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(西昌学院艺术学院 2009级美术学专业)

[摘要]: 创作需要灵感,灵感来源于生活,来源于我们对美的欣赏和追求。我所追求的作品是运用写实主义绘画风格来描绘中国少数民族人物,以此更好的诠释中国的民族文化和悠久的历史。《彝族情》这幅作品运用写实主义的构图、技法、精神和风格,来传达中国文化和民族风情,通过这样的构思来表达我内心所追求的民族风情的美和自由放松的情感。一副好的作品绝不是草草完成,东拼西凑,它需要作者的情感,牢固的造型基础知识,细致的观察力以及独到的见解。我的作品在于运用写实主义技法结合细致的观察、严谨的构图、细节的深入刻画表现出彝族女孩的既古典又现代的美,让人们看到彝族姑娘的美丽,让人们感受到民族文化的魅力,同时也让人们更多的了解到写实主义绘画与民族文化之间的联系。


Discussion on the“Yi”realistic painting

Author: Yang Jing Tutor: Wu Jiayue

( Xichang College art academy2009fine arts professional )

Abstract Creation need inspiration ,inspiration comes from life ,from our appreciation of beauty and the pursuit of.All I want is the combined use of Wester realistic painting style with Chinese national culture,to better interpretation of Chinese culture and long history."Yi" the painting subject matter is I was attracted to culture of Yi girls calm beauty,as well as on the vast grasslands of the pursuit of beauty,using realistic composition,technique,spirit and style,to convey Chinese culture,Chinese language and ethnic customs.To express my inner pursuit of beauty and emotion through the idea.A pair of good works is not a complete,put all sorts of things together,it needs author's emotion,the solid foundation of knowledge,careful observation and insight.My work is to use realistic techniques exhibit Yi girls both classical and modern beauty,to convey to the people of Yi nationality customs charm,let people feel the charm of national culture

Key word: realism feeling national culture charm



