新概念英语第二册 第一单元 测试题

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1. private

2. conversation

3. repeat

4. museum

5. decision

6. public

7.distance 8.valuable 9. expect

10. competition 11.beggar 12.performance

13. 聚集14.乐器15.经理

16. 允许17.抱怨18.立刻

19. 场合20. 经历21.扔、抛

22. 打断23.发疯24. 服从

25. 舞台26抓到27. 账单


二.单项选择题(20×1. 5’)

1. —— _______ terrible weather it is!

—— It is said that it will get ______ later.

A. What; bad

B. What ;worse

C. How; bad

D. How; worse

2. The book ______ Lucy’s. Look! Her name is on the book cover.

A. must be

B. can be

C. can’t be

D. mustn’t be

3. It ______ me two hours to get there by bus. A. spent B. took C. used D. paid

4. My mother has to Hong Kong twice. A. come B. got C. gone D. been

5. Three months quite a long time. A. is B. be C. are D. am

6. I did not remember her before.

A. have met

B. having met

C. to having met

D. to meet

7. I’ll go with you to the theater as soon as I my homework.

A. will finish

B. shall finish

C. finish

D. finished

8. —Can you deal with the problem?

—_____. A. I’m afraid not B. I’m not afraid C. I’m no sure D. I’m sure not 9. —Has your neighbour moved into the new house?

—Not yet. The house _____.

A. being built

B. is being built

C. is building

D.is built

10. It _____ be my son. He has gone to America. A. must B. mustn’t C. can D. can’t

11.The cake is made _____ flour, butter, eggs and sugar. A. of B. from C. by D. in

12. There _____ a French film in this cinema next Friday.

A. is going to be

B. is going to have

C. will have

D. puts on

13. Not only you but also I _____ interested the book. A. am B. are C. is D. were

14. He told me that he _____ to Paris for two months.

A. has gone

B. had gone

C. has been

D. had been

15. I disliked them so I bought _____ them. A. neither of B. neither C. both of D. both

16. Yesterday the teacher told us that the earth _____ around the sun.

A. was moving

B. is moving

C. moved

D. moves

17. —I’m sorry sir. The tickets have been sold out. —___

A. What a pity!

B. Certainly.

C. May I have two tickets?

D. You’re welcome.

18. When he was walking along King Street, he saw two thieves ___ out of a shop.

A. to run

B. run

C. ran

D. running

19. T omorrow is my mother’s birthday。I’ll buy her ___.

A. something special

B. anything special

C. special something

D. special anything

20. Travelling by air may be ___, but not so ___.

A. quicker; cheaper

B. more quickly; cheap

C. quicker; cheap

D. more quickly; cheaper 三.用适当的介词副词填空(15×1’)

1. I’ll go out for a walk _____ half an hour.

2. He’s lived in the small house _____ 30 years.

3. Look _____! The tiger is dangerous.

4. Last week I went to my hometown _____ train.

5. Tom will be absent _____ home for two months.

6. I met my English teacher ___ the way home yesterday.

7. I went out ___ spite of the rain.

8. The film will be ___ in March.

9. My father doesn’t want to give ___ smoking.
