reward is to deed(E) sluggishness is to fatigue42. Thicket is to shrubs as(A) grove is to trees(B) orchard is to apples(C) pasture is to cows(D) reef is to waves(E) crop is to plants43. Condescending is to respect as(A) bashful is to attention(B) obliging is to thanks(C) insecure is to doubt(D) merciless is to compassion(E) pathetic is to pity44. Livid is to anger as(A) querulous is to reconciliation(B) forlorn is to hope(C) radiant is to happiness(D) graceful is to posture(E) marvelous is to wonder 45. Abrasive is to skin as(A) flammable is to fire(B) resilient is to shock(C) soluble is to water(D) corrosive is to iron(E) responsive is to stimulus46. Canal is to waterway as(A) skyline is to city(B) bank is to stream(C) hub is to wheel(D) dam is to river(E) reservoir is to lake47. Throng is to people as(A) game is to players(B) picnic is to woods(C) swarm is to insects(D) cat is to kittens(E) vase is to flowers48. Foolhardy is to recklessness as(A) defiant is to complacency(B) serene is to tranquility(C) precious is to worthlessness(D) sociable is to antagonism(E) lucky is to persistence49. Emend is to faulty as(A) recruit is to competent(B) fracture is to separable(C) renovate is to habitable(D) purify is to contaminated(E) reproduce is to copied50. Neighbor is to proximity as(A) supervisor is to obedience(B) comrade is to victory(C) adversary is to opposition(D) traitor is to loyalty(E) teammate is to competitiveness51. Catnap is to sleep as(A) exhaustion is to slumber(B) blink is to eye(C) snack is to meal(D) swallow is to bite(E) feast is to banquet52. Manager is to store as(A) technician is to laboratory(B) student is to school(C) administrator is to hospital(D) spectator is to arena(E) president is to electorate53. Wallet is to money as(A) safe is to lock(B) suitcase is to clothing(C) camera is to film(D) setting is to jewel(E) car is to engine54. Lubricate is to smoothly as(A) weigh is to heavily(B) assist is to grudgingly(C) speak is to softly(D) muffle is to quietly(E) absorb is to quickly55. Bird is to avian as(A) plant is to tropical(B) meat is to carnivorous(C) snake is to slippery(D) dog is to canine(E) lung is to amphibian 56. Archive is to documents as(A) warehouse is to merchandise(B) theater is to plays(C) cinema is to projector(D) library is to shelves(E) farm is to crops57. Riddle is to puzzlement as(A) comedy is to stage(B) clown is to costume(C) quip is to wit(D) jest is to laughter(E) pun is to meaning58. Inventory is to goods as(A) agenda is to meeting(B) snapshot is to image(C) ballot is to voters(D) compass is to directions(E) roll is to members59. Innumerable is to quantity as(A) superficial is to surface(B) impotent is to strength(C) invaluable is to worth(D) finite is to size(E) inexpressive is to feeling60. Rehash is to discuss as(A) reprimand is to scold(B) reject is to want(C) rejoice is to praise(D) reiterate is to state(E) relish is to tasteSection 225 QuestionsFollowing each problem in this section, there are five suggested answers. Work each problem in your head or in the blank space provided at the right of the page. Then look at the five suggested answers and decide which one is best.Note:Figures that accompany problems in this section are drawn as accurately as possibly EXCEPT when it is stated in a specific problem that its figure is not drawn to scale.Sample Problem:(A) 586(B) 596(C) 696(D) 1,586(E) 1,6861.Which of the following pairs of numbers are the two different prime factors of 36?A. 2 and 3B. 3 and 4C. 3 and 12D. 4 and 9E. 4 and 122.For what nonzero value of x will the expression be equal to 0?A.-3B.-2C. 1D. 2E. 33.Two positive whole numbers are in a ratio of 3 to4. If the smaller of the two numbers is 9,what is the average of the two numbers?A. 4B.10C.10.5D.11E.12b o b oa ob o4. The four angles in the figure above share a common vertex on a straight line. What is the value of b when a equals 42?A.38 degreesB.40 degreesC.42 degreesD.43 degreesE.46 degrees5. What is 85% of 50?A.150.75B.135C.75D.42.5E.396. A set of three positive integers has a sum of 11 and a product of 36. If the smallest of the three numbers is 2, what is the largest?A. 2B. 4C. 6D.8E.97. What is two-thirds of one-half?A. B. C. D.E.8. If the distance around an oval-shaped track is 400 meters, how many laps does a runner have to run to cover a distance of 4 kilometers? (1 kilometers=1,000 meters)A. 4B. 10C. 15D. 500E. 1,0009. In triangle ABC shown above, the length of side AB isA. 5B. 7C. 9D. 11E. 1410. If f=2, and f j=2f, what is the value of j?A. 0B. 1C. 2D. 3E. 411. If =15, and a=36 and b=25, what is the value of c?A. 4B.10C.16D.49E.8112. There are x students is Mrs.Sproul’s class, 4 fewer than twice as many as are in Mrs.Puccio’s class. If there are y students in Mrs.Pruccio’s class, then what is the value of y in terms of x?A. + 2B.2x + 4C.2x – 4D. – 4E.4x + 2Questions 13-14 refer to the following definition.For all real numbers x,#x=x2 if x is negative;#x=2x if x is positive.13. #(-6)-#(6)=A.-16B.-24C.16D.24E.3014. What is the value of #[#x-#y] when x=3 and y=-4?A.-10B.12C.32D.64E.10015. In the figure above, what is the value of x in terms of y?A.yB.90-yC.90+yD.180+yE.180-y16. =A.B.C.D.2abcE.4abc17. In Mr.Johanessen’s class, of the students failed the final exam. Of the remaining class,scored an A. What fraction of the whole class passed the test but scored below an A?A.B.C.D.E.18. When buying new clothes for school, Rena spends $20 more than Karen and $50 more than Lynn does. If Rena spends r dollars, then what is the cost of all three of their purchases in terms of r?A.r + 70B.C.3r – 70D.3(r-70)E.r + 21019. In a group of 100 children, there are 34 more girls than there are boys. How many boys are in the group?A.33B.37C.47D.67E.6820. If 6x-7=17, then x+6=A. 6B.10C.14D.20E.2421. At Nicholas’s Computer World, computers usually sold for $1,500 are now being sold for $1,200. What fraction of the original price is the new price?A.B.C.D.E.22. If , thenA.xy=12B.3y=4xC.D.E.3x=4y23. The ratio of boys to girls at Delaware Township School is 3 to 2. If there is a total of 600 students at the school, how many are girls?A.120B.240C.300D.360E.40024. 150% of 40 isA.20B.30C.40D.50E.6025. Phillip used four pieces of masking tape, each 6 inches long, to put up each of his posters. Phillip had a 300-foot roll of masking tape when he started. If no tape was wasted, which of the following represents the number of feet of masking tape that was left on the roll after he put up n posters? (12 inches =1 foot)A.300 – 6nB.300 – 2nC.300 – nD.300 - nE.300 - nSECTION 340 QuestionsRead each passage carefully and then answer the questions about it. For each question, decide on the basis of the passage which one of the choices best answer the question.The Second World War was a watershed event for all Americans. It brought the Great Depression to an end and marked the beginning of significant social and political changes for women and racial minorities. Chinese American women played an important role in these long-term changes.Encouraged by motives ranging from Chinese nationalism to American patriotism, Chinese American women initiated an outpouring of highly organized activities in such areas as fund-raising, propaganda, civil defense, and Red Cross work. While some women in San Francisco’s Chinatown joined in the armed services, many others went to work in businesses outside their neighborhood and in defense industries for the first time.1.The passage is mainly about(A)the contributions of Chinatown to the war effort(B)different jobs held by women during the Second World War(C)how the Second World War end the Great Depression(D)how the second World War affect Chinese American women(E)how the feminism influence Chinese American women2.The author’s attitude toward Chinese American women can be best described as(A)confused(B)envious(C)sarcastic(D)sympathetic(E)appreciative3.It is most likely that Chinese American women set going well-organized activities during theSecond World because(A)they were concerned about their own property(B)they wanted to take care of their family(C)they were forced by the American government(D)they were eager to devote themselves to a country(E)they have to fight against the Great Depression4.According to the passage, all of the following is mentioned to be possible jobs taken byChinese American women during the Second World War EXCEPT(A)raising money for national defense(B)tending elders in their neighborhood(C)working in military factories(D)nursing wounded soldiers(E)promoting the patriotic spirit5.It can be inferred from the passage that “armed services” is most likely to be found in(A)the neighborhood of Chinatown(B)San Francisco’s Red Cross work(C)business industries(D)the front line of Second World War(E)Chinese organized activities6.This passage is most likely found in a(n)(A)novel written in World War two(B)textbook on American history(C)letter to a beloved family member(D)autobiography of a famous person(E)editorial in a newspaper in 1940sIt hung in Napoleon’s bedroom until moving to the Louvre in 1804. It caused traffic jams in New York for seven weeks as 1.6 million people jostled to see it. In Tokyo viewers were allowed ten seconds each. The object of all this attention was the world’s most famous portrait, the Mona Lisa. Historically, its subject was nobody special, probably the wife of a Florentine merchant named Giocondo. But her portrait set the standard for High Renaissance paintings in many important ways. The use of perspective, which created the illusion of depth behind Mona Lisa’s head, and triangular composition established the importance of geometry in painting. It diverged from the stiff, profile portraits that had been the norm by displaying the subject in a relaxed, natural, three-quarter pose.One of the first easel paintings intended to be framed and hung on a wall, the Mona Lisa fully realized the potential of the new oil medium. Instead of proceeding from outlined figures, as painters did before, Leonardo modeled features through light and shadow. Starting with dark undertones, he built the illusion of three-dimensional features through layers and layers of thin, transparent glazes. This technique rendered the whole, as Leonardo said, “without lines of borders, in the manner of smoke.” His colors ranged from light to dark in a continuous gradation of subtle tones, without crisp separating edges. The forms seemed to emerge from, and melt into, shadows.7.The main purpose of this passage is toA)illustrate the characteristics and the value of a well-known masterpieceB)introduce the painting technique of an important genreC)describe the contribution of a distinguished artistD)discuss the influence of an artistic reformE)refute the norm of an aesthetic practice8.The author cites Napoleon’s bedroom to illustrate theA)ambition of NapoleonB)fame of the Mona LisaC)mystery of the Mona LisaD)long history of the Mona LisaE)political use of the Mona Lisa9.By mentioning the identity of Giocondo, the model of Mona Lisa, the author contrastGiocondo’sA)humble origins and her portrait’s monetary valueB)uncomely appearance and her portrait’s beautyC)ordinary status and her portrait’s artistic importanceD)immoral habit and her portrait’s fameE)early death and her portrait’s eternity10.According to the passage, the traditional principle on displaying subject is characterized asA)romanticB)rigidC)looseD)freeE)illusive11.The passage lists which of the following as features of the Mona Lisa?I.graze layersII.subtle changeIII.imposing backdropIV.outlined figureA)I onlyB)II onlyC)I and II onlyD)I, II, and III onlyE)I and IV only12.As it is used in line 7, the word “diverge” most nearly means(A) differ(B) display(C) symbolize(D) build(E) comeGeologists Harris and Gass hypothesized that the Red Sea rift developed along the line of a split (a splice in the Earth’s crust), and that significant observable differences in the composition of the upper layers of rocks deposited on either side of the split give clues to the different natures of the underlying igneous rocks.Other geologists argued that neither the upper rock layer nor the underlying igneous rocks on the one side of the rift differ fundamentally from the layers on the other side. These geologists believe, therefore, that there is inadequate evidence to conclude that a split underlies the rift.In response, Harris and Gass asserted that the upper rock layers on the two sides of the rift had not been shown to be of similar age, structure, or geochemical content. Furthermore, they cited new evidence that the underlying igneous rocks on either side of the rift contain significantly different kinds of rare metals.13.Which of the following has been observed according to the passage?I.the origin of the Red Sea riftII.the difference existed on underlying rocks on either sidesIII.the difference existed on upper rocks on either sidesIV.the split underlying the Red Sea riftA)I onlyB)II onlyC)III onlyD)II and III onlyE)III and IV only14.According to the passage, the most powerful evidence supporting Harris and Gass’shypothesis would beA)the fact that rifts grow along with splits have been observed elsewhereB)the fact that rifts grow on Earth’s crust have been observed elsewhereC)the fact that upper rock gives indications on underlying rock have been observed elsewhereD)the upper rock on either side of the Red Sea rift are totally unlikeE)the underlying rock on either side of the Red Sea rift are totally unlike15.Those who disagree with Harris and Gass’s hypothesis in this passage challenge theA)validity of its evidenceB)strictness of its reasoningC)sufficiency of its proofD)rightness of its motivationE)feasibility of its practice16. It can be inferred from the passage that Harris and Gass have done which of the following?(A) Drawn detailed maps of the Red Sea rift.(B) Based conclusions on how splits develop in the Earth’s crust.(C) Rejected other geologists’ objections to their hypothesis.(D) Suggested the presence of rare metals in rocks indicates a split.(E) Asserted that rifts usually occur along the lines of splits.17. According to the passage, Harris and Gass have mentioned all of the following properties of rocks along the Red Sea rift EXCEPT:(A) age of the upper layers of rock(B) age of the underlying igneous rocks(C) structure of the upper layers of rocks(D) geochemical content of the upper layers of rocks(E) metallic content of the underlying igneous rocks18. This passage is most likely to be found on a(n)A) memoir of a famous scientistB) guidebook on the Red Sea regionC) textbook on rare metalsD) summary of a business meetingE) review of a latest geological progressThere is no frigate like a bookTo take us lands away,Nor any coursers like a pageOf prancing poetryThis traverse may the poorest takeWithout oppress of toll;How frugal is the chariotThat bears a human soul!------There is no frigate like a book c189019. The poem implies(A) boats are unlike books(B) it is better to have a vehicle for the body than for the mind(C) there are more books than boat(D) books are excellent ways to experience the world(E) the author values the practical over the frivolous20. In line 3, “courses” most nearly means(A) swift horses(B) slow skiffs(C) text books(D) ancient chariots(E) poetic device21. The speaker’s tone is best described as(A) cheerfully lecturing(B) forcefully instructive(C) tirelessly proactive(D) gently persuasive(E) selfishly sincere22. Which of the following does the poem imply(A) The poor are less likely to travel than the rich(B) Saved money should be put toward travel.(C) Literature is an inexpensive means of escape(D) Literature should be free(E) Literature can touch a person’s soulThe Taft-Hartley Act, passed by the United States Congress in 1947, gave states the power to enact “right-to-work” law that prohibits union shop agreements. According to such an agreement, a labor union talks for wages and working conditions for all workers in a business, and all workers are required to belong to the union. Since 1947, 20 states have adopted right-to-work laws. Much of the research concerning right-to-work laws implies that such law has not actually had a significant impact. This point of view, however, has not gone uncriticized. Thomas Carroll said that the conclusions drawn by previous researchers are limited on the assumption that, unless right-to-work laws significantly reduce union membership within a state, they have no effect. Carroll argues that the right-to-work laws “do matter” in that such laws make differences in real wages across states. Specifically, Carroll indicates that while right-to-work laws may not “destroy” unions by reducing the absolute number of unionized workers, they do stop the spread of unions and thereby reduce wages within right-to-work states. Because the counteracting power of unions is weakened in right-to-work states, manufacturers and their suppliers can act jointly in competitive labor markers, thus lowering wages in the affected industries.23. This passage is primarily to(A)refute the criticism against a law(B)validate the justice of a judgment(C)introduce the content of an agreement(D)compare the point of two group of lawyers(E)illustrate the mechanism unions influence wages24. “right-to-work” law in this passage is enacted to(A)free workers from unions(B)introduce workers to unions(C)improve working condition for workers(D)help suppliers against manufacturers(E)launch counterattack against criticizers25. Both Carroll and previous researchers in this passage agree that “right-to-work” law(A)hardly made any influence(B)effectively prohibit union shop agreement(C)importantly increase the wage of workers(D)notably weakened the competitiveness of workers(E)insignificantly affect the number of union members26. The passage suggests that in term of workers’ wages, the spread of unions is(A)useless(B)harmful(C)beneficial(D)dispensable(E)unhelpful27. According to the passage, Carroll’s attitude toward “previous researchers” is likely to be(A)condemnation(B)appreciation(C)indifference(D)opposition(E)sarcasm28. In right-to-work state, the following statement can be inferred from the passage EXCEPT(A)some workers are not belong to the labor union(B)some workers are not included in the negotiations of the labor union(C)manufacturer have bigger influence on workers’ wages than the past(D)the membership in labor unions stop to increase(E)union shop agreement is held to some degree29. What is the primary purpose of this passage?A)showing evidence to a doubtable viewpointB)giving examples of a wide-spread phenomenonC)finding the motivation of a historical actionD)challenging the validity of an early conclusionE)explaining the economic status of a group of people30. According to the author, the urbanized and employed Black population moves to the north mainly because ofA)meager wage and fierce competition in the southB)good salary and equal working opportunities in the northC)ongoing technical reform and emerging civic revolution in the northD)collapsing cotton industry and boring working condition in the southE)decreasing European migration and increasing living pressure in the south31. Which of the following is most likely to be true when urbanized Black migrate to north?A)They would suffer the lack of industrial skillsB)They would have lower income than in the southC)They would find their white colleagues friendlyD)They can hardly adapt to their new environmentE)They would find living styles in northern cities familiar32. The author would mostly agree that the boll weevil infestationA)had no effect on Great Migration at allB)prevented southern rural Black from going to the NorthC)motivated southern rural Black to migrate to the NorthD)brought southern rural Black to the cities in the SouthE)stopped European workers from moving to the North33. The passage mentions which of the following as situations before Great Migration between 1910 and 1930?I.European workers arrived in AmericaII.southern rural workers moved to the NorthIII.southern urban workers went to the NorthIV.southern rural workers migrated to southern citiesA)I onlyB)I and III onlyC)II and III onlyD)I and IV onlyE)III and IV only34. It can be inferred from the passage that the salaries of unskilled workers areA)had been increased since the Great MigrationB)had been decreased since the boll weevil infestationC)were lower than artisan’s between 1910 and 1930D)were higher than artisan’s because of the Great MigrationE)were equal to artisan’s because of the raising competition。
ssat考试题及答案**SSAT考试题及答案**一、词汇题1. Which of the following words is most nearly the opposite of "elated"?A. DepressedB. AnnoyedC. IndifferentD. Elated答案:A. Depressed2. In the sentence, "The politician's speech was so persuasive that it swayed many undecided voters," what is the best synonym for "persuasive"?A. ConvincingB. BoringC. IndifferentD. Distracting答案:A. Convincing二、阅读题阅读以下段落,并回答问题。
"In the heart of the city, amidst the hustle and bustle of urban life, there lies a small park that serves as an oasis for the weary. The park, with its lush greenery and tranquil atmosphere, provides a respite from the noise and chaos that surrounds it. It is a place where people can escape the pressures of the day and find solace in nature's embrace."3. What is the main purpose of the park described in the passage?A. To provide a place for sports and gamesB. To serve as a place for community eventsC. To offer a quiet retreat from the city's noise and chaosD. To attract tourists with its unique attractions答案:C. To offer a quiet retreat from the city's noise and chaos4. According to the passage, what is the effect of the park on the people who visit it?A. It makes them feel more stressedB. It helps them forget their troublesC. It encourages them to engage in outdoor activitiesD. It makes them feel more connected to the city答案:B. It helps them forget their troubles三、数学题5. If the sum of two numbers is 50 and their difference is 10, what are the two numbers?A. 20 and 30B. 30 and 20C. 40 and 10D. 10 and 40答案:A. 20 and 306. A rectangle has a length that is twice its width. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 40 units, what is the length of the rectangle?A. 10 unitsB. 15 unitsC. 20 unitsD. 25 units答案:C. 20 units四、写作题7. Write an essay on the topic: "The Importance of Time Management in Student Life."答案:(此题为写作题,无固定答案,以下为参考范文)Time management is an essential skill for students to master, as it can significantly impact their academic performance and overall well-being. Effective time management allows students to balance their studies, extracurricular activities, and personal life, leading to a more fulfilling and successful student experience.First and foremost, managing time well helps students to avoid procrastination. By setting clear goals and deadlines, students can stay focused on their tasks and complete them in a timely manner. This prevents the stress and anxiety that often accompany last-minute cramming and rushed assignments.Secondly, time management enables students to allocate sufficient time for each subject, ensuring that they have a well-rounded understanding of the material. This is particularly important in a competitive academic environment where a comprehensive grasp of the curriculum is crucial for success.Additionally, effective time management allows students to maintain a healthy balance between their academic and personal lives. By prioritizing tasks and setting aside time for relaxation and social activities, students can prevent burnout and maintain their mental health.In conclusion, time management is a critical skill for students to develop. It not only improves academic performance but also contributes to a more balanced and enjoyable student life.请注意,以上提供的SSAT考试题及答案仅供参考,实际考试内容和难度可能会有所不同。
ssat试题及答案1. 阅读下列句子,选择最合适的词汇填入空白处。
句子:The cat was so _______ that it could fit into a small box.选项:A. tallB. wideC. smallD. heavy答案:C2. 根据所给的单词,完成句子。
单词:library句子:I often go to the _______ to read books.答案:library3. 选择正确的时态填空。
句子:She _______ her homework every day.选项:A. doB. doesC. didD. done答案:B4. 阅读下列段落,回答问题。
段落:In the forest, there lived a wise old owl. It was known for its exceptional wisdom and was often consulted byother animals for advice.问题:What was the wise old owl known for?答案:It was known for its exceptional wisdom.5. 将下列句子翻译成英文。
答案:He goes running in the park every morning.6. 根据所给的数学公式,计算结果。
公式:\[ \frac{2}{3} \times 4 \]答案:\[ \frac{8}{3} \]7. 阅读下列句子,选择最合适的词汇填入空白处。
句子:The _______ of the mountain was covered with snow.选项:A. topB. bottomC. sideD. peak答案:A8. 根据所给的单词,完成句子。
单词:happiness句子:The family's _______ was evident during their vacation.答案:happiness9. 选择正确的时态填空。
Exercise Synonyms(C) Synonyms1.CamouflageA.jewelryB.outfitC.disguiseD.outlookE.helmet2.ContemplateA.ponderB.rejectC.founderD.dominateE.deserve3.CapriceA.ideaB.mistakeC.decisionD.guessE.whim4.CandorA.majestyB.daringC.honestyD.perceptionE.fatigue5.CatastropheA.illusionB.disasterC.indicationD.warningE.estimate6.cajoleA.camouflageB.coaxC.wheedleD.callousE.cannine7.camouflageA.disguiseB.obscureC.hideD.carnivoreE.cascade 8.candora.franknessb.honestyc.sincerityd.candid9.censorA.deleteB.abridgeC.omitD.censusE.conscientiousF.celestial10.chronicA.continuousB.constantC.persistentD.confirmedE.settled11.circumscribeA.limitB.outlineC.boundD.defineE.encompassmunicativeA.talkativeB.articulateC.vocalD.expressivemutepassionA.pityB.sympathyC.mercyD.antipathyE.empathyF.apathypelA.forceB.coerceC.goadD.motivateE.expel15.conciseA briefB terseC succinctD. compactE. collision16. condoneA. pardonB. forgiveC. absolveD. excuseE collateral17. contemplationA. thoughtB. meditationC. deliberationD. reflectionE. contemptuous18.counternanceA. faceB visageC aspectD. appearanceE. counteract19. copiousA abundantB. plentifulC. profuseD richE boundary20. conveneA gatherB. assembleC meetD convergeE. conventionAnalogy1.Circumference is to circle as:A.diameter is to sphereB.height is to widthC.side is to hexagonD.perimeter is to squareE.round is to oval 2.Collar is to shirt as:A.toe is to shoeB.cuff is to trousersC.waist is to beltD.hat is to headE.zipper is to button3.Admonish is to mild as castigate is to:A.tepidB.sweetC.unbeatableD.uncertainE.harsh4.Abrupt is to gradual as:A.corrupt is to virtuousB.stirring is to suddenC.sneaky is to criminalD.remarkable is to alarmingE.conspicuous5.Canter is to horse as:A.hop is to rabbitB.halt is to ponyC.hunt is to lionD.beg is to dogE.chew is to cow6.Canine is to wolf as feline is toA.pantherB.pigC.monkeyD.ratE.vultureWrite out the meanings of the following affixesCad/cas/cid-, cap/cip-, carn-, cap/cip/cept/capt-, ced/cess-, chrom-, chron-, cide-, circum-, clin/clive-, co/com/con-, cogn/gno-, contra-, corp-, cosmo/cosm-, crac/crate-, cred-, cresc/cret-, culp-, curr/curs。
Upper #1 - VS
Part Two - Analogies
Directions: Choose the answer that best completes the meaning of the analogy.
31. Plateau is to flat as (A) beach is to sand (B) topography is to dense (C) slope is to inclined (D) wild is to horse (E) prairie is to new 32. Salmon is to seafood as (A) pet is to rat (B) fog is to condensation (C) jungle is to tundra (D) desert is to storm (E) ape is to human 33. Race is to competition as (A) technology is to robotics (B) assassination is to murder (C) snack is to diet (D) language is to forensics (E) document is to credential 34. Camouflage is to appearance as (A) pattern is to shape (B) trap is to decoy (C) jester is to costume (D) triumph is to failure (E) mask is to face
SSAT真题同义词题1. FEASIBLEA. combustibleB. classicalC. accidentalD. possibleE. visible2. TEMPOA. toneB. paceC. clarityD. designE. texture3. IMPLYA. accuseB. gossipC. flatterD. apologizeE. hint 4. ANALYSISA. diagnosisB. perceptionC. expansionD. confusionE. suffering5. PROVOKEA. stealB. stopC. catchD. annoyE. reduce6. CONFERA. sharpenB. objectC. consultD. exchangeE. forecast类比题1. descent is to nadir as(A) ascent is to pinnacle(B) apogee is to perigee(C) elevate is to abyss(D) fall is to fallen(E) downside is to medium2. Articulate is to orator as(A) frugal is to spendthrift(B) strong is to lawyer(C) agile is to acrobat(D) ardent is to judge(E) mischievous is to money 3. Bland is to taste as(A) boring is to experience(B) tender is to mind(C) exciting is to movie(D) outrageous is to logic(E) unreasonable is to choice4. Bottleneck is to traffic as(A) obstacle is to river(B) landslide is to pebble(C) straw is to rug(D) impasse is to negotiation(E) cease is to war5. Bread is to doughnut as(A) chocolate is to candy(B) sauce is to butter(C) beverage is to lemonade(D) coldblood is to bear(E) needle is to pine6. Chisel is to marble as(A) spoon is to soup(B) spatula is to clay(C) hand is to painting(D) axe is to table(E) hammer is to nail7. Desecrate is to sanctity as(A) extol is to majesty(B) scold is to purity(C) profane is to trinity(D) avoid is to brutality(E) blemish is to reputation 8. Ebony is to wood as(A) raven is to bird(B) exuberance is to forest(C) thorny is to rose(D) swan is to poultry(E) alligator is to pachyderm9. Frail is to emaciated as(A) feeble is to excited(B) humid is to dehydrated(C) barbarous is to educated(D) robust is to invigorated(E) dull is to concentrated10. Funny is to hilarious as(A) worse is to bad(B) clown is to joker(C) obvious is to conspicuous(D) fast is to quick(E) bunny is to pleatedSSAT真题典型类比题分析1. Globe is to map asa. Book is to libraryb. Statue is to artc. Portrait is to persond. Movie is to storytellinge. Orchestra is to symphony在这道题中,地球仪是地图的一种类型;a. 书是图书馆的组成部分,但它不是图书馆的类型。
Ssat 词汇题
Ssat 词汇题2 In 1997 a blue-ribbon panel of archaeologists visited a site in Chile called Monte Verde and agreed that people had lived there at least 14,500 years ago, about 1,000 years before the first sign of Clovis people in North America.Omen symbol gesture inidication figure3 while the artist’s communication is linked forever with its original form, that of the scientist is modified, amplified, fused with the ideas and results of others and melts into the stream of knowledge and ideas which forms our culture.Liquifies thaws evaporates merges softens4 it can hardly be argued that such in-the-flesh gatherings are necessary for communication of scientific knowledge these days, with the asphyxiating crush of academic journals and the pus-button ease of telephone calls.Compression infatuation stampede supression overabundance 5 real Asians didn’t include Hop Sing, the Cartwright family’s houseman on the TV show Bonanza, or David Carradine, or other numerous white actors who donned makeup to play Asians.Serious authentic practical utter fundamental6 sailing at night in luminescent seas is something splendid that is notgiven to everyone.Inclined transported devoted applied granted7 the physicists appreciate that the anwers they obtain through experiment depend significantly on the questions they asked, so that an electron, asked if it is a particle or a wave, will answer ‘YES”to both questions.Enjoy recognize are grateful greatly admire rapidly value8 he painted a picture of grapes with such skill that sparrows flew in and tried to peck at the fruit. Amused, Zeuxis invited another painter to witness a repeat performance. A rival, whose name was Parrhasium. He affected to be unimpressed. To cheat sparrows was nothing extraordinary.Mislead swindle deprive elude victimize9 i often found something in these writers that i could appreciate. Sometimes they accurately captured sounds that i knew well: a dog barking in the heat of hunting.Succeeded in representing gained posession of held the attention of took captive absorbed fully10 it is a society in which those things that do not conform---serious literature, serious political debate and serious ideas.Diligent devoted subdued humorless thoughtful。
SSAT词汇Practice 8
Practice 8This section consists of two types of questions. There are directions and a sample question for each type.Each of the following questions consists of one word followed by five words or phrases lettered A through E. You are to select the one word or phrase whose meaning is closest to the word in capital letters.Sample Question:1.SPARSEA.spatialB.thinC.spasticD.vividE.lifeless2.AVERSIONA.modelB.portrayalC.dislikeD.historyE.arrangement3.CAUTIOUSA.discreetB.anxiousC.startledD.scaredE.stricken4.BENEFACTORA.modelB.contributorC.agentD.connoisseurE.demagogue5.MALCONTENTA.sicklyB.troublesomeC.dissatisfiedD.malicious6.MERITA.deserveB.requireC.necessitateD.pardonE.base7.PROMINENTA.excellentB.accomplishedC.admirableD.extensiveE.conspicuous8.BREACHA.admissionB.representationC.felonyD.violationE.securityMENTA.remarkB.acknowledgeC.regretD.explainE.declare10.RECTIFYA.startB.giveC.examineD.fixE.advance11.SUBMERGEA.submitB.subscribeC.immerseD.subsistE.clarify12.SHREWDA.poignantB.astuteC.copiousD.speciousE.tactile13.CLANDESTINEA.secretB.criminalC.familiarD.apprehensiveE.disgraceful14.COERCEA.twistB.misleadC.perceiveD.chastisepel 15.DILATEA.embellishB.impedeC.deflateD.enlargeE.prevent16.INANEA.ridiculousB.deficientC.practicalD.cumbersomeE.indulgent17.PLETHORAA.quandaryB.resonanceC.excessD.separationE.veneer18.BIASA.preferenceB.conversionC.resolutionD.predicamentE.conclusion19.AGGREGATEA.medianB.agentanizationD.totalE.equipment20.IMPLEMENTA.ideaB.detailC.instrumentponentE.property21.GRACIOUSLYA.gratefullyB.kindlyC.easilyfortablyE.readily22.MEANDERA.manageB.exerciseC.reviewD.wanderE.delete23.APOLOGISTA.defenderB.petitionerC.prisonerD.repeateranist24.CISTERNA.water tankB.sewage systemC.stew potD.drainage pipeE.libretto25.FORSWEARA.curseB.repentC.emptyD.give upE.grimace 26.DOUSEA.soakB.divineC.conjureD.depressE.gyrate27.ERECTA.paintB.designC.destroyD.constructE.obviate28.RELISHA.careB.speedC.amusementD.enjoyE.persecute29.ADULTERATEA.cheatB.ageC.shortenD.idolizeE.dilute30.ULCERA.painB.stomachacheC.cacheD.soreE.swellingThe following questions ask you to find relationships between words.For each question, select the answer choice that best completes the meaning of the sentence.Sample Question:Choice B. is the best answer because a kitten is a young cat, just as puppy is a young dog. Of all the answer choices, B. states a relationship that is most like a relationship between kitten and cat.1.widespread is to limited asA.encompassed is to surroundedB.enlarged is to bigC.broad is to narrowD.unusual is to strangeE.provincial is to international2.caricature is to drawing asA.joke is to punch lineB.watercolor is to paintingC.hyperbole is to is to featureE.dynamite is to blast3.sword is to fence as glove is toA.boxB.soccerC.hockeyD.baseballE.golf4.encourage is to demand asA.insinuate is to is to dismissC.suggest is to orderD.motivate is to undermineE.condemn is to reprimand5.grin is to delight asA.anxiety is to confusionB.frown is to dismayC.perspiration is to exhaustionugh is to happinessE.resignation is to uncertainty6.mysterious is to understandable asA.unknown is to indefinableB.doubtful is to incredulousC.skillful is to swiftD.clouded is to warmE.obscure is to clear7.injury is to heal as malfunction is toA.repairB.bandageC.misinterpretD.throwE.disassemble8.jog is to sprint as trot is toA.rambleB.gallopC.roamD.saunterE.soar9.vain is to humble asA.anxious is to boisterousB.cantankerous is to thoughtlessC.judicious is to lenientD.authoritative is to discursiveE.extroverted is to is to frown as cheer is toA.jeerB.winceughD.extricateE.leap11.touch is to tactile asA.sound is to noiseB.smell is to olfactoryC.mouth is to oralD.eye is to visualE.taste is to sense12.bone is to body asA.floor is to houseB.motor is to boatC.driver is to carD.knob is to doorE.beam is to building13.amorphous is to shape as odorless isA.appearanceB.weightC.worthD.scentE.anger14.test is to study asA.job is to applyB.train is to is to is to employE.income is to work15.banana is to peel asA.egg is to crackB.carrot is to is to coreD.bread is to sliceE.corn is to husk16.articulateness is to speakingA.etiquette is to is to noteC.ballet is to formD.legibility is to handwritingE.painting is to is to prologue asA.constitution is to preambleB.constitution is to Bill of RightsC.constitution is to previewD.constitution is to supreme courtE.constitution is to appendix18.nut is to shell as pea is toA.shooterB.soupC.greenD.podE.shuck19.tiptoe is to walk asA.whisper is to is to rhythmC.tumble is to treeD.rasp is to is to wrinkle20.kernel is to central as trivia is toA.controversialB.unimportantC.unleavenedD.harvestedE.productive21.fib is to liar asA.perform is to crewB.convict is to attorneyC.flatter is to toadyD.campaign is to politicianE.tally is to banker22.fossil is to petrified asA.solution is to dissolvedB.wood is to hardC.snowflake is to wetD.fog is to denseE.gully is to craggy23.sphere is to round asA.rectangle is to shapeB.protractor is to angleC.ball is to rubberD.triangle is to lineE.honeycomb is to hexagonal24.advance is to halt asA.stop is to goB.return is to changeC.go is to stopD.conquer is to takeE.blame is to praise25.cave is to rock as apse is toA.cliffB.plateauC.patioD.churchE.stageA.Animal26.Rake is to hoe as hammer is toA.HeadB.BuildC.PoundD.ScrewdriverE.Push27.Surgeon is to operating room asA.Chiropractor is to doctorB.Novelist is to panelC.Conductor is to symphony hallD.Truck driver is to rest stopE.Student is to shop 28.Opinionated is to indecisive asA.Diffident is to shyB.Frugal is to spendthriftC.Conspicuous is to obviousD.Thoughtful is to thought-provokingE.Affluent is to abundant29.Pleased is to overjoyed asA.Dirty is to squalidB.Thrilled is to happyC.Determined is to decidedD.Perceptive is to unawareE.Agile is to awkward30.Punitive is to punishment asA.Spatial is to measurementB.Exhausted is to sleepC.Perplexed is to answer Complimentary is to praiseAgog is to fear。
SSAT考试真题高频词汇jeer to make fun ofjest to jokeparody a humorous imitationrecreation something done for him, a hobby or game skit a short comic scenelet’s get togetheradjunct an accessory, something added oncoalesce to come togethercongeal to thicken, or change from liquid to solid consensus an agreementcontiguous lying side-by-sidefission a splitting apartfusion a joining togetherintegrate to bring together and make whole juxtapose to place side by sidepact a formal agreement between two countries rendezvous a meeting, usual secretmake it officialabdicate to give up poweraccord to be in agreementallege to declare that something is true without proofassess to evaluate or determine the worth of condone to forgive or to disregard an offense conventional traditional, ordinarycounsel to advisedebunk to prove falsedecree an order or commandinquiry a request for instructionratify to approve, usually a lawsustain to supporthard to handleambiguous unclearamorphous without shapeegress exitepoch a period of timeintangible not able to be touched or senseditinerant nomadic, constantly movingkinetic movingobscure hidden or dark, hard to seepolymorphous having many shapesprolific fertile, very productiveremote far away, distantscull a small rowboat or an oar for a rowboatsporadic having no pattern or order surrogate a substitutevariegated having many parts or colors writhe to twistthe perfect mateakin related to or alikealtruistic doing good for others amiable friendly, good-natures aspirant someone searching for something astute sharp, shrewdbenevolence goodnesscongenial agreeableequivalent equalextol to praiseplacate to quiet down, appeaseyou don’t want to know this guyaloof keeping a distanceanimosity hostilitybanal unoriginal and boring belligerent hostile, warlike browbeat to intimatecholeric irritatedebilitating weakening, harmfuldeficient lacking an essential partgarrulous overly talkativeincompetent not able to do something properlyinsipid lacking interest, dull, boringinsolent disrespectful, rudeirate enragednotorious known widely and unfavorablyostentatious showy, pretentiouspedantic overly scholarly, boringprofane to abuse or put to ill usepugnacious hostileravenous extremely hungryrecalcitrant disobedient, stubbornsanctimonious acting morally superior, holier-than-thou warlock a male witcha bad sceneabyss a deep narrow pitadverse unfavorable, opposed, going against aggravate to make worseassailable vulnerablebarrage a floodbrig the prison of a shipcorpulent excessively overweightfounder to sinkhovel a shackimpasse a deadlock, a point at which one can go no further indictment the situation of having been charges with a crime insinuation a sneaky suggestion of something badmar to spoil, to marknull zero valuequiver a portable container for arrowsplight a bad situation ,a predicamentrepudiate to put down, to renouncerue to regretruse a clever tricksedate to clam, especially by using of a drugslander a false and mean-spirited statement meant to injure someone superfluous more than what is required or neededsimply perfectbenign harmlessclarity clearnessdeft skillfulexquisite beautifully made or designedimmaculate perfectly clean, free from dirt or stain meticulous careful, paying attention to detailspious deeply religiousrobust healthytime to make a speechilluminate to light up or make clearimply to express indirectlylament to express grief for, mournreminiscence a memory, the act of recalling the past just under the surfacedormant temporarily inactive, asleeperadicate to erase or get rid ofexcavate to dig upfundamental as essential part, basicinnate possessed at birth, not learnedmerge to blend togetherhardworkingadept very skilledfacet an aspect of somethingingenuity innovation, creativityinscribe to write or etch words on or into a surfacenovice a beginnerprocure to obtaintenacious holding firmly, especially to a belief, stubborn toil hard work, or to work hardvend to sellvigor strength, energywane to decrease in size or strengthnice attitudeadmiring regarding with approval or respect ambivalence having opposing or mixed feelings analytical intending to understand the nature of something biased favoring one side or opinion over anotherbrash boldcautious carefuldubious doubtfulironic the use of words to express an unintended or contradictory meaningjubilant overly joyfulobjective not influenced by personal opinion, just the facts sarcastic the use of witty language used to insult or show displeasureskeptical doubtfulsomber overly serious, dark or gloomysubjective influenced by personal opinion, biased temperament your use mood or behavior。
SSAT练习题一、词汇部分1. 选择最恰当的词填空:A. abruptB. sereneC. tumultuousThe ________ lake was a perfect place for meditation after the ________ events of the day.2. 下列词语中,与“gregarious”意思相近的是:A. solitaryB. introvertedC. sociableA. generousB. stingyC. benevolent二、数学部分1. 若 a = 3,b = 5,则a² + b² 的值为:2. 一个长方形的长是10厘米,宽是6厘米,求其面积。
A. 27B. 29C. 35三、阅读理解部分在古代,人们相信地球是平的。
下列哪项陈述是正确的?A. 古代人认为地球是圆的。
B. 科学家们通过观察和实验证明了地球是平的。
C. 地球是一个近似球形的星球。
A. 愁眉苦脸B. 心旷神怡C. 忐忑不安四、写作部分春天、校园、花开、阳光2. 请以“我的梦想”为题,写一篇不少于100字的短文。
五、语法部分1. 下列句子中,哪个句子的语法是正确的?A. 他每天早上六点起床,然后去跑步。
B. 他每天早上六点起床,然后去跑步的。
C. 他每天早上六点起床,然后跑步。
A. so thatB. such asC. in order toI need a pen ________ to write a letter.六、逻辑推理部分A. Tom 不是猫B. 所有的猫都像Tom一样不怕水C. Tom 是猫,但这是个例外2. 下列哪个选项是正确的逻辑推理?A. 所有的学生都穿校服,小明穿校服,所以小明是学生。
ssat词汇练习题一、词义辨析题1. He displayed __________ while facing numerous challenges in his career.(A) persistence (B) indulgence (C) leniency (D) vulnerability2. The new policy will undoubtedly _________ the company's profits.(A) enhance (B) disrupt (C) moderate (D) trivialize3. The audience erupted in _________ applause after the breathtaking performance.(A) tentative (B) resounding (C) reluctant (D) frivolous4. The athlete demonstrated incredible _________ in the final moments of the race.(A) stamina (B) deprecation (C) apprehension (D) pessimism5. The professor _________ the students' hard work and dedication to the subject.(A) acknowledged (B) neglected (C) criticized (D) prohibited二、词汇填空题Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the options below:(A) arduous (B) detrimental (C) alleviate (D) diligent (E) prolonged1. The team faced an __________ journey to reach the mountain's summit.2. Regular exercise can __________ the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle.3. The student's __________ study habits led to impressive academic achievements.4. The __________ heatwave caused discomfort for many residents.5. The government implemented measures to __________ the impact of the economic crisis.三、词组搭配题Match the words in column A with their corresponding meanings in column B:Column A Column B1. mitigate (A) to give up or renounce2. articulate (B) to express clearly and effectively3. relinquish (C) to gradually disappear or fade away4. dwindle (D) to lessen or reduce the severity or intensity5. alleviate (E) to make easier or more bearable四、同义词替换题Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined word in each sentence:1. The attorney provided a comprehensive analysis of the legal case.(A) exhaustive (B) limited (C) superficial (D) ambiguous2. The company experienced a decline in sales due to increased competition.(A) surge (B) resumption (C) downturn (D) stability3. The film adaptation accurately portrays the events described in the book.(A) mimics (B) distorts (C) neglects (D) differs4. The experiment yielded consistent results, confirming the hypothesis.(A) erratic (B) similar (C) uncertain (D) variable5. The young artist's talent is evident from her captivating paintings.(A) obscure (B) mundane (C) striking (D) trivial五、词型转换题Complete the sentence by using the correct form of the word in brackets:1. The __________ (persist) of the rain led to the cancellation of the outdoor event.2. The principal __________ (announce) the new school policies during the assembly.3. The jury reached a __________ (unanimous) decision regarding the defendant's guilt.4. The construction company __________ (prioritize) worker safety above all else.5. The novel's protagonist undergoes a __________ (transform) journey of self-discovery.六、语法填空题Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words or phrases to complete the passage:Dear Students,I am writing to inform you about the upcoming school __________ (event). We will be hosting a talent show on __________ (date) in the school auditorium. This event is open to all students, and we encourage__________ (participate). Whether you enjoy singing, dancing, playing__________ (instrument), or any other form of talent, we welcome__________ (show) off your skills and creativity.Please sign up at the school office if you are interested in __________ (take) part in the talent show. We will be holding auditions on __________ (date) to determine the final lineup. If you have any questions or__________ (concern), feel free to contact __________ (we) for further information.We look forward to __________ (see) the incredible talent that our students possess. Let's make this event a memorable __________ (one)!Sincerely,The School Event Committee七、问答题Answer the following questions based on the given passage:Passage:"Climate change is a pressing global issue that requires immediate attention. Rising temperatures, melting polar ice caps, and extreme weather events are just some of the consequences we are already witnessing. It is crucial for individuals, communities, and governments to take action and implement sustainable practices to mitigate the effects of climate change."Questions:1. What are some of the consequences of climate change mentioned in the passage?2. Who needs to take action to address the issue of climate change?3. Why is it important to implement sustainable practices?4. How can individuals contribute to mitigating the effects of climate change?5. What is the overall message of the passage?八、写作题Write a brief paragraph discussing your opinion about the importance of learning vocabulary for academic success. Provide examples or reasons to support your viewpoint.注意事项:1. 正文回复要紧扣题目内容,语句通顺流畅。
ssat考试题及答案1. 阅读下列句子,并选择最符合句子意思的同义词组。
句子:The ancient city was renowned for its exquisite architecture and rich cultural heritage.A. famous, oldB. well-known, ancientC. notorious, oldD. obscure, ancient答案:B. well-known, ancient2. 完成填空题:在空格处填入正确的词汇,使句子完整且意义正确。
句子:Despite the _______ weather, the hikers decided to continue their journey.A. pleasantB. inclementC. mildD. warm答案:B. inclement3. 选择下列句子中使用最恰当的词汇。
句子:The professor's lecture was so _______ that it left the audience in awe.A. monotonousB. captivatingC. tediousD. uninteresting答案:B. captivating4. 根据所给信息,选择正确的数学表达式。
信息:If x + 3 = 7, then what is the value of x?A. x = 7 - 3B. x = 3 + 7C. x = 3 - 7D. x = 7 + 3答案:A. x = 7 - 35. 阅读以下段落,并回答问题。
段落:In the heart of the city, there stands a magnificent library that has been a beacon of knowledge for decades. Itis not just a place where books are stored; it is a sanctuary for the intellectually curious.问题:What is the primary function of the library described in the paragraph?A. A place for social gatheringsB. A storage facility for booksC. A sanctuary for the intellectually curiousD. A historical landmark答案:C. A sanctuary for the intellectually curious6. 解决以下数学问题,并选择正确答案。
Verbal(M)ⅠSynonym1.MALICEA.cunningB.forethoughtC.spiteD.benevolenceE.premeditation2.MENDICANTA.pharmacistB.beggarC.epoxyD.bandageE.soporific3.MINUTEA.trivialB.speedC.notesD.weaponryE.ammunition4.MALICIOUSA.odorousB.spitefulC.inedibleD.atypicalE.hungry5.MUNDANEA.stupidB.extraordinaryC.weeklyD.immensemon6.MANEUVERA.convergeB.avoidanceC.deviateD.contrivanceE.turn7.MARA.planetB.spoilC.scratchD.coverE.injure 8.MEAGERA.paltryB.stuntedC.timidD.sloppyE.frigid9.MOURNA.repleteB.whimperC.argueD.disapproveE.grieve10.MALCONTENTA.sicklyB.troublesomeC.dissatisfiedD.maliciousE.foolhardy11.MERITA.deserveB.requireC.necissitateD.pardonE.base12.MeanderA.manageB.exerciseC.reviewD.wanderE.deleteⅡAnalogy1.Menu is to dinner as catalog is toA.cashierB.orderC.sellerD.purchaseE.shopperliliter is to quart asA.pound is to gramlimeter is to yardC.inch is to yardD.pint is to yardE.foot is to yard3.Modesty is to arrogance asA.debility is to strengthB.cause is to purposeC.hate is to is to staminaE.agility is to stamina4.Mentor is to prefessor asA.advisor is to counselorB.child is to parentC.learning is to teacherD.mental is to physicalE.tooth is to dentist5.Monsoon is to rain asA.hurricane is to destructionB.tornado is to windC.sun is to springD.famine is to droughtE.morning is to dew6.Meager is to abuandant asA.slender is to skinnyB.rare is to mediumC.feeble is to richD.decrepit is to robustE.weak is to slow7.Morose is to cheerful asA.clean is to hyperactiveB.happy is to ecstaticC.hygienic is to contaminatedD.mud is to dirtE.subtle is to torpid8.Modest is to vanity as innocent is toA.happinessB.reasonC.fearD.guiltE.purity9.Monday is to Thursday asA.February is to MayB.eight is to sixC.March is to MayD.12:00 is to 09:00E.first is to third10.Map is to land asA.negative is to is to filmC.diagram is to machineD.crayon is to paintE.lens is to glasses11.Movement is to symphony asA.act is to playB.exercise is to conditioningC.recipe is to cookbookD.wedge is to pieE.segment is to orange12.Money is to tree as Euro is toA.bushB.grassC.cranberyD.stalkE.elm13.Mountain is to valley asA.basement is to roofB.genius is to idiotC.temperate is to tropicalD.tall is to flatE.slim is to short14.May is to July asA.April is to AugustB.February is to JuneC.October is to DecemberD.January is to NovemberE.March is to September15.Morgue is to corpse asA.refrigerator is to jarB.library is to is to nurseD.warehouse is to is to pew16.Monarch is to migrate asA.girzzly is to hibernateB.king is to travelC.salmon is to spawnD.kangaroo is to rangeE.squirrel is to climb。
ssat verbal 词汇真题附带答案
TEST1 SECTION 4 VERBAL SKILLS1. MALICE(A) cunning(B) forethought(C) spite(D) benevolence(E) premeditation2. WAN(A) single(B) lonely(C) sanguine(D) pale(E) individual3. BLATANT(A) obvious(B) fragrant(C) odious(D) airy(E) subtle4. DETER(A) alternate(B) beget(C) curve(D) discourage(E) encourage 5. CONCUR(A) agree(B) refer(C) breed(D) race(E) study6. OATH(A) vow(B) fool(C) grain(D) vessel(E) disagreement7. CONTEMPORARY(A) tardy(B) rapid(C) lengthy(D) angry(E) modern8. CREDULOUS(A) gullible(B) nervous(C) skittish(D) outraged(E) impossible9.ARDOR(A) passion(B) disinterest(C) closet(D) difficulty(E) list10. APPARATUS(A) magic(B) alert(C) awake(D) device(E) mistake11. HOAX(A) conflagration(B) falsification(C) imagination(D) peregrination(E) elation12. OSTRACIZE(A) blend(B) fold(C) exhaust(D) enlarge(E) exclude13. PERUSE(A) drive(B) utilize(C) know(D) read(E) understand14. ELUCIDATE(A) confuse(B) speak(C) escape(D) make clear(E) take care 15. MENDICANT(A) pharmacist(B) beggar(C) epoxy(D) bandage(E) soporific16. HAUGHTY(A) arrogant(B) uninterested(C) humble(D) attractive(E) bored17. SMITE(A) strike(B) defend(C) burn(D) sneer(E) grin18. DORMANT(A) inactive(B) exuberant(C) collegial(D) clean(E) friendly19. INCITE(A) rouse(B) cut(C) bite(D) burn(E) illustrate20. ZENITH(A) appliance(B) constellation(C) negative(D) summit(E) nadir21. JOVIAL(A) happy(B) plump(C) lugubrious(D) slow(E) large22. LEXICON(A) route(B) waterway(C) river(D) dictionary(E) enclosure23. CHAFF(A) beverage(B) companion(C) irritation(D) waste(E) annoyance24. RAZE(A) fortify(B) build(C) elevate(D) shave(E) tear down25. PERNICIOUS(A) intelligent(B) harmless(C) false(D) harmful(E) entertaining 26. MINUTIAE(A) trivia(B) speed(C) notes(D) weaponry(E) ammunition27. PREHENSILE(A) understanding(B) grasping(C) primitive(D) antediluvian(E) condescending28. REPUGNANT(A) offensive(B) small(C) hardy(D) copied(E) compact29. TACITURN(A) alien(B) ubiquitous(C) avian(D) melodious(E) silent30. ABJURE(A) announce(B) rule(C) judge(D) renounce(E) balance31. Nose is to face as finger is to_______.(A) foot(B) hand(C) ear(D) head(E) ring32. Bark is to tree as _______.(A) grass is to seed(B) peel is to banana(C) body is to skin(D) core is to apple(E) coat is to pants33. Flag is to country as_______.(A) document is to nation(B) cloth is to uniform(C) comma is to pause(D) state is to union(E) president is to coin34. Fork is to eat as _______.(A) pencil is to paper(B) pen is to write(C) ink is to fill(D) teacher is to instruct(E) spoon is to soup35. Epic is to haiku as _______.(A) mural is to painting(B) symphony is to song(C) sketch is to still life(D) novel is to book(E) drop is to pond 36. Cap is to baseball as helmet is to_______.(A) soccer(B) tennis(C) cycling(D) golf(E) head37. Butterfly is to insect as_______.(A) grasshopper is to cricket(B) cardinal is to bird(C) ant is to sparrow(D) worm is to robin(E) bee is to hummingbird38. Idle is to employed as .(A) graceful is to clumsy(B) petite is to small(C) elegant is to formal(D) engine is to truck(E) worker is to job39. Noise is to irritate as_______.(A) music is to calm(B) cacophony is to appease(C) singing is to singer(D) speech is to text(E) sound is to wave40. Picture is to representation as_______.(A) goat is to sheep(B) mineral is to water(C) painting is to sculpture(D) apple is to orange(E) perfume is to fragrance41. Surgery is to hospital as_______.(A) illness is to infection(B) slippers is to ballet(C) lessons is to school(D) dormitory is to students(E) doctor is to office42. Bush is to shrub as_______.(A) car is to automobile(B) tree is to flower(C) bud is to vase(D) fruit is to vegetable(E) stalk is to corn43. Greet is to salute as _______.(A) hello is to goodbye(B) army is to navy(C) wag is to tail(D) suit is to tic(E) dress is to evening gown44. Escape is to confinement as _______.(A) pursue is to safety(B) sing is to choir(C) eat is to buffet(D) educate is to school(E) run is to danger45. Perspiration is to nervousness as_______.(A) heat is to weather(B) stress is to articulation(C) caffeine is to coffee(D) shivering is to cold(E) sweat is to water46. Corporal is to sergeant as joey isto_______.(A) gosling(B) penguin (C) Josephine(D) emu(E) kangaroo47. Funny is to hilarious as_______.(A) amusing is to joke(B) safe is to dangerous(C) hot is to sweltering(D) helpful is to courteous(E) terrifying is to scary48. Library is to books as_______.(A) CD is to cassettes(B) ice is to freezer(C) computer is to circuits(D) can is to carton(E) tiger is to forest49. Car is to key as television is to_______.(A) outlet(B) sound(C) remote control(D) cabinet(E) sound50. Rain is to umbrella as draft isto_______.(A) wind(B) cold(C) thirst(D) door(E) military51. Impressive is to inspiring as derogatory is to_______.(A) critical(B) praiseworthy(C) positive(D) elevating(E) dismal52. Roof is to house as head is to_______.(A) thought(B) body(C) brain (D) foot(E) attic53. Glorious is to exalted as______.(A) esteemed is to serious(B) trivial is to unimportant(C) fatal is to mortal(D) insufferable is to kindly(E) tired is to vigilant54. Meager is to abundant as_______.(A) slender is to skinny(B) rare is to medium(C) feeble is to rich(D) decrepit is to robust(E) weak is to slow55. Period is to exclamation pointas_______.(A) whale is to fish(B) turtle is to tortoise(C) elephant is to pachyderm(D) glance is to stare(E) comma is to quotation marks56. Gem is to stone as_______.(A) opal is to jade(B) granite is to shale(C) pearl is to price(D) diamond is to mine(E) jewel is to rock57. Destitute is to money as_______.(A) change is to coins(B) poor is to housing(C) confident is to doubt(D) nonplussed is to extravagance(E) putrid is to rot58. Sign is to sing as_______.(A) hand is to heart(B) song is to mouth (C) applause is to shout(D) stop is to pots(E) rasp is to raps59. Morose is to cheerful as_______.(A) clean is to hyperactive(B) happy is to ecstatic(C) hygienic is to contaminated(D) mud is to dirt(E) subtle is to torpid60. Clue is to solution as_______.(A) period is to sentence(B) question is to resume(C) map is to vacation(D) signpost is to destination(E) obesity is to eatingVerbal CDADAAEAADBEDDBAAAADADDEDABAEDBBC B B C B A A E C A E EDE C C E D A B B D D E C E C D。
考博英语(词汇)历年真题试卷汇编25(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Structure and V ocabularyStructure and V ocabulary1.These machines have raised______ many times.A.proficiencyB.frequencyC.efficiencyD.effect正确答案:C解析:efficiency n.效率;功效(如:to increase efficiency.She admired his efficiency.)。
proficiency n.熟练,精通。
frequency n.次数,频繁;频率,出现率。
effect n.结果;效果,作用,影响。
2.The town planning commission said that their financial outlook for the next year was optimistic. They expect increased tax ______. (2013年北京航空大学考博试题)A.efficiencyB.revenuesC.privilegesD.validity正确答案:A解析:本题考查单词词义。
course of action意为“行动方针”,A项符合题意。
3.You should hire a more ______ manager than the one you currently have.A.sufficientB.effectiveC.respectiveD.efficient正确答案:D解析:efficient a.效率高的,有能力的。
sufficient a.足够的,充分的。
effective a.有效的,效力高的;(规章)生效的。
ssat真题 4
SECTION 11. SHAME(A) grief(B) anguish(C) suffering(D) remorse(E) humiliation2. TELL(A) censure(B) preclude(C) dissuade(D) divulge(E) contrive3. CONCISE(A) clever(B) brief(C) small(D) exclusive(E) subdued 4. INQUIRY(A) testimony(B) subpoena(C) investigation(D) verification(E) statement5. ATTITUDE(A) disposition(B) dissension(C) charisma(D) exemption(E) dispensation6. TEDIOUSLY(A) tremendously(B) delicately(C) relentlessly(D) fearlessly(E) tiresomely7. DEPLETE(A) deride(B) reduce(C) deprecate(D) discredit(E) elicit8. CAUTIOUS(A) discreet(B) anxious(C) startled(D) seared(E) stricken9. SPARSE(A) spatial(B) thin(C) spastic(D) vivid(E) lifeless10. AVERSION(A) model(B) portrayal(C) dislike(D) history(E) arrangement11. BENEFACTOR(A) composer(B) contributor(C) agent(D) connoisseur(E) demagogue12. DORMANT(A) inactive(B) restful(C) covert(D) durable(E) arbitrary13. MALCONTENT(A) sickly(B) troublesome(C) dissatisfied(D) malicious(E) foolhardy 14. SATISFY(A) please(B) appease(C) consume(D) imbibe(E) dissipate15. MERIT(A) deserve(B) require(C) necessitate(D) pardon(E) base16. PROMINENT(A) excellent(B) accomplished(C) admirable(D) extensive(E) conspicuous17. OBJECTIVE(A) interest(B) forbearance(C) observation(D) concern(E) intention18. BREACH(A) admission(B) representation(C) felony(D) violation(E) security19. LAMENT(A) remark(B) acknowledge(C) regret(D) explain(E) declare20. RECTIFY(A) start(B) give(C) examine(D) fix(E) advance21. SUBMERGE(A) submit(B) subscribe(C) immerse(D) subsist(E) clarify22. PERMANENT(A) historical(B) indelible(C) delectable(D) permissive(E) conspicuous23. ABYSS(A) island(B) chamber(C) niche(D) hole(E) division24. ORDER:(A) imbroglio(B) judgment(C) decree(D) appraisal(E) verdict25. SHREWD(A) poignant(B) astute(C) copious(D) specious(E) tactile 26. CLANDESTINE(A) secret(B) criminal(C) familiar(D) apprehensive(E) disgraceful27. COERCE(A) twist(B) mislead(C) perceive(D) chastise(E) compel28. DILATE(A) embellish(B) impede(C) deflate(D) enlarge(E) prevent29. INANE(A) ridiculous(B) deficient(C) practical(D) cumbersome(E) indulgent30. PLETHORA(A) quandary(B) resonance(C) excess(D) separation(E) veneer31. Insult is to compliment as(A) puzzle is to vex(B) difficulty is to enjoy(C) brood is to worry(D) assure is to console(E) please is to annoy32. Wolf is to pack as(A) lamb is to sheep(B) kitten is to mother(C) goose is to gaggle(D) school is to fish(E) cattle is to herd33. Announce is to inform as(A) dig is to hole(B) fold is to box(C) finger is to point(D) wrap is to conceal(E) water is to extinguish34. Shovel is to dig as(A) launch is to rocket(B) blade is to cut(C) sneeze is to cold(D) eye is to blink(E) bowling is to ball35. Liter is to volume as(A) gram is to mass(B) ounce is to pound(C) centimeter is to kilometer(D) inches is to ruler(E) radius is to diameter 36. Tourist is to sightseeing as analyst is to(A) traveling(B) curing(C) ruins(D) science(E) examining37. Whisper is to scream as(A) holler is to yell(B) calm is to water(C) pester is to bother(D) glance is to stare(E) carry is to gather38. Rock is to quarry as(A) rust is to iron(B) coal is to mine(C) pan is to gold(D) metal is to alloy(E) water is to ice39. Spider is to web as(A) teller is to Sank(B) bird is to nest(C) horse is to track(D) pasture is to cow(E) school is to student40. Seat is to steering wheel as handle baris to(A) hand(B) steer(C) rider(D) bike(E) brake41. Drive is to street as(A) walk is to path(B) run is to school(C) eat is to snack(D) fly is to bird(E) study is to book42. Mile is to distance as minute is to(A) rate(B) quickness(C) time(D) hour(E) speed43. Kick is to foot as(A) back is to float(B) swim is to arms(C) chew is to mouth(D) grind is to mill(E) content is to book44. Feed is to nourish as(A) trap is to bury(B) giggle is to laugh(C) travel is to skate(D) water is to hydrate(E) throw is to fetch45. Plum is to prune as(A) pear is to pineapple(B) hen is to rooster(C) cream is to milk(D) corn is to pop(E) grape is to raisin46. Maple tree is to syrup as(A) coffee is to bean(B) orange is to juice(C) seed is to grass(D) chip is to chocolate(E) wheat is to bread47. Envious is to jealous as(A) melancholic is to mournful(B) distressed is to dismayed(C) entertained is to amused(D) happy is to joyful(E) sorry is to regretful 48. Knitter is to needles as(A) teacher is to test(B) diver is to ocean(C) chef is to apron t '(D) singer is to recording(E) boxer is to gloves49. Claw is to cat as(A) tail is to donkey(B) shell is to turtle(C) fang is to snake(D) talon is to eagle(E) hand is to clock50. Surprise is to startle(A) choose is to grab(B) inflate is to breathe(C) destroy is to ruin(D) need is to want(E) mix is to bake51. Scene is to play as(A) stage is to screen(B) projector is to movie(C) car is to engine(D) chapter is to book(E) award is to actor52. Aquatic is to water as terrestrial is to(A) outer space(B) island(C) rocket(D) land(E) planet53. Passenger is to bus as(A) cargo is to ship(B) pilot is to plane(C) bicycle is to motorist(D) motor is to boat(E) freight is to rail54. Seed is to rind as(A) socket is to plug(B) bark is to branch(C) spark is to light(D) knob is to door(E) propeller is to plane55. Malign is to disparage as(A) elate is to enjoy(B) irritate is to bother(C) emulate is to deprecate(D) ask is to say(E) ponder is to worry56. Shoreline is to ocean as(A) horizon is to sunrise(B) wave is to water(C) lake is to river(D) current is to tide(E) border is to country57. Shark is to hammerhead as bear is to(A) arctic(B) cub(C) moose(D) polar(E) paw 58. Sociologist is to behavior as(A) ballerina is to slipper(B) writer is to computer(C) zoologist is to tree(D) chef is to meal(E) archaeologist is to artifact59. Hold is to grip as(A) jump is to bounce(B) jog is to sprint(C) drive is to fast(D) speak is to tell(E) talk is to speech60. Player is to team as(A) guide is to tour(B) membership is to club(C) actor is to cast(D) herd is to pack(E) principal is to schoolSECTION 21. Louisa went to the grocery store and bought a package of hamburger patties for S6.16, apackage of buns for $2.10, a container of mustard for $1.78, a jar of relish for $2.16, anda bag of charcoal for $5.35. What was her total bill?(A) $12.64(B) $14.74(C) $16.15(D) $17.55(E) $19.652. A teacher has assigned 315 pages of reading. If Jessica starts reading on Monday andreads 65 pages each day, on what day will she complete the assignment?(A) Wednesday(B) Thursday(C) Friday(D) Saturday(E) Sunday3. Renee deposits $4,000 in a saving account that earns 2% simple interest per year. Howmuch interest will she earn after 2 years?(A) $100(B) $160(C) $165(D) $180(E) $1954. Rachel flies 2,880 miles in 9 hours. What is the average speed of her airplane?(A) 285 miles/hour(B) 315 miles/hour(C) 320 miles/hour(D) 340 miles/hour(E) 355 miles/hour5. An acute angle is an angle that measures(A) exactly 90°(B) greater than 90°(C) less than 90°(D) exactly 120°(E) more than 120°6. A1 has 3 times as much money as Bill. Bill has 2 times as much money as Charlie. If Charlie has $12.55, how much money does A1 have?(A) $33.75(B) $75.30(C) $82.20(D) $88.35(E) $96.407. Alex's car gets an average of 26 miles per gallon of gas on the highway. If he drives 858 miles, how many gallons of gas will he use?(A) 33 gallons(B) 57 gallons(C) 78 gallons(D) 84 gallons(E) 92 gallons8. In the figure shown, the two outer rays form a right angle. If angle 1 measures 65°, what isthe measure of angle 2?(A) 120°(B) 90°(C) 60°(D) 35°(E) 25°9. Will has $12,444.12 in his checking account. He writes checks for $8,204.94 and $890.99.How much is left in Will's account?(A) S989.65(B) $2,259.30(C) $2,867.30(D) $2,945.60(E) $3,348.1910. P aula is 3 years older than Lindsey, who is 2 years younger than Dave. If Paula is 17, howold is Dave?(A) 16(B) 17(C) 19(D) 21(E) 2311. In a recent election. Rebecca received 14% of the votes. If 7,000 votes were cast, howmany votes did Rebecca receive?(A) 680(B) 980(C) 1,080(D) 1,220(E) 1,46012. In the figure shown, if angle 2 measures 45°, what is the measure of angle 4?(A) 135°(B) 75°(C) 45°(D) 35°(E) 25°13. If 1/4 of a number is 12, then 1/6 of the same number is(A) 16(B) 15(C) 12(D) 9(E) 814. Figure WXYZ is a parallelogram. Which of the following is NOT necessarily true?(A) Side WX is parallel to side ZY.(B) Side XY is parallel to side WZ.(C) ∠W has the same measure as ∠Y.(D) Side WX is the same length as side XY.(E) ∠X has the same measure as ∠Z.15. Renee wants to carpet her living room. The rectangular room measures 15 feet ×18feet. How many square yards of carpet must Renee purchase?(A) 20yd2(B) 30yd2(C) 32yd2(D) 35yd2(E) 40yd216. In an equilateral triangle, what is the measure of each angle?(A) 30°(B) 45°(C) 60°(D) 90°(E) 110°17. Last month, the librarian at a certain library kept track of all books checked out. Thegraph below shows the results by type of book. Which type of book was checked out least?(A) Mysteries (B) Science fiction (C) Travel (D) Nonfiction (E) Sports18. If 9 + 3 + ______ = 8 + 6 + 4, then ___ = (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) 619. 2 x 3 x 5 x 6 is equal to the product of 30 and (A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 9 (E) 1120. Which of the following is NOT equal to a whole number? (A)205(B) 5×34(C) 6÷16 (D)35×10(E) 7 + 521. 4 3/10% = (A) 43 (B) 4.3 (C) 0.43 (D) 0.043 (E) 0.004322. It costs d dollars to buy 6 chocolate bars. At the same rate, how many dollars will it costto buy 15 chocolate bars? (A) 2.5d (B) 25d (C) 2d 5 (D) 5d 2(E)250d23. In the triangle shown, ∠ACB measures 55° and ∠CAB measures 65°. What is the measure of ∠CBA ?(A) 50°(B) 60°(C) 80°(D) 90°(E) 110°24. There are 15 black marbles and 10 white marbles in a bag. If you pick a marble from the bag without looking, what are your chances of picking a white marble?(A)125 (B) 325 (C) 25 (D) 35 (E) 4525. 3/4 – 5/12 =(A)112 (B) 312 (C) 13 (D) 23 (E) 34SECTION 3At the Thirteenth Annual Convention of the National Negro Business League in 1912, no women were included on the schedule of speakers. Madam C. J. Walker, a highly successful inventor and distributor of hair care products for African-5 American women, shocked the participants whenshe walked up and claimed the podium frommoderator Booker T. Washington:“Surely you are not going to shut the doorin my face. I feel that I am in a business that is10a credit to the womanhood of our race. I am awoman who started in business seven years agowith only $1.50. This year (up to the 19th day ofthis month...) I had taken in $18,000. (Prolongedapplause.) This makes a grand total of $63,049 15made in my hair business in Indianapolis.(Applause.) I have been trying to get before youbusiness people to tell you what I am doing. I ama woman that came from the cotton fields of theSouth; I was promoted from there to the wash- 20tub (laughter); then I was promoted to the cookkitchen, and from there I promoted myself intothe business of manufacturing hair goods andpreparations... I am not ashamed of my past; I amnot ashamed of my humble beginning. Don't25think that because you have to go down in thewash-tub that you are any less a lady! (Prolongedapplause.)”1. The purpose of Madam Walker's speech was to(A) demonstrate her hair products to the league(B) lash out at Booker T. Washington for ignoring her(C) make the members of the league take notice of her business success(D) influence the members of the league to admit more women(E) encourage black women to go into business for themselves2. As reflected in her speech. Madam Walker^ attitude is best described as(A) envious(B) proud(C) reverent(D) cautious(E) fearful3. The reaction of the members of the league to Madam Walker's speech can be describedas(A) indifferent(B) angry(C) sad(D) favorable(E) critical4. The reference to her promotion from the cotton fields to the wash-tub to the cook kitchen is used to(A) show how far she has come(B) establish a connection with her audience(C) suggest that hard work is not ladylike(D) debunk a myth about African-American women(E) make people feel sorry for her5. What does Madam Walker means when she says, “Don't think that because you have togo down in the wash-tub that you are any less a lady” (lines 25-27)?(A) Ladies should not have to scrub and cook.(B) Getting down on your knees to scrub is hard work for a lady.(C) It is not ladylike to work with your hands.(D) Very few ladies get ahead in the business world.(E) There is nothing demeaning about hard work.On March 20,1980, a series of small earthquakes signaled the awakening of Mount St. Helens froma 123-year slumber. Over the next two monthsmore than 10,000 earthquakes followed as magmamoved into the volcano, wedging the volcano5apart at a rate of five feet per day. Heat from arising plume of volcanic ash melted glacial icecreating cement-like slurries of rock and ash calledmudflows. 'Superheated avalanches of hot gas,magma caused a visible swelling of the volcano's10north flank creating a feature that scientists called“the bulge.”Many geologists weren't surprised by Mount St. Helens’ awakening. In the 1950s, geologistshad begun an extensive study of the deposits15around Mount St. Helens. In 1975, they publisheda report predicting that Mount St Helens was thevolcano in the lower 48 states most likely to eruptby the end of the century.On the morning of May 18,1980, a magnitude 205.1 earthquake triggered the collapse of thesummit and north flank of Mount St. Helens andformed the largest landslide in recorded history.Gas-rich magma and super-heated groundwatertrapped inside the volcano were suddenly released 25in a powerful lateral blast. In less than threeminutes, 230 square miles of forest lay flattened.The hot gas and magma melted the snow and icethat covered the volcano. The resulting floodwatermixed with the rock and debris to create30concrete-like mudflows that scoured river valleys,surrounding the mountain.A plume of volcanic ash and pumice billowedout of the volcano reaching a height of 15 milesand transformed day into night across Eastern35Washington. Avalanches of super-heated gas andpumice, called pyroclastic flows, swept down theflanks of the volcano. While the landslide andlateral blast were over within minutes, theeruption column, mudflows and pyroclastic flows 40continued throughout the day and followingnight. By the following morning major eruptiveactivity had ceased and the landscape appearedto be a gray wasteland.6. The primary purpose of this passage is to(A) offer general information about volcanoes(B) describe a specific volcanic eruption(C) offer specific advice about what to do when a volcano erupts(D) provide historical background about volcanoes(E) appeal for action to protect the environment7. The first sentence implies that(A) Mount St Helens had never before erupted(B) Mount St. Helens erupts every. 123 years(C) Mount St. Helens last erupted in 1857(D) no records exist for eruptions that occurred more than 123 years ago(E) no one suspected that Mount St. Helens could erupt8. As used in line 7, “rising” most nearly means(A) growing(B) maturing(C) approaching(D) ascending(E) advancing9. The statement that “Many geologists weren’t surprised by Mount St. Helens’ awakening,’’(lines 13-14) primarily suggests that(A) geologists were able to predict when Mount St. Helens would erupt(B) the assumptions geologists had made about Mount St. Helens were being proven(C) the longer a volcano remains dormant, the more likely it is to become active(D) nothing is surprising to geologists(E) the heat rising from the volcanic ash had provided an important clue to the geologists10. The author describes the events of May 18, 1980, mainly by means of(A) scientific analysis(B) detached and impartial observation(C) vivid language and dramatic images(D) presentation of facts in chronological order(E) presentation of details in spatial order11. By calling the landscape “a gray wasteland" (line 44), the author implies that(A) the landscape was covered with a blanket of dirty snow(B) the landscape was littered with garbage and other waste matter(C) the trees were all covered with gray ash(D) the sun could not penetrate the forest(E) the landscape had been stripped bare and covered in volcanic ashIt was Paul’s afternoon to appear before the faculty of the Pittsburgh High School to accountfor his various misdemeanors. He had beensuspended a week ago, and his father had calledthe Principal’s office and confessed his perplexity5about his son. Paul entered the faculty roomsuave and smiling. His clothes were a trifle out-grown, and the tan velvet on the collar of his openovercoat was frayed and worn; but for all thatthere was something of the dandy about him, and 10he wore an opal pin in his neatly knottedblack four-in-hand, and a red carnation in hisbuttonhole. This latter adornment the facultysomehow felt was not properly significant of thecontrite spirit befitting a boy under the ban of15suspension.Paul was tall for his age and very thin,with high, cramped shoulders and a narrow chest.His eyes were remarkable for a certain hystericalbrilliancy, and he continually used them in a20conscious, theatrical sort of way, peculiarly offensive in a boy. The pupils were abnormally large, asthough he-were addicted to belladonna, but therewas a glassy glitter about them which that drugdoes not produce.25When questioned by the Principal as to why he was there Paul stated, politely enough, that hewanted to come back to school. This was a lie, butPaul was quite accustomed to lying; found it,indeed, indispensable for overcoming friction.30His teachers were asked to state their respectivecharges against him, which they did with such arancor and aggrieved ness as evinced that this wasnot a usual case! Disorder and impertinence wereamong the offenses named, yet each of his35instructors felt that it was scarcely possible to putinto words the real cause of the trouble, which layin a sort of hysterically defiant manner of theboy's; in the contempt which they all knew he feltfor them, and which he seemingly made not the40least effort to conceal. Once, when he had beenmaking a synopsis of a paragraph at the blackboard,his English teacher had stepped to his sideand attempted to guide his hand. Paul had startedback with a shudder and thrust his hands violently 45behind him. The astonished woman could scarcelyhave been more hurt and embarrassed had hestruck at her. The insult was so involuntary anddefinitely personal as to be unforgettable. In oneway and another he had made all his teachers, men 50and women alike, conscious of the same feeling ofphysical aversion. In one class he habitually satwith his hand shading his eyes; in another he alwayslooked out of the window during the recitation;in another he made a running commentary on the 55lecture, with humorous intention.一Willa Cather from “Paul’s Case: A Study inTemperament”12. This passage can best be characterized as(A) an amusing story about a high school escapade(B) a fond remembrance of the narrator's youth(C) a penetrating examination of a young man's character(D) a polite appeal for forgiveness(E) an astute description of the relationship between a father and son13. In line 10, the expression “there was something of the dandy about him” means thatPaul(A) was afraid of appearing before the faculty(B) was in need of new clothes(C) did not care how he looked(D) paid great attention to his clothes(E) was hard on his clothes14. The red carnation in Paul’s buttonhole in lines 12-13 made the faculty feel that Paul(A) did not take his suspension seriously enough(B) did not really want to come back to school(C) was trying to impress the principal(D) thought he should be forgiven(E) was sincere in his desire to improve his behavior15. In the eyes of the faculty, Paul’s most serious offense was his(A) insulting remarks made in class(B) inability to control his temper(C) failure to complete his assignments(D) obvious contempt for his teachers(E) lack of attention in class16. Which adjective best describes Paul?(A) contrite(B) funny(C) defiant(D) violent(E) embarrassed17. As used in line 33, the word “rancor” means(A) turmoil(B) bitterness(C) remorse(D) resistance(E) dismay18. In lines 45-46, Paul shuddered and threw his hands behind him because(A) his teacher had touched his hand(B) he could not answer the teacher's question(C) his teacher had hurt him(D) he was afraid of the teacher(E) he wanted to strike the teacherThe Homestead Act of 1862 has been called one the most important pieces of legislation in thehistory of the United States. Designed to spurWestern migration, the Homestead Act culminateda twenty-year battle to distribute public lands to5citizens willing to farm. Opposition to the Act camefrom Northern businessmen, who feared it wouldlower property values and reduce the supply ofcheap labor, and from Southerners, who fearedhomesteaders would add to the voices calling for 10the abolition of slavery. With Southerners out ofthe picture in 1862, the legislation finally passedand was signed into law by Abraham Lincoln.Under this Act, 270 million acres, or 10% of thearea of the United States, was claimed and settled.15A homesteader had only to be the head of ahousehold and at least 21 years of age to claima 160-acre parcel of land. Settlers from all walksof life, including newly arrived immigrants,farmers without land of their own from the East,20single women and former slaves came to meetthe challenge of “proving up” and keeping this“free land.” Homesteaders were required to liveon the land, build a home, make improvements,and farm for 5 years before they were eligible to25“prove up.” A total filing fee of $18 was the onlymoney required, but settlers paid a big price insacrifice and hard work.People interested in Homesteading first had to file their intentions at the nearest Land Office30where they paid a fee of $10 to claim the landtemporarily, and a $2 commission to the land agent.The homesteader then returned to the land tobegin the process of building a home and farmingthe land, both requirements for “proving up.”35After five years of living on and working the land,the homesteader had to find two neighbors orfriends willing to vouch for the truth of his or herstatements about the land's improvements andsign the “proof’ document. With the successful40completion of this final form and payment of a$6 fee, the homesteader received the patent(or deed) for the land, signed with the name ofthe current President of the United States.19. T he primary purpose of the passage is to(A) discuss the reasons for westward expansion in the United States(B) explain the provisions of the Homestead Act(C) point out the difficulties of homesteading(D) argue in favor of extending the Homestead Act(E) explain the importance of “proving up”20. I n line 30, “file” most nearly means(A) arrange in order(B) classify(C) sharpen(D) record(E) finish21. I n order to acquire land under the Homestead Act, claimants had to meet all of thefollowing conditions EXCEPT:(A) be a head of household(B) be at least 21 years of age(C) be a native-born U.& citizen(D) farm the land for five years(E) build a house on the land22. H ow much U.S. land was transferred to individuals under the terms of the HomesteadAct?(A) 160 acres per person(B) 320 acres per family(C) 1.6 million acres(D) 270 million acres(E) 30% of all U.S. land23. T he author calls the Homestead Act one of the most important pieces of legislation inUnited States history because it(A) helped settle the West(B) provided cheap labor(C) lowered land values(D) helped to end slavery(E) passed after a twenty year battleManatees and dugongs, also known as sea cows, belong to the scientific order Sirenia.In ancient mythology, “siren” was a term used formonsters or sea nymphs who lured sailors andtheir ships to treacherous rocks and shipwreck5with mesmerizing songs. Throughout history,sailors sometimes thought they were seeingmermaids when they were probably seeingmanatees or dugongs. With a little imagination,manatees have an uncanny resemblance to human 10form that could only increase after long monthsat sea. In fact, manatees and dugongs may havehelped to perpetuate the myth of mermaids.Like the mythological creatures for which theywere named, all sirenians living on earth today15are vulnerable to extinctionManatees and dugongs are the only completely aquatic mammals that are herbivores Unlike theother marine mammals (dolphins, whales, seals,sea lions, sea otters, walruses, and polar bears)20sirenians eat only seagrasses and other aquaticvegetation. Unlike other marine mammals,sirenians have an extremely low metabolism andzero tolerance for cold water. Like dolphins andwhales, manatees and dugongs are totally aquatic 25mammals that never leave the water—not evento give birth. The combination of these factorsmeans that sirenians are restricted to warmshallow coastal waters, estuaries, and rivers, withhealthy ecosystems that support large amounts of 30seagrass and other vegetation.The average adult manatee is about three meters (9.8 feet) long and weighs between362-544 kilograms (800-1,200 pounds). It isestimated that a manatee can eat about 10-15% 35of its body weight in vegetation daily. So, forexample, a 453-kilogram (1,000-pound) manateewould probably cat between 45-68 kilograms(100-150 pounds) of sea grass and water hyacinthsa day!40。
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1. admonition gentle warning discouragement monition
2. alleviate release cushion slacken
3. animate make a life invigorate enliven
4. annotation explanatory comment
5. aqueduct channel
6. badger harass annoy pester
7. belligerent hostile
8. clique sect faction clan
9. collateral secondary parallel security
10. concede yield
11. constrict tighten compact squeeze
12. denigrate minimize belittle derogate
13. destitution poverty indigence impoverishment
14. divulge reveal unwrap bring out
15. doleful joyless
16. elude escape
17. eminent famous
18. epilogue concluding paragraph continuation appendix
19. facet side aspect smooth surface
20. frugal thrifty submissive complaisance
21. hyperbole exaggerated word
22. implicate involve
23. impoverished poor
24. innuendo sly suggestion insinuation hint
25. jaunt short journey trip travel
26. judicious wise heady prudent
27. laudatory
28. literal actual genuine real
29. meditation thought contemplation speculation
30. motif thesis
31. natal referring to birth innate inherent
32. nebulous vague cloudy unclear
33. ominous threatening baleful sinister
34. onslaught assault assail attack
35. paltry worthless trivial trifling
36. paramount supreme uppermost primary
37. potency strength effectiveness authority
38. prevail triumph predominate reign
39. purloin steal pilfer appropriate
40. replenish refill make full renew
41. stipulate order
42. swivel turn around pivot rotate
43. tranquility serenity quiescence composure
44. trifling negligible paltry worthless
45. unprecedented novel unduplicated exceptional
A. combustible
B. classical
C. accidental
D. possible
E. visible
A. tone
B. pace
C. clarity
D. design
E. texture
A. accuse
B. gossip
C. flatter
D. apologize
E. hint
A. diagnosis
B. perception
C. expansion
D. confusion
E. suffering
A. steal
B. stop
C. catch
D. annoy
E. reduce
A. sharpen
B. object
C. consult
D. exchange
E. forecast
A. run into
B. argue with
D. work on
E. take apart
A. reproduction
B. decrease
C. overcharge
D. explanation
E. connection
A. alarming
B. gloomy
C. feeble
D. cruel
E. ugly
A. force
B. tighten
C. agree
D. instruct
E. settle
A. perfection
B. commencement
C. altercation
D. persistence
E. delegation
A. slow
B. meek
C. calm
D. patient
E. sober
A. decode
B. observe
C. decide
D. surrender
E. presume
A. shy
B. prompt
C. truthful
D. attentive
A. contain
B. understand
C. control
D. interrupt
E. remember。