

2012 年黑龙江省普通高校专升本考试


本试卷共8 页,满分100 分,考试时间120 分钟

1. 应考者必须在答题卡上按要求填图,不能答在试卷上。

2. 请按照试题题号的顺序在答题区域内作答。

(I) Vocabulary and Structure (1point each;20points in all ) Directions:each of the following blank1,or four choices are given. You are required to choose the most appropriate one and put the corresponding letter in the bracket before each sentence.

1. College education provides more ________ for a bright future.

A. lessons

B. courses

C. opportunities

D. subjects

2. The little girl got much ______ from her father when she told him about her pains.

A. detail

B. energy

C. sympathy

D. suggestion

3. Her parents ______ her to cook and even paid her to make dinner twice

a week .

A. discouraged

B. encouraged

C. couraged

D. promised

4. In some Western countries, a ______ belief is that black cats will bring misfortune to people.

A. superstar

B. superpower

C. superstitious

D. superstition

5. Modern music may have a _____ influence, as well as a positive (积

极的) one on teenagers.

A. good

B. poor

C. poor

D. negative

6. Does _____ want to buy this book? It's only $3.50, but it tells an interesting story.

A. anyone

B. anything

C. someone

D. something

7. It was reported that the earthquake was the most _____ to have struck that area in fifty years.

A. special

B. powerful

C. favorite

D. favorite

8. The Chinese government has set up Dragon Boat Festival (端午节) as a(n) ______ holiday.

A. long

B. spring

C. official

D. universal

9. Under the team leader's _____, we did very well in the match.

A. advice

B. hunt

C. suitability

D. guidance10. This is a ______ cat.

A. lady

B. woman

C. girl

D. female

11. He is more _____ for the job than the other candidates because he has more experience in this field.

A. favorable

B. suitable

C. equal

D. qualifying

12. I've learned from my uncle that dogs _______ people by their smell.

A. improve

B. recognize

C. expect

D. teach

13. It is unnecessary for those who study hard to consider the _____ of failing the exam.

A. danger

B. warning

C. surprise

D. possibility

14. The sudden lightning (闪电) ______ me so much that I dropped the cup.

A. stopped

B. pushed

C. scared

D. made

15. It's well accepted that we are able to _____ a person by what he or she says.

A. compose

B. imply

C. judge

D. employ

16. These events provided the _____ for her first novel.

A. perspiration

B. function

C. inspiration

D. strength

17. We often _____ the happy time we spent at your home last summer.

A. recall

B. remind

C. present

D. provide

18. While I was walking alone down the street, three men came up to me and asked me for _____ to the beach.

A. contacts

B. contents

C. materials

D. directions

19. Being poor makes many people sad. But in the case of my father, it influences him _____

A. otherwise

B. equally

C. suitably

D. additionally

20. The small country was destroyed by ten years of _____ fighting.

A. impressive

B. active

C. slim

D. bitter

(II) Cloze (0.5 point each; 10 points in all)

Man cannot go on __1_ his numbers at the present rate, In the _2_ 30 years man will face a period of crisis. __3_ experts believe that there will be a widespread food_4_. Other experts think this is 5__ pessimistic, and that man can prevent things _6__ worse than they are now. But _7__ that two-thirds of the people in the world are undernourished or starving now. One thing that man can do is to limit _8__ of babies born. The need _9__ this is obvious, but it is _10_ to achieve. People have to _11__ to limit their families. In the countries of the population __12__, many people like big families. The parents think that this __13__ a bigger income for the family and ensures there will be someone in the family who will look __14__ them in old age. Several governments have _15__ birth control policies in recent years. __16__ them are Japan, China, India and Egypt. In some _17___ the results have not been 18__. Japan has been an exception. The Japanese adopted a birth control policy in 1948. People __19__ to limit their families. The birth rate fell from 34.3 per thousand per year to about 17.0 per year _20__.

( )21.A increasing B to increase C and increase D with increasing

( )22.A second B recent C next D late

( )23.A Any B Some C More D All

( )24.A need B want C absence D shortage

( )25.A so B much C too D enough

( )26.A getting B from getting C to get D get

( )27.A remember B remembering C to rememberD remembers

( )28.A an amount B a number C the amount D the number

( )29.A for B in C of D about

( )30.A not easy B no easy C not easily D no ease

( )31.A persuade Bbe persuading C be persuaded D persuading

( )32.A bursting B explosion C raising D extension

( )33.A takes B brings C makes D earns

( )34.A upon B for C into D after

( )35.A adjusted B created C adopted D presented( )36. A Of B Among C Between D Out of

( )37.A exceptions B examples C events D cases

( )38.A success B succeeded C successful D succeeding

( )39.A were encouraged B encouraged C are encouragedD


( )40.A presently B at present C in time D on time

(III)阅读理解(2 point each; 30 points in all)

Task 1

I am one of the many city people who are always saying that given the choice we would prefer to live in the country away from the dirt and noise of a large city. I have managed to convince myself that it weren’t for my job I would immediately head out for the open spaces and go back to nature in some sleepy village buried in the country. But how realistic is the dream?

Cities can be frightening places. The majority of the population live in massive tower blocks, noisy, dirty and impersonal. The sense of belonging to a community tends to disappear when you live fifteen floors up. All you can see from your window is sky, or other blocks of flats.

Children become aggressive and nervous—cooped up at home all day,

with nowhere to play; their mothers feel isolated from the rest of the world. Strangely enough whereas in the past the inhabitants of one street all knew each other, nowadays people on the same floor in tower blocks don’t even say hello to each other.

Country life, on the other hand, differs from this kind of isolated existence in that a sense of community generally binds the inhabitants of small villages together. People have the advantage of knowing that there is always someone to turn to when they need help. But country life has disadvantages too. While it is true that you may be among friends in a village, it is also true that you are cut off from the existing and important

events that take place in cities. There’s little possibility of going to a new show or the latest movie. Shopping becomes a major problem, and for anything slightly out of the ordinary you have to go on and expedition to the nearest large town. The city-dweller who leaves for the country is often oppressed by a sense of unbearable stillness and quiet.

What, then, is the answer? The country has the advantage of peace and quiet, but suffers from the disadvantage of being cut off; the city breeds a feeling of isolation, and constant noise batters the senses. But one of its main advantages is that you are at the center of things, and that life doesn’t come to an end at half-past nine at night. Some people have found (or rather bought) a compromise between the two; they have expressed their preference for the “quiet life” by leaving the suburbs and moving to villages within commuting distance of large cities. They generally have about as much sensitivity as the plastic flowers they leave behind— they are polluted with strange ideas about change and improvement which they force on to the unwilling original inhabitants of the villages.

What then of my dreams of leaning on a cottage gate and murmuring “morning”to the locals as they pass by? I’m keen on the idea, but you see there’s my cat, Toby, I’m not at all sure that he would take to all that fresh air and exercise in the long grass, I mean, can you see him mixing with all those hearty males down the farm? No, he would rather have the electric imitation-coal fire any evening.

41. We get the impression from the first paragraph that the author

A used to live in the country

B used to work in the city

C works in the city

D lives in the country

42. In the author’s opinion, the following may cause city people to be unhappy EXCEPT

A a strong sense of fear

B lack of communication

C housing conditions

D a sense of isolation

43. The passage implies that it is easy to buy the following things in the country EXCEPT

A daily necessities

B fresh fruits

C designer clothes

D fresh vegetables

44. According to the passage, which of the following adjectives best describes those people who work in large cities and live in villages?

A Original

B Quiet

C Arrogant

D Insensitive

45. Do you think the author will move to the country?

A Yes, he will do so

B No, he will not do so

C It is difficult to tell

D He is in two minds

Task 2

The most frightening words in the English language are: "Our computer is down." I hear it more and more as I go about trying to do my business.

One day, I was at the airport trying to buy a ticket to Washington and the man said, "I'm sorry, I can't sell you a ticket. Our computer is down." "What do you mean your computer is down?" "It just doesn't work well."

"Then just write me out a ticket." "I can't write you out a ticket. The computer is the only one allowed to issue tickets for the plane."

I looked down the counter, and all the people behind the counter were just standing there, drinking coffee and staring into a dark screen. "What do all you people do?" "We give the computer the information about your trip, and then it tells us whether you can fly with us or not."

"So when it goes down, you go down with it." "That's very good, Sir. I haven't heard it put that way before." "How long will the computer be down?" "I have no idea. There is no way we can find out without asking the computer, and since it's down it won't answer us." "Don't you have a backup computer when the main computer goes down?" "I doubt it. Do you know what they cost?" "Let's forget the computer. What about your planes? They're still flying, aren't they?"

"I couldn't tell without asking the computer, and as I told you… " "I know it's down. Maybe I could just go to the gate and ask the pilot if he's flying to Washington," I suggested.

"I wouldn't know what gate to send you to." "I'll try them all," I

said. "Even if the pilot was going to Washington, he couldn't take you if you didn't have a ticket."

"Why don't I give you the money, you give me a receipt, and I'll show it to the pilot as proof that I have paid?"

"We wouldn't know what to charge you. The computer knows the

air-fares that change every hour." "How about my credit card?"

"That's even worse. When our computer is down, it can't tell the credit card computer to charge the fare to your account." "Is there any other plane flying to Washington within the next few


"I wouldn't know," he said, pointing to the dark screen. "Only IT knows." "And at the moment IT knows nothing."

By this time, there were quite a few people standing in line. The word soon spread and some people started to cry, whilst others kicked their luggage. A man in a red jacket came out.

"I'm sorry that our main computer went down. But as soon as it gets over its problem, it's going to buy everyone who missed their plane a free drink."

46. The sentence "The computer is down." means()

A. The computer is put under the table

B. The computer fell from the table

C. The computer has stopped working

D. The computer is powered off

47. Without a computer, the man who sold the tickets ()

A. was unwilling (不愿意的) to sell tickets

B. had trouble selling tickets

C. had no change

was unable to write a ticket

48. A backup computer is a machine that()

A. is ready to be used when the main one doesn't work

B. is put after the main computer

C. is only used by the manager

is not used for selling tickets

49. The author was going to Washington most probably ()

A. to visit a friend

B. to handle (处理) his office affairs

C. to see his parents

D. to attend a music concert

50. Through the story, we can learn that()

A. the people working at the airport were lazy

B. the author had not enough money for the ticket

C. the computer didn't allow people to sell tickets

D. computers bring us both convenience and troubles

Task 3 (10A)

With more than 20 million records sold, and several Grammy awards to show for it, Natalie Cole, the daughter of famous singer Nat King Cole, has made a name for herself in music.

Along with her great success, however, Natalie Cole has lived in a world of drugs, crime, and failed marriages.

"I have been to hell and back," she says.

In the book Angel on My Shoulder, Cole gives us an honest look at the difficult path she has taken, sharing, as well, her successful recovery. "Where I'm at now helps me to look back on my life and realize that I've really had quite a colorful and rich life," she says. "I really could have turned out to be a different person."

As the second daughter of Maria and Nat King Cole, Natalie had as normal a childhood as was possible for a little girl whose father spent much of his time away from home. With hopes of one day becoming a doctor, she left her family in Los Angeles to attend a boarding school on the east coast. But when she was 14, she received some terrible news: her father was dying of lung cancer. Less than two months later, in 1965, Nat

King Cole died at the age of 47.

During her college years at Amherst, Cole began to experiment with drugs, though they didn't stop her from joining a music group. She played in small clubs on the east coast, using drugs more and more frequently. Without enough money to pay the bills and to support her drug habit, Cole turned to stealing and got into trouble with the law. Eventually, she became so badly affected by the drugs that she decided to quit on the spot.

She says it was a miracle—the work of an angel on her shoulder. Her drug habit kicked, Natalie's career really began to take off. Only two years after being arrested and almost dying because of drugs, Cole's first record won two Grammies.

In 1976, she married Marvin Yancy, her songwriter and producer.

They soon had a son, Robbie, and Cole's life really seemed to be coming together.

"Marriage to Marvin, and Robbie, was like a breath of pure, fresh air," she says. "I was with a man whom I loved and who loved me... we were just so close."

Sadly, the marriage wouldn't last. After four years of being drug-free, Cole was once again using.

In 1983, Cole checked herself into a recovery program, and was

finally able to mend the wounds from her difficult past.

After narrowly escaping death once again, Cole decided to record her father's greatest hits, including the phenomenal s uccess Unforgettable: With Love.

Cole, who has fought and won many battles to find personal happiness, says "I'm so grateful for the way my life has turned out."

51. You must be at your best at the interview becauset ()

A. most interviewers are difficult to please

B. the job market is very competitive

C. you are the special person for the interviewer

D. it requires drive, energy and preparation

52. We can infer from the text that ()

A. the author didn't take the job hunt seriously enough before

B. the author is an employer

C. the author is a member of a professional society

D. the author is a psychologist

53. According to the text, the following things are important for the very first part of the interview EXCEPT()

A. calmness

B. smiling

C. good appearances

D. a firm handshake

54. Why are you advised to join a professional society in your field of interest?().

A. To enrich your professional knowledge.

B. To broaden your mind.

C. To keep up with the development in your profession.

D. To know important people in your profession.

55. What should you mention at the interview if asked to tell about yourself? ().

A. Your life history.

B. Your drive to do things well.

C. Your previous salary.

D. Your interest in the job.

(IV)Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary. Fill in each blank with one word only. (1 point each; 10 points in all)

Justify fashion feature continual design

command quality value illegal develop

1. His works mirrored such positive _______ as cheerfulness and kindness.

2 Janet took _______ of the situation and got everyone out of the


3. The store-owner was fined (罚) $500 for selling goods of low _______.

4. Courses are not _______ merely for students to pass exams.

5. The results of the study have certainly_______ the money that has been spent on

the project.

6. This hat-style is now liked by _______ women in Paris (巴黎).

7. It is _______ to take or sell drugs: one will be put into prison if he does so.

8. These problems can appear in _______ and underdeveloped countries.

9. The _______ source of our strength was our mutual (互相的) trust and respect.

10. The most surprising_______of the house was a large room as big as a swimming pool.

(V)Translate the following into English.(3 point each; 15 points in all)

1. 出于同情,布莱克太太(Mrs. Black)给了这位可怜的老人一些钱。(out of sympathy)

2. 人们期望看到有更多的优秀球员到国外去打篮球。(look forward to)

3. 这个主意听起来也许有些怪,不过还真有点道理。(make sense)

4. 他相信自己想当证券经纪人的梦想总有一天会实现。(come true)

5. 自两年前开业以来, 今年年初他的生意最兴隆。(at one's best)(VI) Writing (15 points)

写一篇题为‘Take Job or Continue Graduate Education‘的文章.要求分三段,不少于100 个单词.






Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) I.Listening Comprehension (听力理解) (共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6分) 1.________ 2. _______ 3. _________ 4. __________ 5. __________ 6. _________ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的 对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) (10分) 7. A) In March. B) In April. C) In May. D) In June. 8. A) Once a week. B) Twice a week. C) Once a month. D) Twice a month. 9. A) By bus. B) By underground. C) On foot. D) By taxi. 10. A) The brown one. B) The blue one. C) The red one. D) The green one. 11. A) To watch TV. B) To play football. C) To see a film. D) To hold a match. 12. A) In a car park. B) In a post office. C) In a coffee bar. D) In a school hall. 13. A) A librarian. B) A shop assistant. C) A secretary. D) A tour guide. 14. A) A film. B) A novel. C) A game. D) A person. 15. A) Jane should change a bus. B) Jane stayed up too late last night. C) Jane always gets up early. D) Jane used the same excuse again. 16. A) Because painting is fun to her. B) Because she is good at painting. C) Because her parents are artists. D) Because she wants to be an artist. III. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):


2013年黑龙江省专升本英语考试题 考试日期:3月17号 考试时间:09:00 -11:00

2013年黑龙江省专升本考试(绝密启用前) 请将考试答案填入对应题目后面的括号里面。 一、Choose the best answer to complete each of the following statements. 1.A ________ is helpful in looking for a job, but it doesn't mean a job.() A. certificate B. grade C. record D. debt 2.They teach you the ______ you need to become a successful journalist. () A.conversation B. skills C. detail D. headline 3.I don't have the time and ______ to disagree with her, as I have a lot of work to do. () A. responsibility B. decision C. account D. energy 4.The ______ of this country comes from its oil. () A.wealth B. view C. sympathy D. tale 5.We were all _____ to hear the news that Tom, the silly boy, had won an award. () A. fluent B. rude C. amazed D. successful 6.Tony often ______ with his wife about money. () A. argues B. talks C. Embarrasses D. Improves 7.I've learned from my uncle that dogs _______ people by their smell. () A. improve B. recognize C. expect D. teach 8.We have been asked to ______ the news to all our friends. () A.say B. make C. spread D. Give 9.The boy said he was quite _______ that he had made a careless mistake. () A.known B. aware C. knowing D. understanding 10.She doesn't have the ______ to move that table alone() A. schedule B. attitude C. teammate D. strength 11.In some Western countries, a ______ belief is that black cats will bring misfortune to people() A.superstar B. superpower C. superstitious. D. Superstition. 12.The sudden lightning (闪电) ______ me so much that I dropped the cup. () A.stopped B. Pushed C. scared D. Made


2012 年专业英语考试试题及参考答案 Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure (1×30 points) Directions:There are 30 incomplete statements in this part. You are required to complete each one by choosing the most appropriate word or expression from the four choices marked A, B, C and D, then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET. 19.are said to be the world’s best watch makers. A. Swisses B. The Swisses C. The Swiss D. Swiss 20.is no reason for discharging him. A. Owing to a few minutes late B. Due to a few minutes late C. Because he was a few minutes late D. The fact that he was a few minutes late 21.These books can give a(n) to children’s reading when they find that they c an read a familiar story with limited vocabulary. A. boost B. impact C. effect D. sense 22.To our horror, we found that the room of death, with dried blood on the floor. A. related B. involved C. smelled D. connected 23.People have to make for their old age by putting aside enough money to l ive on when old. A. supply B. provision C. assurance D. adjustment 24.The rattlesnake is now on the endangered species list, and is extinct in two eastern states where it once . A. thrived B. swelled C. prospected D. flourished 25.I am not with my roommates but I have to share the room with them, because I have nowhere else to stay. A. concerned B. compatible C. considerate D. complied 26.A of the long report by the budget committee was submitted to the mayor for approval. A. shorthand B. scheme C. schedule D. sketch 27.The manager gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look f or her attitude toward customers. A. impartial B. mild C. hostile D. opposing 28.A few miles down the road Joe saw a cafe, and went i n to a bite to eat. A. squeeze B. seize C. grab D. catch 29.He has failed me so many times that I no longer p lace any on what he promises. A. faith B. belief C. confidence D. reliance 30.They believe that cameras in public places are helpful in fighting crimes and they do not really privacy.


2012年上海市初中毕业统一学业考试 英语试卷 (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) 考生注意:本卷有7大题,共99小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。 Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) I.Listening comprehension (听力理解) (共30分) A.Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6分) 1. _______ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4. _______ 5. _______ 6. _______ B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的 对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) (10分) 7.A) In March. B) In April. C) In May. D) In June. 8.A) Once a week. B) Twice a week. C) Once a month. D) Twice a month. 9.A) By bus. B) By underground. C) On foot. D) By taxi. 10.A) The brown one. B) The blue one. C) The red one. D) The green one. 11.A) To watch TV. B) To play football. C) To see a film. D) To hold a match. 12.A) In a car park. B) In a post office. C) In a coffee bar. D) In a school hall.


第一章英语 英语整体上看试卷一共分为六道大题,一是单项选择题共计20道20分;二是完型填空10道10分;三是阅读,分三个篇章,每个篇章5道选择,各2分,总计30分;四是用词的适当形式填空,10道10分;五是翻译(汉译英),5道20分;六是写作10分;总计100分。 试题分析 一单项选择:20’ 1.A A is helpful in looking for a job,but it doesn’t mean a job. A.certificate B.grade C.record D.debt 2.This book gives all kinds of useful C on how to repair bikes. A.sense B.saving C.imformation https://www.360docs.net/doc/4a4336758.html,fort 3.I loved you the A I saw you . A.moment B.point C.heart D.face 4.My father B me by saying that I could win in the speech contest ,so I took part in it. A.discouraged B.encouraged C.courage D.asked 5.His new book A to the top as the bestseller. A.rocketed B.raised C.stayed D.reached 6.The president was invited to address the audience at the opening A Of the Olympic Games. A.ceremony B.speech C.meeting D.celebration


韩山师范学院2012年专升本插班生考试 英语专业英语语法试卷( A卷) (请将答案写在答题纸上) I.Choose the correct answer ( 40% ) Directions: Complete the following sentences with one of the four choices which marked A,B,C and D and then write down the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET. 1.We?ll have a _____ holiday. What about going to the West Lake? A. two days B. two-day C. two-days D. two day?s 2.Some people prefer classical music, while _______ prefer rock music. A. other B. the other C. another D. others 3. He was not ______ to admit his mistakes in public. A. man enough B. enough man C. a man enough D. enough a man 4. ______ work has to be done before the plant goes into operation. A. Much B. Double C. A number of D. Neither 5. The students spent ______ their time working in the field. A. both B. most C. more D. half 6. _______ cases have been reported. A. Such few B. Such some C. Few such D. Some the 7. If we continue to argue over minor points,we won…t get______near a solution. A. somewhere B. nowhere C. anywhere D. elsewhere 8. He has been _______ only once. A. by plane B. by the plane C.on plane D. on the plane 9. Do you like these computers? I don?t like _______. A. all them B. them all C. everyone D. any 10. Plastics industry is being asked to develop materials for _______ of new uses. A. a so wide variety B. so a wide variety C. a such wide variety D. such a wide variety 11. I did not choose any of the three offerings, because I found ______ satisfactory. A. neither of them B. none of it C. either of them D. none of them 12.If I am given ______ ten minutes I can finish writing this paragraph. A. the other B. other C. another D. others 13. I would like ______ for a suit. A. to measure B. measuring C. measured D. to be measured 14. He bought a ______ box yesterday. A. wooden small round


2010年黑龙江省专升本英语考试题 一.单项选择题(每题1分,共计20分) 1. The final _____ of the play will take place on Monday. A. action B. performance C. view D. sight 2. To get my travelers' checks I had to have the bank _____ a special check for the total amount. A. make up B. make out C. make for D. make up for 3. The government's strong action showed its _____ to crush the rebellion. A. energy B. brief C. determination D. encourage 4.There is more land in Australia than the government knows _____ A what to do with B how to do C to do with it D to do it 5. When she heard from the hospital that her father had died, she ____ into tears. A. burst B. went C. exploded D. fell 6. They always kept on good ____ with their next-door neighbors for the children's sake. A. friendship B. relations C. relatives D. terms 7.Don‘t say anything at the meeting unless_____ A asked B asking C being asked D to be asked 8. It was a great _____ for him to be pleasant to people he didn't like. A. attempt B. trouble C. power D. effort 9. The generation _____ makes it difficult for parents to understand their children's opinions. A. division B. gap C. separation D. valley 10. According to the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, wisdom comes from the _____ of maturity. A. fulfillment B. achievement C. establishment D. accomplishment 11. The open university was started in order to help those who _____ having a university education when they were young. A. stopped B. failed C. missed D. paused 12. It isn't so much whether he works hard; the question is whether he works _____. A. above all B. in all C. at all D. after all 13. Mary had taken _____ to see that her guests had everything that they could possibly want. A. efforts B. pains C. attempts D. advantage 14. It was _____ by the railway board that the cost of rail fares would be increased by ten percent. A. noticed B. stated C. suggested D. noted 15. In spite of the thunderstorm, the children slept _____ all night. A. densely B. soundly C. loudly D. noisily 16. He looked rather untidy as there were two buttons _____ from his coat.


2014年黑龙江专升本公共英语 一.单选20 1.A good ___is the first step to a good job. A education B unit C text D subject 2.If you thing getting a good certificate means getting a job, you are ___yourself. A keeping B having C cheating D doing 3.All the student in Mrs. Black’s class are working very hard in order to___ themselves in English. A expect B compare C improve D clean 4.The teacher____ Tom’s homework with Mike’s and found little difference. A compared B experienced C account D enjoy 5.Please tell me the ___idea of your paper. A main B big C high D good 6.The Chinese government has set up Dragon Boat Festival as a(n)___holiday. A big B spring C official D universal 7.Do you know why she looks so ___?She got high marks in the final examinations. A cheerful B sad C angry D confused 8.The whole composition is good ____some careless mistakes. A except for B except that C except D except from 9.New medicines are ____remarkable result in the treatment of cancer. A finding B requiring C solving D producing 10.The speaker____ for a moment ,and then began to answer the question. A shook B paused C pressed D tripped 11.She is so strange, she always tries to ____talking to me. A prefer B protect C avoid D assure 12.It is unnecessary for those who study hard to consider the ____of failing the exam. A danger B warning C surprise D possibility


英语 注意事项: 1.试卷共8页,请用黑色签字笔答题,答案写在答题纸上,写在试卷上无效。 2.答题前请将答题纸上密封线内的项目填写完整。 PartI Vocabulary and Structure(1 point each;30 point in all) Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the four choices marked A,B,C and D,and then write the write the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet. 1.—Hello, ____ Kate? —Yes, speaking. A. is this B. is that C. are you D. is it 2. By the time I got home, my mother ____ to bed. A. went B. was getting C. had gone D. has gone 3 ____ everything ____ ,it was not a bad holiday. A. brining--into effects B. learning--by heart C. petting--into practice D. taking--into account 4. When waiting at a bus stop for a long time, most people often look ____ and asleep. A. bored B. surprised C. excited D. amused 5. ____ the effective method , I answered all the questions correctly. A. Thanks to B. In case of C. As well as D.Apart from 6. If you are like most people , your intelligence ____ from season to season. A. turns B. change C. varies D. ranges 7. No cream hot me, thanks. I am ____ a diet. A. in B. on C. from D. off 8. ____ really worries George is that his parents expect too much of him. A. What B. This C. Whichever D. It 9.Mary loves Jazz, and she has played ____ for years. A. piano B. a piano C. one piano D. the piano 10.Ted made up has mind soon and accepted the invitation ____ . A. without hesitation B. without doubt C.without understanding D. without exception 11.It is good manners ____ help to others when they are in need. A. to obtain B. obtaining C. to offer D. offering 12. ____ you've grown your favorite flowers, the following job is to take care. A. Although B. Before C. While D. 13. Huangshan Mountain is really a magnificent place for an enjoyable and ____ vacation. A.dull B. annual C. relaxing D. noisy https://www.360docs.net/doc/4a4336758.html,ura ____ her parents travel abroad once a year. A. and B. together with C. as well as D. accompanied by


黑龙江专升本考试英语专业精读泛读试题 惠众教育网发布时间:2008-2-18 15:08:08 阅读次数:1931 黑龙江专升本英语精读泛读试题 (仅供个人复习参考,未经同意不得转载和做为商业用途) Part I Vocabulary and Structure ( 每小题1分,共15分) 1.When I saw her again, she was weak and sick and grey ________ age. A. at B. over C. by D. with 2.You seem to have something_________ your mind, why don’t you tell me? A. with B. in C. about D. on 3.Do you enjoy listening to records? I find records are often ______ or better than an actual performance. A. as good as B. as good C. good D. good as 4.This is _________ to answer. A. rather a difficult question B. the rather difficult question C. rather difficult question D. a question rather difficult 5.I intended ________ the subject with you, but I was too busy then. A. having discussed B. to discuss C. to have discussed D. discussing 6. The president made a ________ speech at the opening ceremony of the sports


2012年成考专升本英语真题试题及答案 I. Phonetics (5 point ) Directions:In each of following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that different from the others in pronunciation, Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. A.coach B.float C.broad D.throat 2. A.riddle B.ripen C.privilege D.primitive 3. A.decision https://www.360docs.net/doc/4a4336758.html,prehension C.extension D.pension 4. A.brother B.thrill C. these D.rather 5. https://www.360docs.net/doc/4a4336758.html,b B.thumb C.doubt D.tablet II. Vocabulary and Structure (15 points ) Direction: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 6. Whenever he comes to our garden, he can?t help _________ the flowers. A.admires B.admired C.admiring D.to admire 7. --Where is Dick? --He _________ home for a while. A.would be B.should be C.would have been D.should have been 8. I hesitated for a long time, and in the end I decided to _________ the job. A.take B.apply C.find D.search 9. Steve looked at the envelope and recognized Jenny?s handwriting ________. A.recently B.immediately C.exactly D.frequently 10. This time tomorrow, I ________ on the beach, enjoying the sunshine! A. am siting B.sit C. Would sit D.will be sitting


A.Listen and choose the right picture 1. Linda often helps her parents with the housework after meals. 2. Mum, what should we buy for Dad, a shirt or a coat? 3. Mary was reading her favourite book from 7 to 9 last night. 4. Don't cut down the trees, Fred, Birds live there. 5. The members of the art club are having a drawing lesson now. 6. On the top of the building, tourists can enjoy a nice view of the city. B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear

7. W: Did you have a holiday in April? M: No, I was busy at that time. I had a holiday in May. Q: When did the man have the holiday? 8. W: Y ou are interested in sports, aren't you? M: Y es. I go swimming once a week and play tennis twice a month. Q: How often does the man go swimming? 9. M: Shall we take a bus or the underground? W: The stop is a bit far and I'm too tired to walk. I want to get a taxi home. M: All right. Q: How are they going home? 10. M:Which tie is better for my new shirt, the brown one or the blue one? W: Neither. The red one looks best on you. Believe me, Sam. Q: Which tie does the woman think is the best? 11. W: Are you doing anything tonight? M: Nothing special . Watching TV, I suppose. There is a football match. W: What about going to the cinema for a change? M: Good idea! Q: What are they going to do tonight? 12. M: So many cars here! Where's ours? W: um. I'd parked it next to a white car before we had coffee. M: Oh yes. It's over there. Q: Where does the dialogue probably take place? 13. W: Have a look at our new jeans, please. They've just arrived and they are on sale. M: Uh.. Thanks. I will let you know if I need help. Q: What's the woman's job? 14. M: Have you finished reading SUPER HERO? W: Yes I enjoyed every page of it. It's so exciting. Q: What are the two speakers probably talking about? 15. W: I'm sorry, Mr Wilson. I got up early but the bus was late. M: Y our bus is always late, Jane. Q: What does the man mean? 16. M: What're you going to do after you leave school, Grace? W: I'm going to study painting. M: Y our parents want you to be an artist, don't they? W: Yes, they do. But I'm not good at it. I just paint for fun. Q: Why is Grace going to study painting? C.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false Jack was a hardworking businessman. He worked as a manager in a big company. He was responsible for the sales department. He was so busy that he sometimes took work home to do. One day, Jack had to prepare for a meeting. So he took some work home to complete. While he was working, his 5-year-old son, Tim, came to talk to him every few minutes. He had to stop working and he couldn't focus. After several such breaks, Jack got an idea. He found that there was a map of the world in the evening paper. He showed the map to Tim. Then he cut it into pieces and told Tim to put the map together again. He thought this would keep Tim busy for a long
