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刘秀梅 陶澄 肖东民

(中南大学湘雅二医院超声科,湖南 长沙 410011)

[摘要]【目的】对国人前交叉韧带(A CL)、后交叉韧带(PCL)的解剖结构进行观察研究,掌握更为详细的


度以及附着区的形态;应用显微外科技术对14具新鲜冷冻PC L标本进行解剖,并行组织学观察,掌握其微观





[关键词] 膝关节; 前交叉韧带/解剖学和组织学; 后交叉韧带/解剖学和组织学

Anatomical Study and Clinical Value of the Chinese C ruciate Ligament LIU Xi u-mei,

 T AO Cheng, X I AO Dong-min(Department of Orthopedics,Xiangy a S econd Hospita l,Changsha


[Abstract]【Objectiv e】To measur e the cr ucia te lig ament fiber,provide more detailed anato mic data for the

diag nosis and t reatment o f cruciate ligament injury.【M ethods】F or ty two adult specime ns o f the crucia te lig a-

ment we re measured of its fibe r's length,w idth and thickne ss.T he shape of femoral and tibial inse rtio ns w as

also described.Four teen fre sh fro zen cruciate lig ament specimens wer e dissected under o pe rative micro sco pe.

T issue o bser vatio n w as also perfo rmed to see its ar chitec ture.【Results】T he posterior cruciate ligment(PC L)

was33.8mm lo ng and the anterior cruciate ligament(A CL)w as29.6mm,the narr owe st sectio n wa s in the

middle.Cruciate lig ament w as a continual ana to mic unit.T he fiber s w ere unsepa rable unde r micro surg ical dis-

sectio n and many fibers connected each other.T he leng th and te nsio n of the fiber s in different par t we re

changeable during the movement o f knee joint.T he fiber s nea r the o rig in a nd inser tion wer e mo re dispersal

tha n tho se of the middle level.【Conclusion】①The leng th o f Chinese crucia te ligament maybe sho rter than that

of the wester ns.②Both A CL and PCL a re continual ligaments.

[Key words] knee joint; anterio r cruciate ligament/A H; po sterio r cruciate ligament/A H

[中图分类号] R323.72 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1671-7171(2006)07-1085-03


[参 考 文 献]

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[2] 赖佳明,梁力建.肝切除治疗肝内胆管结石应注意的问题[J].


[3] 刘锦鹏,吕新生,韩明,等.肝门阻断后细菌及毒素移位的研究


[4] 吴金术.创面封闭型医用胶在肝胆胰手术中的应用技术[M].


(本文编辑:詹道友) [收稿日期] 2006-04-11
